The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Episode Later Episode 2

Episode Date: February 25, 2015

The most important thing to note here is that you love this podcast -- you should SUBSCRIBE at ....and rate..., comment etc! On this episode Marisa reveals some of the brushback she had after last week's episode and then attempts to give an entertainment report which Joe finds less than stellar.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're going guys Whenever you want to start Rory why you got your fucking Rory looks like a pilgrim Adult gap outfit on No he looks like Rory really be trying to look Fucking extra fancy and shit
Starting point is 00:00:15 His like stature Is kind of like that guy That goes giggity From Family Guy Like that's what you remind me of The way you're built I can see it He really be trying to play off
Starting point is 00:00:24 His fucking burgundy beard. It's orange. Well, hmm. My beard will contrast with this tie. All right. Did we start already?
Starting point is 00:00:34 All right, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Budden, Marissa, go ahead. Move it up, son. Word.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yeah. To all the killers and the hundred dollar billers. Billers. I don't like about this guy. Let me tell you what I don't like about Peter. Peter was 45 minutes late. And now he's got this. He had the fucking nerve. He's got the tone in his voice as if to rush me with my fucking podcast. Fuck out of here, Peter. Because he was getting a haircut
Starting point is 00:01:11 too. I want to add that. That was funny about me. You know, I always find it funny when people get haircuts and then they don't look like they got a haircut at all. He asked me, how does my hair look? I said, it looks the same i hate you both and first of all there's nothing worse joe than getting chastised by you for being late not only were you late last week when you walked in you went i was outside talking to safari then i decided to smoke a cigarette you piece of shit
Starting point is 00:01:41 well i thought that my conversation was a good talk topic. So technically... Well, show prep. You saw that as show prep. He was investing in the show. That's what he was doing. Definitely. Show prepping like Marissa and I were supposed to do today when we spoke yesterday, and then she came in 45 minutes late with you. You see why you can't give people a few listens? You give Marissa a few listens and she
Starting point is 00:02:01 turns into a fucking diva already, you Mariah Carey. But anyway, enough of that. Marissa Carey, hey. I'll name this podcast later. Episode two. Here we are. Last week, I made a mistake and called it I'll name the show later. Yeah, but I think we originally said that.
Starting point is 00:02:19 We had like four different names. It was like this podcast, that podcast, this show, that show. All right, we're giving the listener too much information right now. They don't need to know that we were indecisive they don't need to know we had so many options to choose from uh so yeah i'll name this podcast later with my beautiful co-host that really bothers me to say oh but that's sweet well i'm only saying it because it sounds good it sounds amazing and it's true so that's also there's also that so that's debatable too we've done all that and we have yet to see your name.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Why don't you introduce yourself? Oh, Marissa Mendez, the queen of cool stuff. Yeah, you're not the queen of anything cool. Yeah, probably not. But see what I mean? That goes back to my Mariah Carey reference. You just want to have like a cool moniker. The queen of stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Fuck out of here. Yeah, I got to work on that. Next week I'm going to come back and I'm going to have like a cool moniker. The queen of fuck out of here. Yeah I gotta work on that. Next week I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna have like a thing. Like a A.K.A. thing. Alright that's great. I want to thank everybody who tuned in last episode. I appreciate you. Yeah we've gotten a lot of good feedback. We've gotten good
Starting point is 00:03:19 feedback. We've gotten nah I haven't seen too much negative feedback. I mean I was reading on some of the message boards since I am a vlogger, so that's all I do. And on Boxston, I think they called me a Mexican bitch, so that was nice. Boxston is real. And they said that my mouth is funny, so there's that. Thank you, guys. I like my mouth.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And they guessed that the rapper that we were discussing was Ty Dolla $ign, which means they know nothing about me. Well, funny thing happened. I got an influx of text messages about my show last week. Our. Oh, man. This is right here. This is egotistical shit. It's going to break gonna break up it's gonna break up the fat boys the band is this horrible uh i got a whole bunch of texts um after we did the podcast um from some supporters um and a few from some people that I wouldn't have expected to be listening to my podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:27 One of those people being... Shut the fuck up, Marissa. One of those people being someone that I used to deal with. Okay. She wasn't very happy with the end of our podcast. And for those of you who missed it, Marissa, for some rhyme or reason, wanted to run off my ex-girlfriends, and I denied all of them, Tahiri included.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Yeah, I can debate me and Tahiri, but anyway. One of them didn't like it. They didn't like it at all. I'm not telling. And they're cancer. So it was like, cancers are very emotional people. Cancers just cry all day next to boxes of tissue over everything. So even the text messages were coming through like fucking the Niagara Falls, just water.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Oh my God, how could you? How could you say those horrible things about me? Oh my God, could you? How could you say those horrible things about me? I wonder if it's the same one that actually yesterday night, last night, liked my picture of our podcast photo and then liked another picture. Oh, who did that? She did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah, it was her. That was her way of being like, bitch, I see you. Yeah. Women are very petty that way. They are. like bitch i see you yeah women are very petty that way they are and she has not she's i mean i guess she still followed me from back then but she hadn't liked a photo of mine since like ever so there's that one day i'm gonna get into why women are so petty yeah and since you're a woman you should be able to help with that yeah well i mean even though you're probably one of the more clueless women, you look really confused.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah, we're petty, I guess. I think men are more petty. Do you know what? I got a worse text. I got a text that said from one of my booze. He said, heard the podcast. Good luck with your career. I want no parts of you.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Oh, this sounds interesting. Yeah, I was. Tell us more. I was pretty upset about it. I don't understand because he and I, you know, I've been dealing with him for like almost two years. Oh, wait, can this be like Joe Budden advice? You should. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Okay. Yes. Okay. So we've been dealing with each other for like almost two years. And it's one of those situations where I'm realistic. Wait, can we pause? Yes. Dealing with. We need some.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I just need a little bit of clarity. No, look, we talk. We talk almost every day. There's no title here. No, there's no title some, I just need a little bit of clarity. No, look, we talk, we talk almost every day. There's no title here. No, there's no title. And I'm pretty clear. I'm not, I'm very realistic in the sense that I knew it wasn't really going to go very far. He's told me since the beginning that I'm somebody he couldn't see himself with because
Starting point is 00:06:57 he wants someone that's not known, that's not in the media and the limelight. He can't really deal with that. So I get that. But we had a good like situation are you know are you actually known you took the fucking thought out of my where is where exactly is marissa no i'm out in new streets b all right but that doesn't uh that doesn't mean that you are known no but i mean like what said limelight yeah i mean like you know like people know me a little bit more than more than the fucking random secretary bitch that he wants from nowheresville usa that's what he envisions
Starting point is 00:07:37 his wife to be not some bitch that hangs out with rappers and shit yeah you know what it is it's because of this life is tremendous Yo, people think bloggers are like... I'm a fucking superstar. Fuck what you heard. All right? Yo, bloggers are just like you fucking regular people. They just are typing their thoughts. Yeah, I mean, but like I do cool shit, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:59 All right, well, we're not here to argue that. Continue with your story. So you're known and he's insecure. Great, we got that so far. I'm not insecure. I just, I don't know. He is insecure if he doesn't want a woman that is known for whatever reason whatever and he you know he's out here and like he's very open about the shit that he does and oh all right i don't know what this means what does he do you know he has a ton of other
Starting point is 00:08:17 bitches whatever how does someone how does someone um open that dialogue? At first, we didn't. And then a couple of months ago, I was in his city and making friends with his friends and shit. What were you doing in his city? It was a separate event that had nothing to do with him particularly. Okay. So I was making friends with some people. This one girl specifically. We're like becoming besties.
Starting point is 00:08:43 So you were out there being known? Yes, I was out there, you know, being Marissa Mendes as usual. Long story short, so I'm like talking to this girl
Starting point is 00:08:53 and she's like, oh my God, you're so pretty. I'm like, stop it girl. You're so pretty. Oh my God. And then like we took it.
Starting point is 00:08:59 We went to take a group photo and then he had to jump in. He's like, no, no, I got to get in this picture. So we take the picture. Me and her follow each other on Instagram. tag each other we're the best of friends then i go home the next week he comes out here we you know we hang out and then he tells me
Starting point is 00:09:13 well pause hold up before we get to your the climax in your story because that's i'm also intrigued that women do that what become friends with No, become besties in a matter of five minutes. I use that term extremely loosely. I didn't even know Yeah, but why are you following this person now? I mean...
Starting point is 00:09:32 You just met this woman. I know. You know absolutely nothing about this woman at all. Well, how do you get to know them if you don't follow them? Oh, is that how
Starting point is 00:09:37 you get to know somebody? I mean, I'm not going to have a text relationship with her. You don't even know if this person takes good pictures or not. I mean, I'm going
Starting point is 00:09:41 to find that out. I give her a trial run and if she has sucky photos I'm going to unfollow her. her oh y'all are phony bitches whoa what a bunch of phony hoes all right anyway and uh so then after we hang out over here he proceeds to tell me that um i met his other bitch and i was like what and he was like yeah you know you guys took that photo together and i'm like you really like were adamant about jumping in a photo and you ended up taking a photo with me and your other bitch and neither one of us fucking knew and you let us tag each
Starting point is 00:10:11 other and follow each other he's like well i wasn't supposed to tell you then like it would have been bad so now we're blaming this man for you know i'm honestly that was a fucking g move and i have to tip my hat because that like you did that. You did that. Yeah, but I don't know if he won the game or you guys lost the game. Oh, I definitely lost the game. No, no, no, no. No, that's a sports saying. I know, but I know that you guys lost.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I don't know if I'm crediting him for the win or you guys for the loss is what I'm saying. Got it. Because you two motherfuckers just jumped up, followed each other. He had nothing to do with anything. He didn't. You're right. Y'all decided to take this picture and you just didn't stop him from jumping in, which you wouldn't. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:52 But I would look at that peculiar if a man just wanted to jump in a picture. Yeah. If he was adamant about it. Oh, yeah, I ain't going to take a photo without me. And in my head, I'm like, oh, my bae want to take a picture with me. And in her head, she said, oh, my ain't going to take a photo without me. And in my head, I'm like, oh, my bae want to take a picture with me. And in her head, she said, oh, my bae wants to take a picture with me. Yeah. And no.
Starting point is 00:11:10 All right. So you two are idiots. Yeah. And then so then after that, I was mad. So I left where we were. I mean, I was hurt. I cried. And then he was like, why are you crying?
Starting point is 00:11:20 You're not mad. I'm like, how are you going to tell me if I'm mad? So then I left and I had to take a cab to my car and my car actually had gotten towed. So it ended up being like a two hour long walk of shame from his hotel room. You're not really making anyone out there want to live the known life. None of this sounds. I didn't say this shit was glamorous, son. None of this sounds amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It was pretty shitty. Actually, I had a matted weave in the place. I had the smeared eyeliner. You try to wipe it off a little bit when you wake up in the morning, but it's still on your eye. No, I don't. You're looking at me. I don't know. I don't wear eyeliner.
Starting point is 00:11:55 You freaking slept with enough women to know how they wake up with eyeliner in the morning. That's not necessarily true. I had no coat in the middle of November. I had dress pants, dress shoes. And then when I went to go pay, my grill popped out of my wallet and fell on the floor and someone had to pick it up. It was such a tragic day.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So you're just out there living recklessly. And then this is after my heart's like broken in pieces at the moment. Okay, not in pieces, but it was a little. I was sad. And then we didn't talk for two months. I just want to state for the record that she said long story short and then this is a really long story this is the longest story ever anyway so then we uh started talking again like the top of this year and we were cool and then he heard this podcast and he basically said fuck off so here we are
Starting point is 00:12:40 what grounds does he have to say fuck off i mean he i don't know and that's why i'm sad i'm like i thought we were like at this cool understanding place because now that we got cool again we were like openly talking about like oh i got this bitch in my house i'm like oh yeah i saw this dude it was like cool and then you then i don't know where we went wrong now you got to be careful guys and their double standards it's really shitty all right so i mean this is what i'm gathering here so he can have hoes because i'm assuming that he's upset that you spoke about uh your hoes yeah that plus he's like oh you're making yourself sound crazy i'm like how i'm fucking single and i'm fucking just chilling
Starting point is 00:13:16 homeboy whoever you may be he's a nice guy though oh fuck out of here i mean i'm not that i know he isn't a nice guy but i mean all right you want of here. I mean, not that I know he isn't a nice guy. But I mean, you want me to speak highly of this guy. Oh, you're looking at me, you're cheek to cheek, you're smiling, your eyes are really low. I know, even though he really probably hates me. You're blushing. Why do women get like that over men that don't belong to them? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I don't know. I don't know. You know, Wiz gave me advice about this guy, too, which is amusing. Wiz was like, oh, he's a great guy, Marissa. Congrats. And I was like, thanks. Who's Wiz? Khalifa.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Okay. All right. Let's put this little tidbit out there about Wiz. Wiz is like normally high. Valid. That's number one. Right. Wiz is like a modern day hipster valid um
Starting point is 00:14:08 wiz probably thinks and he and and wiz is an amazing guy he's dope so because of that because of those things he probably thinks everybody is an amazing person very true unless you're like a really shitty person yeah you would have to be a fucking real sleazeball for Wiz Khalifa to not like you. Like Amber at this moment, he thinks she's pretty shit. Did you see that this weekend? Wait, are we doing like celebrity gossip right now? Yeah, I think I tried to smoothly segue there. Your segues aren't as good as mine.
Starting point is 00:14:38 That wasn't so good? I wasn't done with you being heartbroken over this man that doesn't belong to you. I want to go back talking to him. Then why'd you segue out? It just felt like the right move, but fine. We'll just go back. You got to get your ego out of this podcast. Your name is in little fucking tiny letters on the fucking promo.
Starting point is 00:14:55 It wasn't even on it at all. Oh, well, even better. Stop branding right now. All right, so this guy, so you're sad and you're heartbroken. I am. I'm legit. I'm laughing because it's like, it was dramatic.
Starting point is 00:15:07 That text was a bit dramatic. Oh, you're laughing to cover up pain. Yes, I'm like Kevin Hart laughing at my pain, you know, a little bit. Not really.
Starting point is 00:15:15 No? Okay. Do we care anymore? So you still want to continue to deal with this man? I mean, I don't think
Starting point is 00:15:22 that's an option. I don't think he really wants to fuck with me. Oh, it's an option. He's got a dick. You've got fuck with me it's an option he's got a dick you've got a vagina it's an option still that was vulgar uh it's honest i mean like you gotta catch people in their lusty moment you're right right yeah time timing is everything so he may be a little perturbed now and and how i take that is that clearly he has some some feelings for you that are greater than what he has expressed. Because if he didn't care, he just wouldn't care.
Starting point is 00:15:47 He wouldn't communicate it to you like, when niggas are done, they're done. They're not giving you why they're done unless they want an open dialogue for you to be like, oh, but babe. So he probably cares. And clearly you care. So maybe you guys are in an open relationship? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:16:03 So if you're listening, which you probably are, I care. Hey. See, like me, I handle my shit like a G. She already hit me. She said, oh my God, how could you say all those horrible things? How could you say it was fake? How could you say you didn't care about me? How could you say it?
Starting point is 00:16:15 And I said, yo, dog, clearly you don't understand the podcast world. Drops mic. That's it? Yep. Boom. That's it? Yep. Boom. I tried to do that too. I'm like, you know, it's like a thing. And he was like, I don't give a fuck, Marissa.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I believe that story completely about you being thirsty in the club. I know you. I was like, oh. I was like, damn. Well, not to backtrack, but you were really thirsty in the club. No, and I have a text from Sasha that said... Stop. Why do we keep talking about people like I know?
Starting point is 00:16:49 Who is Sasha? Sasha was with us that night. But who is this person? She was the girl with us. Just to let the listeners know, if I didn't write, my memory is really, really bad, and I have a hard time retaining things unless I need to. Sasha is not prevalent in my life. Okay, so remember how there was another girl
Starting point is 00:17:06 with us that night? And tell the listeners about Sasha. Sasha's awesome. I didn't mean like that. That's enough. She's a publicist from Los Angeles. Oh, okay. Wait, Sasha? Yeah, she was with us at the club. Is Sasha this important for me to have to remember?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Anyway, I was saying she sent me a text that said, tell Joe that I was there to say that blank looked very happy to see me when I did say hello, A. Okay, so Sasha's stupid too. How old is Sasha? I don't actually know. You do know? No, I literally don't.
Starting point is 00:17:35 What range of age is she in? I would say around my age, I would assume. Yeah, but you kind of got like an Arrested Development thing going on. I don't know what that means. It's a TV show, right? Oh is a great segue where i want to go arrested development is when so i kind of did that segue right is when you know is when you developed late so that i think i should be offended when you yeah you definitely should um when you haven't uh when you haven't developed quite as quickly as someone your age should have developed it's
Starting point is 00:18:12 like mall my friend mall mall mall is great i don't know where mall is what he's doing where the fuck has he been lately i don't know but then i don't really care about what he's doing but mall care about what he's doing but maul is what 32 33 and has not had a girlfriend since uh he was 17 or ever so when he finally does get into a relationship he will experience uh arrested development because bitches would just be looking at him like he's a retard but anyway that was a great segue that you halfway came up with. Thank you. Shout out to my segue. I hate young people. Oh, right. All of you. That wasn't where I thought you were going.
Starting point is 00:18:49 No, no, no, really. This has been the topic amongst my friends. Not even my friends. Really just Rory, my fucking stupid young friend. 10-year-old Rory. Yeah, yeah. Rory's like fucking 12. That's been the topic between him and I for quite some time so and and ageism um he calls me an old fuck granted maybe that a little bit I may be a bit of
Starting point is 00:19:12 a dinosaur I've got an old soul what are you 32 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa first of all yeah don't just throw my age out I'm 34 oh shit and I'll Gosh. No, you have months and months before 35. Can you enjoy 34? But wait, I said that as if people didn't know that 35 was after 34. Right. I'm like, relax. God willing, I'll be 35 because tomorrow's not promised. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:19:35 But you fucking young people, right? Mm-hmm. And really, you should be out of this because by 27, 28, you should be kind of getting a grip on life i have a grip on life well let's go back to your story uh you were fucking a dude who wasn't your dude you ended up in a picture with your dude that wasn't your dude that you were fucking and his other bitch that probably wasn't his girl that he was fucking then your car got towed and then the same dude who has no title on you guys' relationship at all was able to come
Starting point is 00:20:08 and chastise you and point the finger at you for courting another dude. Nothing about that sounds like your life altogether. I mean, you know, certain aspects aren't necessarily all there
Starting point is 00:20:20 per se, but I got some things going on for me, so at least I got that going all right so anyway uh but by 27 28 because you know women women are like women always feel like well younger women anyway you had you guys have like a time uh you guys put a clock on everything like y'all want to be married by a certain ageall want to be married by a certain age you want to have children by a certain age
Starting point is 00:20:47 you want to have you want to be successful be in career mode by a certain age guys we kind of just wing it yeah we just kind of go with the flow fuck where was I going with this I don't know because you're talking about ageism
Starting point is 00:21:02 then you just got into males and females so which is it I don't know I'm off on a tangent? I don't know, because you're talking about ageism, and then you just got into males and females. So, which is it? I don't know. I'm off on a tangent here. I don't remember. But yeah, I hate young people just... And let me just throw this out there. I am aware that we all were young at some point.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Right. At some point, I was 21, 22, 23. But it's different now. It's different now because Like I was just telling somebody my barber this morning actually when I was letting him know how much I hate young people Make sure my forehead doesn't look big in that photo Rory it back when I was young The only people that knew that we were stupid were our parents our grandparents loved ones we didn't have we in in this aid in this technology age y'all just let everybody know how stupid y'all are well because we have access to too many uh forums of like way to let that's my point it's too much fucking information coming from too many
Starting point is 00:22:07 inexperienced people that don't know that they don't know shit word and that bothers me so when rory says to me that the great adventures of slick rick was not an incredible album i have to i don't listen you keep you keep your fucking mouth. Your name is not on the show. Not the Rory or Marissa show, damn it. Yeah, so when Rory says things like that to me, and Rory wasn't even a thought in his father's fucking nuts
Starting point is 00:22:38 when that album came out, I just have to question it. I just have to look at it a certain way bong funny story time cool actually now this is a short story Marissa I like the 45 minute story that you told earlier
Starting point is 00:22:55 this girl was uh randomly throwing out thirst traps on the timeline and she was doing so in a way that i was very curious to know how old she was right now for the listeners when i ask how old someone is were you curious or was your dick curious no my dick was not curious i don't know what you're umming. Okay. When I ask someone how old they are, it's typically because I want to see if their stupidity is justifiable. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Or I want to see, you know, it's just for me to gauge certain things. It wasn't because my dick was hard. It wasn't because I wanted to penetrate this young woman even though she was fairly attractive in these pictures but in my age i learned to never trust pictures okay never so anyway i go to dm this girl of course and i don't even use the dm feature on twitter i really don't most of the time it's men dming me about fucking music shit and links and and khaled about promoting shit hey khaled yeah khaled's great um so i dm this girl and i say hey quick question how old are you she says 22 um no she says 22 but not like the typical 22 year olds that you're used to So already this conversation is off to a bad start
Starting point is 00:24:27 And already so so I want to give her the benefit of the doubt Maybe she isn't like the typical 22 year olds that I'm used to even though she knows nothing about the 22 year olds that I'm used To But I don't wanna judge okay, I don't wanna judge I try not to ain't on trial. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely, definitely. But I don't want to judge. Okay. I don't want to judge. I try not to be. Staying on trial. Yeah, yeah. I try not to be judgy. Judgy.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And I say to this. Rory, what the fuck? Why are you cursing Rory out right now? Because he keeps taking pictures of me. You're supposed to be listening to my quick story. I am. The same way I listened to your 45 minute story about dude that deaded you. He loves me.
Starting point is 00:25:04 He doesn't know it though. Maybe he loves differently. But anyway so I DM this girl back and I say oh no she said something like the next DM was I'm not stupid at all and I said lol
Starting point is 00:25:19 that is exactly what I thought and why I was asking you your age. And damn, I almost want to find it. The DM? Yeah, I got to find it. I got to find it. Which will be very easy to find because my DMs are not very active at all.
Starting point is 00:25:35 How long ago was this? This was like a couple of days ago. Where's this girl? This is a Twitter DM. Yeah, what other type of DM would it be? Instagram DMs. I have once flourished off of an Twitter DM. Yeah, what other type of DM would it be? Instagram DM. I have once flourished off of an Instagram DM. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That's why I was asking. But that is what all the youngins say. She says, how old are you? I say 34. She says, you're not old enough to call me a youngin. Z's emoji, LOL. And I say, I'm not. Well, how old must I be to call you that I would love to hear it
Starting point is 00:26:06 she says it's less about the actual number and more about how you think tweet and I said that is my cue and the moral of that story is it took this girl all of not even five minutes to let me know how stupid
Starting point is 00:26:22 she was she's probably listening to. Nah, she probably doesn't listen to podcasts at 22. Maybe. Not this girl. I mean, I don't even care if she's listening or not. But I want all of the young people to just go to like their own planet. No, really.
Starting point is 00:26:41 No, but then this would be like a fucking old ass boring world of like old people that do boring shit or i want people to just shut the fuck up like it would be you and pete people like you and pete that fucking watch tv that'd be wonderful no i would love to just watch tv me and pete and like fucking talk about cigarettes and dogs like that's what the fuck you guys would do just fucking watch tv and talk about cigarettes and dogs well pete would want to watch little league baseball and i wouldn't allow that but outside of that i would love to just sit and chill me and pete away from young women like young people are just not open to new information they're very self-absorbed um and you see this all day on twitter. And then Drake doesn't help matters when he says things like fucking, what the fuck did he say? Don't ever take advice.
Starting point is 00:27:32 That was great advice. Yeah. I don't understand that. Don't ever take advice. That was great advice. He was having a conversation with his mother and his mother said, don't ever take advice. And he said that was great advice. That's dumb
Starting point is 00:27:45 as shit well i mean we really can't actually that's a fucking contradiction within itself because don't ever take advice is advice that is advice and if you listen to it then you just totally ignore the advice part but that's number one number two drake is a fucking multi-millionaire at the age of 27 so whatever whatever works for Drake works for Drake. I think he's 28 now. Same shit. 28. That's great.
Starting point is 00:28:10 But you just, now you have this, it's just the wrong message to send to these fucking idiots out here. Yeah. I mean, they're only going to be stupid anyway.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Like you can learn, ah, story time. Okay. You can learn from other people for example certain people that you learn valuable um valuable lessons from will always you will remember them for the rest of your life just like fucking eric carotini do you know eric caratini is not even a small clue okay let me tell you who eric caratini is and this is not long story short he sounds like he should be in like an 80s movie
Starting point is 00:28:51 eric caratini when i was in the sixth grade i had a crush on a woman i thought you were about to say on Eric Herity. Don't be stupid, Rosa. I had a crush on a woman and her name was Alma Reyes. Okay. Dominican? Oh, she was a goddess. No, she was Puerto Rican. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Oh, she was beautiful. She was amazing. I used to get hype when she, my desk was like right behind hers. I was such a mutt. You have to just look back
Starting point is 00:29:24 at yourself and say, what a fucking idiot I was. Oh my God, every day. But yeah such a mutt. You have to just look back at yourself and say, what a fucking idiot I was. Oh my God, every day. But yeah, as you should. But anyway, Alma Reyes was gorgeous. Okay. I used to get upset when she didn't come to school. Oh, I used to have those moments,
Starting point is 00:29:37 especially when you waste a bomb ass outfit. Well, you just got out of school like a year ago. Okay. But, and Alma Reyes didn't pay me any attention because Al Morales liked Eric Caratini. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:53 No, but you can't say that. You can't say fuck. You can't be down and out about it. You can't be sad. You can't be depressed. Eric Caratini was much cooler than me
Starting point is 00:30:01 in the sixth. Actually, was he in the sixth grade? He might have been in the seventh grade. Even worse. Yeah, he was older. He sold drugs. In the seventh grade?
Starting point is 00:30:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is Jersey City? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was, this is Charles J. Waters, PS24. I was the spelling bee champion in 97. Al Morais didn't care about that. 97? I was in fourth grade, baby.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Oh, my God. I hate you you young people. But anyway, he sold drugs. He had all of the clothes that I couldn't afford that my mom would not purchase for me.
Starting point is 00:30:35 They were ironed. You didn't iron your clothes? No, I didn't iron my clothes. I still don't iron my clothes. That sounds like a poor thing. Even if you're poor, you can fucking iron clothes. Oh, well, whatever. Yeah, I don't iron clothes either, but I was just like,, you can fucking iron clothes. Oh, well, whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Yeah, I don't iron clothes either, but I was just like... Yeah, I don't iron my clothes. Whatever. He could fight. Ugh. Everyone knew it. There's a difference in being able to fight and everyone knowing that you could fight. People just respected this guy.
Starting point is 00:30:58 And he didn't really seem to pay Almeria very much attention. So they were both paying each other dust. Wait, what? Well, no. no okay i fucked that up she was paying you dust he was paying her dust are you introducing like a new lingo to me right now paying dust paying dust yeah it's like a fucking it's like a you fucking old ass wait no all right time out to my explain this to me paying dust like i don't know how to explain it it just is it's just like
Starting point is 00:31:25 how does that even make sense it doesn't paying it doesn't make sense but does on fleek make sense no
Starting point is 00:31:30 I want to talk about on fleek too I'm so happy that the white people are stealing on fleek from you guys I love it I'm very excited
Starting point is 00:31:37 who's you guys like you young people whoever the fuck came up with fleek because I didn't come up with fleek the white people were stealing it
Starting point is 00:31:42 it was just on good day New York or good morning America oh yeah I saw that this morning are you on fleek and The white people were stealing it. It was just on Good Day New York or Good Morning America. Oh, yeah, I saw that this morning. Are you on fleek? And it was this white lady sitting there. Oh, it was beautiful. The answer is no. Because I hate fleek.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I hate everything about fleek. It's like a, it's pretty, the only thing I like lit. Shit is lit. That is like the greatest phrase ever. All right, we're segwaying into a new conversation. But, and we, I do want to talk about those things. But. Eric.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And I learned so many valuable things from Eric Caratini. What did you learn? Oh, I'm not telling you. I'm not telling you what I learned. But I mean, the point is that you just can learn things from other people sometimes, even without them saying a word. I'm sure that Eric Caratini had a lot to do with me being as cool and calm as I am right now and just behaving a certain way around women. I learned things from you. I haven't really used them, but I learned them.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Okay, there we go. There we go, yeah. I like the way that you calmly go about life and stuff. Is that it? Yeah, because I mean, otherwise your dating record hasn't you know my every time every time we talk we just go we reference because i'm trying to say like i'm
Starting point is 00:32:52 trying to figure out like things otherwise we're two different people so i can't really model my life after yours but like your demeanor is cool and like oh if that's all you're not giving a fuckish i could take a page out of that because sometimes i give too much of a oh if that's all you're not giving a fuckish i could take a page out of that because sometimes i give too much of a fuck if that's all we've gotten out of my 34 years on earth then my life is i mean that's just me but oh so wait so then i saw eric carotini recently not recently this was years ago oh um this was i was what 24 25 what is this voice that you're giving me I was in the height of things the tables had turned
Starting point is 00:33:30 you should like read horror stories things were very much different and I fucking saw Almaraz at some point around there and she's like oh is she still bad? yeah she was still fine you should like search her now on twitter
Starting point is 00:33:44 no Almaraz was still fine when I saw her but but probably every spanish bitch has that name she said oh hey stranger oh she hey stranger to me i was in business i was back i was back yeah i was in business so i curved alma reyes um and eric caratini may have had like a demo he was trying to give me no come on eric you're supposed to be cool and sell drugs and fucking beat people up, not rap. I mean, my memory is bad, so I can't say that that's what was happening. But he didn't look like the same Eric Caratini that was the man. I'm like picturing him like the Fonz from fucking Happy Days. He was mixed like Italian and some other shit.
Starting point is 00:34:21 He was really a cool guy, man. Shout out to Eric Caratini and Emma Reyes if they're out there listening. Why would you even ask me in the beginning, do you know who Eric, whatever the fuck his name is? Of course I didn't know him.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Maybe you knew him. Maybe he's my neighbor now. I live in Jersey City. Oh. You live on a real quiet, white block in Jersey City. I know, and like, every old person,
Starting point is 00:34:39 like, I live in a building full of old people. They sent a memo one time that said if there's a fire, stay in your room and we'll come get you. I was like now that actually is pretty funny like i read it like five times something this has to be wrong and it said please um please do not leave stay in your apartment cover the door if there's smoke coming through the door open windows if there's flames
Starting point is 00:34:59 i'm like what kind of fucking it's because these old people will probably break a hip running down the steps that's funny i too would want you to stay in the room if a fire... Wait, why? Are you trying to say you want me to burn to death? That's really not cool or funny. You basically just wish death upon me. I'm a dick. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Listen. I have a fire escape. Since we're done with... I have a fire escape. I do. I did a photo shoot there one time. We don't care. Okay, well, I'm just saying. Because I'm out here, I did a photo shoot there one time. We don't care. Okay, well, I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Because I'm out here, I did a photo shoot on my fire escape. And I looked really cute. We don't care about your photo shoot. My fans do. Peter's barber doesn't care about his fucking haircut. His hairline or his haircut. It was funny about...
Starting point is 00:35:40 No, we'll talk about it later. Celebrity gossip. Yes, Amber and wiz this weekend i damn you just get right into it no because i feel very adamant about this situation and i would love to hear your thoughts on it well can i do like a 10 10 win sort of thing you know what go ahead and did you get some sound effects no just 10 10 was like there we go perfect perfect beat record that and we'll splice that for the next one. Sounded just like it. Yeah, it was wonderful. Okay, Amber and Wiz.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah, so Saturday morning, was it? Sunday morning? I don't know. You're supposed to be informing us. Yeah, Sebastian's birthday was Saturday. So Amber Rose had just gotten back from Trinidad where Wiz and his mother had custody of Sebastian the entire week. How do we know all of this stuff? Because social media shows.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Miss Peachy, OG Peachy, the mom, had bashed. Wait, we know the mom too? Yeah, she's on Twitter. Oh, she likes, she's very vocal on Twitter and Instagram, throwing shade Amber's way, saying negative things,
Starting point is 00:36:36 bashing her for not taking her son's last name. Oh, you were so in love, but you didn't take his last name. She did all of that. And so they had the baby the whole week. The baby went with Wiz to the Grammys. All these great things, right? All for the past couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Now, just so I'm clear. What? We still know all of this information from social media. Yes, that's it. So we don't have a source. No, but they're our source. Hello? We don't need a source.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Amber's our source. Wiz, OG, PG. So this is up for us to interpret on our own uh in a sense but i think the it's uh the writing's on the wall as they say so anywho amber returns from trinidad where the entire week she was in trinidad wiz and his mother won a smear campaign against her taking photos of her quote-unquote messy house which was so not messy at all it had like dog poop on the patio where it should be and there was a knife on the counter a butter knife on the counter where the baby can't reach and who
Starting point is 00:37:30 knows if it was only out there for five minutes and then garbage on the curb waiting to be collected which appeared to be from a party as well because there was a lot of red cups so if that's horrible you know that's whatever so they're on the smear campaign it was a lot of garbage yeah well if it was a party then that's totally fine and even on the smear campaign it was a lot of garbage yeah well if it was a party then that's totally fine and even if it wasn't if it's a huge home it could collect a lot of garbage over time and it was in the appropriate holding places i've got plenty garbage in my house right this very second so okay no judgment right so that is not a messy home that is not a home unfit for sebastian so anywho amber comes back she gets her baby back and the next
Starting point is 00:38:07 day is bash's birthday and she wakes up she's making pancakes for her baby they're enjoying their day and then whiz takes to twitter to go on another long rant and show an empty birthday party saying that like the only thing missing missing is sebastian let's all cut the cake for my little boogie boo and basically trying to garner sympathy from the crowd of Twitter watchers that don't know the situation and bring them into the situation that is none of their business and say that Sebastian
Starting point is 00:38:34 wasn't at the party. Then he goes on this long rant I know because I'm making it my business. Then he goes on this long rant about he's standing up for the fathers out there and all these other things. First of all, Wiz, you had Sebastian for two weeks now. Why did you not throw a party prior to the day that you know is Amber's day?
Starting point is 00:38:54 It's her day. I don't care. You could say, oh, they could put their differences aside. Obviously, it's not working. So co-parenting goes that when you have your child, you celebrate the holiday with them then. I come from a divorced home. I had to switch Christmases and switch Thanksgivings.
Starting point is 00:39:08 That's how it goes. And he wants to throw this fucking pity party for himself? Well, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. No, what? Your parents are cool with each other. Yeah, they're cool, but when they first divorced, that shit wasn't cool. I've seen your parents in the same fucking room, I yeah no i don't think you have but they i mean like they don't fuck with each other like that but they're cool but when they divorced that shit wasn't cool my
Starting point is 00:39:33 father used to talk hella shit about my mom to me i don't know i just feel like all white parents are cool yeah well i mean i feel like all of them are cordial with each other they it was it was a little rough for a period of time that's very ignorant ignorant of me, I know, but still. No, I mean, I get it, though. Most white parents are pretty cool. But, you know, it was pretty messy, and so they still were able to put their differences aside, and one does Christmas, one does Thanksgiving, it switches up.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Are you reading Wiz right now? Yeah, well, because what the fuck, Wiz? And whose business is it? I understand. I understand. Oh, no. Look, no, now it's my business, because I fucking made it. He made it my business. All right I understand. I understand. No, look. No, now it's my business because I fucking made it. He made it my business. All right, even.
Starting point is 00:40:09 But I understand Amber was doing these interviews, but never once did Amber say that Wiz is a bad father and never once did she badmouth him as a person, maybe as a lover. The situation didn't really work out.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Cool. And now that she's moving on, now you want to go on a smear campaign and get your son what? So that you don't have to pay child support? You're traveling more than Amber is and you can't chastise amber for being in the club shaking her ass and shit because you know what she's getting booked to be there and she's getting fucking paid to be there there was never one place that amber has been shaking her ass at
Starting point is 00:40:33 that she wasn't on the fucking flyer for and getting paid for yes yes i mean maybe a couple in miami but miami she went on vacation and he even said was good. Wait, time out, time out. And on Christmas, she let Wiz come to the house. They celebrated Christmas together with Bash. So Amber's not a petty person. Wait, look at Pete, though. Pete, we know Amber's your friend. We get it.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I love Marissa Mendes. We know that you're friends with Amber. We know what side you're taking in all of this. And I like Wiz. I don't want it to get fucked up. No. But in this situation, he is being petty as fuck. And I'm not here for it because now you're painting a...
Starting point is 00:41:11 Wait, you're not here for it. You know... Wait a minute. You're not allowed to say you're not here. No. You know what they ate for breakfast. You know where they've been. You know what they said.
Starting point is 00:41:21 You know how they feel. You do not get paid to know this shit, right? That is my job. Oh, my God. It is! Then you can't say I'm not here for it if you're fucking...
Starting point is 00:41:29 You're very much present for this. I am here. I am here and I'm on it. Do I have to have a take on this? You do. I would love to hear your opinion. Here's my opinion.
Starting point is 00:41:40 What is it? None of this is any of my business. I knew you were going to say that. Yeah, but like don't you think that's fucked up? Really what he's trying of this is any of my business i knew you were gonna say that yeah but like don't you think that's fucked up is really what he's trying to do is a smear campaign so he gets full custody of sebastian and i don't feel like he should have he travels more than amber does so the baby is gonna suffer in this sense don't use your personal feelings against the child's mother to slight the baby it's gonna he's, Sebastian's the only one that loses in this situation. Oh, well, that's your sentimental voice that you put on.
Starting point is 00:42:08 So you just read, so you just read the dad. You just read the dad and then put your sentimental voice on when you spoke about the kid. I mean, cause like, I think Wiz is a dope ass fucking rapper. I bought black Hollywood. I like his music a fucking lot, but this is making me sad because now your personal life is going to overshadow the music and then people can't appreciate the music as much because you're fucking with your child and your child's mother who you once loved and you can't sit up here and fucking call her a hoe now because you married that hoe is that all of your celebrity gossip that's all i got that was all i
Starting point is 00:42:40 was so focused on that today that that was all I could think about right now. But I could. Wait. Huh? What? And you didn't even offer a fucking valid opinion. I did. I don't care about this. You have to care. I don't care about this.
Starting point is 00:42:55 It's none of my business. And I feel like you bloggers. I can't just solely blame the bloggers. Thank you. like you bloggers um i can't just solely blame the bloggers yeah bloggers are partly responsible for people for people caring about a bunch of shit that number one is none of their business and number two just really isn't that important i mean like none of this shit like i don't even like it's such things like too much information i don't want to know what i don't even, like, there's such things like too much information. I don't want to know what, I don't want to know any of that. I mean, I didn't ask to know.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I want to see Amber shake her ass. I want to hear music from Wiz. I would love that too. Unfortunately, they are bringing us into the world that we didn't ask to be brought in. But hey, we're here now. Here we are. And I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I do love when people put messy shit all over the timeline. You know you're here for it just like I'm here for it.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I love to see it. I'm fucking petty next door. That was a good one. Yeah, I came up with that myself. It was like petty wop. Yeah, I came up with it myself. Yeah, but nobody is more petty next door than me. But at certain times I got to put my mature head on.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And I don't care about this. When I asked you for celebrity gossip, I thought you would give me something of substance like the Juliana girl spewing racial slurs at the girl with the dreads.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Zendaya. Zendaya. What did you think of that? I thought, hey, white people looking down on black people. No news there. What is that story?
Starting point is 00:44:27 Juliana Rancic. Oh, wait a minute. On the red carpet. Is the Joe Budden podcast breaking a story to Juan? Or are you Epstein? Which fucking one are you? He's Epstein. He's a Jew.
Starting point is 00:44:36 To Epstein. You guys don't know this? This is not in our land. Yeah, on the red carpet of the Oscars, Zendaya wore fake locks and faux locks. Whoa, why were they fake locks? Because they weren't... They were hers. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I think they said it's a new trend. They're faux locks. She didn't lock her hair completely. I think she... In the press release she put out, she said that her and her entire family has locks. Yeah, but I don't think... don't all right we'll just update she had like regular hair recently all right that's fine but okay uh juliana rancic said it looks like that she smells like either weed or some type of oils and uh so then zendaya wrote a
Starting point is 00:45:16 really long classy reply on instagram like basically bitch you're racist as fuck and then juliana replied and said I'm so sorry never meant to mean it by any race at all I was referring to bohemian chic bitch what come on Juliana like what does that even mean you fucking white people be
Starting point is 00:45:37 you white people just I don't know about you guys man why are you looking at me when you say this? Because you're fucking white. I'm partially white. The most of you is white. I mean, the Mendez just rides it out. I got fucking minority scholarships in school. White people just get away with that with a fucking white.
Starting point is 00:45:58 So that's what I thought about that. I said, oh, shocker there. White person thinks and looks down upon black people and their hair and their culture and heritage all right wonderful yeah what about bobby schmurda wanting off of epic records because they haven't uh supplied him with bail money shocker there too but i think we just got shockers everywhere but i think back in the day like the early days of music and shit they said that they used to always get bailed out. Whoa, Epic wants to exploit their young gang member fucking artists and then not back them when it gets real.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Oh, call Al Sharpton now. What the fuck? That's sad, though. Why is it sad? I don't know. Did we not see this one? Did you see that video? What I will say is they what I will say is,
Starting point is 00:46:46 they should be elected out. They should. I mean, okay, so it's $2 million. You got to put up, what, 20%, 2%, 5%. How does that go? You've been to jail, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Allegedly. You should be putting all my business out on the streets. Yo, remember that one time that I was like, I fucking got you to your flight because they fucking locked you over some bullshit over your dog because your dog went in the neighbor's yard and it was all of us at the house and you got locked up.
Starting point is 00:47:10 We had to bail you out. I had to drive like a fucking getaway driver and we still got you to your flight. We got you to your flight. Yo, you are fucking amazing. I am. You are great. I know. Let me just keep fucking shooting compliments your way.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Thank you. And I will just fucking keep on putting them right in my back pocket. Anyway, so all for that, because that story had nothing to do with it. I do think that they should bail that kid out. But this is not new news. This is not. Why is this a story? Because they thought that maybe he'd still be with it and still be stupid.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Bobby Schmurder, check this out. You might be a tad bit too young to remember this famous Q-tip line. Industry rule number five. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Get the fuck out of here. Okay. You know why?
Starting point is 00:47:57 Because currency has one. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you just? Wait, wait. No, no, no, no, no, no. I know he referenced the Q-tip line. I know that. But that's why I got fucked up because the currency line is industry rule number 5080.
Starting point is 00:48:08 The ones you think are helping are hating. But I know he was referencing the Q-tip line. Marissa. Industry people are shady. I know. I'm talking about fucking... Classic. I get it.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I know. I know. And you're telling me about what currency said. I'm saying that's where I got it fucked up. And I love currency. Hot spitter but we're not to fucking interject in the q-tip well i meant to go with what you were saying i fucked up because my mind i fucking hate young people all of the people running hip-hop
Starting point is 00:48:36 have no business like running hip-hop like i won't say running but you bloggers play play a very important part in hip-hop. I do play a key role. I'm out here. Today, unfortunately. Yes. You don't even know fucking the Q-tip line. I do. I fucked it up. It was a mistake. My bad.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Rory was like one when Illmatic came out. What year did that come out? Oh, my God. You don't even know the answer, do you? April 1994. Okay, so I was In first grade Yeah I don't feel like you should be able to talk about hip hop ever again I can talk about current hip hop all day
Starting point is 00:49:12 When you speak about hip hop I think it should be Just like that Amber and Wiz story I mean yeah About shit that has nothing to do with hip hop I like to do entertainment news. It doesn't necessarily mean hip hop news. Yeah, well, you clearly don't like to do it that much because I just asked you for celebrity.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I just told you three stories. You told me one fucking Amber and Wiz story. And then Bobby Shmurda. That's not a story. That is a fucking story. That's old. He just did an interview with New York Times where he said that he wants to get off the label. And his lawyer said that it's fucked up that they didn't back him and yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that New York Times probably has a bigger audience than this podcast. Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and do it. So people probably know about that little tidbit of information. They might have, but they probably know about all this shit because, hey, guess what? They have the internet. And you didn't break the... We're not going to break anything here unless somebody fucking did some shit right the fuck you know what's funny i have to take charge of the celebrity gossip which i
Starting point is 00:50:11 don't really like to do because i don't care about any of that stuff because you are just like don't you run a blog i do so you don't even tell the people that fucking now uh fucking nikki is teasing a tour with with her and me soek Mill? But that was already known. That's already known. I didn't know it. Well, then you're dumb because we already knew from a couple weeks ago. I mean, she confirmed it today.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Yes. Now, don't you think people would... Don't you think everyone except for me wants to know that? I mean, yeah. And then meanwhile, Safari and K. Michelle
Starting point is 00:50:40 are rumored to be an item now. So Safari again and Starlets. Oh, did you? And Starlets out in the strip club. You guys are to be an item now. Saw Safari again in Starlets. Oh, did you? In Starlets. I was in a strip club. You guys are kind of best friends now. Oh, yeah. If we're going by
Starting point is 00:50:54 your definition of besties, then yeah. They were pretty cool. Was he with K. Michelle? I don't know because I don't ever care. I think more people should be like me. Maybe, but then I wouldn't get paid because I need to care. Hey, Joe.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Will you combine entertainment news with sports and speculate on what the fight would be like between Nicki Minaj and K. Michelle? Because it would be a doozy. How do we know that would be a doozy? Have you met either of them?
Starting point is 00:51:25 I have met Nicki. how do we know that would be a doozy? Have you met either of them? This is crazy. I have met Nikki. I've never met K. Michelle. I'm pretty sure I've met K. Michelle as well. Corey confirms you have. But not, I haven't met either one of them in a setting where their temperament would be at fight level.
Starting point is 00:51:44 One time Nikki got mad at me because I stood on her stage. Well, Nikki's from Queens. So I'm going to assume that she can fight. Oh, hell yeah. I think that bitch can fight. And K. Michelle talks enough shit to where I would hope that she can fight. Both of those girls are like the queen of the petty parties. So I feel like this could get petty.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Are you kidding me? All this shit with Meek is like direct jabs for Safari. Cause every time Safari posts a music post or something, that's when Nikki's posting up shit. I don't deny that. I think Nikki and Meek is genuine, but I think that they're overdoing it on social media to get at Safari. Hey,
Starting point is 00:52:20 Michelle's on a naked tour. Meaning she's naked or meaning she's getting naked everywhere why do you say it like that naked how's it supposed to be said naked you say it like it's like n-e-k-k-i-d because i'm a real nigga that's why how about that all right and don't you dare say the n-word either oh can't say it. You can't say it. Whatever. Anywho. She's on a naked. Ew. No, that's how you fucking pronounce it.
Starting point is 00:52:50 That doesn't sound good at all. But yeah, she's on tour getting naked. Everywhere I see her, she's fucking naked. She's taking her clothes off. She's dancing. She had a nip slip the other day.
Starting point is 00:52:57 See, now I'm talking about the shit that I don't care about this stuff. Yeah, but you see, you fucking know it. You know it. I have no choice but to know it
Starting point is 00:53:03 because the information is being shoved down my fucking throat. I have a question of your... I need your opinion because Rosenberg and I couldn't figure it out today. Don't fuck him. No. Gross. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:13 No. Drake's boy posted this video getting at Chris Brown like, oh, he's hating basically. Oh, I see. You didn't touch on that either. Yo, you might be the worst fucking celebrity blogger. We didn't really have structure, so I was kind of just, you know. It was structure. I threw the alley-oop to you, and I said, yo, celebrity news info, because I'm not going
Starting point is 00:53:30 to do that shit. Then we talked about it. Anywho, so OVO Hush said, this just in, it's just jealousy, y'all. Back to you, Bob. Not so breaking news. And he included a clip of Chris talking about not wanting to talk about Drake on Hot 97. And then Drake commented, I wish there was a bucket emoji. What the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 00:53:47 I said, it's like, oh shit, buckets. Like when you're shooting like basketball. That's definitely not what it meant. And you just did a shooting motion with your hand. That didn't look like a shot at all. Well, I don't think. You did it on the radio today and I literally said, don't ever talk again.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah, because I said that on the air this morning on the morning show. The buckets? Yeah. She's like, oh, no, you know, it's like, it means buckets. Cause like, you know, buckets. And she used her hand and I'm like, air this morning on the morning show. The buckets? Yeah. She's like, oh, no, you know, it's like it means buckets because like, you know, buckets. And she used her hand. And I'm like, we're on the radio, bitch.
Starting point is 00:54:10 No one can see your hand. Wait. Well, that brings a totally different issue. What? Are you just fucking taking morning show shit and bringing it to my podcast? No, I said we were debating because no one fucking agreed that I was right. So what the fuck does it mean? Well, it definitely wasn't buckets. buckets so what is a bucket then why does he want a bucket of emotions oh like two tears in a bucket fuck it i don't know marissa well i was asking your opinion here's my opinion do i have to care about this too you don't have to care i just
Starting point is 00:54:40 wanted to know your interpretation of a fucking bucket i don't care about that um um drake and chris brown hate each other yeah they fake made up last year which i was excited about because that song would have been epic yeah it really would have um and now they're back to hating each other where's the fucking news maybe i just analyze i think i analyze this stuff a bit differently than other people. Maybe because some people are on the outside looking in. Right. Are you on the inside looking in? Yeah, I've been on the inside for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Yo, remember when you fucking beefed with Chris Brown over the bow tie on Twitter? I don't remember that. You guys had a fucking dumbass Twitter beef in 2010 going into 11, I believe. I don't recall. I do. I'm going to pull it up on Inflex We Trust. Give me a minute. No, I was a bit insensitive in 2010 to his situation.
Starting point is 00:55:33 It was right when he did that stupid ass. I remember what happened. A girl said something really stupid to me, and then I referenced Chris Brown in his domestic case, which was really horrible and really insensitive. And God's got a funny sense of humor because now I've got all these fucking cases, but whatever. And why am I talking about that now? See how the last fucking 25 minutes has been dominated
Starting point is 00:55:54 by shit that I really could give two fucks about? Pete, how much time we got left? That's it? I don't know what all those hands are doing. Only five minutes? Can you fucking fix your hygiene before you come to bed? I know. Did I just sniffle?
Starting point is 00:56:10 I just sniffled. Did you just blow your nose in the fucking mic? I don't like blowing my nose. I'd rather swallow. Pause, pause, pause, pause, pause. But I don't like blowing my nose. It bothers my face. I have a problem that these podcasts seem to go by so quickly.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah. Pete, not that you care, but some people suggested that we do longer than an hour. I'm sure they would. That's a great sign. That means they love you. But the problem is, if you give them that right now, what are we building towards? You can't give it all away, man. What are we building towards? You can't give it all away, man. What are we building towards?
Starting point is 00:56:47 You want to leave them every week going, fuck, I wish I had another half hour. Not going, all right, I've had enough now. I've done long episodes. They go too long. Some people out there podcasting No Shots, their episodes are way too fucking long. I think 60 minutes is a great length. When you say No Shots and then say that, it's shots. Always mean shots.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Yeah, definitely. I mean, basically, every other podcast, which I deem to be worse than Juan Epstein, and actually, I'm trying to get your podcast to start off more organized and more on point than me and Sipes messy first fucking five years was. Are we cutting this part out? That was way too much talking about No, we're not cutting Pete out, number one. Number two, I don't know if I want to just keep
Starting point is 00:57:23 plugging Juan Epstein shit on my fucking podcast. I didn't ask you to fucking tell me about your history with your podcast. They're like our brother network. Or our sister network. Yo, and let me just tell you, oh man, my sick, twisted mind. And that is why I know something is wrong with my brain.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Because Pete just- That's why? We all could tell you what yo pete just said all of that fucking wonderful useful helpful information to help us and uplift our podcast and all i could think was should we trust it he's i don't know if i can trust it? He's like, I don't know if I can trust it. All you came away with was why are you plugging your podcast, which was what led to this podcast. I have to watch.
Starting point is 00:58:12 First of all, that's not what led to this podcast. That's what led to us fucking with you, my dude. Exactly. Let's be clear. I need you guys to know that I'm going to get my own skin off soon. This podcast was fucking going down with or without you, Pete. I agree. Don't just credit yourself here, bud.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Yeah, fucking, but that's just how this industry has trained me. I got to look at everybody for their fucking ulterior motive. What if Pete is trying to sink our fucking podcast so Juan Epstein can be the greatest podcast ever? Like, I don't know. How do I know? You don't. I don't? Actually, I want your podcast. Oh, that's what you're supposed to say.
Starting point is 00:58:49 That's what he should say. I'm not fucking trusting Pete's shit. Yeah. I looked up this beef that you have with Chris Brown and it was great. Alright. These are my critiques for the show and I'm going to add critiques. A few things I want to implement into the show. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:59:03 I'm going to do critiques because I like when Mike and... Damn, what's my man's name? Peter? Fuck. Anyway, on Pardon the Interruption. I don't know what that is. Tony! There we go. I like when
Starting point is 00:59:19 Tony and Mike at the end of the show when they... Stop sniffling on the mic. At the end of the show when they do errors. I the mic at the end of the show when they do errors I like when they do that even though as of late there haven't been any errors because they fired the error guy
Starting point is 00:59:30 what is this show that you're talking about you're never gonna watch it so let me not waste my breath time on you I don't even have a television but anyway so here are my critiques
Starting point is 00:59:37 for this fucking show I thought that we spent too much time talking about celebrity gossip when you had really no celebrity gossip and I didn't care about any celebrity gossip when you had really no celebrity gossip and I didn't care about
Starting point is 00:59:45 any celebrity gossip that you had. I don't ever care about that stuff. Well, you fucking told me. Well, we should speak about it because I do know that there is a large demographic of people out there that are interested in that.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Word. And I'm the minority. You are. So that's number one. And you are a minority. Ew. That was funny. Yo, you are really a goofball.
Starting point is 01:00:08 And you just made me forget. I might have ADD. No. Oh, that was another thing I saw on the forums. They're like, tell that bitch to stop fucking throwing Joey off. They called me a bitch a couple times. Yeah, because you just did it again. What was I doing?
Starting point is 01:00:20 Critiquing us? Yeah, we were doing the mistakes. Oh, yeah. That celebrity gossip was too long for only one story. So do we pick multiple? Listen, that's for you to figure out off the air. It's not for you to sit here and board a listener with figuring out how to do your fucking job. Well, we want them to.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Especially since you're a blogger and you work for i97. We want them to add their input. Can I not be. We read their feedback. Can I not support power because both of you work for a hot. This conversation is not happening. Move on. Let's make it uncomfortable in a room. Can I not support power because both of you work for a hot? This conversation is not happening. Let's make it uncomfortable in a room.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Look at everybody looking awkward. Look at Peter's on his phone. Peter's on his phone texting no one. This is wonderful. I can fucking do what I want. No. Anyhow. So back to the critique. I hate her.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Power hate her. Power 105 hate her. That's hilarious. Look, she really doesn't know what to say. I know, I know, I know. It's wonderful. It's great. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Anyway, you got to get better at that. Where was I going? So yeah, that was my critique. Homeboy, you, yeah. I didn't really care about any of your shit today. Nice. Thank you. Oh, but I'm proud of myself.
Starting point is 01:01:30 We got through this whole show without me talking about hoes at all. No, you talked about the bitch in your DM. Nah, that didn't really count. And your ex-girlfriend. Damn it, I had a good fucking ho story. All right, you can't start a new ho story. Save it for next week. I never implied that I was giving a new story.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I said had, which was past tense. Peter, please don't interrupt me. This is not Juan Epstein. This is my fucking show. Also, you gave out our Spider-Woman story on Twitter. Edit that out! You gave out our Spider-Man story on Twitter. Spider-Woman story.
Starting point is 01:02:05 I've got a million more stories. Okay. Well, we should probably tell that one time on air anyway because you can elaborate further. It's probably a funnier story coming from you, to be perfectly honest. Because I was the one that lived it, yeah. Oh, here's some more of my critiques. I think we need to implement sports. That's boring, so you could do that.
Starting point is 01:02:26 And weather. So you could do that. And weather. So let me do that. For the people in New York, it's fucking really cold. It's brick. Put a jacket on. Wow. Ta-da! That was my weather, which is very important because hoes don't have coats.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Or they do. Where's your coat? Is this your coat right here? That is my coat. What is that? My mom gave it to me. What kind of contraction is that? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:49 My mom gave it to me. But what is it? I don't fucking know. It's right next to you. Look at the fucking tag and tell me the... Zero exposure. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:03:01 All right, you know what? This podcast is pretty much... My coat is just to keep me warm. I'm not trying to look cute In my coat But that coat doesn't look like It keeps you warm at all It does But I got this cute little
Starting point is 01:03:09 Jersey crew neck on New Jersey State Champs Jerse 87 State Champ at what? I don't know But it doesn't matter At being awesome So
Starting point is 01:03:17 Here we are Shout out to Jerse Apparel For giving it to me Ha Plug plug Why are you plugging stuff? Because it gave me free shit. You got to plug free shit.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Thank you. No, plug on your podcast and not mine. This is our. No, it's mine and you're just here. Fuck off. Yeah, that's a much better way
Starting point is 01:03:37 to look at things. All right, so we are going to get out of here. That is episode two of I'll Name This Podcast Later. With Marissa Mendez. No, no, definitely not with Marissa. Wait, huh?
Starting point is 01:03:48 Oh my God. I'm going. Bye.

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