The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 14

Episode Date: May 20, 2015

Episode 14; Joe, Marisa, & Rory pay their respects to Chinx and discuss the Tidal B Side concert, is Jay-Z a Joe Budden fan? The podcast takes a quick serious turn as Marisa gets her redemption, and c...ontinues with the trio discussing the Iverson documentary, Iggy's face, Male vs Female egos, and the segments "I'll Respond To This Email Later" & "Who Is It Over For?" *****If you want to write into the show and ask us for advice on something going on in your life, or would like to tell us a story, or just tell us how much you enjoy our amazing podcast email we will pick a few each week and read them on the show!***** SUBSCRIBE at…i=335888425&mt=2 ....and rate, comment, etc!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I will name this podcast later. Actually, no will in it. I'll name this podcast later. Episode 14, I'm assuming. Yep. Look at me. Didn't have to ask this time. You still low-key asked. Well, you confirmed. Shut the fuck up, Marissa. With my co-hosts. I'm assuming Rory is a co-host now because he just keeps coming. Stop sending me the address.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Keep popping up. Rory's here and Marissa's here. Rory's done such a great job. I think Marissa's expendable. Nice. Thank you. Anyway, unfortunately, we have to start this podcast on a very somber note. Yep. Man, this is horrible. As I'm sure you've heard by now, Chink's drugs
Starting point is 00:00:46 was killed a few days ago. Yeah, Sunday morning. That he was killed. I really hate waking up to those text messages. Tell me about it. Anytime someone says,
Starting point is 00:01:01 yo, you heard what happened to such and such, you just brace yourself for the worst. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Chink's drugs, I'm not going to identify him as I've seen most of the blogs do. He was down with French's crew. He had such a history before that shit. It's like doing him a discredit. Yeah, these fucking stupid blogs. It's like doing him a discredit.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yeah, these fucking stupid blogs. While him and French were good friends, he had the song Don't Give a Fuck About Your Feelings. And Coke Boy. And Coke Boy. He's got a new song out now with Kiss that is really hard called Dope House. He's from the Riot Squad.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Some of you may know him. Real, real, real, real, real tight With Stack Bundles Who also passed away many, many years ago Rest in peace Stack Bundles Rest in peace Chinx Drugs This is I don't really know what to make of this
Starting point is 00:01:56 I just He was He was loved by many people He was all over New York So you just saw the outpour of of messages from from an instagram post from almost everybody in new york uh and i went on his instagram he's got pictures with everybody uh i took a few with him and uh in lust uh as he was real tight with uh spin king and vinyls who happen to be my neighbors. Literally.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah, that's kind of wild. But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, what am I saying, what am I saying, what am I saying, what am I saying, what am I saying? It's unfortunate. I think it's more disheartening. I'm going to say what I heard. I'm not spewing this as fact,
Starting point is 00:02:41 but what I heard is that someone from his hood wanted a verse and he wouldn't do it Wow and the guy killed him that's crazy I don't know that to be factual please don't quote me as saying that that is the truth but the streets talk that's what they do for a living and if that is the truth, but the streets talk. That's what they do for a living. And if that is the case, man, I really would hate to believe that. But I know people have died for less. And the value of life is very cheap nowadays,
Starting point is 00:03:20 especially with people who have nothing to lose. And it's just an unfortunate situation. So my prayers go out to Chink's entire family, 31 years old. So, you know, it's crazy too. And it really gave me goosebumps. And it's just like the fact that he passed in the same city, damn near the same way that Stack did. And it'll be eight years in a couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:03:41 So very eerie. It's just, and you know, and as Joe said, they came up together in the Riot Squad and it's just like, Chinkz had, it's crazy, it was like, like it was meant for him to do this. Like he was behind bars
Starting point is 00:03:55 when Stack started receiving like a lot of the mainstream attention with Jim Jones and he started like taking off with his solo career, but Stack always held him down. And then when Stack passed in June of 07, Chinks was still behind bars. So he lost that footing and he got out and he was still going.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And then he linked up with French and it was like he revived the buzz and he kept going. And then from what I heard from a couple of industry people, he just signed the deal, like the official deal, I believe three months ago, they said. And he was working on the album. So, you know, and it bothered, it sucks too too because hip-hop there's a lot of people but it's a very small community and um especially in new york like joe said he was very loved in new york because there's not a lot of them a lot of new york rappers and um collectively the industry wants the new york guys to make it and and he was actually a really good guy. And,
Starting point is 00:04:45 you know, so it was like, we really did. Even if you didn't know him, you still kind of felt like you lost one of your own. And as you could see by the outpouring from everybody, like he truly was a good person. He wasn't one of those like fake ass industry guys or just kissing who asked
Starting point is 00:04:58 who he needed to kiss to move up. Like genuine dude from talk from talking to the fucking janitor to talking to the PD of a radio station like or diddy you know so it's it sucks man yeah i shout out shout out to me i saw meek put out a song meek put out a record um i think i saw it today that mayno also put out a red cafe in fact did one yeah yeah so i'm gonna shout all of these people out. Shout out to Bino and the whole Riot Squad. I know your hearts are heavy right now. I just last week was sitting next to Chinks, and I know it's very cliche.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And though death is certain, when it happens, you're just taken aback. Every time. It's never like a, yeah, even if you know it's coming, it still just hits you. It's just so sad. It's so final. I guess that's what makes it so shitty. Shout out to Hov. Hov threw his B-side concert.
Starting point is 00:05:57 He also spoke on Chink's behalf. That was really cool. Yeah, yeah, that was great. Again, my prayers go out to to all of his loved ones and his entire family um hove also put out a freestyle well he spit a freestyle at this b-size concert um had had everyone raving going crazy uh did you guys hear this yeah i'm sure you did yeah this and Spotify this in YouTube what what did you guys think about this freestyle I thought it was cool I wasn't blown away like it was the illest bars hove has ever spit almost and it
Starting point is 00:06:34 was little jabs he wasn't saying anything too profound I mean the the actual content well um actually caught Kaz who i guess he's coming on the show eventually he made a good point that he just felt like in the same breath where he's obviously paying respects to the lives of like freddie gray and mike brown and all those people um he's kind of pushing his own agenda with the title stuff and and the dissing of um of of the the rivals and things like that so it just it came off very almost wrong when this is your first time publicly speaking about these guys and in the same breath then you're also pushing your own agenda i think he was actually trying to connect those two things in a sense because he was saying youtube and spotify had done this smear
Starting point is 00:07:26 campaign attacking him and we look like him quote unquote as that hip-hop demographic and look they're also killing people as well i think he was suggesting that everyone is a target in this demographic i think that's where he was connecting it to. I don't think he was just saying that to get a reaction and then say, hey, buy my new product. Well, I'm very much aware that racism is very much alive today. And that's very prevalent. I sometimes, well, I most times have an issue with people who play the race card for everything. I hate that. I do.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Now, are you allowed to hate that as a white person? I am. I mean, I don't know. I'm asking. Like, it's just, I feel like that's the scapegoat for everything. But like white people, everyone does it. It's not just, I mean. Well, I don't do it.
Starting point is 00:08:23 No, you don't. I'm saying that like every race does it it's not specific to one race people pay the play play the race card often jay um jay spoke about uh you know the the samir campaign he spoke spoke about uh his competitors uh um he made mention of you know phil knight uh Who else did he make mention of? Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs. And what he alluded to was that he faces a different type of oppression because of the color of his skin.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Now, while he might. I'm not certain that that's true at all. might i'm not certain that that's true at all uh i think smear campaigns is business yeah it has nothing to do with him being african-american i think i i think the stream streaming uh the streaming business is very uh very lucrative and beneficial today. And I think as a new person coming in, your competitors would be trying to get you the fuck out of here. That's one. Two, as far as Steve Jobs and we bought nine iPhones, and as far as we bought all those sneakers
Starting point is 00:09:43 and Phil Knight's a fucking trillionaire. The part that he left out was the iPhone at the time was considered the best product on the market by many. Steve Jobs didn't go to anybody and say, hey, we're not getting all of our money, so you should purchase this. Nike is considered by many the best sneaker on the market it just so happens that today title is not considered that um but you shouldn't be considered that in your infancy in your fourth month of business i don't think anything is happening that you know as wise of a businessman that he is, that he shouldn't have anticipated. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I mean, he's faced this, like he said, throughout his entire career. Exactly. So none of this stuff should come as a shocker to him, which is why it's a bit alarming to me that so much damage control continues to be done. I think the freestyle was damage control. I was about to say, I feel like he doesn't necessarily honestly really feel that way and just is on some damage control shit, like feel bad for us, like they're coming against us,
Starting point is 00:10:54 but you should still support Tidal. Like, they just want us to fail. Well, what happened was, and you know, I hate to even speak about it so much because I felt like we've spoken about T title quite a few times on this podcast. More than we need to. For no one that don't subscribe. But what I think happened is I don't think that he anticipated the backlash that his marketing strategy would.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Absolutely. And that's crazy to me, too, though, because like you said, he is such a smart businessman. And I'm not saying that everyone's psychic and should see ahead, but I think anyone could see the holes in that situation. I don't know. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:11:36 From his vantage point, you take all of the biggest artists in the world and their following should come with them. Yeah. And that's just been the way of music for I don't know how many years now. What's a better way to get attention than the biggest artists in the world? I don't think he put himself in the shoes of the consumer. Because he hasn't been in those shoes for so long.
Starting point is 00:12:03 He might not be able to do that when you're in a bubble like that especially like and everyone around you is just always on the same wavelength it's kind of hard to realize I mean you realize there's a world outside of that but you literally cannot connect with it because you don't know
Starting point is 00:12:18 and so if you don't know you can't do anything about it so yeah I could see it being yeah I agree but a lot of people really enjoyed the B-side concert. Yeah, that was great. They put out an exclusive Nicki Beyonce video. They've been doing a lot of cool stuff. I'm still not subscribing. No, still.
Starting point is 00:12:38 They've been doing a lot of great shit. Was it because he dissed you in the B-side concert? No, he did the pump it up freestyle, bro. I saw it on the set list. I was like he came out the gate nigga did my biggest hit as a b-side oh man what's going on in the universe but yeah like i still don't see the point like industry tastemakers all got invited they were all at the show they don't subscribe to title the show was online and then nikki and beyonce's video from yesterday also online so i still well again like we said uh in whatever episode that was it's really hard to maintain exclusive exclusivity anyway on online i mean that's just difficult to do yeah
Starting point is 00:13:19 man he hurt my heart that motherfucking pump it up beat came on those white kids started going crazy i'm like oh fuck you guys uh but I was happy I was happy to see him in beans reunite that was a big moment for hip-hop that was really dope yeah I had uh I had allergies when that happened or maybe a hair in my eye something was going on something was going on when I would have occurred or was post pump it up traumatic stress then they nigga really named every horrible basketball player that he could think of. Yeah. And then tried to say he wasn't talking about anybody specific.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Oh, please. You know what's funny about that? Some of you guys are too young to know some of these people, but fucking Sean Bradley. Sean Bradley. Harold Miner. Is he still the tallest ever to play? Slash the worst player? Him and George Mirosan. Harold Miner. Is he still the tallest ever to play? Slash the worst player? Him and George Mirosan.
Starting point is 00:14:08 7'7". I think Manu Bowe was 7'6". But yeah, it was all good. Maybe he listens to the podcast and he's just upset about our title reviews. I have a theory that Jay-Z is a Closet Joe Budden fan. Because he randomly only follows Joe on Twitter. Oh, he did that two at one time. No, he did that two times.
Starting point is 00:14:27 What album was it? That's nuts. He did that twice. Blueprint 3, I think he dissed you. Yeah. I think he's a Closet Joe Budden fan. Aw. I don't know if it's a, I wouldn't say fan, but he definitely.
Starting point is 00:14:38 He pays attention. Yeah, but you know, contrary to what fans believe, people like that pay attention. No, I heard that he's a huge internet buff on all of that. He's on the websites and reading, not necessarily the blog shit, but he pays attention to the battle raps and all that stuff. He watches Worldstar. Jay is very much aware. And I know the consumer believes, oh my God, why would they ever fucking know anything or look at anything? They're busy.
Starting point is 00:15:09 No, these people are aware. Absolutely. absolutely and i mean they do have some like downtime like it's kind of their job to be aware like it's not so far especially as a rapper who's writing his own songs where it's like you want to have these cultural references and these things that are going on in today's fucking society like it's kind of your homework on at the end of the day yeah 100 shout out to to Jay and the Joe Button hey if you're listening love you Jay hi say hi to B for me kiss blue
Starting point is 00:15:28 look how fast you went into groupie mode that's not groupie it's not a groupie would be having one have sex with a person
Starting point is 00:15:36 you know what I told myself that we went so hard on you last week that was gonna be a much calmer podcast I actually got calls from industry people, a couple people that were like,
Starting point is 00:15:48 Marissa, what are you doing? And I was like, what? And my one girlfriend, she made a really good point. She was like, What was her good point? That every time you have a new platform, you're getting introduced to an entirely new audience.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And while we understand and our peers understand that this is all jokes between us and they don't know me from anything other than being joe budden's friend like they don't actually know that i've interned for years and that i've been writing for years and what i actually do besides your jokes of just sitting at a radio station you know what i mean so to them she was like yo you're looking like you're just fucking rappers to like do random shit and like let them shit on you and just literally a mockery like of stuff or whatever joke i'm sorry it's not well bad timing it wasn't a bad joke but we're in a serious moment
Starting point is 00:16:33 here and i apologize and me and maddie had a full conversation yeah rory and i one night about the whole thing yeah you know it's just like i'm here for the jokes obviously i could take a joke and i don't take myself too seriously in that aspect. But she did make me kind of look back and kind of think of it like. You're very impressionable, by the way. Yeah, but it's also no, but it's also true. Like I'm still in the very. I could argue that a million different ways.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I won't. Okay, but I'm just saying I'm in the developmental stages of my career. I've been in hot for a while. Yes, but I'm finally like, this morning I got to do my first interview on camera with Ebro and Machine Gun Kelly. So things like that, like it's my first and I've been there for years. So to
Starting point is 00:17:13 some people, they're like, I only know Marissa because she was on a podcast talking about her 400 bays, you know? So I just want to be, I guess a little more careful and but not really because I still want to be a fucking dick, too. I don't know. It's just a weird...
Starting point is 00:17:28 It's growing pain. So, Monty doesn't know who she is. No, I know who I am. I just don't know how to necessarily... I have a habit of oversharing. Wait, has this turned into like an intervention? It has a bit, yes. I do have 14 weeks.
Starting point is 00:17:41 This is way too serious for this podcast. All right, go with the Mon Go with the Maddie moment. No, but I do. I realize I have a habit of oversharing because I never take anything too seriously. And I've always been able to laugh at myself. And I've always been able to laugh at the dumbass situations that I get myself into. And I enjoy making other people laugh when I talk about it. But I guess just maybe I need to be a little more careful with my words.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And, you know, we're all learning. This is new to all of us. I haven't had such a... I'm not learning anything. Okay, fuck you. Rory and I are doing this. I'm getting really good at mic checks. I improved my mic check today.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Joe commented on my mic check, so I'm getting there. But yeah, no, I just... Okay, so are you... Did you get your moment out? I'm stepping off my soapbox now. I'm good. All right, great.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Wonderful. So Saturday, what else happened? Oh, Iverson. It was a busy weekend. Iverson's documentary on Showtime. I'm sure neither one of you saw it. I watched it on Sunday. I was in D.C. with the squad.
Starting point is 00:18:36 You know what? I never want to hear anything about the squad. The squad is why you feel like that little rant you just went on. No, no, no. The squad and I are pretty amazing. And we're going to be at the kickball game on Sunday. Oh, my God. The girls are playing.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I'm not playing. I'm not very athletically inclined. If you're there, you have to play. You can't come and just watch. Yeah, but I don't want to suck and then you get angry that I make you lose. You don't have to be on my team. Okay, then I'll be on another team. Yeah, anybody there has to participate.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And trust me, there are plenty of people that aren't athletic that are going to be there, which is part of the reason why I win every year. I'm a former PE MVP of kickball. I won a layup contest once, which has nothing to do with kickball. Every year I win this thing. Roy, you haven't attended any of our kickball games. I haven't. But every year my team wins like clockwork.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Last year we were down by a few, but we still managed to pull it off. Let's team up and sweep. I love a sweep. I love a sweep. Yeah, so kickball is this Sunday. The Iverson documentary came on, and I was in West Bubblefuck doing a show. I think I was in Toledo or wherever I was doing a show. So I was unable to see it and all of my friends ranted and raved
Starting point is 00:19:48 about how amazing this documentary was and how I needed to see it immediately. Because Iverson is very beloved. Everyone loves Allen Iverson. And if you're of enough age then you can remember his era. Everything. So I rushed home.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Well I was rushing home just to rush home so I rushed home and right there Showtime On Demand has the Iris and documentary up and I put it on and I hated it
Starting point is 00:20:13 I hated everything about it I didn't get through the entire thing it was a horrible documentary to me now
Starting point is 00:20:21 my point of reference here is if you saw the answer documentary did you see that one no i didn't i had that on vhs that was way better all the good clips they took from the showtime came from that answer documentary see i'm going off of kobe bryant's uh didn't spike do that one though did he i'm i'm unsure but uh don't quote me But I'm pretty sure Spike Lee did that Well I can't quote you
Starting point is 00:20:47 Because your last little rant You went on On the last podcast Everybody tweeted me And said you stole it From Bill Burr's podcast I didn't Oh well that's what they said
Starting point is 00:20:54 And I know that you listened To Bill Burr's podcast Yes I've been meaning to catch up on it I love his stand up Hey bro Listen You steal shit
Starting point is 00:21:01 It's cool man What was I stealing? You stole the whole rant they said. How? Just own it. I saw that a bunch of times. Yeah. I'm not up to it either.
Starting point is 00:21:10 That's what like a hundred people told me. Yeah. Rory, you're not low. We heard that on Bill Burr's podcast. Someone said it was like almost word for word verbatim. Yeah, just last week. I'm going to go listen. Hey, again.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I'm going to go defend myself. Re-listen is what he meant to say. Hey, he's going to go listen again hey worry stop stealing shit from other podcasts and bring it here hey bro
Starting point is 00:21:29 just own it man I'm not owning something that's not true oh man Tom Brady's here not owning it but anyway yeah the Kobe Bryant
Starting point is 00:21:38 doc and the one that they did on NBA TV him and was that Amar Rashad my memory's a little fuzzy but that was amazing.
Starting point is 00:21:47 The Mike Tyson stand-up doc, amazing. Because when I was talking to one of my friends about it, they said the difference between Kobe and Allen Iverson is Kobe is very well-spoken, which he is. It's a very admirable trait. He's one of the people I enjoy listening to speak. Allen Iverson is not. But Mike Tyson for years, and this is what was said in that conversation, has been notorious for not knowing how to speak. Yet he was still able to articulate his thoughts extremely well, which made for a very good documentary, number one.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Allen Iverson, not so much. Not so good at the whole speaking thing. Really, really, really, really, really bad. That's number one. Number two, like I said earlier, if you're of enough age, then you remember all of this stuff. They didn't really give much insight that I didn't know. He went to jail.
Starting point is 00:22:46 He was pardoned by the governor. He played for Philly. They wanted to trade him. He was a head case. He was an innovator. Introduced a new style when it wasn't being done. The league fucking banned the dressing. They didn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And his point of view wasn't so riveting that I was just in awe like it wasn't good and then not to be this guy then I felt bad for him like the documentary made me feel bad for Allen Iverson like so many times throughout the documentary you heard him or someone else say, damn, if I would have known a I would have done be like, you know, you meet a lot of talented people who make a fortune off of their talent. And because they're not surrounded by the right people or because they got dicks around them or just nobody to give them proper information. It's just dangerous. It's dangerous. And that documentary was a clear example of that.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And as someone who loves Allen Iverson, because let's not get this misconstrued, I do love Allen Iverson and all he did for the game. I hated that documentary. And I challenge anyone who thought that it was amazing to tell me why. Alan Iverson and all he did for the game. I hated that documentary. And I challenge anyone who thought that it was amazing to tell me why. Why was it amazing outside of the fact that you love Alan Iverson, i.e. Ice, who said, Yo, that documentary was crazy, son. Alan Iverson's the man.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Fuck out of here, Ice. God damn it, Ice. Ice ain't shit. So I have a little game I want to play with you guys. Oh, I like games. Okay. Yo, can we turn the fucking air on in here? I know, I'm so dying. I'm dying, and I'm looking at Joey, our engineer, through the glass window.
Starting point is 00:24:36 His hair is perfectly spritzed. It's not moving. He's not sweating. He's drinking a coffee. He's got a sweater on. Who do I have to fuck in here to get the air circulating properly? That's a circulation issue for sure. The air is on.
Starting point is 00:24:53 It's just doing a lame job right now. For the second week in a row. Let's bring a fan next week. Oh, this is horrible. So, on my drive back from Indianapolis, This is horrible. So, on my drive back from Indianapolis, I was, me and my guy Parks,
Starting point is 00:25:12 and I kind of wish Parks was here for this conversation, but since that's not happening, we were listening to some artists, some rappers, which is rare for me to the listeners. I don't typically listen to rap music in my vehicle. I'm very R&B'd out. Very R&B'd um shut up mercer we are always in here i'm like oh my god can we change this yeah you want turn up music yeah i'm like is fetty wap in your thing no fetty wap is not in my thing well he is but i just don't listen to rap music like that yeah he's another one we're gonna get
Starting point is 00:25:40 into i'm glad that you said that yeah we'll get there um so we were listening to these different rappers and i wanted to come here and compare runs with you guys so if i'm gonna give you two artists you tell me which music run you would prefer and why okay And why? Okay. Just music. Nothing else involved. Yeah, nothing else. Just music. For now, anyway. Let's start with Ross Jeezy. Ross. Jeezy.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I feel like Ross has had more of a mainstream look, and he's been able to move that into more endorsements, and not only that, but a successful label situation. We're talking about just music. That's true. That's why I asked, because I want to make sure. Yeah. Damn, that's a go back. No, Ross has put out significantly more albums, and I think he's maintained a relevant club record every year
Starting point is 00:26:49 regardless of that's not true you don't think so no i feel like he's had what was the relevant club record off his last album i'd have to look at the fucking track listing that's my point but i just i feel like he has more, he saturated the market with more that are able to, and his albums don't always do great, but he's been able to maintain a more relevant presence, whereas Jeezy now, I've seen time and time again people tweet like, what the fuck, why can't we get music,
Starting point is 00:27:18 blah, blah, blah, he just hasn't really been able to keep up his momentum, and he had problems with the label, and I don't know if that's part of it, but I just think he's been a lot more spotty, and he had problems with the label and I don't know if that's part of it but I just think he's been a lot more spotty and Ross has been a lot more consistent. Roy, let's hear your why Jeezy owned mixtape runs for a long time and You couldn't go anywhere without a Jeezy record being played The snowman movement was nuts. He then moved that into a commercial realm.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He has a classic album, not to take away from Teflon Dawn. I just don't think it's a classic. I think TM 101 is a classic. That really was a pretty, called classic. And the singles that came out off of that, that was a dope.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I just think ZZ has had a musical better legacy than rick ross has as a rap fan i still don't agree but i i definitely see your point um i probably will go jay-z only because jay-z's fan base is more loyal. I agree with you. I feel like Ross has the casual consumer fans. Whereas Jeezy actually has a real hard one. I feel like Jeezy didn't get very much label support for his last outing and he outsold Ross.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I think everyone, label included, was very surprised by the numbers that came back on Jeezy. I think Jeezy could drop an album tomorrow and 200,000 people will buy it. Yeah, he does have a pretty good cult. Not cult, but a pretty hardcore following. I don't feel like that when it comes to Ross. I don't feel like that at all, actually.
Starting point is 00:28:55 If Ross doesn't have a... What did his last album even do? I mean, it did okay, but you also have to consider the fact that he dropped two in one year, which was a huge oversaturation. I don't even know why he did that. I'm not sure how okay it did. I think that album came and went. Yeah, I know it didn't bomb.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I'm talking first week sales or whatever, but I know it didn't do spectacular. But I feel like because of, to my point, of him having radio hits and always having club singles and things like that. And I think we can go radio hit for radio hit with Jeezy, by way he's never had a number i don't know about ross i was just doing um some trivia questions for gz last night i was writing some and he's never even had a top 10 single highest he's gone is 12 i can still well well some people don't know that that that's a uh an accomplishment no no for sure i'm just saying you know to get to get to 12 yeah yeah i'm just saying in relation to ross get to 12. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just saying in relation to Ross,
Starting point is 00:29:46 I'm not exactly sure. I didn't know. All of these things are very Google-able, by the way. Yeah, they have discography wiki pages that'll have all of their, the highest things. Ross, I think, needs support
Starting point is 00:29:56 on a lot of records too, where Jeezy can hold a whole record by himself. You guys might make me want to change my mind with the whole hardcore following. Definitely. Jeezy can carry an album. Ross, not so much. by himself you guys might make me want to change my mind with the whole hardcore following definitely Jeezy can carry an album Ross not so much
Starting point is 00:30:08 he does rely on the features not that Ross' beat selection is A1 amazing A1 you could put him
Starting point is 00:30:15 in the top 10 of people that he really bothered me he's top 3 in the game right now what year was it 2010 that he did the same song
Starting point is 00:30:21 I mean the same beat with two different songs over it I believe I'm not sure but Ross knows how to pick beats nobody could take that away from him 10 that he did the same song, I mean the same beat with two different songs over it, I believe. I'm not sure. Ross knows how to pick beats. Nobody could take that away from him. He has a good team, too. Ross and Game are amazing at that.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Oh, Game, yeah. And speaking of Game, let's do Game and Fab. Oh. Oh, Fab. Game. This is interesting. Game, for sure. Let interesting. Game for sure. Let's hear the whys.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Hip hop talk is always good on this podcast. We lose some female fans, but that's about it. I just don't see game. I mean, to the similarities, they both managed to maintain a relevancy over a long period of time without drowning where a lot of artists have come and gone very quickly. And they still put out projects not as consistently as obviously fans would like, but they both managed to see success with each one of those things. I would say Fab because I think as far as the hardcore fans go, Fab definitely has a stronger following than the game does and um i feel like his projects are significantly more anticipated than a game project i feel like games projects are appreciated but i don't think that people really look to them the way that they look for a fab record and um
Starting point is 00:31:38 he i don't like the new fab we've been getting lately not the um friday night freestyles that's fucking dope he's going back to old fab but he's been doing this like the new fab we've been getting lately. Not the Friday Night Freestyles. That's fucking dope. He's going back to old fab. But he's been doing this social media fab thing, the whole putting way too many Twitter references in his songs and shit like that. I feel like that's a little corny. But prior to that, I just think people really look to fab for the wordplay and the punchlines that we're not really getting from Game.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And that's kind of why he has the following that he does, and the respect that he does for strictly that. So I would say fam. Let's hear it, Rory. Game put out the documentary, which is a classic. I don't think too many people would argue that. You've got a lot of classics. You put out two?
Starting point is 00:32:19 No, I don't. I've named two classics. TM101 and the documentary. You've named two classics out of four people. And you talked about two artists. Do you don't think the've named two classics. TM-101 and the documentary. You've named two classics out of four people. And you talked about two artists. Yeah, the two that I've taken. You don't think the documentary's a classic? Don't ask me my opinion. No. You don't think that album's a classic?
Starting point is 00:32:38 No. Okay. But again, my definition of classic, it's a bit different. Generational classic. That's another one that's not far from it. It's like right there. Well, to my point to that is, with that album, he can typically be relevant around the world.
Starting point is 00:33:01 When you have an album like a Get Rich or Die Trying or a documentary of that nature, you can tour in Europe, you can tour australia and you will sell out fab is fab well he sold fab doesn't really have a good album albums um or or something around there of that album so when you sell that many albums you you generally can go go wherever you want and people will know the music yeah to my point that Your point was when you have that classic album, you can do that. When you have an album that sells that much, you can do that. Whether it's classic or not, yeah. But that was an amazing album. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And I was going to say when Marissa was talking, Game probably does make better albums. He does. Fab doesn't necessarily have a great album at all. I feel like he's always shined better on his tapes. Soul Tape 3 was amazing. I like his Soul Tapes. Fab again, Super New York,
Starting point is 00:33:50 I think Game might have more of the country due to selling 5 million. I don't know. I think Jesus Peace was a great album and it did very well. When was the last time Fab put out it? Well, he did put out the young og project before that
Starting point is 00:34:06 and that album well how did you well it sold 80 90 in the first week yeah like on some like surprise digital like how did that happen yeah yeah like where the did this come from i'm still jesus album is amazing it's a great album and it hurts me as a new yorker to say i'm still gonna go again game. I might go fab. Not because of my Not because of the home team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Not because of my relationship with fab. My political connects. Because I only I disagree with Rory. I don't think that game has more
Starting point is 00:34:39 mainstream appeal than fab. No I think fab is way more mainstream appeal. Now I can't prove or disprove that. I feel like the looks that Game has on a mainstream level is because of his reality television and his online antics.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Game is independent. And I like Game. While Fab is on Def Jam, he operates as an independent. Mm-hmm. Fab has probably put out more music in the past few years than Game. I'll take the longevity. I mean, obviously Fab's longer,
Starting point is 00:35:17 but Game's been around longer. Game's got a decade in. I've been listening to Fab since 98. Yeah, I was going to say 99. He's not far off 20. So to still be as relevant as he is. Really relevant, honestly. Almost 20 years later.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And to think of the peers that he came in with at that time that probably aren't. Yeah. What I will say about both of those guys, they both can get a feature from anybody in the world at the drop of a dime. Like, with no issue at all for free when they feel like it. Like, it amazes me every single time. I'm like, Jesus, these guys just know everybody. What the fuck? I think Game has a great battle under his belt, too, between G-Unit.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Fab doesn't have a great battle. It's not fair. That's never really been Fab's thing. Yeah. He's actually made it a thing to not have that be his thing.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Alright. That's interesting. Alright. Alright. I'll try this one with you guys even though I'll give it a shot anyway.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Let's do, um, DMX Ja Rule. Music, right? Um, I, yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:36 let her answer first. Yeah. I, I can't answer this, um, as well because I was around for Ja Rule's run. The, the, the hit record run. I was not really around for Ja Rule's run the
Starting point is 00:36:45 hit record run I was not really around for X's run so I can't really speak on the impact he had on the game and the way people look to him so by default I give it to Ja just because he had like real fucking hits
Starting point is 00:37:01 but if the way they went out like is included as part of the music uh yeah no i still go with jaw like x is having some real fucking shit he's like yeah i'm well he's not doing well today yeah so i mean but i'm talking about yeah the music Yeah, but I would say Ja, just because he was literally dominating radio, like killing it. I know X, I mean I'm pretty sure X had his run, but I think Ja's was like crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Let's hear it, Rory. DMX, I confidently say DMX. His album... Nope, no shocker there. ...Distography. Which was a classic, huh? Well, he put out two number one albums in one year he was the headliner of a tour that Ja was on
Starting point is 00:37:49 yeah I got google I was trying to see how many bad albums he had no I was trying to see how many bad albums he had not good ones I remember the good ones okay well speaking of that because me and Parks did the exact same thing we want to stop DMX's run at and there was X at uh they don't know
Starting point is 00:38:07 okay that was oh two oh three that was oh three yeah i say oh three that was i don't that album sucked i don't even know what album that was on but that was his last uh single that really really did it the only one he had after that that he had a bunch of bullshit records after that but uh get it on the floor which swiss came after that i think or he had a swiss record that that did made some noise that came after that but it was already over by then um so we're talking dX is from 96, 97 to 01, which me and Parks both thought was a very short run until we looked at Ja's run, which was very short also. So X definitely made more of an impact in that short time than Ja did. So the difference between these two artists, for those of you like Marissa who may not remember um jai ran radio ran jai has way
Starting point is 00:39:08 more successful singles um as far as feature singles he's hit number one on billboard uh um because we looked all this stuff up me and parks um he doesn't get the same respect as jai jai always on time was number one single. Put It On Me hit number eight. He's got a bunch of them that hit in the top 15. And it was like all back to back. That was number one. The shit with J-Lo. And Ain't That Funny was number one also.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Always on time probably was on the charts. It was number one. I think his run was like 2000 to 2002. No. That's kind of what I meant. His first album came out. Well, I'm talking about his crazy radio. I know he had like 98, 99.
Starting point is 00:39:53 No, he was crazy. Well, I'm going off of... What was the big single on his first album? Holla Holla. Oh, yeah. And the other one, shit, the one with Christina Milia, Every Little Thing That You Do, I think that was his first record. Holla Holla was Oh, yeah. And the other one, shit, the one with Christina Milia. Every little thing that you do, I think that was his first record.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Holla Holla was the one that blew. That was the first single on Rule 336. Then it was Put It On Me. Yeah. Put It On Me was 2000. And to those of you that don't know, Can I Get A What What? Ja Rule. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:19 That's a Ja Rule record. He should have kept that record. He gave it to Jay? I don't know the story. But it ended up being Jay's record. It's Jay's record. He should have kept that record. He gave it to Jay? I don't know the story. But it ended up being Jay's record. It's Jay's record. Well, wasn't it? Didn't you have to fast forward at the end of Volume 3 to get to it?
Starting point is 00:40:35 Real hip-hop heads. I think you had to fast forward at the end of the outro to get to two songs. I think that was one of the songs. I don't remember, but it was a single. Well, they had beef shortly afterward. I know that was the problem, too. I think the beef stemmed from that yeah and uh being in the def jam building um me and my girlfriend uh bonnie and clyde the the j and b record that was a job record
Starting point is 00:41:00 that makes sense get the fuck out yeah that was also a job record that was 2002 whenever it was i hated that record and a Ja Rule record. That was 2002. Whenever it was. I hated that record and I hate every record that Jay and Beyonce are on together. I like that one. I don't like their... Chemistry on a record? I love them both. They're both great. I want nothing to do with the Jay and Beyonce album. Yeah, because they say that one is coming.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Yeah, they say one's coming that's going to be premiered on Tidal. Well, that makes sense because they're both two of the biggest stars in the world. But, yeah, I don't want that out. And they'll beat it up. All right, I'm not going to keep this going too much longer because I can kind of see you guys are on two separate sides of the fence here. Well, no, that's better for when you want us all to agree and not have any conversation. Well, we got a lot of other stuff to talk about, too, though.
Starting point is 00:41:43 All right, so we'll do this the last one Give me No I'll do two more And if y'all don't drag out your explanations We can get through this Give me 50 Nelly I know the obvious answer sounds like 50 I know
Starting point is 00:41:57 No I think When you think about it It makes sense to compare the two I wouldn't want to be 50 because His shit has been sinking for the last... Okay, when I talk about the runs, I'm not
Starting point is 00:42:11 starting 50 at How to Rob. We're starting him at Get Rich. Why? Because How to Rob, he was... Those mixtapes were crazy. Yeah, but he was still so underground that... Those three mixtapes are part of his legacy. You can't say they're not. God's plan, no mercy, no fear.
Starting point is 00:42:29 How can you not put those in his legacy? Because they don't count as his run. Right. People didn't know him until... I'm fine at starting at Get Rich, but I just don't... Guess Who's Back is one of my favorite mixtapes ever. I agree with you. How far was How to Rob before Get Rich at that time?
Starting point is 00:42:46 How to Rob was in 97. Okay, and then Get Rich at that time was what? 03. 03, damn right. Yeah, and he was doing mixtapes in between. Okay. How to Rob was before he got shot. Mixtapes was after.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Guess Who's Back is also one of my favorite mixtapes of all time. Shout out to Shot. When I'm talking about runs with artists of this magnitude and all the success that they've encountered, I can't start I'm talking about runs of with artists of this magnitude and all the success that they've encountered I can't start it a mixtape so let's see Nelly
Starting point is 00:43:10 I was in 7th grade so that would have been 99 that he had I guess EI and Country Grammar Country Grammar he had a lot of hits that album's great
Starting point is 00:43:18 he had a lot of hits on that album and he is still fucking killing Nellyville was a good album too he is still killing but I don't think this is I see what you're saying but no I can't even think on a mainstream you can make an argument 50 being in the top 20 ever he had multiple platinum albums he had group platinum albums I'm not counting he was
Starting point is 00:43:38 owning the world we're not counting we're not counting his group and we're not counting G unit we're counting 50 Cent okay and we're going well how can you say that group not being part of his run though musically as well because G-Unit is a separate entity and 50 is a separate entity
Starting point is 00:43:52 no you just don't want to put the same lunatics involved that's what you wanted well they're horrible you know this would be hey they had that better rep record was kind of alright
Starting point is 00:43:59 they had a few records but I mean come on come on come on let's not Murphy Lee on Shake It Tail for the Air Force One's record? Was that them?
Starting point is 00:44:05 Give me two per. I think that was Nelly's record, though. I'd give that to Nelly. Well, they were on it. Yeah, they were all on it. Yeah. I never want to talk about the same one. And that's no disrespect because Murphy Lee's a cool guy.
Starting point is 00:44:17 But if we're comparing G-Unit to St. Lunatics, I honestly felt at one point that the St. Lunatics were the worst group to be signed by their friend. I mean, you know, I can think of another one, but I won't talk about it. No, but I kind of go with Rory on the G-Unit needs to be included because they wouldn't have had a run if it wasn't 450. So it was his him still carrying them. So I think that should be kind of included. Why are we still talking about G-Unit? They're two separate entities.
Starting point is 00:44:43 50 Cent owned the world. Nelly had two cool albums and had a little bit of a run in the urban world. Nelly went diamond. The same way that 50 went diamond. A cool album. And then he kept popping back up too. He's had hits relatively over the years.
Starting point is 00:44:59 50 owned the world. Nelly was great for that time, but I can't believe you could compare the two. Just Nelly was great for that time, but I can't believe you could compare the two just because it was the same time. See, and this is where I have a problem with Roy's age because I, because no,
Starting point is 00:45:14 this was my, this was, I was here for this. I went to the record store the day get rich came out. And I bought country grammar. I don't know why in St. Louis. Then I can't say my cousin.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I went to a Nelly concert. Yeah, I was there for all of that shit. The first time that Nelly popped on nigga's screen doing country grammar. Man, with the St. Louis arch in the background. That shit was... First of all, who's this country St. Louis nigga that is fucking dancing around singing on a fucking song like it was very new it was very left I literally remember
Starting point is 00:45:50 where I was when I saw the video for the first time I had no idea who the fuck this nigga was and he came right back with E.I. like he was groundbreaking at that time the same way 50 was groundbreaking at his time 50 came out and sold 10 million records with the help of,
Starting point is 00:46:05 of M and Dre and whoever Nelly sold 10 million records on his own alone. Yep. Okay. With nobody to play and then came back and sold fucking six, seven. What, what's, what's playing in a club now in the club or country grammar?
Starting point is 00:46:20 What's getting more response in the club is still playing in the club. Wait, oh, wait, are you saying that Nelly doesn't have records that are still playing in the club today no i'm saying those two specific records those are the two biggest singles on those first two albums if we go to the club that can be argued and we'd have to google that because i don't know if uh country grammar is bigger than ei as far as charting because he had big singles but and i've heard i've been in the club. First of all, if we go to the club today,
Starting point is 00:46:45 unfortunately, it's just a bunch of trap shit, and they're not playing in the club, or Country Grammar, or... When they do an era of that set, they will. I've heard in the club. If you're fortunate enough to get a DJ that is going to do a set from that era, then great. Wonderful.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I'm happy to be in that club, because I'm tired of looking at everyone jump up and down like bunny rabbits in the club. But that's the era we're in. Hopefully that will come and go soon. I mean, as it does, yeah. Yeah, you love it too, though. Oh, fuck. I'm so here for all that. I'm here for that era. Ratchet city,
Starting point is 00:47:16 boy. That's all I want. Lastly, I was going to do fucking J&M, but I feel like we've spoken about J enough on this podcast. And I'm sure Marissa wants to talk about Iggy Azalea's face. Oh my God. How did I know? I am so
Starting point is 00:47:32 angry. Besides her texting me that she wants to talk about it. Like I try to fight for her like I feel like you know people use her as a scapegoat and all that other shit blah blah blah but bitch what are you doing? She looks like a fucking Muppet. She looks like a Muppet.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Somebody compared her to Thomas the Choo Choo Train on Twitter. She looks also like Tamar Braxton a little bit, but whatever. And she looks like a less calm version of the Saw mask. No, but seriously, and it's like, I don't know about plastic surgery on the face. I don't know if it didn't settle yet. But why don't you tell the people who are unfamiliar where you
Starting point is 00:48:05 saw her face? She was at the Billboard Music Awards. And why they should know what you're talking about. Well, Iggy Azalea debuted her brand new face actually the night before the Billboard Music Awards. They were doing pre-interview shit. Well, before we slander her,
Starting point is 00:48:22 congratulations. She won Best Rap Song. Yeah. Yeah, she did. Okay, now that that's out of the way. Back to the slander her congratulations she won uh best rap song yeah yeah she did okay obviously there's always been rumors about her getting her butt done whether that's confirmed like you know whether it really happened or not whatever she recently admitted to doing her boobs cool every girl you know can do that that's fine i did it bitches do that. That's fine. I did it. Bitches do that shit. Fine. And it's for her. I believe it was completely, you know, a personal thing. Why the fuck would you touch your face? And why, if
Starting point is 00:48:52 you're gonna touch your face, would you do it right before a fucking award show and then be completely unsettled and look like a fucking, like, plastic thing? She seemed a little self-conscious about it. When she went up to get her award, she didn't look forward at the camera once. And then she did a selfie from a side angle and was like, I love my new
Starting point is 00:49:08 look. My new look. Yeah. She really looks bad. And I always try to find a good part of it. She looks legitimately horrible. Like really, really, really bad. I didn't think that she was a bad looking girl before. I didn't either. And I'm still
Starting point is 00:49:24 trying to figure out what it is she did. It's looking like a shaven part of the nose and getting a chin implant. But I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Like maybe the chin thing was just really good contouring. But the nose seems very done. They were saying her lips, but I've compared like she has the exact same lips as before. I don't know. She did some Botox shit in her face too, but she just looks.
Starting point is 00:49:44 You compared? Yeah. I put like know if she did some Botox shit in her face too, but she just looks... You compared? Yeah. I put side-by-side photos. Well, I put on the vlog. So yeah, I'm really upset with her. Did you guys see the video of John Legend and Chrissy Teigen? The shade that Chrissy
Starting point is 00:50:00 gave her? She rolled her eyes so hard. The red carpet people were trying to talk to Chrissy and there was a commotion behind her so she looked back and saw that Iggy was like walking by and she turned back to the camera and rolled her eyes so fucking hard like her eyes almost rolled out of her head I love how shady women
Starting point is 00:50:16 are I love Chrissy no but like Chrissy women are the most shady fucking creatures in the world and I was having an argument about male ego versus women ego and And men, we certainly have an ego, but y'all fucking ego is nowhere near ours. Nah, but those girls, they don't really give good props to,
Starting point is 00:50:32 but then if you really don't like someone, you don't want to fucking... You know what it is? With men and our ego and man shade, if you even want to call it that. I don't want to call it that, but for lack of a better term men just don't men shouldn't do certain things and say certain things with
Starting point is 00:50:54 women the gloves are off you guys get to do and say whatever the fuck y'all want and y'all hate each other men even when men are around other men that they may not particularly care for, we can be cordial. We can be respectful. We can be around each other knowing what it is, and we'll behave that way without the world knowing what it is. Women. They're so catty. I know. I think it's just in y'all DNA.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I know. We're not good at hiding it, and it's just in y'all DNA I know we're not good at hiding it and it reads on our faces and we I tweeted I tweeted one time
Starting point is 00:51:31 I said like I don't know how many times I've had to remind a chick that she never met the girl she didn't like yeah
Starting point is 00:51:38 like you don't know her like why why do you hate this girl and if you ever want to get a good laugh you can always ask a girl why she hates another girl. And she doesn't have a fucking straight. Oh, never read it. She's a hoe.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Who she had sex with and please do tell. Yeah. Oh, my God. I was talking to somebody yesterday and she said, because girls love, I don't see how women spend so much time on Instagram. I can see why these people's brains lack the substance. They're just there scrolling, looking at pictures for hours.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I can't pronounce that word. Instant gratification? Satisfaction. Yeah, satisfaction. You just said satisfaction. What the fuck am I talking about? I was reading emails the second time.
Starting point is 00:52:22 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:52:24 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:52:24 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't try to take it out on me. You're going to own this one. Fuck that. Instant satisfaction.
Starting point is 00:52:28 It's a new word. It's the two of them together. And she was asking me about the girl, you know, the little fine girl that Game is dating. Oh, India. India, India, India. That girl's fine. She's cute.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Which is why I took Game over Fab. She's fine. She's young. I don't even know who the fuck he's dating. He's like 18, I believe. He's 18. But them titties ain't. She's fine. She's young. I don't even know who the fuck he's dating. He's like 18, I believe. He's 18. Yeah. But them titties ain't.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Show him enough. Talk about it. So this girl was asking me about her, and because I'm petty and like to have fun, I was like, oh yeah, fuck that bitch. Just to see, I just be baiting women. I certainly- I knew she was a hoe. I certainly was not lying on my dick at all, because I've never slept with this girl at
Starting point is 00:53:04 all. But I just like to get engaged because it's fun and I'm petty as hell. She said, you did? When? I said, oh, that's not important. But I thought she was dating game. Oh, yeah, because that'll stop her from fucking anybody else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:20 So, oh, my gosh, she's such a hoe. And I said, well, wait a minute. Why is she a hoe because i've been heard that she was just fucking everybody oh okay i got it i got it i got it i got it and i cleared it up but yeah women hate each other they do y'all need to stop the only reason they're mad at other women talking to their man is not the conversation it's that they think now a woman has one up on them it has nothing to do with their boyfriend oh man if i had a dime for every time a girl said to me uh it's girl shit trust me you just wouldn't understand yeah because you're making us look stupid now because now they can talk amongst their friends so many dimes i could make a fucking dime castle.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I knew you were going to say a dime castle. You ever want to piss your girl off? Whenever she says she definitely wants to fuck you, just be like, where did you think? You're better than me. I always say, oh, no, we fucked. It's the greatest thing. You know what I mean? No, men who have some type of leverage in their relationship. I wouldn't advise
Starting point is 00:54:25 every guy to go out there trying to, your bitch will leave you and just hate you forever. But, just start telling your girl that you just fucked random girls
Starting point is 00:54:32 just to see the reaction. Oh, it's priceless, I'm telling you. Now, mind you, I've also been stabbed by a woman.
Starting point is 00:54:39 I have to preface this with that. So, be prepared. I'll name this podcast later. It's not responsible for anything that happens at Central.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Yeah, yeah. No, not at all. Not at all. Not at all. Do we have a, it might be over for it? Well, actually, do we have a Roy's rant?
Starting point is 00:54:52 No, not today. Yeah. Didn't listen to that Bill Burr. Didn't listen to Bill Burr. Give us that good Bill Burr podcast. No, I really don't have one today. I know. Wonder if Bill Burr
Starting point is 00:55:02 did his podcast this week. Oh, shut up. Let me go check. You did check. Yeah, basically. Let me go check. You did check. Yeah, basically. All right, so we got emails. Yeah, we have emails. Marty, please don't diss the emailers this week.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I won't. Actually, some guy said that he sent us a very good, what's that word? Like constructive criticism one. Actually, let's go right to the one. We got some hate mail for Joe. Ooh. Not typically. criticism one uh there's one actually let's go right to the one we got some hate mail for joe usually it's it's moddy the potty central in this inbox moddy the potty that is funny come on did you see the image all right all right sorry guys we can't make any jokes about moddy now because her friend called
Starting point is 00:55:41 her and said hey every platform is a new audience being introduced to you so you want to be really careful about the way that you present yourself and you really share a lot of information
Starting point is 00:55:51 and you shouldn't be talking about all the negativeness you fuck like shut the fuck up Maddie's friend that's first of all second of all
Starting point is 00:55:59 listeners no she's in the industry so second of all listeners I love when people say bad stuff about me the industry. So, second of all, listeners, I love when people say bad stuff
Starting point is 00:56:08 about me. So this is going to be really good. It's kind of lengthy. I guess. It's kind of what? Can you do a CliffsNotes?
Starting point is 00:56:14 Oh, yeah. Are you a fast reader? I could do a... Are you a better reader? He couldn't read last week. No, the best part of this segment is watching me
Starting point is 00:56:22 read out loud. That's true. We can't watch you read out loud. And we have to get Mahdi Sports to. Oh, I don't. Oh, yeah. Mahdi Sports does. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Let me take a phone. I'll just hold it. All right. All right. Advice for the show. We're going to suck my dick, bitch nigga. Oh, it's a girl. Oh.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Bitch. Bitch. Jesus. oh it's a girl oh bitch bitch jesus let's fucking skip an episode without mr budden wait are we starting with god god i'm quoting i know i know i'm talking to her yeah i'm sorry that i have to channel this uh to you because you're reading for her so anybody can can get it, but whatever. Okay. Let's fucking skip an episode without Mr. Buddy leading the conversation right back to the same shit. Can you guys please stop falling for Joe and his bartender bae X topic? He's great at leading you guys back to it
Starting point is 00:57:16 where he says, I don't know where this wild perception comes from me. Joe. Pardon, I'm a bad reader. Like, what do you guys mean? What do you guys mean that I'm known for strictly dealing with bartenders? I'm known for dating beautiful women, bartenders like that. Oh my God, no, I'm Joe Budden.
Starting point is 00:57:30 That happened twice, by the way. And then he just sits there and waits for you guys to stroke his ego, which I fucking do not. Wait, hold on, pardon me. Man, fuck Joe. Well, pardon me for two seconds. I have to address this clearly defunct part of her brain. Ma'am, if you think that dating bartender bitches is stroking someone's ego, you clearly have me all screwed up.
Starting point is 00:57:59 If anything, it's an insult. Fuck. Can you guys have a fine day of a podcast where joe does not talk about his lineup of women he acknowledges the fact that he's a dick but sometimes pay very close attention he attempts to do the switcheroo he tries to come across modest but not really please pay close attention i am modest and not really yeah he actually wants to hear you say come on joe you're handsome i don't want rory to call me handsome that's creepy uh come on joe you're handsome women know about you yes yes yes everyone knows you only
Starting point is 00:58:33 date beautiful women blah blah blah stroke his ego the main issue is that he knows exactly when to leave the topic and of course you fall for it all you guys fall for it every single time rory peter bum ass bitch too sorry, we're not joking on Marissa anymore and yeah, that's it for the most part oh he was calling me a bum ass bitch I thought she was calling Peter a bum ass bitch bitch fuck you
Starting point is 00:58:55 and suck my dick from the back and mine another suggestion is Joseph, stop making the show feel so awkward at times it's not always cool to put people on the spot. Believe it or not. That's not the reason we people tune in. I actually think that's the exact reason people.
Starting point is 00:59:11 First of all, it is always cool to make shit awkward. Duh. But since he cannot help himself of being an asshole, suggest suggest to him to at least make it quick. I'll take that into consideration. I try to be open to criticism. I'll try to make my asshole awkward moments quicker. Even though that's not fun.
Starting point is 00:59:33 That takes the person out the hot seat. I'm not very sensitive. I think that that's someone who maybe has only heard this podcast lately, maybe. Maybe just that podcast. because we really only had that at my ex of mine conversation twice three times at the most and one of them it was very relevant because alma was uh here who i ran into this weekend that was so funny why was she looking
Starting point is 00:59:57 good why were you wearing a tie at india jersey and why were you looking at my sixth grade crush oh we took a selfie they did take a selfie and sent it to the podcast group chat. It was pretty epic. I didn't like it. I liked it. Not one bit. Might make that the artwork. Yeah, it's not relevant. Yeah, it's really not. This episode is full of too much substance. We're doing great. We are.
Starting point is 01:00:17 We talk about so much shit when we're not bashing Madi. Alright, advice for a player. I'm not going to say player because that sounds weird coming out of my mouth Sup guys, not too long ago I was in a pretty messy situation I would like your advice on what I should do I was seeing three different girls at the same time
Starting point is 01:00:33 None of them knew each other, which was sweet But it only went downhill from there When I found out they had a mutual friend It was going well for quite some time I'd say for a few months Till the mutual friend, who I don't know personally, ratted me out. I lost all my bitches because of the one mutual friend, and none of these three women want to deal with me anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:52 What makes matters worse is the two of them have now become close friends, so God knows what's being said. For a while, I was denying messing around with any of them. Should I take the L and own it, or keep lying to see where it gets me? Take the L. Okay. I wish I could ask this person how old they were, how old they are. Number one, young person, because I'm just going to assume you're young.
Starting point is 01:01:14 When you find out that all of the women you are secretly seeing have a mutual friend, you have to stop because you're going to get caught, number one. Number two, duh duh two of them have become close friends bitches love nothing more on earth than becoming friends based off their mutual disdain for one person that's what women do there's lifelong relationships because of mutual what a fucking idiot i can see that coming from him all the way. So is that it? We got one more.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Why are bitches so grimy? Yo, I want to know too, my niggas. Bitches are not grimy. Yo, bitches are grimy. Well, let's find out if bitches are grimy. Bae's not grimy. Whatever, sorry. God.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Anyways. Wait, I'm not luring you guys to talk about me and bae and all of my relationships she's gotta be so beautiful and how handsome I am and how wonderful she is
Starting point is 01:02:11 don't fall for my trap alright so me and my ex were together for two years before we broke up in February aww we originally met
Starting point is 01:02:20 in high school it was a high school sweetheart type of love where boy meets girl girl falls in love boy takes a virginity, but instead of parting ways to graduate, we decided to go to college together in the same state. You guys are fucking gay. Faggots. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:34 They're educated faggots. Thank you very much. I know exactly how this is about to end, but let's hear it anyway. You started fucking all the hoes. Basically, duh. I know. Remember, bitches are grimy. She started fucking getting drunk at
Starting point is 01:02:46 frat parties so now as soon as she enters college she starts changing oh she started becoming rebellious bitchy careless and was even partying a lot more than she did before this guy is a hey who knew that this would happen in college? He says, now of course, this comes to a shock for me. What a fucking idiot. Wow. Yo, wait. These people be emailing for advice and we just call them names.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I'm sorry. Yeah, that doesn't mean he listens. What a dick. We appreciate you that you cared and also just emailed. Yeah, but you're a dick, man. It's constructive criticism. All right. Because this wasn't the girl I dated for two years, the girl I knew was very kind, thoughtful,
Starting point is 01:03:30 faithful, and strictly religious. To sum it up, she is what our generation calls a good girl. Oh. Well, at least that's what I thought. Plot twist. We need the soundbite from the scary movies. We need the horns or something. Here's where it gets interesting.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Oh, no, it's been interesting. Long story short, she instigated a fight with me one day and sent me a long breakup text in the morning. That morning, she also sucked some athlete dick. It was the morning of their two-year anniversary. This guy's got a gross set. Is he a cancer? I bet he's a cancer. He's too emo right now.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Then she goes and bashes me on social networks. That's never been done. As if she was the victim of the relationship. Didn't see that coming. She never tells me why she left. Continues to curve me every chance she gets as if we never existed. She don't want you no more. Just get over it. A week later, I found out she was flirting with another guy to get me jealous.
Starting point is 01:04:25 I don't want to hear about this guy anymore. Yeah. This guy is annoying. He needs to... Yo, he just sent all this shit about all this shit that this chick did. And clearly, he's still pursuing because she's curving. Yeah. Well, he's asking why a girl's so grimy.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Why can't they stand to be happy? He has the audacity to think that she wasn't cheating. She is happy. She just wasn't happy with you, player. Well, I was going to say, you should't cheating. She is happy. She just wasn't happy with you, playa. Well, I was gonna say, you should always keep the focus on yourself. Like, with me, I always try to hold myself accountable for the part that I played and what maybe I could have done differently. So,
Starting point is 01:04:53 cool, women are grimy. That's great. But why are you such a sap? He then said, I supported her financially, physically, and mentally. I was there when she went through everything. All your fault. You were like 18. What kind of financial fucking support were you giving? You might have been a dope boy or scammer. Okay. I went to college like 18. What kind of financial fucking support were you getting? You might have been a dope boy or scammer. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I went to college. Yeah. Well. I mean, scammers can go to college if they want. I know a lot of scammers in college. Here's a good last question, though. Do girls need to go through a ho phase? 99% of them.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Yeah. I agree. I don't know if I really want a girl that didn't go through a whole phase. Yeah, that's kind of weird. That's actually a really good topic for us to discuss at a later time. Well, that was the last question for this week, so we can talk about it. Oh, we've already been talking for mad long. Where are we at with the time, Joey? We're probably at hour.
Starting point is 01:05:36 See? I figured we were over. 65 minutes. Thank you, Joey and his perfectly sculpted hair. In that cool engineer room. Yeah. Hey, thank you. I've been waiting for someone to tell me that. Joey, did you know
Starting point is 01:05:52 that he dates bartenders? Yo, why all these girls that I date? No. It might be over. Oh, no. Sports from Maddie. With no phone. The Cavs play tomorrow. I'm not going to waste time with you.
Starting point is 01:06:08 I want to apologize to the listeners. My picks, man. Yeah. My picks. Is my phone back now? Yeah, definitely. That was all I had anyway that I had written down. I want to apologize to all Rockets fans out there, man.
Starting point is 01:06:25 I said you guys were over it and they were getting you the fuck out of here and I was wrong. The ninth time in history that a team has come back down from 3-1 to win a series. Though I feel like...
Starting point is 01:06:39 Though I feel like the Clippers really just blew it. Like, boy, did they just kind of give it away. I feel like the Clippers really just blew it. Boy, did they just kind of give it away. I do have to give you guys credit. Had I known Josh Smith was going to be the Josh Smith of old and start hitting three-pointers and all types of shit added to his game, I probably wouldn't
Starting point is 01:06:56 have predicted that. But I don't even think Rockets fans could have foreseen that coming. Who's seen Josh Smith be that? Who knew that Josh Smith would outplay Blake Griffin on both ends of the court? Not you. Certainly not me.
Starting point is 01:07:13 So my most humble apology to Rockets fans, which leads me to you guys now. The Warriors are going to get y'all the fuck out of here. The Warriors are going words kill you guys I've got that series ending in five only because the Warriors don't come to play for at least one game y'all out here yep nothing and I'll go with Cleveland in six yeah no one's got this, B. They taking it home. Wonder why she's saying that. Shout out to the land. 2-1-6.
Starting point is 01:07:48 You know what? Because every time you do that, listeners totally miss it. They are so fucking good. Let me just break this down. Maddie has a, air quotes, close friend from Cleveland. And that's why she's repping Cleveland. Thank you. And it's funny because she knows nothing about sports or the team.
Starting point is 01:08:10 She's only repping... Or the city of Cleveland. Do you know how many tweets I got? Oh my god, Marissa said the Eagles are America's team. I'm like, are you guys fucking retarded? It was a troll. I don't even know anything about the Eagles. Nothing. Listeners, all the people that do this podcast, we're all trolls.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah. If they haven't connected with the fact that I know nothing about sports, I'm obviously saying it for a reason. I made other mentions of why I'd be talking. I got killed too because I said Watergate was one Republican, two Republican, three Republican.
Starting point is 01:08:42 You know what's funny? I was going to stop you as you said it, but I didn't want to turn this into politic time. And it's good for you guys to hang yourselves every now and then. It's healthy for the mentions. I know Philly's not an American city. Keeps me grounded. Shout out to Philly, though.
Starting point is 01:08:57 And Cleveland. And Cleveland. I got Cleveland winning in six. What's your prediction for tonight with the draft? Well, not the draft, but the picking of the draft. You know what? I was real close to recording this podcast tomorrow just so I could. Just to do that?
Starting point is 01:09:12 Yeah, I was real close, but I'll keep the continuity going. As long as the Knicks get a top four pick, they're guaranteed a top five pick. I just don't want the fifth pick. This is a really deep draft with a lot of good players. I prefer to take Towns. Yeah, I'm team Towns. After Towns, I prefer Russell. After Russell, I'll take Okafor.
Starting point is 01:09:39 After Okafor, I probably take that kid. I can't pronounce his name, but the kid with the best jump shot in the draft from the other league, from overseas. And he could probably win the dunk contest too. I saw some of his footage. He's fucking great. I heard a few people compare him lightly to our early Kobe Bryant. Naturally, he won't be Kobe Bryant because Kobe's one of the best two guards to ever play.
Starting point is 01:10:06 But I'd like to see that kid some more. Because the Knicks just do so well with overseas draft picks. You know what's funny? I don't really like overseas draft picks. The Knicks fuck up with overseas draft pick every time. Yeah, they picked fucking Frank Weiss, and then he got his career ended in one dunk by Vince Carter. Yeah. Yeah, but I don't like overseas draft picks, period, for my team.
Starting point is 01:10:30 But Justice Winslow, I'm high on that wagon as well. So I'm anxious to see, man. I just don't want the Knicks to get a number one pick because I don't trust the organization enough to not fuck it up. And that's a shame when you have to feel like that about the team you're rooting for, about your team that you've been a fucking fan of forever, that you don't trust them. But that's where I am.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Any squad updates? We went to D.C. this weekend. Great, now that we got that out of the way. It was so fun. We went sightseeing, and we went on like a, what do you call that? A ferris wheel?
Starting point is 01:11:04 I was going to say yeast infection. That's not even funny. It was to me. And we went to the Peep store. We're late enough in the podcast. We got to test drive a Lincoln, which was random as fuck. And then we went to a concert. It was Jewel's and Lil Wayne.
Starting point is 01:11:19 It was dope. It was a Jewel's Lil Wayne concert? Yeah, super cool, random pairing. Not too random. It wasn't that random. Yeah, but it's been from a while back, super cool, random pairing. Not too random. It wasn't that random. Yeah, but it's been from a while back, so it was kind of dope that that happened. Just asking somebody about Jewel's. He did a really great deal.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I mean, not that he has anything new to do, but he did all the Dipset classics, so I fucking lost my shit. It was dope. Of course you did. Yep. Are you done with the squad update? That was the squad update. Great. Wonderful.
Starting point is 01:11:41 All right, let's never do that again. Do we have a it might be over for? Mariah. Damn. That came from your chest. Yeah, she's just nah, boo-boo. And she's still wearing the dresses that she wore when she was like 50 pounds ago.
Starting point is 01:11:58 And I could respect it if you weren't 50 pounds heavier. Wear clothes to fit your weight. And she's having all these problems with her residency. She already had to cancel a show because she apparently had bronchitis. And she had like a shitty performance at the Billboard Music Awards. I guess she was still recovering from the bronchitis. And she just kind of maybe wants to just sit home and maybe take care of the babies. I think that makes more sense
Starting point is 01:12:25 keep your legacy clean happy positive Aurora you got one? Don't soil it I gotta listen to Bill Burr before I pick on what exactly I have to that far we know this Clippers team I think they need to break it up it's clearly
Starting point is 01:12:40 it's over for these three that team together. Obviously, it's not producing. I'm going to jump in on yours since we have the same one. Yeah, the Chris, Paul, Blake, Griffin union. Yeah, it's ran its course. It's done, fam. I think that they hate each other.
Starting point is 01:13:04 There's friction between the three of them somewhere. And I don't think it's between Blake and DeAndre at all. I think they're the best of buddies. Maybe DeAndre and Chris hate each other. Chris and one of those two hate each other's guts. And it's clear as day on the court that those guys just don't really get along. Blake is 25, 26. Probably 26.
Starting point is 01:13:28 DeAndre's also young. Chris Paul's 30 years old. You want to trade him and give back as much as you can. I know that sounds crazy, but for a team that was a quarter away from the Western Conference Finals, but I just don't think y'all can get it done, and y'all don't have the salary cap to bolster your bench. Six years they've been together?
Starting point is 01:13:44 Five years? Yeah, five years. You need to bolster your bench. Six years they've been together? Five years? Yeah, five years. You need to bolster your bench, and small forward is clearly an issue for you guys. And to address those things without the money, you need to trade somebody. So that one is over with, man. And DeAndre Jordan, fam, you're not worth $100 million for five years, my nigga. I'm not saying that you won't get it, because you are worth what you can get on the market. that you won't get it because you are worth what you can get
Starting point is 01:14:04 on the market. But you're a real liability for $100 million for five years. I got to take you out of the game in the fourth because you can't free throw. And you've got no
Starting point is 01:14:13 fucking offensive moves and I would have to have an amazing point guard for you to be anywhere near productive on one side of the floor. I don't know, man. Yeah, I'm rolling with Rory.
Starting point is 01:14:22 It's over, bro. Word. And with that being said Yeah We had a great podcast today It was, it was calmer Well, well, I The last podcast was full of so much lunacy That, like, I felt like I needed to come in here with some things to discuss
Starting point is 01:14:41 Yeah So that we weren't just killing each other for 60 minutes. Yeah. It's pretty brutal last week. Yeah, man. I felt,
Starting point is 01:14:49 uh, a couple of fuck. I felt a lot dumber, uh, afterward. Yeah. Lost a couple of brain cells in that conversation. And I don't ever want to live that way.
Starting point is 01:14:58 So yeah. Well, maybe next week we'll live that way. Yeah. We'll get back to it. Gotta balance it a little bit, you know, throw in some insightful things here. We'll come in with a kickball update next week we'll live that way. Gotta balance it a little bit. Throw in some insightful things here.
Starting point is 01:15:09 We'll come in with a kickball update next week. Oh, we will have come in with a kickball. Oh yeah, kickball. Oh, Joe Budden fans, I'm close to being done with my album, man. I'm really excited. Yep, that was my music update. Should we give kickball info for the people that are in the tri-state?
Starting point is 01:15:25 Do you have it yet? Not on this podcast. I will tweet the info Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We normally do this early around 1 o'clock in Weehawken, New Jersey. I won't tell you where or what park because then it would just be way too many people. Yeah, that's true. It's always too many people anyway, but doing it with any more lead-in time, that would be ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:15:51 So I hope everybody has a wonderful week out there. Go Rangers. The Rangers got their fucking ass smacked last night, 6-2, or two nights ago, since this is coming out Wednesday. And we play tonight, which is really last night, since this comes out Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:16:08 But I got trust in the Rangers. Go Rangers. Go Knicks. Hope we get a high pick. Go Cavs. Let's get it. Yeah. The land.
Starting point is 01:16:15 216. I'm going to keep going because no one's saying anything until I die. LeBron. Bone thugs. I don't know what else to say. And we're out. Bye, everyone. Wow.

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