The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 24

Episode Date: July 29, 2015

Drake, Meek, Nicki ... eh y'all already know what were going to talk about.. lol...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are we fucking rolling? Cause it is lit! I almost set the mic off! Alright, wait a minute. I can't be silly from the rip. I'll name this podcast later. Episode number 24. I'm your host, Jump Off Joe Beezy. And I still have Marissa, Madi Da Body, and Rory here for some reason I still don't know. Rory's still dressed like Classic Man.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Classic Kid. Classic Man. Classic boy. Classic kid. Madi's birthday was recently. Oh, yeah, yesterday. So she retweeted 500 birthday compliments. She's sitting here with no makeup, horrible hair, and shades on, and she looks like pure shit. Thank you. I love you, too.
Starting point is 00:00:42 So I just wanted to give people a graphic of the room. Number one. Number two, we want to talk about some important things very briefly. And I say brief because I'm going to spend
Starting point is 00:00:53 this whole podcast talking about the same exact shit. All right. So a couple of key important things. I want to say rest in peace to Bobby Christina. My prayers and condolences to her family, friends, and loved ones.
Starting point is 00:01:10 She passed away this week. Very sad. I read something. I'm not sure. Don't quote me that. They're investigating to see if this was a homicide. Yes. That's what I read.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Again, I'm not sure because we never fact check on this show. But rest in peace to her and her family and her loved ones. That's what I read. Again, I'm not sure because we never fact check on this show. But rest in peace to her and her family and her loved ones. That's number one. Number two, Bill Cosby is still a creep. Nothing has changed. That is exactly the same. I don't think there's anything else that needs to be said on him. You guys want to add?
Starting point is 00:01:35 No, he's rapist. Yeah, that's pretty cool. And number three, Sandra Bland was murdered. I don't care what the doctor papers say. And I still want to see a side angled mugshot. I've been to jail a few times and they make you take side angled mugshots. They say, can you please face to the right? Can you please face to the left? And I have yet to see that. I still think she was laying down. I still think everything about that
Starting point is 00:01:59 is fishy. And that's very important. And you said there was a video too of one of the cops disposing of something in the garbage can can like looking around to make sure no one was looking at him as the EMT is going into her cell so I don't know what that was too. All my mug shots have my regular clothes on. I'm not in an orange jumpsuit. No, they did
Starting point is 00:02:16 release another mug shot from that place and the guy had an orange jumpsuit on too. Well, if you go on the website I saw over 500 pictures of people with regular clothes on. I want to wait because this is very important. Rest in peace, Sandra Bland and her family. Strong, intelligent black woman.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I would like to wait until some more information is released. But we will get back on that topic because that is extremely important. And if I'm reading correctly, a few more black people have died while in the custody of police this week. Yeah, there's one in Cleveland I saw. Yeah, it's horrible. I don't want any of these things to go overlooked or unnoticed. I don't want it to be forgotten. I want the media to keep fucking talking about it and being hounded and hounded
Starting point is 00:02:54 and hounded and get some fucking answers. So now that all of the business is out of the way, it's late! Oh my fucking god! I could not wait to get here today. I couldn't. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:03:09 You know what? Let me just have a moment of real talk with you guys for a minute. When I say you guys, I mean the listeners, not Rory and Marissa. We record this podcast on Tuesdays, right? And what happens is we come in, we record a podcast, and every fucking week it feels like like clockwork tuesday night shit goes so last week we did the podcast and we focused on our ghost face and action bronson and and a few other things but that was our focus and sure enough tuesday night it fucking goes down i don't
Starting point is 00:03:43 know where to begin i don't know where to start There's so many Moving parts to this I don't know if I should start From now Like and work my way backward Because I really do feel like All of this started
Starting point is 00:03:55 With this podcast You can make an argument That it definitely started From this podcast Someone said that today On Twitter 100% this started With this podcast
Starting point is 00:04:04 But we won't start from there. Hashtag podcast. We will go backward. I'm going to spend this entire show talking about what everyone else who loves hip hop is talking about. So if you do not want to hear that, I suggest you cut this podcast off right now. So where do we start? Last night. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:04:23 It was wonderful. It was fucking great. I fucking sat by the radio, and I remembered how much I missed sitting by the radio. Yeah. Like, while I was waiting for a meek response, right? I'm sitting there with me and some women, women company and Imani. And, you know, I had to run to the store. I didn't want to miss anything. You know, I downloaded some app, caught radio on in the car. I don't even listen to FM radio.
Starting point is 00:04:55 But I was glued to the radio. Some of you, some of you millennials may not may not have been old enough to remember a time where that was a regular occurrence in hip-hop. So that felt really, really, really, really good. Now, I want to backtrack to a few days ago. I tweeted. I tweeted, but I deleted the tweet because I didn't want blogs to pick up my tweet and make headlines that didn't exist out of my tweet. But I tweeted,
Starting point is 00:05:21 If I have to be a prophet, Nicki will not let Meek respond, Didn't exist out of my tweet, but I tweeted if I have to be a prophet. Nikki will not let me respond. And Drake is saving the hard shit for round two. Then Funkmaster Flex after I tweet that starts. No, no, no. I tweet that Funkmaster Flex starts promoting that Meek will be on his show Monday night, 7 p.m. That makes sense. The tour was in Jersey, I believe.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And New York, yeah. And New York. So that made all the sense in the world to me. And I was ready to be proven incorrect. So I sit by the radio. I sit, I sit, I sit, I sit, I sit, I sit. And I hear a bunch of bullshit. sit i sit i sit i sit i sit i sit and i hear a bunch of bullshit uh i i quickly was reminded of why i do not listen to fm radio um i don't want to offend monty the body because she works
Starting point is 00:06:13 for hot i have plenty of friends at hot but that's just my own personal preference to listen to uh espn radio i just like sports that way i'll offend when you're done huh i'll offend when you're done oh well go ahead jump right here have're done. Oh, well, go ahead. Jump right in. Have a blast. Well, if we're going backtracking, talking about today. Ebro got on this morning to defend Flex and to respond to the Breakfast Club who made Flex
Starting point is 00:06:35 donkey of the day. Which I saw coming a mile away. Of course. At what point do you just take the L and say, hey, we promised you this record and it could be Meeks' fault. Yeah, but there we promised you this record. And it could be Meeks' fault. Yeah, but there's no reason to take an L. It is Meeks' fault. If he promised Flex the record.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Flex is not just going on there to make some shit up. They promised Flex the record. And somebody behind the scenes pulled the plug. Maybe Kaiser. Maybe one of them that said, no, you're not responding to him. Leave it alone. And Meeks no longer had a record. Now, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. But sometimes it's better to just shut the fuck up and say, hey. Hey. We were wrong. Let me interject here. Madi, I know that you work for Hot, but are you able to have this conversation objectively? Objectively, yes.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Yes, they took a major L. I get that. But people are, I just don't like how people are slandering Flex. Like, oh my God, he did that for ratings and he did that for this and that and he's stupid. No, Flex did what he does. Like, he got, he was promised a record or an interview, whatever the situation the situation was i do not know and went on to promote it like he should and then it was meek and then they're backed out of the end of the deal like can i ask you a question let's hypothetically say dj clue said i have a diss record from meek at 7 p.m uh-huh dj clue backs
Starting point is 00:07:41 out and does not drop this record is ebro in the morning show slandering Power 105 the exact same way Charlamagne did to Flex? No. I disagree. No, they never talk about power. And I will say. They never talk about power. No, they're not going to sit there and slander about their L's. Let me interject here and add a few points.
Starting point is 00:08:11 um i if if hot 97 people have ever slandered power people it may have been once in a blue moon right i certainly don't know it to be a regular occurrence maybe rory does i disagree no i could pull up a lot of youtube clips to prove that i'm talking about on air yeah youtube clips of on air all right well you would have to show me that because as of right now, I've never really heard that. That's number one. Number two, and Flex is going to take a lot of this heat and Hot 97 is going to take a lot of this heat because you are to be held accountable. And on the internet and to the fucking general public we don't really want to use our brain
Starting point is 00:08:47 and add logic to shit we're going to get these jokes off and I get that and I also understand that it may have not been Flex's fault he was promised a record
Starting point is 00:08:54 Meek backed out Meek should actually take the heat for this but you have to understand when you are gassing for two hours on the radio that you are about to drop this record
Starting point is 00:09:01 and you don't drop this record you should expect the backlash you shouldn't be sitting there, you should expect the backlash. You shouldn't be sitting there like, I'm surprised. Why is everyone talking about us? No one said he's surprised. Well, on top of that,
Starting point is 00:09:11 the old saying goes, you don't spend money before you get it. Right. Flex promoted hard, which I thought was a little weird because Meek sent that tweet that said Hot 97 is on my shit list or whatever the fuck he said.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I don't fucking know. But Flex promoted hard. And I'm certain that what he did was just like a normal occurrence. I'm sure artists have hit him and said, I have some shit. He promotes and you rely on the artist to give you some shit. Now, common sense tells me that if there is not a meek record there certainly was going to be one right uh it doesn't take much fucking brain power to come to that conclusion common sense also tells me but i do get common sense is not common common sense also tells me somebody I don't know who pulled the plug on that one
Starting point is 00:10:07 and that pulled the plug as in hit Flex directly because Flex was saying throughout the night I'm still waiting on an email he just never got it they deaded that shit before they deaded that shit fast I don't know if this
Starting point is 00:10:23 was Nikki speaking some sense in Tameek I don't know if this was Hove I don't know and I will say I have my own privileged information that Hove has hit people
Starting point is 00:10:40 before and advised them against this type of behavior. I won't say who, I won't say what beef, but he has done that. Is Meek on Roc Nation? He is a Roc Nation for management, yes. Okay, and now mind you, I'm just throwing out things here. I'm not saying any of this with any certainty.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I can't, you know, we don't fact check here. I don't know if this was Kaiser, the good people over at Atlantic, but Flex was shouting out Young Sav, who I know from when I was on Def Jam, who works for MMG. So I'm assuming that he had some type of communication going on. That never came, and the jokes flew. And boy, did I enjoy them. I am so fucking petty. I enjoyed every one of these fucking jokes toward Flex, toward Hot, toward fucking everybody.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Now, I will say 105 seems to harp on Hot's failure. They love it. Of course they do. They built their foundation off of that. But why? Because. Oh, I don't agree with it. But that's another thing.
Starting point is 00:11:43 No one really cares about this radio beef. Is it just us in New York? I don't really think New York cares about New York. They actually don't. You're right. It's just us, right? Yeah. Inside.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Now, I remember Power when, you know, they were playing commercial-free music for 10 days right when they started 12 months to get people to fucking listen to flip the switch was their uh thing flip the switch they started on literally on like get away from hot 97 come to us that was literally what they built it on yeah now looking at their ascension i i wouldn't i me personally but i'm not in radio i wouldn't harp on the competition's failures that's me uh but they seem to do that a lot for whatever the reason be i don't really give a fuck so i won't spend too much time and that was ebro's gripe this morning was just like yeah like i mean we all get it the jokes are gonna fly they deserve to fly but it's like why the fuck every single time do y'all just ride on
Starting point is 00:12:45 us like why do y'all care so much about what happens over here like care about what y'all do if power had a fail they're not sitting there talking about it do they like make references yes rory like as far as they've talked about power but they oftentimes when they're speaking about it is when shit is coming back to them like when power said some shit about them then they'll be like oh yeah they was over there talking and then they kind of leave it alone they don't base their shows around let's make fun of whatever i don't want to spend too much time on power versus hot because i don't care about that yeah and i don't want people to think that i care about that um but i might lastly i will say this ebro right what i do respect about ebro loyalty is admirable and attractive uh wrong writer
Starting point is 00:13:30 indifferent ebro is loyal to his people he rode with c as his flex he rode with flex countless times i've seen ebro ride for his people even when he lacked all the information. Or knew they were wrong. Yeah, that is attractive. I'll end it. I'll end that portion with that. Now, on to Drake. Charge up.
Starting point is 00:13:58 What do we think? I thought it was perfect. And it just showed. He was like, I'm going to throw this out. I think Drake has things recorded already that are much more, quote, charged up than that record. That's what I'm hearing. But it was perfect. It was right to the point. Meek went off on all this Twitter tangent.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And as a Twitter joke said, Drake replied with, okay. Right. That's literally, that was literally it. Okay. The irony here is, um, the guy that you accused of not writing his rhymes. Wrapped.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Quickly wrapped. And then you tweeted. Yeah. Yeah. So you have to look at yourself as a rapper and ask, why am I continually talking about this person rapping? And then I don't rap. I don't think that I didn't love Char Stout.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I didn't love it. But that's me and, you know, the rapper in me. But I understood it. I understood that you just jab them real quick. A quick jab. We're not going to put all our eggs in this basket. Just maybe two. But if you entertain this fuck nigga, you know what's going to come.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Yeah. And I don't think Meek wants it with Drake. I want to know what the fuck really happened that really sent Meek off like that. Because this is not about a written verse Some shit really happened I don't know about that You don't think so? I really really think
Starting point is 00:15:31 Although Meek is just a loose cannon Meek is emotional Yeah He needs some media training Nah I don't even think Meek is emotional Meek is young I think that gets lost too
Starting point is 00:15:43 Meek is what 25? Yeah I think somewhere around there. 26? No, he's young. Definitely 27 or 28. No, he's younger than me. Mika's not 27, 28. And if he is, his industry age is younger than that.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Are we fact-checking? We can fact-check. Okay, Rory's checking to see how old Mika is. And even if he's 27, he's still young. That's young. So he's emotional. Mika's 28 years old. 28?
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah. According to his Wikipedia page Born May 6th, 1987 87 babies, what up? He's too old to behave that way if he's 28 I agree Alright, so we'll stick with he's emotional He's emotional We've seen him behave this way
Starting point is 00:16:20 Before with his label mate Wale Yeah, often not tweeting an album link cover. Yeah. His tweets, you know, and that's kind of what started my initial meek rant that got me in all of this
Starting point is 00:16:36 fucking trouble however many weeks ago it was is that I've been around some street niggas before. I've been around street niggas that have been in love. I've been around street niggas that have been in love. I've been around street niggas that treat their girls like the universe. And it just is different. It looks different.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Something is different. And I can't be the only one that notices this. Because Drake sure enough said, you seem starstruck. Starstruck, yeah. And that is very appropriate. He seems entirely too excited. You already have the girl.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You're acting like you lost her. She's yours. Like, you win. And his behavior here has... Safari had some lines in there too. Oh, yeah. We're going to get to that. Go ahead and ask me.
Starting point is 00:17:28 We're gonna dissect this shit down to the fucking bare root. You got the girl. I don't really... What do I know? I don't fucking understand it. But when was I? Oh, Drake's diss. So now, tonight,
Starting point is 00:17:43 right? Tonight, which is we record on Tuesday, so today is Tuesday, but it's Wednesday for you guys, because you guys are listening. Nicki's tour is in Toronto. So let's see if Nicki even gets across the border, because we do know there will be issues. Tuesday night. Yes. Oh man, I wish that we could record this podcast after the fact Because we've seen clips of Meek having choice words for Drake on stage In Jersey, in New York, in VA
Starting point is 00:18:16 Nothing yet Let me ask you too, does he have this moment in Toronto? It's such a weird situation because that is not going to be met well. But no, not even because I figure the Nicky fans that are packing the stadium have to also be Drake fans because they are like kind of a package deal as far as that goes. And you're
Starting point is 00:18:36 in Toronto. I think he'd be in a really dumb space if he did that. I don't think he's that crazy. Drake has clearly has the support of Toronto and reciprocates that very well. If he says that shit in Toronto,
Starting point is 00:18:52 it will be met with booze. I think he will be booed off the stage. Well, no, he's going to get booed off the stage regardless. Well, not off the stage, but he will be met with booze in Toronto. Drake is supported out there and his woes will be present.
Starting point is 00:19:07 His woes will be there. Does Meek get emotional when these boos are met? Wait, time out. Time out, let me backtrack. I don't know if these are Drake's woes or Quentin's woes. Somebody's woes. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Could be Quentin's woes. And let's get off Meek for a little bit because I want to talk about that too. My problem with this, right? So, and let's get off me for a little bit because I want to talk about that too. Yeah, I do want to talk about Ghostwriting. My problem with this, right? So much to talk about. Yeah, yeah, there is. My problem with this whole Drake-Ghostwriting, Drake-Quentin versus Meek thing is,
Starting point is 00:19:41 and I'm going to be honest here, I think this is a beef that Meek can win. I know I'm in the minority. You think Meek versus Drake, Meek can win? Because he comes from the battle royale? I think he can win this. And when I say win, let me explain here.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I think he can come out with a larger fan base and larger support than he already has. Oh, yeah. Win overall. For sure. Do I think that Meek is a better rapper than Drake or whoever is penning Drake's rhymes when Drake delivers them? Of course not.
Starting point is 00:20:19 No. No way. No, no. Track for track. We don't have to go track for track. No, no, no. I'm not saying discography. I'm saying just if they were to each do two disc records, Drake is 2-0 in that.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yep. See, now time out. I don't know. I don't know. I know Drake is a better rapper. He's a wittier rapper, too. If there were someone who could put a chink in the armor, I believe it would be someone who the streets admire. Meek has that. It would be someone who is extremely energetic.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Meek has that. It would be someone with industry support. Meek has that. It would be someone with industry support. Meek has that. And the beat that Meek would pick would be an aggressive beat to match his style of rapping. I think Meek is the polar opposite of all the shit that Drake does. And I think that styles make fights. Which is why it would be a great battle and why I was hoping that he would release the record yesterday.
Starting point is 00:21:29 So if Meek chose to get on some shit. Yeah, wouldn't it be nuts if he fucking performed the record in Toronto? Well, he's not going to do that. Yeah. If Meek decided to get on some shit over a hard ass beat, this would be entertaining.
Starting point is 00:21:49 This would be even more entertaining, I would say. But I was talking to someone from Drake's camp who shall remain anonymous. And I'm saying, hey, dog, I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm waiting on the Meek this. And they said, ain't no meekness. Ain't getting that. I said, well, what makes you sound so sure of that? And he said,
Starting point is 00:22:12 well, what's he going to say? What can he possibly say? That's what I was thinking about. What can you do? Except say like you're soft with the bitches, but then it's like, hello, you are the king of being soft with the bitches right now. I personally think there's a million things to be said. You think so?
Starting point is 00:22:25 There's a million. You know what? This is part of the problem. When it comes down to battling and dissing each other, your skill set is the number one priority. Both of these gentlemen are successful, and this is the reason why Drake is even acknowledging the rumors that he doesn't write his own shit. You're talking about someone who can't ask for any more.
Starting point is 00:22:52 A million number one hits, worth $75 million, at the top of his fucking game. The fact that he is accused of not writing. If you take away Drake and his likability, if that's said about anyone else, that's a pretty big dent. Yeah. I think the way Meek went about it was off.
Starting point is 00:23:16 And that kind of ruined some of the effect. And I think if he says that, if he were to say that in a diss record, she should have fucking done it. This has a lot more flair. And I think if he says that, if he were to say that in a diss record. On a record. You know. She should have fucking done. That delivery would have been, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:27 This has a lot more flair. But again, he didn't do that. Now, on to Drake and Ghostwriting. I'm not. Do you guys care? I don't. Because I don't feel like that's a big deal. Like, I know he still writes some of his shit.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Like, it's not that he's not writing anything. I've been around artists that are phenomenal fucking writers. And I've been in sessions where they're like, yo, we just can't get the fucking single. We can't get the single. At this point, we'll take any, like, we'll let somebody else write it. Like, it's fine. And they'll have that done. And these are people that I know for sure are writers.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I want to keep this in context. You're not talking about the same thing. Everybody in the universe has had help with their record. No, but I'm talking about they've taken full songs. They've taken a full bar verse hooks songs because they can't get the single. Snitch on them. Who was it? No, I'm not. I wouldn't do this.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah, I was about to say I would love to hear which one is this. Now, whoever these people are that you speak of, do they put any credence toward being the best rapper no okay so we're still not having the same conversation right because drake does drake cares yeah drake cares drake because i asked myself i said why do we care about drake not writing some shit and we don't care about kanye not writing some shit i which i was going to get
Starting point is 00:24:43 into i've never heard kanye claim to be the best rapper. Actually, I feel like... I've never heard it. You could probably pull up a clip. Best rapper? Rapper. Not artist. He's bragged about having the best verse ever.
Starting point is 00:24:59 He tweeted it. That's different. Yeah, I don't know. That's different. That's not my argument Well that's what I asked on Twitter I said Everyone that was
Starting point is 00:25:07 Killing Drake I said are y'all Kanye West fans And nobody got it Everyone's like yeah of course I think See when I talk music I'm not really talking to the casual fan So the casual fan may not know
Starting point is 00:25:21 Well that's where I'm torn in this argument That Kanye doesn't write this shit i mean i don't know i wouldn't why because if we're talking rapping yes that matters a ghost writer matters but if we're talking about artistry and drake has such a wide discography of type of music he's not like a meek where you're just going to get bars on an album he's an artist so him having a ghostwriter kind of you can teeter on either line but if we're talking rappers who are the best rappers yeah you have to put that ghostwriting thing into this conversation if he has a ghostwriter i don't know if you can put him in that best rapper category. Best artist?
Starting point is 00:26:05 100%. He could be the best artist of this modern generation. When I heard that Drake did not write 10 bands or when the reference was leaked, and I heard the actual verse to 10 bands, I was shocked. But I didn't really care. Yeah. Well, all the records that this guy, Quentin Miller, allegedly wrote, I hate. They're not in my favorite Drake songs. That's why I also didn't care.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Well, I don't. Do we know all the records that he allegedly wrote? The five that were put on, if you're reading this now, the image that was on Twitter. The five. It was ten bands, six men. But yeah, the ones that quentin is actually credited for whoever wrote take care get him back i like i like that i was saying too like quentin miller's not even been around for that long around the drake camp so it's not like if
Starting point is 00:26:58 you tell me that quentin miller wrote drake stay scheming verse i'm gonna care yeah I would agree if you tell me that Quentin Miller wrote 5am in Dallas 9am in fuck is it 9am in Toronto 5am in Toronto 9am in Dallas
Starting point is 00:27:19 and the New York one or Lord knows or any of the joints where Drake is just wowing and going crazy. Napping. Then I'm a bit more invested in this. Ten Bands is not to be used as evidence in your case to be the best rapper. And also, I think on Comeback Season and so far gone, there was not anyone that would be writing for him,
Starting point is 00:27:41 and he was rapping on both of those projects. Now, when I heard that there was a reference track for Blessings. Well, that's what Flex said on the radio yesterday. I was alarmed. Yeah, Flex trolled us twice. And then played Blessings. I was like, oh shit, he gonna let the Drake first rock and then the reference. Someone said that my girlfriend that was listening to the show,
Starting point is 00:28:03 she said he kept mentioning cease and desist. So I'm wondering if that's what he said like he got a cease and desist for playing the uh reference tracks maybe from drake's camp um i'm hearing drama is the person with these reference tracks yeah i saw uh who oh some yeah somebody tweeted drama today and said let that recall that that is what i'm seeing. Now, if there... I believe half of what I see, none of what I hear. But, hypothetically speaking, if there were a reference for
Starting point is 00:28:34 blessings, yeah, you get me to bite a bit. I would be disappointed. I would need to hear it, though. I need to hear it word for word. I'm torn. I'm torn in this.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I have to take Drake. I have to not consider him one of the best lyricists because you add up your accolades matter in that argument. up uh your accolades matter in that argument yeah and even if i don't like the songs necessarily uh all five or six records on that fucking if you're reading this is too late those helped uh those helped to achieve said accolades you broke all types of fucking records um uh just so long we're going home um They said Majid Jordan wrote that. Majid Jordan definitely did. Well, let me not say definitely, but if you're a fan of Majid Jordan,
Starting point is 00:29:30 that's a lot. Yeah, but Time Out, Time Out, Time Out, it is a sing song. However, it was the lead single that catapulted that album or helped to catapult that album to reach its success. But a lot of singers don't always write
Starting point is 00:29:45 their songs we don't care about that when drake talks about uh when drake talks about uh him being the best rapper he has a case because of his accolades uh uh most number ones ever how long did it really take me right hold on we're going home is in that list he was vocal about writing that record was he uh when that record. Was he? When that came out, I'm obviously going to misquote it, but to paraphrase, he said that him and 40 went into the studio
Starting point is 00:30:12 and wanted to create a record that was of timeless music, something that could play at a wedding. Oh, that's right. I did see that. Yep, yep, yep. So he did talk about writing this record. That's not necessarily writing.
Starting point is 00:30:24 That's just meaning when me and 40 went in the studio we wanted to create this yeah well they could have wanted to create make this record that sounds really good bro i love manny jordan by the way they are yeah i i do too um fucking uh there have been weekend interviews where he admits to giving Drake a few records, Crew Love being one of them. Absolutely. Damn it, what's the other one? I got a fucking brain freeze just that fast.
Starting point is 00:30:58 He was on the ride, but that's just him harmonizing in the back, and Drake put his foot in the ass of that record, and I really hope he wrote that, because that's probably him harmonizing in the back. And Drake put his foot in the ass of that record. And I really hope he wrote that. Because that's probably one of my favorite Drake records. Damn, there was another one that was really important. Oh, Take a Shot. Shot for me. Shot for me.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Shot for me. Okay. Shot for me was the other one. I love Shot for me. You would. I love R&B Drake. I do too. I do.
Starting point is 00:31:19 It's like two very different people, but at the same time. Well, to the people that don't know, I love R&B music. Of course, yeah. Probably more than rap music. But yeah, I love R&B, Drake. I do. But I'm a rapper, so I love rapping as well. So I don't know if I can keep him on.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Where was he before this came out? I don't know because I never really tried to make lists. Who? Where was who? Where was Drake on the list? Oh, in your list? He was high. Of this generation, I would put him at the most important rapper.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And by generation, I'm putting a smaller gap on that of the last 10 years. Now that you say that. Of the last 10 years. Now that you say that, Kendrick on King Kunta mentioned ghostwriting. Yeah, someone said. They were wondering if he was a lunatic. Pusha T mentioned it a long time ago. Pusha T said this years ago.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Hov, don't pass the crown too soon unless you have a crown for every writer in the room. He went on to say more, but boy, those bars are much more relevant yeah now and very specific and boy do they sting a lot harder now that uh all of this has manifested um where do you put drake on a top five ever list or just no no no no yeah like slow down uh i put him up there with Ye of this generation. Yeah, for everything, too. Artistry, influence. Kanye would be his only competition, really, right?
Starting point is 00:32:51 I would say so. Yeah. But I also do think, I think Drake definitely changed how modern rap music sounds. But I don't think it would have happened without 808s and Heartbreaks. I don't think it would have happened without 808s and heartbreaks um I think that was actually the catalyst to so far gone which then changed um the sing-songy rap era that we're in now where there's much more about that well me and you have had this debate countless amount of times and I I uh attribute 808s to the love below to oh well 100% I mean if we're gonna go back yeah i got love below influencing all that shit well yeah i agree with that but i will say that which birthed the next the sounds
Starting point is 00:33:33 on 808s were much more modern to the time so so i'm yeah i don't know if kanye is doing 808s without the love below um i can't really attest to that but yeah i i think 808s was the catalyst to drake sounding like he is now so that's where i can't give drake changing modern music without putting kanye above him and be clear um um i don't i don't i don't uh say drake and kanye are competing to discredit any other rapper I'm aware of J. Cole, I'm aware of Kendrick and their successes but I think that Drake
Starting point is 00:34:13 transcends the genre the way that Kanye transcends the genre and while I have all the love respect and admiration for cole and kendrick and their pin games and what they bring because it's very reminiscent of uh some of the things i have said at one time that i would like to bring is amazing what they're doing
Starting point is 00:34:36 my my grandfather uh who knows about drake doesn't quite know about Kendrick. My mom, who knows about Drake, may or may not know about Kendrick or J. Cole. You know what I mean? So yeah, I don't say that as a slight to anybody. Please don't start fucking misconstruing my words. I'm stupid. I think that should go unsaid, but people are stupid.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I also think it should go unsaid. As you're mentioning this, I'm like, wouldn't everyone know we're not discrediting them? Joe Budden says that Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole are back and they don't make anybody's list. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't want anybody doing any of that. But Drake's run started when? 08 or 09?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Well, 088 was So far gone So far gone was 09 Was 09 He definitely had a bit of a buzz Before that With Comeback Season Yeah I'm not kidding
Starting point is 00:35:32 Comeback Season I mean He had like the Trey Songz record Like he was kinda They were talking about it If y'all don't knock it off Would y'all stop it? No
Starting point is 00:35:39 His run started in 09 Yeah come on We don't have to argue Just to argue Sometimes I like to fucking argue. The best I ever had was picking up steam in the winter 09, early 09, and then he dropped the record. I remember when he did SOBs, and that was kind of like,
Starting point is 00:35:55 after that you knew he would never go back to SOBs again. And let me just say, way back when I was doing Joe Budden TV, I did interview Drake on Joe Budden TV. And I told him that you're going to get dissed, Way back when I was doing Joe Budden TV, I did interview Drake on Joe Budden TV. And I told him that you're going to get dissed and you will have to reply. He said, no, man, no, that ain't really my thing, man. Nigga, if you don't get the fuck out of here, man. You're a rapper.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah, you have to reply to shit like this. I personally would like to hear, I want to see meek engage this man yeah i really this could be like some really dope back and forth we can get some dope records out of this shit i want to hear what else drake has to say does this discredit meek as a rapper we're saying discredit to drake but if you're on stages and on twitter talking about rapping and you do not rap after someone just rapped to you are we now discrediting him? Because I do. Let me tell you something, man. It's not a good look. Listen. That, to me, discredits you as a rapper.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Let me put my rapper hat on for two seconds here. I know some of you people out there forget that I'm a rapper. I really hope he disses you when he disses Drake. Oh, my God. Wouldn't that be fucking amazing? That was a beautiful segue to where I'm going. Okay. Everybody is not built for that.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Everybody is not built for dissing someone on a beat and that stage and what that, the totality of all of that fucking, all that constitutes that. I don't know that Meek is. Like people keep saying, oh, he was a battle rapper. Alrighty then. That doesn't mean too much to me. Yeah, that's actually two separate, very separate things,
Starting point is 00:37:31 and that's actually the problem with battle rappers often is they can't make a good record. So, yeah. Yeah, I've never, I wasn't impressed when Meek dissed Cassidy on beat. That did nothing for me at all.
Starting point is 00:37:43 In fact, there's a large group of people that say Cassidy got the better end of that exchange but that's neither here nor there that's one I know because Drake is considered to be very soft people don't think he has it in him but I refer to
Starting point is 00:37:58 Stay Scheming and he sent a bunch of subliminals he sent them to Kendrick he sent them to Ye he sent them bunch of subliminals. Yeah, to Common and yeah. He sent them to Kendrick. He sent them to Ye. He sent them to fucking Hov. Drake has plenty of subliminals out there.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Shout out to Hov, who is the subliminal king. I'm sure he fucking got some of that from him. So I don't know the Amiga's bill for that. I just don't. I have to see it. I have to see it to believe it. Now, there are a few rappers who anxiously await for another MC to say their name on a song or over a beat. Let me see if I just have to throw some names out there.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Joe Budden. Oh, no. I'm 100% on that list, which, all right, I'll confess. Confession time with Joe Budden. Part of the reason I waited by that radio was because I did need to see if he were stupid enough to just mention my name. Oh, I can't wait. I hope he does. I don't think he will, but it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I'm already about 70 bars in on him. There's your blog headline. Yeah, I'm already about 70 bars in on him. Oh, interesting. Yeah, they all might not see the in on him. Oh, interesting. They all might not see the light of day because I just like to write. I like to write and I like to fuck when I'm inspired and he inspired me.
Starting point is 00:39:31 And yeah, I'm already halfway done with him. In the event that my name would have been said, I would be in the studio right now instead of recording this podcast and I would have a reply out fucking this morning. Well, if you don't rap them, sell them to Drake. He might take them. No, Drake doesn't need my help. Drake, sell them to Drake. He might take them. No, Drake doesn't need my help.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Drake doesn't need my help. He's got that. No, I'm positive, yeah. He's got that under wraps. Actually, I know he does. Game is another one. You mentioned Game on a song. He replies rather quickly.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Some of us enjoy this. quickly. Some of us enjoy this. My fucking my peer, my co-worker races that way as well. M today? Yeah, today no, but back then M would've.
Starting point is 00:40:16 No, not M today. I'm sure some names are escaping me. But there are a few rappers out there who really fucking thrive off that shit. It's enjoyable. I love it. It's part of rap.
Starting point is 00:40:27 If this could really be some real good back and forth, this would really be the Jay and Nas shit. That'll be really amazing. We got some good records off of that, too. As petty as I am here, I am extremely happy that Tension is back in hip hop. Yeah, it's really a good feeling. It's just fun as a listener and as a fan
Starting point is 00:40:44 to watch this shit. It's dope. I'm very excited that all of the rappers hip-hop yeah it's really a good feeling like it's just fun as a listener and as a fan to like watch this shit it's dope i'm very excited that all of the rappers are not playing nice and getting along and doing collaborations and all of this fuckity fuck shit like i like this is one of the elements of fucking hip-hop to me uh and i don't know when we all became so fucking friendly and we are the world we are the children but this is fucking wonderful i wish i could instigate it somehow i'm wondering um what this is doing is with as far as nicky and drake's relationship go oh well that's the other thing here. Which we do need to talk about. We'll start with...
Starting point is 00:41:28 Who gives a shit about that? My only comment with that, and I could be wrong, don't kill me. I thought it was odd. Nicki may do a lot of things for social issues with black people. I just don't know of them. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:42 But I do find it a bit odd that the only time you're vocal about black issues is when you're getting an award. Okay, well, she may be egotistical and self-centered and self-absorbed. I think if anybody told me that she wore all of those things,
Starting point is 00:41:56 I wouldn't be shocked. Yeah. Again, she could. She does tweet about it, and she's tweeted about all the issues. Okay, I could be wrong. They've been printed. You know Marissa's a barb.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Yeah, yeah. I was just curious. It was just odd that now she was vocal about black issues when it was about her getting an award. That's where I was just a little thrown off. Well, my thing is, shit, she just got fucking, they gave her a BET award, and she had no idea why the fuck she got it. And she got up there and sounded extremely arrogant and said, oh, my God, what is this for again? Like, my nigga really? Like, really?
Starting point is 00:42:27 So now, so you give. I mean, her argument was off. I don't, because she claimed racism and it's just like, dude, Beyonce's in there and like mad other people. It's not racism. None of it made sense. But I do get that Anaconda was a very influential video and I'm not quite sure why. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:42:42 No, just as far as social media goes. I'm not saying it changed the world. That's another thing, the elephant in the room there. We didn't watch that video for the video. We watched it because you want a thong. No, of course. Yeah, but I'm just saying it created a lot of memes and all types of shit. And it broke a Vivo record when it was released.
Starting point is 00:43:00 You got to start having objective conversations. No, that's not me being a barb. I feel like her argument was stupid as far as... That was an influential video, Madi. With social media. It didn't change the world. It was just very talked about and it broke a record. Everything is talked about on fucking social media.
Starting point is 00:43:14 It broke a record. That video was influential. Should that video have been nominated for best video of the year? I think so. Anyways, where were we going Before I brought up Taylor Swift Oh my god man Yeah you look at us
Starting point is 00:43:27 Making you break off We were talking about Nicki and Meek I would just like you To be able to have Objective conversation I am I could be objective
Starting point is 00:43:35 You're not stupid enough To think that that video Should be nominated For video of the year Yeah and I also think That the one with Beyonce Should have been Why does this keep going out
Starting point is 00:43:43 Yeah I do I agree with Rory Nobody gave a fuck about that video Outside of Nicki Minaj And a thong shaking her ass Which was great I'm not complaining And even that wasn't so groundbreaking
Starting point is 00:43:52 We've seen that before Valid We've seen it Why are we nominating this? Like let's call a fucking spade a spade here Yeah And someone would argue that we're She's making sure that thicker women
Starting point is 00:44:03 Are in the media But I No Jennifer Lopez has been doing that Since 99 argue that we're she's making sure that thicker women are in the media but I know that's been doing that since 99 you wanted a lot of views for a record that was not good and you got it so you were successful in that sense but no that was not an influential video Nikki is great enough in some other areas to not have to worry about Nikki's an amazing an. Now, we'll start with Safari. Safari's dis-recorded. I woke up to it. I woke up to it.
Starting point is 00:44:29 My man, my man SB. I'm not sure why he added his two cents to this. Well, yes I am. I take that back. Yes I am. I do know why he added his two cents. Oh, pardon me. Oh, so many layers to this. me see here a few quick points
Starting point is 00:44:48 that was one of the worst diss record beats i've ever heard i don't understand what's going on with these guys man fucking drake this is this nigga over fucking we're not making love anymore or some fucking r&B shit. I like that beat, but you can continue. You would like it. I'm just saying, when you think diss records, you think fucking aggressive, fucking say a nigga's name, something. This is just fucked.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Didn't fucking, oh man, whatever. But that SB beat, easily one of the worst beats I've ever heard over a diss record. I think this is an older record. He been recorded this. I feel like this is the one he's been promoting. I'm team Safari.
Starting point is 00:45:27 He couldn't have been recorded this because Future's album came out two weeks ago. Oh, that's right. He did say that. Okay, it was a different record then. Yeah, this is recent. Yeah, yeah. It was different. That beat ain't recent.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And the nigga wasn't up in the studio cheffing that up. Safari didn't go say, yo, I got these bars. Yo, I need you to cook up this beat for me. I don't understand how you think that sounded good before you released it. He logged on to SoundClick. Femnum a beat. And I don't even want to be hating on somebody else for trying. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:45:57 But that's literally not good. It's truly bad. He had some lines in there. He did. That were good lines Yeah I'm only addressing The instrumentation Yeah
Starting point is 00:46:08 That beat was horrible He said that My dick print Like Now Now I want to tell him that part too Yeah
Starting point is 00:46:16 You never want to talk about Your dick print Or another man's dick print Especially in hip hop Especially on a Diss record Yeah That
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yeah Safare You're just making it West yeah and you were just working which is fine because because he's West Indian yeah I'm not there's some dancing more fuck yeah they dance so I mean I don't mind that one bit at all but when you couple that with talking about your dick print and someone else a different I'm talking about difference too much and it's bothering me so i'm i'm off of this um now he did have a few lines that were enjoyable i was a little disappointed because he took a few ideas that were in my 70 bars but it's okay um he told me to eat a pear well that was good though it was
Starting point is 00:47:02 a reference yeah i enjoyed I enjoyed That was funny The reference of Ross And slimming down Because of pears And shout out to pears I also really enjoyed Not to backtrack But I also enjoyed
Starting point is 00:47:14 Ross tweeting that Not knowing what the Greater than sign Oh my god the greater than And the less than sign I think we're finding out That some of the rappers We just cherish
Starting point is 00:47:23 Aren't the brightest And then Meek's response Was like Ross don't care about all that Twitter shit. He really with me. Like, okay, we get it, Meek. Well, let me finish this Safari shit first. Here are my thoughts. And I say this with some experience as someone who has some ex-girlfriends who I may have still loved after we were. I know it's a shocker.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Shocker, shocker out there. Not Joe Budden. Give yourself some more credit here. No, no, no, no. I'm going to give it away. Here's some tea. No, no, no, no, no. We're dead in that t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Oh, that was my first time saying it. We're going to dead it already? No, it needs to be dead. All right, fine. Here it is. Here's the headline for you. I, at some point, have had an ex that I may have still had some unresolved feelings for. Right?
Starting point is 00:48:15 This is what I think. I think that Nikki and Safaree have some unresolved issues. I think they both still very much love each other. Very, very much. I think they both are still in love with each other. And I also know that when you don't care about something, you just don't care. Like, I'm really good at not caring. I'm really good at not caring Which is why when everybody
Starting point is 00:48:45 Bashes me or says whatever the fuck they say And fucking people just do shit that doesn't pertain to me I just don't care I don't give a fuck Nikki speaks about this man entirely too much Like a lot And that stems from somewhere I hate to put my therapist hat on
Starting point is 00:49:00 But that stems from some things being unresolved And it stems from a place of hurt. Safari, I thought, has done a very good job with keeping quiet up until recently when he's got this new girl. I don't know her name
Starting point is 00:49:15 because I don't care, but I do follow her on Instagram. I have followed her before this whole Safari shit. So what are you suggesting? No, I'm just saying that I've been followed her. That's all. I'm not saying anything.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I don't know her. I've never said a word to her. But, since she has popped up, he's been a bit more vocal about him and Nikki. Absolutely. And he even ended his diss track with You See My New Bitch.
Starting point is 00:49:45 So he's clearly very aware, and I can tell just listening to the diss track, he's very aware of social media and what's being said and what's happening. I think that if I were the significant other of either Nicki or Safaree, not only would I feel a way. For real.
Starting point is 00:50:08 A couple red flags there. I would be very concerned, especially Meek. No, both of them. Yeah, yeah. Both of them. From Nikki's end, if someone is leaving
Starting point is 00:50:20 a 10 to 12 year relationship and immediately gets with me, I'm going to be wary of that person and her relationship towards me. I gonna be wary of that person and her relationship towards me i just say meek would i would be more worried than than old girl because um it seems like they have a lot more invested into the situation him particularly i don't know personally the situation but well that one is hard to read right i don't know the severity because they both are very successful recording artists and i I think that both Nicki and Meek feel like, or at some point or another, thought that their union...
Starting point is 00:50:53 This is marketable. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. And look, the tour is a prime example of that. The All Eyes On Me video, which was much better than I anticipated it being. I gotta check it out. I still haven check it out.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I still haven't seen it. It was pretty cool, but it was one big commercial advertising their relationship. It is a marketable situation. I saw the video on Instagram. I don't need to see the video. Yeah, I saw a couple clips. No, no, no. I didn't see any clips. I've just seen it.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Oh, their love affair on Instagram. Got it. Yeah. That would bother me. And it would make me feel some type of way that the person I'm with continues to speak about their ex. And not only would I, I would verbalize that. I'm not sure that Meek is, because as previously stated. He could just be happy to be here.
Starting point is 00:51:39 He's got, he's, if I have to guess, he's got plenty of reason to have an agenda. Yeah. And I'm just guessing. I don't know that he has one he may really love her uh whatever none of my business I don't care uh this other poor black love yeah yeah this other girl on safaris chick she seems pretty quiet we haven't really heard I read that she did a credit cards or no a scam with patient's info before To give it to her drug dealer Alright so she's a real nigga then Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:08 Basic shit Average shit I like her Yeah yeah I like her too Need me a scammer bitch I'm just saying I would say
Starting point is 00:52:14 I would address I would address these things Like When two people just appear to be So extremely happy And in love And everything's okie doory and we're just well these things could have been addressed internally and we could have seen the outrage via meek's tweets
Starting point is 00:52:32 when he went off well on one of those things could be brought up well on one of those tour stops the energy and the chemistry between nikki and meek were off i remember it there was a clip uh during that little part where they always come together and kiss. They didn't come anywhere near each other. They were damn near 20 feet away from each other. Looking like Tribe Called Ghost out there. Oh, that was the show after Meek did all the Ghost, Right, and Drake shit. Oh, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:52:56 I remember that. They were very far apart, pardon me, from each other. And it looked off. They're damn near. He didn't even look at her. They didn't even look at each other. And it looked off. They're damn near. He didn't even look at her. They didn't even look at each other. Something was off. So we know, well, I know, because I use my brain, actually,
Starting point is 00:53:10 that something happened. Now, I don't know what happened. Yeah. But something happened. Yo, okay, OLS3. There's something happening here. Something is. Something is.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Now, this puts Nikki in a weird predicament. It really does. And it seems as though, I mean, she's always been the type, well, always been the type. She seems like she's very like, ride for my man, do whatever he says goes kind of thing. So even her using the starstruck reference was interesting. I wasn't sure that was supposed to be a, not a jab toward Drake, but like a note to show the side she's on. Do we know how close Drake and Nicki even are? I know they once were.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I've heard things of like falling out in between times. Oh yeah, I forgot to say this earlier. Do we really think that nothing has ever happened between Drake and Nicki Minaj? I don't know. In my opinion, with no evidence at all, Drake might have got that kill one night. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I don't think I think so. I don't know. But if I had to take a stab in the dark. I feel like... I love this the dark. I feel like. I have to say this again. I feel like he. Shut the fuck up. You shut up.
Starting point is 00:54:30 You're just going to be a barb. Let me be fucking petty and get these jokes off. Listen, I don't know. Get these blog headlines. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me preface this with, hey, I don't have any intel. None at all. I don't know shit.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I could be way off base. But if I had to take a guess here. That's your petty laugh. Even if they have not had intercourse. I would put some money on some attraction being there. Agreed. And it manifesting one night or two nights or three nights or four nights or five nights or six nights.
Starting point is 00:55:13 And I'm not saying this. I'm not saying any of this based on a truth-to-truth game that I played with Drake either. I'm just going out on a limb here. All right. You know what? I feel like... Where's the edit button?
Starting point is 00:55:24 I don't know. Why am I editing? I'm not saying any of this from that game. Hey, sidebar. Drake is really good at truth or truth. You don't say. That game makes me sweat. He asks really good fucking truth or truth questions.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Like, he asks questions... His albums are truth or truth. Now I know how people feel about me playing truth or truth. He has very inappropriate questions that... You are the king of the inappropriate questions. Yeah, yeah. He has questions that you should ask someone when you are alone, and he does them in front of people.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Yo, yes. You do that. When I brought that guy over one time, you made that shit so uncomfortable. Well, for me, that is the point of Truth or Truth. I don't think Drake had any ideas. Luckily, I've only had successful Truth or Truth games. Oh, you're horrible at Truth or Truth. Yeah, Rory's a piece of shit. Oh boy, he's a... No, I'm really good
Starting point is 00:56:10 at it. Oh, you're probably a little too good. Yeah, it's horrible. We'll save that for another day. I think we used to in that story, but we'll save it for the podcast. Drake had no idea exactly how comfortable I was in that type of situation.
Starting point is 00:56:28 And I asked pretty good questions, too. That was a great, great, great, great, great, great game. And, of course, what happens in Truth to Truth stays in Truth to Truth. So I won't reveal any of that. And what I'm saying about him and Nikki has nothing to do with that game. Let me be very clear. nothing to do with that game let me be very clear but instinctually as humans when two attractive people have uh are two attractive people are automatically assumed to have been um sexually active with one another yeah and the second that you find out that is wrong the first question that
Starting point is 00:57:01 people ask is well why not so you take dra, you take Nicki, you take their success, you take the amount of time that they've been around each other, you take the fact that they're label mates, you take the fact that neither one of them are ugly people. I just would guess that something has happened or been close to happening at some point in life. My guess would be that he, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:29 they have a text relationship. He tries it a lot and she flirts back. And clearly there, what I got from 5 p.m. in New York is that clearly, clearly they are close. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 00:57:41 like, uh, that whole shit he spit about fucking Nikki and I'm not talking how he felt about it he clearly was affected and when you're affected you care and you are
Starting point is 00:57:48 you know I would assume that you are pretty close to someone yeah so I mean whatever I'm spending too much time on that too
Starting point is 00:57:53 but back to Safari that diss record right from that diss record and again I have no information here cause I don't know
Starting point is 00:58:01 shit about shit I could hear him writing some of Nikki's shit. Yeah, of course. I'm sure he's contributed. Like helped. I don't know if Nikki's been. This contribute word.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Collaborator. Oh my God. What were you saying? I totally forgot the fuck I was saying. Oh yeah. They were around each other for so long. They started out in a group together. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:23 And I think she's been not vocal, but kind of made it sound like, yeah, he's helped me out before. Yeah, his delivery is just bad. Yeah, he's not a good rapper himself. And her delivery is top notch. Well, it's also similar to Quentin Miller and Drake, because that 10 Bands record that Quentin Miller did was awful. That's a very good comparison.
Starting point is 00:58:44 And Drake's delivery is A1. That speaks to their artistry. Top notch. Yeah, Drake and Nicki both are two of the better executors that we have in this game. I don't think I'm far-fetched in saying that. What am I missing here? All right, because I want to get off this because I don't. This was fun. I'm sure this will stir up i have been consumed in this for about i don't give a fuck i rap better than people um say that then what i was a contributor to all love lost by
Starting point is 00:59:18 the way my name is on the credits a contributor is it really collaborator. I was in the studio. Yeah, these fucking words, man. So give me a point on the album. Yeah, you'll get a point, all right. What do we predict happening with this? I am so unsure. After nothing happening last night, I think Meek is bowing out of this,
Starting point is 00:59:43 and I think it will diffuse within two weeks. I don't think Drake's going to release the two records that he has in the tuck. I think this is just going to go away. Damn. I kind of do too. Especially if he's not going to release
Starting point is 01:00:00 a record, what else could he do? This would be too much fun. Why won't they let him release it that was dumb I mean not that we know that for sure but it seems that's likely I think on views from the six you will get a lot of subliminal shots at Meek though why would we not want Meek to diss
Starting point is 01:00:15 arguably the number one artist who goes gold in a day because we'll make for good music artist who goes gold in a day. Because we'll make for good music. I can see. You're going to let me look like a noodle out here? Because now he can't say shit. I just want to know how this affects Nikki.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I want to know how it affects Ross. Because Drake and Ross have collaborated a million fucking times. Yeah, I mean, obviously we know. They was talking about doing an EP together. We know where Ross, his loyalty is. No. Well, actually we don't. No, we don't.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's not with mathematics. No, we don't. We just know what should be because of people's affiliations. Right, you're right. We don't know. We don't know. I'd love to know. I would assume that Wale is riding with Meek.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Do I know that? I feel like Wale is riding with Meek. Do I know that? I feel like Wale is going to try to stay out of that. Of course he is. But would Wale have to do any of this? Or would Ross have anything to do with this? Well, Meek is his artist. Yeah. Wale is his label mate.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Nah. Nah, Roland? Nah. No, you can be label mates and still stay clear of all the fuck shit. But Ross has to protect his investment, or as best he can. Yeah, I predict somebody, the behind-the-scenes people that are already chiming in will diffuse this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:37 This will be diffused. Yeah. Do you see them ever being cool? We'll never hear another Drake and Meek record again. Right. We've seen the last of that one. Better enjoy Amen and Rico. And evidence would suggest that
Starting point is 01:01:52 Drake is a bit petty, so I don't see this being resolved either. I think he's just going to kick him to the side and it's over for that relationship. Drake is tough to diss, man. He's so successful that you better... I'm surprised Chris Brown never tried. He's so successful that you better. I'm surprised Chris Brown never tried.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Man, he tried to fight him. Well, that's, no, I mean like. He can't rap. Actually, Chris can rap. Meek, knock it off. I'm not saying he can't. I'm saying. Well, I'm just challenging his point.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Fucking, now you made me forget where I was going. his point fucking um now he made me forget where i was going but yeah if if the uh if the you don't write your own shit claim is not gonna fucking chink the armor then man damn it i just don't yeah like i i don't because we don't care we're still gonna listen yeah right views from the six is gonna come out in september i'm gonna listen to it y'all are to listen to it. Y'all are going to listen to it. We're all going to listen to it. I hope it's better than the last one, though. Yeah, you weren't a fan of Nothing Was the Same, right? No, no, I love Nothing Was the Same. Oh, you mean if you're reading this?
Starting point is 01:02:57 Yeah. I mean, that was very, you know, mixtape. Well, I was expecting a lot because Drake doesn't really have very many bad records, and I think there was a lot of records on that tape that could have been left off. You know whose fault that is? Quentin Miller. I don't like Trapper Drake. All the records that Quentin wrote, I don't like. So maybe I should blame Quentin.
Starting point is 01:03:13 So maybe you don't fuck with Quentin. I just don't like Trapper Drake. I don't and I listened to Quentin on his SoundCloud and I didn't like him there either. Quentin. Rory got a rant for you, Quentin. Yeah, this will probably diffuse diffuse It was a great week Hopefully it can continue for at least another week The petty in me would love to see it
Starting point is 01:03:31 Something's gonna happen tonight Even if he doesn't get in because of customs Twitter's gonna have a field day with that shit Damn it It's been real either way It's really possible that he did it Can Meek even get into Canada? I mean I know that lawyers Can clear up that shit ahead of time,
Starting point is 01:03:49 but that supposedly happened with Chris, and he still had an issue. It happens with a lot of people. Trying to get across the border in fucking Canada, like, them niggas are dicks. They really are. My girlfriend had a camera in her back seat, and they gave her interrogation to the third degree, as if she was a professional photographer coming to...
Starting point is 01:04:07 Speaking of which, I purposely left my passport at home and lied to my mom this weekend to go to Canada, because I didn't want to test my warrants and end up somewhere for the weekend in upstate New York. Not cool. Yeah, you're totally... Wait, you have warrants? Yeah, he's so fake white, man. What the fuck did you do? White people shouldn't have warrants.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Ever. Yeah. I have a parking ticket and I was scared to go. I'm telling you, one of these days, this podcast is going to be totally devoted to Rory and having an intervention and trying to save his life and get his white privilege back. Yeah, I don't want Rory to lose his white privilege, man. Word. I agree with you. He didn't want to be
Starting point is 01:04:45 Snapchatted last night because he said he owes on his taxes. No, I didn't say that. I said I didn't want to be on Snapchat. She just wrote that. She just wrote he owes that.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I had a lot of problems with the Snapchatting last night. What were they snapping? I hate Snapchat. I love it. It's literally the worst thing. It's like disco to rock and roll fans.
Starting point is 01:05:03 It's ruining the world. I agree. That was a great tweet that you had. It's very drastic worst thing. It's like disco to rock and roll fans. It's ruining the world. I agree. That was a great tweet that you had. It's very drastic. I hate Snapchat. Why do you hate it? I know why I hate it. Well, with Twitter and Instagram, you're capturing moments or you're tweeting about a moment.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Snapchat, it encourages people to capture every last moment. That is none of their business. And people do Snapchat secretively. Rarely are they doing it like, hey, everyone look at my Snapchat. Well, from my experience. I don't have a Snapchat. But when I'm on them, I don't know. Someone tells me.
Starting point is 01:05:36 I hate Snapchat. Yeah, I do. I just do. It's just encouraging people to fucking capture everything. I had like a 10-minute drunk rant on Snapchat last night about boiling eggs. Marissa last night, man. I don't want to fucking capture everything. I had like a 10-minute drunk rant on Snapchat last night about boiling eggs. Oh, Marissa last night, man. I don't even want to talk about Marissa at all on this podcast,
Starting point is 01:05:53 or last night, or her birthday, or anything else. She was quite intoxicated. She's sitting here now today with shades on, looking like a fucking idiot. So, I mean, I can assume. Yep. Are we reading emails today? We can read emails. Do we have any?
Starting point is 01:06:06 Which, by the way, a very short, short, short rant pertaining a little bit to Marissa's birthday. Here comes the Bill Burr rant. No. It's been... Yeah, fuck you. It's been talked about before with plenty of people. If you're going out to eat with a bunch of people for a birthday,
Starting point is 01:06:20 do not look at the bill and try to just put in your little... What you ate, what you didn't eat. Just put in the fucking money. You're embarrassing us. You're embarrassing yourself. The bill was not that bad. You know,
Starting point is 01:06:33 you were coming out. Do not start adding up what you drank and what you didn't drink. Just fucking pay the bill. Is that what happened? One person, one person decided, Oh, I have to know.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Was it a girl guy? It was a girl girl of course it was yeah you can you guys can tell me off i don't even know who the fuck she was do i know her yeah oh yeah definitely tell me off the air yeah i hate people to do that just and people that do that they never add the fucking tip they always skip a drink the grat they just yeah it was flat no one had a problem it was $92 a person yeah everyone just threw their cash a card in
Starting point is 01:07:06 one girl was handling it which thank god cause I hate being that person that has to do that so god bless Carol for that and then all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:07:14 we're delayed we're trying to leave and they're like oh well someone didn't want to pay the $92 cause she didn't drink I was like
Starting point is 01:07:20 if y'all don't fucking I'll pay the difference if y'all don't fucking knock it over yeah alright emails if y'all don't fucking I'll pay the difference if y'all don't fucking not go yeah All right emails if y'all want to oh, so we apologize No, we don't I'm not about you didn't say it
Starting point is 01:07:35 Rory and I were incorrect about oh, yeah I do want to did not die in the plane crash and pretty much thought you guys were incorrect about that Which is why I brought up his name because I remember being with Travis Scott the day that not Travis Scott Travis Barker Barker Travis Scott Jesus I remember being
Starting point is 01:07:50 with Travis Barker when that happened on plane yeah no but anyway rest in peace DJ yeah and we apologize
Starting point is 01:07:57 alright my favorite part we should fact check with Debs yeah that was a little drastic y'all you guys are fucking
Starting point is 01:08:04 this is what happens when I do. You killed Eddie Murphy on Twitter. Fuck you. Oh my God, I was literally thinking about that the other day. I didn't kill anybody else though. No, you didn't.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Is that your response? I saw your mom on Sunday. Where's that? Stop trying to sneak in fucking friendly birthday talk. No, it wasn't my birthday. It was Siobhan and Karan's baby shower. It was still too close to your birthday.
Starting point is 01:08:23 That you didn't go to. Oh, which I want to talk off air about Siobhan. Huh? I want to talk off air about Siobhan and Karan's baby shower. It was still too close to your birthday. That you didn't go to. Oh, which I want to talk off air about Siobhan. Huh? I want to talk off air about Siobhan. Why? Because I heard some not so nice things and I do love her. We'll talk about that. Why would you?
Starting point is 01:08:33 How could you hear not nice things about Siobhan? Yeah. That's why I was so thrown back. Siobhan is not a not nice person. She's a great person. Siobhan's great. She is amazing. That's why I want to talk about her.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Can we get to the emails? Jesus. You already take long enough to read. This one's long, too. Oh, man. Healthy marriage, but the game keeps calling me back, me back, me back. Bow Wow Live.
Starting point is 01:08:56 What's up, crew? I enjoy the podcast. Haven't missed an episode. That's a Chingy song. Oh, I thought it was a Bow Wow song. Equally as trash. That's a great song. It is a good song. That's why I said Bad Wild.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I'm talking about people, not the song. Stop dissing people. Cutting to the chase, I first met my wife at a swingers house party, not swing dancing. Oh my god. Where did we find? Who picks these emails? I first met my wife at a swinger's sign just go ahead this might be from gunplay uh not the rapper oh how is gunplay all right not swing dancing not a
Starting point is 01:09:33 house party where vince vaughn movies is playing but a house party with attractive people where an orgy can go down at the drop of a dime interesting funny side note when we first met she didn't give me the time of day until she saw me in action later that night with another female we end up smashing later that night during an orgy the next few years was a combination of threesomes interacting with other couples and exclusive one on one dating with each other all of a sudden feelings get too strong and she asked me to choose between swinging and her i choose her we left that part of sex life alone and i met her daughter who was six at the time oh my god and we're one happy really
Starting point is 01:10:11 made family fast forward to now we've been married for six years from time to time i still get the urge to walk on the wild side again recently the urge became too strong and i created an alias account on a popular swingers website and struck up conversation with females and a couple who lives not too far from me. We emailed back and forth. She talks about her fantasies and fucking other men while her husband watches and later jumps in so we can double team her.
Starting point is 01:10:36 It's arrived to a point where they want to set up a time and place just to get this done. Part of me wants to move forward with this and see where it will go and get the lust out of my system. And the other part of me wants to delete the swinger profile before I hurt my wife, who I love, despite my vices and temptation. Any advice? P.S. The sex is great and we do make each other happy, despite my recent desire of getting back out there with the swingers. I'm scared that you're going to get into it, like it too much, and just fall right back into the life and you're not going to want to let it go.
Starting point is 01:11:04 People are who they are. Word. People can't help but be themselves. If you're a swinger, you're a swinger. Well, so is she. So can she expect this from him? They met at a swinger's party. Right, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Yeah, but women are different. Women always get with you in hopes of what they can mold you into. Mm-hmm. And I'm not. Women never like us for us. They just want to change us. That's true. That six-year-old daughter, I'm not judging anyone's lifestyle, but jeez.
Starting point is 01:11:33 No, I don't think anything's wrong with it. If you're a swinger, you're a swinger. Then she did the very right thing by not introducing him until they were for sure that they were going to be serious, and she kept her lifestyle away from her child. I had a first date one time at a swingers club. Really? How did that go? Great. What was a first date one time at a swingers club. Really? How did that go?
Starting point is 01:11:46 Great. What was it like? It was actually a wonderful first date. Yeah? We wanted to do something different. Did you fuck her? And neither one of us, no, we weren't going to fuck, we were going to people watch.
Starting point is 01:11:54 That's pretty cool. To watch people fuck? Yeah. There's a lot of those in New York? Neither one of them, no, we were in Atlanta. Oh, okay. She looked great
Starting point is 01:12:00 and everybody wanted to fuck her, but whatever. So do people just kind of like come up to you and like try? Like how does that work? Well, we were walking around with uh robes on okay you know we weren't next to each other the entire time so anytime she was not next to me um they tried her and they tried her some while she was with me it's a swingers club that's what people go there for yeah yeah interesting shit it was a great people do that often though i've never been to a swingers club can you just go
Starting point is 01:12:25 is there like lots of condoms shouldn't you be expected to be fucked if you're there well it was membership only oh so she was a member no we both signed up for memberships
Starting point is 01:12:34 well no I I signed up for a membership and she was my plus one got it oh okay yeah that's how it went but we didn't fuck it all we didn't get naked
Starting point is 01:12:41 we kept a robe on are there beds and things around like rooms or how does that work there were rooms okay uh no beds but it's i think that that's something everyone should do at least once that was on my bucket list yeah i would love to try something like that you should go i'm not saying that you have to fuck or you have to change partners but you you can go there and you bring your shit or they give you a robe i um and it's a pretty uh interesting experience that That's cool.
Starting point is 01:13:05 I want to try that with someone. All right. Well, wait. What advice do we have for him? Oh, I would just give up the game. Yeah. If you're married
Starting point is 01:13:13 and you love her. Yeah, don't mess up a good thing, bro. I'd give it up. Maybe just, maybe see if you could talk to her and see if like for your birthday
Starting point is 01:13:19 she'll be interested in doing some shit with you. I would talk to her and see if she wants to get back into the life. I wouldn't go do it without her. Or just dip and dabble. Best of luck, though.
Starting point is 01:13:28 That'd probably be an interesting marriage. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Anyways, I couldn't help it. I was in a relationship with a girl for four years, gave her everything, my heart. She was into me as well, till she caught me watching Love can't spell that's not my reading um he spelled cough sure uh till she caught me watching love and hip-hop new york what the fuck she watched me
Starting point is 01:13:51 this kid can't this isn't my reading i promise um all right i was caught watching love and hip-hop new york and she broke my 72 inch tv threw it in my pool broke my apple laptop and my iphone 6 all because i was looking at tahiri because she was on the tv she grabbed me and said you like her don't you i'm like what the fuck is wrong with you cops were called we both got locked up for breaking our property so she ended up pregnant and had my daughter what who is this guy i'm not even yeah i don't even believe this story nor am i fucking dignifying to roll in with it. You was watching Love and Hip Hop.
Starting point is 01:14:26 You saw tears. They asked you how to fight. You broke the TV. Somebody called the cops and now you're in jail emailing us. Yeah, I know. I got it.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Good luck with that. Right. Oh, yeah. That was weird. I should have read that one before. All right. This one's long too. What up?
Starting point is 01:14:44 Great show. Well, 20 of the 22 weeks anyways first thing all right advice needed so my homies have this friend who is really really annoying she's pretty insecure and insecure good job roy and immature but hides it behind a cocky attitude and flawed logic my homies will tease her about something stupid she did and rather than just say damn you're right that she was stupid she'll try to justify it with some dumbass logic. After about 10 to 15 minutes of arguing her point and the guy showing her hypocrisy, she just gets embarrassed and gets quiet, but continues to do so in the same stupid shit and argue about it again.
Starting point is 01:15:17 I really wish she was confident, as she tries to be. But anyways, there's a chick... Let's just get to the point. But anyway, there's a chick. Let's just get to the point. But anyway, there's this chick that my homies are kind of cool with that I wish would hang out with me more. I've only hung out with them like once, and she seemed really cool, no drama, and can argue her point as well. How can I talk my boys into replacing Marissa with Deani just for one episode?
Starting point is 01:15:41 I should have read that one before too. Whatever. I think they were that one before too. Whatever. I think they were explaining this podcast and then... You're doing a bad job of filtering these emails. Well, today I didn't read any in advance. Oh, great. Wonderful. I was really just reading these.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Back earlier when I said, hey, are we doing emails? You should have said, well, I didn't get to read them in advance, so we probably shouldn't. Wonderful. That's what happens when you deal with millennials. Anyway, hey Joey, how much time we at That's what happens when you deal with millennials. Anyway, Joey, how much time we at? We got about an hour and 15 minutes. Yeah, we ran our mouths too long.
Starting point is 01:16:11 But I don't care because it's lit! Yo, alright, so I'll talk music briefly. All Love Lost out October 9th. Yep. Oh wow, that was good. That's all the promo? All Love Lost out October 9th. Yep. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:16:25 That was good. That's all the promo? That's the promo you get from Joe? You're really good at promoting. Whatever, man. Is there any writing credits? Any features? Collaborators?
Starting point is 01:16:39 Any help? Nah. Nope. Can we leak records right now? Nah. Nope. Who are you putting on the album? I'm not telling you shit. uh nah nope can we leak records right now nah nope who are you putting on the album I'm not telling you
Starting point is 01:16:49 shit okay is that a what kind of animal an elephant why do you have that as your background on your computer
Starting point is 01:16:54 oh it changes every five minutes so nothing that's all we get for the album yep October 9th cool promo are you shooting
Starting point is 01:17:02 a video for bro dog dog dog listen listen let's everyone simmer down simmer down Bro promo. Are you shooting a video for bro? Dog, dog, dog, dog, dog, dog, dog. Listen, listen. Let's everyone simmer down. Simmer down, yes. Are we excited? Yeah, we're so excited.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Let's everyone relax here. I'm being bombarded with questions. I didn't really want to answer any questions, especially from YouTube people. I just wanted to promote and plug since it would make sense to do that on my podcast. Is Eminem on the album? Oh my gosh, that'd be nice.
Starting point is 01:17:28 You know what? I'm getting the fuck out of here. I don't have time for this shit. I'll end this podcast later. Episode number 24. Here's to hoping that this beef continues between Meek and Drake for as long as possible. And that he says your name in a diss record.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Well, he doesn't have to say diss record. Word. Say it. Well, he doesn't have to say my name. He's getting it anyway. Oh, you're... Oh. Well, that's interesting. I think.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Maybe I'll change my mind tomorrow. No, I think you should do it. Do it. Fucking do it. I already started. Mind well, finish it. Headlines, headlines.
Starting point is 01:17:58 We'll see. The button creates diss records in my mail. I don't really like to do things. Safari and Drake, I'm jumping into mixed air. I don't know about all of that. It's tough to follow that... Yeah, I don't really like to do things. Safari and Drake, I'm jumping in the mix. I don't know about all of that.
Starting point is 01:18:06 It's tough to follow those dick raps. I just feel like I need to show people how to make a diss record. And that's not to say that neither one of these gentlemen know how to make a diss record. Did you just say that Drake's diss record was whack and that you could do better? Headline. No, I didn't say that. I didn't say that. I just want an angry diss record.
Starting point is 01:18:26 And I want more than a fucking 24 being spit. Well, get fucking angry then. Oh, I'm not angry. I feel great. Nothing to get mad at. I'm just mad Marissa's wearing shades and yawning. You really do look like pure shit. I'm fucking sleepy today.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Anyway, you look really bad. We didn't get an update from Fish Place. Oh my gosh. Won't be getting it this week. We're good. No, I cut it off forever. No, we're done. We're done.
Starting point is 01:18:52 We're done. We can't hear you. We can't hear you. We can't hear you. All right, we're cutting this off. Bye. Though the first thing Marissa said

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