The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 25

Episode Date: August 5, 2015

25 consistent weeks! The trio sits down to wrap up what might be the end of the Drake vs Meek conflict, how soon you should have your child around your significant other, Dr. Dre's new album, and crit...icism on the internet. *****If you want to write into the show and ask us for advice on something going on in your life, or would like to tell us a story, or just tell us how much you enjoy our amazing podcast email we will pick a few each week and read them on the show!***** SUBSCRIBE at…i=335888425&mt=2 ....and rate, comment, etc!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, mic check, mic check, one, two, one, two, mic check, one, two, one, two. Damn, I almost forget the number after one. So much for muscle memory. Anyway, all right, this is our name, this podcast. Later, I'm going to jump out on a limb here and say this is episode number 25. 25 consistent weeks. I'm doing really good with remembering this shit. 25 consistent weeks is something to celebrate.
Starting point is 00:00:26 No, see, 26 I think is the milestone when we get at half a year. Oh, okay. Yeah, I suppose. 25 just sounds cooler. Half a year with no guests. Go Peter. You're doing a phenomenal job out here. Anyway, I have Madi the body here. Hello. Looking like she
Starting point is 00:00:42 just came from the fucking walk of shame. No. You look like pure shit right now. I don't mean to. I'm sick. Looking like she just came from the fucking walk of shame. No. You look like pure shit right now. I don't mean to. I'm sick. That's not nice. Are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:53 You weren't sick on all your Instagram pictures that I saw this weekend. Yeah, well, that's how I got sick. Hey. We'll talk about that. Is it contagious? No, I don't think so. How do you know? That's karma from last week. Did you go to a doctor?
Starting point is 00:01:03 No, but I just self-diagnosed web md just kidding this is exactly why i hate young people fucking idiots and we have rory classic kid is here hey everybody yet again all right so it's not so lit no it's not so down on the litmus yeah it's dimming it's like a little chase yeah we all peaked on mo Molly together and now we're all coming down. Yeah. Well, the problem with that is last night, again, for those of you who are not familiar with this podcast, we record on Tuesdays and we release on Wednesdays. Last night, I was very excited during OVO Fest when Drake was doing his PowerPoint presentation Because I was like, yes, finally, the fuck shit is happening on a Monday.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Yes. This is great. And I thought that a record would be released for me to speak about today, but it was not. With our luck, it'll be released tonight. I'm thinking... Or Amik is going to respond tonight, one or the other. Yeah, but we don't care about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Oh. We don't. Nobody's caring about that. I think the curse of this podcast just might continue and something devastating will happen tonight. Like Nikki will respond or something tonight. Yeah, we'll get something crazy tonight. And that's that. So hopefully we're all wrong. But as the beef stands right this very second, it's dimming. Yeah, I'm kind of like, all right.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Last night was like kicking a dead horse, really. It was fun, but I feel like we should just ease up. Oh, no. He wasn't going to ease up. No. He said he had his fest in five days on back-to-back. He did. Which meant that he was going to do something
Starting point is 00:02:44 at his fest in five days. I don't know how I feel about the PowerPoint presentation. I liked the tweet that was going around about the irony of Drake using other people's jokes
Starting point is 00:02:57 to get at Meek again. Yeah, that was pretty funny. That was good. Sometimes I'm too mature for things that are happening and while I did get a good kick out of the presentation I had seen most of those memes
Starting point is 00:03:13 it wasn't about the content it was just that he was petty enough to gather all those and put them on a screen well Drake is a Scorpio I saw that a lot well for those of you that are into Zodiac signs, your suns and moons. Scorpios,
Starting point is 00:03:28 in my experience, from my experience, can be quite petty. I don't think I know any Scorpios personally. You need to meet more people then. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I congratulate anybody that wants to be petty. I support it. I support all. Because it makes you look like less of a dick? No. Pet petty is just fun it's fun
Starting point is 00:03:48 outside looking in at petty is great I did enjoy the picture of Will Smith and Kanye and Drake laughing at whatever they were laughing at they were laughing at a Meek meme the full video was out and he was like oh that's the Meek shit and then they were laughing
Starting point is 00:04:04 alright so they were laughing at a Meek meme. The full video was out and he was like, oh, that's the Meek shit. And then they were laughing. All right. So they were laughing at a Meek meme. Yeah. Damn. I kind of feel bad. A Philly resident just laughing at you. A Philly legend. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I mean, all right. So let's wrap this beef thing up because it is dimming. What have we taken away from this? Don't start. I try to look for the value in all the things that God tosses our way. What can we learn from this here that has occurred over the past week and a half? Think before you speak and be prepared for a battle that you start. Think before you meek.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Whoa. That's interesting. Touche. Yeah. I saw it was all good just a week ago on my timeline before i came here i forgot who said it um yeah just uh before you make a claim that big to someone's artistry know who you're talking about because that's a very strategic guy and there has been evidence of that um drake with the beard and the little toronto part is a different drake yeah um he's not with
Starting point is 00:05:07 the shits all right i've got that number one uh number two my multi-layered brain has to just assess things differently what this has shown me um exactly who meek exactly who Meek is and would like to be. It took him, I told some people yesterday, it took him to have the number one album and plenty of support from his peers in the industry and the girl and life to be going great for him to show his ass. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I was like, you couldn't relax your limbs. You had the number one album, the baddest bitch in the game and you just had to show his ass. That's what I said. I was like, you couldn't relax your limbs. You had the number one album, the baddest bitch in the game, and you just had to start some shit. Which says to me that if the roles were reversed, and if he were in Drake's predicament, and the number one rapper for quite some time, oh, we would be seeing
Starting point is 00:05:57 a lot of fuck shit. I think he really showed his true colors here in this instance, and it quickly, quickly backfired. We also learned that karma is very real. How people deal with attention kind of really exposes who they are, in my opinion. More so, I've noticed with women, but it's definitely the case with Meek here. Or negative attention, too.
Starting point is 00:06:21 How people handle attention just just what i what i heard they are i heard like what meek he was like just not used to the negativity and it was just making him like continue to react and react and he wasn't listening to his team and that's how he used the negativity it was nothing but positive shit for the whole month no no i'm talking about once he once it started oh shit yeah yeah he just wasn't used to it and his team was like all right don't post don't do this do this do this and he was just like just going like he couldn't just couldn't deal he might want to stop listening to his team yeah that was another thing
Starting point is 00:06:51 that his team isn't they kind of advised that song and that wasn't now that song that song I still think could have been something had he actually rapped over that there's things you can
Starting point is 00:07:05 say you there's things you can say about drake not a lot of things but there's a lot of things did you see that thing that went around like some guy wrote some fake lyrics like what meek should have said it was really good it was amazing it was so good like you're fruity that's why you signed a deal with apple and i got the girl you've been fucking pining over your whole career yeah type of shit i mean one could a case, and I'm not making that case, that this is not who you are, Drake. You were a nerd, and Birdman and Wayne moved you to Houston, threw you in a strip club, because they knew you were a good artist, but had absolutely no relatable abilities to the rap game, and made you into this strip club-loving fucking rap star.
Starting point is 00:07:43 This isn't really who you are. I think he loves strip clubs now. No, he's really a rap star. Oh, no, no. He is. I'm suggesting. Well, that part is apparent. No, I'm saying that that's what you could have said. How he was built up into this. This isn't really you. There are a million things that could be said about
Starting point is 00:07:58 Drake, but you have to rap them and not tweet them. Of course. If he would have dropped that Quentin Miller shit just off like a record out of nowhere this would be a different fight if he was witty
Starting point is 00:08:09 at all yeah which he's not yeah yeah this is I saw we saw there was a video floating around
Starting point is 00:08:18 of party goers at Griffin in New York City they were booing the intro yeah people still go to Griffin people People still go to Griffin?
Starting point is 00:08:26 People do still go to Griffin. The intro was being... Doesn't Marissa go to Griffin? No, but that just sounded like a snobby ass statement. It was a snobby statement. I don't go to Griffin. I haven't been since we all went All-Star weekend. There's no dance floor in Griffin.
Starting point is 00:08:40 People kind of go to Griffin to just watch other people. Watch other people. Yeah. It's a watch fest. Yeah. And if any of your hoes have gone missing, then you can normally spot them at Griffin. Yeah. Being hoes with whoever they're being hoes with.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So the intro got booed. I wasn't expecting that because that's still a really hard intro. And then back-to-back came on and the entire crowd went crazy. because that's still a really hard intro and then Back to Back came on and the entire crowd went crazy. That's the thing about beefing with the number one rapper. Somebody with records. He made a diss record like the New Party record
Starting point is 00:09:14 for the next month. I was in Atlantic City which is like 30 minutes outside of Philly. $0.30, $0.45 and $0.50. I want to see what the crowd's reaction was. He played I'm a Boss and 50 Cent was like, I want to see what the crowd's reaction was. So he played I'm a Boss, and the crowd was like, eh. They sang along, and then he played back to back, and they went up and were singing everywhere.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I was like, jeez, we're right in his backyard too. When the part of the record that everyone in the club stops and screams is a diss to you, that's tough. The world tour, your girls tour, right? Everybody in that place scream that those eight bars are where have been life-changing yeah the eight bars um i think it starts with that if you love it and you got to give your world to it that a girl you know you know how long it goes but when the beat drops for those eight bars that was really it that was my favorite too they had a
Starting point is 00:10:03 who wants to be a millionaire meme. And it was like what tour are you on? Your tour. Your girl's tour. A world tour. Because Drake just really gave you a bunch of like light jabs setting up those eight bars where he was looking to end you. And he hasn't tweeted since. Yo, he has not.
Starting point is 00:10:25 This is July 29th. Ironically, the last tweet was a Z. Was a Z, which we don't know. Z. Like at the end of the road, the end of the alphabet. That was very telling. Yeah. Z, he's sleep.
Starting point is 00:10:37 God damn it. I wouldn't let somebody calling me Twitter finger stop me from tweeting. Fuck that. I'd have to just roll along with the joke. Yeah, pretty much me Twitter fingers stop me from tweeting. Fuck that. I'd have to just roll along with the joke. Yeah, pretty much. Twitter fingers is back. Or like I'd put
Starting point is 00:10:50 a gun emoji. Something up. Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't let it be the end of me. Okay, so off of this because this is a wrap. Well, just to finish it,
Starting point is 00:10:58 can meat come back? It should be the question. I feel like the internet's attention span is so short that it's possible. I've heard people comparing this to uh 50 and yeah i i've seen that too but i just feel like it wasn't as long or prolonged or severe i mean it's bad but i feel like the right record like fans are fickle they'll
Starting point is 00:11:19 they'll be like all right i like it if meek just keeps quiet for a little while and then puts out great music, we will forget about it. We won't forget about it. People tend to forget that Ja had a few records pop after or during that beef. Clapback still went off. New York went off. These are records that worked for him.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Even Wonderful did well at radio. We didn't really fuck with it, but it did okay at Radio. Wonderful with R. Kelly. So he still had records that did something when he was getting bombarded. Yeah. Well, they can't really work Rico now. So there's that for his second single. Was he planning on it?
Starting point is 00:12:04 I would imagine so that would it has Drake on it I'm sure they were gonna shoot a video I'm sure they were gonna work they were gonna work from what I read that he wasn't he was already he been knew about it and he only just brought it up now because he saw Nikki and the Taylor Swift thing happened and he saw that everyone sided with Nikki despite Taylor being an American sweetheart so that's why he decided to bring it up then and uh i'm saying the people at atlantic saw rico drake meek it's a somewhat good record that can play the club they're gonna work that right they weren't fucking with each other already because he found out about drake not writing his verse before me homecoming concert i read that i
Starting point is 00:12:40 don't know like march april and that's when he said something to drake about it drake got offended like how dare you step to me and that's why he didn't do the home't know if that's true. In like March, April. And that's when he said something to Drake about it. Drake got offended. Like, how dare you step to me? And that's why he didn't do the homecoming concert. And that's why Karen Civil on Twitter said when this first broke and everyone's like, why is he so mad? Karen said that. Well, because Drake didn't go to his homecoming concert. And that's why he didn't go.
Starting point is 00:12:56 And that's why we're here now. Who cares? I would love if Drake tweeted his album now. That would be funny. That would. I don't really care about all this shit. I don't know that Meek is. That would. I don't really care about all this shit. I don't know that
Starting point is 00:13:07 Meek is dead. No, I don't think he is. I don't know that he's completely dead. I think it's all about what he does from this point
Starting point is 00:13:15 moving forward. He's still got really good records. He's still put out a good album that people supported. Still has support from people somewhere
Starting point is 00:13:22 just not right this second. Still on a big tour. Still performing to huge stadiums. People like to laugh. This maybe will come and go. Unless that 3P record comes out. Because they did upload a record to SoundCloud yesterday and put it on private.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yeah, but that's... They've been very strategic with everything. That could be trolling us. They're not trolling. There's a record there. Oh, I was going to say. They're not trolling. There's a record there. Oh, I'm sure it exists. Whether it's going to be released. I guarantee it exists.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Well, he previewed it last night. He said something like, we don't fuck with chasers when we taking shots. Yeah, that was a good line. It was pretty good. Are we going to care if he puts this out?
Starting point is 00:14:01 I don't know. I just feel like he beat it to such a dead pulp yesterday. I still want to hear it. Well, it's Drake, such a dead pulp yesterday. I still want to hear it. Well, it's Drake, so we're going to want to hear it. I mean, I'm sure it's good. I would like to see what he said. I don't even want to talk about Meek and Drake anymore. If we
Starting point is 00:14:14 were to see a beef since hip-hop has been so great these past two weeks, I just want to see Pusha and Drake one time. Oh, that would be amazing. That would be like J-Naz type of shit. I don't think this was because Meek didn't really step up. I'm not saying Push would be rethinking now,
Starting point is 00:14:33 but I'm sure Push doesn't not have the same mentality that he did before. Yes, he does. Yes, he does. Yes, he does. I think Push would live for something like this. Why is he not? Because he just showed how strategic he takes and seriously takes these rap beefs. Against a guy who can't rap.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah, but Pusha is a beast. Well, first of all, I'm not suggesting Pusha can't rap. And I think that would be an amazing battle. I'm just saying Pusha may be a little bit like, oh, all right, he can do this. Before, I didn't think he could do that at all. I think that would be a mistake, too, for somebody to think that. I don't think that Pusha is looking at that potential beef any differently than he did. Drake did very well against the fucking Knicks.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Like, you beat the Knicks, my nigga. There is your headline for the blogs. You beat the Knicks. I'm just saying. I don't think Pusha is. Now, I don't know if Pusha has the notoriety for that beef to be a J versus Nas type of beef. No.
Starting point is 00:15:29 But lyrically, though, I think we'd get the records that we were hoping for. Like, we were hoping for this. But all of this Drake and Meek shit just really made me go listen to Exodus like a million times. That's a great project. And that's still the hardest diss record that I've heard in quite some time. Yeah. I challenge anybody to give me a diss record made in the last 10 years that's harder.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Last 10 years? I'd have to think about it. Yeah. I'm sure our mentions will be bombarded with a bunch of bullshit, but... And I'm just freestyling here, so let me see. When I say the last 10 years, after Ether. Yeah, to be 2005. Yeah, give me post-Ether, a diss record that has been better than Exodus.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah, I'd have to think. Okay, so who's been in Beasts? Yeah, there really hasn't been any notable ones. I don't know. That's not my job to do the homework. I'm just throwing shit out there. Yeah. And I'm sure there has been beef records.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I would say Little B's to yours might be up there. While that was a great diss record. That was a great diss record. While that was a great diss record, not fucking with Exodus. The Esther Baxter diss record, OLS3, that might have been my favorite ever. No, it's not a diss record. All right, you guys are being dicks. Tihari Devil was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:16:48 So what else is going on in the universe? Kelly Osbourne just said some real dick shit. Oh yeah, we got something like happened right before the podcast we could talk about that's super relevant. Kelly Osbourne, and I'm not gonna touch too much on this because I don't really like to give my thoughts on matters of race and politics
Starting point is 00:17:04 and things of that nature because certain things should be sacred. But Kelly Osbourne said something about Latinos and cleaning toilets. She's going to be cooked. Yeah. It's bad. I only saw the little clip
Starting point is 00:17:19 floating around so I don't want to speak on it too much because I may be taking it out of context and she may have had a greater point that I missed so it's the internet so they're going to take the 15 second clip yeah it's the worst yeah i'm really i really not to say what she said has context you know she may be wrong and a lot of people are wrong i just really and maybe maybe i'm a little uh a little biased in this argument because I'm extremely blunt and outspoken. I don't really like this era where you just are roasting everybody and all of this outrage happens so instantaneously. Here's the thing with outrage.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I don't like it. They got to retire and get fired. Yeah, I don't like it. The thing with outraged Twitter is the moment you ask a question, you're automatically signing against the victim. So, for example, in a violent situation or even in this, if I ask a question, what was she talking about? Now, all of a sudden, outraged Twitter thinks I'm cosigning what she said just by asking a question.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And that's why I stay off of Twitter with that, with that type of subject matter. Cause I just know who I'm talking to. Over the weekend, they were roasting Nipsey Hussle, who I happen to like and really fuck with. Yeah. Somebody tweeted, a comedian friend of his tweeted.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Black women are a disgrace to black culture. Yes. And he fucking, Nipsey retweeted it no he replied I can't retweet but I agree LMAO and they roasted him they killed him do I believe that Nipsey Hussle thinks that black women
Starting point is 00:18:57 are a disgrace to the black culture his daughter is black his mother is black his girlfriend is black no I don't believe that for one second do I believe that he was just laughing at a joke that his friend said which was a distasteful joke that's why i think we don't the we don't love our comedians to tell distasteful jokes i'm i'm every time paul every time paul mooney is in new york i go see him um there's not many people more distasteful than paul mooney i've been very vocal about how I don't think comedians should be held to a standard of of that.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Richard Pryor, he was pretty distasteful as well. I could go on and on with comedians, great comedians that have been distasteful. Yeah, I just don't like it. So then Nipsey had to go on this whole long rant about. Yeah. Yeah. I hate it. I don't like it, man. You gotta censor everything. It's real corny. That's just my take on it. You say things and
Starting point is 00:19:53 people, without knowing the people that you're talking to, and then they mix it in with everything they've been through their entire life so now we have to pick and choose the things we say to cater to someone else's experiences. Which doesn't make any sense to me. Because if someone's laughing at another joke and then someone else has a joke that they get offended by, it's unfair to the comedian to begin with. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Did you follow that? I did. I think I did. Say it again for me. Just slow. For example, you're at a comedy club and someone makes a joke about Latinos
Starting point is 00:20:29 and you think it's fucking hilarious but then someone makes a joke about women and you're a woman and now you're offended what gives you the right to laugh at the Latino joke
Starting point is 00:20:38 but then get offended at the women joke and now you're asking you can't say those types of things why do we have to cater to every single person's sensitivities yeah no i follow you yeah that's that's where i'm lost when it comes to these types of things and which i was saying i forgot it was last podcast the podcast
Starting point is 00:20:53 before with twitter and the bruce jenner thing it's like people laugh all day but the moment we start making jokes about something they're sensitive to we're awful people when they weren't awful people for laughing at something else it makes no goddamn sense to me that's why even if i'm offended i'll just shut the fuck up because it wasn't for me there's there are certain things that i just refuse to joke about um death people dying i don't think anything is funny about it um uh people that are sick cancer i don't think anything is funny about that i saw a lot of bobby christina jokes it was disgusting i didn't see i'm glad i didn't see those i i did it was nasty and it was disgusting and i was appalled um uh what else do i not joke about transgender shit i'm not going
Starting point is 00:21:36 to joke about it i'm just not because i understand that it's a way of life for a lot of people like regardless of what i think is funny because my brain works really weird and i have a really really weird sense of humor where i can find humor in a lot of things i just won't because certain things are a bit insensitive you know i don't want to offend a large group of people but that's like what people do on social media text is already taken out of uh out of context of course because you're reading you can't tell somebody you don't know yeah you don't you don't know how it's being said. You don't know. You don't get to decide how I meant something either.
Starting point is 00:22:11 That's why I don't like Twitter and text as far as reading jokes. Because now you're deciding how I meant something. And then when you're trying to tell someone I'm kidding, now you're being defensive. You weren't kidding. How the fuck do you know what I was doing? Let me tell you something. Very many bullshit, meaningless, worthless, baseless arguments have started between couples via text.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Seriously. Oh, for sure. For sure. Yeah. You know how many times I've just said something very small and minor on a text and had to go through a fucking... 100%. That just happened to me actually recently. I won't get into it on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:52 But yeah, that just happened. I hate when women get super tough on the fucking text. Oh, right. I got a real... What is it about women that make y'all so... Oh, okay. Because we are fucking tough, Kool-Aid. We are women here, us more. y'all so... Oh, okay. Because we are fucking tough queens. We are women here of more.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Y'all fucking texting fingers. No. No. Y'all got to chill with this meek shit. We have text fingers and trigger fingers. We have all those fingers. We got 10. Women are very, very brave via text.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Y'all say very hurtful things to people via text. You know why? Because we can't do anything else. So we we're gonna just try to hurt you with our words yeah i know i got somebody's been sending me a whole clip of fucking subs for like two weeks now like i will say the most disrespectful fucking the most nasty shit that i could possibly think of to just make you feel like the most piece of shit because i can't do anything else to you so i want you to just feel like shit like i'm feeling angry. So I'll say that. Y'all got to grow up. That's probably really
Starting point is 00:23:48 immature. Just like you were saying earlier when it's fun to be petty, that's when it's fun to be petty. Yeah, but that's not being petty. That's not being petty. So now we don't even know what's there. Yeah. So do you know what petty means? Yeah, it's just being immature. But that in the instance I was actually just describing
Starting point is 00:24:03 was I wanted to get someone the fuck away from me forever. So I just made up the most craziest, most outlandish shit that I could think of and said it. And now we're good. Now we won't speak again. All right, fine. I won't dig too much on women and their text capabilities. So what else happened? Something else happened that I missed.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Men and when they could be around their significant other's child. Oh, the Russell Wilson Sierra thing. I don't want to talk about them, but I think we should bring up that topic for the backstory of it. I love March Madness. I just wanted to throw that out there. So I can see where you two
Starting point is 00:24:38 are going to be on. Wait, what? I said I love March Madness and she said is this what you two are going to be on? Are you guys going to be team future here and totally side with the fact that the baby shouldn't be around the man? Well, let's get into the topic before we get there. All right. Well, I just want to make sure. You asked for the result without anything.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Just making sure we set this up right. Seattle Seahawks training camp started. Ciara showed up with her son, who happens to be Future's child as well. A picture surfaced of Russell Wilson hugging this child in a very endearing way. And the child also well a picture surfaced of russell wilson hugging this child in a very endearing way and the child also had a matching jersey on with him okay i didn't see that part but so everyone went up in arms and said sierra's disrespectful for bringing her son around russell wilson and letting him hug and show affection to this child you seem passionate about this already so why don't you start no i just don't think that everyone should be so up in our arms about it.
Starting point is 00:25:26 It's not a quick fling. It's not some guy that might be questionable with his intentions. He's obviously a good man, a God-fearing man. Why is that obvious? Because he is. He's a good guy. He has nothing. No strikes to him.
Starting point is 00:25:36 How do you know that he is a good guy? He's a public figure on top of that. So you know his... I just want you to have... The things that he's done. No, no, no. The things that he's done Would have come to light already He is a public figure
Starting point is 00:25:46 That's not true Yes it would have Dog Bill Cosby just got Yeah what are you talking about But that has come out For all these years And he just kept Sweeping it under the rug
Starting point is 00:25:53 Russell hasn't been into anything Well this is a whole different topic But I want to know How she knows That Russell Wilson Is such an amazing guy Because he
Starting point is 00:26:01 Because he's light skinned and smiles He's not light skinned I just want to point out How people just say shit just to be saying it with no support. There is support. Obviously, he does good things for the community. He does good things to give back.
Starting point is 00:26:13 He's a person that makes him a great guy. He is a good guy. How do you know that? Because he hasn't done anything bad. Because he gives money to fucking charities as tax write-off? That's why? He doesn't just give money. He goes to spend time with these kids in the children's hospitals and things like that.
Starting point is 00:26:29 He donates his time to that. That's something right there. He's got a rapport with children. He works with children. Obviously, if he was a monster or doing something, he couldn't even be around these children or whatever the case was or something would be happening in that situation. That's not true at all. I know plenty of piece-of- shit people that have done some good things. You're naming me a couple of good things that he's done as a person of notoriety.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And he's God-fearing. He's just a good dude. So you don't know that he's a good man. Okay, but obviously Sierra does and she loves her son enough to be able to trust the person to bring around him. She's in love with this person. She plans to marry this person. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:27:03 She's in love with this person? Yes, they've said it. So what the fuck does that mean that they've said it? So that means if she trusts him enough to be in her life, she could trust him to be around her child's life as well. Let me ask you a question. How long have they been dating? We don't know. Publicly. So you don't know? No, but publicly So you have no idea.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I'm just saying we don't know how long it's been, but we know at least it's been since the spring. It's still a few months. It's summer. Okay, that's still a few months okay that's still a few months if you know you're gonna be with somebody all right so now let me ask you this let me preface this with this do you have children no you don't okay so every man that you go a whole season with you will you feel comfortable bringing around your child can you answer my question yes or no no but what the fuck are you arguing some of them might not be serious. If they know they're serious and they plan to marry, you could know that you want to be with someone
Starting point is 00:27:48 for an extended period of time when you meet them. Marissa, we've done this podcast for 25 weeks. You've been serious with eight guys in that span. I have not been serious with none of them. None of them have been my boyfriend. None of them would ever meet any child of mine. They've never been my boyfriend and it's never been positive that it's going to go
Starting point is 00:28:04 the distance. Never. I would never do that. They are a committed couple and they plan to take it further. So it's a difference. He's going to be in her life. People can, bums on the street plan to do things, Marissa. Okay. But there's still a difference when you know when you two are on the same page. You don't just introduce your child
Starting point is 00:28:20 to every man you have plans with. Is she introducing it to every man? She could have dated a whole ton of people in between. How old is this child? One. He's one. So, yes, she is introducing him to every man. Do they live together?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Huh? Do they live together? No. I don't know. How do you know? You don't know. All right. So because a lot of this conversation is alleged and we can't prove any of it, we can talk
Starting point is 00:28:41 about it personally. Has everyone here dated somebody that had a kid? Nope. Yes. Yes, I have as well. So, yeah, you don't know, I don't know if you have a lot of experience in... I'm trying to figure out where she gets all this information from. I was not quick to defend
Starting point is 00:28:57 Future. In that instance, I think, I'm not sure the agreement that Sierra and Future have, but if Sierra is very serious with this gentleman and explains to her baby father that this is the case and that she feels comfortable introducing her son to him, that's not for me to make an opinion about, but I've been in situations where a woman has had a one-year-old in the same
Starting point is 00:29:20 instance. And I was uncomfortable even going near the child, especially because of the baby was just born. they hadn't been broken up that long. And I'm going to respect that man, whether he's a piece of shit or not, for his kid. I'm not just going to go around the child. I mean, I have friends with kids, and there's been times I'm like, yo, what the hell are you doing? Like, they'll bring a guy around them immediately.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I'm like, you don't even know what the fuck this is going to be. And you're introducing every Tom, Dick, and Harry to your kids. So you just said exactly what my point was. Yeah, when they're never serious. When you're committed with somebody, then it's a little bit different. No, it's not. Yes, it is. How so?
Starting point is 00:29:52 Because you guys obviously are on the same page. If you're just dating casually, you don't know what the hell it's going to be. And I mean, you're not on the same page. But if two of you are, and you agree this is a committed union, and you want to take it further, then you need to meet the kid to know what the rapport is going to be with the kid. If he's good with your child. You are on a streak of saying retarded shit for a few weeks now i am i don't think there's anything wrong with that with your
Starting point is 00:30:12 with him i know that's what just because you think that it is but there's a lot of people that don't either doesn't make a retarded you just don't agree it does you all are retarded if you are telling me that you can meet a man for a season less than a season i want to say that because these motherfuckers wasn't dating five months ago we don't know that they went public they could have been dating behind so i'm arguing with the information that i have right but you you can't use that because all of that is alleged they've never fucked great that's even better like really my nigga what is she talking about right now? So if they're going to remain abstinent until they get married, that has nothing to do with it then. Are they getting married soon?
Starting point is 00:30:50 Who knows? And I'm asking you to use your better judgment with the information that you have. Do you think that these two will be married before 2015? I mean, not 2016. I'm sorry. If they want to be, they could be. Ciara got engaged with Future in less than a year. She was fucking ready to go.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And we saw how that worked. Right. But I'm talking about where her mind frame is. And so obviously Future was not in that mind frame. We know where Ciara's mind frame is. Yes, she wants to be married. She's looking to be saved. Okay, well whatever the case is.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Not she wants to be married. She is looking to be saved. However, you want to interpret that? Then cool. But then yes, then I can say that that makes a perfect case for her to be married. She is looking to be saved. However, you want to interpret that? Then cool. But then yes, then I can say that that makes a perfect case for her to be married by 2016 then. And Russell's been married until he wrote that. My point is still very much the same.
Starting point is 00:31:44 When you have a one-year-old child, you should not be introducing that child to the man you've been dating for three months. I don't really see how that can be argued. Yet you miraculously are finding a way. Yet miraculously Marissa Madi the body has found a way to argue that because they are serious and have
Starting point is 00:32:00 plans, because plans always go according to plan, they should just, hey, moving together, shack up, here's my son, hug him, feed him,
Starting point is 00:32:12 kiss him. They could plan a moving together soon. So then what? So let's bear the next question to this. At what point can you introduce your child
Starting point is 00:32:18 to your significant other? Right. I'm not insinuating anything. I'm asking to the table. At what point do you guys think when you know when you're serious about it yo this podcast has made me realize that Madi is not the sharpest knife in the drawer just because you disagree doesn't make that you're right because I disagree I don't see anything wrong with that that's the problem
Starting point is 00:32:40 okay cool I don't do these debates to prove a point to you. I do these debates to try to gain some new information. So when do you think it's appropriate then for the kids to meet the other person in their lives? Because it wasn't a problem when nobody was up in arms when Ciara met all of Future's kids right away. No one said shit. I don't know anything about that. Well, that happened. That picture surfaced after the Russell Wilson thing. So I don't think anyone about that. Well, that happened. That picture surfaced after the Russell Wilson thing, so I don't think
Starting point is 00:33:07 anyone had a time to even talk about it. No, that was out before, and it was on the blogs. I remember posting about it, and no one cared. I don't know anything about that. Were they engaged? They were dating. Future and Sierra didn't even last a year from start to end.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Okay, but normally normally when people propose, they intend to stick it out. Okay, so. That's normally what happens. How does that make it any different if her and whatever her name is, Russell, plan to marry? No evidence or anything to support that this relationship will either A, last, B, be a long one. That's the same thing as you saying that plans don't last and engagement won't necessarily last either. That's the exact same shit. You need evidence of things.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I think what he's suggesting at three months you don't have enough evidence as someone that might be into a long term relationship where you're engaged. Her future will engage in like four or five. I'm not talking about that. Why do you keep bringing that up? I don't know anything about that. I don't have the information there. I'm talking about this one situation and I'd like to stick to it.
Starting point is 00:34:21 You don't know somebody in three months. Or do you? She might feel that she it. You don't know somebody in three months. Or do you? She might feel that she does. And you can know someone. Just depends on the type of relationship. So you can know someone in three months. Not their whole everything. But I feel like you can have a good gauge on somebody.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Yes. I feel like you can have a good gauge on somebody. Is she not sounding like an idiot or no? Enough gauge to bring your child, a one-year-old child around before that you don't see i was suggesting that if both parents which i don't think future would immediately agree with that if in my opinion you can't really put a gauge on the top but if both parents come to an agreement that this significant other can meet the child then i think it's i don't have it i can't have an opinion on it because both parents agree on that well that's not realistic that's not how that normally takes place with with
Starting point is 00:35:09 co-parents yes it does don't put your past into this yeah this my past has nothing to do with this conversation i know plenty of people oh and co-parenting doesn't go hey i'm gonna bring this kid around my significant other is obviously alright obviously it's a long conversation and if it was me if I was Future I would want to meet Russell before my child did you know exactly what you just said is why this conversation is happening because two people
Starting point is 00:35:35 most of the time are never in agreeance I'm giving a hypothetical situation where I think it's okay I don't know if that happened with Sierra and Future. Of course. We do know because Future's fucking trashing this nigga every chance he gets. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:50 So we do know. I don't follow Future. Well, he's trashing the nigga every chance he gets. So we do know that that's not happening. We do know that Future does not agree with what's taking place. Well, then Sierra is wrong. And I don't think. That's still Future's child.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I do agree that the two guys should have a conversation first before that does happen. I totally agree. They should meet. Yeah, that's what I mean. Have a conversation. Yeah, that's what I mean. Have a conversation in person. In the event that that conversation were to never take place, as a mother, it is her responsibility to shelter and protect this child.
Starting point is 00:36:20 And you cannot really do so when you have known someone for three months i don't really expect your brain to get that at some point maybe you will if you had a child you are not introducing your child to every man i did not in three months that that is exactly what you said you can meet a man that's exactly what you said same exact place with them from when you met them three fucking months ago you can meet somebody you said. You can meet a man in three months and be in the same exact place with them from when you met them three fucking months ago. You can meet somebody
Starting point is 00:36:48 and immediately know that you have a connection and make it serious and it can be very serious and you can see them every single fucking day for three months and it is a significantly
Starting point is 00:36:54 deeper relationship than the other person that you barely saw for three months. It's a case-by-case scenario. I agree. I agree with you. And then know what happens?
Starting point is 00:37:03 You can meet another person and feel that same exact way after three months. Then know what happens. That may fail. And then you can meet another person in five months and feel that same exact way. Then know what can happen. You can meet another person and that can last six months and you can feel that same exact way. And by your logic, every time that happens, this person should meet your child. I don't think anyone's developing that many deep relationships with people that often. And if they start to realize that they are, then they realize maybe it's an issue
Starting point is 00:37:37 that they shouldn't keep bringing the kid around because it's obviously a pattern that's not working out. This is the first kid that we know of that Sierra brought around. At what point did you meet whoever you were dating at the time's child? In what was the scenario? I've been in plenty of these scenarios. The most recent. Never.
Starting point is 00:37:55 You never met the child? No. All right. The one that you did meet the child? Seven months. Seven months? Okay. And what was the scenario like the first time meeting him or her
Starting point is 00:38:07 in a park okay it was in a park in a playground the first time i met the person i was dating's child was months in and when she initially wanted me to meet the child it was just going to be the three of us and i said no um the child hadousin had a birthday party of some sorts And I went where the baby father was there I was coming as a friend I knew other people there And that was the first time I met the child I was not going to go meet this child
Starting point is 00:38:35 A few months in out of nowhere And he's one years old I wanted nothing to do that I can't speak for Russell But I would feel uncomfortable as Russell Wilson Well when I met the child The mother and i we certainly weren't uh we weren't being romantic we weren't doing anything it was like hello yeah and they were at a park and that was the end of that okay like i agree with rory as a man if you're mature enough you shouldn't want to be in that no predicament hell no i don't
Starting point is 00:39:08 understand what uh yeah all right well y'all talk i'm like i'm speechless i don't fucking get it man uh all right well twitter did go off on future about it and i think obviously twitter's not logic but they were just going off on how disrespectful i'd kill that bitch well i know it was like it was it was way more aggressive than the debate we just had you can afford a sitter that's number one yeah number two well i want to know if they live together that's what i want to know i highly doubt it i highly doubt it yeah but i doubt she. I'd imagine he lives around Seattle. I'm sure Sierra doesn't live in Seattle. And why do we continuously have to see pictures of this happening?
Starting point is 00:39:54 Oh, that's not, you can't put that to them. Yeah. Why can't I? I totally take that statement back. I apologize. I take that statement back. Yes. It's not their fault that the pictures were taken, but you know you're a public figure.
Starting point is 00:40:06 You're the child. You should not put yourself in a situation where that would happen. You took the kid to the Seahawks fucking practice. Yeah. Like, really? I think that was extra, but I still stand firm in my stance that it's okay for them to meet, but I do think that was really over the top. Especially if
Starting point is 00:40:22 he and Future have not had that conversation yet. Do you think that him and Future have had that conversation? That's what I'm saying. That's why it's over the top especially if you if he and future have not had that conversation yet do you think that him and future have had that conversation that's what i'm saying that's why it's over the top no it's over the top because she don't know this nigga okay that's why it's over the top you can you can stick with your defensive mechanism just arguing to argue but your point sounds retarded you should not introduce a kid to a man that you have been dating for a season. Well, you put a woman, and I'm certainly not defending her,
Starting point is 00:40:50 but I'm sure this is how her mind is. You put a woman that was quote-unquote in a relationship with a fucking asshole, is what is being projected here. She then meets this NFL player who takes her to the fucking White House. He's fucking claiming her.
Starting point is 00:41:06 He wants to be in her child's life, the bitch is probably going to get emotional as a woman and feel really great about it because she finally found a man I didn't mean that in a malicious way she finally found a man that she thinks is what a man should be and she's immediately running to it the way women do
Starting point is 00:41:21 when they get out of really bad relationships so, but to bring to Joe's point that's a perfect example on why this might fail because it's clearly a rebound to someone that is quote unquote a way nicer guy than her ex-boyfriend can we call it a full rebound she's been broken up with him for a year yeah women stay in relationships years after they break up. Oh, okay. So that's where I think Joe does have a point, because this woman has now found someone who she thinks is so much better and projected as so much better. She's at the fucking White House. So she's going to make really bad emotional decisions. I don't know either one of these niggas.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I know that Russell Wilson should have gave Marshawn Lynch the ball at the one yard line when he won the Super Bowl. And I know that I really love March Madness. Outside of those two facts, I don't know either one of these gentlemen. I know how they both are portrayed. And I know better than anyone, probably, that how someone is portrayed and how they are in real life may not be the same thing. So you're not going to sell me on this whole fucking, yeah, Russell Wilson says amazing things and damn near never makes a mistake in interviews.
Starting point is 00:42:35 He's very politically correct. You can tell that he has a great upbringing and maybe has been media trained and he has a brain. He's certainly been media trained. You can tell that. been media trained and he has a brain and he has certainly been media trained like you can you can tell that um future when i listen to him uh when he's not high out of his mind also also makes a lot of sense when he speaks oh yeah he's definitely an articulate person he is no dummy yeah so i don't know how these gentlemen are i don't know what skeletons they have in their closet i don't know what demons they carry with them i don't know their personal trials and tribulations.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I don't know any of it. But I know enough about Ciara and her dating history. So, with that said, I don't want to say what I was about to say because that's just going to be really, really, really bad.
Starting point is 00:43:20 That's going to be really, really, really bad. I'm not going to say that. Well, y'all talk. I'm still disgusted that Marissa thinks that you should fucking introduce your kid to someone that you've been dating for three months. Sierra's meek in this situation. You know what's funny about this? She's just happy to be there.
Starting point is 00:43:33 This is what's funny about this. What? Do you want kids? Yes. You won't introduce your kid to a man that you have met in three months. You won't do it. No, you will not. It won't.
Starting point is 00:43:43 So you can argue this all day long right this second. I still stand by the case-by-case scenario. Well, we know because you're fucking stubborn and hard-headed and you just want to win an argument. I'm not trying to win an argument. I don't care to win an argument. I just feel how I feel. I know because you don't have any kids. But when you have a kid, because you want kids, so I'm assuming you will have one.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Yes. Something changes. Something switches. it's no longer about you it is about the child i'm fully aware if you were fully aware that you wouldn't be saying children that agree with the same they still feel like sierra's just then if you were a fucking friend you need to tell them idiot box bitches they shouldn't be fucking introducing the kid to a man that they've been dating for three fucking months why is this like what i don't see why this is an argument i don't see where the debate is coming from this this is common fucking sense like why is she so adamant
Starting point is 00:44:38 in being dumb like you shouldn't you shouldn't you shouldn't fucking endorse stupidity that way nope don't think that it is I know that that is the problem that you don't think that but it's not my job to teach you not my job I just want to end this with
Starting point is 00:44:59 you should not introduce your kid to a man that you have known for three months that is not me talking about future and Sierra and Russell Wilson, which is why I've tried to make this conversation. I'm not talking about the three of them. I'm saying period women out there listening. Please email, please email this show and tell me that I'm incorrect in what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Please send me some valid arguments to support Marissa's argument that that behavior is totally acceptable for your child like like women have no idea the type of psychological damage that they do to children from their poor decision-making I think that's the bigger point here for me. Like, let's say Marissa's right. Let's go with that. In two years, let's say the girl done met seven guys. Would you say that that's feasible?
Starting point is 00:45:59 That can very well happen with dating today. Absolutely. You're going to introduce your kid to seven men in a two-year period. And the sad part, a lot of women think, oh, the kid is young. The kid doesn't know. The kid doesn't know what's happening. He won't remember. And I've heard hard like horror
Starting point is 00:46:30 Stories and I know some of the real niggas listening to this podcast. I know you've heard some of the same stories Bitches will fuck with the kid in the next room Yeah, that's bitches will fuck with the kid in the room bitches a fuck with the kid in the bed. I Personally have had to stop women from lying to have sex with me with their child present like women do dumb fucking shit not all i'm not categorizing i'm not boxing all women into this some it damages the child so then when the child grows up like now and i'm looking at twitter and seeing all of these fucking hoe bitches that are fucking tweeting like hoes acting like hoes snapchat like hoes instagramming like hoes the first thing that comes to my brain because i'm a little left field my brain says i wonder
Starting point is 00:47:16 how this kid was raised because people we we are products of all that we have encountered and experienced in our entire lives. And bitches ain't just hoes out the clear blue sky. It starts from somewhere. Yep. I'm one to say that if we're going with Madi's logic, that is one of the ways that this starts. When you come up in a household and you see either your father cheating regularly on your mother, if that happens, you probably at some point in your adult life
Starting point is 00:47:50 will feel a way about men, and you might not feel that they can be faithful. If you see your mom run niggas in and out the house constantly, when you grow up, it's a safe bet you may run niggas in and out of your house daily. Like, I'm not saying anything astronomical here. If you come up in a house where your father is beating the shit out of your mother, chances are, like, come on.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Like, what the fuck are we talking about here? Do you remember growing up the girl that had the cool mom? That always had the cool mom that you could go in her basement you could drink you could smoke yes that daughter what was she what was she known as in high school yeah yeah exactly like i don't like it sickens me and i hate to go off on a rant here with a conversation that initially i wasn't invested in at all i don't give a fuck about what future and sierra and Sierra and Russell Wilson is doing. I'm a Virgo and stupidity
Starting point is 00:48:48 bothers me. It annoys me and it sickens me. I can't bear to hear it or witness it or be around it. And when someone tells me or argues that after three months, it's totally
Starting point is 00:49:04 fine for your kid to be on every fucking website hugging some nigga you just met that we don't know how you feel about him. We don't know if they live together. We don't know. We don't know shit about shit. And with that, because I'm okay with making a point without knowing any of the information because it's going to be a very a very vague wide point which is why i continue to refer to it after three months this should not be occurring and contrary to whatever
Starting point is 00:49:34 the fuck marissa just said you don't know somebody after three months you don't that's number one number two a lot of women because i'm not gonna box women in they feel like every fucking relationship is about to work they're gonna do all that they can to make it work they're gonna appease they're gonna stick around they're gonna go hard this is the one i swear it's different from the last man y'all get this the fuck out of here man you're not you don't you do not know somebody in three months that was was great. Yeah. I thoroughly enjoyed that. Why doesn't that type of stuff make world star? We've got to talk about somebody.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Anyways, with that being said, let's segue to rap music. Dr. Dre has an album coming out. He does. Is anyone excited? I'm really bad at this gauging game
Starting point is 00:50:23 that we play. Yeah, I think we've been off every time. Now, it's funny. I used to be very good at it. But ever since they've incorporated streams with it, I'm not good at that. But they seem to only be making like 20, 30, 40,000 different. Yeah, Pars can weigh in on this too.
Starting point is 00:50:41 No, for me, they made a bigger difference than that he went from they projected him at 200 and he ended up at like 260 or some shit like 268 from streams future was amazing future i think he lived yeah he was they had him at first pegged at 75 somewhere around there yeah then he jumped to 125. And then that jumped from streams. I'm not really into streaming. I don't like the streaming. I'm not. Adding into that shit a little.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Like, I'm not stream savvy. I mean, we have to push forward as a culture and genre and technology. They're consuming how they're consuming the record. And people just stream. I suppose it's being paid for and the artist is seeing some money out of it. Right. And if they're doing it constantly every single day that does show to what your fan base is and that's what nielsen soundscan is really supposed to do is show you know how your impact so i think that it's good that the streams are counted no no no no it is good it's great but
Starting point is 00:51:39 i don't know how to monetize it because it's so new yeah I don't know I mean I know the labels do something like that it's like whatever cents per stream or something like that so they do get something so you take Dr. Dre who's releasing what I would assume is the soundtrack to the NWA movie that
Starting point is 00:52:00 should be out shortly it's more inspired by the movie so it's like his own music soundtrack, but it's more inspired by the movie. So it's like his own music and stuff, but it's just like he got it as inspiration. It's a perfect promotional tool. Pardon me. Perfect promotional tool for this movie,
Starting point is 00:52:12 which is why I'm kind of weary of the album because he was so against putting out an album for 16 fucking years, and now he has this movie and he wants to put an album out. Not to say that he hasn't been working on it because he clearly has. I'm just weary that it's a promotional tool
Starting point is 00:52:24 and not purely for music. Well, Dre says that he didn't put an album out. Not to say that he hasn't been working on it because he clearly has. I'm just weary that it's a promotional tool and not purely for music. Well, Dre says that he didn't put Detox out because he didn't like it. It wasn't good music. He said that on Beats 1 Radio. While that makes sense, I'm not sure that I believe it and maybe that comes from my ultimate faith
Starting point is 00:52:41 in Dre and who he is. That's why I'm so scared. I don't believe that Dr. Dre can work on something for as long as he worked on Detox and it not be good. Yeah. Now, that's not to say that he still doesn't reserve the right to not like it. Dre didn't like deep cover. Huh? Dre didn't like deep cover. I'm aware.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Well, also, living with something for that long, you're going to start to dislike it. Yeah, you're going to just get bored of it, tired of it. It's not going to feel new. If it's any consolation, which it's not, Ice Cube said it really is a great record. But he would say that because they're promoting the movie. Well, everyone is saying because it premiered the movie
Starting point is 00:53:20 already, and everyone is saying that the movie is really, really, really good. Yeah, I've heard nothing but great things about it. It just seems like a really genuine depiction of what actually happened versus like notorious was kind of and i like when people are involved that were actually there yeah i really prefer that and it looks like it was shot really well too it doesn't look like it was low budget didn't look like they spared cost for it i was also helps i was nervous about cube's son portraying him but he from the, he seemed like he did a really good job. I was nervous because so much happened in that time capsule.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And then they tried to fit it all in. So to fit it into two and a half hours, but from what I'm hearing, they really did a great job. So one person say that they did a much, much, much, much better job. And it's a much better movie than Notorious was. Yeah, that's what they've been saying. Not to say that that was a huge competition. That movie's not bad. It's just not a huge competition.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I enjoyed that movie. But they did encompass a lot, too. They said they went up to No Vaseline and passed that and everything. Yeah, because you've got to fit in. Let's see what happened back then. Well, where do you end? When Easy dies? I think nwa ended before easy no i know it did but where do you end the movie because they all even after nwa years after did great things within that i think capsule i think
Starting point is 00:54:37 you end it when each one of them go their separate ways yeah or they could do some dope shit like yeah i guess ended there and then maybe flash forward But they don't really need to yeah, but a younger people that missed that missed NWA, um, I Feel really glad for you guys like I'm glad that finally there's a movie that just the fact that if you were there or if you remember like NWA and and how they changed everything about hip-hop, for there to be a movie about it where white people are going to go see it, this is pretty amazing. I felt the outrage they caused back then and now it's just crazy, the full circle.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I felt Notorious was too soon i don't feel that this one's too soon and i don't really have a point to back that up but that's just how i feel um notorious i felt was a little too premature i feel like everybody everybody was there for that that went to go see that movie like whether they lived through it kind of thing uh i mean yeah well no i mean i still they had like the teens and stuff like i think i was i still hang out with a couple of of hoes that didn't know how that movie was going to end. So, I can't really say that. I might have to take that back. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:52 You need to reassess the people that you hang out with. That was a joke. I don't know if it was. I don't think it was. I think I can find one that may not know how that movie ends. You got to ask these women that were born after 95 if they saw Notorious and were surprised at the ending. Even with NWA,
Starting point is 00:56:07 I'm fully aware of what they did, what they went through, what they faced with censorship and all that stuff, but I still didn't get to really live through it because I was so young, so it's gonna be really cool for me to actually see how it played out.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I'm really excited about this movie. Yeah, I'm not even gonna buy the bootleg. I'm just gonna go see it. Yeah, I'm gonna see it tomorrow, actually. How you gonna see it tomorrow? Premiere, son bootleg. I'm just going to go see it. Yeah, I'm going to see it tomorrow, actually. How are you going to see it tomorrow? Premiere, son. Hey. I hate premieres.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Well, it becomes less about the movie and more about who's there. Well, no, I really just wanted to see it. I want to see the movie as soon as I possibly can. Yeah. Like, I want to go to the premiere to see it, but I won't see it. You just want to walk in and sit down and watch the movie and walk out. Well, my thing, too, was I was excited because I wanted to see, and sit down and watch the movie and walk out well my thing too was like i was excited because i want to see like cube and and all those people but
Starting point is 00:56:48 actually i saw him today so but you know what i do in my old age um and i'm only saying old age now because i have a birthday coming that's the only reason there's a big difference in saying you're 34 and 35 yo there is a huge difference yeah yeah i'm coming to grips with that you're 34 and 35. There is a huge difference. I'm coming to grips with that right now. At that point, you're halfway to 40. Halfway in the decade of. What I do enjoy now, I love matinees. I love waking up, going to the movies.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Are they a bit cheaper too? I don't really care about that. I'm the king of going to the movies by myself. I prefer going to the movies by myself. I think we used to always do that when we all lived together. We used to always do that. I go to the movies by myself more than I go with people. I have no problem.
Starting point is 00:57:31 You know, people say that. I'm sanitarious by myself, actually. There you go. People say that there are a list of things that you shouldn't do by yourself. And most of the things on that list, I do by myself. Do you remember any of them? I feel like the movies is one of them. I definitely list, I do by myself. Do you remember any of them? I feel like the movies is one of them. I definitely go to the movies by myself.
Starting point is 00:57:48 I do that. They feel like going to dinner is something you shouldn't do by yourself. I've gone on vacation by myself. I do that by myself all the time. They say sex is something you shouldn't do by yourself. I do that by myself more than anything else. So, I mean, I don't know. I don't pay these little lists anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Have you gone on a trip by yourself? A trip? I haven't been on a trip or vacation don't know. I don't pay these little lists anymore. Have you gone on a trip by yourself? A trip? I haven't been on a trip or vacation in some years. I'm deprived. I've done it, but I've known people where I was going, so I don't know how much that counts. I don't know if that counts. But I did stay by myself and just only hung out
Starting point is 00:58:17 with them once and basically just kind of... It had to be a specific location. I went to Miami, but it was just my post-graduation. Don't go to DR by yourself. You'd have to go somewhere secluded no cell phone service like you're backpacking or some bullshit like that's something i would want to do a reflective trip to like learn about yourself yeah or like vh1 therapy or something along those lines i don't think rory's little jokes are funny now if i did the problem me, if I went on a trip by myself, I wouldn't leave
Starting point is 00:58:47 the room. That was my problem in Miami. I really didn't go many places. I kind of go places. That's one of the reasons that I don't go too many places. I go places to do exactly what I would do in my house. And then I feel like, well, why the fuck did I do this when I could have just stayed at home? I'm a real homebody.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but I am going to take a trip soon. I'm going to go on a vacation soon. I'm uncertain as to where I'm going to go. But I deserve a fucking vacation. After this album comes out, or maybe before. Maybe before. No, before you do the whole promo shit. You're labeling me down your throat.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah, the label doesn't do much promo. Shout out to them. At some point, I will be taking a vacation. I don't know where I'll go. Maybe Bora Bora or something. I always wanted to go to Greece. It's pretty. Yeah, there's a million places I need to go. I'll figure that part out. Costa Rica has nice... Well, thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Back to the Dre, so we get our projections here. I can't even. I saw... I guess we gotta project. My homie put it in the threes. I was gonna put it in the threes i was gonna put i'm gonna go with him because he i trust his opinion well i think the second week is going to be just as consistent as the first week because i think dray's well not even that i think dray's fan base is not on the internet and want something immediately they're gonna be that second week hard copy sale i'm
Starting point is 01:00:01 putting it 320 340 and there's a lot of, like, you know, the future fans, I feel like it's a younger demographic. Like, Dre has the younger demographic and he has the people that have been riding with him, like you said, that aren't the internet people. I'm not going $320, $340. Fuck that. Parks should be a big favor. Give me a tissue.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Thank you. Why aren't you... You sound like you should be home I know I had a big meeting today A very important meeting So Oh
Starting point is 01:00:30 And a big podcast Let's not forget that Yeah Um What'd you say, Worry? Why aren't you in the threes? It feels high You say twos?
Starting point is 01:00:40 It just feels high for me Uh Kendrick did 320 I wanna say And Kendrick's all over this album as well. Kendrick's first album didn't do 320. Talking about To Pimp a Butterfly that just happened. Yeah, but he came off a classic album.
Starting point is 01:00:52 So was Dre. Dre had 2001 16 years ago. No, no, no. Thank you. Different times, different consumers. I put Dre in that superstar category where he has that fan fan base that's gonna come out i mean not jay dray is a fucking legend and icon but there's been no music from this soundtrack as of yet and i'm just i don't know again i'm bad with this with the stream and shit i don't know how today's consumer i don't
Starting point is 01:01:18 think they heard the fucking chronic to be honest with you. Yeah, but everyone that heard the Chronic isn't dead. I don't think. These people are still here. They actually have money. Yeah, they're here. I don't think a lot of them heard Chronic 2001. No, if I heard that, then a lot of them heard that. But a million people that are still alive did hear it and bought both of those albums.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Yeah. This 300 is not the younger kids kids i bought both of these albums both of those albums i think both of those albums are classics i don't know i'm going if i'm going to buy the fucking soundtrack it's not if you don't buy anything you can that's not true i buy let's not consider it a soundtrack though like it really is an album so i don't know if and that's the other thing are people looking at this as a Dre album right because that's what people have said it's there it's concerning them because it is based around the movie and so because of these things I'm not going that high now mind you if
Starting point is 01:02:15 this were Dre album I'd be way higher than 350 and I just don't think it's rolling out that way you got me a lifetime supply I'll give him i'll give him i'm not going to go far under 350 though i wouldn't high twos yeah i give him between between 275 and three even that feels a little high 15 A 15,000 change now, but it's fine. It's 25, Rory. I mean, that's what I meant. I was reading. You can't do math or read. I can't read.
Starting point is 01:02:53 I can't math. I can't do reading. I can't do anything. We get a lot of listeners that are about tired of you reading the emails. No, it was one person. No, it was not. People piggybacked all day. I saw a shit ton this week.
Starting point is 01:03:03 No, it wasn't one person. I wouldn't bring this to you if it were just one person. Oh, okay. It was more than one person. And they've had enough of your shit. It ruined my whole weekend. I couldn't even sleep. I mean, I'm sure I'm going to have a shit ton of people.
Starting point is 01:03:16 You young people just don't take criticism at all. No, I just don't care about criticism from somebody off the internet that I don't know. I met a podcast fan this weekend. But why? If they're listening. No one cares. It's the way they go about it. If they're listening and they say, hey, I enjoy the email segment.
Starting point is 01:03:36 If somebody spends an hour and a half. Why can't I get my point out? Well, I mean, there was comments in the SoundCloud too about it. If someone is listening and they say, I enjoy the email section. However, I would like Rory to be a bit more fluent as he's reading. That sounds like just a constructive... So that's the criticism you see, Joe. You're smart enough.
Starting point is 01:03:55 And the SoundCloud comments... No, no, no. Y'all should see my fucking mentions. There's this one girl that's really, really nice. My comments are so mean. Okay, but there's this one girl that's really nice and she comments on our SoundCloud every single week and she delivered the message quite nicely on the SoundCloud.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Well, you guys do know that you guys have created, it's a running joke. So obviously people get involved in our running jokes, not just with the email segments, with a lot of things. Trust me, I know.
Starting point is 01:04:16 That's what I get. I'm giving you another point. I'm giving you another point. But my point about young fucking millennials is you're gonna give me every point except the slight possibility that they might be right.
Starting point is 01:04:32 That's not what I'm suggesting. It's safe to say that hey that person may have a point. Let me just look at that for a second. Yeah I'm well aware of it. I'm still gonna get my jokes off. I know I'm well aware of it. I joke on going to get my jokes off. I know. I'm well aware of it. I joke on myself about it as well.
Starting point is 01:04:47 But you are suggesting that I should take something from a stranger off a joke on a podcast as a serious criticism. No, I'm not going to. But if a stranger has... But I think what Joe is saying is that it is a serious criticism. They're just delivering it wrong, but it's still a serious
Starting point is 01:05:03 criticism. The fact that it's a... I don't see... I'm big on... Nobody could get to where I am not knowing how you fucking read. Y'all are taking what this is as a joke and making it a serious thing. I don't think anyone's saying you can't read. That's exactly what everyone's saying. No, I'm saying you can't read.
Starting point is 01:05:19 No, he can read. I was called an illiterate often by these people. Well, that's not nice. Which isn't true, and they keep saying how much they love words and then call me an illiterate and don't know the definition of an illiterate often by these people. Well, that's not nice. Which isn't true. And they keep saying how much they love words and then call me an illiterate and don't know the definition of an illiterate. But that's neither here nor there. The very nice girl on SoundCloud did not call you illiterate. Well, shout out to her.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Yeah. I wish I could remember her name right now. I'll try to read better, guys. I mean, if you were reading this like Albert Einstein himself, not that I know how good he could read. I wouldn't lie. I feel like he might not have even honestly, you know what I mean? Yeah, I don't know about him. Because they're like fucking weird. I don't know. It's a running joke that
Starting point is 01:05:51 I'm not taking as serious criticism because it's a joke. I'm going to get these jokes off regardless. I know, but you're fine with that. But you're suggesting that I should pay attention to people that are also making these jokes that are not in this room. That's not what I'm suggesting. That's exactly what you're suggesting. That means that you didn't hear my point at all. No, I found a new debate with this room. That's not what I'm suggesting. That's exactly what you're suggesting. Continue the story. That means that you didn't hear my point at all. No, I found a new debate with Rory.
Starting point is 01:06:08 That is not what I'm suggesting at all. I'm saying that if a complete stranger makes a criticism, and that criticism has been consistent with numerous people, then maybe we should take a look at it and see if it's an area that we may want to improve in. I'm not saying to totally disregard it because of where it's coming from. But to Rory's point,
Starting point is 01:06:33 even though I do agree that we should look into it, to Rory's point, when it does become a running joke on the podcast, then everyone feels that they can participate in it, even if they don't necessarily feel that way, but because they're swayed by you being a fan of you. Can I get my one point before? So let's do opposite day today. Let's do, we'll not make
Starting point is 01:06:50 the jokes about Rory reading. And Rory will just read. You're smart, and you know people are going to continue to do it. But Joe, if I believed everything that I read on the internet about you, that you don't take into consideration as criticism, you would be saying the same thing as me right now. Huh?
Starting point is 01:07:06 The things that people say about you on the internet that are not true, a lot of people say them, and they're criticisms. Do you take them into consideration? No, I'm not telling you to lose your filter. But when people tell, when people make critiques about me, I look at
Starting point is 01:07:22 every one of them. I do. Some are true Some are not Okay End of that This one I know is not true But I do look Into all of them But I mean I work a program
Starting point is 01:07:35 So I'm gonna look at all of them And also Some are just very easy to dismiss And also I'm the only one that looks at these emails Did it ever cross anyone's brain That maybe these sentences do not make any sense? And I have to try to piece together what they said to make a complete thought? Do we have emails now?
Starting point is 01:07:52 One time I read an email and it was really nice. Can I tell my cool story? No. Well, you didn't give us your projection. Then we can move on. I said the mid threes. I say three, four, three, 60. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Just want to show for the record, I am not going to interrupt Rory while he is reading these emails. I don't have any joke to say. And I would like the listeners to not make any jokes on Rory's reading today. Okay. Are we done already?
Starting point is 01:08:22 Yeah, I got to go. I really, really have to go because I have a meeting at 2.30. I really, really have to go. Because I have a meeting at 2.30. First off, don't answer these questions from a place of financial privilege, Joe and Rory. Imagine you're a regular dude working in a job market and dating a woman that makes just as much of you. Don't try to read your best now.
Starting point is 01:08:39 So somebody just... Did somebody... Joey, are you listening there? Did he say he was not going to answer if I make any fucking jokes? Wait, hey Joey, are you listening there? Did he say he was not going to answer? I'm not going to make any fucking jokes. Wait, hey, wait, you hear him? That nigga's trying to put on his best reading voice. Roy, do not make these allegations based off your financial privilege. Like, well, just read.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Oh, my. He's not even using his finger. I get joked when I read well now. Use your finger, man. Go read like you normally read, bro. Oh, my God. All right, I'm well now. Use your finger, man. Go read like you normally read, bro. Oh, my God. I'm shutting up. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:09:10 Just before I start? Can I just tell my story? All right. I've developed a big issue with a woman when it comes to dating. Why do women want equality except when it comes to dating? I often hear women operate under the logic of men and women should be paid the same, but I cannot be with a man that makes less than me. Men are expected to contribute to so much more finances when it comes to dating.
Starting point is 01:09:32 I've had women invite me to places and still expect me to pay. This isn't the 1960s where women make so much less than men. In fact, all my close women friends make more money than me and have great careers. So what is he asking? Why we can't feel that they should pay for us or shouldn't be why do women expect equality in everything else except for dating and i have noticed and i'm not going to group women into everything but women tend to pick and choose the things that they want as far as traditions go um they pick the traditions that
Starting point is 01:10:03 they like and then they pick the ones they don't like, and they are just wishy-washy between. I could almost agree a little bit. I do feel like I wanted to disagree and be like, no, we'll be okay if they love us, blah, blah, blah. But then I thought about it. If I invite you out to eat, and as a man you don't pay for me,
Starting point is 01:10:18 I'll be like, uh, you're corny. So I don't know why we do that. I think it's just a blanket of security. Are you not interested in this segment? It's not really gold digging. It's not coming from that place. I think it's just the
Starting point is 01:10:34 security blanket. I know. It's the gentleman thing to do. I always do pay when I go out with women. That's just because that's how I was raised and I think that is correct. But you can make an argument that a man shouldn't, but I do think whoever invites who, if we're on paper, should be the one to pay. I get that, but I still think I just feel because you are the man, I still feel that way.
Starting point is 01:10:57 If a woman invites me out, I'm still paying. Yeah. Me too. I've always been. I don't necessarily have a problem being with someone that makes less than me, though. As long as you're making enough that you can still do something. It's not hurting you to pay for us if we go out together. Yeah, I just think his point is saying that they pick and choose what they want to be equal about. Yeah, I mean, it's true.
Starting point is 01:11:15 And it's not fair. But it is. But there is more double standards on women's behalf anyway. So this is just one example. I could come up with a thousand things that women don't get that men do get so all right this is a long one roars really i know i'm i'm feeling a little cocky uh i feel like you're all right this guy's he's old too i know that's why i wanted to talk about it see if old people have fuck shit as well. Should I stay or go? I've been with my girl for over two years, living together for one.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I'm 38. She's 43. I came into the relationship with a kid on the way with a woman who was on and off sex friend for nine years. Hey, when did she meet your kid? It was unplanned and I was unhappy with that. I was being the worst person possible to her during the pregnancy. Damn. And first year and a half of the kid's life. What a dick.
Starting point is 01:12:08 My girlfriend supported the behavior because she was worried about me being with the mother. Well, my being a shithead had me sued for child support, so I reached out to the mother, and after a while, she agrees to drop the case. Now, my current girlfriend is acting a fool now because I am going to be a father for my child. We don't have kids together, and I think she feels some way about me doing that and expresses her feelings without bringing it back to the mother of the child. We had a huge blowout fight because of it. She gave me the ultimate, oh, pardon, the ultimative. There's my first mistake.
Starting point is 01:12:43 The ultimative to get her pregnant by any means I'm not ready for two children just yet I love my girl but I'm feeling pressured Into another kid It is ultimatum I don't know what an ultimatum is I just want to go out on the run And let people know that Rory's making up words again
Starting point is 01:13:00 Okay Well let's go Rory's turning pink No I'm not because i'm bringing up the fucking word online what are you bringing up ultimative how it was spelt forget it forget it fuck it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm talking about the email i wasn't reading on google all right i want to be with my, but I can't keep having a fight every time I show some involvement with my daughter. Should I cut ties or not? I just want to get the alternative jokes off some more.
Starting point is 01:13:33 That's what it says on the email. Like, y'all are not understanding. I'm reading these for the first time. If there's a word there, I'm fucking Ron Burgundy. I'm going to read what's on the teleprompter. Like, go fuck yourself, San Diego. I'm going to see it see it i'm gonna say it that was okay well my thing is as you're as your eyes are reading and you see a word that doesn't
Starting point is 01:13:54 exist you should try to probably figure out what so every time i've tried to do that you guys start interrupting me like i'm fumbling no i'm trying to make sense of what this person fucking said okay so by making sense of ultim, we should probably just go to ultimatum. Okay, Joe. Hey, bro. It's not me. I'm just trying to help my friend. Okay, Joe.
Starting point is 01:14:14 That's all. And you wonder why this constructive criticism in quotes is in my mentions. Because people want to be in on the joke, and I'm in on it, too. That's why I laugh at them. Well, if it makes you feel any better they're probably going to rip me more to shreds for this dating children thing this week than anything else
Starting point is 01:14:28 why would they do that? because all the men didn't agree they all were on your side because all the men but a lot of the girls did I think it's a very divided issue no it's not to your point
Starting point is 01:14:39 no it's not there's nothing divided about this we're not going back into this nope not happening we're going to go into ultimative should we give this gentleman advice or no? No, because I don't even hear it past ultimative.
Starting point is 01:14:48 All right. He fucking, his girl wants him to give a kid because she's jealous of the baby mother. No, not until you get straight completely. Oh, no, don't do that. Yeah, that's not even bringing the baby into the world. Yeah, that's some Marissa shit. What? No, what?
Starting point is 01:15:00 It's not even a thing. Yo, he got an ultimative, and that's what it is. Yeah, basically. All right. Wait, I saw something. You're doing something this week, and I wanted to ask about it, and I don's not even a thing. Yo, he got an ultimative, and that's what it is. Yeah, basically. All right. Wait, I saw something. You're doing something this weekend. I wanted to ask about it, and I don't remember what it was. I think you were just on your deck all weekend, maybe.
Starting point is 01:15:12 I like the lights that you put. Don't try to look at my deck situation. Well, because I think Asia posted pictures, and that was kind of jealous. We got a grill. We popping up there. She did a four-panel thing, and it was different colors in each one, and it looked really fucking cool. Yeah, we bodying this shit. Anyway. Mad We popping up there. She did like a four panel thing and it was different colors in each one and it looked really fucking cool. Yeah, we bodying this shit.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Anyway. Mad hoes out there. I want to apologize to the listeners out there. I'm really annoyed at fucking Rory, but more so Marissa this week. So I'm kind of off them. Annoyed at me for one word that I mispronounced. No, I think I'm so annoyed at Marissa that it's rubbing off on YouTube. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yeah, I think that's what's happening. Such a logical person. Well, it's a whole millennial thing. That's what it is. When Marissa says something retarded, and I'm looking at you because you're directly across from me, now I'm just mad at both of you. Yeah, during your rant, you were staring at me, and I was like, you're not talking to me.
Starting point is 01:16:01 By the way, though, this is Marissa. I was staring at Parks, Joey, anybody that makes sense of that. But we're not going to get back into that. But I do want to say, I think I could be wrong. No! No, no, no. I still agree. Oh, no, baby.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I still agree with where I was. But I do think that my point of, oh, Russell's such a great guy. We don't know really what is happening behind closed doors. That was a stupid statement on my behalf. But I still think that if she trusts him enough then i i trust her judgment but i still think we can't just so just for clarity just leave it just leave it i'm gonna say this but i was incorrect so just for clarity so don't come to me about it leave me alone everybody you're gonna trust the girl who you don't know's judgment with the guy that she doesn't know.
Starting point is 01:16:45 That's her life and her child. I can't speak to her decision. You know what, guys? I will see y'all next week, my nigga. Peace. Whoa.

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