The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 47

Episode Date: January 6, 2016

First episode of the New Year, the trio sits down to discuss Mari's coats, child support, being too accessible to women, Joe's controversial tweets, Tory Lanez, and more!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 See the fucking lights changed the whole, are we recording? Yeah, we are rolling. All right. Hey. All right. Hey. Like. Gotta be mad.
Starting point is 00:00:11 That's what I'm saying, man. It's fucking whacking. Yo, so I'll name this podcast later episode in the 40s somewhere. 49? 48? I don't know. We're in the 40s. It's 47.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Oh, come on, come on, come on. We don't need your facts right now. Fuck off. We're in the 40s somewhere. So 47. Oh, come on, come on, come on. We don't need your facts right now. Fuck off. And we're in the 40s somewhere. So I come in here today, me and my guy, Johnny. Say hi, Johnny. What's up? What's up?
Starting point is 00:00:31 All right, Johnny says hi. Hi, Johnny. Are you eating a sandwich? We come in here. Marissa Monty Monty. Fuck off. We're going to stay on topic today. We don't care about what he's eating.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Listen, so I come in here today. I'm actually a little bit curious. About what he's eating? Yeah, I'm hungry. What are you eating, Johnny? It smells like oil and vinegar. Oh, never mind. That's gay.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Faggot. So I come in here today and my mighty, mighty, mighty. Let's not start the year off with me. All right, now. That's the worst start to a podcast ever. I'm going to take Marissa's microphone. I come in here today and the lights are extra dim. Some of the lights are even off.
Starting point is 00:01:02 It's very Love Jones-esque In here at the moment I'm confused We should've done the R&B podcast Rory's not even dressed like Rory Yes I am Well I'm layered Cause it's cold as shit Ah so you're not so fly
Starting point is 00:01:17 When it's cold out That's not true That's not true If you can't wear your little Dark wing duck coat you got And you're done off at Mardi Listen if y'all have been listening To this podcast for a year Then you should already know If you can't wear your little dark wing duck coat you got, and you're done off at Mardi. Listen, if y'all have been listening to this podcast for a year, then you should already know that Mardi coat game is in the tree.
Starting point is 00:01:33 It's my peacoat. One thing that I've learned about women who do the things that Mardi does, they normally don't have nice coats. Or nice bags or shoes. What's wrong with my peacoat? Mardi is still at the freshman level of thotting. She hasn't advanced.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I'm not a thot. She hasn't advanced to the point where the practice squad boo can buy her a nice coat. And he wouldn't do that because he's got a Michael Kors anyway.
Starting point is 00:01:57 All right, so anyway. Yeah, exactly. And here we are. It's been a good week. First podcast of the new year, 2016. My year is already off to a horrible start. All the great plans that I had.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I'm joking. I'm being facetious. But all the great plans that you have to end 2015, the first two, three weeks of the new year is the time like, you know how girls and guys who have like Brooks and afros They have like weird Hair growth periods Where It's not where you want it But it's Transitioning
Starting point is 00:02:32 So it's not dope enough For you to do something Dope wit yet That's what the first month Of the new year is like For me Like So get some weave
Starting point is 00:02:40 So we got some You're trying to carry over This whole Rory was funny In December Of 2015... You're trying to carry over this whole Rory was funny in December of 2015 thing. You're trying to carry it over. New year, new jokes. Hey, Rory was really funny for the last month of last year.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Thanks, man. He was. It was quick in and out. Now I don't know about this new guy here. But so that's where we are for me. Hopefully all of you guys have set goals. You have your vision boards set and all of that shit that people do.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Girls do vision boards like guys, not so do. Girls do vision boards a lot. Guys, not so much. Men do vision boards as well. If anybody that I know is a man and has a vision board, they haven't told me. Chuck Creekmore. Maybe Chuck has told me, but he's like a Neil Soul enough for me to accept that. For me to accept him having a vision board. Some people I'll accept it from.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Others, I will not. Like Rory coming to me, talking to me about his vision board. Some people I'll accept it from. Others, I will not. Like Rory coming to me talking to me about his vision board. I probably am not going to take it too well. I'm probably going to tell him to just shut the fuck up. Thanks, man. So we kicked off 2016
Starting point is 00:03:33 with a bang or at least what I feel like is a bang. Everybody's messy. This is wonderful. I love it. Who's messy? Future.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Let's start there. Bong. Future fucking going on a long tweet rant. Wasn't that long. It was long enough. It was like two tweets, three tweets. That's long for a nigga that don't tweet a lot. For a nigga that don't tweet a lot, when you tweet two times
Starting point is 00:03:59 back to back, that's a rant, nigga. Y'all not excused from ranting. So what did he rant? I came late to this party. I don't know what happened. This bitch is bitter, holding my kids back from me. I just want to see baby future. And I'm paying 15K a month for what?
Starting point is 00:04:18 That was basically it. Sensitive subject to me. But I'll try to have this conversation objectively. Unlike our last future sierra debate we'll have this cordially don't break this table and you're in a better place so so where do you stand on this matter well i cannot cast judgment yet because i do not know all the facts there is a possibility possibility that Sierra is acting bitter toward him and holding his son from him. There is also the possibility that Future had a specific day
Starting point is 00:04:50 that he wanted to see the baby, and perhaps Sierra's plans changed and she was unable to have to change her stuff around, and he got mad at her because she wasn't bending over backwards to make it happen like his other children's mothers probably do because they don't do much, don't travel,'t have a man in seattle and things of that nature and he could have gotten mad at that and looked at that as her being shady or not compromising and things of that nature so that could have been his reaction to that so we don't know she replied
Starting point is 00:05:17 though right uh through her people through sources yeah she said he didn't pay shit yeah she says he doesn't pay 15 and he And he could see Baby Future anytime he wants. Uh-huh. Is sources the person? That's what I always, I think it's like the publicist. In 2016, are we getting,
Starting point is 00:05:31 no, but let's try to keep it even more real in 2016. When people say sources outside of Chris Broussard, do they actually mean them? I've still, I've literally never figured it out. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I really think it is their PR person that have relationships. Where are Ciara's sources getting that? I think it's her PR team. But okay, where are they getting that future ain't paid no damn $15,000? Well, I'm assuming if it's her PR team, she gives them a statement, or they create a statement based on whatever the facts are or what they want to say. So they're getting it from her. Well, I noticed sometimes PR teams make up their own fucking statements when they're a bit.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Sometimes. Shit, 90% of the time. Yeah. Okay, that part I'm well aware of. What I'm saying is this. when they're doing their publicist thing, they ain't just making up the fact that they feel as though future has not paid to hear shit. That part they ain't coming up with from Osmosis.
Starting point is 00:06:33 That part in particular, ever since I saw that fucking NWA movie, every little cough I get I feel like I should probably go to a doctor Love that movie I've become a fucking What's the term?
Starting point is 00:06:53 Hypochondriac Hypochondriac It's out on DVD today That is what I have become But anyway So off it is Alright so Ciara's telling him that Do we care about this at all?
Starting point is 00:07:02 I mean You know it always opens up The men taking the men's side, women taking women's side debate on Twitter and people that don't even have children. Yeah, but none of us on Twitter know shit about what's going on. This is really a matter of we literally don't know the situation, so we truly cannot
Starting point is 00:07:15 judge it. We can't. We don't know what's going on. Where do each of them live? Sierra's based in Atlanta, but now I believe she's splitting her time in between Seattle, or perhaps full-time in Seattle because of Russell. Future's in Atlanta, but now I believe she's splitting her time in between Seattle or perhaps full-time in Seattle because of Russell. Future's in Atlanta. All right, so they're both in Atlanta. Perhaps.
Starting point is 00:07:29 She might be full-time in Seattle now. I don't see her being full-time in Seattle. She is. Maybe on Sundays. Shit. No way. She has a life. Yeah, him.
Starting point is 00:07:40 That's been her whole life lately. She hasn't been recording. She hasn't been touring. Why wouldn't she be with her man? You've been a misogynist the whole last year. Now you come in here and want to fight for women. No, I'm fighting for location. No, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:07:55 If I'm in love, I'm being up under him too. Even if you both are correct. Well, no, you both can't be correct. She's spending more than a Sunday in Seattle. Okay. Well, I think she's probably in Atlanta enough that Future could see his child if she granted him that opportunity. And I'm sure, well, no, I'm not sure. That's likely enough, yes.
Starting point is 00:08:16 And he might be out of town when she's in town. Yeah, it's an honest question. And again, my stance is. No pun. My stance here is I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't have all the info. Yeah, I was waxing.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Not funny anymore? You ain't been funny just for one moment. All right. I don't have all the information here. I don't care what is sensitive for me, but I can have this conversation objectively. All of that disclaimer bullshit. Now that that's out of the way,
Starting point is 00:08:40 when does Future have time to see his kid? Like, honestly. His album promo's over. He's about to hit tour, though. I do not know his schedule. I'm assuming he was one of the busier people in hip-hop last year.
Starting point is 00:08:53 2015, definitely. Absolutely. I don't see much time that he could've seen his kid. Yeah. Not saying don't see your kid because you're busy. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:09:00 But what I'm saying is if he's not in a great co-parenting situation, which it doesn't seem like he's in, like with his schedule and her schedule would seem like you need two people who are close to the same page. And I'm sure that's probably what he gets out of his other children's mothers just simply for the fact that they are not really working women. I don't believe any of them work. I didn't like all of the baby past Baby present Twitter jokes All that shit Yeah I know The old baby mom
Starting point is 00:09:26 Was like yeah Future past Yeah All that shit's corny All right so I don't care Well no it poses another question Does she need $15,000 a month We also don't know
Starting point is 00:09:36 If she's getting that Well they both agreed That that was the number No they didn't Sierra said she's not Getting shit from him She specifically said That he did not pay the $15,000
Starting point is 00:09:44 And he suggested $15,000 So I'm gonna If did not pay the $15,000, and he suggested $15,000. So I'm going to, if they're both saying $15,000, I'm going to say that that's probably the number. Yeah, they both said that number. Okay. So I have to assume that that is what is mandated for him to pay. Or that's the agreement they came upon on their own to not go to court. Should she be getting it? If that's the case, I i mean the court's determined based on
Starting point is 00:10:07 their income or or if the court didn't determine that number then that means they agreed on that number yeah and if he agreed to that number he agreed because he thinks she could get more in court right yeah so i did the math that like $750,000 or something like that if he was paying that for each child's mother for the whole year. That's a pretty big bill. Well, you have to think. If it was mandated by the court and he didn't pay it, there would be a warrant out for his arrest.
Starting point is 00:10:34 There would be a warrant. So this must be a number they came up with. Save to assume that. Does she need $15,000 a month for that baby? It doesn't matter if she needs it. If she can go to court and get more than that. Fuck the court. I'm just saying in general.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Does she need that much money? You can't generally ask that question because it's... Well, I'm opening a conversation. I'm not giving my opinion. That's a conversation that we shouldn't open either. Nobody's ever going to fucking... That's like fucking the chicken and the egg.
Starting point is 00:11:04 That's like ether takeover. It's like one of those. We'll never... That's one of those questions that you can ask forever no matter what century you're in and nobody will see eye to eye. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:16 not for nothing, but, you know, child support is for maintaining a roof over the child's head and other things of that nature. And that is where men will always fall on that side
Starting point is 00:11:23 of the argument. Yeah. No kid needs $15,000 a month. Right. But you have to know going into the situation procreating with Sierra, who already has this lifestyle because of her own self, so if you're giving her like $1,000 a month, that's like laughable. What is she going to do with that?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Like get her eyelash done? And that's the part that women always fall on. Courts take into consideration the lifestyle. And not only that, but in order to take care of the kid, the mother got to be, all right, they ain't never going to say that. But they take that shit into consideration. And again, it's not that she was being maintained by Future because she has her own money, but she has these things.
Starting point is 00:12:01 I almost think my child support might have even went up when my child's mom was unemployed well that would make sense if she's unemployed she'd need more money i had a different argument i'm sure you did i had a different argument well i'll pose the question again should there be some form of receipt or expenses to this 15 grand a month? I think that's a fair argument for someone to make. Men, men, men, always keep the receipt. I know it's tedious and meticulous and we feel like we shouldn't have to and we don't have to. I get that part.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Keep the receipt. Trust me. You'll get fucked in the long run without it. I think there should be some, if you're giving somebody money through a court, there should be something in return to say, this is what I spent this money on. Oh, if you're giving somebody money through a court, there should be something in return to say, this is what I spent this money on. Oh,
Starting point is 00:12:49 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:12:49 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:12:50 this is what it was spent on. The 15 is money not through a court. We're assuming. Yeah. We're assuming. Well, let's say it's through the court. That means it's.
Starting point is 00:12:58 You can't really force someone. That means. Well, we're saying something different. We're just saying, make sure that 15,000 is actually going toward the benefit of the child and not into her spa treatments for the month. What I'm saying is my response to no matter what y'all are saying. No matter what y'all are saying, get a receipt.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Definitely. If you're doing it through the court, get a receipt. If you're not doing it through the court, get a receipt. If you go pick your kid up and you go take that little nigga to Toys R Us and he's your kid. I mean, they're your kid, so you want to do everything in the world for them and you don't want to have to prove they can get whatever's yours, what's yours is theirs and all of that shit. I get it. Get the receipt. Keep the receipt.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Save the receipt. My father used to be so petty. He would take me out shopping and then invoice my mother afterward. Can he take you out shopping tomorrow for that coat? I'll get you for a new coat. My coat is fine. Is it bad? It's just a random ass peacoat that was in my closet.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It looks like a random ass peacoat that was in your closet. And it really put much thought into it. That you wore in a school play in the sixth grade. And it had to be like a light green green but you couldn't find that when you were 10 so you got a really dark green and and you put it well off the light it's green so my story is green so you got a real ugly type of green uh after the play y'all hung it up in a closet somewhere it's aged for what 30 25 20 years i don't really know i don't even know where this came from i just found it in my closet today Like if a button fell off of that coat
Starting point is 00:14:26 You couldn't replace it Like that's the way that this jacket A whole fucking coat might fall apart I just have all these North faces And none of my North faces really went with this outfit Are there pictures of you in this coat? Destroy them No, I don't know if I've ever worn this coat
Starting point is 00:14:44 Destroy, yo No, I don't know if I've ever worn this coat. There will be far artwork. Destroy, yo. No, I'm so sad and I have to go see someone after. I didn't know this was a bad coat. No wonder you're getting flown out to fucking Philly. It was Rhode Island. We went to Providence, Rhode Island, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Because he had something to do there. Never wear that coat again. Now I'm really sad because I thought this coat was okay. Oh, is that your go-to coat? I just said I found it in the closet Are you not listening? Wait I just said I found it in the closet
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah And it was long Because I didn't want to wear a north face With this outfit Wait are those your options? This or a north face? You're probably going to bubble coat somewhere I got mad bubble coats
Starting point is 00:15:23 At what point are you going to And some random not bubble coat But. I got mad bubble coats. At what point are you going to... And some random not bubble coat, but it's not warm enough for this. What were your New Year's resolutions? What's on your vision board? I don't really like to share those because I have to keep them to myself. All right. Well, let me share mine.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Okay. Every year I say to myself, when is Madi going to not be stuck in arrested development? I'm not. I was actually proud of myself today. Marnie, tell me how old you are. I'm 28. When's your birthday? July 27th, 1987.
Starting point is 00:15:52 So you'll be 29 soon. In six months, half a year. Okay, listen to this. I love you and I care about you. So as your friend, as a 29-year-old woman. I'm 28. I'm not even 28 and a half yet. All right, but I want you to finish being a fucktard until you're 29.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Okay. At 29 years old, you should have more options than a North Face and that green or gray. It is very gray. P-coat that it feels like my Aunt Daisy, rest her soul, would wear. Yo, is there like a store on this block? I'm hella going to go buy a new coat because I didn't know. I just saw this coat.
Starting point is 00:16:26 See, but that's why I feel like, that's why I've always been the friend to like say the shit that maybe you feel like you shouldn't say to friends because sometimes we be thinking we doing dope shit. I mean, I didn't think this coat was dope.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I just didn't think it was bad. That's really bad though. What, my coat? That. Royce, is it that bad? It is. You know the girls that had an attitude on the schoolyard? They always wore peacoats like that.
Starting point is 00:16:52 It looked like your generations are confused. You got a grill on at the mouth. I do not have a grill on at all. Well, you have a nose ring on then in your nose. And not even five inches underneath, I'm in the 20s. So this is a peek out from the 1920s. Hey, that's actually a nice segue to fucking Johnny. I wasn't even going to talk about Johnny.
Starting point is 00:17:17 But since he's here, Johnny and I had a similar conversation where as a friend, I was telling Johnny I thought that he did something that he probably shouldn't do, my opinion. And we had an intelligent conversation about it. I feel like if I walk outside and I have a booger in my nose, I would like for my friend to tell me that I have a booger in my nose. That's part of friendship. So me and Rory are supposed to tell you that that coat, my nigga, should never be.
Starting point is 00:17:40 It's for pug. Johnny, can we talk? I can't. Johnny makes himself too accessible to the hoes. Oh, Johnny. Do we have an example of what triggered this conversation? The specific. Yeah, anytime Johnny has ever been with a hoe.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I'm aware of that, but I'm saying was there a specific moment? Remember LA? Damn, now just bring it up, Madge. Remember LA? Remember, now just bringing up magic. Remember LA? Remember? All right, so let me give the listeners some backstory here. Johnny is a great friend of mine. A.K.A. Gunplay.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So Johnny now, Johnny is witty and personable and charming and welcoming. Paul's no homo and all that. You heard me, though. He has a lot of great characteristics about him, right? Mm-hmm. And Johnny, not to fucking jerk his own, not jerk his dick over here or anything, he does all right with the ladies.
Starting point is 00:18:39 From what I see, I see it, because we're together. I can see it happening. So if I didn't see it, maybe I would think he was chump. But I've seen it. So as I had to say, anytime
Starting point is 00:18:51 anybody wants to see Johnny, guess who is available to be seen? You guessed it. Johnny. He's too accessible to the hoes. I mean, it might be like a bad choice of words. But wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:19:08 So for me, that lends to a much bigger, I'm looking past that. This is multi-layered. I'm looking at what being too accessible to the hoes does to the psychology of the hoes. What was your hypothesis? I didn't need a hypothesis because I'm listening to Johnny share his stories with me over the course of time. And that is my sample size.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I'm taking what I think it does to the psychology of holes being too accessible and I'm listening to what's happening with him and some of his hoes. It's a match. You ever seen CSI when they get some fucking, go test the fucking DNA? It's a match. It is a 100% match. You can't make yourself too
Starting point is 00:19:56 accessible to the hoes. Well for our listeners why is that? It all came from this damn fucking Oh man. Sorry that I wore this coat Johnny What the fuck Didn't mean to Easter coat that she's eventually going to grow out of
Starting point is 00:20:10 That's why we bought it But she never did Well first of all Anything that is too easy to get Probably isn't worth having I agree That's one Gems
Starting point is 00:20:24 Two Damn Johnny Real bitches like agree. That's one. Gems. Two, damn Johnny, real bitches, real bitches like a chase. That's true. And, to the other bitches,
Starting point is 00:20:34 to the bitches that maybe don't like a chase, I'm going to assume that some of them like a man to be like a man. So, right? And not to say Johnny's not a man. At no point am i saying that okay
Starting point is 00:20:46 so i want to give more context before you your his face almost jumped off so what what what i mean is they like to you know how women like the idea of love? Yes. Like, some women love love, and some women just... Most women just really love the idea of love. It sounds great on paper. Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Like, women like to like. Follow me here. Women like to like. You see it every day. It's evidenced by all of these bitches who are with new niggas every other fucking five weeks on Instagram. Bitches just like having somebody to like
Starting point is 00:21:34 and talk about and tweet about and all of this fuckity fuck shit, right? So they like all of those feelings. All of those feelings are intertwined, those three that I just named. Want a man to be a man, fucking the liking to like. And the first one.
Starting point is 00:21:48 What did I say? What did I say? What was the first one? The one where your face jumped off. He's not a man. To be a man? That's what you. Oh, then that was the second one.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Thanks, Roy. Oh, then it was the first one. Whatever the first one was. We'll rewind it. But if every bitch, every time can hit Johnny and say, yo, it's I want, I want to see you in an hour. That's not what the situation is. And he's like, all right,
Starting point is 00:22:10 I'm in Alaska, but let me take three trains and if I can get a private jet, then maybe tonight. Wait, wait, wait. If you have a blunt, then maybe tonight. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:19 If I leave now, don't like it. That's not how it goes down. I have to ask, I followed you all the way there and I 100% agree with you. All right, come on. But what if Johnny just wants these women
Starting point is 00:22:28 to be available for him at the same time too to fuck? Because you're saying they're not going to want him eventually. Maybe that's his game plan. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not saying that they're not going to want him eventually. I'm still upset about my P code. I can't even listen to this conversation.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I'm saying everything about that is much. Seriously. I didn't know that Johnny needed to be in my mentoring program until recently. This is part of, once I saw this happening, it was that coupled with some other things that we won't mention. I said, Johnny needs my mentoring program. Is this women that he's really interested in? No. No.
Starting point is 00:23:05 So. But at the same time, I'll say this. That's kind of my point. I'll say this to say this. Some of the stuff he's saying is accurate and some of it's inaccurate, but all in the same hand.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I said it would be accurate. What? I said if DJ Khaled would say it, it would be accurate. Thanks, Roddy. Throwing in some ad libs. Dan, how's y'all? How's business?
Starting point is 00:23:25 Boom. All right, anyway. So it's not a bad thing to improve on what you're doing, especially coming from someone like Joe. Oh, don't make me sound like a shit boy. No, no, I'm not. I'm not. Coming from someone like, I was going to compliment you, but I mean, I can go the other way.
Starting point is 00:23:41 All right, no, don't make me sound like a shit boy. All right. Coming from a Joe that can give you a little bit of knowledge. He's got a different angle. He's got a different view just like you would have a different view on things. It's just good to hear a well-rounded view. It's not that everything
Starting point is 00:23:55 he's saying is completely accurate but some of it is accurate. Well, we know Joe embellishes more than anybody on planet Earth. No way. Really? But no, back to your friendship thing. You should have friends that have different views than you for situations like this. Word.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And so back to his point was that, yeah, there were some times that maybe it was a little too, not available, but yeah, I guess it was available. You know what you need to do? You need to jerk off and then answer the text message. Just be done with it. If you wanted to come so you're not so super horny
Starting point is 00:24:26 yeah right word like Johnny like Johnny thought about seeing somebody on Christmas well that to me sounded like then you have to question who she was
Starting point is 00:24:39 and why she wanted to come out for her which I did which I questioned there was a lot of questions so this was a woman that he never met. Didn't know. Didn't have much rapport or dialogue with.
Starting point is 00:24:50 She must have been Spanish, right? Celebrated Christmas Eve. Wait, time out. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So I'm talking to my man, you know, on a holiday. I'm looking at myself in some weird situations. So this guy's telling me he plans on seeing a girl on fucking was it Christmas night or Christmas Eve I was day of night Christmas night the night, you know
Starting point is 00:25:09 That was the most retarded thing I had ever Thanks, that's my point That tells you all you need to know. I said, Johnny, you're going to see a bitch that you have never seen, never met, never chilled with, never hung with on Christmas? Why? Why is that occurring? I mean. I like the little mini homie court that we have going on right now.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Yeah, right? Well, no, it's not homie court because him and I have had this discussion already. I'm not bringing him up on charges. We had this talk already. But that was, I guess, I'm delayed a bit, but that was answering your question. You wanted an example. Like, that's what I mean. Even if he's free on Christmas night.
Starting point is 00:26:04 See, that's what I, I think that's where me and Johnny were going wrong a little bit because Johnny, at some point, I don't know if he's still there now, but at some point, he was like, well, it's no sweat off my back. I'm not trying to marry any of these bitches.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I'm not doing nothing. Like, why not just fucking, what? It's not killing me. No sweat on my back. My name on Christmas night? Like a new bitch? Where were y'all going to go? She invited me to her place.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Oh, yeah. That's kind of weird, man. That's retarded, dude. That's kind of weird. Wait, and then, so I guess me and him spoke about it, and then he went and spoke to her. And then the next time I spoke to him, to him, this is how off he is. To him, he had a perfectly logical and rational reason why this should be happening on Christmas. What was the reason? I forget.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Something real dumb like, oh, her five kids got taken away from hers. Five kids? No, no, no. And she had to move. No, no, no. So she's up here in this new town alone with no family. So she's not doing anything. And I said, oh, you don't think this is weird?
Starting point is 00:27:13 And you met her on what? Twitter? Twitter or Instagram? Not real life. Oh, I thought you had never met her before. Yeah, not like. Or was that a Joe embellishment? Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:27:22 No, I did that too. Oh, okay. Where'd you meet her? It was just a random around town type thing where I live. All right, so he's not going to say online on the podcast. Oh, okay. I meet bitches on Twitter. He just met her.
Starting point is 00:27:33 You know how around his house he was walking his dog. It was fucking at fucking One Republic. Oh, okay. A little potty. But it was like in passing. It was like a quick like, hey. Saturday, everybody over there at One Republic. She's leaving.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I'm out. I'm like, all right. One Republic got the like, hey, she's leaving, I'm out. One Republic got the hose though. Rory's had great times at One Republic. Word. Hey, Sam. I've had some great times in Hoboken, period.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yeah, I know. Your great times hopefully have come to an end. Sam, I got you. Because I know you're listening. If there's one person I can count on to be listening every single week,
Starting point is 00:27:59 it's Sam. Hey, Sam. Why do we keep bringing her up on this fucking podcast? Because she real. And a few more people that I won't name. Hey. Hey. Got to keep her her up On this fucking podcast Cause she real And a few more people That I won't name Hey
Starting point is 00:28:05 Gotta keep her on her toes I know you're listening George So anyway Wow we really did all of that For Monty's Peacock Yeah Thanks everyone
Starting point is 00:28:16 Which is great And Which is great Forget about the 15 grand To backtrack Everybody was talking about Andre Godala's wife Oh I missed that one Who wants Oh 18 Right up from 18 Backtrack. Everybody was talking about Andre Godala's wife.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Oh, I missed that one. Who wants. Oh, 18. Who wants 54 grand. 54 grand a month. And she's currently at 18. She's currently getting 18. Yeah, for one kid.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Because she said that she's special. She has an IQ of like 151 and she needs to go to like gifted school and like be a genius. Oh, I mean, that makes sense. I guess. Yeah. I don, that makes sense. I guess. I don't know if that's the truth. But is that $54,000 a month? Nobody needs $54,000 a month. Is it child support or
Starting point is 00:28:55 is it Floyd Mayweather support? I can't think of too many people that need that type of... Maybe she could buy me a new coat. You need coat support. Can you put fishbot on, like, coat support? Oh, my God. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Fishbot, who I saw at Hennypalooza. Did I mention that? Yeah. It's cool. I know he was there. Oh, I didn't mean to delve deeper into anything. No, no, no. We're good.
Starting point is 00:29:22 You got real shit on here. Oh, oh, oh. Your women are really nuts. Back to your cup. Yo, do you know, let's take a moment. Let's take a moment to appreciate womanhood and all the things that women have to deal with. Thank you. Men, listen to this really quick because this is very true and serious here.
Starting point is 00:29:45 really quick because this is very true and serious here all i said to marissa was that i saw someone that i know she knows yep men understand young g's out there all the young g's really old i ain't talking really the old niggas young g's understand get your ear to the speaker a little closer when you say that to a woman, they have to, let's see, have you ever seen, damn, I'm talking to the young Gs, so I can't use my old references like the Thundercats. Anyway, when you say that to a woman, they get their defense set up. They get in like a 2-3-2. their defense set up. They're getting like a 2-3-2. So they have like a 2-3-2 surrounding their head because they don't know what you're going to come at them with.
Starting point is 00:30:31 They're prepared for all of the fuckball shit that you could have possibly seen. Their fuckball nigga that they love doing. The best part is when they're trying so hard to pretend to show they don't care that they look like they care more. How did I look when I said that? You look like you
Starting point is 00:30:53 completely gave a fuck. Yo, it looked like Professor X came in the room and just started thinking with his brain. All I was saying was I saw him. That's all, Madi. Yes, I know he was there. That was the end.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Okay. Where's this coat leading you to, though? God damn it. What is it? What do you mean? Are you going on a date? Well, yeah. Hopefully not.
Starting point is 00:31:15 You're actually going on a date to fucking Burlington Coat Factory. No, but that's why I'm going to go buy another fucking coat because, yes, I'm going to meet him right after this. I have to get a better coat. You're going to meet who?
Starting point is 00:31:26 No one. Wait. I didn't expect to have my coat on for long. Wait. I know it's cold in here. Wait, when is July? It's six and a half months. I mean six months and a few weeks.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Six months. My birthday is six months from January 27th. Six. We're in January. Yes, January 27th to July 27th is six months. March, April. January to February, February to March, March to April, April to May, May to June, June to July. Hey, baby, baby, baby.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Hey, baby, baby. Let me get it. Let's say it's six. Okay, it is. Thank you, because my half birthday is January 27th. Let's say it's 6 It is thank you Let's say it's 19 My half birthday My point is still the same Wait a second
Starting point is 00:32:15 I'm going to go buy a better coat You're 29 and 6 months Oh my god Can I be 28 for a little while And you don't know that You should not wear that coat. Bet you he still wants it. I bet you he don't want that coat.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Try to give him that coat then. No, I didn't say that. Try to give it to him. You did say, I bet you he wants it. I bet you he don't. Now,
Starting point is 00:32:37 what do you want to bet? Not the coat, stupid me. I'm talking about the coat, bitch. Hit me. He wants me. He's not going to care that my coat is trash.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I bet you he don't want you in that coat Keep that coat on and fuck them And now I gotta go see his meet his brother too And I don't wanna wear this Wait a minute Wait are you gonna meet up with Johnny The one in front of us Yes
Starting point is 00:32:58 Accessible nevermind forget it He'll take you as you are all the time Okay I told you he's only funny at home I thought that was kinda funny too Understand the reference. Accessible? Never mind. Forget it. He'll take you as you are all the time. Okay. Never mind. Whatever you guys said. That was really trash, Rory. I told you he's only funny at home. No, you guys are not. I thought that was kind of funny too.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Yeah, it was funny. It's not even funny no more. See? Told you. Quack now. Baby. I just asked her early in this conversation if that was her go-to and she said, no, I just saw it in my closet.
Starting point is 00:33:21 It's not. It looked dope. But yet you're going on a date and you're going to meet this dude's family and you're going to have bum ass coke. I didn't know it was bad well why didn't you wear your go-to because it's because the go-to is the north face well there's just a shit ton and none of them really matches they're like green white brown i don't want any of those colors black can i see what's under the coat no it's cold and here it's cold yes In here, it's cold? Yes. I'm freezing. You have your coat on, too? I don't have a coat on.
Starting point is 00:33:46 What is that? It's a hoodie. Well, whatever. This feels weird. I'm not trying to be fancy, you know. I didn't say that you were. Listeners, we're just taking a brief intermission so I could look at Marissa's outfit underneath. A t-shirt and a...
Starting point is 00:34:01 I don't know what you call that. Are those jeans? They are jeans. Casual. Hey, I don't know what you call that. Are those jeans? They are jeans. Casual. Hey, I ain't gonna lie. I'm gonna give a big salute to Marissa's niggas, man. You're a hater. You got a floral shirt on.
Starting point is 00:34:16 It's not a shirt. It's a, I don't even know what you call it, but it's not a shirt. I have a blue shirt on. Well, what's that? A cardigan? I don't know. What's the thing that looked like my great grandma's that does not look like that and the style of it is very different i salute all marissa niggas man y'all niggas is the niggas man y'all like some great cards and sometimes i
Starting point is 00:34:39 be seeing like niggas thirsting after marissa on twitter i salute y'all too big up to y'all yo you a hater or You a hater. Been a hater your whole life. What else happened? Something else happened. So we got that baby child support bullshit. Young Tyga. The sniper. That's also a weird situation.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I can't call it. He's still weird, but I don't know. Is he with the girl Still Kylie Yeah Are they off together Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:08 For now I mean This might have Fucked him up Gloria Allred I read the text messages It's still creepy But he didn't try anything
Starting point is 00:35:16 Yeah yet But see my whole thing was He was contacting her His manager story is He was contacting her Because he liked her singing But in the text messages Y'all always talk about shit without giving a premise as to what y'all talking
Starting point is 00:35:28 about for the people that may be unfamiliar. Okay, well, Tyga was caught texting a 14-year-old girl and then the DMs, first he DMed her. Those leaked about a month ago. They became such a story online that OK Magazine picked it up and they made it front page news and the cover said that Kylie caught
Starting point is 00:35:44 him in a scandal we don't care this much about it Tiger back at it man it does matter because Tiger back to his old tricks
Starting point is 00:35:50 so this 14 year old girl she is an aspiring singer Tiger I'm here Tiger no alright what the fuck
Starting point is 00:36:01 is wrong with you I'm gonna just sit here in my pee cup hey let me give a Cliff No version of all this shit Mardi saying hey y'all Tiger Tiger All right. What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm going to just sit here in my pee cup. Hey, let me give a cliff note version of all this shit Marty's saying. Hey, y'all, Tiger Tiger again, man. There you go. What I'm confused about, and I'm only joking here.
Starting point is 00:36:18 What I'm confused about is this. I did say this in my head. Well, earlier on, whenever this story broke, I'm reading and I'm seeing all of these people, like, with all of this shock and outrage that Tyga is talking to a 14-year-old girl. And I'm like, uh. I can't even really discuss this the way I would like because it's too funny to me. And I have a bad habit of laughing at things that... Shouldn't be laughed at. I guess people say shouldn't be laughed at. Yeah, they just tore me up on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah, we just got to get to that too. I had a nice back and forth with... DeRay. DeRay. DeRay. Now, I'm fucking from the hood. So normally when I think DeRay, I think the comedian DeRay. But no, this is a social activist D-Ray.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Oh, that's who I thought you meant. D-Ray. D-Ray Davis. No, I meant social activist D-Ray. Social activist D-Ray. Him and I had a nice exchange, right? And I respect that guy. I respect him for all that he has done and continues to do for the community with all of that shit that I don't like to talk about.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Right? So what happened here? Oh, what was my first thing here? We can bring it up to quote you correctly. Oh, look at Rory, front and center for my demise. We never fact check Anything on this show Let me get the exact quote
Starting point is 00:37:48 And yet here we are With Rory Wanting to fact check Alright Did you delete it? Oh So you don't have it What do you know
Starting point is 00:37:57 Alright so What a bitch Oh what a Oh man I thought you Were you hacked? I thought you was ill No I wasn't hacked
Starting point is 00:38:04 That was really me So I was tweeting Something along the lines Of how I'm going to retire from rapping. I'm going to better my community and be a motivational speaker and let people know the damage that whack holes is doing to the community, right? The real issues. Something like that. Again, I say clearly, but maybe not so clearly. What I thought was an obvious joke. But the trolls, man.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Don't blame the trolls. You were wrong. You set yourself up. Don't blame the trolls. You were wrong. Well, that leads me to believe that you know what I was about to say. So what was I about to say, Rory? No, go ahead. Oh, okay. So what do you know? So you don't know what I was about to say. So what was I about to say, Rory? No, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Oh, okay. So what do you know? So you don't know what I was about to say. Go on, Joe. So you don't. I do not. You can continue. I told you he would only show up for a month.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I mean, you're an H&M or. I'm talking to the three niggas that be in my mentions. Are you looking for me? Rory got you again. I'm looking too. I do be getting you all the time though. Yo, Rory won another debate. The same nigga every week.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Like, get the fuck out of here. It's fine that I've beaten you in debates all of last year. So, that's debatable. But, so that's what I tweeted. Clearly, I was being facetious, right? No, you didn't say what you tweeted. Say what you tweeted. We're in a tinkle factory, Johnny.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I'm lost. Why do you keep interrupting me and I'm trying to tell the story? Because you said, that's what you tweeted, but you didn't say what you tweeted. So, I'm asking you. I did say what I tweeted'm trying to tell the story. Because you said that's what you tweeted, but you didn't say what you tweeted. So I'm asking you. I did say what I tweeted at the beginning of my story. As I keep trying to tell it, you're interrupting me. Joseph. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:32 So that was what I tweeted. Let me say that again slower for some of you people who have Rory's IQ level. My initial tweet was I'm going to retire from rapping because I'm going to be a motivational speaker because the community is suffering from the whack codes. Whatever I said, right? My memory's bad. I'm not going to pull it up.
Starting point is 00:39:52 But I said something like that. I was joking. So here comes Troll Man. Here comes fucking Brian or whatever. Brian. There's always a Brian or Aaron with two numbers. With a Y. Here comes Aaron87J
Starting point is 00:40:06 or some dumb shit. Here he comes writing my mentions. And what does he say? He was a real Weisenheimer. He says, what good were you doing for the community when you sat on Esther's stomach and when you beat Esther up
Starting point is 00:40:23 and made her miscarriage your baby? Right? So that's what Aaron837YX, right, said. Whatever, right? So I'm in McDonald's. I'm sitting here. I'm chilling. I'm eating my fucking double quarter pounder.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I'm reading this shit. And I say to Aaron, and it's not his real name, so don't try to go to that ad. I say to Aaron, I say, good thing I did or I'd have been fucked, huh? Angel emoji. Good thing I did or I'd have been fucked, huh? Angel emoji. When I tell y'all that I laughed for like an hour and a half, I laughed from McDonald's. I was parking at Johnny's and I was laughing.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I really laughed for a long time because I amuse me. And I have a really warped sense of humor right but I thought nothing of that because I was too busy laughing right so then you go back on Twitter after you finish laughing and oh man that's when it went down I opened my Twitter application with 300 mentions sitting there. My heart starts pounding fast. This is dramatic. I'm trying to give you how dramatic it is when you open the app and it's 500 mentions. That is the worst feeling ever. Like some people out there understand what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:41:37 When you open your app and you have not tweeted at all. You have not tweeted in days, maybe. And now there are 500 mentions as you open your app. That shit is scary. That's like the AIDS test. It's like scary like that. Even if you always use a condom, when you go take an AIDS test, it's scary. Every single time.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Right? So I'm scrolling and it's a bunch of people like, oh, wow. Oh, you fucking sack of shit. You the scum. You piece of. You know, they were calling me all types of names. But D-Ray was one of the people. And I you fucking sack of shit you're the scum you piece of you know they were calling all types of names right but d ray was one of the people and i've seen some of his tweets i know he uh can articulate himself rather well he was one of the people there so him and i had a nice exchange back and forth uh and him being fucking responsible and mature and all of
Starting point is 00:42:21 that shit and me just being me. But it was great. It was great. It was great. It was great. And in the end... You had a mature response to him. Oh, well, I'm mature. I know that it's cool.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I know it's cool to be goofy and silly and not mature like online, but in real life, I'm mature. I wasn't going to have that conversation with him and not be mature. And like I said to him in one of my tweets i'm i'm smart enough to even though i believe in everything that i said to him and there's a whole bunch of shit i didn't delete that so you can go on my twitter if you want to read it um even though i believe everything that i said i still deleted the tweet still because you have to allow yourself, even in stubbornness, room for error.
Starting point is 00:43:09 That's why. So it was a great exchange between me and him. That was my first time ever even talking to that dude. I followed him behind that. I'll look at some of the social stuff. Because he said some shit. What did he say? He made his point, right?
Starting point is 00:43:21 And then he said what mean like one in motivational influence tastemaker terms he was like yo you shouldn't do that because you have influence and you're a leader and people look up to you and reading it people can take what you said even if you didn't mean it that way and whatever he said right then he ended it with let's build freedom together or some shit he ended it like oh he said let's get free. I was like, wow. Oh, wait a minute, D. I want to be free. Wait. Was I, am I not free?
Starting point is 00:43:49 Wait. Wait. And as soon as he said it, it was like, I was brainwashed. And even though I had already left the conversation, I hit reply. And I said, I love everything you're doing out there, man. You were right. I was wrong. I didn't see I was living that
Starting point is 00:44:06 way like what is my mind yo the slaves and they had us in the field like that's what came over me I just wanted to repent for my sins when he said that man let's get free what so I'm free
Starting point is 00:44:24 now I mean I don't i think i'm working toward toward it i'm so glad that you had that revelation another step oh thanks guys well is that not great no it was i'm glad that you saw the error in your ways now i need y'all to get free you need to get mad free uh there's this little thing going white privilege. I'm pretty free. When you let one hood nigga into like an organization, it gets hood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yo, like, and this is me carrying on my own joke in my head. I'm aware. Yo, like what if I was really down with D Ray now and I was trying to kick the message? Like that would be how I would kick it. Like, Roy,
Starting point is 00:45:06 you need to get mad free of my G because you're brain. Like, I would fuck D-Ray's whole movement up. No, you would. All by yourself. Yeah, single-handedly.
Starting point is 00:45:15 D-Ray, you might not want to keep talking to me, bro. I'm trying to tell you something. Monty, who are you texting? I'm just trying to see if I have any other photos of my coat so I can give my friends
Starting point is 00:45:22 an example and ask their opinion on my coat. I never wear this coat. I can't find one. We just gave you three opinions. I don't have any other photos of my coat, so I can give my friends an example and ask their opinion on my coat. I never wear this coat. I can't find one. We just gave you three opinions. I don't care. I found a Macy's for you.
Starting point is 00:45:31 You also don't like my Jurassic Park hat. We're in Midtown. There's a thousand places you can go. We found Burlington. Yeah. I think I'm going to go to Macy's on 34th Street. Yeah, yeah. They should be open.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Yeah. They should be open. So what? Let me see. What else? Are we done with tiger tom tom tom toll up we ain't gonna disrespect the og tiger the og no tom call from myspace the og we called this yeah yeah yeah we called this uh i i mean i mentioned this uh i said this
Starting point is 00:46:00 it might have been our very last podcast, or the podcast before it last. And I think toward the end of that talk, Rory asked me, do you think they fire him or do they, you know, whatever. Let him go on his own terms. And, yeah, they did it exactly the way I envisioned them doing it because I do believe he probably was pushed out. He's a smart guy, and I think he knew it was his time. And the Mayors are a classy organization, so I knew they he knew it was his time and the mayors are it's a classy organization
Starting point is 00:46:25 so I knew they would handle it well I like the exit I love the speech again my concern is who do the Giants get
Starting point is 00:46:35 now it's a lot of big coaching a lot of coaching Chip Kelly is available yeah right you know it's funny I do believe
Starting point is 00:46:43 let's get rid of Odell let's get rid of Odell. Let's get rid of Eli. For real. Let's restart. We're not playing football anymore. Oh, get Chip Kelly
Starting point is 00:46:51 on that team. Somebody in New York would shoot Chip Kelly. It would. If Chip Kelly started coaching the Giants and then traded Odell. Well, shit.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Philly fans are way more crazy. I'm surprised they didn't. Philly fans are nuts. Well, let's be clear. Deshaun Jackson, amazing fucking deep threat, right? Deshaun McCoy, shady, great running back. And Macklin, great.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I don't know if none of them three is Odell. No. Though it would be great if they hired him and got rid of everybody. And no disrespect to Mark Sanchez and Nick Foles and Homeboy. Nah, you could throw some disrespect there. Who's the other dude? Who's the rookie that they got that's third on the depth chart, the quarterback? Did he go to Oregon?
Starting point is 00:47:47 He had a really big college career. I don't remember. But anyway, Eli is neither any one of those three gentlemen. So if Chip came up here trying to fuck around with Odell and Eli, niggas would have his head and throw that shit on the dance floor at lust. Does he get another job? Chip Kelly, 100%. Chip Kelly, 100% gets another job because, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Pro? White privilege. I think he can get another pro job. 100%. 100% somebody will give him another pro job. He's not a horrible coach. He just did some really retarded shit. Well, what happened was,
Starting point is 00:48:22 and I'm glad I heard this on one of those hot take sports shits, but I heard that even when Philly stepped to him, they didn't step to him to get rid of him. They stepped to him and wanted him to relinquish his GM president, all that other extra shit. They still wanted him to coach.
Starting point is 00:48:38 They just didn't want him to be, have that control over the team. And Chip Kelly, in all of his arrogance, told them, oh, nah. It's either all or nah. And Philly was like, nah. So he could definitely get another head coaching job. I think a team would be out of their minds to hand him the keys to the organization.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Like, you don't do that. You don't do that. But I didn't want to talk about Chip Kelly. I wanted to talk about the OG Tom, who, you don't do that, you don't do that, but I didn't want to talk about Chip Kelly, I want to talk about the OG Tom, who, you know what I mean, was a part of one of the greatest Super Bowls I have ever witnessed, I'm talking about in 07, when they beat one of the greatest offenses that I've ever witnessed, it was just done right, it was just done right, and I just don't know who to get, so I'm hoping that they go and they talk to, I know, I know, I know Johnny's fans. Bill Cowher.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Okay. That's what I'm hoping. Yeah, me too. John Gruden. That'd be wild. Totally. I don't know about a John Gruden. I read yesterday, two days ago, wait a minute, let me document this here.
Starting point is 00:49:38 I read a few days ago that John Gruden, and I forgot the other name, would be interested in the Indianapolis job if it were to become available. Right? That says to me, John Gruden's got that itch again. Now, the day after that, the Colts announce, we good. Nobody's going anywhere. They got Pagano, and they're keeping homeboy, whatever their fucking GM name is over anywhere. They got Pagano and they're keeping homeboy, whatever their fucking GM name is over there.
Starting point is 00:50:07 So that tells me that if the quarterback is right and you got a few good pieces because the Colts are trash. Andrew Luck just hides a lot of deficiencies. So the Giants have that and if John Gruden has the itch and if you pay him enough,
Starting point is 00:50:24 he's going to coach you. I think I got a little whiff of what he makes at ESPN you know what we never think about while we watch ESPN and SportsCenter we never think about what these people make I do yeah that's a really cushy job which one I'm sure they get paid great from SportsCenter or just a regular like there's a really cushy job. Which one? And I'm sure they get paid great from SportsCenter or just a regular TV cast. I feel like there's a big difference between the SportsCenter, maybe like NFL Live, and then whatever those other shows are. Like, those first take guys have got to be chilling. Or pardon the interruption, I mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Well, I mean, a lot of them get paid per those episodes. They're not on salary like the way a Stephen A. Smith would be with First Take. But yeah, I would say. They said Matt Lauer was making like $11 million just to go a little off topic, but that's a lot of money. Cool. Matt Lauer, the NBC guy. NBC. Good morning, America.
Starting point is 00:51:16 He's like always on the Olympics and all that other stuff. Oh, man, I'm talking about ESPN. I know, but I'm just saying. That's just to give you a scope. I don't need a scope. John Gruden making some fucking bread. Mike and Mike. They got me making bread making bread too you better fucking believe it yeah steven a and skip yeah they're challenging you better believe it motherfucking michael k yeah michael k don mcbracken even yeah uh you better fucking believe it uh even uh even let me stop talking about the
Starting point is 00:51:44 whole fucking espn squad but they they're doing good for themselves. Why don't we even bring this up again? Who knows? Monty's jacket sucks. Yo, Monty's jacket's so whack. Your conversation go bad. Talk about Monty's jacket. I forgot how we started talking about ESPN. Tom C jacket I forgot how we started talking about this
Starting point is 00:52:05 Tom Coughlin is how we started talking about this I want to talk about making a murderer I'm starting tonight so I don't want to hear any Spoil alerts Oh man Making A murderer on Netflix
Starting point is 00:52:21 It's a documentary About a gentleman By the name of Stephen Avery. That is what the documentary is about. I just finished this, what, yesterday morning I finished? Or the day before? The day before. I finished one of those days, and I've already encouraged a lot of my friends to watch it. Johnny, we attempted to start it last night for you, and then you fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Asia has watched a few of them already. I made Danielle watch it with me. And I really can't say anything about it without giving away the documentary. I know. I can't even tell you how I feel about it. Exactly, and what I did after I saw it. Don't say anything. Yeah, I'm starting tonight again, so I don't even tell you how I feel about it. Exactly. And what I did after I saw it. Don't say it. Yeah, I'm starting again.
Starting point is 00:53:08 So I don't want to hear shit. What I can say. Talk about it next week. I'm going to try to figure out a way to just tell you. All right, here's what I can share. Because I saw Whitney tweeting today that she was watching it. And she had the same reaction that I had. And before I watched it I saw people saying Episode 4 my nigga
Starting point is 00:53:28 Wow So before I saw it I had already had that In my brain It's a half hour or hour? Hour It's a long Actually it's long
Starting point is 00:53:35 It's like 65 minutes Yeah The end of episode 4 Like the very end It's like Smacks you in the face But listen Yeah those hour episodes
Starting point is 00:53:42 Be killing your life Like I could get I could get through a half hour. We literally did it in one night. Me and D.O. did it in one night. I finished most of it
Starting point is 00:53:50 in the night too. And I started late. Well, let's end this podcast. I mean, D.O. slept. I gotta go watch it. I gotta go buy a new coat. But listen, at the end of episode four,
Starting point is 00:54:02 right? Yeah, it was the end of four because I remember it was close to not even a halfway point. I thought, wow. If there are six more episodes left,
Starting point is 00:54:15 where could they possibly be going here? Wait, I wonder if we're talking about the same thing when they found the evidence. The old evidence. What's happening right now? I don't know which time you're talking about. You know the evidence oh man whisper some microphone we'll talk off we'll talk off of this no i i i think and and don't quote me because i'm freestyling and my memory is bad. But at the end of 4, they still weren't on, I can't say it without giving it away. So fuck it.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Just watch Making a Murderer. Netflix has been doing amazing with these fucking stories and series and docs and like that shit that documentary like outside of it outside of the content it's an amazing documentary like i found myself saying throughout the whole thing why is there footage of this like who was there taping this moment exactly they shot that over 10 years too that's a lot of work put into that. That's what I'm saying. I wanted to ask, who makes money off of that? Does Steven get anything from that?
Starting point is 00:55:31 Or because it's a documentary? I don't know. They have a petition going around now that I can't talk about. Yeah, I know. I know that. Don't bring it up. Oh, and that's what Shorty said when she was watching it. She said, is this a dramatization?
Starting point is 00:55:44 That's exactly what I thought. Are these actors? That's what I thought because how do you have all those interviews? I only saw the first episode. When you see it, Rory, you're going to be like. Yo, their town looks like, and this was 07. That shit looks like Napoleon Dynamite, like fucking 1980s. They live in a time warp.
Starting point is 00:56:01 They're sitting there interviewing niggas that are getting dragged in this fucking shit. And I'm like, you agree to this? And everybody talks like Bobby's mom from Bobby's World. Don't you know? Everybody. But for the people that are a lot less travel than myself, you know, we live in a bubble sometimes. And when you go outside of your neighborhood and see the way some other people are living and see the realities of some of the people from these smaller towns and cities, you'd be surprised. You would be surprised.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So for that to happen in that little fuck of fuckity fuck town that most of us probably have never heard of for people to speak that way and live like that and just want that family like we talk about racism a lot but that kind of reverse i was i was that's what i thought about watching that too like it spawned so many thoughts like i thought about that reverse kind of it's a shame amongst their own it's a shame that a part of me, just a part of me, and this maybe is my father's doing, a part of me was kind of happy that a white person was going through this from white people. I know it's wrong. I don't want to watch this anymore. I know it's wrong.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I know it's wrong. I know it's wrong. I know it's wrong. I know it's wrong. I'm conceding that. But that's craziness.iness yeah this world is a fucked up place they wanted to stop this man's entire bloodline no that's said they say that yeah that's a thing they say that they hate him well i won't say any more about it um well i heard that uh i
Starting point is 00:57:43 don't know if it's true or not but h HBO passed on it and Showtime passed on it. Someone tweeted me that. And they went to Netflix last. Yeah. I don't know. Hard for me to believe that that documentary was passed on a lot. Judd Apatow, I believe his name is. I can see people passing on it.
Starting point is 00:58:01 But that documentary is too amazing for everybody to pass on it. Yeah. And normally, and normally. Well, sometimes it's not a case of not wanting it. It's where are we going to slot it. It doesn't fit into our program. Things of that nature. Not that I'm a TV guy.
Starting point is 00:58:18 I'm anxious to see how this does in views. I mean, it appears it's doing quite well. Everybody's talking about it. TMZ's covering now. in views. I mean, it appears it's doing quite well. Everybody's talking about it. Every time one of the people speak now, TMZ, making a murderer, such and such says, blah, blah, blah. Well, I have to ask them, this was season one was about this one gentleman, right? This one case.
Starting point is 00:58:35 And you're saying it took like 10 years to do. Is season two going to take as long? Do they have another person picked? How is this going to work? Well, perhaps there's multiple documentarians that have been working on various projects. If I'm freestyling, which I am, Making of a Murderer. And I thought that was the most amazing title that you could have thought of for that. I think next they're going to do the making of like a con artist.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Oh, okay. That could be cool. The making of a rapist. Like they're going to do the making of a con artist. Oh, okay. That could be cool. The making of a rapist. They're going to do... Did you literally just make that up in your brain? No. That's just off context. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:16 And I don't have any privileged information. I haven't spoken to anybody. Wink, wink. But that's what I think is going to be happening. Also, Aziz ansari has a really dope netflix series as well cool aziz ansari i like aziz i love aziz yeah he has i cannot think of the name for the life of me right now but i binge watched it two weeks ago super funny very diverse thank you master of none what do you say uh master of none is the name of the series is it
Starting point is 00:59:39 like a comedy yeah um very funny and he just like the diversity in that shit and the issues they tackle like racism within his community the indian community like super real as far as typecasting for roles and shit like that and it's just like the conversation they have is some real fuck shit that we talk about like just dumb ass stupid shit like it's a super relatable very good very well written series um you should definitely check it out so master of yo netflix is gonna get some people the fuck out of here because people are are going directly to Netflix. Because I don't even got cable and I fucks with Netflix. I never want to hear that in 2016 again.
Starting point is 01:00:09 No, it's gonna be forever. No, no, no, no. I know it's forever. I don't want to hear it. Forever. Because Netflix is giving people creative control. They're letting you do what you want. Netflix might get people
Starting point is 01:00:19 some stations to fuck out of. Probably a problem with fucking Netflix, man. There's a lot of bullshit. When am I getting Daredevil second season? Can I sign that petition to get the second season of Daredevil underway? When it pops up, all fucking ten episodes or whatever it is. There's some other shit that they need to hurry up on. They'll give you Orange is the New Black months after it's done, though.
Starting point is 01:00:41 They're filming season ten right now. Yeah, fuck out of here, Orange is the New Black. Anyway, Austin, where we at here, Orange is the New Black. Anyway, hey Austin, where we at with time, man? An hour. That's it? I don't like so much longer. I don't even know if we talked
Starting point is 01:00:54 about shit besides Monty's coat. We really haven't. I feel like we talked about mad shit. Nah, we really haven't said much. We talked about child support.
Starting point is 01:01:06 We talked about Johnny support we talked about Johnny we talked about vision boards Johnny not being a man we talked about your coat yeah like
Starting point is 01:01:14 those were topics I know you guys not used to us having topics so it may have felt like we haven't discussed anything but no
Starting point is 01:01:21 we talked about talk points topics yeah I don't ever want to... There's certain people I don't want to talk about for the next year on this podcast. Tiger's one of them. I agree. Meek is another one.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Though I do want to know why that press conference... When I watched that clip of her crying, I thought Tiger fucked. And she went through this traumatic experience. I didn't know she was bawling her eyes out over a DM. No, it's that they're mad at OK Magazine for making it seem like she was fucking with him and like all these different things. So she just did the press conference to be like, no, first of all,
Starting point is 01:01:51 I wasn't trying to fuck with him. He pursued me. It made me uncomfortable. But then she also put out a... There's much bigger things we need press conferences for. Right, so then she also put out a statement like but it was nothing sexual at all. So like, bitch, why are you doing a press conference? It was a press conference. With Gloria Allred, because she goes after these young girls. Rubbing her back,
Starting point is 01:02:07 the girls crying. Like, the theatrics were on a thousand. That's retarded. Oh my God. Yeah, I don't know. I don't care about that. All right, so we're not going to talk about Tyga. Yeah, I don't want to talk about Meek.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Yeah, I agree with Meek. I would like to not talk about Drake, but that's not going to happen. And I was going to say, Nikki's not going to happen. And I was going to say, Nicky's not going to happen either. No more shitty jackets either. So, oh my God. Wardrobe checks before we come. So before we go briefly, quick story.
Starting point is 01:02:34 You know I've been trying to be this dad lately, right? Which you've been doing a good job, by the way. So I'm riding around with my kid, man. Oh, man. I mean, I could talk forever about the thoughts that i've had looking at this little kid right but i won't because his friends are probably listening and they'll probably tell him snitch stop being snitches if you're listening so i retract that statement i said about you doing really well so i'm riding around with my kid, and my kid who raps and is actually pretty good, much to my surprise, he carries headphones everywhere, right?
Starting point is 01:03:14 Everywhere, to dinner, breakfast. He's a real fucking weirdo. But that's cool, right? At 14, I was like that. This kid is a lot like I was at that age without the bad shit. So I can hear some of the shit this nigga's playing in these headphones as he's in my car. And I'm turning my fucking real nigga music down to hear some of this shit. And in my head, I'm thinking shit to myself like, wow, I'm really that guy.
Starting point is 01:03:46 I think I was playing Sky's the Limit. And I said, wow, I'm that guy that is playing a bunch of shit before niggas was born. That's the guy that I am. And I'm the guy that's hating everything I hear in his headphones. But I can't be that dad. I don't want to be that dad. hating everything I hear in his headphones, but I can't be that dad, I don't want to be that dad, now I see how dads are so welcoming to shit that they probably wouldn't be welcoming to,
Starting point is 01:04:16 like I heard, what was that, Nelly say some shit one time about the shit his kids listen to, I heard some parents talk about the music their kids listen to, and I know some of the parents, they wouldn't have been listening to some of that shit. But anyway, so he's playing all this shit that I hate in his headphones, right? And at one point, I look back at this nigga and I say, hey, fam, who is that? And my face looks so disgruntled. Who is this mess you're listening to? And he says, because he's real proper, like this, oh, that's Tory Lanez. Oh, Tory Lanez from Toronto.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Oh yeah, I did want to have this conversation. I said, you know what my problem is with you guys? Like, you like that? That's dope to you? Like, tell me what you like about that. So, we started having that conversation, and as I'm looking at the words fly out of my mouth as if I'm talking to like Rory, I remember I'm talking to my kid.
Starting point is 01:05:12 So I stop. And I say, oh, yeah. Well, what CD is that? And I actually like remove myself and get into him. So as he starts to tell me about Tory Lanez, it intrigued me. I left him and I said to myself, I want to go
Starting point is 01:05:33 and learn about this person that my kid is listening to. Right? Because all I know about Tory Lanez is Say It. I love Say It. Yeah. I love Say It.
Starting point is 01:05:47 It's pretty much a remake, but yeah. But I love Brownstone. Yeah, me too. And I love what he did with the Brownstone record, which I probably don't think many people should touch. That's an important part of my Tory Lanez rant. So I like Say It. And then I later saw another video of him rapping,
Starting point is 01:06:05 and I didn't really care about it. Because I'm that grumpy guy. That hates all the new shit that kids are doing. So when I go. I go and I start with. Chicks. Tape 3. He just released that on Christmas Eve.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Have you heard this tape Rory? I've been meaning to. Have you heard this tape Marissa? Have you guys out there listeners heard this tape? No? Okay. Thanks for the quick response guys. I know that Johnny has heard this tape because he
Starting point is 01:06:36 heard it when I heard it. Or somewhere around here. This is the R&B one or the rapping one? Because he put out two. This is the R&B one. Okay that would be the one I would listen to. I want to... I don't want to make... I know I'm being recorded.
Starting point is 01:06:52 I don't want to go on a limb here. But... Starting out the year right. It's lit. That Tory Lanez mixtape is to me there we go to me to me because after you say to me you could say anything you want right that's not true but it's on the internet that's true to me if you say to me people can't argue with you in fact my opinion is my opinion to me that tape is phenomenal.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Oh, I thought we were going to go the other way with this one. That tape is some of the... New year, new Joe. That tape is some of the greatest of that sound. So, because when my kid was talking to me, he was saying, yeah, this one I'm listening to is the R&B one. He put two out, the rap one, and I'm an R&B guy.
Starting point is 01:07:48 So when the tape comes on, I know I've said it. It comes on, and he's flipping stuff again. Okay. So he started with... Every time this kid flips something, and I hear the beginning,
Starting point is 01:08:11 the first thing I think to myself is, why the fuck isn't somebody telling this fucking idiot kid not to touch this classic record? And then by the time he finishes the song, I'm like, oh my god, Tory Lanez is a king. Fuck Marvin Gaye. So that was this whole fucking tape, Chicks Tape 3, right? I'll have to listen to it now. So now, because this tape is so amazing, what do I spend? I'm a fucking addict head. What do I do? How do I spend my next 75 hours?
Starting point is 01:08:41 You guessed it. 75 hours You guessed it I downloaded Every single thing That that piff had On Tory Lanez Right Shout out to Tory
Starting point is 01:08:55 And A lot of that shit Is really good Now I don't love all of it Like I love Chick State 3 Of course Because like
Starting point is 01:09:02 As I said to Johnny I could hear him When he was still in Find Myself Yeah yeah yeah Chick State 2 i could hear that but still it was gems i still got gems and all of that uh downloading that i did from him and it sounds like this chicks tape three is just him having mastered uh the record flipping you will love it. Okay, because you love good off good music Chicks tapes to has has some flips in it too though like Like the TLC track. Yeah
Starting point is 01:09:33 Yo, he was flipping stuff From before that. Oh cuz then I tweeted I tweeted your niggas will tell me this Uh chicks tape to I'm in three shit was amazing. And that's what nigga said to me Oh, you got here hear Chicks Tape 1 and 2. And I said, whoa, if this kid has two more tapes that's on this level, which I disagree with. Those two tapes are not on the level of this tape. But there's some good shit on those two tapes too.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Yeah, you'll really enjoy this. Me and Johnny have been listening to nothing but Tory Lanez since we have discovered that this kid is not really like the other kids. Is this what sparked your tweet? Yes. Okay. Oh, wait. lanes since we have discovered that this kid is not really like the other kids so wait is this what sparked your tweet yes okay but oh wait so because i would have never i tweeted uh i tweeted humor me in 10 years who has the better career bryson tiller party next door or tori lanes now mind you before four days ago i would have laughed if i saw that tweet from somebody because why are we talking about tori lanes in the same in with Party Next Door and Bryson Tiller?
Starting point is 01:10:25 However, I don't know anything about the kid, Tory Lanez. From Toronto. So, this is my Tory Lanez thing. Apparently, he's from Toronto. Which may be a good thing.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Maybe. It's a cool city now. It's in. It's trendy to be in Toronto. But I think somebody told me in my love fest for this guy's music that he has a beef with Drake. Yeah, it's like a baby beef. Like little baby shots. I know I don't want to be from Toronto.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And beef with like the king of the city. And sing and beef with Drake. Yeah. So then I noticed yesterday Tory Lanez tweeted, Yo, yo, don't compare me to none of these whack-ass niggas. They hitting they peak. I'm just getting in my stride or something like that. And I said, okay.
Starting point is 01:11:23 I get it. Now I get it now now now i get it this kid who is immensely talented and whose music i love and i will turn all of my friends into tory lanez fans now um man i've been mad too bro like so my message even if you don't my my message to Tory Lanez, if you are listening, is this. Because I know how this podcast world works. I talk about you. Fans at you. You listen to see what I said about you. Because they're going to tell you I was talking shit.
Starting point is 01:11:55 You're going to listen. So if you are listening. Have you talked shit? I thought you've been bigging them up. I haven't talked shit. No. But people, artists are super sensitive. So, and fans misinterpret things sometimes so sometimes you know you might take something i just said and rambeck them to
Starting point is 01:12:10 talk shit about you in his pocket but whatever uh my message to you is this mr lanes um and take and no one knows this better than me um i don't i can't speak to how big or small your fan base is. I can only speak for myself. I am just now getting wind of how amazing I do indeed think that you are. So I'm pretty sure if that's just happening for the first time for me, then it's probably about to start happening for a lot of people that way. about to start happening for a lot of people that way. So while that's happening,
Starting point is 01:12:52 you probably don't want to rub too many people the wrong way or shit on them. And I say that without knowing your relationship with Mr. Tiller or Mr. Party. They might actually be beef. Are they Mr. Door? Mr. Next Door? Actually, the kid's party is 21. I'm not calling him Mr. Nothing. Kid party. you think that's You think that's
Starting point is 01:13:07 Who he was specifically Speaking to In that tweet Those two Well I do think That he 100% Was talking to Was speaking to my tweet
Starting point is 01:13:15 Oh Okay I didn't know This was after I thought It was after No he was speaking To my tweet Cause fans
Starting point is 01:13:20 A bunch of people Were saying Tory Lanez So he was adding him In the shit And what he was saying was, don't compare me to none of them niggas, them niggas are in their I'm not quoting him because I don't remember but them niggas are in their peak already
Starting point is 01:13:32 I'm just getting started, whatever. Something like that. To play devil's advocate if he was indeed speaking to them I don't know if you can say that because Bryson has done something that you have not done which is the most important thing in your career and that is create a successful album. You look distraught.
Starting point is 01:13:52 I'm cold. I don't know if Tory Lanez has ever put an album out. I don't know. I don't think he has. I could be wrong, but if he has, I don't know. And if he has put one out, tell me the name so I can go think he has. I could be wrong, but if he has it, I don't know. And if he has put one out, tell me the name so I can go and purchase it. Yes. And party has proved consistency in the same lane that Tory is in.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Oh, man. Rory loves to fucking get round me up, boy. Rory. Rory, I see where this is going. My parking thing expired two minutes ago. No, that's because you're scared. If you are going to make me sit here. He has one EP, but he doesn't have an album.
Starting point is 01:14:36 I have my fucking love for Tory Lanez. Let's fucking do it. If you're going to argue Bryson Tiller versus Tory Lanez, I am going to take the Tory Lanez side of the argument. Okay. Now, with that said, we can leave that as our teaser for next week. Because I am going to wear you out. Well, no, because I don't want to send Johnny downstairs to put meter in my fucking shit. They don't really take it on this block, bro. um i think that's a good debate to have anyway and
Starting point is 01:15:08 we shouldn't we should try to break the trend of teasing stuff and never doing it so we can do it so so start off 2016 so you are going to take the tiller side yeah let's let's put party next door out of this wait so all right just no pnd let's just do bryson versus tori well no we could include pnd but you can just take Tiller's side. I'm taking Tory's side. I wouldn't give a fuck who you're putting there. Usher. What if I put Usher in there?
Starting point is 01:15:32 Oh, come on. I'm just kidding. Listen, listen. But is our fight for next week my Twitter question, or are we changing it? Is it in 10 years, who has a better career, or is it who's better? No, let's... I think that's not fair to Tory that's why
Starting point is 01:15:49 that's why I think I'm going to win this debate wait wait what's not fair to Tory we're not going to have the debate let's just say let's go who's
Starting point is 01:15:56 because he hasn't put an album out Joe oh that's true that's true so I'm going to say Bryson Tiller is the better artist right now
Starting point is 01:16:05 and you'd be wrong okay you would be wrong you also correcting that let's well let's put this debate uh borders in here now are we talking about ability or are we talking about success on paper well we can't we can't talk about success on paper because well then it's gonna be a really weird debate because it's just gonna be an opinion like it's you can't talk about success on paper because Bryce and Tiller has the album out. It's going to be a really weird debate because it's just going to be an opinion. Like, you can't really— We're arguing talent. You said who's going to have the better career in 10 years. Yeah, but then you said we'll change that.
Starting point is 01:16:36 So you want to do that? I think it'd be easier to do in 10 years. Well, I want to argue with you because you think Bryceson Tiller Is better than Tory Lanez Right this second Well I have to go back And listen to Tory's thing I'm just going off What's tangible right now I know that Bryson Tiller
Starting point is 01:16:51 Did a successful tour And a successful album And has radio play Do you think Bryson Tiller Is better than Tory Lanez I have to go back And listen to Tory But on paper
Starting point is 01:16:59 Yes Bryson Tiller is better Than Tory Lanez On paper I don't care about the paper So you get back to me Hey if Rory comes back to me After he goes and does Whatever he has to do And tells me that he thinks Bryson Tiller is better than Tory Lanez on paper. I don't care about the paper. So you get back to me. Hey, if Rory comes back to me after he goes and does whatever he has to do and tells me that he thinks Bryson Tiller is better than Tory Lanez,
Starting point is 01:17:09 we're definitely 100% starting our next podcast with this debate. 100%. Tory, I hope you're not offended by anything I said because I'm sooner or later going to want to feature. And be Tiller without. Tory passes. and be Tilly Wood up and party you lied to me bro you tweeted me and I do understand
Starting point is 01:17:33 hey let me address party real quick you tweeted me last winter I said Dan can we get a party project before the summer you tweeted me
Starting point is 01:17:41 with a very cryptic yes you heard his tone when you read it right well yeah when you hit me back and say yes and then fucking a million people start retweeting it and all the blogs pick it up like what you said it's like gospel so now the yes becomes real fucking cryptic uh you said that and no project came i don't hold it against you that's fine you're busy you're working on an album what i will say is this bryson tiller an album. What I will say is this.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Bryson Tiller. Tory Lanez. Fuck is on your heels. If I think long and hard enough, I can think of some other people that are kind of adopting a style in the same ballpark. Travis Scott? Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:24 100%? I know Party is doing his album. And I know that Party has nothing to worry about because Drake is in his corner. So this is all for small podcast talk, of course. Because I have no doubt that Party will be fine under that
Starting point is 01:18:42 umbrella. However, the room ain't so lonely with just you in it anymore. I'll say that, and I think that you should keep that in mind, at least. Like, shit, why do I have to not be able to download the 80 new songs y'all put on the OVO radio shit when y'all did the whole Party Next Door shit in the summertime or whenever you did it like why is that the new thing i had james fontenot where you too i'm not tired of you niggas putting songs on fucking soundcloud that just are never going to be available ever i get
Starting point is 01:19:14 it you want the listens to go all the way up so you're in the fucking gabillions but nigga we want the song all right come on at least give us a way to rip that shit or something there's a soundcloud ripper. I download everything from SoundCloud. Oh, I need that. Yeah, I'll send you the program. I didn't know anything about a SoundCloud ripper. Yeah, I get everything from SoundCloud.
Starting point is 01:19:32 You rip straight from SoundCloud? Yeah, it's literally you just put in the URL and it downloads it straight to your computer. We will talk later. With that said. Edit that out just in case. All right, Austin, thanks for everything, bro. I'm off to buy a new coat, guys. Word, I hope so.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Uh, yeah, word's definitely not dressed like word. All right, I'm out of here before I get a ticket. Peace! 100!

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