The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 48

Episode Date: January 13, 2016

The trio sits down to discuss the Golden Globes (not really), per last episode, debate Bryson Tiller vs Tory Lanez (sort of), and El Chapo & BBOD (kinda). We are doing a LIVE podcast at SOB's in New Y...ork City on February 2nd, tickets are available at Shave smarter and go to use promo code "JOE" to get 20% off your first month.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Bevel, the first and only shaving system designed specifically for coarse, curly hair and sensitive skin. Start shaving smarter and say goodbye to razor bumps with Bevel. Check out today. Use code Joe. Thanks, Rory. Use code Joe to get 20% off your first month at That's G-E-T-B-E-V-E-L dot com. I like it. I love it! Can we keep rolling? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Hey, can we keep going? David, we rolling? Hey! We are back up in this bitch! Hey! You didn't do your all right. Huh? You didn't do your alright huh? you didn't do your alright oh I was trying to practice
Starting point is 00:00:50 a hey now we didn't like hey hey no, you sound kind of pervy fuck you Marissa okay so are we going to get an alright or it's so much pressure because my last two alright rights haven't been good.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Okay. All right! Oh, yeah, we back, baby. Okay, that was good. Oh, we back. That was pretty good. No, no, no, we back. So I walk in the door.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I'll name this podcast later episode number 48 or 49. Sure. 47. No, we passed 47. later episode number 48 or 49. Sure. 47. No, we passed 47. It's either 48 or 49. I have Madi the Body with me. Hello, Madi the Body, a.k.a. Madi Monroe, a.k.a. retweeter of all. Literally everything.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Madi will retweet anything. Just type my at name and I'll just retweet it. Yeah, with blank in the tweet. She's battling Elliot Wilson for the top spot. Yeah, like you are. Were you there before you counted down something? Yeah, earlier today, somebody tweeted me. They tweeted me and you.
Starting point is 00:01:55 They added us both. And then I hate when that happens because I never want to be included in what follows that. But anyway, they tweeted us. And sure enough, I did a countdown in my head. I said, how long till Marty retweets this? Ten. Nine. I got to six, follows that. But anyway, they tweeted us and sure enough, I did a countdown in my head. I said, how long till Marty retweets this? 10, 9, I got to 6,
Starting point is 00:02:09 my nigga. And you was right there with the, why do you do that? I just want to show everyone love without having to reply. No, but you retweet the people
Starting point is 00:02:18 that you're speaking bad about too. Yeah, just to show that I'm not afraid to face my haters. So you want to show everyone love, but you want to show everyone you're not afraid to face my haters. So you want to show everyone love, but you want to show everyone you're not afraid to face your... Face the screen. Your haters.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yep. All right. All right, baby. All right. We got it. All right. And we have Michael Roars here. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I feel like we had another nickname for you that we invented. It's fine. Let's go with Roarie. Hey, guys. I feel like we had another nickname for you that we invented. It's fine. Let's go with Rory. But what was it? Rory had a failed attempt. Oh, Classic Kid? No, that was so last year. I'm so 2016.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Hey, let me tell you, the first seven months of the new year, I'm that guy. Oh, God. Oh, that's so last year, the first seven months of the new year, I'm that guy. Oh, God. Oh, I'm that soul last year, the new me. I'm not even on that. The new me, I do Zen, I stay home. Okay. I'm into all of that. So I'll think of that nickname, Rory.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I don't need your help. I wasn't going to give you any. I don't think he was going to give any at all. Damn it, it was good. Oh, Rory had a failed attempt at trying to nickname me. What was your bum ass name from last week? Sass-ma-gas. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:26 That's your last name. That's how we know that. Sass-ma-gas is pretty funny. Yeah, yeah, banana. That's how we know your nickname is Mad Whack. Because it was funny and then we never heard from it again. It was for the context. It wasn't for ever.
Starting point is 00:03:38 You were just being sassy that day. Sass-deez. So where do we want to start today? I think we should definitely talk about how we announced our first live podcast and make that a thing. Make sure everyone knows it's going down SOBs February 2nd. Tickets are available now at Pretty much covered it.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yep. That's it. All right. Moving on. If you like this podcast and are in the New York, Connecticut, Jersey, Pennsylvania area, come out and support us. Tickets are only $15. We did that just for y'all.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Isn't really a money grab. It's for you guys. And what are we charging for? Right. The venue? I never understand when people say that. Yo, this isn't a money grab. Yo, we donating all the money to my pockets.
Starting point is 00:04:23 This nice organization Called my pockets And my crib We not taking none of the proceeds from this We could lie and say It's going to charity Like 10% of it I want to see all
Starting point is 00:04:35 I want to see all Going to get me a new coat I want to see all the Dab and Santa Proceeds are going to Maddie's coat I want to see Alright shut up Maddie I want to see all the Dab and Santa sweater receipts. I want to see all the dab in Santa sweater receipts. I want to know where all the money.
Starting point is 00:04:49 He's been going and giving family. Oh, knock it off, Madi. Big vans and doing things. What does that have to do with the. And furnishing their homes. He's been using the money from that to do that for them. Are you fucking kidding me? Made $3 million, bought one trailer home.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Yeah, you are the person that that works for. This nigga went to Ikea. Saw one trailer home for like maybe $80,000. Word, word. Went to Kentucky, furnished the shit from fucking Jennifer Convertibles. Spent about- From Ashley's furniture. This nigga spent seven grand from Ashley's judge.
Starting point is 00:05:22 What is it? Ashley's, you know the Ashley shit. Yeah, actually, let's just start saying he went to fucking clothing store. He went to Lane Bryant, furnished a crib. He didn't spend no money at all. And you are the person that that works for. Yo, you're the camera guy. Let's film us going to that bum ass crib.
Starting point is 00:05:41 No, the one. The one they let us use. The $300. Yeah, we go to that crib we take some pictures do a photo op 2 Chainz you're a great guy you look presentable
Starting point is 00:05:50 get the neighbors in the house yeah get the whole neighborhood yo this nigga really fucks with us and then you leave and we just pocket like 1 point whatever 2 mil is minus 2 dollars
Starting point is 00:05:58 97% of the proceeds getting a kid to cry on camera is worth like 3 million dollars it must have all went to him so we're doing a live podcast at SLB's on February 2nd. I know it's February 2nd because I checked the little flyer thing there of Rory and Marissa posted on Instagram today to find out when it was. So it's February 2nd, number one. Two, I'm still a little confused about the concept behind this, but I was confused about the concept behind the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:22 about the concept behind this, but I was confused about the concept behind the podcast. So I'm going to just play the backseat on this one. Not too much of the backseat because then Madi will have too much of a voice and then she'll want the aux cord and then we'll be listening to some fuck shit
Starting point is 00:06:37 and that will never happen with me in the car. Yeah, right. Anyway, so the Oscars. I mean, the Golden Globes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Parma. The Golden. Anyway, so the Oscars. I mean, the Golden Globes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Pardon my ignorance. The Golden Globes,
Starting point is 00:06:48 not the Oscars. Y'all two look like this is not. I didn't watch any of there. Nope. Got nothing. Congrats to all the winners. On YouTube.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Yeah. Well, all right. All right. This is, oh my God. This delves into a much deeper problem here. What were you doing, Rory?
Starting point is 00:07:07 What were you doing while the Golden Globes were on? What was it, Sunday night? So Rory doesn't even know the day it was. All right. Because I didn't watch it. Marissa, what were you doing when the Golden Globes were on? Can you tell me when it was? I don't have TV, so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Laying in my bed. Might have been playing some Candy Crush. All right. So let me ask you two geniuses this. What did you guys want to talk about today? I mean, it's only the Golden Globes. It's only what a lot of fucking people were watching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 The red carpet shit, the fashion shit. Okay, did you watch it? Wait, yes, I watched it. The host was pretty fucking controversial. Ricky Gervais. He offended a bunch of fucktards, rich fucktards. Yeah, I can't really. Like, there was a lot going on at this year's Oscars.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Fucking the Denzel. I mean, Golden Globes, I keep saying that. The Denzel tribute. Right. Like, I figured there would be shit that people you guys' age and that demographic would be into. All of Twitter was talking about it.
Starting point is 00:08:08 That's you guys' world. That's our world? You're not in the Twitter world? Every, but I saw the, I saw the Golden Globes, so I'm excluded
Starting point is 00:08:17 from this conversation. I'm trying to figure out, if you didn't watch it, I figured the Golden Globes would be at least one of the things that you double back to to see what occurred. But y'all don't seem like.
Starting point is 00:08:28 No. So I'm trying to see, is it me that's disattached from current affairs? I would have watched the Oscars, the Grammys. I've never really watched the Golden Globes. Yeah, I don't really like. I don't know. None of my friends. So you're 26, 25?
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah, you've been 25 For a long time my nigga When is your birthday May 4th We all went to his birthday party That is my point This nigga's been 25 since then Yeah well go figure Isn't that crazy
Starting point is 00:08:54 That would typically make sense He was 25 before then too Was he No he was 24 This nigga's been 25 For at least 3 years I was born May 4th 1990 And when was that party
Starting point is 00:09:03 God damn you were born in the 90s You were was born May 4th, 1990. And when was that party? God damn, you were born in the 90s? You were born when? May 4th, 1990. Wait, wait, why? You've known this. Why aren't you still an idea? Why aren't you still like the end of a great Saturday night
Starting point is 00:09:20 for your parents? In 90? That's crazy. Well, I would be conceived in the 80s at that point. True. I was conceived in 89 if we're going to backtrack. night for your parents in 90? That's crazy. What is your purpose? I was conceived in 89 if we're going to backtrack. What you were saying...
Starting point is 00:09:32 Are you an 80s baby of J's? No. Wait, what year were you born? 87. So you really have no excuse to be this dumb. What? What do you mean? Because I haven't watched the Golden Globes and now I'm dumb? No, I'm not talking about the Golden Globes. I've been calling you dumb
Starting point is 00:09:45 for 48 weeks. Yeah, you have. I'll take it. Okay, so back to my original question. I'd like to know what you guys wanted to talk about today
Starting point is 00:09:54 if we're not talking about the Golden Globes and that's exactly why I don't tell people what I wear. I meant the scent, not the clothing.
Starting point is 00:10:03 That's what I mean. Oh. Because that's what women do. Women smell a scent and then they purchase it for the nigga that's fucking them. Hey, do you know he's wearing yours? I don't. I didn't really inquire or care.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I mean, I just thought maybe you recognize the scent. So nobody is going to answer my question about what you guys wanted to talk about outside of. We had to debate. Yeah, so we're getting right into the debate. I don't know. We can. answer my question about what you guys wanted to talk about outside of we had to debate yeah so we're getting right into the debate i don't know we can so nothing else is there something you want to talk about you seem very invested in the golden globes is there something you want to get off your chest about the golden globes chat you could minimize my point however you may like i'm not
Starting point is 00:10:40 minimizing it's not that it's a question it's not that i am invested in the golden globes i am invested in the ideology that 225 and however old you are 28 year old young people who do a podcast and i would consider as in the mix as far as uh being in the know in terms of what's going on in the universe and in our culture i'm shocked that you guys didn't see it. So my, I'm perplexed at you guys not invested. Like this is the fucking, like y'all didn't see a silent to the lambs or some shit.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I've also never seen that movie. I've seen that, but I just was doing something else on a Sunday night that I wasn't rushing to my TV. And thinking that we had to give us, give us cool introduction music for our debate. I don't have time to go back and forth with people born in 1990, but you're about to right now for the listeners. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yes. This is certainly not because I enjoy talking to Rory. Of all people. Yeah, those jokes are getting old at this point. I don't know what I can play because I don't want it to come down on SoundCloud. Fuck, listen. Almost
Starting point is 00:11:58 got me. Thought you had me. I think SoundCloud will allow us to play something cool for our debate like some Rocky music or something. There's been a Rocky marathon on television, whatever channel that is. I told the kids, you don't turn this shit off. This is what the fuck they've been deleting us for when we tried to start a podcast and you turn it right back on. See, why don't you tell the people born in 1990, I said Rocky theme music, not the music that got us banned.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Because Rocky theme music is less popular than Mobb Deep. They'll definitely take Rocky down before they take Mobb Deep down. I'm not talking about popularity. I'm talking about evidence. We have evidence that they take us down when you play that song. I'm talking about a new song
Starting point is 00:12:39 where we have no evidence that they will take us down. We have to see. We have to give ourselves a shot and not shortchange ourselves. 1990 1990s man you are you're back to being sass my guess what's your fucking problem today jesus christ 2016 i don't know if i liked 2016 i don't get new me this is like a way bitchier female joe that loves the golden globe word. Word. Every time I make sense, they have some retort to belittle me. I'm just making sense, guys.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Oh, darn it. There's that sense again that I didn't watch the Golden Globes. Still here. We're about 30 minutes in on the podcast. We are like 10 minutes in. Hey, David, how far are we in? 15? 15?
Starting point is 00:13:26 15 minutes? I just want to point to my point. We're 15 minutes in, and these two geniuses who did not see the Golden Globes have no alternative of anything to speak about outside of the debate that I came up with last fucking week so on the podcast that we do every fucking tuesday for 48 49 weeks we've had 15 minutes of you guys making golden globe jokes which points out that y'all clearly don't see the problem and you two idiots not seeing the golden globe damn it yeah now well y'all made it a thing so i ran with it okay i enjoyed it and here we are Damn it. Yeah. Now. Well, y'all made it a thing, so I ran with it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I enjoyed it. And here we are here. Here E. Here E. Now, Rory and I have been anticipating this debate for quite some time. By some time, he means seven days. Seven days. Yeah, because we have almost had this debate several times. some time. By some time he means seven days. We talked about it. We have almost had this
Starting point is 00:14:27 debate several times and we've stopped ourselves. We can cut the music off. We can do that. We've stopped ourselves from having it because we didn't want to hear each other's points. Talk points. That's how professional we are.
Starting point is 00:14:43 You hear that out there listeners? Here we are. We have out there listeners And here we are We have For the people that did not listen to last week's podcast Why the fuck you ain't listen to our shit last week Oh For the people that didn't listen to last week's podcast I brought up Tory Lanez
Starting point is 00:15:02 Brian Bryson Bryson. Bryson. My apologies. I do know this gentleman's name. Bryson, Tiller, and Party Next Door comparatively. And that spawned an entire debate and a lot of dialogue between me and my contemporaries.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Which led us to who is the better artist is our debate? Yes. Currently. That is currently our debate. Bryson Tiller versus Tory Lanes. I personally wish we had someone here to
Starting point is 00:15:41 take Party Next Door's side in this or at least argue their point. I'll try to to the best of my ability when I feel it's relevant. I asked Rory to invite a friend of the podcast, Rob Markman, along with his co-host to his podcast on here because they do an R&B podcast. Rory never got back to me. I'm assuming he wanted no knowledgeable R&B people in the room during this debate. Here goes Joe and his stories. In passing, you said, hey, it'd be great to get Rob Markman and his co-host on there. I said, yeah, it'd be pretty good. And then we never spoke about it again. A little bit different than what you just said, but it's fine. Because I would have been happy to have Rob on here.
Starting point is 00:16:20 See why I don't talk to people that were born in 1990? All they'd give you is a remix. What were you born in? He's giving me a remix of what occurred. In passing your idea. And if he's listening to his remix, he makes sense. Is he talking to us? Not in passing.
Starting point is 00:16:36 We were in my fucking car sitting right next to each other taking a ride. We were in your living room as I was walking to the kitchen. Is that in passing? I mean, yeah. You're in my house, in my life. I was passing by you. Yo, no, for 2016, I'm going to start making it a point to point out when people sound retarded. So y'all can call it bitchy and sassy, magassy.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I sound retarded right now. Rory sounds nuts. I sound retarded, right? So Rory calls in passing him sitting in my living room and one of us walking by each other and me saying to him, yo, know what would be a good idea for our podcast this week? You should call Rob Markman. You never said that part. He should get his co-host and they should come on our show.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Wait, and they should come on our show. I just think it's a dope idea because i think for going forward podcasters combining and doing a joint podcast is an amazing idea what the fuck is in passing about that amani we don't hear you amani's trying to talk to us from the other room and i don't hear are you ov with David David we still don't David we still don't what is wrong with you today still don't hear you come in the room just come in and say what you got to say see now when I start making sense Rory and Marissa and the likes of people who were born between 88 91 because you lying start start they
Starting point is 00:18:00 start insulting me yeah he did say something like that. He didn't say exactly that. Yeah, he's lying. Yes, thank you, E. He's lying. But your response wasn't your response either, which is why you might not. What was my response? I'll do that another time.
Starting point is 00:18:16 That's what I'm saying. I don't understand. I don't understand, Rory, but that's not important. Listen, so they're not here, which is fine. Rory is taking Bryce and Tillis. Bryce and Tillis, yes. I do want to note why this debate makes more sense than like Drake versus like a Kendrick, because they're two different artists in two different lanes.
Starting point is 00:18:36 These two artists, we would agree, make similar music and are also in the same lane, right? You would say so? I agree. Okay, so that's why I think this debate makes sense. And before we start, because I know people are very invested and they're artists out there, this is a debate for fun.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah. We both enjoy both of these artists. Very much so. And we're just debating because we're on a podcast and we want to have fun and we're shitheads. Hopefully no one gets offended in that. If someone by chance is to get offended, We're just debating because we're on a podcast and we want to have fun and we're shitheads. Hopefully no one gets offended in that. If someone by chance is to get offended, this wouldn't be my first time offending someone.
Starting point is 00:19:17 So with that said, where do we begin? Well, as you said, this was your idea and you seem to be in a big debate mood today. Do you want to start off on why you think Tory Lanez is a better artist? Well, let's start with what are we basing this on? When we say artists, what are our sliders if we were creating a player? What sliders do we have here when we say artists? sliders if we were creating a player? What sliders do we have here when we say artists? I would say
Starting point is 00:19:48 complete involving albums. I'm still putting sales in there. I'm putting tours. I'm putting appearance. The full things that make an artist. It can't just be what Joe likes. That can't be your point here. We have to have things that make an artist. It can't just be what Joe likes.
Starting point is 00:20:06 That can't be your point here. We have to have things that are tangible. Or this isn't going to be a debate that works. Wait. But I don't care how many shows Bryson Tiller does. So the debate is what Joe likes? Because that's not a point. I'm asking the forum.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I haven't said that. i'm asking the forum i haven't said that i'm asking the forum is that's a viable like slider we have to care about that when we're debating artistry yeah i think performing is i'm not talking i'm not talking about their fucking careers and how much money they made i'm talking about art anything about money? Did someone mention money? Because it's true. Because it's... Why else would I care about how many shows he's doing? Oh, you mean his live show? Yeah. Oh, okay. I misunderstood that.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I got that. Oh, that's important. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A concert. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A tour. That's really important. His show.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yeah. That's what I'm suggesting. Oh, I'm just... I was talking about volume. I don't care how many of them he's doing. Oh, I mean, I'm... I mean, if that's part of your argument, cool, whatever. All right, come on.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So what else? Those are my things. Is there anything you want to add? Whatever we think of, let's just go down them one by one. Let's start. Who makes better music? You got it. Tory.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Who fucking sings better? Yep, you got it again. Tory. Who raps better? You guessed it. Tory. This is a better? You guessed it. Tory. This is a pretty good debate here. I do want to note that Bryson Tiller's album came out in October.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And then last week, the first week of the new year, he finally got his first top 10 album. He came in at number 10 on the Billboard chart. Which is going to get more in my front. He's been in the top 40 since he's released, but he just got top 10 now. This week, he's number nine. So he moved up. And that's pretty cool. That's amazing. It is really good. So he moved up. And that's pretty cool. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:21:45 It is really good. So back to what I'm saying here. No. No, continue on with your feelings. With no points. Those are my points. Wait, there's a debate there somewhere? Bryson Tiller makes better music than Tory Lanez.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You're basing that on what? Let's hear it. To be an actual artist, would you think creating a completely... Can I speak or are you going to make comments? Can I have the rest of your coffee? What's my podcast? I am going to make jokes while you talk. Can I have some of your coffee?
Starting point is 00:22:21 No, Marissa. jokes while you talk can i have your coffee no marissa would you think creating a full album or original music as a viable thing that an artist a great artist should do okay you said last week uh chicks tape three is your favorite project from uh Tory Lanez correct you said you liked a few songs off Chick's Tape too right okay that album or pardon that mixtape is a bunch is 11 songs legendary songs where he took the actual hook didn't even re-sing it just threw it in the middle and harmonized like Bryson Tiller around it. Bryson Tiller put out a actual album that has a 34 city tour right now and is selling nonstop since October with a huge fan base. And you have a mixtape that is a bunch of other people's music as your way of saying he's a better artist? This is why I'm a little confused. I don't think that you've said anything that supports artistry.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Making an original album is artistry. Putting Usher, You Got It Bad, in the middle of your record and singing around it is not artistry. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We don't have to insult my point. I'm just trying to understand yours at the moment. Okay. He did an album. A successful one.
Starting point is 00:23:42 He did an album and it was successful and he's touring. What the fuck does that have to do With artistry To create a great album That has been peaking No no Listen However his team Handled his project
Starting point is 00:23:54 And however Whoever is behind him Pushed his project And all the Wait a time now Let me talk And all the great success That he's
Starting point is 00:24:01 Enjoying Is well deserved He did put out An album that people love it's extremely well received we got all that what the fuck do they have to do with artistry is my point uh making an original all we all all of us make original music some is whack some is dope you keep saying that like we're like we're to give credence to hey he made an original album we all make a great original album.
Starting point is 00:24:26 We make original albums. All Tory Lanez's trick is to take a popular song, flip it, and sing around it while people wait for him to stop doing the verse and go right to the hook. Okay, you're still attacking my point while I'm still trying to understand yours. So now that we got all the touring and the shows and all the great things that are that's happening for bryson tiller's career out of the way let's get back to the actual album which is at the uh core of your point right okay are you telling me that that album is great as in comparison i'm asking you a very direct question are you telling me that the bryson tiller album is great the one with all the way let me finish ask my question the one with all the accolades that you just spoke about that I had to spend so long fucking replying to and rebutting to, that album, that's
Starting point is 00:25:12 the one you're saying is great. I said it's a good album. Good successful album. A complete album. Okay I'm gonna say this again. The Bryson Tiller album is successful. It's a good album. What does that have to do with me? It's a good album. okay I'm gonna say this again the Bryson Tiller album is successful it's a good album what does that that has nothing to do with my point here it's a good album
Starting point is 00:25:29 I need you I'm answering your question directly it's a good album so this is my new reply I need you to stop wavering between saying great in one part
Starting point is 00:25:38 of your argument and then saying good when it's asked directly well now we're talking about tell me what the album is so I know how to refer to it during the rest of our argument. The music is good.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Good. And better than Tory Lanez. Adding that to it as well. Pull up the track list for Trap Soul. I'm not sure how long Rory has listened to Tory Lanez or how familiar he is with Tory Lanez, but I'm not even talking about Tory Lanez. At the moment, I'm talking about how long Rory has listened to Tory Lanez or how familiar he is with Tory Lanez,
Starting point is 00:26:05 but I'm not even talking about Tory Lanez at the moment. I'm talking about Bryson Tiller. I have lived with... I'd be happy to talk about Tory. I don't know if people are familiar with my background in R&B, but I have one. I'd like to think I know a little bit more about R&B than probably your prototypical rapper.
Starting point is 00:26:26 So I've lived with this album for quite some time, so I'm not casually speaking about it when I speak about it. So you have this album up? I have. Track one. Intro. Intro difference. How do you feel about it? Good intro to start out. Track two. Let Em Know.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Like Let Em Know a lot. Track three. Exchange. Phenomenal record. Track two. Let Em Know. Like Let Em Know a lot. Track three. Exchange. Phenomenal record. Track four. Forever How Long. I like it. Don't.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Really great record. Open interlude. Really like it. So we're at six, and I have how many interludes? Three? You have two. If you count the intro as an interlude, you have one. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Open interlude is the only one. I don't count the intro as an interlude. Intro, one minute, 32 seconds. An intro is not an interlude. It's an intro. Okay. So I'm at track six and I have three songs, right? You're not, open is? Am I, stop me when I'm saying something wrong.
Starting point is 00:27:29 No one, what are you looking around at? No one's saying you're wrong. Open is two minutes and 42 seconds. What, say, speak, you're just looking around. Because I'm asking the same question, and I don't understand what you're saying. So we're at track six, and we have three joints that are not actual songs. I know it doesn't sound great, what I'm saying, but it's a fact. The intro difference. It's not an actual song.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Let them know is. Exchange is. For have along is not. Don't is. Open interlude is not. 205. So let's go from there. Track 7. 10, 9, 14. Tell me about this song. I like it. It's a record of him talking about coming up, not on the typical love shit that he was talking about before.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It's an up and coming record from an artist in the beginning. Talks about his baby mother, having a work mad jobs, traveling. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. OK. The sequence. Oh, yeah, because it's a great record. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Oh, no, no, no. I'm just not going to reply until we're done with the track list. The sequence is next. Track eight. OK. I like it. You can stop. You can just say them. I like every record on this album.
Starting point is 00:28:50 This one took me a little while to warm up to. This is the sequence. Yeah. I just want to make sure that we know what we're talking about here. Okay. Track nine is Rambo. How do you feel about it? Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Track nine is Rambo. How do you feel about it? Rambo took me a little bit to warm up to him rapping. I don't mind it. I think it serves a good purpose on the album, though. 502, Come Up. Cool. I wasn't crazy about that one.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Sorry Not Sorry, track 11. Great record. Ooh, it sounds like Mario Brothers. What are we on right now? On Spotify. Alright, Been That Way. How you feel? Love Been That Way. I like Been That Way. How you feel? Love Been That Way.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I like Been That Way too. Overtime. You know how I feel about like us. Like how I want to go about it. But you never tell me how you feel about it. Right or am I wrong? How you feel? I like it. All right, so I'm going to get right to the point here.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I don't think this album is as good as everyone else does Okay I hate to be the one person on this train But I've been one person on a train before Right? So let's Something just happened and I don't hear myself anymore So I can hear you can hear me all right so i'll just keep talking anyway i don't know what happened over here let him come
Starting point is 00:30:30 figure it out uh track one intro the difference i won't even talk about it it's an intro all right there we go something good happened uh let him Cool. I think you're being very generous in terms of rating these tracks. Exchange. Love it. Forever long. Love it. Should be longer. Don't is don't.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Nothing to be said. Open and elude. I love it. Should be longer. After that, my nigga, you're not telling me you're getting in your car and rushing to play 1014. You're not doing it. The sequence is cool, but it sounds like whatever I liked from previous.
Starting point is 00:31:04 The sequence sounds like whatever I liked before I got to this point in my album. Well, why I think 10 sequence is cool but it sounds like whatever i liked from the sequence sounds like whatever i liked before we i got to this point in my album well why i think rambo i'm not rushing to it either go ahead and and you and you just took me a little while to warm up to the no rambo 502 come up dog i might have deleted this song from my album i might have i said yeah i might have deleted that one i deleted a. I might have. I said, yeah. I might have deleted that one. I deleted a couple of them. Sorry, Not Sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I'm Not On The Same Wave As Rory. Been That Way Is Amazing. Overtime And Right When Wrong. Come on, really? Nah, I'm not rolling. But this is what, so this is all you're basing this kid's artistry on because this is the only body of work we have to go on from him.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Oh, then my argument gets even stronger then. All right. Wonderful. Okay. With that said... So wait, so that's not even fair, Rory. And that's not fair. Now I feel bad.
Starting point is 00:31:56 We shouldn't even be having this debate. We can continue that. This kid is one project in. Okay. Tory Lanez has 11 projects. You like one. And it's a bunch of remixes. This is an actual album.
Starting point is 00:32:09 It takes way more artistry to create a real album than a fucking remix Chicks Tape 3. Ty Dolla $ign has a lot of albums. Rory, this kid has one album, man. I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. How many albums does Tory Lanez have? I'm not doing that. How many albums does Tory Lanez have? I'm not doing that. How many albums does Tory Lanez have?
Starting point is 00:32:28 The kid Bryson Tiller has one project available to the public. That is far better than 11 of Tory Lanez. Yeah, but we can't have this debate the way that we should have it. That's not fair. So how can you say out of 11 Tory Lanez projects, you like one and it's a remix project? How is that artistry? Okay, this is my point since you want to have it. We're talking about the artistry of these two gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:32:56 We don't need to talk about the sound of music that they make because they both fall from the Drake umbrella. They both come from the Drake sub-genre of music. We can agree to that, yes? Can I backtrack on one thing you just said? Just because I'm confused. I'm listening. So we can't talk about anything that's tangible
Starting point is 00:33:17 with what they've accomplished in their careers. And now you're saying we can't talk about the music they make? So what the fuck are we talking about? When did I say that we can't talk about the music they make? So what the fuck are we talking about? When did I say that we can't talk about the music they make? No, no, I never said that. All right, can you reiterate your point? Because that's what it sounded like you just said. My point is it's pointless for either one of us
Starting point is 00:33:37 to attack the artistry of the other in terms of pure art because they both fall from the Drake umbrella. I'm talking about how they do it. Where I think you got grasped to Tory Lanez more is like you said, you're an R&B head. And that is full of classic R&B records that you already know and love and heard them revamped to today's sound.
Starting point is 00:34:03 But that's incorrect. That's all that chicks, I like that's incorrect that's all that chicks i like it but that's all that is there's not there's not that much artistry yeah i love usher's artistry too so of course i'm gonna i'm gonna like that first of all because tori lanez is talented but not that well i totally disagree with that to usher to us, no, no. Okay. All right. What I'm saying, this is what I'm saying. Tory Lanez, number one, flipped some songs that I don't like. So he didn't just go get a bunch of my favorite fucking songs and flip them because he flipped some songs that I can't fucking stand either. That's number one.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Number two, I'm not about to discredit what he has done because of what he has done. I keep talking about it. You're the second person. You and Johnny together now, that's two of y'all. It ain't so easy to go snatch a song that everybody likes. Actually, it's more difficult to go snatch a song that everybody likes and flip it and redo it and then get everybody to like it again. I think it's much harder
Starting point is 00:35:05 that's much more difficult I think it's much harder to create an original successful album than it is to take 11 famous loops and just throw them in the middle of your song
Starting point is 00:35:15 and then sing like Bryson Tiller well number one let's be very clear Tory Lanez sings much better than Bryson Tiller Tory Lanez
Starting point is 00:35:24 I will repeat sings much better than Bryson Tiller. Tory Lane's I will repeat sings much better than Bryson Tiller. Now where. Tory Lane's I will repeat because I want you to answer to it. Sings way better than Bryson Tiller. And I'm not calling either one of them. Great singers. Great singers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:41 By the way. I wasn't going to. Okay. But so yeah. I don't know what you're talking about one sings a lot better than the singer i'm not gonna say that also why not i've seen bryson tiller perform live he sounds very very similar to what he sounds like on that album. I can't even find footage of Tory. Your voice is so cute. All right, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Of Tory performing, and I think that's a huge part of artistry. So what are you saying? You can find footage of Tory performing? I'm speaking to who's a better singer. See, this is why this is pointless anyway, because you hard-headed too. I don't even see how that's an argument or a debate. I'm talking about when you turn the fucking song on who sounds better?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Who has a better engineer? I don't give a fuck what you want to call it who has a better engineer. Yeah. Yeah, who has a better engineer because both of them niggas is relying on the fucking
Starting point is 00:36:34 engineer anyway. So yeah, who has the better engineer? I prefer Bryson's voice over Tori's. All right, John. Who raps better? Now, I don't know if it's fair for me to answer this because the only time i really
Starting point is 00:36:48 heard uh tori rap was on the uh was a mystical back that ass up shit on chick state 3 and he sounded not to say that bryson doesn't sound like drake when he raps but tori lane sounds exactly like drake the flow is fucking identical At least when Tiller tries to rap It don't really sound like Drake's flow at all I've heard rap from Tory Lanez That don't sound like Drake I said I'm not sure if I can accurately say this Because I've only heard the Chick's Tape 3
Starting point is 00:37:16 Oh yeah no no no no no no And the stuff I heard him rapping on Chick's Tape 3 Literally was mimicking a Drake flow It ain't really much rapping on Chick's Tape 3 And it is mimicking a Drake flow Well It ain't really much rapping on Chick State 3 and it is mimicking a Drake flow. Well, Chick State 3 is mimicking Drake.
Starting point is 00:37:29 It's all mimicking Drake. I know. I've been saying it for fucking years. There's a whole sub-genre of music that comes from, that stems from Drake.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Party, I would include in that, rightfully so, right? The weekend, I put under that, I put in that umbrella. I put Tory Lanez in that umbrella. I put fucking Bryson
Starting point is 00:37:48 Tiller in that umbrella. Who else I put in that umbrella? I put Majid Jordan in that fucking umbrella. What's the other guy's name? Fucking Rory, Ron Rory. Damn it, I don't remember, but he's in that umbrella too. Roy Gold or some shit?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Roy Woods. He's in that umbrella. Oh Like gold or some shit? Where would? Where would? He's in that umbrella. Oh, and then you got motherfucking, I could do like a whole 360 degree family tree from all that has come from Drake. And you know what? That's why I said I didn't want to have this debate in the first place once we started having it. Well, your only point you had was that you liked them better.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I was trying to bring tangible things to the table and you knew that... No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't argue either. I can't argue careers. You don't think accomplishments
Starting point is 00:38:37 are a part of careers as an artist though? Rory, both of their careers started yesterday. And one is towering over the other So And they're making the same music So obviously one is a bit better
Starting point is 00:38:51 Rory Tory Lanez doesn't have an album out He has a very successful single I don't know why you keep They both started yesterday So why do you keep talking about one who's further along Actually Tory's been out longer than Tiller Tory's single is out now. His situation is now.
Starting point is 00:39:08 When he has a project coming, they both started yesterday. I can't compare their careers. As of today, what's tangible and what's not? Bryson Tiller has a successful album. It's not easy to just make a fucking album that's good, that is receptive to people. All we have that's tangible from Tori in the time that you're saying is now is a fucking 11 tracks of records we've already heard that he just flipped.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Oh, that's not true. That's all we have. That's not true because he has a successful single that you can look up the numbers. It's working. Yeah. Bryson Tarr is a successful album that you can look the numbers up. No, but we're not talking about that. We established that part. We're talking about Tory, who you said
Starting point is 00:39:49 has nothing more than an 11-track CD, which is not true, because on that same day, he put out another CD. Two of them. Two. Back-to-back. Rapping, singing. You like the rapping one? I like some of the stuff on it. What's your point?
Starting point is 00:40:06 It has nothing to do with nothing. I'm asking. Your point keeps coming back to Joe Bud likes it, so I'm asking if you like it. No, my point is you're not dumb enough to not know where he is in his process. You know where he is when you have a single out working. You know where he is when he's putting two mixtapes out.
Starting point is 00:40:21 The debate is today. You know where he is. You're looking in the future. I have never met Tory Lanez in my life, and I can tell you he's somewhere finishing an album right now. So my point is, you know these things as well. Was the point not today?
Starting point is 00:40:33 I'm going off what's tangible today. This could change. Tory Lanez could put out a fucking classic next week. But we're talking about today. And what's tangible now? See, that's my point. So you're one of them niggas whose argument changes depending on the context of time. Mine is not.
Starting point is 00:40:48 If Tory Lanez comes out tomorrow and sells 20 million records. Now you're changing the debate. No, I'm telling you something. We're talking about today. Yeah, but you said that could change tomorrow. Of course it could. Why? If Tory Lanez comes out tomorrow and sells 20 million records,
Starting point is 00:41:05 I'm going to refer back to my argument in this debate, which is that's well-deserved because he's the better artist. Artist. He does the artist stuff better. Now, I'm not saying that he'll have a better career
Starting point is 00:41:22 than Bryson Tiller. I don't know about nobody behind Tory Lanez. I just know that from what I am hearing sonically when I talk about song making, rapping, singing, sounding like Drake, having the engineer put the shit on your voice to sound nice. All of that shit that they both do. I like it from one more. Since we're talking about something
Starting point is 00:41:51 that we don't quite know. And please don't attack me because I love Bryson Tiller as well from what they both have shown us. I don't want to be the guy that's dissing two new artists
Starting point is 00:41:59 and granting anyone of the opportunity. Listen, check both of these gentlemen out and listen of them. And listen to them. I don't want to be the guy that's deterring his audience and listeners from listening to good music.
Starting point is 00:42:11 They both make good music. Please do not misconstrue this argument and debate. Okay. Since we're talking about things that may happen, let's take out the great album sales that Bryson Tiller has had, the amazing tour that he's put on. Let's talk about if Tory Lanez puts out the album great album sales that Bryson Tiller has had the amazing tour that he's put on Let's talk about if Tory Lanez puts out an album tomorrow With no features because Bryson Tiller's album is that good with not one feature as a new artist
Starting point is 00:42:38 Knows not don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. You talking to me So while yeah, he had no features on his album yeah that we could see he had every artist in the universe on his fucking side i it was a it was a whole two-week stretch where i didn't wake up seeing trey songs telling me about bryson tiller seeing chris brown tell me about fucking bryson tiller now marion tell me he had the whole r&b universe on his side don't start talking about he came out did it by himself no feature what are you talking about joe back to your original point we're talking about the music on his music there's no features i'm not talking about cosigns i said get the album sales out of
Starting point is 00:43:19 here get the hype is tory lanes if he puts out an album tomorrow, making a good, if not equal album to Trap Soul with no features and no flipping fucking amazing records from the past? I hope not. I want to hear him flip records from the past. He's going to do a full album. They're going to clear all that shit? They got enough money to do that?
Starting point is 00:43:39 Oh, no, they're not going to do that. He's never sold... Anything without doing that? No, he has a bunch of music without doing that. Sold anything. Because that Say It is just a Brownstone record remixed. That's all it is. Everyone waits for that fucking hook because it sounds great,
Starting point is 00:43:56 but Brownstone wrote that shit. Boy, you sound like Johnny. So? You didn't think of it? You didn't go grab the Brownstone hook and flip it? I'm not a part of the artist. What are you talking about? That's a horrible point. think of it. You didn't go grab the brownstone hook and flip it. I'm not a part of the artist. What are you talking about? That's a horrible point.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Nobody did it. Nobody did it. The brownstone song came out when? What year? 90 what? Six? Imani, I'm sure, knows the exact date. 95.
Starting point is 00:44:17 It was between 94 and 96. No one has done it in 20 years. I'm not about to say this. Because they're too busy making their own fucking music. Well, clearly the brownstone sample is a hit. Hell yeah. Clearly it's a hit. I love that record.
Starting point is 00:44:30 It's working for the kid. Yeah. It's so much a hit that he took the shit and flipped it again on the fucking chick-stapes shit. He knows the shit is a hit. I think that there's something to be said for recognizing that there's a pot of gold there and nobody else did. You keep trying to use it to discredit him. I will not. That's one. Two, I know how difficult it is to take something that the world already likes. The world already likes this. Why do I need it from you? And he is successfully
Starting point is 00:44:54 doing that so much so that he's made it a thing of his. I respect it. I too have tried to go in the studio and take a song that people loved and tried to make something of it, and it went horribly bad like it does most times unless you have that thing in your ear. I won't say him, but somebody does. I can't say that Drake has it. Maybe somebody has it somewhere. You can hear it. It's coming from somewhere.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Someone in Bryson Tiller, someone is doing that sound well and more people are fucking adopting it and adapting to it you almost damn it Travis Scott
Starting point is 00:45:33 I put under that umbrella well I put him under Kanye first and then in the Drake kind of a well I'm just saying that's not what we're
Starting point is 00:45:39 talking about I'm just saying if we start a family tree and start with Kanye and Drake I'm going to be able to connect a lot of sounds starting from those two people. So Travis Scott is going to fall under there somewhere. There's a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Future? Everything that people like has that sound. I'm not disagreeing with you. And I don't even know how I got to this point from wherever. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure the fuck out. Oh, yeah. So you keep trying to use what this guy, what I deem is an attribute for Tory Lanez
Starting point is 00:46:08 to fault him. But that's his only trick. We know he can just do that. We know Tiller can make actual original music. But I like a few Tory Lanez songs that have nothing to do with a flip. Well, you had said that Chick-State 3 was your favorite and that
Starting point is 00:46:23 would best represent what you thought of him and you liked a few records off his 11 mixtape discography yeah but I also said that part of that reason is because of how I discovered him so when I heard Chicks Tape 3 and heard how polished it was
Starting point is 00:46:38 and then I went back to his previous work and I could hear as an artist him trying to work on it I could hear where it's bad music. Then I could hear where it got a little better, but he still didn't have the hooks and the bridges. As an artist, I appreciated that.
Starting point is 00:46:54 So there were songs that I liked from there. But you could tell he ain't have it together yet. Let's go back to Tory Lanez' first project ever, and then let's go to Bryson Tiller's first project ever. Which one are you taking? We can't find Bryson Tiller's first project ever. Which one are you taking? We can't find Bryson Tiller's first project ever.
Starting point is 00:47:07 That's my point. It was an album. He did it without a mixtape in an era when people typically put out mixtapes before albums. As a new artist, that's fucking hard to do.
Starting point is 00:47:16 And Tory Lanez certainly couldn't do that. Why do you keep talking about what he's accomplished? So? Tory Lanez don't have an album out. I said fuck the album at this point.
Starting point is 00:47:29 You're talking about their very first... Yeah, okay, do that. Put their very first projects together. Well, you can't do that. Because Tory Lanez has never sold an album. So if you're talking about just the first... Oh, shut up, Rory. If you're talking about the first two projects that they have ever done, we haven't that from bryson tiller know why because he's got
Starting point is 00:47:50 a good team and they've tucked all that bullshit away somewhere they've packaged him he's packaged and the people bought it and purchased it i'm talking about what's tangible and but wait wait and you seem to not care that an album matters. And believed in it so much that, per your words, they turned down an OVO offer. So clearly they had a plan. And it worked. Good for them. That's what all of us are doing. We're trying to think of a plan and have it work.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Good for him. Tory's plan has not developed. He has a single that is working. They're not at the same place in their career but as far as artistry that's what i'm trying to suggest and you can't you know you keep bouncing on both sides you keep talking about artistry and careers that they're not the same okay to me let's strip it because for some odd reason you think an artist making an album is is not acclable here, but it is. Let's strip it. You know what? I didn't even know Madi was here.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Hi, Madi. For some reason, you don't think an artist making an original album means something or it's difficult to do, but that's not the point. Why does he keep saying an artist making an original album? Because that's a very... You as an artist should know it's very difficult
Starting point is 00:49:04 to make an album. It takes's very difficult to make an album. I'm a winner. It takes real artistry to make an album instead of a mixtape. Right? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:12 That point there. So let's strip it since for some reason that didn't matter. That's a point? Yeah, because one has an album when one doesn't.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Huh? It's much harder to make an album than a mixtape. Am I lying? Because we're talking artistry. I just don't think that your point applies to this argument. Yeah, because one has an album and one doesn't.
Starting point is 00:49:32 No, because they both stole Drake's sound. What is that going... They both stole Drake's sound. So why do you keep referring to Bryson Tiller as this almighty original biblical we never heard? He stole a sound, and then he did his version of it. So? Tory Lanez... you keep trying to make stealing shit yeah mad that's that's my whole point they both do the same shit and one does it better that's my point is it easier i'm not
Starting point is 00:50:00 trying to make they make the same music so is it easier to make a mixtape or an album i'm asking you that as an artist. It depends. Put your rapper hat on. It depends. I want you to put your rapper hat on. Moon music too is harder for me to make than an album. I mean, a moon music, like that type of mixtape.
Starting point is 00:50:16 So it depends. So far gone, I'm sure a lot went into that for Drake. Like Chicks Tape 3, I don't look at it like just a mixtape. I can hear it until he puts something into it. I agree. So, I'm not just judging it like a mixtape. I'm just judging what my ears hear. I'm not judging how they decide to give it to the people. I'm not judging
Starting point is 00:50:37 who they did a deal with, who publishes what. I'm not saying that. I'm just going off what I am hearing. I'm trying to stick to your argument, which is we're stripping the success and things that he's done. We're going album to album. First project, because we're not using word album or mixtape anymore
Starting point is 00:50:53 now. We're using first project versus first project. Tory Lanez. We're using Chick-State 3 versus. No. We're doing first Tory Lanez project ever versus first Bryson Tiller project. Why would we be doing it? Why would we be doing it? Why would we be doing it? That doesn't make any sense. Like, Rory's losing me.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Explain to me the point in doing that. Tory Lanez first project, which was from however many years ago. 2010, I want to say. Yeah, 2010. And Trap Soul, which came out this year. Yeah. So you have an artist that has one good, solid project at the beginning of his career.
Starting point is 00:51:29 It took Tory Lanez 10 projects to get to this Chick State 3 that you love right now. Again, you would be speaking to what has occurred in each of their paths. I'm talking about what's tangible. We don't know what their team hit or didn't hit. That's my point. That's my point. No, let's talk about what's tangible. We don't know what their team hit or didn't have. That's my point. That's my point. No, let's talk about what's tangible, not what's not known.
Starting point is 00:51:49 We know that Torrey Lanez has 11 projects you can download right now. We know Bryce and Tilla has one. What does that have to do with my point? Like, you over-talking me is not changing my point. So, are you going to talk or am I saying my point?
Starting point is 00:52:01 I was talking and then you kept interrupting me. So, I continued to talk. But I still don't... No, I was answering because I still don interrupting me so I continued to talk. But I still don't know. I was answering because I still don't see what that has to do with the price of tea in China. What I'm saying is I don't care about any of the team how you did what? I'm stripping. That's not included.
Starting point is 00:52:15 So if Tory Lanez is in fucking Toronto in 2010 and nobody gives a fuck about Toronto or Tory Lanez back then and he's by himself and he's in a basement somewhere and he raps and sings on some shit and put it out just trying to break away as a kid that nobody gives a fuck about from Toronto and clearly Bryson Tiller
Starting point is 00:52:32 who I'm that's my point and Bryson I'm stripping that saying Project vs. Project you're not stripping it by saying Project vs. Project you're not stripping it because one came out in 2000 and whenever and by listening to it my brain is telling
Starting point is 00:52:48 me what occurred with this one Bryson Tiller came out now and by listening to it my brain is telling me what occurred here there it's a false equivalent of things we don't know so I'm saying strip both but project
Starting point is 00:53:04 so maybe things you don't know because So I'm saying strip both, but project versus project. All right, so maybe things you don't know because I stand behind everything I just said. So I don't lose my brain for argument's sake or I'm not dumber because of the argument we're having. I stand by, yeah, but you're smart in this too. No, we're stripping teams. Because you know exactly what I'm saying. We're stripping the teams.
Starting point is 00:53:18 I'm trying to get rid of all these things because you keep going back to artistry. Because if you want to go that route, I can kill you with all the shit that he's accomplished that Tory hasn't with the same sound. I was still talking about what someone has accomplished and I'm just telling you about what my ears hear
Starting point is 00:53:33 currently. It's not that complicated. And I feel like I'm exhausting myself and not getting a response to valid points I'm making. They both come from the Drake umbrella. They both do the same shit. Neither one of them is Michael Jackson. We enjoy both
Starting point is 00:53:50 of them. We're partial to one more than the other for whatever the reason be, but I'm not going to take one in 2016 and compare him and all that's behind him to something that came out in 2010
Starting point is 00:54:07 when I'm listening to it and I could hear, ain't nothing behind that. You just grind it. And I can identify with that because we all been grinding. I'm grinding now. I know what grinding is,
Starting point is 00:54:18 so I'm not comparing those projects. I wish both of these brothers the best because still people will hear this somehow and say that I hate either one of them when I really do wish them both the best and want a feature from both of them. I'll make my quick closing point. They both come from the Drake umbrella.
Starting point is 00:54:38 They both have that sound. They're in the same lane. I think personally it's much more difficult to create an album of original music versus a mixtape with a bunch of records that we already love. That's my only point on why I think Bryson Tiller is a better artist.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Fuck everything he's accomplished. I'm not even putting that in there. I think as an artist, it's more difficult to create an album of very, very, very minimal samples, original music, no features as your first album versus a kid that made a mixtape with a bunch of records that we've already heard. That's my only point.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Okay, listen to this. That's my closing argument. And this is my last point. I'm off the argument, but stemming from the argument. How much money, me and you as friends, tell me how much money i would have to pay you to get you in the studio and give you a list of 10 classic songs and then see what you come up with with a singer in there i'm sorry repeat that question i want to know how much money i'd have
Starting point is 00:55:39 to pay you to put you in the studio with someone who can sing and give you a list of, and someone who can write and give you a list of 10 classic songs and you pick one of them to do something with. And good producers that can flip these records? Mm-hmm. What do you mean? How much money? Like how much to get it done?
Starting point is 00:55:57 How much would I have to pay you to do it? For you to get in there? To get it done with studio fees and things of that nature? I'm trying to, what is the money for? How much would I have to pay you? Because you're not a rapper. That's why. So you have no incentive into going in the studio and attempting this.
Starting point is 00:56:10 But I would like to see you attempt it. So I'm saying how much would it take to get you to do that? And then we can premiere the song right here like we did Marty Monroe's. Well, first of all, Joe. No? I think it's a bit of a low... I'm not suggesting that I could do that. We're comparing Bryson vs. Tory.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Don't look at me like that. I think 100% Bryson can do what Tory did on Chicks Tape 3. I don't think, off evidence, right now Tory can do what Tiller did on that album. That's my point there. I'm not going in the studio With some T-Shirt Go listen to Keisha
Starting point is 00:56:46 You're telling me Tiller could not do What Tory Lanez did on that Go listen to Keisha On Chicks Tape 3 I like Keisha You could put Keisha On Bryson Tiller's album
Starting point is 00:56:55 Like what are you talking about What are you talking about And if you go to Chicks Tape 2 There's mad shit On Chicks Tape 2 That should be on Bryson Tiller's album I was actually being
Starting point is 00:57:03 Facetious I actually thought those Fucking skits On Tory Lanez shit were mad annoying and stupid. I'm talking about the song. The one that was a song. I like Keisha. I like the whole Chicks Tape 3.
Starting point is 00:57:12 I deleted all them shits. I don't want to hear those skits. To my last point, Bryson Tiller can absolutely do what Tory Lanez did on Chicks Tape 3. We have no evidence of that. But I do not. We have no evidence of that.
Starting point is 00:57:22 What evidence we got of that? You just cavalierly saying that shit. When have we seen that? Can I answer do not. We have no evidence of that. What evidence we got of that? You're just cavalierly saying that shit. When have we seen that? Can I answer? Yes. We know Bryson Tiller can write. We know he can sing like that. They make this similar music, right?
Starting point is 00:57:33 First of all, no. Can I finish? Not when you're incorrect, if you're saying something. Tiller can't write? Yeah, he can write. Can he sing like that? No, you can't hit them. No storylines hidden.
Starting point is 00:57:44 They have the same range And I can pull up songs to support my argument Huh? Talk your shitty Yeah, but I can go to evidence of him hitting them How they got to hit him And how they made it sound You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:04 Bryson Tiller's range is not going where Lane's is, is what I'm saying. Do you like the Bryson Tiller interlude that he flipped for Drake? We've listened to it in your car plenty of times. Wasn't Bryson Tiller interlude that he flipped for Drake? No, no, no. He flipped a Drake figure. Just another interlude. Yeah, I do like that.
Starting point is 00:58:25 It's pretty cool. It's cute. We have some evidence that Bryson Tiller can flip other people's music and make it good. We have no evidence that Tory Lanez can make
Starting point is 00:58:33 original music. See, and that's where you got Tory Lanez fucked up. Bryson Tiller had somebody take the sample, flip the beat. That was a freestyle. That was a freestyle.
Starting point is 00:58:43 We have evidence that he can do that. What Tory Lanez is doing on Chick-State 3, those ain't freestyles, my nigga. There's arrangement. There are bridges
Starting point is 00:58:53 versus pre-hooks whole song flicks. Like, these are arranged. We're getting away from No, no, no, no, no, no. We're not getting away from shit. You just said we have evidence that Bryson Tiller can do it. No, the fuck we don't.
Starting point is 00:59:07 He freestyled. There's some evidence there, yeah. You are cheapening what Tory Lanez is doing. I'm not sure if you're doing that subconsciously or you're cognizant, but you just saying, oh, he taking some shit and doing it. And if that's how you feel, then to each his own. I think that's difficult, but I think making an album is more difficult. But just another interlude by Bryson Tiller, which I love, is a freestyle over a flip.
Starting point is 00:59:28 What Tory Lanez is doing on Chicks Tape 3 and over the TLC scrub shit on Chicks Tape 2. No. He's writing and arranging their songs. And he has hooks. His own hooks are on these records. Not all of them. Every last one of them, his hook comes right before that hook. Put the actual usher, you got it bad, in the middle of the fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And he put his hook right before it. And he put his hook right before it. And he put his hook right before it. That, to me, takes guts. But I'm off of this argument because I support both of these kids. But, yeah, you are. Well, is there a spit of evidence that Tory Lane lanes can do what bryson tiller did on trap so i just told you to listen to keisha that's one that's one little record back to your fucking
Starting point is 01:00:13 uh tiller on the drake uh listen to uh listen to ao listen to uh something oh listen to something i'll listen to oh and listen to something Remix Oh come on Not the remix Now that I'm talking about it Bright Tory Lanez might do Bryson Tiller Better than Bryson Tiller If we're gonna refer
Starting point is 01:00:31 To the songs that I'm naming So if you wanna When we leave here Go have like A song contest Cause I don't think Like my favorite shit On the Bryson Tiller shit
Starting point is 01:00:41 Is Don't The one at the end That I love Brand new Not brand new You know the one at the end that I love brand new not brand new you know the one and all the interludes like the first four I love those but I would
Starting point is 01:00:54 be you know I would be doing a grave injustice if I didn't say I wish they were longer I'm not in love with the other stuff like y'all are I'm just going back to my point that but I respect where but Bry Bryson can do what Tory can do. Tory can't do what Bryson can do. But Bryson ain't did what Tory did yet. And if your brain is telling you that
Starting point is 01:01:12 just another interlude by Bryson Tiller is Bryson Tiller's version of what Tory Lanez is doing, oh, then we don't need to have this conversation anyway. I said it's some evidence of it. Your meters. You took my some evidence and ran with it like you wouldn't believe that's your only evidence you you keep saying he can do what he can do that's your only evidence of that and i'm saying we don't have not one actual piece of evidence
Starting point is 01:01:35 of fucking tori lane i've just given you six songs why are you ignoring what i'm saying of course yeah because modty ain't saying shit. Why is Monty even here? I think it's kind of unfair to even compare the two, and it kind of goes to his point in a way. I think you would have probably had a better argument with Bryson and maybe Party Niggas. Party.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Tory, when putting an album together, the access you have is a little deeper than someone who's just working in a studio creating a mixtape. So, of course, Bryson would be able to create at a better space in an original sense. Tory hasn't been able to create in that fashion yet. Do we know that? No. I mean, he hasn't put out an album. There's no big budget behind him putting out an album.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Well, Joe just said he knows for a fact that he's making one right now. If he's making one now, and then we'll see what he delivers. Yeah, we still haven't heard it, so the point still stands. Now, also, Tory's records, while they are built around samples, if you strip the samples, Them shits is more than samples, B. Them shits is more than samples. If you strip the samples, they're still pretty cool records. I'm not saying they're great.
Starting point is 01:02:50 I am admitting that the sample is a big part of making it sound good. I wouldn't even call it a sample. It's definitely a big part. But he is obviously a good writer. So you can't really judge the two. I think the debate is kind of flawed in the sense of even comparing the two. And the fact that Chick Tape ain't been out but a month, and we giving this that much attention. It hasn't even stood the test of six months yet.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Where with Homeboy, who's put out something, he's touring, he's selling out tours. He's doing a little bit more than Torey. So it's like, you know, P&D, he sold out tours. He's done different things. He put out multiple projects. Maybe that would have been a better argument. Like, you know, P&D, he sold out tours. He's done different things. He's put out multiple projects. Maybe that would have been a better argument. And he's another one that's somewhere working on his album, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:03:32 And I know... Songs about her, too. Songs about... All right, my bad. And I know Joe, and it's a fair point to not put in his accomplishments, but I think as an album with artistry and music, to have an album in this era still going from october and it's peaking higher than it has before amazing i think that's to be said because i think i think with bad music i'm talking music here that generally cannot happen that means they put
Starting point is 01:04:00 something out and a team really did work it but the music is there it could happen with bad music but that only that's not relevant here because it's not bad music on Bryson Tiller's album I'm just making the point that Bryson Tiller's album is good music it is a
Starting point is 01:04:11 something that's noteworthy even in this artistry debate to create an album that is still carrying this much it's peaked at number nine like that's to be said especially around the albums
Starting point is 01:04:24 that it's around chris brown adele but i don't care and he wrote and he wrote on chris brown's album that's to be said about his artistry as well that is to be said about his artistry as far as what's alman's i don't care about any of that well no it's it's great for him well no it's a note in making an album joe i i think having music live on i'm'm not saying from October to now is really living on, but it's to be said about the music on the album
Starting point is 01:04:50 that it is just picking up so much and more and more people are listening and like, oh, this is a really good album. I agree with your point. I'm just talking about personally. Well, I can't debate that Joe Budden likes somebody. I like Bryson Toulouse.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I can only talk about what's tangible. I don't care about how long it takes for the rest of the world to fucking figure it out if it's dope or not. David, how much time we at? I don't know what that means, David. My parking thing that I put in the thingamajig. I'm telling you, they don't check that shit. I've gone like an hour over before Well
Starting point is 01:05:27 It's a different feeling from It's a different feeling From walking outside And seeing your Mercury Milan Is missing And to walking outside And seeing your S550 Mercedes
Starting point is 01:05:40 Is missing It still fucking sucks either way Cause it's the same price To get it out No Really if my Mercury Milan Got told I because it's the same price to get it out. No. Really, if my Mercury Milan got told, I probably would just walk away and never get it.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Anyways. No, I need my car. If there is something to be said, it may have to do with Bryson and Tory's appearance. Like their beard game? Because those two look like they might use bevel. You know what? Not that I've been really looking at Bryson Tiller and Tory Lanez. Hey, we may disagree on this, but I can tell you something we agree on. But when I did look at them both, the first thing I thought to myself was,
Starting point is 01:06:19 wow, it looks like both of these gentlemen are using bevel. The first and only shaving system for men with coarse curly hair and sensitive skin. Clinically proven to reduce and prevent razor bumps, discoloration, and irritation. There's a reason 9 out of 10 Bevel customers come back month after month. Up to 80% of black men and women struggle with razor bumps. And up to 30% of all men and women encounter razor bumps as well. Why is that sentence there twice? Because the people need to know.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Start shaving smarter today at That's For 20% off your first month's membership, enter promo code Joe at checkout. That's use code joe for 20 off your first month uh they just launched their new electric razor which and i want one where's my shit i need two of them send them my way send them to a real nigga we haven't uh they haven't sent them to us yet because they just came mighty. Mighty, mighty, mighty. Marissa, Marissa. You know what, man?
Starting point is 01:07:27 You know what I thought the dopest part about that is? What's what? You can bring that to your barber and he can use it. Yeah. I thought that was a very dope feature of that razor. It's Tristan, it's not Jose. I do want to say, because unlike my two co-hosts, I'm not that ignorant to what's going on in the universe.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I am a bit perplexed by Sean Penn and El Chapo. Yeah, that was... I don't know why Sean Penn is doing interviews for anybody. That's number one. And do you think that this is going to get him? And I don't know why El Chapo is doing interviews for anybody. That's number one. And do you think that this is going to get him flat? And I don't know why El Chapo is doing interviews for anybody. Individually. Word.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Separately. More on the El Chapo side, though. I don't know. That's debatable. All I know is it's weird. That's debatable if it's more on the El Chapo side. But these are two gentlemen whom I'm not sure why they are doing interviews separately.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Why the fuck would you be doing an interview together? Right? So, okay, cool. So now they say the rumor has it Sean Pym was writing a piece
Starting point is 01:08:40 for one of the white people magazines that they don't care about black people and our feelings and our thoughts. Oh, Rolling Stone? It was for Rolling Stone? I thought it was like Vanity Fair or one of them shits.
Starting point is 01:08:53 El Chapo wanted it to be like a biopic, but Oh, come on, El Chapo. Oh, come on, El Chapo. And it was hooked up by some actress that's a mutual friend. Now, don't that sound like somebody who ain't really concerned about leaving jail
Starting point is 01:09:08 again? Not only that, but it's like he's flaunting, like he wants the notor... I don't know. That shit was just weird. Well, he's worth, we looked this up last night, over
Starting point is 01:09:16 four billion dollars. So can he just pay his way out of jail? So I don't really think he's... I think he can really leave jail whenever he wants to, if I'm perfectly honest. Now, Sean Penn...
Starting point is 01:09:24 He went under the fucking bed. Hey, Sean wants to if I'm perfectly honest now Sean Penn he went under the fucking bed hey Sean Penn hey hey hey hey Sean Penn and Rolling Stone uh it's you niggas
Starting point is 01:09:32 the feds man yeah right like come on my nigga y'all just gonna give my nigga El Chapo you know what I mean well he got popped
Starting point is 01:09:38 right afterwards right pop pop he got caught you know what I'm saying damn but do you think do you think it's
Starting point is 01:09:44 gonna get Sean Penn clapped From like El Chapo So what happened So listen I wouldn't go anywhere Near that motherfucker Or
Starting point is 01:09:50 Listen y'all are ignoring Catastrophic shit Taking place When God is sending you signs We not even Two weeks Into fucking 2016
Starting point is 01:10:00 People Be awake out there They took El Chapo From us Oh my god 2016 people be awake out there. They took El Chapo from us. Oh my God. BBOD is over. Y'all are not seeing. We're only
Starting point is 01:10:19 two weeks in and BBOD is broken up. First the fat boys. I think it's in and BBOD is broken up. Damn. Crazy. First the fat boys break up. I don't think, I think it's easy to let the government try to blind you
Starting point is 01:10:34 to what's happening in the society that is real and that really needs our undivided attention. And BBOD is it. But they've been trying to kill the female rapper and they've been doing a great job of it for a really long time thank god for nikki minaj to come through and break that mold and just when we need somebody to follow her behind the door that she so boldly kicked in
Starting point is 01:10:57 you fucking take bbod away fuck come on mona BBOD away fuck come on Mona come on so you know what Mona I'm watching your little fucking show and I'm a little teary eyed and upset cause you take BBOD away
Starting point is 01:11:20 but I'm a man and I'm grown so I dust my shoulder off and I keep watching and then right when there seemed to be a glimmer But I'm a man and I'm grown, so I dust my shoulder off and I keep watching. And then, right when there seemed to be a glimmer of fucking light at the end of the tunnel. What happened, Joe? Right when I'm thinking, all is right in the world, because Peter Gunz is in the studio alone and he is going to give us heat. What did Mona do now? What do you do, Mona?
Starting point is 01:11:46 You send in the fucking wife to distract a hard-working man from changing the world with light-skinned fire. We're on a roll with Drake and Steph Curry. Let Peter Guns contribute what he can. Exactly. That's what I was thinking. That's what I came in here ready to argue to be honest dramatic exit I laugh. How's Joe feel? We don't even know. He stormed off.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Joe shook the bunch. Joe, come on. Take the joke. He stormed off, but left his jacket. Yo, Mona. Let's keep it great. I'm out. Get your tickets at for February 2nd.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Come see us live. See us talk. Live. You're going to be awesome. Joe's going to perform his catalog in full afterwards. the only time we're performing Porno Star we're actually gonna debut the Monty Monroe featuring Joe Budden oh lick it or not
Starting point is 01:12:52 remix oh no the remix to lick it or not by Joe Budden called I would never lick Monty shit the or not or not be it before bye y'all

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