The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 49

Episode Date: January 20, 2016

In Joe's absence we brought in hip hop sketch comedians ItsTheReal, mainly to discuss how I'll Name This Podcast Later is on Entertainment Weekly's 12 Must Listen to Music Podcast, as well as a call i...n from Joe to discuss his where about's. I'll Name This Podcast Later will be doing an episode LIVE at SOB's in New York City on February 2nd, tickets are available at Shave smarter and go to use promo code "JOE" to get 20% off your first month.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Bevel, the first and only shaving system designed specifically for coarse, curly hair and sensitive skin. Start shaving smarter and say goodbye to razor bumps with Bevel. Check out today. Use code Joe. Thanks, Rory. Use code Joe to get 20% off your first month at That's G-E-T-B-E-V-E-L dot com. Alright!
Starting point is 00:00:30 That was my impression of Joe's alright. That was trash. It was horrible. I can probably do a better one. Hold on. Oh my god. Alright! No? How was that? That was good. We could probably just take one of Joe's and put it put it in there edit it whatever uh joe is not here today because he does not care about any of the listeners there's
Starting point is 00:00:50 no reason why he is in la or vegas or wherever the fuck he is he's just there he's not working he's not doing anything he just left you guys so fill his mentions but in the meantime we brought uh friends of our podcast and of our overall group I guess you would put it we have It's The Real do you guys have any cool AKAs or gun noises that you do? did you not come prepared?
Starting point is 00:01:16 yeah we did oh man now we're putting on the spot just do one of your yo what up it's Eric AKA 2 foot blackberries AKA 24 inch. Yo, what up? It's Eric, a two foot Blackberries, a 24 inch rims. Yo, what up? It's Jeff, a shooter boy in blue, a Papa Smurf. I like it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Well, violence. Can we can we call ourselves? You know, like some people are like Grammy award winning whatever artist. Can we be like Entertainment Weekly? Oh, my God. Suggested podcast. Wow. winning whatever artist, can we be like Entertainment Weekly suggested podcast? Wow. You guys are amongst two of the three people that were
Starting point is 00:01:51 on the Entertainment Weekly top 12 podcast. Believe me, I'm treating you guys way differently than I would have. I'm just happy to be on a number one charting podcast for one time. Did Elliot Wilson show you the stats? Did we say the name of their podcast yet?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh yeah, we have a name to our podcast. We have a name too. I don't know. I had a long conversation with Joe on our podcast. Our podcast is called A Waste of Time with It's The Real. Because we're very bad at selling ourselves.
Starting point is 00:02:20 We just get right to the point. But you guys... You think we're better at selling ourselves? Wait, is that barefoot Moscato? No, it's not barefoot Moscato. That's such a thotty thing for me to ask. I got so excited and I almost said, you know what, I'll take a glass.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I do like how Marissa's like, was that a thotty thing? It's like, you know it was thotty. You know. Can we just say that it's not only white wine that you're drinking, but it's white wine from a screw top yes on I picked this up DeWayne Reed I want to say it's a 2016 which is a good year yeah yes it's gonna like sit for well I mean when you pay top dollar six dollars and 99 cents you're drinking grape juice marissa you never had wine like this oh yeah apparently
Starting point is 00:03:10 not she has that barefoot um anyways though for people that don't know who you guys are which i don't think there's too many of our listeners that don't uh is there a background you can give i know you guys went on a podcast tour with everyone else so we So I guess give us the same story. Uh, where it's the real, that's I T S T H E R E A L. Yeah. It's one word. Cause I mean, there is the real,
Starting point is 00:03:30 yeah, which is the women's talk show, the syndicated talk show with like Adrian Bailon and Tamar Braxton. So you're just the brother company. That is us. Yeah. Well, no,
Starting point is 00:03:38 we get all these people reaching out and they're just like, can we get Tamar Braxton on our, like more Tamar Braxton. She should get more of like time. Or can like Adrian Bailon come to my niece's quinceanera. It's like, I don't know how we can help. She's big for those I heard. In demand. But we've been around
Starting point is 00:03:54 for eight years. We're hip hop sketch comedians. We're brothers, by the way. A lot of people are like, oh, how'd you guys meet? And it's like, I came home from the hospital. He was there. So we started out doing sketches, which is how we got to know Joe early on back in 2007, 2008. Remember the Max B one when you guys played Scrabble? The Max B one?
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah. Did you help out with that too? You were there. I was there. Yeah. That was such a weird time. Crazy evening. Maddie was in Max B's house?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah. We all were. I used to work for French Montana back in the day. Oh, yeah. I guess that would make sense. We played Scrabble at Max B's apartment. I got yelled at for not taking my shoes off. Oh, well, I mean, that's a given in someone's house.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Well, that being said, there was no furniture. Yeah, there was one. Like, hardly. It was like a couch and a TV. There was an ottoman, yeah. Did Marnie decorate it? No, I did not. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:04:37 There were seven dudes on the wall. Nice grilling us. Not happy. We never were. Yeah, so we did sketches for three and a half years with everyone from Bun B to Clips to Max B to Fall Out Boy. Then we did a podcast
Starting point is 00:04:51 called Hype Men. Then we did interviews for MTV. Where we did a lot of yelling and gunshots. We did. Those were funny. And then we put out a mixtape with DJ Drama called Urbane Outfitters Volume 1. Where we were rapping alongside different people like Bun B and Freeway and Maino and Lil Jon and Hannibal Buress and now
Starting point is 00:05:07 we sold a TV show to MTV and that has made Marissa need a drink. Yeah, exactly. Wait, you guys sold a show to MTV? Wait, did it happen yet? We need your retweets. Go on Twitter right now. Did this just happen today?
Starting point is 00:05:22 No, this happened a few months ago. We pinned the tweet though so you can find it okay we're taking it thank god taking it one step at a time and we have uh just finished the first draft of the pilot script can i be in it what is it yes yes there's a part when you were wondering if the white wine thing was a thotty thing to say you asking to be in the pilot might be the thottiest is it wrong that we don't watch 11 hip-hop just generally speaking um i think a lot of people don't watch it okay people do though name one person that doesn't watch it you guys i can name two rory do you watch it uh yeah it's my guilty pleasure i don't like run home to make sure i catch it but if's because you DVR it. But isn't it weird watching people
Starting point is 00:06:06 who you know? It is. That's what bugs me out. Especially when you know they're fucking acting. What? Joe Budden wasn't acting? Oh my god. No, the Joey thing was so weird too. Just the way it played out. Because it had happened to us
Starting point is 00:06:21 months before and then you watch it five months later. I just don't want to experience this side of Joe I just want to know him strictly as sad or as normal and not running around by the way we brought
Starting point is 00:06:35 Joe sweatsuits for when he came over to our podcast because you know we like to give our podcast guests gifts I guess you guys don't this is fucking payback this is i purposely didn't bring anything uh you guys started out as pitching your podcast as what a dinner party yeah some sort okay so it started off as a dinner party conversation yeah and then they put out a press release falsely stating that it was a dinner party we were like fuck we need to cook for all these people so we've been like making we made sea bass for gunplay
Starting point is 00:07:05 we made we roasted a chicken for bun b we've done like salmon and papillote and when currency came over we got him like fruit roll ups lit I'm fucking mad you guys are doing me fruit roll ups there's another part to this
Starting point is 00:07:22 so Joe comes over no no no cause we got an email from Rory right saying like hey can we move this up first of all like an hour before we were supposed to
Starting point is 00:07:31 because we got dinner reservations at where I don't think it was I don't think it was reservations at Florida Mayo I think we had thought
Starting point is 00:07:39 about going there afterwards they're expecting us at Florida Mayo I've had this booked for weeks. Can't move it around. It's a table for two. It's you and Joe.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Well, we've done that before. We did. So I get up there and there's no food. First time, what was that? Episode 12 maybe? 12 weeks of food.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Well, they didn't want to waste their food because you guys are going out to eat, right? Thank you, Marissa. Yeah. We should have Marissa on the podcast. I don't know why I wasn't invited waste their food because you guys are going out to eat, right? Thank you, Marissa. Yeah. We should have Marissa on the podcast. I don't know why I wasn't invited for that one
Starting point is 00:08:08 because you guys kept talking about, oh, you know, we'll have you on and give you like a great cross-podination. I thought of that on the way over. Well, it was just Joe. I wasn't really on it. We were promoting Joe's album at the time. It was a Joe thing.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And that's that crossover where Rory is like an executive, a professional. That wasn't a podcast. Not a podcast. Which is, I should have flipped shit in the house when there wasn't food there. By the way, there's nothing to flip. Marissa, do you know that... Flip your brother's bed over. That Jeff and I went to a friend's wedding
Starting point is 00:08:37 and as we were leaving at the end of the night... They played Marisol. No, we got... I thought it would be like, wait, did they? They went on HipH-hop dx's archives this um this this guy comes up to me i'm sorry a girl came up to me and she was like hey you're from it's the real right i was like yeah she's like you have to meet my my husband he's a huge fan of the podcast i go over there and he was like oh man i love your podcast i love joe budden's podcast and i happen to work with Rory. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I don't think I ever told this story on the podcast. That's a good segue. And he listens. I'm not going to say his name, but he's a really, really great guy. We had like a retreat. It's an advertising agency. We had like a retreat on a boat. It was open bar and all that.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And I'm sitting on the boat and we don't really work together. We're not in the same department or anything. So we don't interact with each other often. So when he came up and approached me and said, so let's talk about this podcast. I immediately thought, okay, I'm about to get fired. Right? That should be scary.
Starting point is 00:09:40 On a boat. Is he your superior? Like not even in my office. No, he's not my, no. Is he like an intern? No, no, no. He's definitely older than me and I'd imagine in his department is higher. But no, he's not my boss or anything. But just the way he approached it, it felt like I was going to get fired.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And he ended up being a huge fan and a big fan of Joe. I invited him out to one show and I don't think he could make it. That seems convenient. He said no one really knew that this was going on at work. No, no one still knows. Everybody in my job knows. At Hot 97? No way.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I was at my aunt's wedding, or my uncle's, somebody's wedding the other day, and my little cousin, she's like 18, and her little boyfriend came up to me, and I was eating a cheese and cracker. He was like, hey, I listen to every podcast. I almost fucking choked on the cracker. I was like like oh my god
Starting point is 00:10:25 stop it and I just walked away we never finished does he know all the nicknames I don't know I didn't want to know anything further than that so I just walked away
Starting point is 00:10:31 and I haven't talked to him since was he a Michael Roars fan he might have been he looks like he could be he looks like Michael Roars actually oh wow wow oh we have to plug
Starting point is 00:10:40 shameless plug we're at SOB's on February 2nd tickets are on sale at SOB's on February 2nd tickets are on sale at congratulations in advance guys you guys are going to see my dad
Starting point is 00:10:49 and all my best friends and the squad and gunplay this is dope and my mom might come I'm kind of annoyed at her right now so she's uninvited
Starting point is 00:10:56 for the moment what? you know she can just buy a ticket I know she can it's a public venue and she probably will but I'm just
Starting point is 00:11:03 I don't know security's way tight at SOBs yeah an old white lady I'm just... I don't know. Security's way tight at SOBs. Yeah. An old white lady trying to get in. I don't know if it's going to work. I don't know if you guys can tell, but we don't plan anything. We just sit down and go. And I feel like we keep saying we're going to meet and actually put a show together.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I don't think it's going to happen. No. I think we're literally going to show up and not know what to do. Well, thank God you're going to show up. That's number one. I know. No, Madi and myself will be there. Yeah, is Joe going to be like in Las Vegas?
Starting point is 00:11:29 We have no idea. He might be in Canada. We talked about this for like a whole month that we're going to do a year anniversary live podcast. And Joe was on board like, yeah, I see Brilliant Idiots do it, this and that. I finished the deal with SOBs. I go on our podcast, text. All right, February 2nd. Here's the flyer. Joe says, yeah, I don't really likes. I go on our podcast, text. All right, February 2nd. Here's the flyer.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Joe says, yeah, I don't really like it. I don't like it. The poster's awesome. No, not just the artwork. Just the idea. It's like we've been talking about this. Where have you been replying? That's the first time that he's heard of it.
Starting point is 00:11:59 This is the first time I've heard about it, actually. Stop. Is Peter Rosenberg going to make an appearance? He better. He's the reason we started this podcast. He's Madi's father. He is. He's Sanju. He was the only one missing at the Genius thing.
Starting point is 00:12:12 We had like the podcast reunion for everyone. We all complimented each other and acted like we listened to each other's episodes. Oh, with Combat Jack and everybody. Joe wasn't there though. He was not. No, but B-Dot was there. B-Dot was there, yeah. Combat Jack, us, yeah. We were there. Combat Jack, us, yeah. Rob Markman, obviously.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I guess that's everybody. There really is like the whole little hip hop pod squad, right? But there's only... Pod squad. Pod squad, wow. But you guys were the only ones on the Entertainment Weekly. No, actually Combat Jack's on there too. Oh, is he?
Starting point is 00:12:37 Katie would do that. I almost just had to. But you guys are routinely number one. On the thing? I don't even check that shit. First of all, that's such a lie. I know. I mean, but it's also like pointless because First of all, that is such a lie. I know. I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:45 but it's also like pointless because it's like, it just goes a matter of like when you put it out and how many are listening at the time. Like, this is not really like a thing.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I just wait till Elliot Wilson tweets me. That's really my only way of looking at it. That's it? And then I screenshot and I put it on Instagram and everyone congratulates me
Starting point is 00:12:59 and I feel cool. Do you guys listen to other podcasts? Yeah, I listen to ours. I listen to yours. I listen to Combat Jack, I listen to Rap Radar, You listen to ours I listen to yours I listen to Combat Jack I listen to Rap Radar I listen to Rob Markman's Red Light
Starting point is 00:13:09 I just listened to Serial Podcast for the first time Oh, the first season? In two days, I finished it Yeah Serial, you said? Yeah, it's great Oh, yeah, that shit's amazing It's really great
Starting point is 00:13:17 Who else? I think that's it Unless I'm forgetting someone Eric, you listen to podcasts? I mean, yeah I listen to like Bill Simmons podcast Adam Carolla like
Starting point is 00:13:27 you listen to Mark Maron Mark Maron love Mark Maron bunch of names we don't know are they all Jewish wait Adam Carolla I know he used to host a show on MTV right
Starting point is 00:13:34 yup Loveline yeah with Dr. Drew and the man show yes I remember that yup
Starting point is 00:13:39 I'm gonna listen to Snooki's podcast I haven't Snooki has a podcast I would like to listen to it do you know that wait I'm gonna take a tally of every single time versus a stunning potty. I listen to Tax's too.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yep. Tax's is great. Yeah. I like Tax's podcast. I don't think you can say it on this podcast. No, everything's good. No, all is well. Rory, you were the connect, right?
Starting point is 00:13:59 You made that happen. No. No, no, no. Though Gabby screamed at me the next day. Like, why the fuck would you tell him to go up and do that? I didn't tell him to do that. Tax DM'd him. But it wasn't as bad as it...
Starting point is 00:14:10 I was in the room for the whole thing. It wasn't that bad. And everything's fine. Made for nice headlines, though. I mean, we could recreate it here. Yeah. Do you want to jump out or do you want me to... Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:14:22 The best is... So we went on Tax's podcast and people because of the video and the way it was shot people were just like oh my god It's The Real was so scared of everything Tax was saying yeah cause Tax was going at all these Tupac fans and saying that Tupac wasn't we were just confused
Starting point is 00:14:37 and you guys are also naturally awkward so I think just to see an aggressive man and then two awkward guys on camera everyone's going to assume that you were just scared. But also, it's us just being like, okay, do you, man? You're just yelling about bullets or something? I'm not quite sure. You guys have been in Max B's house to play Scrabble, so I can't imagine you're intimidated that easily.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Oh my god, I was so scared of Taks yelling about Tupac. Did he have the studio set up in there yet? Yeah, oh yeah. He did, right? That was it. Do you have the studio set up in there yet? Yeah, oh yeah. Yeah, he did, right? That was basically the... That was it. Do you have any Max B stories, Wally? He was just literally,
Starting point is 00:15:10 he would pass out drunk, like dead on the floor every single time. What, Max B? I think I still have a photo too, I think. And I put ow all over it. Did he touch it in Miami? Ow. That's rude.
Starting point is 00:15:21 No, he did not. Max was so upset with us and his people were so upset with us besides Karen like Karen was like happy that we were there and doing our sketch
Starting point is 00:15:29 but the guys were just so unhappy with us even being there that he kicked us out halfway through the sketch oh my god that's in the house that's there
Starting point is 00:15:37 that's it if I didn't fear for my life I'd make that the artwork but not gonna step on any Max B's hoes I also got yelled at for I let somebody in his apartment
Starting point is 00:15:46 without looking in the people. Bad choice. That's probably standard 101. I admit that was not great. He lived in the middle of the Bronx. On Sedgwick Avenue. Probably not a good
Starting point is 00:16:01 way to just let someone in. I don't know. I felt very friendly. Very friendly atmosphere. I mean, he was a friendly guy. The rest of his crew not so much. He's alive, by the way. That's true. He is a friendly guy.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Why are we talking about a friendly guy? No, he might not be friendly anymore. JL could have changed him. We don't know. Can you guys get him on the phone? Yeah, get him on the phone. Do you speak to him? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:16:20 You don't write to him? I was really closer with French than with Max. Are you still close with French? Yeah, super close. French of the Montanas? I just went out to Atlanta with him a couple episodes ago when I had the whole fucking Delta story.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Oh yeah, he was part of that. Yeah, he was. Now, does he have any connections to France or to Montana? Yeah, well, he's from Morocco, which is not either of those places. They speak French over there. So that's where it came from. I have proudly listened to French Montana
Starting point is 00:16:50 in both Montana and France. Wow. Yeah. Light brag. Marissa, where have you listened to French Montana? In New York and New Jersey. Cedric Avenue. Cedric Avenue, yes.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Cleveland. I'm going to try to call Joe In New York and New Jersey. Cedric Avenue. Cedric Avenue, yes. I'm going to try to call Joe to see if he's taking a moment from working out with Drea. Oh my god. Legs day? I had legs day today and I am so exhausted. Yeah. Yo.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Joe picked up. David, can you turn that up a little bit? We're on the podcast live right now. Alright, good for you guys. No, we have It's The Real here. Alright, hi, It's The Real. What's up, Joe? What's up, Joe?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Can you hear them? We're new to this phone call thing. Oh, I hear everybody. Am I being recorded? Well, podcasts are typically recorded, so yeah. Yeah, but aren't you supposed to say before you record someone Am I being recorded? Well, podcasts are typically recorded, so yeah. Yeah, but aren't you supposed to say before you record someone you're being recorded? I said you're live on the podcast. I missed that part.
Starting point is 00:17:52 My apologies. How's LA or Las Vegas or where the fuck you are? I'm calling from my friend, dick. LA is all right. LA is cool. I met a lot of cool drug dealers and escorts and prostitutes out here. Ooh, save me some of the drug dealers. No, I'm not saving you any of the drug dealers.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Marissa, that's another thing you just said. Add it to the list. Got it. Joe, you sound like you're hanging out at the Greyhound station. Oh, it was on speakerphone. Is it better now? Yeah, it's a little bit better. Can somebody take Marissa's mic? Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:18:24 We're doing great here today that i'm that i'm that i'm not there and i'm very disappointed that rory nor marissa though we have a group podcast text informed me that they were calling me to record me for the podcast but y'all should have a lot of shit to talk about this week we do do we yeah the whole what do you want us to talk about oh glad i'm not there for any of this Meek stuff. Oh, my God. Like, I thought that this was a great time for me to be away and for y'all to do it. There's too much happening in hip-hop.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Knowing Meek's track record, you might get another shot, so I wouldn't take this one. Hey, listen to my theory. I have... Oh, no, I'm going to get in trouble again. No, no, no, no. I can't talk like I'm freely on the phone Hey listen to my theory I have Oh no I'm gonna get in trouble again No no no I can't talk like I'm freely on the phone Joe what theory No no Look at y'all hype about our little
Starting point is 00:19:11 Entertainment weekly shit Y'all trying to get me to stir shit Duh Gotta have a follow up Oh y'all so cute Nah I'm not gonna say anything about About me
Starting point is 00:19:22 But I do have a theory Other than that though This is great. 2016, hip-hop, Royal Rumble, everybody's fighting. I love it. I'm not saying anything about anybody. I love everybody. I'm in LA shaking my ass and getting my dicks up.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And y'all have a blast. In that order or at the same time? Very funny. Rory, I see you trying to be permanently funny like I see the strides that you're making and maybe one day but I don't think you're funny
Starting point is 00:19:53 Joe are you coming to SOB's for the live podcast I hope I don't have to come Rory so Rory told me that we sold out of the mini-tickets, and then Marissa texted mad 12-year-old emojis. Mad excited about it.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I said, oh my God, with exclamation points, asshole. Wait, what day is that? February 2nd? Yes. So February 2nd, SOB's Rory and Marissa have convinced me to do some type of live podcast that people think is a Joe Budden show. And they're going to be very disappointed when they get there. That's fine. I've told everyone that you're performing your catalog in its entirety. While you're kidding, I really do think that Marissa should be performing Lick It or Not.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I completely agree with you. I'll perform Tequila Vodka Henny Marissa should be performing Lick It or Not. I completely agree with you. I'll perform Tequila Vodka Henny. I won't perform Lick It or Not. No, no, no. That's not your hit. It is a hit, though. That's not your hit. Nobody knows that song from you. That was the one on Hip Hop DX. Yeah, it got two stars.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Yeah, what the fuck is she talking about? What's The Real doing up here? You know, they just came up to hang out with us. Once again, we're It's The Real, not The Real. The Real is the syndicated women's talk show. No, you... All right, so The It's, all right. What's It's The Real doing up here?
Starting point is 00:21:15 All right, they don't know. They don't know what they're doing up here. Are we promoting something? Are we talking about something? Did Rory and Marissa feel very insecure in my absence, so they needed somebody there. What's happening? I thought I was here to meet Machine Gun Kelly.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And he is not here. Marissa, what did I tell you about those promises? I did speak to him earlier. Body and her name dropping. Elbow surgery. Yeah. All right. Well, listen, I don't want to talk to y'all we have one the streets want to know if you're raising uh drea's newborn or not wow
Starting point is 00:21:52 what are you talking about that's what the streets want to know oh my god so wait really quick all right rory lored me into a story wait so i so I'm in LA. This is very different. Oh, don't tell me. Already that this is different. But I guess because I'm in LA for an extended amount of time, I'm seeing some things
Starting point is 00:22:18 that maybe I didn't normally see. So the gym is like the only place that I can be safe. These niggas out here is putting pills in their ass. I don't know what these niggas are doing. I don't want no part of it. So I call Dre, I go to the gym. And, you know, Dre is a fucking whatever she is, socialite, whatever you call a person.
Starting point is 00:22:38 In my caption, I don't say shit about her. I don't want nothing to do with none of the la tmz gossip it's a gem in there and she's pregnant no way somebody could think i'm fucking uh drea who's pregnant who just fucking whatever she's going through at home boy sure enough i'm fucking pregnant and raising the unborn kid i'm doing all types of wild shit so don't you worry i'm bringing my ass home because like soon no idiot no because no because i have confirmed my theory that la people and new york people are just very different people and while i love la and la people i'm a new yorker word son you're i'm a new yorker so it's very hard for me last night i was talking to a woman
Starting point is 00:23:33 i met on the phone right i'm sorry and i was last night i was talking to a woman that i met on the phone we were talking on the phone i thought you met her I didn't meet her on a phone that's because all it do people listen I'm talking to this but I met on the phone right her and I have a dinner plans ooh fancy she she calls me to say what's your address I give her the address she tells me she's three minutes away So what do I do? I go downstairs Because I'm considerate I go downstairs
Starting point is 00:24:08 I'm down there for like 30 minutes Smoking, doing nothing So I call this bitch back and say Hey Sam Uh Where are you? And she said I'm waiting for you to give me the address
Starting point is 00:24:20 What? That is what this 31 year old woman said to me this is what i'm dealing with in la did you give her the address you know what i almost hung up on you on my pocket i'm not i'm not gonna do that i wish i was there to hear about you you and uh marissa and it's the real weekend. I wish I was there, but I'm sure y'all will hold it down. It's raining over here. Is it snowing over there?
Starting point is 00:24:55 No, it's just cold. As fuck. Alright, alright. Y'all got the hose? On deck. It's lit. Exactly. So since you don't have the hose and On deck. It's lit. Yep, yep, yep. Exactly. So since you don't have the hose and it's not lit,
Starting point is 00:25:11 I'm going to go back to doing what I'm doing over here. All right, Joe, right before you go, you should know that Rory is drinking white wine on ice. From Dwayne Ray. I can tell you, hey, I can tell you everything Rory is doing without me. Everything. I have my last question question are you going to tease the gunplay johnny story from vegas for the next podcast or do we have to keep that to ourselves
Starting point is 00:25:31 my i am in johnny has to guest on the show next week of course yeah that would make sense this story is one of the greatest stories that Joe Button has ever told. People know me. I tell it. I embellish a pretty good story. I'm not even going to embellish this. This, oh man. You ever take a nigga that,
Starting point is 00:25:58 I'm going to just get this in my little piece. You ever take a nigga who is naive to the universe and then put him in Vegas? I can't say that I really had that experience in my life. No. My nigga. You know Johnny, so this is funny.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Johnny in Vegas with me? Johnny was so appalled and offended that the girl he wanted to fuck was charging. In Vegas? He could not believe it. He texted me this bitch is talking about
Starting point is 00:26:40 $500. That's a pretty good rate. I said okay. I'm not giving that girl $500. He was, oh man, and that right there is the start of an amazing story. Judging by the pictures, it looks like he paid that $500.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Or I paid it. Joe, did you see... Oh, I went first. Oh my God. Joe, did you see Molly Maul when you were down there? Mall's not here. Is the monkey there? What monkey?
Starting point is 00:27:13 He has like a bunch of pet monkeys. He has like a whole zoo. Your friend, Mall. Joe. Oh, I thought that's what he was asking me about. I thought he was asking me about my friend. Why would he ask me about someone who's not my friend? That's just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I don't get it. I haven't seen, I don't even know the person that you're asking me if I saw. I might have seen him and just don't know him. But I don't know him. So there, I hope that answers that. Oh, you're in a much greater space. So I've tried to hang up 80 times. And every time I do, y'all say, hey, one more thing.
Starting point is 00:27:45 You can go. So is there anything? No, I think we're just four people are going to talk about the Oscars and if we should boycott it. We can get it really awkward in here. Can Joe do the hey for the opening of the podcast? You got to do the all right.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Oh, but wait, really quickly. Oh, now I'm doing one more thing. Hey, how do we feel about this i feel like this oscar conversation happens every year yeah it's just like wow hot take yeah no no honestly i feel like it happens every single year you know this year it does seem like more people are speaking out but i'm late to the party i just saw this morning uh the aunt viv video yeah i mean that just happened last out but i'm late to the party i just saw this morning uh the aunt viv video yeah i mean that just happened last night but i like that the president actually put out
Starting point is 00:28:30 a statement cheryl i want to say isaac's is her last name and she said that they're going to like add more people to the board and really try to diversify it more so that there is better um options and nominees and stuff what do you mean by mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty hey listen oh wait I just remembered this. I got four white people at my podcast asking y'all about the fucking Oscars. That was the punchline, Joe. Yeah, Joe. None of us have a problem with how the Oscars are run.
Starting point is 00:28:57 We all voted, actually. Yeah, I totally missed that until I heard Madi say, Well, no, they say they're getting together some black people to help and i'm like oh white people i'm talking to over there they're believing all the stuff that the people say for black people to shut up i mean she's black herself so i feel like she wants to at least make an effort yo oh then on this fuck will no he got her like boycotted and that's why she hates him No, he got her boycotted, and that's why she hates him. But did he get her boycotted because he fucked her?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Yeah, you're missing my question. Well, according to, I mean, it could have been, but according to her story, it was that they were all going to go for a pay raise together. Is that what they call it? He left her out to dry, and then she got fucked up. Maybe he wanted to fuck, and she tried to charge him $500. Yeah, that's what I'm saying, period i'm well i'm glad that you guys are practicing your funny routine but i'm just
Starting point is 00:29:52 trying to get personally funny oh well rory's got a shot if he keeps up with this golden state warriors pace that he's been on the last month yeah I'm going 72 and 10 this year. Whatever, Roy. But fucking watching that video, I mean, that was a question I asked myself. I never really knew why dark skin on this left fresh print. I was so young. She got kicked off, didn't she? No. How old is Joe? Joe's what, 40?
Starting point is 00:30:20 Give or take. See, this is why I don't like being on my podcast because the humor changes like I don't even like that not you whatever anyway Joe real quick though so maybe I'm the only one to talk about that on Vipshit so y'all can talk about it
Starting point is 00:30:36 seriously the one last thing though do you want to debate Bryson Tiller and Tory Lanez part 2 right now that was the worst podcast we got great feedback I figured we'd go for part. That was the worst podcast I ever... We got great feedback. I figured we'd go for part two. That was the worst podcast ever recorded in the history of podcasts. And I never thought I would say it.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Oh, man, I never thought I would say it. The one podcast that Mahdi is present, don't talk. No, it was horrible. We need to admit when we were wrong. They love the kid in these streets. B, I tell you that all the time. Well, no, I just think that...
Starting point is 00:31:10 I think me and Rory are so alike in one area that we kind of deviated. We got caught in our own shit and deviated from anything that we were really supposed to be talking about. And I'm not even sure if both of us understood what debate we were having. But that won't happen again. I was way dumber after that.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Me and Rory, I listened until I had to cut it off. Me and Rory will never have another recorded debate for the public to hear. We will continue to be that stupid. We just won't let y'all hear it. Unless it's escort prices. We will only let you hear when Marissa is being stupid. That's her thing. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Love you guys. I'm going to spend more money somewhere out here. All right. Toodles. Bye. That's my L.A. shit. Toodles. That! That's some LA shit. That's my LA shit. Toodles! That was kind of gay.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Roy, I sort of wanted you to hang up on him for like a power play move. I was thinking about it but then I thought he was going to say something really dope about Aunt Viv
Starting point is 00:32:15 and then he just said that she probably fucked Will. And then he said toodles. And then he said toodles. We could edit it and I could like pretend to hang up and chop it up.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Can we tell you a quick LA story? Of course. We went to LA a year ago for business and our manager was like, hey, can you come to this place called No Name? We're like, sure, never heard of it, don't know what it is. It's a speakeasy on Fairfax.
Starting point is 00:32:37 There's literally no name. They were going to name it later. I was waiting if this was going to be a podcast show. This place is really popping. It's owned by... was going to be a podcast show. And so this place is like really, it's popping. It's owned by, you know.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Soho House people. No, no. It was owned by like Olivia Amon and Wild, I think. Olivia Wild. I'm just making up stuff. Any relation to Mac Wilds?
Starting point is 00:32:56 Not, no. Who was at the Genius Party. He was. He was there. And so was fucking Rotini who's at every industry event ever created. Is that how you pronounce his name? I think so. I mean, sounds right. He was. He was there. And so was fucking Rotimi, who's at every industry event ever created.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Is that how you pronounce his name? I think so. So we go there, and it's a night curated by... Who was it? Kenna. Do you remember Kenna? He was like a... Singer, keyboard player who was signed to the Neptunes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:21 He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with Justin Timberlake and all them. Gwyneth Paltrow. So he got to pick out who was there, and it was us, and it was, who else was there? Paris Hilton was there, Emile Hirsch was there,
Starting point is 00:33:33 Stephen Merchant. Yeah, it was a strange crowd, small crowd, and we're in there. Paris follows me on Twitter. Oh, for real? Nice. Because of the Entertainment Weekly thing?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Totally. Do you follow her back? I think I do. Do you guys DM? No, we haven't yet. No, DM her now. DM her now. Do you follow her back? I think I do. Do you guys DM? No, we haven't yet. No, DM her now. DM her now. Are you talking about YMCMB's own Paris Hilton?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Yes. Wow. Wait, did you get her to follow? Did you get her password? I tweeted that I liked her song and she followed me. Oh, well, that's why. She was like, hold on. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Someone likes my song. Does she like your song? Do I smell a feature? Anyway, keep going. So we're there. We're in a booth, and it's two girls on the outside. Jeff and I are in the middle, and we're talking. And the girl that I'm talking to happens to work at Soho House,
Starting point is 00:34:17 and she starts waving over at the door. I turn, and who's walking towards us but Owen Wilson, right? Oh, he's lit. Owen Wilson walks over, sits in our booth boots, and that was the five of us. And Owen Wilson looks just like Owen Wilson does on screen, like the broken nose, the whole thing, and he sounds just like he does. And so he's like, what do you guys do for a living? And we're like, oh, we're hip-hop sketch comedians.
Starting point is 00:34:37 He goes, that's fascinating. Fascinating. Wow. You know, I was just reading this long New Yorker article about a guy named Peter Rosenberg. Do you know who he is? Oh, my God! We're like, what? Yeah, like we went to his wedding. Like he lives across the street from us. Yes, we know Peter Rosenberg.
Starting point is 00:34:51 And he was just like, gets along with his parents. Really nice guy, really nice guy. That's the standard? That's it, that's the takeaway. We're like, oh, you got that from the article, yeah. So, by the way, we think we're- I have to read this article now. Everything we say about like our careers, think we're... I have to read this article now. Everything we say about our careers,
Starting point is 00:35:05 everything we're saying is hitting and we're just like, we are killing with Owen Wilson. We're just like, he's laughing at everything. Is it sober, Owen Wilson? Well, so that's the thing. It was pretty late at night and he was eating... A huge breakfast meal. So we were like, oh, I think maybe...
Starting point is 00:35:22 And some pinot from Dewayne Reed. And then that girl hit me later that night and she was like Owen loves you guys but anyway the next day I hit Peter
Starting point is 00:35:30 and I call him and I call him and I call him and he never picks up and I'm like what an asshole like I'm trying to tell him that Owen Wilson
Starting point is 00:35:35 knows who he is likes him the whole thing never picked up calls us the next day and is just like hey what's going on or no he texted me
Starting point is 00:35:42 he's like what's going on and we're like asshole Owen Wilson knows you and thinks you're a nice guy because you get along with your parents and then he was able and is just like, hey, what's going on? No, he texted me. He's like, what's going on? And we're like, asshole. Owen Wilson knows you and thinks you're a nice guy because you get along with your parents. And then he was able to tell his parents. Right. And they were like, great.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I mean, it's not like Peter, you know, Peter gets along with his parents, but he doesn't get along with his friends. Apparently not, yeah. Clearly. Or his podcasters. Right. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I saw Owen Wilson. I saw him in person once, too, but I don't think we spoke. Do you follow each other on twitter? no but we follow each other in real life not real life it sounded better and then I met Aziz Ansari the same night and he was a douche
Starting point is 00:36:13 but then I met him again and he was awesome somewhere in the middle it was because it was an SNL night and he wanted to be all cool I guess but then I met him at Hot 97 and he was in my house were you at the after after party? no we were at the and he wanted to be all cool, I guess. But then I met him at Hot 97, and he's like, my house. Yeah, me. Were you at the after-after party? No, we were at the whatever year anniversary.
Starting point is 00:36:31 No, the finale. Yeah, the 40th anniversary, and there was the finale at the same time. And it was like the show party situation. It was cool. That's dope. Marissa, my favorite thing about watching Hot 97 interviews is seeing you in the back typing. Just like, ugh.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah, it's become like my thing. I just kind of sit there. You're like a meme. Yeah, exactly. There's actually been a couple memes made from the dumbass faces that I've accidentally made. Because they don't tell us. Like when we're doing just the discussion ones that go on YouTube, they don't tell us which we're going to use.
Starting point is 00:37:05 It's just always filming. So I assume sometimes I'm like, oh, this conversation is lagging. We're probably not going to use this. So I'll go ahead and eat. I'll go ahead and zone out. I'll go ahead and just absolutely not pay attention to anything that's happening. And then those are the ones that end up being used. And then I look like a fucking retard.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Or a star. Or either one, you know, like you could go either way. Wait, so where are you guys getting recognized now? Like on the streets? Like where are people go either way. Wait, so where are you guys getting recognized now, like, on the streets? Like, where are people like, yo? Entertainment Weekly? Beyond that. Actually, speaking of all of that, Skinny Pop, which I was eating in a video on Hot 97.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Oh my god. I tweeted about how I was caught eating Skinny Pop, and they emailed me, was like, oh my god, I can't believe you love us. I'm like, what do you mean? I eat you guys every morning. They couldn't believe it. The two biggest shipments ever. I got the most biggest box of them. You might.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I don't know, but it literally made my heart. I felt like when I got the shipment today, that made me feel like I made it. That's amazing. Did they ship it to Hot 97? No, they shipped it to my house. That's dope. Yeah, they really care that I fucking like Skinny Pop popcorn. But anyway, back to people that recognize this.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I don't know. It's just really random. It's mostly Joe stuff. But there's been random times where I've been on the train, which is weird because I feel poor when I'm on a train. What?
Starting point is 00:38:14 I don't know. It's New York. No, in Jersey. In Jersey on the light rail. Oh, then you have poor. Oh, the light rail. Super poor. That's definitely poor.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Wait, you take the light rail? Exactly. Like, bitch, I'm doing a podcast. Your pockets are light. Exactly. So I'm like, oh my God, I, you take the light rail? Like, they tend to run a podcast. Your pockets are light. Exactly. So I'm like, oh my God, I love you from the podcast. And then it's more weird because you can't go anywhere. You're just on the train together.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So you got to have like a whole combo about the podcast. I hope they're listening right now. No, I mean, it's just awkward because I'm not good at like small talk. I'm actually horrible at it. How nervous are you going to be on the second? I don't know. I think I might be okay because all my friends are gonna be there so I'm gonna bring some wine from Duane Reade's I sort of want to shout them out so you can get a free case yeah
Starting point is 00:38:51 I can't even I want to shout out Atkins protein shakes milk chocolate flavor I want to shout out Dylan's candy bar if you want everyone let me have a free birthday party there would be great what are, 12 in the Upper East Side? I would love to have my birthday. I tried to have it there on my 25th, and it was like $3,800 for like an hour. Yes. For like five people. It's fucking ridiculous. But they have baby showers there, too, and I plan to be very well off when I finally
Starting point is 00:39:17 fucking get married and have my children and whatever and be in a great place in my career. So I should be able to afford that. Can I say what this is? Sure. Chateau Diana. I mean, I don't want to brag. That's. So I should be able to afford that. Can I say what this is? Sure. Chateau Diana. I mean, I don't want to brag. That's why I didn't want you to say it. They got an email address on here.
Starting point is 00:39:30 You have to pick them up. I think that's where Joe's friend bagged his girl. Chateau Diana. That was her stripper name. So what happened that Joe's talking about in the world besides Aunt Viv? I don't even like that Megan 50 shit. It's just stupid. It's a bit odd to me.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I mean, it's just like what Game said. Like, really, hip-hop has resulted to fucking memes now? Yeah, but like... Okay, so completely agree. I just don't know if I need Game to say that. Yeah, I mean, obviously... Like, you'd be the voice of reason? Because Game is also doing the same stupid fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I'll take a meme over a dick print any day. But at least he does make a good point a dick print any day but at least he does make a good point though because it is kind of ridiculous and he also made a point about like the only people that are really riding with
Starting point is 00:40:10 50 are like the fucking internet losers that get excited over any stupid little trolly shit no I'm not riding with him no I don't think
Starting point is 00:40:16 no I don't think that's the joke sorry I got all the time but no like it's just like the teenagers that are like oh my god bro
Starting point is 00:40:23 he's fucking killing you man obituary he got it but it's like real people are like oh my god bro he's fucking killing you man obituary he got it but it's like real people he put Meek's face on a piece of shit yeah
Starting point is 00:40:29 and now everyone's leaving shit that was kind of funny do you get it? because he's like a piece of shit because he's a piece of shit but it's not as funny
Starting point is 00:40:36 because he's not making any of those memes also 50 I don't want any problems so I love you there we go so Meek put out four songs
Starting point is 00:40:44 and two of them were going after. One was 50, one was toward... Drake. Oh, Drake, duh. Hello, Marissa. Yes, that was that. Yeah, I wrote about that, too. I don't know how I...
Starting point is 00:40:54 Our podcast started it. Yeah. Oh, my God, that was great. Anyways. Good time. Hashtag podcast. What did Meek say about, for the listeners that did not hear Meek's... I don't actually even remember.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Because they were celebrating Martin Luther King Day and did not get to hear it. I feel like Marissa's just unwinding after a very long day. It's been a very long day and I'm exhausted. Yo, Rory's unwinding too. I am. It's very tumultuous. It was leg day and leg day is very hard. Is this just because it was
Starting point is 00:41:19 the long weekend and you guys are getting back? No, I'm a blogger. Bloggers work on holidays. Okay, blogger. So what did Meek say? I don't know. I didn't pay attention. I just wrote it yesterday and I don't really remember. Oh my god. Sorry, but he was dissing Drake and dissing Ross. Not Ross.
Starting point is 00:41:35 50 and whatever. Did we see 50 putting our record out? If you go to you can find the article and it'll break down the lyrics for you as well as our mixtape. By the way, I have a real issue with your website on my phone. Why? Does it redirect? There's like all these like pop-up ads.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Yeah, I fixed it today. It's done. Oh. Then. Yeah. What type of pop-ups? No skinny pop-up for bloggers. No, it was like.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It just redirected to like iTunes. I mean iTunes. The App Store and shit. Yeah, like there was some like very salacious headline that I was just like, hmm, I should check this out. And then it was like God was like, no, you should not check this out. We should check out this random app in the app store. You know, I fixed it today. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Well, thank God because I couldn't figure out if Amber Rose followed Chloe back after you posted it on Amber did follow Chloe. It was Chloe that we don't know. We don't know if Chloe followed Amber. I do like that was Chloe that we don't know. We don't know if Chloe followed Amber. I do like that this is the news that you know. You don't know. I mean, that's way more important because those are my two bestie ajaces, Amber and Chloe.
Starting point is 00:42:32 But Amber, I mean, in case anyone's worrying, does follow me on Twitter. So I just put that out there. Chloe not so much. I was sort of worried. But me and Chloe are friends. Like, she knows my name when she sees me in person. So we have that going for us. Oh, for real?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Is that a standard of friends? Yeah, obviously. Yeah. Clearly. Yeah, no me in person, so we have that going for us. Is that a standard of friends? Yeah, obviously. Yeah. Clearly. Yeah, no, because it's French, when she was dating a French. Ah, gotcha. And now they're still friends?
Starting point is 00:42:52 I mean, he speaks highly of her and vice versa. Okay. I like them together. I thought that was nice. We had a really long drunken conversation about their situationship one time at Meeks. Oh, wow, full circle. You and Chloe did?
Starting point is 00:43:04 At Meeks Grammy party yeah and it was really sad because Chinks was there too and Malika Malaya whatever the best friend's name is. I have no idea. You're asking the wrong guy. The girl that he was allegedly dating from the Khloe crew. I'll check Life is Tremendous.
Starting point is 00:43:19 It redirects. There's a pop up I can't get to it. But yeah I don't know it was just a long ass. I don't even know what we talked about but it was just long and drunk and they were all really great and happy with each other and then rest in peace
Starting point is 00:43:29 Jinx well anyways I found the meek lurks I know it was actually two separate things I just meant like it just makes me sad
Starting point is 00:43:38 to reminisce on that moment because it was a really dope funny hilarious drunken moment and it makes me sad that Jinx is not here with us to also laugh yes yes okay well speaking of rappers that are no longer here
Starting point is 00:43:49 oh yeah joe as well uh yeah i'm looking at the mic no because it redirects uh he said all he said was you ain't really right it i'm like who's your stuntman is this what is this his diss back seven months later? If you would go on Life is Tremendous you would see the full diss because you're looking at a nothingness This is like when your girlfriend brings up old shit, and you don't really care about it. Yeah like he talks about how I'm gonna pull it how Drake ate Nikki's pussy no according to this it was Rihanna oh and then he hit
Starting point is 00:44:26 that's what he said well yeah remember they were rumored dating I think at one point yeah but why would he bring that up well I don't think
Starting point is 00:44:31 he'd want to bring it up about his girl no there's like nothing that I don't think there's anything that Meek should be bringing up in this
Starting point is 00:44:38 well I mean I don't know man I've probably ate some chick's pussy and she's probably had sex with someone else afterwards yeah but like you're not dating chick's pussy and she's probably had sex with someone else afterwards. Yeah, but like,
Starting point is 00:44:47 you're not dating a Nicki. I'm sure that's probably happened before. I don't think I just ate a girl's pussy and then she was like, well, I'm done with sexual things for the rest of my life. Sorry, I was just looking at at Amber Rose and Khloe Kardashian, but I'm back.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Sorry, I heard something. You were eating some girl's pussy. Is there any skinny popcorn 20% off on this? I did see Marissa's stunt picture. With my popcorn? With your popcorn, yeah. It was really lit. All Eric and I got today were clothes in the mail.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Oh, well, that's cool. Shout out to 10 Deep. Thank you for the care packages. No, seriously, that's cool. Shout out to 10 Deep. Thank you for the care packages. That was very nice. It was a really nice surprise. Well, since he's promoting it on our podcast, maybe they could send us some. They should. You guys are a number one charting podcast. And we are in Entertainment Weekly,
Starting point is 00:45:37 so 10 Deep, if you would like to send some special cloth our way. Anyway, so to Drake, he said, was that my girl tour or the world tour? I do not know which you pussy. Ends going for this set, 100K a night when you perform tour, swimming in that good pee while you're on tour.
Starting point is 00:45:53 And then 50, he said, to 50. No, but you didn't the Maddie voice. The Maddie, Maddie, Maddie voice. All right, I don't know the flow, really. No, that's why you're supposed to create one. Tory lanes it, if you will. I can't do it now. I can't do it now. I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:46:08 You know the game if you co-sign a rap. You forever rap. We were never with that. And you tried to go money made with that paper. But now we're dead because you never was that. Then later he said, I got 50 reasons say you're taking dick. And it's 50 reasons I should kill her. But for real, I be taking trips with my filly.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Got the richest chick she from your hood. Hating on me, I ain't really tripping. Shit, I'm good. He's good. What? Now I see why 50 got so upset. I feel it now. I gotta do my mic drop. Matty Monroe.
Starting point is 00:46:39 One time. Never takes the light rail. Only on Tuesdays. But I got a got a car though just want to let that out there uh i did notice oh no no go ahead have you guys made fun of marissa for her um her uh house decorations what though when i decorate every month every month and like make a huge deal of like i'm not aware of this what is this i do it on snap i'm not on the snap so i have two humongous bins under my bed right one for the first six months of the year one for the second six months and every month i have a theme so january is like winter slash new year's february valentine's day fuck you march is uh saint patrick's day or all of those things so i
Starting point is 00:47:22 have like a special door hanger i have like a vase that I put like stuff in and I have like candles that go with the theme. I have a special cupcake for every month. Right, that, yep. Yes, and they're all themed and it makes me very happy. Wait, so you make a cupcake for yourself? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I go on eBay. I bid. It's like I go through bidding wars to get these cupcakes. Like it's really serious. They're not like, they're not like, like cakes?
Starting point is 00:47:42 No, no, no. They're like, yeah. You buy baked goods from eBay? No, they're like ceramic or No, no, no. They're like, yeah. You buy baked goods from eBay? No, they're like ceramic or something, right? You don't eat a cupcake and a retard?
Starting point is 00:47:50 See, I keep a, what do you call this? An album. And so that's January, that's February, that's March, April. But every month has a theme.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Yeah, and so like obviously August is a little tough but I do seashells for August and June also doesn't have a holiday so I do strawberries.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Obviously. I like that you're like obviously August is tough. No but I do seashells for August and June also doesn't have a holiday so I do strawberries obviously I like that you're like obviously August is tough no I was just thinking what are you going to do in August thank god
Starting point is 00:48:12 in September in case you're wondering is like fall back to school apples oh no see that one I get but like ugh August
Starting point is 00:48:18 yeah right but I figure you go swimming and stuff like that so seashells and down by the seashore is the theme although I have yet to find... It should be like dog days and be like real dry, sad.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I think year-round it should be Joe Budden. No, like cupcake? Related, yeah. Yeah, no, I don't think I could find any good Joe Budden. I still haven't even found a seashells cupcake, so I'm pretty sure I can't find any. Wait, so what are you doing in... Oh, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Weird. What am I doing what? Rory and I just went to Suite 36. We did. There's no hookah cupcakes. Oh, that's a good idea. Weird. What am I doing what? Rory and I just went to Suite 36. We did. There was a hookah there. Joe Budden was not there. It was very confusing to me. Then really, was there one?
Starting point is 00:48:55 If a hookah falls in a club and Joe wasn't there, did it really fall? I did notice that you two are very well groomed. I know it's odd that we're drinking wine. Oh, I get it. I get the segue. Is there a product maybe that you guys have been using? Does it rhyme with Neville? I was just going to say,
Starting point is 00:49:14 this sounds like a good place for Bevel. And where we would usually plug and read this, I want Madi to rap it. Oh, my God. It's so fucking lit. Real quick, even before you do this, I want to say this is the best Oh my God. It's so fucking lit. Okay. Real quick, even before you do this,
Starting point is 00:49:27 I want to say this is the best idea you've ever come up with. Oh, if only I had drops, like flex bombs. But I can't really rap something that doesn't rhyme. No, you have to. You're fucking our money up.
Starting point is 00:49:40 The promo code is Joe, by the way. Bevel, bevel, getting a level. Wait, do I have to read the mid-roll core talking points And the call to action required? Yes, Marissa Just fuck this all up We're not gonna edit this by the way Yeah, you have to I said it's the first and only shaving system
Starting point is 00:49:58 For men with coarse curly hair And sensitive skin Clinically proven to reduce and prevent razor bumps And lumps I just added that in there Discoloration and irritation and sensitive skin. Clinically proven to reduce and prevent razor bumps and lumps. I just added that in there. Discoloration and irritation. I'll name this podcast later. Later, later, later.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I can't keep doing this. You know what this sort of sounds like? It sounds like a McDonald's commercial. It does. It does. Western beef. There's a reason. Nine out of ten Bevel customers come back
Starting point is 00:50:24 month after month. Can I just read it like an exciting commercial? I'm going to do that. Up to 80% of black men and women struggle with razor bumps, and up to 30% of all men and women encounter razor bumps as well. Multi-blade razors only cause more irritation and razor bumps, while hair removal creams are messy and can leave burns. The Bevel razor uses a single blade, which cuts hair above the skin, not beneath, so
Starting point is 00:50:47 you can avoid painful ingrown hairs. I tried to read all of this. Designed from the ground up to give a smooth, bump-free shave, Bevel's end-to-end shaving system includes a pre-shave oil, badger brush, safety razor, blades, shaving cream, and a cooling restoring balm. D-block, lockdown! Was that the jail cell closing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. On K-Slide.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Anyway, start shaving smarter today at For 20% off your first month's membership, enter promo code Joe at checkout. That's Use code Joe for 20% off your first month. We're not going to sell any fucking razors. That was so great. That was a total announcer voice, right?
Starting point is 00:51:30 I'm not one to speak of reading. What's that promo code, Joe? Yeah. It's Joe. Use Joe and get 20% off for course curly hair and shit like that. You guys should buy it. I have curly hair. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:51:41 What's up? Why are you acting like we don't? Oh, true. We're just well-groomed. Yeah. Duh. Nobody's up? Why are you acting like we don't? Oh, true. You're just a little well-groomed. Yeah. Duh. Nobody wants a Bic razor. I'm going to go use that promo code Joe.
Starting point is 00:51:50 As you should. On G-E-T-B-E-B-L dot com. Say it in the voice, though. I just did. No, I didn't. Like dot com. Did I say that when I did it? No, who's used that?
Starting point is 00:52:02 Tiffany from BET. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The animated whatever. No, that was cita oh cita's world oh my god remember cita's world yeah i just brought it up yeah you do remember that that's like i was i was interviewing um uh gz one time and uh i asked him a question yeah the uh young fairly young yeah um and i asked him a question about an AK-47. A revolver Renan. Oh my god. I almost don't want you to talk
Starting point is 00:52:29 except for when you do drops for me. But what's it called? So I asked Yuzi a question about an AK-47 and he goes, you know what that is? And I go, yes. The most popular gun in the world? Yeah, I'm like, there's a million reasons why I would know what that is? And I go, yes. And then he offered, most popular gun in the world. Yeah. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:52:45 there's a million reasons why I would know what this is. Um, 47 reasons really. And then, thank you. And then, uh, he was like,
Starting point is 00:52:54 I'm going to get you an AK for, uh, for Christmas. And I was like, well, you know, I didn't tell him I was Jewish, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:53:00 that's awesome. Dope. And then your PO box or? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And then a month later, Eric and I interviewed him in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:53:08 For the WGCI Fest. Yeah. R. Kelly was headlining. And that's not why we were there. We were working it. Yeah, I get it. Yeah, we're big R. Kelly fans. I get it.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Grown and sexy, you know? Toot, toot, beep, beep. I know. I know the artist. I'm the world's greatest. I love that song. So we interview him and then after the interview, we're like,
Starting point is 00:53:31 oh, by the way, a month ago you offered to get me an AK-47 for Christmas. And it's Christmas Eve. And so he goes, oh, I don't have one on me now. But my man does. And he pointed across and we were just like, oh. We're like, well, I don't know how on me now. But my man does. And he pointed across and we were just like, oh. We're like, well, I don't know how we're going to get on a plane.
Starting point is 00:53:49 This went from zero to 100 really quickly. Also, we tried in the interview to get him to read the alphabet. Oh, my God. Which we thought would be hilarious because he'd be like, A, B. But he just didn't do it. He absolutely, no, he goes, no. Has any rapper ever really been offended at the things you guys ask
Starting point is 00:54:08 yes yeah oh yeah yeah which story can we tell we can't there's there's one DJ who had a real problem
Starting point is 00:54:17 with something we did we can't tell that story can you mail it to me who it was yeah how about just after yeah yeah we'll text it to you
Starting point is 00:54:24 we'll write it to you. Yeah. Yeah. We'll write it down. She's going to put it on Life is Tremendous. I wouldn't tell her. It's fine. No one can get there anyway. Do you want to tell the other one or should we not? I think you should now.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Rory, we're already here. What's that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.. I got Rory finished this whole bottle of wine by the way it's fucking juice Chateau Diane Rory's getting real mean when I get that pino in me Yellow Wolf Yellow Wolf came into MTV we were doing, cause you know our absurdist interviews aren't, you know, they're like in the roasting
Starting point is 00:54:58 tradition, we have fun, they have funny answers everyone has a good time, it's unexpected so we know that Yellow Wolf is coming in it's on the day that his album comes out, it's unexpected. So we know that Yellow Wolf is coming in. It's on the day that his album comes out. He's already been to Hot 97, comes in a bad mood, and we're like, I don't know what the morning show has done to you.
Starting point is 00:55:13 But it should be said, his team had been reaching out for months. They were like, oh, we have to make this happen. Next time he's in town, we've got to make this happen. He loves you guys, gets you guys. We're like, oh, great. Well, this is going to be yeah like we're sold you know beyond belief but like if he gets who we are then like we should definitely do our bit we should just go in yeah and so uh we we sit down with him he comes in he's like not super friendly at first and so you know we do our intros and we
Starting point is 00:55:41 shout and we stick the microphone in their face. Everyone from Fabulous to even Wale had a good time. But Questlove, everybody. Stevie Wonder. Stevie Wonder, yeah. Everyone gets it and gets along with it. Yeah, I really always enjoyed every single MTV interview he did. Thank you. I know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:57 They were really funny. So thank you. So we do that and he shoves the microphones out of the way. And we're like, all right. Good start. And so then Eric asked the first question, which is a fairly innocuous question. Yeah, we're going to start off soft,
Starting point is 00:56:11 and it was something about skateboarding, whatever, whatever. And then Jeff went. So my first question was, Just throw Jeff under the bus. My first question was, everybody knows that all white rappers are the same. Do you ever look in the mirror and see Eminem? Now, that's the point when he freaked same. Do you ever look in the mirror and see Eminem? Now,
Starting point is 00:56:25 that's the point when he freaked out, threatened to punch us in the face, and stormed out. Oh, no, but the last thing he said as he was running out was, you can't out-hustle a hustler. Why would you even try to out-hustle a hustler? That's not what we're going to do. And they were like, oh, we have to calm him down.
Starting point is 00:56:41 And so Interscope was apologizing. They were like, we didn't prep him. I'm so sorry. Now, it's a good thing that we didn't go on any further because... What were the follow-ups? My next question was going to be, last year you signed to Eminem's Shady Records. Did you ever seriously consider signing to Bad Boys
Starting point is 00:56:56 since you have the same haircut as Cassie? That would have went over really well. Definitely gotten punched in the face. I was going to have him reenact scenes from Sweet Home Alabama. Because he's from Alabama. And then we were going to do redneck jokes. Like on top of each other. Why didn't you guys prepare for us like that?
Starting point is 00:57:15 That would have been great. Oh, this here? You might be a redneck if you've got more cars in your garage than in your front yard. If you have more cars in your car than you do in your backyard. You might be a redneck if you have more carsages in your car than you do in your backyard. You might be a redneck if you have more garages. You know, like, until his head exploded, right? Yeah, no, that sounds like a great plan.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Because we thought he liked us. Listen, we're very good interviewers. So, and the funny thing is that that night we ran into Bun B, who's an actual friend of ours, outside of Sirius. He was heading in and we're like, can you believe this yellow wolf, you know, said he was gonna punch us in the face and da-da-da-da-da. And he was like, well, you guys have very punchable faces. and we're like, can you believe this yellow wolf? You know, say he was going to punch us in the face and da da da da da. And he was like, well, you guys
Starting point is 00:57:46 have very punchable faces. And we're like, oh, great. Fair point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that happened. That happened. There was another time this, you know, we won't say his name, but this DJ was really not happy with us and grabbed us up and threw a drink and not just like through the contents of the drink, but through the glass
Starting point is 00:58:01 in my face. So that was fun. And one of them had just gotten out of jail. Yeah, his buddy had gotten out of jail. So every DJ ever. And then there was the other one when I was in Paris. I know how to say I'm a girl in French.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Montana? What happened in Paris? There is a very popular rapper out there who got on a very popular radio station and went off on us
Starting point is 00:58:30 for no reason and yeah that happened and that was that was no fun they're over there or they're from here no from here
Starting point is 00:58:36 Jeff was in Paris at the time I was here like checking out the link and watching this and like on life is tremendous on life is tremendous
Starting point is 00:58:43 dot com life is tremendous is going to get so many hits. I know. Your server's going to come down. Nobody's reaching your website. Listen, bloggers don't have days off. Exactly. What did you do to this gentleman in Paris? We didn't do anything. Wait, hold on.
Starting point is 00:58:58 First of all, pause. And Jeff was in Paris on vacation. I was with nobody. I went to a Ty Dolla $ign show. Did you really? Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Oh my God. That's awesome. Did he perform songs? Like what happened? He did perform songs. Did he breathe? He did breathe. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Oh my God. He said, what did he say? He said, is Marissa like Dina Marissa? Marissa like, um, God. Yeah. She's amazing. Something about Marissa. I just don't remember what
Starting point is 00:59:25 I don't think it was that it was something though hey Marissa no I did go to a Ty Dolla $ign show someone in the audience screamed no flexo motherfucker and I was like
Starting point is 00:59:41 that's not this guy and I don't know what that means amazing is that the pissed off rapper motherfucker and I was like that's not this guy and I don't know what that means amazing is that the pissed off rapper yes by the way we had that we had the Migos up to our podcast um like it was one of the the first podcasts that we had done and you know it is for the most part food related so those guys for the most part they couldn't get a reservation at Puerto Maya, so we decided. I think me and Joe booked the whole place that night. So, we had them do a... Well, no. So, they are going to come over and we're like, what?
Starting point is 01:00:12 We're going to make them like hamburgers or something like that, right? How do you associate Migos with hamburgers? Well, because it is a thing. We think that very, very street dudes... Like hamburgers? No, they just don't like taking chances on food. And so we were like, all right, let's just get
Starting point is 01:00:26 the most basic thing. No, that's not basic. It's an odd theory. Because you have to quick cook the meat. They don't know how you handle the dish like that. People don't like to eat.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Madi is from the streets. Exactly. She knows how this comes. The thing is, Marissa is not. It's Madi. Exactly. Madi and Ro.
Starting point is 01:00:41 And all the men that she's dated. We're like, we'll make them hamburgers. We get an email from the representatives 30 minutes before, and they're like, hey, instead of that, can we get fried pork chops, fried chicken, ribs, gravy, and mashed potatoes? All on your dime. Yeah, we're like, I don't know what kind of operation you think this is,
Starting point is 01:01:03 but we're not getting that bevel money well 20% off promo code Joe so we really you guys should have like three promo codes
Starting point is 01:01:13 you should have the Marissa one you should have the Rory one and you should have the Joe one and see who's the most popular
Starting point is 01:01:18 who is the most popular among people who don't like shaving and getting bumps that's right Maddie can guarantee she will retweet every single person that even mentions her.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Exactly. Wait, so it shaves above the skin, so it doesn't have the problems? I don't know. I don't shave. You just read this. That's true, but I was in a zone when I read it, so I don't actually know what I said. So Migos come over and, oh, so we're like, I don't know what you think this is. We're not going to cook this in like half an hour.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And so we went across the street to this place called Texas Rotisserie they misspell it on the sign though and it says Texas Roastisserie yeah which is great and by the way it's been that way for like 7 years that would annoy me every day I walk by oh I love it so we bring it back we lay it out
Starting point is 01:02:03 and everything looks like an amazing spread. And then they come in. They tear it up. No, Quavo looks down and he goes, not crispy enough. And so for an hour it sat there in between us. Oh my god. So after they left, we had a very cold meal. Very quiet meal.
Starting point is 01:02:22 No, you make it sound like it was sad. No, no. I was happy I was happy to eat that I was at a radio station in Philly like the day after Sandy
Starting point is 01:02:31 a couple years ago right when Meek dropped his album and him and all his friends came to like were those two things connected maybe
Starting point is 01:02:37 hold on holy shit Meek did say that his album didn't sell well because people couldn't get to the stores and buy them but it still did pretty well, though,
Starting point is 01:02:46 considering that there was a whole hurricane in his hometown. And they came, and we lost all his friends for like five minutes, and we went and found them, and they were tearing apart the kitchen, eating every single thing in the radio station's kitchen, and all their Halloween candy. For the churron? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Damn. It just reminded me of that story. That's the whole story. I have a good Kanye West story that has nothing to do with food. Yeah, go ahead. Prove it. Oh, I have a cool one too
Starting point is 01:03:09 and you're done. I was interning at Def Jam at the time for Gabby when she was the GM of Def Jam. Hashtag Def Jam 25. I love Gabs. Gabs cursed me out
Starting point is 01:03:20 one time on an email. Wow. I'll tell you about that story another time. Another time being ready after this. It's actually Kanye related time gabby cursing someone out via email i know yes okay go ahead so i got to go to like way cooler meetings than
Starting point is 01:03:32 most interns just because gabby was general manager so i'm in a meeting on a thursday just thinking it's a regular meeting i'm going to take notes kanye west walks in what era are we this was the rosewood era. This was right before. Oh, he was in a suit. He was in a black and white suit. He had a child with him who was dressed identical to him, carrying his bag. Oh, an accessory.
Starting point is 01:03:56 It's fun. Yes, I believe he purchased the child from Louis Vuitton. It comes free with your purchase. It's maybe 10.30 in the morning. Oh, too early to see this. The child opens up the duffel bag, I'm sure of some brand that I cannot afford, and puts a blanket on the conference table in Def Jam.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Why wouldn't he? Takes out chalices, I want to say the word is, the medieval, and pours him water in there. And he proceeds to say say I am parched ah wait after the water or before
Starting point is 01:04:30 after it's poured okay the child knew he was parched yeah a publicist who I'm not gonna say the name of
Starting point is 01:04:38 but I'm sure you all know him he's a very very very very popular publicist had just came back from Mexico and had a tote bag with a painting of the virgin mary on it sure okay and he says is that your bag and the publicist said yeah
Starting point is 01:04:53 that's a peasant bag what be a king oh wow and then proceeded with the meeting oh that's really nice and on top of that he said I want everyone to be in suits tomorrow. In black and white suits. Everyone here needs to be in black and white suits. And I want to change the font of the emails at Def Jam. Not making anyone shut up. That is like rock star shit right there. I want a different font when I receive emails.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Did any of that happen? Did you guys represent? So the next day. Rory shows up in his suit. No, no, no. No, I didn't show up in a suit. I actually asked Gabby. I was like, I doubt I'm going to see him again.
Starting point is 01:05:30 But like, do I need to come in a suit? No. So the next day, they did something like super special for all the assistants and the interns at Def Jam. They didn't tell anyone. They brought us all into the conference room. And in comes Kanye again in the same suit with the same child i hope he at least got the child suit dry cleaned how old would you say the child was nine nine or ten gotcha old enough to know better and then here comes in executives i'll tell you
Starting point is 01:05:57 guys off air which executives it was executives coming in like they found the depths of their closets trying to find suits to put on. They looked horrible. Oh my God. But then he played us all of My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, which was great. At that time, it was called Donda's Boy. Runaway was 20 minutes long, maybe. The concept was it was like 10 records and all were going to be super, super long.
Starting point is 01:06:23 All the lights didn't have Rihanna. It was him singing the whole time. It was an interesting day. Were you like, this is definitely what everything in the music industry is like? Pretty much. Yeah. Exactly. My Kanye stories are shorter, but it was the same era.
Starting point is 01:06:36 He put out the album already, and he came to Flex. He did that whole night-long takeover that one time. We were at the studio, and had a naked like his shoes were like a painting of a naked woman and so i was just casually chatting with him in the hallway he was just really chatty that day and he was like hey look when i bend my shoe it looks like the woman is moving and like he just stood there for like five minutes bending his shoe back and forth and i was like you just don't understand wow that's crazy kanye so that was one time and then a year later now less than a year later was the marvin gaye and chardonnay shoot for big sean and i knew that it was happening because i want to say dana had tweeted about it or something or i saw that
Starting point is 01:07:15 it was happening tell me that you wore shoes with naked women on them i did not there's no there's no connection to these stories no i didn't but anyway so i hit d I'm like, hey, can I come cover it for the blog? Shout out to Dana, by the way. She's the fucking most amazing person ever. Love Dana. And she was like, oh, yeah, yeah, sure. You could definitely come. So I go to the shoot, right?
Starting point is 01:07:33 And we're in this room and there's Kanye behind a glass screen and he's shooting his scenes or whatever. And they're playing. What's a glass screen? I don't know. Oh, I guess that's not really a thing, right? Glass window? They're playing Watch the Throne and so I'm talking to the people around me
Starting point is 01:07:50 I'm like is this Frank Ocean they're like yeah he's on two tracks on this album and I'm like oh and they're just telling me all this information I'm assuming that I'm with other bloggers because I was invited to this shoot because there's never a day off with blogging obviously right and no one told never a day off with blogging well yes obviously right and
Starting point is 01:08:05 no one told me like this is like private information like these are execs like no one told me any of this stuff we're just casually all chatting and they're offering up all this great information about frank ocean on the album so i'm like oh wow so then i'm taking pictures everyone sees me taking pictures of kanye shitty pictures by the way because it was through the glass screen screen yeah i hate taking pictures through the glass screen I mean who's done right so I tweet I'm like holy shit
Starting point is 01:08:29 heard Watch the Throne crazy like Frank Ocean's on it twice exclusive right and I'm thinking it's okay so Def Jam retweets me
Starting point is 01:08:36 I wasn't sure who I'm not sure who was running me it wasn't Amaya at that time it was before Amaya so they're retweeting we're all in Elliot Wilson's retweeting me
Starting point is 01:08:44 of course and so the next morning I wake up to I think Dana telling me like Kanye is pissed the fuck off
Starting point is 01:08:52 that the photos are up on and your tweets are up and it was this whole thing and then I get an email from Gabby later in the day which really hurt my heart
Starting point is 01:09:00 because me and Gabby were like cool because of Joe and everything and she's like and here I am thinking that we could trust you at a private listen to whatever and I was like oh my god like I really didn't mean to be a
Starting point is 01:09:09 bad person or like try to flex or anything like I legitimately thought this is like okay and of course I deleted everything and I apologize profusely oh my god I don't think Gabby remembers that when she sees me she always reintroduces herself every time which makes me happy because I'm like all right good you don't know that me. I'll remind her next time. Gabby did threaten every assistant and intern in that room. She said, no tweets. We have all your Twitter.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Like she had someone parked outside my mother's house. She was like, nobody better fucking tweet. We have all your Twitter accounts, which I was like, highly doubtful, Gabby. Highly doubtful. My Kanye story is that Kanye hired me to be his videographer for his first Grammys and it was really nice
Starting point is 01:09:50 and everyone treated me very well what's your story Jeff? wait what? did that really happen? oh my god that's me were you also there? no but I did meet him once thank you Eric I do have a good Kanye story but I wasn't there for it
Starting point is 01:10:03 but I do have a good Kanye story which is that he went around the room in an office. He asked every single person, what's the best brand in the world? And every single person had to respond. It's like, I don't know, Coke or something. The Gap. Joyce Leslie. Life is tremendous.
Starting point is 01:10:23 And he says? Christianity. Why? life is tremendous and he says Christianity why? it has the best spokesman and the best logo that's what Kanye said which by the way not untrue
Starting point is 01:10:35 not untrue pretty accurate were you guys offended or you guys weren't there no we weren't there and no why were you offended no please
Starting point is 01:10:40 I get AK-47s for Christmas that's right yeah yeah we celebrate Jewish Christmas. We go, you know. Do you guys do that? Do you guys get a tree? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Jewish Christmas. Chinese in a movie. What? Yeah. You don't know this? They get Chinese food. Oh, yeah. I've gotten Chinese food on Christmas once.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I'm not Jewish, though. Wait, you're not Jewish? What? Shocker. What's the opposite of tremendous? What kind of cupcake do you get for Christmas? It's a Christmas cupcake. Well, that's pretty anti-Semitic.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Jeez. Wait a minute, our guests feel uncomfortable. I have three Christmas cupcakes, actually. So they go in various places instead of the one customary cupcake spot that I have for everyone. Is one Jesus, one is Mary, and one is Joseph? They're all like snowmen and
Starting point is 01:11:25 icicles and shit. Marissa, what is the charming name that you've given your brother? Farquad. Wait, how did you know that you gave him? Is Farquad coming to SOBs on February 2nd? It's Farquad, not
Starting point is 01:11:41 Farquad. Tickets available at Because his name is Mark, and when we were younger, this kid in the neighborhood used to call him
Starting point is 01:11:49 Marcus Fargus did a little learcus, and he used to get so pissed that it would be so funny. The streets.
Starting point is 01:11:54 So cruel. How did he survive? Was this on the light rail? No, this was just in Ford's, New Jersey.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And then sometimes it would be too hard to say all that at one time, so I just started calling him Marcus Fargus, and then it became Farcus, and then it that at one time. So I just started calling him Marcus Farkas. And then it became Farkas. And then it became Fark.
Starting point is 01:12:07 And then it became Farkwad, Fagwad, and all types of different. Wow. Yeah. And that's the origin of Fagwad. Farkwad. That's love. It is. I love that kid.
Starting point is 01:12:16 All right. Well, I think we can wrap up after that. I think that was a good segue out here. I wonder if he will come. I think he'll come. My dad's coming and he's wearing a shirt with my face on it. Why are you gripping the leg? Oh, my God. I think he'll come. My dad's coming and he's wearing a shirt with my face on it. Why are you gripping the leg of the cat? Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:12:26 If he bends the shirt, will it move? It's actually my cheerleading photo from when I was in Bearcats when I was a kid. So I look amazing. What is Bearcats? It's the... Do I dare ask? No, you don't know what Bearcats is? Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Pop Warner? Pop Warner? I know Pop Warner, yes. Yeah, that was our football team's name and the cheerleaders of Bearcats is? Oh my God. Pop Warner? Pop Warner? I know Pop Warner, yes. Yeah, that was our football team's name and the cheerleaders of Bearcats. Wait, so why would any of us know Bearcats?
Starting point is 01:12:50 You're asking if I know the mascot of the Pop Warner team in Ford's, New Jersey and what they called the cheerleaders? I forget that it wasn't everywhere
Starting point is 01:12:58 and that it was just us because when you're a kid you think that's the whole world so you don't realize. But you're not. But you're not. And I don't know if everybody had a Bearcats.
Starting point is 01:13:08 I don't know if... So the Bearcats just played the Bearcats everywhere in the world? Valid point. I feel like there's a Bearcats within us all though. I agree.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yo, Rory. Do you want to make the Bearcats thing the artwork? It's a great photo. Oh my God. Three things before we sign off or whatever. One,
Starting point is 01:13:28 people should check out A Waste of Time With It's The Real on SoundCloud, on iTunes. It's a lot of fun. We have rappers come over to our apartment. They have a dinner for the most part. And it's good. When are you guys going to have Ty Dolla $ign? We've been trying. Really? Oh, they suck at that.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Instead of the label, we need to go through Marissa. We got them so easily. Wait, do you know Ty Dolla $ign? Why would you ask? Funny that you say that. The second thing I want to shout out is February 2nd, SOBs. Hey, that's us. You guys are going to be there live.
Starting point is 01:13:57 I know those guys. Performing. Performing live. Look at her not live. Now you have another thing to add to your repertoire, Marissa. You have the Bevel ad. Oh, yeah. Oh, you should perform that. That at her not live. Now you have another thing to add to your repertoire, Marissa. You have the Bevel ad. Oh, yeah. Oh, you should perform that.
Starting point is 01:14:08 That'd be so dope. I don't know if the public, you know, it depends what the crowd wants. They're trying to sell units. Or you can do the Meek Mill diss. And the third thing I just want to shout out, Chateau Diane. Absolutely. Throw us that promo code. Promo code sad.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Yeah, check out It's The Reels podcast. I personally love the Sycamore episode that they just did. Yeah. I love Sycamore.
Starting point is 01:14:34 So you can start there. You could listen to the Joe Budden one if you haven't already. You may be hungry afterwards because I certainly was. Oh my God. Boo hoo. I cried in Sycamore's bathroom
Starting point is 01:14:44 one time. Really? Tell that story. Well, it might have been Rich Hill's house. I don't know whose house it really was. But they had a New Year's Eve party there. And I was like one week out of my breakup with my ex-boyfriend. And everybody was really happy. And everybody else was celebrating on the East Coast.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Because, you know, it's three hours later in LA. And so then I just went in the bathroom and cried by myself for a while. Then I came out and I had some wontons. You should have had Chateau Diana, a family-owned winery along Dry Creek Road in beautiful Sonoma County.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Fun events and delicious wines. Visit us for a fun tasting experience 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Healdsburg, California. I support familyburg, California. I'll be hosting. I support family-owned businesses. I don't know about you guys.
Starting point is 01:15:29 They should have rethought that. Yo, Rory, on February 2nd, if you're not up there with at least one bottle. I might have to. Hey, fans, if you guys don't bring at least one bottle of Chateau Chateau. Wait, you guys don't have a good name for your fans?
Starting point is 01:15:42 No. I'll name these fans later. I do like the laugh though. You guys can bring me peach rings also, by the way, because I like those. Peach ring? Peach ring for candy? I thought that was a sex thing. Ew, what?
Starting point is 01:15:58 Peach rings. I haven't, no. All right, well this is us signing off. I think that Joe's friend paid $500 for a peach ring yo thank you guys so much for having us thanks for coming thank you for joining us
Starting point is 01:16:09 bye bye

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