The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 71

Episode Date: July 1, 2016

I’m sure you have an idea of what we’re going to talk about....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Microphone check, one, two, one, two. Microphone check, one, two, one, two. Alright. I'll name this podcast later, episode number 72, right? 72? Is it? Something like that. We don't fucking care. Huh? I'm not even sitting down. No, I know. I want to talk without you. This is great. I'm sitting here, I walk in. First of all, let's address a few things. I don't know why every fucking piss I take now is like an emergency. Maybe you have a UTI. No, I'm honestly a little worried about that.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Metapods? Is that how you pronounce it? Men of what? Shut the fuck up. Whatever old women go through. All right, check this. I didn't even check my shit. I sound horrible here.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Oh, there we go, there we go. Yeah, I didn't check my shit either. But, 4th of July weekend, lot of traffic, but I'm here. Shocker, shocker. I'm here with, this is a late, early episode. 4th of July weekend. Lot of traffic. But I'm here. Shocker, shocker.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I'm here. This is a late, early episode. This is a late, early edition episode. I didn't want to go in the 4th of July weekend without having done a podcast because I feel like so many things have taken place. Number one. Number two. I've been waiting for today for such a long time. Oh, my God. If I tell you people, if I tell y'all how long I've waited for today, y'all are going to think I'm crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:12 But today. We do think you're crazy, by the way. Today, finally, Marissa's not here. Now, let me not say that. You did throw me off on that one. Yeah. Last time. I thought you were going Somewhere else
Starting point is 00:01:27 And I was gonna call you crazy Exactly Well you've been calling me crazy Listen Last time Marissa wasn't here This podcast was horrible No no no Yes it was
Starting point is 00:01:35 We've had horrible ones The last one we did was good I missed her When she wasn't here last time Oh well Monty's a huge part of this podcast I'll never not say that I know
Starting point is 00:01:42 I keep trying to get rid of her And every time she's gone, I guess her influence is gone. No, it was a good part. It was just very misogynistic. That's all it was. So we have to try to not be misogynistic,
Starting point is 00:01:52 number one. We'll just talk about basketball and rap. Well, actually, that was the other thing I wanted to touch on because now, all right,
Starting point is 00:02:00 Rory has to be Zane Lowe today. Rory has to interview me because we put this diss song out. And the only reason, and it's not a diss. It's therapy. Well, hold on. I'm going to be Zane Lowe today. Rory has to interview me because we put this diss song out. And the only reason, and it's not a diss. It's therapy. Well, hold on. I'm going to be Zane Lowe without the dick riding.
Starting point is 00:02:11 But wait. Oh, my God, you're the most amazing artist ever. Did you just diss Zane Lowe? Absolutely. We're in a dissing mood. We got you, Rory! Oh, my God. Everything you do is amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I want to talk BET Awards. I do too. I want to talk Jesse Williams. The BET Awards were amazing, by the way. And I know it's an unpopular opinion. Are you saying that because you're white? Yeah. Hey guys, I voted for Barack Obama.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I have black friends. No, no, no, no. The BET Awards, those were the best BET Awards I can remember seeing in a long time. Likewise. And I watched the taping. I didn't see it when it aired live with everybody else. I watched the taping afterward. I was blown.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I was moved. I was moved. I was moved by everything. The Prince tribute. Prince tributes were great. Jesse Williams' speech. Bilal killed the Prince tribute. That tributes were great. Jesse Williams speech. Bilal killed the Prince tribute. That was one of the greatest speeches I heard.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Bilal killed it. We'll get into Justin. I want to talk NBA free agency, really. That's why I'm really mad that you have to be Zane Lowe and we have to do this shit. Oh, I want to talk Nick so bad. Let's talk about it. What are we talking about now?
Starting point is 00:03:24 Yeah, let's just get it out the way. We'll get it out the way. Get it out the way? All right, then fuck it. Let's's talk about it. What are we talking about now? Yeah, let's just get it out the way. Get it out the way? Alright, then fuck it. Let's not talk about it then. If we want to just get it out the way, I'm a Nick fan, so I don't want to talk about you know, that's what I'm saying. So, I may have a vested interest in this. Alright, so let's talk about the diss. This is
Starting point is 00:03:39 my podcast. It is your podcast. But Rory's going to A-mic this this one because i don't think it's fair for me to be able to i've been in atlanta for a whole week so you and i have not been in contact as much as we usually are so i rory's coming out the closet so i come back okay oh no i'm just not attaching myself to anything you've done in the past week oh smart smart smart smart smart none of my friends should so i come back to the timeline burning before we even get into this track all the blogs are saying meek puts out this instagram photo with a caption and if maddie was here she would read it because i'm not gonna read all right
Starting point is 00:04:22 so let me find i'm to find all of this stuff. I don't know how to find Meek's fucking... He probably has you blocked, that's why. No, we follow each other. I love Meek. Where's the shit? I don't know. Well, that's the point. No, I love Meek's music, I mean. I like that energy.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Remember I've been saying everything that somebody want to hear from me, I've said here. I've said here. I've said that. Find the caption, please. I don't want to hear from me, I've said here. I've said here. I've said that. Find the caption, please. Oh, no, no. I don't want to go through all of Meek's pictures. All right, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Meek put up something about a petty guy, you know, run up on somebody, this and that, whatever. This is not fact checking at all, huh? Something that did not sound to me like a Joe Budden diss. Me neither. Or a sub. Me neither. Or anything that had to do with Joe Budden. It could have been a sub. But I didn't think it was. I didn't care. Well, it was a neither. Or a sub. Me neither. Or anything that had to do with Joe Budden. It could have been a sub. But I didn't think it was.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I didn't care. Well, it was a very open-ended sub. And anyone that raps like Meek raps, you could make anything he says an open-ended sub. Yeah, but the timing of it. Because he kills people in every... And by, I mean, figuratively speaking, murders someone in every single rhyme. Who else has said something about Meek, though? Nobody.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Well, the whole world, actually. No, no, no, no, no no no no i don't think so there was that whole little drake thing that was a long time ago the timing of the meek shit the timing of it okay but i don't think he was dissing me either no no but listen because i'm not giving my answer so i don't think i don't think that was to me and even if it was i don't care i'm not dissing me well he then replied i'm not dissing that crackhead shermhead nigga got it well no there was a part where he suggested that you had the blogs saying that he was doing that no no blogs are just stupid okay so you did not have the blogs
Starting point is 00:05:58 no blogs are just stupid so there was no hand listen to this today these niggas is calling this shit a tory this a Drake, a Hove diss. Well, what did you, when you retweeted it with God is good to blogs saying that Meek was dissing you, what on earth did that mean? It meant if a diss comes out, great. Well, no, he was clearly stating that he was not dissing you. No, no, I didn't retweet that. That was before that came out. Oh, you were going, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:27 So what happened was when the blogs picked up that story, I retweeted the blog. I didn't retweet me. I got you, got you, got you. Okay, okay. Yeah, no, no, no, no. My agenda has never been me, ever. Ever. I know people keep thinking that.
Starting point is 00:06:37 So you want Meek to diss you? No. When the God is good coming. If Meek disses me at all, I'll think about it. Well, he's not because you're a crackhead. Well, I'll think about it. People, he's not because you're a crackhead. Well, I'll think about it. People have to stop saying that crackhead shit.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Where are we getting crack from? Why not Dusthead? Dusthead is bad still. Pillhead. What's the Charlamagne show that Kaz and all my friends are on? Uncommon Sense.
Starting point is 00:06:59 They said... All your friends are on it. They said, hip-hop's favorite crackhead, Joe Budden. And that really offended me. You want to know why that really offended me?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Because DMX... I'm not. Yeah, I know. I know why. I'm not. Rap's favorite crackhead. You are not rap's favorite crackhead. Yeah, it was high praise, though.
Starting point is 00:07:15 All right, so... Rory's conflicted. Rory has to do an interview right now, I guess. You're in a tough spot, kiddo. I am. Sorry, so let me help you out here marissa's not here let me be perfectly clear we've wasted enough time it's fourth of july weekend we
Starting point is 00:07:29 have to give the backstory everything that's your job i'm as you interrupt i'm i'm here to talk to the people that are familiar with the backstory and i'm here to talk to the people that are going to listen to this to hear what i have to say of course because in this new realm that i'm in this is the only place i talk yeah so wait wait before you start i have to put. Of course. Because in this new realm that I'm in, this is the only place I talk. Yeah. So, wait, wait, before you start, I have to put, let me put a few things out there.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I don't want any attention. I don't want any attention. Jumping the gun here. I don't want to be famous. I'm just talking. You can ask whatever you want after I put, oh, I jumped the gun.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I don't want attention. I don't want to be famous. I just want to rap. Let's rap. I'm in rap mode now. Now I'm in rap mode. I don't want to be famous. I just want to rap. Let's rap. I'm in rap mode now. Now I'm in rap mode. I wasn't in rap mode last year. Now let's rap.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Well, you would think one could assume that you are fishing for attention here. Why? Well, oh yeah, definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely. The snippet came out. 100%. 100%. Hey, everybody that thinks Joe Budden is fishing for attention, I understand. Everyone that says Joe Budden is fishing for attention, I understand. Everyone that says Joe Budden is whack,
Starting point is 00:08:26 I understand. Everyone that says Joe Budden is irrelevant, I'm not irrelevant if you keep talking about me. I just want to tell people that because that irks me. Like, do people know what irrelevant means? So, they're saying you're irrelevant in the music world.
Starting point is 00:08:40 They're not talking specifically about your music up until today. They're talking about your actions most of the time people have been talking about the podcast let's let's keep it above the podcast it has not been about your music well so i agree one could say you are irrelevant in the music popular music world that's right i mean i'm feeling you i feel you got his points he got a little notepad i don't have no that wellepad. Well, in my story, you got a notepad. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:05 All right, so cool. All right, yeah. One would say that. All right, we got that. Well, you said, and I quote. Look, he's reading shit. I won't believe it's me without the forensic facts. So why continue to do a six-minute diss track about something that you're saying, I don't
Starting point is 00:09:19 even think this shit is about me? Because I felt like it. You just felt like doing it? No, Roy. Of course I didn't. Six minutes? Of course I didn i felt like it you just felt like doing it no of course six minutes of course i didn't feel like it of course listen the longer i talk i don't want to talk i don't want to talk too much because every time i talk when when people aren't looking at this we're not looking at the same things so i'm talking i'm the only person that's being very blunt
Starting point is 00:09:41 and straightforward and to the point and i'm probably the only musician let me word this correctly i'm probably the only nigga that has documented this this far okay but and that's probably only because there's a podcast to point of you being blunt people are confused on what you're being blunt about because they don't they don't have any information why you're doing this so the make drake has not been blunt we don't know what he was talking all right so let's talk about it the making of a murderer let's let's paint a timeline let's be very clear weeks ago weeks ago seven eight weeks ago we talked about it right here instagram clip went up drake said pump pump pump it up right i remember on my birthday as soon
Starting point is 00:10:27 as we heard that clip as soon as i heard that clip i ran straight to the studio right without knowing what was coming i ran straight to the studio to be prepared be clear people that are unaware of my history i'm always the guy to hit first you don't ever have to worry about if i'm talking to somebody i'm gonna tell you when i'm talking to somebody so we went i went straight to the fucking studio and i spent the night i packed the bag stayed there was stink you stayed there one of them nights everybody the whole weekend everybody Everybody was frantic. It was a lot going on. Yeah. And nothing came up.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I remember. I was kind of disappointed. But when we were in that studio, and I know I'm supposed to be objective here, but I will give inside information. Well, that's what we were doing. We were waiting for that record to drop. And then we were going to shoot. That's not going on right now nope i'm too prepared now y'all waited too long y'all waited entirely too long now i'm charged up yeah but you
Starting point is 00:11:33 have a reaction without an action yeah that's called being proactive i'm not quite sure that's prepared shit why are they because there's no reason to be prepared if nothing happens oh shit shit oh yeah you do i get i get all right so here's what here's what drake can do here that right that verse he can change that's the point rory and it'll never come out so your preparation doesn't matter no no no that's not true that's not true i want him to hear what i'm saying i want him to hear what i am saying because when my entire team sat down and everybody tried to talk me out of it all i said was okay well mind you i've been dissed already in my head i don't even allow that shit i'm kind of offended that he even thought He could say pump pump pump pump it up
Starting point is 00:12:26 I am honestly The MC in me is offended at that Because I don't play prevent defense Well No one has ever Looked at me like the rapper to Just fucking poke at ever So you take the biggest rapper in the world
Starting point is 00:12:42 Add that with We know each other add that with We're probably a in the world, add that with we know each other, add that with we're probably a little like-minded, you add that with some history, I could see it. I could see it. I get it. Was there other information outside of this vine?
Starting point is 00:12:55 Oh, yes, yes. Okay, okay. See, we don't have to do this dang low shit. I don't like this. You were there. Let's just say what happened. I'm being objective. I'm speaking for Twitter, okay?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Well, Twitter hates me and says I'm whack and I can't rap. And Drake don't know you. That's important. You're old. Don't forget you're old. Well, I am old. Shut the fuck up, brother. So listen, we don't have to do that.
Starting point is 00:13:18 We're not accounting for those people. See, that's why I need to stop you. Because you did a six minute drake record who did you think would be the audience you would be speaking to oh it would be drake's audience fuck your fans your fans are always gonna be there your fans are obsessed with you have a fucking cult following these people worship you could fart on that record they say you killed drake but you're speaking to rory rory rory drake is a pop star we don't have to waste time on it, Drake is a pop star I'm aware, I'm not talking about Drake
Starting point is 00:13:48 I'm talking about the people that you're speaking to I'm not a pop star nigga, I'm not a rap star I'm not a star in no way at all I just rap better than niggas that's it so this diss was not catering to anybody at all no, this was catering to the niggas that want to hear rap all of the disses right now
Starting point is 00:14:04 are passive aggressive. All of them. All of them. Charged up. Well, let's not go that far back. 4PM in Calabasas was very passive aggressive. Of course. I think that Jay has been...
Starting point is 00:14:15 Let me tell you all that I think is going on so people can call me crazy some more. I think that Meek is about to fire at everybody. Right? Except for you. Maybe me too. Maybe. Maybe. I don't know. Right? Except for you. Maybe me too. Maybe. I don't know. I'm fucking with you. I think that Ho is still firing at people. He's beating Drake to fuck up with perspective.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Perspective. Perspective. I love that Khaled record. Perspective. I got the keys. Oh, that shit was fire. I like it too. Fuck y'all for anyone that says that shit is not listen listen this is what I realize about people who talk negative about Jay-Z they're just kids yeah they're just kids that's all it was perfect I felt like I felt like I got I know we're getting off a
Starting point is 00:14:53 little tangent here but I really felt like I got the keys like brought households together I feel like fathers and sons could enjoy that record together I was I was nervous because when you see Hov in the future, you get nervous. I was terrified. Especially on that last album, you know, we talked about and there were rumblings
Starting point is 00:15:10 of Hov having a future flow. I didn't want anything like that. And this record was great, great, great, great, great, great, great. I enjoyed it. It was classic Hov. It was perspective. It was subliminal. It was dissing. I enjoyed it. It was classic Hove. It was perspective.
Starting point is 00:15:25 It was subliminal. It was dissing. I'm enjoying watching all this shit that's going on right now. So let's get to you. Did you take shots at Jay in this verse? No, no, no, no, no, no. That was not a shot. What was not a shot?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Those are my sunglasses, by the way. I know. Trust me, I do. I wasn't trying to take them. You've broken a lot of shit in here, and I don't want you breaking my sunglasses. Rory, that's the part you're missing. This is a glorious day. I'm in a great mood, great spirit.
Starting point is 00:15:51 What does that have to do with breaking my sunglasses? We're not banging on anything. There were some hove jabs. No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't. I understand that people aren't familiar with lyrics, but if we read them, you can go to Rap Genius and read. It's a lot to digest. They're there, though.
Starting point is 00:16:09 There's no Hov jazz. We don't talk about Hov until the second verse, right? The second verse, see the six upside down. I want to switch it back. I'm too real. Bet your star is tender. I bet a mil. I bet your star is tender.
Starting point is 00:16:22 All right, we don't care about that. All right, the line right after that. I was trying to set you up, too. I wrote it. I was trying to punch you in, bro. I wrote it. I wrote that a star tender Alright we don't care about that Alright the line right after that That's what I was trying to set you up to I wrote it I was trying to punch you in bro I wrote it I wrote that Alright let's see
Starting point is 00:16:29 What's the next fucking line I tried to tell you Oh I'm sorry See how that worked But since the OG hove Here's what I want to know But since the OG hove I want to know
Starting point is 00:16:40 If ain't no real nigga That's a little bit of a jab That was from the All the way up remix No it's more perspective How so I don't even want to know. If ain't no real niggas allowed, fuck, what I want to go. It's a little bit of a jab. That was from the All The Way Up remix? No, it's more perspective. How so? What do you mean, how so? I'm asking a question.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Not from perspective. Yeah, elaborate. Bro, I'm not here for idiot Twitter. You two deal with them little... I'm not explaining shit about that. Like, if you've been keeping up, you keep up. I'm not elaborating on what perspective. Stop dancing with me. I don't want to dance with you. All right, I'm done with you, boy. I'm not elaborating on what perspective. Stop dancing with me. I don't want to dance with you.
Starting point is 00:17:05 All right, I'm done with you, boy. I'm done with you. All right. For real, because this is whack. Come on. I don't want to deal with none of that. Let's just say what happened. We was there.
Starting point is 00:17:11 A diss is out. Drake was putting a diss out. I don't know what happened over there. I can't account for what happened. I don't know. This is what I know. And it was weird. Drake was dissing me in puff.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Or addressing. That's a fact. I don't care about the people that don't know what they don't know i don't care i did my due diligence there was a record floating people heard the record we know what was said on that record he might take it off in the event that he takes it off then i never get to any of my 90 million drake this is my demonstration no no we've been cryptically speaking to one another in code. I don't care about that passive aggressive shit he doing. I'm not that way. I am direct. And for me, when you let somebody else put the disc out first. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:57 When you are reactionary, this is a hip. This is hip hop. When you reactionary for me, it's the equivalent of you having a beef in a club and you letting that person leave that club first. That person who's going to get his gun maybe, you go find a new way out that club. It's the same exact thing to me. I didn't like that feeling. I didn't like the biggest rapper in the world selling a million records in a week, who I know, getting on that clip with somebody else i know and saying pump it up pump it up you niggas know what you was doing you maybe thought that
Starting point is 00:18:32 record was coming soon i don't believe y'all tweeted that had a blast was laughing kiki and in the video i don't believe all that happened and then fucking eight weeks later we still have no record so i don't know if if what the drake puff thing is there but i said a long time ago it's a little odd to me speculative that drake is dissing puff and drake is on a record with french i always found that kind of weird but they shot a video for it so we know it's coming we just don't know if that line is there anymore because let me tell people who who i am i am all for getting dissed i think people don't know that about me i love this is especially when i'm asking for it so wait go ahead what you're saying yeah well no i mean back to the twitter bullshit and who i'm speaking for here
Starting point is 00:19:21 no it's more me speaking that it's 2016 and it's not the same. I'm aware. So you have to cater a bit to that. No, I don't. No, I don't. No, I don't. And somebody saying that would mean that they're in lieu and aware of what,
Starting point is 00:19:34 that they're aware of what my objective is. Okay. Right? Am I wrong in that? No, you're not wrong there. Which is why I very, in the very beginning I stated, I don't want to be famous.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I don't want to make a bunch of hits. I don't want to be on the radio 24-7. That's not who I am. Nothing, everything that's happening is so funny. Everything that's happening is who I've been the whole fucking, my whole career. It's just not my fault people don't know about my career. It's not my fault. What do you want me to do? I here 15 years later irrelevant rapping at a high level that's all i
Starting point is 00:20:11 know that's it that's it so don't be mad at me everything that's happening today i've accounted for because my brain goes deep deep deep deep anybody that knows me can attest to that so all the everything that's happening right this second joe button is whack joe button has created beef joe button is thirsty those we know we know we know well i know i know i know i know that when i'm not when i'm podcasting everybody want to rap when i'm podcasting everybody has something to say? They always go to very unoriginal content. Lines that I've heard my entire life. My thick skin is kind of immune to it, so I don't care. Like, how many pump it up jokes can you make and think it will affect me?
Starting point is 00:20:56 We don't care about any of that. Okay. I'm sorry. Are you okay? My throat. Pause. So rappers need to rap. That's it throat pause so rappers need to rap that's it rappers need to rap because once i step away from this podcast or while i'm on the podcast i'm a rapper still and
Starting point is 00:21:14 i rap better than a lot of people even if people don't acknowledge it that is an amazing display of lyricism i am so happy i feel so. You know what I'm celebrating right now? I agree and that is correct. What happens when none of these people rap back? Then what happens? Then I smile, Roy. Then I smile. I'm not doing this to appease anybody
Starting point is 00:21:38 but me. Me. I want to rap. I want to rap. Other people's actions don't dictate when I rap, and I've never been a fan of prevent defense. I'm charged up. I made a decision last night that I would die for it. Let's get it.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I'm going to celebrate, because while everybody is talking about Drake and I, this is the important part of today. In me doing exactly what I did, no one could tell me not to do it. What do you mean? I was not affecting anyone else's well-being. I didn't have to consider anybody.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I didn't have to think slaughterhouse. I didn't have to consider anybody. I didn't have to think slaughterhouse. I didn't have to think M. Pardon me. I didn't have to think Interscope. I didn't have to think any of that. Know why? Why? Because my objective and my goals are not in line with any of that shit.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah, but one could say here that this feeds your family, no? Rapping? And with this perspective of the Twitter crowd... If I find a dollar in the street, it's going to feed my family, too. And they do end up... Well, I mean...
Starting point is 00:23:00 Rory, this Twitter crowd that you speak of has hated me since they were able to leave their homes. Because some people made it cool to do that. In my entire career, I've never cared about those people. But a quote-unquote end your career, as you can see, can happen online. I'm just bringing these points up. You can't end my career online. You can't end my career online.
Starting point is 00:23:24 As if someone here would reply no even if they replied if anybody there's nothing anyone can do to end my career because I've positioned myself to be in a place where you cannot do that
Starting point is 00:23:35 how so? I don't like this interview shit this is I don't I would walk out if this was somebody else not cause of you but I just don't have time to answer all this shit i don't care i don't care who understands i
Starting point is 00:23:48 don't care who don't the people that do great the people that don't if you like it you like it if you don't you don't i'm here to rap i'm here to rap don't passive aggressive diss me don't put a little clip out don't plan you not half the mc i am see i have to bring it here to where i am i can't try to play with him that nigga's great that nigga's amazing what the fuck you think i'm about to fucking what wait for that nigga to put out some fucking club song you're about to wait for that nigga to pull out some fucking club song and have every bitch in the world that don't care about shit singing along no i want to stay hip-hop because i'm hip-hop don't take me to pop pop world i love i love your uh music too rap and pop but don't take me to pop
Starting point is 00:24:35 where i don't care about your pop fans i care about the people that care about rap so let's get into the mind because that that's the part to me. They never put that out. They never put that out and then all of this shit started happening. And now today, see, because this is what's important to me. I don't know if I believe this, but we're seeing in the midst of all this bullshit, the rumors of Apple purchasing. Do we believe that? I mean, it's a rumor. I mean, Tidal, from what I've seen, has been struggling a bit.
Starting point is 00:25:08 So it may be a good move. We just said that they had an amazing year, me and you. Yeah. But even Jay, even, dog, they had Jay-Z tweeting through it. That was a long time ago. Even he was tweeting through it. Wasn't that long ago? As far as business goes.
Starting point is 00:25:22 That was at the launch. That was at the launch. It was at the launch. How long ago was that? At business goes. That was at the launch. That was at the launch. It was at the launch. How long ago was that? At the launch. Probably about a year. That's my point. See, that's what I'm saying, Rory.
Starting point is 00:25:31 At the launch of anything, people that don't understand are going to slam it. I totally understand that. But Jay is replying to that. So I'm not going to say he was tweeting, Rory. Come on. Jay is tweeting, Rory. You did say that. For Paytm.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah, but it's funny on a podcast. Yes. And I'm saying here now is another through it. You didn't say that. For pay them. Yeah, but it's funny on a podcast. Yes. And I'm saying here now is another perspective here. Okay, but see. So we just don't sit here and agree with each other all day. Because that's what this podcast could have been. No, it ain't. And that's why I'm trying to give another perspective here.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It's not going to. It can't be that. Know why? Because we both love Drake. Everybody I know said, are you sure you want to do that? So we'll never feel the same I said yep but only after a certain time remember I needed to be prepared that nigga's playing chess he playing chess throwing rocks hiding behind fucking I ain't with none of that shit a nigga that great
Starting point is 00:26:20 Joe Budden guess what I thought you dissed me. Let's do that. Let's stay under those pretenses. Everybody's right. Joe Budden is crazy. I thought you dissed me, and because I fucking thought it, nigga, there it is. So, Boy Wonder texted me today. Okay. Passive-aggressive shit. Not him.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Not him. Boy Wonder's my man. I love Boy Wonder. I do, too. He's my guy. He said, he making it hard for me to, for For us to work again And you one of my favorite guys I said Wanda I understand
Starting point is 00:26:48 Trust me Trust me I understand I get it I have already I've weighed out all of this I've weighed out all of this already Hey
Starting point is 00:26:55 All you niggas are OVO I love y'all Y'all ever see me Hey Salute But when it come to rapping It's what it is I'm not looking for a Drake feature
Starting point is 00:27:02 I'm not looking for a Drake feature I'm not looking to get a record deal And I'm not looking for a Drake feature. I'm not looking for a Drake feature. I'm not looking to get a record deal. And I'm not looking to be famous, nor do I care about kids. I am the perfect person for this. So we'll see what happens. I want to enjoy the 4th of July weekend. I put my single out. That, for me, is way more important.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And this shit right here is momentary. I'm aware. This shit right here is going to come and go unless he says something else the same not talking about the french record nope too late now too late now that little pump pump pump it up uh you ain't shit don't be mad because i'm everything you thought i was gonna be i mean you thought you i became everything you thought up whatever the fuck you said man not enough now too late now i can go enjoy my weekend and not be held captive that way oh i'm paranoid i don't know dog drake out here i'm trying motherfuckers like he shook he is that's another reason i did that though but that is another reason i did that why is nobody
Starting point is 00:27:58 rapping because drake is shook no that's why oh the fuck he's not man we don't knock it the fuck off no no but you know we, and that is a joke. No, it's not funny, though. But if we're watching what's going on, that nigga looks like Suge. That nigga is saying and doing as he pleases because his career is in such an amazing space. So he's afforded that luxury. But fuck that. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:28:23 No, no. I don't have time to play with um see Meek going wasn't going to do that Meek and Drake's uh Meek what's it what's what am I trying to say Meek and Drake's trajectory is a bit different Meek wants to end up in this no what I mean is what I mean is no no that's not what I'm saying Meekek wants to end up somewhere where Drake is. Like, Meek is on a major. Meek wants the features. Meek wants to, you know, when I was his age, I wanted to do all that too.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Maybe. No, I didn't. That's not true. That's not true. But that's who I am. So, it's hard. It's hard there. It's hard when you're trying to do the same things he's trying to do, if you understand what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:29:02 They're certainly the same. For me, I've always wanted to eliminate a middleman i've always wanted to be direct to consumer i'm easily easily misread by other people when there's no context that's i guess that's where the stick skin comes from as soon as this district came out everybody said uh meek hove and drake dist impossible for you to hear that hundred and whatever so bars digest it well and of course people don't do that anymore so i know that but i get it more clickbait morebait. I'm just with the shits. I just want to rap. This is not beef. I'm in a great mood. I'm signed to myself with ability to rap at a high level and great resources. I'm celebrating.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I've always wanted to be in a position where you can't blackball me. For me, Rory, for me, if you understand me and where I come from well you a lot of people don't but I have always had a problem with authority I've always had a problem with leaving my fate to be decided by someone else that's judges that's cops that's just me talking about who I am it's the same with rap it's the same exact thing with rap So this was just you happy To be able to do what you want to do One I was tired of waiting I was tired of waiting
Starting point is 00:30:33 And I was prepared now That's the most important part I did this because I'm prepared now Now I'm ready Now it matters none What he goes to do He could put out a club record. He could ignore me.
Starting point is 00:30:47 He could, he could, it matters none what he does. I have five different options for all of those different scenarios. I feel more comfortable being prepared this way as an MC. Not as a pop star. I don't have any club songs. Well, that's not true. I don't have any club songs. Well, that's not true. I don't have any disc club songs. That's true.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I can't make them. Rage has a couple club records over there. Yeah, but no disc club records. No. I don't know if I can't make a disc club record. I don't know if I know how to make a disc club record. Well, I tried to make one of your club records a disc club record, but you wasn't with it. Oh, yeah, y'all did try to do that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:31:26 That would have been hard, too. Yeah, it would have been hard, but no. When you're going against or you're addressing someone of that magnitude, whatever you do that's hard is getting overlooked. I'm well aware. I'm well aware the target is great, but so is the mission. From your perspective, Drake doing the
Starting point is 00:31:42 club record against Meek made a lot of sense because everyone's thirsty to play a Drake record in the club. DJs would have been scared to play your record dissing Drake in the club. So maybe a six minute bar. Yeah, no, I'm not. I'm very aware of who I am. I'm aware of my abilities. I'm aware of my shortcomings.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I'm not uncomfortable. I've never gotten into a like whose dick is bigger contest with like men. I'm very comfortable my shortcomings. I'm not uncomfortable. I've never gotten into a like, whose dick is bigger contest with like men. I'm very comfortable in my skin. I could just rap. So, 40 did all these interviews saying, hey, I don't work with niggas
Starting point is 00:32:15 because Drake is the best nigga in the world. I agreed at the time. And I still agree that Drake is probably the fucking best nigga in the world. He's just not the best MC. He's not the best MC. All around talent and artist, I'm not thinking of too many.
Starting point is 00:32:34 No, he would be by far. I'm not thinking of too many. It would be him and Ye. Like, niggas is so silly. What do niggas think? That because I put this Making of a Murderer Part 1 out, that when I go out tonight
Starting point is 00:32:44 to celebrate 4th of July weekend and one dance come on I'm not grabbing a bitch with a fat ass and small waist and getting my no B we really beefing now I'm about to take my pleated khakis off and put my fucking 40 below in champion sweats on. Rory see your value here let me tell you where your value here is
Starting point is 00:33:02 and I should tell you this off air but me and Rory try not to talk because we want to keep shit fresh for the podcast your value here is not uh agreeing with me but you were there to see it i know and i wanted you to speak about it no it's not my place to speak about it sure it is that's your personal that is your studio session not mine it's not my place i wouldn't know you could speak i was there I was there. I was there, locked in. We wrote, we wrote, we wrote, we wrote, we wrote. I've been writing since that clip came out. Like, coincidentally.
Starting point is 00:33:32 It just so happens. I know what it looks like. And I need to be objective, not as your friend on this podcast, not only to ask the questions that other people care about, because we do have to care about the fans of this podcast. You're rolling your eyes, but you're wrong. You're wrong. the fans of this podcast. You're rolling your eyes, but you're wrong. You're wrong. I didn't say nothing. You're rolling your eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:48 We have to care about what these people want to hear. Because you're not a good carer. That's why I'm rolling my eyes. I don't give a fuck. That's what I'm saying. You're just not a good carer. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I can hear that you don't care, but you're trying to do a service, so I understand. That's what this is here. You're a bad, you need to work on learning how to care. Sweet as God.
Starting point is 00:34:04 You got to work on learning how to care. That's all I can say. It's fucking 4th of July. There's mad this is here You're a bad You need to work on Learning how to cure that I swear to God You gotta work on Learning how to cure That's all I can Fucking 4th of July There's mad bitches out here Yeah but you just put out A fucking 6 minute diss record And people have
Starting point is 00:34:12 Fucking questions Yeah but no no no no no And I'm not gonna sit here And agree with you A thousand times Even though I may I haven't said anything All I've said was that
Starting point is 00:34:19 I wanna rap There's nothing to disagree with I've said Drake is great I feel like I was addressed. You can disagree with that. And I responded. And there it is. What is there to disagree with there? People are going to tune into
Starting point is 00:34:33 this podcast to see what you have to say about what is being addressed on Twitter, in barbershops, in conversation. Am I wrong? This is what I have to say. I hope we never have to talk about Drake again. That's number one. That's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I hope so. I am tired of it. Because I hope he puts out good records. I'm sick of it. Well, no, he's going to continue to put good music out. But I'm saying in this capacity, like we've dissected this, everything. Not just Drake. But I see a few people saying, people saying yo only artists y'all talk
Starting point is 00:35:07 about are drake neek uh meek and nikki no that's just the only episodes y'all hear of course those are the ones that have 150 000 those are those are the ones that that leave podcast world but no niggas talk about so much shit um the studio was fun but i'm confused why people tune in to hear things that they complain about. They tune in because they want to hear it, and then they complain about it. I love complaining. I'm going to tune in because I see the artwork, and I see y'all talking about Drake, and then afterwards I'm going to complain that y'all was talking about Drake. That doesn't make any sense to me.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Well, I can't argue that because I love complaining about shit. I love complaining about shit. But let me just get back into my brain. I was very happy with Pitchfork. After you dissed them? I didn't diss them. And Slaughter Mouse. In my story, it was a diss.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Okay. I was very happy with Pitchfork. That was my first time dealing with them. I always thought that maybe they had an issue with me because they never did anything with me. I was wrong. Not the case. So, that's one.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Not the case. Yeah, I was wrong. I was wrong. Well, they're at the level you have to go to them. Rarely are they running to people. I don't know if I was going to them. I don't know if it was a slaughterhouse thing. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:36:24 going to them I don't know if it was a slaughterhouse thing I don't remember all I know is this that today as the head of my own shit and with me having to approve or disapprove every single thing that happened I felt good I loved it I enjoyed it all the problems that people called me with today were easily solved because I have I'm'm obsessive. Yeah. I've, I've already gone. My brain has gone way past these fucking minuscule problems. So that's what I'm celebrating, Rory. I'm celebrating the fact that I'm not signed to anybody. That's because I don't want that to be lost. We've been talking about streaming this whole time and all of this shit and I've been being very cryptic and coded in some things.
Starting point is 00:37:11 The blessing here is that there are no papers anywhere and I don't want them. Is this your way of telling Drake till you own your own you can't be free? Till you own your own you can't be me? Till you own your own, you can't be me? I was going to, you know what, I had a line about that.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I did have a line about that because, granted. I do find that line very funny and then the rumors of title being bought by Apple come out like two days later. Just ironic and funny. Those are rumors and we don't know if Jay's goal was to be bought by Apple. That nigga's a hustler, I don't know. He does own Roc Nation, so I think he's okay yeah so i mean come on but i had a line about that but i didn't want to say that because i thought then people would think i'm disingenuous and i want to say every well not every but quite a few media outlets you know they jump on a hot story
Starting point is 00:38:02 and they all call i'm not doing interviews about it because you wanted me to interview no no not you're a horrible interviewer when you care no it's not something that i it's not something i'm here to promote i know that it looks that way but without context it will look that way i'm here to promote just hip-hop not here as in the podcast you doing a press run about this would yes that would look like you are definitely reaching for attention but that's not is it it looks like a press run when people don't know that all these people are fucking calling your fucking phone it does yeah but you taking the calls yeah you gotta look at perspective yeah
Starting point is 00:38:38 no i don't want that tmz call nah fucking a lot of that, not TMZ, but a lot of them that don't normally fuck with me, they call. Drake is a hot story. Of course. Anybody say something about Drake, somebody gonna call so you can get some type of, you know. Which is why it looks like you're fishing for attention. Yo, dog, don't call me for no interview. We not doing interviews about none of this beef shit. If it ain't rap, and it's not beef, but if it's not rap we good on that we got a project coming
Starting point is 00:39:07 we got a single out called flex with tori and fab and a rap i'm so excited about it because the music it's a great record the music sounds great not the disc the music because when i talk music i'm on all this amazing music that I've made, because that's the other part, I was trying to say that earlier before I got cut off, this was so circumstantial, this was so, it just so happens, I've been working from February to now, like living in a studio, not really tweeting, just trying to recondition some things, I fired every single person that had anything to do with Brand Joe Budden for the most part and started from the ground up.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Because that's what you have to do when there's fucking, look, do you want to speak with Team Z? No. No. I don't want to speak to anybody. Well, you have to realize Drake and Meek Beef, you and Meek Beef, you and Drake Beef, it's like a and Meek beef. There is no me and Meek beef. It's like a fucking Kardashian dating circle.
Starting point is 00:40:08 It's compelling. You know, it's no beef. This is like Tyga, Rob Kardashian, and Chyna. So let me say this. I'm done addressing Meek. I'm done saying fuck Meek. Because I'm not with, that's what's getting lost here. And I said this to Pitchfork, but they didn't print it.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I'm not with destroying other successful black men. And I know that sounds contradictory when you say fuck somebody and then say I don't want to destroy them. But in hip hop. I was going to say it's subjective to hip hop. We're competitive. I would hope people know. I mean, no ill will toward Drake or Meek we need Meek's energy we need Drake's greatness but when I am addressed from this point forward I'm not considering anyone
Starting point is 00:40:54 else's feelings from this point out I've done that enough in my career I've worked hard enough I've fought hard enough to get right here. The only reason that that Meek and Mickey thing, Meek and Mickey thing, I'm sorry, bothered me like I told Pitchfork, but I don't know if they ran it. They didn't run it. No, they didn't. It was a lot. It was a good article.
Starting point is 00:41:17 It was great, but I gave them so much. So, I get it. The only thing that bothered me about that is I was down at the time i said that i was down we were sitting in my house we were watching tv the morale was low everybody was a fuck up i didn't want to rap i wanted nothing to do with hip-hop hey y'all diss me all you want i don't care my nigga whatever then they kept going you were there it was it was a year ago you were this weekend really when y'all went back and
Starting point is 00:41:46 forth on twitter it's fourth of july weekend we just came back from kickball i think it was in your living room wow it was like a year ago yeah that's right look at god you're absolutely it was fourth of july weekend but the part that hurt me about that is how hard they went while I was down after I had already apologized and said, hey, you know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry y'all took it that way. I was joking on a podcast. They continued. And because I identify so much with the last least loss left out and looked over. It's a lot of else.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I felt a way. And I made a mental note. That's a lot of else. I felt a way. And I made a mental note. That's all. I'm done with them though. I'm done. I don't want to address them. Meek and I, not Meek and I, Nikki and I have some family together.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Oh yeah? Yeah. But not really family, but like family that you're not going to talk about. Queens family? Yeah. Are you finally going to admit you're from Queens? Everybody knows I'm from Queens.
Starting point is 00:42:49 No, everyone thinks you're from Jersey. Because I rep Jersey. Okay. Well, it depends on how you look at where you come from. You're from Dunkirk. Shut up. Go on. Somebody was saying I'm from Harlem.
Starting point is 00:43:00 See, now you don't count Harlem because I left Harlem at three. Well, I never knew you lived in Harlem. I was born in Harlem. I didn't care that much to know. You know what? I really didn't care. See how much funnier you are when you don't care? So, no, Nikki and I, and that's another thing that shocked me.
Starting point is 00:43:18 That's what shocked me. Because when she did that, it was like, huh? Hey, wait a minute. What rules are y'all playing by? You didn't clear that with, you didn't clear that with, nah. They had all, before this podcast, they were under attack. She's a woman defensive about her relationship. Come on.
Starting point is 00:43:40 You know women to an extent. She was defensive. That's where I disagree with you. I don't think they were under attack this time last year. Meek was on top of the world. Meek was on top of the world. Because I was the laughing stock, remember? They jumped me.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I was the laughing stock until Drake made them the laughing stock. There was still a lot of undertone of them getting. For a year. Yo, I don't care what niggas say. Yo, for a year yo i don't care what niggas say yo for a year straight my nigga hey shit been popping and they've been mad subtext and that is it that's it hey if you understand you understand if you don't you don't i'm not i'm not uh here to acquiesce to what you idiots or non-idiots understand i'm talking talking to the people who I am somewhat familiar with.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And I know that they believe in energy. Because everything I'm talking about is energy. And that's why I jumped in this. That's why. That's why. That's why. That is why. Energy.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Well, a lot of it was us just talking shit on the podcast. But. No. I wasn't really jumping into it. It was a topic. And we spoke on it. And then it got picked up by World on a podcast but no wasn't really jumping into it it was a topic and we spoke on it and then it got picked up by Worldstar but the people are saying I jumped into it
Starting point is 00:44:49 the people are saying I jumped myself into some shit great fine we'll go with that just wanna rap no do we think he'll respond let's get into our hypotheticals
Starting point is 00:45:02 okay do we think he'll respond no no I think he will throw what he did with Common I think he'll throw those type of jabs shit that was a response that was not a response wait wait wait stay scheming
Starting point is 00:45:16 to you and I standard that was not a response and you from what you just did today are going to tell me that was a response he didn't say his name once it's passive aggressive and you, from what you just did today, are going to tell me that was a response? He didn't say his name once. It's passive-aggressive. I know. I'm saying that's what he's going to do here. And it may not even happen until six months from now.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Wait, but let me ask you something. Because something is passive-aggressive, that means it's not a diss? Answer it. That's my question. Not to me. If it's not directed directly at me, I don't respect it. Yeah, but that shit was good. I come from an era.
Starting point is 00:45:47 That era is over. Fuck Jay-Z era. That era is over. That era is over. Listen, the 4 p.m., and I told you this back then when we heard it, when we heard 4 p.m. in Calabasas, I said, yo, I love this. I love this song. And it's a diss, and I think it's about me, and I love it.
Starting point is 00:46:03 But we would have laughed this shit out of the gym if that shit came out when Takeover and Ether came out. Oh, of course. We laughing at that beat. We laughing at the words. We laughing at the nigga saying the words. But back to my point. It's a new time.
Starting point is 00:46:13 It's a new climate. That nigga's gorilla. God. Jesus. But guess what? I come from a place where niggas said, hey, even if people think you're going to lose that fight, guess what? Strap your shit up.
Starting point is 00:46:29 What do you want me to do? I understand. I get everybody's pause for concern. This is the intervention. We're concerned about you, Joe. Yeah, I know you are. I get it. At one point, I was concerned.
Starting point is 00:46:43 If we want to be perfectly honest, I was concerned. When we were to be perfectly honest, I was concerned. I'm aware. When we were sleeping in the studio and I said, let me tell you, niggas, y'all, that boy is coming inspired. Foreman Mills got a lot of money out of me that weekend. Yeah. I was saying, yo, when that nigga comes, he's coming inspired.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I don't know what an inspired Drake sounds like now, but I want to be prepared. Because he ain't going to sound like he sounded on that album. I was saying that. Right? Come on, confirm some of this. I'm letting you speak, B. I'm letting you speak. Yes. Dog, we was in the studio coming up with a thousand damn fucking...
Starting point is 00:47:19 Where am I being pussy? Hey, Roy. Explain. How am I being pussy here? I'm actually trying to make us sound doper Like we just cooked something up real quick No we're not dope But we're not dope We have to respect that guys
Starting point is 00:47:35 Come on man We love that shit I just admitted that I was in the studio the whole weekend We was cooking up every different fucking plot We recorded seven different things This original track This original diss was not on the same beat well and it was completely different this is the only thing from here that was from the intro is that first four bars i knew then that none of that would be there i told you i remember i told you i said yo by the time it's
Starting point is 00:48:01 time for the shits i'm gonna have a whole new set of bars in my head I'm gonna have a whole new idea so that's where I am now Drake, Aubrey, Drizzy is that all his names? I don't know what's his Instagram name?
Starting point is 00:48:20 don't yell nice try nice try to everybody nice try do you buddy nice no it just hasn't been questioned yeah i know i know well look do you know it well fact check it yeah i know it oh you look yeah yo yeah we we we all for this unless we have reason to not be off it now check this out we just said he's we think he's not gonna respond right however when and if that french shit comes out and if that line is still there, I would say reply. Yes!
Starting point is 00:48:49 Yes! Yes! Yes! Well, first of all, back to your pussy comment. I was the first motherfucker. Nah, you was my only nigga that's real. I was in that studio with you coming up with every last fucking plot. Let me tell y'all something.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I'm sitting there playing Zaylo. There we go. Let me tell y'all something about Rory, and this is why I fuck with Rory. Because I know how big of a Drake fan Rory is. You're more of a Drake fan than I am, but go on. I'm more of a Drake fan than anybody. I know how big of a Drake fan Rory is. So, his commitment to the mission.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Wow. It was hurting us. I was hurt. I was hurt I had to be there. Like, I'm glad I could go fucking fuck around this 4th of July weekend. Because at any point Drake, French, who else? At any
Starting point is 00:49:40 point somebody says something, I'm well prepared. Even though I'm crazy and nobody's paying me any attention. There. I'm glad we got that cleared up. Yeah, I can't wait to respond. Thanks, Fab. Fab is great. Fab is fucking amazing, man.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I have some comments about Fab that I'll leave off this. Fab is great. Fab is great. Fab is comments about fab that I'll leave off this. Oh, fab is great. Fab is great. Fab is great. Shout out to fab. No, fab just want to know. Fab just want to know why I put this out and that at the same exact time. Well, to the people that may not understand that, people-
Starting point is 00:50:17 Maybe I shouldn't have. Maybe I shouldn't have. I don't know. I've never been a CEO. I've never been my own label head CEO before. Well, my thinking there was, and this is not to offend you because you're well aware of what's... Typically, people are not just searching for the new Joe Budden single. 100%.
Starting point is 00:50:35 So every last person in the world, that shit got 10,000 hits in what? Two minutes? Which one? For the diss. Which one? The diss to Drake. I never check numbers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:46 The diss got 10, 10% SoundCloud shut down when it went down okay so naturally if you're driving everyone to something that's typically not looking for a Joe Budden
Starting point is 00:50:53 record and you have a record with Fabulous and Tory Lanez which are two very familiar people to the popular rap fan well shit maybe I'll click that too
Starting point is 00:51:01 maybe I'll listen to a Joe Budden record that was my thinking yeah and even bigger than that what I didn't want to do was, I didn't want to premiere that, I didn't want my Pitchfork premiere to be such a laid back, like just a cool, like no, it's not no rap.
Starting point is 00:51:21 It's not really rap, rap. It's like just feel good. So I didn't want that to just be there to stand alone so when i weighed my other options it was do i do i put that out with some of the other stuff that didn't make the the that i'm not clearing the sample for that wasn't seductive or provocative so i didn't really like it it was funny because the the flex record which is tory lanes and fab and joe uh leaked a bit early and a rap and a rap i'm sorry a rap uh and my mentions my mentions were full of angry joe budden fans because you and i were alluding that something
Starting point is 00:51:51 was happening today but something much more aggressive than that record i had a thousand joe budden fans in my mentions like this is what you said was this is the mission this is what y'all was hyping up no this is rap is back i was like no that's not the mission i wanted to be like he'll just wait till 5 p.m no that's not the mission well you know what happened was uh the fucking some fucking itunes itunes australia time difference it wasn't even the correct version of it which is why i'm so i wasn't mad at the fucking shit at all but i love that record fab just want to know why I put them both out together. He think that's the dumbest.
Starting point is 00:52:27 You fucking, he think I'm like crazy. Well, a lot of people think I'm crazy. Fab has been pretty successful, but I am going to disagree with him here. Typically, I would take Fab's advice here, but I'm not going to. It's tough because Fab, that's a tough spot. Fab can't advise me on what's best for me because our careers are so different. Like, Fab is commercial me.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Absolutely. Well, Fab couldn't really do what you did today. I don't know that. Oh, no, no. I'm not saying ability-wise at all. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, I'm saying Fab just couldn't do that. Hey, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I'm a huge advocate of Fab's ability as a rapper. Wait, Rory, be quiet. Let me get my conspiracy theorist. Oh, my God. Hold up. I'm tired of this segment. No, no, no, no. Well, no.
Starting point is 00:53:13 My segment today, conspiracy theorist Joe thinks Jimmy Butler got all the bull straight. Oh, my God. But conspiracy theory Joe thinks that plenty more people will do soon what I did today. I think so. And I'm not.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Hey, for the people that like to assume shit, I'm not talking about Fab. Fab and I have not talked about dissing Drake at all. And I would never do. I love Fab too much to even ever. I don't want anybody in Joe's shit but Joe. Since I wasn't talking about behind the scenes things before, and I will now. Yeah. A lot of rappers knew what we were doing in that studio and had heard the clip and had heard the actual record and hit Joe up and said, I'm a thousand percent behind you.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I just personally can't get involved right now. A lot of fucking rappers wanted to do what happened today that kid is powerful that kid is powerful that ovo kid and you better a lot of people don't like that kid but wait yeah but he's successful that's why that's why that that's why well actually let me take that a lot a lot of your favorite rappers reached out and said hey yeah i'm with the shits and I can't wait. And I think that kid is retarded for even saying pump it up because I don't think he realizes even though he's been a stand of you since the beginning, he should not do this. That's what people said.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Your favorite rappers were saying this. But rappers listen with rapper ears. The way that rappers, and again, I know I'm a nut, but I look at rappers like the superheroes of the universe they're i mean not rappers but just musicians anyone with like musical ability or just a pat i look at them like superheroes because they're normally really weird they normally have a some quirky nuance a couple screws loose and they're normally like the most amazed they can do possess some amazing ability like fucking mr fantastic or some shit so that's how that's how that's how i look at it i i always go on such a rant that i forget what my original point was that's a theme on this podcast i think i got add or some shit you think but so yeah rap rapper said i think a lot
Starting point is 00:55:21 more i think a lot more of what occurred today will come soon because all it ever take is one. And contrary to what people are saying, I don't have any bad blood with Drake. However, some of these other people who may not like him, whoever they are. Yeah, actually have bad blood. Yeah. Like Drake fans, y'all don't have to jump in my mentions and tell me how whack I am. One, I'm aware I'm whack. Two, I'm aware I'm whack to y'all.
Starting point is 00:55:54 And three, I don't care what y'all got to say anyway. Y'all are not. Let me talk to y'all about what my agenda is. And we've alluded to, we've spoken about the mission and all of this shit uh but for me i want to get to a place where i am direct all across the board direct to consumer with everything affiliated with joe button like a hub i believe me, I believe that if you're not signed to Apple Records or Google Records, you will have to fend for yourself
Starting point is 00:56:30 if you're a small business owner. So me versus Drake, while I get that that is how it's thinly veiled, it's really small business owner versus major corporation. I'm always going to fight for small business i'm always gonna fight for rights i don't know why people be so quick to sign their entire life over to someone else a record deal ain't nothing but a bank loan yeah but well i think that mentality is changing
Starting point is 00:57:01 a lot now i think earlier people were just happy to get some money in their pocket because it was very much needed. But I think people are much more lucid and aware that it is getting fucked in the ass in the long run. Well, savvy people. I mean, I only say it. With the internet, you're now direct to consumer. That changed everything. The internet made it independent. You don't need.
Starting point is 00:57:19 You needed that distribution. That's true. You needed it. That's true. You as a fucking guy that has 500 followers could upload your shit to itunes and it'll come out yeah but you probably won't and spotify make the greatest living no that way if you have 500 followers well they're probably not gonna sign you see but i make but i make a pretty good living and i'm happy see when i was
Starting point is 00:57:42 on def jam and I was at the peak of what some would say at the height of my success and my fame, I was miserable. I was miserable. I was fighting every day. And all of those things
Starting point is 00:57:54 that I fought with them, I'm looking at hip-hop now and I'm able to do those things today. So while, yeah, the Drake this came out, but it's really reflective for me. It's so much more than that. It's so much more.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Well, a segue here so we can finally wrap up the Drake thing. I've been off the Drake shit. No, no, no, no. It's not between you two. Okay. Back to Jay's record and where he seems to not be throwing jabs but perspective to who he is and who drake is can drake really hit that level with being in this many contracts and signed to this many people to take the torch and lead hip-hop the way jay-z has to independence because it seems that drake
Starting point is 00:58:40 is signed i don't know if drake again i'm not getting in someone's pockets, but I'm not sure if Drake makes any money off music sales, period. He's signed to so many people. I don't know that either. Nobody will know that because Drake is not hard up for money. That's all people see. I'm sure he's doing just fine. But that boy sure do tour a lot for someone of his success. Of course.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Cole, too. But that's kind of how Cole got. I think, and I don't know, but different. Yeah. I think those two scenarios are different. And I don't think Cole,
Starting point is 00:59:17 while he's rap elite, of course, I still don't look at it the same. I don't, we don't, well, Cole's not selling a million records the first week today right now well he might today well we don't know he might let's take that back let's take that back let's take that back his last album whatever year that was was the number one selling album you know i know so i'm saying if he will sell a million records he hasn't done it yet there in a week in the first week in a week in a week of course yeah
Starting point is 00:59:43 yeah yeah so i guess how i'm looking at him is different still. Look at all the people that sold a million records in the first week. Wayne, 50. Just think of them all and think of how they tour. Yeah. I mean, it's hard work. It's hard work. Everybody got it.
Starting point is 01:00:00 But even then, it's a 360 deal. You're not keeping all the tour money. Yeah, but let me tell you. See, Drake is the 0.1% of artists that can sign a bunch of bad deals and be so successful that it doesn't matter. So for me, what's more important in all of this is the knowledge for anyone trying to be in Drake's position or my position. You got to figure out what works best for you. And me personally, this is my last bit of speculation. Actually, no, I'm done with that.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I'm off it. Well, I'll end it there. I think Drake is extremely intelligent, and I think this move into Apple and getting out of all his Young Money, Universal, all the deals, putting out this music as fast as he can is a way because I think Apple is not giving him a fuck-in-the-ass deal
Starting point is 01:00:58 because he seems very excited about Apple, and I think judging off his intelligence this far in his career, he's not going to make a stupid deal if he could not just go independent because he's one of the few artists that could make millions and millions and millions if he was by himself okay but then the question bears how do you get to his level without it see because that we need to start doing podcasts like that we need to always delve so much deeper let's stop looking at, how does someone get to Drake or just that level of success?
Starting point is 01:01:28 You have to sign, you have to give a little bit. You got to give a little bit. Of course, of course, of course. So now, I mean, when you, unfortunately for him, niggas just saw he was that talented long before. So whether that be J Prince, whether that be fucking Wayne, whoever, you could hear it early. I heard it early. Anybody who heard Comeback You could hear it early. I heard it early. Anybody who heard Comeback Season could hear it. So you knew it was coming.
Starting point is 01:01:50 And when you're that age, and I'm not talking about him because I'm talking about me now too, but a lot of artists, we have that story. Talk to artists. We have stories of bad contracts. And my career, I won't say has been littered with them, but I've had my fair share that I thought there would never be a light at the end of that tunnel. I'm going out to celebrate, not a Drake diss.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Don't even talk to me about Drake diss. Don't tweet me. I'm been dark. I'm not on Twitter. I'm not with the shits. Time is measured by the second. I do not have time for all that. I just want to put this project out
Starting point is 01:02:25 for the people asking me when it's coming out i don't know but the good part is i'm signed to myself mood music mood music so if i wake up tomorrow and say hey i want to put an album out tomorrow guess what can happen that can happen without any label head looking at me and saying no you can't do that you are not big enough to do that why does everybody have to be big enough to do that why can't you just do it if you want to do it why how come the things that we want to do has to be contingent upon some other shit and i'm off on a tangent here again i'll add into it at some point that has been around important uh a lot of the label heads and let me be careful with my words here a lot of the label your political connect i'm not going to uh because i do think you shouldn't offend your political connect sometimes
Starting point is 01:03:14 a lot of these people were in the era of radio radio radio album marketing tour disappear repeat they're not on the internet every day they're not in the independent mind state because they have they built these labels and deserve all the fucking credit in the world because they made this exact formula and they love this formula so everybody's not an independent thinker anyway everybody's not a free thinker and you're saying stick to it but you know i just say. That's just what they know. That's all it is. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Some of us don't live in the world that live for the world that is. We live for the world that will be. And that's definitely not a shot at any of them. My only critique there would be, I understand. You built what we love. You should let us help you. Because you're selling to us. You're selling to my demographic. I can tell you about let us help you because you're selling to us you're selling to my demographic i can tell you about me better than you can drake jay-z am somebody powerful
Starting point is 01:04:16 and accomplished we need a union honestly i've been saying it Since I got a record deal There are no There's no union For artists Well Irv Jay Jazz All of them tried to do it Once upon a time
Starting point is 01:04:34 When they all tried to merge And that got blocked What did they try to do Tell me Cash money Rockefeller This was years and years And years ago
Starting point is 01:04:42 Every major Not independent But a label like a Cash money Rockefeller That started themselves and then partnered with a major, tried to come together. No, no, no. And it got blocked. Listen, that's not what. Really? What do you mean come together?
Starting point is 01:04:55 They tried to form a conglomerate. I'm talking about a union, not a posse. No, no. That can become a union, no? That can become a union, no? If you're bringing all the major people that actually move the needle here, that can police everything, that's a union.
Starting point is 01:05:13 That's workers, because they're the workers. They're the people moving the needle, not the execs. I agree. So that was a union that was tried. I don't ever remember that. And you can Google that.
Starting point is 01:05:22 I'm sure there's YouTube conspiracy. Dames talked about it.. Dame's talked about it. Irv's talked about it a lot. Jay's hinted at it a few times. I've heard Jay hint at it. Rap-a-lot has talked about it a lot. What has to happen for a union to happen? Well, now it's much easier.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Why? Because they were on contracts. A lot of these people are not on contracts. I'm not on contracts. Ain't none of the fucking artists getting paid. No, I'm saying it's easier now to do that because more people are independent than was 10 years ago. It's not easier now because these fucking...
Starting point is 01:05:51 Who's getting paid for music? How's it easier now? We've given them even more rights. We're letting them bootleg musicians. Oh, on the streaming shit? So how can we do it now? We're weaker. And this is a holiday weekend but this comp this pocket now this comp this is going somewhere yeah we might need to see what
Starting point is 01:06:12 this yeah yeah i don't care about i don't care about the drake stuff is very small uh it's very small i don't care enough about it to talk about it a lot if you get it you get if you've been following you found if you haven't you haven't if you like it you like you think it's whack whatever we off that but this conversation here this is important this is like important shit union and hip-hop that's important fucking whatever else we just said that i missed because i can't remember but these are the more pertinent issues and if i could stop fucking having to fucking rap against all these fucking great niggas, like, would somebody use a brain? Would somebody stop being all for self?
Starting point is 01:06:50 Well, I'm an advocator of not complaining without a solution. You always complain without a fucking solution. They could be an advocator of some shit he dead ass do all the time. I'm an advocator of just not complaining. I complain all the time. They don't know that. Yeah, exactly. So what are your weekend plans? Well, let me not get to that. I'm an advocate I just not complain I complain all the time They don't know that Yeah exactly So what are your
Starting point is 01:07:06 What are your Weekend plans Well let me not get to that Derrick Rose Before I get out of here Cause let's keep this short Okay I'll keep my KD Shit short too
Starting point is 01:07:15 The Knicks finally made A trade I like Yeah I'll take it I'll definitely take it I was skeptical In the beginning And a joke Tell Lo
Starting point is 01:07:24 I'm about to link up with him now oh that why he's calling me maybe I wasn't gonna answer so you talk oh well Rory said he'll link up with you in a minute I'm doing my podcast uh this was the first time anyway so get off my phone what's up I'm doing a podcast no picture what God, Lo. What picture? Tell Lo. I was just about to text him back. Shut up, Lo. Good. Good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:54 I'm not going to speak. I'm not going to speak because this sounds very intriguing. Is this in real time? They're just recording it right now because they're in L.A. And the time was like 522. See, good. Wait, wait, wait. Repeat that, Lo.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Lo, repeat it. Wait, what'd you say? Huh? Wait, all right. Lo, I gotta call you back. See, this is great. No, let him speak. No, we don't want to.
Starting point is 01:08:14 It's time to... See, but this is my point, Rory. What did he say? Lo just called and said that OVO, Noel, whoever the fuck that is, some nigga, some nigga named Noel.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I don't even respect no nigga named Noel. Some nigga named... Look at you now getting No nigga named Noel Some nigga named Look at you now Getting aggressive Now I am Any OVO guy See out there Say what up
Starting point is 01:08:30 But listen See See what Explain OVO Noel Tweeted a picture Of Of
Starting point is 01:08:40 OVO In the studio And it was a picture of a monitor. Ooh. Ooh. You're about to kill me. Do you know that they... Wait, time out.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Do you know that they make music? Wait, wait. I thought that nobody knew Joe Bud was... But, Joe, they make music. They could very well be in front of a monitor. Listen. Listen, he said that. I'm here with you.
Starting point is 01:09:10 I don't know what's happening online. I don't either. I'm listening to my phone and out it is. I'm not in the phone. I'm not none of that. I don't know who the fuck OVO Noel is. But hi. Pleasure to meet you, if you're listening.
Starting point is 01:09:24 And I welcomed it. He's not listening. He's in front of a fucking monitor trying to kill you, if you're listening. And I welcomed it. He's not listening. He's in front of a fucking monitor trying to kill you. They might be listening. This isn't live. Oh, this is. Oh, yeah. Yo, I'm going to say, hey, OVO Noel, tell your fucking boss, nigga.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Hey, you worker ass nigga. Hey, new slave ass nigga. Tell your boss. You know what I mean? That before I got word of your monitor picture, I was going to the studio to celebrate anyway. Not to rap. I'm going to sit there and just bask. And stare at a monitor.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Oh. I could post a picture of a monitor. You know what I mean? So we got to go to 4-Eleven Mills? Listen, we already know. Hey, there's an OVO radio tomorrow. There is. That's what,
Starting point is 01:10:08 yeah, tomorrow. There's an OVO radio tomorrow. I don't know if Drake is hosting or not. I'm sure, hey, no, let me not say I'm sure it'll be Joe Budden disses.
Starting point is 01:10:15 I'm sure it will be something that I will think is a diss that no one else will think it is. I'm sure. Hopefully it will be aggressive. Nah. I just want bars.
Starting point is 01:10:25 He gave bars. Who gave bars? Drake. 4 p.m. in Calabasas with bars. Yes. I want more of that. What? It don't have to be to me.
Starting point is 01:10:35 But if it is, Jake, great. Great. Well, even if it's not. I am here to embrace and welcome all
Starting point is 01:10:44 OVO Noel's energy monitor energy. Hey, Noel. Ooh, spooky. I looked at that monitor all the way. And then all the way back. See, now we're in our element. Now we're in our element. We're trying to be mature.
Starting point is 01:11:04 And that monitor in that studio looked HD. Oh, my God. He tweeted. See, that's what's wrong with this generation, though. He tweeted a picture of a monitor. Good. So that means it's coming. It has to be coming.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Yeah. But I'm glad that on 4th of July weekend, the same way that on Memorial Day weekend, we were there. I'm glad that they now are there yeah in the studio yeah I think they've been there I think their focus has changed that's what I'll say all right OVO Noel I love Drake I'm a tear him the fuck up and you with your fucking pictures, nigga. Now, celebrate. How about that, nigga?
Starting point is 01:11:48 So what are you doing this weekend? The same thing I do every fucking weekend. Same thing Drake is doing. I'm going to smoke some fucking hookah and not change the fucking tip and pass it to a bad Spanish joint. Woman, what are you See, that's what any Palooza dudes do all day.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Oh, you don't do pause in A-O? No, I never do pause. Unless I say some real flavor. I'm so excited. Hey, wait. See, that's what the problem is, though. All the people that said, no, Drake can't respond. Drake's not responding.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Drake's not responding. Ignore him. It was a picture of a monitor. Shut up. Timing, Rory. Timing. It's a picture of a monitor. I will diss the shit out of that monitor.
Starting point is 01:12:23 That's where I am right now. What the... Hey, anybody listening, yes, I'm crazy, and yes, I want to rap, and yes, I don't care what anybody thinks about me, and yes, if Drake disses me, I will enjoy it, and I will dance to it,
Starting point is 01:12:39 if it's dope. All right. But, wait, Rory, before we leave, didn't we say he was waiting for me? We did one time in the studio. We said it, yes. No, we know what this is. See, hey, fans, let me tell y'all this before I go.
Starting point is 01:12:56 The reason that none of this stuff has been occurring and it's been all this plotting behind the scenes is because of a mutual respect for one another that we have and our abilities that y'all are going to dismiss because y'all don't respect me i get that i understand that that was well said right it was important i mean i just don't remember my point again what was that shocker i don't know man let's wrap it up i was ready to wrap it up to fucking local and start telling me how had a fucking monitor. A fucking monitor. There's a monitor.
Starting point is 01:13:27 There's a monitor in that sound room right now. What is OVO Noel's Twitter name? Huh? Ha! I'm gonna OVO Noel.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Hey, boy wonder who I love. I'm OVO really. Yo, wonder who I do love. We still have that batch of beats that you sent us bro making a murderer part two on a boy wonder beat you on two and i'm one hey come on let's go tweet our own fucking pictures oh yeah fucking noel how about this bitch take a picture this fucking mic yo i silly. Nobody's supposed to have this much fun when the biggest rapper in the world is dissing him.
Starting point is 01:14:07 He's not dissing you. You're dissing him. Yo, that nigga is dissing me. And he is about to tear me up in his head. He about to go in. He about to talk about all types of shit. Hopefully, he does it great and well so I can put out the shit that I've been wanting to put out. And then hopefully he responds to that.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Listen, Drake. Drake, for every diss you have on your OVO radio, this is going to be Joe V. Joe podcast. Joe V. Joe. Hey, on this podcast, I'm going to play something for every fucking time I think you're talking about me.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Only because this is fun for me, hip hop. I'm not mad. I want everybody to be happy. I want the fans to enjoy this. I want the fucking media people to enjoy this. I want the rappers to enjoy it. A rapper that is ready to rap is coming to rap. Fuck OVO Noel's picture of that monitor, nigga.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Fucking low-key talking about it. See, this is what's wrong with you young kids. Low-key in a crowded bar drinking holiday weekend. Mad bitches everywhere. He telling me about OVO Noel. I wish the man give me the fucking thing. I'm just eating a sandwich now. All right.
Starting point is 01:15:20 We're going to wrap up here. Back to the studio, Noel. Look what y'all are doing online to this guy. All right. We're going to wrap up here. Back to the studio, Noel. Since you want to post a fucking picture. Look what y'all are doing online to this guy. This is who I have to drive home with. No, we're not going home. Who's going home? Oh, no, baby.
Starting point is 01:15:34 No time for home. All right. No sleeper song this week. Let's get it. Nah, nah. We're going to do Flex. No, we're playing Flex. No, we got a sleeper song.
Starting point is 01:15:39 I'm playing one of these fucking disses since Noel wants to tweet pictures. Noel, you want to tweet pictures? Let's fucking turn it up. I'm not, I'm not giving you his oxen. Relax, partner.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I'm not giving you his oxen. You backslap both. You in the Snapchat blog and we show we're a tad smarter. I'm out, man. Come on.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I'm ready to go. You can finish up. Sleeper songs, my next diss. This is Flex, his actual record featuring Fab and Tory Lanez
Starting point is 01:16:06 oh the iTunes iTunes link pick it up on iTunes pick it up on iTunes pick it up on iTunes Rage in the Machine Project coming when I say so
Starting point is 01:16:13 woo you bitch feeling like the summer's mine yeah she don't know the nice that a nigga when they hang
Starting point is 01:16:22 for a hundred grams a hundred grams yeah she don't know the nights that a nigga went and hanged for a hundred grand A hundred grand Yeah She don't know the nights that a nigga been down for a hundred nights Yeah, down for a hundred grand I've been on a mission I've been on a mission
Starting point is 01:16:36 I need you and shorty kissing I've been on a mission It ain't too much that I listen But I listen, but I listen The text read, at my place you wanna meet Her mouth saying hello, her legs were saying peace Her alarm in the morning when she wake up to the D And now half of the bed wet and she lay naked on the sheets
Starting point is 01:16:56 Biting down on the pillows, wish she take it like a G When we finish, it's to the mission, gotta make it to the streets We go our separate ways, take a break and let it breathe Say the same about her face, with all that makeup she don't need to the mission, gotta make it to the streets. We go our separate ways, take a break and let it breathe. Say the same about her face with all that makeup she don't need. Listen, our conversation is best in the moment. That stimulation to me is greater than sex in the moment. Least until later when I know we'll have sex in a moment. She'll fake sleep for a second and then she'll press her phone in. Sometimes we'll wild out and let her friends watch. Sometimes we'll pick a show and just binge watch That's how we get to round four, we should've been stopped
Starting point is 01:17:28 Dead quiet when she flex, could hear a pin drop Shawty made me feel like it's summertime Feelin' like the summer's mine Girl, you got something Uh-oh, I'm on it again for you You are the 4AM flex for me You are the 4AM Flex for me You are the 4AM Flex for me You are the 4AM Flex for me
Starting point is 01:17:51 You are the 4AM Flex for me I like the shit you be doing Like the weed and like the gold, baby You know that shit you be doing And baby, I wanna get to know you I be out late tryna get it, but you waitin' for me Miss dinner cause I'm eatin', tell em' put a plate up for me They be comin' sideways, you gon' get that straight up for me
Starting point is 01:18:13 It's always get your weight up, not your hate up from me It came to me from finessin', baby By the time it get to you, it's just a blessing, baby They try to overlook me, underestimate me. Shining like a diamond, I guess I've been under pressure lately. Make up off and she's still pretty. I'm on my way and I'm still litty. I like her cause she needs no practice.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Don't wear panties, I like easy access. Know her role like she's an actress. Late up with your boy boy G's in the mattress 4 a.m. flexing on them lonely hoes Sipping Bobby Brown tenderoni flows My heart belongs to Aroni She's my only lover She's my only love
Starting point is 01:19:00 One more again. Yeah. My heart belongs to Aroni She's my only lover One more again. Girl, you got some Uh-oh, I'm horny again for you You are the 4M Flex for me You are the 4M Flex for me You are the 4M Flex for me You are the 4M Flex for me It's obvious you got
Starting point is 01:19:39 It's obvious you got Obvious you got, obvious you got. Oh, we should've drink and smoke and whistle. We should've been to Tokyo and go home. Oh, we could smoke and tumble. Go with it. We get smoke, get tough, we're going Shawty, the people, stop it

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