The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 75

Episode Date: August 11, 2016

Apologies on the delay, we've recorded and rerecorded this episode almost 3 times, due to some technical difficulties, a lot covered, enjoy!...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, beautiful people, we are back. 101.9 WJBMC. I'm your host, Joe Bud. Now name this podcast later. I really hope you get a radio show so I can actually turn this station. Special edition for you guys, reporting live from New Jersey instead of New York today on a beautiful Thursday afternoon. Oh yeah, because we're going to record it and put it out tomorrow. Yeah, I guess so. Why you snitch on everything? Some shit the fans ain't supposed to know, nigga. It's Thursday. I'll name this podcast. Oh, yeah. We recorded it at 6 a.m. and put it out at 9 a.m.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Hey, we might be that real. We might be that real. You never know. I'll name this podcast later. Episode number 75. I'm Joe Budden. To my left is Rory Lanes. To my right is Ice wearing a nice teal outfit today.
Starting point is 00:00:43 You know, something like that. Something like that. Something like that. All right, we got it. Very, very Newark picnic-esque right now. South Ward. Very Valesburg Park-ish. Ice got on the teal Iversons with the teal shorts.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Got to ice out the rollie. What a white. He's definitely going to a Newark barbecue Absolutely In the morning Or he's going to the shore For the one time in the summer That people from Newark
Starting point is 00:01:10 Go to the shore Yeah that's exactly how he looks That's how you look Sorry bro Alright so we got Ice here We got Rory here And we got me here Where do we want to start?
Starting point is 00:01:20 I feel like I haven't spoken To you people in quite some time I'm always shocked and amazed when y'all start tweeting like, yo, where's the podcast? I'm always taken aback by that because I'm still getting used to the fact that people are waiting for podcasts
Starting point is 00:01:35 to drop. It's been a year. I'm used to it by now. Not me. Maybe it's just the gratitude. Maybe I'm just grateful for you guys out there. Or maybe they just don't have nothing else to do, so they figure, fuck it, we'll listen to Joe. No, it's mad shit to do.
Starting point is 00:01:51 It's mad shit to do. So I appreciate you guys. Hey, you guys could have listened to any podcast in the world. But you're listening to us. Well, they can listen to other ones, too. It's not like just one you could subscribe to. They listen to them Yeah that doesn't really work in podcast form
Starting point is 00:02:07 Like they can click it whenever they want to They can listen to one And even switch over and then pick up where they left off Thanks a lot Rory So it's me, Ice and Rory here And I'll address this briefly I don't want to stay with this Marissa will no longer be with the podcast
Starting point is 00:02:24 We love her We wish her well She's still our friend briefly I don't want to stay with this Marissa will no longer be with the podcast we love her we wish her well she's still our friend she's still always welcome to anything that this podcast does because we love her she's just we're going two different paths in podcasts where I think
Starting point is 00:02:40 she's starting her own podcast too actually I think I read a tweet so we want to wish Madi nothing but the best, and we want to support her in everything she does. And that's it. Look at PC Joe sounding great. Right? I like PC Joe.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I like it. It's an election year. I get it. I ain't trying to be elected for shit, though. So that was sweet. That's one. Two, let's go from there into all of the fuck shit that Hot 97 has caused with Ebro. Is Ebro a top three troll?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yes. No. I think he is. No. I don't. Mainly because of his following and how much he studies and enjoys it. I think Ebro enjoys trolling as much as Joe enjoys cigarettes. Like, that's how much I see the joy via that screen when he does these things.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Trolling is amazing, but I don't place him as a top three. You got Donald Trump about to run the country off of trolling. Okay, all right. In ISIS defense there. We're looking at a broader spectrum there. I'm saying within our little... In hip-hop. In hip-hop.
Starting point is 00:03:43 In New York. Oh, well, on Hot 97. Yeah, on the morning show. In hip-hop. In New York. Oh, well. On Hot 97. Yeah, on the morning show. On the morning show. Yeah, he's top. The fucking... The idiot Trump dude, and this is totally on a tangent here, that just climbed the Trump Tower.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, watched it live. Oh, you watched it live. You are the guy that would stand at the bottom. What's the address? I'm in a cab. You are the guy that would stand at the bar. What's the address? I'm in a cab. Why are you watching that live? Mom, are you watching the news right now?
Starting point is 00:04:11 I'm here. Yeah, I don't know why you're watching that live. No, I was in the bar waiting for you to come to this podcast, and it was on TV, so I was watching it. I watched it live on TV. That's not live, dickface. Watched it live on TV. I watched it in person. We all watched it live on TV. That's not live, dickface. Watched it live on TV. I watched it in person.
Starting point is 00:04:27 We all watched it live on TV. I saw it live on TV. All of us saw it? Live on every fucking channel. All of us saw it live on TV? I don't know what Ice did. He was getting dressed. He might have missed it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 He was ironing his shorts. And his sneakers. All right. All right, so anyway, all for the Trump dick face. But it reminded me of that tightrope walker movie that I saw that nobody saw but me, that nobody enjoyed but me. I didn't see it yet. I know what you're talking about, though.
Starting point is 00:04:57 There's no yet. No, that movie's hilarious. You have to watch that movie. I don't know what it's called. Something short like Fall or Die. I don't watch shit like that unless somebody's going to fall. I don't know what it's called. I don't watch shit like that unless somebody's going to fall. I don't want you to succeed. That's just me. I got a twisted
Starting point is 00:05:11 sense of humor, I guess. Yeah, there's nothing dope about a hero movie with a tightrope. He got to fall. There ain't nothing dope about that. Like, oh shit, he made it across. I read about the dude a couple weeks ago who did the first ever jump out of an airplane without a parachute. I watched that. And landed in a net.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I wanted him to miss the net. It would have been a much better story had he missed the net. And you can't even really feel bad because he's a fucking idiot for jumping out of a fucking plane. Well, homeboy, Trump dude, right? The Trump dude, that felt so bad for him. He worked so hard to climb all the way up there with his little paddle, stick him a thing, jig him a thing.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Was it a metaphor? I think it was a metaphor. I don't know what it was. For society. I know when he got to the top, it was about 80 cops. Yeah, I think it's just a metaphor for society. There was a deeper meaning to it if you watched it live. They pummeled that nigga.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I felt so bad because he had to be out of breath. Did anyone see the other cop that ran and tried to get a piece of the action? Yeah. He reached over for no fucking reason. That's when I felt bad because Duke, he's subdued. Word. Y'all got him. He good.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And where is he going to go? Out the window? Yeah. We don't need you to. First of all, since y'all want to be dickhead cops, the nigga didn't have to come by the window. Like, the nigga could have just chilled on the wall like Spider-Boy. Fuck out of here, cops.
Starting point is 00:06:37 But anyway, so that was pretty fun. All right, so Ebro, last week, he had a conversation with Drake. It was a private conversation that he publicly spoke about on the air, which is fine. Ebro is a radio personality. We totally expect him to do that. It's compelling. Drake is the biggest star in the world. We expected nothing wrong yet.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Jack, do we know for sure that that convo took place, or is this Ebro's role? Well, I thought it was true based on the information that was given as far as the DMs go but then I was told that that was public knowledge already I didn't know that I had seen the DMs and just didn't know people knew that but then when I saw that I said oh shit all right they had that real conversation because that was said in the DM okay yeah but now knowing that that was out yeah yeah he said some he said some things uh and that stuff was out. We don't know. We can't confirm whether him and Drake had a real conversation. We
Starting point is 00:07:29 weren't there. I'd like to think that Ebro has a little more integrity than to make up a conversation, so I won't let my brain entertain that yet. I'm going to come back to that. Right? I have a question. So they had a conversation.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Ebro spoke about it. And it was about mine and Drake's, air quotes, beef, and whether Eminem would get involved. So Drake laughed and said, I got something for him, too. And that story went super viral, super fast, as you would expect with two stars of that magnitude, Eminem and Drake. Now, everything about that conversation sounds very playful and very gleeful and very just casual in passing, right?
Starting point is 00:08:19 No, we agree? You still don't think, Ice, you still are not rolling with it. I say that because if the convo took place and these things were all said, what are these lies that Drake is referring to? He said they're telling lies over there on Hot 97. So what would the lies be? No, Drake is a liar, though. No, Drake is a liar.
Starting point is 00:08:38 What's happening with that? All right, but let's finish the timeline first before we start talking about what happened. All right, so. Maybe Drake didn't directly say, I got something for him, too. Maybe that's what he's addressing with they're telling lies on Hot 97. Or maybe I never had a conversation with you. They're telling lies on Hot 97. You mentioning my name?
Starting point is 00:09:00 No. That would be crazy. I mean, Ebro made that entire thing up. I don't put it past Ebro because we just said it. He's a troll. He loves to troll. But he didn't say this on Hot 97, right? This was on Beats. No, it was on the morning show because I remember Rosenberg and Lord Styles were there.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yes, that was 1,000% on that. All right, well, I'd like to think that they had a conversation. If they didn't have a conversation, it would be very simple for Drake to say, we never had a conversation. I have no idea what he's talking about. But Drake could say that anyway, and we wouldn't know whether it's true or false.
Starting point is 00:09:40 So I don't know who to believe there. Ebro has been in the game for a long time. Yes, he likes to troll. He has to know the pie would be on his face if ever we were to find out that no conversation ever took place. So I'm not even going to give it any merit. They had a conversation. Now, it's the same shit. The story that went viral and the story that everybody went crazy over, it shouldn't have been no merit to that.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Let me explain something to you young idiots out there, right? Eminem. That should be the end. No. Listen, honestly. Eminem, and I do have some interesting talk points I want to talk to y'all about. But to the average Drake
Starting point is 00:10:23 fan is younger Eminem is just like this Fictional creature that doesn't Even really exist in their world because They weren't there when it happened He's just the guy that does a record with Rihanna every three years and it goes number one Who's Drake?
Starting point is 00:10:44 I'm asking who we're talking about We're talking about Eminem Okay we're talking about Eminem Alright just want to be clear Drake and D or Rihanna record About every 8 months That was pretty funny Hey Drake
Starting point is 00:10:56 Alright let me stop Before we get in trouble Alright so listen So where were we going So those kids They don't get it They're not going to understand Who Eminem is And who he has battled
Starting point is 00:11:06 and his caliber of rhyming. Well, I saw quite a few people. To be honest. Well, that's what I'm saying. I saw quite a few of the fans saying, I ain't going to lie, niggas keep talking about this M8 man shit. Who he ever cleaned up? Like, you know what, OVO?
Starting point is 00:11:26 You got it, man. At that point, certain conversations you just got to run away from. But I don't want to fall into the same trap that y'all fell into. I'm only talking about it because y'all were stupid enough to talk about it. And believe Ebro. So let me make some things clear for you. I wouldn't give a fuck if Em was on the morning show himself with Ebro saying, Yo, I'm'ma hold you down
Starting point is 00:11:46 yo I'm telling you next time you'll drink you better watch it I wouldn't give a fuck if we had him saying that with Paul there saying yep I still it still wouldn't happen it's that far from believable
Starting point is 00:12:03 which Ebro then went on the radio the next day to say. Right? Which Ebro, you can't start a troll and then get mad when your troll works. That, or can you? Ice, you should know. You're like the troll king. Well, that's part of the troll.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah, you want the troll to work. That's part of the troll. You want it to act surprised at the troll. Is it? It's a mind game. Nah. No, no, no, no. I it? It's a mind game. Nah. No, no, no, no. I'm talking shit.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Oh, okay. But Ebro seemed like he got a little... His troll game is to a whole nother level. Y'all not even on his mind frame of his troll. Ebro seemed like he got a little peeved at the fact that the troll worked so well. Well, he should have known when he's dealing with, We all know the OVO stands as of now But the word stand came from Eminem's fan base So they all came out of hiding and said
Starting point is 00:12:50 Wait did you mention our favorite rapper? So you're looking at mad fucking people Hey wait And be clear all you OVO 12 year olds Eminem has sold a million records in a week For my life That's how long it's been happening It's a lot of them
Starting point is 00:13:09 Leave this war alone Get back to calling me a nobody And irrelevant All of that's cool Leave Just leave him alone man Em somewhere in Detroit Y'all think there are a lot of egg accounts now
Starting point is 00:13:23 When the stans figure out how to use the internet, them older ones, there's going to be 10 million egg on here tweeting y'all. No, they just don't. They lay dormant. They're dormant. They be chilling. Until they get that activation code.
Starting point is 00:13:36 They waiting for recovery, too? No. They waiting for the name Eminem to pop up. You see what happened? Soon as Ebro started that shit, out of nowhere, Eminem, number one trending topic in the world.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And he had nothing to do with it. It's not like Em put out something new or did an interview. Em had nothing to do with it. His name is mentioned immediately number one trending topic in the world. Are the stans the number one hive? Yeah. Number one. Don't worry. Stop stealing
Starting point is 00:14:03 all of my Fucking good points From yesterday nigga I'm sitting here Racking my brain Trying to think of them Stop telling Stop telling the fans That we recorded yesterday
Starting point is 00:14:11 Stop There's some things They shouldn't know And you say that shit I'm in my head Listening to my thoughts Alright as soon as He finishes talking
Starting point is 00:14:19 I'm gonna ask I'm gonna ask about What hive is the best Cause your memory's great Exactly Alright so no You go ahead Cause I wanna I'll answer hive is the best Because your memory is great Exactly Alright so no you go ahead Because I'll answer What's the question?
Starting point is 00:14:28 Is the stands the greatest hive of all time? Dog Are they the least to be fucked with? Listen let's be clear The stands are the hive Yeah They are what started Right
Starting point is 00:14:39 They set the precedent for You other niggas Yeah All that shit They locked that girl in the trunk And drove off a bridge. And would do it for real, though. That's the part you're missing.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Fuck with them. I'm not fucking with them. Go ahead and do it, nigga. Well, don't try to flip this conversation. I ain't fucking with them. I'll go to a crip block before I fuck with the stands. So wait now. So from there, wait, I also see a lot of the Drake and the OVO fans,
Starting point is 00:15:03 they like to, they get to feel like, they feel like they get to pick and choose who Drake should battle and who Drake shouldn't battle. I swear I saw a lot of why would Drake waste his time with Em. I swear I saw that. I'm sure there was. I swear to God I saw that. Because Drake is the greatest thing walking the fucking planet. I've never heard an Eminem reggae song, so, I mean, he can't be that relevant. Can Em make a one dance?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Can Drake make a one dance? All right. Okay. I thought this was the PC version of yesterday. What are we doing here? I love one dance. I get it.
Starting point is 00:15:42 We have nothing to talk about if we're not talking about Drake. Tori, do one dance. Shit, I have to control that. I hope so. Hey, Tori, let's hear one dance. I get it. We have nothing to talk about if we're not talking about Drake. Tory, do one dance. Shit, I have to control that. I hope so. Hey, Tory, let's hear one dance now. Take all the dope shit. Fuck that nigga.
Starting point is 00:15:52 All right, no, no. So listen, in this Drake M shit, and I want to get off of that, I see some of the older people replying to some of the young people saying, y'all do know, because this argument always leads here, it leads to the older people telling the kids that Jay-Z sent bars at Mino, J-O felony, that M sent bars at Benzino. You know, the argument always goes to...
Starting point is 00:16:16 You can't play the irrelevant card. The MCs at the top have always just fired at a nigga that they had no business firing at at all. Just mad Benzino disses. Hold two bars at Blinky Blink, dog. And got Blinky Blink the fuck out. I never heard a peep out of Blinky Blink ever again after that.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Who is Blinky Blink? Yo, I remember being a young kid saying, this was years after the record came out, saying, oh, okay, he was dissing Blinky Blink. Who the fuck is Blinky Blink? So, but that was always dope about Ho. Ho didn't have no business dissing me when he dissed me. They think it's a petty man. He kind of cleaned you up, though. And thenv didn't have no business dissing me when he dissed me. They think it's a petty, man.
Starting point is 00:17:06 He kind of cleaned you up, though. And then we didn't hear from you. That's my podcast, so I'm not going to... No, no, we did hear from you. And then we never heard from you. No, no, we heard from me. No, we heard from me.
Starting point is 00:17:15 We should get Blinky Blinky as a guest on this podcast so you two can talk about it. No, you probably missed my reply because you were seven. YouTube it. I know we're in the YouTube generation. However old you are, nigga. Alright, so from
Starting point is 00:17:27 Motherfucker, he ditched you in 09 and you just replied last week. Shut the fuck up. On what? On Reminder. You know he fired right back, right? Nah, in my story he replied in that Drake shit last week. I let Rory rock, man.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So, alright, so back to our him rock. So, all right. So, back to our troll shit. Fucking. So, Ebro, that started. Then Drake says something on Madison Square Garden stage, right? At Summer Jam. Because he called it Summer Jam, right? He called it Summer Jam.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And then that sparked the whole. Yo, so many arguments are getting sparked from hip hop. It's hard to compartmentalize. Somehow that turned into, yeah, Ebro, you don't do shit for New York. I'm so tired. That narrative has been going on for quite some time. I'm sick of it. Why? What the fuck should he be doing for New York?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Stop acting like he's doing for New York. Why would he do that? Why would he do that? Why would he do that? All right, well, if you do it, then you're going to get held to that standard. Wait, so you're saying Ebro's not the program director for Hot 97. I want to tell everybody that out there. So whatever the music is that you hear that you either like or dislike, Ebro's not the person picking it.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I'm not sure he was picking it when he was the PD. Valid. It's a numbers-based game. What do we expect him to do? When people make that argument, it normally stops there when I want to keep reading. Well, the thing is, I'm also the New Yorker that would love to have the A boogies in rotation,
Starting point is 00:19:06 but I also know that their demographic is not us. It's the people sitting in traffic in the Lincoln Tunnel at five o'clock that do want to hear one dance five times in a row. So as much as I'd like to be mad, I don't know if I can be. It's a business. It's MS Communications. It ain't even Hot 97. Well, that's my point. So if they were catering to our audience or our demographic, do you think that, and this is no shot, do you think they would have hired Nessa, an out-of-town
Starting point is 00:19:32 girl from the Bay to come up here and do the most important shift after the most important voice did it? If we were their demographic, would they have brought Big Boi in here to try to do the morning show for that fucking debacle? I love Big Boi, but that was horrible. Of course. Big Boi in here to try to do the morning show for that fucking debacle? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:19:45 So you see that iHeartRadio. I love Big Boi, but that was horrible. Of course. I mean, Big Boi's a legend, but he just don't belong on New York radio. So you see iHeartRadio has consistently been putting other people in New York. They're aware. This ain't Ebro doing it. All right, so I'll pose the question.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Is Hot 97 just a reflection of the state this music industry is in right now? Is it a reflection of New York? I can't answer that. One, because I'm too old to know what a reflection of New York is. The New York I come from is different.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Brooklyn was different. Queens was different. So I can't answer that part. And two, I don't listen to the radio. So I don't know what they're doing on Hot 97. Ice seems to be shaking his head. No, I've said me neither. I don't listen to the radio. There was a time, yeah, but we remember when radio... I don't even have a car. We remember when radio dictated
Starting point is 00:20:35 when your album would go out. What was hot in the club? What was hot in the streets? Those days are long gone. No, no, no. Those days are over. Yeah. Those days are long gone. Now, no those days are over yeah those days are long gone now the only thing that i can factually prove and fought hot 97 for and we've addressed that on this podcast before is they shitted on the internet until they couldn't anymore and that's why you're well i think labels did the same thing it wasn't just radio and's why they're, if you notice all the people that shitted on the internet are no longer just
Starting point is 00:21:09 about the eight, but about three labels, maybe two because they all wanted to shit on the internet. Uh, yeah. I 97 y'all relate to the party. And now it sounds like you relate to the party. Meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:21:24 all the people that seem to embrace it early on and i don't even think we have enough time this is a whole different podcast but i would love to talk about that uh they seem to be doing well i had this own thought to myself earlier so is that the end is that the end of all of that oh and in the last show so drake did four shows the last one the flex part we we didn't address part. There was a second part to Hot 97 is Telling Lies. There is, if you fire Funk Flex, I'll do your show. All right, now time out. I thought to myself, hmm, if we fire Joe, maybe Drake will do my podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:57 That's a good thought. Yeah. That's a good thought. I like it. I laughed. Yeah. You think it would do it? Are you going to be gone for like a week or two or something? Shut the fuck up, Corey.
Starting point is 00:22:04 All right, so now that statement, therapeutic me, it's so arrogant. Yeah You think it would do it? Are you gonna be gone For like a week or two Or something? Fuck up But alright So if Now that statement Therapeutic me Is so arrogant You arrogant? No No I'm saying
Starting point is 00:22:12 Not the Joe I know No that Therapeutic me When I heard that statement If you fire Funk Flex Maybe I'll do your show Boy that's a real Arrogant statement
Starting point is 00:22:22 He a rapper Let him be arrogant Not only that I mean I would have Preferred it in a, he believes his hype. He believes his hype. Oh, he went down. He should believe his hype.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Exactly. He's a rapper. But he's supposed to be arrogant. He's the number one fucking artist. Well, let me not say he's a rapper. Artist.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I didn't say rapper. Yeah, yeah. Entertainer. I don't think he believes the hype. I think he believes it. Well, he may be trying to convince us to believe the hype it could be an insecurity issue there but that's a much deeper thought to that
Starting point is 00:22:50 well see i for me the guy who's been in therapy since 10 years old uh that's always what i hear which led me to my uh psychotic obsessive compulsive brain going right so drake sometimes i hear a lot of that shit and what i hear is an insecure man a very insecure man he proves it time and time again every time he opens his mouth but that's fine all of us have our own insecurities except for me right um so then i got to thinking he should stop that you have everything in the world. There's really no reason to be that insecure. But for a guy that built his entire fortress on being insecure, because we can agree he did that. Yes? No?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Yeah, but I think there's a much difference in being insecure in your music and within relationships, whether that be with women or your friends, than it is to be standing on a stage yelling at a DJ to get fired. I think that's a much different type of insecurity, and as a man, maybe you should control your emotions a bit differently. I think there's a much bigger difference than being insecure in a booth with music than there is being on a stage talking. Okay, you either take a shit or you get off the toilet. You either smoke cigarettes or you don't. While I see what you're saying, you're compartmentalizing.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Insecurity is insecurity. It does the same thing and has the same result. It means in some facet, in some area, somewhere inside of you, you don't think you get the job done. You just don't feel like you're up to par. I believe that is a Drake lyric where he said he does get the job done, but continue. I wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:24:33 But I don't know if I would change it either if I made my fortune off of it like him. I don't know if I would attempt to change being insecure. But the new generation, y'all love all of the insecure lyrics. Do you hear how Lord Know starts? I get your point there with that, but you can still filter your insecurities as a grown man. I think that you should have that ability as a grown man
Starting point is 00:24:59 to filter your insecurities. How does Lord Know start? It starts with him going through a woman's purse on one of the best Just Blaze beats I've heard in the last five years. No, the bitch went to the bathroom. He went to the bathroom and rummaged through the girl's purse. She went to the bathroom,
Starting point is 00:25:19 he rummaged through the girl's purse, stole some shit out the girl's purse, went through it. I just want to tell you what's happening that we all champion. I heard that and said, oh. In his defense, women have great hand lotion. They have better deodorant than us. So, I mean, I get it.
Starting point is 00:25:38 So sing me the hook. So give me Rap Radar the lyrics to the I Hate Sleeping Alone. Rap Radar the lyrics? I Hate Sleeping Alone chorus. No, you mean Rap Genius. I mean, yeah, Rap Genius lyrics to the I Hate Sleeping Alone chorus. Rap Genius. I mean, yeah, Rap Genius the lyrics to I Hate Sleeping Alone. Give me those. I don't know them off the top of my head.
Starting point is 00:25:51 All right, well, let me give it. Are we going to Google them? Are we going to fact check? Sure. Talk while I do. Okay, so Rory's going to pull that up. There's really no need to pull that up. I could give you every single insecure just wow,
Starting point is 00:26:04 I can't believe we're letting that be said, but it's hard. Like, that's the problem. It's always hard. We never care as long as it's hard. Pause. That's right. I was reading, so I didn't address your pause.
Starting point is 00:26:17 All right, the I hate sleeping alone hook. I'd rather be with you, but you not around So I'm gonna call somebody up And see if they'd be down Cause I hate sleeping alone I hate sleeping alone Half the time I can't listen I can't
Starting point is 00:26:30 Stop stop stop I can't Am I not harmonizing well I can't Is my tone off Can you put some reverb on And I'll sing it Yeah give him the Drake auto tune
Starting point is 00:26:38 Give him something Don't Yeah don't Cause if that's not being sung In melodic fashion I can't listen to those words Right there But listen Alright so Drake is in New York Saying fuck New York Because if that's not being sung in melodic fashion, I can't listen to those words like that. But listen, all right, so Drake is in New York saying, fuck New York's most legendary radio station.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And people cheered in the garden. I still remember Drake saying, yeah, we don't need New York. You don't need New York as an artist. He's been passive-aggressively dissing New York for quite some time. I'm confused why y'all was confused at him dissing. When did he say the New York comment? And whatever run that was, I forgot what press run it was, but he said, and it was a big deal,
Starting point is 00:27:12 nah, you don't need New York anymore. On a press run? His point was as a new artist, this is the point he was making, as a new artist you can skip New York. New York is not mandatory like it once was. That was his point.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Let me ask. He's not wrong. I was about to say, is he wrong? He's not wrong. He's not wrong at all. But he shouldn't say it, is what you're saying? He's not wrong at all. But that's the case, period.
Starting point is 00:27:37 The internet did that. Where do you need? Tell me what's mandatory. If New York is not as close to mandatory, because you're not going to skip the Garden, nigga. You're not going to do no press. But that's just a Drake rule that he don't do no press nowhere. So why are we dissing New York about, yeah, new artists,
Starting point is 00:27:55 y'all don't need to fuck with New York. Why is New York getting singled out that way? New York is legendary. New York has a whole history that comes with new york and what he's saying is well what he was saying is you know we know about that history but you don't have to do new york no more let me try to be objective here they're looking at us we're extremely arrogant because of everything we've accomplished in the last 20 years in hip-hop and we're not doing that now the rest of of the country is. So we're still being
Starting point is 00:28:26 arrogant. We're still championing our old victories and I could see them being salty about it. Like y'all gonna be arrogant. Y'all not doing shit right now. Okay so I'll take that. This is me being objective. I'm still gonna be an arrogant New Yorker and say fuck y'all. He's been dissing Jay-Z for however long he's been dissing him now.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Right? I'm still not off of when he dissed Fab and said, Fab writes nursery lyrics or whatever the fuck he said. I would never write something like that. Fab dissed him back on his own beat. I expect that from Fabulous
Starting point is 00:28:55 or Ludacris or someone. I remember that. I'm not off of that. He dissed the president. I mean, what? What do y'all want me to say here? Why is everybody surprised that Drake is in Madison Square Garden saying, fuck Hot 97?
Starting point is 00:29:08 He said, fuck Barack. He told y'all he was coming for revenge on 7-16, man. He told you, nigga. Y'all ain't listening. You saw Biz's shirt. Fucking told y'all. Y'all don't want to listen. You saw Biz's shirt.
Starting point is 00:29:20 You should have known. I can't take ice. I can't take ice. All right, so Flex goes on a rant. I was out of town during the rant. Well, hold on. Before you, what did the Flex thing spark from? Just him having that Meek record?
Starting point is 00:29:32 I don't know. Give me the backstory. I don't know this whole Flex shit. I understood the Hot 97 Town Live shit to Ebro, but then all of a sudden Flex got into it, and I need a backstory because I don't know it. I don't pay too much attention to Flex and Drake's interactions. What backstory is there? I don't know how much attention to Flex and Drake's interactions. What backstory is there?
Starting point is 00:29:45 I don't know how to give it to you. You know that Flex was involved from the Meek stuff. We know that some stuff happened behind the scenes before then to give Flex some disdain toward Drake. I don't know the backstory. There's a lot. I'm telling you, 30 for 30, young money. I'm not joking. I'm telling you, 30 for 30 young money. I'm not joking.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I'm not joking. It's way too many questions that I need answers. Where's Wayne? Raising his kids? I don't know. He just got mad at a fucking concert because they wasn't turned up. Wayne doing shows. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I mean, where is Wayne music? Did that album come out? It can't come out. Stunner not letting that album out. He's still locked up in litigation with him. Okay, so that album never came out. Nope. Right? It's a lot that we don't... It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I would love to see a Young Money 30 for 30, and I'm going to leave it at that. Real quick with Wayne, I mean, I kind of get the loyalty aspect of it, but if everybody is telling you, yo, this nigga's stealing our money, and we all left, you kind of got to be some merit. So you have to at least question. All right, let me see what's going on over here.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Like, I don't have somebody look into your contract, look into your books, look into something. Everybody that was down with Cash Money left Except Wayne Well when you kiss someone in the mouth Maybe he's thinking he wouldn't do that to me No more Drake and Wayne features No, right? Not that I've seen
Starting point is 00:31:20 There's been a whole lot of music to come out And Wayne is doing music with people. He rapped with 2 Chainz for a whole album, right? That was his way of getting his album out. All of that's great. I'm just saying we ain't heard no Wayne and Drake. We ain't heard no Nicki and Wayne. We ain't heard no Nicki and Drake.
Starting point is 00:31:38 It's just a lot of shit I would like to have answered. I just can't say it because it's me. They're now three superstars all going in their different paths now. Before it was Young Money, that was the movement, quote unquote, and I think now they've all surpassed. All three of them are bigger than Young Money now.
Starting point is 00:31:56 At one point, they were a crew. Now, they're all bigger than that crew and going in different directions. Drake is doing his OVO thing. Nicki is the biggest rap girl in the world. None of that is true. Drake is doing his OVO thing. Nicki is the biggest rap girl in the world. None of that is true. That is what the people would like to believe is true. Oh, well, I certainly think they're doing that because there was some fuck shit,
Starting point is 00:32:14 but there are also three big superstars that now can do that. Of course, we all know there was some fuck shit going on in the back. I thought you were saying, no, I just think that they're all going their separate ways. They're all pretty big. No, I just think the they're all going their separate ways. They're all pretty big. No, I just think
Starting point is 00:32:26 the timing was perfect because now Drake has his own little label. I mean, I know they're signed to like seven people, but, you know, he has his own little sound shit
Starting point is 00:32:34 and Nicky's a superstar. So, fuck, they don't need to explain shit. Just move in their separate directions. Keep it moving. Yeah, it leaves
Starting point is 00:32:41 questions, though. So, but let's stay here for a minute. I'm not, how do we want to end All of this Drake stuff How do y'all feel How do y'all feel moving forward I don't really care about
Starting point is 00:32:51 Drake beefing with Hot 97 I don't care about Drake beefing with anybody I don't care about Yeah I don't care about that I don't think Drake Would have said the things he said If it wasn't for New York
Starting point is 00:33:00 Feeling that at all Okay Well oh Here's what I want to end with This is how I'll end this This's what I want to end with. This is how I'll end this. This is what I think. Cause I don't think if,
Starting point is 00:33:11 if we love hot 97 and we all love flex still, he's not saying that at the garden. He's not saying that at the clubs, at the after parties, throwing all them shots. I don't think he's that brave. I think he's doing that because there's, if you look on your timeline or just speak to people, a lot of people have been feeling like Hot 97 doesn't do anything for New York
Starting point is 00:33:27 and Flex is getting on people's nerves. So are you saying that Drake jumped on the wave of Hot 97 because everybody else is already doing it? I can't believe I'm saying it. Yes, Drake hopped on a wave. All right. Shocker. I'll end with this.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I think that Drake is having very normal communications with people, and then I think that he's, in his superstar and in his celebrity and in his sensitivity, he's getting offended over very minuscule things. And then he's reacting to it like a sensitive superstar and using his platform to respond to people that if we're staying in our realm of our superstardom, we shouldn't be responding to. Drake should have never, ever said anything to me at all from a podcast. I get it. I talked a lot of shit i understand we got that i was very i i was dramatic i got it i know what i did i know the part i played i got that he
Starting point is 00:34:32 shouldn't be talking to me why is he talking to ebro why is he talking to flex why well i'll tell you why he said something to you and i'll tell you why he said something to Ebro. It's because it wasn't to you. It was to the buzz that your statement got. Yeah, it's always to the people. It's always to the people. When things begin to gain a little bit of merit, it seems that he responds, I hope it's a trend that stops soon.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Because you young people, I know y'all are too young to remember anything, but I've seen some of the greatest empires fall fast, man. Empires that I deemed to be, at the time, a lot greater than this fuck shit we talking about. So that's where I stand with that. But I want to keep it there for a minute because Rory now, right?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Party's album Is coming out In what A few days On Friday I think 12th I'm excited about 12th Yeah that's 12th So Party has put out
Starting point is 00:35:34 A few records That we love He is 4 for 4 On the rollout 4 The number keeps increasing With you What are the 4
Starting point is 00:35:40 He is 4 for 4 For a rollout of his album Oh okay I thought you were About to say Project What's the 4 The first one one he did with drake and then the three he put out on soundcloud i don't know but either way they're all pretty good songs tori lane's album comes out right after that i don't know if all is see tori's confusing me because he's put out so much music you don't know what's a teaser for the album or you don't know what's just you don't know
Starting point is 00:36:04 what's on the album you don't know what he's just for the album Or you don't know what's just You don't know what's on the album You don't know what he's just throwing out Cause he's just been putting shit out Looking at his track list The shit that he's thrown out Is none of these songs Oh I didn't see a track list Yeah his track list is out
Starting point is 00:36:14 How many records is it? Yeah I wanna know how many records Is on the Tory shit I hope it's not like 18 He does have Love, Say It, and Flex Joe's Flex or? His Flex Tory shit. I hope it's not like 18. He does have Love, Say It, and Flex. Joe's Flex or? His Flex. No, I wasn't being sarcastic. I wasn't sure. No, but those are
Starting point is 00:36:32 three records that we've heard that are on the album. From what I read, those are the only ones. Alright, so that makes him three for three as well. If those are the three. I haven't heard Flex. But that was my point, Rory. Like when people have albums coming out, I expect to hear some shit from the album,
Starting point is 00:36:48 and I damn sure expect it to be good from people we like. Party should be fucking three for three. Tory would better be three for three. Your nigga's been fucking gearing up for this moment your entire lives. Your debut album is the easiest album to make. Because an artist has never put out whack records before their debut album. You're right, Joe. Tori has 14 songs on his album.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Okay. Of the 14. Is there a lot of features? There's no features showing. Okay. But why you say that? Of course an artist has done that. You go from one extreme to the other.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I'm talking about the artists we like and that we're fans of, like Party and Tori. There's plenty of artists that I love that have put out shitty music before their album. Name me three. I'm not doing it. Exactly. All right, track list in front of me. I told you. Wait, is this real?
Starting point is 00:37:35 That's the real track list. I know that's the title. I know that's the title, but reading it. All right, track one. I told you. Another one. Guns N' Roses, Flex. To Dream, 4AM Flex.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Oh, Tori, you're just being a dick at this point. Friends With Benefits, Cold Hard Love, High Dirty Money. This better be fire. That's all I'm saying. Hey, I hate to get caught up. Am I the guy that's reading the track list, trying to gauge what's fire from the names of the songs? Which makes you a faggot. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:38:07 It's over. No shit yet. You know how much of a loser that guy is? Oh, man. Yo, I know I told you crazy because he told us. Does Tory have a hive yet? No, no, no. You're definitely leading it if there was one.
Starting point is 00:38:22 No, Tory does not have a hive. But you know what? You are New Toronto, though. 1,000%. First of all, all you there was one. No, Tory does not have a hive. But you know what? You are New Toronto, though. 1,000%. First of all, all you niggas from New Toronto want to be me a little. That's number one. Ooh, kill Tory with that line. That nigga says the fucking wackest, most simplest shit,
Starting point is 00:38:37 and then his fans just start going crazy. But anyway, what was I saying? If there were to be a Tory hive, or if I was the leader of it, let me tell you something. I was the leader of the Drake Hive before it was big, the Jene Hive. I got a few people that I caught before they blew up. He was definitely on the Frank Ocean Hive. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:38:57 I got a couple of, what am I saying? What's the word we're using? Hive. Nah, we all just listen to it. You're just more popular and said it on Twitter. Nah, nah. Nah, I give credit where it's due because I wasn't fucking with Frank Ocean. No.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I was early on Frank. I was early on Drake. I was early on Jhene. I can't think of who else. I was on Weeknd. I was early on James. Follow Roy. I was probably just in the same realm with all those artists.
Starting point is 00:39:26 But, you know, it's okay. I'm not going to lead the hives. But we're not talking about you. We're talking about me, dickface. What else happened great in the world? Why is it that fans of music always want to say they was on something before you? We take pride. What is with that?
Starting point is 00:39:39 That shit is mad corny. I've done it too, but it's like, I was on that shit before you. I'm president of Jeezy Hive. And tell somebody in a minute, y'all don't know Lil J when he had braids and sounded like Trick Daddy. They'd be like, who that? See, but there's nothing wrong with that. I only get mad at the niggas like that who now,
Starting point is 00:39:55 when the nigga get a little popular. Don't like them. Yeah. Now you off them and you hate them. Word. Really? No, that pissed me off when they get mad that their favorite is now popular. You know what's so ironic about that?
Starting point is 00:40:05 That's what Joe did with Drake. As soon as Drake got big, he was awful. What a fucking hypocrite. Rory does not believe that for one second. What a fucking hypocrite. Yo, I hate when fucking, I was the first person to ever listen to Drake. Yo, I hate when people just stop liking artists when they get big. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:40:21 and Drake. Yo, I hate when people just stop liking artists when they get big. Shut the fuck up. We're going to leave that joke just because it's funny. Fuck you. Alright, so all of that happened. Then Bow Wow happened. Alright, we did Bow Wow. What else happened in the universe? We didn't do Bow Wow. This is our third time
Starting point is 00:40:39 recording this podcast. First of all, Bow Wow, my nigga. Oh, man. It's just a sad day. First of all, Bow Wow, my nigga. Oh, man. This is a sad day. First of all, internet, fuck y'all, because Bow Wow had hits. I liked the jokes, too, and I laughed, and I favorited a bunch of them. I do got a question. Speaking of Bow Wow jokes, why is it cool to claim... Two names come to mind right away.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Bow Wow, Nick Cannon. Okay. Second hypocrite in the room. I think I'm the only one. Didn't you get Bow Wow off Twitter because of a Twitter joke? It had nothing to do with his music. Actually, the joke was... Since when are Bow Wow
Starting point is 00:41:12 jokes subjective to his music? It wasn't a joke about him. But why do we joke about Bow Wow? That's a good question now. He's an easy target. Because he's short? He just looks like an easy target. No, it's just people get this idea. What did Bow he do wrong He did nothing
Starting point is 00:41:26 Outside of Run 106 and Park For five years People hate you When you get super popular No he did five Yeah Did he really
Starting point is 00:41:34 They gave him Some type of He's like the only one In the 106 Hall of Fame Or some shit Well on a serious note We watched him grow up
Starting point is 00:41:43 And we were all Corny as kids And we just happened To see him grow up and we were all corny as kids and we just happened to see him grow up. No, you were corny as a kid. I was cool, nigga. No, you weren't. Stop trying to fucking put... I wasn't cool. You're not cool now. I wasn't corny, though. I don't know why we clown Bow Wow. Nick Cannon, I
Starting point is 00:41:57 can see it a little bit. Why? Nick Cannon has way more creeds, in my opinion, than Bow Wow. I don't understand why either one of them get clowned. But it's the funny thing. Nick Cannon is the Ryan Seacrest of urban markets. I like Terrence J for that spot now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Yeah. Now. Now. Nick was on his way. I like Terrence J today. Well, I'm taking Nick and collect a check the way Ryan Seacrest collects a check. I'm really proud of Terrence J. I know I've said Nick in Collect a Check the way Ryan Seacrest collects a check. I'm really proud of Terrence Jay. I know I've said that a bunch
Starting point is 00:42:28 of times in this podcast, but when you think of... I heard a rumor that 106 was coming back with Free and AJ. I don't know if I like that rumor. I don't even think we want to see that. We don't want to see anything that shows us music videos on TV anymore. Not only that. I can just
Starting point is 00:42:43 click it up. Oh, do I want to see a video? I'll just watch right here. Hey, what the fuck? I'm waiting right... Number five! Right after the commercial break! Hey, alright, you do that. I'm going to just
Starting point is 00:42:53 click this button right here. Where was I going before? That was really funny, if I'm not mistaken. If Free and AJ dress the same, maybe I'd watch. So Nick Cannon
Starting point is 00:43:04 has updated some of the baddest bitches in the world. But Bow Wow's retirement in music. That's where we need to stay. Bow Wow fucked some bad bitches too, right? Yeah, he has. If you don't know, he has. He fucked Kim K, didn't he? Rory, this is Kim K.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Your headline. Why is that a diss? Nick Cannon fucker too. Nick Cannon did too. What do you mean, why is it a diss? We're sitting here talking about why everyone laughs at Bow Wow. That's why is it a diss? Nick Cannon fucker too. Nick Cannon did too. What do you mean, why is it a diss? We're sitting here talking about why everyone laughs at Bow Wow. That's why it's a diss. No, I'm on Team Bow Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:31 And be clear. I'm saying he fucked Kim K. I love Bow Wow. Like, did he fuck Kim K? I feel like I saw a YouTube clip one time of him talking about it. I could be totally lying. That was Ray J, idiot. It was the video.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Oh, wait. We're talking about, I thought we were talking about Ray J. I thought you were mistaken. We're talking about, oh, the one from Like Mike? That's who we're talking about? Like Mike is what did it. Like Mike was fire. Like Mike was dope.
Starting point is 00:43:58 That shit was ill. If you're in that age frame, Like Mike was dope. Like Mike was dope. Absolutely. Okay, but listen, the problem. And AI was in it age frame, Like Mike was dope. Like Mike was dope. Absolutely. Okay, but listen, the problem. And AI was in the movie. But wait, time out. The problem isn't if you're in that age range.
Starting point is 00:44:12 The problem is if you're not. But I'm saying. So to the people that. Now, I'm talking about these people that were in that age range at the time. Like Mike came out that are now dissing Bow Wow for Like Mike. If we're going to say Like Mike was like a popcorn candy movie, he also was in the film Carmen the Hip Hop Opera,
Starting point is 00:44:30 which is a well-regarded movie, and he had a very great supporting role as inmate number two at 13 years old in prison with grown men rapping. Carmen the Hip Hop Opera is with Beyonce and Boteen Woodbine, right?
Starting point is 00:44:47 It's Macabre Pfeiffer. Oh, no, no, Don Cheadle. Malik Yoba. Malik Yoba, Bokeem Woodbine, and Homeboy. Why is he Homeboy? Who's the other nigga? Macabre Pfeiffer. Macabre Pfeiffer.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Them niggas, if me and Carlos Boozer is the same, them three niggas is the fucking same. I might throw Omar Epps in there, too. Nah, you can't be disrespectful to the God from in too deep. Can't do that. Well, if you ask me, yeah, that was Makai Pfeiffer in too deep. Oh, yeah, Kanye fucked it up. Even he thought they were the same person.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Kanye, what made you say that? My kind of thought. But anyway. All right, let me get off that. What's our favorite Bow Wow songs? Out of My System. That's when I needed to get a particular young lady out of my system. You used Out of My System to get over a breakup?
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yep. And it worked. Okay. I've been sitting thinking at this mirror like, damn. Trying to fix the situation that's at hand. You've been sitting thinking at this mirror like, damn, trying to fix the situation that's that hedge bit running through my mind. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:45:49 What do I do? All right, bro. What? Let Bow Wow perform. Unlike y'all, I don't let record sales and all of that. Bow Wow sold,
Starting point is 00:45:58 sold, sold records. He sold records. Of out of my system? I don't know. Probably. That was a rotation. That was on the decline.
Starting point is 00:46:05 No, T-Pain was popping then And he rolled the T-Pain But Bow Wow wasn't I'm still rolling No I'm talking about When you talk about Bow Wow It's hits like the Sierra shit And fucking
Starting point is 00:46:15 Beware of the Dog Is a cult classic For people born in the 90s I didn't even know that Is that a Alright Alright I'm not
Starting point is 00:46:22 I'm not well versed enough In hip hop to talk about this, but what I am excited about, I saw a picture. Now, listen, young people, y'all may not know that at one point, Fat Joe and Jay-Z were enemies, right? Yeah. So it's a big deal that he did that all the way up. Remakes and blah, blah, blah, so forth and so on, right?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Here we are again with fucking 50 and Cam. Oh, my God. So there's a picture floating around, 50 and Cam. They're both laughing, smiling, having an amazing time. Young people, if you have never heard the exchange between 50 and Cam on Hot 97, you should go listen to it. Curtis! It's classic.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Some of the most classicalists, and yes, I made that word up, radio interviews involve 50 Cent. Oh, yeah. A thousand percent. One way or another. Yeah, I'm not arguing that at all. So, if Cam pops up
Starting point is 00:47:18 on Power looking anything like he looked and paid in full, you can wrap it up, my nigga. It's on. Oh, time out? Wait, stupid me. They might not do that.
Starting point is 00:47:31 50 is doing the BMF shit, right? Yeah. If Cam pops up in any 50-cent produced anything looking like that nigga from Paid in Full, it's on. It's on. Wait, young people, go watch Peyton Fultz. They might not know.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Another Makai Pfeiffer, classic. Yeah. I can't even joke on that one, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That wasn't Omar Epps playing Rich Porter. Oh, man, what an amazing fucking flick that was.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Might have to watch that later. Right? Oh, I watched it. Just because. I watch it biweekly. You got to. It's a classic. Killer season two. Yep. I I watch it biweekly. You got to. It's a classic. Killer Season 2.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Yep. I was going to say that one. Killer Season is definitely one you have to watch if you watch Payton Ford. Wait, Killer Season 2? No. The movie Killer Season. Killer Season also is what he was saying. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Got it. All right. What's happening? Wait, wait. Killer Season 2 came out. Cam keeps saying it's coming out. Wait, wait. You ever released a copy?
Starting point is 00:48:22 Wait a minute. Roy's got the exclusive. Cam been saying Killer Season 2 and the Cousin Bang movie is coming, and they ain't coming. Yo, what happened to Cousin Bang? He's locked up. Well, real quick. Free Cousin Bang. And I know this one is on a smaller scale, but in New York it was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Two more people who popped up in a picture together over the weekend was Prodigy and True Life. Yes. Seriously? That was the other one I saw. Yes. So see, I'm much more surprised to that than, I mean, the Cam and 50 shit, they beef, but they wasn't like the Jay and Fat Joe shit where people were hurt. And to your new fans out there, go on YouTube and just type in True Life.
Starting point is 00:49:02 T-R-U-L-I-F-E. The best part of the 50 Cam shit was the phone call. I mean, I like funeral music. The Curtis shit was funny. The Curtis shit was funny. And then he named his album Curtis, so it was even funnier. Yeah, no, I loved all of that shit. It was great, but not True Life and Prodigy are hanging out.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Alan from E1 got on the phone on a Hot 97 interview. Come on, and got hung up on. Connection must be breaking up. Yeah, fuck out of here, Allen. What was you just saying? Prodigy and True Life. Yeah, that's a big deal. That's a huge deal.
Starting point is 00:49:35 That's a huge deal. Shout out to True Life. I almost didn't recognize him without the braids. Without the braids, yeah. I like it. I like it. Prodigy still looks like Prodigy. That was good.
Starting point is 00:49:47 That was good to see. Oh, that's what I wanted to talk about. So fucking shout out to Drake for bringing Dipset out. And Boogie. Cam. Cam. And Boogie. Cam and Jewels. That was not Dipset. That wasn't Dipset. Oh, and did you see speaking of. Yeah, because J.R. Ryder wasn't there either.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Rory. Rory. Did you see Jim's comment on the 50 Cam picture? I see, speaking of... Yeah, because J.R. Ryder wasn't there either. Rory. Did you see Jim's comment on the 50 cam picture? I'm sorry, there's something wrong with J.R. Ryder and Hellrell? Go on. No. What was the comment? L.O.L. This nigga's still a bird.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I heard Jim on the Rap Radar podcast, and he sounded like he was in a great place. He sounded much more mature. He just sounded like he's fine. Everything's peaceful in his life. He didn't sound angry. He sounded great. He didn't seem angry there.
Starting point is 00:50:36 No, that's why I think that's even funnier, because I can see him smiling in his living room. He's still a bird. Still a bird. I don't know what happened, but apparently there was, during that whole Dipset reunion, Jim said he recorded a bunch of shit.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And the next thing you know, Cam is putting out records without his verse on it. And then Cam commented on that and said people get their verses taken off every day, B. You be aight. No, that was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:51:01 That was hilarious. That was funny. Even though I don't know Speaking of Killer Season 2 Where's Cam'ron and A-Track's Mixtape Cause they were two for two
Starting point is 00:51:09 With Dipshits And the other record I forgot the name of it But they took it off SoundCloud and YouTube And it's really hard to find Ice I'm sure you have it I don't remember the name
Starting point is 00:51:19 I wouldn't be so quick To talk to Jim Jones like that That nigga be putting up A whole lot of them dumbbells And shit in the gym Oh Jim will fuck somebody up I quick to talk to Jim Jones like that. That nigga be putting up a whole lot of them dumbbells and shit in the gym. Oh, Jim will fuck somebody up. Hey, this new Jim Jones, that nigga be in there lifting shit that be hurting me on my living room couch. I'd be on the couch like, all right, no, I'm not watching that.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Nope, ain't going to give me a hernia. I don't know what they doing in there. That nigga strong. Man, that was all I had. That was strong Man that was all I had That was it That was all I had about that Jim Jones he You know He married family man
Starting point is 00:51:49 Trying to find any way To get out the house So he picked up Lift and weights Juelz is still telling us That Juelz gonna sign to OVO He has a project coming right
Starting point is 00:51:59 Reagan Arizona way He gonna sign to OVO Yeah Yeah wait Alright so then We'll never hear from him. No, you'll hear it on Drake's next album. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:52:12 So after that, is there anything we skipped from the last podcast that we spoke about? Yes. Oh, The Night Of. The Night Of. The Night fucking Of. The greatest show on TV outside of Power right now. Even though Power's been kind of lackluster. The greatest show on TV, period Power right now. Even though Power's been kind of lackluster. The greatest show on TV,
Starting point is 00:52:26 period. I might agree. Just because Power's been lackluster in the past. Power's not better than the Night Of currently. Yeah, it's been lackluster. I'm much more invested in the Night Of. But Power has overall, they have seasons. Night Of has five episodes.
Starting point is 00:52:42 So I can't give the Night Of that yet. Came in the game putting up 40 off the list. The first five episodes of the Night Of has five episodes, so I can't give the Night Of that yet. Came in the game putting up 40 off the grid. The first five episodes of the Night Of is better than the first five episodes of season one and Power 2. And season two. I'm talking about what's tangible. Power as a series.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Oh no, we wouldn't compare the two. That's what I'm saying, guys. Oh, okay. Alright, fine, you're right. Power, though, let me get back to Courtney, 50. That whole, fine. You're right. Power, though. Let me get back to Courtney50. That whole little dick publicity stunt 50 did with the whole on Instagram. Oh, shit, y'all. I saw three edits. My dick wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Now my dick is there. 50, you can't fool a real nigga. We know already. Now, I know I'm going to get some slack here for this, but whatever. I know I'm going to get some slack here for this, but whatever. I'm so nonchalant about shit that should be a difficult decision sometimes. It's fine. Our podcast is relevant.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I know I'm going to get some slack, but whatever. Hey, power ain't been that great this season. I don't care about a jukebox little escort prostitute girlfriend that's jerking 50 off to do whatever. That's whack to me. I don't care about it. It's a buildup, though. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Hey, I'm going to fuck them. I'm aware of what they're doing, and I'm waiting for it because Tower is one of my favorite shows. Okay. So I am waiting for it. Are you saying it's taking too long to develop? I'm saying that, boy, it better come when it come. And I only got that because I saw the for it. Are you saying it's taking too long to develop? I'm saying that, boy, it better come when it come. And I only got that because I saw the Courtney girl.
Starting point is 00:54:09 A lot of people have been saying Ghost has gone soft. And I never said that until last week. And then after this week's episode, I saw the producer Courtney tweet, so do y'all think Ghost still soft now or what? Which got me to think, and I hope you ain't think he ain't do some super amazing tough shit. We still think he's soft. That was what we're judging. So that just gave me cause for concern that she think we supposed to think Ghost is so tough now.
Starting point is 00:54:37 So I hope they got some more shit coming than that. I need to see more than Ghost shooting at the car for like two whole rounds, five whole rounds, and then the car driving off. Yeah. That pissed me off. Twitter going to make them do reshoots. If I reshoot right now. That pissed me off when I saw that one.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I'm like, wait, you walked up on the car. Everybody's looking to their right. You walked up from the left, and they still were going to come off with two guns. Stood there. Yeah, and the car drove off. That's to the new niggas listening. That's called getting the drop on somebody. Ghost had the drop on him.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Hey, Courtney from Power. Omar from The Wire would never let that happen. That would never happen with Omar. Oh, no. But, hey, one shot. That car done. One shot. One bullet.
Starting point is 00:55:22 That whole car going with an O-roller whistling. Yeah. So, listen, I don't care about the little escort bitch. 50 one shot. One bullet. That whole car going with O'Rola whistling. So listen, I don't care about the little escort bitch. 50 is hurt, so I don't care about... He need to get back to New York. I don't care about him in Baltimore. The jukebox bitch, I fuck with her. I don't fuck with all of them little kids she got doing whatever she's doing.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Ghost in the club, the new white girl talking about, you need to get popping on Instagram. I don't care about any of that. That's gonna come back to haunt him. Yeah. Like, what are you doing, Ghost? Come club, the new white girl. You need to get popping on Instagram. I don't care about any of that. That's going to come back to haunt him. Yeah. What are you doing, Ghost? You on Instagram looking like the Instagram dots? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:55:55 But anyway, the night of. There we go. Free my nigga Nas. Oh, Nas. Free Nas, B. You're not sold on Nas. Nas might have did it. That's why. After last, I on Nas. Nas might have did it. That's why.
Starting point is 00:56:06 After last, I said that. Nas might have done it. Okay. Nas woke up and they described the crime scene as Gettysburg. Nas woke up in that kitchen with not a single bit of blood on his clothes or on his skin. There's no way his high ass bleached all his clothes, dried them, put them back on, then fell asleep at the kitchen table and don't remember none of that shit. You know how many times I put on a brand new
Starting point is 00:56:30 outfit and fake slept? After you killed somebody? After you killed a bitch in bed? After I killed a bitch in bed! That happens all of the time, nigga. What the fuck you talking about? My bad, bro. I'm not ruling Naz out as a suspect.
Starting point is 00:56:45 He looking too crazy in jail, all the rage and shit. And outside that. What you mean? He running the prison now. Clearly. That's Naz Supreme. He is running the prison. That's Shawshank Renation.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I hope he got it. That was a horrible joke. That was such a bad joke. Jesus Christ. You better than that. Poor drink. Poor drink. Poor drink. Oh, goddamn. Marissa left. And now I bad joke. Jesus, Roy. You're better than that. Poor drink. Poor drink. Poor drink.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Oh, goddamn. Marissa left. And now I'm just, oh, man. We'll get through it. We'll get through it. We'll get through it. It's post-traumatic
Starting point is 00:57:14 Mahdi. I'm a little hard, bro. You could have called him like Nas Abizi or something. That was dope. Cool hand Nas if you're old
Starting point is 00:57:21 and no cool hand Luke. Never mind. Nas Abizi was really dope, but you're not getting credit because you have more time Than Roy To think of it Yeah I kind of
Starting point is 00:57:28 I was going to say Shawshank Redemption And then I tried to put Nas In the last second Oh god No not It was just not a good joke So Nas
Starting point is 00:57:34 Nas got a haircut Nas did a push up or two Nas done Kicked the dude Stomped him a nigga out He done stomped the nigga out And still got cursed out On the way out
Starting point is 00:57:43 Now Nas was a pussy Yeah how you fuck up a on the way out. Yo, Nas is a pussy. Yeah, how you fuck up a stomp out when he already down? Nas bitch that he loves so much, his little Hindu lawyer bitch. She ain't really feeling the new cut. Like, she looking at him a little shady. Nah, this ain't you. You don't look like the little. I like the innocent looking ones.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nas is catfishing him. I'm saying, yeah. He's losing his bitch. What's going on? He's getting prison tax next episode. I can see it. Dwayne Reed about to clap Josh Stone head off his fucking shoulder.
Starting point is 00:58:15 This show is going crazy. I don't really see how they're going. Yeah, that feetless motherfucker got some balls chasing Dwayne Reed down like that. Dwayne Reed ain't with the bullshit either. Do we think Dwayne Reed is the gentleman on the motorcycle in the first episode at the light? No. I don't.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I don't. No. Not at all. I think that's just another great shot by this show. Yeah. And they have a bunch of those just to have you sitting there questioning everything you see. I don't think the guy in the hearse is ever going to be back in the show again
Starting point is 00:58:40 unless they question him from the night. I don't think he has anything to do with it. He's going to get questioned. I don't think he has anything to do with it. He will be getting questioned. I don't think he has anything to do with it. He will absolutely be getting Well, he's a witness. No, I'm saying, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:50 the way Dwayne Reed... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. To be quite honest, I don't know if Dwayne Reed got anything to do with this shit. I don't think he does. I don't think he does either. I think he's running
Starting point is 00:58:57 because he lives an illegal life. I don't think he has shit to do with none of that shit that happened. I don't know. I don't think Bodie got in him either. I need to know more. I need to know more. I don't know. I don't think Bodhi got in him either. I need to know more.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I need to know more. I don't even know his name in the real show. What is his name in the real show? It's Bodhi. It is Bodhi. That's his name
Starting point is 00:59:12 in real life. That nigga's name is Bodhi. That's his name, Bodhi. That nigga's name is Bodhi. I need to know more about this bitch.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I need to know who her ex-boyfriend was. What's they Instagram and Twitter? Oh, remember they was arguing. Not for real. We got a piece that's together. What was she Instagram? Remember they was arguing. Not for real. We got to piece this together.
Starting point is 00:59:27 What was she into? They were arguing. Some two guys were arguing at the funeral. Yeah, man. Yeah, dog. I'm not rolling with that. She got a questionable past. Something's happening with that fridge because the fridge was open when Nas woke up and then I think when the detectives were in there, correct me if I'm wrong, they left the fridge open again and they left
Starting point is 00:59:43 it on screen. The deer head, obviously. The cat has something to do with something. I think when the detectives were in there, correct me if I'm wrong, they left the fridge open again and they left it on screen. The deer head, obviously. The cat has something to do with something. I do think the cat got something to do with it. All right, by the way, guys, if you listeners out there plan on watching the show, spoiler alert. Hey, look, we five eps in.
Starting point is 00:59:58 If you hear now, you... I only say that because fucking poor Jarrett is in the engineering room like, damn, this show sounds pretty good they're talking about. I might want to check it out. And we're like, so then.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Nigga went to jail, right, Jeremy? It's a great show, Jeremy, though. You should check it out. Check it out. The Night Of, it airs Sunday nights at 9 o'clock on HBO. Today, fucking Sin looked at me and said, yo, I'm so mad that it's only Wednesday. Nah, don't watch this week, though. That way you can watch two episodes next week
Starting point is 01:00:27 like y'all plan on me doing this shit. I was going to do that. He said that faggot shit? Yeah, he said that bullshit. Yo, dog, I'm not going to watch this week. Don't worry about it. I'm going to wait. I said it and was so serious, and it just so happens,
Starting point is 01:00:39 God would have it that the second I say it and don't do it, in episode five, the cliffhanger, I hated it. I couldn't stand it. Don't show me John Stone in flip flops. No, with the heavenly light now. Dwayne Reed somewhere with the ham about the clock.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Don't end the show. That pissed me off when that went off. This blue light started flickering. I'm like, what the fuck was that? Did Dwayne Reed smack this nigga? Yo, man, send that shit on. I said, well, nah, they're not ending. pissing me off when that went off this blue light started flickering I'm like what the fuck was that did he get Dwayne Reed yo man send that shit on and all I said well
Starting point is 01:01:07 nah they not ending they not cause she said yo no what the fuck I said nah they not ending
Starting point is 01:01:12 man that fucking credits check the clock like oh shit it's 10 o'clock might need the night of party Sunday
Starting point is 01:01:21 Sunday will there be hoes there will be. How can I? Well, no, here's the thing with the watch parties that I hate, because sometimes people that don't watch the show end up there and start fucking talking and asking questions. I'm trying to watch the motherfucking show.
Starting point is 01:01:36 So let me tell you, my neighbor Chanel, who was glued to suit, we told our last conversation about the night of. She went and she's caught up. She's ready for Sunday. Anybody we've told, they've caught up immediately. Rory's caught up. Ice told me.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I caught up. Damn near one day. I told since she's caught up. I was so mad. Who else is there? Podcast listeners. Y'all don't understand. I talk to Joe every day.
Starting point is 01:02:00 I'm like, dog, what you doing? Yo, check this out. It's a show. HBO, you need to watch this. I'll get to it. I'm watching Suits and nigga listed 38 other shows. I'm like, dog, what you doing? Yo, check this out. It's a show. HBO, you need to watch this. I get to it. I'm watching Suits and nigga Listed. 38 other shows. I'm like, all right, cool.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Next day, yo, dog, you watch that show yet? No. It was a week. I was doing this, and I had to go get coffee. Well, only because you said. And I do hate when Joe does the show thing. Like, yo, you don't watch this on TV? You don't watch this? Dog? You don't watch this?
Starting point is 01:02:25 I don't have a rapper schedule. I work. But he has a rapper schedule. That's what I'm saying. How could you not watch it? You're always like, how do you not watch this show? Because I have like five hours max at the end of my day to do anything. Are you saying I normally say that?
Starting point is 01:02:38 What shows? Every show in the world. I don't feel like I watch a lot of shows. Here, I'll come clean. Fucking just a few days ago was my first time ever seeing episode one, season one of Ray Donovan.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Yeah, I just watched that the other night. I haven't watched it. My father speaks extremely highly of that show. And it looks, it looks really good.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I'm going to continue. I'm going to go home and watch some more of it. I plan on doing it. But TV is too good to keep up with. Ice has put me on The Wentworth What else
Starting point is 01:03:09 Ice has put me on The Too Much Shit You can't keep up With it all You can't Stranger Things on Netflix I'm gonna try to start Oh my god
Starting point is 01:03:16 I've been hearing about that I'm gonna try to start it tonight Yeah me too That's in the That's when the That's when the kids Looking for the aliens right Some shit like that
Starting point is 01:03:23 Yeah But every person I've spoken to Speaks so fucking Highly of it That I have to watch it Yeah no A bunch of people told me About strange
Starting point is 01:03:30 Strange things Or stranger things I think it's stranger things We need to see that Yeah you know what All podcast listeners Catch up Because we're going to
Starting point is 01:03:38 Talk about it next week How far is it This is only Season one right Yeah it's only season one I don't even think Season one is done yet But I'm saying how far is it?
Starting point is 01:03:45 It's a couple episodes in. I don't know. I'm going to figure it out. So wait, it's a Netflix show? Jeremy is saying they're eight in or eight for the season. All right, Jeremy's saying that Netflix put out all the episodes so we can watch them at once. Sound like a binge watch thing. I'm with it.
Starting point is 01:03:59 That's why Netflix is real, though. Yeah, but let me tell you why Netflix is not real. Y'all told me that Orange is the New Black was the shit. It ain't. Y'all told me that fucking Daredevil Season 2. Well, nobody told me that. I kind of hyped myself up off of that because the first season was so great. Daredevil Part 2, guess what?
Starting point is 01:04:17 Nah. I'm cool on that one too. Punisher. Oh, shit. It's wild. Oh, shit. In defense, I've been telling you about Wentworth for a minute. Wentworth is the shit. It's wild. It's whole shit. You're the punishment. In defense, I've been telling you about Wentworth for a minute.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Wentworth is the shit and I ain't seen but a couple episodes and it's way better than that Orange is the New Black fuck shit that they stole. I tell everybody, I say check it out.
Starting point is 01:04:34 If you watch two episodes of Wentworth, you done with Orange is the New Black. Watch 10 minutes of Wentworth and you will laugh at anything Orange is the New Black has ever done.
Starting point is 01:04:43 But I'm not going to shit on everything the ladies like. Because I've been doing a good job of getting away from my misogynistic. Well, you are misogynistic. Yeah, but I'm trying to get away from people. To wrap up the night off. Are you just a cold dude and you're getting back to your ways? No, he's just a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:04:57 That's all he is. I'm getting back to my ways. Back to my ways? Or however he said that, Bar? I'm going to punch Drake on his face. I swear to God. I'm going to punch Drake in the face. I swear to God. I'm going to punch. Wait, where did he at?
Starting point is 01:05:13 I can see why a nigga just took off on that nigga, man. I mean, you know. He became what you almost was. Because when he ran in that little, I didn't believe the run into stadium, by the way. The viral video of Drake running in the stadium to save his man or some shit. I didn't see that. Yes, you did. You saw it. You probably don't remember that this was what we're
Starting point is 01:05:34 talking about. You didn't see it. You had to see it. It was running in the stadium in D.C. D.C. Drake running in to fight someone. His man got into it with something. He had the money on through. The money took off running like he was with that action. Yeah. I never saw anything about that.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Oh, you're joking. I showed that to Rory. Yeah, because you wouldn't even get the funny joke then. All right, yeah, yeah. Well, to wrap up the night of, I do love that show just because of the casting. Because I love shows that don't always go to run to the fucking actor that we all know and plays that typical role. Nas looks
Starting point is 01:06:10 like a typical dude from Jackson Heights that makes a lot of sense to me. That girl looked like a creepy bitch you would run into in the East Village. I've dated that bitch. No, I picked that bitch up in a cab and killed her. I know exactly what that shit is about. I wanted to kill Lux, too.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Like, can you leave her out of this? Yo, every... I like Lux. I like Lux as my bitch. But every white girl that lives like a little wild is Lux to me. I love Lux. I got to call Lux. I ignored fucking Lux.
Starting point is 01:06:41 That girl is kind of Lux. That is Lux. That's my point. If that girl is not Lux, I ignored fucking Lux. That girl is kind of Lux. That is Lux. That's my point. If that girl is not Lux, then who is Lux? Fuck. Lux not even herself? No. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Shit. If I'm Carlos Boozer, that's Lux. Damn it. Who I unfollow, by the way. I had to unfollow Carlos Boozer. But no, the casting is so New York. Wait, hold on. Let me just Carlos Boozer real quick.
Starting point is 01:07:02 No, that's my guy. Yeah, but dog, you sipping fucking pink drinks out of straw. I can't look at it. The beard's never done. It's always a bad angle to pick. It's just too much. Don't be mad because people mistaken him for you. It's too much.
Starting point is 01:07:18 You're doing too much whack shit with a face that's almost like mine. So Carlos couldn't say the same for you with wax shit? Carlos couldn't say he don't follow you because you run around with rocks and holes in your tank top. And then he'd get hit with a rock. So I mean, he could say that, but just know.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Yo, we roll with different rocks, B. It's a basketball. It's a real rock. It's a real rock, Duke. Triple entendre. Don't even ask me how. But wait, why didn't J1? All right, there's a few questions in hip hop that need to be answered.
Starting point is 01:07:57 One, who did the math in Foxy Brown's affirmative action verse? That's important in hip hop. We never got an answer. It was definitely Nature. Why does it seem like Nature would be the nigga, right? To try to sound mad smart and then fuck the map up. Nature's my nigga too. Don't do that.
Starting point is 01:08:20 No, no. Nature had whatever. Can someone tweet me what Nature's album was with the red cover? Because I love that album, and I can't find the CD. I don't remember. I think it was Nature's only album. Red cover. It has a red cover, and it was a great fucking album. Oh, red and black.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Anyways. That was a hip-hop joke that y'all wouldn't understand. Joe's right, though. There is some. Yeah, foxy shit. We need to know where those 92 bricks went. I got a question. This is my bad answer.
Starting point is 01:08:47 That's question number one. I just want to ask Fab who's on the $100 bill. Because he said, I spend 10 minutes in nightclubs with pocket full of green with Duke on it that invented the light bulb. And I graduated and Edison invented the light bulb and he's not on no money. But you know. Let me see. Now I'm broke so I don't know who's on
Starting point is 01:09:12 what. So alright. Thomas Edison he's talking about? That's what his bar is talking about. But Edison is not on. But he met Ben Franklin the dude that discovered electricity. He just tried to be smart but mixed it up real bad. Nah. Fab was dude that discovered electricity. He just tried to be smart, but mixed it up real bad. Nah, Fab was busy.
Starting point is 01:09:28 That's all. Fab was trying to find a studio. Did Fab ever find a studio? See, that's the other question. It's mad. No, we know that. Fab found the fucking studio. Fab did find a studio.
Starting point is 01:09:39 I want to hear that fucking. You know, yeah, I want to hear that. Damn. What's some other ones? Is Biz ever gonna leak the DMs big hip hop question that's not a hip hop
Starting point is 01:09:48 question man well my 24 hours is up so I just wasn't sure if he was ever gonna leak them alright Jesus man
Starting point is 01:09:54 did you show Roy the video oh here here go the video show Roy the video I'll keep talking in the meantime um
Starting point is 01:10:02 yo I feel so bad football season I know we still folk about this football season's here women didn't really take advantage Keep talking in the meantime. Yeah, I feel so bad. Football season. I know we used to folk about this. Football season's here. Women didn't really take advantage of the summertime. I didn't see a lot of sun dresses. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Why did he come in with the high elbows?
Starting point is 01:10:20 Like the mad middle-aged mother whose son didn't go into the soccer game. But you never saw that video for real? No, I need to see this again. No, I've never seen this. Have you ever seen an angry white mom that son didn't get in the basketball game? Yes. We're aware. That's Drake walking in the stadium.
Starting point is 01:10:41 These are all the jokes you missed when that video surfed. We saw this already, bro. Yeah. We had a great time with that. I must have been on vacation. That was one of them hold me back. You know, you got the loud one like, yo, I'm going to fuck y'all up. Yo, hold me back, hold me back.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah. When security's there. Yeah. That's the pop off because security there. Of course. Troy Ave is suing Irving Plaza, by the way. Good for him. Yep.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I do think he has a case. He has a very good case. Oh, fuck yeah, he has a case. If he has a case there, then doesn't he have a case with the other shit no i take that back i answer myself no no those two things work with his defense because that wasn't his gun according to his story and they let that gun in there it makes that that is true we've still seen you chase it after a motherfucker shooting. Explain that one. Oh, that's another one that's in that crowded release for this Friday.
Starting point is 01:11:28 You can do anything with Photoshop these days. He has an album, too. Yo, did you say... It was Photoshop. Man, you're gonna throw that... If R. Kelly could get away with saying some shit was digitally enhanced. That wasn't R. Kelly, by the way.
Starting point is 01:11:49 See? It wasn't Troy Ave either. Oh, that was some shit we skipped. No, that really wasn't R. Kelly, though. That bitch was bad. Wait, which one? Because he fucked a bunch of them little kids. But one of them chicks that was in his crib that was on all fours in her ass,
Starting point is 01:12:05 it was only one that was bad. Where it was like, yo, these are kids, bro. No, this bitch wasn't a kid. This was just one of his sex tapes. When he did whatever he did with the kid. DVD collection? You got some shit. I didn't see that one.
Starting point is 01:12:19 No, I'm just old enough to remember what happened. Fucking behind the scenes director's testimony shit? No. You got the confessional where they talking about the birth. I get it, my bad. behind the scenes director's testimony shit? Nah, y'all don't give me that. You got the confessional when they talking about the word. Alright, I get it,
Starting point is 01:12:27 my bad. I'm sitting here trying to add logic. Alright, we getting jokes off, my bad. Yo, you can never interrupt
Starting point is 01:12:33 when niggas are getting jokes off. I apologize. Y'all go ahead. What else do I have? You have the 10th anniversary re-release in high definition. I have the title. I have the title.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Stream. The stream of it. What else do I have? Let's talk about it. Come on. Fuck y'all niggas. I know. You were talking about fucking kids.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Go ahead, bro. R. Kelly and his 19-year-old girlfriend. Who's cute? She's cute. She's a pretty girl. Let me tell you, 19-year-old, y'all bitches supposed to be cute at 19. Like, everything is supposed to be in place. You're not supposed to have a bunch of scars because you fell down a bunch like me.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Yeah, I'm not going to be the super liberal guy here. Of course, case-by-case basis with individuals, but what on earth does a fucking 49-year-old man have in common with a 19-year-old? What are the two of them talking about? That's where it's creepy to me. And you have all them fucking allegations of being attracted to young women. I need more context to decide. How much more context do you need?
Starting point is 01:13:36 You have the whole DVD box set. How much more context do you need, bro? Just go watch the whole, go home and watch your DVDs. He probably got this shit On his phone Is R. Kelly in college? Did he go to college At some point?
Starting point is 01:13:52 Went back to get his degree Because they could be Talking about college What else could they Be talking about? I can think of a few things They could talk about Well you've dated
Starting point is 01:13:59 19 year old women So I get it I've never been 49 though Well only on Twitter Well I was about to say According to Twitter you are 49 years old. According to Twitter I'm not 35. I'm lying.
Starting point is 01:14:10 35 is my industry age. Why is that? Because my beard be looking like Velcro sometimes? You and Beyonce are not in y'all 30s. I don't know how old Ross say he is but all y'all are like 45 years old
Starting point is 01:14:25 Rory this is the Beehive 100% Beehive coming for you Oh shit Yo Jeremy can we edit that Yo if you want If the Beehive come for you I'll tell
Starting point is 01:14:33 I hit M Matter of fact Ebro and I had a Personal conversation Wait so then Oh man I got something for them But wait what had a personal conversation. Wait, so then... Oh, man. I got something for them. But wait, what...
Starting point is 01:14:48 I thought that there was a new rap album coming out soon that I was excited about. Yeah, Travis Scott. When's that album coming out? Next Friday. I'm excited about that.
Starting point is 01:14:58 That's not the album I was thinking of, but I'm excited about it. I'm eager for it. I'm excited. Race Rummert, Travis Scott, French Montana.
Starting point is 01:15:09 French's album hasn't come out yet? He's having a listening session for it right now. Album comes out next week. We weren't invited? I thought Joe would be there. French is going to get
Starting point is 01:15:17 his head barred off if he don't fucking put some respect on my name. Keep it up out there on your little promo run, niggas, like you can rap. I said it last podcast.
Starting point is 01:15:25 I get it. He frustrated. I'd be frustrated, too. No, he can't rap. But still, don't play with me. Didn't he clean you up? He already cleaned you up. I know, I know, I know.
Starting point is 01:15:33 He cleaned you the fuck up. All right, here we go. Come on. No, that's not the jokes, though. No, I know. Straight face. Straight face. Don't be in front of me and tell me What your face is With words
Starting point is 01:15:45 I'm looking at your face Don't try to deflect From the fact that We not joking French Montana got you Up out of here On the All right
Starting point is 01:15:51 Do it again Get me out of here On this hard ass Rockefeller beat That we about to pull up Don't worry about it Y'all I still got the laptop
Starting point is 01:16:01 No Get me out of here Over this fucking Takeover instrumental That I'm gonna rap over for the ninth time. Mad bitches hitting me. Shut up. Why are you taking a fucking call?
Starting point is 01:16:11 I got my assistant meeting me here. Pardon me. Can you take over? Marissa would normally do it. Fucking cripe. I told you. I'm post-traumatic mighty here. I'm losing my mind.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Anyways, Ice, outside of our jokes with his bullshit, Viceland, Michael K. Williams. Yeah, walk in the mind. Anyways, outside of our jokes with his bullshit, Viceland, Michael K. Williams has, can you keep your fucking conversation at hand? Michael K. Williams
Starting point is 01:16:35 with the night of and the Viceland thing. I watched the first episode with Joe's mom as the supporting. For those who don't know uh what rory is referring to michael k williams aka omar that's what we all know him as well other roles but he's yeah he's still omar he's omar uh not as much as bode as bode but he's still bode in real life
Starting point is 01:16:59 still omar like he can walk in here right now was good b good, Bodhi? Bodhi hosted a Lloyd Banks mixtape as Bodhi, by the way. I got a lot of questions. Money in the Bank Part 3, I want to say. But continue. A lot of questions about that. But anyway, so Michael K. Williams has a show on Viceland called Black Market where he goes pretty much into, I almost want to say the criminal underworld, but yeah, basically the criminal underworld.
Starting point is 01:17:27 And he not exposes, but he's just bringing light to certain things. So I've had a bit of an issue with Vice, and maybe I'm not the vessel to speak about it, but it's a little weird. I watched the Michael K. Williams one, the one about Newark. I didn't watch any of the other ones, but I will because I love that first episode. Brick City.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Yeah, no, we get the shorts. And the shirt. We know. I got the Newark jersey on. First of all, my father's side of my family is from Valesburg, from Smith Street in South Orange. I lived on South Orange in Sanford. That's all good. For a while. I'm just saying, this is in a t-shirt. My great-grandmother lived in Ivy Hill
Starting point is 01:18:04 before all y'all Seton Hill, Seton Hall students fucking moved in there. I'm just saying, this is in a t-shirt. My great-grandmother lived in Ivy Hill before all y'all Seton Hall students fucking moved in there. I'm well-versed in Brick City. All my North Americans know, the white tee is not a t-shirt. That's our jersey. God damn it. But I don't like how they throw the fucking corny white guy into South Side Chicago and go, yo, so do you guys shoot each other from this street into this street?
Starting point is 01:18:26 Like, it kind of really feels like y'all just exploiting what's going on in Chicago and not doing anything for it. I agree. That's pretty much. And I don't want to get too D-ray Twitter on people, but it's a little odd with Vice. I have mixed feelings because they create so much great content that I do watch. Sometimes I feel guilty because I know they put out fuck shit too well i think is why i give them credit is with the black market show it's it's like the opposite of that instead of throwing a goofy white kid into norc and say hey why do you guys steal
Starting point is 01:18:56 cars and what are you doing with them they got somebody that's from the hood that's in there that people know and recognize already you see him in the hood so it's a little it's more organic and he's going into places so it's a little bit better is only the hood watching if michael k williams goes into nork are they getting a new audience by throwing that that corny guy in south side chicago no they're not getting a new audience i mean it's people that are going to watch based on what they're talking about. It's exploiting, like you said. So I'm trying to figure out why they do that.
Starting point is 01:19:30 I have no clue. Maybe they don't have another person to throw in there. They say, hey, hey, look, white kid here. Take this mic. Go over there to Chicago and ask them why they're shooting each other. Don't get shot. Yeah, that's very odd to me. Oh, yeah, it's on my device land shit.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Yeah, well, Michael K. Williams I know you were on a Fucking phone call Like a faggot And I had to pay my assistant Somebody has to Do some work around here Michael Williams
Starting point is 01:19:53 You don't pay nobody else In fucking Moon Music Records I told you I'm OVO now So Deadass I pay all the people In Moon Music Records I just don't pay you
Starting point is 01:20:02 OVO Ice Ain't nobody else In Moon Music Records I'm just don't pay you. OVO Ice. Ain't nobody else in Moon Music Records. I'm the only, it's only me. Fuck, I keep firing everybody. All right, Stunner.
Starting point is 01:20:12 I see how you do. I see how you work. Yeah, you bird, man. Yo, you know what I kind of noticed? Hand rub. Hand rub. Yo, you know what I kind of noticed?
Starting point is 01:20:23 You know how Joe dissed like every label head his whole career? He finally becomes a label head and acts just like them. Yeah. Yo, don't say that because I had a nightmare about that. Yeah. Well, it's true. I believe the quote was,
Starting point is 01:20:36 poster child for all you've had a wall against. Which was such a hard line. Posters go up against walls. Oh, shit. Oh, wow. Yo. I didn't even. Damn, shit. Oh, wow. Yo. I didn't even... Damn, I should have checked Rap Genius.
Starting point is 01:20:48 I had no idea. I would have clicked on that link. That's what I'm saying. Yo, thanks, bro. Oh, my God. Don't even ask you how, right? Yeah. Yo.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Yo, wait. Simple entendre. Wait. Posters. Don't even ask me how. Walls. You back. Don't even ask me how. Walls. You back again. Don't ask me how.
Starting point is 01:21:09 How come Jay think can't nobody ask him how something is a triple entendre? Wasn't that a double entendre? No, it was triple. It was triple. Don't ask. My bad. My bad. My bad.
Starting point is 01:21:19 My bad. Triple entendre. Wait, hold on. We're talking about Michael K. Williams. We'll get to that. Now I got to figure out if it's a double or triple. Trillion watt nightclub. Yeah, it's a triple.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Con Edison, trillion watt nightclub, trillion watt and energy. Triple. All right, cool. All right, so Michael Williams, who is a friend of my family, a friend of the family, also attends the same church. Rest in peace to Rev Ron, who was featured in that first episode of Black Market when they were talking about the New Jersey car ring,
Starting point is 01:21:51 car theft ring. He's doing an amazing job. What blows me away, and I don't want to stay on the night of, but what blows me away about the job he's doing on the night of is that character doesn't even call. He's not saying much. Like, it's not a heavy script and it still calls for amazing acting and he's getting it done and as i watch it i'm totally oblivious to the man i know and i guess that's what embodies
Starting point is 01:22:21 an amazing job as an actor and he's doing that He's had an amazing run over this past, what, I want to say the last few years of just shit he's been in. So I want to shout out to Michael Williams and keep doing it. Keep getting it. Yeah. Yep, that was all I wanted to say about Michael Williams. Now, random thought. Don Tripp.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Where's Don Tripp? Don Tripp made that song about him and his kid, and I felt all bad, and I loved it. And then I never heard from Don Tripp again. Or his kid. Does he have the kid? I'm curious what part of your brain this just came from. I don't know, bro.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I don't know. Wait, do y'all know the Don Tripp song I'm talking about? Yeah, let it to my son. Tell me that song wasn't the hardest shit ever for like a month. I don't know, bro. I don't know. Wait, do y'all know the Dawn Tripp song I'm talking about? Yeah, let it to my son. Tell me that song wasn't the hardest shit ever for like a month. I actually trolled that record. And then we never heard nothing. Yeah, you should feel that record. You don't have kids.
Starting point is 01:23:13 You don't see. I said I trolled the record. No, and I'm saying you should feel the record. Why would I feel the record? Because you are in the same boat with your kids. I don't have kids, though. That's my point. I know.
Starting point is 01:23:23 That's exactly my point. That's horrible. Ice, man. I'm't have kids, though. That's my point. That's exactly my point. That's horrible. Ice, man. I'm seeing your baby moms on IG, my nigga. She been wilding. Fuck out of here, B. Oh, you an ass. I know who you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:23:34 I don't know what I'm saying, what's happening in this trail. I want everybody to... Listen, I got my kid and my life. I want everybody to take care of their kids. Trey, what up, man? Hey, hey. Let me tell you something. Take care of your kid expensive.
Starting point is 01:23:44 God damn it. Woo. Don't let your kid start getting hobbies. Oh, man. Don't let them learn about life. Jesus Christ. Don't let your. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Oh, wait, wait, wait. No, no. We have to discuss this real quick before we end on a light note here. This is how I know I'm old. Periscope, y'all hear me out there? Listen, this is how I know I'm old. Periscope, y'all hear me out there? Listen, this is how I know I'm old. So my kid comes over to my house. He's got his little fucking Xbox game in his book bag.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Right? He says, Pop, can I hook my Xbox up to your screen that's mounted on the wall? This is in your room or in the living room? In the living room. So I say, I don't know how to hook a game up. I don't know how to hook that TV up. I don't know shit about shit. Don't fuck nothing up on that TV.
Starting point is 01:24:36 If you want to get it done, fine. Get it done. Have a blast. That shit just looked delicate in your living room. Yeah. Like it looked like one little touch and that shit would fall. I walked in, I'm like, dog, why are you playing
Starting point is 01:24:46 with this? Use that one on the wall. He's like, I don't know how. So Ice comes in. Here, man, put this wire in. He hooks up, he hooks up the fucking Xbox for my kid.
Starting point is 01:24:55 My kid is, my house is not very kid friendly, so it's not much kid shit to do there. So I was happy that he had the Xbox, right? So he puts these
Starting point is 01:25:03 headphones on. And he's sitting playing a video game that looks real. 2K. With headphones on. And he's talking to his friends in the headphones. No, he's not talking. He's barking on them. But he's listening.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Trey was barking on somebody? No, they was arguing. They was beefing. Oh, wait, be clear. How does Trey beef? All right? No, they was arguing They was beefing Oh wait, be clear How does Trey beef? Alright, Rory Be clear about this little nigga Trey is the quietest little nigga
Starting point is 01:25:31 Oh no, no, no He's a button No, he's not He puts that voice on for adults And he talked to the kids like a nigga Interesting Yeah, yeah He don't have me fooled
Starting point is 01:25:44 He got his mom fooled He don't have me fooled. He got his mom fooled. He was wild. He can't fool me. So wait, so he's got these headphones on. His kids are talking in the headphones. I mean, his friends are talking in the headphones. He's talking in the headphones, and they're all playing at the same time. The video game.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah. This is normal, by the way. Nigga, we can't. You're not 35. We had Duck Hunt. Maybe Twitter is right. We had Duck Hunt. Maybe Twitter is right. We had Duck Hunt. Duck Hunt was fire, by the way.
Starting point is 01:26:09 And a little bullshit gun. By the way, you're a faggot if you didn't put the gun on the screen. We had a bullshit gun that would... You know how many times I shot at the right bird and the shit didn't die? Fucking dog popper. Let me tell you idiots what we had as kids. I had fucking Metroid. I had a bunch of bullshit.
Starting point is 01:26:30 This nigga's talking to his friends in the headphones so I'm amazed by this shit. Right? So I'm now screaming on this nigga. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:26:37 hey, nigga, give me them fucking headphones and let me see what's going on there. I grab the headphones. It's mad little lunch labor. It's like a lunch table. It's like a lunch table. It's like seven kids in there.
Starting point is 01:26:46 They all talking and shit. So now I'm the whack dad. I'm like, hey, what are you little fucktards doing? Man, I heard some little 14-year-old voice about, what's popping slime? Who the fuck is you talking to? What's popping slime? Which is crazy because you can't take any rocks
Starting point is 01:27:04 and throw them at the headphones. You was probably befuddled or whatever that word was. I'm a parent. You don't fucking ask me what's popping slime as a dad. Nah, nigga. I'll fuck you up. And you can't throw a rock. Yeah, I get your frustration. So yeah, I was pretty amazed by
Starting point is 01:27:20 that. That's amazing to me. Side note to that story. Funny part, one of the kids was named joe so trey has the head still naming their kids joe shut the fuck up that's wild why are you naming your kid joe your name is rory like it's a dope ass name he's king and gaelic wait what's it mean king and gaelic. Wait, what's it mean? King and Gaelic, which is Irish. Yo, my nigga, don't you ever explain that again. Just say it's dope.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Did he say Gaelic? Are you laughing at the native language of Ireland? I don't know what Gaelic means, nigga. I'm real. It means king and Gaelic. What is a Gaelic? I don't know. Well, if you were to ask it, it would be the native language of Ireland. I'm not asking.
Starting point is 01:28:10 I'm giving my fucking jokes off, nigga. Fuck Gaelic, king and Gaelic. Anyway, so the nigga name was Joe. What happened? The nigga name was Joe. Trey talking to him and say some shit like, yeah, we ready, Joe. All you hear is this nigga here. Yo, my name is dad, not no fucking Joe.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Who the fuck you talking to? Yeah, they done called me. He's like, yo, I'm talking to the kid in the head. Nah, nah, give him another name. You can't say Joe. Yeah, call your little friend Joe something else while you sitting with your fucking father whose name is Joe. Don't fucking play with me like that, nigga. I ain't going to be one of the niggas like the fucking white parents in the airport that their little kid
Starting point is 01:28:45 is acting a fool. Jessica! Stop Jessica! Please! Sit down! No, no. I'll fuck you up. Don't play with me.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Alright, so we covered everything. Right? As soon as we leave here some shit's gonna happen. Oh yeah. Cause that's what happens. French probably dissing you right now. Yup.
Starting point is 01:29:04 I'm about to go over there. Mac and Cheese 4 in stores when? Next Friday, I believe. Next Friday. It's a slew of albums. Because the summer was so fucking quiet. Because you fucked the summer up. I did kind of fuck the summer up on the low.
Starting point is 01:29:18 I can't say all the shit that I feel I should get credit for because it's me. This was a summer that nobody put shit out because every five minutes, here you go. What was the song of the summer? We still don't have one. I'm still giving it to Shmurda. Oh, no. Shmurda gets it again.
Starting point is 01:29:37 Free Shmurda, GS9, nigga. Shit. I wanted to say All The Way Up, but it kind of phased out a little bit. Went down a little bit. It did. As soon as Jay went on it. I think I said this.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Oh, my God. I'm trying to make this podcast, like, beneficial to our lives, and you just keep fucking everything up. Hope keep getting on shit, telling us, hey, we're away in that old on shit. Telling us, hey, where you at, that old man shit? Where you at,
Starting point is 01:30:08 me calling somebody old, man? You went outside and had a cigarette or something else? Word, you good? I'm a troll,
Starting point is 01:30:14 Hov. That's what I'm gonna do. You gonna make that boy Just have a private conversation with fucking Ebro and it'll start. I will say, at parties,
Starting point is 01:30:23 Chance No Problem has gone off more than any record this entire summer. That's where Rory and mine disconnect comes in. Because even if you're right about that, I wouldn't know. No, I am right. It is a very hard song. No, I'm saying at
Starting point is 01:30:37 parties. I'm not saying charts, none of that shit. That record at any party, that's the record you peak with. I'm going to have to say, honestly, I wouldn't go with Song of the Summer. I'm agreeing with you there. I'm saying at parties, that's what goes off the most. That's the 2AM.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. That fucking Kanye fucking Slash Panda shit. Yeah, Panda's the Song of the Summer. Whether you want to give it to Kanye or however you want to break that shit down
Starting point is 01:31:09 because the DJ's playing. Well, you still have to give that to the designer. Of course, Kanye definitely pushed that record. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Just to tell y'all
Starting point is 01:31:15 how nutty I am and y'all can ask Troy. No, making a murderer is not the song of the summer, but. I ain't gonna lie though. I got the fucking
Starting point is 01:31:24 Flex with Tori and Fab. I ain't gonna lie though. I got the fucking Flex with Tory and Fab. It's a hard record though. Flex is great. It's a hard record. That's not the song of the summer either. That video comes out tomorrow. Hey,
Starting point is 01:31:34 Plucks Today! How you fuck up the whole you yelled at me before. It comes out today, technically. Oh yeah. Stupid me.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Alright, yeah. It comes out today. Mr. Hypocrite in the studio today. Featuring Fab, featuring Tory Lanez. The Flex video drops today. A lot of shit drops today. Everything coming soon. Rage in the Machine coming soon. Soon we rage. I had a point that I was getting at. What was that video set?
Starting point is 01:32:00 Anyone fuck on the video set? No. We're professional on the video set. That's whack Nobody fucked And faggy Nobody had sex Oh you know what My man called me
Starting point is 01:32:11 I'm whack for Gaelic But you didn't fuck not one bitch on the video set Nobody got to talk But wait But let me tell y'all Y'all a faggot My man Who shall remain anonymous
Starting point is 01:32:20 Did say that One of the He watched the video I sent him the link And one of the bitches That was a main was like his old one of his old bitches
Starting point is 01:32:28 and then once he started telling me the story I remembered and then I was mad that the bitch was in the video. My memory is really really really really bad. That was a really whack story
Starting point is 01:32:36 because you left mad shit out. No I left out just the name of the person. Yeah but why is it whack? I just left out the name I just left out the name of the person. I kind is it what yeah i just left out the name i just left out the name of the person kind of guess that yeah i mean how many people would it be y'all know who it is
Starting point is 01:32:52 but yeah man no the point of the story was my memory is bad so i want need to start getting better at that so i can remember niggas bitches so i can remember why i don't like the bitch in the first place so i can not put the bitch in the video that was my only point um song of the summer I'm rolling with panda I'm rolling with it I am and oh that's what I was saying as shorty when wait hold up uh back to the night of the theme song the opening song it sounds like Timmy Turner to me I have to listen yeah I have to re-listen when you listen to it just just try to say Timmy Turner to me. I have to listen. Yeah, I'll have to re-listen. When you listen to it, just try to say Timmy Turner to that. That just sounds hard.
Starting point is 01:33:30 I like Desiigner now. Now that I know Desiigner's a kid, I like him. I have a question, and I posed this question on Twitter. Desiigner might be the best kid. It's going to be hilarious when it happens, and you can put me down already.
Starting point is 01:33:42 It's happening. What's future reaction going to be when Desiigner wins this Grammy next year? Because he. For what? Oh, he. What category? Either new rap artist. I don't know if that's.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Well, he's getting a Grammy. Chance is going to win that. Chance is cleaning up the Grammys, by the way. Chance is going to clean up. But Desiigner, that Panda record is going to win him a Grammy. Desiigner. I disagree. Desiigner's on good music, right? Yes. I'm cool with being wrong, but I don't think Desiigner's going to win him a Grammy. I disagree. Designers on good music, right?
Starting point is 01:34:05 Yes. I'm cool with being wrong, but I don't think designers are going to win a Grammy. I see him winning. Call me a hater. I would love to see him win a Grammy. You're a hater.
Starting point is 01:34:13 I just want to see it. I would love to see him win one. For the future trolling that's going to happen. You know me, I'm a troll, so. I don't think future is going to do anything. You have to ignore it.
Starting point is 01:34:22 When you feel a way, you got to ignore it now. That's the new shit. Well, Drake it. When you feel a way, you got to ignore it now. That's the new shit. Well, Drake don't when he feel a way. Shit. Oh, my bad. Sidebar, funny story.
Starting point is 01:34:32 At 2 o'clock in the morning, fucking one of them nights, two weeks ago, three weeks ago, and all that fuck shit was going on. Maybe it was two weeks ago, a week.
Starting point is 01:34:40 A girl called me. We'll protect her anonymity too. She calls me at 2 in the morning, a girl that I've never slept with, never done anything with, and a girl that really has too she calls me at 2 in the morning a girl that I've never slept with never done anything with and a girl that really has no business calling me at 2 in the morning
Starting point is 01:34:49 anytime a man starts out with I never slept with her he definitely fucked but go ahead nah I didn't fuck up this girl I don't fuck with me I don't
Starting point is 01:34:56 I haven't fucked all the bitches that niggas give me credit for fucking I just take the credit I don't nah yo that's not true I mean like nah yo you real but anyway yeah not true. I mean, like, nah, you're real.
Starting point is 01:35:07 But anyway. Yeah, nah, you're lying in your dick. I don't lie in my dick. Go ahead. Tell your story. All right. I was about to say, that's a bold accusation. I got to defend it.
Starting point is 01:35:17 So the bitch calls me at 2 in the morning and says that she was just kicked out of the Drake party, and all he was screaming was, get that bitch out of here. She's with your bud. Now. Oh, you didn't tell me this shit. I didn't hear that one. Because the bitch that said it is a liar. You never believe anything that comes from the girl. Oh, we'll talk after this. I'm
Starting point is 01:35:35 curious to hear this real story. But then, oh yeah, so I'll tell you that story and then I read something else. It's funny. It's not podcast talk. I'll tell y'all later. We had a great podcast, Sleeper Songs. Do you have one? Because I have one. Does the ox cord work, Jeremy?
Starting point is 01:35:50 Don't do the talk back. Jeremy, just nod. Thumbs up. Just nod. Don't do it. Really, really, really, really, really don't. Yeah, don't do that. We're going to get through this.
Starting point is 01:36:02 No, but Periscope. It was not Tahiri, even though I did read that story. I don't know where that story came from. We'll save fantasy football for next week because it'll be closer because I want to do a lot now that there's not women on this podcast as far as sports go. Now I want to go hear that song loud. Turn it up.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Cheers' whole album is hard. I've been singing that. One of the best projects of the year. He's saying a lot of fuck shit too on there that niggas wouldn't say. Huh? He is. A lot of them gospel lines. A lot of those gospel lines I can't hear another rapper ever saying.
Starting point is 01:36:41 I can hear somebody saying that and getting laughed at except for him. Name two. Give me an example. I'm not well-versed in my chant lyrics. All right, then shut the fuck up. No, but I will give it to you if you want to know when we leave the podcast. I do want to know.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Yeah, if you're genuinely interested. Rory, Rory, fam, fam, fam, fam. I'm sorry. Is this my aux cords? You don't know how aux cords work? Yes. I just plugged it in. They all kind of work the same.
Starting point is 01:37:10 My sleeper pick was from last week, but we didn't have an aux cord. My guy Austin Mills has his single out. I'm not getting payola for this. I actually like the song or would not play it because I am batting 1,000 and cleaning up everybody on this podcast as far as sleeper songs go. So I'm not going to tarnish my name. Marissa's not here, so I can't say she's been better than you. You haven't either.
Starting point is 01:37:32 I haven't given a fuck about the sleeper songs. All right, you should care about this podcast then because a lot of people are invested. You should care more. My sleeper song today is kind of hard. These people care about us. You don't care about them? Play your fucking song, dickface. If I hit play on this, Jeremy, it's gonna
Starting point is 01:37:45 sound okay? Turn it down in your fucking iPod phone. My iPod? You mean my 6S? Super ignorant of my sleeper song. No, Ice, no, Ice, you don't get to do a sleeper song. I don't know. Ice gonna play some
Starting point is 01:38:02 bullshit Gucci record. I don't want to hear no new Gucci record. I'm not playing Gucci. Whoa, Roy, this Gucci. Joe Button did not. Whoa, I didn't. This Gucci. I don't know. I just gonna play some bullshit Gucci record. I don't want to hear no new Gucci record. I'm not playing Gucci. Whoa, Roy. Diss this Gucci. Joe Budden did not diss Gucci. Whoa, I didn't. Diss Gucci. I don't want no podcast.
Starting point is 01:38:10 I don't want the sauce. Let me retract to me a fact. Roy, you're fired. You're fired. Yeah. Say my name. Don't be afraid. Go for it, Austin.
Starting point is 01:38:24 With the beat. Come and play. Come and play. Come and play. Turn out the light. I'm definitely in a Miami elevator. Like ice. We try, but we can't stay away. We just always play. We can't stay away.
Starting point is 01:38:50 We just always play a game. I definitely just snorted a line in the bathroom. Yes, sir. Oh, I'm lit. Hey. I want to tell you everything. But I can't speak. I can barely hear. Grab me our mic so we can hear.
Starting point is 01:39:13 I can't speak. WJBMC 101.9. That was brand new Austin Mills. His single. Remember where you heard it first? His single. What's it called? Limelight. Limelight. And the woman singing on you heard it first? His single. What's it called? Limelight.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Limelight. And the woman singing on it, I can never pronounce her name, so I'm not even going to try. Limelight. Limelight is where the shit used to happen. All right, am I going now? Nah. Yeah, you go.
Starting point is 01:39:39 Yeah, yeah. You definitely don't want me going last with what I'm playing. I don't want you going at all. Well, since we have to, I guess. Periscope, y'all Gucci out there? Shout out to everybody listening in on our Periscope live stream. You know what we should start doing? Follow Rory on Twitter at ThisIsRory.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Follow Ice on Twitter at OfficiallyIce. Follow me at Joe Budden. A lot of people a lot of times tweet me and say, hey, can you give me that white guy's at that does the podcast with you? So there it is. Yeah, and you a hater and you don't give it up. Yeah, I don't. I don't feel
Starting point is 01:40:14 like fucking telling niggas about your shit. Telling me your own shit. All right, let's see. You know me, I'm ignorant, so. I see. He about to play Icey as like an Ice theme song. No, he's not. He's absolutely not Fuck outta here
Starting point is 01:40:26 I will Sidebar What it was gonna be Just because you was being a dick Oh they so excited I was gonna play Jaheim Lil nigga ain't mine Okay
Starting point is 01:40:34 But I'm still not gonna do that First of all I have some Them Jaheim questions From the brilliant idiots thing I'm still a little weirded out by it But Anyway
Starting point is 01:40:43 Sleeper pick I'm still I'm still a little uncomfortable about it. Anyway, sleeper pick. I'm still a little uncomfortable. Slim 400 YG. Wait, what? Wait. Slim 400. He better not fuck this up. I swear to God.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Oh, that's funny. We'll be right back. That beat is hard. Game should have had this beat. This is YG. This is Slim. YG. That's a sleeper pic. Wait, what? This is YG. This is Slim. YG's the king. That's a sleeper pic. Wait, what?
Starting point is 01:41:51 This is Slim featuring YG. Dog. Hey, sleeper pic. Watch your fans. Watch your fans. If you don't give me that fucking aux cord, man, with your 88.3 bullshit. In your defense, I think Joe has done, like, an Anita Baker classic on sleeper pics.
Starting point is 01:42:05 I don't care. No, I'm saying I don't think he has any credence to say what's a sleeper pic and what's a not. I don't give a shit. All right, Periscope. That's a sleeper pic. Watch. You'll see the feedback. I like that record.
Starting point is 01:42:15 How can I pause these niggas? I can't pause them, right? Pause that shit. I don't like fucking Periscope. Fine, I will close it. All right, let me see here. Oh, I got to take my case off. Oh, you don't know how to use an aux cord?
Starting point is 01:42:29 Because I didn't bring one. It's like every other aux cord. It's the same as every aux cord. How do you not know? Oh, why are you giving me such a hard time here? Let's see. All right. WJBMC 101.9.
Starting point is 01:42:46 We are back. I'm getting some... Here we go. All right. Oops. All right, let me stop doing that. All right, here we go. This is my sleeper song.
Starting point is 01:42:57 I want to shout out to DJ Badass. I've been playing this song on repeat for about fucking three weeks now. But boy, this song, and not just the song, but the EP, the entire EP is pretty good. This is a lady named Sinead Harnett. The song is called If You Let Me, featuring Graves. This is off an entire EP that she has entirely. There was only four songs on it, but boy, it was hard. Oh, yeah, Ryan played that shit
Starting point is 01:43:26 I like that shit yeah that shit is awesome song super hard yeah a fumbling twist till the truth starts to click there's so much space
Starting point is 01:43:38 in this bed these sheets go for months dreams of your smile I don't wanna be just a memory And I don't wanna feel your wings break free Because without you I'm lost in the breeze I gotta be strong now I gotta show you how I love you like I've never
Starting point is 01:44:07 ever loved somebody I'll give you things you didn't even know you wanted Don't tell me that it's not enough My time is up, you're over us Cause I think I might do anything
Starting point is 01:44:22 for you If you just let me. If you just let me. If you just let me. Just let me. Alright, so yeah, that is Sinead Harnett. If You Let Me, that song is real dope. Real dope.
Starting point is 01:44:51 And that was that, man. We've had a great time. This was fun. For the third time. This was fun. Hopefully we don't have these complications again. Rage in the Machine. We rage soon.
Starting point is 01:45:06 I got some updates coming soon for y'all about that. I'm going to get back in the studio now that I'm done chasing these kids with rocks. Follow me on Twitter and Periscope, and I will leak the entire shit for you. Periscope. If Periscope, follow us on Instagram, Periscope, Twitter. Just don't follow me in the street or to my house or to my driveway in my car, and we will have a good time. Everybody stay safe out there.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Stay blessed. Did we say rest in peace to John Saunders? I think we did. I don't know if it was still left in from when it stopped recording. Well, just in case we did not because we're not going to check, rest in peace to the great And iconic John Saunders One of the forefathers of ESPN Okay
Starting point is 01:45:48 San Francisco, Berkeley Oakland, Marin Richmond, San Jose The place that invents all that tech shit And becomes billionaires in one second Hennypalooza will be there this weekend Buy a ticket and come fuck with me backslash tickets I'll be in the bay this weekend Yeah Buy a ticket and come fuck with me. backslash tickets.
Starting point is 01:46:06 I'll be in the Bay this weekend. Yeah, and if you want to fuck with Ice, I guess some new Iversons are coming out this weekend. Actually, this Friday, the Jadakiss Iversons are coming out. Wait, what? Yeah. Palo Alto.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Palo Alto. I just remembered where the tech place was. Oh, yeah. Sacramento, if you want to make the drive. It's Friday. And that's it. I'll name this podcast later, episode 75. Hope you had a good time.
Starting point is 01:46:31 We will holler at you guys next time we feel like it. I guess that's what it is now. Basically. It's not. We're coming back to be consistent. I swear. I swear. I swear.
Starting point is 01:46:43 We are. I swear. I swear. I swear. I swear.

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