The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 76

Episode Date: August 19, 2016

Episode 76, we are joined by the legendary Star, some great conversation here, enjoy!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. Are we alive? Look at Parks. Yeah, look at Parks. I see you. Rory, this is 76, right? Somewhere. Microphone check. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. Mic check. 1, 2, 1, 2. I will name this podcast later. This is episode number 76.
Starting point is 00:00:17 I am Joe Button. To the left of me, I have Rory Lanes. Do I want to introduce our guest yet? Yeah, I do. I do. I do. You have to give him a proper introduction, though. Well, you do it. The hater. The hater's in the building.
Starting point is 00:00:30 My personal favorite radio personality who I grew up on, we have Star with us today. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Troy Terrain from New Jersey. What part? Scotch Plains, to be exact. Are you still in New Jersey? No, I've been in Pennsylvania close to 30 years. I have a business that I never speak about, which is very lucrative,
Starting point is 00:00:53 and that's the reason why I'm still stationed in Pennsylvania. But Jersey's home. Racist state that it is. Oh, my God. You know, I was just talking to Rory about that because I moved to, I've lived in white areas, right? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:01:10 I would say where you were. I've been hated a lot. We can say where you were last because you're not there anymore. Edgewater is pretty white. Nah, but it's not really white,
Starting point is 00:01:17 white, white. Total was white and they weren't very celebrity friendly and I got kicked the fuck out of there and the cops were at my house every day because of pool parties
Starting point is 00:01:23 and loud music and shit. I'm not sure the new location is the best. This is the whitest area I have ever moved to. That will remain anonymous. Okay. And I'm a little nervous about it. Just as a black man, a young black man, I'm a little nervous about it. And Joe, who I like to just shit on all the time, it's a very nice house.
Starting point is 00:01:44 It looks like a fucking Scarface lives there. Okay. I'm very happy for my friend even though I want to shit shit on all the time. It's a very nice house. It looks like a fucking like Scarface lives there. Okay, okay. I'm very happy for my friend even though I want to shit on him. Thank you. It's a beautiful fucking home. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Listen. That we're going to burn to the ground. No, we're not. No, we're going to act like we have cooth. No. Cooth. Rory and I are very happy
Starting point is 00:01:58 to have you here, Star. Hey, thank you for the invite. If I can just cut in for a second. Please, cut in whenever you want. I apologize for not being able to make it you know a month or two ago when you guys invited but invited me pardon me at first I'm swamped in Pennsylvania with other responsibilities and it's just been a little tough you know the time testing the mic went out the mic went out there you go that's better I was
Starting point is 00:02:23 swamped with the time frame, but I thank you for the invite. I don't do too many interviews, not because I have anything to hide, but because I'm constantly moving forward, and I don't like to harp on anything that has to do with the past, especially if it's by way of hip-hop or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:02:38 But again, thank you for the invite, and I'm glad that I could finally make it. So, my memory's way too bad for this function. So, damn, my memory is way too bad for this fucking shit. So, damn, my memory is bad. This is number 76, you said. Oh, I fuck the number up every week. I make a number up.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I don't give a fuck about the number. I tell people all the time, I don't fact check here, and my brain races so much that it's just hard for me to keep up. But, yeah, Rory and I have been trying to have you here for quite some time,
Starting point is 00:03:10 and we don't have guests. Okay. Not at all guests okay so the same way you don't do interviews we don't have guests because I just don't fuck with people and I don't be wanting to talk to people right I do do interviews I'm just I do them selectively well in moderation I just don't feel that everything I do needs to be broadcasted or promoted. I'm still the same guy that I was back in the early 80s when I first moved to New York from New Jersey. And it's all about me. My journey is self-defining, self-fulfilling, and self-enlightening. So I don't necessarily need to always advertise or whore myself out, so to speak. Well, that's the error that we're in.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Everybody whores themselves. Yeah. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I'm telling you I can make sense of suicide, but that's a whole other conversation. Funny you say that. I guess we have to address this. I have to because my mother asked me to address it.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Okay. I'm not giving too much backstory. All right, let me get the drum line going. All right, listen. Anything that I say now that's about to get me into some fuck shit, this is Joe saying it. So,
Starting point is 00:04:08 and I welcome the fuck shit because I don't give a fuck. Okay. But we're going to have some class. We're going to have some class because my mother raised me better than that. I'm not going to spend
Starting point is 00:04:15 too much time on this. I didn't even think that this, this Hot 97 Marissa not being on my podcast thing was like a big deal deal I didn't know that people really why do people care about this shit like that we just in the
Starting point is 00:04:29 age where people just care about shit that's real insignificant or am I that disattached from what's important in life well social media gives you an opportunity to have a platform and give an opinion on something that you would not give an opinion on had that platform not existed so you now have this fuck shit okay I didn't think and give an opinion on something that you would not give an opinion on had that platform not existed.
Starting point is 00:04:46 So you now have this fuck shit. Okay, I didn't think I ever needed to explain to any of you fucktards out there why I fire people on my podcast because I thought that was the point of it being my podcast. But since this gained some momentum, Joe Budden, for those that don't follow me, I'm very big on communication. I'm very big on being transparent. And I practice that amongst in all my relationships, all of them, business, personal, romantic. So when people that I care about are not communicative, I don't want to say it's troublesome. communicative. I don't want to say it. It's troublesome. It's troublesome for me. So long story short, I let go of Marissa and I thought that I addressed it here very well by not really addressing it because I care about her. Then they invited me to do the morning show at Hot 97,
Starting point is 00:05:39 which I did not want to do. I did not want to do. Let me repeat. I did not want to do. I did not want to do, but my white Jewish manager said, come on, I mean, you got an album. You got to promote sometime. At some point, we have to promote it because I've been saying... You have a solo album or a group album coming out? I have a solo album coming out. I'm independent.
Starting point is 00:06:00 It'll come out whenever the fuck I feel like. Gotcha. So my manager, I've been doing all of this press, right? And my manager is like, yo, when are we going to start pushing like a date? I don't care about that. I don't care about pushing a date, but he's white and Jewish and I'm black from the hood. So there's a cultural, there's a little difference there. So I go up there against my better judgment and proceed to have a conversation that I didn't think should have been held on air.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I don't think that conversation should have been. I don't think that the public should have been privy to it. And I didn't have the I didn't answer the phone calls. I didn't have it on my podcast. I didn't have it when you text me. I didn't have it when you call me. So what the fuck would make anybody think that Joe was going to have that conversation on air on the radio? If you don't know Joe, that what that wasn't happening. That wasn't happening. So I probably came off a bit,
Starting point is 00:06:51 what's the term? Cold? Uninterested. I was uninterested. I was uninterested in that. So, and that's just where I will leave it. I still wish Marissa the best. I do as well. I mean, from my perspective, I was very vocal to you that I think you should have called her so we can just bury this. Are you talking about a former co-host or something like that? Yeah, Marissa used to, she did the podcast with us, and then we went in different directions, a.k.a. she was let go because of some fuck shit that peter said on air and that part didn't really get uh peter rosenberg honey said that part didn't really get any burn that that rant no that rant didn't get any burn but that is why she was let go and i'll have that conversation with anyone who wants to have it certainly not on air just not doing it well with
Starting point is 00:07:42 all due respect uh you know my bedtime is30, so if we could get back to that spic bitch at another point, I would appreciate that. If we can get back to spic bitches and flop 97 at another point, I don't give a fuck, and personally, I don't think anyone gives a fuck. That's all right. See?
Starting point is 00:07:59 But I'm a little sociopathic that way. I don't care about shit, and then I find out the other people be caring about it, but I'm with that. You are an intricate thinker. Yeah. I'm nobody's fan, but you are an intricate, detailed thinker. So you do tend to go into things very deep,
Starting point is 00:08:17 and that reflects in your music. Yeah. I can appreciate that from you. Thank you. Anyway, hey, thank you guys for the invite. I'm excited to be here. Okay, so we are- Hang on, hang on. If I can just spit this out. Thank you. Anyway, hey, thank you guys for the invite. I'm excited to be here. Hang on. If I can just spit this out.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Please, please, please. Spit this out. You are one of the original hip-hop social engineers. Do people know that? That's good terminology. I don't think they do. I don't think so. I pay attention to everything.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I watch everything that moves on the landscape of media. And you were one of the original hip-hop social engineers. So coming here to talk to you, it was a lot of preparation. I didn't want to come here drinking and just talking crazy and reckless. So I'm excited to talk to you with regards to what it is that you're doing now. So again, I ask you, do people know that you are one of the originals
Starting point is 00:09:11 who was filming your life back before YouTube even popped off? Do they realize that? I find that in the information era, people are less informed than they've ever been. You have all the information right there in front of you, but you have to go and get it. So, no, they don't. All the kids want to do is dad.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yeah, but that's something I think you should wave in front of people's faces. Your name is Rory or Corey? I forget. Rory. Rory. Do you know his history with regards to being a social engineer? I mean, seriously. Not just because you know him.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Because Rory's young, so that's a valid question. I'm 26 years old, but I was probably the first person that listened, like, did cassette tapes off the radio, but still had the eye... I don't give a fuck about that.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I'm asking a question. Do you know who this man is? Fuck what you did. I don't give a fuck. Do you know who that is? This is why I love Starks. I love Starks. This is why I love Starks.
Starting point is 00:10:01 No, no, no. You don't love me, but do you know who this is? Yes, I'm aware of Joe Bundis. Do you understand? I do. He's one of the original social engineers. I'm aware that he was one of the first people on the internet, yes. No, no, no. You don't love me, but do you know who this is? Yes, I'm aware of Joe Bundy. Do you understand? I do. He's one of the original social engineers. I'm aware that he was one of the first people on the internet.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Yes. Okay, I just want to make sure. I don't wave it in front of people's faces, Star, because I don't care what people think. You have to pop your collar to let people know, and especially people of color, because people of color hate each other. They're ashamed of their history and you have to sometimes pop your collar
Starting point is 00:10:28 and pull your dick out and let them know hey this is who the fuck I am and this is what I pioneered whether you like me or not and I just wanted to get that across
Starting point is 00:10:35 before we even well not if they like me or not it's not it's not but I'm perfectly fine with that now I've
Starting point is 00:10:43 I've I've had the pleasure of sitting with Star on multiple occasions. Yeah, man. My memory's really bad, and we can't talk about what was going on over there, but when you put the book out, that station, we did that interview. We can talk about anything. We can. I don't give a fuck, but here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I don't want to get nobody and indict it. No, no, no, no. The new generation today, they don't give a fuck about yesteryear, as I just said. Why is that? There's a lot of reasons. And again, I have nothing to hide. There's nothing that is off limits. But it would be a waste of my time and your time to sit here and talk about that old shit.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I want to talk about the Olympics. Okay. Ryan Lochte. Typical Caucasian. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Typical Caucasian, cynical, condescending white boy who went to another country and tried to play his white card. And then, I'm going to say allegedly lied. Because there's a possible indictment going down right now.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And he was not robbed. This motherfucker was not robbed. You see, he did the same shit if you ask me. Do you remember a year or two ago, there was a white boy from America. He went fucking around in North Korea. He took some sign in a hotel lobby. And his ass was 15 years hard labor. You know what I'm talking about? I think I remember that case.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait, he took a sign from a hotel lobby? He took a sign. Just some joke as white American boys do. Just spazzing and bugging. Took a sign out of the fucking hotel and they gave his ass 15 years hard labor. Who was his lawyer?
Starting point is 00:12:26 Max B's lawyer. The thing is, we're talking about that condescending Caucasian attitude that can get you into trouble or get you to lie on people from other countries. And if you ask me, this is what happened with Ryan Lochte. This motherfucker's over 30, and he's still dyeing his hair different colors come on but with that i do love how forward the police were with that fuck they said we're not rolling with y'all fuck shit he not getting the privilege here well as a professional liar because i'd like to think that i'm a pretty a pretty oh in my past anyway i try to practice honesty today but that was just a bad lie from the rip. As soon as we heard, and what was
Starting point is 00:13:06 the lie? He said he got robbed at gunpoint. Gunpoint at He said his car got pulled over by fake cops and then they tried to rob him at gunpoint. Cocked the gun, put it to his head. But at the root of his lying, if you ask me, and I'm being objective, I'm not speaking from a man of color, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:21 who's got an issue with a Caucasian person lying. At the root of his lie is his white arrogance. That's the fucking issue. He thought he could go someplace and then say, oh, they robbed me at gunpoint. And there's video footage of him and his other swimming buddies an hour or two later with their fucking watches, their cell phones, and their wallets. Now, that's why, and their wallets. Now, that's why it's a bad line.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Did this gentleman think that at the Olympics? First of all, when you're not at the Olympics, everything is filmed. Well, that ties into the arrogance of it. Him thinking this is some third world country that does not have cameras at a fucking gas station. You see, now Rory's got his white boy hat on. Come on, talk that white boy shit. Come on now. Now you get it. Hey, Star, let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Now you get it. Let me tell you about. Come on, white boy. Come on, talk that white boy shit. Come on now. Now you get it. Hey, Star, let me tell you. Now you get it. Let me tell you about. Come on, white boy. Come on, white boy. Talk that shit. Let me tell you about Rory and Parks. While they are both very, very, very, very, very white. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:14:14 They're never really white. It took my family years to get this white. Shut the fuck up. This is SPF in December. But your white privilege was well on display when you was doing 70 down the street trying to get over here. And I'm scared to death in the passenger seat. Like, yo, my nigga, you got to slow down.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I ain't trying to get pulled over here. Well, white privilege is a buffet. I can pick and choose when I want to use it. Lucky you. Lucky you, boy. But anyway, so he did that. There's a possible indictment. Do we think he's getting indicted?
Starting point is 00:14:42 I hope so. I hope so. It's the Olympics. How could you not? How could you not? Well, he's getting indicted? I hope so I hope so It's the Olympics How could you not? How could you not? Well he's back in the States now Yeah get your fucking swimming ass The fuck out of our
Starting point is 00:14:51 His two friends did not make it back to the States They got pulled off the plane They pulled them niggas off the plane Now I wonder if I wonder if If they would have made it Does he get away with this? Does he get away with the lie?
Starting point is 00:15:04 Because they But they turn coat quickly. Them niggas snatched them white boys off that plane, and they immediately got to the snitching. He might have been cool in his arrogance with the bad lie and all. We've seen a lot of bad lies kind of go over. Hillary just got off. Oh, with the email shit? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Jesus, man. Can I ask you a question? You can ask me anything. Do you vote? This election, yes, is the answer to that. Okay, but you vote? Yes. Okay, I just said I asked you that because, I mean, there are rappers who talk that hot shit.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Oh, yeah, no. And musicians and artists. I'm not putting you in a rapper category. But people that are on the front lines and they don't vote. This election. I have a don't vote. This election. I have a problem with that. This election is. I like Talib Kweli.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I like him as a person, but he doesn't vote. Is he a friend of yours? Wait. Talib Kweli? Talib Kweli doesn't vote. Doesn't vote. I wouldn't know. Where do you get that from?
Starting point is 00:15:58 He's a big fan of his music. Okay. Can we not ask the white boy? Because he don't know shit. He's young. Can we even turn his mic off for a second? With all due respect. Where do we get. No, he doesn't vote shit. He's young. Can we even turn his mic off for a second? With all due respect. Where do we get?
Starting point is 00:16:07 He doesn't vote. He doesn't vote. He said this? He doesn't vote. I'm only blown away by that because I did follow him on Twitter and he seems to be like an activist. Like a Mr. Political.
Starting point is 00:16:22 He's a good guy. He's a good guy, but he doesn't vote. He doesn't vote on a national or local level. I just want to put that out there so that we can, you know, just set some type of, you know, parameters with regards to if we're going to talk about, you know, political stuff. But you do vote and you are voting for the election coming up?
Starting point is 00:16:39 Well, I have to vote. I have to vote. I don't know who the fuck. This is the most important election of my lifetime. So it's important not only that I vote, but my father has been telling me for at least a year now to speak about it to the young people on my platform. I'm voting for Trump, just in case you want to know. Are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Tell me more. He's a businessman. He's uncouth. He's a businessman. He's uncouth. He's a businessman, and we have to get the country back to running it like a business, if you ask me. Obama was very, very charismatic. He was smooth, and he and I have very similar similarities with regards to being biracial, having Caucasian mothers. But it was a tough presidency for him. I'm not kicking dirt upon the man,
Starting point is 00:17:30 but, you know, Congress would not work with him. Oh, yeah, no, not at all. Not at all. And I just got tired of seeing, you know, Michelle Obama with her mouth poked out, and I'm glad he's getting the fuck out of the White House. Did you vote for Obama? I did.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Oh, you did? I did, yeah. I voted for John McCain and Romney. I'm not listening to nothing that you are saying right now. I'm dead serious. I'm still not listening. I don't know if they'll let him win. I don't even think
Starting point is 00:17:56 the Republicans want him running, but it was nothing they could do about it. I think the growth of the underclass and the hatred of America will catapult him into that White House. I think that Hillary is not likable she's a liar just like her husband Bill Clinton was a liar and birds of a feather flock together he lied right we're in politics we've told why are we calling anybody in politics liar yeah but when you lie right and into the fucking camera okay to the
Starting point is 00:18:22 American people and say I did not have sexual relationships with that girl, that's a bold-faced cracker lie. Hmm. Let me sit on that. Bold-faced cracker lie. Let me sit on that for a minute. I don't know if I can agree with that. I've looked plenty of bitches in the face and said I didn't have sex with that girl. Yeah, but we're talking about the commander-in-chief lying to the nation, and that type of shit should have got him thrown the fuck out of there.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Now, i don't want to go too far back but you know richard nixon resigned for far less so i don't like hillary clinton she's not likable um and i just i hope she what do you like trump because you dislike hillary a lot or do you just like trump no trump is a businessman as i just said were you listening white boy i just explained that i was yes okay'm saying, are you more intrigued by him because of your disdain? Do you vote white boy? Yes, I vote white boy. Okay, who are you voting for?
Starting point is 00:19:11 I have not decided yet. Thank you. Okay. He's not sure. When you get sure, get back to me. I'm voting for Trump. Trump, you don't, but this is what scares me about Trump. And I've said long.
Starting point is 00:19:21 He's a complete lunatic. I've said long ago that, say what you want about him, he's a businessman and a big problem in this country. He's unstable. Yes. Yeah. So I mean, yeah, but no, that's on full display. I mean, I don't even think that needs to be said.
Starting point is 00:19:37 More importantly than that, the undertone of some of the things that he says is scary to me. As a nigga in America. As a nigga in America. I think he's going to start the Civil War again. Possibly. Possibly. Possibly.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Wait! This is great! Because he's a businessman, it's okay. We should go to some war. Hang on, because you see, somebody has to die for this beautiful lifestyle that we live in this country of capitalism. Yes, people abroad have to die. You say, but wait now.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Women and children have to be smoked. I don't know if I can respect this from you because you biracial. And oil is worth dying for. Some motherfuckers have to die for that oil. Yeah. I agree. I agree niggas need to die. Some motherfuckers have to die for that oil. Yeah. I agree. I agree niggas need to die. I'm with niggas dying
Starting point is 00:20:27 all day long. But I don't know if I can respect it coming from you because you biracial. So you wouldn't be the nigga that's dying. I would be the nigga
Starting point is 00:20:35 that's dying. Ain't no white in me. No. I did sign up for selective service back in the early 80s so I'm not just talking that talk.
Starting point is 00:20:40 My father fought in World War II when he was 14 years of age in the U.S. Navy. Yeah? Yeah. I didn't know that. yeah oh that's dope yeah still you wouldn't be the dying well i'm 52 years of age so i mean i can't join the military right now but if i had a son or a daughter and they had to go fight for the country yeah yeah go fight go fight for this see when i say a dying i'm not talking about going to fight for your country. I'm talking about the undertone
Starting point is 00:21:06 in which you speak. Yes, niggas have to die to live here, yes. And I'll even take it a step further. I think we should take people out of the prisons and drop them off in Syria and other places and give them a one-way fucking pass. I feel like that was
Starting point is 00:21:21 suggested at one point. Yes, many people have suggested it. It's not an original thought you know yeah if you if you're doing 25 years to life we're going to give you uh you know a canteen an m16 400 rounds of fucking ammunition we're going to drop you off on a suicide mission you can't come home if you come home we're going to kill you but we're going to drop you off over in the east and kill who you got to kill and fight for this motherfucker. Let me ask you this. I have to ask you
Starting point is 00:21:52 this. Would you consider yourself racist? I'm a biracial racist race baiter, yes. Okay. It's water wet. That was a really obvious question to be asked. But I have to ask it. I still have to ask it.
Starting point is 00:22:07 I'm a biracial racist race baiter. So Barack let 15 niggas or 15 people out of Guantanamo Bay. Pardon my ignorance because I've been swamped. Why were they let out?
Starting point is 00:22:23 Well his original plan when he was running was to shut that whole shit down, and then that got blocked, so he did what he could and let a couple people out. You know, this is how great you are, Star. I never talk politics with people. All right. I don't talk politics.
Starting point is 00:22:39 There's some things that I just don't talk about with people, religion, politics. I try to keep it very, because those are like, once you get into people's beliefs. Yeah, those are touchy subjects. With religion and politics, yeah. Are you mystified? I can hear you. Are you mystified?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Am I mystified? Yeah. No. You don't subscribe to the theory of God. Oh, is that what you meant? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Oh, you do? Yes. You fall down. A higher power. You fall down and you sob to the unknown. Oh, is that what you meant? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yes. Oh, you do? Yes. A higher power. You fall down and you sob to the unknown. No, no. See, you said that. You said that. You said that. Well, that's what being mystified is. No, no. I don't fall down nowhere to do what I got to do. You bow your head. I walk and talk to my higher power. I smoke a cigarette. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I talk to mine at any point. I'm very spiritual. I'm not religious. I don't care about how you thought we got here. I don't care about all of that. Well, spiritual means consumed by the theory. You're under the spell. You don't. I take it you are an atheist.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Totally. Yo, Star is such a unique man. Totally. How could you not be intrigued by it? I'm so full of myself, there's no room for the theory of God. There's no room. Oh, man. I don't even know If we have enough time now
Starting point is 00:23:47 To talk about all the shit I want to talk about With this nigga man The reason why I don't have any kids Is because I don't want to Share my life with Some little life sucker
Starting point is 00:23:54 Okay now At what point do you think You became Oh well let me ask you first Do you think that That is selfish of you? There's virtue in selfishness you haven't been in therapy never all right okay i'm very selfish with my life i'm selfish with my dick
Starting point is 00:24:13 when it comes to females i i don't sling free dick all right i want to hear i want to hear more about that i'm selfish oh yeah yeah don't sling free dick don't sing free day you know if i can just go a step further since we- Please, no. This is the best shit in the universe right now. Since I brought up the theory of God. The theory of God. God's a theory.
Starting point is 00:24:35 It's a theory. A hell of a theory, but a theory nonetheless. You know, sometimes I have to pause and stop myself from having so much fun. You know, sometimes people say, oh, how's life? Life is a bowl of fucking peaches. It always has been. But there's times when I have to catch myself and say, hey, man, it's time to grow the fuck up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Now, I don't condemn anyone else for, you know, going through with marriage and procreating with kids and so on and so forth. What are your thoughts on marriage? What's that? I want to know your thoughts on marriage, too. As long as a bitch knows her place, we can get married. We can get married. As long as a bitch knows. They're all bitches.
Starting point is 00:25:18 What is her place? The one I came from is a bitch. They're all bitches. All right. I want to hear her place. Tell me her place. Well, you see, that depends. If you are the. All right, I want to hear her, please. Tell me her, please. Well, you see, that depends.
Starting point is 00:25:27 If you are the ultimate man, I do claim to be such. Well, you didn't have to. I think we gathered that much. We ain't been recording for about five minutes. I'm too full of myself
Starting point is 00:25:37 for God, I think, said that. Yeah. This has been a very misogynistic podcast in the last two years, so this is right up our realm. Females are in seek
Starting point is 00:25:45 of your last name. Are they not? I'm not in seek of a female's last name. Act according, bitch. They're trying to change that. Whatever. They're trying to change that.
Starting point is 00:25:53 The women with money, nah, the women with money, they want you to take their last name. It doesn't matter how much money they get. They all have to lay down
Starting point is 00:26:00 and receive the dick at some point. Yo, what the fuck? You know what I mean? You don't meet, you know, what is, why you're such a great conversationalist, no matter what you say,
Starting point is 00:26:10 you don't meet too many people who stand behind not only who they are. Well, first, you don't meet too many people who are self-aware, number one. Right, right. Who stand behind their beliefs
Starting point is 00:26:22 and will tell you exactly how they got there. So that's why you're... I think you were getting ready to ask me, if I'm not... I could be wrong, how I came to be an atheist. Was that where you were headed at one point? No? I thought that's what you were going to ask me.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Well, even if I wasn't, I do want to hear that. You've been that your entire life. No, no. I was consumed by the theory of God at one point. When I first got to New York City in 1981, I was a Times Square preacher. I used to preach the word. See, I know the Bible very well, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Koran. Well, the New Testament is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Well, I know. See? Damn it. You're getting me, Carl. I don't want to talk about it because then my beliefs will come out. The New Testament is a big crock of bullshit. No disrespect to anyone or disrespect to anyone. Well, I wouldn't say it's a crock of bullshit, because if you find comfort within the New Testament, that's not a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:27:20 As long as you don't want to condemn my system of living I have no problem with you well well interesting and damn we got to talk off with me and you got to talk off off our air I'm interested to hear about your thoughts I used to be in the Old Testament and the New Testament okay but continue please I don't want to hear I was consumed by the theory of God I used to preach the word in Times Square. I used to call people heretics, whoremongers, and point them out and preach. I used to pass out Jesus pamphlets.
Starting point is 00:27:55 So you did subscribe to the theory of God. Were your parents religious? For the most part, yes. I was raised a Protestant in the beautiful suburbs. And my rational awakening, that's what it was, a rational awakening. Are you saying irrational awakening or irrational? Rational. Oh, rational.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Okay. I'm sorry. My rational awakening came toward the mid to late 80s. There was no tragic moment that happened. There was nothing. I didn't suffer. Someone didn't die. No, just I no tragic moment that happened. There was nothing, I didn't suffer. Someone didn't die. No, just, I woke up from the dream.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And that's how I became an atheist. I had to research and find things that I felt were more realistic, as opposed to the folklore of the Bible or the Koran or the Torah or the Hadith. When you say things that are more realistic, I'm interested in that. So with atheism, is that more to the Big Bang Theory? What exactly? Because it's a broad thing to be an atheist. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:28:55 It's a rational position in life. You know, we are mankind. I truly believe we will discover the origins of our existence. But at this point in time, I'm not going to wave the flag and say, you know, this is this and this is that. If you're a believer, the burden of proof is upon you. You're a believer. Yes, you look like one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Irish Catholic. Well, that's why you'll never lose your theory of God. You'll never lose it because we can't prove it the believer can no more prove the existence of a god nor can the non-believer prove the non-existence of a god so we agree to disagree yeah but you just said something that was real interesting that i wanted to touch on uh more realistic more realistic more realistic more realistic okay oh you said uh okay that's what it Listen, in the event that you are correct, right, and we find the origin of man, do you think that information will be made public? You think the common general public is privy to that information?
Starting point is 00:29:59 I think we are very, very much headed in that direction. are very very much headed in that direction and um i truly believe that it will be something that we we will have to face as a as a species at some point dude we are just end up being conspiracy youtube video at the end of our things occurring are things occurring are things that well you say you well you've said a few times that you believe we're heading that direction so are things occurring now that are making you feel that way? Well, we are discovering more and more about the planet and the metaphysically given. That's what this is, the metaphysically given. We're discovering more and more each day.
Starting point is 00:30:41 How many years did the dinosaurs roam the planet? I have not a clue. I'm asking the believer. I thought I didn't know shit. have no idea the number well now how can you believe in something if you don't even know the existence of dinosaurs somebody on 125th yelled the same shit at me and then called my white devil right well no no I'm not yelling shit I'm just ask your question and then we can move on because yeah when you discuss religion sometimes of course of course yeah course. That's why we don't really speak about religion on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:31:07 150 million years. The dinosaurs roamed. The dinosaurs roamed this planet. That's a fact. So I can Google it? It's on Wikipedia? You can do a lot more than Google it. 150 million years.
Starting point is 00:31:20 You haven't seen Jurassic Park? Yeah, it was there. That's a long time. Hey, I'm moving to Atlanta, if anyone gives a fuck. Why would you be moving to Atlanta? Because so much money is being pumped into that place by way of television and media. You're going to buy a house for fucking a dollar out there. I'm not going to buy property.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I'm actually selling property in Pennsylvania. But I'm going there to set up a radio network. I'm going there to purchase a small AM station, which will be the first of a couple stations. But I just want to point that out because so many people talk about moving to Atlanta, but they're going there for different reasons. Well, all the old
Starting point is 00:31:56 New York drug dealers are in Atlanta. If you've ever murdered somebody in New York, you're in Atlanta. Who else is in Atlanta? A bunch of the stripper hoes moved to Atlanta. A lot of warrants. So it's very cliche.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Carolina is in Atlanta. It used to be. A lot of those people you just mentioned got turned out and are back in New York and New Jersey. A lot of those people couldn't make the shift, and a big shift has happened when's the last time you've been there um i went to atlanta i i took an acting class in atlanta i had an audition in atlanta i want to say five months ago okay i wasn't there very long i flew in for my audition
Starting point is 00:32:38 media wise it's popping now now i myself i'm not going there to fuck with any New York stragglers down there. I'm very anti-New York. When I get to Atlanta, I'm going there to be a part of the business that is booming. It's booming like a motherfucker. Now, all of that trying to be on reality TV
Starting point is 00:33:00 and rappers in their 50s trying to revive their careers, all that shit is not popping. That's not happening. Yeah, I think a lot of people move to Atlanta with those... Expectations. Those dreams. But to your point, they were calling at one point Atlanta, what was it, Black Hollywood, right?
Starting point is 00:33:20 Black Hollywood, yeah. There's a lot of money being pumped into that town, and I'm excited to head down there. I'm moving my entire operation down there. I'm leaving Pennsylvania, and I'm excited about it. You should be. Yeah. First of all, to start anything, especially with your—and I'm not going to talk about your past, but—
Starting point is 00:33:39 You can. I'm cool. No, I— You don't let everybody do that shit. Let's go. I'm cool. No, I... You don't let everybody do that shit. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Well, some of my thoughts about Starz past is not really about Starz. So I don't want to talk about it, but it's well-documented Starz. I'm not even going to say Ascension because I don't remember. Impact. Impact. Yes. Yes. I wish that Impact was still prominent today.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I hate radio. I listen to sports talk radio. Okay. That's what I listen to. I'm really big into sports. I don't know why Luce Cannon is here with stars. And he says he's into sports, but he doesn't really talk about baseball. I don't understand that, but we'll speak at another time.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I get it. It's long. It's boring. We'll get to that later. I'm very proud of my impact with regards to urban media. And
Starting point is 00:34:32 I'm flattered that people still, till this day, reach out to me about things that I educated them on. Well, it was an error. It was an error that a lot of people are aware of. Where's, I think I asked you this last time I saw you.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Buck Wilde. Yeah. I asked you that last time I saw you as well. Buck is, he lives in jail. And that was the answer last time. And he comes out to hang out with us every once in a while. He spends his weekends in jail now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:05 But Buckwild is my main nigga on the trigger. There will always be a star on Buckwild. Who are you bringing with you to Atlanta to start your business? I have a small team
Starting point is 00:35:15 because I'm doing different media projects. It's not anybody that you would probably know. And I'm very excited that I have a new team because you have to have fresh minds, fresh ideas, and a fresh perspective.
Starting point is 00:35:30 I don't care if I know them or not. I'm more concerned with how excited you are about their talent level. Well, I've been talked into the Atlanta move, and then I had to see it for myself because for the last maybe 17 years, I detested Atlanta. I was was like oh man fuck all them new york niggas down there and ratchet bitches going down there trying to strip and yada yada yada and um you know when i started to to to investigate the uh the influx of money that's being poured into that goddamn place
Starting point is 00:36:02 i had no choice but to acknowledge it. So my team is a very young team, people under 30. Are they based in Atlanta or are you bringing them? No, no, I'm bringing two people with me and Buckwild will more than likely come with me. Okay. He knows too much. I either have to bring him along or kill him.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Or kill him. So he'll be involved in some way, shape, or form. The parole board will let that happen. Yeah. I don't necessarily know if we're going to do anything starring Buck Wilde related, but it's a new, it's a new journey that I'm excited about.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Now, when you get there and, and this is another reason that, that I've always loved you. So I'm, I'm very unapologetic about who I am. Okay. It just is what it is.
Starting point is 00:36:48 You take it or leave it. If you leave it, I don't really give two shits anyway. So I get that. I've always gotten that from you as well. When you get there in this different position, will we see a more toned down star? Because your seat, you're wearing a different hat. Well, you're going to be on air. You would have to be on air, even though it's your shit.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Well, you see, I grew up aspiring to be a businessman. That's it. So all of this media stuff that you guys know me as or by way of, that's cool. Secondary. Well, it's one dimension of who I am. I've been eating high up off the hog for a lot of years. I do very well in Pennsylvania. I would never say what it is that I do in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:37:35 But before you guys, and when I say you guys, I'm talking about the urban audience. Before you even heard of me, I was making business moves behind the scenes that were very productive lucrative and it nothing entailed you know controversy so to speak but but but you know um you know wearing a different hat is is nothing to me i mean if i told you what i did right now in pennsylvania you'd probably be shocked. But I run two companies. Well, to me, you're a genius.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I wouldn't be shocked. Thank you, my friend. What I'm saying is, though, like we were mic checking in here. Let me tell the audience. We were mic checking in here because it took a fucking hour to fucking set up. And really, hey, Pat, wherever you at in there, I never want to come in here and wait an hour. I don't. This has to be set up. I beat Joe Bun come in here and wait an hour. I don't. This has to be set up.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I beat Joe Bunn to the studio today, folks. Go ahead. Yeah, Star was on time. And then I was a little late. And then we sat here for an hour fucking doing absolutely nothing. But outside of that, we were mic checking. And as soon as I heard Star's voice, he said, mic check, mic check. I said, yep.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Yep. That's it. So while I don't doubt the other hats, you can't ignore, you can't ignore your on-air, what is it? What is it? Not controversy.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Persona? Because I think you're way more layered than controversy. Yeah. Yeah, your on-air persona, yeah. Well, I am who I am. I'm not a radio personality. I'm not a comedian
Starting point is 00:39:05 that's why i don't think it's controversy right like me people say um well people say a lot of things about me uh but people say what what they're saying now is that i'm an attention whore and in my head i always laugh because i hate attention. If people knew me, I'm so introverted. I just get attention. So I don't think, I never thought you were controversial, but you just caused controversy for whatever reason. Well, I'm from, just like Rory asked me when we first met if I was from Brooklyn. That's what you said.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And I said, fuck no, I'm from New Jersey. The beautiful suburbs, Scotch Plains. Which is a beautiful suburb. Yeah, yeah. For the people that don't know about New Jersey. I'm proud of my mother and father, how they put it down, and the private schools they sent me to. I actually broke my parents' heart when I didn't go to college.
Starting point is 00:40:01 So I am who I am, and how I speak, what I speak about, and the way I speak, that's just me. Now, that may work in certain circles. In some circles, it may not. But I'm not going to denounce who I am and how I think and how I communicate. I was born in 64. I'm proud of my age. Yeah, no, age is something to be proud 64. I'm proud of my age. Yeah, no, age is something to be proud of.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I'm proud of my age. People are dying fucking daily, so age is something to be proud of. When the young people keep calling me an old fuck, I'll be 36 at the end of the month, August 31st. I'm excited to tell people how old they are. Sometimes I even exaggerate and say I'm 56. Yeah, like, that's not an insult, young people,
Starting point is 00:40:44 that you old. It's not. Hopefully y'all will get there one day as well. Yeah, and we'll show you how to do this. So to go back to what you asked me about wearing different hats, that's just business, man. That's just business. I came here, again, early 80s
Starting point is 00:41:00 and I was never a student of radio. I didn't know anything about you know the only thing I knew about radio was that my older brother listened to a guy by the name of Frankie Crocker growing up Frankie Crocker and I and I listened to a guy named Paco from disco 92 WKT you back in those days before I'm not familiar yeah yeah Paco this is Paco baby so that was my only radio knowledge. But I was more interested in David Sarnoff.
Starting point is 00:41:28 You ever heard of that name? Yes. I was more interested in his journey and running a business. So again, to answer your question, Atlanta, I'm looking forward to being a businessman. Not necessarily being on the microphone leading some type of fucking outspoken radio journey. I'm actually going to be incorporating other people to do things that I'm going to need them to do by way of purchasing radio stations. When is this happening?
Starting point is 00:42:02 I need to keep my eye on all of these things. I got one more piece of property to sell in Pennsylvania, so hopefully I can get the fuck out of here in the next three months. I hope you can make the adjustment. One of the reasons that I just won't leave. Love the South. Well, I love the South as well. Big adjustment PA to Atlanta, though.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Not necessarily. See, in PA, I live in the mountains. I'm an organic farmer. So moving to the South, that's not any big transition. I don't, you know, and this is, I know Atlanta's the South. But I see my family's from South Carolina. Okay. So Atlanta, Atlanta's just a city to me. It's a city. but I'm see my family's from South Carolina okay so Atlanta
Starting point is 00:42:45 Atlanta's a city to me it's a city well yeah I mean if you're in the that lifestyle if you're hanging down on Peter Street if you're out there
Starting point is 00:42:53 you know doing all that you know turning up shit after night but I'm going down there to handle business and to you know
Starting point is 00:42:58 to possibly you know mack a 400 pound white bitch you like big bitches big bitches know how to keep their man uh uh you know pleased i'll just got all types of big bitch myths big bone bitch i'm not rolling with all of them hey let me be very clear i don't believe all of the big bitch myths the same way
Starting point is 00:43:16 i don't believe all of the skinny bitch uh myths today all the skinny bitches got divas put a bitch you ain't uh measuring shit i'll take a skinny bitch but as long as they know off the top, I don't pay for manis and petties. As long as we understand that. Wait now, so. We can rock. So wait, fat bitches don't get manis and petties? I don't pay for them.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Oh. You're going to pay for them when you go to Atlanta and get that fucking thing. You ain't going to talk about this business shit, own your own shit, and you ain't going to pay for a mani and a petty. I've never in my life paid for a mani and a petty. So what do you do to court? How do you court? How do you court? How does Star court?
Starting point is 00:43:47 I want to hear about it. Tell me. Do you court? Yes, yes. I consider myself to be a compassionate, understanding gentleman. Bitches don't care about that. That ain't courting today, is it? Well, see, I don't really intertwine with a lot of bitches in terms of my close network.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Even though they are all bitches. But in terms of the ones that I let really get close, close to me, they have to be more cut from the lady cloth as opposed to the ratchet, you know, loud mouth bitch type. Are we listening to any music currently? Anything? I hate everything damn near. I don't listen to hip hop too much, though. That's just me.
Starting point is 00:44:40 I've never been a hip hop connoisseur. I know. And I say that respectfully. No, I know. And I say that respectfully. No, I know. I can say that, you know, I was fucking with Kurt Cobain. Kurt Cobain. Drinking my cup. I like that song.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I like Soulja Boy. I think Soulja Boy's a great businessman, along with being a decent rapper. Spit that rap. Spit the line. along with being a decent rapper. I saw Soulja Boy when my lady made me watch Love & Hip Hop Hollywood. I've never seen one episode of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood ever, ever. Let me just be on the record. I know I was on the show, so people might think I watched that show.
Starting point is 00:45:22 I've never seen that show. So Soulja Boy is on the show. Wait, a lot of people on that show. Soulja Boy's got swag. This is the one that just came out last week. Yes, Ray J is on that show. Soulja Boy. Lil Fizz.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Yes, and I like him. Wait, I like Lil Fizz on that show. He sounds so sensible. And I'm like, wait, why am I agreeing with Lil Fizz? I feel a way. He was great. Wait, Fetty Wap is on that show. Man.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Wait. Now, you're not doing reality TV anymore? No. Okay. No, no, no. I did reality television. I had no idea Fetty Wap was on that show. What'd you say? I had no idea Fetty Wap was on that show. That kind of breaks my heart. I don't think he needs that. Lil Fizz, whose real name is Drew, I think, he just moved back in with his baby's mama. The hate of Mrs. Nothing. Yes. Good for him. He told that Nikki bitch. And I feel
Starting point is 00:46:15 kind of bad because I was just hanging out with the Nikki bitch. I didn't agree with nothing. Hey, that wasn't me. She was hanging out with you because Fizz moved in with the baby mother. I felt Fizz on that. I don't know why Fetty Wap is on that show. I'm a little confused about that. Now, wait a minute. No, I'm not, because we've been documenting Fetty Wap on this podcast for quite some time. Okay. And I said, I'm a little worried about what's about to happen with him after this run.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I felt like Kevin Liles and the good folk over there at 300 were milking the cow for everything they could get out of Fetty Wap. And I felt like it was going to be tough. Kevin Lyles from Def Jam. Yes. Okay. He's still in the game. Yeah, him and Lior have a company called 300. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:55 And that's who Fetty Wap had all of his success with. That's right. I'm sorry, because Kevin was or is managing. Well, he's managing Trey Songz. He was with Sean and Jeezy, but now just managing Trey Songz. Well, he's managing Trey Songz still. Trey Songz. He was with Sean and Jeezy, but now just with Trey. But 300, they had Migos.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Migos, they're no longer there, right? From my understanding, they still are. They have Young Thug. Because Lior put out a quote that said Migos is still signed to 300. Lior knows how to play.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Can I go totally left for a second? I love left. Do you know Deb Antony? That name sounds very familiar. Come on, Deb Antony. Walker Flogger's mother. Yes. Do you know her?
Starting point is 00:47:34 No, I've never met her. I've never met her, no. I'm trying to holler at her. Why? I'm as serious as colon cancer. Okay, but for a business, are you trying to bring her to the station at her. Why? I'm as serious as colon cancer. Okay, but for a business? You trying to bring her to the station? No, no, no. I'm trying to holler at her.
Starting point is 00:47:52 You're trying to holler at her. She's Atlanta-based now. Flocker, with all due respect. Well, he clearly did his homework on Atlanta, so you know. No, no. This has nothing to do with television or anything. I've been trying to holler at her for about a year, and she doesn't take my text messages anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I think I got a little. What was the last text that you sent? Can you hang on a second, White Boy? Of course. Go ahead, sir. I think I got a little saucy one night, and I was drunk texting her, and she may have either blocked my number,
Starting point is 00:48:20 and I just want to know if you knew her. Oh, no, I don't. I don't have a means of communication with her. You know, this is what I. Do you know if you knew her. Oh, no, I don't. I don't have a way, a means of communication with her. You know, this is what I. Do you know Walker? Yeah. I think he might have changed his number, though, since the last time I tried to. I'm trying to holler at Deb Antony.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Well, she's on Twitter, right? I'm blocked. Well, hey, but when you block somebody's number. Joe, I'm not bullshit. No, I believe blocked. But when you block somebody's number. Joe, I'm not bullshit. No, I believe you. She's got some pretty fucking eyes. I mean, I'm old school. And I hate to use that term.
Starting point is 00:48:53 I was in Atlanta a couple of months ago trying to holler at her. I said, hey, I'm at the Marriott downtown. Can we have coffee? Nothing. See, that's how he courts. See, that's kind of one of my lines on the low
Starting point is 00:49:06 coffee ice cream and pizza women if you I don't trust it I just want to put that since we're having
Starting point is 00:49:11 a real conversation tonight and if she listens if you're out there Deb no she's not fucking with me she made that clear but I just want to see
Starting point is 00:49:18 if you had some type of oh wait so she made that clear wait you left that part out of the story all I heard was she stopped returning texts. No, she didn't say, you know, fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:49:28 But? But I'm, that's what I'm getting, you know. Oh, man. We can move on. I just want to, you know, put myself out there for a second. Be vulnerable? No, no, I'm just, I'm real like that. So what if Deb Anthony said, you know what, star?
Starting point is 00:49:42 Check this out. You don't pay for manis and pedis. I'm not really fucking with a nigga. And I never will. I'm not fucking with a nigga that's not paying for a mani and pedi. She can pay for her own manis and pedis, but. Yeah, Deb is doing well for herself. That's not even what this is about.
Starting point is 00:49:57 No, I know. No. I like her persona. I like aggressive business women. She comes off that way. I love that about her. That's attractive. Her personality does pop off of the screen. But wait, Deb
Starting point is 00:50:11 is on the Atlanta one. I haven't seen that one. I don't even want to talk about what she's on television because that's not what this is about. This is some other shit, so we can move on. I just want to know if she's still there. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:50:26 She is still there, right? I'm not sure. I didn't watch the last season, but she was on prior to that. Hey, can I ask you a question? You can ask me anything. Anything you want. Will you be responding to Mickey Facts? You know what?
Starting point is 00:50:42 I want to. I want to. Please do. I want to. Please do. I want to. Please do. Just to let him know he can't tie my fucking shoe. We can't have darkies running around here like that. Just to let him know. Joe.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Just to smack him around and put him in his fucking place. Now we're talking. Because. He pulled out the camera. I liked it. I did. I did. It was fine.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Man, I'm going to tear that boy up. He better leave me alone. Please put that darkie in his place. Because he was talking reckless about light-skinned niggas and their feelings. I was like, whoa, whoa. See, but my thing with Mickey Facts, this is why I don't really respect it. This is why I don't really, really respect it. And I'm not never going to pull the status card because that's whack.
Starting point is 00:51:19 But why is he doing that? Why? That's why I'm shocked. Nigga, why? Where doing that? Why? That's why I'm shocked. Nigga, why? Where'd this come from? And that's why I feel like I would need to know more. I would like to know why he did that. It's the dark skin hate that is within him and most darkies towards light-skinned cats like ourselves.
Starting point is 00:51:40 You have to give him some bars. Mickey Facts is a credible emcee. He's an above-average emcee. You have to give him mickey fax is a credible mc he's an above average mc you have to give him some balls um can we start the official countdown to joe bud no no you mickey mickey mickey mickey mickey baby baby baby baby baby baby not important enough to get a countdown we're not we're not counting down to a mickey fax this i'm just not living i don't have to live that way today but i and i told him I was going to respond. You have to. And he keeps fucking tweeting me, tweeting me, hey yo
Starting point is 00:52:09 are we still waiting? I'm like, oh god. Life has been occurring and I've been very, very busy. So I haven't done any new rapping since Mickey Fax has dissed me. Or I was busy dissing somebody else. But now that that's over with, the second I get back in a studio, Mickey Fax is too easy of like a target. But please that that's over with, the second I get back in a studio,
Starting point is 00:52:27 Mickey Facts is too easy of like a target. Please make it all personals, please. We'll see what happens. Thank you. I don't want Mickey Facts to be listening because some vlog is going to pick this up. I'm going to tell him tomorrow. I sat down with Joe Buggs and he's coming for your black ass.
Starting point is 00:52:43 No, I DM'd him and I told him hey you better be careful cause you gonna get your ass kicked as soon as I get in the studio I'll hit that dog skin nigga on Twitter tonight and say hey I just sat down with Joe Buds
Starting point is 00:52:52 and he's coming for you dorky I fuck with Mickey Facts and I fuck with again I'm from a different generation so I fuck with competitive rapping I'm not with everybody being friends
Starting point is 00:53:03 and unified and so I'm all for and and i don't and i like mickey fax and that's my man i have no that liking shit please light his ass up well that's that's what i'm getting to yeah i could i have no problem liking and respecting and acknowledging an mc skill set and tearing them the fuck up. I have no problem doing that. He was holding that shit inside for quite some time. You can hear it. Oh,
Starting point is 00:53:30 Mickey Fax is going to get fucking killed. Rory, what's going on with you, man? You're from Hollis, Queens.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Yes, sir. Okay. I was waiting for me to speak again. I'm sorry, Star. I had to fill you out, man, to see if you really had anything to bring to the microphone or whether you just bumped your gums.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Here's the thing. I am of the belief that shutting the fuck up sometimes is a lost art, and I think two great people were speaking, and I wanted to let that rock. They want to interrupt with something that I didn't really have anything to do with. Are you a producer, a rapper, or anything, or what?
Starting point is 00:54:02 No, I'm not a rapper. I've worked in the... Oh, my God. Are you a coach? I got, or anything, or what? No, I'm not a rapper. I've worked in the, oh my God. I got a 16, you ready? No. You look like Mac, who does that guy
Starting point is 00:54:09 you look like, Mac Miller, right? Mac Miller, yeah, I guess. Are you a culture vulture? You look like Mac Miller.
Starting point is 00:54:14 No, I wouldn't say. I grew up in the hip hop community, and I think I give back just as much as I take. I was just bullshitting because hip hop's
Starting point is 00:54:22 not a culture, number one. No, number two, you're more hip hop than I am, so I was just fucking with you. hip-hop's not a culture, number one. No, no, number two, you're more hip-hop than I am, so I was just fucking with you.
Starting point is 00:54:27 It's fine. I just wanted to answer the question directly. Have been exchanged. Yeah, you have been kind of quiet. Well, no, again, back to my point
Starting point is 00:54:35 of shutting the fuck up is underrated sometimes, and I think there was something great going on between the two of you, and I'm probably, I'll humbly say, the least most important
Starting point is 00:54:43 person in this conversation that people want to hear right now. A lot of respect for this man. And I think that's fine. Even though he's not a Jew. If you were a Jew, that's another story. Anyway. Irish Catholic.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Opposite of it. He's been reaching out to me. And again, I do appreciate you being so patient. I wanted to come here, you know, two months ago and chop it up with Joe. But again, I thank you for being patient and persistent. And, you know, just want to say salute. Of course, this was something that I wanted to see happen, not more for me, but for the two of y'all to sit down and speak
Starting point is 00:55:10 because I think that's something that our listeners want to hear. Another question for you, if you don't mind. I love questions. Are you and Cameron cool? Cool? What's cool? Cool is relative. There's rapper cool? Yeah, there's rapper cool. Are there any issues? No, no issues. Are you and J any issues? No. No, no issues.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Are you and Jadakiss cool? Yeah, yeah. No issues. I don't have issues with anybody. If anybody has an issue with me, then that's some shit that's inside of them. Might I make a suggestion? Just my crazy offbeat. I want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:55:38 You, Cam'ron, and Jadakiss in the studio. I reached out to Cam. I was doing my A Loose Quarter mixtape. This was in 2000 and I want to say 11 or 12. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:53 And I reached out to Cam. It's 2016 now. Yeah, but how active is Cam rapping? Cam was just spitting some crazy heat on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Crazy. I don't know if I follow Cam. I do follow Cam on Instagram. You should. It's a on Instagram. Crazy. I don't know if I follow Cam. I do follow Cam on Instagram. You should. It's a great follow. Crazy. I do follow him on Instagram. It's a great follow on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:56:10 But I haven't been on Instagram. Well, if I can just say this. Because you see, hip hop, sadly, is filled with disposable heroes. Good term. Yes. Sadly. Sadly. Good term. And a lot, sadly. Good term.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And a lot of young people don't necessarily look towards the architects for guidance. And I just think that you, Killer Cam, and Jadakiss, I think that all three of you guys are top 10 best that have ever done it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:56:40 That are alive. And the same way, you know, rock and roll legends get together and make, you know, classic albums. Not saying you guys have to make a fucking the same way, you know, rock and roll legends get together and make, you know, classic albums. Not saying you guys have to make a fucking album, but, you know, just. I would like to hear that. Cam and Kiss.
Starting point is 00:56:50 You know, kill it, Cam and Jada Kiss. Just spit some heat on three tracks. I think that would be fine. I think that that would give New York or the New York Tri-State area something to really appreciate because it's like, you know, all three of you guys, still in my opinion, and I'm sure in the opinion of many others,
Starting point is 00:57:10 are... I would love to... I love... Are the best who have ever done it. And I'm nobody's fucking fan. I'm saying that to you to your face. I think you guys,
Starting point is 00:57:19 if you find the time, if not, you know, just... To follow up on his point... If you find the time... When you're done moving uh to follow up on his point i think hip-hop's the only genre where consistency is not championed i think every other genre consistency is admired especially within rock and roll with all these reunion tours
Starting point is 00:57:37 and people coming out of their way to fill these stadiums i mean shit you ain't had a hit in five years fuck you that's the mentality of hip-hop, unfortunately. Sadly. Bunch of fickle fucktards. So I do think we would love if you, Cam, and Jada got on a record, but I guarantee it would be fucking everyone born after Biggie died saying, why are these old fucks still trying to stay relevant? That word is really, I keep hearing that word lately, relevant. That's not my thing that's relevant.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Irrelevant. Again, I'm on the side of the music. I wouldn't give a fuck if none of these gentrified Brooklyn kids like that song. I just do shit because Cam's an amazing MC. Kiss is an amazing MC. Kiss would do that. Kiss would do that. I know Kiss is supposed to be working on a project with Fab right now.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And again, if Cam is active, if Cam is active, then that can happen. He's active. He's active. Does he have something coming? Cam is active. Can we just go with that? You see?
Starting point is 00:58:36 Can we just keep it there? Let's not try to get more information out of it. Let's not try and push it into an area where he might be offended by what you're saying. No, no, no. Cam's not sensitive. See, I don't get along with sensitive people. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Anybody who is sensitive, it just doesn't work well. Cam's not sensitive. You, Cam, and Jadakiss, you know what you would call it? Not that you would want my opinion. We wouldn't want your opinion on titling. Okay, okay. Not on titling. I'll shut up.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Your A&R work at this point is finished. Thank you, thank you. We could put it through His Atlantic Network It'll be great Are you familiar with The Manhattan Project? No
Starting point is 00:59:10 Google that white boy The Manhattan Project I'll Google it But you and I talk And then I want him to read What the Manhattan Project was Because it's I think it would play in
Starting point is 00:59:22 But anyway Does Wikipedia have a quick thing? Oh yeah Oh yeah Okay Give him a second there Let's see how fast this white boy is Hey let me tell you something If that star I think it would play in. But anyway. Does Wikipedia have a quick thing? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Give him a second there. Let's see how fast his white boy is.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Hey, let me tell you something. If that star's angle that he's going for for a title, I don't know what it is. You got it? But I like it. The White Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. It was led by the United States with support of the United Kingdom and Canada. led by the United States with support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under direction of the U.S. Army Corps and a bunch of physicists of names I cannot pronounce. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:53 These are the men who sat around and thought of the nuclear bombs and created the bombs. Anyway, let's move on, man. That's pretty fucking dope. I like that. I think so. See how stupid it is? See, that's why you say you should never tell people to shut up.
Starting point is 01:00:08 You just shouldn't. I like that as a title. I do. We'll get to that. Hey, Cam, call me. Hey, Cam, have your people call my people. No, I would never do that to Cam. I'd have way too much respect to ever talk to Cam like that.
Starting point is 01:00:21 He was riding down to FDR recently, and he was spitting some crazy shit I said whoa I had to wake up and fucking you know just get a cup of fucking coffee and and and that night I did a show Cameron top 10 greatest dead or alive well star I say all the time that the MCS well it's like having a jump shot. The MCs will always be able to MC. So Cam, you know, I keep saying, is he active? But it don't fucking matter. I could not write a rap for five years. And when I sit down and write one, it's like riding a bike.
Starting point is 01:01:01 So I'd love to hear that from him. Okay. Anything else you want to ask me? Because my bedtime is 1130. What time is it? It's 10 o'clock. Oh, yeah. I got more time.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I just want to, you know, just make sure. No, I didn't know what time it was. It's 10 p.m. What's television all? More internet than television. Hmm. I'm a crazy internet surfer, you know.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Give me some of your favorite sites that you surfed in mainly philosophy religion history I do a lot of pop culture stuff as well but more I do more research with regards to American history because I constantly think that where we're headed is somewhere very unique so I want to have an understanding of where we're headed is somewhere very unique. So I want to have an understanding of where we've been. I've said that a lot, too. We're we're we're we got to look at where we've been to know where we're going. I would like to know some of those American histories. I'd like to do some of that same research you did so I can be well versed in that information,
Starting point is 01:02:00 because I would like to talk about some of those beliefs that you have at some point. The not on air. I'm not doing that on air. in that information because I would like to talk about some of those beliefs that you have at some point. Okay. Not on air. I'm not doing that on air. Okay, so all right, so we don't watch TV. We don't care too much about music. In the morning,
Starting point is 01:02:19 I watch CNN, MSNBC, HLN. I bounce back and forth, but I more so do internet research by way of news and whether it be Reuters or AP or something like that. Like everybody else, I have to have my news fast. Yeah, which is why the internet is so great. The internet, the shit TV is getting shit from the fucking internet. I also do a lot of obscure websites with regards to news. I don't just do the mainstream stuff because, of course, everything there is contrived. 100%.
Starting point is 01:02:51 As far as mainstream, I like BBC because I feel it's a bit more objective than an American news network. I try not to believe any of that. I try not to believe any of that. It is contrived. Again, I don't want to talk about my beliefs. But I'm a heavy internet surfer, or as you guys
Starting point is 01:03:11 like to say, troll, you know. That word is becoming very popular. It has been. It has been. Since when? No, it's becoming
Starting point is 01:03:20 popular to be a troll. Okay. I'll buy it. I'll buy it. I'll buy it. Well, if you ask ask me I'm one of your earliest trolls but but I call it objective hating you guys call it trolling so I had no problem with you know I don't know if there's very much objective in the trolls now though I would agree with what I yeah I don't know if there's much being objective there I think it's just trying to grab more attention.
Starting point is 01:03:46 And I think it's a very sick... I would agree. I think it's sick that people are sitting at their computers and at their phones thinking that it's like a satisfaction to get a reply from somebody. It's a very sick way to think. I want to talk about somebody who I vowed to never talk about. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. I don't know if this is a way I can say his name.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Afrika Bambaataa? I'm good. No, not Afrika Bambaataa. I'll say it. So there's a letter running around that was written to DJ Vlad. Okay. Okay, I know you're talking about. And this is from, help me here, whose brother wrote this?
Starting point is 01:04:23 I believe it was his uncle, Bankroll Fresh. Bankroll Fresh wrote. It was his uncle that wrote the letter to Vlad. Okay, okay. And, I mean, what was it? It was two pages. It was very well written, whoever wrote it. And the point was, I think, what was he calling him?
Starting point is 01:04:42 A culture vulture. But he was saying, how could you? You're just not a journalist, and you you just have you're just exploiting. And just it was almost one of them. More or less what he was saying was you put people on that couch for clickbait, not the truth, because you didn't go for both sides. You grabbed a gentleman that had clickbait material coming out of his mouth and then did not reach out to any of us to get our side of the story on an ongoing case. So now is that trolling? Not the letter.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I'm talking about what Homeboy does. I think clickbait and trolling are in the same realm. You talking about Vlad? Yes. Okay. I know Vlad very well. Fuck Vlad. I hate Vlad, by the way.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Well, you asked me a question. No, I didn't ask you if you know Vlad. I asked you if. I don't care if you I don't got Fuck Vlad Let me be very clear But is what he does
Starting point is 01:05:29 Considered trolling Do you think he's trolling You know him Tell me about it You gonna defend this Fuck shit he does Vlad is one of my main Niggas on the trail
Starting point is 01:05:41 You're bringing Vlad to Atlanta Oh man Can you hold on a second niggas on the trail. You're bringing Vlad to Atlanta? Oh, man. Can you hold on a second? Oh, what the fuck? Vlad is one of my main... And Vlad doesn't use the N-word, by the way. But I call him sometimes one of my main wiggers on the trail group.
Starting point is 01:06:00 But in reality, Vlad loves hip-hop. He knows hip-hop. He knows hip-hop. He is hip-hop. What? DJ Vlad. You're not going to troll me on my own fucking podcast. You're not going to troll me on my DJ Vlad.
Starting point is 01:06:15 No, no, no. I'd like to hear his- If you ask me, I think Vlad uses very good judgment at times. He can be sensitive. He can also be arrogant. But he does hear people out. There's a lot of shit that he doesn't put up on Vlad TV that you don't know about. There's a lot of people who come to him wanting to snitch and wanting to do shit that is totally foul that would cause lawsuits,
Starting point is 01:06:45 and he pumps the brakes. He has conference calls with his staff. He uses what I consider to be good judgment. In what percentage of the time? Because you acknowledge that he doesn't always. Well, I think he uses good judgment more than not. Okay. So I don't have to critique his website to say, you know, oh, this percentage of not caring.
Starting point is 01:07:14 I don't think Vlad is a culture vulture at all. I think maybe he might be misunderstood or misperceived by some. But if you look at Vlad TV, why get mad at him? Why not get mad at some of the other pioneers of hip-hop who have not started fucking websites? Why is KRS-One
Starting point is 01:07:36 running around still calling himself a fucking prophet, but he doesn't have a platform, a social media platform that equals up to shit? Does KRS-One need a social media platform that equals up to shit. Does KRS-One need a social media platform? He most certainly should have one. Not what I asked you. Does he need one?
Starting point is 01:07:53 Yes, he needs one. Tell me why. You're calling yourself the teacher. You're calling yourself a prophet. He's called himself these things well before there was a social media and that's what that's the reason why he should stay
Starting point is 01:08:06 oh cause he's not teaching exactly on social media and there's many others don't get don't get mad at the guy who has taken the reins
Starting point is 01:08:18 of something and encompassed it I fuck with Vlad Heavy I love Vlad well that's clear hang on I love Vlad TV I fuck with Vlad Heavy. I love Vlad. Well, that's clear. I love Vlad TV. I fuck with Q Heavy.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Q and I have never met, but I love Worldstar. I love that site. I wish I had started that fucking site. We all wish that we started Worldstar. Well, I do anyway. Worldstar's great. And there's many other sites. There's many other people that have taken the reins of hip-hop, if you will, the genre, not a culture, centralized it, and capitalized on it.
Starting point is 01:08:53 And they use, again, what I consider to be good judgment in certain areas that we will never know the intricate details. the intricate details. I won't give you the names, but there's a couple of famous drug dealers from the New York Tri-City area that I know personally reached out to Vlad that wanted to go to him with paperwork. These old niggas who used to be that nigga back in the 80s and 90s.
Starting point is 01:09:21 And they want to snitch now. They want to snitch. And I'm not going to give you a name, but I've seen the paperwork, and Vlad has asked me, hey man, what should I do with this? And I say, hey, stay away from that man. So he does ask
Starting point is 01:09:38 other people's opinion. He just doesn't do something, you know, throw it out there and to see what sticks. He uses what I consider to be good judgment. So he's not trolling. That's almost disappointing to hear. To backtrack to the Karis one. Hang on, hang on.
Starting point is 01:09:52 I didn't say he's not. But everybody trolls. I don't. Sure you do. Tell me when. Somebody tell me when. Well, first of all, before you do that, tell me the definition of troll. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Tell me the definition of troll exactly let's tell me the definition of troll first if you pay attention to certain things by way of social media then to some degree you could be trolling and as i said when we first sat down you are one of the early social engineers but that's not trolling if if you are utilizing the platform i'm not saying that uh you were engineering but before love and hip-hop came about you were you were filming yourself and tahiri If you are utilizing the platform, I'm not saying that... You were engineering. Before Love & Hip Hop came about, you were filming yourself and Tahiri. Yes. I remember the episode about your fucking thumb. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Nobody liked that episode. I thought it was very informative. Well, maybe because I was scared as a fuck. I had some shit oozing out of my finger. My thumb already looks like a piece of shit. Yeah, yeah. And when have you ever seen a rapper just go to the fucking doctor and... But, you know, don't have to sit here and defend vlad no we offer him i now i just want to talk about trolling what is the definition of trolling everyone pays attention to something on the internet yes so if you want to call it troll i don't call it
Starting point is 01:10:58 trolling i call it being objective myself even though we have more people now that are more hateful than the KKK, motherfuckers that are hiding behind fake AVIs or pictures and doing some of the most racist shit, you know, everybody to some degree is trolling. But you can't hate Vlad because he'll take somebody's fucking Twitter comments and make a story off of it. Why? Why would you hate that? Well, I don't think.
Starting point is 01:11:24 All right. See. All right. So that's a good place to start because we have two different definitions. Page views per user. That's what he taught me. Page views per user. And those are the things that, you know, if you're going to be in this social media game, you have to understand. Okay. Be in this this social media game, you have to understand. OK.
Starting point is 01:11:48 But what you just said and what trolling or my understanding of trolling is a bit different. Now, so let me make sure I understand my understanding of trolling first. What's your understanding of trolling? What's your understanding of trolling? Trolling would be to a degree saying something online to get a reaction in a negative way. In a negative way? Is it only in a negative way? Because if that's going to be the definition, if we take off that word negative, then Star is correct and everybody trolls in some form or fashion.
Starting point is 01:12:31 I've been sarcastic on Twitter and I've been called a troll for doing it. I think the word personally is getting old, troll. I think it's pretty much run its course. I think it's becoming more of a normality now, the way we act on social media. I think that the young people today that are 5, 10, and 15 years of age, I think that what we used to consider snitching is now the norm for them. For them to get up on IG or Facebook and all this other stuff and to say, hey, I'm here with so-and-so. He's turned up on these bitches, and these bitches just put rocks in their mystic and they're sucking dick over here.
Starting point is 01:13:09 The point of social media is documenting everything, which is snitching. That used to be snitching to us. Yo, my nigga, how are you putting pictures on Snapchat with me fucking this bitch raw and I got wifey at home? That's still snitching to me.
Starting point is 01:13:25 To us, yes, but to the newer generation, that's the norm. Instagramming. That's the norm. That's normal Instagramming. Normal behavior. I can't say that I've ever said anything online specifically for a reaction. I can't say that I've said anything, Well, no, specifically for a certain reaction. We all have said something for reaction.
Starting point is 01:13:48 If you put your sneaker collection up on IG and. I would like somebody to compliment it. Well, compliment it, yes. But, you know, but just keep in mind that, you know, somewhere somebody is going to, you know, say, hey, I know where that motherfucker lives. And the wolves are coming to get that collection. say hey I know where that motherfucker lives and the wolves are coming to get that collection now would that be snitching the person who
Starting point is 01:14:07 tells where you live probably so but by today's standards no one gives a fuck they're coming to get the collection it's a different mindset so I guess what I'm trying to say is you know still snitching to me okay well sure but I guess what I'm trying to say is and again I don't have to
Starting point is 01:14:24 sit here And defend Vlad But you know Don't hate him for pioneering Or being a social engineer Well no I hate him For way better reasons Okay okay He is arrogant
Starting point is 01:14:36 I will say that He's arrogant But It kind of feels like It's pioneering the fuck shit It's like putting people on a couch That shouldn't have an opinion Not all the time Not all the time Hip hop loves the fuck shit Let's like putting people on a couch that shouldn't have an opinion not all the time not all the time hip-hop loves the fuck shit let's be clear true
Starting point is 01:14:49 i will not disagree let's be clear hip-hop that's why vlad has one of the number one sites in the world yeah i'm saying from my personal love is the fuck shit i think for example one of the number one sites in the world yes well in our okay yeah got it well let's be clear yeah all right because if that that was telling information if he does, then shit. He's got one of the highest Alexa rankings. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm aware of that.
Starting point is 01:15:10 But for example, that bankroll fresh thing, I personally think that that's something that should not be put on a couch and recorded and put online for people to laugh and tweet about. He does some things in bad taste. But at the same time, we want to see niggas get shot, you know, streamed on Facebook. Same on Worldstar. People get knocked out and shot every day on Worldstar. I didn't want to see that.
Starting point is 01:15:32 I didn't want to see homeboy put the gun to his cheek with the blood and all that. That was too much. Certain things just shouldn't be online. But most people want to see that. Sadly. Sadly. But is that journalism just because you're catering to retards?
Starting point is 01:15:46 But by today's standards, yes, that's journalism, yes. That still wasn't a question. That's terrifying. That still wasn't a question. No, I don't know. Catering to retards, is that journalism?
Starting point is 01:15:55 No. Not following up and doing the correct steps. Hang on, hang on. Getting the truth from both sides. By today's standards, that's journalism.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Star. Sadly. Sadly. When you put by today's standards, that's journalism. Star. Sadly. When you put by today's standards in front of anything, yeah. Yeah. Shit is fucked up today. But we don't come from today. Why do we celebrate the Kardashian family?
Starting point is 01:16:21 Who is we? America. I have no idea. America. I would love to know. I have my own ideas about America. One of the top rated shows in the history of television. Why do we celebrate that low life behavior? Dumb shit.
Starting point is 01:16:35 And do any of those girls even have a fucking college degree? Maybe the little short old one. What is her name? I don't know any of their names. No, that's not true. I know Chloe. It all starts with K. I think maybe Courtney has a college degree. I don't know any of their names. No, that's not true. I know Chloe. It all starts with K. I think maybe Courtney has a college degree.
Starting point is 01:16:48 I don't know. But, you know, by today's standards, why do we celebrate them? So if you're asking about journalism, trolling, snitching, yada, yada, it's all one big pot of bullshit. So I'll still pick on Vlad. It's just a bigger issue. Okay. Hey, guys. We're just specifically speaking about Vlad. It's just a bigger issue. Okay. Hey guys. We're just specifically speaking about Vlad. Thank you. I've enjoyed
Starting point is 01:17:07 our conversation. Thank you. Good to see you again, man. I have to see you more. I have to. I have to. I have to. You're such a bevy of information. Thank you, man. I know you're going down to Atlanta. Are you going to be up here frequently or it's going to be
Starting point is 01:17:23 I'm still in Pennsylvania, but I'm moving the operation to Atlanta, and I'm going to be there for at least— Well, he's still got a property to sell, and that ain't quick. I got a buyer. I guess my other hook. All right. Is he approved? Pre-approved, yes.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Everybody's pre-approved. Everybody's pre-approved. They put down a deposit. Hey, now that's a little— Hey, okay, okay. Hey, he might be in Atlanta sooner than we think. We would love to have you back anytime. But listen, Atlanta's a fucking two and a half hour flight away.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Yeah, yeah. And I'm sure I'll be there at some point. But, yeah, thank you for coming. Cannon, thank you as well. I would love to see you soon, too, so we can talk sports. You got a way. I'm big sports, big sports, big sports guy. Big sports guy for me.
Starting point is 01:18:07 So yeah, we'll get that popping too. And that shit, that was great. I don't have anything. I'm so happy with what just occurred. Personally, personally,
Starting point is 01:18:17 I don't even give a fuck if people want to hear this shit or not. For me, this was amazing. As vocal and opinionated as I am on this podcast, I'm glad I got to listen to it. And I'll say this again, man, because I don't need to stroke anybody's ego.
Starting point is 01:18:29 But, again, you are one of the original social engineers of reality, hip-hop, television. What do you want to call it? So if I can just say, please, not that you have to, but don you know, don't let people take that away from you. I mean, wear that as a badge. But they can't. Okay, okay. They can't. That's etched in stone.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Yeah, yeah. But I'm just saying, wear that as a badge of honor, man, because, you know, television has gone someplace totally different. I don't know where the fuck it's going, but, you know, you were one of the first. Yeah, thank you. Salute, man. That's all. Yeah, I wanted to come out there and fuck with the station. If we
Starting point is 01:19:05 Can Vlad be in a different part He be in like a different building I didn't say Vlad's coming to Atlanta So many words I didn't say Vlad's coming to Atlanta Vlad's in California Driving Ferraris And Lamborghinis
Starting point is 01:19:15 Good for Vlad Hey Vlad Good for you I think Ross paid for it For the lawsuit Easy easy No no no It was a joke
Starting point is 01:19:24 It was a joke No Vlad's getting money Vlad's getting money. Vlad's getting money. Don't be fooled. He's one of the highest fucking rates. Let's not be. Let's put our hate to the side. He's doing well.
Starting point is 01:19:33 My last question. Did you and Big Tigger ever make up? Where's Big Tigger? Big Tigger and I shook hands, man, 2005. It's not as serious as you think. I have no enemies, no hatred towards anybody. I think he's doing radio in DC. Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And I think he's allegedly smashed, what's her name, formerly of the Cosby Show? Rudy, Trudy, what's her name? Yeah, Felicia. Allegedly. Yeah, I don't know her name. Allegedly, he smashed her. I don't know. Good for him.
Starting point is 01:20:06 I'm probably wrong. I don't want to get sued Thank you Thank you Star Is Rudy still Is she cute She was aging well For a while I haven't seen her
Starting point is 01:20:14 In a couple years But she was aging well Hey they need to do Some type of Cosby Kids special I don't think Cosby Kids Is a hot topic right now Joe I don't think Cosby Kids Is selling right now
Starting point is 01:20:24 Oh fucking Fucking Cosby man is a hot topic right now, Joe. Oh, yeah. I don't think Cosby Kids is selling right now. Oh, fucking Cosby, man. Jesus. All right, listen. I won't name this podcast later. Let me get up and shake this man's head. Yo, I'm so... I love Star. Well, shit, I reached out to Star...
Starting point is 01:20:42 When were we out in the Poconos when we did that trip with everybody that was february so maybe even january i reached out to star in january about doing this podcast and i've been wanting to have him on here he said and like i i said before i i didn't really want to be part of the podcast when he was on here because he's such a strong personality and you're such a strong personality. Let me be clear for the listeners out there. And it's just one of the great – mine and Rory's respect level for that gentleman couldn't be higher. No.
Starting point is 01:21:19 I don't know. we are like such huge fans and just admirers of all that he has done, even in disagreeance. Because let me be very clear, I disagree with a lot of that shit. Well, I love people that I could disagree with. Yes, it's so healthy for the brain. It exercises all that shit. It's great, great, great, great, great. I'm glad he came.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Glad he came. Thank you. Oh, Jesus. We got to do a... What else was there to even talk about? That's how you know that nigga's good. Yeah, because we had talking points. Because there was a whole slew of shit that we wanted to get into that who cares?
Starting point is 01:22:05 Because that was just great fodder it was such great conversation I'm real happy to hear that he's starting his own shit and I hope it does really well because he's too immensely talented and intelligent and I noticed with him just as much as Angie with just great radio personalities
Starting point is 01:22:21 even if they're the guest they're gonna dictate the conversation 100% and that's exactly what he did great radio personalities, even if they're the guest, they're going to dictate the conversation. 100%. And that's exactly what he did. And that's why you have to leave someone like that to do that because that's what they're great at. You have to allow them. You can't put a...
Starting point is 01:22:34 Listen, I had things that I wanted to talk about with him. But you have to let that conversation take its course. And him and I were texting before and I sent him talking points and he just said copy and I said to myself star just go star you see we might we might do some talking points but he just gonna rock because this is what he does for a living naturally naturally I hope to get like that one day that's great yeah well I think the narrative of radio now is
Starting point is 01:23:02 chasing what he built I think why shouldagne, and this is not a shot at Charlemagne at all, because I do like what Charlemagne is doing. Yeah, I think everyone's chasing. Charlemagne is so great right now that everyone's trying to chase what Charlemagne is doing. But that comes from Star's narrative. I think what Ebro's trying to do, and no disrespect to Ebro. I know Ebro has been in radio forever, and I know was star's uh fucking director whatever that shit is cool but still that what i don't even want to affiliate uh star with with anyone else just because of his journey i just don't um but i will say speaking of charlamagne um, Charlamagne is from that somewhere.
Starting point is 01:23:48 And if I trapped Charlamagne in a room and played truth to truth with him, I think he would feel the same. He would say he feels the same way about Starr. I get that he probably can't say that. I think he's had interviews where people have brought up Starr. And I think he's regarded him as someone that he thinks is great. He would have to. He would have to. He would have to. He would have to.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Oh, yeah. He has. He has. He has. I've heard him say Wendy. I've heard him say Angie. I've heard him say Starr before. What else is there to even talk about?
Starting point is 01:24:16 There is the Nate Parker thing, but I feel like that's such a long conversation. We might need to save that for another time. I hope Freddie Gibbs is all right, man. Well, that's one and the same. Who was Freddie Gibbs' lawyer? I'm not sure. I was scrolling by something that said why his lawyer fucked up, and I saw an image of a woman in my misogynistic ways kicked in.
Starting point is 01:24:37 How did she fuck that up? How did she fuck up? I didn't click it. What a dick. Yeah, right? If she fucked up, I would like to know about it. But I want all of us to say a prayer for Freddie Gibbs. I'm aware that, and hopefully some of y'all are too, that an indictment means absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 01:24:54 And I'm still from the school of innocent until proven guilty, even though I know America doesn't operate that way. It just sounds nice. So I'm just going to hope for the best for Freddie Gibbs. I don't even want to talk about it now. I don't. Let's do sleeper songs. I said with the Nate Parker shit, but I think that's a full conversation itself. So let's save that for next week.
Starting point is 01:25:15 And fantasy football and football in general, I think, is for next week. Yeah, I agree. And the night of. And Stranger Things. Stranger Things. Power. Oh, my God. Holly's night of. And Stranger Things. Stranger Things. Power. Oh, my God. Holly's dead.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Wait. Hey, I will say this real quick, and we'll touch more on this during the next podcast. I just want to go on. Did we kill her or did the writers kill her? I was just about to say, I want to go on record saying all of the people that I know in real life that wanted Holly dead they're still mad at her she's dead y'all got what y'all wanted and they are still cursing that bitch's name and a shout out to uh Joseph I'm not familiar with I don't I'm not gonna try and say his last name because I'm gonna fuck it up boy, did he play that scene.
Starting point is 01:26:06 He played that scene. Tommy. Tommy. He played that scene well. Shout out to... Oh, my God. Power's getting good. I don't know how the night of is going to... The night of is about to piss me off.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I don't know how they're going to close this in two more episodes. I mean, they're really running with the stepfather at this point. And I think the stepfather, if we're going with this narrative, was the gentleman on the motorcycle. And I think in the next episode, we will find out that the stepfather does drive a motorcycle. And I don't know if he's going to end up being the killer, but we are going to find out just what I've noticed how this has been written. The stepfather will drive a fucking motorcycle. And then I'm going to be mad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:44 And then I'm going to be mad. And then i'm gonna be mad and then i'm gonna curse the night of out even though we have been accurately predicting by mistake because the my mentions tell me yo joe and rory said that nigga was getting tattoos yo my mentions as annoyed as my mentions be sometimes sometimes i think they be lying on me and say i say doper shit than i say like wait did i really predict that? I don't like prison Naz. He's dope. He running the whole shit. Well, how do you feel about him smoking whatever it is?
Starting point is 01:27:17 We're not sure what controlled substances it is, but. Well, you're asking the wrong person. I'm all for smoking shit that you don't know what it is. Sure, Omar. I'll smoke it. Yeah, I'm all for that. I'm not all for him being totally oblivious to a trial coming up, but he's been oblivious since day one. So, you know, we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I think that whole white shirt, blue shirt, Omar court shirt thing is going to be important at some point. Not because of the actual shirt thing, but moving forward, he will listen to everything Omar has to say regarding. Wait, why am I saying Omar? Well, because he's Omar and Bodhi's Bodhi. It's HBO. It's The Wire. It is Omar, man. I just want to see Adebisi come back.
Starting point is 01:28:05 Yeah, but do we think Omar, well, I mean, I know he is, but I'm going to say, do we think Omar is playing Nas here? Because I think Nas is much more important to him in prison
Starting point is 01:28:12 than he is out of prison. You're talking about next season now. Because they can't get into any of that with two more episodes left. Because Omar, man, we know that he's
Starting point is 01:28:24 the fucking Steph Curry of convicts. So he's playing him and make it look like he's taking care of him. He's not. He's playing him. He's getting him high. Everyone knows when he was a pimp, you took the bitches and you got them high so you could control them. Yeah, but he's already controlling everything.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Well, now once he gets him hooked to that shit, he's really controlling him now. Oh, nah. I don't know we gotta watch it play out but um what else is there to talk about uh i'll say i'll say this and this is all things i finished today by the way i haven't so don't tell me shit um and i won't because i don't have cable or wi-fi in my new house oh well but i got a new house so fuck you um without cable um i only want Wi-Fi. I'll say this and I'll only say this.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Nah, I won't even say it. I don't even care about all of that fucking shit. Sleeper songs. Sleeper songs. Yeah, we could do sleeper songs. Yo, my sleeper song last week, I'm glad that all of you enjoyed it just as much as I do. Because I really, truly do love that song. And I want to shout out to Ryan, a.k. to Ryan aka DJ Badass who bumped into it on Spotify and uh let me know about it have you
Starting point is 01:29:33 warmed up to Party's album before we get in there no I've warmed up to it there's there's there's a few records I would have got rid of uh it's a horrible album I would not say it's a few records I would have got rid of. It's a horrible album. I would not say it's a horrible album. I know. And I can't say that. It's at 16 records. If it was at 11, it would be a great album. You know, the songs I like are the songs he gave us already. So the two songs that he leaked, Don't Know How and They Don't Know How 2 or whatever, two of those.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I like those two songs and I like the Reggae Jamaican song. And other than that, oh, and I like one song at the end. Hey, you're right. I warmed up to one song at the end of the album. Joy is great. Transparency is great. Joy is great. Oh, you're bugging.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Joy is one of the better songs on that album, but on an album full of bullshit. And I know I can't say that, but whatever. And I can't say my theory because we promised. Yeah, we're not going to do that. We're not going to do that. But, um,
Starting point is 01:30:26 um, what the truth, it's an amazing fact that we can't talk about, but, um, sleeper songs. Yeah. I'll get right to it.
Starting point is 01:30:37 Uh, oh, I'm plugging in and I want parties album to do well. Cause I want him to be able to continue to release music. And when you want people to continue to release music, you have to support them and want them to do well i say that to you people that just refuse to purchase music um who you rolling with this week so let me find mine as well i spoke about this record but since we had so many fucking problems with studios the past few weeks which we apologize guys um I only spoke about this record.
Starting point is 01:31:06 I didn't play it. But the video came out today or else I wouldn't be playing it because I really want y'all to listen to this record. Lloyd True, the video is out today. So I'm going to play it as my sleeper song. We've heard that as a sleeper song. I spoke about it. I never played it. I just said it.
Starting point is 01:31:21 Parks, I'm playing it, but nothing's coming out. played it I just said it all right for parks I'm playing it but nothing's coming out Oh John might have fucked it up it's playing oh yeah Joe was fucking with everything that's why No, I spoke about this record and said it was great. That's all? This song is great. And the video came out today. That's why I thought it was relevant to play.
Starting point is 01:32:26 I love boydol me for what I do. I'm just doing everything that I can. Cause all I wanna be is true. So please accept me for who I am. And please accept me for what I do. That video is out now. Well, today on Vivo. I hope he has a project coming out.
Starting point is 01:32:44 This was the single according to Instagram and Vivo. My only problem with Lloyd has always been come and go, flash in the pan, inconsistent. Not inconsistent in terms of the quality of music, delivering the music. How many albums? Lloyd has two albums. And then he went away I mean I think he kind of addressed it on that record as far as having a new team now that he needs to move forward a new approach to an old dream you're talking to the guy that just continues to release music through having bad
Starting point is 01:33:18 teams so I mean what do you want me to do bro hey give me that give me that song I mean give me that um chord for a minute so So I'm going to, I hope that I've never played this song. I don't think I have, but either way, I've played this gentleman before, and this is my guy, Ro James, and this is the song, El Dorado.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Not to be confused with his album that is also titled El Dorado. This is the title track from his album. And if I'm not mistaken, it's the last song. It's the last song on his album. I play this shit on repeat and ride on the highway. Nine deuce black Eldorado's Nine deuce, nine deuce black Eldorado's And if you old enough, you know how fly Eldorado was
Starting point is 01:34:10 Nine deuce, nine deuce black Eldorado's I'm in a nine deuce black Eldorado Deep dishes barely fittin' on this Eldorado Limited edition triple black triple terror Ain't nobody got this, not nobody from my era She ain't got no door handles or no side view mirrors We get attention anytime we make an appearance Something we love to do Me, my Eldorado and you, baby But you don't ride with me no more My hands on your thighs passing just hide of me no more I've been rolling along
Starting point is 01:34:54 Cause you don't ponder and cry with me no more Oh oh oh oh If I'm God you'll see, running I'm still a sinner I'd be singing this shit like I could sing when someone in the car. Between Ro James, Anderson.Paak, and BJ the Chicago Kid, they're still so on R&B. Rory, I asked you to send me that Fonte, the project. Oh, with Eric Robeson? Yeah. Which I also spoke about and didn't play.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Fonte and Eric Robeson have a great album together. Ooh, I might need to play one more. No, we out, nigga. But I asked you to send me that. Now I don't have wi-fi yeah it's true but i'll be right at this studio that's up the street with oh that's not up the street with some wi-fi you'll be at starbucks yeah i'm gonna be that guy i'm about to be that guy um i really enjoyed this week really enjoyed this podcast i want to thank star once again
Starting point is 01:36:01 um and this was this was wonderful we'll see y'all next week we'll talk to y'all next week again we apologize for the audio issues that we've had in the past weeks we don't need y'all to keep telling us we hear it the way y'all hear it and hopefully we've gotten that fix parks and the boards real niggas in the booth I'll name this podcast later episode number 76 one

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