The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 79

Episode Date: September 7, 2016

Started off calm lol ... if you don't like hip hop this episode may not be for you, if that's the case, we'll catch you on the next one....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right we are live i will name this podcast later episode number 79 79 right rory i think so i'm tired of 70s we've been in 70s for like too long uh i will name this podcast later episode number 79 sitting across from me is my co-host rory lanes to my is Ice, who does not do podcasts. And to my further right is Maul. Y'all niggas' names, the one-syllable names is real whack. We got to get y'all some aliases or some shit. Real nigga, that could be Maul. Then I would be lying on my podcast. And I never want to tell a lie.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I want to be as honest and transparent as possible. So, I went into this podcast later, episode number 79. Here we are. I'm to be as honest and transparent as possible. So I went in this podcast later, episode number 79. Here we are. I'm your host, Joe Budden. And a lot to get to today, even though not very much happened this week. What happened this week? Not much that I care about. Well, first of all, how was everyone's Labor Day weekend? Mine was cool. Mine was relaxing. We did Henny Palooza in Philly Which went great on Friday And then I came back
Starting point is 00:01:08 And just relaxed The rest of the weekend Skipped Made in America Looked like it was fun But large groups of high people I just don't have the energy To do anymore You know my thing is with you
Starting point is 00:01:16 When Henny Palooza is not good Would you tell us? Yeah but it's just It's never not been good Talk that shit But if it wasn't good Would you tell us? Yeah, but it's never not been good. Talk that shit. But if it wasn't good, we can trust you to tell us. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Even though you have a vested interest and that's kind of your thing, would you? I don't know if you would. I don't know if I would just come on the podcast with plans like i can't wait to shit on henny palooza today but if i were asked maybe i would uh say it wasn't our best today but philly was great philly was really good you tweeted uh something and unfortunately i follow you so you tweeted like uh hey here's a picture timeline of everything that happened at henny palooza so i I said, you know what? Let me click on this shit. Is that how I worded it?
Starting point is 00:02:07 No, no, no. It wasn't your words. It was someone else's words. Oh, it was probably the Stash recap. Yeah. So I clicked on it, and I wanted to see what was going on. And you guys were way too prepared. I wasn't prepared to look at 90,000 pictures of Henny Palooza.
Starting point is 00:02:24 But it all looked pretty good and pretty fun. Raven takes our photos for those that know. I'm aware. Hey, Ravy. Hey. So Henny Palooza was great in Philly. You didn't get beat up, so that's good. No, the Dream Chasers did not stop by and check me.
Starting point is 00:02:41 All right. Good, good. PMB Rock came out and performed. That was great. PMB Rock is from Brooklyn, right? From Philly. Wait, huh? If I'm not mistaken.
Starting point is 00:02:52 He's from Philly? No. PNB is from Brooklyn, right? I didn't know he was from Philly. I thought he was from Philly. No, that nigga ain't from no damn Philly. Hey, we're not fact-checking this.
Starting point is 00:03:00 He could be from Brooklyn or Philly. I just thought that he was from Brooklyn. I think I got that from tax. He's from Philly. He is from Philly? Yeah, that's why I'm—
Starting point is 00:03:09 Is he repping Brooklyn? He's repping Philly. When we were going through Atlantic on people for performers, they suggested P&B off-rep because of the Philly thing, and we said, oh, that would be great. I like him. No, he's great. He did great, too.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I like what I've heard from him thus far. So I'll say that. That's not my co-sign. I just like what I've heard from him thus far. So I'll say that. That's not my co-sign. I just like what I've heard so far. Ice, how was your Labor Day weekend? It was cool. Hung out with the family. Real relaxing, chill.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Mall? It was cool. Just watched some clubs. Yo, niggas don't give a fuck. Yo, niggas don't give a fuck about Labor Day. Have we had a podcast since your birthday? No. How was your birthday?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Do you want to recap your party and your week? We can. We can. So I had a surprise birthday party that I knew about. You had a surprise party that you were inviting people to? Yeah, I was inviting people to my surprise birthday party, but it was a surprise because I had were inviting people to. Yeah, I was inviting people to my surprise birthday party, but it was a surprise because I had no idea what was going to occur.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Sin made me not look in my yard for like three days. That was really, really annoying because the way my house is set up, you really can't not look in the yard. But, yeah, it was a formal event. People came dressed accordingly except for Mack Wilds, but I'm going to blame that on Crystal. Mack Wilds, shout out to you and your T-shirt and black jeans that showed up at my formal event that I shopped all day for. But outside of that, everybody came looking good.
Starting point is 00:04:35 They were smelling good. The food was great. Shout out to Chef Kelvin. And send it a good job. All of my friends were there, all four of you. And that was that, really. So, I mean, it was good. I think Sin was giving you a hint.
Starting point is 00:04:51 That didn't look like a birthday. That looked like a wedding reception. Yeah, it definitely looked like a wedding. I think that was a hint. I walked into that backyard and said, wait, was this a wedding invitation or a birthday invitation? That definitely felt a little like, yeah. I had to check your timeline to see if it was really your birthday but wait now i got it confused it only looked
Starting point is 00:05:08 wedding receptionist because of the house and the formal no no no no no son you had a ring of candles around a pool yeah and white tablecloth no it looked amazing it just looked like a wedding reception she know a nigga's in the candles yeah so i mean you should have some candles if you're in the ambiance you should have some candles there so shout out to her the dj was real good hey that's mall that's mall bay right there hey look at more look at more uh what dj uh miss miss milan miss milan is her name i followed her i've been to a few parties she's done she's good dj yeah she's definitely a good dj though yeah outside of her being an attractive woman yeah she's uh we enjoyed we enjoyed uh the audio that that that she uh delivered so good shout out i've never seen a wax set from her at parties that
Starting point is 00:05:55 i go to shout out to her and she got fat ass shout out to shrimp girl whoever was wait did shrimp girl get do we get her ig I know someone was requesting at some point. Somebody need to get her IG. Shrimp Girl had the bunkie. There was a couple people requesting it. Shrimp Girl asked. People were asking me. I'm like, I don't know her, bro.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Shrimp Girl ass is so fat. You knew her ass is fat because she just had a stank attitude all night long. The way that girls with fat asses have stank attitudes all night long. She was great, though. Sin really had like a hundred dark-skinned women working. Like, that was quick how she did that. Well, she knows you don't like dark-skinned women, so.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah. No, I was kind of... She didn't have to worry about anything. I ain't gonna lie, I was kind of impressed by that. I've never had a Spanish woman be so in tune with the black Community Your taste is like A Kanye casting call So she knew it
Starting point is 00:06:48 She did that She said You know Like Spanish chicks Ain't gonna be no Spanish chicks It wasn't even No Spanish food
Starting point is 00:06:55 Like Nothing was Spanish Nothing was Spanish She's like Nah I'm the only Spanish here That up there Was fine though
Starting point is 00:07:02 She's fucking Running around Looking at the makeup girl and the hair girl. I hear one reggaeton song. Shout out to everybody that helped and participated and made my birthday. The amazing time that it was. So yeah, that was it for my birthday.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And then Labor Day weekend was after that. I didn't do shit. I didn't fly anywhere. I didn't go anywhere. What I notice is Labor Day now, and I'm just going to be the one to say it. Now, people don't say it. Labor Day now is really just your reason for showing up in the same city as the person you've been texting that lives mad far for months that you haven't fucked.
Starting point is 00:07:41 That's it. Is there another destination city besides New york on labor day though yeah vegas vegas does labor day labor day yes vegas vegas labor day never heard that one i don't want to go to vegas on any holiday i don't want to go to vegas yeah i don't want to go to vegas vegas is nah i'm not doing it on list of I'm not going there ever again places. Not even a layover. I saw a lot of hoes tweeting about
Starting point is 00:08:08 on Instagram and they were very excited about attending Vegas day parties, Todd's and all that. Well, this is the last hoeing weekend
Starting point is 00:08:15 if we're being technical because we're almost in preseason of cuffing season. Oh, no. Oh, hey, hey, great segue.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yo, this is the start of so many seasons. We have cuffing season. Oh, no. Oh, hey, hey, great segue. Yo, this is the start of so many seasons. We have cuffing season. Hoodie season. Hoodie season and football season. And they're all intertwined somehow. Now, football season, well, let's wait for football because we have to discuss football in detail.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Game one, the first game is Thursday. Panthers against the Broncos. I don't really care about that game. But I am going to watch it. I got fantasy players in it. Because it's football. Oh, my fantasy draft. Okay, cuffing season, that doesn't really apply to Rory because Rory's married.
Starting point is 00:09:00 It doesn't apply to Maul because Maul has so much baggage that he will never allow a woman to get close enough to cuff him. That's not true, man. Whatever. We need a therapy episode for Maul. Like a real therapist. I've been trying to do that for years. First of all, Joe thinks he's my therapist. No, I want a real therapist.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I'm not a real therapist. No, you're not a real therapist. He really thinks he's my therapist, but that's for another episode. Maul won't ever share his feelings. I've known this nigga for over 10 years. I don't know how he feels about it. I just think I'm crazy about my views of women and dating and relationships. Give me your plan for cuffing season.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Someone who is so anti-relationship. See, I have a thing about the word cuffing. Because for me, cuffing means holding someone against their will. You know what I mean? Wait, wait, wait. What? Wait, already he's lost. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:50 See what cuffing is? No, but when you cuff something, like, okay, so if we at a party, right, and we all see a girl that we think is attractive. You thinking handcuffed. No, and niggas say you cuffing her. Like, why you cuffing that? Like, niggaga let her go Nigga you trying to make that
Starting point is 00:10:07 Your girl or something So niggas will look like Yeah you all cuffing Like That's accurate I think the definition has changed Since 97 though No I mean
Starting point is 00:10:15 That's still a definition If we go out right now And it's a girl Well it's context based A fun party girl And we out And she Anybody getting at her
Starting point is 00:10:22 And you over there With her a little too much And you Like Hugged up on her Niggas gonna say you cuffing That is true Context based
Starting point is 00:10:29 But cuffing season I don't think anyone Puts those two things together Because cuffing season Is you have a girl And you cuff her Just for the season And then just let her go
Starting point is 00:10:38 After that I don't See I don't I don't know I don't get that Some people get lost in the sauce Some people extend the season Some I don't get that Some people get lost In the sauce Some people extend The season
Starting point is 00:10:46 Some people make the playoffs Right Some people go to Chip with theirs They found a winner Some people make a career They sign a max deal They sign a max deal
Starting point is 00:10:55 They get a franchise tag on them Yeah But I've seen dudes Cuff all year Like shit all year round So I don't know I just don't get into The cuffing season thing
Starting point is 00:11:02 Ever Nah Alright so who do you Sleep with then During Look at his around there so i don't i don't know i just don't get into the cuffing season thing ever no all right so who do you sleep with then during i sleep alone bro just forever yeah your mall needs so much therapy no i don't all right it's cool all right so cuffing season is here uh i'm one of the people that and we'll we'll just address this quickly i say this every year i'm one of the people that and we'll just address this quickly I say this every year I'm one of the people I like to get a head start on cuffing season
Starting point is 00:11:27 you gotta start scouting in like May motherfucker you finished you didn't get a head start no but you you crossed the line but my mistake this year but
Starting point is 00:11:37 you have to scout in around May or June and you have to already kind of be cuffed by the end of July August if you want to have kind of be cuffed by the end of July, August, if you want to have a great fall winter cuffing season.
Starting point is 00:11:49 No, I'm not rolling. If you enter the end of September, mid-October, and you still are searching the field for a viable option, it's over. You're done. It's over. You're finished. Yeah, but if you're going May, June, and you're scouting, and she's in her ho summer phase, that may tear you apart from wanting to move on to September.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Repeat that for me one more time. Let her get it. I'm not looking at what she's doing in May and June. It's ho time. Let her go be a ho. I'm not going to pay attention to her. Come end of the season, summer season season I may look a bit more into what her behavior is
Starting point is 00:12:28 she's on your radar and I want to be a hoe in the summertime too she's on your radar though so wait a minute just so I'm clear y'all teaching me something y'all teaching me something right now
Starting point is 00:12:38 I'm learning a little bit this is why we need a girl in this podcast this is why right here so let me just ask so y'all are cool with a girl being a hoe all summer and then cuddling with her September, October, November? Ladies and gentlemen, Maul's back.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I'm just asking a question. Repeat the question for me. So y'all are cool with a girl being a complete hoe? What is it? Yeah, let's define that's very relative. What's a complete hoe? Okay, are y'all comfortable With a girl being a hoe During the summer?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Is she getting dick From a player off the New York Knicks? Yeah like She's getting fucked by A bunch of different dudes So okay So say she's not Is this Moe's baggage or yours?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Right The ship just happened real quick I'm gonna get my baggage I'm just saying So are y'all cool with her Just like being a hoe During the summer You know a couple of guys
Starting point is 00:13:24 That smashed it how many women does how many men does a girl have to fuck in the summer to be considered like a hoe like that degree of hoe tell me it depends on who you ask i'm asking how many during the summer yeah she's single she looks great to, hoe is not a body count. If she, no. It's a behavior. If she's fucking within that circle. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Hold on, Slom. Wait a minute. A hoe, a body count definitely counts when we start categorizing hoes. Let's be clear. Okay. I'm saying behavior. I don't think there's like an end all. When I say body count, like, all right, at nine, she's not a hoe.
Starting point is 00:14:07 At 10, she's a hoe. That's what I'm saying body count wise. I'm saying behavior. I was just throwing a number out there. Okay. I'm just saying when you do the body count thing, where do you draw the line? To me, it's a behavior. Did she fuck five guys in the summer in the same circle?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Because that's a hoe. No. Come on, Rory. Well, if you're asking me, if she fucked five guys in the summer, she's a hoe. In the summer period. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. That's me.
Starting point is 00:14:29 We're talking. Hold on. So if she hit five guys. In the summer. She's a burger. That's a season. Five guys is a lot, man, for a season. Five guys is a burger.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Five guys is a burger. See, he's still trying to make that line work, and it don't. It worked. No, it don't work. It was hard then. I don't care what y'all say not a hard i'm just saying if she fucks five dudes in the summer to me she's a hoe to me summer starts when when does summer start june no memorial day when all right last week i don't know your day the labor day man that's a summer when is memorial that's a good start and ending In May Memorial Day is the last Monday in May
Starting point is 00:15:07 Oh yeah Memorial Day to Labor Day Is the summer Bitch can't fuck five niggas Come on Maul Nah See that's exactly The problem
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah Can she fuck three niggas She can fuck three niggas That's why I'm saying With this body count shit So there's this line then Alright Maul is crazy my nigga So that's one a month
Starting point is 00:15:26 That's okay Fuck three dudes a month Wait why you Do you know how many bitches Is fucking five niggas In a summer You just basically Called every woman
Starting point is 00:15:36 A hoe Every single woman But now we get That's why he's that way Duh It's a lot of hoes Walking around out here. Like, let's just be clear.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Y'all got to understand, we on a different era. This is a different time. But listen, hoeing is not frowned upon. Like, it's a cool thing now. So why are you frowning upon it? Is it a different era or is it just documented now? I'm just not cuffing a hoe. But if they all hoes.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Which is why I go back to my original statement. I don't participate in cuffing season. I don't think y'all empathize with women enough. Honestly, y'all know. Men. Are you and y'all? I'm not. No, I empathize with women.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Listen to this. A woman is single. A woman is attractive. Right. It's the summertime. The temperature is hot right it's the summertime the temperature is hot she's wearing sundresses she's wearing less clothing because it's hot right you might like sex technology is technology right so like maul used to always say you have odell and well not odell because he might be a little yummy But You got all of these celebrities Within
Starting point is 00:16:48 A few There are a few characters away If you guys had to Just put yourselves In their position You telling me that You're not fucking Trey Songz I don't think I can put myself
Starting point is 00:17:02 In this position This isn't one I want to hypothetically Yes you can You're not fucking some of these athletes You're not fucking some of the rappers You're not fucking some of the R&B niggas You're not taking the trips You're not going shopping
Starting point is 00:17:13 Come on, come on, come on But this is why I say what I say Like you have to be It's almost like you have to be single in this climate And just play Just have fun You can't take any of these women serious. You can't. What I do now, what I say about that is, had we known last decade that this decade would be this way,
Starting point is 00:17:35 I think a lot of us would have either gotten married or tried to find one last decade. last decade. Absolutely. It's much, much, much more difficult today to try to find someone to be serious with all your
Starting point is 00:17:48 checkbox traits, characteristics that you're looking for today. Good luck. Right. Right. There is still,
Starting point is 00:17:55 I live in the regular world, like not in the bartender world. There are a lot of beautiful women that don't DM athletes. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:18:02 There are women out there that are not, I would never put every woman. Of course, I don't think you guys are doing that, but I'm saying that. that don't dm no no there are there are there are women out there that are not i would never put every woman of course i don't think you guys are doing that but i'm saying i don't know if it's a lot of them no but it's a lot of them but the thing where are they what are you talking about what's the thing is is she attractive to you you know i mean is she your type of woman is she you know she could just be a cute girl but you know is she like is she even the cute girls is getting hit by fucking Langston Galloway and shit. What do you want me to do out here, man?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Let me just put this out here. If I ever meet a girl that says she slept with Langston Galloway, I'm going to be completely upset at that. You 100% are friends with a girl who has slept with Langston Gallagher. Fuck no. Listen, I got an ex that shall remain anonymous. What was that nigga name that she slept with? What was Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick? What was the Rick nigga name?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Rick Brunson. Rick fucking Brunson. Fam, let me tell you something. Remember that conversation Mom Rick Brunson She was mad That's wild
Starting point is 00:19:08 If you If you If Rick Brunson Let me tell you something If you go in I've been in a New York City nightclub And seen Jerome James Looking like the illest nigga
Starting point is 00:19:18 In the world Jerome James was living With two women at one point A lot of people don't know that They don't know When he was a Nick He had two Stay at home Like girlfriends Jerome James was living with two women at one point. A lot of people don't know that. They don't know. When he was a Nick, he had two stay-at-home girlfriends. Jerome James was in the club, heavied out, heavied down,
Starting point is 00:19:34 lots of jewelry, lots of bottles, and he left and hopped in that big boy Phantom. Bitches was fucking Jerome James, my nigga. But you know what it is? Women are just, it's not even about us anymore they're in they're in competition with each other they're in competition with each other they're looking at it like if she could get that type of dude and this that i look better than her why i can't get that like they're just in competition with each other and we just happen
Starting point is 00:19:58 to like bump into them at a vulnerable moment like i'll give them a friend of mine told me that uh sofia i don't know sophia's last name because she's just sophia in new york that sophia was at aces uh two nights ago with nick cannon and the first thing i said to myself is it's kind of a chatty episode we'll go ahead it's not chatty because the first thing i said to myself well nick cannon again if we if we're going back to our rager conversation from last week, Nick Cannon is there. He has a lot of nice bodies under his belt. Like the new niggas want to try to call Nick Cannon corny and whack.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I said that a couple weeks ago. Yeah, I don't get it. But Nick Cannon, my nigga, is legendary. There's like the Derek Jeter level, and then Nick, I think, is in that tier below. Yeah. Yeah, Derek Jeter's definitely probably. Derek Jeter's A1. Yeah. Yeah, Derek Jeter's definitely probably. Derek Jeter's A1. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Nick Cannon is right there underneath. Yeah. He wouldn't be on the same? You don't think? No. No. He's close. Listen, man.
Starting point is 00:20:56 He got kids with Mariah Carey. That's a stat. Is that a stat? What? Nigga, what? Mariah Carey? Mariah Carey. That's a stat, man. No, no, it is a stat. That's a stat. Is that a stat? What? Nigga, what? Mariah Carey? Mariah Carey. That's a stat, man.
Starting point is 00:21:07 No, no, it is a stat. That's a stat. All right, it's a stat. Yeah, that's a stat. That's why I'm like, he ain't there? I'm not putting him on the same level as Derek Jeter. I think Derek Jeter, them bitches is too foreign. They're Derek Jeter.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I think Derek Jeter is just so ill because he'll be at a bar drinking a beer and jumping right in the yellow cab. Yeah, you never heard him talk. Yeah, he's just out here sniping and moving. That's it. Yeah, and then he come up with the big hit in the playoffs, and that's just it. All right, so off of Nick Cannon. Well, I was saying, why the fuck is Sophia with fucking Nick Cannon at Aces somewhere? I just don't understand how you women move sometimes.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Shout out to Sophia. But off of that, okay, so cuffing season, hoodie season. I'm a hoodie season guy. Yeah. I'm a hoodie season guy as well. Can't wait for hoodie season. Love it. Hoodie season is now depending on what time you wake up.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah. Because I wake up at about 6 in the morning. We got a couple 90 degree days left. Let me tell y'all something out there. Let me tell y'all something out there. Let me tell y'all something out there. After this little weak heat wave, I seen it. I hit the weather app on the phone after this little five
Starting point is 00:22:14 day forecast. It's a wrap, my nigga. It's over. This is it. I can't wait till the time changes. So Rory and Henny Palooza on Saturday has introduced like a real viable issue for me because Maul and I were talking about how this will probably be the last. Wait, is Henny Palooza here this Saturday?
Starting point is 00:22:35 Yeah, in San Antonio. Yeah, it's in New York. Saturday the 10th. Oh, wow. Maul and I were talking about how this weekend will probably be the last hot weekend in New York. Like 93 degrees, right? So I was going to throw a little gathering and shit, but then I remember fucking Henny Palooza is the 10th. There's a couple other parties going.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'm not going to plug them, but there's some other parties going. It's going to be a weekend in the city. Brunch Bounce is happening Saturday. La Marina. And I'm only saying that because you know all the Spanish bitches, whether they know about Brunch Bounce or not. Will be there. At La Marina, yeah. So it's a lit Saturday.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Wait, Brunch Bounce still happens? Yeah. I didn't know that. I have no comment. Well, you're not Spanish. And that's Rory's competition, so you can't talk about it. No, I fuck with Klepp and all of them. My bad.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Shout out to Brunch Bounce. But even if you don't know About Brunch Bounce When it's hot out In New York La Marina is It's Dykeman Beach I call it
Starting point is 00:23:30 So bitches will be At La Marina Whether they know About that or not So it's a really Busy Saturday Yo they didn't let La Marina die
Starting point is 00:23:38 It looked like it was Maybe making a downfall No it died And that shit came right back No no no But it did die It died It's not what it used to be It died
Starting point is 00:23:46 It didn't die the way Clubs in New York die Well that's cause it came back But niggas were getting Shut up Clubs don't come back In New York They die in New York
Starting point is 00:23:55 And they never come back A new club pops up It's always It's always because Of the simple reason Of the ambiance Yeah it's on the beach Little fake beach
Starting point is 00:24:02 Dirty water That's a beach dirty water and sand is a beach yeah that's dykeman beach and the bitches be there no matter what you say the bitches be there and wherever the bitches be niggas will be so dykeman beach is popping henny palooza is popping saturday so now maul and i were talking about trying to throw like a pool gathering because i'm too old and mature To throw parties I don't wanna see None of you fuck niggas But now
Starting point is 00:24:27 I don't know if that Should happen Saturday We gotta move that We ain't gotta move it Why we gotta move it? I mean no disrespect To any of the parties Going on
Starting point is 00:24:37 Ain't any blues At their party? I do know It's a different crowd It's three to ten This one's our longest one Just cause it's Five thousand fucking people
Starting point is 00:24:44 And we got Just Blaze Headline and all that shit Three to ten Shameless plug This one's our longest one Just cause it's Five thousand fucking people And we got Just Blaze headlining All that shit Three to ten Shameless plug And a lot of surprise guests Alright you need No my suggestion
Starting point is 00:24:52 Was do Sunday Do a hangover Barbecue pool party Cause everyone's gonna be At all these other parties Not just anypalooza What is the weather like Sunday Same
Starting point is 00:25:00 It's not as nice as Saturday No no no no It's eighty four It's not eighty That's still a great day Eighty nine against ninety I said eighty four It's not as nice as saturday no no no it's 84 it's not 80 it's still a great day 89 against 90 i said 84 it's not 84 saturday is gonna be sunny 88 sunday is gonna be mostly sunny 84 it's not bad first of all let me tell you something don't trust that iphone weather app man that should change every 10 minutes well yeah well forecast changes so whatever i just don't trust the weatherman all right so all right so i don't know what i'm doing sat I just don't trust the weatherman Alright so Alright so
Starting point is 00:25:25 I don't know what I'm doing Saturday I don't know if I'm trying to do Like a pool gathering I gotta look through my phone To see how many hoes I know I might have to go to Haney Palooza in Brooklyn though I went to Haney Palooza in
Starting point is 00:25:37 In LA And I had a good time I think I wanna go Is there some way for me to Be an introvert In the corner somewhere It's gonna be be A different set up It'll be much more
Starting point is 00:25:46 Festival like You can be behind A stage You did agree That you were going To come out During Justice set To do Pump It Up
Starting point is 00:25:54 No I didn't I never agreed to that Well that's the only way You're going to get in And be an introvert Huh If not you have to Wear your mask
Starting point is 00:26:03 And stand up I'm getting in And I'm gonna find a corner to sit in and be annoyed at shit okay and if i'm too annoyed i'm just gonna get the fuck out of here but i gotta be honest i haven't been to coney island that's really why i want to go not because of rory or any palooza the fact that they're doing this in Coney Island And this Coney Island is a very new Different Coney Island than the Coney Island I am used to That's why I want to go
Starting point is 00:26:31 The past three years it's changed They're trying to make it a thing again It's nice for Coney Island I want to see gentrified Brooklyn This Saturday at Henny Palooza I do But let's be clear If I do go I will be out of there
Starting point is 00:26:45 Before the sun goes down I do not want to be in Coney Island See way back When we was real We would go to these functions When the compound was there We would go to these functions We would steal all the bitches
Starting point is 00:26:55 Do night pool Night pool Yeah but I don't know If we real like that no more man I'm always real I don't know what y'all niggas talking about Alright so I can rely on you then yeah
Starting point is 00:27:05 just hopefully none of those bitches fuck five men this summer or then it's over I don't have no women though
Starting point is 00:27:13 like I'm on this new thing where I just I don't I don't want to be attached to anybody like that really
Starting point is 00:27:17 that's not new we could say yeah that's not new we could say let's say football cause I want to really delve into football.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Travis Scott's album came out. Fab's project came out. Travis Scott, man. I don't know, man. I'm trying to figure out the correct way to word this. His album. I like his album, though. I like it, too.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Rory, have you heard Travis Scott's album? I have. What do you think? I liked it. I listened to it too Rory have you heard Travis Scott's album I have What do you think I liked it I listened to it twice In a van with 15 people Driving down to Philadelphia So I can't say I gave it a full
Starting point is 00:27:53 Listen That's why I hate These Henny Palooza niggas But Why Cause we listen to music In a car Yeah the nerve of us
Starting point is 00:27:59 Together Like 20 of you guys I could Yeah driving Driving down to Henny Palooza that's wild that's so crazy
Starting point is 00:28:07 that we would ever do that we should all take separate cars alright so y'all the consensus is everybody likes Travis Scott's album
Starting point is 00:28:15 great that's wonderful so it didn't sound like one long song to anybody else the first three tell me where
Starting point is 00:28:22 Ice it did this nigga Ice will cape to the death I just said the first three records. Tell me where Ice. It did. This nigga Ice will cape to the death. I just said the first two records did. But that's not true. That's not true. That's not true. It sounded like.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I didn't know it stopped. I didn't know it was different records. After the first two records, which were hard. Them first two records were super hard. The next nine records sounded like the same song. I thought the first three sounded like the exact same record. I want y'all to give me y'all Travis Scott take. Only comparing him to his previous effort.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Is this album anywhere in the same ballpark as Travis Scott's last album? No. I like Rodeo. Rodeo's better. A lot better. Off rip. A million times better. But I gotta live with this one
Starting point is 00:29:05 But I do like this album Yo that's always Rory's go to I gotta live with this one See I don't have to live with shit Cause I like to live with music If I like it I have to live See I believe I don't like that
Starting point is 00:29:13 I think artists I hate that live with shit Because it almost sounds like You're trying to convince yourself To like it No no no no That is what it is No it's not
Starting point is 00:29:20 So tell me what it is I always said that With certain artists With Frank I needed to live with it Because Frank is a real artist There's a lot to him Putting music together
Starting point is 00:29:28 Travis is the same I don't need to fucking Live with Lil Yachty's project Because I know it's gonna Sound the same The second time I listen to it If you listen to Lil Yachty's project
Starting point is 00:29:36 50 times You're gonna like it By the time 50 It's with anything You're programming yourself To like it That's not true Wait so did you live
Starting point is 00:29:42 With Frank's album Yeah And your thoughts now That you've lived with it the same as as the previous podcast we talked about what's this great background music there wasn't any records on there that i particularly run to all right so it's trash you niggas gotta stop finding nice ways to call shit trash no because i don't think it's when i say something trash i'm called a hater i don't think it's trash it's just fucking trash fab Tape trash tell me where Frank's album ranks
Starting point is 00:30:06 in Frank's discography now oh last but that doesn't mean it's trash who the fuck are you talking about then huh just because it's last
Starting point is 00:30:15 on his list it's trash I agree I have to agree with that even though I think the album is trash being last on it it could just mean
Starting point is 00:30:22 I got that many great projects and this one just might not be as great as those don't necessarily make it trash alright so on it it could just mean I got that many great projects and this one just might not be as great as those don't necessarily make it trash alright so let me ask
Starting point is 00:30:28 this just for clarity because I know my brain's a little retarded if an artist that you check for puts out the worst album that they've put out in their career
Starting point is 00:30:37 that doesn't mean it's trash no no it doesn't necessarily mean it's trash because if I'm comparing it
Starting point is 00:30:44 to the rest of their works if they're amazing artists Yeah But Matrix Now How do you not understand that
Starting point is 00:30:49 Jeezy Hop Jeezy's last album was trash And I don't Frank's last album Was fucking trash It was I'm agreeing with you So what the fuck
Starting point is 00:30:56 Is Rory talking about It might not be trash to him I had to live with it And now that I live with it Sonically It might not be trash to him Some of the sound It's the worst frank album
Starting point is 00:31:06 but it's not track explain this to me i'm i am befuddled that you do not understand this i am befuddled that i don't understand it let me hear it you're left a word to clown on me because i use words i don't know be fuddled fuck tax um anyways because he's if you have an amazing artist and a full discography of great albums, just because it's last on the list does not mean it's whack. Frank has two fucking albums. You asked me a question. I answered it.
Starting point is 00:31:33 He has two albums. Okay. Okay. That goes to my Chris Brown argument. We waited seven fucking years. That goes to my Chris Brown argument. What time out? We're going to get to you two.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Don't you worry about it. We're going to get to all your radical opinions. Frank, to me, in my opinion, is at a different tier in that R&B. So it's not like his last albums where I was running to hear Pyramids because I love that record. It stood out so much. This one you play all the way through. It's cool to cook.
Starting point is 00:31:55 It's cool to clean. You just let the shit run. There's nothing about the album that says, yo, this shit is great. I'm not saying it's amazing. It just means it's trash. There can be a middle ground, Joe. You're right. There can be a middle ground.
Starting point is 00:32:04 There can be a gray area. Is it a good album? I want to eliminate the gray area. Hold up, Ice. I want to eliminate that. Give me the difference somehow between Travis Scott's first album and Travis Scott's second album.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Was Rodeo his first album? I thought the Owl Pharaoh shit was. Owl Pharaoh. Man, it might count as shit, man. Hey, that counts. You've got to stop picking and choosing and calling us crazy. You ain't know. album was rodeo his first album i thought the owl pharaoh shit was i don't like counting that shit man hey that counts yo you gotta stop picking and choosing and calling us crazy no give me the idea i didn't know give me the difference between rodeo then the first i'm confused you were asking me about frank now we're moving on to a different subject yeah that was that was within the conversation i've started on travis i want to stay on travis frank is not i
Starting point is 00:32:41 don't want to talk well that's what i was my opinion about frank is not now going to move into travis i just want to make that clear i understand is not. I don't want to talk about Frank. Well, that's what I was. My opinion about Frank is not now going to move into Travis. I just want to make that clear. I understand that. Okay. So stop. Don't try to compare them here. I'm not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:32:51 No, no. One is two different things. Rap, hip, R&B. No, two different things. No, I just mean in general. But the context is the same. Give me the difference in Travis Scott's rodeo and Travis Scott's latest effort. It was just the last one was better
Starting point is 00:33:06 There was more records That I loved on there See there's no way To monetize that That's what the problem is But you can't always Monetize everyone That's a weird word
Starting point is 00:33:16 To use here But to someone's opinion Why that's what If we look up monetize That's what we're doing We're trying to fucking Gauge We're looking for a gauge
Starting point is 00:33:24 I mean to me Music is always Also You know Depending on where you're at up monetized that's what we're doing we're trying to fucking gauge we're looking for a gauge i mean to me music is always also you know depending on where you're at in your life when you hear certain records and certain albums you tend to like shit differently that's just being real like sometimes you'll hear something now versus when it came out 15 years ago i don't i don't think that argument is relevant to today's rapper and what i mean is travis scott is giving you travis scott i mean how many where how many different places are you going to be in your life to feel travis scott i mean he's giving you one brand of music. No, but you might not even want to hear rap anymore.
Starting point is 00:34:07 He ain't rapping in the first place. I understand that. None of the rappers are rapping. But you might not want to even hear hip hop or whatever it is. You might just be on a straight R&B vibe right now. You don't even want to hear that type of shit. Do we think that Kanye wishes he could have made the Travis Scott album? I said that, yes.
Starting point is 00:34:24 This past one? Yeah. Yeah, yes. This past one? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. This is the album that Kanye wanted to make, if he could make it. Pablo, you're saying? Or when he was doing the real Travis Scott Yeezus shit early? Even that Travis Scott sound, he tried to duplicate or emulate Travis's sound, but he can't. He ain't quite there.
Starting point is 00:34:46 The curl ain't curl over. Travis's drums are retarded. Those are very hard to do if you're not him. Roy, can we agree that Kanye does try to emulate Travis's sound? Can we agree there? That's the current person now that he's trying to emulate. I thought Travis was helping write some of Kanye's shit. Am I wrong? I'm sure. Travis was heavily involved in Yeezus. Oh, okay. I'm just shit. Am I wrong? I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Yeezus? I'm sure. Travis was heavily involved in Yeezus. Oh, okay. I'm just, I don't know. I'm sure. He heard that sound. He picked up on it and was like, shit, this is hot.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Let me do some of that. Okay. Okay. But that's what grabbed me about Rodeo was that Travis seemed like really really really really advanced in terms of how he was flipping melodies that was way different than Aubrey way different than and and sonically sonically mixed with his melodies what he was doing it was a new sound that he was creating and I wasn't getting it from any other artists that's why rodeo was so amazing to me because he did that for an entire album different ways but he gave me uh don't
Starting point is 00:35:55 quote me but he gave me the weekend record that I love I think it's called pray for love with 3500 like he did his sound different so many different ways this album I don't know if he quite captured that. But don't mistake me. I do enjoy this new Travis Scott album. Just it wasn't what I was looking for from Travis Scott after he gave me that phenomenal first album. Fab dropped, right? Fab dropped Summertime Shootouts part two. And this seemed to cause quite the stir in my household between mall and ice.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Mall thinks that this is a pretty good project. He's not mad at it at all. No, I like it. Let me be on a record of saying I have not heard it yet. I will go listen to it, but I don't really listen to too many projects when they first come out. But I will go listen to it but i don't really listen to too many projects when they first come out but i will go listen to it um all i know is uh he said some shit about me chasing dreg fans and people keep tweeting it to me outside of that i haven't heard the project rory have you heard the project i have not i haven't had a moment to sit down
Starting point is 00:36:58 this weekend to do it yeah philly was popping like that. Jesus. I was listening to Travis, man. He also got that real version of 4AM Flex on there. That hot version. Oh, man. Trolls are everywhere. All right. So, Ice. Facts are facts, bro. So, now, Ice, tell me your thoughts on the Fab Project.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Now, first of all, before you answer that, are you a Fab fan? I am absolutely a Fab fan. I am a Fab fan. Let me get everybody's place here. Rory? Absolutely Fab fan. Mo? I'm a huge Fab fan. I am a Fab fan. Let me get everybody's place here. Rory? Absolutely Fab fan. I'm a huge Fab fan. And even if we're not a fan of Fab, I don't think anybody in this room will say that Fab can't rap or make a song.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Right. So we're all on the same front regarding Fab. Now, Ice, your thoughts were? My thoughts was just what I took from this Fab tape was it wasn't for me. This tape was for that really young, new hip hop crowd. This tape is solely for them. The records on there, you know, you got an Uzi feature. I'm an Uzi fan, by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I don't want to hear Fab and Uzi. Why? Now, you're talking to someone who may not be so familiar with Uzi, so just tell me why you don't want to hear them two together. Uzi's not a rapper. Uzi is part of that new era of let's just yell over the record and turn up, that type of shit. He's like a vibe rapper right right okay
Starting point is 00:38:28 but i can make the argument that fab has attempted to be that as well in his career and i can make the argument that fab stays with the young crowd his whole career and that's why he stayed relevant he doesn't do the records for the young crowd as i said this tape ain't for me it's for the young crowd it will keep him relevant amongst the young crowd me being a fan of rapping fab i'm comparing like we said artists to artists going down fab's discography of his 11 mixtapes this is at the bottom so it's does it sound like the last summer shootout because i like that a lot no it does not sound like the last Summer Shootout? Because I like that one a lot. No, it does not sound like the last Summertime Shootout. I didn't like the last Summertime Shootout.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I like the last Summertime Shootout. I don't like this. I'm listening to it. I like the record he has with Wale, and that is probably the only record that I like on that tape. I just feel like if... Uh-oh. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I just don't understand how Ice feels like this. You don't like the Ashanti record? It's cool, but it's not one I want to hear that. You don't like the record with Don Q and Dave East? That's another cool record. Just cool? They was rapping their ass off on that record. But wait, if records is cool, why is that a bad thing?
Starting point is 00:39:39 What's wrong with cool? Don't be a hypocrite now, mister. It's either fire or trash. I'm going to tell you what's wrong with just cool. If you're coming off of projects that I thoroughly enjoy. He came off a young OG.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Tell me you would thoroughly enjoy that. He didn't come off a young OG. So what was his last project? He had Friday Night Freestyles and Summertime Shootout 1. Friday Night Freestyles is not a project, Ice.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It's a mixtape. Yes or no? It's not like you're not a savvy fucking band. Is it a mixtape? Because he made it a mixtape after he did enough of it. And he added records? He added a bunch of records.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I'm on that, by the way. Go pick up whatever that is, Friday Night Freestyle. I'm on that. But outside of that, his last project was what? Summertime Shootouts 1. Was that his last project? Yes. No.
Starting point is 00:40:22 That came out before Young OG? I mean, after Young OG? Yes. Yeah. Way after. Young OG was a little while ago. Young OG was... I hated that Summertime Shootout.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Young OG was... You bugging. Winter before last. You know what my thing is? And I'm going to let Maul and Ice continue to have their debate. But... I still haven't heard Maul's side yet. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:40:40 That's why I'm going to just get this in real quick and I'm getting the fuck out of here. If you heard Soul Tape 1, 2, or 3, why do I want to hear Summertime Shootouts 1, 2, or Young OG? Hey, Fab is my man. I love Fab. I'm going to answer your question real quick. By the way, I'm a Fab fan. I fuck with Fab.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I got to say this for you idiots out there. I was going to say Joe's dissing Fab. But Soul Tape 1, 2, and 3? Those are Soul Tapes. Those are Soul Tapes. Fab has done this. Great great tapes at that but what i'm saying by that is and it's so tape three i make the argument might have been the best tape me me personally to me to me to yeah i'm going to i'm okay but that but that's to me so so but what i'm back to what i'm saying fab has done this when he made his series of tapes. He's had the There Is No Competition series, one, two, and three, which was just him rapping over hard beats when he was in his funeral Fab phase.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Soul Tape was him taking, flipping beats with a little bit more soul to it. That's where the name came from. This is what he's- Well, I thank you for that, Graham. I'm just revelationized. My point to you- I was trying to figure out where the name came from. Anyway. what he's... Well, I thank you for that, Graham. I'm just Revelation Ice. My point to you... I was trying to figure out where the name came from.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Anyway. This fucking guy. Fucking asshole. That's where you got the name from. Fucking fake OG ass nigga. Summertime shootout. He's taking...
Starting point is 00:41:55 This is what he's shooting, niggas, in the summertime. That's where he got the name from, y'all. This nigga's just mad because the 4-year-old flex version is the ill version
Starting point is 00:42:04 that's on that tape. That's all it said Give me that beat fool It's a full time jack move Don't y'all get Fab fool Don't worry Tory I'll give it back
Starting point is 00:42:11 Hey that's all my fault By the way We'll talk about that later Took you off that record Yo go ahead I'll send you I'm not gonna say That Tory was happy about it
Starting point is 00:42:19 Alright I think it was ecstatic So you as you were saying Oh now I can speak again But um Nah So this one he's doing You know the Lil Young Summer records Okay I think it was ecstatic So you as you were saying Oh now I can speak again But Nah So this one he's doing You know the little young
Starting point is 00:42:28 Summer records Okay We gotta add that version To Rage in the Machine Not the one with Joe What version? Joe's not on that song I don't know what you're talking about
Starting point is 00:42:37 I took Joe off Before Fab did I think the Rage I think we should just put Fab and Tory on that I ain't gonna lie I think Fab got that idea for me Cause as soon as I heard the record
Starting point is 00:42:45 Nope They gonna cut this out You know what I don't give a fuck What y'all say The song still came from my brain Y'all can take me off it I don't care
Starting point is 00:42:53 They took me off The first Slaughterhouse album too I don't care I don't care It ain't them other niggas But anyway Fuck these niggas And Fab kinda killed it
Starting point is 00:43:02 With the Mad Cobra intro to it Like That was kind of crazy Oh he has an intro Yeah Oh my god Is he just speaking
Starting point is 00:43:10 Wait there's a new intro There's a new intro It's better than He plays The flex I punched Fab in his face He played that I was like okay
Starting point is 00:43:20 And slowed it down And he came right into that Yeah Let me tell you something Fab was harassing me Not harassing me But he was asking me For quite some time let me clear this up he was asking me for quite some time to send him the final version of flex because there we did like the stats no no we shot a video then they banged me for a sample and i didn't want to pay it so i did a replay so there was a lot
Starting point is 00:43:46 going on with that record uh i'm more right so he asked me for a final version of flex and i said okay i'm gonna get it to you right so then i was moving and then when i moved comcast was on some fuck shit with the wi-fi and they said all right we'll get get to you whenever we just give you some wi-fi so i never sent fab whatever he was asking for right and then he sent me a text like maybe two weeks ago saying yo i asked you for some shit mad long ago you did not give it to me i'm gonna put my mixtape out and it's gonna only be my version and i said listen I've been moving wifi shaky out here
Starting point is 00:44:27 I'm gonna try to get it to you immediately so you couldn't gmail chat or no I didn't there was no wifi in the telly
Starting point is 00:44:35 I was busy that wasn't my priority that wasn't my priority that text was totally different yo fam check this out no that's exactly what the text said yo fam check this out so when's exactly what the text yo fam check this out so so when he puts tori is this record gonna be me and tori all right duke
Starting point is 00:44:49 nah niggas ain't gonna duke me in my text hey the young niggas don't know about duke but nigga ain't gonna duke me in my text uh so i'm not mad that he put that version out if i wanted to be mad i could say why the fuck this nigga ain't just go in the fucking itunes store and purchase the song for 99 cent and then you have the version but fab is one of the people i can never diss so even if i wanted to diss him and i ain't gonna lie i might diss i would have might might have dissed him i thought about it i did think about it for two seconds oh that's what i wanted to ask y'all on this, that's what I wanted to ask y'all on this podcast. That's what I wanted to ask y'all because that's where that came from. When is it all right for a rapper to have feelings?
Starting point is 00:45:32 What do you mean? Feelings about what? Because I feel like a lot of rappers catch feelings when they are unwarranted and they respond or behave or act in a way where dog that was unnecessary or uncalled for you just being sensitive and you a rapper right anytime a rapper hear their name they sensitive they don't care about context they don't care about how it was said anytime the fans feel a certain way about some shit the rapper automatically feels a way about some shit so when i was thinking about whether or not to dis fab
Starting point is 00:46:02 i was saying. Fab would have threw an entire mix. Well, Fab is my nigga and I would never diss him. But when I was pondering it in the crazy side of my brain, I was like, is this a good reason? When is there a good reason as a rapper to diss a rapper? Tell me. As a rapper? Yes. I want to know. Just need a reason. Because y'all niggas say I diss niggas just for nothing. as a rapper to dis a rapper tell me as a rapper yes I wanna know
Starting point is 00:46:26 she need a reason because y'all niggas say I dis niggas just for nothing you do maybe you do I would say you definitely do
Starting point is 00:46:34 I would say probably you know if if it's anything that happened with music like if a nigga was supposed to give you you know
Starting point is 00:46:44 a verse or some shit like that like then you know i'm saying it's like okay you can throw a shot at him but if not it's like you know whatever why though see now now all right so if i'm supposed to give you a verse and let's say i'm legitimately busy i don't get around you throw a shot That almost comes off as Sensitive I mean I wouldn't throw a shot But I mean You paying me for this verse?
Starting point is 00:47:09 It depends on the type Of relationship we got Agreed Like if we cool It's like come on my nigga Like Right if we cool And it's like
Starting point is 00:47:16 It's not But you can see The thing is You can diss a rapper And it not be beef though That's what I think The difference is That's why I said anytime
Starting point is 00:47:22 Cause I'll give you an example And I just remembered this No lie right now How long ago you asked me To send you the Tory album With no skits About two weeks ago Have I sent it to you yet
Starting point is 00:47:31 No Now Would that give you grounds To diss me Yeah Yeah You can go on Twitter And go in
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah but it ain't beef But I'm gonna diss you Like nigga You bum ass nigga Like send the fucking Send the record Okay So then by your argument
Starting point is 00:47:46 Then yeah If a rapper don't give a verse He get dissed You can diss a rapper If it's over something like music Or something like that But It's the difference between
Starting point is 00:47:55 Diss and beef Like niggas be beefing Like for real And then they take it to the records Because if a nigga Take the diss the wrong way There's beef Yeah but a diss
Starting point is 00:48:02 Like I hate when rappers Start going at each other over too much personal shit. Like, a bitch. When does that happen? Yeah, but when you've created this character as an artist that you are this hardcore guy. Super thug. And it then gets confronted. You have to now act like that guy you've been pretending to be.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Yeah, but you gotta remove that. And that will cause you to do some dumb shit. You gotta remove that when it comes to rapping, though. Can I just say? Well, a lot of them can't rap, so they're gonna say, I'll fucking punch you in the face. Right, that's got to remove that. And that will cause you to do some dumb shit. You got to remove that when it comes to rapping, though. Can I just say? Well, a lot of them can't rap, so they're going to say, I'll fucking punch you in the face. Right. That's the default right there. They're not going to rap.
Starting point is 00:48:30 That's corny. Rap? You want me to rap? Are you crazy? I want to take a moment, right? And I never do this. I never do this because I'm very humble. I'm very down to earth.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I'm very down to earth. I want to take a minute to just pat myself on the back and acknowledge the greatness of Joe Budden for two seconds. I'm taking 100% responsibility for French's album being pushed back. Yep. Nothing you can say. There's nothing you can say. There's no argument. Rory, devil's advocate, man.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Somebody do it. Okay, I need to just hear the explanation. I was very vocal on this podcast of saying I felt really bad for French, and I wasn't being sarcastic or condescending. I felt really bad that this artist had to do his whole press run, and everyone's first question was Joe Budden. That I can see to be very annoying, And I would have said fuck Joe Budden after the third interview. Let me tell you something. But wait, time out.
Starting point is 00:49:31 You've already been a faggot. Wait, are you saying the Coke boys are faggots? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, I bet. Listen, me and Zach have seen each other a bunch of times since this has occurred. And I let him know how much I love French. But listen, it's not just French.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I'm so ill, right? i buried mine and his single i buried only only joe celebrates that no no that's to be celebrated hey i know you fucktards out there uh don't want to give me my credit for anything because i'm corny and i may pump it up. I'm taking all of the credit for the disarray at Epic Records. Fuck L.A. Reid. So you rushed parties and pushed back French's. He fucked party records up. I'm saying, wait, time out, time out,
Starting point is 00:50:15 time out, time out. Hey, I want 100% of the credit for the party shit too. Well, fuck you for both. What happened? Fuck you for both. And you the reason party ain't tweeting no more. Your party deleted his Twitter. That's your fucking fault. Should we be talking about
Starting point is 00:50:31 this? Wait, what? Because the reason we ran into the ground. No, I'm going to be not talking about RBM, cool. Wait, what? What happened with the party thing? What happened with the party thing? Alright, somebody at school, man. Well, you're not a party fan? I'm a big fan. Did you want a party album?
Starting point is 00:50:46 Me too. Huh? Did you want a party album? Yeah. I wanted a party album. We all wanted a party album. Did you get parties album? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Did you enjoy parties album? Yeah. Oh. Man, Ma, if you don't get to. I like parties album. I do. I like it a lot. Yo, Ma, I see what's going on with you.
Starting point is 00:51:01 My nigga, y'all don't like P3. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Y'all don't like P3. Let me Y'all don't like P3, seriously. Let me get into you for two seconds. Okay, get into me. Pause. You, oh, you be trying to reserve your fucking political connects, my nigga. It's not that, bro.
Starting point is 00:51:14 It's not that. How come you like all the shit that's trash? Party's album is not trash. I don't know why you think Party's album is trash. All right, all right, all right. You don't, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Out of P1 P2
Starting point is 00:51:25 P3 Where's this one ranked Don't make the Befunnel Wait Wait I'm just trying to remember The songs on P1
Starting point is 00:51:32 You remember the songs On P1 nigga Make a milli Relax Curious Don't do this Don't do this Don't do this
Starting point is 00:51:41 Okay so it's It's probably the last one No no no It's not probably anything That doesn't mean It No, no, no. It's not probably anything. That doesn't mean it's trash. All right, but be clear. It's not probably anything. But that doesn't mean it's trash.
Starting point is 00:51:50 What songs do you like on the new party album? I like Spiteful. I like Joy. I like... I can't remember a lot of the names, but I like a few of the records on there. Let me tell you how we know Party's album is trash and how Party knows his album is trash.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Are you aware of the back story with this whole deleting his account? Back again, not trash, just not his best work. No, no, no, no, no. The actions after that might actually prove the album's trash. All right, no, time out, time out. I know he tweeted something. Wait, everybody be quiet for two seconds because I'm easily misread without context. be quiet for two seconds because i'm easily misread without context when i'm calling someone or something trash me personally i don't know how the rest of the world deals i'm only comparing
Starting point is 00:52:33 them to them so when i say the word trash uh it don't mean that it's the worst shit in the universe it just means that amongst their discography and body of work this shit is trash so i don't know who who there is that exists that has ever heard p1 and p2 that can tell me that p3 belongs in the same sentence as those two. I'll take it one further than that. Homeboy, I think his name is Travis. Travis, who is the unsigned guy who pitched his music to sound like Party Next Door and then put out and then labeled his project Party Next Door. That shit was fire.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Farina is the project that a lot of you party fans think is party. It's not party. It's a guy named Travis, right? That shit is better than his fucking album. So when you tell me that P3 is not trash, so let's get rid of the trash word because that may be a little bit. I think that's all I would say. I think the word, it don't belong in the same breath, sentence category as p1 and p2 and if we thought that that
Starting point is 00:53:50 was an opinion and one to be debated he then tweeted hey i want to give my fans my best work unfortunately and this is not verbatim i can read it verbatim i have it up right now please do i want to give you guys the best music that you deserve sorry due to my blessings the curse is everyone wants a piece of the pie soon dash p3 time out now and then delete it after that but wait there we go because that's what i'm about to say. Let's not read that tweet for what it is. Let's read the chain of events that occurred. He tweeted that, then deleted that, then deleted his account. What does that tell you, gentlemen?
Starting point is 00:54:34 He's fucking fed up. Now let's go back to his GQ or Rolling Stone. I don't remember because my memory is bad, but let's go back to whatever interview that was where he basically was saying, hey, I wrote work with every intention of putting it out
Starting point is 00:54:54 for me. He said that. Those are his words. And I don't want to spend too much time on OVO or Aubrey, but those are his words. So now listen to my conspiracy theorist, Joe. If party has work, if party has one dance, if party has a- Does it confirm that he wrote that?
Starting point is 00:55:14 Listen, this is only my thoughts. This is only my thoughts. I just don't want people to prove you wrong with facts. No, listen, conspiracy theorist Joe can't confirm anything. Okay. Let me be clear. Yeah, let's please put that on the record. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just, hypothetically speaking, if Party had work, we know he wrote that. Yeah. Of course. One Dance, Too Good, and this is my wild conspiracy theory, Fire and Desire. Those four records, along with the record that he's actually singing on Aubrey's album. What is it called? Single Life?
Starting point is 00:55:48 What is it? Whatever. When the seasons were changing and all that fucking dancehall shit. The Wednesday interlude was great, too. And that was the best shit on that album slash company. But if Party has all of those joints, are we calling Party's P3 trash? No. And then you leave the standout we calling Party's P3 trash? No And then you leave the standout records
Starting point is 00:56:07 That are on P3 And you have a great album No I'm not calling it trash anyway But yeah I'm not calling Party's shit trash I'm not That's your man Trying to not
Starting point is 00:56:17 He not my man And I'm not calling it trash I get what you're saying It would be a much better album With those records Absolutely Absolutely Party know I'm a Party fan Like Party know I'm a party fan.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Like, he know I'm a party fan. Yeah. Okay. And I have to look at the chain of events and I don't want to stay on him, but last summer I asked him if he was going to drop
Starting point is 00:56:34 something for the summer and he said yes. And he didn't. What? That says to me that he planned on dropping something in the summer and he didn't drop it
Starting point is 00:56:46 all right we're gonna get back to my hater ovo theory listen maul give me let all right so we fucking detoured something uh drastically maul give me your uh back to fab yeah give me your fab thoughts i think the summertime shootout uh tape is dope yeah i don't know when maul became so politically correct i i politically correct I like the I like the mixtape What if he just likes it I like the mixtape I just can't believe
Starting point is 00:57:10 I don't You know what it is I'm not mad at that I'm mad at him Him saying party shit Belongs with P2 I didn't know I didn't say it belongs
Starting point is 00:57:15 I said it's the least Come on question How many records On Fab Tape Do you like Do you say like Yo these shits hot Okay let me
Starting point is 00:57:23 Let me just pull up There you go So I can I'm a numbers man I can just play by percentages Sidebar I'm amazed at how I use my phone
Starting point is 00:57:32 For everything But using the phone I get surprised When I get a phone call I like the To the sky record Okay I like the
Starting point is 00:57:40 Go yard bag record With Uzi Okay I like Sex with me Is kind of just a remix With him and Trey But I like it Goyard Bag record with Uzi. Okay. I like... Sex With Me is kind of just a remix with him and Trey Yacht. But I like it. Yeah, but he should have left that alone. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:57:51 He should have left that alone. I like the Ashanti record. More likes the project. I like Ah Man. All right, but you... The joint A-Rap did. I like For The Family with Davies and Don Q. Okay, so that's...
Starting point is 00:58:03 What's that, five? That's like six joints. One, two... Six out of what? Out of 13. Yeah, but I Family with Davies and Don Q. Okay, so that's, what's that, five? That's like six joints. One, two, three. Six out of what? Yeah, but I'm not counting a lot of them because they on there. But the Sex With Me,
Starting point is 00:58:11 I'm not counting that because that's like they're just a remix. But that's part of the tape. Okay, well, I like that. See, that's what I'm saying about more. I like what he did with it.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I like his verse on it. I like what he did with it. All right. I like what Trey did with it. Fab is the one artist that i can never diss i don't like that and i told fab that fab is the one artist who where i was when i was an up-and-coming artist struggling to get some notoriety in a very busy new york city mixtape scene fab came through and held me down and i tore him up and he came and changed
Starting point is 00:58:47 that verse and then he tore me up so i'll never i'm forever to me that's just my character and where my morality lie i'm forever in debt to fab for his contribution to my career right with that said i'm not rolling but you didn't even hear it so so how you fucking not rolling you didn't even hear the fucking mixtape i'm not rolling from what i hear from you and what i hear from the general public yeah Yeah, but you gotta put him in your own opinion. No, no, no, wait, wait. You always said that you Wait, time out, time out, time out, time out, idiots.
Starting point is 00:59:29 At no point did I ever give an opinion on Fab's project, which I have not heard. I haven't heard it yet. No, this is my thing. But Maul saying that he likes every single song
Starting point is 00:59:37 on the project. I didn't say that. Every single song. I didn't say that. Well, name what songs you don't like then, nigga. I don't like the Jungle Wiley like that.
Starting point is 00:59:45 I'm not a big fan of that record like that. I mean, it's a cool record, but I don't play that. That's not one of my go-tos. I'm playing that record. I don't like the Jungle Future is okay to me. I don't really like the I'm Going Down. I don't really like any record when Future Future's on it. How long do we give Future
Starting point is 01:00:05 I like his soul shit better I wanna ask it Future He gonna be around For a while man I hate to be the one To ask it Well I'm always the one
Starting point is 01:00:13 To ask it How long are we giving Future He gonna be around For a minute Yeah He gonna be around For a while He's
Starting point is 01:00:20 The thing about Future And I learned this Before Because after that Honest album I was clowning the Future fans. Like, yeah, y'all told me about this nigga, and the jig is up there. And at the moment, the jig was up. And then he went on that run where he dropped Beast Mode, Monster, and 56 Nights, and next thing you know, the world was Future's.
Starting point is 01:00:41 With that being said future is you know he came off of them three he had the DS2 tape hard he had the Purple Rain tape I didn't like Evil I loved
Starting point is 01:00:52 this new shit here Evil was hard I don't care what future fans say I fucking love it when we were in West Bubble Fuck and Ice played that shit for him
Starting point is 01:01:00 I said oh shit it's hard Evil would Evil kind of got me on the wagon a little bit I ain't gonna lie I ain't gonna lie That shit is hard And then the last shit Extraterrestrial
Starting point is 01:01:09 Which everybody's saying Is an Esco tape But everybody knows Like Well not everybody That's a future tape bro It's a future tape Y'all gotta stop hiding
Starting point is 01:01:15 Under that Esco shit He does that Because that's what allows him To put the tape out Yeah Alright it's Esco tape Yeah Esco present I was gonna
Starting point is 01:01:23 I'm not super well versed In future hop Is Esco like the. Yeah, Esco present. I'm not super well versed in Future Hop. Is Esco like the 40 for Future? Is he making this sound? No, but he is the 40 as in that is who Future is directly affiliated with. Okay, so my point there was going to be if history repeats itself, is Esco going to be the one to determine how long Future's around? No.
Starting point is 01:01:46 As far as is his music going to be great if Esco's great? No. Okay. Now, I will say between Mike Will. Who's not going anywhere. Right. Future. He has adapted his sound.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Mike Will needs way more credit than he gets, by the way. Agreed. Yeah, I agree with that. Wait, Mike Will doesn't get enough credit? No. Nope, nope, nope, nope. So who? Because like, even like.
Starting point is 01:02:11 A lot of people don't. A lot of people don't. A lot of people know it's Mike Will. Oh, y'all talking about casual. Yeah, yeah. I can't even. I got to argue that too. Even the casual listener knows.
Starting point is 01:02:21 But they don't have him. Right now, he's not listed as like that producer. Yeah, and his sound has... You know how Lex Luger had that sound? Mike Will had that sound, but he's gone past that sound. Lex Luger was in for about five minutes. I know. I'm just saying of the people that started with that sound that everyone gravitated for,
Starting point is 01:02:38 Mike Will does not do that. He has a huge range in his production, in my opinion. I've heard shit Mike Will did and didn't know it was him. I didn't know formation was him you could hear a Lex beat or somebody and know right off the rip who that
Starting point is 01:02:49 is like ah yeah that's another one of these Lex beats but I didn't mean to interrupt you I just Mike Will doesn't get enough credit to me
Starting point is 01:02:53 with all that being said you know coming off to me the last two tapes being eh he still got a tape with Mike Will ape shit
Starting point is 01:03:02 that's supposedly dropping whenever they feel like dropping it. He's one tape away. So I don't think he's, the jig is up for him yet. I don't see it happening. Future going to be around for a while.
Starting point is 01:03:14 I don't see it happening. Because the last time I saw it happening, he did this shit. So give me what a while is. At least, like. And I don't mean around. I mean around. As hot as he is right now? Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I would say at least... He got at least another... The funny shit is he's fizzling right now. Probably three summers. Two to three summers. If he stays consistent, yeah. That's easy though. That ain't easy.
Starting point is 01:03:43 That ain't easy. It's easy. It's not easy. When you're the hottest nigga in hip hop, it's easy to have ain't easy That ain't easy It's easy It's not easy When you the hottest nigga In hip hop It's easy to have Three summers I think Yeah but he's
Starting point is 01:03:49 He's hot off A sound which he Kind of created And really made popular But it's a sound Those sounds come and go I'm kind of with niggas Stealing future sound
Starting point is 01:03:58 Hey I hate to be that guy But no ideas original Shout out to Nas Speaking of. I'm kind of with niggas stealing off. No, I really don't want to take away from Future's artistry, but he kind of lives in it. Oh, wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Breaking news. Breaking news. Breaking news. Wait, drum roll, please. Breaking news. Breaking news. Breaking news. Breaking news.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Hey. Now, I didn't like Desiigner at first. Because you a hater. That's just the first thing we go to when somebody just don't like something. Yeah, that's it. No, you a hater. I didn't like Desiigner until I learned that he was 17, 18 years old. And then I have to support him.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Because who are you at 35 to not support an 18, 19-year-old nigga? You would have to be Joe Budden. Since I don't want to be Joe Budden, I am in full support of everything that Desiigner is doing because he's a child. Right? So now, my son played the Timmy Turner shit. Which is fire. Which I would have never known it was fire
Starting point is 01:05:00 until my son played it. And then I was like, hey, that's kind of hard on the low very hard high key is hard so now kanye's on the remix i don't know i feel like that if designer can continues at this um at this frequency he's been very particular which i think is great and i feel like he didn't have that hit and then just put out 10 fucking records that's what i'm saying and we're gonna get to that too because i want to talk about fetty wop on love and hip-hop um yeah fuck i forgot now you're watch love and hip-hop so it has to be brought
Starting point is 01:05:35 in the designer i don't know i feel like he's doing pretty good i feel like he's doing pretty good and i feel like he's changed the general reception of holy shit, this nigga is stealing future swag to wait a minute, I kind of like this kid. And if he continues at that, I think he got the right people around him too. Then
Starting point is 01:05:57 I don't know. I don't know. Because good music moves differently than a lot of other situations. And secretly, if I'm getting into conspiracy theories, Joe, I'm sure that Kanye somewhere in his fucking genius brain wants
Starting point is 01:06:14 Future to get the fuck out of here. No? My conspiracy ran deeper than that. My conspiracy was, I was pushing T getting Drake the fuck out of here. Because Future is Drake's chain right now
Starting point is 01:06:29 they hate each other man yeah I hate to be the guy to tell you fucking casual sheep listener niggas this but I want to see
Starting point is 01:06:37 a Kanye and Drake album come out I would like to see that you know what would have to happen for that album to come out
Starting point is 01:06:43 no no no forget about who's involved with it you know what would have to happen for that album to come out? No, no, no. Forget about who's involved with it. You know what would have to happen for that album to come out? Kanye and Drake would have to like each other. I don't believe that they do. No, they like each other. I know. I hear you. Why y'all think that? I don't think that.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Don't look at me. I don't fucking know. I think that because they don't like each other. No, they like each other. I know. Since when? Since when? I mean, they're like each other. No, they like each other. I know. Since when? They do. Since when? I mean, they're recording music together. Oh, get out. They are.
Starting point is 01:07:10 They have music. They're recording an album. Don't break some shit, man. Holy shit. What? Yo, Mo, who are you now? Dog, they're recording. Why are you protecting your political connects this way?
Starting point is 01:07:21 Wait a minute. Time out. Don't say a fucking word. Don't say a word. You're telling me that Drake and Kanye like each other because they're recording music together. No, I said they are recording music. They do like each other.
Starting point is 01:07:29 So that means they like each other. I'm not saying that that means... That is what that is saying. Okay, all right. Well, that's more evidence than you just saying they don't like each other. Yeah, they do like each other. They hang out with each other.
Starting point is 01:07:39 They're at each other's house. They hang out like this. When are they at each other's houses hanging out? What are you talking about? Kanye goes to Drake's house? I feel feel like the fuck out of here with this shit i was there what are you talking about that's not showing me they fuck with each other they really do fuck with each other man i think that kanye and drake hate each other they do not man i'm telling you they don't i promise you number one that's not my main point, so we don't have to argue about that.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Even bigger than that is the Apple versus Samsung thing that we've been documenting here. Mm-hmm. Kanye, who is, and we've talked about this here, Kanye, who has walked into Los Angeles nightclubs and stopped the music to talk about how he will never give his music to Apple. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Kanye, who has gone on multiple title... I'm saying it right. Title? Yeah, title. Title rants. Right? For him to just come out of the blue and start this whole, yo, Jay needs to fuck Apple. Y'all need
Starting point is 01:08:42 to chill. Give Jay his just due. Stop trying to rob niggas., blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then days after, see, I'm just a savvy consumer. So I'm just going off the information given. And then days after now he's, oh, wait, wait. Before, as he's trying to denounce the whole Apple versus Samsung feud, days after, suddenly there's a Drake and Kanye album. Do we think that a Drake and Kanye album coming out solely relies on Drake and Kanye?
Starting point is 01:09:14 Of course we don't, right? Of course there are the powers that be at hand here. So do we think that Samsung and Apple, for this album to come out, let me ask you, gentlemen, what would need to happen here? Who's the premier artist? They both are, right? Right. So in negotiating splits and how it's done and leverage and so forth and so on, who has the upper hand here? I'm asking both of you.
Starting point is 01:09:42 I mean, all three of you. I'm saying Drake has the upper hand. Not if you're both of you. I mean, all three of you. I'm saying Drake has the upper hand. Not if you're Samsung. Not if you're Tidal. Where's the Samsung thing in here, by the way? He's just saying. Because Tidal is Samsung. Oh, I guess.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Adjacent. Yeah, I mean, all of that. If you're Tidal, you're not saying that Drake has the upper hand and Kanye's your artist. You're not saying that. Actually, the powers that be that who want to work with each other, Drake is a much easier person to work with. So I would say he had the upper hand in the business of who's calling the shots.
Starting point is 01:10:14 And he has an upper hand in Apple than Ye does in title. That's all I looked at right there. Wait, then Ye does in title. Why do you say that? Why do you say that? That's incorrect. Why do you say that? Why do you say that? That's incorrect. Why do you say that? He has a full-blown radio show on there, streaming radio show.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Kanye is a title premier artist. Drake is an Apple premier artist. He's the Apple premier artist. So why does he have an upper hand against another premier, premium artist? And Apple is more premier than title. Let's get that out of the way. Kanye is not the, right. Let's just put that there
Starting point is 01:10:46 well Apple is gonna always have that because they come with a built in audience which is how Arby was able to sell a million records in a week for the
Starting point is 01:10:53 first time in his career because Apple comes with a built in audience that's what they're selling people on of course correct so I'm kinda not
Starting point is 01:11:01 counting that but you gotta count it but to do that would be if they bought title that would be the first album. That would make them do that together. Okay, let's say what we know from assumptions. I know that's an oxymoron, but let's say what we know.
Starting point is 01:11:12 We know that Apple is attempting to buy Tidal. Are we in agreeance? We know that Jay has not been happy with whatever they are offering. Right? So now suddenly out the clear blue sky here's a drake and kanye album where two sides who were already beefing with one another have to come to terms who's coming to the term title is what i'm asking y'all i mean but they haven't been but they haven't of course we're all speculating we're not fact checking here but they haven't been coming to the tournament. So they should just put out a mixtape.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Fuck it. Summer shootout three. Yeah, put out a mixtape going to a fucking... Piss Apple and Tidal off. All right, so fuck whatever. Well, my conspiracy... But see, the thing about that is Drake is happy. Why would he want to piss Apple off?
Starting point is 01:12:02 Yeah, I get that. He's happy. Kanye didn't just do a million in a week. That's a fact. But what I'm saying is sometimes you just got to put the music out. He can't. Don't say it like Kanye can't do a million. I will say it like he can't.
Starting point is 01:12:14 He cannot do a million in a week. Kanye's never done a million in a week, right? Absolutely not. You think Kanye can't? Closest he came was... Him versus 50 when he did like 850 to 890, something like that. Kanye could definitely do a million in a week. I don't think he can.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Not today. Nope. A few years ago, maybe. Not today. I don't even know what a million is anymore. Wait, what? I don't think he can. Are y'all serious?
Starting point is 01:12:34 I'm serious. Without something like the streaming count and all of that? Well, no. You got to count. That counts. Streaming counts. I'm going to take it a step further. All right. All right, all right.
Starting point is 01:12:45 You know what? All right. He might be able to do a million. Being all the way real? Holy shit. What did he do with this last one? Holy shit. I don't care what he did.
Starting point is 01:12:53 You don't think Kanye and all of his resources can do a million in a week? If he applies the cheat code like Drake did. He would be applying the cheat code. He would be signed to Kim Kardashian Records. You don't think that he could fucking do a million in a week if he puts out a single? Now, let's be very clear. If we add another shit to it, then yeah. We add his wife?
Starting point is 01:13:13 What do you mean? His wife is there. The reason why I say apply to Chico is because that's what Drake did. If you take Hotline Bling off that one song, you take Hotline Bling off of that album, it don't do a million in a week. But why would you take that? If you take him off Apple Records, he's not doing a million in a week If you take him off Apple Records He's not doing a million in a week
Starting point is 01:13:28 Well we know that Drake did a million before the album came out I know let's be clear That built in the audience Wait did she Wait wait wait You can just do a million now No no that's new information for me
Starting point is 01:13:43 Rihanna sold a million records in a week Was it this one or the last one no you better check that i'm gonna check it her sales were great but i'm not sure about that you better check so what is the overall rihanna ain't nowhere that you're getting near to getting a million in a week yeah you check it nigga fact check i don't know work did really well the same way pop style and one day uh hotline bling did and he sold a million Before the album came out So Rihanna could've done That shit too I don't know what the main point
Starting point is 01:14:07 I was getting at I was trying to listen to Maul and fucking Ice Argue about fab shit But then it turned into Something else Anti 1.4 million
Starting point is 01:14:18 Officially released RIAA certified It is platinum Within 15 hours Of it dropping Let me tell y'all Kill Chute I mean officially released, RIA certified it as platinum within 15 hours of it dropping. Shoot. Yo, let me tell y'all something. Kill Choo.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I mean, if you say so. Body Jew. I'm reading. The music industry Took you off flex. is doing all types of fuck shit. Absolutely. Right before you niggas' very eyes.
Starting point is 01:14:39 And I know that a lot of y'all are stupid. They banking on that. I don't like that. They're banking on it are stupid. They banking on that. I don't like that. They're banking on it, though. They're banking on the fact that everybody is, not everybody, but the majority is stupid. I don't like how the music industry is making people be stupid. This shit been happening.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Hov did this shit with the Magna Carta album. Yeah. And niggas was all, oh, platinum in a day. Like, what? Times is changing. No other album came out that we need to discuss at all. Nothing I can think of.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Travis, Fab's mixtape. That song Travis has with Bryce and Tiller. We talked about Frank's shit. I'm tired of hearing Bryce and Tiller's name. I'm grumpy about everybody. I need new music from Bryce and Tiller. Thug tape. I don't want to talk about Bryce.
Starting point is 01:15:23 This probably ain't the podcast. I hear. No, no, no, no. Yes, it is. Yes it is yes it is yes it is i hear amazing things about uh young thugs album yep i haven't listened to it yet no have you heard it is nice i heard great things too though i hear amazing people that don't typically like young thug i hate it young thug oh wayne retiring that's something oh yes yeah that's like. I don't believe it. Let me hear it. I don't believe it.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I don't think Wayne's retiring. I think it's frustration. Let me hear your hot takes. I don't mind if Wayne retires. I'd like to keep Wayne. You don't mind if Wayne retires? Yeah. I think his best days are behind him,
Starting point is 01:16:00 and I think he has an amazing discography now that I would just like to keep as is. That's why I got gotta watch How I deal with But why is he retiring Is it because of the business All the business shit That's happening I think it's just everything
Starting point is 01:16:11 And I think he's just tired Or he's just gonna come back To be relevant again So why don't he just Change his name And then he can just Legally sign another contract You think they gonna
Starting point is 01:16:19 Let that happen again He gonna change his name To Big Wayne Yeah Dropped a little off. He's Wayne. Wayne been coming out on a lot of Drake sets. He's been like one.
Starting point is 01:16:31 He was doing a tour in New Orleans. No, no, no. He's more than one. He was in Houston. He was in Miami. Did he come out in Philly? Maybe. No, I don't think he was in Philly. No, no, no. He's done a couple. He's been out on about three of them. Miami, New Orleans, Houston.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Which I've only found interesting because, and I swear, I hate to, how do we end up talking about the biggest rapper in the world on this podcast? You can't avoid it. We're talking about music. I think it's a- That's what I try to explain to these people. They think we're obsessed with it. I'm like, y'all are talking about it, so we're-
Starting point is 01:17:03 I'm not obsessed with Drake. He's just the biggest artist in hell so you kind of have to talk about it i find it kind of interesting because i have not heard of wayne and drake feature and i know i'm petty but that seemed to be a staple uh in both of their careers we ain't heard in a while so him bringing him out on stage don't really tell me too much i'm very interested in the backstory of young money i am i don't think we have i don't i don't think we've heard it i think we talked about this before and you disagreed with me young money outgrew itself nikki became a huge star. Drake became a huge star, started his own little label, and everyone started focusing on other things.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I 100% still disagree with all of that that you just said. Nicki was a huge star while she was working with Drake, uh, uh, Wayne. I'm aware, but you can help. Drake was a huge star while he was working with Wayne. So I'm not going to say that both of them are huge stars. They saw the bullshit on the wall and was like, you know what, I still want my album to come out. So you know what, I'm going to have to take a step over here, bro.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Sorry that you and Stunna are going through it, Wayne. But if I stand too close to you, my album not going to come out. And I need my album to come out. That's all it is. Outside of the obvious bullshit that goes on in their business, if you're Nicki and Drake, do you not want to outgrow a label of another label of another label?
Starting point is 01:18:28 No, I would like to start my own brand, which is far bigger than Young Money. What's far bigger than Young Money? OVO is much bigger than Young Money right now. No, it's not. It is. No, it's not. In terms of what? Why is OVO far bigger than Young Money? As a brand, it is bigger than Young Money.
Starting point is 01:18:45 What do you mean as a brand? Tell me why. Tell me why. When Young Money has generated more income. No, no, no. You talking about together years. I'm talking about right now. Nobody that knows.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Wait, wait. Time out. Time out. Nobody that knows OVO as a brand don't know Young Money. So tell me where y'all get that from. But today. Who's on OVO? I totally disagree. Who's on OVO as a brand don't know Young Money. So tell me where y'all get that from. But today- Who's on OVO? I totally disagree.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Who's on OVO? Oh, get the fuck out of here, Joe. Who's on OVO? Wait, wait, wait. Time out. People know OVO that don't know Young Money. Yes. He might be right.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Son, Hotline Bling, One Dance are huge fucking- Not everyone that knows OVO knows Young Money. You bugging. They got a lot of new fans. Yo, he talking about Young Money like they Rough Riders. I'm not. What are you talking about? Well, they all from that same.
Starting point is 01:19:31 No, no. Nigga, they got recent fucking hits. What are you talking about? Let me ask you. What's the recent Young Money hit? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on. Before, because every girl is wrong.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am wrong. How many people you think know about uh ovo that don't know about young money they are i think there are drake has a lot drake is at his show currently today bringing out wayne shouting out young money i don't understand how this is shouting out young money say what you want it's that audience being very aware of young money and who they is and who they are and where Drake comes from. I'm sure that Drake has a lot of, especially younger fans right now that are super duper.
Starting point is 01:20:11 That don't know Young Money that was popping three years ago. The fucking label that was running rap three years ago. They don't know. It's what y'all are telling me. Three years ago? Yeah, three years ago. Yeah, we in 2016. In 2013, Young Money was running hip-hop.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So now who don't know Young Money from then? I'm asking. Back to my point of Nicki and Drake outgrowing a brand that isn't theirs. They realize they're stars. I'm not staying under a shadow of Young Money. Yeah? What does that have to do with what I just said?
Starting point is 01:20:43 Well, that was my original point, and then you said everyone knows Young Money more than OVO. And do With what I just said Well that was my original point And then you said Everyone knows Young Money More than OVO And I said You're fucking bugging That OVO And that OWL Is way more prevalent
Starting point is 01:20:51 Relevant today Relevant today You gotta think about it You gotta think about it though You have to think about it though I'm not arguing that It's way more people Wait why would I argue that
Starting point is 01:21:01 OVO and Drake Are the premier So that's why I'm saying Brand and artist In hip hop That's why I'm saying I don't think just cause I was disappointed
Starting point is 01:21:12 But there are people that are What I'm saying is There are people that know Drake and OVO now That don't know Lil Wayne That don't I'm not saying I don't know Lil Wayne
Starting point is 01:21:19 Let me finish Let me finish Nah There are people that know Drake and OVO now That don't know him from music The fucking Raptors shit Like he's taking that OVO brand
Starting point is 01:21:31 Way bigger than just hip hop Yeah He's gained the fan base Outside Come on It's obvious No but my point to that No it's not obvious
Starting point is 01:21:39 My point to that is There's niggas that are May have just now Oh I like the Might not have heard of Drake Before Howl I'm Blink That's what I'm saying. I might not have heard of Drake before. How I'm laying. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Might not. Might not. That's exactly what I feel like. This is a lot of fans with his time out. Time out. Right. I don't care about gutter gutter and young money. You told him I got a gutter and I am not.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Those are your words, not mine. I'm not introducing him into this conversation, by the way. If that is where your argument is going, that when Drake came out with Hotline Bling or fucking Hold On, We're Going Home, all of these fans that had no idea that Lil Wayne and Young Money existed are now perfectly aware of the owl in Drake, I'm not rolling.
Starting point is 01:22:22 That is exactly what you're saying, and I'm not rolling with that. Lil Wayne sold a million records in a fucking week. Y'all better get shit. We're not taking away from Young Money. Wait, that is what y'all doing.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Y'all are not taking away from Wayne. How are you not then? I'm telling you. Wait, wait, wait. Same thing Rory is saying is that Drake has gotten bigger than just that Young Money
Starting point is 01:22:41 hip hop umbrella. There's an entire new climate of fans. No disagreeing for me. That's what we've been saying. There's an entire new climate of fans. No disagreeing for me. That's what we've been saying. There's an entire new... No, that's not what y'all are saying. Let's be very clear on what y'all are saying.
Starting point is 01:22:51 He's gaining fan bases in places that don't... Y'all are saying... That ain't giving a shit about rap. One time, one time. Y'all are saying verbatim, this is what y'all's argument fucking stands on. Y'all said there are plenty of people that know the brand OVO that don't know the brand Young Money. And that's where I'm disagreeing. That's where I am disagreeing.
Starting point is 01:23:12 That's where my argument lies. The original point was that there was no one that knew OVO and not Young Money. And I said you're bugging me. I'm not never going to say that. I'm not never going to say that with the premier artists in hip hop. I still think that it's a lot of people that don't know the Young Money brand no ovo brand i do too from where samsung commercials hotline blink has a lot of the raptors he has a lot of new fans yeah he has a lot of fans that love him don't even like rap that's what i don't even listen that's why i can see why there would be people i'm not saying
Starting point is 01:23:40 that wayne does that is what you're saying when you say that because when you make that point for one you're saying that wayne doesn't apply for the other you're saying when you say that. Because when you make that point for one, you're saying that Wayne doesn't apply for the other. I'm just saying today, Drake is the biggest artist probably in the world today. No, no. Let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 01:23:52 He's one of the biggest artists. Let me ask you a question. Okay, so his brand, they're bulletproof. Time out, time out, time out. More granted, y'all don't need to tell me that Drake is one of the
Starting point is 01:24:01 biggest artists in the world. I understand, but... What I'm telling you is that Drake is probably one of the biggest artists in the world. I understand, but... What I'm telling you is that Drake is probably one of the biggest artists in the world because he comes from the biggest artist in the world
Starting point is 01:24:13 no longer than three years ago. Joe, can I ask you a question? Wait, wait, time out. Let me finish my point. Y'all are talking like Wayne was the biggest artist a decade ago. It wasn't that long ago. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Can I ask you a question? Please. Do you think there are fans that know Kanye West and not Rockefeller? Yes. How can that not be the same in this instance? Because Rockefeller disbanded whatever the word was. And if we're looking right now, Young Money did the same. Are you letting me talk?
Starting point is 01:24:46 Because you don't know what I'm saying. Continue. Rockefeller disbanded in 2005. So yes I think there are plenty of people that know Kanye West who basically ascended from the disbandment of Rockefeller
Starting point is 01:25:02 that don't know Rockefeller. I do think that. I do think that. That's a large. Let me ask you. Wait, wait, time out. I'm addressing Rory. That's a large gap.
Starting point is 01:25:10 So that's why I think that. And I think there's a large gap between bedrock and hell. Wait, time out. I only disagree. Bedrock was not the end of young money. So you could say that to minimize them all you want. But okay, so that's a good point. When do we end the run of Young Money tell me
Starting point is 01:25:25 what year let me Wikipedia this why no no I want to hear from your brain I don't want to hear from Safari how did Safari get involved in this triple entendre don't even ask me how
Starting point is 01:25:43 why Hov thought we couldn't ask him how Hov We can ask you What we want to ask you Fuck outta here Fuck Rory is now On Safari
Starting point is 01:25:54 Wikipedia Somewhere Trying to figure out The last year That Young Money was hot So nobody Bedrock was 0-9 I didn't ask you about Bedrock
Starting point is 01:26:03 I didn't ask you about Bedrock I I didn't ask you about Bedrock. I asked you the last year that to you and your brain Young Money was out. Sir, can you calm down for a second? I'm calm. I'm calm, but I am calm. This is just how I speak. So I'm calm. Let me hear it from you.
Starting point is 01:26:17 The singles that charted. I didn't ask you that. That's running fast. Come on, man. I did not ask you that. What's the last single? What's the last year? She Will came out when.
Starting point is 01:26:27 She Will came out when. She Will came out when, Rory. Hold on. Come on. That's just a Wayne and fucking Drake record. I'm asking you when She Will came out. 2012, maybe. 11, 12.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I'm saying She Will because, to my recollection, without really delving deep into it, that's the last record I could think of that mattered that them two did. I didn't care about the Wayne record that he did with Drake after that. Like, I didn't care about nothing after that. She Will was the last hit that them two did together. She Will came out in 2011. That was 2011. So that was 2012? 11. 11. That was 2011. So we're five years removed.
Starting point is 01:27:07 I don't think that the amount of fans that have grown to know OVO without ever knowing who a Young Money is has amassed to that point in five years. I have.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Wait, time out. I have. Well, I could be wrong. I've been wrong a million times in my life. Especially in this microwave era. As opposed to... Now, that's a good point.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Especially in this... In this microwave era where people are stupid. But as opposed to especially in this microwave era as opposed to now that's a good point especially in this microwave era where people are stupid but as opposed to the Rockefeller era where they was done when Kanye
Starting point is 01:27:33 crashed the fucking car when Kanye crashed the car we was kind of off of Rockefeller and Dame and Hov they was beefing and whatever
Starting point is 01:27:41 was going to be was going to be that's like a 15-10 year gap a's like a 15 10 year gap A 10 year versus A 5 year gap In hip hop I'm not just saying now
Starting point is 01:27:49 I think earlier in Kanye's career It was the same way I think graduation When he started doing That glow in the dark shit A lot of people didn't know The fuck Rockefeller Records were
Starting point is 01:27:58 But I'm buying a ticket To go see Kanye West And I'm buying his album I don't think that many people Knew who Rockefeller was When College Dropout came out That's 04 Come on You bugging Nah They definitely rockefeller was when college dropout came out that's oh four come on you bugging no they definitely you bugging now in oh four yeah i don't think i don't think it took very long college dropout i remember the sale you're
Starting point is 01:28:16 proving our point more let me help y'all no i'm proving my point nigga i'm smart enough to never want to prove your point when i'm arguing mine. I remember Twista's album came out, right? Kamikaze album. And sold 350. This is before we got a Kanye album. Off that Overnight Celebrity, not Overnight Celebrity, Slow Jams, Slow Jams, Slow Jams. Kanye striped that record
Starting point is 01:28:38 and then his album came and did 450. Everything after week two, I think we have now crossed over into a world that is not so familiar with all that Rockefeller Records has done. Especially when we were in the middle of, we had already sold Rock Aware. No sneakers were involved. We were already beefing between fucking Hov and fucking Dame. And Hov had transitioned between, all right, I'm done with Dame, and I'm done to fucking, I'm on to hanging on to Beyonce's coattail,
Starting point is 01:29:09 me and my girlfriend, Bonnie and Clyde, whatever that faggot fuck shit was that came out. So that's what I'm saying there. That's what I'm saying there. I don't think that's the case with Wayne and Drake. I wholeheartedly disagree with the Kanye shit you just said. All right, so you know, all right. I wholeheartedly disagree. So Kanye shit you just said Alright so you know Alright that's
Starting point is 01:29:26 I wholeheartedly disagree So let's agree Rockefeller was huge In 2005 Rockefeller was huge I said four We're talking about In 2004
Starting point is 01:29:34 Rockefeller was huge Why An empire does not Does not just fizz out In one fucking I want to hear from more Who's birthed from Rockefeller Tell me
Starting point is 01:29:43 Tell me In 2004 Rockefeller was still very big, though. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What? I'm not arguing that they were big. Oh, so what are you saying? What are you arguing?
Starting point is 01:29:54 I'm saying that 2004 was the start of the decline of Rockefeller Records. Oh, yeah. You said that they were hot. No one's disagreeing with that. So when y'all tell me that Rockefeller was huge in 2004, no. No, they weren't huge in 2004. They were huge in 2000 and 2001 when fucking Hove put the fucking record out with Pharrell, with the video with Big.
Starting point is 01:30:17 That's when they were huge. They were huge then. By 2004, we sold the company, we sold the clothing, and Jay was clearly beefing with Dame in 2004. Why are they huge? That's the start of the decline. That is not the case with OVO and Young Money. Purple Haze and the college dropout came out in 2004 on Rockefeller Records. I'm not saying what was happening behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:30:40 They were a big company. Purple Haze flopped in 2004. Oh, come on. Actually, you're proving my point for me. purple haze flopped in 2004 oh come on actually you're proving my point for me and two purple haze flopped in 2004 is when is when part of the reason for the disbandment was that dame was signing acts that jay wanted nothing to do with i.e cameron i.e mop i.e all them fuck niggas though that dipset arrow was from a shout out to m with, i.e. Cam'ron, i.e. M.O.P., i.e. all them fuck niggas that we never got an album from. And shout out to M.O.P. because I love them and they were on the first Lawn House album. So I'm saying fuck niggas, but I'm not trying to diss niggas.
Starting point is 01:31:13 I love M.O.P. I'm an old hip hop head. But in 2004, we were witnessing the decline of Rockefeller Records. I don't even see how that's an argument. I'm not a disagree. So when you tell me that they were huge, when you tell me that they were huge. They're still huge. When you tell me that they were huge, nah, you can't tell me multiple projects. That's why it was such a headline, though, because it was like, yo, Jay and Dan, how the fuck am I breaking up?
Starting point is 01:31:33 Yeah, it was a headline because they were huge. They weren't. Yes, Joe, yes. No, y'all are telling me they were huge in 2004. No, they were not. All right, dude. Let's move on. You're going to lose this.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I put my album out in 2003. Rockefeller was done by the time I put my album out. All right, let's say this. Let's move on. You're going to lose this. I put my album out in 2003. Rockefeller was done by the time I put my album out. All right. Let's say this. Let's say this. Blueprint. Would we consider Blueprint part of the peak of Rockefeller Records? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Tell me what happened after. When did Black Album come out? Was that 03? Would y'all say that Rockefeller Records was at its peak when the Black Album came out? Or when American Gangsta came out? No, you're not going to say that because you would be a fucking idiot to say that. So in 2004, Rockefeller Records was not huge. They weren't huge.
Starting point is 01:32:21 2004, if we want to be clear, was the start of the fuck shit. Yeah, we know that. We know that. But that doesn't mean it wasn't huge. It's just shit started happening. No, shit started happening. They were huge, but they were small on the way out. They were declining.
Starting point is 01:32:41 They were huge on the way out. Death of a dynasty. That's why I was like, what the fuck happened? Y'all niggas was on fire. What happened behind the scenes? The people didn't know. That's why it was such headline, because it's like, yo, how did that happen? Nigga, y'all was like the shit.
Starting point is 01:32:57 I can tell anybody how it happened if you would like to converse with me privately. I know how it happened, but I'm just saying people didn't know. They didn't understand it. What the fuck hey any of you young people that would like to know how some of these things happen i think you young people are not well versed in the demise of some of the greatest groups that we have ever seen i.e no limit um rough riders and that's why i'm really on this uh young money shit like that because Young Money is one of the greatest groups we've ever seen. One of the greatest conglomerates. And we've witnessed the end of it in this technology microwave era. I don't think enough people really care about what's happening.
Starting point is 01:33:34 The reason why they don't care is because the stars outside of Wayne are still shining. They didn't lose. They didn't lose shit. Well, Wayne would shine ifke would give him a hook like he used to again i told you he's worried on his own thing man i gotta i gotta look out for me bro yeah the boss man ain't outgrew young money all right so here's a question for you gentlemen i love the fact that because there are all men here or just i love the fact that i can ask whatever i want to ask and get
Starting point is 01:34:06 a valid answer. So let me hear this. If Young Money ends today, which it looks like they've ended. It's ended. I would say it's ended. It looks like it's ended. In contract it might still be there. Give me... Tell me where Wayne ranks in the all-time list to you gentlemen. Of rappers?
Starting point is 01:34:22 Of what? Young Money? No, skateboarders, what the fuck are you talking about? He's actually a really good skateboarder, but, uh... Debatable.
Starting point is 01:34:31 He, uh... Yo, Joe is grumpy about everything. I, I... He's not the greatest skateboarder. Oh, wait, how you hate
Starting point is 01:34:39 a nigga's skateboard? I don't even skateboard. He was really good, then it started to decline, but, you know, there was a lot going on behind the scenes. He could still ollie, but it wasn't as high. So he wasn't as good. No, for real.
Starting point is 01:34:52 This is a good question to me. Because Wayne, this is good. This is a good one. This is good. You got to think about it. You do have to think about it. Even if you don't like Wayne You have to respect it and acknowledge Wayne I would have to put him
Starting point is 01:35:08 He's up there Wayne is top 10 ever Dead or alive You can't find anybody to debate that No sorry I'm going to try to debate it Only because we're on a podcast Roy you agree
Starting point is 01:35:23 Top 10 dead or Alive. Ice, you agree? I agree. Not top five, but definitely top 10. Okay. So here comes fucking Hip Hop Joe trying to debate it just because we're on a podcast and you've got to play Devil's Advocate at some point. Biggie?
Starting point is 01:35:40 I'm looking for y'all to reply with every name I say. Obviously. Pac. Nope. Pac is not top 10. Listen, a whole other conversation. I'm out for y'all to reply with every name I say. Pac. Nope. Pac is not top 10. Listen, a whole nother conversation. I'm out of here.
Starting point is 01:35:49 I almost don't like this. I swear to God, I will punch you in the face. This podcast just ended for me. Ice, don't say nothing. Tupac Shakur is not a top 10 rapper to ever live. Ice, don't do it.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Go ahead, go ahead. Go ahead. I'm like, holy shit. I swear to God, I'll punch Ice. Holy shit. I've never heard that shit I've never heard that
Starting point is 01:36:05 I have never heard that From anybody I just like to have Unpopular opinions To make myself ice I hate when people say Just cause you Alright go ahead
Starting point is 01:36:12 You're the only one That says that I guarantee you I'm not At these niggas When y'all hear this podcast Let them know I'm the only one
Starting point is 01:36:20 Rory hold on Joe hold on You have to You have to Explain to me How Tupac Shakur Is not a top 10 rapper Of all time
Starting point is 01:36:28 Cause he couldn't rap Go ahead Wait what? Tupac Shakur Couldn't rap? No he couldn't Yo that is Ice I'm not gonna lie
Starting point is 01:36:37 That is insane I'm cool That's insanity yo Alright That's insanity I didn't know people Hated Tupac Until I got on Twitter And then I found out People didn't like Tupac Yo the nigga can't rap That's insanity I didn't know people hated Tupac Until I got on Twitter
Starting point is 01:36:45 And then I found out People didn't like Tupac Yo the nigga can't rap That's what it is He's an amazing poet He's great at putting his The whole revolutionary shit And all that other shit
Starting point is 01:36:54 How much of a Tupac hater are you Cause I have a friend Shout out to Cam That said I could not play him 10 Tupac hits And I laughed in his face And then you struggled
Starting point is 01:37:03 To find him What I brought up 10 in less than fucking five minutes. What's wrong? One of my favorite tweets ever says, I'm going to listen to Tupac's greatest hits. I'll be back in three minutes.
Starting point is 01:37:16 It's a double disc, actually. No, you're missing the point. I got it, but that was my retort. I've never heard anybody say this shit like that. It's cool, bro. Let, let's just go on. All right, so for the sake of you, nah, because I'm not stupid at all.
Starting point is 01:37:31 That's my point. Give me a dope pop bar. You're not stupid enough to say that I'm going to have a hard time naming 10 Tupac kids. You're not this dumb. Give me a dope pop bar. Wait, no, no, no. Listen to me, nigga.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Stop talking to Maul. Look at me. Don't talk to Maul. Talk to me. Listen. All right, let's get to Maul. Look at me, nigga. Don't talk to Maul. Talk to me. Listen. All right, let's get to the point. Even if you feel what you feel, you're not dumb enough to say publicly you would have somebody would have a hard time naming 10 Tupac hits?
Starting point is 01:37:55 No. He has hits. He has hits. All right, all right. That's all I want to know. You can still keep your opinion, but God damn it. No, I'm definitely. 10 hits is easy on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:38:04 I'm going to troll that part I'm gonna troll that part Alright cool So alright Let me get back to fucking Whoever y'all was talking about Alright so we got Big We got Pac Asterix
Starting point is 01:38:11 Go ahead You can't say three stacks We already had this debate with him Are we saying three stacks? Over Wayne? Over Wayne Wait what? Three stacks over Wayne
Starting point is 01:38:23 Look at more Look at more Three stacks 103,000 over Wayne? Three steps over Wayne. Look at more. Look at more. Three steps. 150,000 over Wayne. 150,000 over Wayne. Yes. Okay. Dummy.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Okay. Yeah. Okay. Ice Cube. That's a great pick for top 10, though. I can see how some people fight it, but that's a great pick for top 10. Young people would fight Ice Cube. I like that.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Anybody 30 and up. Yeah, that's a great pick. I don't know how you can name 10 rappers better than Ice Cube. Yeah, I'm agreeing with that. That's Cube at four. Pun? Yes. Five.
Starting point is 01:38:55 L? That was where I was going. You're going to say Lil Wayne is better than LL? No, I thought you said Big L. No, no, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, Big L No no no L ain't in my damn top 10 That's why I was gonna ask No that's what the
Starting point is 01:39:10 Fake backpackers say No I was gonna say The fake backpackers That want people to think That they know about hip hop Put Big L in their top 10 Big L is nowhere near The top 10
Starting point is 01:39:17 He's an amazing rapper I'm just putting him In my top 10 He's still nowhere near The top 10 Big L ain't in the top 20 Or 30 Alright let's
Starting point is 01:39:24 Let's start with The Big L slander. Move on. It's not slander. That's what I don't like. So did you say something that's- Oh, my God. I was the first person that just said Big L should not be in the top 10. Just move on.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Is Wayne better than LL Cool J? LL is in the top 10. What are you deep graphing about? L is in the top 10. That wasn't the question. I'm asking you if Wayne is better than LL is in the top 10 What are you deep raffing about? LL is in the top 10 That wasn't the question I'm asking you if Wayne Is better than LL Cool J I personally like
Starting point is 01:39:50 Wayne's music More than LL's But I would put LL In that list Over Wayne That's five Is Wayne Better than Rakim?
Starting point is 01:40:02 I have a thing with Rakim No no no I gotta get off this Wayne is not a better rapper No he's not But this is what A lot of people Don't realize
Starting point is 01:40:10 Has Rakim ever had a Has he ever Wrapped a hook Has he ever Wrapped A hook I think I think it was always
Starting point is 01:40:21 Yeah he has Check out my melody Is him wrapping a hook Oh gotcha. So that's one. I mean, that's just without me thinking. But what is it? I feel like it was always Eric B. scratching on the-
Starting point is 01:40:32 Are you prepared to say that Lil Wayne is higher than- No, no, no. I said rock him as a rapper than Wayne. All right, so that's six. Then knock it off. We don't have to talk no more. That's six. Why don't we skip?
Starting point is 01:40:39 It's niggas we skipping. Obvious niggas. You ain't say M yet. You ain't say J yet. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Time out. Oh, yeah. I didn't even say M or J. Right? So M or J, we're not arguing that, right You ain't say M yet. You ain't say J yet. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Time out. Oh, yeah. I ain't even say M or J.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Right? So M or J, we not arguing that, right? Yeah, those was aliens. That's seven and eight. I'm already at eight. Okay. Ooh, the name.
Starting point is 01:40:54 The nine and ten slots are always the picks, though. The name I want to say, I know y'all will argue. If you say, what letter? Wayne is not going in front of Scarface
Starting point is 01:41:02 on my top ten. On your top ten. On any nigga that knows music, he's not going in front of Scarface on my top ten. On your top ten. On any nigga that knows music, he's not going in front of fucking Scarface on the top ten. I don't know, bro. Wait, y'all are putting Wayne in front of Scarface? I might. Well, don't might, nigga. Stand by it.
Starting point is 01:41:16 I might. I might. I'm not going to just jump out there and do it, but I love Scarface. But Wayne has a lot of material, man. Wayne has a lot of material. Put me down. Wayne has a lot of material. Wayne has a lot of material, man. Wayne has a lot of material. Put me down. Wayne has a lot of material. Wayne has a lot of—
Starting point is 01:41:28 And I'm going to catch—my mention is going to catch hell for this, but yep, I said it. Wayne has a lot of material. I want Rory's mentions to catch hell, too. Rory, are you standing by this? Wayne goes in the top ten ahead of Scarface. Huh? I don't think Wayne has a better album than The Fix or remotely close to it. Maul and Ice. But— Y'all think that Wayne has a better album Than The Fix Or remotely close to it Ma and Ice
Starting point is 01:41:46 But Y'all think that Wayne has a better album Than The Fix Have y'all heard The Fix Of course Have y'all ever heard Of Ghetto Boys
Starting point is 01:41:54 What Yes You talking to niggas That know rap I don't know who I'm talking to With this shit y'all talking about I'm just saying Wayne has a lot of material though
Starting point is 01:42:03 You name him One Scarface album I'm naming A, though, Wayne has a lot of material, though. A lot of great material. You name him one Scarface album. A lot of great material. I'm naming a classic. Okay. Scarface. Some people would argue that Wayne has a classic album. Which one?
Starting point is 01:42:11 The Carter one. Two or three. Fans would debate. So you don't know. They would say two and or three. Two or three. It depends on who you ask. Three is not a classic.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Knock it off. Wayne fans say two is a classic. Three is not a classic. That's just fucking reaching. Knock it off. Okay, so Wayne has a classic album. Three was his peak, though. It's two better than The Fix, my nigga. What are you talking about? Wayne is a classic. 3 is not a classic. That's just fucking reaching. Okay, so Wayne has a classic album. 3 was his peak, though. Is 2 better than The Fix, my nigga?
Starting point is 01:42:27 What are you talking about? I'm just saying, Wayne has a classic album. I'm asking you if 2 is better than The Fix. This is what I'm saying. Wayne has a classic album just like Scarface. And then after that, Wayne has a lot of other good albums and a lot of other good records with other people. Scarface broke a whole fucking region.
Starting point is 01:42:43 He birthed a whole fucking sound. And some people will say Wayne did the same thing for the South. Whoa. How can you say Scarface did that for the South? What are you talking about? But I'm just saying, the whole New Orleans movement?
Starting point is 01:42:54 No. So that's not the South. No, hell no. Wait, wait, stop. No, they won't say that. Master P did that. Okay. Clear.
Starting point is 01:43:02 But that's kind of the hot boys. No, no, no, no no no no no no no hell no no no playing devil's advocate here because master p was all right he he's older than him he right he opened the door they got their deal but what they did but what what cash money did modeled their deal after his after master p okay but there's no okay but what cash money did came after if it wasn't for no limit opening opening that door, there would be no Cash Money. So you can't say Cash Money put New Orleans on the map for nothing. I'm not saying they put them on the map.
Starting point is 01:43:32 Okay, Master P did something, right, for New Orleans. He was the first guy that was like a star. National, yes. He took New Orleans National. But now when Wayne and them came in, they took it to a whole other stratosphere. Can I pose a question here? What I will tell y'all before you go, Rory, ice hole up for a second. Okay, and Wayne had the foot in that.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Before y'all even have this argument, what I will say is I'm having a hard time thinking of two rappers that undisputedly go in the top ten before Wayne. I'm just... You can't, man. I think the list has to be a fully fast artist. Oh, you mean has, has Scarface ever owned an era? Has little Wayne ever owned an era?
Starting point is 01:44:15 Little Wayne. Wayne has owned an era. Absolutely owned an era. I'm playing devil's advocate here. Has Scarface ever owned an era? Wayne has owned multiple eras So he has to be top 10 All for that alone
Starting point is 01:44:28 Wait what? If you own multiple eras In the microwave Rap ain't that old In any profession If you own an era You're going down As one of the greatest to ever do it
Starting point is 01:44:39 Fab owned an era No You just said I'm asking you if Fab Whoa whoa whoa Absolutely Whoa, whoa, whoa. Absolutely. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:44:48 Absolutely. But you said, you said multiple errors. Wait, what error did Fab own? Wayne has owned multiple errors. Okay, so he has to be a top 10 rapper off that list. What national error did Fab own?
Starting point is 01:44:58 I just want y'all to stand by, maybe I'm wrong about Fab, I've been wrong before. Listen, I just want y'all to stand by putting Wayne in the top ten list of MCs before Scarface. Wayne is in my top ten. Rory? For sure.
Starting point is 01:45:11 Before Scarface? Yep. All before Scarface. Not my personal, but yeah. Ice before Scarface. Yes, sir. Okay, so let me try to think of two more then. You know what's funny about the top ten list?
Starting point is 01:45:24 I can name a million rappers better than Wayne, but when you talk about a top ten list, you have to talk about accolades as well. It's going to be very hard to out accolade Wayne. Absolutely. You know what's something with Wayne? Kendrick. Is Kendrick better than
Starting point is 01:45:40 Wayne? Rapper, yes. He's a better one. But we're not putting Kendrick in the top 10 yet. No. Because his career is too young. Too young.
Starting point is 01:45:49 But if he continues at this pace, fuck yeah. Devil's advocate question real quick. You just said you're not going to put Kendrick in there
Starting point is 01:45:56 because his career is too young, right? Oh, I was saying that to y'all, but okay. Oh, okay. Well, why do you put Big in there then? Own the era.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Impact alone, though. on the era on the era but his career was short oh wait Nas for sure I'm at 9 Wayne is in the top 10 I'm telling you I'm telling you that I am at
Starting point is 01:46:22 9 now here comes the argument. Oh, we said Andre 3000 already. No, we didn't. Well, you don't like Andre 3000, so that's fine. No, but he's in there. Okay. For sure.
Starting point is 01:46:34 We're at nine now. We are at nine. All right, so Rory, think of something to talk about. Be the A mic for two seconds while I try to rack my brain and think of a 10th one. Okay. Well, untangible that Lil Wayne has that I think probably more my age than y'all's wayne i was a backpack fucking rap nerd when i was growing up wayne was lyrical enough for me to like him but still pop enough to change my opinion on shit that was on the radio and that was things that backpackers wouldn't like y'all gonna get Coogee rap out of here
Starting point is 01:47:05 of course yeah 1000% love Coogee this is me I think Wayne Wayne changed out people I'm aware I'm aware
Starting point is 01:47:11 I'll put Wayne in there you want Kane you want though Kane in there too here's the argument no Kane is my personal top 10 my personal top 10
Starting point is 01:47:20 but I'm aware that he doesn't have the accolades to back that Drake I was thinking that but I don't think he the accolades to back that. Drake. I was thinking that. But I don't think he out-accoladed Wayne yet. That's the only thing.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Rory, let me hear from you. Henny Palooza young people crowd. You're ready to put... Because Rory's... Not Rory's fucking... Rory really is my voice to the idiot crowd that I don't want to talk to. I thank you so much for that. I know, I really love that title.
Starting point is 01:47:44 Because you know me and you know how to speak to me. I don't think y'all take into consideration exactly how long Wayne has been doing this shit. Yeah. And rapping at the level he's fucking rapping at. Hate him or love him, his resume is unreal. Can you not give me context for a minute? I asked Rory a direct question.
Starting point is 01:48:01 I would like him to answer it. No, but if he continues on this path, Drake will be in top 10. And he will. I can see that. All right. I can see that. I'm rolling. I'm rolling.
Starting point is 01:48:11 If Drake lasts three more albums with this buzz, fuck you. He is a legend. Three more albums? Just three more? Three more. I don't think Drake needs three more to be a legend. Nah, he don't. He definitely don't need three more to be a legend.
Starting point is 01:48:24 I'm staying out of it because Joe think I'm trying to say it's a political connection. Well, you definitely are trying to say it's a political connection. I think Drake is right at the, he's standing over somebody's shoulder at the table. He's looking over somebody's shoulder at the top ten table right now. He's looking over Wayne's shoulder. Right now. Currently. Like, dog.
Starting point is 01:48:41 We just did a list. He's looking over Wayne's shoulder. Wayne stepped down And he Okay For whatever reason He's not current Jadakiss
Starting point is 01:48:49 So Fuck no No Love Jada but no Fab no No Jadakiss no I had a name
Starting point is 01:48:57 That I just thought of That was definitely Getting Wayne out of here Give me a second Roy you take A Mike again Let me think Drake needs three more albums. Three is a lot of albums.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Actually, I may have oversold that. Drake has the triple threat. He can actually rap. He makes hits. And he makes great album cuts. Doesn't have a classic album yet. I'm too much of a hip-hop head. I want to start talking about back thought and shit. I know people hate to bring this up, but it still matters.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Writing lyrics. Top ten rapper Writing lyrics comes into this Yeah And I'm not the guy that Cared when he When that shit came out with me Yeah Still an amazing artist
Starting point is 01:49:35 That That bothered me a lot Because I had I held Drake in such a high regard Drake owns an era Changed the sound of rap music But If we're doing top ten rappers i don't know if i can
Starting point is 01:49:47 fully i'm having a hard time just say yeah thinking of uh a tenth listen man wayne is a top they're gonna kill all of us by the way wayne wayne wayne is a top 10 rapper i can't think of a tenth uh listeners out there. This was just talking, by the way. We didn't research it and come in and like, yo, how could you fucking forget MC Gusto? We don't remember. They're definitely going to do that. They're definitely going to do that. I said that Rick Ross is MC Gusto and Maul disagreed.
Starting point is 01:50:21 It covers everything. It's going to be a three-hour podcast. Before I hear from the two of you, I don't know how much time we going anyway but i love the fact that i can talk hip-hop with three people who are well versed in hip-hop rory do you feel like rick ross is uh mc have you seen c before of course i have just for the listeners i gotta ask you that so you're familiar with mc very much his story would you say that rick ross is the equivalent yes and that's only because i say that Rick Ross is the equivalent? Yes, and that's only because I don't think he's the only one.
Starting point is 01:50:50 He's just the one that it's been proven. So that makes him MC Gusto because it was proved. I don't think there's another rapper that's been street cred, has been killed that way. Even though he went right past that shit because his music was fucking great. No, we're not talking about... Wasn't street cred killed? No. Yo, y'all gonna think i'm oh yeah i can't say that i can't no because yo his street cred wasn't killed at all yo ross flipped right by that shit the same way drake did with the writing thing he didn't miss a beat nobody really gave a fuck
Starting point is 01:51:17 and he continued on he proved the point that yo these new fans don't give a fuck about nothing all right so you know what now Now let's play a game. Because that wouldn't have happened in the 90s. Now let's play a game. And I'll share this insider story with the listeners. Before I ever started doing a podcast, right, we were recording the Slaughterhouse album, the second album, our first album on Shady Records. And we were legitimately trying to figure out where rappers are placed. So we had a top 50 because everybody says they're top five dead or alive.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Everybody says they're top 10, top 20. But when you really start to think of the place of some of these MCs, it gets a bit tricky. And when we were having that conversation first of all Crooked Eye and Marshall Mathers both of them are hip hop
Starting point is 01:52:11 encyclopedias and know way more about hip hop than I do is this why there's no Slaughterhouse album because you guys are too busy doing this bullshit
Starting point is 01:52:18 no Slaughterhouse album this is what you're wasting your studio time on hey Slaughterhouse album coming soon by the way y'all budget have to be in the red if this is what y'all are doing in the studio.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Interschool gave us a lot of money for some strange reason. I don't know. We didn't deserve it. But when you start to look at hip hop that way, it gets a bit tricky. So with that said, I will ask you gentlemen now off of Wayne, because I can't think of a 10th person. So Wayne would have to be in the top 10 unless I figure out somebody else soon. Where does
Starting point is 01:52:50 Rick Ross rake? In the top 50 MCs to you gentlemen. Top 50? He's definitely a top 50. I understand that. Tell me where. Me personally? When Em and the the guys when we
Starting point is 01:53:08 were having this conversation so you say mc's we were putting because you can't specifically do it we were putting people in top 10 top 20 top 30 top 40 top 50 after y'all give me Ross, give me Kiss. I think both of them in the top 50. So basically you're saying 40 to 50 range. Tell me where in the top 50 these people rank to you. To me, Ross is definitely a top. I don't know if Ross is in the top 50. They rank for different reasons, though. That's why it's tough to place that.
Starting point is 01:53:42 The reason why Kiss is top 50 ain't the reason Ross should be top 50. I don't care. I'm just asking you where you rank them. Me personally, I would have Ross in my personal. He's in my personal top 30. For me. You are shitting me. No, he is. I think Ross raps a lot better than people
Starting point is 01:54:00 give him credit for. I swear to God I'm done talking. He's saying it's personal. That's my personal like me listening to rap. Yeah, but when people say the word personal it means you can't argue with him fuck no just what you like yeah this is what i like is what i was it's well versed enough in music though rick ross to me raps a lot better than people give him credit for raps he can rap okay so to me he's top 30 To me Yo you are a retard Okay
Starting point is 01:54:26 That's fair I'll take that You just tried to squeeze A crazy fucking name In the top 10 What name did I try to squeeze That was crazy Who did he say
Starting point is 01:54:37 Yeah exactly I know rap nigga No I know you know rap Exactly So tell me who I said That was crazy That belongs in the top 10 Tell me
Starting point is 01:54:44 Coogee Rap I think he said belong in the top 10 bro who? Kool G Rap oh okay where do y'all put him? not in the top 10 I didn't ask you that
Starting point is 01:54:52 I asked you where you put him not where you don't put him to me Kool G Rap would be top 30 to me to me he's top 30
Starting point is 01:55:03 that's just me I'm not running around Running to listen to I can't have this conversation I'm just saying Like we just You know You like Cool G Rap
Starting point is 01:55:12 For other reasons I like him For my reasons I respect what he did Cool G Rap Is a top 30 lyricist MC Now you're saying lyricist
Starting point is 01:55:20 You changed the whole conversation That's what I'm talking about MC See Cool G Rap Is a top 5 artists dead or alive. If we talk about lyricists. Fuck lyricists.
Starting point is 01:55:29 I'm the best lyricist ever. Big Pun is the greatest lyricist of all time. We're going off deck. Wait. Cool G Rap is in the top 30 of artists? I mean, it could be because I'm 26 years old, but I respect, think he's amazing. I'm just not running to go listen to Cool G Rap. Because it's 2016. You just not running to go listen to cool g rap because it's 2016 you're not running to go listen to cool g rap however you're running to listen to some
Starting point is 01:55:51 people who would not exist without cool g rap yeah but that doesn't mean but that doesn't mean that they have to be ahead of these guys though that doesn't mean i ain't gonna lie my nigga i honestly after this and hey listeners be very clear that I ain't gonna lie my nigga I honestly After this And Hey listeners Be very clear That we don't plan These conversations So I'm learning this
Starting point is 01:56:11 All of this shit That these idiots Are saying on the fly This is what you gotta understand You put Cool G rap In your top 30
Starting point is 01:56:20 Listen It's like this There are guys that came before Where's Mase He's top Mase is in my top 20 Listen, it's like this There are guys that came before Where's Mace? He's top Mace is in my top 20 He's top I'll put Mace top 50
Starting point is 01:56:32 I'll put him in at 50 I love Mace Mace not in the top 50 He's not in my top 50 We should end this Let's end it there Alright you know what I'll end this podcast
Starting point is 01:56:48 Later episode Hey Pat Are you in there man I don't want to hear From Ice no more How much time Are we at right now Don't do the talk back
Starting point is 01:56:54 Don't do the talk back You have got to be kidding me You lost a whole recording Last time Mace is not in the top I love Hey oh question Where's DMX go
Starting point is 01:57:03 Oh shit Top 15 Top yeah Top 12 He's definitely top In the top 15. Hey, question. Where's DMX go? Oh, shit. Top 15. Top, yeah. Top 12. He's definitely top 10. Shit, you should have said his name in top 10. If we just name him like top 10. Well, that's what he going back to.
Starting point is 01:57:13 Is he going to get that? I know what he doing. Glad you know it. I know exactly what the fuck he doing. Hey, where do you gentlemen rank DMX? God damn it. I'm asking. I was hoping we got out of here before he came up with another name, too.
Starting point is 01:57:25 Shit. He's definitely in my top 15. Definitely in my top 15. X might be in my top 10. I ain't going to lie. Well, no. He's in my top 10. Because I got niggas that's in mine that ain't in yours.
Starting point is 01:57:35 I mean, the vice versa. Yeah, I'm good. Wayne's still in the top 10. He's in my top 15. Yeah, I got fucking stacks in there. So you've got Wayne higher than X. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:57:47 I want everybody to be clear. Rory, you have Wayne higher than X? No. I haven't decided. You have Wayne higher than X. I have Wayne higher than X. All right, so I want to be very clear that three of the four people in the room now have Wayne in the top 11. Okay, that's fair.
Starting point is 01:58:08 So he's not top 10. No, I thought that would put him at 10. I thought he was at nine. No, we had nine. Because y'all agreed, fuck three stacks. That's why. I'm still keeping three stacks in there. Cool, keep them in there.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Yo, Ice, my nigga, I ain't gonna lie. I hate these conversations because there's way too many variables in it. Not even opinions, variables. But you know what it is. That's why I always ask that question, though. That's why, to nigga, I ain't gonna lie. I hate these conversations because there's way too many variables in it. Not even opinions, variables. But you know what it is. That's why I always ask that question, though. To me, Jay is number one because he has every last variable that you could come up with. And he's amazing in all of it.
Starting point is 01:58:33 Jay is number one because he's number one. Nobody else comes close to Jay. But then there's niggas that'll tell me that M is number one. Well, you have the stats to argue M is number one. And then you have Pacck who's legacy so those three mcs i'm never mad with somebody calling them number one pock uh hove i don't think pock should be in the same conversation as m and j well that that's fine but you have people pock's legacy and impact and how he transcended hip-hop. Like, it's a lot more than hip-hop when it comes to Pac.
Starting point is 01:59:08 So when somebody tells me Pac is number one on their list, and Pac is 1A for me, 1B is Hov. Those two are 1A and 1B. Wait, hold up. You know what? Now that I think about it, your top ten, you had LL in your top ten? Joe? When we was naming the top ten? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:25 I would take LL out of there and put DMX there. So now you got Wayne higher than LL? I'm just saying they're top 10. Not in no specific order. But I'm saying, because you had the 10. Too many variables. You had the 10. Why is he taking on?
Starting point is 01:59:40 So now L is out? I was trying to remember who he said. LL. Well, I was trying to name names that we all would agree with. I don't put LL above D-Max. So where's LL go for you? He's top 15.
Starting point is 01:59:55 Pat, how much time we at? He's top 15 to me. I gotta go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This nigga didn't have Pac in his top 10. He been was supposed to go.
Starting point is 02:00:04 We been supposed to get him before I got in. Wait, what? He didn't have Pac in his top ten He been was supposed to go We been supposed to get him The fuck out of this Wait what He didn't have Pac in his top ten Alright listen Let's Y'all mad at me For taking LL out my top ten
Starting point is 02:00:12 Let's get off of music Ice didn't even have Pac In his top ten Let's still get off of music Has everyone seen The latest episode of Power Yes No I've been too busy
Starting point is 02:00:20 Yeah But you can I don't It's okay Spoiler alert For those of you Who have not seen Power, but we should discuss television. Actually, perfect time for me to start. Power is at episode eight right now.
Starting point is 02:00:36 There are only ten episodes in the season. So put me on record now the same way I said for the night of I don't see how power can end dope I don't see how it can end with us at episode 8 right this second does the season have to end dope? the series is not over
Starting point is 02:01:00 just the season yeah but you don't want a whack ass finale that's like I gotta wait for a year the night of series is over no it It's just a season. Yeah, but you don't want a whack-ass finale that's like, I got to wait for a year. The Night Elves series is over. No, it ain't. Oh, it's another season. Yeah. They got picked up for season two.
Starting point is 02:01:11 Matters none. That was the worst last episode I have ever seen in a series that started out that phenomenal. Yeah, but, Joe, it's a series, though. The season is over. So the story has to stop, and then, okay, we're going to pick it back up. After season one, after the last episode of season one, I expect you to climax. I expect a climax. I expect to be at the edge of my seat.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Okay, so now what if they start season two and come to find out this Naz dude, he did kill a bitch. Then you right back on board. What does that have to do with the way that season one ended? That was a horrible ending. No, but you just have to let the story play out you can't even defend it you have to let the story play out i agree i'm with you now if the series ends like that then it's like what the fuck was that the night of cannot defend that fucking fuck bullshit uh you just can't it was ass it was ass so power Power now with two hours left. 120 minutes left. I think they have too much going on
Starting point is 02:02:11 for them to close in a way that will satisfy their viewers. That's what I'm saying. Are you disagreeing with that? I didn't like the way the season ended last year. I liked it With 50 Getting out the fucking
Starting point is 02:02:28 Burning building Clip hanger Ghost can't kill nobody For shit We all shit We thought he was dead Yo shit crazy out here I love that
Starting point is 02:02:37 Yeah I got it I got it I got it I think that you know The story I don't I'm not gonna say I think it's gonna end whack
Starting point is 02:02:44 Or it's gonna be terrible I or it's going to be terrible. I mean, you just got to keep watching, man. Let me tell y'all something. I was watching. I had just finished The Night Of. I was in the middle of Stranger Things. Well, not in the middle, but toward the end. I was at about episode nine.
Starting point is 02:02:59 Have you finished it yet? Stranger Things, no. Oh, okay. When Narcos dropped, I didn't watch anything else power even took a back seat to me when narcos dropped and when i started watching narcos and then i watched uh that episode of power i said yo ghost ain't really going to through too much pablo's having hard days. This nigga Pablo. Hey, spoiler alert, if you have not seen Narcos, Pablo was dealing
Starting point is 02:03:29 with some shit. And here come ghosts still dressed nice, having sex still. And they just picked up Narcos for two more seasons on Netflix. As you fucking
Starting point is 02:03:39 ought to do it. As you fucking ought to do it. Even though I don't know how interested I am in seeing the Cali cartel. They better be ill. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:46 I mean, given what they gave us the first two seasons, they get benefited of doubt. Right. Yeah. And I think it's gonna be like the movie Blow.
Starting point is 02:03:53 Just how that whole thing came into America and how it fucked up this whole country, more or less. Narcos was great. Has everyone finished Narcos? I have not.
Starting point is 02:04:04 I didn't finish it. I'm on. I'm at six. Yeah, I'm at six. I'm well versed in the story. Where you at? What episode are Narcos? I have not. I didn't finish it. I'm at six. I'm well versed in the story. Where you at? What episode are you at? I'm starting tonight. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:04:11 Oh, you didn't start yet? No, I've been busy. Yeah, he's been busy. I need some money, man. I got to talk to you. I got to borrow some money. What episode are you on, Mo? Six. Ice?
Starting point is 02:04:19 I'm at six. I fell asleep on six last night, so we can't even talk about it. Well, y'all know the nigga died I said I'm well versed in the story You're not gonna tell me something That's a danger that I don't know You see the stupid shit on Twitter Niggas get mad
Starting point is 02:04:30 Yo why you ruin it that he died Like yo You know what You do know the fucking story right We can't talk about it But yeah you know what But people make a valid point Though we know that Pablo died
Starting point is 02:04:39 We still wanna see how it played out I can't talk about it with y'all Cause all I wanna talk about it with y'all because all i want to talk about is is how how psychologically layered the last three episodes are and maybe because i've i've witnessed fam i've witnessed uh family members passing I've witnessed my grandmother pass at, she was 90 something years old, so I saw her go. I saw my grandfather go. So I'm very clear
Starting point is 02:05:13 on how once you lose your will to live, you kind of don't have a reason to live. And I enjoyed that from Narcos. It looked like they were showing me how as soon as Pablo's family left him and I don't think anybody can debate that. It's clear they put an emphasis on how Pablo was a family man
Starting point is 02:05:37 throughout the entire series. As soon as his family left him, it seemed like he had no will to live and he had come to a close and how this would end and not only that as soon as his family left you you are who you are no matter what he ended up back with his family I won't delve too deep into that because y'all haven't gotten to that yet but he ended up with his dad and then that played out and then once that was done it just seemed like Pablo was fine with how things were ending dramatic turn from the Pablo that they had showed us and and and shaped on the screen then how it ended and that was the amazing part to me so there was a lot of scenes in there
Starting point is 02:06:19 that it wasn't no shooting it wasn't no drugs it wasn't nothing at all but it was amazing context and amazing texture and that show is just done really really well i'm having a hard time breaking bad did the same shit with the family thing over a longer course of time you got a narcos we dealing with pablo for only two seasons 20 episodes right breaking bad gave us what six episodes six seasons of od episodes it's like 12 to 14 per oh that's it i swear every breaking bad season like 20 episodes or more but so so there's the difference there they did a real good job in that and I can't talk about it too much because y'all haven't seen it the night of
Starting point is 02:07:08 I'm on episode 9 not the night of Stranger Things I'm on episode 9 I don't even know what that is I didn't even I finished it it was good
Starting point is 02:07:18 I didn't I'm on 9 I'll finish it tonight your power I don't know how power can close this good I'll finish it tonight um yeah Power I don't know how Power can close this good yeah I don't I don't
Starting point is 02:07:32 I don't know no clue I mean we already know it's clearly gonna be some type of a cliffhanger 50 ain't even really been in this season like that it's gonna be
Starting point is 02:07:39 it's gonna be a couple things to you know I would've loved if 50 would've popped Ghost Son right in the fucking head. I wanted that. I was cheering for that.
Starting point is 02:07:47 I'm so tired of that little nigga. Yeah, he's annoying. He's got no fucking go. He's annoying to me. A. Courtney and 50. Kill that nigga. When y'all are writing these fucking episodes and scenes, I don't know no black dad that's that powerful that's allowing their kid to just
Starting point is 02:08:06 be a fuck nigga that way dog I said it this show has gotten too unrealistic that don't happen what black kid pops off on his moms like that and dodges the smack grabs a hand
Starting point is 02:08:21 pops off on his pops alright alright so let's be clear. 50 is about to kill fucking Ghost's son. Then Ghost's son says, yo, man, I hate my fucking dad. I hate my dad, man. I don't even look up to that nigga. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. He says this after getting in the car with 50.
Starting point is 02:08:38 I mean, you don't really know. Look at him, got in the car with a stranger from school. Drinking a lean. Wait, and then 50 puts the gun down and says, yo, I thought you looked up to him, man. But listen, but listen. Yo, now I'm not going to kill you. Yo, but I had a whole different outlook on that. Like, I look at it like 50 is looking at it like this is his opportunity
Starting point is 02:08:58 to basically, you know, he killed Sean, which was his son, his biological son, but he wasn't in his life, and the ghost kind of raised him. So now it's kind of like the tables are turning. Like, this is Ghost's son. Oh, yeah, the tables are turning. Fifth did say he was going to give Ghost a history lesson, and we had no idea what it meant. Until now, we feel like, you know, he's going to raise the son to do the same thing.
Starting point is 02:09:21 Yeah, it's like, I'm going to take him out of my mind. I thought the history lesson meant because that apartment was either ghost, yeah, something happened there and I think that's what that history lesson is because he moved a picture, saw the bullet hole,
Starting point is 02:09:32 he was like, yeah, it's still here and then he told a little dumbass that his dad used to be in this apartment so I don't know if
Starting point is 02:09:39 ghosts used to live there and he walked his kid through the hood. Right, right, so there's a history lesson. I think he more so meant he's bringing, he's going to lure ghosts back to where it all started at. And then try to kill them there or something.
Starting point is 02:09:52 I don't know. I thought the history lesson was, you know, you had my son Sean under the wing. Yes. I had you under the wing. I'm going to have your son under the wing. And we'll see what alludes from there. I still think that apartment means more. There was a reason he wanted that particular apartment.
Starting point is 02:10:13 I just want Ghost to stop being a faggot. Yeah, I'm done with Ghost. Ghost is a pussy. Yeah, honestly, I mean, I don't even want to talk about power too long. If Ghost is not a pussy, then I'm happy. Can we talk about how ill Greg got at the end, though? Took the pussy from her and still was like, yeah, still getting her to fuck out of here. No, because they both was kind of ill.
Starting point is 02:10:31 They both was ill in that. They both fucked, and then they both went on about their own ulterior motives. I don't think that Greg is any iller than Angela for that. I just want her dead. Angela's not dying. Of course not. I'm just saying. Made in America happened over the weekend.
Starting point is 02:10:47 I wasn't there. Nobody was there. But do we have anything about it? Anything good happened? I heard Coldplay was dope as usual. Go Coldplay. Seen a video of Rihanna singing live. Next topic.
Starting point is 02:10:59 Obama's daughter needs new friends. Obama's daughter, my nigga, is a thot. Jay Electronica. Oh, I'm right. I'm right. JLX, what the fuck is wrong with you? Wait,
Starting point is 02:11:08 Obama's daughter. Why is she a thot? Because she's listening to Mac Miller and smoking weed. If you're doing that, the real niggas is going to call you a thot,
Starting point is 02:11:16 man. Nope, not cosigning that. You on your own here. JLX, hate it on Uzi, tired of you old rappers, let the young niggas shine.
Starting point is 02:11:23 All right, I... What? You asked what happened that made it in America. Tell me what happened. I don't know what happened. on Uzi tired of you old rappers let the young nigga shine alright Ice what you asked what happened that made it in America tell me what happened I don't know what happened the nigga Lil Uzi
Starting point is 02:11:30 has this thing now where he likes to get chased by the fans he runs out into the crowd or they always see him why is that important
Starting point is 02:11:37 in hip hop why is it important it's important to the show it's important it's important to the fans also accessibility they like that just because you like to chase fans. Also, accessibility. They like that.
Starting point is 02:11:45 Just because you like to chase fans doesn't mean other fans don't like to chase artists. Ooh. Ooh, bars. Anyway, apparently this was happening while Jay-Lek was on one of the other stages. He saw the crowd. What was Jay-Lek doing on the stage?
Starting point is 02:12:00 I have no idea. He's Roc Nation. One of his two verses. Hey, fans. Is fans is Jay Lake top 10 hey fans I love Jay Lake I just be wanting the fans to know when the
Starting point is 02:12:10 fucking Roc Nation machine is in the no Lupe is not in the top 10 Lupe I'll bar you out of here watch your mouth and he better at street fighting
Starting point is 02:12:18 than you I didn't want to no he's not I didn't want to see Fab in all those awkward VMA shots like Fab was in way too many shots I didn't want to he's in all those awkward VMA shots.
Starting point is 02:12:27 Fab was in way too many shots. He's too great to be in the shots I saw him in. We spoke about Fab enough. All right, enough about Fab. Someone sent me an interview of Daylight in my mentions today. Daylight's funny to me. So I'm curious. Rory, Rory, Rory. It just happened
Starting point is 02:12:45 this podcast has not gone to that I don't have a sleeper zone you go there I'm checking out daylight says anything that he can possibly say
Starting point is 02:12:55 that Vlad will pick up no it was Sway it was an interview he said you own $30,000 B pay up I own money because him and I
Starting point is 02:13:02 planned on I paid him to throw shit daylight Shut the fuck up my nigga You've been trolling for about four years and it's gotten you no further than you already are you need a new plan and I like daylight Yes You don't like daylight. No, I was your brother Straight face lie, What does that have to do With me not liking Daylight
Starting point is 02:13:28 That has nothing to do With you not liking Daylight Absolutely not I don't like Daylight Because I don't like The stupid shit that he does If you're a rapper If you're a battle rapper
Starting point is 02:13:36 Be a battle rapper I went to Total Slaughter I watched him Strip naked And fucking take a shit On the stage I don't respect that That's why Joe
Starting point is 02:13:42 Owe him 30 grand Whatever I'm just saying I don't respect The stupid That's why Joe owe him 30 grand. Whatever. I'm just saying I don't respect the stupid shit that he does. But Daylight is a better rapper. So you're admitting it happened and that would mean
Starting point is 02:13:51 Joe would owe him 30 grand. Whatever. I don't know about that 30 grand. Daylight is a better rapper than a lot of these niggas. Daylight, you let your antics take away from your skill set.
Starting point is 02:14:00 Irony. And it makes niggas not check for you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it makes niggas not check for you. Hold, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it makes niggas not check for you. Hold up, I'm corny, but I'm nicer
Starting point is 02:14:08 than most of these rappers and any one of you niggas that got something to say about it, I'm here still. Joe, nobody wants to rap. That's why. He's the only one
Starting point is 02:14:17 that want to rap with you. Nobody is ever going to rap with you. Because niggas don't rap. Joe, if Joe listens to his... Hold up, hold up. Mo, you got to call Hov and fix rap. Oh, come on, Mo. Hold up. Mo, you got to call Hov and fix this.
Starting point is 02:14:27 If Joe listens to his own music, you'll find the answers to your questions. Nah, I don't listen to my music. What the fuck are you talking about? You just said, I'm still here, I'll rap. You could tell a nigga
Starting point is 02:14:37 I spit better than you. And what would he say? Hey, you right. You right. Fuck rap, man. I'd be waiting for niggas to rap. But anyway. They're not rapping
Starting point is 02:14:45 I'm taking full responsibility For French album coming out In fucking October That's all right French gonna drop a mixtape Even though it's out already That nigga had the Drake package A Drake disc
Starting point is 02:14:53 Drake special verse Drake and still I ain't gonna lie He had the whole Drake stimulus package He got the video too Hey internet Why y'all won't give me my credit sometimes Just because y'all don't like me That's sometimes? Because you're corny. Because y'all don't like me.
Starting point is 02:15:05 Because you're corny. That's it. It just comes back to you being a cornball. All right, all right. So tell me what I got to do to not be corny from this point on. It's too late. Not be you. It's too late.
Starting point is 02:15:14 Yeah, the stigma's there. It's too late. It don't matter. You can be the coolest nigga in the world. You can be Fonzie and it ain't going to happen, bro. It's too late. Yeah. Yeah, that's it, man.
Starting point is 02:15:23 Just embrace it. It's over, man. But you've been doing a good job Of embracing it You being you Continue sitting Indian style Yeah Just leave it at that bro
Starting point is 02:15:30 Oh man It's horrible Alright man fine I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it Alright we discussed TV We ain't even get to football
Starting point is 02:15:38 Nah we're going to see We ain't even get to football And we're not going to be able To get to football Just know that my fucking Fantasy draft auto picked for me And I ended up with Ezekiel Elliott And Ron Gronkowski didn't get to football and we're not going to be able to get to football. Just know that my fucking fantasy draft auto-picked for me and I ended up with
Starting point is 02:15:45 Ezekiel Elliott and Ron Gronkowski as my two first picks. I don't even know who the receivers are. First of all, I was trying to get my shit together and I'm
Starting point is 02:15:54 looking at the thing and Joe don't have the auto-pick little emblem on there and then I see his first pick. I said, nah, dog, he got to be auto-picking. Well, tell me, I had
Starting point is 02:16:03 the seventh pick in a 10-person draft, tell me I had the 7th pick In a 10 person draft Right? I had 10 I had 10th Which is the worst I'd love the 10th pick No I don't mind The 10th pick
Starting point is 02:16:12 The 7th pick is the worst pick You could have in a draft More Have you participated In any fantasy draft yet? Basketball no He don't do football That's why I didn't even send him
Starting point is 02:16:20 He don't do football? No I don't like the basketball ones I hate basketball More do fantasy hockey More do everything But real nigga shit I do fantasy basketball That's why like the basketball ones I hate basketball More do fantasy hockey More do everything But real nigga shit I do fantasy basketball
Starting point is 02:16:27 That's why he not a real nigga to me I do fantasy basketball That's it Ain't nobody got time For no fantasy basketball What you mean? You just set your line up Fantasy football
Starting point is 02:16:36 Sets the fucking precedent Okay Anyways Eagerly better get fucking busy That's really just all I gotta say about that I think you will I ain't gonna talk About the Johnny shit man Yo I'm such a fan Nah we thoughtful Anyway, Zeke Riley better get fucking busy. That's really just all I got to say about that. I think he will.
Starting point is 02:16:47 I ain't going to talk about the Giants shit, man. Yo, I'm such a fan. No, we can't go into football. I'm such a fan. We can't talk about football. We ain't too much talking. Next week, we'll talk about football. Honestly, we'll talk about football. I'm too much of a fan of my teams to talk about them early on.
Starting point is 02:16:59 I can't talk about the Giants. I can't talk about the Yankees. Hey, the Yankees in the wild card race. The Yankees in the wild card race, by the way. Yeah, the Yankees, the Giants, the fucking Knicks. I can't. I can't talk about the Yankees. Hey, the Yankees in the wildcard race. Yankees in the wildcard race, by the way. Yeah, the Yankees, the Giants, the fucking Knicks. I can't. I can't. The Rangers. Y'all pieces of shit.
Starting point is 02:17:13 Sleeper songs? Yeah. Oh, I want to note something about our sleeper songs. Oh, here we go. Conspiracy theorist Roy. This ain't a conspiracy. Here comes Salty Man here. Okay. Salty Man. I didn't even know that there was a conspiracy theorist Roy. No, this is fact Roy. This ain't even a conspiracy there was a conspiracy theorist rory but i will no this is fact this ain't even a conspiracy all right fact rory this better be a fact yo you don't you're the millie vanillie of sleeper pics you do not pick your sleeper
Starting point is 02:17:34 pics ryan picks them you have a ghost writer oh you don't pick them and you've been talking wild shit for three weeks you don't pick them They're Ryan's songs Oh shit Yo let me get a gunshot Let me get a gunshot I got it on me I got it on me I got it on me I got it on me
Starting point is 02:17:51 We don't have gunshots I'll get a gunshot Alright there's no gunshot Don DeMarco Cause when you was picking them You was getting cleaned up And now you a little cocky Cause Ryan sit in the crib
Starting point is 02:18:00 Who's been the most Improved Ox DJ core Don DeMarco I will not shit on Ryan because someone is shitting on me. Bang. No.
Starting point is 02:18:09 That's a horrible thing. I can't shit on Ryan because he's the one picking on me. No, I didn't say you. I said that's what these new niggas do. When someone shits on you,
Starting point is 02:18:17 you just automatically shit on someone else. I refuse to do that. So that pin ain't yours? Number two. Nope. It's Ryan Miller in that crib. that pin ain't yours number two nope it's ryan miller in that crew that pin ain't yours huh yeah you know what's funny about this what's up man hey ryan i love
Starting point is 02:18:33 you that's crazy number one number two what's the push-up bar what rounds make sure in the house you put a crown on every know the bar new nigga ass henny Palooza ass Oh give me the bar right now Go go go Listen I don't know the bar either Listen Fucking What is the definition Of sleeper pick A song that you select That the general public
Starting point is 02:18:55 May not know And you are not Finding these songs You're listening to Ryan's set At your pool And you're going What's that record
Starting point is 02:19:03 Okay I think I'll play that Dang Alright Henny Palooza guy Let me help you out here for two seconds I always disagree with whatever Henny Palooza People think, so this is number one Number one, I'm a music Connoisseur, and when you are a music
Starting point is 02:19:18 Connoisseur, you are in search Of new music that sounds good No matter where you hear it from Ryan I live with. Ryan, in the midst of his Spotify playlist. You know it's true when you gotta give an explanation. It is true. It is true.
Starting point is 02:19:34 I get good music from Ryguy. And I'm saying your picks have come from him. Time out, time out, time out. Let me speak. I can't speak over you. The same way I've gotten good music from you. The same way I've gotten good music from Mo. The same way I've gotten good music from you the same way i've gotten good music from mo the same way
Starting point is 02:19:45 i've gotten good music from ice there are not very many people that i rely on to get good music from but the people i do when they play something dope and i hear it and it's dope i say hey who is that because i'm always on the side of music and i'm saying you've gotten a little more arrogant with Ryan's records. Hell, we've lost a lot. I feel like Maul is 2-0 in my brain. I agree. I don't feel like
Starting point is 02:20:11 he should be 2-0. I'm very anxious to see what he comes up with this week. I'm switching it up. Because anybody could be 2-0. That's what I was saying when y'all was shitting on me
Starting point is 02:20:22 when Maul was cleaning up. I said, dog, I've been in this game for 50 weeks. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Made meall was shitting on me When Maul was cleaning up I said dog I've been in this game For 50 weeks That's what I'm saying Made me an animal It's rules to this shit I wrote me a manual
Starting point is 02:20:30 Anybody can be high For two weeks Maul You alright So I got to LA One week Who'd you play last week That was a cheat code
Starting point is 02:20:40 The nigga played After Tiana's success Tiana Taylor After the great It was a good move success. Tiana Taylor after the great... It was a good move. It was Tiana Taylor week. Strategic move. I put an asterisk there.
Starting point is 02:20:48 Couldn't be mad at it. People never didn't know about that record. All right, wonderful, wonderful. And I've been playing that record ever since, and I had that record, so I do that still. So Malls 2 and 0, I give them all that. I didn't even know when these Sleeper Peaks started becoming like a competition.
Starting point is 02:20:59 I just wanted to put people on the good music. I did not start it. That's why I had to go back and think, damn, I don't even think he's been picking these records. Nah, you and Monty have started that competition. I just wanted the people to hear good music. So, I have a good one that I stole from Ryan this week. So, I give credit where it's when I steal the music.
Starting point is 02:21:17 No, you do now because you got caught. Yeah, yeah, yeah. After you've been exposed. Is Ice even here right now? I didn't even hear him. What the fuck are you talking about? This nigga ain't had a good sleep for you.
Starting point is 02:21:26 What do you want? Play some new Gucci? Absolutely. Believe it or not, Gucci's ex-husband. That's not a Gucci diss, by the way, Joe. But it's not a dissing Gucci.
Starting point is 02:21:32 I want new, zero problems with Gucci. Jakey, shut up. Hey, hey. How's everybody doing out there? So with that, yeah, fuck that. Fuck you, nigga.
Starting point is 02:21:43 Where's the all score? Zone six. Where's the all score? Is 6 Where's the all score? Is everybody I'll go first How you know I ain't wanna go first? You're pretty confident You can go first
Starting point is 02:21:50 Nah I don't wanna go first But how do you But ask me my nigga It's gotta be a coin flip What you talking about? My bad bro He's just gonna jump out I'll go first
Starting point is 02:21:57 Cause you niggas whack Don't do that Just murder movie Iron Solomon Cause I was on my My R&B shit So I switched it up this week So yo to the people out there
Starting point is 02:22:04 That say I saw at least three people say Hey why don't you guys play Some hip hop sleepers I'll speak for myself I don't listen to hip hop Well that's good Oh no I play hip hop sleepers
Starting point is 02:22:15 Don't worry When I'm here You gonna get some hip hop sleepers I'm playing Fuck what they talking about I play hip hop sleepers No you can play hip hop I'm just speaking for myself
Starting point is 02:22:20 I'm playing the shit That you might catch a case after I don't play Shut the fuck up I don't play Hip hop. I'm just speaking for myself. I'm playing the shit that you might catch a case after. I don't play. I shut the fuck up. I don't play hip hop sleepers because I personally don't listen to all the new hip hop music. So I may be unaware. I got y'all. Don't worry.
Starting point is 02:22:36 I got y'all. Oh, my God. Is my headphones distorting? Do you have a sleeping bag? Absolutely. All right. So, Maul, let's go with you. I'm going to go with you Alright I'm gonna go
Starting point is 02:22:45 With one that You know Let's see if Maul Can defend his 2-0 fucking title Championship that he got Look at that Double entendre
Starting point is 02:22:53 Don't even ask me how This is a personal pick Man I'm gonna play Ooh copping a plea I'm so tired Already Personal work Nah this is
Starting point is 02:23:00 This is Trev Rich I'm gonna play A Trev Rich record man Give Trev Rich some run Trev Rich was about To sign the play a Trev Rich record, man. Give Trev Rich some run. Trev Rich was about to sign the cash money with Birdman. I thought he did. No, no, he didn't.
Starting point is 02:23:12 Capital pulled on the deal? No, no, he pulled on it, hopefully. Hopefully he pulled on it, but I won't speak too much on it. Shout out to Trev Rich. That's family. Yeah. Shout out to him making big moves in Denver. He said he was coming up here The weekend after Labor Day weekend So hopefully
Starting point is 02:23:26 Hopefully he'll come And we can kick it But yeah let's hear some Trevor Rich This is off of his Heights 2 mixtape It's called Talk My Shit Since we up here talking shit He better be talking that shit The way he be texting me
Starting point is 02:23:38 He be texting me like He gonna kill me on the first shot man Only nigga text me like that is Lil B. Because Lil B did kill you. Alright, boy. I might play an Arsenal verse. Salt on draft. How you not a local rapper If each one of your fucking fans Been walking distance Answer that Depending on people
Starting point is 02:24:06 That let you down So I figured I'd just call God Until he answered back How I was raised I take it to the grave, nigga A slave to your past You yesterday, nigga Stalking online
Starting point is 02:24:16 Cause your Xbox live And you dead to the facts You won't play with you Got a couple niggas with me That shoot for the sport of it They give another meaning To being 2K, niggas Couple homies turn four But I forgave, niggas with me That shoot for the sport of it They give another meaning to being 2K niggas Couple homies turn four
Starting point is 02:24:27 But I forgave niggas Cause when your pockets getting fatter Nothing else matters Let me talk my shit And I don't usually do this But it's deeper than music It's time to silence your room So let me show you how to move
Starting point is 02:24:39 In a room full of Let me talk my shit And I'm fucking with this man Let me talk my shit Only play like the next three lines And cut it over I ain't gonna lie Trev Alright turn it down for a little bit I ain't gonna lie, Trev. All right, turn it down for a little bit. I ain't gonna lie, Trev. You can't say fucking niggas love me after that button co-sign and sign with cash money.
Starting point is 02:25:12 That's kind of crazy. Wait, how you gonna say that? Jesus. That's hard. It's like admitting to your sins. All right, whatever. Hey, Trev, I'll tell you this much. Trev Rich's family, go cop that project.
Starting point is 02:25:26 Outright this second. Trev Rich's family, go cop that project outright this second. Heights 2. But, Trev, you can't text me the way you be texting me with them bars, man. I'll tear your ass up. Don't play with me. All right, well, my work here. All right, here come Ice with some brand new Gucci. It's no Gucci. No Gucci.
Starting point is 02:25:44 Don't even Oh man This one here It's called I'm Back It's off Albie Al's Everyday June 30th Volume 2 tape I fuck with that
Starting point is 02:25:53 Dog Motivation 101 No Oh Al been killing shit recently Yo that Hot 97 freestyle I like that Hot 97 That nigga went crazy On that Hot 97 freestyle Al That nigga went crazy on that Hot 97 freestyle.
Starting point is 02:26:05 Al Bial, what's really... Say less. Al Bial taught me what say less means. I thought you stole that from us. No, Al Bial taught me. Oh.
Starting point is 02:26:18 I thought you stole that from any music. I don't steal anything from y'all. Fuck out of here. That's why you corny. I'll take it. I'll take it. Let's go, Marion. Hey.
Starting point is 02:27:13 Hey. Yo, however dope Al Bial is, right? And he is dope. Al Bial is like the last of the niggas that are dope because you believe him. Yeah. Right? Dope Cause you believe him Yeah Right Well I say He reminds me of Of Stack And Meek
Starting point is 02:27:29 In the sense that He has that raw talent That you know Could go farther Once he finds His real pocket He just has that He could just rap
Starting point is 02:27:37 And he has a story That we all are interested in When I hear When I hear Albie I get the same feeling I got when I When I first heard Petey. Petey Crack.
Starting point is 02:27:46 Petey Crack should have blew. Yeah. That's how I feel about Al Bial. I think he's a bad time. I think he got a bright future ahead of him. I fuck with Al heavy. We need to do a list of the niggas that should have blew. Get Al Bial up here next week.
Starting point is 02:27:58 Yeah. What'd he say? Well, I ain't just saying some fuck shit, right? He said get Al Bial up here. I said I'm getting Al Bial up here next week. Al Bial should come up here. Yeah, I agree. Hebie Al up here next week. Albie Al should come up here. Yeah, I agree. He'll be up here next week.
Starting point is 02:28:07 If you haven't, check out that hot night some freestyle he just did. I'll text Albie Al and see if he wants to come up here. I'm not going to speak too much more on Albie Al
Starting point is 02:28:15 because I don't know what he has going on in the world. So I'm going to chill and let him speak for himself up here. So that's one. This thing is dabbing me like fucking we ain't riding fuckin' we ain't ridin' the same car.
Starting point is 02:28:27 We ain't ridin' the same car. Hey! Young Ice, Young Igloo. All right, Rory, what we got? I think you're in rotation for next. Am I? All right, hold up for a second. Ooh.
Starting point is 02:28:41 You win. Where's the fuckin' aux cord? Give me the fuckin' aux. Ah, shitwing me. Where's the fucking aux cord? Give me the fucking aux. Ah, shit. Clumsy man. It's clumsy man. Let's see what Ryan got to play today.
Starting point is 02:28:52 Let's see what Ryan got to play this week. Oh, that's what we're doing now? Are we just running with that? Yo, look how fast rumors can get started in this microwave era. A nigga say something
Starting point is 02:29:01 and niggas just run with it. Damn, I got mad. Brian show. Look at my little brother did you hear my soundcloud steven you gotta hold up for a second my nigga all right let's see uh these niggas went hardcore hip-hop of course i'm not doing that because i don't listen to any hardcore hip-hop ever because you corny uh let's see let's see let's see let's see music music. Yo, so I was in Houston two weeks ago. Right?
Starting point is 02:29:28 And I was riding around with some... Hoes? Yes. How do I spell this guy's name? R-Y-A-N I believe. Let me find it here. What'd he say? He's a faggot.
Starting point is 02:29:49 Alright, I was riding around with houston hoes or maybe they were new york hoes and they were just in houston and they weren't hoes i'm just saying hoes because we just say that word a lot right and i got in their car which i never do and they had dogs and they played a gentleman by the name of Darion Javon. I had never heard of him at that point, but they played a record called Opportunity. He sounded like an R&B artist that was about to blow in like 02. I'll play it now, but I really enjoyed the record
Starting point is 02:30:18 when I heard it, so I'll play it here. This is a gentleman by the name of Darion Javon and his song is called Opportunity. I can't deny what I feel. Oh, no. Girl, it's just one of them situations Don't you worry about whatever you've been going through, girl Just pour it up and get lit on this sensation
Starting point is 02:31:09 Swing around in a bat and out with them doors off Make love in a jeep with the doors off In between them sheets, take them clothes off I know just what you want Blowing money all night long in the city Then bust it down one time if you're with it Baby girl, don't deny it It's on fire, I don't get tired, no, no Don't miss out on me It's a good opportunity So don't sleep on me It's a good opportunity Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 02:31:46 So don't sleep on me Oh no Sleep with me Oh oh This shit ain't new to me Oh oh La la la So let me take you girl and do you right
Starting point is 02:32:04 Now Let me take you girl and do you right Now Take you girl and do you right Take you girl and do you right Gonna do you right I like it I'm fucking with it I thought it was real cool For me getting
Starting point is 02:32:34 A bitch call Never having heard somebody That was her ex Yeah when somebody Get the whole That was her ex She trying to put her ex on Yo Moe's trusted He's so much trusted Asked if she That was her ex? She trying to put her ex on.
Starting point is 02:32:46 Maul's trusted you. He's so much trusted. Ask her if she know that nigga. I know him now. I don't even know. How can I ask? I don't know. Whatever. I bet she know that nigga.
Starting point is 02:32:58 Oh my God. I bet you she know Darion J. Vaughn. What's her name? She gave you that nigga a whole government. Word. That's not even his artist name. That ain't even the only song she played by him. What's her name? She gave you that nigga Whole government Word That's not even his artist name That ain't even the only song She played by him
Starting point is 02:33:08 That's her ex That's what I'm talking about She played that nigga Whole EP That's her ex Like damn Who is fucking Darion? Her ex
Starting point is 02:33:14 This nigga's buying shit Her ex She wanted to get back With that nigga then Right exactly Alright Rory Let's hear it Let me white it up real quick
Starting point is 02:33:23 Let's hear it You're last up on the mix here Yeah, right I know you don't think you've been getting bodied I think you've been getting bodied out here But it don't really matter what I think This is Brayton Bowen He's not a blood
Starting point is 02:33:35 Word Oh, we playing fucking gang members now Alright, let me just start He bodied Yo, every week Alright, let me just start. He bodied. Last one I'd ever get. I thought we'd be friends. Yo, every week Rory's attuned at the same fucking bop.
Starting point is 02:33:53 Are you done? Yes. Well, looks like I was wrong cause I'm stuck smoking on and the rest of together. I've been getting high just to get by Ever since you left, wrong turn right for me Now I can see tomorrow Chilling across the street
Starting point is 02:34:16 Sometimes you've got to jaywalk When you can't wait to be okay You've got to jaywalk If you can't let go of okay You've got to jaywalk If you can't let go of yesterday You've got to jaywalk You can't keep waiting Don't try to sway your fans Cause they believe everything you say
Starting point is 02:34:34 Cause you know this shit is hard It's not hard It's not hard Yo, I'm not gonna lie though It took me six months Bro, we got a vibe that he sticks to Nah, it's not That's just been the past few weeks That's just been The past few weeks
Starting point is 02:34:45 That's why I'm not Fucking with Rory Because That shit is hard Oh come on Now y'all being jaded Now y'all just being jaded I like it
Starting point is 02:34:52 I'm digging it But it's definitely A vibe that Rory has I know for a fact If I played that shit In your whip You would ask who it was And for me to send it to you
Starting point is 02:34:58 Rory is definitely But you know I called you Out on your bullshit So you have to try To sway your listeners No Rory Yes that's what's happening. Rory is definitely one summer away from wearing no underwear.
Starting point is 02:35:08 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So, all right, Rory, listen, open your mind to a different perspective. Much like you, I like all the songs in that bop. That's why when I hear a song in that bop, I have to filter my own fucking likeness to it and say, all right, is this song dope or is this song dope because I love every single song in this bop? Yeah, that's definitely Rory's song. Yeah. I don't think that song was so great, but because I love that bop, I like the song. Right.
Starting point is 02:35:38 Fuck Rory, man. No, he's mad because that shit was hard. Whatever. So we'll let the fans call this week. I don't know. Yeah, you already jaded them. That shit was ass. Marlon fucking Ice played some fucking Rikers 97 shit.
Starting point is 02:35:52 I don't know what's happening out there. No, Ice played Al B. Al. And then my shit was mad fucking mad out of place after Al B. Al. You played Shorty's ex? Yeah. We might have wilded out this week. I think we all got washed this week. Yeah, I ain't going to lie. We might have wilded out this week. the sleeper. I think we all got washed this week. Yeah, I ain't going to lie.
Starting point is 02:36:05 We might have wilded out with the sleeper. All right, so we just skipped this week. Wait, we just skipped this week then. Hey, fans, don't nobody call a winner this week unless it's me. Then I'm fully taking credit for the win this week. You know what? Next week, I'm going to start playing New Rage. That's it.
Starting point is 02:36:20 I was going to leave this shit. I'm going to play Rage shit as the sleeper, I swear, for the rest of the weeks until that shit come out whenever Ian and Parks stop trying to fucking replay samples that I don't like. So that's what we'll do. Rage in the Machine coming real soon. Shout out to A-Rap Music. Beyonce had a birthday party, 70s style, that fucking Jay was caught in an awkward picture of. And that's all I cared about in that entire shit. Is that, oh shit shit Jay is looking weird.
Starting point is 02:36:47 No I'm saying Jay like Maul they come from that cloth of fucking you never really catch them looking weird. I've been caught looking weird. What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:36:55 I haven't seen it. You've seen it. So the only times I've ever seen Jay look weird in his career Anytime he's doing something athletic he looks weird. Throwing the football
Starting point is 02:37:04 diving into the pool riding a bike. I didn't even kill him I looks weird. Throwing the football, diving into the pool, riding a bike. I didn't even kill him. I didn't kill him for the football shit. The only time I can ever remember Hov getting killed is for when he was first seen in Chancletas. Yeah. That's it. And Cam was the one that really started it all. And that don't even count because you're supposed to.
Starting point is 02:37:21 I wasn't mad at Hov. I wasn't mad at Hov wearing the Chancletas. Other than that, when was Hov ever killed? I mean, like, internet killed. The diving thing and the bike thing. It was just laughs, though. It wasn't like he got killed. They just laugh at anything athletic he tries to do.
Starting point is 02:37:38 Which is true. Because Hov is too cool to be athletic. No, he's so crack his whole life. He never played ball. I'm telling you, though, Fab's in that same breath though like that anytime you see like jay doing something athletic is it's weird like i don't i don't if i see fab walking too fast i'll probably laugh because he's too cool it's like why are you walking that fast when have you seen fab walking that's what i'm saying he doesn't fab is too cool like he's a cool nigga it's like he's not you're not gonna ever see fab running you're not gonna see
Starting point is 02:38:09 fab working out you're not gonna see fab uh throwing a football hitting a baseball you're not gonna see none of that fab even be looking cool in pictures with like his kids that's what i'm saying he's like the cool dad now fab might have to get a show in a minute i'm gonna put that out i won't put that He too cool for a show. The show wouldn't be cool because you got to be kind of whack to be on a show. At one point, we thought that T.I. was too cool for a show. Fab might. He's on that path.
Starting point is 02:38:34 Fab has to get a show. He has to. I'm putting that out there. I don't think Fab would do it. He has to do it. He wouldn't do it. If they let him be him, people will love that shit. I'm telling you. I don't think that fab ever wants people to see him really being him because fab is full of jokes for real he that's what but people need to see that side of him yeah i wish people knew all the shit that fab thought
Starting point is 02:38:55 exactly that's why he needs his own that's my problem people knew people know too much of what i think these rapper niggas got it down pat. Oh, man. I'm so flawed. All right, so we hit Beyonce's party. We hit everything. I'll name this podcast later. Episode number 79.
Starting point is 02:39:14 I'm so happy that we are out of the 70s now. Next week, I'm going to try to think of a list of times where we looked at Fab and he looked weird. I don't care what y'all say. When him and Kiss put the fucking bounty paper towel around and wrapped it around their head, I don't care what the fuck y'all say. A real
Starting point is 02:39:33 nigga looked and said, no. No, no. No, no, no. We will not make this a trend. Fabulous sport. We are not wrapping paper towel. I don't care what little Mo has happening in this video. I don't care if she said to knock herself out.
Starting point is 02:39:54 Nah, we're not doing that. They did it. Happy birthday to Nori, my fellow podcaster and fellow, what do you call it when somebody's your podcast competitor or some shit? Happy birthday to Nori. I know you young niggas don't know how great Nori is, but when Super Thug came out, just do your research, do your Googles. N-R-E, niggas on the run, Eden, T-O-N-Y, Tony, the component of Nori, the whole first album. What are we doing, Nori's podcast?
Starting point is 02:40:22 What happened? What are we going to do, Nori's podcast? Whenever I have a reason to go to miami and the only reason i've had to go to miami is hoes that i've had in miami and because i'm not fucking with hoes in miami because there's just always hoes in miami there's no reason to go but as soon as we figure out a reason to get to miami and be productive norris podcast is on the fucking slot i want to do it

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