The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 82

Episode Date: September 28, 2016

A bit more serious than usual, but with all that is happening somethings needed to be addressed; Joe, Mal, and Rory discuss the debate, stop & frisk, policing, Game's cheesesteak saga, and more! Songs: Mal: K Forest "Soigne" | Joe: H.E.R. "U" | Rory: Mac Miller ft Ariana Grande "My Favorite Part" |

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, microphone check, one, two, one, two, we are back. I will name this podcast later, episode number, give me a minute, give me a minute, give me a minute. I want to say 82. I was going to say 83. Are you going to fact check this? Yes, I'm going to. 82 feels right to me. The 80s seem to be going rather slowly.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Just like, you're right. I stand corrected. It's episode 82. 82, you sit corrected. 82, I'll name this podcast later, I know Fuck you Just because we got cameras now and people can see Yeah, yeah, look at me Across from me is Rory Lane
Starting point is 00:00:33 To my right is an empty black chair Because Maul is running extremely late But that's fine, whenever he arrives, he will pop in I feel like I haven't spoken to you guys in quite some time Yeah, well, i saw you on sunday but i guess it's been a week to our listeners on on this platform you know you know what you know what we stopped doing maybe because i stopped caring what's that we stopped inquiring about you know we used to catch the listeners up on what the week has been like yeah about our lives and Maybe just because we don't do shit. Maybe we're just whack now.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Well, that's why I don't really tell them very much, because my life is not as exciting as everyone makes theirs out to be on Instagram. Oh, I have a cool update from coming here, actually. All right. We got some excitement. Let's hear it. I think God was either bored or just felt like being funny today. So I'm coming from New York Penn Station at rush hour. So you know you can't get on fucking any train.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So there's literally one spot left like in the fucking between cars shit. So I jump on it right as it's about to leave. I hate that guy, by the way. Oh, I was that guy. I 100% hate the guy. Well, I had to take fucking three trains in an uber to get to this undisclosed fucking secret location okay where we record so i didn't want to miss the train all right i applaud your dedication so doors close i look up i'm surrounded by people but who am i
Starting point is 00:01:58 staring right in the face my ex-girlfriend Alright Alright You know how many people Are in Penn Station At rush hour You know how many trains Go in and out You know how many cars Are on those fucking trains
Starting point is 00:02:12 Well were you two Going to the same destination No I had to switch trains In Secaucus And she was going To where she lives How do you know Oh shit
Starting point is 00:02:21 Got him Damn So this is an ex I don't particularly talk to care she don't care about me i don't care about her it was one that wasn't even really that serious and we just moved on and never spoke to each other so with that she knows really nothing about me i'm like a new person now so that hits me right away and we have no choice but to speak to each other we're standing we can't move i can't even get my i can't reach for my ticket we're so fucking speak to each other we're standing we can't move i can't even get my i can't reach my ticket we're so fucking close to each other so close enough in proximity to tongue kiss yeah all right just wanted to so i get i get the cool i get the cool like oh shit yo how you been
Starting point is 00:02:58 you know like the real corny i ain't seen my ex in a while and i gotta be a little bit doper than i was last time she saw me. Well, how was she looking? She was looking good. Did she look great? She did. No, we don't care about good. Did she look better or worse than when you were with her? That's the only thing that ever matters.
Starting point is 00:03:13 She was coming from work and looked great for coming from work. Okay. All right. Continue. Looked like we both got our lives. Of course, I'm dressed a little bit better because we have cameras in here today. And I figured I wouldn't dress like a slob. So she's like, what are you doing on NJ Transit?
Starting point is 00:03:28 Because I don't ever take NJ Transit. I'm either on the path. Oh, just going to cash this $20 million check. So mind you, it's social media now. So everyone, I think we still follow each other. So everyone knows what we're doing. But I was like, you know, going to do this little podcast thing that i do now you know she's like oh yeah i heard about that i was like yeah we got some cameras today it's some big
Starting point is 00:03:49 network i don't even know like mtv or some shit i'm just making shit up as i go you might be the biggest loser what a loser so i'm just trying to sound way fucking doper than i really am which is mad difficult oh dear Okay so you're that guy Yeah You know I'm talking a little lower My voice ain't even that low Did any of this stuff work at all? No
Starting point is 00:04:13 She didn't give a fuck about None of that shit you were talking about Nope Nope not at all How did she respond? How was the goodbye? It was fine It was one of those breakups
Starting point is 00:04:22 Where we didn't Neither of us gave a fuck We both just moved on And never spoke to each other or cared to check up on each other so i was just trying to sound like i was popping so it's very important to stunt on your ex no matter no matter the uh depth of your relationship yeah and because she caught me at a good time where i happen to be going to do something it just made me doper and it's a nice shirt yeah yeah i like it all right well that's how i got here yeah all right i i enjoyed that story my trip was a lot less eventful so i mean nothing really to discuss there what i will start with yeah i mean if you
Starting point is 00:04:56 ran into your exes we'd be recording a song right now we wouldn't be doing a podcast i don't live that way anymore where i record about my exes i want all of them to be happy just the same way that I am. Not to spoil it for Joe Budden fans, I don't think there's one verse about an ex on Rage. I said that, I tweeted that, and people got angry with me, which tells me that they probably
Starting point is 00:05:18 don't know what they're in for with this album. But we'll talk about that soon. Rage, October 21st, Rage in the Machine. Shout out to A-Rap. I'll start on a very low note. album but we'll talk about that soon rage october 21st raging the machine shout out to a rap um i'll start on a on a i'll start on a very low note uh 2016 is at it yet again we've had multiple passings this week uh rest in peace to arnold palmer uh if you've been under a rock for the last million years, legendary golfer. Holds the record for
Starting point is 00:05:50 Does he hold the record? I know he was the first golfer to make a million dollars. So that's kind of a cool record. When did he do that? I didn't get his tax returns. I don't know what the date it was. He wouldn't show us his taxes. That seems to be a trend. Rest in peace to Arnold Palmer.
Starting point is 00:06:06 He passed. This was, what, Saturday night? No, I think it was Sunday. Sunday night? Yeah, because we were watching the game, and they showed the rest in peace shit. We thought it was talking about somebody else, and it ended up being Arnold Palmer. And then rest in peace to Jose Fernandez for the Miami Marlins, a pitcher, their ace, who passed away in a freak boating accident. So I want to send my condolences to the families of both of those esteemed gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And again, 2016 just has been extremely rough, And they've taken quite a few legendary people. This Jose Fernandez story was alarming. One, because he was so young. 24 years old. 24 years old. And all the clips that they showed of him, he just seemed so full of life. He seemed like someone who was very excited about baseball and loved what he did and he was a hell of a pitcher yeah with a shitload of potential he was nowhere near his
Starting point is 00:07:12 peak and was already a great pitcher yeah so apparently he went on a 35 foot yacht him and two friends of his um and they hit and i forgot the technical term yeah it's it's the rocks that come out from the beach a bunch of them in a row and apparently he was speeding did we read that somewhere that he was speeding yeah they definitely hit it at full speed um i don't know i didn't read i didn't want to continue to read reports i'm not sure if there was alcohol and drugs involved but i know it was at late hours at night. Yeah. Well, what they say, I don't think an autopsy has been to.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I don't we haven't received anything from an autopsy just yet. But if I were just imagining I'm off the record here. If I want to go on a 35 foot yacht at one in the morning, two in the morning. Yeah. I would hope that somebody is bringing some type of alcohol or something. That just sounds like a much better time. Today some news came out that a friend of one of the gentlemen who was on that boat, it was a text conversation where he was pleading with him to not go on that boat
Starting point is 00:08:21 and to talk Jose Fernandez out of going on that boat. Just because of the dangers that come with boating, I'm no expert there. But I would imagine out there in the ocean that late at night, I don't play with nature that way. No. And the cops said that they had pulled that boat over a few times. He was relatively known in that area, whosever boat it was, and he usually had some of the Marlins on the boat. So he was a friend of the program,
Starting point is 00:08:49 but not an athlete. While everyone is up in arms about racism, which is very important, I'm very concerned about global warming. I hate to be that guy. You are that guy. i am that fucking guy i don't play i just don't play with the elements that way um i have a hard time seeing inside my home with all the lights out and nature in the middle of the fucking ocean i would have to
Starting point is 00:09:21 imagine is much much worse than that yes and uh rocks coming out are just going to look like waves and if i were to play like that i don't know if i would be doing 100 miles per hour now i don't have any of the information uh so i won't say that that's what they were doing but jesus uh in the text in the screenshot that i read though uh the gentleman that was on the boat who passed also, he was saying how Jose Fernandez was upset about something, just wanted to get his mind off of something. You can read this. I saw it on
Starting point is 00:09:54 So this has been published. This is not me just running off of my mouth or fabricating it all. So we want to send our condolences to the families and the loved ones and friends of Arnold Palmer and Jose Fernandez and the entire Major League Baseball Association. I thought that was real cool what they did for him at the game. And I saw the Mets all signed to Jersey because they played the Mets. Yeah, they played the Mets. Yeah, no, a friend of mine, Patty, I won't say her last name, works in the Marlin organization and just had so many great things to say about him. Not about his ability as an athlete,
Starting point is 00:10:26 but him as a person and how much he meant to them. So, I mean, I'm sure retiring the jersey was the first thing they thought of. Shocking blow. Shocking blow for any organization to deal with. Hopefully the Marlins recover and the city as a whole. The debate. The debate.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Hillary Blinton. Oh, my God. Hillary fucking blinton the debate the debate the debate did you watch the debate i watched the debate um the debate aired i think no matter what your political opinion is you should be watching these debates regardless whether you're voting or not these are important no don't say that just tell people to vote what do you mean if you're voting or not we don't don't vote well i'm torn what is your stance on people saying yo i just don't want to vote like i think both these people are horrible or the undercard i'm not interested in voting i know that's a right but i don't want to vote i don't fucking know what am i tell somebody on them and make somebody vote i'm asking your
Starting point is 00:11:23 opinion because a lot of people I would ask them why. A lot of people get angry when you're like, well, I'm not voting, and they fucking flip out. Like, see, you're the problem. And I'm like, well, if I don't like either of the two or the other candidates I may not know too much about, I'm not just running to go vote. Which it could be very ignorant of me. I would never say politics is my forte. Is that your stance? I'm leaning more towards not voting than I am towards Hillary right now.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Okay, I made no mention of Hillary. No, I'm giving you my answer. Okay, well, and this is because you're just not a fan of either candidate. Yeah. And I definitely went into that debate not a fan of either candidate. Yeah. Well, and I definitely went into that debate with an open mind of voting. I still have an open mind of voting. I'm not. I'm.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Well, I hope you vote. I encourage you to vote. I do. You as well. Well, I'm going to vote, which is why this is an interesting conundrum that we have here this is the very first time that i think many of voters feel the same way that you do uh where we're just really not sure last night watching the debate right i went and i made my my oodles and noodles i put my favorite slippers on my favorite pjs i sat indian style on my couch just because that's what i enjoy doing and i put this debate on. No, I watched Love and Hip Hop first.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Sound like you're voting Democrat after that night. I watched Love and Hip Hop first. Fucking hippie. Go ahead. Yep, I did. And then. I did too. Don't tell anyone.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Just to show you how diverse my selection is. You're so balanced. From Mona Scott Young to the fucking debate. This is the first time where I think there was minimal difference between the two. So I don't know how balanced that was. I agree. Now, mind you, I spoke to my... I think Love & Hip Hop was a great opener for the debate.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So I'm talking to my father earlier in the day who lives in the Bronx. And while his electric bill was paid, for some reason, his cable had gone out. I'm not a fan of DirecTV ever. But his cable went out. Well, you know those two things are not combined. What? You can pay your electric bill and your cable can still go out. I mean, cable bill is what I meant.
Starting point is 00:13:34 That's what I meant. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, pick me up. Don't belittle me when I'm incorrect. I'm just trying to help you out. I love you, dude. So my pot paid his cable bill, but the cable was out.
Starting point is 00:13:45 So he was very upset because my father has been talking about this debate and waiting for this debate, I want to say, at least the last 20 years. Yeah. When did we go to his crib to eat that one time? A long time ago. And he was already talking about this specific date. So when you start talking about politics with my dad, he's very passionate about politics. So he was barking on me as if I represented all of the young voters, all of the voters that feel the way that you feel. So I turn a debate on.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I'm watching the debate. The debate was must see TV. Rory was correct in his assessment between love and hip hop. And the debate wasn't much of a difference. It really was like one big parody spoof. Politics is just moving into an SNL skit. I don't know if Saturday Night Live will have any material. You took it out of my mouth.
Starting point is 00:14:34 You took the thought out of my brain. It's an SNL skit. Yeah. And I laughed my ass off until the very dim reality hit me that one of these people are going to be the president. Yeah. It's all I was having a conversation with my pops today. It's Irish humor. Irish humor is very morbid, but you find humor in it.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And this whole election feels like that. Like, of course, we're all laughing. This is crazy, but it's like doomsday at the same time. Donald Trump is funny, but he's like doomsday at the same time donald trump is funny but he's not like i almost feel guilty for laughing but i do laugh if i'm we're being you should feel guilty we're being transparent i do everyone should feel guilty of course it's entertaining but this is our future we're laughing at donald trump and and i've been on this you know, anytime we don't talk politics much here. But when we do, I've already I've already said how I feel.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Right. And and and everything I said in my freedom freestyle is kind of it's kind of indicative of how I feel. Right. So why shameless plug listening to this debate and listening to donald trump i me personally i could be wrong and i'm not one of those hypersensitive black fist uh black panther black people i'm not right would you say that yeah i would say so am i i mean you can tell me if i am no i don't think you are i don't think i am rory would tell me uh if i so i'm not that black guy but i i feel like donald trump is talking in so much racist code to just get all black people to fuck out of here uh to steal from bill burr as i usually do he made a great point with taking out racial slurs you're giving racists a path to not be racist.
Starting point is 00:16:27 So because you don't hear the N word or a slur, you can be racist because those are the key words that are going to get people going. But if they don't hear that, yeah, maybe it's not racist. That's for me. I mean, people are racist.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Great. Um, the bigger argument here would be, you know, some people say that the entire infrastructure is racist. So when you start saying things, he kept saying law and order. He kept saying law and order, law and order. We need law and order, law and order, law and order.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And I love law and order. One of the funnier tweets I saw was, you know, what does SVU have to do with this? One of the funnier tweets I saw was, what does SVU have to do with this? Well, as soon as he kept saying it, all I could say was, I love Law & Order too, but I was being funny. Every time he said it, all I could think, I interpreted it as martial law. So when he stands there and he tells me all the laws that he's broken. And then he says he supports stop and frisk. And then he starts saying law and order, law and order. And I'm tagging those right under your make America great again.
Starting point is 00:17:35 It's amazing. So now that's my own personal view. But we have to have the debate anyway. It's always intriguing to me. And there was talk about Donald Trump trying to run for some years now. And I hate to be that guy. But as soon as they gave us Barack. I said, oh, baby. Yes. What do you think? Listen, you got to be careful what you ask for.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I've said that in this podcast before, too. They're going to give you something. You're going to give something back. so we got the black president great so and with that when mitt romney came i said all right republicans are doing exactly what democrats did let me give you something to the exact opposite which was barack obama from george bush then mitt came and i was like all right if we survive this we might be all right because mitt romney was was very right he wasn't like john mccain kind of went in the middle for certain issues mitt romney was fucking bill o'reilly's wet dream i thought since we survived that there's no way in hell donald trump could make that oh yeah well listen here baby we are here the fact that our presidential candidate can get up there and just spew untruths.
Starting point is 00:18:47 He's been doing that for quite some time. And it seems like even when he's called out on it, it doesn't make too much of a difference. We knew they were going to throw personal barbs back and forth with each other. Emails, birth certificate. Like, why am I listening to Obama was brought up to. And I'm not I'm really not like the huge obama defender at every waking moment i love obama but i'm not that guy i kept he kept referring back to obama and i'm like are you running against obama or hillary you keep bringing up what he did i just they're gonna keep bringing obama up they're gonna keep bringing bill up. They're going to keep bringing Bill up. But I did learn that Donald Trump is pretty confident in all that he's – maybe I've been under a rock. Donald Trump –
Starting point is 00:19:30 He's wrong and strong. He's pretty confident in all that. I felt like – Donald Trump being confident is news to you? No. Him getting on the biggest platform that television has to offer and stroking his own ego and jerking himself off in the midst of lying and i hate to sound like i'm so uh hrc hillary ron clinton i'm not but donald trump my nigga you know who donald trump is donald trump is a barber on a saturday who just spews shit out
Starting point is 00:20:02 just to make his point sound like he's saying something smart and then goes right or wrong right or wrong and points everyone look it up look it up when you know they ain't gonna look it up but the only difference is they're going to look it up this isn't a barbershop who do who do who are they saying won the debate uh I didn't we can't CNN says that Hillary won I didn't know that people were referring to CNN as the Clinton News Network. I didn't know that. Fox is saying Trump won, of course. Well, I mean, unbiased, Trump came out strong.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Unbiased, he did come out pretty strong, but after 10 minutes. You're a racist! No, I am. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, I've been well documented in being a racist anybody that supports trump so i'm listening to the radio this morning i'm a new yorker we hate everyone that's a lie i'm not listening to the radio this morning but i'm on the internet this morning and a clip comes out from the radio this morning and it's envy in support of stop and and Frisk. Oh, I saw that. I saw that. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:21:07 That was interesting to me. Again, remember I said that Colin Kaepernick and his knee and his protest is making me feel a way toward people that I didn't feel a way toward? Yeah. So now I feel a way that
Starting point is 00:21:24 Envy is pro Stop and Frisk trump has has two in the white community as far as you not fully knowing people until now because politics was never always something that you talked about in casual conversation with like a co-worker say but trump has put this battery in everyone's back to be to act like him so they got fucking make america great bumper stickers and hats on their fucking desk and it's like dog i didn't even know you thought that way let me tell you something i was in new york well i live in new jersey so that's not that doesn't say much whoa yeah i was in new york traveling man thanks for for a world tour. When this whole
Starting point is 00:22:05 stopping from Bloomberg put the stop and frisk shit in effect. And let me tell you, as a young black man, it wasn't fun. Well, I can say I have a couple of black friends. I would like to think they got stopped. I never got stopped. I was in New York for the entire fucking out of here. Stop. No. Well, you you didn't get stopped out of all of them. I don't think everyone on that listens to us is not not a Hillary supporter and actually are Trump supporters. And I'm telling them I was in New York and I promise you it was targeted to specific people. Everybody wanted to chime in and let me know that there was no surprise that Envy felt that way his father is an officer before we got off the topic i was gonna say his dad's a cop so what the fuck does that have to do with the price of tea in china i don't really understand that
Starting point is 00:22:53 that argument you're raised in a house i was raised in a world where black people are getting shot by uh quote air quotes protected servants is the world that we're in i don't really care about what your father did for a living. Do you think when you're growing up, a lot of things are instilled for you forever from what's at your dinner table from fucking zero years old to 18? Repeat that one more time for me.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Do you think that there's things that are instilled in you that will stay in your brain and make up whether you know it or not forever because it was at your dinner table from age 0 to 18? My family was a little dysfunctional. I don't know if we had dinner at like a family together at the right time. Joey, come downstairs. Dinner's ready.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Like we wasn't doing it like that. So what was instilled at the dinner table? I was playing with matches at the dinner table. Instilled in your household. And then my mom made me like the food on fire and then try to eat it. Who are you, Charlie Clips? I'm not getting specific in what room of the house you're in. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:23:52 My bad. Riding a bike. Yes. If that's what you're asking me. If your father's not a cop, you're going to have somewhat of a love for police officers whether you know it or not. I have a love for police officers. Love for it or not. I have a love for police officers. Love for police officers is not what this conversation is about.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I'm talking about stop and frisk. I want to make it clear. I'm not defending envy. I'm just saying where some of his thought process might come, it may come from a cop because his father was a cop. I want to know how... I don't care how old he is.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I know, but help me because I'm slow then. I want to know how the two are related. Cops, listen, my conversation, again, is not about the boys in blue. It's not about the police. It's about races. I have a lot of cop friends that I love. If somebody come creeping around my fucking house, I'm calling the cops.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I think Stop and Frisk was liked by the police because they could plant whatever they wanted easily and they could do whatever the fuck they wanted easily. They got to skip all that shit that sometimes they got caught for. It was a simple run your pockets from a cop and I think cops liked it and maybe that's instilled in Envy's life.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I want to invite DJ Envy. DJ Envy. Mic check 1212. DJ Envy DJ Envy Mic check One two one two DJ Envy This is Joe Budden Extending an open invite To you Deemable whenever you see fit To come to this podcast
Starting point is 00:25:17 And explain your train of thought I want to know And to make it clear I am in no way Defending Envy i don't see how i'm just trying to give an option for conversational purposes on maybe what his thinking came from i don't see how someone's dad being a cop because i'm at no point in my saying i'm not the rapper that oh fuck all the police all pigs are bad i I'm not that guy. Your dad being a cop.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I've been called worse by better. Your dad being a cop. I heard he lived in a suburb. I don't give two fucks about where you live or any of that. I feel like any minority with children, because for me this is not about he nor I. This is about the kids. Fuck me.
Starting point is 00:26:03 This is about the kids and the grandkids, all that's going on now. Any minority with kids, I just don't understand. I don't understand how you're in support of stop and frisk. Off of the whole, it's unconstitutional. That's great. That's for them to say in the White House. Where I'm from, how the fuck is you for it? Just somebody tell me.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Envy, I need you to explain it to me whenever you come here, and I won't spend too much time on that uh so while the debate is going on leave it to the kardashians what did they do uh rob rob man i told my mother to stop texting me about the kardashians so i never know what's going on with them. I want to shout out to Rob. Rob is swinging at the relevancy fence. He's giving it all he's got. No, no, no, for real. Rob was the least liked Kardashian, right?
Starting point is 00:26:57 Is that true? I'm not well versed on my Kardashians. I don't think so. Maul. Nice of you to join us. Maul, who is the most, who is or was the least liked Kardashian? Who was the most irrelevant, is that fair? Oh, yeah, absolutely, most irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:27:24 All right, well, least liked. Irrelevant. The Joe Budden of the Kardashians. Not popular. If you will. Whatever you choose to, whatever title you see fit. Who was the least popular Kardashian? I'm going with.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Now that you've changed it to that, yeah, I'll agree, Rob. I'm saying like when you meant disliked, I thought like who hated in the family. Yes, Kardashian. Rob included. Yeah, Rob. 100% Rob. Rob is giving it all he's got at the fences here. So while the debate is on, Rob tweets Kylie's phone number.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I did see that retweeted. Then he tweeted after that and said. Did you text her? I'm not. No, no no no and i would love to get into the uh the mind of the men that will text a number from the internet that wasn't privately sent to you yeah i'd like to know what the end goal is here um i'm one of those guys i think huh are you i think so. Just for fun?
Starting point is 00:28:26 Wait, oh man. Mo is messy? Wait, who would you... So if somebody puts a number on Twitter, you'll call the number? Like a celebrity number? Like how Rob put Kylie's number out? I definitely would have texted that number.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Why? I don't know. For what? I don't know. For what? I don't know. Kylie going to be like, oh shit, it's more. Well, you would have to assume that that phone has a million text messages coming through. Why is this person- No, that number was definitely changed.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Of course, but I'm saying, why would they be responding to any text? What's the point of texting it? I would act like I was somebody she knew already. Like, yo, that's crazy that he doing that. Like, yo, Rob Wilder. Wilder Yo like yo Kyle you wilder Yo I just hit Rob I'ma talk to him Yeah I'ma talk to him Oh my god
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yo so a tweet followed that tweet saying And I'm not hacked either That was my favorite part It's Rob dog The dog The dog. The dog is what made me believe it. Oh, shit. It's really Rob. He said dog.
Starting point is 00:29:32 If a nigga lie on dog. No, there's a few words you can't lie on. Dog is one of them. And then he tweeted the girl's phone number. All while the debate was on. And it got me to really thinking, do you know that most of the Kardashian mess tweets or just tweets in that
Starting point is 00:29:52 family that should garner some type of attention, they normally happen when one community of people are watching the same, is watching the same exact thing. Is this conspiracy Joe coming up? Yes. This is definitely conspiracypiracy Joe. Yeah. I'd ask for examples, but I don't know if you could give those
Starting point is 00:30:10 because I don't think you're that well-versed in the Kardashians, and nor am I. I can, actually, because if we just think back to the last time, the last few times that Kim has posted one of those selfies. Oh, the naked joints? They were during, I think it was a terror attack. We was getting bombed on. And she put a selfie out there in the world.
Starting point is 00:30:33 A nude. In her defense, she's just keeping everyone calm. And one of the other times. Distracting us to get our mind away from the terrorists. It was an award show. And I said, as soon as I saw it, I said, some people are really insecure. Are you saying Kim's selfies are like the We Are the World record? I'm saying that the timing is just a little funny to me.
Starting point is 00:30:55 That's all I'm saying. So I don't think Rob is genuine. The common is strategic. Are you going to tell me that a Kardashian is not genuine? Yes. I don't think Rob is being genuine. What a great observation. Genuine.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Genuine. Speaking of genuine, right? Let me tell you this LeBron. LeBron stood up and spoke. LeBron stood up and spoke. Like, I love LeBron for always doing, standing up and speaking. And he said he was indeed going to stand um but then he went on this whole long soliloquy about how and they tried to in support of cat but
Starting point is 00:31:31 he is gonna stand they tried to flip it make him look like all lives matter with like a 30 second clip now all i could say was because i was looking for a reason to be angry to be angry black man and what he was saying because we want to be angry at anyone who's standing and i couldn't find one and then i said wow what an amazing way to agree and disagree which no one has found a way to do yet that's my point not one person that's my point all of these they got cam the fuck out of here in like a minute cam really made it easy to get himself the fuck out of here and i'm 100 against cam now now i'm very against cam you still on the cam wagon that's still your dude tell the truth the same way it was i mean my my dude totally like lost me before the season even
Starting point is 00:32:21 started tom brady once he told me he was in support of trump oh yeah he did say that so yeah that was a long time ago is he still yeah but tom won enough super bowls to be able to vote for whoever the fuck he want to vote is that is that the r kelly because because he's made great music we kind of just let a lot of them girls slide cam gonna trap gonna trot on to the field this past Sunday with the t-shirt with the Martin Luther King quote on the back of it that says, injustice anywhere is, you know the fucking t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:32:54 It's too late. Once you start talking gray in matters that should solely be black or white, and Cam's been talking gray for a little while. Not many people have straddled the line like LeBron is my point. Like, I appreciate the fact that he was able to articulate himself well
Starting point is 00:33:14 from both sides. And even if he was being a media darling and protecting his brands, it didn't feel that way. No. It never feels like LeBon is being being anything less than sincere they've been calling cam oj all week if cool newton yeah i'm with that oj newton cool newton all of that and then he got to know jordan was like that yeah jordan was like that jordan gets a pass for so much shit i i always, Jordan gets a pass for so much shit.
Starting point is 00:33:47 But when you're the greatest player to ever play the game of basketball, Jordan wasn't trying to fuck nothing up. Did you see what, did y'all see what Michael Crabtree said? No. Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did, I did, I did, I did. See, and this is a prime example. We be wanting people to speak up.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Like, we be wanting rappers and athletes you got to be careful what you ask for michael crabtree said i don't know nothing i just i'm just a football player i just play football i ain't no martin luther king that's what he said the problem i have with that is i don't think that people realize that even you know not even 50 years removed Muhammad Ali was he was just a boxer right but he just he stood up what makes Muhammad Ali the greatest he wasn't technically the greatest boxer Floyd Mayweather might be a better technical boxer than Muhammad Ali was when you look at technicality of the sport footwork hand movement you know defense but what me what makes Muhammad Ali the greatest in our eyes is that what he fought for outside of the ring and things that
Starting point is 00:34:52 he stood up for outside of his sport and I think that a lot of these athletes today they lose sight of that and this wasn't that long ago this was the 70s the 60s the 70s you know I mean like this was their parents were alive in this era where these athletes would stand up for things like this and i just i think now that you know a lot of athletes have this it's like this i don't know they're scared or and it's like they're making so much more money than muhammad ali was making and that uh jim brown was making and all these and bill russell like these players are making more than these players ever made in their entire careers and that's what i was gonna say about mike mike wasn't making so
Starting point is 00:35:30 much money when he was playing when he was cautious to not ruin his money it was it was understood right because we all felt like mike was getting robbed but see that's my that but that's a deeper thing then why do these athletes feel like they can't say something and it's going to mess up their – that says a lot. To that point, though, I think a lot is happening. Of course, we all see people killing Cap about that. But I think there's even more happening within that franchise, in this league that Cap is going through that's even worse that Crabtree can see. I get that. Like outside of the public scrutiny, I think there's head owners and it's
Starting point is 00:36:06 a corporation like listen the nfl is part of the infrastructural uh systematic racism that we speak of no i can't prove that because i'd be in jersey and i'm not in the fucking arenas however no no i think if you think Cap getting killed in the public, you can only imagine what's happening behind. And I know a lot of these NFL players that are not saying shit see it more than we do.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And of course, that's not a pass to not say shit, but that could be in their brain when they're saying these things. Which is horrible, but it's just a thought. Well, let me tell you, in my experience,
Starting point is 00:36:41 in my very limited experience with the very limited finances that I have. Right. And just my look, just the way that I present myself, the young black guy with all of these tattoos, hopping out of a really nice car with expensive shit on. Right. This is what I've learned about white people. Well, white people with money there's the white people with money that are not afraid of black people and their money and how
Starting point is 00:37:14 they make it and then there are the white people that are afraid of how black people make their and just how they appear so when you start talking talking about, when you start talking about the NFL and players, a lot of these owners are 80 years old. When you start talking about 70, 80 year old, 90 year old men, I mean, Donald Sterling, that didn't shock anybody really, right? Not at all.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I mean, this is what is going on behind closed doors. Now, that's very different from a Mark Cuban who's a bit younger, probably a bit more accepting to people that look like Maul and I. So, I mean, do I think there's some owners in the NFL? Yeah. I mean, I 100% think there's some racists. But my problem is this, though. I think we truly don't understand the power that we have.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And that's what really bothers me. Like, I have, you know, friends and professional athletes, and we just have personal conversations. And I'm like, if you feel like that, I know your teammates feel like that. What do you think would happen if all of y'all decided one day we're not going to play tonight? And then we're not going to play the next night. And we're not going to play the night after that. You don't think that immediate change would happen?
Starting point is 00:38:38 I know it's hard to get three people to do some shit together. And that's the problem. You're talking about a whole but that's and that's and that's the problem and what would the change be then you're back on the court and you're asking people to be really courageous you're asking people that you know people that might be used to a certain lifestyle and people that come with certain spending habits now uh you're just asking a lot of people but yes i do know what that would do immediate change immediate change immediately yeah no i agree with that and that's the problem
Starting point is 00:39:11 where we don't you know it's like the old saying you know when you tie an elephant to a tree long enough you can tie that chain around a beach chair and he won't move because he's so used to just being tied down it's just the feeling like i can't i i'm no i cannot go nowhere because i'm attached to this i'm tied down to this and we don't know our power that we can actually make so many changes in the community and it starts with it starts with just us in our communities you know i mean like when i hear young cats talking around people and they're using the word nigga and i'm at the age where i get uncomfortable with that now and i'm looking at these young dudes i'm like oh come on man y'all talking like this in front of these people like
Starting point is 00:39:47 you wouldn't want this person to call you that but you using the word so freely around them you know i mean and it starts with just little changes like that with the way we carry ourselves the way we walk the way we talk the way we you know control our communities the way we act in our communities the way we keep our communities looking like you just treat your community like shit people not gonna respect you you know i mean if you don't treat it like it's something why should people that's not from your community come here and respect it if you don't respect it and that's the problem i think it's just a disconnect between us and others you know and other people but it's like you know we from our community we know how we walk we talk but yeah we got to understand that there are other people that come into our communities that don't know how we carry ourselves and they're not
Starting point is 00:40:28 comfortable with the way we carry ourselves like a lot of this crime that goes on in this police police brutality to me is because they're putting these police officers that are not from these areas in these neighborhoods and it's like how would you like i wouldn't know how to act if you just if i was from like the suburbs and you threw me in the middle of a projects and told me control the projects. I wouldn't know how to act. And I'm African-American. But if I had grew up in the suburbs, you know, and I was I'm not used to this environment and you throw me in this environment. Of course, I'm gonna get on defense when I see four dudes come out the building with pit bulls on chains.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I'm like, what the fuck is this? You see dudes standing in the lobby, pants hanging down, shooting dice, shooting dice smoking you know doing drugs like i'm not i don't know this is a complete different world to me so i'm automatically on the defense you know i'm saying not saying that because i still don't understand how officers have non-lethal weapons and all of these killings that we're seeing i have not seen a non-lethal weapon used yet. When you say officers have all of these non-lethal weapons, what does all of these entail? Pepper spray, tasers. Tasers can be lethal, but we have seen them work in a non-lethal way more than that. I mean, tasers are not as lethal as busting off your shit.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Even with the training, to Maul's point, I don't even think you can train someone. That's a mental thing. I think you could give them all the special fucking forces, moves in the world. You still have to have
Starting point is 00:41:53 that mentality walking into the projects to try to control these people that live on top of each other. Which is why I said we need to police ourselves. We need to control our own communities.
Starting point is 00:42:02 But even, but see, at the same time, most of the things that happened in Texas, it was in the suburbs, suburbs it was a pool party and you got cops fucking body slamming 14 year old girls on the ground and if you think a 14 year old girl in a bathing suit is a threat right you shouldn't be a cop right i think a cop has a lot more to do with the mental part i think they're focusing way too much on the physical and it's rubbing off clearly right it's
Starting point is 00:42:24 these kids that were picked on their whole life they took steroids and don't even and they're focusing way too much on the physical and it's rubbing off clearly right it's these kids that were picked on their whole life they took steroids and don't even and they're not even athletes and they're going out and fucking shooting people right but here i am complaining without a solution because i'm not sure how you would do that i mean i think what you said with the policing your own communities is probably the best thing gotta police ourselves man that's where it starts they do need some type of non-lethal weapon that can be shot. They have beanbags.
Starting point is 00:42:48 They have rubber bullets. They got shit. Beanbags. No, I'm talking about that needs to be standard on the belt, on the Batman belt that the police carry.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Yeah, I agree. That should be standard. I agree. I think the cops know how to not kill people. I can't believe we're having this conversation. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yeah, that's real. That's real. I can't believe that I just said I think the cops know how to not kill people. I can't believe we're having this conversation. Right, right. Yeah, that's real. That's real. I can't believe that I just said I think the cops know how to not kill people. Right. But I do.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I do. That video came out in that, in the Keith Lamont, I don't have his last name on the tip of my tongue right this second, but the video came out,
Starting point is 00:43:22 the video that everyone was demanding to see, and we saw it. So now, how do we feel now do we still feel like cops are planning evidence just give me a yes or no i don't even want to stay on it because it's depressing and sad of course yes i think going on for years see this is my thing i tell people all the time we're only in an uproar about this because we get information so fast now but if you talk to some of your older uh relatives they'll look at you like this been going on for years this isn't new we just see it immediately now because we have camera phones and all these ways to to get information to each other in the world but you think this wasn't happening in the 60s and the 70s and the 80s i do come on man like you gotta know this was happening.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Cops were so crooked back then. Actually, they might be a little less crooked now because we can get information so fast. But in the 80s, you think cops weren't going to the block and dropping drugs off to the dealers and saying, have that money back for us by the weekend? I could see that happening. Come on. Absolutely. I could see that. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:44:24 It doesn't take much imagination on my part. What the precinct in east new york they did a whole fucking exactly scandal over there oh no now them niggas was wild yeah that's that but that's they was wilding over exactly but that's the norm that was the norm yeah i don't think it was just that precinct yeah hell no so now we have um so now we have so many rappers speaking out and using their platforms. I saw a TI video the other day called War Zone, and it gave me chills. It was a great video, really good video. I really like that song, and I really like that video. And then I learned that he's apparently putting out an entire Black Lives Matter project.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And then I wasn't sure how to feel anymore I know um you know people are just being more aware I know Ty Dolla $ign recently released something called campaign I saw a flyer going around that uh Metro booming was doing a show saying uh Metro don't trust Donald Trump. So people are using their platforms. T.I. is one of the people I want to hear speak on these things. Absolutely. I want to hear music from him addressing these things. I hope this doesn't become a trend where a bunch of you fuck niggas start giving me bars about shit you know zero about.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yeah, that's the problem i have with with rappers and i hate to be the guy to say it yeah yeah but i'll take bars from the intelligent ones if we have to sacrifice you can fuck shit you right you can feel you can feel who's being real with it though yeah like you can you know that t.i. tip is definitely with it you know that uh it's surprisingly another person that you know i was i was very happy with the way they stood up on their social media platform during the whole meek and game thing was nipsey and the things that he said he was tweeting and the things that he was saying and that was very you know that was dope to read that coming nipsey is mature
Starting point is 00:46:20 right i don't think we've ever seen nipsey behave in a way that was not mature ever right so that was good to see but you could see it's certain guys like that you can tell where they're getting their knowledge and their lessons from the older guys and it's it's trickling down like nipsey is around enough older guys that's telling them like yo that's not how you supposed to move the way these dudes is moving the way that's not how we did things. You know what I mean? And that's what I'm saying. It has to get back to older generations, you know, coming back into these communities and talking to these cats and showing them. Because a lot of this comes from these younger dudes are just out here freestyling.
Starting point is 00:46:56 They lost. They're making their own rules. They're getting their information from Tumblr. Exactly. You know what I'm saying? And that's where the problem is in these communities. Like I was telling somebody the other day, i remember when i was like 14 growing up and if we went to the park and the older cats was on the court and you know we tried to get on the court and disrespect them
Starting point is 00:47:14 like we got chased up out of the park like you get your ass beat now you do that you see these young dudes now they have no there's no risk it's like that level of respect is gone like these young dudes is punching older dudes in the mouth let me tell you something no young dude running me off a five on fire in the middle in the middle of a i'm just saying that's that that's happening now though it's like those types of things in the community is that happening all over nah dude it's happening man these young boys i'm telling these young boys is different out here i was you know joe when we was when you was 14 one person in your crew had a gun maybe one right or wrong yes now you see these young boys walking around in harlem and brooklyn every one of them have a gun oh man stop and frisk i'm just telling you wait a second hey i think i'm i think the pendulum is swinging here i'm just saying that's
Starting point is 00:48:06 what that's what it is i remember when one of my friends had a gun that was a big deal but wait a minute now because when i was 14 a lot of shit was a big deal that shouldn't have been a big deal like my man with a car yeah okay he had the accord it was but we talked about we talked about we talked about stuff that shouldn't be a big deal Like the first time This little 8th grade nigga ass Invited me to smoke some weed Right That was like
Starting point is 00:48:29 Whoa Right The moment we see In the commercials Is here Times FJ Fucking little tiny ass Rajesh Right
Starting point is 00:48:37 Fucking Rajesh was a pothead Rajesh would definitely Have the butt Rajesh was something He was one of those Something else Yeah A name like Rajesh You got the butt Yeah he lived was something. He was one of those something else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:46 A name like Rajesh, you got the butt. Yeah, he lived a block over. That shit was good weed, too. I declined. I didn't get into my habits until a year after. Fucking lame. Then I couldn't find Rajesh anywhere.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I was looking for that little bastard. He was big time now. He wasn't with the little weed at that point. Hey, man, Rajesh. If any of y'all out there know Rajesh, man, that went to Charles J. Waters PS24 and sat by Joe Budden in seventh grade
Starting point is 00:49:09 or eighth grade, one of those grades. Miss Went? I don't remember. Just tell him to holler at me on Twitter or something. Tell him to send me a DM or something. Rajesh probably got that fire. Rajesh is probably Pablo somewhere. Rajesh probably doing a stretch right now.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I was just about to say. Rajesh might be locked up. Every time I inquire about somebody I I was just about to say. Oh. Jess might be locked up. Every time I inquire about somebody I went to school with. Yeah. Eric Carantini's locked up. Yeah, but he come home. He come home at some point. Oh, we got to have him on the podcast, too.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah, right. Eric Carantini definitely has to come on the podcast. Eric Carantini is away for a while. What podcast? Let me know what day that's happening. What if he heard this shit and didn't like something he heard? We'll stop and frisk him at the door. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Oh, my God. All right, so Eddie, you guys fucking made me lose my entire train of thought now. Well, shit, back to the debate with the gun shit. Wait, I'm not back to the debate. The debate has depressed me long enough. I just want to tell the MCs and the rappers, hey, let T.I. and a few other select people do the addressing
Starting point is 00:50:11 of social issues. I don't need to hear a new Lil Uzi, a new Lil... I feel bad because every time I want to say a new rapper, I go right to Uzi or Vert.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Who's mad dope and you're just a hater? No, I don't know. I don't know enough Of their music I mean I just I just picture I just picture
Starting point is 00:50:29 Lil and Dreads That's it When I think of New school rappers today I like Lil Uzi Yeah he nice I think he has some songs That I like too
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yeah I like him a lot I'm not on Yachty yet I can't do it Which one is the guy That keeps saying He don't know no pop songs And he don't know no Biggie? That's the one. Uzi I like.
Starting point is 00:50:50 That little nigga there. I don't know, bro. I don't know if I'm rolling with that one just yet. It's not that he doesn't know him. I could care less because he's young as fuck. Just don't be so arrogant with it. Like every opportunity he get, he'd be like, I don't listen to that bullshit. Like, dog, nobody even asked you.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Yeah, that's what a problem is. Like, no one even asked you. Yeah, that's what a problem is. Like no one even asked you. Yeah, like when he gets into that. No, I think they did ask him. No, they asked him one time and it went viral and now he says it
Starting point is 00:51:11 every opportunity he can. Right. That's what people do when something goes viral. They continue to try to make something go viral. Yeah, that's true. Right?
Starting point is 00:51:20 He did something, it worked. He's a rapper. Right. Are we Are we Are we glad That the
Starting point is 00:51:27 Well let me not say It's solved One of the Great unsolved Mysteries in hip hop Currently That people keep Asking me to care about
Starting point is 00:51:38 For some reason The 92 bricks That Jay lost No Maul might know When them shits is at Maul probably Took them They in Maul's Living room Maul might know when them shits is at. Maul probably took them.
Starting point is 00:51:46 They in Maul's living room. Maul still got like one. Listen, I'm staying out of that. I'm staying away from that. Hey, we're kidding. We're kidding. We're joking. We're joking, by the way, if the feds are listening.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Hi, feds, if you're listening, because I do a good podcast. The feds wouldn't be mic tapping my podcast. That would be a waste of resources and tax dollars. I ain't talking about shit, feds wouldn't be That mic tapping That would be a waste Of resources And tax dollars I ain't talking about Shit feds No Game and Meek
Starting point is 00:52:12 I'm forced to wonder About if Game Went to Philly And where he got A cheesesteak from Because when News is very slow In hip hop
Starting point is 00:52:20 We just make up Some news Yeah Wait Game went to Philly And got a cheesesteak though oh wait because you've been going for your birthday happy birthday to them all oh thank you i did tweet him on his birthday and say fuck out of here that's oh yeah i mean we don't really care about your birthday that was the happy birthday right um but all right so you missed this entire saga no i'm
Starting point is 00:52:42 trying to find the headline. Hold on. Talk while I find it. Is there footage of him in Philly getting a cheesesteak? That's all I need to know. Wait, now you got to hear the story now, man. Now I got to take this fucking hoodie off. Because if Game did that, he might be one of my favorite rappers now. Listen, listen, listen.
Starting point is 00:52:58 For real. So, this story has a lot of moving parts. Oh, man man this is great This is great and it shouldn't even be great And I tried my best to not care about it But it really is kind of great Alright Moe Found it?
Starting point is 00:53:19 Meek Mill and his goons Rip apart the game's cheese steak saga That's a headline A real headline in hip hop right now Meek Mill and his goons rip apart the game's cheesesteak saga. That's a headline, a real headline in hip-hop right now. Okay, so now let me catch you up to speed here. Let's digest this headline. Game and Meek were beefing back and forth. Game made a record, then Meek made a record. There was footage, O'Malley, Beans, they put a record out.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Then Game put out another record over the same beat, the Young Ma'ul, right? And it was a lot of Instagram warring and wording going back and forth, right? A lot of verbiage. We don't care about any of that stuff. I was trying my best to not care. Then I guess Game. Game going to make you care.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Game is great, man. Shout out to Game. He made us care about a g unit b for like three years shout out to the game if you could have been wrapped up in a month and the feds if you're listening right still again shout out to the feds uh fucking so game apparently had a show somewhere but in the midst of the war of words on instagram game took a detour to Philly with his tour buses that were wrapped and went to Gino's to get a cheesesteak. And he insta-vitted, that's not a word, but whatever, he Snapchatted, he let the people know that he was at Gino's.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Right. Everyone in Philly then said, nigga, you whack as hell. Don't nobody go to Gino's no more. So that's how we know you wasn't looking for no real static. Oh, like Gino's is not the Gino's Steak Spot no more. Gino's is pussy. Yeah, they try to say you pussy because you in front of Gino's. Don't nobody go to Gino's.
Starting point is 00:54:56 That's a gluten-free Gino's Steak Spot. So then Game was like, whoa, I go to South Philly. Y'all like, yo, you pussy because you ain't go to North Philly. What's next? I got to go to West Philly. They was like, nah, you got to go ain't go to North Philly. What's next? I gotta go to West Philly? They was like, nah, you gotta go to Max's, right? So then Game goes... Max's in
Starting point is 00:55:09 North Philly. To Max's to get a cheesesteak. And he Instagrams a picture of the Max's cheesesteak, right? And then I'm like, alright, well, Game is just the hardest nigga in the world. Game is the toughest nigga that I've ever seen. He got two different cheesesteaks.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Clearly doesn't care about his cholesterol. Clearly didn't need the second cheesesteak. He just did it to prove a point. Right. Right? Do you know that they then came back and said that the game Max Cheese, the cheesesteak from Max's was indeed Photoshopped. That was a Google image. It was a Google.
Starting point is 00:55:44 It was an image from Google. No. And they said that the game wasn't really at Max's. And I guess one of the Dream Chasers works at Max's and was like, no, no one was here. Wow. And then all I could think to myself was, is this what hip-hop beef has become like wait but wait a minute though did we forget the picture that game photoshopped with him listen though that was the craziest shit i've ever seen in my life people kind of let that slide too that was wild
Starting point is 00:56:20 no they didn't let that slide and They was on his ass for it. That shit was funny, man. Game also, he caught some slack from a bunch of the star tenders for his news that he was putting out. I let the star tenders tell you what they were saying in Starlets. What do we hear from the star tenders? I'm too much of a man to even repeat. No, but see, I never see that type of shit I can't feed into, though. Well, no, only coupled with the Tupac thing and this Max's cheesesteak thing.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Okay, I see where you're going. I'm just showing a pattern here that you're pretty good with the phone. I mean, is there any difference between Pac maybe fucking Faith and Game maybe going to to max's i don't think so man this is hip-hop did poc fuck faith no did game go to y'all know how i feel about that whole poc shit a lot of that shit was fluff and smoke oh how do you know that because you could just i mean you could just it was just certain things that no i mean it was certain people that was around and stories that are throughout the years you can just kind of just piece it together and tell that a lot of it was just for show no no i can't i can't tell that a lot of that was for show yeah a lot of that shit was for show listen bro let's let's say he was lying on his dick is there any
Starting point is 00:57:44 difference between pock lying on his dick and game putting a google image of max cheesesteak lying on your dick is always gonna be worse to me that's forever like the worst shit a man could do but that's like one of the biggest lines in fucking rap beef history yeah but we know a lot of lines are just just that so so are instagram pictures yeah but game getting killed for this but nobody killed fam listen to this man but see but game We know a lot of lines are just that. So are Instagram pictures. Yeah, but- Game getting killed for this, but nobody killed Pac. Fam, listen to this, man. But see, but Game actually went to Philly and got a cheese-
Starting point is 00:58:11 Okay, is that first- I refuse- Pac actually took a picture with me. Is the first cheesesteak real? Yes, the first one was real. Okay, so then it's still valid to me. I refuse to even dignify- I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:58:22 This fucking conversation. The first cheesesteak is authentic so the the cheese the cheesesteak from geno's is authentic so he was in philly getting cheesesteaks that's the bottom line well geno's did move they renovated they're in a bigger spot now oh yeah they're in a bigger spot now ishka ishka bills are still my shit yeah it's my favorite one in philly ain't geno's fucking racist on the low too don't they have all them signs up uh welcome to america speak fucking english it's mad uh all lives matter over there yeah definitely wait what's racist about welcome to america speak english
Starting point is 00:58:54 what come on land of the free yeah oh that's really racist no is that sign in front of their business if i remember the last time i went to geno's there was a bunch of signs that were a little too patriotic and i was like that's kind of interesting all right well well let's let you be sure before i divert all of my anger what's the one what's the one across from geno before i go and burn geno's down let's be positive you ain't game you ain't going there. Yo, so I'm back to that. I don't want to care about the cheesesteaks.
Starting point is 00:59:34 I don't want to care about rappers going to other rappers' hoods or town. I don't want to care about any of that stuff. In the midst of this whole wild, crazy, theatrical story, a gentleman hit beans. Beans fell. TMz put the video out so clearly chill before game go to applebee's in jersey city and talk about you well i was about to say i'm smart enough to know that there seems to be a lot of deep-rooted uh hood local hood shit happening. I will say that I'm smart enough to know that. So all of this, all of that Philly shit between Beans, Meek, and O'Malley and just that whole camp,
Starting point is 01:00:16 I would hope that it's resolved peacefully. I do too. Right? I don't, and I've said on this podcast a million times, you know, rat beef all you want. I don't, I don't, and I've said this podcast a million times, you know, rap beef all you want. I don't want to see anybody get shot. I don't want to see anybody get stabbed.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I don't want to see anybody get hit. I don't want to see anybody, especially, especially, uh, when Meek, you know, he doesn't sound like he has such a gracious judge in the first place. Some of those stipulations were a bit outlandish.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Well, the city been trying to get him the fuck out of there. That's why he moved to L.A. And I don't mean goons. I mean the actual city of Philadelphia ain't fucking with him. Well, not like that's such a tragic move. Damn, yo, the judge been fucking with him. So he had to leave Philly and go to L.A. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I'll take it. Peace, judge. I'm making that trade every time. That's a fact. Yeah, Philly or L.A.? I was just saying what happened. I wasn't saying the bad move. Well, listen, the judge hasn't been so gracious in the past.
Starting point is 01:01:18 You see they locking rappers up every second. I urge everyone to use Prime judgment And uh What is prime judgment? Yeah Prime judgment is Is when you're aware And you are well thought out
Starting point is 01:01:37 When you are clear All of that is relative Clear on your Clear on your objective And how to get to it is relative. It's relative to what your objective is, but what I'm saying, the words are exactly the same to everybody. That's not relative. Being aware to some people is relative.
Starting point is 01:01:56 That is true. It is. That's true. Okay. I'm not even going to argue that. If you're right You asked me what prime You asked me what
Starting point is 01:02:10 What did you just ask me? You said what is being aware And what is being Your objective Knowing what your objective is And whatever the hell If I'm one of them Or if I'm a young rapper
Starting point is 01:02:24 I would wanna be if i'm a if i'm one of them or if i'm a young rapper i would i would want to be i would want to be aware of what's happening in in my field so now let's talk about what's happening in my field we're seeing freddie gibbs is locked up well rappers have been targeted for quite some time yeah so i mean i don't need to get into that. So, if you are a rapper, you should be well aware that rappers are being targeted. They just locked up Kodak Black. He been locked up, man. Yeah, he been in and out. He in and out more than fucking Yale.
Starting point is 01:02:54 They just locked somebody else up, then. They just locked somebody else up. One of the new rappers who's the Crunchy Black. Is that a rapper? Dog, I don't know who Crunchy Black is. Crunchy Black. That does. That might be.
Starting point is 01:03:06 But I think he was from. He had bad acne or something? No, he was from. Was it Three Six Mafia? Three Six Mafia, right? Yeah. That's an older rapper. I wouldn't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I'm just telling you that. I stand pardoned. Don't kill me, old hip hop. You hope what? I hope he wasn't just locked up. Like, what the hell is Crunchy Black doing to where he would have to get locked up at this age right now? I don't think you have to do much to get locked up i'm just saying if you're a rapper
Starting point is 01:03:28 you should be aware of what's happening uh uh what's happening in your surroundings black rappers are getting locked up right black people are getting locked up yeah black all right thank you for arguing my point black people that know black people getting shot and fucking killed right you're lucky if you get locked up. I'll take getting locked up now. Yeah, word. But you're getting locked up, so you should be aware of that. They're not playing with you in guns.
Starting point is 01:03:53 They're not playing with you. You should be aware of that. Just be aware that you're a target. I mean, that's what I'm saying. Unless you just clearly do not care. If you don't care, then please, by all means, to each his own. I'm not forcing anybody to be conservative at all, but I'm not with the shits.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Nah, no, nope, nope, nope, no. Like that comedian said, cops pull me over, I get out and go sit in the back of his car. Yeah. I'm like, listen, bro. Search, do whatever you got to do. I'm just trying to get home with it. Yeah, that could be kind of threatening, you getting out of the car.
Starting point is 01:04:24 So speaking of... That is true is true yeah that's true um ghost is locked up ghost is locked up ghost is fucking locked up spoiler alert spoiler alert hey all of you uh power tv people spoiler alert if you have not seen the season finale who has not seen the season finale by now you will be surprised. Well, this isn't a spoiler anymore. This is just get your shit together. No, you know what? I used to think like that, and then people would hit me on Twitter, and they would say,
Starting point is 01:04:54 hey, man, listen, I got to work, and my kids, and my schedule. So I taped it, and I just didn't get around to it yet. So I just try to respect other people's schedule. I would hope that you're watching the finale before you're listening to this podcast. I would hope that at least. By Wednesday. Yeah, word. That's a fact.
Starting point is 01:05:09 But, alright, so, spoiler alert, Ghost is in jail. How do we feel about this? I knew it was coming when he took the glove off. Did y'all enjoy the finale? I enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Yeah, it was cool. I liked it. I will say this, though. I think they hit fast forward knowing that they had to kind of make things interesting going into next season like those two dudes dying in the same in the same uh finale was kind of like yeah they could have kind of stretched that out a little bit but i get why they had to do it to keep it interesting and then leave you with a cliffhanger going into the wait who else died uh nox died yeah i
Starting point is 01:05:45 know that part greg yeah greg it's not and the other dude what other dude that was the episode before uh no the they killed the dude uh oh milan milan oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i felt like i felt like they rushed it a bit i felt i felt like they rushed it a bit. I felt like they rushed it a bit with our homeboy dying that I liked the episode before that. And the way they got Milan out the club, that was just like, that's not real. Everybody got their hammer to somebody back in the club. A lot of things in that finale were not fucking real. And none of these men noticed. Yeah, like wifey came up behind the chick with the hammer.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I'm just like, oh. And nobody sees this? Yeah, I'm not wrong. I get it. I didn't like that. And they spent all this time building Milan's character to be the illest, baddest, way badder than Lobos. And I said this way in the middle of the season.
Starting point is 01:06:41 I said, I don't like how just the Milan guy coming, and now all of a sudden he's so much badder than Lobos who for two seasons has been the man. Right. So y'all build this character. Who I guess is dead.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Who? Lobos. Lobos is dead as a motherfucker. I guess. I mean, a Jace. He's dead as a motherfucker. We haven't been able to.
Starting point is 01:06:59 He bled out in the woods. Lobos, y'all got him twisted. He's dead, man. So Milan comes. He patched himself up. They. Lobos, y'all got him twisted. He's dead, man. So Milan comes. He patched himself up. They make him the biggest, baddest character since fucking Mumra. And then it's just easy for him to get flipped on.
Starting point is 01:07:13 His people's got flipped on. For Tommy to get Milan's man to turn that fast, yo, I got a plan. But you got to trust me. And then I got to trust you. I know we don't like each other, but still. And that worked. Well, well. I don't care, man.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Tommy kind of saw that. That was the weak link. He saw them out. He saw the way Milan was talking to him and told him to get out of there when they had the meeting, and he kind of looked at dude's face like he didn't like that. So he kind of felt them out like, all right, I know how to get to him. kind of looked at dude's face like he didn't like that so he kind of felt him out like all right so now i know how to get to him so now you're telling me that meticulous ghost who's run this fucking mastermind of an organization for years yeah leaves a print on the leaves a print
Starting point is 01:07:56 on greg's window right that's what y'all telling me and Mm-hmm. And you telling me the chick that I have watched be so open off ghost dick for all of these years, now she's going to come and arrest the nigga? It's TV. Of course she's going to find the prince. Now she wants to come arrest the dude. First, I wish one of my exes would show up to my job the whole thing i didn't understand was she actually had a fingerprint case on in her pocketbook like the same way everyone had the hammer yeah it's just it's a lot of shit that's just like come on
Starting point is 01:08:38 man homeboy uh greg's man that that worked in the office as As soon as Greg is gone, you shooting your shot to Ant. That was wild. I didn't understand the relevance there. Yeah, that was crazy. What was the point of that? I mean, you know, they're just showing that men are men. When Greg was taught was confronting the chief cop dude who eventually killed him, Greg, for a year and a half has had a hunch
Starting point is 01:09:06 he's been investigating everybody he hasn't trusted a soul and now he's just trusting the guy he don't have a hammer weapon nowhere he thought he had it he thought he had oh man if you don't get so how open he was he was like listen i got it when he had the audio he was like we got him this that and the third and then when he got the phone call, that's when everything changed. And then he got a phone call. They panned in, zoomed in on his fucking face. He gave us the Greg intense look. At no point did he reach for a hammer.
Starting point is 01:09:36 He turned around and then tried to talk reason to the mole. Is this what I'm supposed to buy? Tell me. Tell me. I got to look at? Right. Is this what I'm supposed to buy? Tell me. Tell me. I got to look at it again, but did he shoot Greg in his neck from his hip? Like, was the gun down by his hip
Starting point is 01:09:51 and he shot up like... I got to watch that again. Yes. Because the gun was down. Superman shit, man. And Greg went to go grab the gun and he just got shot in the neck. That was the fastest bus
Starting point is 01:10:03 I've ever seen. Pause, if applicable. I don't do that, but malls from Harlem and whenever Harlem guys around, you got to pause. I mean, that was pretty wild, though. Yeah, that was a pause. That was kind of crazy. Whatever. That entire power finale, it just doesn't give me much suspense going to next year.
Starting point is 01:10:21 No, no, no. It's some suspense, though. Ghost is in jail for a crime he didn't commit and 50 took a selfie with his son with a tank top i was uncomfortable with that picture first and foremost let me just say i don't like i don't like the way 50 was leaning i didn't like the look on his face it was creepy he gave us the light-skinned guy i squint i didn't like that it was creepy it was creepy i didn't like that so it's a lot of things moving forward where i'm like all right what's gonna happen it's a lot of things moving forward where I'm like, all right, what's going to happen?
Starting point is 01:10:47 It's a lot of shit that's going on right now. Is Lala dead? They didn't address that. Is she dead? Yeah, she dead. How do we know that? I don't know that. She with Lobos chilling.
Starting point is 01:10:58 She with Lobos chilling. No, really, they didn't address that. But that goes to, I felt like like courtney and and fifth there were a lot of loopholes like tasha's not even asking about like i don't even understand like she's not she hasn't seen her friend has she spoken to her it's just a lot of things where i'm just like okay i that's why i'm looking forward because now i have to see how they tie all of these loose ends up now so so that's so we finished watching power right and. And so in my house, I'm just trying to find new shows to start watching and binge watching. And I come across the show called Pardon Me called The Family. Right. The family aired used to air on ABC. And I got like to episode number four when I when I tweeted, man, I wish somebody would have told me how great The Family was, that show.
Starting point is 01:11:47 And that's when I found out that the show was canceled after the first season and that I shouldn't even waste my time watching it because they rushed the last episode because it was canceled and I was going to hate it and not like it. What's it about?
Starting point is 01:12:01 Okay, so this is where it gets a little tricky. The Family is about a family, number one. Is this why it was canceled? Because you can't even tell me What's it about? Okay, so this is where it gets a little tricky. The family is about a family, number one. Is this why it was canceled? Because you can't even tell me what it's about? No, no, no. I'm going to tell you, and this is why I'm just a little befuddled here. Befuddled here?
Starting point is 01:12:14 Yeah, I'm going to tell you what the show's about. Not the first time you've been befuddled. Yeah, no, I'm befuddled a lot. I don't understand a lot of shit. The family is about a family, right, where the woman, the mother, is predominantly the breadwinner, and she's running for some type of government office. It's a Hillary Clinton story.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Hmm. Interesting. Right? So one of the kids got kidnapped 10 years ago and has been missing for 10 years. So 10 years later, this little dusty kid pops up. I haven't seen Chelsea Clinton in a while. And now the family is like, oh, my God, Adam. Adam, you are back with us.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Oh, my God. Right. But they don't really know if this is Adam or not. But they don't really know if this is Adam or not. So by episode six, we find out that the kid is not the kid. It's a totally different kid. The family didn't know that this wasn't the kid. One of the family members is teaching the kid how to act like the kid that they thought was missing. This show is a shit show once we find out that the kid is not the kid.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I was only... It's like Parent Trap. I was only watching this show to figure out who the fuck this kid was. Did you find out? No, because they pulled
Starting point is 01:13:36 all this fucking dumb shit. So now I'm angry at the family and I can see why that show was canceled. But, because it's fall, all of the good TV shows are back. Solist is back quantico is back how to get away with murder is back uh
Starting point is 01:13:52 blind spot is back uh mr robot is back all of the good shows are back and it leaves you with quite the decision to make as to what shows you are going to commit to. I personally miss Pablo. In my house. Narcos or. Yeah. Yeah. You miss it already. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:12 100%. I do. Did they give a date. On when season three is. I just told you. I'm watching fucking the family. Of course. Of course I miss Narcos. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Y'all got to catch. Stranger Things man. Yeah. I watch it. You watch it. We all watch Stranger Things. Did you end up finishing it. We never talked about it. Because you never finished it. No. I did finish it Yeah, I watched it. You watched it? We all watched Stranger Things. Did you end up finishing it? We never talked about it because you never finished it.
Starting point is 01:14:26 No, I did finish it. I really enjoyed it. My only complaint about Stranger Things is that one of the little guys didn't penetrate the little alien girl. All right. All right. You know. All right. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Can you not use that clip? That was a Stranger Thing you just said. That was one of more of more the stranger things you have ever said in your life why what do you mean why would a little boy be penetrating that alien why why are you mad that didn't happen yeah and why is that why are you mad at that okay maybe y'all missed now i see why you let r kelly get a pass it wasn't the music you just agree with whoever said i gave r kelly a pass don't give me passes for people. Yo, no, listen. The whole show they was flirting with the little alien girl, homeboy.
Starting point is 01:15:09 He snuck her in the crib to live in the basement. Last time I did that, I was trying to fuck. What are you talking about? Yeah, I'm surprised. They were trying to find their friend, you sicko. Oh, if you don't get out of here, man. They done put a wig on the little alien girl. Come on, don't act like y'all didn't see the same show.
Starting point is 01:15:23 They put a wig on her. They was feeding her. Damn, I don't know if it'sall didn't see the same show They put a wig on her They was feeding her Damn I don't know if it's strangers He fought with his friends Over the girl That you're trying to convince us That we should want
Starting point is 01:15:31 These two children to fuck No they shouldn't show it Jackass But they should have Oh so they should Hypothetically do it They should have alluded to it They could have did
Starting point is 01:15:39 Something like that Hey on Saved by the Bell They never let us know That Zach and Kelly fuck But they alluded to it. I can stomach some high school kids fucking. Yeah, that's the difference, Joe. Oh.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Yeah. There you go. So y'all are putting the age on an alien, and I'm the weirdo. No, we're putting age on the little boy. Yeah. There's two people there. Wait a minute. Rory lost his virginity
Starting point is 01:16:05 At that age Yeah but No I did I was 14 What are you talking about But it was Those Those boys weren't in high school
Starting point is 01:16:12 They were like fucking nine Yeah They were like 11 She wasn't even the age of her name They were like 11 12 years older Nah
Starting point is 01:16:19 I wouldn't even give them that Man you could pop some alien pussy At 11 That's sick Yo Alien pussy is crazy What the fuck You could
Starting point is 01:16:27 No I don't care what y'all say I don't encourage that Obviously you don't I don't encourage that behavior From my child You don't want your son To fuck an alien
Starting point is 01:16:34 I don't know I would like to have That conversation If my son fucked an alien Alright I refuse To have this conversation I'm just saying Think about it though
Starting point is 01:16:44 Boy you gotta get a girlfriend Before you can start talking about it but think about it think about it listen man how was it trey been running around here he might fucking alien is trey having sex yet no he's not how do you know that oh you could tell trey not having sex my kid my kid's not having sex how do you know that because he's corny still like virgin wait wait wait you're corny nah that's a horrible rumor floating around wait wait wait it's not a rumor so corny so corny young men are not having sex is that what you're saying no no no my son is not having sex is what i'm saying look at dad joe coming out he's not ready to have that talk have you had to talk with him yet what's the talk what do you mean fucking but you have to have the talk okay so that's why you have to have the talk
Starting point is 01:17:30 before he fucks you tell him about the talk I'm more concerned with the act I'm going to get a girl when it's when he want to experiment you're gonna get an alien taking him right over to the palace oh no no we don't want to do that no I Christ. No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But I do understand the dads or the parents who want to help provide for their kid. Because when a kid wants to do something, he's going to do it no matter what. Right. So as a 15-year-old kid, if you want to have sex and you want to experiment and you want to explore. My whole behavior changed after I had sex.
Starting point is 01:18:06 I walked and talked different. And Trey doesn't give give me that i don't think trey's fucked i think he would tell all of us if he's trying to but he's he is trying to my mom knew when i lost my virginity i like i started acting different i wasn't washing no fucking dishes it was just got different around the house so when when trey starts popping at you different just you just gotta laugh and just It was Shit just got different Around the house You just You weren't like Yeah I'm just like I'm not washing this shit I'm going Yeah So when When Trey starts Popping at you different
Starting point is 01:18:28 You just gotta laugh And just know No when he start Popping at me different He just gonna be Punched in the face That's number one Better not be having
Starting point is 01:18:35 Them little alien girls In my house Number Number two He ruined it Because in his plight To try to Try to have sex
Starting point is 01:18:44 Like he fucked it up. And now his mother banned him from ever stepping foot inside a teen party. And that's where the girl always goes. So now if you can't see the girl at the teen party and she don't go to the same school. He just hasn't figured out a way. He will. I've gone through some extreme measures as a teen to get some pussy. Teens are fucking in the park. I've gone through Some extreme measures As a teen To get some pussy My first time
Starting point is 01:19:06 Teens are fucking in the park My first time ever That's cause they don't Have money for a hotel See that's what I'm saying Yeah A nigga's gonna find The means to get it done
Starting point is 01:19:14 My first time Driving a vehicle Well my first time Stealing a vehicle Was to Go see a woman See what you did You risked your freedom
Starting point is 01:19:23 I risked my I don't think we Understand Well we didn we didn't understand then, but I know we know now how much we risked our lives trying to get some pussy. Yeah. Like, I walked in the middle of some projects. Absolutely. To go to a girl's house one time when I was a kid. And I didn't know any of them dudes over there.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I wouldn't do that now as a grown man. I wouldn't walk into projects and I didn't know anybody. I'm never doing that. No. No. I did it a couple of times. Did you get a pussy? Of course I did.
Starting point is 01:19:48 What do you mean? You're saying of course. I'm not going to risk my life and not seal the deal. So when you walked out, were you a little more scared now that you got the nut out? I feel like every man should jerk off before he makes a major decision. No, I was more- Was that confidence gone now that you were clear-minded? I was scared while I was still in
Starting point is 01:20:05 her apartment in her mom's house but once I was outside I was just like I could run now I could look like a pussy now she looking out the window I don't care I got it it don't matter yeah I got it I got it I got it did she tell you not to worry about that Trump's everything when you got it Trump's everything i don't understand how women bash men oh he got a little dick he was smashing for two years with that little dick though yeah you look crazy yeah like you look crazy now like you got a little dick anyway but he was consistently smashing you with this so-called little dick you are the nutso women are nutso absolutely we know this though and just when i thought and just when i
Starting point is 01:20:46 thought that true love could never fade uh wasn't there a cute little nickname for brad pitt and angelina it was right no and i'm glad i don't know i don't know it either but them niggas rangelina was it wasn't i don't remember what it i don don't remember. I feel gay for even attempting that just now. You did, you did. Might have to bullshit. What is it? Gotta punch one of these cameramen in they face. How you go from getting fucking pussy in projects
Starting point is 01:21:12 that aren't yours to doing Brangelina? Yeah, things change, bro. Brad and Angelina broke up. I only know this because as I was trying to watch some real nigga shit on my screen, a commercial for entertainment tonight came on
Starting point is 01:21:25 and they were interviewing right they were interviewing uh angelina jolie's divorce uh attorney apparently she's some high high priced very attractive woman based in la right so that intrigued me because i'm like why do we want to hear from someone's divorce lawyer so then when they put her on it was like footage from 15 years ago it was nothing current i said really are y'all that thirsty to discuss brad and angelina that we have to hear from 20 year old lawyer footage i was sick to my stomach that's the same way i feel every time i'm checking out of the supermarket and I'm pulled in by one of those headlines on Us Weekly or some shit. And then I'm the guy that's standing there reading the bullshit on the cover of Us Weekly.
Starting point is 01:22:12 All you want is some Orbit gum. And now you got to find out about Tom Hanks' divorce. What was really happening on set? What is that? Do they have a prenuptial? Yeah. Okay. I did hear that on Entertainment Tonight.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Okay. Because that would, if not, who made more money? Oh, come on. We know who made more money. I don't. I don't. I don't have the slightest clue. Yeah, I don't think Brad Pitt has made more money in his acting career than Angelina Jolie.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Yes. Okay. I wouldn't know. Yeah. Angelina only plays the same part. She's the action hero. Yeah, she dope at it. Yeah. Get the fuck out of here. Yeah wouldn't know. Yeah. Angelina only plays the same part. She's the action hero. Yeah, she dope at it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Fuck out of here. Some action joints make mad money. In other news, Greg Hardy has been arrested again. I'm only bringing this up because Greg Hardy said that someone accidentally put a bag of cocaine in his Louis Vuitton wallet. Yeah, I hate when that shit happens, bro. He told that to the police. I hate when that shit happens. That's an actual story.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Yeah. That's true. He's not on the Cowboys anymore, right? No, I don't think he is. If he is, he's not anymore. Right. I feel like there were some other quick tidbits like that to get to, but I don't really care too much about all of that is
Starting point is 01:23:25 there anything i'm forgetting that's happened like that was really really important uh let me look at our list are we are we jumping on the carson wentz bandwagon give some backstory philadelphia eagles rookie quarterback has thrown 70 touchdowns and zero interceptions and the eagles are three and oh do we care are we jumping on the wince from president train well i'm always i always say this three and oh is hard to come by in the nfl oh they beat the bears it's still hard to come by joe it is you know you never played a fucking down i mean three and oh is tough though for football to win three games in a row is tough the giants you don't have to play a down football.
Starting point is 01:24:07 See, the Giants are supposed to be 3-0, like you just said. It's not easy to do. Giants, Patriots, my Patriots are 3-0, though. Let's talk about that. Without our starting quarterback. I said last week that the Patriots would get the W with that strange guy. With that strange guy. Yeah, because the Patriots just find a way to get it done.
Starting point is 01:24:26 But it's funny now because a lot of people are giving me slack. Like, oh, it's proven that it's a system. You can put anybody at quarterback and they'll still win. So are you saying Tom Brady's not that good now? No, they're not related. No, there's people that have said that. They're not related. No, people have said that.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Tom Brady as a system quarterback was a hashtag on Twitter for like two days. Well, Tom Brady, you can't prove that he's not a system quarterback. That don't mean that he's not amazing. That don't mean he's not phenomenal and one of the best quarterbacks we've ever seen, arguably the best. Tim Duncan was a system power forward to me and is the greatest power forward of all time, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:24:58 It's something to be said for a team never wanting to trade you, ever. They'll kill me for saying this. Jordan was in a system. Yeah, he was, but Mike. Nah, I ain't with him on that. I'm not saying he wasn't a system, but Mike was. It was a system. He was the system.
Starting point is 01:25:13 Right, he was the system. He was the system. It was designed for him. But so, in a way, Tom Brady is also the point of that system. This is my thing with sports. You have to have a system in play. You just have to have the right pieces that fit your system. This is my thing with sports. You have to have a system in play. You just have to have the right pieces
Starting point is 01:25:26 that fit your system. That's all. I'm not mad at nobody saying that. No, I just thought, no, but I hate when people say system like, system is a bad thing.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Like it's a knock. Yeah. You have to have a system. You have to have a formula. And if you're successful in it, Right. And the way Tom Brady's won his Super Bowls,
Starting point is 01:25:42 it's been under immense pressure that a system ain't just going to get you there. Right. Like, those last drives. Like, I think Eli fucking sucks, but I'll put Eli, except for last game. Eli was very inaccurate that last game, and we're not going to talk too much about the Giants because I'm going to get angry and upset,
Starting point is 01:26:00 which we should be freeing up. Son, he fucking blew this shit. Oh, that's what happened. Oh, there was a big festival In Chicago Chance's Festival Oh that happens The Magnificent Coloring Festival Chance
Starting point is 01:26:10 I think I just totally Jacked that name up The Magnificent Coloring Something to do with coloring But like the mixtape Something MCD Was it MCD
Starting point is 01:26:21 What was that It was MCD Yeah Cool We'll call it that Magnificent Coloring Day Whatever but he had everybody That sounds about that Magnificent Coloring Day whatever but he had everybody
Starting point is 01:26:26 that sounds about right Magnificent Coloring Day yeah I'm rolling with that if I'm wrong y'all will tell me in the comments but he had everybody
Starting point is 01:26:35 and their mom there and everybody performed and it looked like a large a large group of people there and it was fun it looks fun I wasn't there
Starting point is 01:26:44 it was one of those things where people you could feel the energy through the Snapchat. I was really happy. Life has totally changed for Chance ever since Beyonce walked up behind him at the VMAs and gave him like a sort of hug. He's mad likable. He's a very likable rapper. Yeah. He's one of those guys that I think the industry just has decided that he's going to be the next one.
Starting point is 01:27:04 I agree. You can make a case, yeah. Yeah. I saw the same thing happen with Kendrick. Yeah, we saw that. But it's for a good reason. Yeah, no, he's talented. It's for a very good reason.
Starting point is 01:27:13 He's talented. He's very talented. He's extremely talented. I think he's who the industry was trying to make Kid Cudi, I think. the industry was trying to make kid cuddy i think and then kid cuddy rubbed some people the wrong way and then everybody kind of turned their backs but chance is kind of social and he smiles and well cuddy was like that at one point yeah he was still a little he came off anti-social a lot no cuddy i'm not cuddy uh chance is just dressed like a Mario brother, so it's not threatening. Cuddy wasn't threatening, though.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Chance is dressed like a Mario brother is what I'm saying. I get that, but what I'm saying is Cuddy wasn't a threatening guy when you see Cuddy. Cuddy is threatening when I'm looking at a dude dressed as a Mario brother. a dude dressed as a Mario brother. Okay. Cudi is a goonish thug when I'm looking at a beige overalls with the number three in both. Like, okay, I'm not doing that. No, I get what you're saying in comparison to you.
Starting point is 01:28:16 And Cudi came off like uncooperative, and he was very anti-industry. I think once Cudi really started acting, I think he kind of just fell out. Well, actually, Chance is anti-industry, but just just in a nicer way he hasn't taken any of those deals he stayed independent i don't know that we gotta stop saying that hey you know who was kind of on this i don't know what happened uh my homeboy child uh childish gambino he was kind of like on this chance to wrap a route and then. Yeah. Like what happened? He just focusing on the acting now so much, I guess. Yeah, he started making real money.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Yeah. He's so talented that, yeah. He's the most. But he was doing TV before. It's not like he was doing music and then said, fuck it. Like he's not on some Ice Cube shit. Right. I literally turned the TV on and seen him in two movies that I did not know he was in
Starting point is 01:29:01 in the same day. It was the most random shit ever. Which movies? One was a horror movie right yeah and the other one was uh the movie where uh they were in space uh the martian that was a pretty yeah he was in that movie with matt day like that's that's not that's some random shit like you were in a movie with matt damon that is some random shit and i did not know that until i'm actually watching the movie and he You know I hated The Martian. I liked that movie. You would have liked that movie.
Starting point is 01:29:29 That movie was a piece of shit. I was excited to go see The Martian. I really thought Matt Dane was going to pull it off. I thought there was a lot of suspense to be had in being trapped on Mars. There's nothing but suspense to being trapped on Mars. They managed to make that totally uninteresting.
Starting point is 01:29:48 He grew some plants. Right. Then the plants disappeared. Then he had to make some more out of one piece of bread. That had to last him for the next 97 million months. Right. And then he had like, no, no. Some actors just shouldn't
Starting point is 01:30:05 be astronauts him being one of them uh what was the movie with sandra bullock and george clooney like george did you not tell me george clooney is in space well time out let me just tell you that there are 199 movies with sandra bullock and george clooney that's number one right number two i'm gonna go out on a limb here. If I'm going to have to think of movies that are better than The Martian, hey, this is an underrated hood. Let me not say this. Oh, boy. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Where are we going with this? You know what movie was real good that don't get enough credit? Kill a Season. No. That gets enough credit. Okay. Phone Booth. Phone Booth was hard. Come on Phone booth Phone booth was hard
Starting point is 01:30:45 Come on Phone booth was hard Come on Call a girl Kill that shit More No phone booth was hard Get phone booth
Starting point is 01:30:51 The fuck out of here man Phone booth was hard Get phone booth The fuck out of here man How do you get phone booth Man fuck no Did you see phone booth Yes I've seen phone booth
Starting point is 01:31:01 No way you saw phone booth And you're hating on phone booth I saw phone booth man But it wasn't better than I mean it's two Totally different movies No the fuck it was not It was two niggas trapped
Starting point is 01:31:09 One was trapped on Mars So a nigga being trapped In a Phone Booth And a nigga being trapped On Mars is like You going with the Phone Booth Yes That was a much better movie
Starting point is 01:31:17 If I Nah you gotta compare Phone Booth to like Speed with Keanu Reeves Yeah Like that's more of a Better comparison I'm just thinking about movies
Starting point is 01:31:25 where somebody was trapped somewhere. Castaway. Castaway. Shawshank Redemption. Castaway is a classic. We can't compare those to anything, any of these movies. Castaway.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Wilson and Tom Hanks is getting all of these niggas the fuck out of here. I was sad. I almost cried when Wilson floated away in the ocean actually. Anytime Tom Hanks gets anywhere near an airport or a plane,
Starting point is 01:31:46 you know something bad is going to happen. Yeah, that's a fact. That's true. Damn, that reminds me of something. Oh, the Quantico girl. I'm tired of her. Every time she fucking leave the house, something bad happens to her. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Sleeper songs. Do we have any? Oh, we know. We know you're mine. No, no, no. I got one. You got to try to really think. And this is actually a song that I just.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Oh, my. Do we have the Oscar? Yeah, it's over here somewhere. More, more. Hey, Joe, you actually going to like this record. This is such a Joe Button in the house music on the volume 987 to the cops come. I have lights. Because Joe does not know how to listen to music, anything below.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Well, no, Joe is losing his hearing from years of pouring his heart out in the booth for my fans. So now my health is deteriorating before my very eyes and my hearing. Such a victim. Rage in the Machine. October 21st. Make sure you pick it up. I can't wait to hear fans fucking revolt
Starting point is 01:32:51 outside your house. Oh, you mean like in the summer? No, that wasn't my fan. I've liked all the songs that you've played thus far though. Have you?
Starting point is 01:33:01 That means a lot coming from Joe because Joe never gives me credit. I like your shit. I appreciate it. uh i think i think this is gonna be a song that you like too joe it just has your vibe to it uh this is a young lady by the name i hope i'm not saying her name wrong but i believe it's neo neo yeah i love neo i've done we've played neo a lot on this show what have you i I've had a bunch of Sleepers by her
Starting point is 01:33:25 Oh you have? Me too Nah we fuck where we're heavy Yeah don't play Don't play No we Adore You Oh yeah we've definitely
Starting point is 01:33:32 Yeah I did that I love Adore You Did we play it off? Yes I've played it Okay I did one Adore You was great What was it
Starting point is 01:33:38 The February EP or whatever I think I played some shit off that Nail was great Have y'all listened to Ty Dolla's album yet? I have It snuck I don't even know what's coming out is great Have y'all listened to Ty Dolla's album yet? I haven't It snuck
Starting point is 01:33:45 I don't even know what's coming out Which I feel horrible about Because I love Ty Dolla It's not really for me It's like Trapper Ty Is it? Damn Yeah
Starting point is 01:33:53 It's Trapper Ty Alright so I'm going to switch my song This is y'all I've played Naio already Yeah go ahead Eric Ballinger put a project out Two's not really for me It's Trapper Eric
Starting point is 01:34:02 I like Banks Project I listened to it for the first time today. Shout out to Banks. He has a new project out. I'm on it. Check that out. Transitions. Lloyd Banks featuring Joe Budden.
Starting point is 01:34:12 All right, I'm going to play a gentleman by the name of Kay Forrest. I believe he's from Toronto. I believe he's from Toronto. He put out a mixtape a few months ago called Forest Fire. All right, clever play on words there j forest k forest k forest i see what you did there uh i don't know how to pronounce this this song i think it's soing spell it s-o-i-g-n-e i wouldn't s-o-i-g-n-e yep i'm backing out of that one yeah i don't i wouldn't know how to pronounce that.
Starting point is 01:34:45 But the song is dope. So it's K-Forrest off his mixtape, Forrest Fire. Let's hear what K-Forrest is talking about here. Hey. Hey. Baby, I'm still guanin' like it's O2 H1, hummin' like it's O2 You feel me, feel me? Girl, I felt like it was O2 Bonnie and Clyde, I felt like Sean You my go-to And you got my XL on
Starting point is 01:35:20 I got my headband on My Sixers jersey made me feel like I was on I could cross your way I could shoot so long You getting prepped at the beauty shop Gina Salon Ooh, she got a body that you wanna see Ooh, she got the stance from the wannabes And ooh, baby, I
Starting point is 01:35:38 They wasn't there for the process When you turn into goddess Which one is K-Farce? Both of them. I thought this was Party Downstairs. Tell me that's not Party Downstairs. It's the after party. Wait.
Starting point is 01:36:13 All right, nah. If he don't get this nigga. Wait. Party downstairs is fucking rude, man. The funny shit is I was rocking with him during the verse when he was rapping. Right. Nah. It's K-Force.
Starting point is 01:36:29 I like that record, K-Force. Hey, K-Force, knock it the fuck off. All right? Chill. You're giving me a- Damn, man. Telling my man K-Force. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Just on the party shit. You know what the thing is? I was playing a song earlier, right? playing a song earlier right uh and when i played it sim was like is that bryson or tori or party or weekend or anybody else making music and that it is a whole new it's like a slew of songs or artists that kind of give you that feel in that vein and listen i'm certainly not uh i'm certainly not complaining about it uh my sleeper is probably going to be in that vein and listen I'm certainly not uh I'm certainly not complaining about it my sleeper is probably gonna be in that vein too I enjoy music in that vein I know you can't kill Kay Forrest and then say you enjoy music in that vein he did it bad no no his voice listen to you into a badge is something we already
Starting point is 01:37:18 heard like I was listening I'm listening to his vibrato, and it was bad. But like Tiller was a sound we had heard. Joe, don't ever do that. You asked me why it was bad. I mean, keep it a buck. If Pat threw some auto-tune, he might have sounded like Party on that shit. Oh, man. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Let Rory play his EDM shit. My EDM shit? You know Rory's got the fucking EDM jam of the week EDM jam of the week Definitely EDM jam of the week You know it's coming So to my fellow ginger brother Mac Miller I have been very critical of you
Starting point is 01:38:02 I totally understand why people like you I think you're very talented. You just, music just wasn't for me. Until now. But I gave this album a chance. It's Idiot Man! And I've never been a huge Ariana Grande fan. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:38:17 So when Mac Miller and Ariana Grande did a song together, I was ready to skip it, even though I was enjoying all of his album already. I sat and I listened. And it became my favorite song On the album Oh my god Shoot I'll go in the middle
Starting point is 01:38:31 So we get Ariana's part Oh then he fast forwarded To Ariana They get both They're dating right? I wouldn't know Yeah Do you know their name?
Starting point is 01:38:43 Since you knew Brangelina? No I wouldn't know. Yeah. Do you know their name since you knew Brangelina? No. There's no way to have a cool couple name with Ariana Grande. Matt Grande? Sounds like a Starbucks order. Yeah. Matt Grande?
Starting point is 01:39:01 I like that, actually. Oh, my God. I like that, actually. I see you about to ache. I can see it in your face. If you take the music away, they sound like they're in a haunted house. They sound like the spooky voices. I cannot wait to hear his sleeper song. I know, right? I cannot wait.
Starting point is 01:39:40 This better be a Grammy fucking record. Listen to this. Now Now don't be quiet now Get that L fade out To make it sound doper Bring Matt Grande back Matt Grande is a dope ass name I do like that name now I'm the only nigga
Starting point is 01:39:58 That thought they sounded like They were spooky voices In the haunted house You a hater You're never gonna get me To agree with you That Ariana Grande Doesn't sound great
Starting point is 01:40:05 She's one of the Most amazing voices I've ever heard I hate to sound like The industry She's gotta rebrand herself For me She's still that weird
Starting point is 01:40:13 I'm just talking about vocally She can sing her Fucking ass Listeners Be very careful Of people like Maul Who try to hold you Accountable for things
Starting point is 01:40:21 You did not say When did I say That she doesn't Sound amazing On that particular song She sounded good who tried to hold you accountable for things you did not say. When did I say that she doesn't sound amazing? On that particular song. She sounded good. Her blended with Mac and Miller when they were doing that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:37 See? That's it. You're trying to shit on her vocals right now. Word. No. That sounded a little off, but she does sound great. I'm going to fucking leak rage right now
Starting point is 01:40:47 because you're a hater. As long as I don't have to stare at fucking Big Sean and Jhene Aiko, I'm cool. I'd much rather see any other hip-hop couple than them two.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Damn. Right? Here we go again. Going down the same path. No, no, no. Don't do that. Sean is a friend. Dick.
Starting point is 01:41:04 A friend to who? The show. No, the fuck.. Don't do that. Sean is a friend, dick. A friend to who? The show. No, the fuck. Why is he a friend to the show? Fuck Sean. Fuck you. Don't pass me the aux cord. These fucking Henny Palooza connects have zero to do with me.
Starting point is 01:41:14 The big Sean has absolutely nothing to do with Henny Palooza and I've never even been to one. So why is he a friend to the show? I used to work with Sean. So he's your friend. That's what I said. That ain't a friend to the show. I'm on the fucking show. Fuck out of here. Stop dissing couples. You he's your friend. That's what I said. That ain't a friend to this show. Fuck out of here.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Stop dissing couples. You're in love now. Fuck me and my love too. Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see. Now that the pressure is on here. What's your name?
Starting point is 01:41:37 Oh, look at this real nigga shit. You can't do your own album. No, this is not my sleeper. It was just there and it's ill. Let me just give me two bars of me right quick. Rage in the Machine, October 21st.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Ay! Long live your idols. Oh, talk to your niggas, Joe. That nigga's dope. Yeah, that shit whack. All right, real quick, right? So this young lady, and I'm sorry, Imani, because you my guy, but this young lady put out an EP.
Starting point is 01:42:02 I don't know if the EP is. Oh, no. Her name is her. H.E.R. Sound like some shit I would play. It's hard. It's hard. It's a hard project.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Yeah, it sounds like some shit I would play. Shut up, nigga. And I'm gonna go with you. No, I know you're going with me. This is the shit I play. Yo, momma, shit is wet. This is her best Eric Bellinger impression when Mick mixed with T-Pain.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Any girl that says she's not acting brand new is always acting brand new. The EP is hard. Check it out. She put out a five song EP. The EP is hard. Check it out I like that I like that groove It's a good groove
Starting point is 01:43:28 She got a good groove going on On there We hit everything right? I think so Sleeper podcast? Trap and Anonymous episode Oh my god I'm about to check out
Starting point is 01:43:43 Trap and Anonymous though The funny thing was since joe is such a fucking hater uh mad people hit me and was like yo that's like my favorite podcast now and i was just further proving how much of a hater joe is i'm just trying to put people on a dope shit no you just have business ventures spread all over the place i have no equity in trapping trapping anonymous i know you have some equity in there i ain't been able to prove it just yet. But yeah, you just promoting all your shit out here in the universe.
Starting point is 01:44:12 Speaking of which, if you're going to A3C, Henny Palooza is doing the official after party. Why did the sound just get really weird? Because I put my headphones next to it because it's hot as fuck in here. Oh, okay. So now what are you doing? You're promoting some more shit. What's happening? If you're going to A3C in Atlanta in two weeks, Henny Palooza is doing the official after party i'm not speaking to you you just have to be in the room talking to me
Starting point is 01:44:28 that just sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fucking shit going on a3c and we're atlantic city no no not atlanta atlanta oh shit sorry buddy that's no siri bob did that last year maybe the year before that Somewhere around here Nah Sorry Philly Can't do it bro Yeah Atlanta Not the city
Starting point is 01:44:51 The person right Yeah the person Philly Well Sleeper Podcast Let me see Shout out to my homies Kev Dux
Starting point is 01:44:59 And Nate The Block Talk On SoundCloud Check them out My dudes from uptown You know just like Regular dudes On the block Things that we talk about I like Block Talk I do too Block Talk on SoundCloud Check them out My dudes from uptown You know just like Regular dudes On the block
Starting point is 01:45:05 Things that we talk about I like Block Talk I do too Even though we didn't really make This Sleeper Podcast thing a segment I like it being a segment now Yeah It's cool
Starting point is 01:45:13 Now you like it When we have podcasts to Recommend Yeah Yeah I don't like it If we're just gonna plug your man No no no You should plug one
Starting point is 01:45:21 So I can berate you And scream during the entire thing So when you have one let me know yeah I know I have one cause I don't listen to y'all niggas I don't listen to our shit
Starting point is 01:45:29 the number one podcast in the universe bitch that's all we got one

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