The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 84

Episode Date: October 12, 2016

Just Joe and Rory this week, you'll either love this episode or hate, if so, we'll catch you on the next one. Sleeper Songs Of The Week: Joe: Emanny "Belong To You" | Rory: Beyonce x D'Angelo "Untitled Rocket" |

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mic check one, two, one, two. I will name this podcast later, episode number 84. I'm your host, Joe Budden. Sitting across from me is my lovely co-host. Wow, what a compliment. Rory Lanes. Yeah, that reminds me of back in the 90s where, or maybe that was jail or UFM's talk,
Starting point is 00:00:17 where that's how we would insult men. Yeah. Look at you gorgeous, you gorgeous. You ain't about this. Yeah, that was. So when you were In group home When you were in group home
Starting point is 00:00:27 With men You were calling them gorgeous That's cute Oh my god We'll get back to this again We'll get back to you You and your fucking Dateline 2020
Starting point is 00:00:34 Alright so what are we Talking about here today First of all How are you feeling I know you went away To Atlanta for Hennypalooza I did I was down there for A3C
Starting point is 00:00:43 It was one of the better Atlanta trips Wait what You were there for A3C Or Henny Palooza. I did. I was down there for A3C. It was one of the better Atlanta trips. Wait, you were there for A3C or Henny Palooza? So it was like a fake Henny Palooza, if you will. It was the official after party for A3C for the show that Royce was headlining with Rick Ross. So we brought down
Starting point is 00:01:00 half the staff. It was a small party. The venue was cool. Shout out to Surf. You and I need to have a conversation about you bringing 16 goons with you when you told me it was going to be much less, so now I'm standing at the door like, nah, he's good too.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Nah, the guy with the dreads back there, yeah, nah, he's fine. Don't pat him down. The guy with the rifle. No, no, he wouldn't be. He wouldn't know he's fine. No, no, check him. He's got a nine.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Shout out to Surf. Way to go, Surf. Son, I was sitting there like, Surf, I hate't be. He wouldn't know he's fine. No, no, check him. He's got a nine. Shout out to Surf. Way to go, Surf. Son, I was sitting there like, Surf, I hate you so much right now. I'm telling you, that's why I don't hang out with fucking Surf, man. He knows way too many,
Starting point is 00:01:32 like, I can't travel this way. I was out, I walked outside because I seen Surf out there and Jonathan Manion was out there and I went to go grab Manion. I said, oh, Surf, you're here. Come on.
Starting point is 00:01:40 How many are you with? He said 16. I kind of thought he was joking and then i turned around and saw i said all all of them are men he's like no no no we got bitches it was it was two women one of which i knew that i went to college with so that didn't count because she was already on the list so it was just it was 16 grown men so i have two quick two quick points here uh one i don't know this information because I'm not hot.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Are rappers still traveling with large entourages? Is that still a thing? I think surf. I don't think it's a rapper thing with surf. Well, I know. I'm not really talking about surf at the moment. I know there are a few people that travel that way having nothing to do with
Starting point is 00:02:21 what they're doing. But do rappers still carry entourages of 15 people? No, right? I don't be in spots that rappers be at. Yes, you do. Yes, you do. The fuck I don't. Yes, you do.
Starting point is 00:02:32 You 100% do. Name three off rip. Go. Atlanta, Miami, Houston. That was work. You're talking about cities in general? I'm talking about places that the rappers be. Rappers be in the United States.
Starting point is 00:02:46 You were in my... That's a very open-ended... No, you were in my... I was saying like venues. You were in Miami... You'd be in New York. day parties. Rappers in Miami
Starting point is 00:02:55 go to day parties. They don't go to the Clevelander. Rappers go to Henny Palooza. What are you talking about? Because we invite them. So you lose this by default. You'd be exactly where the rappers be.
Starting point is 00:03:08 You invite the rappers... When I'm working. You invite the rappers and tell them where they should be well i guess i lose this anyways because i'm in a room with a rapper yeah what are you talking about good point just to fuck up jesus mary and joseph all right now i'm fucking derailed on what we was even talking about uh but i had some some hip-hop dirty shit oh no no surf was great i'm just fucking around with surf even though that story's true i do love surf to death that's why i let all 16 of his friends in i love surf i'm not gonna i don't know about to death he's cool well with surf you have no no choice when there's 16 men around um but anyways this is going too far surf gonna kill me I'm just quiet surf this is just a joke but anyways
Starting point is 00:03:48 the next day I actually had a whole Saturday in Atlanta I'm just getting myself deeper into this no disrespect to Atlanta it's just not my first destination
Starting point is 00:03:55 I'm a New Yorker just Atlanta ain't my vibe all the time but I went to A3C Redman was performing so I immediately ran down there shout out to red
Starting point is 00:04:07 man red man didn't get enough uh didn't get mentioned when he should have when we were doing our top 10 lists but we weren't actually doing top 10 lists like we just randomly blurred out conversation and then y'all guys y'all kill us for not yeah you sit and analyze shit on your computer for three hours and go how could you forget about this guy? Yeah. Red Man definitely deserves to be mentioned in that list, so we'll shout him out. Anytime there's a Red Man before, I would have ran there too.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, so they put Red Man pretty early on the bill, so it was maybe like 100 people in there, which I was a little nervous about, and then Red Man came out and said, I rocked 100,000 people yesterday I'm rocking 100 people now it's going to be the exact same energy I saw this when I saw Tribe open up for Kanye and this is going to be an old head hip hop rant
Starting point is 00:04:55 it's just different I can appreciate that it's just different when you look at people that have been performing for 20 fucking years their breath control they hit every syllable. It's like listening to the record, no matter what the sound system sounds like. He brought out Keith Murray.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Say what you will about Keith Murray and his health state. I hope it's fine. Didn't miss a fucking lick. He was going off the whole time. Eric Sermon came out, did just like music. He rocked a show for 100 people That was one of the better shows I've seen in the past 10 years
Starting point is 00:05:29 I DM'd Redman about three weeks ago He hasn't gotten back to me Redman if you're listening to this Check your DMs on Instagram He then finished the show And Redman might be the plug king He killing you a promo man He brought out his homegirl
Starting point is 00:05:42 That had weave shops in Atlanta He brought out his friends girl that had weave shops in atlanta he brought out his friends plugged all their instagrams it was like a whole 15 minutes of instagram see i'm not yeah i can't i can't well red man's funny so he makes everything funny red man is funny so it's easier to digest when he's red man isman is dope, man. You can get away with so much other shit when you're dope. So then they were doing an outcast because it's, shit, 20 years? 2016, 19, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:13 For AT Aliens. So of course they did not book outcast, unfortunately, but they had a live band to do every record from AT Aliens and they had local artists cover it. Listen, Big Boi and Andre couldn't be here tonight, but we've got Shimon and Raheem
Starting point is 00:06:28 from right around the corner who happens to know all of the instrumentals of their music. Nah, they body that shit. Nappy Roots did... Bring out the pots and pans. Nappy Roots did Elevators in its entirety, which was really dope.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And nah, they killed it. Rory is such a hipster. Live music... Can you own your hipster ways What is hipster about You're a hipster man Redman and ATLians This is hipster shit
Starting point is 00:06:50 When you're fucking 19 Telling me about I'm 26 Same thing When you're 19 And you're telling me about How great the Redman set was Oh and Outkast couldn't be there
Starting point is 00:06:59 But it was such a groovy set Over some pots and pans That the locals did Here's my issue with you old fucks, right? Like, that's not, you're a hipster, man. I don't know why you don't own it. Because I'm not. Listen, the hip hop shit we're talking about,
Starting point is 00:07:13 coupled with the jean jacket from a few weeks ago, coupled with what you do for a living and as hobby, you're a hipster. It's cool. Well, what's a hipster to you? And don't just say that. No, no, no. You posed a good question.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Let me think. Because this is my issue with you old fucks, right? Am I an old fuck? Absolutely. 100% an old fuck. I don't feel like 36 should be an old fuck, by the way, but whatever. If I'm an old fuck, it should be by soul, by my spirit. Like, not by age.
Starting point is 00:07:43 No, just because you're annoyed and angry all the time, like old people. Yeah, that speaks to my soul by my spirit. Like, not by age. No, just because you're annoyed and angry all the time, like old people. Yeah, that speaks to my soul and my spirit. Why am I annoyed and angry all the time, by the way? You get angry, not just you in general, but the older generation gets angry at all the new music, and then when someone my age likes the music from their era, you don't know shit about that.
Starting point is 00:08:02 You fucking hipster. You just like it because it's trendy. Like, just make make up your minds why do you be angry at both at both ends first of all i've had the at at aliens album before i was 10 years old i had the tape i want it's purple pardon it's green it's not i want to only be held accountable for the things i say so i'm not i'm not defending uh you liking music so i'm a hipster'm not defending you liking music from today. So I'm a hipster because I had ATLians on. Hey, let me be perfectly clear. I like music from today.
Starting point is 00:08:32 How can you not like music from today? Well, I do. Much more than you do. I think there's a, I don't know about that even. I think that's even debatable that you like today's music much more than me. That's not true. I pretend like I like it. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Here we go. You have the same disdain for the lower quality music, but you are in a position where, I mean, you have to pretend more. Like a lot of your craft and what y'all do, that brand is centered around that. But I get it when it works and i see it happen you're just sitting in your fucking basement listening to this music when it should be at a henny palooza yeah no i don't know no no that's such a you get oh man i you get such a false impression of a song contingent upon where you how you receive it of course so i do agree that some music should not be listened to in the basement on your on
Starting point is 00:09:34 your bowl speaker everyone in the world will deny it when rihanna work came out they were killing it on twitter killing they were they were every last person will deny they were doing it they were murdering it and i said y'all listening to this in your cubicle with your fucking white iPhone headphones on not at a day party with a drink and a bitch well what happens is a lot of times the sheep rushed to judgment well and then when the there's no surprise there yeah they rushed they rushed to judgment on something and then because they're sheep, when the consensus is they're wrong, they follow that. So now you look stupid because you just wavered from your original point.
Starting point is 00:10:13 We're off on a tangent because we were talking about Henny Palooza. Yeah, and your disdain for hipsters. Oh, you never answered what a hipster was. I never. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Do I have a disdain for hipsters? Eh. Your tone of voice when you bring it up, it is always in a negative way. But that's really my tone of voice.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Because you're an angry old fuck. No, for real. Oh, look at everything coming full circle. No, no, Sin has pointed that out to me, actually. That I'm just, and she's helped me to realize that, I'm just grumpy. I sound and come off grumpy all the time, even when nothing is wrong. I'm around you often. You're not happy unless you're complaining.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah, but I'd be fine. I'd really be fine, though. Nothing would really be wrong. Sorry, so I'm glad you had a great time in Atlanta with your undercover friends. My undercover friends. With your down low buddies. Let me not start sounding like beans. You were the one that was just saying you were in a boy's home calling them gorgeous,
Starting point is 00:11:02 and now I have down low friends. I love gay people. I'm always on the record with loving gay people, by the way. In what capacity? I love them. I love every gay people are the most honest people. The ones that aren't in the closet, they're the most fucking, they just are so proud of their culture and who they are. I love gay people. Gay people are great. They're a lot more honest than fucking the piece of shit straight people that I know. the closet they're the most fucking they just saw are so proud of their culture and who they are i
Starting point is 00:11:25 love gay people gay people are great they're a lot more honest than fucking the piece of shit straight people that i know are you still in contact with the ones from the boys home all right you know what rory i saw the movie sleeper so i'm not even having this conversation with you see you too young to even get that fucking amazing sleepers fucking oh i'm a hipster i'm sure i have it on vhs have hipsters seen Sleepers? I don't know, bro. I wouldn't know. I'm not a hipster. You wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:11:46 You're a fucking hipster. All right, come on. All right, let me answer your question. What is a hipster? Let's do that and get off of this because this was not in our plans to talk about. Yeah, right. It wasn't. What is a hipster?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Well, I don't like – I have a bad opinion of hipsters because my first introduction to them was like people moving in to Williamsburg, into Brooklyn and just ruining shit. And they just have this disdain that they're above and cooler than things because they think they know about things that other people don't know about. And then when people find out about those things, they're no longer cool. To that point, I think that's that's the only issue that I have with hip the term hipsters hipsters make it appear as though they are they run hip-hop they are all that exists in hip hop yeah well in the words of I want to say It was Jerry Seinfeld If they were really hipsters There wouldn't be any
Starting point is 00:12:45 Hmm Let me think about that For a minute Say that again If they were really hipsters There wouldn't be any That's pretty fucking awesome Because there's a shit ton of hipsters
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah That's pretty That's pretty awesome Yeah I agree with that But that's I love Seinfeld Alright so Off of you and your fucking Atlanta weekend.
Starting point is 00:13:07 What did you do this weekend? None. Absolutely nothing. I wrote rhymes. That's what I did because I have a treat plant. I have something special that I'm trying to put together. Oh, I haven't seen you in a while. Let me know.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Before my album drops. Oh, it's going to be nice. Oh, tell us about it No I don't wanna ruin the surprise Don't Jack Thriller me I watched that on the way here Why? Why not?
Starting point is 00:13:33 Jack Thriller did some Well I like Jack Thriller You are a friend of mine I saw it on my timeline I had time to kill on the train Naturally I watched it Jack Thriller a while ago did some fuck shit I don't remember did some fuck shit.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I don't remember what the fuck shit was. I think he saw an interview that I did, and he felt a way about it, and then he went on to bash me in interviews. So when I called him and I checked him about that. Prior to the interview. Oh, no, no. Yeah, prior to the interview. This was a while ago. This was at maybe one of the Summer Madnesses or one of those smack URL events.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I saw him and I immediately checked him about it and he apologized. So that's why when that 2 Chainz and Jack Thriller shit popped off, it wasn't so shocking to me because I had my own experience in fuck shit from Jack Thriller. So that was my first time doing an interview with him since and it was cool it's cool my thing about interview is they all ask the same exact shit so then my brain can't help but think why you
Starting point is 00:14:36 didn't do it do your due diligence and you did such a lackluster job yeah but your job and I know you and I know that makes sense to you and probably a lot of other people. I know. And I know it's tough to not be yourself. It's the toughest thing in the universe to not be yourself, by the way. But like everyone else in the world,
Starting point is 00:14:56 sometimes you have to put on your fucking happy face and push something for a bigger picture. No, you don't. Why? Why do you have to put forth a happy face when you're not happy? To sell something in business? Yeah, I think we all do. And I'm not saying it's right or wrong.
Starting point is 00:15:13 But at some point, you have to put that face on. I don't like when people say, I think we all do it. Yeah, I know. You can't account for what everybody fucking does. How can you account for what everybody think we all do it? You don't know that. Well, I can't account for all six billion people on the planet so what the fuck are you speaking for them for but are you not selling something now are you are you trying to sell something yes yeah you're trying to sell something yeah we're going with you within business unfortunately
Starting point is 00:15:40 perception is one of the larger things and when you're selling something to a consumer, you want to make them feel good about it. And when you walk into an interview and you come off as a fucking dick, which I'm not saying you did or did not. No, you're right about all of this. I'm a bad salesman. No, no, no. I'm well aware of that. Yeah, what the fuck? And I know it's very hard For you to pretend To be somebody else
Starting point is 00:16:05 But I'm looking at this like Yeah but he's He's independent now He's Depending on himself Sometimes you can't Just sit there
Starting point is 00:16:13 And be like Yeah No Even if the questions Are fucking retarded Cause I'm not even quite sure If I can repeat Three questions
Starting point is 00:16:21 Jack Thriller gave In that interview But at the same time You still have to put I can You still have to put A bit of a facade on it. I can, though. He said, I spoke to the rest of the guys in Slaughterhouse,
Starting point is 00:16:33 so I got their answer. Now let me hear it from you. Have you guys broken up? Well, in his defense. That was one of the questions. To my point here, the rest of Slaughterhouse is better at that than you are. So you might get a real answer. I'm not alluding to anything here, by the way.
Starting point is 00:16:49 No, no, I'm following you. You might get a real answer out of Joe Budden. You may get a political answer out of Royce because Royce is just really good at that. If you ask three niggas already a question. Royce does not come off as someone fake or pretending to be something he's not. He just knows how to walk into an interview and be like, this is the answer to your question. Even if his brain. Royce is a much better actor than I.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah. Royce is a much, much better actor than I. But at the same time, I don't think he's sitting here pretending to be someone he's not. Yes, he the fuck he is pretending. Are you kidding me? You know how many people Royce sits in front of and conducts himself in that professional manner that he fucking hates? Right there. Professional manner. You're selling something in business. You're independent, dog.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I'm not rolling. You're right. You're right. And I still am not rolling with that. I don't pretend well. I don't pretend well. So if this is the ninth interview of answering the same exact questions that I have answered for 15 years, I get that everyone did not see this over the course of 15 years, but how do you expect someone to react and respond? Now, when there's a great interview, it's the same as when you're doing a show. The energy you get is the energy that you get. I'm not speaking about Jack Thriller's behavior at all.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I'm speaking just to you. Yes, you are, though. Just to you. But you are, though. You are speaking about Jack Thriller's behavior at all. I'm speaking just to you. Yes, you are, though. Just to you. But you are, though. You are speaking about Jack Thriller's behavior and speaking about mine. You know,
Starting point is 00:18:08 just like you said, in 15 years, you've done a million interviews with the same questions. That's true. You know exactly what you're walking into. I hate them.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I hate every last one of them. So then don't do them. If I could only, if I could only. So don't do them then. I tell Ian that every fucking morning. So you're pretending this because you're walking into that room when you don't want to be there oh my god
Starting point is 00:18:28 whatever yeah yeah yeah because now you're still pretending it's still you're putting on a facade for a little bit we all totally disagree with that you didn't want to be in that room but she was in that room your original that's not a facade that's yes it is wait being somewhere that you don't want to be as a facade. Yeah, because you would have stayed home. That's not true. That's not true. That's not true. That's not true. A facade speaks to your action. It speaks to the action. Does it take an action to get into a room? What are you trolling me right now? I'm not trolling you. It takes an action. I'm trying to get you to walk out of this podcast too. I'm not walking out of this podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Oh, yeah, that was the other thing he said. He said, I leave during confrontation. I didn't agree with that. Oh, finally something you didn't agree with. He asked me what features are on the album. I want to tell you, I want to tell you, I've seen you at, this is why this is funny. This is the only, and I'm not saying that you're incorrect. I'm not against you.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Wait. I'm just trying to bring another point as someone who cares and who's part of this rollout with you. Yeah, but I said 25 minutes ago you were correct in what you're saying. You're correct.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Hey, let me say that again for people to think that. I'm trying to convince you to be a little nicer. That's all. How though? Be more of a team player. But how?
Starting point is 00:19:39 Tell me how. Tell me how to pretend to be nice. To think about the bigger goal and the larger picture, not to'm just dry And the larger picture Not to quote Lux But the larger picture here Is you are trying to sell albums
Starting point is 00:19:49 I know in your cool rapper way It's about the music No No it's about math You're trying to sell No no no it's about math You're trying to sell records Yes
Starting point is 00:20:01 I'm following you here So when someone sees this person They don't know Because when you're doing these interviews I don't know how to pretend to be nice Rory No I'm following you here. So when someone sees this person they don't know, because when you're doing these interviews... I don't know how to pretend to be nice, Rory. No, I'm telling you, you need to. I'm telling you that the product that y'all see in the interviews is me pretending to be nice.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It's like, what do you want? What do you want? Oh, Jesus Christ. If that's pretending to be nice, what the fuck? That is me attempting to be nice. I'm a introvert. I don't want to speak to these fucking Nimrods. Not calling Jack Thriller a Nimrod, but I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Just saying. Jack Thriller is, I've seen him outside of being on an interview. He's a smart guy. He kind of plays to the dumber. Yeah, it's a character. I get it. He's a really intelligent guy when he's not around a camera. Most people are someone entirely different when a camera's on.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Well, yeah. This has been kind of a free-flowing conversation, huh? I'm into it. We haven't gotten any of the talk points. No, we haven't. We went on fucking hips. Can you hear me in this mic? Yes, I hear you in the microphone. That's what microphones do. They amplify your voice. Well, I can you hear me in this mic? Yes I hear you in the microphone
Starting point is 00:21:05 That's what microphones do They amplify your voice Well I can't hear my headphones And what headphones do Is make you hear that And I can't hear that So look at that Listen
Starting point is 00:21:12 What happened during Don't get sassy Because Jack Thriller Kicked you out the fucking interview No no no I'm not sassy because of that Kicked out of that Shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:21:21 I'm still wrong I'm still wrong with the tax narrative Listen So let me So alright So let's address what's happened during the week. What's happened during the week is, okay, I'm going to say this first.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I'm going to say this first, right? Because I'm not harping on this because I'm not allowed to harp on Drake anymore. But Drake did the whole rant from stage in Toronto, right, where he was super fucking tough. Fuck you niggas. I fucking killed all you niggas oh yeah
Starting point is 00:21:45 I fucking kill all you niggas I go over there about myself you niggas can't do nothing because I'm the boy right and I saw it and I said why is he doing that why is he doing that but I mean cool you're the best rapper in the world you're fucking the biggest guy go ahead and do it right three not even three days later, does God agree with me? And he sprays his ankle now, jumping up and down and got to cancel the three tour dates. I thought that was funny. I know I'm not allowed to talk or laugh anything,
Starting point is 00:22:15 Drake, but that was funny that he was super tough. And then God said, what are you doing? Now your ankle is broke and she got to cancel the tour. But that's my warped sense of humor. I'm not harping on anything. Is Drake the D-Rose of performers?
Starting point is 00:22:30 How many times? Wait, that little louder. How many rappers do you know, period, that have either tore their ACL or hairline fractured their ankle, period, in their whole careers? He's done both in like eight years. Oh, man. Which, hey, to all the OVO fans that I think we've all lost on this podcast, I am going to chalk that up to him being an active performer.
Starting point is 00:22:54 But wait, time out. I don't think that's fair. He should stretch, though. Get a trainer. OVO fans, I don't think that's fair that we lost y'all. I don't think that's fair. That's not fair. They liked us before. Yeah, but that's not fair. Because we were very Team Drake. I don't think that's fair. That's not fair. They liked us before.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, but that's not fair. Because we were very Team Drake. We're still Team Drake. Yo, how come that's so hard to get for people? Because you're angry in interviews. All right, whatever. I'm all for you. On to Drake's friend, though,
Starting point is 00:23:19 because this is where I'm concerned a bit. I didn't watch much of the Giants game, right? And ladies, don't be alarmed because you heard a sports team. We're not going to keep this as a sports conversation. Well, the Giants have Odell. However, Odell Beckham Jr. now, right? I watched the Giants lose that fucking game this past week. I watched Eli attempt to force and shove that ball in pockets that
Starting point is 00:23:47 did not exist. And after the game, Odell Beckham is doing a fucking interview, laughing and joking and talking about him in an imaginary fight with the fucking net from the game before last week. He told us the moment he started. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you serious? Like, are you this much of a fucking idiot?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Does he have a touchdown yet this year? Yeah, I ain't seen no dancing memes, so I'm going to assume no. I don't think he has a touchdown this year. So I want to ask, in all of Odell's greatness, because he is great. Phenomenal. He seems to be a lot more about the name on the back of the jersey. And that seems to be, it seems to be becoming a detriment to the team. And it's painfully obvious when you start doing an interview after a loss,
Starting point is 00:24:42 your third fucking loss in a row, by the way, about fighting of the net, punching you in the face after you hit it out of frustration because you can't control your fucking emotions every fucking Sunday? Am I off in this, or am I just a Giants fan that's like, because I'm a Giants fan, I feel this way?
Starting point is 00:25:03 You're certainly getting your talk radio on with the, he cares more about the name on his back than the squad. I hate when people say that, too. Because I'm a Giants fan I feel this way You're certainly getting Your talk radio on With the He cares more about the name On his back Than the squad But I hate when people say that too Yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:25:09 No you were very But only because This is my team You were very much the guy That's never played football Before in his life And I have played football Before in my life by the way
Starting point is 00:25:18 Just cause I didn't come To y'all little hipster Nike games That y'all had In the park Some more hipster shit That you did by the way. We prefer the term influencer.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yo, Nike Football Society was amazing. It was. I'll fight over that shit. I'll die for this Nike Football Society shit. Because you're a fucking hipster killer. You're a hipster killer. First of all, hipsters have guns. They're just vintage guns.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Because this is my team, Rory, I sound this way. Because I think of the other top wide receivers in football. Julio Jones. I don't even know if Julio Jones has a voice. They're bowling right now. Yes, they are. The Falcons are fucking bowling. I don't know what happened between last year and this year, but they're rocking.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah. Well, that was a bad year. The year before that, they were great.. Well, that was a bad year. The year before that, they were great. Yeah. Yeah, they just had a bad year. And they lost a lot of those guys. I never lost faith in the Vikings. But, okay, but listen, have you ever heard Julio Jones say a word?
Starting point is 00:26:16 Me neither. Me neither. Calvin Johnson, really heard him talk. I know he's retired. Wow. But I really heard him talk. Now you're like the white talk radio guy. Des Bryant, we've heard talk, but that's because that's the only man in Dallas.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Look what happens when you move to the suburbs. This is crazy. I've always lived in the suburbs. Yeah, a Jace. What are you talking about? A Jace. I'm so not hood. I don't pretend to be hood, by the way.
Starting point is 00:26:42 If any of y'all out there listening thought that I pretended to be hood, no. Actually, the opposite. When you drop out of school, you got to pretend to be smart. Pretend to be hood. But listen, I've never heard any of the other top wide receivers in the league say a fucking word. So for this guy to be. You said Gus Bryant doesn't say a word? Well, I said he's in Dallas and that's the homie.
Starting point is 00:27:00 We've heard him talk. But when he speaks, he's speaking passionately about football. Did Chad Johnson speak? Did T.O. speak? Did Randy Moore speak? You're taking me back to the 90s, dog. That's not the 90s. Well, still. I want to say that. You're taking me back to the 90s, dog. You're such a hipster. Always bringing the 90s
Starting point is 00:27:16 back up. Yeah, they spoke. But I'm talking about today. I'm talking about currently today. Fucking DeAndre Hopkins. Never heard a word i've never heard him talk well they're allowed to speak aj green i've never heard say a word i think you're upset about what they're speaking about no i'm showing you the behavior and first of all des bryant is in you said in dallas odell is in new york media is crazy in new york they don't
Starting point is 00:27:43 have a fucking camera in his face every five seconds. That's much more than any other wide receiver in a different market. I would love to hear my young, third-year, first-round, top-star receiver after a heartbreaking loss, your third loss in a row, I'm not agreeing with you there. I'm just saying, comparing it to other receivers. sound like you are hurt about the loss and not spend your time in front of a microphone discussing an imaginary fight that you had last week and a loss with the net that hit you back when you hit it.
Starting point is 00:28:14 That's what I'm saying as a Giants fan. That's what I'm saying. So we'll go from me being a Giants fan. Let me get all my frustrations out. Well, this one is on a positive note. To me being a Knicks fan, you can see how life is. You see why I'm grumpy? This is why I look up.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I'm a Giants fan. I'm a Knicks fan. Derrick Rose's trial has been underway. Me being the avid Knicks fan that I am have been keeping up with every single detail of it all. And I don't want to come off as insensitive guy but this is gonna get thrown out i think it is too and of course this is going down no sorry podcast today uh i mean i think it running to a civil suit off rip and you one could assume this was money this was not a criminal i wish maul was here because Maul did say all of this the entire way.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah. And Maul is one of my NBA living room insiders. You got to have some living room insiders. Yeah. Maul couldn't be here today, by the way. His mother's birthday. Yeah, so he's doing some fly shit for his mom. Joe didn't text him and say, you're fired.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And then never address it. Yo, people make me out to sound like such a shit ball. Because you are a shit ball. Should be making total sense in my head. That is not what happened, by the way. That's 1,000% what happened. Wait, say that one more time so I can make sure that's not what happened. You texted a person and said they were fired and then never spoke about it again.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yes, that is what happened. You texted a person and said that we're fired and then never spoke about it again. Yes, that is what happened. What do you say after you're fired? You're fired. I'm not having this conversation. Come sit down and let me pour you some coffee and tell you why. Like, what are you talking about? Like, in my head. It was your friend, you asshole.
Starting point is 00:30:01 In my head, it should be sounding so retarded. Business never fucking personal. And fuck Marissa. You should be saying fuck Marissa, too. She stole our sleeper pic. She stole our sleeper segment and ran it over there with Maul and the girl whose name I don't know. The other Maul. Ooh, is that why we brought Maul on?
Starting point is 00:30:19 I'm now seeing your plot here. I didn't even see it. It was right in front of my face. Goodness gracious. Wow. Hopefully that Derrick Rose stuff can get squared away. But in the interim, Brandon Jennings is balling. Sorry, ladies, but you got to know that around fall and winter,
Starting point is 00:30:33 we got to talk sports for a minute. Brandon Jennings doesn't look injured at all, and I'm excited about that. He was scoring and passing. He looks great. I was really excited. But it's pregame, so I've gone down this rabbit hole before with the Knicks Well no no I'm a battered wife when it comes to this team
Starting point is 00:30:51 I always run back when I shouldn't And I'm not going to quickly go back Just because the Knicks are telling me They're going to be alright this year They're going to change They brought some more people in The Knicks are like the girl Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:03 I've been down this before Plenty of times You love, I've been down this before plenty of times. You love this. You love going down this. I love the abuse. Listen, I'm not talking about the Knicks' overall chances and their shot at success. I have them at 46 games.
Starting point is 00:31:23 That's about where I have them. That's my prediction. But I've been saying that Derrick Rose and Brandon Jennings are going to go down before All-Star break. And looking at Brandon Jennings, looking at him, I know it's preseason, but it's good to see him move like that. Shout out to Brandon Jennings, who always wanted to be a Knick anyway. So wait a minute, time out now. So do I still get flack? I foresee so much fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:31:47 You know how much flack I got for the blog TV interview? Well, mistake interview that I did with Brandon Jennings after that draft. I never saw it. Stephen Curry went to fucking the Warriors when he should have went to the Knicks. And the Knicks picked the bum, whoever he picked. Well, we picked. I don't even remember his name at this point. You can't pronounce it either way.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Some bum, Jordan Hill. Jordan Hill, we picked him. Oh, I thought we picked an Eastern European guy at that point. No, we picked Jordan Hill, and then right after that, Brandon Jennings went, and that was my man. So we were talking, but I was on Blog TV, who had recently started recording everything that you blogged. So they recorded me with him on speakerphone,
Starting point is 00:32:27 basically saying how the Knicks should have picked him, and now he's going to shit on them for not picking him. And he got in a lot of trouble. Why did he get in trouble for that? Because he was now a member of the Milwaukee Bucks. Yeah, I'm going to go shit on the Knicks. Why are you saying what team should have picked you and where you wanted to play? I suppose. Oh, I didn't get picked you and where you wanted to play.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Oh, I didn't get that part. He said a lot. I wanted to play in New York. That's home. They need a guard. I don't know why they didn't pick a guard. They're picking a pound forward. Raymond Felton's a bum. He was talking like niggas.
Starting point is 00:33:02 He was talking like he was talking to his nigga. So you're the feds That's what you are Yeah Yes Yes Yes Sorry man Now I see why I put the S at the end of your name
Starting point is 00:33:12 It makes sense now Shut the fuck up So now he's on the Knicks You make good jokes sometimes But I don't know Something about what happens afterward Throws it off So it's not really funny
Starting point is 00:33:23 Really? It's your timing No my timing's fine It's your timing You're just sensitive Something about what happens afterward throws it off, so it's not really funny. Really? It's your timing. No, my timing's fine. It's your timing. You're just sensitive, and you mask it. It's okay. Moving on. No, we're not.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Am I sensitive, and I mask it, Rory? Huh? Would you stop? Oh, I see what's happening. I see what's happening here. It's only me and you here. Maul is gone. We haven't done one of these in a long time.
Starting point is 00:33:44 We haven't. Right? The people have been telling you you side with me too much, so now It's only me and you here. Mall is gone. We haven't done one of these in a long time. We haven't. Right? The people have been telling you you side with me too much, so now it's just shit on Joe Time. Am I sensitive and I mask it well? No, you're not. Fuck, Jesus. You're very insensitive, which was my point this whole podcast.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Get a little bit more sensitive when you're not in the booth. No, no. Listen, I say you're right. You're right. You're right. I do need to attempt that. This is the first album where I'm actually concerned about math. This is the only album that is that way because this is my first time being truly independent.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Oh, we were supposed to talk about, that's what we were talking about. The word flop. Birth of a Nation. We're all over the place. But yes, let's go segue because unfortunately, rape seems to be a topic of concern with three different areas with Derrick Rose, with Nate Parker and his movie, Birth of a Nation and Donald Trump. So, Nate Parker. Nate Parker.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Give us backstory here. Because I didn't even know this information until you told me. Yeah, we've actually been meaning to speak about this on the podcast, but for some reason we always forget or talk about other shit. Nate Parker was in college. Him and his roommate, who was also a writer on Birth of a Nation, got into, I guess you would call it, an incident with a woman. She was very intoxicated, and both of them had some form of sex with her.
Starting point is 00:35:06 I actually read through the whole phone conversation, which was recorded, I would imagine. And it's a little weird. I'll be honest with you. And, you know, with my bitterness and chip on my shoulder, usually I'm not the quickest person to run to the feminist side. But it was a little weird. The woman was definitely with Nate and was only around him and wanted to be with him. She got pretty intoxicated and was not with the shits the next morning. And it seemed genuine in the phone conversation because she seemed very uneasy and concerned on what happened. Very much different in the Derrick Rose case. Much fucking different.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Might I add, if you're not familiar. Which is why they're all getting tied together. I saw a woman, who I'm not going to say because I know her, tweet, Kobe did it, Derrick Rose did it, Nate Parker did it. How do you know that? And why are you tweeting that? See, my thing is certain allegations are so serious. There's really not much information on this Derrick Rose shit at all.
Starting point is 00:36:12 And I'm not saying, I'm not siding with anyone here. I'm making that clear. But I just wait for information to come out before I run to a fucking side. No, I've sided. I've sided. I'm with Derrick Rose on this one now that I've heard all the information. Well, we have information we can't say on here. No, no, that's not true. The trial is happening now.
Starting point is 00:36:31 So the information is coming out. Derrick Rose has been on the stand for the last two days. Which he shouldn't be on any stand. But listen, they put the girl on the stand. She cried, cried, cried. Okay, great. We got that from you. They put Derrick Rose on the stand. It sounds like the judge is fed up with the prosecutor. They're talking about he might declare mistrial. Listen,
Starting point is 00:36:51 the prosecution withheld three text messages that helped the defense's case. The girl didn't foul until two years after the fact. She continued sleeping with Derrick Rose and his buddies for two years after it's just it's a lot of holes there and let me tell you something chicks gotta start owning my bad
Starting point is 00:37:10 and chicks gotta start owning their fucking trains and i know that sounds wild here but you're dabbling into deep water here and i agree with you okay dabbling okay so let me preface this then because i don't want to be very very clearface this then, because I don't want to offend anyone. Please be very, very clear is what I'm telling you. I don't want to offend anyone here. What I'm saying is this, just so I'm clear and concise. Trains are happening. Very much so.
Starting point is 00:37:35 They are, especially with MCs and athletes. Consensual trains. Yes, consensual trains yes consensual consensual trains so what i'm saying is if you're having a consensual train ran because people are into whatever they're into own that shit own it don't don't use it as collateral or leverage to then try to jam a nigga up because in the derrick rose case, and I wasn't there, so I don't know what occurred, but when you don't foul until two years after you continue screwing him
Starting point is 00:38:10 and his friends and then you ask for money and you're told no and now is the issue. I have an issue with that even in relationships. Do you think that deserves jail time? What? Yes. Yes. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yes, yes, yes. As someone who has been through this. And to anyone who thinks we're being insensitive here, women that accuse men of rape and women that are raped, these are two totally different conversations. We sympathize 1,000% with women that get raped. I think that's disgusting. Continue.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah, let me please say that. I want to make sure that's clear. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And anytime a woman screams rape, I don't immediately think she's lying because I think women, we all think that. Which ain't the fucking, yeah. They think we're all pieces of shit that think every woman is, or every woman's lying.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I watch way too much Channel ID to ever think that that's not true. But in a lot of people's cases where we are not raping women, but are desirable, you get accused of it. but are desirable, you get accused of it. In my domestic abuse case, Rory, the young lady was able to foul and then the next day feel like she didn't want to be bothered with it at all. So you were angry, you felt a way, you took action, and then the next day you were able to wipe your hands of it because it didn't really occur.
Starting point is 00:39:24 And now the next two years I have to prove this to somebody. Well, the court system is designed for women. There's no repercussion. There's no recourse. There's no action taken upon women who recklessly try to jam men up. I know that comes off as insensitive to some people, but there needs to be some type of, the same way women have all of these fucking support groups, we need men's support groups. We do.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I've been saying that since bitches been allowed to get in the club for free before one and niggas always had to pay. I've been saying it. We need a hotline. Why is there not a nigga? This line's too long. Why is there not a nigga night in the club?
Starting point is 00:40:00 Ayo. I don't care about your little A-yo. There's a wording there. I'm just saying a night where all- I'm not going to that night. Well, me neither. Yikes. Why would I want to go to that night?
Starting point is 00:40:15 I guess that answers that question. But still, all these fucking years, this should have been a night where niggas didn't pay to get in the club. All right. We just got to go to the club and fucking take our hats off every fucking night fuck you but could you fuck you guy who gets to tell the guys that we can't wear hats in the club tell her to take her weave off there could be some shit under there too yeah yeah somebody needs to take your wig off for men's rights is what i think but i get it i'm a fucking nutcase all right could you imagine, if they brought that to Congress,
Starting point is 00:40:49 that women would have to do jail time for accusing men of rape? It's perjury. So I don't see why it's not pursued. My little sensitive moment, I had to walk into high school as a freshman in high school at 14, 15 years old and be called a rapist. Yo. As I lost my virginity, this is how I entered into fucking sexuality. This was the first thing I had.
Starting point is 00:41:15 You know what's funny? And I'm 26 now, and you hear my misogynism here. If I would have had a fucking hotline, I could have been a more nice guy. This is what's funny. So I've been watching The Family, which there's only one season for. They weren't re-upped for a second season. We know.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Like, it's three episodes. Yeah, we know. They canceled The Family. Have I been talking about that a lot? Three episodes. No, not three episodes. Yes. Oh, I've been talking about it for three episodes.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yes. We know it was canceled. We understand. Shut the fuck up, Rory. But my point is, this is why it was weird watching The Family, because it had a lot to do with sexual predators. And one of the characters on there, that's probably one of the reasons the show was canceled.
Starting point is 00:41:57 They kind of made you feel bad for one of the characters who happened to be a sexual predator, but only because he took a piss in a park oh yeah in a school zone so now you're a sexual predator boy his life was jammed up after that the gentleman the football player in high school that got accused and then recorded the girl like you after he got out of jail recorded her saying that it was a lie, and now is suing her for a large amount of money because I think he had to end up paying some money for that shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yeah, all of that is. That's jail time. I just did fucking six years for your lie, and now you're just good. Everything's fine. Oh, at least I'm out of jail, right? Money doesn't make that okay with me. Like, you know, I watch a lot of these crime suspense stories
Starting point is 00:42:45 because I'm a sick, twisted fuck. But when somebody is wrongfully accused and then they get out and then they're awarded X amount of dollars for each year they spent,
Starting point is 00:42:55 that doesn't, you can't replace time. Like, I can't imagine. I salute street niggas, I do. I do. When they brush off, nah, it's just a three to five.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Three to five? I'm going to go sit for five real quick and be good. Huh? Wait. Wait. What did you just say? I'm going to go sit for five really quick and be good? No.
Starting point is 00:43:20 I don't understand. I salute street niggas. Yeah. I'm in awe of that train of thought. I don't want to do an hour in general pop. I've done overnighters and I'm... That's why I start paying my child support. I keep going to jail.
Starting point is 00:43:38 That's why Trey's been around. Let me tell you something. Hey, this is horrible too But paying child support And now we're really just Having a free flowing conversation here I hope people are enjoying this Paying child support
Starting point is 00:43:51 If you're not enjoying this man Our bad Paying child support And taking care of your kid And taking care of your kid's Mom Is expensive And you have to do all three
Starting point is 00:44:02 We've spoke about this since You have to do all three Let's just get in Full men mode here I think fucking Receipts Invoices All that shit Need to come from child support
Starting point is 00:44:10 Where did you spend this money? Yeah And the judge tells you To give receipts If you ever hand your child Or your child's mother A dollar The judge expects you
Starting point is 00:44:20 To have a receipt for that Away from child support But not a receipt That's not even Yeah that's not even realistic. Like, that was always my thing to the judge. Like, really? I'm going to give my kid $100 and then ask him for a receipt or go get a receipt or go
Starting point is 00:44:35 write down every time I give my fucking kid some money? How do you sound? You have kids? Yeah, that's a tough thing to say to your kid. How'd you feel about the debate? It's hard to watch. It was the same consensus I had the last time.
Starting point is 00:44:50 We're watching the season finale of America. Yeah. We are. Oh, I really don't want to vote for either of these fucks. Yo, it's very important that if you are not registered to vote, please register to vote. Cont of these fucks yo it's very important that if you are not registered to vote please register to vote contradiction to me i know it i know it i know it presents wait wait wait i know it presents quite the conundrum and and you have to be of mature mind to even
Starting point is 00:45:18 understand what i'm saying but you well number one you have to register to vote uh i think the deadline is october 18th if you are not registered please do so please do so um shout out to nipsey hustle too who i saw started a uh registration drive on crenshaw i love nipsey hustle by the way nipsey's great he doesn't get as a as a rapper as an artist as a person probably more so than the other two. Absolutely. He is a really good guy. And I don't say that like him and I are fucking bestest buddies. I think there's a mutual respect.
Starting point is 00:45:54 But he's just a great guy. From what I see, he's great. Yeah. He maintains the right amount of low. Well, shit, when he— But he still curates his bass. This isn't a plug it's just it happens because it makes sense here. When he came to Hennypalooza in LA
Starting point is 00:46:09 I was there. That's why I'm saying it makes sense because we're talking about him and the three of us here. He pulled up in a car with one person his girlfriend. Walked in did a song real quick said hi to everyone. Chilled, smoked and then left. Didn't come with a thousand people. that's awesome
Starting point is 00:46:25 nipsey's awesome and if you're listening i'm sure he's nice in interviews too he's much nicer than i let me tell you when i see artists that are much nicer than myself i'm envious of it i believe it joelle is like that jo Joel can turn it fucking on and hate you, not want to be there, not want to do it, not want to answer it. Mack Wilde's another one. I just saw Joel at Sweet 36. I wonder if he really didn't like me. Shout out to Joel. I saw the video for the No Panty premiere with him and Bodega Bands where, to to me joel i got a lot of ray and ghosts
Starting point is 00:47:07 from that like spanish ray and ghosts i don't know if they did that on purpose i didn't i didn't see it i'll send you a picture because i screenshot joel in a yellow robe oh come on man bro you are set out to make you are set out to make me just getting This is just getting nuts. I don't know what it is, what happened this week in Atlanta with you. Hey, touche. I'm just pointing out some shit. You came back from Atlanta, you're trying to make me gay. We're talking about rape. This is getting weird.
Starting point is 00:47:36 What's happening, man? Where's Maul? Where's Marissa? Marissa's not walking through that door. All right, well, let's get back on track to end the Birth of a Nation thing. They're not seeing it because of this Nate Parker case. And, of course, I just said that I thought it was kind of rapey, his conversations with that girl. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:57 But, again, it's probably not my place to say, but I think that movie is much bigger than that individual's case and what you think of him. I have yet to see the movie. i would like to see the movie i'm apprehensive on seeing the movie because i don't know i always feel a way about movies that i know are going to make me feel away in real life yeah like when i'm going to walk out the theater fruitville station Station. That was a tough one to watch. I felt a way. Phenomenal movie, though. Leaving that theater. And I don't even think the movie was that phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I just think because it was real and we now got to see the course of this man's day and what we felt. Yeah. I think they grasped, even with the low budget feel, if you will. I think that grasped it even more. Yeah. Yeah, Fruitvale Station even with the low-budget feel, if you will, I think they grasp it even more. Yeah. Yeah, Fruitvale Station was a tough one for me. Malcolm X was a tough one for me. There's another one that was really a really tough pill to swallow that came out recently, but I don't remember
Starting point is 00:49:01 because my short-term memory is really bad. But I have yet to see A Birth of a Nation. I am going to see it. You're saying that people are saying that this movie is a flop somehow? It is a flop. How much money did this movie generate? From what I read, they've already recouped all the money. So I'm not quite sure your definition of a flop,
Starting point is 00:49:18 but I wouldn't call that a flop if in less than a week I have all the money that I invested into it. Yet again, here we are blaming 50 fucking cent. 50, this is all 50 cent's fault that you imbeciles do not know the direct meaning of flop. So let's talk about it. And I take that back. I shouldn't call anybody. I shouldn't begin name calling because people don't know something that's wrong. Flop.
Starting point is 00:49:43 But injustice is all 50's fault. No, this is 50s fault 100 50 is the reason that fans have no idea what flop means so in business if this gentleman nate parker spent and i'm just throwing figures out here if he spent 10 million dollars i'm sure it was much more than 10 million i know but well not him into just in general the budget 10 million were spent'm sure it was much more than 10 million I know but I'm just saying if 10 million were spent and 15 million was made that's not a flop that's not a flop
Starting point is 00:50:15 so I'm always you know the music business was always reliant upon fans not being very savvy and then fans began to get more and more and more knowledgeable, and then the music business had to find new ways to trick you because technology helped you so much, right? So I was always confused when fans would start calling things a flop
Starting point is 00:50:39 without having enough information to determine that. We never know how much these labels or artists are spending. Every artist is spending a different amount. So every artist's objective is different. Like, Kanye is going to Hawaii. He's going to fly everybody to Hawaii. He's not leaving Hawaii. If you want to come work on this shit, you got to come to Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:51:04 It's like, It's wild shit Or he's going to London Him and Jay They're locking in They think everyone is on the same playing field If you're a rapper You are compared to every last rapper No matter what the deal is
Starting point is 00:51:16 Today So with the Beans With the Beans shit going on right now Right We have yet to touch on that at all With the Beans shit going on right now I saw somebody tweet You know this is when Beans right now, right? We have yet to touch on that at all. With the Bean shit going on right now, I saw somebody tweet,
Starting point is 00:51:29 you know, this is when Bean's anti-gay remarks were floating around, and somebody tweeted, if he keeps that up, he's only going to sell 18,000 his first week. And I immediately thought, if Beanie Siegel sells 18,000 records in his first week, if he's independent, he's doing jumping jacks.
Starting point is 00:51:45 That's amazing numbers Beanie Siegel is jumping up and down happy as a fuck if him and that's what I learned from that
Starting point is 00:51:52 let's also make it clear he wasn't he never said he had he said he had a project coming out but he didn't give a date he just said he got music coming
Starting point is 00:52:00 so I wouldn't let anyone expect a Beans album to come right now a Beans album is come right now. A Beans album is coming. Now, right now, no, I'm not going to jump out there and say right now.
Starting point is 00:52:11 But a Beans album is coming on that Charlamagne interview. Who's handling Beans business right now? And I'm asking, because this isn't a shot that anyone's doing. On the interview, on the interview, and the hat that he was wearing, I don't want to fuck it up,
Starting point is 00:52:24 but I think it was BMT, or I'm fucking it up right now. But there's a group of people that have invested in Beanie Siegel. He did a deal. And I want to make it clear that my point here is saying I'm not doubting anyone in his corner, but to put an album out independently is extremely difficult. If Beanie Siegel were to put out...
Starting point is 00:52:45 That requires the artist to be very much involved in putting that album out when Beans has been very much used to a structure like Def Jam and Rockefeller. If Beans has put out an independent album before, I stand corrected, but I'm going off an artist that is used to saying, I'll be doing the creative shit.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I'll be delivering amazing music. You guys package it and put it out. Let me know where I need to be. How did we feel about, well, no, that's not what I want to ask. If Beans were to put out an independent project six months from now, what do we envision it selling?
Starting point is 00:53:24 Remember we used to try to guess the numbers When the albums came out Why did we stop doing that? Because enough albums didn't come out I used to do that in Kevin Lyle's office And win all the time I don't know if that happened on this podcast Where you won all the time
Starting point is 00:53:34 We weren't keeping track I won Meek Did you? Yeah and it was brought up on The Breakfast Club That's besides the point though Give me how many records Beans would sell, Beans would sell independently. First week or in total? Both.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Let's do first. We always do first week. All right, so do first week. I'll give Beans 12. I think if Beans were to sell 12,000, somebody would be happy somewhere. I see Beans doing 12. Because I don't think he would spend that much money. I think a lot of Beans consumers have gotten somewhat wind of what's going
Starting point is 00:54:08 on but are not sitting at their house waiting for a Breakfast Club interview to come on. So Beans being independent and not having that machine behind them to get to the consumers that typically buy a Beans album is very tough. This was my problem with the two Beans disc records. I have refused to listen to any
Starting point is 00:54:24 of them. I listen to them both beans is still a phenomenal MC that'll never change still to this day the voice alteration does that's what does affect a lot I can't and I don't know if that makes me a bad fan I'm sure his lyrics are there I just they are I can't listen and the flow is there everything is there still except like for his voice like but because beans his voice was such a great delivery that it's just so hard to hear it that way and i know it's from unfortunate circumstances and i would like him to get a mix down on both of those disc records because they don't those beats that he picked brought me back to Rockefeller last decade,
Starting point is 00:55:05 especially the second one. It even made us accept his voice on the second one. Well, me anyway. Let me speak for myself. Even to the mixes, that goes back to being an independent artist used to a structure. He now has to be responsible for getting his things mixed. He's not passing it off to A&R.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I went a lot of years in my career without mixing music. I remember. I think that was your sound, though, at that point with the mixtapes. That was kind of everyone's sound during that mixtape era. Yeah, I kind of wanted the music to feel like an old cassette.
Starting point is 00:55:38 If G-Unit fucking mixed any of those records, they wouldn't have sounded as good. No. And then, you know what's funny? Let me tell you what's funny about that. So I went all these- Fucking DJs was stealing dats. You think the dats were mixed?
Starting point is 00:55:48 I went all these years without mixing, right? And a lot of fans complained about the lack of mixing. And then on Moon Music 4, I mixed the entire project and people complained that it was too polished.
Starting point is 00:56:01 They claimed it was too clean. Listen, man. People gonna find something to complain about Especially fucking Joe Budden fans Let's see What else happened
Starting point is 00:56:09 Charlamagne with the beans thing How do you feel about that What that entire interview Or did you listen to the entire interview Oh yeah I watched it I watched the entire thing as well I think with I mean I totally understand
Starting point is 00:56:20 From Breakfast Club perspective That's clickable Having beans back on But I think tax That's really clickable I think tax No that's clickable, having Beans back on. That's really clickable. No, that's why I get why they had him on. But I think Tax did such a phenomenal job with that Beans interview. I didn't need that. And I think Charlemagne asking those questions, which may have not been asked on Tax's podcast, weren't necessary.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Charlemagne was doing his job. I totally disagree with that. I'm not mad. I totally disagree with that. I'm not mad at Charlamagne at all. But it was kind of like berating him at some point and it was just, it was kind of like the Dame shit, just more aggressive.
Starting point is 00:56:53 No. I got a totally different interpretation from watching that. On the Tax podcast, which was an amazing podcast, it was great. Shout out to Tax. My only issue was
Starting point is 00:57:06 Tax may not be the best interviewer. So he really did himself in the podcast a great justice by not interviewing him. By just letting him have...
Starting point is 00:57:15 I think Tax not saying anything would have made it so phenomenal. I agree. And not to Tax just because Beans had so much to say. Let him talk. I think that's a good interviewer
Starting point is 00:57:23 in that instance. I'm agreeing. Let someone speak. So in that part, I think, yeah, good interviewer in that instance. I'm agreeing. Let someone speak. So in that part, I think, yeah, Tax did a great job there. I'm agreeing. And now that that interview was mainstream and widespread, because it was. That was the best podcast of the fucking week. Probably one of the best podcasts of the year, we said last week.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Now let's hear someone counter some of these points. Let's hear someone with a different way of thinking ask some questions. Do you think Charlemagne asked them in the right way, though? I listened to what Charlemagne had to say about the tax podcast on his podcast, Brilliant Idiots. I didn't hear that. I mean, I had to hear that because I had to see if your stance was exactly the same and it was his stance was exactly the same he had the same points the same questions and he
Starting point is 00:58:12 asked them with the gentleman sitting in the room I thought he handled himself extremely well I never get the people that that say someone was punked because the other person sounded more aggressive I don't ever understand that. I didn't see... There's people that think the louder you say your point, the more valid it makes. Yeah, y'all are idiots. If I'm trying to be nicer, I shouldn't say that. But y'all are not...
Starting point is 00:58:33 Y'all are unsmart. Like, for real, Charlemagne was firm in his position. He repeated a few questions. That's what I was saying. It was almost like badgering at the end because he had already answered those questions. But I like the fact that you can tell that Charlamagne and Beans had some rapport.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Beans was Beans. Charlamagne was Charlamagne. I just will never get any time somebody says that somebody was punked because someone else was more aggressive. I don't think he was punked. Not at all. It was great. So I enjoyed him asking the questions that he asked.
Starting point is 00:59:12 You know what I enjoyed, which no one spoke about, is Envy fucking just trying to come up with questions on the fly when he refused to speak. Okay, now time out. Hey, time out. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Why did no one mention that? Envy just sitting there like, so what's up with Beans?
Starting point is 00:59:28 What's the future with Beans? And are you doing an album? Like he was just sitting there. Let me use my- Just trying to come up with shit. Let me use my podcast to air my personal grievances really quickly. Watching that interview,
Starting point is 00:59:40 back to a point I made a few podcasts ago, do we not see how Envy is not the A-Mike On The Breakfast Club Well I say by definition he's the A-Mike He intros everyone He does the segments to commercial He intro'd that Beans interview And after his four word intro
Starting point is 00:59:57 Alright y'all Breakfast Club Charlamagne was right there the rest of the way Of course Which is an A-Mike And totally outside of that Envy I put that
Starting point is 01:00:06 fucking Styles freestyle out my freestyle featuring featuring Styles Rage in the Machine October 21st make sure you go
Starting point is 01:00:15 get that help me celebrate my independence and Envy gonna retweet it talking about yo Styles killed that verse
Starting point is 01:00:21 on that freestyle like huh I mean he did don't look at me that way Yo, Styles killed that verse on that freestyle. Like, huh? I mean, he did. Don't look at me that way. Yeah, he did. Styles didn't kill it? Yes, he did.
Starting point is 01:00:37 He did. Part of why I called him. Styles is great. You can never say Styles killed it and be wrong he's a phenomenal mc that's not what i'm speaking about just playing devil's advocate here really envy like really well and styles killed it really defense styles did kill it kill it. What's our next what's our next
Starting point is 01:01:06 talk point? Rihanna's fucking Travis Scott now. I thought she was doing that already. on Instagram. I know I'm not allowed to. You're a faggot
Starting point is 01:01:15 to know that. Oh my God. I am. Holy shit. I am. I am. Hey, I pillow talk with my girl, man.
Starting point is 01:01:22 What do you want me to do? We talk about shit. Girls like talking About that shit And you have to be able To fucking listen And sound like You want to hear it When your girl
Starting point is 01:01:31 Is talking to you About stupid internet shit How many people Does Rihanna follow Not saying that Sin did that Cause I definitely Brought it up to her
Starting point is 01:01:37 But anyway She's pillow talking With you You're not pillow talking With her Yeah yeah Yeah Sin's great Sin's great
Starting point is 01:01:43 Fucking chatty petty How many people does rihanna follow how the fuck do i know that faggot i don't fucking know what so people are sitting in her follow shit and refreshing it and seeing who's not there anymore she's only the biggest star of the generation oh she also came out during a beyonce set i thought that would be beyonce brought her up uh if i read that correctly now you, now you're scaring me from saying it. So I'm not going to say it now. Beyonce brought out Young M.A. and A Boogie.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Did she? At MetLife. Get out of town. She's the queen, though. Well, we know that she loves the Young M.A. record. We know she loves that record. A Boogie? Yo, can you just stop hating on A Boogie with the hoodie?
Starting point is 01:02:25 Like, he's dope. Just accept it. What do you mean accept it? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. You're only my friend to tell me what's dope that the young people like. And then berate me for it.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Yeah, because you're a fucking da-dun-da-dun. But it's fine. You had some T-Pain talk you wanted to talk about. That's in my talk points right now, since we're organized now. No, no, no, no, no. Let me see. T-Pain, right? I was listening to a record,
Starting point is 01:02:47 the record that Maul actually played for the Sleeper Pig, Dreezy featuring T-Pain. Amazing record. Amazing record, right? I was listening to this record last night with San and Ash and Ash. Hi, San and Ash and Ash.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Hi, babe. And somebody said, wow, I love this record. And then I immediately harkened back, harked back to when I was putting out, I was trying to put a record out, my last album. Was it All Love Lost or No Love Lost? One of the loves lost.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And I was trying to get T-Pain on record. I remember the record. When E1 was telling me that T-Pain wasn't really hot, so why would I do that? And at the time, I think T-Pain wanted $25,000 for a verse and a hook, which I'm such a huge T-Pain fan,
Starting point is 01:03:36 I would have no problem paying T-Pain $25,000 for a verse and a hook. Even if I deemed it to... I might have the record in my iTunes. Oh, the record that we wanted him on? Yeah, yeah. say did t-pain send something no why this why is it not out whoa wait a second here no no no the record we wanted him on yeah so no no don't play because i'm still
Starting point is 01:03:56 sending that record to him i texted him the other day and said it's on my bucket list to work with you so whatever nigga i can see how niggas don't really fuck with me Look at the texts I send niggas wanting to work Well shit He also lied to us about how poppin' Dwayne Wade's Bowling party was So I don't trust a woman to come out and do it to T-Pain What a lie But when E1 told me that
Starting point is 01:04:19 That T-Pain wasn't hot I was confused by it So I asked Ash and Sin Ash and Ash and Sin I said could T-Pain wasn't hot. I was confused by it. So I asked Ash and Ash and Sin, I said, could T-Pain ever not be hot? Like, is cold ever really cold for T-Pain? And the first thing that they said was, not really because T-Pain basically reinvented an entire style of music.
Starting point is 01:04:43 I agree with that. Yeah. Couple that with the fact that you have to have hood classics and hits to be in that category and be in contention for the never being cold category. And T-Pain has both. I know that T-Pain is not current on radio right this second, and I know the younger people may not be blasting T-Pain and their vehicles right this second,
Starting point is 01:05:13 but you can do an entire T-Pain set in the club. I'll take my Tupac in the club argument that I had with Maul at my pool gathering a few weeks ago. You can do an entire T-Pain set, and the club is going to rock for quite some time i don't think you're going to disagree with that well you know my love for t-pain so if t-pain and and oh and they also said when i was having this conversation they said t-pain is very much like dream in which they both can put out a bunch of records that we
Starting point is 01:05:41 don't really give a fuck about but we give a fuck about them yeah we don't have to check for every single underground dream or uh t-pain release rory i agree with your tweet about 1977 being a very underrated project and christina million not getting the credit she deserves for inspiring that amazing dream project even though i do think dreams last album is tridash by the way it was an ep i listened to it nah he put an album out maybe i missed the album he played yeah you did it was it was not a lot of people knew about it not a lot of people knew i'm just such a big dream fan i listened to it it was trash i hated everything about it well look at god when i was in atlanta i was at a hookah spot and i ran into uh boo boo for the people that don't know is is Akon's brother.
Starting point is 01:06:27 And I mentioned that when I got back to our table. And a young woman said, what the fuck is Akon doing? Yo, you know what's funny? I just said that last night. Not in the way you would have said it, though. As in, like, he's not relevant type shit. And it had me thinking that there's certain artists like a G-Unit can do that. An Akon can do that.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Tour around the world and make $5 million in six months. Yo, so let me tell the idiot fans out there. When you have a record slash records or a body of work that you can perform for the rest of your life, you're never really irrelevant. You're not really irrelevant. And I was trying to think of artists in urban commentary music that have more money than Akon. Did you say commentary? Oh, I may have mispronounced that.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I'm sorry. I was like, wow. Could it be the jam? That sounds like an ill genre. Oh, you're not on that yet? Compentary. See, that's why Rory's my friend. Hipping me to all the cool slang.
Starting point is 01:07:29 No, I'm incompetent. That's what that is. Yo, you would have to hear the very first time that I heard the term say less. Did I ever tell you that story? No, but let me finish my convict rant. Perfect right here, but go ahead. I was saying with the artist That Akon is responsible for Why doesn't
Starting point is 01:07:46 Fucking Convict music Get the credit All these other crews get Number one It doesn't sound as cool You got Akon Off rip obviously T-Pain
Starting point is 01:07:57 T-Pain Right now you Lady Gaga Nah she never Repped Convict Even though she was Convict Yeah She didn't rep it.
Starting point is 01:08:05 But okay, let's give you Gaga, T-Pain, Akon. French Montana. Don't lie. French Montana. Red Cafe. What? No, I'm not. Yeah, he repped Convict.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Come on. He was Convict Music. Jeremiah was on Convict Music. French repped Convict for what I feel like was a few months. He repped it. Oh my God. Jeremiah was on convict music rep convict for what i feel like was a few months he repped it jeremiah was on it vato was on it knock it off a lot of people have been on convict yo you know it's funny that you bring this up you you not knowing what say less means because you're old as fuck oh wait i was about to go into something else but finally stay there for a minute so fucking i was having a text conversation. Youngberg was on COVID.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Why do you know all of this? I'm a music connoisseur. What can I say? I'm a hipster. What can I say? Oh, my God. All right, so say less. We won't get into say less shit.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Albie Al taught me what fucking say less meant. I had no idea what it meant. I thought it meant say less. Like, say less. What does mean say less? Yeah had no idea what it meant i thought it meant say less like say less okay what does mean say yeah in context whatever um i had another point to get to what were you just talking about all this oh so one day on this podcast funny you bring that convict shit up one day i wanted to talk about some of the greatest crews in hip-hop that never existed can I get one example the Commission okay um whatever that name was of Ja Rule X and Hove because that picture was floating around the internet
Starting point is 01:09:35 they were supposed to release an album technically was but if since you're older correct me if I'm wrong it was supposed to be murder Inc and then murder Inc it never happened and Murder, Inc. became Murder, Inc. That is what happened. Yeah. With the freestyle over the dum-dum. You know the fucking freestyle.
Starting point is 01:09:50 There was the source cover, Excel cover, whatever it was. It said Murder, Inc. in the front before Murder, Inc. was a thing. I ain't gonna lie. If Ja Rule, DMX, and Hov
Starting point is 01:09:57 would have became a group, that would have been like the Hall of Fame class of Garnett, Duncan, and Kobe. That would have been better than the commission? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Don't chill.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Don't sleep on Charlie Baltimore. The commission was whole, big Charlie Baltimore. Foxy Brown. No, not Foxy Brown. That was the Foxy. Charlie Baltimore. Charlie Baltimore. I feel like somebody's missing from that.
Starting point is 01:10:21 They're going to kill us, too. But whatever. I don't remember right now. I don't know if it was Cam I don't remember who was supposed to be in it but I know that the crew was supposed to be ill
Starting point is 01:10:29 Foxy might have been I don't know well she was I don't know if you ever heard of this group The Firm The Firm she was in that one
Starting point is 01:10:34 I know well do we count The Firm with Cormega yeah because that never came to fruition outside of that album which people deemed a flop I really enjoyed that album
Starting point is 01:10:43 I don't know why that album why was that a flop why I really enjoyed that album. I don't know why that album. Why was that a flop? Why? Because it didn't sell what a group of that magnitude was considered to be able to sell. There's two things that I found out weren't a flop. It was when Dre got on, forgot about Dre, and said The Firm flopped. And I was like, I didn't know The Firm flopped.
Starting point is 01:10:59 And then when I got on Twitter and everyone hated Tribe's last album. Two things I never knew existed. You're in the age group where you would miss that. Yeah, people thought that The Firm flopped. That album came out a while ago. And yeah, people thought
Starting point is 01:11:12 Tribe's last album was bad. I like Tribe's last album. Damn, man. I was just getting somewhere. You're just consequence biased. That's why. No, I don't think it was trash.
Starting point is 01:11:23 I had an amazing point that I was about to get to from all of this, and now I don't really remember what it was. Jesus, my memory is bad. Oh, whatever. This has been all over the place. This is either going to be an amazing podcast. This is great, though. Or fucking horrible.
Starting point is 01:11:41 I love this. I love the fact that we have hopped all over everywhere. I love it. It's pretty good. I love this. I love the fact that we have hopped all over everywhere. I love it. It's pretty good. I'm into it. What else occurred? It's been kind of a slow week. Yeah, the only thing I think we left out in my talking points was Trump being a rapist, too.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I think that was it. I'm 60 grand away from recoupment that's so we gotta sell your album here so I have tell us why we should buy it so I have to say you know that hate that question that might be one of the worst questions an interviewer could ever ask me that's like when a girl asked you why are you single and you're secretly a sociopath in your head and you're like I don't think you want to know the answer to that why are you single
Starting point is 01:12:29 bitch you have no idea cause I should be bitch yo anytime you and I get in a room by ourselves it ends up teetering the line of could be offensive to someone and I don't want to be that way because in the last-
Starting point is 01:12:45 This has been one of the most politically correct conversations we've ever had. In the last week, I have followed quite a few feminists on Twitter. They be going ham. Good luck, yo. They be going hard, too. I don't have the capacity to do it. No, I do it. I do it.
Starting point is 01:12:59 I don't know why I do it, but I do it. I used to defend, and of course I attack feminists all the time. I used to defend when people would be you tweet too much this and that be like the shit is in my hand feminists do you have a job who can tweet that much yeah I don't really understand I don't really understand that one either I never understood I used to know I used to defend that man I should you know if you can work and tweet the other day the feminists be going off the other day I thought cuz so many people say it's just Twitter or that used to be a saying.
Starting point is 01:13:28 No, it's not just Twitter. It's just Twitter. I've never, ever, ever thought it was just Twitter. So the other day in my very euphoric state, I wondered, well, as I was scrolling my timeline, I wondered, what would a lot of us be doing without Twitter? Twitter is very fucking helpful. And of course I say that from the viewpoint of an
Starting point is 01:13:51 independent artist. But I see so many people driving in their business from Twitter. So without it, if it were to just disappear tomorrow. Twitter changed music I think even more. I think streaming happened because of Twitter. So without it, if it were to just disappear tomorrow... Twitter changed music I think even more. I think streaming
Starting point is 01:14:07 happened because of Twitter. And I know that's a weird thing to say, but I think it's put artists to consumer way more than Facebook or Instagram or any other social platform could because you update your Twitter so often. Facebook, you don't do that as much. So you're living and dying by what's being refreshed there.
Starting point is 01:14:24 And I think that instant gratuity there there I think I'm using another wrong word gratification thank you instant gratification I think happens with streaming and having your entire music world off one click I think it's how consumers became and I think that's why independent and why labels are dying right now is because shit I could open could open my phone, my artist say, hey, here's a record. Click Spotify link. That's a great, you know, speaking of, I would like to invite any major label recording artists to come on this podcast and tell me how you get paid. No, really.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I would really like to know that that i'm having a hard time understanding and this is just me and my brain i know i'm a little off sometimes i'm having a hard time understanding why people are so quick to relinquish their rights today with technology being the way that it is and with labels taking all that they're taking and offering what they're offering. How are you getting paid? You're getting paid from the same ways, if not less than me. And independent acts. I haven't been in the Def Jam office in a long time,
Starting point is 01:15:37 but I see they're signing people, i.e. Dave East, which I thought was great. But in the same instance, they have to change the deals. Like the way Kevin and Lior did the 360 deal when the music industry was changing a bit. Like there has to be a new structure of signing somebody. And I wouldn't know anymore because I'm not involved in that world anymore. I'm going through that now with my publishing agreement, which was signed in the year 2001. Well, publishing, I mean, shit.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Between MP3s and now streaming, you can't imagine publishing is even remotely close to what it used to be. Well, no, I would say it is one, but I think in 2001... There's got to be publishing to a minuscule of a click now, not buying an album. In 2001, publishers totally ignored independent acts
Starting point is 01:16:26 and the game has shifted in a way where you can't there's plenty of revenue to be collected from being an independent act so you've had to modify the publishing agreements so i'm currently going through that right this second um but yeah I just don't see it maybe my views are a bit skewed here because of my stance and where I stand my stance and where I stand which is the same exact thing go just we're doing great words today is fucking ladies and gentlemen Joe button my stance and where I stand. Fucking smart idiot. Where's Jack Thriller when you need him? I didn't say that,
Starting point is 01:17:08 by the way. Yo, what else happened this week? It's been a slow week. It's been a very slow week. Really? I think we kind of covered a shitload.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I'd ask Pat where we were with time, but I have no fucking idea. Hey, Pat, where are we with time? Pat, were you laying on the floor? The fuck?
Starting point is 01:17:23 I don't know what type of yoga shit Pat was doing just now. Way to go, Pat. Jesus. Hour and some change. That's about right. I still feel like I'm missing something. Hour and 18.
Starting point is 01:17:36 I'll figure it out whenever we... My words and my math are wrong. Every time we leave this podcast, 10 minutes after we go, I say, God damn it. Why the hell didn't I touch on that? All right, we'll have Pat pause it. Walk out i'm not doing that we good um uh the album raging machine out october 21st i have to do that here because i feel like this is the only place where you can get joe budden uncensored and like really actually being himself and not having to deal with fuckhead
Starting point is 01:18:02 excuse me i thought you were always yourself when you walked into interviews. I am, but I'm guarded, of course, because I'm answering the same exact questions. Guarded? Is that a facade? Rage in the Machine album, October 21st. I'm going to continue to promote that even if A-Rab does not. Listen, man, A-Rab hasn't tweeted in like five years, so that don't count. A-Rab has contributed way more than I could ever ask him to, so A-Rab can continue to do whatever the fuck A-Rab wants to do.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Raging Machine is coming out. Shout out to A-Rab. Next week. Next week my album is coming out. So Joe Budden fans, I will try to convince him to do a listening session next week. Me warning you guys now, my shit ain't. How do you even classify this album? It's not emo.
Starting point is 01:18:46 I'm so excited. It's not romantic. It's not either of those things. So it's either going to be really, really, really good or really, really, really, really bad. No bias at all. It's a great album.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I'm just... It's like car music. I cannot wait to just see... It's car music. Your fucking... Your fans just go nuts at you. It's phenomenal rapping.. I cannot wait to just see. It's car music. Your fucking, your fans just go nuts at you. It's phenomenal rapping. Well, why would my fans be going nuts at me?
Starting point is 01:19:10 Because it's not suicidal, depressive, depressing. Yeah, the fans that loved All Love Lost. Slit your wrist. I'm seeing a few of those people out there, the people that are like, I saw somebody, I think Lucy tweeted some bum shit. She tweeted, yo, Joe put out all love laws and made me hate everybody and then went and fell in love.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Yeah, you ain't shit for that. Yo, can we not? You're the friend that says we'll stay single all summer and then goes and gets a boyfriend. You're that chick. I'm Beyonce. It's all my single ladies while she's fucking married. Whatever. I don't care. That album's hard, though. It's all my single ladies while she's fucking married. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:19:46 I don't care. That album's hard, though. It's a hard out. It's a good listen. It's the most concise listen I've ever put out. I normally am. But fuck all that, because All I've Lost was mad, long-winded with mad bars, and nobody gave a fuck.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Nobody cared. Nobody cared. Did they not care? I ain't selling a fucking record, so no, they ain't care. Oh, I like the album And E1 Let me tell you something Now that I'm truly independent
Starting point is 01:20:08 I fucking recognize How much money you niggas made You rat bastards Without paying me my audit You bastards Real soon Let me throw that out there For the record
Starting point is 01:20:16 Well yeah Fucking Alan Rage is hard I had to fucking I texted Joe When I was listening to it Into my office And I said
Starting point is 01:20:23 Dog I just listened to the intro And I think I might suplex Janice in accounting over a copier. You should. Intro's hard. Intro's hard. It's a good album.
Starting point is 01:20:31 It's a good album. I mean, I know people hate me, so you'll find a way to hate it or hate it. Fuck you, Rory. But it's good. It's good. Sorry, man. So, yeah, we hitting the road next month. Let me get all my shameless plugs out the way.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Hitting the road next month That shit is in two weeks Oh yeah Not next month Damn Shit I better get my show together Yeah we hitting the road In two weeks
Starting point is 01:20:52 We start The 22nd At BB King's In New York The 23rd We're in Boston Middle East And then we rocking
Starting point is 01:20:59 From there Get your tickets now You can check my Twitter At Joe Budden Or my Instagram At Joe Budden To my Instagram At Joe Budden To be updated with that As they come in
Starting point is 01:21:09 So yeah we're gonna have a good tour We're gonna have a good album We're gonna have a good winter And then we're gonna get ready For the pool party in the spring Now that we're settled Into my mansion Yeah
Starting point is 01:21:18 Now that we're settled in Fuck your mansion Oh don't be horrible Don't do that I hate that place Yeah me too But still it's beautiful And I feel like in the winter I'm gonna hate it even more It gets really cold in there With all the fucking windows Imagine. Oh, don't be horrible. Don't do that. I hate that place. Yeah, me too, but still, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:21:27 And I feel like in the winter, I'm going to hate it even more. It gets really cold in there with all the fucking windows. I just had to fucking cut the heat on them. I'm a little mad about that. It's huge. So yeah, we'll be all settled in by then. We'll have a good pool party in the spring. And just that fast, your entire year is mapped out. And you want to just pray to God that you make it to see another day?
Starting point is 01:21:41 Wow. Way to end that. Sleeper songs. Oh, yeah. Let's do a sleeper song. Do I have. Sleeper songs. Oh, yeah. Let's do a sleeper song. Do I have a sleeper song? I have mine. Let's do a pause,
Starting point is 01:21:50 even though it's two of us in here and there's been mad gay jokes. Only from you might I add, undercover gay man. Excuse me. You made a shot at Atlanta and said that I was doing gay things down there
Starting point is 01:22:02 because I was in Atlanta. Or was I just saying the truth Tune in next week to find out On Undercover Rory Alright bro This is getting out of hand We should really end this Play a fucking sleeper dickface
Starting point is 01:22:16 I got the oxes right there for you Why you got some shit that's gonna body in What you playing I'm going to cuffing season It's really cold outside So I I'm going to cuffing season. I don't know what I'm playing. It's really cold outside, so I'm gonna play a cuffing season record.
Starting point is 01:22:29 So go ahead and play it because I gotta find out what I'm playing. I have no idea what I'm doing. Stop trying to mold the situation like, oh, I had no idea.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Nah, I've been blasting Imani all day because he's got a project coming out soon. Black Heart available. Follow Amani at TheOnlyAmani because this shit is hard. Let's see here. What will I play?
Starting point is 01:22:53 All right. I got mine. I should play an Amani record. But you did that already. Have I played an Amani? Yeah, you did that a few weeks ago. I played an Amani record a few weeks ago? No, I didn't. A few months ago, you did. Yeah, when ago. I played an Amani record a few weeks ago? No, I didn't. A few months ago, you did.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah, when his last EP came out. Really? Because it's my man's. And it was a great record. Oh, so I played an Amani record then. Well, is it out yet? Don't be a dick. Yeah, it's out.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, I did The Other Side of Love from his last EP, which was great. All right, so I'm going to do I Belong to You Then. All right, so mine is not really a record it's a mashup if you will shout out to all the West Indians
Starting point is 01:23:31 no I'm not playing Soca this is for all the Cuffin Season people it is Beyonce Speechless Rocket and D'Angelo Untitled all mashed up
Starting point is 01:23:40 into one record it's seven minutes long which is perfect for adult sex not young sex before you before you continue do you know Ash shout out to Ash all mashed up into one record. It's seven minutes long, which is perfect for adult sex, not young sex. Before you continue, do you know Ash,
Starting point is 01:23:49 shout out to Ash. Ash is so great. She should be in marketing. Ash suggested that some of those verified mixes I should let rock after the podcast. That'd be cool. For just like an hour of music. Do you think they would take us down?
Starting point is 01:24:02 Yeah, I do think they would take us down. Dude, we couldn't even have shook ones for 30 seconds yeah but i'm listening to all these other podcasts and all these niggas with their fucking intros and all this extra added production shit they don't take them down we'll see one day i'm not let's try it with just just a verified mix on like your shit yeah we'll see what happens all right ahead You were saying Alright yeah This is called Untitled Rocket By Jay Beats Who is the DJ
Starting point is 01:24:29 This is Speechless Rocket And D'Angelo Untitled Boy I thank you for that Special announcement I do love this a lot I got this from you Right Yeah That's great I'm actually mad I never played it Boy, I thank you for that special announcement. I do love this a lot. I got this from you, right?
Starting point is 01:24:45 Yeah, that's great. I'm actually mad I never played it again. I love you. I can't stand it, I can't stand it I can't stand it, I can't stand it Don't you know that I do Oh baby Oh yeah, ooh yeah Yes Lord, baby Baby, oh yeah, ooh yeah, yes, Lord
Starting point is 01:25:25 Baby, oh yeah, oh yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby Oh yeah, oh yeah, ooh yeah, yes, Lord Baby, let me sip this ass he killed this body this i kind of want to know how the he did this i didn't give this gem to too many people even though this has 88 000 views not too many people know about this in the general public this is a hip thing. If anyone uses a condom to this record, you do not deserve to have this record. First of all, what is a condom, number one? It's something you put on like a hamburger.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Never heard of it. Like a hamburger. Or like a hot dog or something. You know, the things at McDonald's, they have them next to the straws. Well yeah, that goes on, D'Angelo comes in. It's seven minutes long, which is great for people that want to have... It's great for niggas that's done in seven minutes like me.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Like to the point sex. Ma, you ain't get this out the way in seven minutes. I don't know what to tell you, baby. So, I'm going to play Amani Belongs to You. He's going to kill me because it's to You, He's Gonna Kill Me, because it's not the mastered version of the record. It's the version that he sent me. Sorry, Amani, in advance.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Wait, hold on. It's such a great record. Do I have? I don't care. Let's play this version. I might have the real version on my laptop. No, no, but we don't want to give that to them here. They can buy it.
Starting point is 01:27:02 I guess that's fair. They can buy it and get the real version. Amani, you bodied this should be. Oh, no. Guess what? I only it with the real version I'm on you body this should be oh no guess what I'm gonna have the rough I'm not even saying that cuz you my man either dead ass I'm but you already know about these things eat take it all off of me spread your legs like you jump man 23 I know you're not stripping for free when you real E, my bad And I ain't paying for no material That's been making me want you so bad Come work for this morning I reserved a spot right in front of you I'm throwing these walls and it's just us two
Starting point is 01:27:53 Knew I have to do this every time So stay on your mind Cause if I do, I will, I will Girl, the stage belongs to you And every single one I throw on your body, baby If I leave, I'll come in two Well, tonight's the night you do That's Imani. It's called Belongs To You. It's on a new EP coming out real soon. It's called Black Heart. I'm going to kick it with Imani It's called Belongs To You It's on a new EP Coming out real soon It's called Black Heart
Starting point is 01:28:26 I'ma kick it with Imani soon I gotta call him afterward About a tour week going on And that's all we got man Rory Another week in the books Interesting week to say the least Yeah whatever
Starting point is 01:28:38 Hopefully one of these fucktards Do some real stupid shit this week So we can talk about it next week That's who we've become Rage In The Machine October 21st One of these fucktards do some real stupid shit this week so we can talk about it next week. That's who we've become. Rage in the Machine, October 21st. B.B. King's, October 22nd. Make sure you come out.
Starting point is 01:28:53 I will see you there. Until then, have an amazing week. Be blessed. Peace and love. Peace and love sounded real gay. That seems to be the theme of this Would you Whatever fuck you Roy we out
Starting point is 01:29:08 Listen man go back to your voice Right in front of you I'm pulling these ones And it's just us two Do I have to do this every time To stay on your mind Cause if I do, I will, I will Girl, this stage belongs to you
Starting point is 01:29:32 Every single one I throw on your body, babe I leave all you coming to Tonight's the night Tonight's the night, tonight Girl, tonight's the night, tonight Girl, tonight's the night, tonight Girl, tonight's the night, tonight Girl, tonight's the night, tonight Girl, the stage belongs to you
Starting point is 01:30:04 And every single echo on your body, babe Well tonight's the night you do Well tonight's the night you don't Well tonight's the night you don't Well tonight's the night you don't

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