The Joe Budden Podcast - JBP Patreon Bonus: “Fathering Friends”

Episode Date: April 9, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Welcome to this special edition of the Joe Budden Podcast. You can find the visuals to this content and so much more exclusively on the Joe Budden Patreon. Please enjoy this audio adventure. You stand right there. I want you to be yourself. Be yourself, buddy. Come back. Come back. You don't never have to leave dad. Ever. Ever. Ever, ever, ever, ever. Here you go. Look at the new dad, Joe Joe that was old dad we roll that was old dad that was old talk that shit you was just talking how's everybody doing great cuz I've been talking all for hours. I ain't great right now, man. You're not great right now. Nah, these niggas is tripping. Let's argue.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Let's do it. So the argument came up of discographies. It was made that DMX has a top, what was it? 15. Top 15 discographies. Oh, it's 10? Oh, 15. Top 15.
Starting point is 00:01:00 We teetered between 10 and 15. Okay, okay. Top 15 discography in rap solo solo discography okay correct that's a fact
Starting point is 00:01:09 10 you're saying 10 10 you're saying top 10 yes me too okay so then I'll go 15
Starting point is 00:01:15 and I might be pushing 10 but I'm gonna give up above him what'd you say so then the question became what names can we put above him can you come up with 10 Jay-Z, Kendrick
Starting point is 00:01:23 I said Kendrick I said Kendrick for sure. Jay-Z out. Why? I don't know. You've said it. No, he said take pocket. I was just naming the ones off the top.
Starting point is 00:01:31 The obvious ones. That we know. Jay-Z, Drake, Kanye. I'm going to argue. I'm going to argue. Kendrick. I'm going to argue. I'm playing Kendrick Lamar in there.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Kendrick has four straight classics. I'm arguing Kendrick. What's the four? Section 80 is a classic. Yes. Good Kid Massey is a classic. Two Pim for section 80 is a classic yes good kid massey is a class yeah to pimple butterflies a class disagree but I understand why some classic whatever you're talking to Joe Budden nobody knows better than me that they don't count mixtapes in your discography argument section 80 is an album that's the same thing I said about moon music
Starting point is 00:02:03 well fuck what they told you we know at this point that's an independent album. That's an album. Same thing I said about Moon Music. Well, fuck what they told me. We know at this point that's an album. They are not counting that in his discography, but even if you did, that strengthens the argument. That strengthens the argument. It does. I still don't have his discography better than DMX's. Yeah, yeah. Look, studio album. Studio album.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Look, studio album. Section 80. Hey, Ice, we don't have to argue it. I still don't have that discography. Okay, obviously you have Kanye. Can you pull up the discography one more time for me? You have Kanye. You can't tell me that that discography, that's better than Kendrick.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I don't care. I can't because there's big stupid cameras in my head. You have to count those albums that came after. It's dark and hell is hot. Yes. Flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. Yes. And then there was X. Correct. Now, Hell is Hot. Yes. Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood. Yes. And then there was X.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Correct. Now, this is where we about to argue. Yeah. You think The Great Depression was a bad album? No. It was a bad album. It has a couple records on there. What's up, bro?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Grand Champ. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Grand Champ. Grand Champ. I can't. Alex, can you just move the browser? We know the top ones. Grand Champ. Grand Champ. I can't. Alex, can you just move the browser? There we go. Leave it right there. We know the top ones. Grand Champ is 03.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I know you're not saying that was bad. That was a weak album, bro. Pull up the track list, please. On what? Great Depression? No, Grand Champ. Grand Champ. That wasn't a bad album at all.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I have my record on there with him Styles 50 and X Are you crazy? Is this the wrong album? No that's the right album Yo I'm not having this conversation with you Yeah you can't I'm not having this conversation with you There was nothing bad about that album
Starting point is 00:03:39 I don't know what you're talking about How many of them records did you go back and listen to today? Get it on the floor You were already down to track 5 The fucking shit shot down I don't know what you're talking about. How many of them records you go back and listen to today? Get it on the floor. Yeah, absolutely. Where the hood at? You were already down to track five when you listened to Get It On The Floor. The fucking shit. Where the hood at is great. I'm just looking at the joints.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah, yeah, come on. How many joints? Name me how many joints out of 24 songs on that album. I'll go by percentages, B. Listen, I can't see. It's the camera there. Yeah, yeah. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Don't say, uh, read them names. One time. Oh, yeah. Excellent gift to you on this Don't say, uh, read them names. One time. Oh, yeah. Excellent gift to you on this album. Well, I don't know. Ice, this is not a bad album to me. Dog. This is not a bad album to me.
Starting point is 00:04:10 So how many good records are you counting out of 24? I just want to hear that number. He got three hits. Four hits. I just named, I was naming hit singles. I wasn't naming good songs. I'm talking about good songs. I go, when I say an album is good or bad or not.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Man, good songs on this album. Name them. This ain't the fall off. This is not the fall off. The fall off was right after this. This is the last decent album. Joe thinks this was a great This is the last decent
Starting point is 00:04:29 X album right here. Great Depression. Now go back. Great Depression might have been Go back. And that should be And I said that's decent. I didn't say that's good.
Starting point is 00:04:37 That's decent. I don't want to see Kendrick. Go back. Go back. Go back a page. Go back a page. Joe D.D.M.X.'s catalog Yes, go back.
Starting point is 00:04:43 of albums. Go down, go down, go down. No, no, no, no. I just can't see what the camera did. Thank you. Great Depression, Grand Champ. Year of the Dog is 06. You losing me.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Undisputed, you losing me. Redemption of the Beast, you losing me. Those are the three albums where he lost me. But after Grand Champ, it was over for me. I was no longer counting that, but it counts. Yes, it's there. He has five standout albums, three of which some say four are classics. What are we discussing here?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Let's keep going with the names. Because you could argue, Kendrick, Section 80 strengthens it. But there's an argument that, I'm talking about people that there's no doubt about it. They have a better discography than X. Nas, of course. Nas. Nas is Nas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Nas is like. You argue Pac, though. Wait, I argued what Pac? Tupac. Pac, you could put Pac ahead of X. Yeah, you could put Pac ahead of X. Oh, I thought you said, I'm sorry, you was like, I argued what, Pac? Tupac. You could put Pac ahead of Vax. Oh, I thought you said, I'm sorry, you was like, I'm arguing. I could have the argument. I could have that argument and it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So we have Pac, Jay, Nas, Kanye. You can't put big. You can't put big. Not enough albums. Drake. What's the minimum then since we can't put big? What is the minimum? Three?
Starting point is 00:06:02 Four? Your discography is your discography. Absolutely. Yeah, you're right. I agree with that. I agree with that. What are we talking about? I'm a discography.
Starting point is 00:06:13 I'm going to agree with that, but I don't think Big's discography is better than X's. Neither do I. Neither do I. I don't think it's close either. Me either. I don't think it's close. Nah, I'm going to disagree with that. Me either. You gave me two classic albums. I was't think it's close. Nah, I'm going to disagree with that. You gave me two classic albums.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I was outside for both of them. I remember the time for both of them. They was both smashes. Then you died tragically. The end. You gave me a double album with every record. Every record. That's great.
Starting point is 00:06:40 We talking about discography. Listen. We not talking about longevity. Right. Quality of discography. That's We not talking about longevity. Right. Right. Quality of discography. That's what y'all are saying. I'm saying that your longevity kind of gets to where your discography lands. But that's why I said leave him out of it.
Starting point is 00:06:54 You get to have a long discography if you had longevity. I'm not killing him. I don't count LL's last three albums. I know what niggas do at the tail end of their career. I don't do that. But it is your discography. Them two amazing albums don't beat out four great albums to me. That's me.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Watch this. Go to Biggie. Look at the numbers on Big. Oh, don't do that. Wait, wait, wait. Don't do numbers. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm just trying to get a point.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Dog, that nigga was- 16 times Yeah 17 11 and 6 A lot of that came after him passing away And we all know what that does I'm not knocking that
Starting point is 00:07:37 What I'm saying is Nigga I was grown grown When X was selling out to 5 million people I was grown grown When X was way above Jay-Z in the rap motherfucking food chain. Jay turned it on later,
Starting point is 00:07:52 but I was outside when Mase and DMX was them niggas. DMX saved Def Jam. Single-handedly. Oh, no. I'm not knocking X, though. I'm not disagreeing
Starting point is 00:08:02 with anything that you guys are saying about as far as... I'm just trying to figure out who else... I'm still knocking X, though. I'm not disagreeing with anything that you guys are saying about as far as. I'm just trying to figure out who else. I'm still trying to find the niggas that's top 15. We on six. I'm not saying that it's possible. Even if y'all gave Kendrick, we still at six. I'm not a Kendrick fan.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Let me make sure I'm saying this right. I'm not saying that. I'm not going to say that. But we all talk about solo careers right yeah solo ice cube has a better discography than dm yes he does okay yes he's on that list yes he is oh indeed i'm almost willing to say ghostface you are by yourself i'm not i'm not ghostface Nah Nah Ghostface 100% Me personally Yes Definitely You niggas are out of your mind
Starting point is 00:08:48 Just because it wasn't as commercially as big as X Argue Let's argue Argue You're thinking of commercial success No I'm thinking about The feeling
Starting point is 00:08:59 That right now DMX When you put on a DMX He made anthems It was different The records made He made anthems It's just not that It's the feeling that you get from put on a DMX... He made anthems. It was different. The records made. He made anthems. It's just not that.
Starting point is 00:09:07 It's the feeling that you get from music. No, a big part of that is that. You can't get... Ghostface can't get that feeling out of me. That's you, though. That's you. You're right. The masses, though.
Starting point is 00:09:16 That's you. No, that's you. Ghostface can't go pack out a fucking Woodstock. That nigga was rapping for the world on that stage. Well, it's a festival ish. That's how that works with festivals. He was one of the headliners. But they weren't just there for him though.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I know what he said, but you can't sit there and say that. That entire festival was there for him. I didn't say that at all. What I'm saying is, if you put a different hip hop artist up on that festival, they don't get the crowd jumping like he did. Give me two seconds, please. That festival footage that you're talking about, maybe.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Don't pull it up. I don't need to see it. You don't. I was there. I was there. I know the venues that DMX was turning down and the venues that he was performing at. And they are quoting word for word everything he's fucking saying. So I don't care who they were there for.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I don't care who they were there for. It was Big Dog, Glen Rob, Listen God, You A Flea. That's what it was, period. I don't care what they there for. That's who DMX performed for normally. Arenas, stadiums, when it was unheard of. That's what he did. So it's just point,
Starting point is 00:10:29 I want y'all to respond to it, is yes, Ghostface made a lot of people feel like that. DMX made 100X people feel like that. But does that always speak to the musical quality?
Starting point is 00:10:41 100X as in multiplying. But that's what I'm saying. Does that speak to the musical quality or the timing because X can't no no no we talking about both I think it speaks to both
Starting point is 00:10:50 yeah because X came at a time where like we needed X 100% but watch this X came at a time what hip hop was
Starting point is 00:10:57 at that moment didn't X come at the same time I got solo Ghostface roughly damn near roughly Iron Man was 96 X was 98.
Starting point is 00:11:05 No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ghost came. I don't always put X earlier than that. Okay. What? Damn, that was again.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Because X is 98. And Stark was 98. But it's only two years. Because that's why he holds that spot for me. I was 18. Yeah, it's only two years. Who I was at 18.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yeah. And what was happening in Jersey City when I was 18. It wasn't just me. Like, Wet was on the scene now. Yeah happening in Jersey City when I was 18 it wasn't just me like wet was on the scene now in Jersey City like we learning guns
Starting point is 00:11:32 we partying in the street we fucking niggas up dogs we got dog like that was what? Sony radios y'all talking influence why he's like that for me. Because when we speak discography,
Starting point is 00:11:48 we're talking about the music. Regardless of the Ghostface argument, we're still in the top 10. Let's get back to the discographies that we can't argue. Ice Cube, Drake, Hov, Kanye, Pac, Kanye. We're at five.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Nas, six. I said Ice Cube already I had Biggie I mean you know y'all see that's debatable on y'all I would add him
Starting point is 00:12:14 I would put Biggie there I would add him to you that's a no brainer just cause it should be a no brainer it should be it should be
Starting point is 00:12:21 we talking about discography it's not but then you start flirting with the lines of. That's why I asked what did y'all, what was the minimum? Because some people will say, we need three albums. We need four albums. No, that's not where Joe is going.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Don't say that. Joe's not making a longevity argument. I'm saying your discog is your discog. Wherever you land in musical chairs, that's your seat. Biggie was taken from us. We're going to argue this. You can take Biggie's first album and that double, and you
Starting point is 00:12:48 take DMX's first three albums. That is a strong, fair one. Biggie's not just blowing him out the water, undoubtedly. That is a very strong, fair one. So I'm going to make it apples to apples. That's true. But Big is winning that. I don't know that, Corbin. I don't know that. Big is winning that,
Starting point is 00:13:03 and he's only doing it with two albums. No, we gave him. We gave Big album. And a double counts for two. So you're saying three albums. We going with five X albums. No, we said three. I said three.
Starting point is 00:13:14 So you're saying the first three. I said three. All right. So the first three. All right. I said take the first three. Big wins that easy. It's not an easy win.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Big wins it. Yo, life after death, there's not one song on there that you do not hold dear to you. What y'all are doing, and I hate to say this, but I'll say it. Because it happens a lot in hip-hop. Y'all are almost crediting somebody for dying. Well, that happens all the time. Nah, I think that music would have existed. Let me finish what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:13:46 If Nas is taken from us after it was written he's the greatest rapper ever if Kanye is taken from us after late registration if Jeezy is taken from us after whatever the fuck his second album was we gonna have a different conversation about these people
Starting point is 00:14:02 and that is the light they will be held in the light that y'all putting Biggie in. And Biggie should be in that light. But I am not going to... I am not going to... I'm not going to speak negatively about the person that stayed alive and made great shit. We're not asking you to. We're just saying apples to apples.
Starting point is 00:14:27 The guy that died is not getting no... And I don't want him not to talk about Biggie so recklessly. Not the guy that died. Y'all know what I'm saying. He didn't get an opportunity to... To fall off. To get the brick. He didn't get the opportunity to get the brick.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Hey, now you want to argue for real? You really want to argue? Stop talking to me about Biggie who had puff. That is true, too. That's not fair. That is very fair. I hear you. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I hear you. I hear you. They don't talk about that and don't talk about Snoop without Dre. Don't talk about a lot. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't do that. You can't do that. Don't do what?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Corey, you don't have a mic, so we can't really hear you. You got to go over there to join this argument. Don't do that. You can't do that. Don't do what? Corey, you don't have a mic, so we can't really hear you. You got to go over there to join this argument. Don't do what? Because if you take that away from a bunch of other artists, we can't have conversations about them as well. That's a fact. But that don't change my statement. That don't change my statement.
Starting point is 00:15:18 That's a fact. X ain't one of them. X ain't one of them. X didn't have Irv Gotti his whole career. That was a very early thing. They parted ways. a known thing he went with his people it was almost friction and beef because john rule x oh now wait come on you know the story here wait stop it stop it you can't do that with x i'm not i'm not pedaling is a drug addict who was homeless with dogs and saved our greatest hip hop record label
Starting point is 00:15:48 alone not a puff genius by him not Andre Harrell not Irv Gotti not Quincy Jones not Barry Gordy stop playing with him y'all playing with a nigga that did it alone and I guess
Starting point is 00:16:03 them talks hit me kinda hard as a nigga that had to do it alone y'all always gonna compare playing with a nigga that did it alone. And I guess them talks hit me kind of hard as a nigga that had to do it alone. Y'all always going to compare me to a nigga that had help. Nigga, that nigga got help. I don't care about that. I'm Dolo in the studio. Got a beat on. That's who X is. Barking.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Stop it, man. I don't want to hear this shit about Big. That's true. I don't want to hear it. I couldn't have said it no better respectfully that's cool I'm just going discography wise
Starting point is 00:16:34 I still don't know if we got to 10 you know you know you know Puff did that with Biggie and Danity Kane and G-Depth and Black Rob and Total yes you, you do. Stop it. He didn't?
Starting point is 00:16:46 He didn't do that. Stop it, man. He didn't do that. He didn't do that. No, Joe. Puff took- The closest thing he did to that was Mace. That's the closest thing he did to that, and that wasn't even replicated.
Starting point is 00:16:57 That wasn't- No. I can argue that, but- Okay. You can argue. You can argue. Where's the argue? But this is what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:17:05 Take Puff out that equation We can't Because You can't You can't But If you take Puff out that equation With musicianship
Starting point is 00:17:15 And the The ear that Puff has For hits Etc. Etc. Etc. It was present It was there
Starting point is 00:17:22 It was there Yeah but you But you See know Vegas, but... It was there. Yeah, but you... See, that's not fair, though. That's not fair. Because DMX is DMX. Don't get me wrong. But before DMX got with a Swiss to really get those...
Starting point is 00:17:38 Not just Swiss, Dane Grease. But Dane Grease... Cut the music off. There's a buzz up. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. He threw out a couple of records that didn't
Starting point is 00:17:47 this is revisionist history who the fuck was Swiss without X who was Swiss but an 18 year old nigga with a Casio that's who Swiss was DMX made Swiss I agree
Starting point is 00:18:01 that is true we still ain't get to 10 I won't say that about Dan Grease but DMX made Swiss I agree Okay I'll give you that Come on That is true That is true We still ain't get to 10 I won't say that about Dang Grease Cause Dang Grease is Dang Grease But DMX Y'all come on Yeah y'all
Starting point is 00:18:11 Come on We still ain't get to 10 I don't think we getting to 10 fellas Yeah Who has a better debut Out of who 10X 50
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah Jeezy And that's personal But whatever Snoop Snoop Greatest album Baddest rap album ever to me
Starting point is 00:18:26 Definitely Snoop Me too What's the greatest rap album Doggystyle The greatest rap album ever Hold on I don't know You about to say it
Starting point is 00:18:33 I was just in my brain I was just in my brain I don't know I don't know Snoop I don't know if Snoop Got a better debut than DMX Oh I was thinking about 50 Snoop and 50
Starting point is 00:18:42 Snoop and 50 Snoop and 50 They both do that Yo he had a whole He had a year of two Number ones Snoop and 50 Snoop and 50 They both do that Yo he had a whole He had a year of two Number ones Snoop and 50 Had better debuts
Starting point is 00:18:49 Snoop and 50 Yes Undoubtedly Snoop That's the greatest Better than two Number ones in one year Yes
Starting point is 00:18:56 Bro when that Doggy style came out We just talking about The first album So maybe Maybe I'm basing it On his impact For that moment
Starting point is 00:19:04 Because I felt like His first album came out maybe I'm basing it on his impact for that moment because I felt like his first album came out and right after that we would get in the next part. Yeah, he came out with six, X came back six months later. That Snoop album. That Snoop album.
Starting point is 00:19:14 That 50 album. Yeah. All right, but the list is probably short. There's two. The list is short. There's two. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I'll argue this with people that want to argue where DMX's catalog ranks. Fuck what you rank him as an MC, but his catalog. Yeah, you can't. It's Dark and Hell is Hot. It's one of the best albums that we've ever heard, personally. First opinion.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah. He'll go give you an hour set of just the party records. Mm-hmm. Fam. DMX. And again, I've seen the nigga rap. You can turn the music off and sick him. Did any of y'all go to...
Starting point is 00:19:46 I don't think I would have saw y'all. He did a show at SOBs. I forget what year it was. But this was on the comeback tour. Yeah, it wasn't that long ago. I've been to a lot of shows. That was probably top two, maybe three show I've ever been to in my life. At Little Ass SOBs.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Little Ass SOBs. No hype man either. Nope. And it was to the point where, I remember talking to a couple of the security dudes, and they was like, yo, we got Betts going backstage if he's going to show up. Like, they didn't even,
Starting point is 00:20:12 that was when he was on that shit. Yeah, they didn't even know if he'd show up. He smoked the entire set. That's it right there? Yeah. See, that's the funny thing. Like, y'all say that about DMX as far as the discography. I might not have him at Where y'all speaking
Starting point is 00:20:27 But when it comes to Artists Like top 10 Top 5 Hip hop artists ever I got him in my top 5 Look at this guy man
Starting point is 00:20:35 Come on man Fam So y'all don't know Vish is old enough to know Joe might Might have just been outside Because he was outside But the tunnel
Starting point is 00:20:42 I was outside That first video was in the tunnel Get at me dog What's the was outside, but the tunnel. I was outside. That first video was in the tunnel. Get at me, dog. What's the tunnel? I was in the tunnel when X came out. The tunnel was dangerous.
Starting point is 00:20:52 You had to be careful. I was in the traffic jam outside. You had to be careful. X, energy, I've never seen anything like it. Yeah, yo, this nigga was just there. He's definitely top five
Starting point is 00:21:02 hip hop artist to me ever. Yeah, for sure. Solo. He's on a stage by himself, no hype, man. Think about the era. Think about the era he's in. And doesn't stop moving.
Starting point is 00:21:11 He didn't stop at all, my nigga. Like, at all. Yo, yeah. Yeah. That might be why we fuck with the South artists so much. Why? The energy? Because we see that energy
Starting point is 00:21:25 and we know it's authentic. And then when we see their energy, we be like, oh, yeah. And New York niggas be so cool. New York too cool. New York is like, I ain't gonna hold you.
Starting point is 00:21:34 The nigga T.I. runs off. The nigga T.I. be running around like crazy. And his energy is just, yeah. New York, New York. That's it. Put the Google screen up. We talking about him like he not here
Starting point is 00:21:46 like it hurts we're celebrating him while he's here right now yeah you fucking right and that's why you gotta appreciate not to flip it off for X but the J like them niggas been around a long time and still remain relevant bro it's not easy
Starting point is 00:22:01 yeah L did it until he left out but he wasn't as relevant he didn't stay at the top of the but y'all talking about music and when y'all have the conversation I think more so in life
Starting point is 00:22:17 like LL I cut the TV on today and I'm laughing at NCIS man but guess what? It's a role of a show that's been on forever. They're live. Nigga's been hosting Grammys. He's not budget. You're going to see LL.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Thank you, LL, for showing us the way. Will Smith, I make my jokes. You're right. I make my jokes. Luda. But thank you for showing us the way. Ice-T. Ice-T.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Ghetto Boys came out in 87. Yeah. Maybe it's some of these guys that just they show us the way so I don't I don't discount like we having a discography talk
Starting point is 00:22:52 so I get it Scarface discography is up there the last three albums are trash yeah but what did they do after that big time
Starting point is 00:22:59 are they still here are they still impactful are they still relevant like if you bring up I bring his name up all the time, you bring up Styles P, yeah, we could talk music with him, but that ain't where my conversation is today about Styles P, the man. I think Styles P is the most underrated rapper, period.
Starting point is 00:23:16 It's so much more evolution that happens that we cut off when we just talk about what happened in the music. In hip hop, yeah. It's so short-sighted it's so like narrow-minded it's so like i hate i hate it not because we kick it like that because we in the space but i hate it because i know they marginalize it that way them that don't get them that's making yg take the lyrics down like it's so minute to them so it pisses me off that's all no i agree with that.
Starting point is 00:23:45 No, that's a good point. I get mad when people go to Benji's house. But yeah, Ice-T got five shows out right now. He got a show on Channel ID. He got another show on somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:23:53 First Rap of the Month. Should I ever have a podcast? Ice-T just won a fucking Grammy. He's been active since 84 or something like that. Damn. Law and Order. 23 seasons.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Listen, man. Sixth grade. Fuck rap. What are you doing after that? Yeah, so I was in like sixth grade. Fuck rap. What are you doing after that? Yeah, he did it. What you doing after that? Trey should be thinking about what he going to do in rap. Like, the niggas in rap.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Just exit fan. What's next? What happens next? Because that's the scary day. The scary day was fucking, damn, what if I ever run out of words to run like what if I don't have nothing what if I what if the day comes where I don't have nothing to say no what if the day comes where I don't love this thing like those are the scary questions when you put it out and they don't want to hear it exactly what I was about to say what happens when you are not relatable anymore see that's okay
Starting point is 00:24:43 they don't want to hear you but that one is okay that's like last on the list I don't want to hear you no more. Now, what happens when you are not relatable anymore? See, that's okay. And they don't want to hear you. But that one is okay. That's like last on the list. I don't think so. Not for a lot of people. That's the problem. Not for a lot of people. And that is the problem. But that's like us getting wrinkles as we age.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Like all ballplayers say the same thing. It's the equivalent. Exactly. Ballplayers say, yo, they be suicidal. Like you got to think you've been playing a sport Since you were 7 or 8 years old Dog from Pop Warner All the way up High school
Starting point is 00:25:08 College Pros And they go home Once they retire Dog they don't even Really know their wives Like if you had a long NFL or NBA career
Starting point is 00:25:17 Right You been in the NFL 12 years Dog you don't really Know your wife Cause you don't sit at home With your wife Every single day
Starting point is 00:25:24 I don't like know your wife because you don't sit at home with your wife every single day. I don't like this example only because, yes, those things are true, but at least in sports, normally they've accumulated enough money to invest in a business afterward or just do
Starting point is 00:25:40 something else. So they don't have that. It depends on the athlete. But I'm talking about the notoriety like yo what am I going to do post sports you see Aaron Rodgers doing Jeopardy I did not and he's really excited he wants to do it like for real
Starting point is 00:25:55 that's dope but again like we talking about the superstars like it's jokers that we've never heard of especially in football because you're wearing a helmet that you won't identify with once they lose that aura of being a athlete and you become a regular joe in walmart and target and nobody knows you you've seen the dude the old i got another reason that i think that that's a bad example um you could be very active in your music career and have a run where you make songs
Starting point is 00:26:26 where they don't want to hear. That don't necessarily mean you at the end of the road, you at the tail end of something. In sports, we have a bad game. The next game is the next game. No, but even like Lawrence Taylor was like, yo, when he retired, he was LT, dog. You get what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Like, yo, you're LT. You go to New York City with the long furs on. You the man. You lose that luster after a minute. Like, the chicks don't look at you the same. Like, you can't just do, I'm coming in whenever I want at any restaurant. You lose it a little bit after that,
Starting point is 00:26:57 and they don't really know how to function. I've read a bunch of articles. I think all of that that you're saying is true. I'm just arguing how you feel being able to go to sleep at night. And if that's other people's opinions and perception of you changing because you no longer do that, I understand that. For me, it would bother me a little more some of those inner, inward things that would interrupt my sleep. Like what? Like I can't rhyme a word
Starting point is 00:27:26 you said that in a record I can't rhyme two words anymore you think that happens? I think it happens all the time no no listen I'm not I'm asking like a genuine I think that happens all the time I already know because I know
Starting point is 00:27:41 but you're never going to lose your ability to write poetry you're going to be 60 your ability to write poetry. You're going to be 60 years old, and if your brain is still sharp, you can still sit down and write a poem. I can envision a world where I lose it very easily. And your brain still be sharp? Yeah. No, I can't.
Starting point is 00:27:58 You can lose touch with certain shit. Poetry is poetry. No, no, no, no, no. But you can still- No, no poetry. No, that's not true. You can write about stuff that is appealing to you. Do you write poetry? You got to live. Do you write poetry? No. So then you can't, no. But you can still. No, no poetry. No, that's not true. You can write about stuff that is appealing to you. Do you write poetry? You got to live.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Do you write poetry? No. So then you can't say that. You got to live. As someone who writes poetry, if you're not living, you're not going to be able to. You're going to put your vagina into an all-white room, and that is just where you stay for 20 years. I agree with that. Your poem ain't going to be the best poem.
Starting point is 00:28:22 It's going to be about the all-white room. I agree. You do have to live. You can see rappers mature as they get more money, they get more life experiences, et cetera, et cetera. It gives them a bigger, broader scope to write about. Maybe. But what happens? It depends.
Starting point is 00:28:36 The other side of that is now they lose all they shit and don't know how to write a thing. You ever hear rappers say, yo, I can't rhyme unless I'm high, or I can't rhyme unless i'm drunk or i can't rhyme i need those things i need those rappers to tell you some of the things they need to be able to get the job done i think that's bullshit but i've been there too i understand it but you don't need anything to create so you think at 60 right if your mind is still sharp even if you homeless God forbid right you're still gonna be able to write a poem about what you're seeing what do you mean by sharp though
Starting point is 00:29:09 like if you're not just you know what I mean like mentally because usually fading away like if you're not usually creating is based on what you're going through
Starting point is 00:29:17 what you're feeling and all that and that's some of the best that's not that's not so much sharp than just like just expressing yourself so in
Starting point is 00:29:23 no I mean in that moment. Let me give you an M&M example. When prior to the mega success, he was writing shit he was going through, et cetera, et cetera. M becomes a megastar, locks himself in the house, doesn't do anything. Yes, he was still writing, but it was just putting words together. Yeah. It was just putting words together yeah it was just putting words together
Starting point is 00:29:45 and nobody wanted to hear it the skill the skill was there but there was no feeling there was no the brain was still sharp sharp as fuck I could rhyme words
Starting point is 00:29:54 all of this shit but he wasn't he wasn't saying anything so I get it I agree with that I'm just saying we're taking that example
Starting point is 00:30:02 I'm saying but if you're still his ability isn't gone Maybe the subject matter That he's Cause I've never been An Eminem fan You know this I don't wanna hear
Starting point is 00:30:11 A Mala Koala While I rape a Chihuahua I don't wanna hear that Right But he still has the ability To run words That's what we talking about though Because there was a time
Starting point is 00:30:19 Where he can do that And you can still feel it Because he would do it And be speaking about Something that made You know Some type of sense The subject matter And then also He can take that same you can still feel it because he would do it and be speaking about something that made you know some type of sense and then it's also he could take that same skill and write about something that we felt nothing to and that's because he was somebody else no because there was moments where he did that same shit and we felt it there was something that he was saying that we
Starting point is 00:30:39 not me i understand that are you here eminem rock bottom like that's an example we're not spending time on Eminem alright no we're trying to get on it but I'm just giving examples that his rhyming ability
Starting point is 00:30:50 has not gone right correct the subject matter is something we might not want to hear right
Starting point is 00:30:57 but his ability what Joe was talking about you get to a point where you can't rhyme two words you know what you get what I'm saying let's do this
Starting point is 00:31:04 let's do this because I get how this could get tricky with me talking about a point where you can't rhyme two words you know what you get let's do this let's do this because i get how this could get tricky with me talking about some of the things that i wouldn't be able to go to bed at night with like rhyming two words but i think everybody has those things they just differ like what are the things that if you just lost the ability to do you would have a hard time sleeping you have you have to have those. Mass, yeah, mass. Like, yo, just my analytical.
Starting point is 00:31:27 You have to have that. Everybody here has to have that, right? Like, I think my hands work. If I go outside tomorrow and just start getting beat up every day, I'm going to feel bad. Now, that don't mean that my hands didn't work. Maybe the rest of the world evolved
Starting point is 00:31:44 and there's some other shit going on if you didn't update your craft your craft ain't what it was how do you sleep how do you sleep in that instance are you cool that the fans may not necessarily love your song or are you trying to get clout chasing instagrammy and chase some shit looking stupid and nuts i think it's a lot of niggas my age on the internet that look stupid and nuts because they chasing something that for whatever the reason now flip side of that is joe don't promote anything joe barely posts joe's insta following and stuff don't so there's two sides to the coin always and some And some of them are getting a bag. For me, if I can't rhyme two words, I'm less of a man to me.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I understand that. It's that. That would bother me. I understand that. I see it. Or if I had nothing to say. But even as a podcaster. And that's the head trip when you learn that some of the things that you thought you were running from in rapping,
Starting point is 00:32:45 they still exist in podcasting. If I had nothing to say as a podcaster, I would be frightened. Makes sense. But there's always something. Now we're getting inching closer to why I'd be mad at podcasters who don't have nothing to say.
Starting point is 00:32:58 So get us off of it. Why? Because they think it's easy. And they see people making money from it. So everybody just thinks that they can do it. And it's easy and they see people making money from it so everybody just thinks that they can do it and it's new
Starting point is 00:33:09 so everybody just runs nah it looks easy from the outside looking in it looks easy this shit ain't easy trust me no no no again that first day
Starting point is 00:33:15 I was like oh like it's different but again I think people see it like yo I'm smart I could do that
Starting point is 00:33:21 yo the more you listen to people talk the more you learn that a lot of people don't have much to say I would agree or they aren't as smart as they think they are they just don't know what they think they know
Starting point is 00:33:32 I don't know how we got here what else we got prayers up for X yes let's prayers up for DMX yes of course yes my baby you alright over there man yeah my kid came over and was telling me about the state of the state of mind of his friend group which is about 19 18 19 20 21 yeah I'm assuming and I was pretty intrigued by it because it's just something that I would
Starting point is 00:34:03 have never stopped to think of that old niggas don't know that and i really didn't feel like that when i was his age so let me let me hear it and he was like what did you say tell us what you said i don't want to speak for you i think it just wraps back around no no no let's wait till you all right so when you get the mic together how do i get this right okay let's see why you ain't get no pussy but i think i think it all just wraps back around to what you were saying about what do i do when i How do I get this right? Okay. Let's see why you ain't get no pussy. But I think it all just wraps back around to what you were saying about what do I do when I wake up and I don't know what to do. You know what I mean? Or I don't know how to do something that would get me farther in life. And I think at the age that I am now, that what if is even scarier when it's not set up already in my life.
Starting point is 00:34:44 You know what I mean? So me and my friends are going through the thing right now where it's what does our future hold for ourselves as adults? And when we do hit that age of adulthood, the stuff that we're using right now to rely on, like for instance, I rap. I'm the guy that raps like that's something that I would rely on what happens if you cannot rely on it in the near future and where do you go from there so it's really scary at this point in time for me and a lot of my other friends which
Starting point is 00:35:18 just wraps back around to the fear of growing old because we don't know what happens next amazing and we don't know where to go from where we're at now because we're not really taught that in school. We're not really taught. I've had classes about adulthood stuff, but they don't teach you what to do. They don't teach you about life. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:37 So we're figuring it out on our own. We can't talk about life. We're figuring it out on our own. We're scared. We're trying. We're trying to understand it's amazing because i don't like that you're scared no it's the scariest time in your life it is but is it supposed to be no no listen it's no we weren't no right no we're not but we
Starting point is 00:36:00 my baby we weren't aware of it we weren't aware of it we was baby running around scared? We weren't aware of it. We weren't aware of it. We was just running around living. The fact that he's aware that this is a vital, important time in your life is an amazing thing. I'm sitting here like, that's amazing. I was 19. I had that insight at that age. How old are you? 19. I had that insight at 19, bro.
Starting point is 00:36:19 When I was 19. What? I wasn't really thinking about the future like that. Bro. Yeah. Again. what i wasn't really thinking about the future like that bro yeah again so where do you where does your friend group game game you guys's confidence from or insight yeah our insight comes from or encourage each other essentially at this point in time our insight and our
Starting point is 00:36:39 information comes from each other if it's not from the internet but even so we can't trust everything on the internet shouldn't so so we're getting a lot of our information from each other if it's not from the internet but even so we can't trust everything on the internet shouldn't so we're getting a lot of our information from each other and we're basically teaching each other
Starting point is 00:36:50 when it comes to this lifestyle but we can only rely on each other for so much bruh even with their age group right like my girl's son is 21 right
Starting point is 00:37:01 they are heavy into politics. We didn't give a fuck about politics at 20. Like they're in that shit. They're arguing with their parents like, no, because Biden and Trump, like they're arguing with their parents about politics. Like yo, my man's son, my man just told me his son had 175 grand
Starting point is 00:37:23 in an account that he's making from stock and crypto Wow awesome at 19 awesome like what what they're saying we were running around just looking for who's this stalker like yo we just running around just doing why are they looking for like yeah like a proposal like yo I shot does got shot that was it you know what i'm saying he's like yo there's more information available to them too the internet is a big piece of it yo the internet is a major piece of it but look when we were coming up cory your voice is too important to not have to be micless just shut up if you're not gonna get it yo when we were coming up the only way we learn shit is the news or the bum-ass encyclopedias, right?
Starting point is 00:38:08 Like, you had to write a term paper. And J&M was missing. You had four of them encyclopedia books missing. Yeah, right? You ain't had a whole set, nigga. Niggas ain't had that whole Britannica set? Not at all. Mad as hell when you needed E.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yo, word. You loaned it out or somebody took it like yo but again so who's writing that shit you get what I'm saying like you getting a skewed view
Starting point is 00:38:31 on that so that's why history for us especially as black people was skewed because the person writing the history isn't even given
Starting point is 00:38:38 all the details and the facts right so with them they could jump online and get the real shit they could jump online and get this real shit they could jump online and get this side and this side and make a determination on what sounds logical i think college was supposed to eliminate some of that fear never no no no because no no no college adds to the fear
Starting point is 00:38:58 let me tell you what they told me coming up yeah this is what they told me growing up college is a privileged thing you lucky if you can get there and if you get there and you major in some shit then you'll get a job yeah no but they come from an era where they don't want jobs okay so my fear came from oh shit i'm i won't have the degree to get the job because i'm not oh oh shit, my fear was at 15. Yeah, no, but his age is second guessing. But that's what I'm saying,
Starting point is 00:39:28 but in college though, shouldn't it have the opposite effect? It's different, it's different. When you're going to college for something, let's say I was, I was,
Starting point is 00:39:38 let's say I'm a girl because girls usually get into nursing when they do, you know, let's say I'm going to school for nursing. That's almost solidified because college works hand in hand with what they want to do. Let's say I'm going to school for nursing.
Starting point is 00:39:49 That's almost solidified because college works hand-in-hand with what they want to do. That's true. Now, obviously, I'm trying to be a musician. I'm going to college to learn about being a musician. But when I get out of college, it's not working hand-in-hand with what I want to do. And I have to take that information I have from college, and I have to use that in my own life in my own time and figure out stuff on my own the only reason I'd the only reason college would essentially benefit me and what I wanted to do is essentially for the diploma yeah he's right like it's contingent wrong but oh he's right but he's right he's it's contingent upon what your major is so to take his
Starting point is 00:40:21 point if you go to school for nursing right it gives you a little bit of his point, if you go to school for nursing, right, it gives you a little bit of a path, right? If you go to school for education, you're going to get out, you're going to be a teacher. That's a path. You go to school for engineering, you're going to be an engineer. But the motherfuckers going to school for psychology, sociology, and a whole bunch of other majors, you're damn near just as lost when you walk out the door with the degree as you were when you went in college gives you a a more discipline right and it's a transaction a transition between uh uh childhood and adulthood right like but if you're not majoring in a certain shit you are just as lost when you leave out the door it's tough for
Starting point is 00:40:58 me to have these these these college talks so let me try let me just say this college can also be a place where you get ogs that you might not have in life. That was my experience in college is I had people making me think outside of the box.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I wanted to be a musician and I went to college. They would teach me about like, I forgot what the example was, Tommy Lasorda, I may have said this on the podcast before. Tommy Lasorda
Starting point is 00:41:20 was a lawyer while he was managing the Cardinals. I didn't know that. And that was the equivalent they made to musicians. Like, my mind was, I'm going to make these beats. I'm going to get popping. They were like, you know, you could do some shit for TV and for commercials.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And you could be engineering. And you could do this and this and this. I never thought about that. I needed that OG from college, because my parents don't know shit about shit, to give me that direction. I also think. Hold up for a second. Let me help.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Let me add to Parks' point, which I totally agree with and help try to twist your perception a little bit. Know the only thing you'll ever need as an artist? What? People. Now, that's also my point. Like, I'm going to go to college. No, no, no. I'm not going to let you do that.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You can't use your point and mine. Okay. You can't use both points. Y'all are telling me and y'all are right. I've never been to college. I don't know that. They don't offer shit
Starting point is 00:42:14 that's going to help you or provide certainty or work hand in hand, right? I agree with that. But I don't. No, no, that's not true. And that's not true. It doesn't provide you with certainty.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I can't argue that. No, it does provide you with certainty. I can't argue that no it does provide you with certain I can't argue that but I know there's people there it's different when the insight I get from said people are the same insight
Starting point is 00:42:32 I get from y'all that's good though you can take both of them that's good but I also have the luxury to have older people who also have insight
Starting point is 00:42:44 on the same thing those kids in college have insight on. Wait. Does the picture mold the artist? Or does the artist mold the picture? In some cases. Today? That's confusing to me now, what you're
Starting point is 00:43:00 saying. Here's what Trey has to understand. When we grew up, and now we the old niggas has to understand when we grew up and we now be the old niggas right when we grew up our lens wasn't wide open right we didn't see the world you know what i'm saying we saw what was there right and then we had a thirst to go and you know like for us it wasn't trey is like yo what is my future gonna look like we didn't care we knew at a certain point we needed money right so that was our focus how do we get money for some of us it was different you might have robbed you might have been like i'm gonna do some bne's i might have been like
Starting point is 00:43:34 i'm gonna get out on the block and sell whatever it was to get to the next step as we lived trey is 19 he has not lived yet He is now exposed To his peer group Saying hey We don't know what the future looks like Us at 19 was like yo What you doing tomorrow We gonna get up
Starting point is 00:43:56 You gonna go try to rap over such and such And that was our focus At 19 I had a pretty Clear understanding of which one of my friends was losers and who wasn't. It's just scary to live so blindly. And it's not blindly. Nah, the fact that you have the awareness that you need
Starting point is 00:44:14 some direction is dope. Yo, man. It's not blind. As an artist, blind, you have to be unwavering in your faith in yourself as a creator. And I know it's difficult because artists be the most
Starting point is 00:44:29 insecure people in some ways with their own art. To a degree. You might portray the most confidence, but at the same time you feel... I hate it. You're right and I hate it. But you don't have to be. Listen, there are two artists and I want to stop speaking from the perspective of the scary artists.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And that's what I get a lot from you. The guy that's running around trying to get insight and just listening to a whole bunch of shit. Man, fuck all of that. Fuck what? The artist paints the picture. That won't change. artist paints the picture that won't change when you walk in a room you should have the ability to shift it to change it to throw something over there and everything be different that's our power as artists you don't need to be running around getting insight from other people you need to be getting insight for yourself some people believe that art
Starting point is 00:45:27 is science some people believe well let's stop there for a minute do you know what i mean when i say that i'd like you to delve deeper science provable provable shit fact check studied shit you add this to this you combine some shit and this is what happens. You take this color, you put it with this color, you get a new color. And it can be to some degree. Music is math to some degree. And some people say that, no, there's just a science to art. Some people say both of those.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah. You... Let me tell you what I do. Maybe to my detriment, sometimes. I'm always looking to fuck shit up. Always. Not fuck shit up like ruin things. Add some splash.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Black people might put too much pepper in the pot sometimes. Might be too much red in that picture. Just alter. Look to alter. Get your own information. Hey, when I'm in school and I say this line around this girl, this is what happens. Two plus two equals either three or four or five. You got to get it yourself.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Hey, when I do this song with this person, that's my friend. This is what happens. You just got to go around. So you have people. As long as there's people around, an artist is always at home. Hey, if it's real niggas around, you're right at home. Know why? we all got the same kind of understanding if there's people there
Starting point is 00:46:48 and you are an artist at 19 this very young vulnerable impressionable age fuck his friends not fuck your friends of course but no
Starting point is 00:46:57 it ain't friend time it ain't no no no no stop stop it ain't it ain't friend time buddy at 19 no maybe a little earlier I tried to put myself in a group.
Starting point is 00:47:08 In my brain, my whole career is just me trying to help people. I tried to put myself in a group at maybe 17. We was called the Franchise, Jersey City. It was a bunch of us. What I later learned was, oh, shit, it's going to be tougher to get where we got to go if it's all of us. And everybody don't have the same views, opinions, understandings. Everybody if it's all of us and everybody don't have the same views opinions understandings everybody don't have the same talent right i don't have the same goal sometimes when you just get up as friends and be friending and then it's time to put some more thought into it and be like yeah so it's like that's cool that
Starting point is 00:47:39 y'all doing that your friends now might not even be your friends in two years that's true it might be a whole new crew group and whatever you're thinking about right now well maybe you're just thinking about right now maybe it's your job as an artist to think about what the world looks like in five years now now the friends part is is where i'm at right now where I'm realizing not me and my friends can't excel in what I'm trying to do on my own terms. And that's why I've started moving by myself. I've been moving by myself recently. I've been doing things by myself recently,
Starting point is 00:48:15 but then it gets to the, this is so funny that you telling me this, but then it gets to, you're doing, no, he's doing, I don't believe in. No,
Starting point is 00:48:23 no, no. Listen, I'm saying he's a creator. Not by myself, but as a creator. Let's say I walk into a studio now with none of my friends. I walk in... Oh, his experience is different.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Yeah, because he wants to be an artist. I walk into a studio and I ask for no creative advice on nothing. At the end of the day, I create my own thing. I walk out with my own thing. And if I'm happy with my own thing, I day i create my own thing i walk out with my own thing and if i'm happy with my own thing i'm happy with my own thing but then that brings up the question with how far in life can that get me and at a certain point that's not gonna work all the time and in certain instances that's not going to be able to carry me through what i need to get through why i would agree with him you think that'll work I wanna know why I wanna know why
Starting point is 00:49:05 Do you think that will work In every situation From Do you believe in yourself Yes Okay I ask again Why
Starting point is 00:49:12 Because I know where Ish is gonna go But I'm gonna go back To year 19 Okay Year 19 You don't have To worry about
Starting point is 00:49:21 Putting a roof over your head You don't have to worry About certain things right now. Right now. Right now. Also, what do you love? You should be, this should be fun. You shouldn't be thinking, when your father was
Starting point is 00:49:35 out here rapping on Corners, he wasn't thinking he was going to have a pump it up. He was rapping on Corners because, oh shit, I'm killing these niggas. I want to go kill some more. You gonna just keep talking away from the microphone, huh? I love this place. He loved what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Bring back the boys. You're telling me that, and I understand because you have your lenses wide open. So you're thinking future. You're thinking, oh, what if
Starting point is 00:50:02 your lens is wide open? First of all, if you love rap, you're going to be rapping everywhere in front of anybody that will listen for as long as they will listen. Like you're going to eat, breathe it like Parks eats and breathes what he does, whether it is a thousand people or zero. So you do, you got to live and love your life and get the experiences from your life. You are worried about something that is really, you're going to find your, we're all winging it.
Starting point is 00:50:31 All of us. I don't care who. We're all winging it. We're going through life and figuring it out. That's what we're doing. And at no point is it ever figured out. No, never. That might be the most.
Starting point is 00:50:42 It's never figured out. No, that's the, we're just, we're constantly doing that ish. He'll tell you. out. It's never figured out. We're constantly doing that ish. He'll tell you. This is what we're doing. At a young age, unless your father, you look to your father, you look to your mother.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Your mother was in the hospital business or whatever. The healthcare business. Your father's in music. You landed there, right? You landed on music. My mother, my father, I didn't land where they landed. I saw something different. I went in a different direction. You know what I'm saying? I charted my own path. I didn't see where it could take me. Truth be told, I didn't know. I just kept living and experiencing. And I believed in myself. Listen, if I can get here, I can figure something out. That's it.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I like where you're at, though, because a wise man knows that he can get nowhere by himself. But know that what that statement and mine and Corey's statements can both be true. But that statement and mine and Corey's statements can both be true. You could have the utmost confidence in yourself in any situation to get through whatever you need to get through by yourself. And you can know that you need assistance. Okay. Yeah, it's true. Like we were talking about earlier, big was big. And he got assistance.
Starting point is 00:52:03 But that puff surely helped That puff surely helped I understand that But what What was Big doing prior to Puff? What got Big to Puff? Somebody Being happy
Starting point is 00:52:16 Clark Kent Being happy Being himself Wrapping on corners But this is always the question That is in the back of my head when i'm hearing these stories of people winging it and they get the magic assistance that helps them up because they had that confidence what is the common denominator in all these situations that gets them to that
Starting point is 00:52:41 point where if they don't do it themselves, that extra person will push them up. I think it's a different thing. You're not even looking. You're not looking for the extra person, right? You're not looking for that. Of course, you're not looking for that. But there's always that one moment that's going to bring you to a different level. But your talent as a creative.
Starting point is 00:52:59 As a creative. See, it's different for you because you're an artist, right? So your path is different than your homeboys that might be majoring in law or majoring in engineering or majoring in something more concrete than art. It's not the talent. It's your mind. There's a lot of people with a bunch of talent who have no
Starting point is 00:53:20 clue on how to utilize it. He was saying the assistants. What do you do to put yourself in a position to get assistance? You have to do things. You just have to do things. You got to work at your fucking talent and put yourself out there where you can be seen. I need to hear what Imani has to say
Starting point is 00:53:33 because of course everybody got to have talent, but talent doesn't always necessarily get you places. Let me give you an example. Me, I've always went through my life feeling like I've had enough talent to break that point. The one part that I looked over was the mental aspect of how to maneuver through this industry. You have the advantage at this point knowing that your talent is good enough. You now have to figure out mentally, business-wise, all these other things that you need to get a hold of to move to be who you need to be in this because you can go to school get all the education
Starting point is 00:54:11 the world but if you don't know how to apply that education it means nothing I went a whole career beginning career having all the talent all the information in the world but not having the tutelage and how to move in business and in thinking in order to utilize it. I think that's where I'm at now. So for me, speaking to you, this will never be a talent conversation. You have talent flowing out of your blood whether you want it or not. That's why I'm confused. That's why I'm confused.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Trey could be one hit away his whole career. But anyone- As long as I'm confused. Like, Trey could be one hit away his whole career. But anyone... As long as I'm alive, like... I'm making jokes, but that is the flip side of it. Should he really be focused on business? Yes. Why wouldn't he be focused on business? That's the part that's scaring us the most.
Starting point is 00:55:02 That's the part that's really getting us. I'm not in that. I'm not in y'all y'all y'all arena like i'm not a creative right i'm not an artist right i'm an analytic so it's different i think that at 19 years old you're trying to take on too much you can't focus on business and creating and relationships and this and that it's a lot and they're gonna get overwhelming right i think that and and we all just said we all winging it we all taking steps day to day right but um we we
Starting point is 00:55:32 focus on one thing and we might master one thing right and once you get it now you learning this at the same time he 19 fam he can't learn seven different things at once that's the problem that's the problem because there are people out there who are doing that it's very very cool but who am I to limit where he can grow to become if I give him the information I don't know nobody that's done that cool if we sit here and say the boy is talented enough and we don't have to focus on the talent what are the areas that we need to focus on in building? It's the mental aspect. And who are we to say, well, he's not going to be able to grasp that because he's too focused on the creative. I didn't say that. I'm going to supply him with the information. I'm also going to show them how to utilize it.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I'm going to put him in a position to where now he can be ahead of his competition. Why are we so quick to say, well, he can't handle all of that? He might be able to handle all that. I didn't say he can't handle it. I said it gets overwhelming. The reason why his father went through the struggles that he went through is so that his father could pass down the information to put him in a better space to do bigger than what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And for me, this is where assistance comes from. To me, this is where assistance comes from, right? So to me, this is where assistance comes from. It's a tough spot. Well, to me, this is where assistance comes from, right? So to me, this is where assistance comes from. Yo, my father fucked, bumped his head
Starting point is 00:56:49 57,000 times, right? So now, my father's gonna be in a position where he could guide me accordingly. That's something I could kind of put in the hands
Starting point is 00:56:57 of a nigga that I trust, that I love, and I could focus on these things until I learn this. Right? I don't think that you can't learn that.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Again, like I call my electricians. I call my plumbers, right? You don't live, Robert Kiyosaki said, you don't live long enough to learn how to do everything, right? Bill Gates calls the best programmers, the best accountants, the best this, the best. I don't have to learn all of those aspects of life.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I don't have to learn business. I don't have to learn engineering. I don't have to learn coding. I don't have to learn all of those aspects of life i don't have to learn business i don't have to learn engineering i don't have to learn coding i don't have to learn marketing i'm gonna hire the motherfuckers that do my marketing i'm gonna learn some of it like don't get me wrong i'm gonna learn some of it so with me i'm a contractor i know plumbing i don't know it to the extent my plumber does it's access but what you're talking about is access. You have the access to knowledgeable people in those. I don't have to master all of that shit. In those fields.
Starting point is 00:57:51 And that's kind of the thing that, that's what I'm getting from what Imani is saying, like you have access to some of the information that answers or would help to solve some of your fears. And that's what the gift of just time does. It's time that is way greater than you or I. This is from granddad. You're great.
Starting point is 00:58:16 This is from, it's greater than whatever. Pop, you know Pop. You know your grandfather's a musician, right? Yeah. Do you know, though? I haven't. All I've heard is Grandpa was a musician. I haven't had the time to see it. Yeah, it's never been a delve deeper type of thing.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Okay, let me tell you about your granddad, and I'll keep this short and brief so this don't seem like family reunion time. But your grandfather was in a band, in the projects. It was him. It might have been a band in the projects. It was him. It might have been Uncle Walter in the band. And it might have been four other gentlemen. That's what was in in the 70s, bands. So he was the lead drummer in a band and played like two other instruments. And that was his shit.
Starting point is 00:59:01 And then drugs. The end. Drugs came. came government however you think it got here and it ended the information for him but what was in him is what's in me and it's in you it's that music so great he has a kid and i come along and i get some more information maybe the drugs didn't stop my run the way it stopped his so we get some more we truck along we get some more we get some more we get some more. We truck along. We get some more. We get some more. We get some more bong.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Here come you. And now you have access to this information and you take it. And it has to be give and take because I agree with some of the stuff you're thinking about. They shouldn't be stresses of yours. They really should be stresses of mine. Yeah, but you should be learning people and your response to things and what you would do in this situation. Like that's where you should be at. Your talent will carry you. I can't I can do those things for you because I learned those things.
Starting point is 00:59:54 But it's give and take because I can't tell you what's going on in the world right now. Like for your age group in music, like what y'all are trying to fight and experience. My fight was different. experience my fight was different dad's fight was different so it has to be that give and take where of is it just a constant flow of information exchanging it has to happen and i think that would eliminate some of your fears like i'm listening to you boy i would i'm not leaving without you being a millionaire do you know that no you don't know that because i don't tell you that but why would that ever happen? but still that does nothing to ease
Starting point is 01:00:28 any fear of yours that's interesting I think it's I think that it's this and what he is saying is as a father so you can never understand where he's coming from because you ain't there today
Starting point is 01:00:42 so you'll never understand where he's coming from because you ain't there today yeah you ain't there today so you'll never understand where he's coming from that's true but i think that you know you can't relate to some of the stuff that we're saying obviously right because you know because we old and sauced list yeah y'all in a state where y'all act like we weren't think at your age we weren't thinking about you just came off a vacation for a weekend wherever we was running the streets i couldn't spell life like at your age yeah like a vacation wasn't an option is that a state we were like we were happy to have a car or our friend have a car we were happy to have sex we were happy to one friend with a car how to get some food the next day right so you can understand that from a certain lens, right? From being like a broke college student.
Starting point is 01:01:29 You know what I'm saying? Kind of, sort of, right? But what your dad is saying is like, listen, don't put no timelines on anything, right? Your dad was doing something because he loved it. Right? Your dad was doing something because he loved it. Ish, Parks, Ice, Imani, everybody in this room that's of a certain
Starting point is 01:01:49 age was just doing something because they loved it. They didn't see money from it. I didn't start out here. I didn't start out here like, I don't know. I didn't start out here. I didn't know. You go through life A lot of times
Starting point is 01:02:05 Not knowing And that's great Because it gives you The chance to figure Something out To figure it out Now You want to figure it out
Starting point is 01:02:13 At 19 It's not even like The figuring it out It's just the part that It's just the winging part And it's like Waiting? Did you say waiting?
Starting point is 01:02:22 You said winging The winging part And it's just Keeping in the back of my said winging the winging part and it's just keeping in the back of my head that one fuck up could fuck it all up that's not true
Starting point is 01:02:30 that's not true you know how many fuck ups I understand that you got a career of fuck ups in front of you let me correct myself because maybe I said
Starting point is 01:02:37 the wrong thing okay there can be one major event aside from the smaller fuck ups for example grandpa in the
Starting point is 01:02:44 drug situation that one situation alone affected that whole thing where grandpa had to then change his direction in life that one fuck up can come at any point in time and that one fuck up is just like
Starting point is 01:02:59 that's not a fuck up that's the great thing about life that doesn't have to be considered a fuck up That's not a fuck up That's not a fuck up That's the great thing about Life That doesn't have to be Considered a fuck up Because that one thing Because it puts you on Another path Where you're supposed to be
Starting point is 01:03:11 Yeah bro So while you might View it as a fuck up Exactly Yo do you know what Life On life's terms Means
Starting point is 01:03:18 Yes Then what are you saying That's what I'm scared of Oh So you want to control something. Oh, got it. There we go. Not control.
Starting point is 01:03:28 It's time to buckle up. You know what I mean? It's time to buckle up. And knowing that it's the time to buckle up is a lot. It's a lot when you don't know what to do. So in five years, I can be fine. I could be fine on my own. I could be fine. What's be fine on my own. I could be fine.
Starting point is 01:03:46 What's fine? Enough to keep myself solid. What's solid? What do you mean? You got to speak in English terms. Don't give me those vague, ambiguous, what's fine? Making enough money to sustain myself. I'm not saying-
Starting point is 01:04:01 At 24 years old. Let me be more precise since you know in eight years from now i want to be able to not fully take care of myself but somewhat take care of myself take care of myself to the point where I'm taking my, taking care of myself a little more than everybody else is handling me.
Starting point is 01:04:28 At that age. How many years you said? Eight years. So let me, I'm going to start 27. Yeah, 27. In northern New Jersey, you live in one of the
Starting point is 01:04:36 highest states in the world. No, I'm not saying have my own apartment, brand new car. Hold up, Trey. Okay. You know what I mean? Wherever he is at, wherever he is up, Trey. You know what I mean? Wherever he is at,
Starting point is 01:04:46 wherever he is at, Trey is 19. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Every year, you are going to learn more. You're going to experience more. You're going to meet new people. You're going to grow more.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Your life is going to shift and change through those years. You're going to meet new people. You're going to grow more. Your life is going to shift and change through those years. You're going to go in different directions. Bro, you might not even be the same person you are. Right. That's what we're saying. That's life. When we talk about that person, whoever that person is, there might have been three or four people or five people in that journey that took your life in a different direction yeah right not just one absolutely you know what i'm saying so you follow you go
Starting point is 01:05:33 right and that you might land on a job making a hundred thousand dollars a year doing something that you had no thought about but it was an opportunity for you. And you took the opportunity. I never thought I would be a manager. I was not a manager. I was not that. Say that again. Like, I wasn't that. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I wasn't who I was.
Starting point is 01:06:02 And like how you said, like, oh, one thing. Whatever that thing is. I wasn't a podcaster. Yeah, your father wasn't who I was. And, like, how you said, like, oh, one thing. Whatever that thing is. Hey, I wasn't a podcaster. Yeah, your father wasn't a podcaster. Prime example. Like, a lot of us wasn't this. Parks was this. Shit, I wasn't a podcaster.
Starting point is 01:06:14 From early on. I wasn't a podcaster. Parks wasn't a podcaster either. Right. But he was somebody that could do something that was very specific that led him in a lot of different directions. Yeah. You get what I'm saying? So, that's what I'm saying. Like, you can't control where life
Starting point is 01:06:30 is going to take you. You can't see it. Unless your father is telling you like, listen, you're going to be a rapper and I own the label and you will then become an executive and he's just charting your course for you.
Starting point is 01:06:46 That has been done. There are nationalities that chart the courses. Listen, there's a lot of people out there that's talking that energy stuff, and they don't believe in it. There's a lot of people that's talking that spirituality stuff, trust in the universe stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:05 They don't believe in it. When you sit with yourself alone, when it's just you, you'll know that a large part of this is just about trusting what the universe is doing and making sure that you prepared for whatever it comes when it comes. You don't know when that can be. The end. And if you are, this is going to sound cliche-ish, but it's true. If you're everywhere that you're supposed to be, like our parents used to say,
Starting point is 01:07:37 oh, my God, yo, then you'll be all right. So if you're doing what Corey and Ishan and Amani are saying, if you're doing things for the right reasons, out of love, out of support, if you're just where you are for the right reasons. That's why Dad always talks about how do you sleep at night? Because it's not about friends, it's not about peer pressure, it's not about what my parents think, my girls, it's not about when I'm alone, born alone, die alone,
Starting point is 01:08:00 how am I sleeping with these decisions that I'm making? Yeah, that's, i forgot my point now but trust in the universe oh yeah when i didn't do that trouble anytime i was not where i was supposed to be it was trouble anytime i was somewhere maybe because of the money or because of the bitches she had a fatty or the hands it's just it's something else maybe almost got my head popped off maybe almost got stabbed maybe almost lost my head popped off. Maybe I almost got stabbed. Maybe I almost lost my life. Maybe I lost a friend that night.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Maybe my dog. Something always went wrong. So that's something that age normally teaches you. Like, be where you're supposed to be so that you can receive. But don't be afraid to try some shit. What you're supposed to receive. Don't be afraid to try some shit. That's my point.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Don't go ahead and feel like, like, don't rush. Oh, I ain't saying don't cut class to try some shit. What you're supposed to receive. Don't be afraid to try some shit. That's my point. Don't go ahead and feel like, like, don't rush. Oh, that ain't saying don't cut class. Cut class. And I know you cut class. Yeah, that's it. Live life, man. Like, don't live it in fear. Yeah, don't be scared.
Starting point is 01:08:57 Don't live it in fog. You can't be scared to live life. No, you get one life. You get one of these things. That's it. Enjoy it. Make the best of it. And yours ain't bad.
Starting point is 01:09:04 And we've been through a lot. Hell no. I just. Yours ain't bad. And we've been through it. I don't know. I just. Traumatic shit. Yours ain't bad. Yours ain't going to be like that. I was just going over all of, you know, the positive aspects of my life because I do have a lot of positive aspects in my life than, you know, the regular child does.
Starting point is 01:09:19 It's just scary when I have a lot of good stuff going on that other kids don't normally have going on. You know what I mean? It's just scary having that extra up compared to other kids and having to go on. You're not a successful dad, too. I never thought of that either. No, don't think of it either.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Because I don't understand what that... I understand exactly. There's more pressure on him. There's pressure on them, period. There's pressure on them, period. It's pressure on them, period. And it's difficult going day to day, waking up in the morning and my friends wanting to go to the park and fool around. I don't have time for that. I can't do that.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I can't do that with the extra up I have. I can't go and fool around. If I'm going to fool around, let's record something. If I'm going to fool around, let's do something. But the fact that I have that extra up just adds a little more pressure and the fact when i say like that one fuck up of course it doesn't have to be a fuck up but one thing can change everything in the position that i am yeah but there's nothing wrong with where they're at because you know naturally that's where kids are usually at there's nothing wrong with that you
Starting point is 01:10:23 just have to accept that you are at a different thinking and at a different expectation of what you hold for yourself. So while they might want that for their life, that's cool. They're moving at a different speed. The speed that you're moving at is you have a certain level of responsibility that you put upon yourself. And there's nothing wrong with that. But you also have to have a balance of knowing that there's no rush into getting to that finish line or whatever that finish line is.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Because while today at 19, you might say that you're a rapper, at 25, you might say, you know what? I'm not a rapper anymore. I'm going to take the knowledge that I gained from that and utilize it towards something else. And that's okay. So I feel like the scariness that you feel is because you feel like you have to accomplish something quickly and yeah you do you do have to accomplish something but as quick as you're trying to accomplish it it's not going to happen don't expect it to happen and if it does happen that's a uh a blessing has been uh stowed
Starting point is 01:11:20 upon you but you're you're at the place where you're at and for a good reason it's making you think about what you need to do moving forward and you're at an advantage because you also have people around you who are able to help you structure that and not figure it out on your own and let me tell you something else about yourself throughout all of life you will be the person that adds uh pressure on yourself in any situation that's's who you are. 1,000%. Yeah. It's not a circumstance thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:48 You're going to be rich and put pressure on yourself. You're going to have a career with a hit single and put pressure on yourself. There's no instance in life where you are not going to put pressure on yourself. That's dry. Sorry. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Starting point is 01:12:04 It's not bad news it's something I need to hear I wouldn't have wanted to hear that shit when I was 19 it's very healthy but it can sometimes I wouldn't have wanted
Starting point is 01:12:11 to hear that at all and I would have listened if you told me and if you told me at 19 I would have listened I'm shaking my ass I'm out I was in Alberts
Starting point is 01:12:20 with your mom he's in a different space and he's thinking differently and it's okay for you to think differently and it's okay for you to think differently. And it's okay for you to chart your own course. Your friends want to go and do X, Y, and Z and your mind is focused on something else. You go and do and fulfill where your mind is at.
Starting point is 01:12:37 But don't fulfill it for the thought of I have to accomplish something. Fulfill it because you want to fulfill the thoughts in your head. You want to see where those thoughts lead you. Don't fulfill it because I have to live up to something. The way people are looking at me. Don't fulfill it for those reasons. Fulfill it for the reasons
Starting point is 01:12:58 of why they're there. I want to explore this. This is what I'm thinking. Let me explore it. That's it. What he's saying is who you are and you don't know it yet and we do know that because that's who dad is it's just there
Starting point is 01:13:11 this is like hocus pocus magic shit I can tell you what your journey is because that's the journey know what you're doing at 19 somewhat what dad was doing at 19 you got a girlfriend and that's who you with that says something about who you are it says that might be i don't know if you're who knows but i won't throw that word out there i am but i mean it says what you like to do
Starting point is 01:13:38 very early on you could tell joe like to be with girls it wasn't me and a whole bunch of niggas running around when I showed up to the party. It wasn't me and the squad. It wasn't gang gang. All that shit y'all niggas be screaming. It wasn't all of that. I don't really see you do too much of that neither. I see you with your niggas. You make some music. You're in college. It's cool, but
Starting point is 01:13:57 who you are is who you are. And that's who you're going to be. I know I'm talking cryptic, so I'm shutting up. But I love you and I support you on your journey and anything that you need from me you know dad is you know dad is a call away you know anybody that loved dad is a call away anybody so your network is huge and yeah it plenty of information out there. Plenty of information. Oh, man, this was cool.
Starting point is 01:14:27 And listen, Dad likes being the guy that has friends that can help with this stuff. That wasn't my experience. I wasn't around Dad and his friends. It was Pop, the uncles, cousins, but it wasn't the friends. I kind of like that we ain't so far apart in age and story. Yeah, that's dope to me. I always think of them. What movie was that?
Starting point is 01:14:56 Was that South Central? Men's Society? Whatever. South Central. When he got out and his homie had his kid. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, man. Yeah. All right. out and his homie had his kid. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:06 All right. I'm done fucking making my friends be dads to my kids. To my kids. I don't think there's nothing else to say after that.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Nah, it was good. Nah. That was good. Wow. That was excellent. Wow, man. Hope it was helpful for you. Hopefully, yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Give you something to think about. That's all. Gonna have a lot more thinking to do if you don't make a fire record. Hey. Stop doing that. Let me help you out. Let me help you.
Starting point is 01:15:34 All that shit we just said, go out the window if it ain't no fire around. I'll tell you that one, buddy. And you got niggas around that'll help with the fire. It's your game in the studio. Imani alright alright we out man bye bye

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