The Lesser Dead - Rasputin - Season 1 - Episode 6

Episode Date: June 6, 2023

Margaret puts her plan in action against a dangerous foe. We discover the dark secret at the heart of Margaret and Joey’s history together. Joey goes uptown to feed on the Bakers and makes a discovery with deadly consequences.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Echo of Earth Echo of Earth presents The Lesser Dead When I hear Margaret and the others planning the best way to attack the oldest, most hard as vampire in Manhattan, I feel like a kid watching Grown-Obs talk. They're talking about something that's probably not going to work, but if it did, everything's Disney Land pancakes. Did they really think they can get rid of the Hessian? I mean, this guy casts a long shadow.
Starting point is 00:00:48 He turned Margaret, who turned me. But if it weren't for him, I'd be just another old schmuck with bad knees in a bald head. It wouldn't be a blood sucker. Neither would anyone else in this room. Only like I said, I can't shake the feeling that he's too strong. Anything we try against him. It's doomed.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I want to be the one who takes his hand, you got me? I want this. You ever seen him close up? Not as close as you. Yeah, well, I was young and stupid ones, just like you are now. Point is, the Nack on him. He's like a beef cow. Wouldn't even trust my shovel to get through it in one whack. You've got to scramble him first, otherwise he'll turn
Starting point is 00:01:31 things around on you. Don't underestimate me. You're a strong young thing and no question Mr. Mapache. And every year you're going to get just a little bit stronger. Now imagine he's been doing that almost 200 years. So don't lock up with him. It'll go bad for you. He'd be harder to kill than Rasputin. You'll want to shoot him through the brains to stun him and mind you don't miss. And then you'll have time to get that big bony head off him. Got your peace? Galadokisie. Good. Users. Come with us, don't. That's my sometimes girlfriend never. I'm about to make some lame excuse about not volunteering when.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Some jobs need big numbers. The same one of them. I could have kissed her. If you don't get in and surprise him, it won't matter how many you take. If you do surprise him, you shouldn't even need the four of you. She's right. It's all a la vanda. Me, never.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Me, Joe, with the crowbar. The kid stays in the tunnel. Shut up, the kids right about where the crowbar. The kid stays in the tunnel. Show up the kids right about where the tunnel goes. Get him over here. Hey, kid. What? Me?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, you come here. What did you say he sleeps again? The monster man, like, like what in? It's a bed box. You can knock it. I'm hungry. When can I eat? After.
Starting point is 00:02:43 It's so fair. The managed woman took my brother and sister out to feed. Why didn't I get it? Oh, don't let Ruth hear you say she's managed. Let's call her handsome. But you're not feeding to laughter because we don't need more complications. You get this done, get back here, and I'll take you out with self and feed you good and fat. Can't stand seeing nobody go hungry. There used to be a cook, you know. When she says that, she touches the necklace she's got on. It's an old-timey cameo, gold and coral with Medusa on it and white.
Starting point is 00:03:16 You know who Medusa is, right? That cameo used to be my mother's. I wonder if Margaret still wears it to remind me what I did to her. To Margaret, I mean, how my actions let the Hessian into our lives and changed everything for everyone. The corruption started with me. I grew up in the village, with my roast beef, loving Protestant shopkeeper Dad, my crazy Jewish mother. Today, she was pulling her hair out over her Medusa cameo, giving our maid a free lecture
Starting point is 00:03:56 about Greek mythology. Darling, help me look over here. Medusa was a lady who was turned into a monster by the gods. A Gorgon, Gorgon's had hair made of snakes, and if they looked at you, you'd turn right to stone. No. Or if you looked at them, I forgot. Probably if you looked at each other, did you check in the closet? I'll take a look, Miss.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I swear, first the pearls now this, I'm starting to believe we have gremlins. She didn't have gremlins. She had me. I took the pearl earrings, and I'll tell you why. Because those pearls were something mom wore a lot. Something she was sure to miss. But they were small and loosable, too. She wouldn't exactly think they were stolen, but she'd be paying attention.
Starting point is 00:04:42 So when something else disappeared... I am simply not going to rest until I find that cameo. She'd be downright suspicious. And why did I want her suspicious? Mrs. Peacock, would you like anything else from the market besides this on the list? I'm going in just a moment. No, no Margaret, that'll be all. Thank you. Yes ma'am.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Because we had a brand new cook I wanted fired. Mom thought Dad was sleeping with the old cook. Pretty, chubby, Vilma. My Vilma, from Hungary. You don't taste the pig gun, don't you say? So she fired her and brought in this skinny Irish lady with the big headlamp eyes that looked right through you. I knew I wasn't getting my Vilma back, but Margaret McManus had to go. So there I was a minute later in my sock feet,
Starting point is 00:05:37 opening the closet door where Margaret kept her things. Madusa was in my hand, turning on her fine chain, inches from getting slipped into Margaret's cheap canvas handbag. Then I stopped. I broke into a cold sweat. I was suddenly aware that this was a big moment for me, that who I was going to be as Joseph Hiram Peacock
Starting point is 00:06:02 was getting decided exactly then, not in trench warfare, not in some deal with the devil, but right there. On the third floor of a narrow townhouse in Greenwich Village, with a stupid little cambium in my hand. I think I shook my head a little, I knew it was too rotten. I really want to tell you I couldn't do it. I have a memory there, I started pulling my hand back, but it's been rotten. I really want to tell you I couldn't do it. I have a memory that I started pulling my hand back, but it's been so long. I don't remember if I really did.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Or if that's just what I chose to remember. So I wouldn't make myself sick. Mr. Joey? Huh? Um, Elise. The maid. It was too late to turn back now, or Elise, I thought so. I held up the cameo.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I found this. I mean, I saw her. Margaret, she put this in her purse. From mom's dresser. Elise didn't believe me, but what choice did she have? If she tried to rat me out, I could turn around and say she was the thief. Even if they believed her, I might get sent to bed without supper, but she'd have a permanent enemy in the house, one who could never be fired. She knew all this in a second, and in that second, I corrupted her too.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Mrs. Peacock? She said it quiet the first time. Looking me straight in the eyes like she was saying, are you sure this is who you are? Because we can do it this way if you want, but you're starting a long road now. And you might not like where it goes. That's what I now think her eyes were saying, but after 40 years, who knows? Maybe she was just a scared black kid from Harlem learning yet again how bad the world sucks. Mother?
Starting point is 00:07:44 Mother! learning yet again how bad the world sucks. Mother? Mother! So, yeah, I got Margaret fired. An hour and a half later, she got back from the market. Mrs. Big Manus, I need to have a work with you. My mom and dad sat her down on a chair and gave her the third degree. Meanwhile, I was trying to sink backward into the living room drapes and disappear. Maybe, maybe don't call the police, pop?
Starting point is 00:08:12 That raised a red flag with my father. He was shrewd, real shrewd. You don't steer a business through the great depression without knowing what's what. Why do you think we should be lenient with this kind of behavior, son? Because she has a family? Lots of people are families, Joseph. Most of them don't steal. Car the police if you like, Mr. Pecock.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I am an honest woman, and I'd like to get this sorted out as much as you. And there she was, drilling me with those eyes of hers, turning me to stone. I would appreciate it, Mrs. McManus, if you would stop staring at my son as though it were his fault, you're a thief. Oh, there's a thief in this house, a no mistake. Your position here is terminated. Ungood riddened. Do not interrupt me.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Mom was doing that finger-pointy thing that made you want to socker. And I could see Margaret was thinking about it. Now, I won't call the police, and I know that's a great relief to you, despite your bluffing. But only if you admit what you did. I cannot, conscience, a liar. So let me get this straight. I admit I stole that ugly thing, and I never have to look at none of yours again. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Fine, I stole it. Then it's yours. What are you giving it to me for? It's been sullied. I don't want it in this house. Or you. I never want to see you again. I have no worries on that account.
Starting point is 00:09:47 But of course we would see her again. My betrayal would end her life as she knew it and by extension mine and so many others. And now you know maybe you don't like me anymore. It's like I told you in the beginning. You can't trust me. I'm sorry you're stuck with me. Probably you deserve better. But who knows?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Maybe you were once a shitty person too. I go to my favorite livestock's apartment, the Baker Place. Yeah, they've been getting tapped pretty hard lately. But they're so easily charmed I know I can get in, gas up, and get out fast like Margaret Wands. She wants us strong and ready for whatever happens tonight. Hello? Mrs. Amriss's Baker?
Starting point is 00:10:43 I came over for dinner, like you said. Anybody home? I'm kind of on a schedule here. There's this broad, good looking, like in a Catherine Ross with Crow's feet kind of way. Hair done up in curlers under a curtiff. Has a bag of groceries from the corner of Odaiga. The neck of a wine bottle is taken out of it.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Hi. Hey, she walks up to the next door over. Ah, okay. She's the neighbor. Can I help you? I guess I look pretty shady. Haven't started trying to jammy the lock yet, but that's next. And maybe it shows. Everything's cool and maybe it shows everything's cool
Starting point is 00:11:26 Say it Everything's cool She's hooked Good Maybe I don't need the bakers after all I have to eat and run and this might do just as well Is anybody home at your place right now? Expecting anybody? No.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Do you have a television? So I got this neighbor lady in the kitchen, right next door to my usual stop. The TV's turned up because sometimes they make noise when we stick them. You never know, everybody's different. Turns out this one's kind of vocal. It's kind of weird. It's not bad. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Oh, God. Shut up. Now I'm gonna take my thumb away and feed again. But don't say nothing. And don't try to go anywhere. Only I can close up the hole again, okay? Okay. She's really squirming. Ah!
Starting point is 00:12:38 Whenever curlers pokes me in the eye. That's when I hear it. The fuck was that? The bakers. They've been noisy lately. Noisy how? Fighting. Bad fighting.
Starting point is 00:12:58 This is getting weird. It's time to clean this joint up and get back to the loops. I start looking the whole internet to heal up the bite. The phone is driving me nuts. Get that. And get rid of them, would you? And where's your mock? She's got a really cluttered kitchen.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Like spices and coupons and scissors and little jars of shit everywhere. It's gonna be hard to find it if the odd drop landed anywhere. This is why I wanted to go to the Bakers again. I know how they'll respond. You get in, you get out. Hello? I'll ask. What did I tell you?
Starting point is 00:13:34 Get rid of them. Hang up. Hang up. Now. Say you got cancer or a headache or something. Is her name? Joey? It's for you.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Hello? Is her name? Joey. It's for you Hello Hi Joey, who's this? You know who it is Mikey, you know that you do bite and take blood from an laugh at I heard you through the wall. My hearing's good now. Real good. What the fuck is happening?
Starting point is 00:14:13 Do you like Miss Kemp? Better now. Are you doing things to her? No, uh, say there. Cause I'd like this too. Unlock your door. Sit down. Don't move until I come over.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I said unlock your door. Sit down. Don't move until I come over. I said unlock your door. Sit down. I know what you said. But I don't have to listen to you anymore. Because I'm like you are now. I'm hungry. I'm coming over. Shit.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Lock your door after me. Don't let anyone else in. I was never here. My meat in the hallway, me and Mikey Baker. He looks bad. He looks dead. He stinks. He's got old blood bibbed on the front of his yellow eyes on Polo shirt. He shows me his nubby yellow fangs and his wet red mouth like he's proud of him. He's about to say something. But I grab his chin and shut his mouth and shove him backwards to his own door. Don't push. Don't ever touch me again. What the fuck did you do? I'm really not ready for what I see in the Baker apartment. I don't know who would be.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Mom and dad Baker are sitting on the sofa, better than hell, not a drop of blood between them. And you can probably guess the other detail. Somebody tore their eyes out for it. Black sockets, looking at the television. I just managed to get the door shut and locked. When the Baker kid just grabs me. It throws me down on the coffee, too.
Starting point is 00:15:53 That's rude. It's like Claubram with my left hook. Here's Jabri. Just cut that! Cut the fuck down! You don't want to do this! No! I kick him, but I lose my footing. I think I slipped in Miracle with,
Starting point is 00:16:10 through a refrigerator door, so broken jars everywhere. We fall under the broken glass and slump. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! And now he's on top of me, and this kid's heavy.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And strong. It's not fair. Him being a new vampire and already so strong. He shouldn't be so damn strong. And he starts choking me, but a lot of good that's gonna do him. I don't breathe. It doesn't even hurt. But falling and broken glass does.
Starting point is 00:16:42 And I'm cut to pieces, and now he's neat. It slides in all the ketchup and pickle juice and blood. And he gets off balance enough for me to score him out and roll in. Ah! Flopping him right down on his belly. The neighbors start fomping on all the walls. The floors too. The cops are already on their way.
Starting point is 00:17:03 But that's the least of my problems. The Baker kids thrashing like a boated tuna. I'm exhausted. But he just keeps coming. I've got you! I'm gonna have to peel this kid. I've never peeled a vampire before. But I really got a peel this time. I see a block of knives.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I grab a big one. I jump on my chest back and stop! Flattening him out. I stab Mikey in the head now. Deep. He goes limp. But I know it won't last. There's only one thing for it.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I put the blade in a big ass chef knife against the doughy meat of his neck. I'm so sorry about this Mikey. Really am. Oh God. Oh God. And then do it. Oh, it's awful. So now I've killed a fellow vampire, and I feel like I should just die too.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Especially when I get a look at the parents, it's propped up in front of the television. Easy to believe they might just be there forever. And me with them, like this is hell now. Ah. I'm sorry. I just... I just wanted to watch your TV. I only now realize I'm still holding Mikey's head. I never let it go.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I should just carry it around forever. Like a reminder, what happens to people who let me in? This was just a game to me. But not to him and his peeled, eyeless, mom and dad. I destroyed them. Like my own family. I destroy everything. Llew! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:19:02 Okay. And what, BD? Open up. Be second. Sure. Okay. Wait. I gotta get the fangs out of that head. Everything but that can be explained.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I could charm the cop. But what about the corner? No. Fangs always gotta come out. Poor Mikey. Fire's pliers. Fire out. Poor Mikey. Fireflies. Fireflies.
Starting point is 00:19:28 No time. I gotta use the knife. I'm sorry Mikey. I put the fangs in my pocket just in time. Freeze! Drop the knife! Drop the hand! Look at me. Yeah, like that. Now drop your gun.
Starting point is 00:19:46 It weighs like a hundred pounds. Look, great. Get inside. Shut the door. That mine's racing now. I gotta get back to the loops. The Corasones Freos are attacking the Hessian. But there's a second cov standing there.
Starting point is 00:20:03 His gun's drawn. He points it at me. Those are attacking the Hessian. But there's a second cop standing there. His gun's drawn. He points it at me. He looks off with the gun in your holster. Something's very wrong, but it's not hitting me yet exactly what. I said, but you're gun in your holster. I can't do that. They said you would say that. I can see from the drool on him that this guy's already been charmed and then it hits me.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I realize just how wrong I got everything. How wrong we all got everything. We were fooled right from the start. It was them. It was always fucking them. Hello Joey. Alfie. How did you? Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:48 It is a lot to think about. Officer whoops the lips. Excuse me, I can't watch this part. Shoot my friend Joey in the head please. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Episode 6. Rasputin. There's a new world coming and it's just around the bend. The Lesa Dad was performed by Jack Kilmer as Joey Peacock, many driver as Margaret
Starting point is 00:21:34 McMinnis, Toby Ryan as Peter, Ave Lebroke as Alfie, directed by Dan Blank, written by Christopher Buelman, series created by Christopher Buelman, based on his book, The Lessor Dead. Executive producers Mark Stern, Joshua D. Mauer, Christopher Buelman, Mini Driver, and Jack Killman. Producer Alexandra Whitman. Original audio production, music and sound design by Salt. Producer, Ali Strobel. Original music and composition by Benjamin Sterling.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Sound design by Christopher Barnes.

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