The Luke and Pete Show - A few too many red flags

Episode Date: August 24, 2020

On perhaps the most mental Luke and Pete Show to date, there’s a nose and ear trimmer live on the show and Pete’s boasting about the A* he achieved in RE GCSE.  There’s also a whole of Jackass nostalgia, a rant about school and an email about someone who’s been to Death Valley!Plus, there’s an excellent neon sign which has been spotted in Cambodia and a lot of bitching about Stakhanov’s fine employees.It’s all over the place today, just how it should be! Get in touch at***Please rate and review us on Apple or wherever you get your podcasts. It means a lot and makes it easy for other people to find us. Thank you!*** Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to The Shore featuring the men QAnon warned you about and the liberals that Kelly Ann Conway would not consider marrying. It's the Luke and Pete Show. I'm the Pete Donaldson part of that contingent. I'm joined by Mr. Luke Merle. You all right, Luke? You all right, mate? Get out of the way. Get out of the way. Yeah, I'm good. I don't like the way you sort of said that. You said that like the man, do you have that man on the motorway that i'm obsessed with who uh said put your hands on the car and get ready to die yeah prepare to die he was uh one of the attenborough's uh kind of producers or directors he was really posh wasn't he he was really posh and he was like he was doing
Starting point is 00:00:39 a citizens a mad citizens arrest old-fashioned tv guy it's just nothing like dad's going wild i think it should be just a dvd of dad's going wild i think we should go back to that kind of like halcyon kind of late 90s early 90s days of of dvds of uh promiscuous young women take their tops off and uh bum fights and dad's gone wild that's what i'd like to see do you want to stick with that or you can distance yourself from that i'll give give you a minute. I don't know. I've kind of regressed back to my 16-year-old self by watching Jackass the movie over the weekend. Oh, did you?
Starting point is 00:01:11 That was big for me and my friends, that movie. Oh, mate. You forget the simple joy of watching five or six drug-addled young men still having a joyful time in their lives uh in a big shop and trolley uh going down down a hill there's nothing more joyful hurting themselves consistently did you see that um you know you know like um i think i'm right in saying this and this is this is a while ago now but jackass used to be on mtv right and they used to put a disclaimer at the front saying, please do not send your VHS tapes in of you reenacting these stunts.
Starting point is 00:01:51 They are being performed by professionals. Spoiler alert, listeners, they weren't. And we will not watch these VHS tapes, and you will not get your own show off the back of sending your tape in to us. And so everyone was like, okay, fine, fair enough. Fast forward a couple of years they commissioned another show with some welsh people doing exactly the same thing who had sent the vhs tape into mtv so they're not even pretending to be they're not taking this claim seriously yeah yeah and and i would say with at least with them uh obviously the
Starting point is 00:02:19 inventor of the nhs coming from that part of the world you sort of think well look at least they've got the national Health Service. Who on earth is insuring the jackass boys for what they're doing? Who would insure Steve or, what's your name? Steve or get out of my office. You're not getting health insurance. Get out. Yeah, so the guy comes in and says,
Starting point is 00:02:38 oh, yeah, you know, I've got a family of five and, you know, I've lost my job due to some really serious health issues. Okay, look, we'll take your claim seriously. And you, sir, can we help you? Yeah, I threw myself off a bridge. Get out. Get out.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I was walking down a corridor and a big hand just smashed me in the face. Yeah, I got really sick. I was on a spring. I was looking for my mate's farts. Halcyon days. Truly halcyon days. It was a great show, though. I used to love watching it oh it was
Starting point is 00:03:06 fantastic and just so inventive and uh zeitgeisty and everyone was really cool and everyone was good looking pretty much well i mean half of them were good looking couple of fat ones yeah and and yeah a party boy uh he would sort of go around take his his clothes off. He would pull his stripper trousers off while dancing in like a ghetto blaster shop. And that's what I call home. A ghetto blaster shop. Trip Matlins with a bit more respect. I don't think they saw any actual speakers. They just sell lights and bits of wire, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:03:42 But also, Pete, I get the impression, because it was all part of a kind of wider movement, wasn't it, about skateboarding and a couple of them were in a band and all the rest of it. I know that tragedy has befallen one or two of them since, so I don't want to be too insensitive, but I think I'm right in saying that if we were to watch it now, the whole aesthetic might be almost horrendously dated.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Is that fair? Yeah, almost completely. Right. So you watched it over the weekend. So what were your impressions? I watched it over the weekend. I was just thinking that everyone looks very young. I remember when I had a six pack.
Starting point is 00:04:18 That's all TV for you. I'm sort of looking forward now. I'm sort of going, well, at least I don't have a big old man's paunch quite yet, even though I do. That's a dig. What?
Starting point is 00:04:29 You haven't got a paunch. I have. I've got a big pair of titties as well. You're too tall. Big pair of tit-tits. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I've got a big pair of tit-tits, but it's fine. And nipples to boot. Mine are fractionally more flaccid. Carry on. Yeah, but I had a lovely weekend
Starting point is 00:04:44 just watching Jackass and just reminiscing about what it was like to to go to Bar Oxygen in Leicester every single Friday night
Starting point is 00:04:53 Saturday night tell us about that was that a skating night was it that was a well they used to do they used to do Thursday night that was rock night
Starting point is 00:04:59 then there was Friday night more of an indie sort of feel to it and then Saturday was a mix of everything quite frankly. And you remember this because you were there every night? I was there every single night.
Starting point is 00:05:10 It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. But I remember they installed a Red Bull, I think, did a night, I think a couple of weeks before I actually joined the university and went for the first time. They did a night where they installed like a quarter pipe so skaters could get pissed and do some skateboarding. It's just so stupid. I don't know what kind of health and safety.
Starting point is 00:05:32 You could just get on there. You didn't have to sign a paper or a waiver or anything. If you hurt yourself, you just got thrown out effectively. But yeah, because it was such an old quarter pipe by five years after that, it was still there. But where the rims or the, I don't know what you call a part of the skateboards, trucks, where the trucks would hit the side of the quarter pipe, it was just a big, massive hole. So there was very few kind of like non-gifted skaters
Starting point is 00:05:58 who could kind of ollie over the top of the quarter pipe, rendering the whole thing completely useless and academic anyway. I don't know why they did it, but interesting, interesting times. Pete, if heaven is a half pipe, what's a quarter pipe? I don't know. Purgatory. Is that that place where unconfirmed children go to? Isn't that purgatory?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah, yeah. I think so. It's all very problematic, isn't it? It is. Yeah, it is, because, you know, I grew up in Catholic school, so I have no problems giving them a good old between the man boobs. I went to a church in England, mate, and listen, hands across now, you and I, hands across the religious divide.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Is there a lesson to be learned there from our listeners? Or let them be the judge of that. Could this be the podcast that just made everyone get along? We're talking Israel-Palestine. We're talking two sides of the dividing island. We're fixing things. We're fixing things through chats about jackass. So what did they teach you at Catholic school about babies that weren't confirmed?
Starting point is 00:06:55 I'm fairly certain they said that. I said, that's a bit rough, isn't it? I mean, I think after a few years in Catholic school, you kind of realise that it's best not to get into a philosophical debate with Mr. Linden because he'll just start talking about the troubles in Ireland where he came from. Oh, the bombs were dropping and I was hiding under the cars. And, yeah, he'd be doing all that.
Starting point is 00:07:18 And, yeah, it was very, very, very, very good. I remember, I'm not trying to be kind of elitist or kind of intellectual. Whatever anyone chooses to, however anyone chooses to live their life, it's kind of up to them, presumably, as long as it doesn't affect other people. But what I will say is this. I remember being at a junior school, St. John's Church of England Junior School. It's actually a primary school, but I was in the junior section. And we used to have a guy used to come in, I think every week,
Starting point is 00:07:43 to talk to our class called Father Albie who was from the um associated church just down the road right and some of the stuff he would come out with i remember being i think i'm fairly certain 10 years old and thinking that doesn't seem right that that that doesn't sound just hang on and that doesn't sound right i like that the teachers kind of round off the edges for you as a school child. But once a man of the clock comes in, he is unequivocal about the whole situation. He's going, nope, you're going to hell.
Starting point is 00:08:14 As you can probably imagine with me, it escalated to the point where my mum had to get involved. And at the parents' evening, they dobbed me right into my mum. What, saying that you were naughty little setting boy? I got involved in an argument with the, I don't even know what you call him. I mean, the reverend, maybe the vicar, whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I got in an argument with him about, not an argument, but I mean, bear in mind, he was the one arguing with a 10-year-old boy. So he should have been in trouble, not me. He should have turned the other cheek. Yeah. I think I had an issue with the idea year old boy so he should have been in trouble not me he should turn the other cheek yeah i i
Starting point is 00:08:45 think i was i had an issue with the idea that like um jesus never lied or something or lies should never be told and i had the typical kind of precocious like annoying 10 year old thing where i was like oh well what about if your friend says do i look nice and you say yes but you don't think they look nice and that's a lie isn't it and and that and i feel like a worldwide religion based over the last 2 000 years whatever it is we'd have a get out for a billion member shouldn't billion members should know that they should they should that should be on page one right yeah well the 10 year old kid will probably ask that so we'll know this and it got into like a prolonged argument and my mum got told about it in the parents evening which happened a couple of
Starting point is 00:09:22 weeks later and i got told off for it but i think looking back on it now, her heart wasn't in telling me off. I think she was all right with it. No, no. And I think also I would argue that the father in question, or the priest in question, or the vicar in question rather, probably thought, I know his friendship group, and no one's asking, do I look nice? No.
Starting point is 00:09:43 And I also think, I'm firmly on the side of the reverend at age 39. Now I'm like, what was I doing? Just shut the fuck up. Just let him get on with it. Let him get on with it. Don't engage with the thing that I'm getting fed for about five years. The other kids are probably thinking, well, this fucking idiot, stop asking questions so we can go out and play football.
Starting point is 00:10:02 What is happening here? I think I was almost certainly in the wrong i remember having a problem with um a hour-long assembly about how good oh god who's the guy who runs virgin richard branson richard branson he was talking about how you know how how hard work can net you big rewards and stuff and And Father Hogarth was in this. He was like kind of like a, we had a nun, we had a few nuns and a few priests. And Father Hogarth.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah, we had Father Hogarth and we had another bloke who always had food down him. He was always a wonderful Father Ted. Honestly, he could not more of it. He could have been no more like Father Jack if he tried. But I can't remember, big red face, big, like, little glasses. If anybody went to English Mart as a secondary school in Hartlepool, please let me know.
Starting point is 00:10:51 It's a long shot. Obviously, that's a long shot. But, yes, the other father. That was the virgin birth. Larry's drunk. But Father Hogarth, I was at dinner and I went, why do we have the hour-long assembly? Especially because of the teachers of Jesus that you fucking smash down our throat every religious studies lesson.
Starting point is 00:11:08 By the way, religious studies, very much only one religion. Don't remember learning a lot about the Muslim faith, quite frankly, or Islam. But yeah, I was sort of saying, well, why are we sort of learning about these men who just seek to, you know, line their own pockets and, you know, make a lot of money through admittedly hard work? And he said, well, that's very interesting because i think it's the only time he's ever been asked a genuine kind of like question about something that happened in an assembly but yeah he he was he had no answers for me and i think he knew that yeah i knew that by the end of it and i i do think these kind of priests who are kind of like sequestered to the into these situations um the ones that aren't wrong anduns, they've got a bit of a rough ride,
Starting point is 00:11:48 really, haven't they? Yeah, because the problem is – Because they don't want to hang out with kids. They want to hang out with big thinkers. They've joined the cloth because they're into philosophy and into thought, thinking about stuff and thinking about the big questions or thinking about part of it and really very much not thinking about the other part.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Well, I think that if you're someone who's preaching of whatever denomination at your church you're very much almost you know you're very much quite literally preaching to the choir aren't you so it's a home fixture isn't it whichever way you slice it you know whoever draws the away leg of having to go to teach a load of dickhead students boys and girls who aren't listening uh and don't give a shit and just want to get out and play football. That's much tougher, but I still think they should be equipped for that. And I would say my religious studies teachings at school,
Starting point is 00:12:35 which I stopped at age 14, I didn't choose it as one of my options for GCSE, I did actually learn, and admittedly it wasn't a box-ticking way, but I learned about eastern religions and other religions aside from christianity as well but not in any kind of great depth but i wonder if it's actually even possible to teach a load of 10 year olds in great depth about it anyway i mean you know it's not going to be the easiest thing in the world is it so they're going to ask questions kids are kids are inquisitive by their very nature. And some of them, as we've learned today, like me, are just downright annoying.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And so it's probably not a fixture or an assignment they particularly relish. No. I mean, I've still got an A star in GCSE. I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, Pete. And hopefully you'll take this in the spirit in which it's intended. I like the stories, Luke. I like Caesarea Philippi. I like this transubstantiation i like the sermon on the mount i like the stories i don't know what
Starting point is 00:13:30 they mean but i like them i don't have any problem with that i was gonna i was gonna go take this on a slightly different path and say that i know i will get the i always for some reason i think it has just it's hit home to me that i just because i'm not a very nice man every single show i'm on i'm always like the bad guy and I'm going to become the bad guy again now by saying... Look to Vigot. I find it astonishing that you're able to get an A star in any qualification because your attention span is horrific. How did you even do it?
Starting point is 00:13:59 What kind of peak dancer am I expected to believe existed at one point? I don't know. I think I was pretty good at writing essays. You know, I got my A in history and my B in English lit at A level. You were a more qualified man than me, basically. And that's annoying to me. And I can't remember the last time I read a book, quite frankly.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I can't remember the last time I read a sentence. You certainly don't read any of my emails. That's good for you, though. A-star, that's proper. Cheers, mate. That's back when GCSEs were hard as well. That was that. I got an A-star in IT and an A-star in religious studies,
Starting point is 00:14:33 and I definitely went in one of those two directions, let's say. For a bit. For a little bit. You missed my little Daily Mail comment there, because you know the Daily Mail is obsessed with exams not being hard anymore every single year. And they said it like last august um before this pandemic nonsense happened but they said and i remember thinking genuinely it's one of the few things where i
Starting point is 00:14:53 remember thinking i vividly remember in 1990 fucking seven the daily mail saying that about my gcse which i worked really hard for and i didn't do brilliantly but i tried my best and i found it quite hard. And it was annoying to me then and it's annoying to me now. So if you're telling me that 22 years later, they're getting even worse, it can't be true because it would just be, you know, can you take a shit in a toilet
Starting point is 00:15:17 and wash your hands successfully afterwards? Well done, there's an A star. Because there's no way it's descended that much. Yeah. That annoys me, that. Because kids work hard for that shit, you know, a lot of them. They do. They do.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And they may not be good. In modern life, the one thing I will say for the kids, they may not be able to spell correctly, but goodness me, they certainly know how to do exams because they are constantly examined on all of their facets. That's a thinly-veiled dig at some of our staff, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Who put typos in their words.
Starting point is 00:15:55 They know who they are. They're not listening. They're not listening. They should be, but they're not listening. Yeah, that's their own fault. Actually, Canaan, they're not going to listen. I tell you what I would say, Pete, is you you had a thinly veiled dig there at some of our members of staff that's the kind of right who occasionally put typos in their work and in the
Starting point is 00:16:11 interest of balance i will say in a meeting you completely checked out of the proofreading process very early on so you cannot you cannot blame other people yeah but do you want me checking them? You don't want me checking them. No, obviously not. Good Lord. I'd put like little smileys in there. I'd put little emoticons. I would do away with Japanese.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I'd do away with the whole writing system. I'd start writing right to left or up to down like the Japanese. Speaking of that part of the world, there's a wonderful, I think it's Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh? I'm not sure where that is. It sounds like kind of like- Oh, in Cambodia.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Is it Cambodia? Phnom Penh, yeah. It's the capital, isn't it? Phnom Penh. Okay, okay, yeah. I thought your sphere of influence was larger than that. I literally, I don't know that part of Asia at all. Literally, I know a bit of China, I know't know that part of Asia at all. Literally,
Starting point is 00:17:05 no bit of China, no bit of Japan, Korea, the rest. Because all of those places, I could never go as a single man because you look like a problem person.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's in Cambodia. And I only started travelling when I was in my 30s properly, so I could never go to any of these people. I think you do look
Starting point is 00:17:21 quite problematic most times you go away though because I've seen you get up and stuff. You're always falling asleep. you've got weird stuff packed and you're always on your own i think there are a few red flags being you know flown somebody did a brilliant joke on twitter where they were like uh i think it was on red actually they were saying uh oh my uh um i've just joined i've just um started going out with a girl, and I've noticed that a lot of her, in her household,
Starting point is 00:17:49 her brother is from Turkey, and her brother-in-law is from China, and they've all got little flags up in their house. Is that too many red flags? It was a really elongated kind of little story, but nobody got the joke. they've all got like little flags up in their house. Is that too many red flags? Sort of thing. It was a really sort of elongated kind of little story, but nobody got the joke. They're all going, why do you care where people are from?
Starting point is 00:18:13 Why do you care where people are from? You listen to about five or six places that had red flags. Yeah, a few too many red flags for me. And everyone was like, well, you absolute fashion. What is your fucking problem? And I was just like, oh, mate, you've had a nightmare. Tell us about Phnom Penh. What were you going to say? Phnom Penh, there was a brilliant picture of a Chinese restaurant
Starting point is 00:18:31 that has the Chinese kanji on the front, all of the Chinese characters. And then on the top, it has what is presumably the translation of those Chinese characters. But they've done it in a very literal way. And in English, it says, mysterious food from China in massive LED lighting. Mysterious food from China. That is certainly something you do not want in 2020, for crying out loud.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Mysterious food from China. It could be anything, couldn't it? It could be anything. Anything. Enjoyable. On the thing earlier about kids working hard at their exams and all that type of stuff, you talk about the typos. Staying away from the ganj!
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah, I feel like we recently advertised for an assistant producer to come work with us, and loads of people applied. And it was a really long process to kind of get to where we got to, and I was the one doing it, basically. And I actually came away away i didn't particularly have an opinion of like younger people because i'm not a journalist for the daily express so i don't have to have an opinion like i just kind of get on with life but i i came away from that process thinking fucking hell this is just an ape it's just it's no this is just an assistant producer job at a
Starting point is 00:19:41 production company you know we're not changing the world or anything. But the quality of people that applied was so high that it actually gave me pause for thought about just how great young people are when they first come out of university and how motivated and how hungry and how energetic and passionate they are. And work kills them. Yeah, exactly. Work absolutely kills them. They get all the edges knocked off like you and I.
Starting point is 00:20:03 We will kill them. We will kill them. And it was, if you are listening department if you are listening we won't kill you we we do satisfy all the legalities of employment we will endeavor to i'm barely in the office i will endeavor not to kill you uh and if and if and if you do there is a uh nominal 1 000 pound fee to be payable to your nest of kin. Something about that. No, Pete, you know what I mean, though? You don't really have a cause to necessarily associate with people who are of that age unless you work with them. And the level is just, they're just such nice young people,
Starting point is 00:20:34 like really into it, really enthusiastic. Their applications were, for the most part, absolutely impeccable. And so I would like to lend my voice to how excited I am for the generation of people coming through now. Well, once again, I mean, the people that we work with, again, they're not going to be listening to this, so we can say nice things about them and they'll never know.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Katie might not be. She'll be looking for the ad break. So if we just stay silent for three seconds. No, she listens through to the whole thing, mate. Oh, does she? Okay, right, okay. Because of the problematic things you say. Don't be rude.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I'm fucking cock on with the things that I want to get edited out. Actually, I texted her. I wanted something cleaved out of the Lookapete show a few weeks ago, and she missed the message. So then she apologised because she got it about three days later. Too late, Katie.
Starting point is 00:21:19 It's only out. Katie's brilliant. Charlie's brilliant. Sam's brilliant. Well, he's off, so he can get lost. And Blondine's brilliant. Everyone who works with Stakhanov are absolute dudes. And babes do a man.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I like the idea, Pete, of someone telling their friend about this show. So you should go and listen. Now, what's it about? It's just these two blokes approaching 40 who just really slate their own stuff. And have a go at the editor they were great i just said listen we got a break man we're well late for the outbreak we can't well i hope you enjoyed that break i hope you put the id in and the you know the the promo katie all right if you've messed this up i'll be terribly upset right stop this now because
Starting point is 00:22:04 we've got um we've got to do the section of the show where we listen to some of the stories that are listening-sensitive. What's happening? You get on with that. I'm just shaving your balls. I've just found... Is that Manscaped again? No, this is my wild wet slash dry nose and ear trimmer.
Starting point is 00:22:21 It rinses clean. Oh, I can hear that. I think everyone listening will be astonished that it's taken about 500 episodes to get to this point. Man, shoving a fucking trimmer up his nose. Lovely. Listen, everyone, whatever Pete tells you, it is definitely a trimmer.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Right. Hello at is the email address. Do send your emails in. We love hearing from you there's been some absolute belters this week i know we say that all the time but there has and you know what a couple of our listeners i think we should start in this area pete a couple of our listeners have emailed in saying they've actually visited death valley oh no the hottest place on earth yeah so last week if you haven't caught up with last week's shows yet, we talked about how there may well have been a record temperature recorded in Death Valley, the part of California famous for its high temperatures.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I don't know if it's been ratified yet, but there's talk of it being one of the hottest temperatures ever, if not the hottest one ever. And a couple of listeners have emailed in saying they've actually visited there. Would you like to hear from one of them first, Peter? I would very much so. So the first email is from a guy called Glenn who says the following. He says, hi, guys. Long time listener. First time emailer.
Starting point is 00:23:34 The Death Valley Furnace Creek story has dominated our household chats since reading about it. This is because this time last year, to the day of me writing this, my wife and i were on our honeymoon which was a four-week tour of the usa in none other than the hotel at death valley called the ranch photo attached makes the place look far too pleasant it wasn't pleasant um we said what was fascinating though was it got so hot, brackets, 49 degrees Celsius, while we were approached to Furnace Creek, which I think is the hottest part
Starting point is 00:24:11 of the hottest part. He says, there are signs saying you are advised not to have your air conditioning on because the last thing you want to do is run out of petrol, right? Imagine that right there. I mean, that's crazy. That's like, you're fucked if you do and fucked if you don't um but they go on they must keep like um bottles of like what you know like um you know a lot of like humanitarian um kind of organizations leave um canteens of water um on
Starting point is 00:24:36 the south border of america surely they must leave like resources for people who are who are stuck yeah and he said second of all there was what looked like an abandoned town in the middle of Death Valley called Trona, T-R-O-N-A. And driving through it was like driving through a post Chernobyl kind of situation. He said, after a quick Wikipedia search, the town has a high school
Starting point is 00:24:57 and even has a high school American football team called the Tornadoes, although I doubt they play many home fixtures, take care and all the best, Glenn. Now, I looked up Trona in San Bernardino County in California, and I couldn't find anything which says that it's abandoned. I mean, it's known apparently for its isolation and its desolation, but there is a school there.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It's attended by people. There's people that live there. It's got a football team. It's got a golf course, or it did have. I just don't understand what it would be like really to live there because the average high temperature the average high temperature in july is 41 degrees average that's what i like about that what's the day like today just average seven degrees hotter than it was in my spare room two weeks ago and i almost died jesus christ yeah not not good did you see the one from uh connor who was talking about the
Starting point is 00:25:51 air conditioning in the car yeah that's what i just said that's what glenn said as well but we'll just connor give us some more information on it well just saying that you got to turn out you got to turn off you're not allowed it on because obviously it overheats the engine but like apparently every breath is like swallowing a cup of tea it's bizarre this thick warm air that's coming that'd be great your tea's cold because you put so much milk in it yeah that's true who sent that one in connor connor yeah yeah i just like the idea of like i just love the idea of you thinking look you may need think you need the air conditioning on but i promise you it will overheat your engine
Starting point is 00:26:27 and you do not want to get it. Yeah, I mean, do you reckon it's best to go, do you reckon they maybe have certain types of car if you live there? Because, you know, there's certain, I mean, I know this is kind of a different thing and I'm going to come on to another email about it in a minute from Matt.
Starting point is 00:26:43 But if you go to places where it's always cold cold there's certain things you have to do to your car to make it more viable right so make sure it starts every time and so you've got good tire tread and snow change your tires all that kind of stuff i wonder if there's anything you can do to make your car more um more kind of impervious to the heat. But also, Pete... Sunglasses. Yeah, just put sunglasses on the windscreen. Massive sunglasses. But do you know, like, in London, it always feels much hotter than it is because of the humidity and the closeness of it
Starting point is 00:27:13 because it's a big city. A lot of these desert heats are dry heats, aren't they? So they don't feel as bad. Is that right? Say again? Go on. I think it's to do with the amount of moisture in the air but for example if you go to the middle east where it's obviously on paper really hot of course it is hot
Starting point is 00:27:31 if you go there stand in the sun but in the shade it's not as bad because it doesn't feel as humid so it's a dry heat oh there's some there were some days in in london a few like a couple weeks ago that was just it was just so moist yeah that you're in a situation where it's just too it is unbelievably hot the hottest i've ever been was jeju island uh in south korea um like this place where all the south koreans go on holiday and it was just so moist and so and and and korean people don't generally want tans so when they're on the beach they would be wearing these big um kind of like covering kind of wetsuits almost when they were on the beach. And it was really interesting. And I was just like, I cannot handle this heat.
Starting point is 00:28:11 It's just insane. It was just in your eyes and your mouth. Oh, my God. Did it rain? Actually, I went to, it had rained a few times, but no, it was just still very, very moist. I can't remember when we actually, it must have been about June kind of time. It was a stupid time to go, June, July, because I guess it is the early season around that time.
Starting point is 00:28:29 But we managed to sort of just miss all of that. I did sort of escape into, there was an erotic museum and an ice museum next door to each other in Seoul. So you could get really hot and then cool off next door. Get really hot and then cool off. You get in the ice museum, boner boy. Get out. Yeah, when you leave, they're like,
Starting point is 00:28:45 come in here and lose your erection. Exactly. So I stayed in the igloo-y kind of section for quite a long time, the ice house section, just to cool off because it's so pretty cold.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Yeah, I've felt like in parts of the south, east of the United States, like Florida, Georgia, Alabama, which a lot of that is just a massive swamp basically it's been i suppose reclaimed and it gets particularly in parts of florida it gets really really humid and hot until
Starting point is 00:29:13 about five or six p.m where it's almost like unbearable and then it'll just piss it down for like 40 minutes and it's kind of freshened up again like that can happen like every day if you're there yeah anyway listen pete what i'll do i think is because we're almost pretty much out of time here what i'm going to do is i'm going to um postpone um matt's email about death valley until thursday we'll definitely do that on thursday's show uh and but for now we will wish our lovely nistlers a warm and heartfelt goodbye and say that we'll speak to them later in the week so that's all from us hello at is your email address at lukeandpeachow on twitter
Starting point is 00:29:50 get a hold of us on social media there it's goodbye from Pete Donaldson ta-ta and it's goodbye from me as well we'll see you next time This was a Stakhanov production and part of the ACAST Creative Network.

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