The Luke and Pete Show - Dads of the world unite

Episode Date: January 9, 2023

Pete's made his new years resolution - just a week late - and it turns out that KSI and Logan Paul are now quaking in their boots...Elsewhere, Pete gives a potential untrustworthy film recommendation ...and Luke opens up a consumer advice service after he has a run-in with a major department store.Have any consumer rights issues needing solved? Email: or you can get in touch on Twitter or Instagram: @lukeandpeteshow. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Luke and Pete show. I'm here with my erstwhile colleague, Lukey Moore. You were my erstwhile colleague, but now you are my colleague, alright? So when I said that, you were my erstwhile colleague for the weekend, but now you're my weekday lover. Loki Moa, how are you doing, mate? You all right? Not bad. And I sometimes seduce myself into thinking that this year things will be different. No, still here, mate.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Still have a deal with this. It's going to be the same, isn't it? It's going to be the same. How are you, more importantly? What's been going on? I'm all right. I've made a New Year's resolution oh good uh a few days late that's okay i mean we're in a position now on the monday this is like the second monday with the first if you don't include the bank holiday
Starting point is 00:00:56 where it's now like get over yourself christmas is fucking long gone yeah we're now in the thicker things i think maybe it's a good time to do that I think New Year's Day being a Sunday really fucked me off because then you're just right back into work aren't you like the next day you get a bank holiday for that but I was working anyway because I did the ramble that day do you know what I did
Starting point is 00:01:17 I took in a load of pret treats for the whole team to say thanks for coming on a bank holiday and then the ones that were left over I put in my bag and took home again fed them to the cats because i deserve it as well because i deserve it well i bought it i knew there'd be more than was that anyone was going to eat and if i eat them that's just me being a good guy sorry uh charlie have you already had a croissant have you already had one but put it back in the bag you've got crumbs on your jumper put it back what's your New Year's
Starting point is 00:01:45 resolution then I went to the this isn't my New Year's resolution but I went to the football a few years ago with Charlie and he was astounded
Starting point is 00:01:53 at this whisper you could buy that had two chunks in it like two separate chunks and then you can eat one of them and then twist to close it
Starting point is 00:02:01 yeah duo so you can have one and then twist to close it and then have one later on which I did not knowing there was a thing called a twist a duo i thought it was broken in the pack whisper duo i mean yeah and and i put it in my um glove compartment and it was there for months so i could have technically eaten it i'd gone white like what are you doing i don't know i don't know uh my newest resolution is is Luke I am going to single handedly
Starting point is 00:02:25 kill the popular child's teenagers drink Prime oh yeah that's a good one I'll be honest with you
Starting point is 00:02:34 when you said I'm gonna kill it when you said my New Year's resolution is I'm gonna kill I was starting to write down where I was at the right time so because this is going bad.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I could hear you typing on your keyboard. Go on, tell us more about that. KSI, Logan Paul, they've made a drink. Inexplicably, they've done it 10 years after they'd become famous. I don't know why they didn't think of this sooner. Because the kids have gone fucking insane for this energy drink, right? It's just a bottle of sugar water, and they've put the word prime on it,
Starting point is 00:03:08 and it's endorsed by KSI and Logan Paul, and they have drip-fed the supply to everywhere in the world, and so the kids are absolutely banana over it. They're absolutely insane for it. Well, my beef with that is, I've got to the age of 41 and realised that I fell for all this shit
Starting point is 00:03:29 back in the day. But I didn't have to because I didn't have any all my life. My dad never sat me down and said, Pete, all of this is shit. You're being played.
Starting point is 00:03:39 This is late stage capitalism and don't fall for it. You don't need that Alton Towers Nemesis it. You don't need that Alton Towers Nemesis drink. You don't need that. I know it tastes like Blackcurrant.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I know it's got a bit of licorice in there. I know it tastes delicious and you're never going to taste anything similar to that again. But you're buying it for the pretty label.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah. And that goes double for Craft Ale, actually, you lads. Dickheads. Oi, it's not fucking acceptable just because it's got alcohol in it exactly
Starting point is 00:04:05 doesn't make you adult or cool yeah you know it's just i know it's the only thing keeping the uh the artists alive by uh right drawn little cute little cartoons on the front i realize you're the only people paying for art i realize that i also um speaking of that by the way i felt absolutely cheated um the other day because I found out for the first time that you know the Beaver Town Brewery? Yes. Do you know enough about it for this to be of interest? Okay, right.
Starting point is 00:04:36 So the Beaver Town Brewery, they do neck oil. They do a load of different types of beer, right? I've had a neck oil. Yeah, and it's a great beer, and it worked really well. And it was billed as this local brewery success story up in North London. And then it sold a stake to, I think, to Heineken, and people got pissed off about it and all the rest of it. But then the guy came out and said, oh, no, we needed the money
Starting point is 00:05:01 so we could have a new brewery and all the rest of it. And then they did a kind of tie-in with spurs because it's a local team and it was like oh this is a really great like british um you know entrepreneurial success story right i i did a a bit of cursory research right which no one else seems to have done do your own research the guy who founded it is the son of fucking robert plant Is there anything in Britain not nepotistic? Anything. Just give me one thing that isn't nepotistic. It's a Nepal beer baby.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Oh, yeah, I just needed that investment from Heineken because otherwise I only had the 200 million from my dad and it started to run. Like, fucking do us a favour. Tell me one thing. I'll tell you what we should do. Here's a good idea give four people who are the sons
Starting point is 00:05:49 of the most establishment rich people in Britain from different sectors and put them in charge of the NHS then it'll get the fucking funding everyone will be like oh great who's running it? Jimmy Page's daughter
Starting point is 00:06:04 yeah yeah give them the money. Yeah, great lad. Yeah, I think every person who comes out a famous person should be, like, tagged on the end saying the word liar because at some point in their life they will say, well, you know, I worked really hard to get where I work. You're a liar! You're a big, fat liar!
Starting point is 00:06:20 Liar, liar, liar, liar. They've got to have liar written on their head in green. Sorry, who's running the primary care trust in London now? Brooklyn Beckham? Great. Brilliant. I love his photographs and his food. Don't eat the food.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Good God. Brooklyn Beckham could go for one lunch with the health secretary and some other fucking bean counters and get five extra billion a week for the NHS because that's how this country works. I always liked it when my mate was, he actually weirdly now works for the NHS,
Starting point is 00:06:51 but he used to be a book buyer for like Asda. Yeah, he used to basically be a book buyer for the supermarkets effectively. So he would get the publishers, the publishers would turn up and go we've got this book and they'd go right as they wants 20 copies uh and tesco wants 50 blah blah these feet like that like burning manning i don't i don't really know but he uh he said that like the publishers would rock up with the talent who would you know the subject of the autobiography or the
Starting point is 00:07:21 biography so he'd be having like dinners swankanky dinners with like, I don't know, fucking Kelly Brooke or something. And she'd just be bored out of her fucking skull, talking to a load of nerds. And it's just an interesting little kind of... Not the nerds you're eating. Not the what? Not the nerds that you eat. Not the nerds that I'm eating. They are sugar-coated acid.
Starting point is 00:07:40 It feels like. But yeah, it's just like this weird little kind of like, little bit of culture that nobody knows that uh celebrities have to do they have to romance the fucking head of asda please yeah please can you keep my book in your in your one of the big game changes about um the kind of publishing industry that occurred a number of years ago was i think a lot of it was fueled by the internet. The Fulbright book, yeah? Well, I learned... What a shot in its arm. I learned a little bit about it when we did the book.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And I read up on it. And a big change was that what used to happen, as far as I remember, or as far as I believe, is that these big retailers, whether it be a Waterstones or a supermarket, whatever, they would have to put an order in for X amount of copies of books, right right and if they didn't sell them they just had to sell them like it was like that's where you'd see them in bargain bust and it became a bit of a skill to
Starting point is 00:08:33 be a procurement or a buying expert for these places and then what happened was the internet basically reduced the publishing industry to its fucking knees and gave the buyers these supermarkets these chains these retailers a lot more power and they use that power to say to the publishers we'll buy x amount of these books but the ones we don't sell you're having that you're gonna have to take back and the whole thing became a lot more conservative and that's what's a lot harder i think to become a writer or to become a novelist or whatever because there's just no power in the publishing industry now now when i started that point I thought it would be interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Halfway through, I realised it was actually quite dull. It is interesting. But it is in my nature to continue through to the end, see things through to the end. When you stop to think about, I know there's a lot of, you've got to keep the lights on in offices and stuff and everything all around it. So you think about how expensive publishing a book is,
Starting point is 00:09:25 like nuts and bolts. Like I know you've got to get the books to wherever they need to be, but actually making the thing itself a book comparative to everything else, it's probably quite cheap, isn't it? Yeah, absolutely. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Compared to, you're not digging like rare metals out of the earth. You're not putting them together in some unlovable Chinese sweatshop. You are literally getting a bit of paper on a roll printing it and putting it together and in the grand scheme of expensive things that we buy the surely the profit margins on books if you've got a thousand books you're releasing every year must be fucking huge for a big publisher huge so i think that's i think that's right and i think what happens even with the the small amount of books that are being sold nowadays i mean yeah but that but that's the
Starting point is 00:10:09 point isn't it i think there's no room for any kind of small publisher now right okay so it's almost been consolidated it's the same in the music industry right i mean who gets punished and hit really hard by what's happening in the music industry well ultimately it's the smaller companies because they've got not got the power to influence it or to swallow it or to deal with it. So I think it becomes very homogenized because of that situation, I think. Do you not think that, I mean, obviously, you know, I think back in the day, probably about like seven years ago, people who used to release books on, you know, that unbound and stuff, whether it be self-published. I think self-publishing has become less um a tainted sort of thing to do would that be fair to say because i know like i mean look at um uh the the the grey the grey lady grey oh um yeah that was that was all
Starting point is 00:10:57 self-published kind of slash to start with it was yeah it was yeah i think yeah yeah so i think a lot of i think a lot of that people are willing to kind of read, quote, unquote, unpublished authors, I think it's fair to say. I don't know where you got that from. What do you mean? I've never once read a self-published book that I know of.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Well, I mean, you're missing out. Apart from that geezer who self-published a podcast book, which I read for a bit for a laugh. Was it filled with loads of nugget of information? Is that how we made Stack such a rolling success? To me, it read like the workings and daubings of a bullshitting maniac. Does that help?
Starting point is 00:11:36 It's nice to see it written down. Trust me, it takes one to know one. I think about writing and stuff every month. Sometimes it slips to the next month. But Mark Haynes from writes a little newsletter. It wasn't Mark Haynes. It wasn't Mark Haynes. No, no.
Starting point is 00:11:53 He's a brilliant writer. Yeah. Yeah, you could actually read his. He wrote something like 35,000 words in the December newsletter. I tried to tell him the last one he did. I said, this is great. And I'm benefiting benefiting directly from this but this is a waste of your time and he was like no i really enjoy it i really enjoy it he does really enjoy it it's really good he docked he he he docks me he showed um uh somebody was uh somebody back in the 70s i think
Starting point is 00:12:19 would keep wrestlers um in the um 59 old comp street which is obviously next to 61 old comp street which is where i used to live um they uh yeah they they um they had restless thing and mark sort of said oh peter maiva might have been sleeping his head might have been sleeping really close to peter's head uh if indeed uh it wasn't separated by 25 years it's not a dog thing is it if you haven't lived there for five years? No, I don't think so. But yeah, never mind. Elon wouldn't agree, though.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Elon would be fuming. Listen, before we move on, how are you going to take down this prime drink? Oh, yeah. One easy step. Well, two easy steps. I'm going to start drinking it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And I'm going to make all of the men of my vintage start to drink it if you are a dad of any age get yourself a couple bottles of prime they could be the empties from your kids just make sure you're walking around with a bottle of prime in your hand swigging from it going this is delicious because there's no organ yeah, just anybody who kids would think were uncool, just get them fucking drinking Prime and we can nip this one in the bud and as a dad or a mum, you're not going to be on the hook for six quid a pop.
Starting point is 00:13:38 All right? Let's make it very clear. So just fucking drink it. No mum is getting involved in this. No, I know mum. At any point. Yeah, and that's why I started with the word dad and that's why women are happier
Starting point is 00:13:46 because dads are idiots yeah because they they could go through their life it happens to me with the wife I've got access to all the time I'll walk into the living room
Starting point is 00:13:54 after a day of work have you heard this and they go no I don't care yeah that happens so often your life is so much better than mine the other week I said to her what about this Andrew Tate stuff
Starting point is 00:14:01 she was like who I was like that is part of me wanted to go how do you not know and like who i was like that is yeah i'll be what to go how do you not know and then i was just like great that is great yeah you don't need to know you don't need to fucking i'll shoulder this burden for all of us oh did you say you got caught with a pizza she goes well my partner is across stuff she goes well actually it wasn't technically because the pizza because he only said he was in stop spoiling the cool thing yeah you demand
Starting point is 00:14:21 the narrative here a simple narrative that we can understand um peter and i'm also one of the new year's resolutions i've got is i get quite a lot of um tweets from people saying oh luca peter i love it i love all the rest of it it's great fun never know what's going to talk about next but you guys never follow through on the things you say you're going to talk about so um and that is true i'm not particularly bothered about that but just because it's front front of mind at the moment. You did say on Thursday... Seems to be a weird thing to get upset about
Starting point is 00:14:48 at this point of the day. I think so, but at the same time, there's Andrew Tate out there and all sorts. On Thursday's show, you did say you had a film that you saw that you wanted to talk about. So I'd like to know what that is. White Noise. It's the film White Noise.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Never heard of it a comedy drama directed by Noah Baumbach it's on Netflix now and it gets 10 thumbs up from me
Starting point is 00:15:12 Adam Driver Greta Gerwig and Don Cheadle and it is fucking brilliant it's about a man who's an expert in Hitler studies
Starting point is 00:15:19 inexplicably in a college in Ohio he secretly doesn't speak any German right and there is a massive basically in a college in Ohio. He secretly doesn't speak any German. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:29 And there is a massive... Basically, it follows the life of an academic and his family, Adam Driver and Gerwig and Co. And then suddenly an air contamination accident occurs nearby where they reside. I'm reading this off of Wikipedia. And it is fucking brilliant the script i've never watched a single now bomb back film before um so i'd very much like someone to let me know which film i should start with because it is fucking brilliant that to be able to squeeze in such heavy dense
Starting point is 00:16:00 dialogue into quite a silly silly little um a story um it's just wonderful i don't know where where it all sits compared to the um compared to the book i don't know how much of of of now uh bound back noah bound back's um uh input is on the actual dialogue itself but it's fucking brilliant it looks like it's received mixed reviews but i think it's fucking brilliant. It looks like it's received mixed reviews but I think it's fucking brilliant. I think it's wonderful. So I don't think I've ever seen any of Noah Baumbach's movies but we were. You know we were engaged in that project with Peter
Starting point is 00:16:34 Bogdanovich who sadly passed away. Noah Baumbach was involved in that so was Greta Gerwig but I never met any of them and I've never seen any of their movies. I think Baumbach is involved in the new Barbie movie I think and I think he also co-wrote maybe
Starting point is 00:16:50 or co-directed the Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou that Wes Anderson movie so he's a very Wes Anderson type but the thing is I know the type of films you like and I know exactly what this film will be like and I'm not saying it's bad but it'll be whimsical it'll have some kind of indie soundtrack there'll be a quirky but really attractive
Starting point is 00:17:05 girl who's made to look not attractive, even though she is really attractive. That kind of stuff will happen, won't it? Well, that bit doesn't happen. There's a new LCD sound system song in it, though. Well, there you go. Your favourite film, I'll tell you something now, even if you haven't seen it, and I don't know if you've seen it or not, but your favourite
Starting point is 00:17:21 film is Adventureland. Which one's Adventureland? I don't like that. I'm it or not, but your favourite film is Adventureland. Which one's Adventureland? I don't like that. I'm not bothered. You love all that stuff. I love all that stuff. Whereas I will only exclusively watch films about the Vietnam War. You're like Westerns, don't you?
Starting point is 00:17:38 I like... Bloody love a Western. Yeah. Because the men were men. Yeah. And they say how they feel, don't they? Western. Because the men were men. And they say how they feel, don't they?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Because it's like I will watch, say, Platoon where the men are men and I will go, in my mind, I'll go I could be pals with them. I could get on with them. Talk about munitions and stuff. That lot don't understand us. They don't understand how hard it is for us.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Oh, Lordy. Anyway,eter um let's take a quick break when we come back i've got a couple of things i want to run the rule over with you um one of which is a really odd uh situation i've had with the online shopping portal for homeware and furniture way Wayfair. Worth sticking around for. Well, I hope you enjoyed that presumably gigantic advertorial break. What was your favourite advert then, Pete? Oh, like the one about burgers. Howdy's burger, mate? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:38 You'll be dead soon. McDonald's. Get in your fucking mouth, mouth fatty you'll be dead soon McDonald's the way you want to be don't do that because they sponsor us sometimes they send burgers in
Starting point is 00:18:56 eat five of them cunt can you just do that again but with Burger King because McDonald's do actually give us money thanks Burger King Burger King have never given us a fucking penny
Starting point is 00:19:04 I've moved on to a new order on Burger King on McDonald's do actually give us money. Thanks, Burger King. Burger King have never given us a fucking penny. I've moved on to a new order on Burger King, on McDonald's, actually. I've moved to the double cheeseburger. Good choice. Banger. Just solid, bloody good burger. I'll tell you the one tip I've got for you.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Well done, McDonald's. Get it in your mouth. Those of you who want to enjoy McDonald's more, free your mind from the idea that you can only have one portion of fries fries are really good yeah people in their mind they'll go i can have a small i can have a medium or i can have a large and that's all i can have i'm here to tell you you're wrong where's do they still do the smalls in paper rather than cardboard? I believe so, yeah. Right. So you can even get away with just having a big and a small. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:49 An extra large and a small. But people don't think that way. People don't think that way. And they should. When you're eating two portions of chips in a lay-by, you're nodding your head going, yeah. I'm not the fucking Churchill dog, mate. I'm living life, mate.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah. I'm living life. You wouldn't just go to the pub and have one beer, would you? No. Well, unless you're driving, I suppose. If I'm driving,
Starting point is 00:20:10 I don't have any. I can't bother with it. I just think it's pointless. It's a pain in the bum because there's no way of figuring it out. Unless, I guess, you've got a blowy machine.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Sorry. Careful. Steady. Yeah. I think you're allowed... I think you're allowed I think you're technically allowed like cracking on for two but it's got to be
Starting point is 00:20:29 very weak lagers but who's measuring that it's a nightmare why are you talking in this way why are you doing this I think you can have cracking on for two we cross over now
Starting point is 00:20:40 to Pete Donaldson advice on drink driving I think you'll probably have two weak ones but I mean who's measuring that? And it's all to do with how big you are and stuff. Just give us a number. Say one Stella, half a fucking cider.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Just tell us one drink, and then we'll have one of them, and then you can't shout at us. I haven't got time for the units. I don't fucking get it. Apparently you lose a unit every hour. You lose a unit every hour. Fucking tell me how many stellas I'm allowed. Which is why, in summary, I don't drink at all when I go driving.
Starting point is 00:21:10 And do you get a Fiat 500 reduction? I'm not killing anyone. I'm killing myself, if anything. This car is... Rubbish. Excuse me, officer. This car is dreadful. It can't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:21:21 This car is a good car. It's not going to blow up. It's not going to blow up anybody else. It's not going to hurt anyone else. Go on. Have a go.. It's a car. It's a go-car. It's not going to blow up. It's not going to blow up anybody else. It's not going to hurt anyone else. Go on. Have a go. Have a go in it. I could run this into the front of a fucking McDonald's,
Starting point is 00:21:30 and I wouldn't hurt anyone. It's like the old dad joke, isn't it, where the policeman pulled me over the other day. He said, have you had anything to drink? I said, no. He said, can you blow into this, please? I said, why? He said, because my chips are hot.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Anyway, Wayfair. Let me do Wayfair. So have you heard of the company Wayfair? Yes. Have I bought something on Wayfair? Yes, I think I have. Wayfair. I'm typing it in.
Starting point is 00:21:57 So think of me like that little bald fella, Dominic Littlewood, who does the old consumer stuff. Yeah, OK. And I've given Wayfair a chance to atone for this, and they've refused to. So, again, they're going to get both barrels on this show from me. And they're going to wear this, and it's on them. I've got no guilty conscience about this whatsoever. Right?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Before Christmas, we spoke to a member of our family, who shall remain nameless, because they're an innocent party in this. Right, okay. He said, I demand a gold pineapple. Yeah, they sell a lot of that kind right okay and they said i demand a pineapple a gold pineapple yeah they said a lot of that kind of things in yeah they can a lot of stuff basically for those of you don't know wafer is imagine if you couldn't afford to shop in john lewis right okay right yeah and uh it's not it's not a big stretch in january to be honest no and so um
Starting point is 00:22:39 they said we've just moved into a new place we don't have much staff we have guests we don't have much room but we have people visiting. We'd like an airbed. I was like, fine. Whatever would you like? This one. Great. Found the airbed.
Starting point is 00:22:50 What air would you like in it? Quite a nice one. Choose your own air. I'm not getting involved in that. Yeah. And so we bought the airbed, right? We got the airbed delivered by Wayfair to our house, right? And then we got an email from Wayfair saying, oh, we're sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:04 The airbed you ordered is out of stock. Would you like to choose something else or you can have a refund? And if we don't hear from you, we'll refund you. And we were like, that's weird. Because we've got it literally sitting in our house being wrapped up ready to give us a gift. So I don't really understand why that's happened.
Starting point is 00:23:19 It's probably an automated email of a Christmas, like a mistake or whatever. So we just ignored it. Yeah. Lo and behold, the money, a few days later or whatever, went back into the Wi-Fi I have access to's account, right? They've made an error there. That's on them.
Starting point is 00:23:32 We didn't choose that. They just did that, right? This is when it gets weird, right? Check this out. Bear in mind, this is a big company, right? Yeah. They've got a lot of fucking business, a lot of staff, and you'd imagine it would be be i just think this is mad
Starting point is 00:23:47 mad behavior they send an email to the wife i have access to saying we made a mistake giving you a refund for that item so um we're going to send someone around to get it what so they send someone around to pick up the item? So check it out, right? Just charge the card again, no? I don't know if they can. Anyway, so they sent an email saying that, oh, we're going to send someone from UPS to come and get this item, by which time it was like the 3rd of January, right?
Starting point is 00:24:18 And we were like, my wife replied saying, well, good luck with that. We gave it away as a Christmas present. So what do you want us to do? And they didn't reply. And then this morning, someone knocked on the door, gave it away as a Christmas present. So what do you want us to do? And they didn't reply. And then this morning, someone knocked on the door and it was a UPS guy. I'm here to get a package from Wayfair.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I was like, well, I haven't got it. We gave it away for Christmas. And he was like, what? I told him and he went, all right. It's fucking mad. It's just absolute deviant behavior from them. So hang on, you bought an airbed? It's hard to explain, but that's the best I can do.
Starting point is 00:24:47 You bought an airbed to give to someone at a present. Correct. You gave it to someone at a present. Yeah. You thought that transaction was over. Yeah. They refunded the money for some fucking reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And now they're at the door trying to get the airbed instead of just billing you for it. Or just take it on the chin. I don't think they necessarily take it on the chin, but I think it's just a bizarre, where they're not getting in contact and go, hey, buy that money. Yeah. Give me that fucking money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I think if they hadn't been dickheads about it, and B, they called up and said, do you mind just paying for that item? It's a bit of an admin error. I probably would have just said, yeah, we'll pay for it, no problem. We wanted to pay for it in the first place we understood the price we were happy to pay for it but um it's just very odd because the thing i don't get about it is even if they've made that
Starting point is 00:25:32 mistake say given all the customers i had at christmas even if they made that mistake say only 10 times in total think of the cost of having to send all these ups people out to go and get everything back from all over the country doesn't make any sense. I always sort of think whenever you get something sent from China and there's something, or even quite a lot of the big box stores,
Starting point is 00:25:54 like if you get something mail order and it arrives and it's quite heavy and you go, right, there's something wrong with this,
Starting point is 00:26:01 it's broken or whatever, they will try and sort of go, look, we'll give you like 40% refund. Right right but just keep all of it because it's financially not worth them getting the aforementioned ups driver to drive over there pick up the heavy item because that costs money because it's big it's bulky it's heavy uh and take it back so if you're ever in a situation where something's not quite right but you probably live with it
Starting point is 00:26:23 give them a ring give them a ring and go, hey, it's broken. Can you come and pick it up? And they go, oh, please don't make us pick it up. Yeah, I don't understand how they can be bothered to do it. Like, you're a massive company. I disagree with you. I would have said, oh, forget it. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah, but that's not how business works. And I'm fairly certain you're in breach of some kind of code because i mean they've given you something they refunded you in error and you've got their money baby yes my wife who's in the other room who can hear me just said um it's even worse than that they never even sent an email saying it was out of stock and would be like to do something else they just sent an email saying the order was cancelled and we were being refunded after we received it oh that's a pain because you could actually say that there was some
Starting point is 00:27:08 emotional distress there because I'm back on your side I'm back on your side with the no stock thing anyway I think at the risk of making that boring I'm going to move on from that but if anyone else has a similar experience I'd like the public
Starting point is 00:27:24 to know, because at the same time, I don't want other people going through this stuff, Pete. I don't want people going through this fresh hell at Christmas time. Yeah, definitely. Good point. You know, it's an absolute disgrace. I'm fairly certain the one... It might have been Wayfair maybe not thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I think it was something a bit more bougie. But we bought a big mirror, and it turned up up and it was just the wrong mirror but the wrong mirror that they sent was a better mirror uh and to the tune of like 50 quid so it was like i was like i'm getting a ball and putting that right on the wall so they try and take it off our wall dickheads yeah what are you gonna do they never noticed what are you gonna do they never noticed i had a similar thing with i'll tell you about the enterprise rental car thing they've eventually given up the ghost they
Starting point is 00:28:05 sent me an email saying that we're no longer welcome as customers oh really i mean this is like this is like fight club isn't it it's like anyone could like people will do anything not to get punched in the face so you can just be an absolute tour rag andrew takes all his time trying to tell people to escape the matrix come see me i'm i'm i'm swerving fees all over the place escape the matrix i mean yeah he makes it'm i'm swerving fees all over the place escape the matrix i mean yeah he makes it quite hard for a lot of women to escape his actual physical matrix anyway right that is the end of the lucan peach show um if you are if you need any more consumer advice uh please do get in touch hello at we'll give you uh the the full um knowledge of our
Starting point is 00:28:45 can i make it very clear it's me grinding an axe under the fig leaf of quote unquote consumer advice okay fair do yeah and and and that axe will be returned eventually yeah but it'll be a right shit they won't want it back it won't even be able to get into b-grade stock to be yeah so we'll be back on thursday for more of this we'll do some batteries we'll probably try but it won't even be able to get into B-grade stock, to be quite frank. Yeah. So we'll be back on Thursday for more of this. We'll do some batteries. We'll probably try and get through an email or two if we can as well, because we haven't done those for a while.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I understand it's frustrating when we ask for them and you send them and we don't read them, but they tend to be timeless, so we'll get to them when we can. Do not fear. Do not lose faith. We will get there when we can. Peter, anything more from you before we sign off now
Starting point is 00:29:27 was it anything from me I can't remember I think we're done we'll be back on Thursday ta ta the luke and pete show is a stack production and part of the Acast Creator Network.

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