The Luke and Pete Show - Fry us an egg, mate

Episode Date: September 3, 2020

Welcome to Thursday's edition of The Luke and Pete Show. Your hosts, er, Luke and Pete obviously, are here to entertain you for half an hour or so to help you procrastinate, delay the inevitable, or you through your commute/run. Yeah, we see you. We know exactly what you're up to.On today's episode we take time to pay tribute to the great Chadwick Boseman after he sadly passed away over the weekend, we debate the best and worst office practices, and we hear about a novel way of frying an egg in the Arizona desert. All that and much more, including your emails on another all-new, all free Luke and Pete Show. Don't miss it!Get in touch with us! The address is Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the health checks have passed i am pete donaldson and i'm joined by luke moore it is your thursday dos your thursday re-upping of the Luke and Pete show. I do hope you're keeping well, wherever you may be enjoying a post-COVID world out there. Stay out of trouble, yeah? Yeah. Good morning, afternoon, slash evening to all our lovely
Starting point is 00:00:37 listeners. I mean, I said earlier in a conversation with you, didn't I, Pete? I said the post-COVID world, but I suppose technically it probably isn't. Very much still much still around yeah and we probably shouldn't be saying it's post-covid should we well we've both had it so we've not both had it i don't know i bought a couple of testing kits like to test the um uh what they're called the the the little things after you've had it it tells you whether you've had antibodies um because i thought oh i wonder if i had it that's interesting um and i bought it privately so you can't shout at me for taking it out of
Starting point is 00:01:09 people who need it but um i just thought it'd be quite interesting because there was that guy who got re uh infected in hong kong uh is that confirmed it was apparently confirmed yeah i i would probably trust their government over one's north of the border but um yeah he was uh he was re introduced to it and he showed no symptoms which is kind of how vaccines work i suppose isn't it right give them a little taste give your body a little taste little summing and then you don't want any more what just what this guy done wrong to be in the firing line of this he's just constantly smooching just he's he's hong kong smoochest man he just cannot constantly smooching. He's Hong Kong's smoochiest man. He just cannot stop smooching.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Did you get the antibody test through? Have you done it yet then? I've not done it yet because I keep looking at the brown box that it's in going, I've got to bleed into that, haven't I? I'll do that next week. Bleeding into a box. I'm busy. I'm busy.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I've got a podcast to edit, mate. That's my edit thing. that's the m on the adobe audition uh edit that i have to press yeah exactly i remember um seeing seeing a thing about um there was and i'm not a scientist i'm not an epidemiologist i don't know anything about this so take this story as it's intended i.e anecdotally but i remember a few months ago seeing a news story that you know oh can can covid be passed from um cats and dogs to humans like is it is this an infection route that we haven't considered and this could this be a factor and then and i don't know what the latest thinking is i haven't looked it up but i i was watching a news blurting like i say back in
Starting point is 00:02:42 about april time or whatever and this guy was doing doing a VT where he was saying that, you know, the evidence at the moment is sketchy. We're not really sure. And at the end, he had this cat with him. And at the end, he just looks down at the cat and goes to the camera. But don't forget, cats are also a surface. And it's like, it just made me think, yeah, they are a surface. But I mean, it's just a bit weird to do it that way it is but yeah i was thinking that i like people are going can we
Starting point is 00:03:11 catch it from pets who's going should he can catch it from bananas you can catch from everything yeah it's a surface yeah and you should definitely you should definitely update me and our lovely listeners about how you get on with your antibody test i'm sure people will be on tenterhooks wondering what, what should I do that as a, as a Luke and Peach feature. Like, can we eat that space food? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah. Eating space food. Uh, find out if I have a carrier of, of, of a disease that may kill people. Yeah. Or remember the time you,
Starting point is 00:03:42 you boasted that you could drink a liter of water in 20 seconds or whatever it was? I like to think that was my... That's why you hate the Nalgene these days. That prevented me from catching COVID. I was just so full of water. It would be diluted in my body because I had an extra gallon of water in my mouth. It's also, for regular Pete Donaldson followers, it was a big plot twist because you are famously anti-water, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, I don't care for it. I know where it is. I know where to get some if I need some, but it's just not important to me. It was before 1998, no one drank water. They didn't. They didn't. And people pretend that we did. We didn't.
Starting point is 00:04:21 We were fine. We didn't crumble. We weren't desicc didn't we were fine we didn't we didn't crumble we didn't we weren't desiccated we would we would fine and now we've got a chow down on loads of water how many wheeze do you do a day i think i'd do about three well it's a good question because i do get a little bit paranoid when i'm not hydrated enough these days i've kind of turned to everything i hate when i was a kid when i was like 17 if you had said to me oh make sure you stay hydrated you don't want to get dehydrated i literally would have been like oh what leave me alone now i am quite paranoid that i'm not hydrated enough so
Starting point is 00:04:54 sometimes i'll go to town and drink a load of water and um and yeah but to answer your question probably five or six, I would say. Right. Do you, now you're of a certain age like me, do you get to a certain point in the night where you have to get up and go for a wee? No, never.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm really proud. I never did either. It's my, uh, I think my prostate's in good, in good nick,
Starting point is 00:05:19 probably because of the, um, frequent masturbation I indulge in. But, um, the, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'm, I'm never going to the loo in the night. I can go to, I've said this on the show before, I'm quite pleased with the fact that I can, with a smile on my face, go to sleep with a full bladder and I'll just deal with it when I get up. Why have you got a swan in your face?
Starting point is 00:05:38 I do have terrible, yeah, because I'm just content. I'm going, there'll be a lot of people at this point, some people we've worked with, Jim Campbell, goes for a wee every five seconds in the day um he can't he will not he will not abide water in his bladder at any point he thinks it is an invasion uh it's it's it's his own personal crime here and he and he wants him out he wants the water out i think some people's attitude just needs to change about it i I don't mean Jim, who I find perfectly agreeable most of the time. But I think some people, it's all to do with your attitude towards it, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:06:12 I reckon with some people, when they say I need to go for a wee, they probably don't. They just think, oh, it'd be quite nice to go for one, but they don't need one, in quotes. It's like, I don't need to live my life like this. I don't need to live my life like this with wee in my bladder. that's what they're saying and i think that's a perfectly valid way to think about it what's the optimal amount that people what what's the optimal amount because on my now gene i've got like all the measurements in 100 milliliter sections up to a up to a liter
Starting point is 00:06:37 if i could get that drawn on the side of my bladder and maybe so i actively be able to see it like maybe like google glass you you get all the information. If I get a bit of information that says how full my bladder is, I could probably regulate it a bit more easily. Well, there's two kinds of wheeze. There are wheeze that if you are doing it outside, it's too long and you're going to get caught by somebody. That's too long a wheeze.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Or there is the approaching three- minutes stream that only dads do. I do that. Yeah, where you get up in the morning and you're just like, wow, that's like the sort of wee I saw my dad or heard my dad do. And it's incredible. Like the capacity in my dad's bladder was and continues to be incredible. Has your dad got part of his bladder that he wears on a train around the neck? My mum and dad do have a horrible, I mean, and I mean disgusting,
Starting point is 00:07:30 habit of only flushing on number twos. It's disgusting. It is the worst. They think that they're saving water. They were never interested in saving the earth or saving water back in the day. They used horse pipes. Suddenly they've got to a certain age and they think that they'll save money somehow.
Starting point is 00:07:49 They're not even on a water meter. They'll save money if they don't flush wheeze, just flush the poos. So one of the recommendations to save water is to take a slash in the shower, isn't it? Is it really? Yeah, because you're washing anyway. And if you're washing dirt yourself dirt if you go and play football and you accidentally slide
Starting point is 00:08:08 in a load of dog muck right you're going to get in the shower and wash it off and it's going to go down the set down the plug hole so i think people's general thing is if you're gonna have a shower anyway you might as well take a piss in the shower oh yeah i've weed in the shower but this is the thing pete and this is a theme that you and I are kind of tapping into here. Things change all the time. Back in the day, I'm telling you now, 20 years ago, if you went out there and said that you took a piss in the shower, people would be up in arms.
Starting point is 00:08:35 They'd be fuming. If you did it on Big Brother, remember? It was a big brother, wasn't it? Do you remember? Yeah. Yeah. The man with the moustache. Now it's on the right.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Now these days, you should assume that any time someone takes a shower at your house they're fucking taking a piss look we both worked in a um in a building uh capital radio now uh global i know i presume that the showers still exist on the the ground floor near royston boyston's um a little desk yeah um i know for certain certain that one of the XFM producers, ex-XFM producers, did a shit in the shower and was really proud of it. Really proud of it. I think I know who that was.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Can I give the initials? Yeah, fuck it. He's a dirty little boy. Is the initials P.R.? It was, yes. I didn't even know that story. I guess not. Hey, day, little boy.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I worked at a company once, Pete, where they had, I'm not going to tell you which company, they had a Christmas party at a certain venue, and the venue wasn't that far away from the office, right? And the office was open 24 hours. What I mean by that, not that people were necessarily in there 24 hours, but some people were, and your pass to get you in would work 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:09:51 So very similar to Capital Radio, although it wasn't Capital Radio. And I'm- I wonder what kind of organization would require 24 hour broadcasting that you've worked for recently. In fact, you know what, Pete? It wasn't a broadcaster.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Oh, was it? No. Joke's on you then. That's one down, was it not? That's one down in it. That's one down. So now you should be able to work out who it is. But anyway, it doesn't matter. So,
Starting point is 00:10:10 so what happened was we got a memo through a day after the Christmas party saying, oh, from now on, um, oh no, sorry. It was,
Starting point is 00:10:19 it was the day before the Christmas party saying, oh, by the way, your passes won't work post, um, 11 PM tonight or whatever, but they will be work post, um, 11 PM tonight or whatever, but they will be activated again, um,
Starting point is 00:10:28 at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. That's a bit weird. Yeah. It's a bit weird. And basically anyway, I did a little bit of digging around and it turned out what happened was someone got really drunk and went back to the office and thought, oh, I'll just get their head down.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Um, but they ended up, um, sadly, um, obviously quite drunk, drunk sadly shitting themselves in the office soiling themselves and so um the the top brass were like well we can't really have that happening again and so they stopped it happening but having said that i used to go back
Starting point is 00:10:58 to i used to go into that company sometimes and i'll be going in the morning sometimes i'll go in early if i had like a load of work to do. And there was quite a well-celebrated grad scheme there where a load of guys who'd just finished uni or they were just in their final year of uni would be working there as well. And some of them would regularly be sleeping on the sofas just to sleep off a night at the pub because they didn't want to go all the way home or whatever
Starting point is 00:11:20 because they lived with their parents still or whatever. And it's quite funny because what they would all do to a man or woman but it was mostly men let's be honest um they the the the the lights in the office were motion sensitive you know the ones in our office at stack they have motion sensitive so what they would do is they would all tie pieces of clothing around their faces and blindfold themselves so it wouldn't wake themselves up so it would just be you'd walk in it would literally be like some kind of enhanced interrogation had been going on horrendous like people like they've been waterboarded oh i i on more than one occasion i slept in the drum room in which is obviously incredibly well insulated for sound uh chris
Starting point is 00:11:59 denman's uh drum room and a current chamber um and it's like an anechoic chamber very very peaceful uh you couldn't hear a bloody thing it's fantastic yeah apart from your own thoughts though yeah don't don't need them don't need more of them no don't need more of them than i actually need can i change trains entirely and just say something we forgot to mention on monday uh which i really do want to mention today. Very, very sad about the passing of Chadwick Boseman. Yeah, yeah. Just what, there's no, no one should ever lose their life that young. But what fucking dignity to go like that. Fuck me.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I agree. I think the dignity is exactly right. I mean, I couldn't believe what i was reading in today's society about how he was able to you know as you rightly say with dignity like continue his life live his life affect so many people in the world positively do so much good for so many people be so symbolic for such a big amount of people as well also carry on his personal struggles like completely in private and also what a close-knit group of family and friends he must have had because not one person knew about that no one leaked it no one talked about it credit to them there's videos of him visiting
Starting point is 00:13:16 hospitals with terminally ill kids and and doing loads of really good bits for charity and stuff but all the time living through his own private struggle. Incredibly affecting. There's a video that he did on either Jimmy Kimmel or Jimmy Pham. I was getting both mixed up where he gets members of the black community to come to Jimmy Kimmel. I think it is gets members of the black community to come into a curtained off room and talk to black Panther and say, and say what it means to them to, for the film to be there and stuff. And then Chadwick Boseman comes out. The picture, yeah. And say what it means to them for the film to be there and stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And then Chadwick Boseman comes out. My God, I was in floods of tears watching that. Oh, mate. It was so effective. It was the day after the night out as well. I was watching him talking about the two kids with cancer. I was done. I was absolutely done.
Starting point is 00:14:01 This is an incredible story. So sad. What an amazing life and career cut tragically short i was so so sad but i mean what an amazing contribution to the world he's made i mean the atmosphere in the cinema when i went to go see black panther was unbelievable it was i i've never seen uh a movie at the cinema obviously i live in west norwood right which is it's got quite a sizable black community and i i lived completely in ignorance to my own shame that like how much this movie and this character and this idea meant to so many people when we're in
Starting point is 00:14:35 the cinema the atmosphere was completely palpable it was incredible to be a part of it really was amazing i was completely ignorant of how important how symbolic and how necessary that movie was it's far greater than some of its past like the social and cultural impact of that movie will live on for a very very long time and obviously he was the key part of it and and and some of the things that have come out since he sadly passed away about the things he insisted upon in the production meetings and how the film should go and the things that should happen and shouldn't happen and how true to his like morals and to his values and beliefs he was and he was he was willing to sacrifice essentially being in the movie or the movie happening he said if you're going to do it it's got to be done properly it's got to be done like this and this
Starting point is 00:15:19 is why this is important so his his impact and his his legacy is is is there for everyone to witness i'm sad that it is a legacy so early because he was only 43 but what a contribution he's made yeah and and i won't pretend to have even seen black panther i just don't watch a lot of um superhero movies so i'm not familiar with the actual characters themselves but it was really refreshing to sort of see it wasn't just um a movie um stuck with a huge proportion of black actors it was a it was an african uh there was a lot of african voices in there as well which is which is obviously even more rare than that so yeah i i really um to my eternal shame i've not actually watched it but uh but yeah he seems like um quite a
Starting point is 00:16:03 performer and quite a man. And you know what? I mean, I don't think refreshing is probably not the right word, but for want of a better word, maybe it was relieving actually to see that the handling of the announcement of his sad passing and how it was dealt with, it wasn't dealt with by being broke by some awful tabloid or TMZ or anything like that. It was dealt with properly. It was the announcement was allowed to be made in the right time by the right people. They were allowed to own the message.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I know it sounds really kind of sad and a little bit pathetic to say about owning the message in quotes. But sadly, these days, so many things are broken in horrific ways. things are broken in like horrific ways the one that always the one that always um i always think of that really i find astonishing that people haven't been taken to task about this is that do you remember mick jagger's um partner um took her own life really sadly like she she committed suicide and one tabloid i forget which one it was they ran photos in the paper of him getting the news broken to him on the phone because he was on tour over the other side of the world and the picture of his like haunted face like old man done a lot of stuff in his life like made a huge contribution to society like you know not any of
Starting point is 00:17:16 that stuff should make any difference anyway but i mean the indignity of it was i found that almost like staggering how bad it was and i i hope that kind of stuff is never repeated. But in this case, I mean, it was done in a dignified way and in a respectful and classy way. And I think that's a really important thing to note as well, actually, in today's modern society, sadly. Yeah. And to see the people who, you know, were accusing him of, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:39 he'd obviously lost a lot of weight months before he died. Yeah. And he appeared, I think, talking about maybe, I think it was maybe about Joe Biden's running mate, Kamala Harris. I think people were sort of, oh, look at him, he's on drugs or something like that. A lot of people assumed it was for
Starting point is 00:17:53 a film role, didn't they? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hope those people, you know, I guess a lot of people wish it would have been, but yeah, it was, it's yeah. Anyway, I really want to, yeah, I really want to sort of, sort of mark that because yeah, massively. It's a very rare dignified and a lot of people don't get, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:15 through no fault of their own frequently that they don't have that same, unless it's, unless they go very, very quickly. Indeed they don't, they're not afforded that luxury no of uh of losing the life in that manner um in a very public forum but uh yeah credit to his family that he was able to do that and credit to the people he worked with as well absolutely let's take a quick break and when we come back we will do some more of your lovely emails. All right, then. Football's back and we are here to laugh about it.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Hellenius in the League Cup, he was trying to, like, defend with his hands and he yanked his shorts down. Straight off. See you later. Yeah. But Hellenius got the shot away,
Starting point is 00:18:59 which I thought was very professional. Whether it's players losing their pants or managers losing their pants or managers losing their shit and I thought
Starting point is 00:19:08 about that when you could just hear Morty shouting at Pablo Fornals and then he just loses all sense of
Starting point is 00:19:15 himself at the end when Fornals blazes it over the football rambler here every day with new episodes covering the lighter
Starting point is 00:19:26 side of football. I walked past a trophy shop at the weekend and they said we're only allowing one person in at a time.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Nobody wants any fucking trophies, mate. Don't worry, there's nothing happening. Also, it's a cheek. Null and void. Your five-a-side league
Starting point is 00:19:42 is null and void. Piss off. Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. He went through and all you hear is, shoo, Pablo, shoo. Finish! Finish!
Starting point is 00:19:55 Pablo! This was a Stakhanov production. And we're back on the Luke and the Pete show. We are squaring away some of your emails if you want to get to the show it's really simple open your email client it might be on a desktop you might be looking it through a really expensive old um apple monitor like luke is uh just head on over to outlook express or gmail or whatever and tap away hello at luke It's as simple as that. Shout out to the Hotmail Crew, Pete.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Shout out to the Hotmail Crew. The Hotmail Crew, the AOL Posse, the Yahoo Collective. Shout out the me.coms. The me.coms. Me.coms. Is that an old Microsoft thing? An old Mac thing? I think it is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Classic. Whatever your email client is, though, the email address remains the same. As Pete says, hello at I've got an email here, Peter, from our friend Phil. Phil has emailed in saying, hi, guys. Your conversation about the teaching of religion in schools on Monday's show took me back to my school days at a Catholic school in the 1980s.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Insert joke here. For as long as I can remember, I'd taken religious teachings and stories to be double think. I assumed we all really knew it was bollocks, but all had an unspoken agreement not to acknowledge it. As it mostly seemed to be coming from a good place, I had no desire to challenge the status quo. I was surprisingly advanced in my school years when I was disabused of this belief. We were tasked in class to speak about our faith, and each of us took turns at paying lip service to the topic. But eventually, one of my classmates got up and spoke with such fervor that I was genuinely taken aback with the realization that he actually believed in this stuff. Years later, though, I was interested to read that my doublet-think view is shared by a not insignificant proportion of the clergy. Anonymous surveys among
Starting point is 00:21:49 clergy members have shown the number of priests and vicars secretly holding atheistic or agnostic views could be as high as one in six, but they reconcile this by focusing on the benefits they feel they are bringing to the communities they work in. Not sure why I feel the need to share this. I just thought it was interesting. Thanks, Phil. Now, I bring this to the table not to denigrate or to mock anyone's beliefs, wherever they may be, entirely their own personal choice. But this situation about perhaps members of the clergy who no longer have the beliefs that they profess to have.
Starting point is 00:22:28 And it's a very interesting thing for me, Pete. And I just want to take it down a slightly different angle. It's because if it's the only thing you know, and it's the thing you've trained at your whole life, whatever the profession is, it'd be very, very difficult to kind of stop it or change it. If you get to 50 years old and you've got to try something completely new or embark on a totally new career,
Starting point is 00:22:50 regardless of the fact that theologically and it's very much bound up in your entire existence, it must be a hugely difficult thing to deal with, right? Yeah, and socially. And I mean, I guess we're two people who support underwhelming football teams, so in many ways, we're very much like members of the clergy who don't believe in our clubs.
Starting point is 00:23:11 But yeah, you're right. I think I do like the idea of somebody doing a job like that and it being incredibly vocational at the start of it, losing a little bit of that faith and questioning why you're doing it as you would do any job i think um but then sort of getting so much out of a job and finding a job so fulfilling that you um sort of think well look i i may not believe about the big guy but i think i'm probably doing some pretty good work i'm probably being an all right chap and people seem to like what I'm doing. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Yeah. To have such a fulfilling job. But Pete, if you, if you are, if you are, for example, a vicar in a small town in England,
Starting point is 00:23:54 say, and you have to have two Christmas dinners and you are darn French. Oh, a new mysterious man comes to town. You're not quite sure about him. He's sexy, but you don't trust him. It could happen, is what I'm saying. It could happen.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Shall I move on to the next email? Yeah. Why not? Brendan. He actually calls himself your old pal friend here. Oh, we've had him before.
Starting point is 00:24:21 He's a regular. We've had him before. Yeah. Hello, Luke and Pete. For some reason, I cannot see or hear the world without coronavirus judgments these days. It's usually just seeing an old-time movie where people high-five
Starting point is 00:24:32 or strangers kiss or cuddle or stand too close on my TV and my mind straight away thinks of simpler times where you get away with that kind of thing. Simpler times, like listening to the back catalogue of the Luke and Pete show
Starting point is 00:24:43 in episode seven, where Luke tells a story about a Vietnamese gentleman and his son eating bats like olives for over 50 years in the jungle without getting sick to which pete responds there you go what does that tell you eat a bat mate diet advice worthy of a pandemic in true pete form wouldn't have any of the other way i love the show i remember that you? I don't really remember that. I'm only eating them like olives. They're too big for olives. How big are your olives, you're eating? I don't really like olives, anyway. I'm not really a fan. Really? That's a big shout.
Starting point is 00:25:14 What's wrong with you? Come on. I don't know. There's so many different variations. You can put all kinds of, you can hide all kinds of bits in there. Like what? Garlic or little pebbles your little little olive trick bogey i broke my teeth bogeys but you could hide a a not inconsiderable amount of bogeys in there can i ask a question about bogeys uh if you want, yeah. Or for our American brothers and sisters, boogers, I guess you'd
Starting point is 00:25:45 call them. Boogers. So, if someone takes a bogey from their nose, right? Yes. And they've got it, and if they waited
Starting point is 00:25:54 long enough, would it just dry out into dust? I don't think it would dry out into dust, it would just harden, wouldn't it? Because, I mean, it's just...
Starting point is 00:26:01 The bench is going to dry out into dust, surely, because apparently, like, 90% of dust, household dust, is like dead human skin, right? Yeah i mean it's just bright dry out into dust surely because because apparently like 90 of dust household dust is like dead human skin right yeah so it'll just be just it'll just be like lumps of carbon wouldn't it i mean it would lose a lot of its size yeah but it but it's it's just kind of soggy it would just harden into like a green kind of hard paste the reason for my question is that you don't just see a lot of hardened bogeys everywhere, do you? Well, it depends on how dry your nose is, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Have you ever seen somewhere really dry? Oh, yeah, but I mean, where are you flicking your bogeys? I'm not flicking them anywhere, I'm just saying. Put them in the bin, you dirty boy. You know we found out on this show once that there's like 17 million flies for every human being on Earth, right? Yes. Right. If there's even
Starting point is 00:26:42 just 10 bogeys for every human being on Earth, right, that's 70 or 80 billion bogeys for every human being on earth, right, that's 70 or 80 billion bogeys. So where are they? Are you wondering where? Well, where's the poos? Where's the, you know, it all comes out of us, doesn't it? So it goes to a certain place.
Starting point is 00:26:56 It goes in a hanky. Hanky, granddad. I've never seen you with a hanky ever. No, no, I've not. I was talking to my, I met over a WhatsApp call, video call, my new niece, little baby Sophie, and she's an adorable little thing, but she's got a terrible cold at the moment, so everyone's just sneezing in the house.
Starting point is 00:27:18 They live up in Stockport. I think they've just come out of lockdown. They've just come out of lockdown. What's the deal with her bogeys? Well, they've got one of those little kind of turkey basters that you suck up the baby snot with. Oh, yeah. What do you do after that?
Starting point is 00:27:38 They are snotty. Shout out my niece, Betsy, who's going to be five in October. She just graduated from nursery got a mortarboard and gown and everything it's very cute they're really getting
Starting point is 00:27:50 a mortarboard and gown also by the way another thing shout out Jules Breach's new dog Pablo oh hello yes
Starting point is 00:27:57 brand new puppy more of that please if that dog is not in the Stakhanov office I said absent radio the Stakhanov office in the said absent radio it's the kind of office
Starting point is 00:28:06 in the next month it's still real to me damn it um uh yeah if that's not in the office uh in the next month i'm gonna be furious yeah the dogs get shots the dog these shots i think dogs need shots don't they yeah they i think pablo's had um is um is inoculation now because i think you only get them just just after you take ownership if you like of a dog like when we because I think you only get them just after you take ownership, if you like, of a dog. When we had our cats, you can only get them after a certain amount of weeks old because they need to be with their mother. Yeah, I mean, Jules is legally rabid.
Starting point is 00:28:34 She's got all kinds of nonsense. We have to have shots to work with her. I heard a story of – I can't remember where this came from. I'm hoping it wasn't on this show. I mean, I guess it could have been, but I heard a story that a couple of people, like a man, his wife or whatever,
Starting point is 00:28:52 wanted to, wanted a new dog. And they heard that, you know, someone had this litter of puppies and they wanted one. And so they sent a couple of pictures or whatever. And the baby, the dog,
Starting point is 00:29:03 the puppy was like very, very young. No, yeah, that's fine. That looks amazing. Like a little golden retriever or whatever. the baby the dog the puppy was like very very young no oh yeah that's fine that looks amazing like a little golden retriever or whatever and like the next day they got like a ring on the doorbell went down to answer the door and this bloke just gave them this puppy and it was like a week old and they were like yeah i'm not sure i should have this puppy now and he was like no that's fine and that's taking to the vet and the vet was like yeah you shouldn't have this but i mean i think they need to be like 10 weeks old before you can even take them right so i think the vet has to do a lot of the um if you the infill work if you like
Starting point is 00:29:31 what do they do like put them in incubator or what did i'm confused like what do all the mothering i don't know you know like um the super vet no Fitzpatrick yes that's it the dog had to suck on his breast yeah so he had to rear it yeah had to sire the
Starting point is 00:29:50 young dog well fair play look dogs can't be too young sometimes did you know that the song Toxic
Starting point is 00:29:57 by Britney Spears was written about the super vet no because that's not true it is true I read that now it is true it kathy dennis she was married to i'm snopes in it i'm calling the snopes snopes will you like me apparently i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:30:13 snuffle away mate snuffle away mate oh yeah yeah all right so i've got another email here from um someone who'd like to remain anonymous so it's probably best that i read it out it's probably best you do it yeah i mean it's one of these emails where you think okay you want to remain anonymous that's your right it's absolutely your right i will honor it i would adhere to it the content of the email doesn't give you any reason to be named anonymous whatsoever but anyway up to you okay uh hello luke and pete listening to your talk about death valley took me back to a holiday with my family back in 1969 Death Valley took me back to a holiday with my family back in 1969. Bought his first real six-string.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I remember my dad driving his Chevy Impala through the night to avoid the daytime heat and not using the air con. We survived the drive by drinking cold juice and sucking on ice that we kept in a cooler box. Still, nonetheless, I had my first heat stroke there. I was only three, but I still remember the horrid heat and the pounding headache. Another place in the U.S. famous for its blazing summer heat is Arizona. And when I was living there, a local news channel showed a man frying an egg on his car bonnet. I was told that it's an annual tradition, but I'm glad I now live in more humane conditions in London.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Thanks for your amusing chit-chat. glad I now live in more humane conditions in London. Thanks for your amusing chit-chat. I love it when news crews go down to wherever in a major city and they try and fry an egg on the pavement.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It's like the silly season, isn't it? They've got nothing else to report on. 2020, we've been starved of these stories, to be quite frank. The only thing I've seen recently, somebody was flying a drone in the sky and they've got some drone footage just off the Florida coast, checking out the beaches and the towers. Helicopter comes tearing past so very close. Basically, the drone's gone way higher than it should have done.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And it nearly took down a helicopter. Very frightening footage. Very frightening footage. I went for a walk with Mimi to the Seven Sisters a couple of weeks back. You might remember. And as we were walking back along Seven Sisters, which for those who don't know is like a series of white cliffs on the south coast of the UK. Beautiful place to go for a walk. Quite famous around these parts for a nice place to walk along the coast.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And you can get quite close to the cliff edge. I mean, most of the parts, there's no fence stop when you're going to the cliff edge or whatever. So you can walk relatively close. And it's quite high, a few hundred feet high. And as we were walking back, I just heard this amazing noise, like full-on loud noise, and turned around, and a Chinook helicopter, you know, the one with the double rotors,
Starting point is 00:32:54 that came so close to the cliff that we could see the people sitting in it. And it was about 20 feet off the cliff, and it flew right past us down the coast. It was one of those things where you thought, did that actually happen? Very, very strange. There's absolutely no reason for it to be flying that low. No reason.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Oh, I love it. It was really exciting. I absolutely love that. Got a lot of time for that. Yeah. It was like I was in Call of Duty. I then bundled Mimi to the floor and said, get me some cover.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And then I hand-grenaded a noob. Yeah. I had a rocket launcher just took down the Chinook and yeah everything was fine and I was
Starting point is 00:33:33 I got a mate who's just landed a couple of weeks ago in Baghdad he had two weeks in isolation because of the
Starting point is 00:33:41 Covid and stuff and now he's in Baghdad and he's literally living in a shipping crater, a crate, not crater, a shipping crate.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And he's got like air conditioning, he's got like a little air conditioning unit. And he shares this shower, which he, he, he, he stays with these, this American lot.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And apparently they don't clean the shower very, it looks absolutely foul. But he just seems to spend all of his time working out and playing pro-ev and reading Robbie Fowler's autobiography. Get FIFA at least.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Get FIFA at least, mate. I don't know, he's a pro-ev guy. It's weird, yeah. Yeah, he's always been a man off the beaten track. But it was fascinating to see his living conditions.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Do you fancy a trip out there? I'd go to Baghdad. I mean, I think you can fly commercially to Baghdad, can't you? Changing Turkey, maybe? No, no idea. No idea. On that note, though, Peter, before you do pack up your things and your old kit bag and head off to Baghdad,
Starting point is 00:34:38 we should probably say goodbye to our listeners. Well, I think it's probably a good idea, yeah. Let's get out of here. Thank you very much for listening to the Luke and Pete Show show it's been brilliant to have your company as ever you can email us you can get in touch by sending us a missive to hello at luke and pete we are at luke and pete show on twitter leave us a review on apple podcasts or wherever you get your pods uh telling people how lovely we are and how much of a nice time you have listening to us and that would be greatly appreciated have a lovely weekend we'll see you again on Monday
Starting point is 00:35:10 it's goodbye from me and it's goodbye from that man as well Thank you. this was a staccato production and part of the acast creative network

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