The Luke and Pete Show - It makes you think

Episode Date: September 4, 2023

What makes someone believe in a conspiracy theory? Luke and Pete try to get to the bottom of that increasingly important question on today’s show.We then read your emails, which include another grea...t example of someone’s job determining their career and a story from a listener who, like Luke, has had to battle with a neighbour who was trying to reserve their own parking space.Want to get in touch with the show? Email: or you can get in touch on Twitter or Instagram: @lukeandpeteshow.We're also now on Tiktok! Follow us @thelukeandpeteshow. Subscribe to our YouTube HERE. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's the Loco Patreon I'm Pete Donaldson I'm joined by Mr. Lukey Moore We're just two lads who the NHS feels very comfortable
Starting point is 00:00:18 sending letters to and telling us off for the way we live our lives Yeah get fucked Get fucked NHS Listen or don't. Listen to this show or don't.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah. Listen to this show or not. What do you mean? You're talking to the NHS now, are we? The other day when I piped up about Mason Greenwood and the fact that he probably shouldn't be abusing women. Yeah. I just got a guy come up in my grill on Twitter saying,
Starting point is 00:00:41 unfollowed. There's a lot of wonderfully skeezy Mason Greenwood guys on Twitter saying, unfollowed. There's a lot of wonderfully skeezy Mason Greenwood guys on Twitter who are just like, they're not even contorting, they're just sort of going, but, you know, football, innit?
Starting point is 00:00:57 Not found guilty of anything. Not found guilty of anything, yeah. It's good, innit? It's good stuff. Imagine if I just went through my life doing things. It's not illegal, is it? Yeah's good stuff. Imagine if I just went through my life doing things. It's not illegal, is it? Yeah, doing things. You've smeared shit on the walls.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Not illegal, is it? I've not been found guilty in the court of law. You've rubbed butter on a child. It's not illegal. Magna Carta. Magna Carta, yeah. Just print out a bit of Magna Carta and put it on the shop window.
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's like the old ex-footballers, that little clique. They're not really a clique. I don't know if they really know each other properly. I know that Matt Letizia and Ricky Lambert do, but they're all... Some of them are a wee bit mental. They've got into some stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Isn't like... I always throw in Shea Givens' wife as well, who's... But i think they're separated now oh right differences of opinion just say ex-wife yeah ex-wife then fine he basically turned out um he thought the world probably wasn't populated by human-sized lizards yeah yeah irreconcilable differences divorce next i'm not familiar with that i'm not i'm not familiar with that situation i just want to eat my dinner i'm gonna eat big roast dinner i forgot about his big roast dinner there's like there's um there's an absolutely preposterous
Starting point is 00:02:16 and bizarre conspiracy theory that's been knocking about recently among the um the right wing in the u.s right who aren't really right wing they're just i mean mental authoritarian fascists who are extremely online right so it's actually i mean it's actually probably a little bit of a disservice to sensible conservative people which who i don't personally don't have a problem with in principle and to be calling these people right wing because they're mad anyway they've. Anyway, they've got this theory going on that Michelle Obama is a trans woman. Yes, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Have you seen that? That's a long-term trope for the maniacal right, isn't it? Yeah, and they obviously just refer to her as Mike Obama, which is a horrendously offensive and really awful thing to do for millions of different reasons and um just notice that um david cotter always spent 10 games alone at pompey back in the day he's involved he's involved he's retweeting it is he good stuff yeah he's absolutely loving it he's um yeah he's um welsh football you've probably heard of him played for um for loads of different clubs, kind of in the football league.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Never really kind of troubled the upper echelons of the Premier League. But he's an international footballer, 24 caps for Wales. Rampant conspiracy theorist. What needs to happen is that... Give them golf. Give them a golf club. It's just their days not being quite as full as their empty days when they were footballers. You know, they go from...
Starting point is 00:03:45 They don't do much footballers and that's why they get themselves in all kinds of pickles in my opinion they're just they're just thrown into a world where they're needed for about three hours a day and you can't really do much more than that and then they're just like oh i've just i've done a lot of gambling and now i'm in trouble you know what i mean it's like it's just you're in a situation where you don't a lot of down time and you're quite intense individuals with you know probably quite crippling
Starting point is 00:04:10 OCD outside and that helps you in your sphere but then when you retire you've got even more room you've got the odd
Starting point is 00:04:17 media appointment but you've not been radicalised you what you've not been radicalised and you tick all the boxes don't you I fill it with editing
Starting point is 00:04:24 though give him a copy of Adobe Audition he needs more stuff to edit otherwise he's going to go off the rails You what? You've not been radicalised. You tick all the boxes, don't you? I fill it with editing, though. Give him a copy of Adobe Audition. Listen, he needs more stuff to edit, but otherwise he's going to go off the rails. Get him some more audio to edit. I don't care what it is. Idle hands.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I am starting to get RSI in my right wrist. That's not right, is it? Not the same, is it? No. No. No. What I was going to say was, is it worth? I mean, these people would never agree to it, so I guess it's not possible.
Starting point is 00:04:43 But it would be interesting to do a proper scientifically rigorous study on the type of people who are susceptible to this stuff. Yeah. Because I'll tell you why. Because I understand there's a radicalization element and there's a load of things going on about the internet that we don't fully understand, I'm sure. But I spend a lot of time on the internet for my job.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I know a lot of people do. I consume content which is probably radicalizing to some people. I just look at it and go, that's fucking nonsense. And I'm not saying I'm more intelligent than anyone else. What's the difference? Why are people susceptible to it? Because I thought that conspiracy theorists were, it was just basically a way for stupid people to think they understand the world.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Basically for stupid people to think they understand the world basically for stupid people to feel clever right oh what i know i i've spent my life being told i'm not very clever now look i know something you don't and it doesn't matter if it's not true or not if it's true or not because i'm just fucking jealously guarding it as my fucking truth yeah and maybe it's no more complicated than that but it does seem kind of odd that um certain football players are susceptible to it possibly because maybe because they're not very clever i don't know maybe they've not really taken the time to be educationally rigorous because they've not needed to perhaps do you not think that like do you not think that maybe um that you you like personality wise you
Starting point is 00:06:03 actually seek out other people and you're quite personable and you want to talk to people and you want to hang out with people whereas a lot of people you know I'm probably in that bracket quite not quite as they're happy to do it online
Starting point is 00:06:17 but face to face they're actually quite awkward people and that drives you online and that drives you into Matt Attisio was a TV guy and everything though wouldn't he? Yeah yeah I guess Matt Atizio was a TV guy and everything though, wasn't he? Yeah, yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I guess that's a bit of a... I don't really... Yeah, I don't really know why people were saying... One of the things that's kind of unique about it as well is that you get certain things that say have been covered up by the government or that would be seen as conspiracy theories that turn out to be true,
Starting point is 00:06:43 which then further entrenches people that every conspiracy theory is true right oh well you know this one turned out to be true so how's no about this one right and that gives them further kind of fuel to their fire when they don't and then they don't do they don't fully understand that there's nothing to link these things like the jfk conspiracy theory is not at all related to you know a ufo conspiracy theory they're just they're just different things entirely but people bracket them all together and it seems to me that if you're likely to believe that jfk was killed by a cabal of you know new world order types you're also for some reason much more likely to believe that for example man didn't walk on the
Starting point is 00:07:26 moon right yeah yeah do you know i mean yeah i could see that i mean i'll i mean but we all know it all comes down to anti-semitism in the end isn't it normally always ends up being something derogatory about the jewish community doesn't it i Always. I mean, I think the more interesting question would be that why is the direction of travel always towards Jewish people? You know what I mean? It's like it's absolute. That's the conspiracy for me. It's not why is it always the Jews?
Starting point is 00:07:58 It's why are you always talking about the Jews? You know what I mean? Why is everyone obsessed with the Jews? Out of all of them out of all of the people another thing when I was thinking about this a while back I've just pulled it up here now because I completely forgot that I read it
Starting point is 00:08:13 I've still got access to a load of academic journals because of the login I've got from when I was at uni and there was a really interesting academic study called conspiracy theories as Part of History, the role of societal crisis situations, which basically does a pretty good job of explaining that conspiracy theories have basically always been a part of human history in its entirety.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah. This is not an internet phenomena. Like, you know, people would make up stories and have legends about different things and and understand and think that they understood certain parts of the world when actually it was just a fucking load of old shit yeah and the difference being of course but it's always happened the difference being of course that now it's probably less forgivable because we've got access to so much information so for example we know why the Earth goes round the sun, right? Well, I don't. I personally don't.
Starting point is 00:09:11 You've got more of a handle of it than I have. You know, but back in the day... You produced Yui for a bit. That's true. Until I handed it over when it was way above my fucking station and I've also been and the reason that part of this has been
Starting point is 00:09:28 brought to the fore is because I'm obviously as you know a full time and original subscriber to the Matt Letizio weekly newsletter that's right
Starting point is 00:09:36 yeah yeah yeah what's his new one it's a bit disappointing because this week he basically by accident rehashed the one from the week before right
Starting point is 00:09:42 just about football or did he no he was it was exactly the same. Oh, what? He just sent out the same one twice? Yeah. I'd love to tell Hainsey about this. The rest of me, newsletter, he writes so much for it.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Just put the old one out. Newsletter number five was exactly the same, identical as newsletter number four. Oh, that's the real conspiracy. Who's behind this? Who's behind this? I know, and I wondered if it was a conspiracy, but you should also take the time to look at Matt Letizia's personal website,
Starting point is 00:10:14 which I've just dropped into WhatsApp for you, mate. Yeah. Because as a consumer of the internet in all its forms, you will look at it and go, what year is it? Well, it's talking to gold busters which i mean yeah so that's the thing isn't it like so he's selling cbd gummies he's selling gold i mean it's all very um uh info wars isn't it all of the products is very much he's like a benign british info wars guy yeah yeah it's it's so it's not it's so smooth
Starting point is 00:10:48 it's just it's unpalatable because it's so smooth his opinions are so like there's nothing really there like it's so there's just nothing there it's good and then what i like about it is all the little videos he's got on there about like you know my family feared my mental health during lockdown because of my positions on things um i bring in the truth broms to talk tv um i've um i'm talking about the government's response with nigel farage um you know i'm i'm challenging people's views on climate change and then just the top 10 best goals it's got like in there. I like the privacy policy page because you'd assume that he probably takes privacy very seriously, being a man who's against the communist takeover and the New World Order and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:34 He sort of goes into cookies and web beacons. I've never seen web beacons. Why is it so comprehensive on there? Why is it so comprehensive? But it does, under the CCPA privacy rights, California consumers have the right to request that a business consume... And just all this stuff about California. He's just copied and pasted it.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I think he's copied and pasted that, you know. He's got GDPR in there. He's got California in there. He's got... Jeez, oh. I mean, lordy. It's all very confusing. His current Twitter profile.
Starting point is 00:12:05 By the way, do you think our listeners will... Tell our American listeners who Matt Assisi is, by the way. Is there an American example? Is there like a lazy NFL star who was inexplicably good at really important moments? But never did anything. But never achieved what he could have achieved if he had a bit of a
Starting point is 00:12:25 run around or just move somewhere else yeah but he anyway his twitter he's basically a
Starting point is 00:12:35 football player played in the Premier League and was a bit of a mercurial talent and he he's now a mad conspiracy theorist in his retirement and he um was on tv
Starting point is 00:12:48 doing punditry he's kind of been he would say he's been cancelled for his views um you know maybe that's partly true but his views are you know in in that defense his views are mental and he's also quite a boring pundit anyway and his twitter profile his his um his profile picture is it's just a center it's just a statement i withdraw my consent to be governed by any corrupt compromised belligerent criminal parliament or government i will not comply yeah um which is kind of odd and then on his twitter profile despite being very um you know very kind of keen to keep his privacy intact just got his date of birth on there. Stick your mother's maiden name
Starting point is 00:13:26 on there, Matt, and we're away. Yeah, yeah. A strange, strange man. I don't know how we got on to talking about him. Oh, just about conspiracy theories in general.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I just think the reason I said that is just because it's now going to start to ramp up massively because the elections come in. Oh, well, I mean, have you seen the, I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:44 two things you should talk about. Ron DeSantis' plan that was leaked. Did you see it? The Sesame Street fascist. What, about how he's... What his tactics are going to be? Yeah, well, his tactics,
Starting point is 00:13:56 his whole playbook was leaked for some reason. Now, everything, anything he says in the debates, which Trump isn't probably going to do, anything he says in debates, people are going to go, yeah, we read that. They told you to say that. Your PR team told you to say that.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I wonder why it's been leaked. It possibly might be because everyone hates him. He's the worst bloke in the world and people are just doing it for the money. Possibly. It's funny. By the time this comes up, the first debate would have happened. So we'll have to come back to that at some point. We'll funny. By the time this comes up, the first debate would have happened, so we'll have to work, we'll have to kind of come back to that at some point.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Recon it, yeah. We'll see, we'll see. But it will ramp up. Ron DeSantis, he's just got to be one of the most hateable men to ever live. Tell me one redeeming feature about him.
Starting point is 00:14:41 He served in the military. He's personable, that's state fair. Oh, get a grip. Get a grip of yourself. A tick skill, a tick He looked quite personable at that state fair. Oh, get a grip. Get a grip of yourself. A tick skill. A tick skill to look personable. When you're that insane.
Starting point is 00:14:51 When you're that mad to look okay, I think is a real... I can't remember if I told this to you already, but you see that thing where Trump just said, Oh, yeah, I can get all that stuff to exonerate myself in a couple of days. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. He spent years putting the case together. I'm on it. Yeah. Did that happen? No, I think he just got told to remove it all.
Starting point is 00:15:13 No, just take it all down. It's just absolutely outrageous. Have you seen that guy? He's like a singer and he's a man who lives off grid in the middle of nowhere. He's got, got well similar kind of vibes he's uh this guy oh the guy from the south in the u.s yes yeah similar facial furniture to
Starting point is 00:15:34 your good self one might suggest um and a lot more liberal than me and he's singing songs well he's sort of like he sort of pulls you in you know pretty pretty nice song it's called oliver anthony oliver anthony and he's living off grid and he's gone mad and he's written a very beautiful song uh but you listen to the lyrics and he pulls you in with some bruce springsteen style the government's fucking me inflation's fucking me tax is fucking me all right you know i can take that on the chair i take that right fine um and then he piles is fucking me alright you know I can take that on the I take that right fine and then he piles in
Starting point is 00:16:07 with fat people you know dog whistling about the black underclass all that weird stuff he's like woah
Starting point is 00:16:14 I mean at the start you know I could get on board but you've really fucking the song is called so basically you're saying billionaires are fuckers
Starting point is 00:16:22 and obese people on benefits. You've just suddenly just started wailing on down, like below you. The song's called Richmond, North of Richmond. And it's about exactly as you said, right? But here's the thing, which I think is obviously deeply ironic, is that he goes through all these things
Starting point is 00:16:39 that he's kind of upset about, which I totally understand. I'm with you on that. I think that is the case. I think poor people are put upon massively in the us but he does exactly what the billionaire class and the elites want him to do yeah goes around blaming other poor people eventually like that's exactly what they want you to do they want you to say they want you to they don't want you to look at the the terrible rate of tax by by corporations in America they want you to look at the guy across the road he's got a nice Italian go how did he get that
Starting point is 00:17:08 yeah benefit yeah how are obese people able to become a beast when they've got their money that's that's the kind of shit they want you to do as they always want you to find the enemy among yourself right yeah I think I would add to that it's just that um there was was a, an op-ed kind of column done by Billy Bragg about it in the Guardian. Right. And it was, it was, and the,
Starting point is 00:17:33 and the, the kind of, the headline was Oliver Anthony's divisive song claiming solidarity with workers only benefits the rich who exploit them, which I agree with. And that's something that I've just said as well. But then it went on to say the YouTube singers, US number one hit Richmond, North of richmond rails against billionaires but punches
Starting point is 00:17:47 down the poor well done billy i also agree with you there i'm on board and then it goes on to say so i decide to write a song in reply i'm out no no i don't want that no that's the last thing we need leave us out of it i bet that's bad i bet that's bad stuff billy you haven't written a good song in like 35 years, mate. I don't think this isn't going to be the solution. No, no. So what he's also done is just basically the Guardian have put on Oliver Anthony's song on a YouTube video embedded in the piece and put Billy Bragg's song next to it, which is worse. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I mean, yeah, you're not going to win. You're doing the opposite argument there. I mean, Oliver Anthony, he lives off-grid in the forest. How many fat people is he seeing? He's talking about squirrels, Luke. He's talking about big fat squirrels. Yeah, very high-res video as well. How's he getting that when he's off-grid?
Starting point is 00:18:38 How's he getting that when he's off-grid? Who uploaded this for Oliver? Yeah. Oliver lives off-grid. He doesn't even know what YouTube is. Who's put this up there? It's very well performed for a man living off grid, I was going to say. Great, Mike.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah. I've got no running water, but I have got a Shaw 757 knocking about in the outhouse. Anyway, let's have a break, Peter. When we come back, we should do some emails because we haven't done any for ages and there's a few good ones in there. Yeah. It was like a forest-based wind of change that they said was made by the government.
Starting point is 00:19:12 We're back with Luke and Pete Shaw. I think we should rattle through some emails because we always say we're going to and then we always forget. That was my idea. We've got so much stuff to talk about. I've got one here from Gavin that I want to read to you because you insist, Peter, on this show on talking about lost profits. Hey, I think we're all lost profits in many ways.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Why say that? Why say that? Come on, read the email. Do you mean we're all as in lost profits, as in like we are lost and we prophesied the future? We've all got a message, but some of us are lost. Or do you mean that in some ways we are all predatory paedophiles? Is that what you mean?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yeah, yeah. That's probably sucking. Anyway, Gavin's been in touch. Gavin, I'm sure you'll be delighted with that intro. He says, gents, I thought I'd message you with a story after lost profits were mentioned on the show. I live in Pontypridd, South Wales. The town has been going through some badly needed changes
Starting point is 00:20:05 and upgrades in the last decade or so. In 2012, the council decided that, as a part of a £15 million civic regeneration project, the town's successes and culture should be highlighted. In the main shopping area, Taft Street, paving stones were laid and inscribed with song lyrics from local boys who hit the big time. Lyrics from the Green Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones were laid and inscribed with song lyrics from local boys who hit the big time. Lyrics from the Green Green Grass
Starting point is 00:20:26 of Home by Tom Jones were laid and next to those ten stones were Every Time I Walk the Streets I Know They're Mine from the song Streets to Nowhere by yep, you guessed it, Lost Prophets. A year later, Ian Watkins pled guilty to his crimes and after many complaints the stones were ripped up.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Cheers, Gavin Cook. If I was a council worker and I was tasked with ripping up these stones, same with Jimmy Savile's headstone, would there be some temptation for a wrong-un to keep part of it? There's the question. So, sorry, say that again? Like, would, as a council worker a wronging yeah i would think that those
Starting point is 00:21:09 stones probably exist somewhere you know what i mean yeah i don't you mean yeah if you attack because you remember like when it was like days after jimmy saville died his big fancy arsehole headstone went up and then it was under the cover of darkness removed and smashed up. There will be someone who's got a bit of Jimmy Savile's headstone. What, on their fucking kitchen work surface or something? It's just a talking piece, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's a conversation starter. You know what that is? In the dog's mouth? Just putting myself in that position, if I went to someone's house, I didn't know them that well. Or they moved into the area. Moved into the area. Just pop over and say hello.
Starting point is 00:21:51 And they're like, do you want to see my Jimmy Savile headstone? I'd be probably putting that in the WhatsApp group. But I'm someone who doesn't post in the WhatsApp group very often. All I would say about the Pontypridd thing is there's plenty of great people from Pontypridd they could replace that with. I mean, Steve Cooper, current Premier League manager in Nottingham Forest. From Pontypridd thing is there's plenty of great people from Pontypridd they could replace that with. I mean, Steve Cooper, current Premier League manager in Nottingham Forest from Pontypridd.
Starting point is 00:22:08 My mum's up the road in Blackwood, sort of way. There you go. Pete's mum. Pete's mum, Chris Donaldson. Exactly. So I think, but thank you for letting us know
Starting point is 00:22:17 and keeping us, keeping on Ian Watkins' watch, Gavin. I think it's a service that not many people are prepared to do. Mike has been in touch and says, a follow-up to your conversation about people with jobs directly linked to their names,
Starting point is 00:22:33 nominative determinism we call that. He shared a screenshot from the BBC News website with the headline, school bus gets stuck under Lowbridge again. And the author of the piece, Caroline Lowbridge. Yeah, I get the feeling that that piece was written and then they went caroline come can we come on can we use your name for this one so i don't think caroline lawbridge was um had written that piece on the bbc i reckon they just used their
Starting point is 00:22:58 name for a laugh speaking of um conspiracy theorists yeah exactly i think it was I think it was all just a big cynical ploy to get us to click on that. And it's worked. Why don't you have a look in your WhatsApp, mate? Because I've got news for you, baby. Let's have a look. Yeah, I know Caroline Lawbridge will be a person.
Starting point is 00:23:20 She exists. Yeah. Yeah, she exists. She's just on a piece about a crucifix being returned to England. From England to France after 107 years. And she's also... Well, she should have given it to Cross Returner.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Stephen Cross Returner. Steve Crucifix Replacement. Crucifix. It's just a coincidence, Pete. These coincidence things, they do happen. Yeah. Well, she's playing up to it because the the law bridge um there's a lorry wedge underneath a law bridge um in her in her twitter profile so
Starting point is 00:23:52 she's leaning into it he's leaning into it and there's finally what i'm going to do now it's because i'm going to do this one as well because it's very dear to my heart it's from james jennings he says just listening to a recent episode reminded me of a fond memory from our last house we had the exact same situation reparking spaces but we had multiple neighbors using bins to keep quote unquote their parking space had a couple of arguments over it when we had our newborns there were no spaces other than the ones taken by bins so i removed one someone then took it upon themselves to remove the bins of the offenders went on the way home from a night shift and put them in the next street over. Offenders must have had fun wandering
Starting point is 00:24:27 around looking for their bins to retrieve them. This went on for six months, with the bins being put further away each time until we moved into our new home. Love the show. Keep up the great work. Regards, James. I think it might have been you, James. Yeah, I think so. It sounds like he's the man on the ground, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:24:44 He knows exactly what's going on. That wouldn't work for us because Lambeth, in all their infinite wisdom, and I actually think Lambeth are all right, but there's a council, as it goes, but they have shared bins. People put their numbers on the bins, but no one really adheres to it.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Oh, really? You couldn't just remove someone's bin. You'd just be removing it from the community at large, and I think that would be fairly poor form yeah um did um speaking of um uh i guess um what would you what do you call facilities so to speak and the one that you talk about quite a lot is obviously um thames water oh my god don't give me there's not a single time you don't walk down your road that there's not a big gusher a big geezer squirting out of your squirting out of your um floor um would you take would you take um uh would you take
Starting point is 00:25:33 to replace that water would you like to enjoy the radioactive water from the tsunami hit nuclear plant um they're about to start they're about to start to throw the water into the sea. It's been treated though, right? It has been treated. I don't know. I'm fairly certain I read a story that they found some fish
Starting point is 00:25:54 off the coast of Japan and they had very high heavy metals in them. Like very high. What else can they do with that stuff? I'm not defending them. I'm just asking
Starting point is 00:26:04 what are the other options? It says 1.34 million tonnes of water. That makes me sort of think that like, well surely that water could just you could just keep it in Japan, couldn't you? That doesn't seem like a lot, bearing in mind don't we lose that like almost like weekly in London? Oh, we use that every day. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:22 We lose 600 million litres a day in the uk yeah so so we're gonna so we're going to japan are going to start releasing the water over 30 years after being filtered and uh diluted i mean it's with anything like this i mean it's obviously very emotive subject it doesn't sound nice but it's presumably okay isn't it with that amount of body of water putting the water in the sea they've probably thought about it haven't they oh that's the main thing that's the main thing the same people thought about it the same people thought about putting a nuclear plant on a fault line have you thought about it yeah i mean look i i am i am dead
Starting point is 00:26:59 and i've said before i am dead into nuclear power, and I think it would be the only solution when it comes to bridging the gap between renewables and electricity and stuff, and all the wind power and stuff. It needs to happen. It needs to happen soon, with that energy crisis and all that. But I don't think Japan should have them.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I don't think California should have them. I don't think anyone who has a load of fucking earthquakes should have them, personally. It was the most powerful earthquake in Japanese history though, right? Yeah. So it was a big deal. It was. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:32 It killed. Yeah, I mean, it was incredibly destructive. Obviously, it was. That part of Sendai where... But I would say, I mean, Tokyo's due a big one. So fingers crossed for the trip tokyo's due like a proper like century uh you know they've been waiting like centuries for this big boy to happen and uh yeah that that's going to be an absolute fucker that one well
Starting point is 00:27:57 you know that the yellowstone super volcano is like thousands of years past due as well more well all right well fine I won't worry about it. Yeah, apparently it's basically gone like clockwork, like seismically massive eruptions. Yeah. 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago, 650,000 years ago. Right. So it's basically just due.
Starting point is 00:28:23 And it's like a proper life ender. Bad lad, yeah, right. There's basically just you and it's like it's like a proper like life ender bad lad yeah right it's there's no mucking about um so you go you might get your japanese trip in as soon as possible didn't some idiot online so i go why don't we why don't we just put cement down there why don't we just put cement down the volcano it's yeah i'm not sure that i thought about that i work but but i mean they do so the the geological survey the united states geological survey do say that like it's not technically overdue to interrupt for an eruption because volcanoes don't work on those predictable kind of schedules like a bus um so the math the mathematics you have to do to work out if
Starting point is 00:28:58 something is quote unquote overdue is um it's kind of not really that, not that sort of detailed. And they also claim that even if it was like that, it would still be like another 10,000 years or something. So we'd be gone by then. Anyway, look, we live in hope. We live in hope for death's sweet release, don't we? I just want to be that man who was a Vesuvius where that man was wanking.
Starting point is 00:29:23 That's Pompeii, isn't it? Sorry, Pompeii, yeah. He got killed instantly by a load of molten ash in the middle of everyone's shuffle. Yeah. That's his legacy, that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:32 That's his legacy. It's all you know up for. It's the best we know up for. So you know like... They're not going to grind me into a powder and keep hold of me like Watkins' bricks.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Watkins' bricks. Good band. You know that Tory, like you talk about Tory MPs who get caught like having an asphyxia
Starting point is 00:29:48 and can die with like an orange in their mouth or whatever. Make sure someone like sorts my body out before my family find it.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Right. That guy's been preserved for like a thousand years. Yeah. It's the last thing you want to just move the
Starting point is 00:30:01 hand slightly. When you see the lava coming floating through the window, just get your hands up. Hands up, mate. No one's going to see you. The penis will snap off.
Starting point is 00:30:11 The most egotistical way to die would be an extinction level event because then everyone dies at the same time. Yeah. So that's how you want to go. That makes you a rampant egotist in my view.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Yeah, you want to take everyone down, will you? Yeah. Anyway, let's go, go Pete take us out of here I had to go and get some lunch and we're late I'm late for lunch
Starting point is 00:30:29 because you were late for the reporters I'm starving right farewell everyone we'll be back on Thursday for more look under Pete's
Starting point is 00:30:35 show kids stay safe safe driving safe pot hauling if you're going pot hauling and we'll see you soon goodbye goodbye if you're going pot-holing and we'll see you soon goodbye goodbye The Luke and Pete Show is a Stack Production
Starting point is 00:31:07 and part of the ACAST Creator Network.

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