The Nateland Podcast - #18 Bigfoot

Episode Date: October 28, 2020

Does Bigfoot really exist? This episode - Nate, Aaron, and Brian delve into the history of the Sasquatch with special guest and Bigfoot enthusiast Kevin Jata. The guys look at videos, hear stories, an...d share their own theories about the mysterious creature.    Podcast produced by Nate & Laura Bargatze Recording & Editing by Genovations Media Email -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up everybody welcome to the nateland podcast if you're watching this brian and aaron have both been convicted of murder and i'm now alone. All right. Yeah, it's always fun to do that. This one is, if you are watching this, we've recorded it earlier just to have some in case maybe we're out on the road doing our drive-in movie theater dates. Maybe this podcast has been dead for 20 years. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:00:42 But we, no, you will be seeing this one soon and we just recorded it a little bit early to get ahead uh you also probably don't that's why we don't have comments is the main reason why we're telling you that yeah if because we just have to kind of dive in this because there is no comments so uh because it's you know you guys get it uh so uh this this episode uh something that's always i've always loved is uh uh bigfoot and aliens i know you're more of an a uh baits is an alien guy more than me but yeah we've debated about which one's more believable yeah bigfoots are aliens uh i'm a bigfoot guy are you any of these guys or you don't i like them both yeah I can make a case for either one
Starting point is 00:01:26 either one so yeah this episode we wanted to talk about that and we have a we have a guest with us this episode someone that works
Starting point is 00:01:35 worked with my sister you're retired now yes his name's Kevin Jada right and he's knows a lot about
Starting point is 00:01:44 this Bigfoot aliens. Knows a ton. We'll see. Hopefully. We're going to see. He might be one. Who knows? We all might be.
Starting point is 00:01:51 We all might. I mean, that's- It's already a great start. That's already a great start. Already blew my mind. I love, yes. That's the stuff I love where it's like, who knows? This table could be, could stand up at night.
Starting point is 00:02:02 That's it. So, yes. We talk about this stuff it is i think it's better that you know you just read about you know a lot about this stuff and it's just fun to uh you know when you want to talk about this it's a it's hard it's hard to find people to talk to about is it hard for you to talk about bigfoot with people or like do they not care i i kind of just keep throwing it out there they don't take me too seriously anyway because yeah i joke around and stuff like that make it easier once in a while we'll get in a deep discussion about it yeah my kids don't believe it yeah my wife doesn't believe it but i've scared her enough where she will not sleep in a tent on a camping trip. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:46 So she has reservations, you know, just- Just in case you're telling the truth. Right. Yeah. That you've done it. I'd imagine that it's, you know, if you talk about Bigfoot in a regular setting, it's not going to be the most welcomed. I mean, some people would welcome it, but some people are like, well, you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:05 You don't want to say you believe in it. I believe in Bigfoot. I'd ease into it if I were talking to somebody. Yeah, you don't just jump right in. You either got to ease into it or just jump in. You either got to be, I think, one or the other. You got to pick a lane. I think if you're into Bigfoot, you can't be wishy-washy.
Starting point is 00:03:24 You got to just be like, I believe in it. You might get banished faster if you're into Bigfoot, you can't be wishy-washy. You got to just be like, I believe in it. You might get banished faster if you just jump in. Yeah. Oh, from the conversation. Yeah, that's true. They might go,
Starting point is 00:03:34 but you lay the cards out. You're like, look, this is what I am. Do you want to be a part of this or not be a part of this? And I mean, who doesn't want to be a part of a Bigfoot? I don't understand. If someone brought up Bigfoot to me randomly and really new stuff, I don't know why I mean, who doesn't want to be a part of a Bigfoot? I don't understand. If someone brought up Bigfoot to me randomly and really new stuff,
Starting point is 00:03:48 I don't know why I would – who would – I would never walk away from that. Yeah, you used to have a joke about that, didn't you? Yeah. Yeah, we didn't play – I do have a joke about Bigfoot. You wanted to play that? We wanted to play the clip. I can't find it. I don't know where it's at.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I get asked about it. Joe Zimmerman? Oh, yes. Here's a clip we're going to play. I forgot about this. Oh, yes. Here's a clip we're going to play. I forgot about this. We like to sometimes play a stand-up trick to get into the topic that we're going to talk about. And so this is one we found. A very funny comedian, Joe Zimmerman.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Joe Zimmerman is a very, very funny comedian. If you don't know Joe, I mean, please look him up and and you're going to tell from this joke, but he's an amazing comment. My buddy's a Bigfoot enthusiast. He called me. He goes, big news in the Bigfoot community. I was like, go on. Because I'm a Bigfoot enthusiast enthusiast. You know what I mean? Because I'm a Bigfoot enthusiast's enthusiast. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:47 He goes, we found adolescent Bigfoot tracks. Okay, so let me get this straight. Did you find little Bigfeet? You found regular footprints, didn't you, Dave? Shut up, Joe. I go, if Bigfoot's real, wouldn't we have at least found Bigfoot bones by now? He goes, dude, we have never found the bones of a bear
Starting point is 00:05:16 that died naturally in the wild either. Okay, I have no idea if that's true. But I know we have found bears. Right? We found a bunch of bears. Shut up, Julie. That's an interesting fact about bears, so I googled it. Not a fact. To no one's surprise there were zero
Starting point is 00:05:47 legit Google hits for the question are we not finding bare bones even Google was like say what no that's not a question Joe Zimmerman very very very I love joke. It's a very good joke. Have you heard that argument? Have you heard about bare bones? I think Nate's made that argument with me before. I think I've heard that kind of stuff, that things rot kind of quick out there.
Starting point is 00:06:19 But you find all kinds of bones out, you know, deer heads and things like that. I think the thing that factors in is if this is true, and if the aliens are true, why isn't there any physical evidence? And the thing I keep bumping up against is there are forces at work that don't want anybody to have the physical evidence. Supposedly at Roswell, there was, you know, hundreds of yards of stuff laying around. And then you hear that there was, they cordoned the whole place off
Starting point is 00:06:51 and they had, you know, hundreds of privates out there picking up every little scrap of it. And then you hear stories about the men in black or whatever just coming to people's houses and taking whatever they've got and i don't think this thing could be believable if there wasn't an active element
Starting point is 00:07:12 of suppression yeah because yeah you know i'd say the same thing it's like well where's the evidence where's the uh the videotape where's you know a body or something like that and i've heard stories about people that have shot them but they've they've left them somewhere there was a story about these two guys that were fishing and it seems like bigfoot's very territorial about uh fishing areas and uh they're fishing and this bigfoot throws like a bowling ball size rock at them. And it really ticked off one of the guys. And they made a beeline for this guy. And they start throwing rocks and stuff at him. At the Bigfoot.
Starting point is 00:07:55 At the Bigfoot. Which they thought was a black man in a very furry coat or something. There seemed to be a little bit of a racial angle to it. And so the Bigfoot starts throwing like log-sized trees at him. And actually, so the story goes. And actually, I think, ran up on one of the guys and hit him on the side. And the guy had some busted ribs and they went to the hospital and all these authorities descend on them, you know, natural resource people,
Starting point is 00:08:34 state troopers, all this stuff. And they're trying to tell their story and constantly, and you hear this all the time, whenever you're confronting the authorities about Bigfoot, as they said, you saw a bear and this guy will go, know what i saw it wasn't a bear you saw a bear no it wasn't you saw a bear and back and forth so uh the guy got treated at the hospital so the story goes and uh they got released and uh the guy wouldn't shut up about it. And I don't know, some suits, guys in suits or something, just warn them, you know, things are going to get bad for you if you don't shut up. And they had a business and the phones were going crazy
Starting point is 00:09:14 and their credit was going crazy and there was no record of them at the hospital. And it just sounds like if you get too vocal about it some something's going to start intervening and uh that's what i do how do you think they know that story though like is it that is that just like one of those like that's like a legend story about well this is where i'm hooked in i listen to these podcasts. God help us, podcasts. Yes. There's a million of them.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I figured, well, there's obviously no evidence, so I'm going to listen to everybody's story. If you're a detective and you have no physical evidence, you're going to get as many stories as you can and as many views on things as possible and compare them and see if they hold water. And as many views on the thing as possible and compare them and see if they hold water. And I've listened to hundreds and hundreds, like 300 of these. Like there's, can I mention the name of the podcast? One's called Sasquatch Chronicles. Okay. And I think there's another one out there. I'll get to this other subject. Anyway, I like listening to somebody in their own voice who's an eyewitness has gone through this stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:37 And it's very convincing. And I'm thinking, okay, I'm about 300 people into this stuff, teachers, policemen, ex-military guys, farmers, all telling these stories. And I'm going, if these guys are all lying, somebody hired 300 people, gave them acting lessons to tell these really convincing stories. Yeah. And I'm going, well, what's the probabilities of that? Yeah. So that's how I keep getting pulled into it. I would agree.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I mean, look, the one thing that I think to add into that with them being the made up stories is I agree. Most people don't know how to tell a story. And by most, almost everybody does not know how to tell a story that's compelling, that would get you to listen to it. To fabricate it. To fabricate it. So just in general, just think about, you're talking about listening to these interviews where you're going, well, how are you going to listen to these people?
Starting point is 00:11:33 It is that. Now, if a story is too perfect, that's when I would question something. But people don't know how to tell stories. So if they were just like, hey, I'm going to make this up and be be super convincing i think they would make too many mistakes in their story to then i would be questioning their story so you can tell by just the way if you listen to these stories and you hear someone describe it and you can tell when you're like this is coming from a real place it's not someone like you said they would have to be actors or they they'd have had to work on the story which i mean they would probably they
Starting point is 00:12:05 probably told it a bunch of times to begin with so they probably have gotten better at telling it but i just don't think you're it's a long way to go the ones that were you know the to fake bigfoot some of them it's a very long way to go to be like oh it's just a joke there's too many so how many people are faking is there that's what I always think about Bigfoot. You've got a thousand people a day trying to fake Bigfoot on people in these towns. Is there money in that? Can they make money by just going, you know what? Let's go to this tiny Alaskan town and bang on tents and make these people.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It doesn't make sense. I thought it was interesting. You said there's a perception that the people who see bigfoot or encounter aliens they're all rednecks and hill people and like you just said a lot of these people are reputable members of society doctors ex-military people that would have no incentive to lie about something like this because it would do nothing but kind of hurt their career or hurt relationships with people right they got nothing really to gain unless they're just attention freaks which is what people say they are but i don't get that impression at all and
Starting point is 00:13:16 you're kind of using your own judgment you know am i a good enough judge of character that I could tell when somebody is lying? Yeah. And okay, if I listen to 20 people, maybe they all were lying and they goofed on me. But you get to 100, you get to 200 people and you go, you know, my lie detector isn't that bad. Yeah. If two or three of these guys are telling the truth out of hundreds, it's real. Yeah. Yeah. Even if 99.9% were faking or just wrong, if 1.1%,
Starting point is 00:13:53 then it's still the craziest thing ever. The Bigfoot joke I had was, I was saying I watched, what was the Bigfoot show? Finding Bigfoot. Yeah. And like how this show was on and on and on for all these years. And it's like, yeah, what was the Bigfoot show? Finding Bigfoot. Yeah. And like how the show was on, on, and on for all these years. And it's like, yeah, what if they find him?
Starting point is 00:14:10 Like, why would you, like, you know, people are like, why is this show on? You're like, I don't know. What if they find him? You're kind of hoping they don't find him. Huh? I kind of hope in a way they don't find him. Yes, but I'm saying the idea for the show is to be like either it's just fun to watch them talk about it, fun to watch them go visit these people, tell these stories.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And your best case scenario is the world changes. If they find Bigfoot, the world is different, which I would have thought so, but maybe not. Which we could talk about. What would the impact? What's the motivation for the suppression if there is a suppression? And I think it's just it upsets the apple cart too much. It's like, okay, here's a fairly intelligent creature on another evolutionary track that's here. You know, how does that fit into the story of Earth?
Starting point is 00:15:00 Right. Now, there is this thing called Gigantopithecus. Yeah. And there's like about three varieties of him. there is this thing called uh gigantopithecus yeah and there's like about three varieties of them one is really big he's like 10 foot tall you know 500 plus pounds and this is another bigfoot form this is back in history okay and all they have on this thing are molars yeah some guy found these big molars in a chinese uh herbalist store now they had the smaller bones and smaller molars and stuff but then then this guy came across these big things and extrapolated well this thing's got to be gigantic yeah but there were
Starting point is 00:15:40 little ones but maybe there's a couple of rib bones and a jawbone or something. But all they have on this really big one are these giant molars. So the prototype for this thing exists in the fossil record. Yeah. So it's not like, oh, you know, we're talking about the Loch Ness Monster or something. This is something that we've got evidence has existed. God evidence has existed. And we keep finding new things, the little, what do they call it? The hobbit humanoid thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I think they call it the hobbit. I don't know which one. It's not the one in Mexico, right? It's like an Indonesian. Oh, Chupacabra? Chupacabra. Oh, boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:20 This was my understanding. I think we just stumble into this. You're like, let me tell you about that. You have one of those in your pocket. You're like, I brought one of those. I've seen some. My daughter has adopted a dog that could pass for a chupacabra because it's so mangy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's a rough shape, but it's coming around. What were you going to say, Aaron? My understanding is they found a humanoid species. They found a bunch of bones. They called them hobbits because that's the way they were shaped, but just that humans had just wiped out. So there's this other humanoid species, not totally unlike us, that they have records of.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Well, there's an angle for you. If Bigfoot exists, he survived us. Yeah. And people wonder why it's so hard to find him and why he's so you know worry and everything because all the other stuff you know the chromagnon guys and a lot of the neanderthal guys aren't around anymore and it's probably because we competed with him you think the bigfoot ever just goes, back in my day, I think he gives a lot of those speeches. To the young ones? I imagine there is a speech he gives to the young ones.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Don't mess with those people. When I was a kid, I thought there was just one Bigfoot. Like Rock N' Roll Monster. It's Bigfoot. Just one. Literally one. I thought that until pretty recently. Because you just think, It's Bigfoot. Like there's just one. Just one. Literally one. Yeah. I thought that until pretty recently.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Because you just think Abominable Snowman. I just think of these singular kind of monsters. So is that like when you would listen and you thought the people on TV could hear you laugh? Is it around the same time? That wasn't me, but yeah. Was that you? No, that was a comment. Aaron thought that aaron thought people died yes that's right i'm sorry yeah if but if they're so smart because that's kind of arguing it right they don't want to be found and then i'll see these videos online which i was researching
Starting point is 00:18:18 and there's just occasional one just walking around and is it because it was called big foot is that what you just said? That you only thought it was one? Like you think it should have been Bigfeet? Yeah. Bigfeets. Like you should have been Bigfeets? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:31 That's what threw you off the trail? Well, yeah. You thought there was honestly one Bigfoot? When I was a kid, yeah. Monofoot. Monofoot. I mean, I think that makes more sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I don't think it does. Why does that make more sense? Because it would be Bigfeet if there's multiple. I just thought it was sense? Because it would be big feet if there's multiple. He just thought it was like the Loch Ness Monster. Yeah, there's one. People don't think there's a species of Loch Ness Monster. There's just a singular thing. Because I, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah. I mean, it makes more sense to me. The idea that there's an apex predator, a species we don't know about. Yes. You two are the problem. No. The Loch Ness Monster, I think you only think it's one because it's in a lake. The next predator is a species we don't know about. Yes. You two are the problem. No. Me and Aaron are on board. With a Loch Ness Monster, I think you only think it's one
Starting point is 00:19:06 because it's in a lake. So you think it's this monster that's in this one lake. Yeah. Which seems crazy that they could never just find it if it was in there.
Starting point is 00:19:16 It's a big lake though. I know, but you could just... They had a whole regatta of yachts go up the whole Loch. And I think they saw something moving. Something recently, just there was a new picture.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Yeah, I think like a couple of weeks ago, right? Really? To me, if there was something, they would find that. Because it is, even though it's a big, like you say, it's Lake Michigan. I guess if it's Lake Michigan, if it's that big of a lake, then it would be tough. But it's at least your area is targeted to be if they really if you really want an answer yeah you could be like nowhere to look you know where to look they went down the whole thing and they made a line and they all had sonar on these yachts yeah and
Starting point is 00:19:55 they were spaced apart and they went from one end to another and i think the story goes that they saw some big shape move you know that could all be jive i don't know how if that's substantiated or anything but there they that would be the logical thing to do yeah uh and speaking of that uh to there's a group in uh arkansas and uh i think it's called the north american wood ape research thing or something and they are putting time and effort into, there's an area in the Ozarks they believe is a hotspot. Yeah. They've had their little sightings and stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So they got this valley where there's this choke point where they know all the game goes through and they figure they do too. So they're stringing a whole string of these trail cams. Yeah. They haven't done it all yet this is still going on i don't think they're going to find anything because i think these things have scouts and i think they know every time you come into their area they know that you're putting these things on the uh trees they're figuring it out well they're, they're in between probably animal and human.
Starting point is 00:21:08 So their intelligence is going to be... I mean, even... But we could catch a human. I know, but not a human that is... I mean, because they can't survive. It'd be tough to catch a guy that can live in the woods and has lived in the woods for 50 years. And that's all he's done is live in those woods that guy would be very hard to catch because he's going to know because you have people going into
Starting point is 00:21:31 woods that are like yeah i don't do this even if a guy is a nature guy he's like i still go home to my house like they would know you know like maybe think like holly or dog but how like they can figure stuff out like bigfoot animals are figured out. I mean, look at a dog, like last night. So she, our dog needs a bath. So my wife doesn't ever want her on the couch. And so when my wife goes to bed, obviously I let the dog get on the couch.
Starting point is 00:21:55 What do I care? It's not my couch. I live here. But then my wife got up and walked in and Holly jumped off the couch. I mean, she just knew she was going to be in trouble because Laura in and holly jumped off the couch i mean she just knew she was gonna be in trouble because laura was always like get off the couch and uh i mean right when the door opened she jumped up and got off the couch that's a dog but it's like it thought it was
Starting point is 00:22:15 interesting to be like this dog knew ah man this lady's about to come yell at me again because i'm up on this couch and then she got off. If a Bigfoot is probably just a little bit smarter than me, way dumber than Aaron, you're above it too. I'm saying I'm the closest intelligent-wise. If a Bigfoot hung out with us
Starting point is 00:22:38 three, I think I'd get along way better. He goes, what's up with those two? They got their nose stuck up pretty high, don't they? That's what I would say. But they're going to be able to dodge. And be able to dodge? I think they're going to get away.
Starting point is 00:22:53 When I watched Survivor Man, when he went, did you know Survivor Man? No. What's his name? Les Stroud. The guy that lives in the woods. He never, Bear bear grills do you know bear grills i know who that is but i never watched the show oh man versus wild and then they had survivor man out there was a guy that uh les
Starting point is 00:23:16 stroud who's awesome awesome show eating grubs and worms yeah he goes and lives alone for a week and he does it he does it with his, he films everything himself. They drop him off, and then they come back a week later. But he did a Bigfoot episode, and it was wonderful. And they just did it, and then it just stopped, which I always, I never, it just kind of went away. And it was the most intriguing, like I was like, I mean, I loved it. What was the activity, rock throwing and rock throwing
Starting point is 00:23:46 uh he said you know he went into it with going look i'm not saying i have any proof that i've he's he's obviously a survivor guy that has lived off the grid for he his family lived off the grid for a while and he stayed alone and he goes i've definitely had stuff happen that i you know i didn't see it. But I know something was very crazy, like all this weird stuff was happening. And then he went up and he was going up in, I want to say somewhere in Canada. But when they say like, why are you not seeing this? Dude, you know how much land there is that we don't know or go to? And there's just, I mean, mountains.
Starting point is 00:24:22 You hear lots of stories about hunters. He said, I've hunted in this area for 20 years, and I've never seen anything until this one day. Lots of hunters will say, I've been out there 20 years. I've never seen anything. But then you get the hunter who says, I've been out there 20 years, and then one day I saw clear as day. So this thing is elusive.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I mean, just think about even seeing, like when you talk about bears are in the wild, I mean, how many, you know, Black Panther. How hard, there's not even that much recorded video of Black Panthers in the wild. They're that good at staying out of the way. And we know black pandas exist and people have seen them but i mean it's it's it's just when you're going to see them you're
Starting point is 00:25:11 not like it's not like you're in a place that you're walking around with all these cameras like you're somewhere where you're like you your phone you know you're not going to have something that's so great we were uh walking our dogs a couple of months back really late i think it was like three we go i'm looking forward to this 3 a.m and uh all of a sudden we come across these two coyotes young ones and they were they're really just mostly black just and there was such a feeling of this is a wild thing I've never seen before. And they were curious about our dogs. And just the wildness and just, I guess, it's just so unusual to see.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And after I saw that, I said, well, this is how it is. You're walking through your life, you never see anything. And then one day you stumble across something and your mind's blown. And a lot of these people, when they tell their stories, when they get to the juicy parts where they're scared out of their minds, you can hear it in their voice. They're starting to break up. There's actually one guy, I think he has a, I think it's shut off now,
Starting point is 00:26:23 but it was called Crypto PTSD. And his mission, because he had been scared out of his mind, was to offer a forum for people to tell their stories. And most of them say, I'm so glad that you listened to my story. I feel like a load is off of me because nobody, my own mother wouldn't listen to me and all this stuff. It's palpable. These people feel so relieved that somebody believed them and could tell their story. And there's a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah. I have coyotes. You know coyotes? Coyotes? Am I saying it right? Coyotes? Coyotes. Coyotes?
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah, that's how I say it. Coyotes? Coyotes. Coyotes. I've never, it's a funny word when you think about coyotes coyotes coyotes coyotes coyotes uh i've never it's a funny word when you think about coyotes if someone's driving in the car they should just start just pause this and start going coyotes i would like some coyotes actually name my dog yodi yodi because when we got him he looked like a little coyote yeah but then he's he bulked up and now he's probably why they were freaking out uh but they've they've never they've never killed a human coyotes there's never been any recorded event of a coyote killing a human so either they don't do it or they're really good at
Starting point is 00:27:40 it that's my coyote joke i wrote a coyote joke i've always had that joke yeah and i mean i think i tried it on stage uh once or twice obviously it's not a doesn't bring the house down but makes you think i can usually find there's uh i like to have the jokes where i can never know when i'm gonna be in a coyote conversation and i get it in in everyone i've been quite a few coyote conversations uh i. Why do you hope we never find Bigfoot? Well, hold on. First,
Starting point is 00:28:09 do you think before you die, do you think you'll ever see a Bigfoot? Really doubtful. Really doubtful. What about us? What about your grandchildren?
Starting point is 00:28:22 You really have to make an effort at it, I think. You don't think we ever just stumble? Like where it's like, it is a hundred, because you look at the alien stuff now, with aliens, which we're getting into aliens, but they, how it was never, you know, it's all this kind of conspiracy theory stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And then the Pentagon came out and said, these are unidentified flying objects that would be something i never thought i would i don't know if i would have thought i would have seen that in my lifetime at least the government acknowledging recently recently yeah that what's insane that no one even cares like it's just kind of breezed over well the thing here let me just throw this one out uh this guy bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace, he was on 60 Minutes and he's like a top NASA contractor. And he's flat out says, oh yeah, they exist. My grandparents saw one down this road. I think he's from Nevada or something like that. or something like that. And this is on 60 Minutes.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And this guy's a top CEO. And nope, you don't hear anything about it. And I'm sitting there going, this guy just admitted on national TV, a major show, that he believes that the extraterrestrials exist. It's so hard for people to wrap their head around that it's even if you're – I mean, it's a lot. It's a lot to accept this even in your own brain.
Starting point is 00:29:54 So when you're – even if you hear it on 60 Minutes, it's like – and the guy says it. I mean, you're like, I don't know. I mean, I think that's even what this is. When the Pentagon says that those are unidentified flying objects, it's still like, okay. It's still not like- They call them UAPs now because they don't want to use the old UFO reference. So now they're unidentified aerial phenomena. And they recently came out with those videos from the Nimitz down in San Diego from, what was that, the 90s or something? I think it was early 2000s.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Early 2000s. Oops, sorry. Now, I had a radiologist who was an Air Force pilot. Yeah, so this is the one they said is real, right? Yeah, they're not saying it's from outer space, but they don't know what it is. It's not a doctored video. Yeah, that's what they're admitting. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:55 It's real. It really doesn't prove anything. I showed that to one of my doctor friends who was an Air Force pilot and and i say well if it was a jet wouldn't you see a big thermal trail coming out of it he said no depending on what what your angle was on it i think what's more convincing is the interviews with the navy pilots that encountered it later yeah now these are the guys with the right stuff and this guy's saying you know this thing's zipping up you know 30 000 feet in the blink of an eye and stuff like that to me like they had a show on tv about they were going to try have a court room thing about whether you could prove uh aliens exist or not and they had
Starting point is 00:31:43 all this evidence and all these tapes and all this testimony and conclusion. Yeah. You could prove it in a court of law. If a court of law would ever entertain it. So there you go. Is so when you're saying like, so you think you don't think you're you don't think you will, your grandchildren, like, I mean, them to actually trot out, say that someone shoots a Bigfoot, they lay it down on a table. Oh, for it to come out in their lifetime? That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:32:11 In your lifetime, do you think you're going to see someone, well, 100% proof evidence that's not. See, the problem is like all the evidence, even though you might be like, well, there is 100% proof evidence. I would agree too that there is. All these stories are not all made up, but they're still stories. And so there's still nothing that the average person can really wrap their head around. Is there ever, you know, like, here's the body of a Bigfoot? I would have to say it depends if the forces that be would allow it. Yeah. uh i would have to say it depends if the forces that be would allow it yeah because i i can't
Starting point is 00:32:46 remember any specific one but uh i think there have been a body and it just disappears you know they just come and collect and what do we say why do they want not they don't because they don't want because it doesn't fit with it kind of just blows everything the game up yeah i think if you start pulling that string other stuff starts coming to it. Yeah. Like one of the questions is, well, how intelligent is this creature? And then you have this thing called the Sahara sounds where they're doing what they call the samurai chatter,
Starting point is 00:33:16 which it sounds like John Belushi doing the samurai thing. And people say, well, that just sounds like gibberish. But then again, people who hear somebody from Asia or something will say, well, that just sounds like gibberish. But then again, people who hear somebody from Asia or something will say, well, that just sounds like gibberish to me. What does it say it sounds? It's a pretty good recording of a bunch of them. It's pretty clear. Oh, Bigfoot. Yeah, Bigfoot.
Starting point is 00:33:49 pretty uh pretty clear oh bigfoot yeah yeah bigfoot uh and then you have stories about about the native americans all these different tribes have a name for it kekla kugla you know they so it's in the history and then you have like these uh newspaper reports when people are heading out on the frontier about the hairy wild man here, the hairy wild man there. So if it has existed through time, that's what you would expect to find are these little clues in the past. Yeah. And then when you hear their language, it almost sounds kind of Native American. Yeah. their language it almost sounds kind of native american yeah now the stories get wilder and wilder about how they could actually communicate and they know some english phrases and things like
Starting point is 00:34:29 that i am not ready to totally jump on board that but i think their intelligence is up there quite a ways if they have language yeah and they can share history and information from generation to generation it would explain how you know they cannot get caught right uh is there so you go to a lot of bigfoot conferences we do like is there uh levels of what people think is crazy in those bigfoot conferences like do what you just said here's a borderline there's another thing i got into this bigfoot thing because i used to listen to uh art bell yeah and uh one night which he was on the coast is it coast to coast yeah he was the i heard grandfather of that you know where i would always hear people listen to that when i'd get picked up in the car like from the airport like late night
Starting point is 00:35:21 a driver and he'd always have coast to coast on. And you just knew you're like, you, I liked it. Cause I was like, I could talk about, you can, those people that are into that kind of stuff are the most open-minded people that will talk to you about whatever you want to talk about.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And that's why it's, if someone listens to that, you're always like, this guy's going to be a good time. It's going to be a fun conversation. Sorry. Uh, and,
Starting point is 00:35:44 uh, the, I got, that's how you got into it but listen to our bill right uh and they had a state trooper from oregon or washington state call in and said yeah i was at that incident they had been discussing and people do that they just call in and say and they corroborate, you know, or maybe they're a plant or whatever you want, you know, if you want to go that way. I was, oh, with the Bigfoot thing. So I'm pulling on the Bigfoot string and it keeps going down the rabbit hole.
Starting point is 00:36:15 And then I start hearing about this other thing, Dogman. Yeah. Now, this is just a flat-out werewolf. Yeah. And there are people in the Bigfoot community that hit the brakes. Yeah. They go, no, we're having a hard enough time, people buying this Bigfoot thing. We're not telling anybody there's this 400, 500-pound werewolf thing that's running around out there.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah. And so that's, do you believe in the werewolf too? Or is it? Once once again there's another one called uh dogman encounters yeah i'm into hundreds of of these eyewitness things of this thing right on the natchez trace oh here right tennessee ohio smokies yeah they're running around this guy was saying he was going down the Neches Trace one night, and this thing comes peeling out of the woods, headed towards his pickup truck.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And he's just gunning it and barely gets away. He said this thing could have rolled his truck if it had come down on him. So is it like this one, to wrap my head around, it's like we know what Bigfoot looks like. It's just like a big dog. It stands on two feet lots of the time. Is it Dog Man? Dog Man is what it goes by.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah, I don't think I've heard. I know werewolves, but I didn't know that. That's great. I love the idea of somebody at a Bigfoot conference. It's great. They're all like, Hey dude, reel it in a little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah. I mean, that's the way it is. Yeah. That is, that's, that's what's one that, that is,
Starting point is 00:37:55 it's a, I did like that, that he said that where it was that someone has to go, guys, this is, we've gone too far. Yeah. Look,
Starting point is 00:38:04 you don't believe in dog, man. I, of course too far. Yeah, look, you don't believe in Dogman? Of course I believe in Dogman. But we're not even done with this Bigfoot thing. Let's get to the Bigfoot thing. Once we get Bigfoot acknowledged, then we're snowballing. Dog, I'll throw all this Catwoman. We have, I mean, they all just keep coming now. Mothman.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Mothman. I don't even go near mothman yeah it's just too far out for me to even you know i was surprised when i did the research chupacabra that's a relatively new creature right i don't know i mean i think it was like within the last 20 or 30 years those are in uh mexico mexico it's like the goat sucker yeah supposedly attacks the guy's goats and sucks their blood out a lot of people say it's a really bangey uh you know malformed dog dude dog man or werewolf so dog man oh yeah look at the size comparison thing this one no the little chart yeah with a human dog manner on the left down left down down yes
Starting point is 00:39:07 uh so can you imagine you see that chart at the top yeah no you don't see the picture of the man and the werewolf there you go yeah uh yes this thing would be unbelievable. That, I mean, golly, it's so much bigger. Now, there is a story about, and this is way back. This might be the 70s. Yeah, I think it was 70s. You know, land between the lakes. Yes. Supposedly, there was a-
Starting point is 00:39:42 That's a lake in Nashville. It's like 45 45 minutes an hour away in tennessee in tennessee uh and they dammed up some of the rivers and there's two rivers on either side it's kind of like a peninsula at this point and they they it's a preserve it's a park they even have bison out there and uh supposedly this couple was camping out there and this dog man thing just tore them up tore their trailer up threw a kid up in a tree and all this stuff uh how substantiated you just hear stories from people who investigated i think there's a guy in tennessee who really is involved in checking it out and uh
Starting point is 00:40:23 in checking it out. And he says he knows people that were in the National Guard and the police, and yeah, they went from one end of the thing to another until they found the layer of this thing and killed it. And that was that. But there's a couple more stories. More recently, they have a little motocross area there, and some kid was doing the motocross, and this thing comes running out of the woods and kind of grabs at his ankle, but he gets away. And I think there's another story about him out there.
Starting point is 00:40:54 So this is how far my research is going to go. I'm going to go camping out there one time. I'll get a kayak in the area, a very remote area, this thing. And I'm going to kayak up the streams all i want to see is a footprint yeah i do not want to see this thing yeah and that that would be good enough for me yeah yeah but uh i tell laura to turn the air on uh it's getting hot in here is there uh yeah go ahead no good i was gonna say is there an ethical argument to be made that maybe we shouldn't be looking for Bigfoot? I mean, obviously, they don't want to be found.
Starting point is 00:41:34 And I don't think Bigfoot enthusiasts want Bigfoot's gone, you know, extinct. Is it just they just want to see one and have proof and then everyone will stop looking or what's what's going on there's different groups there's one guy who has a podcast and he wants he really respects that they're intelligent and everything but he wants one to be shot and a body brought so there can be no argument about it anymore i think that's kind of harsh myself but but that's what i mean this is what's gonna take obviously like it's gonna yeah uh how many so with uh bigfoot like how many things this opens the door like dog man and like is there how many of these animals like that are
Starting point is 00:42:19 there bigfoot dog man like how is there is it keep going or yeah it keeps going yeah i i don't i don't go out there too far because it just gets weirder and weirder yeah now one thing if we get back to the alien thing if you accept the the premise of the aliens then you gotta accept that the earth has been an open biological system to the whole rest of the universe. And you get the feeling that these guys are like curators of Earth. I imagine an Earth-like planet isn't all that common. And it's a fantastic laboratory and resource for biological things. You drop an octopus off and come back in a million years, see what evolved into.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And I see where Bigfoot fits into this real survival module is, let's say, humanity kind of wipes itself out. There's no more people people. Yeah. This thing might still be surviving out there. Yeah. And preserve this whole genetic yeah information thing yeah um i think they did get a hair sample and uh they said there was like human dna in it but it was also unknown primate yeah so these guys could be just like a survival repository of these very human-like genes, and they could
Starting point is 00:43:47 survive anything. There's a database when I was doing research for this of all Bigfoot sightings. I mean, there's a lot just in middle Tennessee. There was six in Wilson County. How many do they think there are? Like do people, is it thousands? Is it- It would have to be, yeah. Because they're being seen everywhere, all over the world.
Starting point is 00:44:08 I mean, it's basically- Texas, you hear about them. There's this thing called the Sam Houston State Park down there. Yeah. And there's all this swampy area between Texas and Louisiana. Yeah. And they say you can go down there and you can hear them hoot and holler at night. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Maybe that's another thing I'm going to do. Yeah. Is just go down and just see if you can hear them whooping it up. Yeah. I would love to go look for them. This and storm chasing. I've always wanted to do storm chasing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:38 So if you go look for, is there groups that go out and look for this? There are. Sign up. Is it you got to find the right guy or is it you could? Well, you go to a conference. Yeah. You can sign up. Is it you got to find the right guy? Or you go to a conference and you'll find somebody. I got a business card from somebody in East
Starting point is 00:44:49 Tennessee. Yeah, I saw that. Where you can do... I mean, anybody can sign up and go. Yeah. And then they go and then see it. Is it like Wells? Where you're like, we got a good shot of seeing them. Is there seasons for Bigfoot? I get the impression they are kind of migratory and like in change of seasons, like spring
Starting point is 00:45:09 and fall, they're moving around. And you just hear about them everywhere, up in Vermont. Anywhere there's water, they like to be around water and hilly stuff and forest. And you got that all over. You got it in the Ozarks. You got it all through the Northwest. Yeah. And then you hear stuff about Texas too, that they're out in Texas. So, I mean, to you, like for someone that doesn't believe, you know, that things all this stuff is nonsense, it's like the way that you look at it, there's just too many people talking about it that it can't like,
Starting point is 00:45:46 so who's right. Are all these people wrong? Right. I mean, thousands, millions of people, thousands and thousands and thousands of people. They're down in Australia too.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah. And you're right. I don't care about being right or wrong. No, no. I'm saying like, that's what you would say to someone that says they don't. Or the argument to support.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah. Their argument to be like, but there is no like proof at all. You're like, there's just too much evidence. Signal to noise. Yeah. Yeah. What about the Patterson video, the most famous Bigfoot? Do you think that's real? I do, because there was some kind of anthropologist guy who was a real scientist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:27 guy who's like you know was a real scientist and he was saying you know the gait and the bones and the muscles rippling are legit they can't recreate it uh supposedly this is the guy walking oh the one but this is what i thought they said that was for sure fake well there's a guy who claims that he got paid to wear the suit there's someone else who claims that they made this i thought it had been debunked, but when I read about it, there's still people who think that's real. Oh, I thought it was debunked too,
Starting point is 00:46:48 so that people still think that that's real. There's some that do. Yeah. That said they paid a guy to do it. It is true that you, when you look at it,
Starting point is 00:46:58 the arms look awfully long. Is that? Yeah. I don't know. You know, I'm not not you hear things on both sides i wouldn't be surprised if some wannabe guy wanted to jump on the bandwagon and say yeah it was me yeah but i mean this was such an old video right and then to think back then did them have a suit like that too that's such a good suit that i mean how expensive that suits now they they say that there's like hybrids
Starting point is 00:47:28 of these in humans that these things used to take indians and when they were lonely and you would have a hybrid and they say the smaller ones are these hybrid types and it's this thing they call the true giants and it's 10 feet tall you know 800 pounds yeah and and supposedly the how and they know how to use this how they will be up in your face and let this ungodly roar go right through all your protoplasm and you are messed up for days and weeks yeah that's something i don't know if i even want to experience had they ever uh killed somebody is that what you're saying like is that oh i think that yeah i i think so you've get you get a whole continuum yeah of the the females seem you know more calm and docile and then you'll'll get an alpha male, and he feels challenged or threatened in any way. And they know what guns are right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:48:31 So many stories about when somebody started pointing a gun at them, they just started freaking out. And then there was- And do they run or do they attack? They start the bluff charging. Yeah. Wait, bluff charge, so they act like they're about to... Yeah. And then they're hoping you back off.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Kind of like gorillas, they come right up. Yeah, and so they're trying to get out of the confrontation. They don't want to fight you. They don't seem to be aggressive unless... Most of them just, yeah, they just hide. Like an animal, they just want to be... Lots of times they throw rocks at people. But if you start throwing rocks back at them, they go nuts.
Starting point is 00:49:10 They will not have it. I heard a very creepy story. These guys were hunting and they were chasing this deer. And it went down through this really thick, overgrown, thorny brush stuff. It was just like a tunnel and they get into the tunnel and all of a sudden there's like this opening like this pocket and it's all overgrowth and everything and they're finding all these animal bones and everything and he said they found half a hunter his bottom half was gone his his hunting suit's there. And I think his gun was there too.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Wow. They got him. Half a hunter. Yeah. It seems so great. So when, like. I wanted to ask about the conference. You've been to the Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference?
Starting point is 00:50:04 That's the only one I've really been to. Do they take it, do they have fun with it or is it very serious? Yeah. It's not like a cult where everybody's real serious or anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Seems like you've got to have a pretty good sense of humor to. Yeah, they know they're getting ribbed about and everything. There was one lady who was a school teacher in her 60s and this was like
Starting point is 00:50:25 her avocation and she just thought people should be educated about it and uh i i don't go to too many conferences because i don't think there's anything there you really wouldn't learn on youtube if you really yeah but one thing i did find out about that i had no idea about was there's one guy he was like this world adventurer, sorry, world adventurer guy. He'd been everywhere, you know, China, Australia, everywhere. And he had this story about this fishing village. He said they ran for about 20 years from like 1920 to 1946. And they just shut the thing down and walked away for a minute because they were just getting harassed
Starting point is 00:51:07 by these Bigfoot. Yeah. And this is way up in Alaska, and it was a full-scale operation. It had a canning facility, fishing boats, and year after year, hunters would go out and not come back. Every once in a while, a dismembered torso would come floating down the river into the bay. And they walked away from it. And so I watched this YouTube video where these guys went up there.
Starting point is 00:51:33 There were like four of them. And somebody took them in with a boat. And they are like armed to the teeth. And they're going into the woods and they're hearing stuff. And they're just being real cagey about it and then one of their guys had an infrared camera and he visually at dusk sees one coming down the hill and he puts the infrared on it and it's not really conclusive all you know is it's a big vertical shape and not a big horizontal shape like a moose or something but he
Starting point is 00:52:06 said he visually saw it but the only evidence he had was this infrared thing it was a big bright glowing kind of rectangular vertical thing so they they say they're still up there and that's and so that's why and like people always say like how come every it's like every one of these that are filmed are always done very shaky very the footage is always terrible it's never like we you know like we got these phones now nothing is just this perfect video uh which is always a complaint but i mean you probably are going to be shaky if you see one in real life it's got to be nuts i mean you because some people are going to be like i don't believe in it too it's real
Starting point is 00:52:46 so that's got to be about as scared as you can be as a human being and uh like just seeing something is to be like i don't believe in this thing but now it's there right and so you're going to be you're going to be shaky and then you know seems like now they have trail cameras everywhere they would pick up that's pretty uncanny how they avoid the trail cams. And there was one story about this guy. He knew they were in the area. He had this box he made and he would put toys and food and stuff in there and he put cameras on it. And they would always take the food and everything.
Starting point is 00:53:20 He said he could not get them on camera. He had it pointed at the box. Somehow he'd see a little blur on the edge of the screen or something and they they just seem so aware that that it's something they've got to avoid that now how do they do that you know how does a creature go oh i bet that's a camera you know i better not get caught on that you know there's things that you scratch your head over you know do they know it's a recording thing that it's going to give them away so they don't walk on the trails they know trails are easy to avoid i mean because it's like you just do your own path but then here's here, here's a, this is a famous Bigfoot video.
Starting point is 00:54:05 It's the longest video, uh, there is of one. And this is a youth group that was on a Christian youth group. Well, sorry, I thought it started, got more into it here. Uh,
Starting point is 00:54:18 they finally zoom in on it. Yeah. I've seen this. So it's, you've seen this. Yeah. It's very, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:33 I mean, yeah i've seen so it's you've seen this yeah it's very uh i mean they i don't have the dialogue i have it muted but the way they talk make it that made it more believable because they're they're not thinking oh my gosh this is a bigfoot they're just a bunch of kids who are like kind of goofing around what is this thing but it's uh you know i saw one like that that was shot from like one ridge top to another and that's my theory the only way you're really going to get evidence is with some telephoto thing yeah where they can't even sense you're around you're like a mile away or something and with a really good high definition you know high quality telephoto yeah i mean well yeah yeah because they're gonna pick up a smell they're gonna you know they probably can tell that you're there they don't really like to run huh they just kind of that they don't seem too phased yeah yeah see Every video, they're walking. And what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:55:25 What can get them? You know, that's... So what would be... Dog man. Huh? Dog man. Dog man. Yes, dog man would be the problem.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Are Bigfoot, are they carnivores, herbivores? What do we think? Do they eat meat? Deer. Okay. And wild boar. And we have a huge deer population, so there's plenty of food for them. They just grab them by the back legs and slam them against a tree.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yeah. So they have no predator for them in the wild, right? They're the top of the food chain? Yeah, I imagine so. Okay. This is the last one I'll show you. This is a video, guys. They think this is a bear right there.
Starting point is 00:55:59 This is two boys, and they think they're zooming in on a black bear. Looks like a black bear right there, right? They're just kind of checking it out, and then it stands up right there. Oh, that's a good one. And they run! That's what I would have done. That made my day, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And that's basically it. Wow. That is an honest reaction. Yeah, that's the ones that could be if you worry about them being fake uh just press mute if you worry about it being uh fake that's one that you're like you could fake that like so you see that video and you can never really see what they're looking at and then it stands up and walks off and they take off running. It's like if people got good at making fake videos, you're like, that's how you make a fake video. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Like that. You don't acknowledge it. Don't be trying to. The Blair Witch Project. Oh, wow, there's a bear. Yeah. There's a bear. Then take off running.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And you post that. And then that could be, you know, it is. I mean, I think there has to be, you're going to get some really like undeniable footage and then what happens i i mean then everybody's got to accept it i don't know i mean it's the here's an angle i've heard recently is the lumber industry does not want these things found because if they're found it's all of a sudden all this is bigfoot habitat yeah and you can't be logging it like you know that's a pretty legit argument if it comes down to money you can see how some ceo or lumber company is is saying something yeah you got to put the lid on this you
Starting point is 00:57:37 know it's like jaws yeah you know oh it's labor day weekend hey we got a lot of big white sightings i don't want to hear about it yeah everybody's coming to the beach yeah that's another angle is uh there's another phenomena going on the missing 411 phenomena there's a guy who's been researching for years he got a bunch of book books out he says people have been disappearing from national parks left and right. Like a guy will have his kid right next to him, and he'll turn around, and the kid will be gone. Or some campers, they'll find all their car, their camping stuff, and everything, and they're just gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:18 And he says there's no national database on this stuff. He's got to drag the information out of them, and they're really resistant. Like if you go to Yellowstone or something, hey, you have records on people missing him maybe. Or they'll charge you. They'll charge you like $30,000 to make copies of their stuff. There's a lot of that going on where they will just charge you a ton of money
Starting point is 00:58:46 to get any of the information if it's ufo stuff or this missing stuff so the question is are these people all really disappearing from national parks and what's taking them and maybe we should know about it yeah but that is true like when a kid goes missing in a park or if someone misses but you mean you assume they're lost right or someone did it to them but you don't think that much about them they don't really explain like what happened because i mean you see it on the news all the time pretty regularly you know maybe a big story will come out there was something um around cookville or something this was like maybe a year or two ago, where they said they found
Starting point is 00:59:27 somebody who had been attacked by dogs. And it sounded kind of fishy to me. It could have been one of those things where maybe it's one of these cryptid things and it just tore somebody up. Oh, it's dogs. Wild dogs. You don't hear about wild dogs
Starting point is 00:59:42 really taking somebody down too often. Where is Bigfoot the most like where is is there any you said ozarks and now have a hot spot or well definitely the pacific northwest yeah because there's just unlimited timber up there it's another and all the way up into canada another joke i had uh when i went to mount hood on the way out to where they filmed the outside of uh the shining the hotel yeah that front of the hotel is all this mount hood hotel and you stay in there in this hotel and they have dvds of the shining you can go get at the front desk for a good night's sleep for a good night's sleep yeah i watched it for uh i went
Starting point is 01:00:23 and got it and watched it that night in a lot smaller of a hotel it's just the back of the hotel but anyway so on the cab on the way there I told the guy you guys got a lot of trees here man because it's an overwhelming amount
Starting point is 01:00:42 we have a lot of trees here but when you go up there and drive it's a lot of trees here, but when you go up there and drive, it's a lot of trees. Yeah. And it just, it's too much to take in. It's an ocean worth of just, it doesn't stop.
Starting point is 01:00:56 And you're, you know. That's not even including Alaska. Yeah. That's nothing. Yeah. I mean, this is just what you see
Starting point is 01:01:01 leaving the airport and going out to, and I mean, I was so, I didn't even, it's not like I thought, oh, I'm going to be funny and say this. It was almost like it just came out of me. The guy that was like the Uber driver, I'm like, you guys got a lot of trees here.
Starting point is 01:01:14 This is really too many trees. Yeah, so I was like, this is more than I care for. And he goes, okay. He didn't even know what to, I mean, what's he going to say? He's like, it's insane that I'm even. That is terrible small talk. But it's that many trees that you're like, this is a lot of trees. You're not coming around here, are you? No.
Starting point is 01:01:31 This is too much to handle. It was too much to take. It's that many trees. That's when I think of that with Bigfoot. I go, look how many trees. You couldn't even search this area. Yeah. Marco.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Yeah. many trees you couldn't even search this area yeah marco yeah is it is it a question of resources why we don't have physical evidence i mean i mean i mean obviously you know they're elusive that they they have all these ways of avoiding being caught but but let's say that let's say tomorrow the government decides it's now their number one priority to find a Bigfoot. And they devote all the resources of the federal government, the military. They deploy the National Guard, all our technology. I mean, is it just a question of... I think the feds know about it.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Yeah. Because every time there's an incident and sheriffs are involved or the Department of Natural Resources, are involved or uh the department of natural resources uh all of a sudden these other guys come in and they just start ordering people around and yeah you saw a bear or you saw a cat or something like that and it's all in the national parks and everything it's just you really get a feeling it's at the federal level the word is get in there shut it down and whenever these guys in the suits show up everybody just caves to those guys whoever they are and they got to be yeah that's like the men in black like you said like it's a group that the people that you're like this you're going to be those guys are almost as elusive as bigfoot i mean
Starting point is 01:03:04 like it's not like you know who those guys are. So when those guys show up, you're like, I feel like I've heard about you too. So then you're like kind of like, well, what is that about? Like, and it's a guy that you're like – he's got a job that's like, does your job exist? He's like, that doesn't exist. It's a guy whose life doesn't matter. The guys that come in – what was I – what did I –
Starting point is 01:03:23 I talked to an Army Ranger guy, a friend of mine, Daniel. We had just golfed with him yesterday. But he, awesome, interesting dude. Like, did, like, was there, I think you could make a movie about this guy's life. But they could go into being like other, I want to say it's kind of not a spy. It's CIA, but it's like these dudes that are kind of loners. And they end up, and he would tell me stories that they'd be walking around in Afghanistan,
Starting point is 01:03:53 just like on a mission. And they're kind of walking on this mountain by themselves. And just a dude like from Cleveland is just, I mean, like from Cleveland, Ohio. He's just sitting there with a bag and he just turned a corner and he's like, what's up guys? He's just there. And you're like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:04:11 You know? And, and I was like, did you ever ask him what he's doing? He's like, you don't, you know, confident of a human is that you're by yourself in the mountains of
Starting point is 01:04:21 Afghanistan. He'll have like 500 grand worth of money on him. Cause they're using that to get like, it's just a dude that knows how to do everything so it's a guy that could beat up all those army right like he's a guy that knows you know he's like a make-believe person yeah and he just like is a loner that's just uh kind of jason born yeah it's like jason born you know uh what's the movie uh 12 strong or something 13 Strong with Chris Hemsworth. It's 12 Strong right? 12 Years of Slave.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Yeah that's it. You know what Aaron you're right. I've messed up. 12 Years a Soldier. Schindler's List. Alright give me that. It's the worst. You're like maybe it was. Never seen Schindler's List by the way. I've never have. Really uh it's a big one that people uh enough concentration camp yeah action yeah i don't have
Starting point is 01:05:12 it's so so but in that movie uh when he gets a guy comes up to him on a horseback and like tells him like here's where all the people are at here's what you got to do and then he leaves with the group of the people from that country it's like essentially that guy it's like you know and that anyway long way around the the men and black guys i mean if you if someone walked in here right now and they had the confidence of just coming your house they're not they're not asking you to let them in yeah and they're like you didn't see any i mean you would be so blown away by that guy it was very creepy and then you could and they could convince, you didn't see any. I mean, you would be so blown away by that guy. It was very creepy. And then you could, and they could convince you.
Starting point is 01:05:48 I mean, you know, the idea of like propaganda, the idea of that, you can have, propaganda is very powerful. I mean, you just see this stuff over and over again. You think, oh yeah, it does that with alcohol. I mean, I read a book about not drinking, like an alcohol book about just breaking down alcohol. And alcohol is just built into your from the time you're a baby and you see a cartoon and bugs bunny has a thing of beer or
Starting point is 01:06:11 something or they pour it's alcohol is just so like around your life condition you're conditioned into doing it and i lost my job time to drink yeah yeah everything celebrate time to drink that's it's his birthday it's this this. Everything's a drink. Everything's a round drink. So it's like all this stuff, they could easily make you question everything. When people give false confessions. That happens all the time. Because you're just like, maybe I was there.
Starting point is 01:06:38 I don't know. Can I get some sleep? Yeah, just. Exactly. Is that what you hear though when you listen to those podcasts or interviews that people are saying that the governments are coming in and telling them, keep your mouth shut? Yeah. You come across it from time to time, not every case. But if somebody's getting real public, like those fishermen guys who went to the hospital, and they are just vocal.
Starting point is 01:07:01 They're just telling everybody about it. And they are just vocal. They're just telling everybody about it. And they're talking to the police and they're talking to the out of here, just tell them you saw a bear because they're not going to let it go. They can make you lose all your money, go poor, homeless, and now you're a crazy person. And then everybody goes, well, that wasn't, that guy was a nut job. Right. And it's like that easy to whittle you down. Take away, if they took away all your money your wife's gonna leave you you're you know like everything you can't get a job you're gonna have to end up
Starting point is 01:07:50 probably doing something that's illegal like to make money and then you're gonna get arrested you i mean they can easily turn you from and now you're a crazy person well we're getting into the like these secret forces at play and that ties into the ufo thing because if if we've had the craft and we've harvested the technology yeah and you hear it was all the guys that were in los alamos uh teller uh they were all uh folded into this stuff what is what is it los alamos los alamos laboratories yeah all that's a laboratory where they kept all this stuff well all this stuff. What is it? Los Alamos? Los Alamos Laboratories. Yeah. That's a laboratory where they kept all this stuff? Well, all this stuff is associated.
Starting point is 01:08:30 You've had Bell Labs out there. You had EE&G, Skunk Works, all the Area 51 even though... So this is all area... I don't even know what this stuff is. So this is all Area 51 things. You have to... If you accept UFOs crashed and we're working on it,
Starting point is 01:08:50 you got to think there's this whole infrastructure of secrecy that's dealing with this stuff. And who would the players be? And you can kind of identify them if you look through history. What was this one guy's name? He was like the brightest scientist guy yeah and uh he he was uh just cabinet level stuff and you see his fingerprints all over it and and so here you have who knows what these technologies are like right off the
Starting point is 01:09:23 bat you got anti-gravity. Right off the bat, you've got that zero-point energy stuff they talk about, the quantum field stuff, where they talk about empty space is not just empty. It has a potential of just huge amounts of water. Yeah. And this is what quantum scientists just say outright. They're on record saying a cubic centimeter of empty space, no matter, has enough energy potential to boil off all the oceans of Earth. So here's some kind of technology where you're tapping into just reality itself and pulling juice out of it. No transmitter, no generator you just have and they say tesla was on to this and look what happened to him unlimited source of energy and
Starting point is 01:10:15 then you start analyzing it from oh like the real tesla like tesla yeah i thought you meant like i was like an elon musk kind of. So then you start analyzing it politically. Well, why would they repress something like this? Well, here's a device. Everybody gets off the grid. Everybody's not under your control anymore. We don't like that so much. We like everybody.
Starting point is 01:10:38 We like centralized technologies like nuclear and petroleum because we got this system set up and it's status quo do not rock the boat it's yeah it's people that don't want change it's my wife uh there's uh it's but it is look at and there's people that would even if you told them we have it there's a so there's like unlimited energy right right and this thing if you told a person that we have unlimited energy or we can just keep doing what we're doing most people probably probably go, let's just, I don't want it. Let's just do what we're doing. Even if you promised all the stuff you promised,
Starting point is 01:11:09 because most people don't want change. They like everything to kind of be just like, we got a good thing going. I don't want to be messing everything up, trying to. Then you ask yourself, is this climate change thing real or not? If we keep burning fossil fuels, are we burying ourselves? Yeah. So then it starts
Starting point is 01:11:25 getting a little serious like well we should be doing this maybe we shouldn't have all the secrecy and i understand the thinking about well here's an unlimited energy source hey let's weaponize this what kind of laser can we make with this thing you know to cut the earth in half or something like that you know and you kind of can respect the guys that control things for keeping a lid on stuff because who knows what's going to happen if it gets loose. But you just get the feeling on this planet we've got to make some changes.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I think we're doing fine. But it's... We're... Does every country probably have stuff? Like everybody has aliens and UFOs? Yeah, you hear it all over. Here's the other interesting thing, just like how Bigfoot can hide. It's like, how could there be this agreement across all these countries in the world not
Starting point is 01:12:19 to come out with this UFO stuff? But there are cracks in the thing. Like when there was perestroika when you know when everything was flipping over in russia yeah all these ufo files came out and then wham putin's in and they slam the door on it and then you hear like i don't know if it's brazil or argentina they have a coalition between the military and these citizens groups and UFOs. It's out in the open that they mutually give each other information about this stuff that's flying around. And there's a couple of countries like that.
Starting point is 01:12:55 But then you wonder, well, how did they get all these other countries to toe the line? And you see the NATO countries and you see China and Russia suppressing it. And it seems like every kind of authoritarian system doesn't want this stuff out there because it just challenges their authority. Well, there's other countries, their power doesn't really change much, right? Like they kind of, whoever's in power is in power for a long time. And a lot, like does Putin get, is he up for reelect? Like, is,
Starting point is 01:13:25 yeah, he keeps getting himself reelected. In theory. Yeah. In theory. Yeah. He keeps killing people that don't vote for him.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah, yeah. So they're, so they don't ever really have to, and I, and I agree that I bet it's to their best interest to be like,
Starting point is 01:13:37 you don't want to lose power and you're going to lose power with, you know, if you try to do this as a country, like if you're like, hey man, there's something that's crazy out here. And if you try to do this as a country like if you're like hey man there's something that's crazy out here and so you gotta you know it's like opening that door
Starting point is 01:13:51 it's that could change everything that's what like that joke when i would say about the bigfoot like if they showed it that i mean we're now from that moment on we're in like we know bigfoot exists 100 and there's not even a question it's like he's out there so now anytime you go to the woods you're gonna be a little bit we're not gonna go to the woods we're not gonna go camping as much we're not gonna do a lot of things because you would know right now you could go camp because most people like don't be ridiculous there's no bigfoot but if they come out and say there is now you're you're not your children your children shouldn't everybody's different now you think COVID was bad for the national parks
Starting point is 01:14:26 Bigfoot Bigfoot would be a problem is aliens like you said like Bigfoot could they be aliens or is that like a theory you hear little one off stories about you know a guy
Starting point is 01:14:41 sees a UFO and all of a sudden he sees a Bigfoot going up in the beam I think they're messing with everything but then you got this about a guy sees a UFO and all of a sudden he sees a Bigfoot going up in the beam. I think they're messing with everything. But then you got this other thing going on. I like that you're in the circles that you brought that up as a breeze by story. As if it happens every day. You know, you're at the gas station
Starting point is 01:14:58 and you hear this guy just go like, do you see that alien that Bigfoot gets sucked up by that UFO? And you're like, uh. Guys, can you imagine that alien? That big foot gets sucked up by that UFO. And you're like, they're not just probing. I like to think, yeah, if you saw a UFO and you're like,
Starting point is 01:15:10 Oh my God, nobody will believe. And then a big foot goes up. Here's the thing you could do. Just start asking people, you know, if they've seen a UFO. And I started doing that.
Starting point is 01:15:21 And I got about five people that I don't think are crazy that have had up close and personal. There were two teachers I know were coming from a conference in Nashville and they were coming down 65. And I think they were like near Columbia or something. And they see the glowing thing on the tree line. They pull over to look at it for a while. Then they suddenly realize,
Starting point is 01:15:45 hey, we got to get the hell out of here. And these are people I know. They have kids, they have families. And you just dig a little and you start seeing this is not as uncommon as you think it is. Just start asking people, hey, you ever see a UFO? You know, I've had veterans that said they have seen them. You know, I've had veterans say that they've seen Bigfoot, you know, just a casual, hey, you ever see anything weird out in the woods there? Yeah. And the one thing that always happens when Bigfoot's around is everything goes dead silent. No birds, no crickets, no nothing. You always get the feeling you're being watched. It's palpable. And everything goes dead silent.
Starting point is 01:16:28 So if you're in the woods and that happens, it's time to head back to the truck. If the Bigfoot watches you, do they tell you, is it like just leave because you're in its territory? Or do they say, just go to sleep? No, they say back out. Just don't run. you say you go camping yeah and you feel like that's happening and you're in your tent asleep is it get out pack up and go
Starting point is 01:16:52 yeah and they might give you time the bigfoot at least gives you some time to does the bigfoot understand do you go into the woods you go heads up i'm obviously leaving. It takes me time. I can't just scoop this up. They escort you out. They parallel you as you walk out. What does that mean? They're in the woods. They're keeping pace with you. Yeah. They make sure you're on the way out.
Starting point is 01:17:15 So if you just start packing your things. Yeah. I'm just thinking logically when we have to think through this. Do you have to leave your tip? Do you just immediately go like it's over? Some people do. They leave their fishing gear. they leave their rifles they just get the heck out i grab the rifle that be the one thing i grab be careful people shoot at these yes they do and they don't like it at all
Starting point is 01:17:37 but they won't stop and they're but the thing is you can hit them and they keep coming. Yeah. Because they've got a muscular core there. Yeah. If you're going to shoot them, aim for the head because they can take bullets like nobody's business. Yeah. But you'll kill them if you hit them in the head? If you get it, you can kill, you know, an elephant if you hit it in the right place.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Yeah. But the body shots just don't do it but if you shot an elephant over it's still going to come at you like it's uh you get it just right that's crazy that they walk you out like they make sure that you're they escort you out yeah they do yeah that is i've heard that over and over yeah and you feel like they're but and the person could never technically really see them it just could you just see the black shape behind the tree. Yeah, and you know it's time to... Can you imagine the fear you would have of just knowing that it's there?
Starting point is 01:18:35 It's there. There's two of them right there. There's always more than one. Yeah. You may not see them or hear them, but there's always more than one. I was going to ask that. Yeah yeah they're typically in groups yeah so the the ones that are it looks all the videos that i've seen it's just one so those are just must be stragglers but but yeah typically they travel they're in groups most of the time yeah you look to me as if i yes aaron they do uh they typically go together a lot
Starting point is 01:19:06 they're they like gatherings they're also dances they're into parties something that's something that is never mentioned they had a mixer bigfoots celebrate each other's birthdays did you know that did you ever think that you would see a bigfoot birthday party because i've stumbled across quite a few of them and they don't care for it. Is aliens, do you think aliens look like what we think in the movies, or is it... Whoa. There's not just one species of alien.
Starting point is 01:19:35 I like just jumping wildly to that. If you had to pick one, did you only believe in one, aliens or Bigfoot? If I had to choose? Yeah. I'd be the aliens be real because that really flips everything yeah so there's no aliens there's no species there's no it's not like there's all kinds of species of grays yeah you got grays that are almost white and short you got grays that are greenish gray but are their bodies like what you think in a movie
Starting point is 01:20:05 yeah i think well you know what's come to light to me over the years more recently is the little guys are just like clone android robot yes and that's the way they act most of the time there's a taller guy usually in the background and he'll just fling the little guys around if they're not doing what he wants uh so what if so when they fly down they have a tall the tall one it's like almost like why are they they're coming here just to see what's going on or like motives yeah what are the motives what if they're us from the future there's that too i personally i don't believe in time travel yeah in the past i i just can't well that's ridiculous and yeah i've got my limits well you're insane and i'm sorry we brought you you know what i thought boy open your mind get out of here tacky ons yeah sure uh
Starting point is 01:21:01 where were we going with this uh well, I was asking about, yeah. What's their motives? Yes. Well, it's definitely some genetic thing going on. It's just over and over again. You think they would get tired of this multi-generational, we're going to impregnate you. Oh, the baby's gone all of a sudden.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Hey, meet your hybrid baby. This stuff goes on and on and on everywhere and and so why do they have to be messing with our genetics and there's a theory that well they're integrating into us and they're going to be living as us on this planet because it's a nice planet to live on is another theory that they are they want to make us a less aggressive form of humanoid because our history is just of warfare endless warfare and if we're going to have to be a global civilization we're not going to be able to continue this warfare idea down the line because they can't handle it then don't come
Starting point is 01:22:04 down here you can't take the heat in the kitchen don't be cooking what is that saying you can't stay in the heat get out of the kitchen yeah if you can't stay in the heat get out of the kitchen aliens you can't handle a little little brawl they ever been challenged before they don't like our vibes yeah it's too it's like that though. That is. So there is, so they're playing in theory that I like that. We could have a nice planet. I like that idea that we got a great planet.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And you get people that claim to be hybrids, but you can't just look at it and say, Oh, you look like a hybrid. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty good. That'd be a rude.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Yeah. No, your hair's a little thin there. Yeah. You look kind of little thin there. Yeah. You look kind of pale. You're like, Kevin, how long have you been here? You feel like you've been here, like that's your age. You're like, Kevin, I could be wrong, but I think you knew my great-grandma.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Like, how old are you? I would like to live about 300 years. And then the aliens kind of fix you up. Yeah, you got 300 years. Go. And then you get to be about 280 and go, I'd really like to live for 600 years. I would just like to be frozen and woken up 200 years from now for a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:15 And just say, what happened? Do you even think the world? And then they would shoot you in the head after that one week. You wouldn't even ask. That's fine. I'd be good with it. When they go, can I get two weeks? And you go, this is the problem with this.
Starting point is 01:23:24 These guys always want more. They can't just be happy with this one week. Now you've got the aliens. Supposedly you got ones that look like praying mantis. You got the lizard ones. God only knows how many varieties of this stuff is. Then you throw in there that some of them say, well, they're just shape-shifting. Yeah. Yeah yeah they've got such psychic powers they can just make you believe you're seeing whatever you're seeing yeah and like oh boy and then you've got the thing where well it seems you get all these reports where our military
Starting point is 01:23:56 guys are involved and you're like what the hell is up i mean over and over again somebody will be they kind of come out of their drug to what state or whatever and they they see all these guys in fatigues walking around and and you just wonder you hear stories about truman made some kind of agreement with the aliens for technology if they could experiment with us genetically i don't know if i'm on board with that or anything but you keep you keep hearing like somehow we're involved with these guys that there's some other agenda talk about a secret though that is a pretty tough secret to keep from president to president like it that would be a secret that you're like it can't leave like this like, this room. It would have to be like, we believe in this, and we can never introduce a new person to this world.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Because that's what I was, we always talk about conspiracy theories, where some of them, where they're hard to believe. Because I think it's hard to keep a secret. And this would be a secret that you can't be switching. That's the other argument, yeah. You can't switch power. I mean, since, like, you would have 10 presidents know about this and they're all being quiet? No, some of them get read in. They said Reagan was read in.
Starting point is 01:25:12 What does that mean? That the powers that have got this working, some presidents they go to and they say, yeah, we got this relationship with the aliens. We're getting all this technology and all this stuff. So some find out, some don't. It won't be Democrats. The Democrats won't get read in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Are you saying read in? Yeah, that's the expression. I used to check out this guy named Stephen Greer. And he had this disclosure project that was really cooking right before 9-11. He had all these congressmen. He had all these insiders. I mean, guys that were on the crash retrievals and could be vetted.
Starting point is 01:25:57 And they all were getting together. They were all getting on videotape. You can always check that out. All those videotapes are there on youtube like it was the most organized effort i had ever seen to get recognition you know they had press conferences and then like a week later boom 9-11 happens and completely overshadowed what they're doing and i mean so people would think that's conspiracy that they did because they're like oh they're about to because i guess what would be we knew, if people knew about this, I guess it is.
Starting point is 01:26:29 It's the power of they know. If you know that there's something else out there, I guess every, you know, you're. I mean, that's where probably a lot of governments have trouble with religion, because if you're not answering to them that you're not answering to the president of the power you're answering to god a higher being right and so they that's why they could not like religion because you don't you know you're not your authority isn't to the great power of this office it's to a higher and then now you open the door and there is higher stuff i mean that could cause complete we already have people questioning religion like crazy. Yeah. These recent generations. Then you throw that everything you knew was wrong in there.
Starting point is 01:27:10 But yeah, we've been visited, you know, for millennia. Maybe we've been engineered. Maybe it wasn't the Garden of Eden. Maybe it was these cats, you know, tweaking monkeys. You know, there's an interesting argument i've heard that human beings are kind of a far-fetched idea to be evolved naturally because of the size of our heads that it is like anti-survival for this big head to try and pass through the birthing canal of an anthropoid like it is because you know through history, before we had more medical science, a lot of women were not surviving childbirth.
Starting point is 01:27:48 You were just wondering, well, if everything's selecting for survivability, what is this big headed creature idea going? But and that makes me think, well, if they've been tweaking us, isn't there evidence in our genes somewhere and i've just heard rumors that it looks like our genes have been edited but i really haven't been able to dig up anything really solid on that but uh it should be in the genes if if we've been you know tinkered with yeah you would think have you ever just you ever get good night's sleep? Or is it just like, I mean, just every night, before you go to bed, it's a nightmare. You have so many questions. Yeah, I've had a couple of nights where I'm just going and going and going.
Starting point is 01:28:35 I understand that. I can do that too, where you can't get yourself to sleep. Just shut up. I mean, yeah, it's like. What are you going to do about it tonight? Yeah. Why tonight? You have to figure it all out.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Do you think that we, with aliens, do you think we're... I know they're saying this, they're saying that these are whatever they are, but still it's not... It's still just the guy saying that's what it is. You know, is there ever... If any of this stuff...
Starting point is 01:29:01 I mean, I guess, like you said, it's going to change everything. Do they ever... Does anything ever change where they go, here's an alien. It was just him and he talks to us. People are saying that disclosure is happening now. That this, what was it? ATIP program.
Starting point is 01:29:21 That's what Harry Reid got his 12 million dollars to throw at and then this guy bigelow ties into that again because he's a big pal of harry reed an ex-senator a republican senator i believe and they got this little program going and there's something in there that Bigelow got some materials from a craft. There's actually... Off this world. Yeah, materials. Yeah. There's some kind of rumor that he's record saying that he was presented with materials to analyze that could not be of Earth origin.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Yeah. Bob Lazar? No, it wasn't Bob Lazar. It was just some other guy recently. Okay. This came out recently. it's just some other guy recently okay this came out recently and the guy is like a legit scientist who contracts consults with with nasa and stuff like that uh you know you know so it looks like it's at least it's going towards right maybe it's everybody's going to become so aware of it that
Starting point is 01:30:39 you're going to be like we want some answers do you think we're ready for the answers as people like as humans more and more i think uh the present generations a lot of them yeah they're probably there aliens are probably there more than like in the 60s and 70s there's just so much stuff out there making you think about the independence day you know there's another the movie yeah yeah but just it's it's always in our consciousness oh yeah yeah yeah like out like the alcohol thing like it's oh you have those are assigned yeah now there's another theory and this dr stephen greer gets behind this that he his insiders are saying that they want to use an alien threat as a way to consolidate power globally.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Yeah. And they're going to have some kind of scenario where it appears to be an alien invasion. Yeah. Now, I think that's pretty out there to try and pull that off on the civilization as it is. But you can see somebody who's thinking about it. I get that. I could see that. as it is, but you can see somebody who's thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:31:44 I get that. I could see that. I mean, I think, I always think they can do stuff that can make you, even what you don't believe, you could think, well, that makes sense. I mean, even just a quick description of that is going, well, we're about to be attacked by aliens. Don't you think we should all get together so we don't have to fight them off individually? We're already all like, yeah, I agree with that. And now they've got you in the
Starting point is 01:32:05 thing it's that simple it's as simple as that to go like what was the phoenix lights thing the the mayor of phoenix who ridiculed the whole thing came out years later and said you know i thought it was the right thing to do it was to diffuse the situation by making fun of it but hey i saw it too yeah so here's the mayor of phoenix saying yeah i saw this you know 200 foot wide triangle blotting out the stars drifting over phoenix along with hundreds and hundreds of other people i think that stuff's ours i think the the black triangle stuff is our stuff that they're just like some kind of uh military thing they're trying yeah i think they've i think they've been working on it for decades yeah and the other thing that gets me is people
Starting point is 01:32:51 say well i saw the lights there but they were like regular lights light filaments in them and you're going well that doesn't sound real alien to me what a ge bulb you know in this thing so something's really fishy where there's a dumber planet you know why does it hey we figured out anti-gravity yeah let's figure out how to make books now what if an alien comes here and goes i didn't float down there like i do at home like he just he doesn't float because he's no gravity that but you don't think there's a dumb planet? A dumb alien? I wasn't floating. I bought this huge UFO. You didn't float them?
Starting point is 01:33:28 He's like, just please. Like, if I went to another planet, that would be what I would bring back. Well, they have to be smart enough to get here. But, I mean, if they're on their parent ship that just automatically has GPS and goes, that's true, and they get in. We talked about switching out the people in the car
Starting point is 01:33:42 and they messed up. Yeah. I mean, you get... Like, if I went to another people in the car and they messed up. Yeah. I mean, you get... Like if I went to another planet... Your clothes are on inside out. Yeah. You got your brother's socks on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:52 They get in a hurry. Yeah. An alien's got to be in a hurry. Do they live on another planet? Do they think? There's another whole realm of speculation. Yeah. Let's just dive into it real fast.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Is there... I like you can't do that real fast 30 seconds is there another realm of uh existence go ahead are they from other dimensions this is a big thing lately just in the last 10 years or so is the hyper dimensional aspect of these things you know that people are getting more and more is it just nuts and bolts craft that come from somewhere else or are they phasing in from another dimension somewhere? Don't, you know, who knows, man. But, you know, they can dematerialize stuff and just send you through walls. So they know something about matter and energy we don't know.
Starting point is 01:34:41 They say they increase your frequency or something. So then you just, but this stuff isn't that far-fetched. We got MRI. What does MRI does? It takes all the atoms in your body spin, and they have an axis, a pole, north and south pole. And then MRI puts you in a strong magnetic field, and all those atoms line up. And then they shock them with a pulse of energy. The energy bounces out, and they get an image out of that. So we've learned how to manipulate matter to a certain degree, and we realize it's more of an energy phenomena than some mechanical whirligig or something. Give a civilization a 20,000-year lead on us.
Starting point is 01:35:29 What are they going to come up with? That's why this stuff doesn't seem that strange to me. We're the ones that are freaking ignorant. Yeah. We're behind. Is it our fault? We're doing the best we can. We just crawled out of the cave a couple of weeks. I think we're doing good. we can we just crawled out of the cave i don't think we're
Starting point is 01:35:45 doing good yeah i think we should be proud of her i think if you're driving and listening to your car that's pretty crazy that you can hear my voice out of your car that is crazy and you know what good for you human you're doing great let's hear for humanity we're only gonna get better we're all doing better we're at least talking about them we're like bigfoot stuff gonna get those alien genes we'll be cranking out stable geniuses like crazy is it uh i mean yeah with i mean would there do they think there ever be uh us and aliens like living together openly knowing about each other or is it well i hope so yeah i think the aliens are worried we're gonna blow this place up yes when did they really show up right after nuclear testing being ridiculous they're stupid what do they know and then you have the stories about them
Starting point is 01:36:37 actually messing with our nuclear capability have you heard of that stuff a couple little bit yeah where they get i've heard none of it i just like saying anything that you say i promise i've never heard it you go i've heard some downstairs my wife was talking about it but go ahead okay we have all these icbm places i imagine we still have them uh and it's a thing there's an astronaut uh cooper he went on a gemini thing before he was an astronaut he was on He went on a Gemini thing. Before he was an astronaut, he was on one of these missile silo bases. And he's on record saying this stuff. And he's down the silo.
Starting point is 01:37:15 He's the guy on watch or something like that. And the patrols around the bases, hey, we're seeing these glowing lights flying around. Okay, keep an eye on them. This one's landing right on the runway okay film it because they have film you know okay it's like it's gone all right bring the film down here so here's an astronaut gordon cooper he says he sees this film it's a ufo it landed right on the runway on a nuclear missile base he packs up the film sends it to washington word is don't say anything about this ever again this is a guy top of the class right stuff astronaut fighter pilot guy on record he's passed away recently you know what more do you need yeah why did he say but he finally said something they said don't say anything he finally came out he did
Starting point is 01:38:12 uh now about the missile bases there were a number of incidences where the ufos were sighted and all of a sudden all the the missiles became inoperative they had yeah i think they used to have hard drives on them and they said they spun down shut off and they could not figure out how anything could have gotten past all the cryptography and everything to do this and then i think they spun some up ready to launch at another missile base. UFO sighted, hey, look what we can do. And I think that promoted another whole level of concern in the powers that be, like, these guys are messing with our national security stuff.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Never mind they fly over our airspace yeah which is not allowed you got to identify yourself and all this stuff now they they're showing us they can mess with our nuclear capability yeah you think that got somebody's attention i think so too yeah yeah i mean they don't so they fly over airspace yeah they're not saying anything but i guess they don't care like they're uh you know that that brings up the angle of well we're not disclosing it why guess they don't care like they're uh you know that brings up the angle of well we're not disclosing it why the hell don't the aliens of the skillets all they have to do is show up at a super bowl or something like that so obviously they're not sports fans they don't understand yeah it's like why are these people running around
Starting point is 01:39:42 this makes no sense well if the titans have got in, we would have came. But the Chiefs beat them. And then now, yeah, like they could just land and then. Right. But I guess probably they could see it where it's, what's the benefit to them? What do they care? I've heard the argument is people that have talked to aliens and say they would either start worshiping us or else demonizing us as the devil.
Starting point is 01:40:13 And there are a lot of fundamentalist groups and stuff like this. They all say the aliens do exist. They are the devil. Watch out for them. Yeah. I think even somebody in Trump's advisors advisors is it uh uh how do you think you leave a conversation with an alien do you think you just go all right man well it was an honor obviously uh let's go you know i mean how do you get out of that how do you if you're
Starting point is 01:40:40 talking to an alien does he just leave? He disappears. Old Irish goodbye. And then, you know, I don't know. I think you would get frustrated with him quickly. You'd be like, God, jeez, dude. You'd go, all right. Can I have a souvenir? Ask him for what? Can I have a-
Starting point is 01:40:56 Oh, can I have something? Alien. Yeah. Key chain, you know. Yeah. Do you have anything like that? And he's like, I don't have pockets, you know. We don't have stuff.
Starting point is 01:41:05 I don't even have a digestive system. You don't have a magnet. What, does your kid make something? You don't take it home from school or something? He's like, it doesn't work like that. You're like, oh, God. This has been a nightmare. Get the pro.
Starting point is 01:41:18 Get the pro. I got a souvenir for you. If you could choose just one for you, which would it be bigfoot or i mean i love bigfoot but uh if it was like if means whatever i pick the other one can't exist yeah aliens i think there's just too much like how crazy that could be but i don't know but that seems dangerous too though aliens can seem like they could wipe you out like they could just wipe us out if they why haven't they already because i don't know they might not care to they might what does it matter to them uh but i mean that's the threat bigfoot can't wipe us out like they're bigfoot's trying to be left alone so pure safety of your planet
Starting point is 01:42:00 you might be like i want bigfoot over ufos because bigfoots are going to manageable it's manageable yeah i mean like they're trying to leave everybody alone don't go camping and if you feel weird if you get a tingly thing in your stomach then get out they'll escort you out they're escorting you yeah it's better than like having things put up your nose and other places like the covid test every day if you're getting probed by an alien. Just an all-day COVID test. Yeah. And so you hope that we – is there a time where we can – they coexist? So the alien stuff is basically being like, yeah, it's out there.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Like it's there. There's – is there more evidence for aliens in Bigfoot? That's a good question. I would think so, yeah. We've had this argument about which one. You've said to me, if you believe in aliens, then you've got to believe in Bigfoot. Yeah. But to me, the universe goes on forever.
Starting point is 01:42:58 We don't know what's out there. Yeah. Whereas on this planet. I know, but like I said, they still find fish. We still see fish in the sea that we've never seen. Right. And so I know everybody wants to, you know, everybody's like, we're overcrowded and all this stuff. But if you go drive through Wyoming or Alaska, there's nothing.
Starting point is 01:43:19 No one lives there. And it's thousands of miles that are just nothing. And these in the mountain go to the smoky mountains there's mountains there's i mean it's not like we're walking around discovering this because we can't all live up in there so it would there's just so many places to hide i mean like i said the black panther the black panther just doesn't not get seen it doesn't get caught the giant squid the giant squid yeah was it was it yeah so 2003 right 2003 they found there was a before they acknowledged it was there there was a submarine and in front of the submarine they got this whole sonar housing which is like this big bulbous
Starting point is 01:43:59 rubber thing probably about that wide and the submarine comes back after something bumped into it. And there were these sucker marks on the rubber of this housing. And they still didn't believe it. It was like, you know what? Yeah. Is there a conspiracy theory that has been debunked that anything that's like, is it like the giant squid or anything that wasn't a UFO fakers?
Starting point is 01:44:24 Yeah. Well, I mean throughout history. Yeah. Well, I'm just saying like to wrap your head anything that... Well, they've been UFO fakers. Yeah. Throughout history? Yeah, well, I'm just saying, to wrap your head around a conspiracy theory that has actually turned out to be true. What has turned out to be, you know what? Totally false. Yeah, they were...
Starting point is 01:44:37 No, no, that was true. Something that you always heard, like, no, don't be a crazy person. That's crazy to think that. Oh, that's what they said about the gor the gorillas yeah the highland gorillas yeah there were stories of these hairy monkey people that lived up in the the jungles and the highlands and people with woodworm bullet buying that until they finally hey look here's a picture they exist it does seem to be a built-in conservatism about you know just buying wild stories about stuff yeah it was probably healthy you know yeah well it's a lot
Starting point is 01:45:15 i mean i think some of it goes into no matter what anybody does as far as high level your job can be everybody's still a person so everybody can can still be, you know, you could be, they can have the time. I think with the mayor saying the Arizona lights, the Phoenix lights, her saying made fun of is not true. Because she could be like, I don't want 5,000 emails and letters. If I say I saw it too, that's weird. I like, you know, I don't want to deal with what she,
Starting point is 01:45:43 if you really look at what her what she what she said is is she he yeah if you look at what he says he could just be like do i want to open this door and i have to answer all and now i gotta address it now it's a whole thing and i'm not she's not solving it it's not her job she's got she's running or he's running a town so he just goes i'll just make a joke about it like move on and then he does and it moves on and then there was one council lady i think maybe you're thinking the lady was on the i think i'm thinking of nothing i was going up i thought you said she earlier this city council lady she was advocating for disclosure
Starting point is 01:46:23 in phoenix because all these people were coming to her and saying, hey, I saw this thing. How come we're not talking about it? And she was really going to bat. So she was really ticked off at the mayor, even like when he talked about it later. Yeah. Yeah. How come you made all us look stupid?
Starting point is 01:46:38 Yeah. Yeah. But he's on record. I saw it too. Yeah. I looked up some conspiracy theories that have been proven. Nothing great. Here's one.
Starting point is 01:46:48 The CIA was testing LSD on Americans. Who could believe that? And the program was known as MKUltra, and it was real. So LSD was getting passed out, or when they were selling it. On unsuspecting people. Yeah. It was like they go to a hotel
Starting point is 01:47:08 because they were going to a tractor convention or something and they dose them to see what would happen. Really? Yeah. Well, that's like the soldiers.
Starting point is 01:47:18 There's a few more on here. The first lady who ran the United States. I mean, I haven't even heard about this but apparently Woodrow Wilson's wife was doing some things while he had a stroke. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:47:32 And then what's the number one? The horror of Project Sun Sign. Laughing at conspiracy theories is a good time, as we hear at Nate Land say, at least until they turn out to be true. They take the conspiracy surrounding the Project Sunshine in the wake of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That looks like Bravo. What's the name of that town? Nagasaki.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Nagasaki. Yeah. That's kind of close. It was one of those atomic bombs. It had a much greater yield than they calculated. Yeah, the conspiracy was the government
Starting point is 01:48:07 was stealing dead bodies to do radioactive testing. The government was stealing parts of dead bodies because they needed young tissue. They recruited
Starting point is 01:48:16 a worldwide network of agents to find recently deceased babies and children and then take samples and even limbs. Each collected with notification or permission of the more than 1,500 grieving families. deceased babies and children and then take samples and even limbs each collected with
Starting point is 01:48:25 notification or permission of the more than 1500 grieving families each collected oh without without yeah uh i wish i didn't know that's a big word to miss uh they were yeah so like being the other so you would hear this someone's going you know the u.s we were stealing body dead bodies without telling anybody. And you'd be like, well, that's insane. That's what you'd be like, that's insane. And then they go, no, it was happening. Yeah, there's one you mentioned on here when we talked about three identical strangers,
Starting point is 01:48:56 that program where they were taking children and separating them to do studies on them. Yes, crazy. And you said, if someone said that. You do not have enough scientific knowledge. We learned that from the Nazis. Yeah. You have to go any distance to get information.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Yeah. Scientific information. If you've got to depressurize people until they blow up. Ethics out the window. Yeah. Who cares? The ends justifies the means. Yeah. And while we're at it, let's all those nazi scientists and bring them out to los alamos yeah yeah and cut them i don't know
Starting point is 01:49:34 we took a turn at the end are we trying to wind down because i don't know. I mean, yeah, I think so. I think one of those secret manners could never stop. We could be here until 4 a.m. I would imagine that these conversations can go unfair. No.
Starting point is 01:49:55 Yeah, we do need to wind down. It's, yeah, I mean, is there any other, any, did you have any other last questions? Have we answered all the questions? I think we did. And we talked about a lot. I mean, again, it's so much to talk about and the theories
Starting point is 01:50:07 uh that you you know I don't know I mean it's it's so crazy uh where was Bigfoot
Starting point is 01:50:15 most sighted one third of all claims Bigfoot sightings are located oh you said the Pacific Northwest I think I don't know
Starting point is 01:50:21 uh yeah I mean every yeah every any in a metropolitan city by any chance is there any random like how close do they get yeah like a dumb one seems like seattle i've heard more about dog man sneaking into communities than bigfoot yeah dogman's a lot that like you said i do agree that that's it's a lot to take in. But, man,
Starting point is 01:50:46 Dogman seems... I gotta get fully on board with Bigfoot before I venture into Dogman. Don't hold back. It's a rich cornucopia of cryptids. Don't be weird, Aaron. Aaron, you're so weird.
Starting point is 01:51:02 You don't believe in Dogman. Buzzkill. What's the matter with you being ridiculous I'm sorry my favorite thing that Kramer always says to Seinfeld he goes what's the matter
Starting point is 01:51:11 with you come on like it's always something stupid to be what's the matter with you what are you talking about
Starting point is 01:51:15 of course he he believes in Bigfoot Aaron what's the matter he believes go ahead Kevin the question of belief I want to believe I want to believe.
Starting point is 01:51:25 I want to believe in aliens because it shows that some civilization didn't blow themselves up and were able to get out in space and have some fun. Is that a hopeful thing? Yeah. Yeah. So there should be other civilian stations that the planets blew themselves up. Yes. Is that what they think? Did you say civilian stations that the planets blew themselves up. Yes. Is that what they think?
Starting point is 01:51:45 Did you say civilian stations? Yeah, civilian. I got a broken word up in there. It's one big happy civilian station. I mean. Are you trying to say civilization? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:01 It blew me away. I was like, civilian station. And you want people to take us seriously how are they going to take us seriously I mean I don't know
Starting point is 01:52:11 I don't think they're oh boy maybe they but I hope something is called civilian station that's what earth is called we are a station
Starting point is 01:52:20 for civilians yeah that's a good point drop off I think I'm ahead of the game I feel like an alien talking to dumb humans a lot for civilians. Yeah, that's a good point. Drop off point. I think I'm ahead of the game. I feel like an alien talking to dumb humans a lot because people make fun
Starting point is 01:52:31 of what I say and I'm like, and I always just go, you'll see. You're going to one day use this civilian station. A lot of weeks in the comments,
Starting point is 01:52:38 the next week someone will say, Nate was actually right. He's ahead of his time somehow. There's no such thing as civilization. It's a conspiracy is there been other civil civilizations sniveling nations is there been other civilian stations is that i don't think that's a crazy question critical comedy reaction is there it's a meltdown
Starting point is 01:53:00 in all seriousness though is there's there's been other civilian stations that's what we're going to call other planets. Whereas civilians have lived is what they say and they're gone. I would think they're gone. The argument
Starting point is 01:53:11 is the reason we've never found in all our vast searching I'm sorry. Success. Now we're just having to see some
Starting point is 01:53:23 life out of you. That's so funny the argument is in all our searching of all the cosmos one argument is maybe because
Starting point is 01:53:31 they've long since destroyed themselves and they advance like we do with nuclear weapons or some sort and then they
Starting point is 01:53:39 eventually just kill themselves and so they alright themselves and so they all right aaron's done civilian station it's uh that's what we're gonna call this episode uh don't you think that's a good that's how to describe earth the dribbling vacation civilization i just kind of stopped i it was like he was at the breaking point and that was well the shove he needed i was it was like i was walking down a road
Starting point is 01:54:25 i looked the other way and then i then i go where was i and i was but i was still in the same word when all that happened it gets better civilian wait till you're 60 nation things come out of your mouth you don't even know it's not my fault i was raised i was taught by humans alright alright he brought some cookies for us yes oh you did I never knew what these are
Starting point is 01:54:54 thank you I don't know what you like so I got so you got the same kind I was gonna call Abigail and say hey what I get it these are different mint chocolate raspberry chocolate I was going to call Abigail and say, hey, what?
Starting point is 01:55:06 I get it. These are different. Mint chocolate, raspberry chocolate, Milano. We'll do the Milano challenge. I was on it. Milano. Here at Milano. You've never had those?
Starting point is 01:55:16 I have. They're great. My mom eats them. Yeah. No, my wife eats them. My wife loves these. They're a very social thing to lay out a plate of those things is it you saying that i should have laid out cookies i feel like that's where you're coming out we didn't have enough for you here you go always set it for a while it's a very nice
Starting point is 01:55:34 clean environment i honestly didn't know why those were sitting there and i was just letting them sit i'm getting a little money they said i'd get some money if I just brought that to the show. If you Pepperidge Farms, it says, hey, we hear you're going on the hot new Nateland podcast. And it's got, yeah. Well, thank you. This is very fun. Enjoy. All right. This has been a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:55:58 You're great, man. Thank you. Yeah. Do aliens eat? Are we winding this back up again? No. I just want to know how fast. Do they eat?
Starting point is 01:56:04 We got to go. I don't think the cloney guys, the little greys. They don't have to eat. I heard a theory. Here's another one. Because they're out in space, they don't have toilets, they don't have food storage, they don't need all that. But they put them in this container and they blast them with high intensity light.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Yeah. And they're like synthetic creatures anyway. Yeah. And it charges up all their synthetic cells and they're good to go. Yeah. I like that. They don't need sleep or anything?
Starting point is 01:56:33 Like they would not need anything. That's what I... It's like a phone. Like they get charged up. Like a phone, yeah. I would be on board with that much. I'm sorry, dude. I can't get up.
Starting point is 01:56:47 He's still stuck on civilian station. Do you want to see if we can get him to the hospital? Yeah. I'll be all right. Dude, it's just coming in waves. Man killed by comedy. Can comedy kill i think i'm good i get it dude it's never gonna be the same it hits you at different uh places
Starting point is 01:57:16 uh it's yeah dude i was hoping for this. Civilian station. A docking point. So you charge aliens by... All right. We got to go. All right. Kevin, thank you, buddy. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:57:35 It was good to meet you. This has been as good as I hoped for. Yeah. So I hope it's all you wanted for. No one will overhear this, but we enjoyed having you. Thank you very much. All right. Now it's enough that's good enough all right everybody thank you guys very much and uh uh we will see you next week
Starting point is 01:57:54 thanks everybody for listening to the Nate Land Podcast. Be sure to subscribe to our show on iTunes, Spotify, you know, wherever you listen to your podcasts. And please remember to leave us a rating or a comment. Nate Land is produced by me, Nate Bargetti, and my wife, Laura, on the All Things Comedy Network. Recording and editing for the show is done by Genovation Consulting in partnership with Center Street Media.
Starting point is 01:58:29 Thanks for tuning in. Be sure to catch us next week on the Nate Land Podcast.

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