The Nick DiPaolo Show - 013 - St. Barts

Episode Date: January 20, 2014

St. Barts...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, platform that makes it fast and easy to create your own professional website or online portfolio. For a free trial and 10% off your first purchase, go to and use offer code Nick1. That's N-I-C-K, the number one. You don't want to try to build a website yourself, folks. Have you tried that? I can't do it. I had a cousin who was very good at doing this stuff. He tried it, ended up in a mental institution wearing an adult diaper. He was on Ritalin for like a year and a half. So I think you need some help. Squarespace, they're the people to help you out.
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Starting point is 00:02:00 and to show your support of the Nick DiPaolo podcast. We thank Squarespace for the support of the nick d'apolo podcast we thank squarespace for the support of the nick d'apolo podcast squarespace everything you need to create an exceptional website do it today Hey, hey, hey, what's going on, kids? Sorry about the delay in podcasts. I'll tell you what happened, because I'm getting a few things on Twitter going, hey, are you ever going to do another podcast? Are you bored of it already?
Starting point is 00:02:45 At least people give a shit. I really didn't think anybody would care. But, yeah, I just got back from vacation. But right before I went on vacation, like a week before I did a podcast, I think it was right after the New Year's, and a couple days later I was going to do another podcast and have Rob Sprantz, the founder of Riotcast, release it while I was on vacation. So I think it was the night before I left.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I'm doing the podcast. I'm about 40 minutes into it. All of a sudden, my computer screen goes white. And I don't know what the fuck was going on you know limited knowledge as far as uh dealing with computers so um yeah the the computer just went white the screen went right and then it went down like it crashed whatever i don't know my there's some time capsule thing that backs up your computer backs up my wife's or whatever and um it had something to do with that that was going haywire whatever the fuck i'm sure a nine year old could have figured it out but um you know i had already went 40
Starting point is 00:03:58 minutes into the podcast and i'm like i'm not this again, and it was kind of shitty anyways, so I wasn't exactly heartbroken, I wasn't saying a lot, I'll be honest, so, yeah, and the next day, I had to fly out at, like, I had to get up at 4 30 in the morning, and leave here by 5 to be at JFK by 6, or whatever, by five to be a JFK by six or whatever. Went on vacation to St. Bart's. I mean, I could have, you know, tweeted that while I'm on vacation, but I'm not going to let people know my house is empty. That's the thing that scares me about this whole technology thing. Nobody even talks about it.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It's like a recipe for disaster. People go, oh, okay. They listen to your podcast they do google earth find out where you live i mean you know it's very easy i'm no criminal and i can figure it out so um yeah that was the deal and i felt kind of bad because people like hey where's the podcast some people are funny though it's like you owe them you know what the fuck i need a fix what are you doing what are you lazy somebody call me lazy uh a little reminder we do this for nothing okay but uh it's still fun so uh yeah vacation was
Starting point is 00:05:19 great went to st bart's third time uh me and the wife have gone there. I sound like Mel in Scarface. Me and the wife are going to London. Never been there before. Throwing a couple of round trip tickets. What do you say, Tony? Yes is an answer to that too, Tony. So, um, hmm. Off to St. Barts
Starting point is 00:05:40 we went. And, uh, yeah, it was fun. Came back about eight eight pounds heavier it's just the getting up it's the fucking getting up and traveling man i just have to don't stand up for so long i just i really you might have noticed my schedule over the past few years i don't uh fly around too much i just i fucking hate it i can't deal with the fucking lines, the TSA, the fucking idiots. CNN on every television in every airport just blaring their left-wing horseshit. That's my biggest fear.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Those are the last words I'm going to hear is from Wolf Blitzer before my plane crashes. What the fuck is that? Nobody's even watching the TVs in the airports. Can we please do something about it? People are trying to read a newspaper or a book. Nobody's even listening. Fucking Obama's giving some speech is supposedly important it's hilarious i'm looking around nobody is looking up at the tv might as well burn that guy that used to get stains out of shirts billy what the fuck was his name died of cocaine um yeah nobody's nobody's
Starting point is 00:06:44 listening and it's just blaring away and it's cnn and it's their horseshit i can't help but it just fucking aggravates me i used to have one of those things somebody gave me my wife gave it to me i think um it's one of those things that you could shut off public tvs like you put it on your keychain you know it's like a remote you could click tvs off in public i did it a couple times and it worked it was hilarious but like i said two people watching and they just went oh the tv went off out of the 800 they're in the terminal so uh it's just i yeah i can't deal with the fucking flying even when i know i'm going to a beautiful place on vacation i'm like uh
Starting point is 00:07:21 drive and get up of course i was supposed to leave a couple days earlier. We were scheduled on JetBlue, and apparently their planes are made of, you know, sugar, I guess. Every time there's moisture, rain, or snow, they shut down like a fucking newspaper stand. They're going to be in deep shit, JetBlue. They have a lot of problems. Everybody else was flying. So my wife gets on the phone, does all the dirty work.
Starting point is 00:07:48 God bless her little soul. Gets us on a flight on American at the last minute, leaving predominantly the same time. And yeah. Off to JFK. It's like 8 degrees when we left, which is beautiful. We usually
Starting point is 00:08:04 vacation like in i don't know march so it was kind of nice getting the hell out of here and um yeah it's uh it's one of our favorite places we rent this like little villa on the side of a cliff cliff not cliff cliff oh what is wrong with me man it's. We'll get to that in a few minutes. But the thing about going to St. Barts is you have to go through St. Martin, or as we say in Boston, St. Martin. And, yeah, so you have to land there. It's about a four-and-a-half-hour flight, not bad at all.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Actually, about four. So not bad at all. You land in St. martin and here's the deal you have to take this little puddle jumper from uh saint martin to saint bart's it's only like it's it's a nine or ten minute flight but uh last time we went like three years ago we get to uh saint martin and there's like a storm, a semi-storm going on. There's like really high winds and shit, and our little puddle jumper was delayed.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I'll never forget this, because it's scary enough, that flight on a sunny day, okay? But I'll never forget it. So we're sitting there waiting, and they canceled a couple of the puddle jumpers in front of us, and I see the pilot get out um he looked like he was just i don't know he looked like an islander i don't know what he was but he
Starting point is 00:09:34 had a he looked hispanic or cuban or whatever but he had a mustache i'll never forget and he was you know he gets out of the plane he's stomping out of the plane pissed because they're making him fly in these high winds and shit and i see him arguing with some guy uh his superior i guess at the airlines because he was just furious i guess that they were making him fly and i can't blame him it was like really windy and shit so like i said the couple flights before us were canceled and um and then uh the you know the rain and the wind kind of went away as our flight was delayed again this was the trip three years ago i'm just telling you because it's it's a frightening thing and uh i remember going up to the counter to the guy i think it was wind air and i said uh are we gonna leave soon he goes yeah we're gonna give it a shot those were his exact words yeah we going to give it a shot.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Those were his exact words. Yeah, we're going to give it a shot. It wasn't like the clouds completely disappeared and the sun was out. It was still iffy. Yeah, we're going to give it a shot now. I almost shit my pants when he said that. But I'll never forget that pilot stomping around pissed. And so, yeah, we took off. Again, I'm telling you about the flight from three years ago. And it's a 10-minute flight from St. Martin to St. Barth. And he makes a hard left at the last minute and goes between two small hills, like small mountains. And it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:59 The wind is pushing the plane all over. There's only about 12, 14 people in the plane. And the plane's getting pushed all over the place, and we came down pretty frigging hard and bounced a couple times. God bless the guy. So my wife ever since then was shitting her pants. She was totally scared
Starting point is 00:11:17 when she knew we were going to St. Bart's. She was fretting about that puddle jump we had to take this year. So we get there, and luckily the weather was fine when we got to St. Martin. But it's still a hairy, hairy thing, man. If you're going to go to St. Bart's and you're not a Hollywood star and you have your own private jet, you can probably fly right in there. But, you know, it's frightening.
Starting point is 00:11:44 The runway at St. Bart's is a little longer than my driveway it's like you could fit four cars in it no it's okay I'm exaggerating obviously but holy shit you come through these two little hills one to the left one to the right and there's like a cross like a crucifix you can see on one of the hills which always makes you feel good when you're about to fucking die and um yeah he's got to lock him up uh before you get to the end of the runway and i know this is a dangerous runway because i was when i was doing that show uh you know on true tv stupid whatever you know dumbest criminals world's dumbest uh, world's dumbest travelers, world's dumbest whatever. They actually showed a plane going off that very runway that I'm telling you about and into the sand. And I think it was St. Bart's. It might have been the St. Martin Airport, but I think it was St. Bart's in that clip.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And it scared the shit out of me because I recognized it right away. And so if you're going to go i'm just warning you if you uh you're a little queasy about flying the pedal jumper might make you shit your pants i kind of find it fun i i find it fun i mean that shit doesn't bother me really you gotta go you're gonna go you know i never said that before i was married but uh that's my attitude now anyways uh yeah so uh i got to st bart's we were supposed to stay there a week and we're having uh so much fun that uh day seven i'm like can we extend this a few days and of course it's brutally expensive down there fucking brutally expensive i'll get to that in a few minutes so he's staying in his villa on uh point malou it's
Starting point is 00:13:27 boy up the tip of uh saint bart's one of the many tips and um it's like this one room grig villa it's it's awesome it's but it's just like one room it's beautiful it's all painted white uh your kitchen is outside with like a makeshift roof over. It's really awesome. There's a deck right to the side overlooking the cliff down to a beautiful beach, about a 600 foot drop. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:55 there's a deck there with two chairs on it. And I just read five books. And that's right. Don't be wise asses. I read five books. And it was windy as hell. I don't know if it's because of the weather that's going on all over the world.
Starting point is 00:14:10 This winter, it's fucking crazy. But the wind, at night, it sounded like we were in the space shuttle as it was plummeting to Earth. Not to be too gruesome with the description. But it was so unbelievably loud and like shaking everything i'm talking i don't know what they were tropical winds it was crazy crazy noisy um but uh just awesome loved it ate and drank like a pig we get there and uh there's like a gift basket on the table and there's like a bottle of uh rum gloria vanilla flavored rum and it was freaking delicious and uh you know we
Starting point is 00:14:56 go to the supermarket on the way from the airport to the villa on the first day we load up get like 350 dollars worth of food and i go through half that in about 11 minutes and uh but you know bought a case of presidente beer which i love so i'm drinking that that's the beauty of it every day i had probably four or five beers and i'd get up and go pretend i was going to the refrigerator and i'd take like three swills of that rum like every day and just had this nice buzz and uh ate like a fucking pig just later on and ate and ate some more and drank booze come back and i'm fat and black that's right i'm fat and black right now i'm dark even for me fucking sun's brutal but um yeah had a nice buzz place is um brutally expensive i uh you know it's with the like rich and famous we can't i can't afford that
Starting point is 00:16:01 i mean you know i'm stretching it just by going there but uh you know when p diddy p diddy goes down there and stallone was the other day before we got there and they get on right from christmas and they split right after new year's eve but uh but um so it's it's brutally expensive so one day i go hey you know what i need a new bathing suit i like the one piece you know um like they were in the, hey, you know what? I need a new bathing suit. I like the one piece, you know? Like they wore in the 50s. You know, the old guys that jump into the ocean, Coney Island, when it's 12 degrees. Back in the 40s, they have the one piece.
Starting point is 00:16:35 That's what I like to wear. I go into the store, and there's a hot broad in there, okay? That's the other thing, the pussy down there. Mama mia. There's a young broad, maybe 22, working behind the counter. She's smoking. So that's when I walk around. You there mama mia uh there's a young broad maybe 22 working behind the gun she's smoking so that's when i walk around you know i need a new bathing suit and uh i go in there and uh i try one on she shows me the fitting room and bye bye come out yeah i guess i like it's pretty you know get up to the count there she goes uh that's 98 euro or 138 US.
Starting point is 00:17:08 That's at the exchange is about 38% in favor of the euro. So $138 for a bed. And I said, no. And it was so humiliating because she was so fucking hot. I just, what I wanted to say was, I'll tell you what, the only way I'm going to pay $138 for the bathing suit is if you put it on and jog around the island for two hours and come back, and then I'll buy it dirty and maybe a little pee-pee in there, and I'll give you $138 U.S. Other than that, there's no fucking way.
Starting point is 00:17:33 What are you, shitting me? Even Jay-Z would have said, get the fuck out. Ridiculous. $138. That's what I'm talking about. So beaches are awesome though and uh like the typical american you you know you get there you're like oh my god girls have their tops off and you know the french are and uh combination you know that's good and bad you
Starting point is 00:17:58 get the people in the late 70s with the tits dragging around the ankles and the guys with the great dane balls that'll grow and the guys with the Great Dane balls. That'll gross you out. But there was some smoking honeys. And that's kind of a tense moment when you get to the beach and your wife's like, I don't know, pick a spot. And I'm, you know, I know damn well if I put the towel down near somebody
Starting point is 00:18:16 who's 22 and smoking, she's going to be, you know. So I just pick a spot. And sure enough, you know, if we're not down there five minutes a girl comes down lays down about eight feet from us takes her top off and i uh tore the i tore the uh you know muscles that trying to look out of the corner of my eye i tore my retina but uh yeah smoking ass everywhere. Beautiful beaches. And it's a great place. It's clean.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Used to go to St. Martin, and that place got overcrowded. It's like going to a city now. You can smell sewage everywhere. So forget about St. Martin. But it was a good trip, you know. Then I get home and uh i come in the house and i go hey it's a little nippy in here i check the uh thermostat in the wall it's 49 fucking degrees fahrenheit and what had happened was uh what i feared would happen my My wife kept saying, oh, you're a worrywart.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Stop. We have kind of an antiquated heating system. I mean, it's a boiler like anybody else. It runs on oil, but the thing is we have two oil tanks. Again, the house was built in 1937. We have two oil tanks we have again the house we is was built in 1937 we have two oil tanks we have a 575 gallon one and a 275 gallon one and um there's a meter on the wall the tanks are in a crawl space under my house the there's a meter on the wall in my house down in the basement in the laundry room
Starting point is 00:20:03 that supposedly tells us how much oil is left in the big tank but i don't know that it's accurate anymore and um i checked it before we left because what happens is when one of the tanks uh hits empty it's supposed to start drawing from the other tank but when that happens sometimes sediment gets kicked up and it'll clog the feed to your boiler the oil and the boiler will shut off because a few years ago we came home same thing house was a little cold but i checked it out it looks like there's plenty of oil you know we'll be fine but uh when we're on vacation i brought it up a few times my wife's like don't worry it's gonna be fine i home, walk in the house. Like I said, fucking see my breath.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Sure enough, the fucking boiler had shut down. And which is fucking dangerous. I mean, if that happened on day two of the vacation, because, you know, it was well under freezing here. Well, we were gone on a lot of nights. Then what happens? Your pipes burst and you're deep fucking doo-doo. So I'm always worried about that. And sure enough, my worst fears come true.
Starting point is 00:21:11 But I come home and it's like 49. So that means, you know, it hasn't been cold that long, I guess. And then I go in the bathroom and I'm taking a piss. And I look up at the ceiling. I see a little wet spot. And I'm like a piss and I look up at the ceiling and I see a little wet spot and I'm like, here we go. And yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:29 one of the pipes under the tub upstairs, we have this like European tub, I don't know what the fuck. One of the pipes, I think, must have been affected by the cold and either cracked or whatever
Starting point is 00:21:40 because there's some drippage. That was the only damage though in the house. But if we were gone another week, week who knows we could have lost the whole goddamn house my point is buy a condo buy anything that's made after 1980 as much as i love my house i fucking so uh yeah i just got i was like for christ's sake so what do i do i have to uh i go out back okay picture this we just got home we woke up in 80 degree weather i come home now it's like a 22 uh i put on a coat and my sneakers and i walk out in the snow behind my shed i have another shed where we keep firewood and i fucking brought it because we were out of firewood have a wood
Starting point is 00:22:19 burning stove in the house and uh i'm out there loading wood into a wheelbarrow the wind's whistling i just i woke up in saint bart's and i have fucking westchester winds blowing up my balls as i'm loading up fucking firewood uh great great to be home so i fired that up and uh took about four hours for the house to get back to human temperatures and um there you go uh what else bunch of mail when we get home you check the mail that's always depressing isn't it and um guess what i find in there i get called for jury duty i am just fucking furious about i'm not furious look i'm a good citizen i know you're gonna do your civic duty and all that horse shit there's gotta be a better way though i have so much stuff i couldn't
Starting point is 00:23:09 wait to get back because i got stuff to do i gotta finish up that dvd right i wanted that thing out two weeks ago still have to shop it around so i mean i'm pressed for time there and uh uh gotta do an episode of louis so the the the jury duty thing if you read it it's unclear it tells it gives me a date it says like january 27th call the night before but january 27th is a monday and and then on the other side it says call on the friday before it's all fucking the government is just it's just so horseshit and apparently you know when you call in they'll tell you whether they need you or not at that day anyways you're on call i guess and i know you can postpone it i know people are saying well you can get out of it you can't postpone but they'll come back and get you later on in the year
Starting point is 00:23:59 i mean that's how it works that's what people are telling me so i'd rather get it over with but i get too much shit to do i get an an episode of Louie to do on February 5th. That same day I'm supposed to, you know, when I get done with Louie's show, I have to drive to like Baltimore to do a weekend gig. So all that shit is up in the air. And a radio audition somewhere up around here that I might do for a station.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Oh yeah, so I don't know what to do. Everybody says the same thing when you tell them about jerry dude oh just show up and say uh you know that uh you hate minorities and blah blah blah take a shit in your pants start pissing in the parking lot show up with your shoes on the wrong feet you know they'll you'll get out of instantly which is you know totally baloney. So I got that hanging over my head. I can't make a move here. I got 18 things to do,
Starting point is 00:24:52 but I'm afraid to say yes to them because of, you know, jury duty. I'd like to just pay the $1,000 fine. It says 30 days in jails or $1,000 fine, but I'm going to do it. I talked to Colin. Quinn and he had done it and said it's great for material. So it just sounds like a horror show
Starting point is 00:25:12 because it says the trial can last one day or it can last several weeks. That's a fucking... That is my worst nightmare. It's my worst goddamn nightmare. Imagine. Several weeks.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I got to make money. I got to travel. I got to do stuff. I'm sure you guys, some of you out there, you know, have done jury duty. And I just hope it's an interesting case, you know. So, yeah, that was in my mail. Not to mention a bunch of other bills and horseshit. What did I read while I was down on vacation?
Starting point is 00:25:57 Harry Stein, this guy Harry Stein. He wrote a book a few years ago, How I Accidentally Joined the Vast Right joined the vast right-wing conspiracy he used to be like a liberal he's raised by like communists his parents were like communists uh he's a great author though but now he's like you know conservative and um almost like david horowitz but i read his book it's about race why we can't have an honest discussion about race i might get i might have got the title wrong there, but it's something like that. He was going to call it, no matter what, they'll call this book racist.
Starting point is 00:26:30 That was going to be his original title, but a lot of people talked him out of it. Anyways, it's a good read. He did an interview with me for the City Journal that was a couple weeks ago. You can find it on Twitter or whatever. But yeah, good book on race. Very interesting. that was a couple weeks ago that somebody you can find it on twitter or whatever but um yeah good book on race very interesting i suggest it i read uh killing jesus yeah which was good look i was raised uh catholic went to ccd class and didn't retain any of that stuff i'm not very religious, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:05 My mom is. She goes to church every Sunday. But, yeah, I read Killing Jesus to see how much I forgot I was taught. And it was a good read, man. Fucking Romans are brutal. It's like reading in an episode of, it's like watching an episode of The Sopranos
Starting point is 00:27:22 visually while you're reading. But, yeah, it was a good read. Read the Bobby Orr autobiography. Of course, I'm from Boston, and he's still the most loved athlete of all time in Boston. More than Ted Williams, more than Larry Bird, more than Brady, more than Bill Russell. And it's a good read. It good he's so polite though it's almost it almost gets it's almost boring because he's so such a nice guy and always stressing stressing you know just being nice but um it was great great read uh him growing up in parry sound and and uh there's great pictures of him
Starting point is 00:28:07 when he's like seven years old fishing and uh it was a good read he gives his views on what he thinks of hockey today and what's wrong with it and uh yeah i ripped through that um robert gordon i got to meet him i did it did a benefit denn. Dennis Larry had this like pro-am golf tournament like six, seven years ago down in Cape Cod, which is where Bobby Orr lives now. And Dennis had me come down because there was a comedy show after the tournament. I had never golfed in my life, and I got to meet Orr there. It was, I mean, just, it's crazy. I'm standing by a poolside talking to Bobby Orr at night by myself, nobody bothering us, talking about Sidney Crosby.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I was so intimidated. I don't get intimidated by people. I'm around people, not famous people, but semi-famous in my circles. And, you know, he's just the sweetest guy and talking to him. And then I was so nervous because I was playing in this golf tournament and my total experience as far as golf goes was going to a driving range three times in my life. Like when I was in high school, that was it. So I was just horrified that I was going to be in this golf tournament.
Starting point is 00:29:15 But, you know, they said, don't worry about it, but still you get people there, you know, who golf all the time. Anyways, I get up the next morning. I'm so early, and I hope I haven't told this story before, Anyways, I get up the next morning. I'm so early, and I hope I haven't told this story before, but I get up at like 6.30, 7 to go out on the golf course to go to the place where you can, you know, there's like a driving range near the course, and I get up there.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I'll go out there while nobody's up, I figure, you know. That way I can look like I'm making ass of myself. So I'm driving balls. They're going behind me. I'm slicing them. They're going 11 feet. I'm nubbing the top. They're rolling off the tee and going behind me. I'm slicing them. They're going 11 feet. I'm nubbing the top. They're rolling off the tee and going 7 feet.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I'm hooking them into the woods, and I'm up there. I'm out there just going, oh, my God, this is going to be horrible today. And then I hear crunching, and I hear two feet come up, and I don't dare look behind me, and I hit a couple more, and then I turn. It's Robert Gordon Orr. It's just me and bobby he goes hey you know because i talked to him the night before and i go oh please bobby just
Starting point is 00:30:13 turn can you imagine it's like having it'll be like having uh you know you're a yankees fan having like uh lou gehrig to show up while you're taking batting practice and i'm like oh god please let me hit a few straight and he goes he goes let me show you he gets in there i think he's a lefty bobby and um he might not have been wait hockey wise was he lefty might have been i know golf wise he just he hit a couple of P's. He steps up, his knees have scars on them. He just hits a couple of P's as straight as an arrow. Gives me a couple of tips. Couldn't have been nicer, but he's just standing there. It was a fucking, I was more nervous with him watching me do that
Starting point is 00:30:59 than I was when Mike Ditka trapped me in an elevator during the Super Bowl a couple years ago in Indianapolis. So, yeah, childhood idol, you know. I mean, you had your poster over your bed of this guy, you know, until you were like 15. And here he is now watching you try to hit a golf ball that you've done three times in your life. And he was just the coolest guy.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And then we did a comedy show that night after the tournament. And Bobby was sitting up front with his wife peggy and a couple other family member and it was so good it was so fun i mean so if you get a chance read the book if you're a hockey fan it's really good then i read charles krauthammer's book uh things that matter i think it was called that just came out as a bestseller it's so freaking. I got about two chapters left on that one. It's so good. This guy is so smart, it's scary. Yeah, things that matter.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And Howard Cosell's Mark Hrabowski, is that the author's name, wrote a biography about Howard Cosell, which was outstanding. And that's it. Later on, and, you know, got a nice buzz. Friggin' reading. You don't want to get up
Starting point is 00:32:16 once you get into a good book, you know? Had to force myself to go out at night. And, uh... Like I said, really expensive in St. Bart's. We had two cheeseburgers, and it was like, you know, and not in a fancy restaurant either. I'm at like a burger joint on the side of the road. It was like $66.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Watched a few movies while we were there. Dallas Players Club. Matthew McConaughey is unbelievable in that. I was not like a huge fan of his, but he really showed his chops, man. Guy should get something for that, a SAG award or something. I mean, he was really good. Maybe an Academy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:56 American Hustle. I thought that was overrated. Performances were great. Jennifer Lawrence and, you know, the acting is tremendous. But, you know, as far as the story, eh. Eh. Stuff that used to be considered mediocre now gets all kinds of play. That's what I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Captain Phillips. Watch that, too. Tom Hanks was tremendous. I guess he's not even, I guess he's getting snubbed for the Oscars, but I don't know why, how that works. But good movie. Really good. Hanks is really good. And what else?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Oh, Enough Said. That's right, a romantic comedy. Again, only reason I watched it was why? Because Gandolfini was in there. With, uh, what's her name? Louise Dreyfus. Forget her first name. Fucking
Starting point is 00:33:54 drank too much rum. What's her first name? I can't even remember. But that was good. It was fine for a romantic comedy. Gandolfini was great. Can't help it when you watch him. You know?
Starting point is 00:34:10 It's kind of sad that he's gone, but it wasn't a bad movie. Um. The hell else? Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. And truly a great American. I don't think his dream is being followed. I think we're in fucking shambles as far as there would never been more divided.
Starting point is 00:34:43 But here's the speech. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day on the Red Hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream. My four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their
Starting point is 00:35:33 skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted. Every hill and mountain shall be made low. The rough places will be made plain. And the crooked places will be made straight. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it today. That's right. Can't argue with any of it, can you? But that dream's been hijacked by some jerk-offs, you know, like this one.
Starting point is 00:36:19 David, David! Yes? You want to be the only nigga on television. The only nigga in the newspaper. the only nigga on television. The only nigga in the news. The only nigga can talk. Don't cover them. Don't talk to them. Because you got the only nigga proper.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Because you know if a black man stood up next to you, they would see you for the whore that you really are. We the black chicken fries. Yeah, the Reverend Al. See, that's what happened to the dream get hijacked by uh race hustlers like that chooch it just amazes me and he's a smart guy sharpton he's really i mean he's pretty goddamn sharp no pun intended and uh but just to fucking the hate runs deep deep. I was going to play, what is it,
Starting point is 00:37:06 Eric Michael Dyson, whatever his fucking name was, but I couldn't bring myself to, I couldn't stomach listening to him. But, yeah, what happened to that drain, man?
Starting point is 00:37:19 Martin Luther King Jr. would be appalled at what he sees and where we're at racially. I got to believe that. Well, here's another brother. This guy sums up where we're at. Let's send you down to the field. And Aaron Andrews. Edwards Joe thank you so much
Starting point is 00:37:46 Richard let me ask you The final play Take me through it Well I'm the best corner of the game When you try me with a sorry receiver like Crabtree That's the result you're going to get Don't you ever talk about me Who was talking about you?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Crabtree don't you open your mouth about the best Or I'm going to shut it for you real quick I had a dream uh what happened yuck what's his name richard sherman he really is a great cornerback but just a douche just a big mouth douche and um how good was that game folks man again oh let's talk football i guess uh it's a natural segue uh my patriots i'm not even like i wasn't even angry because i didn't expect them to go that far this year it's amazing to me that they were playing again one game from the super bowl and uh it didn't even bother me I didn't really expect them to win I mean when you think about it it really was
Starting point is 00:38:50 Belichick's best year and and it's just amazing think about it no Aaron Hernandez okay he was all world no Gronkowski all world no Welker and then on defense to lose Vince Wilfork all pro Gerard Mayo for the year I'm talking all pro um and I'm forgetting some people oh Tom Kelly great defensive lineman that they had got this year uh for the season Brandonon spikes and then khalid talib goes out you know five minutes into the game but i mean all the shit they went through this year it's amazing that i i couldn't even believe that they're in the afc championship game and uh yeah they laid an egg they they were flat you know but uh it didn't didn't bother me as much as it would i mean come on we've been in the afc championship game three we're getting spoiled in boston
Starting point is 00:39:49 you know so yeah uh the better team won and and peyton manning lit it up and looked great and uh good luck against that seattle team though i I'll tell you, this is going to be interesting. That Seattle 49ers game, by the way, that was my pick, the 49ers all year to go to the Super Bowl and win it. So that's down the tubes. But mother of God, that's how I remember football. That's the kind of games I like. More running than, I mean, just vicious.
Starting point is 00:40:22 That was as vicious, that was the most physical game I've seen in 15 years. I mean, and then you throw in that 12th man, that unbelievable crowd in Seattle. It was just, I was just enjoying the shit out of that game. It was, my hair was standing up on the back of my neck. Some of the hits, both those secondaries, they are. They're reminiscent to the old raiders in the 70s the uh jack tatum george atkinson days i mean vicious vicious and richard sherman is really an unbelievable what's funny you hear him talking then he went to stanford really you gotta be
Starting point is 00:40:58 kidding me um but god i i just both those teams are so physical. I mean, I had the TV cranked, the audio. You could just hear helmets cracking on every play. It was vicious, and they were clean. They were clean hits. They call that guy one guy, I think, for the 49ers targeting, but that wasn't. It was his shoulder.
Starting point is 00:41:23 But Colin Kaepernick, he just shrunk at the end the game looked too big for him he was like a deer in the headlights you know and russell wilson was his poised and and uh and i love kaepernick i think he's going to be unbelievable uh he can he can sling it he can run like a deer and um i was just sad to see him kind of choke down the end there. It surprised me. I really thought the 49ers were going to be that team this year that was on a roll, wasn't to be stopped. But Seattle, that's going to be a great matchup, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:42:01 That secondary, I mean, that defense against Peyton Manning's receivers, I mean, that's interesting right there, you know? And they've got to have a pass rush, though. The Pats couldn't lay a finger on Manning yesterday. So Seattle's got a hell of a defense. It could be interesting. I like, I don't know who I like. I like, I thought I saw on the paper today,
Starting point is 00:42:22 they said 49ers favored by a point or something. I don't know. I, I don't know. 49ers, excuse me, Broncos, not 49ers. Broncos, you know, they hit a little, they didn't look as strong as they did at the beginning of the season. You know, after the Pats came back in that game, it was at week 12 or whatever. They didn't look like the dominant team, although they did yesterday. They have a great line, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I kind of give the edge to Seattle right now. I definitely want Seattle to win because remember they played against the Steelers a few years ago. 2005 was it against the Steelers? That was a bad job if you remember. The five minutes into the game, there were like three calls that went against Seattle that were so obviously horseshit calls. So I would love to see Seattle and Russell Wilson pull it off.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Can you imagine what Richard Sherman's going to do if the Seahawks win a Super Bowl? How many talk shows is he going to be on? But that was as good. That second game made the Pats-Broncos game look sick, I thought. That crowd in Seattle is just unfreaking believable. They're calling it the pot bowl because, you know, Washington State and Colorado recently, I guess guess legalized weed so I can't wait to see how the marketeers
Starting point is 00:43:49 are going to play with that one officiating stunk as usual in the 49ers Seahawks game they should have been a rough in the punter
Starting point is 00:44:01 and not a running into the punter that call that would 49ers would have retained the ball. And I think Seattle ended up scoring on that after they got it back. But, you know, the officiating, a lot to be desired there. What the hell else?
Starting point is 00:44:21 I come home and um news wise locally chris christie my boy chris christie i can't make up my mind in him only in uh only in you know the northeast can be christie be considered a republican or even you know some people try to call him conservative which is is hilarious. Not even close. But I come home, and I didn't know anything about this bridge gate. And it's so, you know, it's, is he bullying? He's a bully. Now we're working that into the political lexicon, bullying now.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Oh, Christ. country is finished we had a good run 230 some odd years whatever the fuck and um but it's over it's so over but uh this is interesting he had a couple things going on first he's got the uh he has the uh mayor of hoboken this woman who said uh christie's lieutenant governor approached her and wanted her to back some uh development plan that christie you know hired some guy from uh and wants her support and if she doesn't give it to him, he's going to withhold Super Sandy funds from the storm. So she comes out, the mayor of Hoboken, on the Sunday shows and admits that, you know, that they said, hey, you've got to back this development.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You're not going to get any funds to repair the damages from Sandy. So they get that going. And the Bridgegate thing, which was the mayor of Fort Lee, I guess didn't back Christie when he was running for governor or whatever. Christie says he knows nothing about it, which is hard for me to believe that some of his underlings would try to pull something like this. So they, you know, they closed down a couple lanes. Fort Lee leading to the GW Bridge caused all kinds of traffic for four days.
Starting point is 00:46:28 By the way, folks, this shit goes on in politics all the time. But this is, you know, Christie's first test. And MSNBC and the local fucking liberal idiots, New York Times, having a field day. They are anything to take your mind off Obamacare. It's been like rom the clock coverage of course this is how the game is played but they're going haywire they can't get off this and i guess it's a coincidence you know christy's the only republican as far as the polls go that that's um leading hillary so they are scared shit of him and doing quite a number on him.
Starting point is 00:47:06 But he's a bully. He's a bully. I mean, sometimes I like him because the few times I've seen him at those town halls, he tells people to sit down and shut up. And he told that one lady, a teacher, you know, she was a union boob, that, hey, you don't have to teach if you don't like it. I love that clarity. But that now is considered bullying in our faggy society. Somehow that's bullying.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Anytime anybody just speaks, especially a fat, powerful white guy. That scares the shit out of us, doesn't it? But he's a bully. He did snap. Somebody got him snapping. He was yelling at one of his underlings. Here's the clip. It's starting.
Starting point is 00:47:48 It's fucking starting. Get back in your office, David. I'm opening my mail, and it's a lawsuit. It's a fucking lead on the building. They're going to close me down. David, you're not fucking now, okay? They're going to know after this that it's fraud. I'm going to go to jail for this.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Get the fuck back in your fucking hole. Now. How am I going to retail for this? Get the fuck back in your fucking hole! Now! That's a clip nobody has of Chris Christie. Exclusive on the Nick DiPaolo podcast. So anyways, he's not conservative enough for me. Give me, you know me. I'd have Pat Buchanan as president, Giuliani as vice president. president no i like rand paul actually and i'm not a conservative people keep mentioning that in articles i'm actually a libertarian but um you know i made a few cracks on tough crowd i was
Starting point is 00:48:35 labeled uh to the right of uh you know bull connor so um i don't give a shit. As long as it's not Hillary, okay? The most overrated political figure of our time. She has done nothing, folks, okay? Nothing. A few people too young, which her husband was in the White House, she tried to fix healthcare and Hillary care and fucked that all up.
Starting point is 00:49:01 She's done nothing. Nothing as Secretary of State. Nothing changed under her for the good anyways four americans dead under her watch benghazi still don't know you know she's just uh she blew a guy who's a great politician that was the only thing she's done okay um she sucks and uh the the fucking press has already anointed her like the uh you know not the democratic nominee they already got her winning the goddamn thing can anybody beat hillary those are the headlines you see on like time and all these magazines what are you shitting
Starting point is 00:49:36 me they've already anointed her uh can't fucking take it she's just a cold steely eyed uh politically ambitious just overrated if she didn't have tits nobody would even know who the fuck she is she gets in and uh we're in deep shit not that we aren't already that's the beauty of obamacare though the worst is yet to come that's going to spell out right before the midterms when everybody gets kicked off their employer mandated uh you know health care when they find out that uh that they're not covered that's going to happen like a month before the midterms i heard good timing let's hope so and uh maybe that'll keep fucking hillary and the Democrats out of the White House. Remember I was talking about Ambien? This is way back.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I think the first podcast is I've taken Ambien and how I thought it wiped out my memory because I've taken it a few times. And the next days after I take Ambien, I can't leave the house because I'm so irritable, which for me is saying a lot. I mean, to the point where I can't be around anybody and i lock myself in my room and uh yeah i get frighteningly it you know just i remember going on stage a couple nights after i took game in and and forgetting whole chunks of my act and i guess i wasn't
Starting point is 00:51:02 imagining because there was an article uh on the internet today i guess it appeared in the fix whatever the fuck that is but uh listing a whole bunch of you know people that have freaked out the headline is america's number one prescription sleep aid could trigger zombies murder and other disturbing behavior and they're not exaggerating on march 29 2009 robert stewart 45 years old stormed into the pine lake health and rehab nursing home in carthage north carolina open fire killing eight people wounding two he was going after his wife who worked at the as a nurse she hid in the bathroom but he was charged with eight counts of first-degree murder. If convicted, he could face a death penalty.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Even though there was evidence that Stewart's actions were premeditated, Stewart's defense team successfully argued that since he was under the influence of Ambien, a sleep aid, at the time of the shooting, he was not in control of his actions. Instead of the charges sought by the prosecutor stewart was convicted on eight counts of second degree murder received 140 279 years but uh there's all kinds of stories like that not of you know murder but that's one of them. I knew there was something creepy about Ambien. Then there was another case. Patrick Kennedy, you know, of the Kennedys,
Starting point is 00:52:37 2006 middle-of-the-night car accident and subsequent explanation to arriving officers that he was running late for a vote, that the bizarre side effects of Ambien began to receive national attention. Middle of the night, he's telling the cops he was running late for a vote, that the bizarre side effects of Ambien began to receive national attention. Middle of the night, he's telling the cops he was running late for a vote because he had taken Ambien that night before he went to bed. He claimed that he had taken the sleep aid, had no recollection of the events that night.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Again, you can say that they, you know, use that as an alibi or a lie, but there's so many cases. Shortly after the Kennedy incident, Ambien users sued the company that makes its Sanofi because of bizarre sleeping eating behaviors while on the drugs. According to
Starting point is 00:53:16 Chan Alask, attorney for the class action suit, people were eating things like butted cigarettes and eggs completely with the shells on, while under the influence of Ambien. Holy shit. In March of 2011, Lindsay Schweigert took one Ambien before getting into bed at 6 p.m.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Hours later, she woke up in custody with no idea how she had gotten there. In the following weeks, Schweigert pieced together the events of that night. She had gotten out of bed, drawn a bath, and left the house with her dog. She started driving to a local restaurant, again in the middle of the night, but crashed into another car soon after leaving her house.
Starting point is 00:53:58 She failed a sobriety test, was charged with a DUI and running a stoplight. But she was under the, you know, she had taken Ambien. It's fucking crazy. Schweigert's lawyer argued that Lindsay's bizarre behavior on the night in question was a result of medication which warned right on the label that after taking Ambien, you may get up out of the bed while not being fully awake and do an activity that you do not know you are doing.
Starting point is 00:54:27 The next morning, you may not remember that you did anything during the night. Reported activities, these are the warnings, I guess, on the Ambien. Reported activities include driving a car, making and eating food, talking on the phone, having sex, sleepwalking. In fact, a lawyer argued Schweigert should have been taken to a hospital not to jail prosecutors dropped the charges and allowed lindsey to plead to the lesser charge of careless driving here's another one the ambient defense was also used in the case of julie ann bronson 45 year old flight attendant from texas in april of 2009 Bronson, 45-year-old flight attendant from Texas.
Starting point is 00:55:08 In April of 2009, Bronson took a couple of Ambien to help her sleep. She had been drinking wine earlier that day and went to bed early. She awoke the following morning in jail, still in her pajamas, barefoot and terrified. When she was told that she had run over three people, including an 18-month-old girl who suffered severe brain damage as a result of the wreck. She was horrified. It was surreal. It was like a bad dream, she said. I did the crime, but I never intended to do it. I wouldn't hurt a flea, and if I would
Starting point is 00:55:36 have hit somebody, I would have stopped and helped. Because of the ambidefense, she will serve a six, just six months in prison, of course not all prosecutors, consider the ambi defense, as a legitimate, but, that's stuff,
Starting point is 00:56:00 I'm never taking it again, Eminem the rapper, he's been open about his battles with prescription drugs and addiction. He blames Ambien, however, for his huge lapses in his memory over five years and an extended period of writer's block. A lot of my memory is gone. I don't know if you ever have taken Ambien, but it's kind of a memory eraser. This is what Eminem's saying. That shit wiped out five years of my life.
Starting point is 00:56:26 People will tell me stories, and it's like, I did that? Really? I saw myself doing this thing on television on BET recently, and I was like, when was that? Eminem has kept some of his writing from that period, admitting to Rolling Stone that it fucking creeps me out. Letters all down the page. It was like my hand weighed 400 pounds.
Starting point is 00:56:48 I have all that shit in a box in my closet. As a reminder, I don't ever want to go back to that. Yeah, I'm telling you. Never again am I touching that. All that stuff makes me cuckoo. That's why I couldn't believe him when we were in Afghanistan and I gave like already a couple and he just swallowed them
Starting point is 00:57:07 and didn't even fucking, like you said, it didn't even put his foot to sleep. I guess it's great for sex, they say. Ambient lessens inhibitions and erases memories, which is a great combination for people who are cheating on their spouse
Starting point is 00:57:20 because it's Tiger Woods. Remember he said he's had crazy ambient sex with some of the broads he was cheating with hmm ain't worth it man again I say a couple glasses of wine and then rubbing one out it's about it's about all I can handle my body does not deal with that shit.
Starting point is 00:57:48 And another drug-related story. This is my favorite story of the day. Parents at one Rhode Island middle school have received a warning about students. This is a middle school student snorting a popular candy. According to WPRI, parents of Portsmouth middle school students received a note from officials on Thursday wanting them to watch out for students snorting Smarties. Again, in Rhode Island, they say Smarties. Snorting Smarties. School officials said the new trend is widespread phenomenon that's found. You can find it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Holy shit. Kids are grinding up the sugary candy and smoking it and snorting it. on YouTube. Holy shit. Kids are grinding up the sugary candy and smoking it and snorting it. You can't tell me we're not done as a society.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Oh my God. It causes nasal problems, infections, lung irritations, allergic reactions, or possible maggots inside the nasal cavity. Don't forget about Nasal maggots
Starting point is 00:58:48 They're better off Snorting coke At least when you Snort coke You know Just some blood Might come out of your nose Fucking maggots
Starting point is 00:59:00 You got butterflies Flying out of your nostrils Oh my god I gotta try that You got butterflies flying out of your nostrils. Oh, my God. I got to try that. Now, I mean, these are middle school kids. So, obviously, if they're doing that with candy, you know that they're fucking doing it with the real stuff. Finished.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Somebody let me know on Twitter what it's like to snort some smarties. Whew. We're finished as a society. So, hold on a second. I've got to plug some dates here before I get off. Let me grab my book. This Friday night, the 24th of January, Uncle Vinny's in Toms River, New Jersey. The next night after that, the Treehouse, Mohegan Sun. Yeah, that's the 25th. And then next Wednesday, a week from this coming Wednesday, on the 29th,
Starting point is 01:00:12 I'll be doing that show, The Boomer and Carton, the Super Bowl event at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Me, Jay Moore, Dave Attell, and a few other comics, I guess. That should be fun. Dave Attell and a few other comics, I guess. That should be fun. Although I've been on stage, I'd say maybe four times in about a month and a half because of the editing of the DVD and other things that keep popping up and then vacation. And I'm going to be rusty and shitty and unfunny.
Starting point is 01:00:41 But I'll try to brush the rust off at Uncle Vinny's in Tom's River. It'll be fun. But that's what happens, man. It's like a muscle. You don't use it at atrophies as far as stand-up goes. And I gotta be honest with you, I'm a little annoyed right now. It gets in the way of, I don't know. I love it when I'm on stage. I love it when I'm telling jokes and the room's cranking. It's fun, but I'm getting a little tired. A little tired of it. But I just put that hour away, which means I've got to start a new one. And it's a daunting task.
Starting point is 01:01:19 So I hope I don't get my ass handed to me on the Boomer and Carton event. You know? Last guy I want to be following is Atel. Or maybe, I don't even know what the order is. Maybe he'll be following me. Who knows? But you better have your A game. And, yeah, so I got to get going.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I just, I feel, I don't know. I don't even feel like a comic right now the holidays the schedule is really fucked up this year so but come out uh yeah come out uh if you guys are in the area come out and see me and uh february in the baltimore area area uh the 6th 7th and 8th at mcgoobie's joke house which is a great room, actually. And that's about it. Doing the Patrice O'Neill benefit February 18th. So those are the upcoming dates. I'm going to try to get this DVD finished up for you.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Got to hand it to somebody with some juice. Shop it around. It's pretty funny. I think you'll love it. Did it in a small club and um doing the audio putting the finishing touches on the audio but that should be done real soon all right kids again i apologize for the delay in the podcast i'm glad that many people were uh jonesing for it you know it was surprising to me me. But I appreciate you listening
Starting point is 01:02:45 and until next time, go have a cup of earwax, you sons of bitches. Good night, everybody. guitar solo I'm

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