The Nick DiPaolo Show - 092 - Cops, Hunters, Hillbillies

Episode Date: August 3, 2015

Cops, Hunters, Hillbillies...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hi, kids. Let's get this over with, for Christ's sake. Yeah? Yeah. Hey, I wake up, I check my calf today. Not my baby cow, my actual calf on my leg. I didn't check it. I was just, I got out of the shower.
Starting point is 00:00:47 And I'm, you know, drying myself off. And I see a little ring on my right calf. Here we go again. Remember the fucking, the tick scare I had last year? Well, I see a little ring on my right calf. And it's kind of raised a bit don't know yet gotta keep an eye on it i'm hoping it's just some type of fungus i got from my yoga mat that's a joke every time you hear that noise um so i don't know it's a tiny i gotta keep an eye
Starting point is 00:01:20 on it and i go walking through this uh this they have this nature reserve up by my house and it's a it's my favorite place on earth i told my wife i want to be buried there you know i know she's going to throw my body in the woods behind the tool shed but i want to be uh buried by this lake and this uh reservation i'm a little bit of a hippie. I just love it. It's so peaceful out there. I walk around the lake, and there's trails off the lake. I actually get lost on Friday, I think it was, in the woods for about a half hour.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Never even panicked. I was just so miserable. I was hoping a lion, not a lion. I mean a fucking lion. Those are all being killed by doctors. I was hoping a black bear would come out of nowhere and just come up from behind and just knock my head off my shoulders with a right hook. They can do that.
Starting point is 00:02:16 They're that strong. Or just bite into my neck. I want to go out like Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall, going toe-to-toe with a 10-foot grizzly. But, yeah, I can't even find my way around a trail that's marked. It lasts about three minutes in the wilderness. But I'm just wondering if that's where, again, I don't even know if this is a tick bite, but it's fucking, I was just like, you've got to be, it was perfectly round.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Maybe it's ringworm, just like you gotta be it was perfectly round maybe it's ringworm like i said you know some type of fungus you get from a from a sweaty t-shirt or some shit let's keep our fingers crossed that is i know it ain't an std i'll tell you that much remember those days chlamydia was my uh std of choice that was big back in the 80s every hairdresser from somerville mass had it apparently those are the ones i went after the chicks with the pumps and the 11 foot hairdos and they had it all you know they have hairspray on you could you bump into them a piece of the hair would break off like an old lady's fucking hip those are the ones i liked they were cute though a lot of makeup and shit. Really cheesy looking with that shitty accent. Get a couple of Long Island Ice Teas in them.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Get them out on the dance floor and then, you know, just accidentally bump into them on their six-foot heels and they tip over. Like knocking over tombstones. And then you get them back to your apartment and they get you back by giving you some fucking disease they picked up from some grease ball from revere anyways how are you folks great to be with you excuse me you know i don't know what to i try to prepare for these goddamn podcasts and and i don't like to get too heavy because a lot of years of whiners out there and then but a lot of years i get mixed uh feedback going hey no stay with the political
Starting point is 00:04:05 shit uh keep madderese off the show who i love by the way look joe's a good guy he's he's a better guest when his medication uh is adjusted properly you know it's like a homeless guy when they attack people because they're mad then i haven't taken their meds uh but um you know there's people out there who love it when i have them on and people say just do it solo whatever either way we'll do a little of both but uh here i am flying solo uh i went to see colin quinn's uh let me get the plugs out of the way first uh this month the 21st i think it's a Friday night. Don't quote me on that. I could open my book, but that would take fucking energy,
Starting point is 00:04:47 me bending over. Hold over. Hold on a second right here. The 21st of this month, I'll be at the Music Fest. That's the name of the joint, by the way, in Bethlehem, PA. I did it before.
Starting point is 00:05:01 It's a great gig. It's a nice big room. Yeah, it's a Friday night. So if you if you're, you know, a corn farmer or Amish and you're in the area, it's the type of gig I go by three alpaca farms on the way to the fucking gig
Starting point is 00:05:17 in my car. You know, it really isn't that close to showbiz when you think about it. Motherless fucks. And then Laugh Boston in September. It's a good gig. It's in a nice hotel. 17, 18, and 19 of September. I'll be at Laugh Boston.
Starting point is 00:05:33 25th and 26, Governors. One of my favorite clubs in, you know where. Somewhere in Long Island. Levittown. Great gig. October 17th, the Gramercy Theater here in New York City. That's enough. I'm not going to give out anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:50 You know I'm busy. Yeah, right. What else? Get another Senseless Killing. Use the radio code Nick. $3 off.
Starting point is 00:06:05 And it's still in and out of the charts on iTunes. That means it's still selling quite well, thanks to you folks. And I get an email from my manager, you know, the magazine hustler. You know, contacted me, oh, I don't know back in february you know to do do an article on me so we could push the new album another census kill they're just getting back to me now they had a problem with the pictures i sent them they weren't high resin up again this was literally three four months ago and i needed their help and now the thing i think it's coming out in november oh jesus h anyway i mean i appreciate the pub, but come on.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Get your shit together over there. They did an article on me a few years ago. It's very nice. Like Hustler. Remember when you were a kid? Now you go online, you can see everything. You desensitize, you know. You see a lady blowing three donkeys in a tool shed.
Starting point is 00:07:02 You don't even blink, you know. There's actually a category for that. But Hustler was like, you know, when you get bored with Playboy, like, I want to see the inside of a pussy. I'm sick of looking at the outside. And then Hustler came out. Tremendous. It's a dangerous situation. Anyways, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I got to stop smoking. You think it's wrong that I have like a couple of cigarettes before I work out? Kind of stupid, isn't it? I'm doing Shanti's, you got to stop smoking. You think it's wrong that I have like a couple cigarettes before I work out? Kind of stupid, isn't it? I'm doing Shanti's, you know, stay focused. You got to stay focused. And then I went through, I can't keep up with them. Spitting up Blue Point oysters. I'm all over the place.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I got coffee ripping through me here. And anyways, what did I do over the place I get coffee ripping through me here Anyways, what did I do Over the weekend Last night, me and the wife We don't do much together, I can be honest with you She's happy upstairs reading I'm downstairs watching the Sox Those are their 10th in a row
Starting point is 00:07:57 But we went out to see our buddy Colin Quinn's New York story Is that the name of it, please How can you go see a play and not fucking know He's one of Story. Is that the name of it? Please. How can you go see a play and not fucking know? It's one of your best friends in the business. But at the Cherry Lane Theater, which is on a sweet little street, Commerce Street, 38 Commerce Street, New York City. It's this tree-lined, sweet little street.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And the Cherry Lane Theater is this gorgeous, just intimate theater. Just a fucking awesome setting to do something i'll be uh doing something in that theater a play called the mouse that roared either that or guys and girls gals excuse me um but we went to see quinn and again i told you about the book the the coloring book you know a comedian solves race relations in America, his book, which is fucking hilarious. And the one man show is based on the book. And nobody knows, you know, it's about him in Brooklyn and how it's just Quinn that only the way Quinn could do it. His take on New York when he was growing up in Brooklyn and the ethnicities and the diversity.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And basically the whole theme is that, you know, that today we say celebrate diversity. We do it without talking about diversity. Celebrate diversity without pointing out our differences, which is something he said on Tough Crowd, which I thought was one of the greatest lines ever. And this is basically what the book and the play is about. But you got to go see it. It's just, you know, an hour plus of his take on ethnicities only just a smart funny i mean even uh this woman in the post who's very usually liberal in her
Starting point is 00:09:35 critiques of plays uh you know gave him three stars and uh because it's so smart and funny and uh are you going well you're being biased because your's your friend? No, you know how he is. He's just, he knows that world. And he's very eloquent, even though he mumbles. We know that. But, yeah, it was nice. Drove in, got there a little early, had dinner, walked around. And that city, boy, the odors come alive when it's 98 degrees on the side.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Well, me and my wife spent like eight minutes standing in the street corner going, is that human shit or fresh Parmesan cheese? I swear to God, we couldn't tell if it was homeless sneakers or a nice Parmesan Reggiano. I'm not shitting you. You go another three feet, you'd smell piss, and it's just, I lived there for years, and that part i don't miss you know but uh i suggest you go see it kids seriously if you like the tough crowd it's not as politically incorrect obviously but you know it hits on the same stuff and he breaks down why we can't talk
Starting point is 00:10:42 about it and how we're digressing and and talks about the people he went to school with. And just friggin' nonstop laughter. I recommend it highly. Who am I, fuckin' Rex Reed? I'm gonna fuckin' smash his fuckin' face in. Anyways. Oh, yeah. And over the weekend,
Starting point is 00:11:09 you know, I gave you that recommendation about the documentary, you know, the seven five. I want to update you on that. The other day, I'm sitting in front of a hotel about to go into
Starting point is 00:11:20 to do Mark Maron's podcast. He was in the city and sitting across the street. I was in the city and i'm sitting across the street i was a little early and i checked my tweets and i get a tweet from none other than the michael dowd himself the cop that's in you know that the documentary is about the seven five the dirty cop and his buddy ken aurelio who also tweeted me so and i'm not sure who even tweeted me first. It might have been Kenny.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I don't know. But long story short, I think I'm going to have Mike on the show. Maybe Kenny if I get back to him too. But I know Mike wants to do it. It's just a matter of us getting our schedules together. So I'm going to get back to him this week, and he could be a guest. That's right. His name isn't Joe. We're breaking the rules.
Starting point is 00:12:09 How cool would that be, though? You guys, you've got to watch the documentary, you know, if you want to enjoy when I have him on. There's no way that's not going to be interesting. So I'll let you know. But that looks like it's going to happen. It's sooner than later, I think. So it's up to me. I've got to get back to him. I just have to arrange my schedule that looks like it's going to happen. It's sooner than later, I think, so it's up to me.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I've got to get back to them. I just have to arrange my schedule. I'm running around a little bit, but excuse me. On the subject of documentaries, me and the wife watched a documentary that you guys, if you're into documentaries, even if you're not, you might have already seen this because it came out about five or six years ago. And it's about a hillbilly family in West Virginia. The wonderful, the wild, wonderful whites. Their last name is whites of West Virginia. You guys have probably already seen it.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I know Jay Oakerson and Dan Soto were talking about it on their radio show on serious that's how i heard about it and it was as goddamn it was as goddamn compelling as the seven five documentary only in its you know in a different way obviously but you have never seen backwards appellation white trash entertaining interesting johnny knoxville's company did it they did the the movie and they spent like a year and a half with his family and uh well let me play the trailer for you you might have seen it already but for those of you who haven't that's me on piano. What did I do? Choose the wrong...
Starting point is 00:13:58 Can you tell me about the reputation of the White family in Boone County and West Virginia? I'd really rather not comment on that. When you represent the Whites, you don't know what you're going to get into. Shootings, armed robbery, embezzlement, forgery, drug cases, burglary, fights, things like that. I thought I edited this. Bear with me. I've been joy-calling people. I thought I edited this. Bear with me. That's a woman, by the way.
Starting point is 00:14:44 It's the mother. That's a woman, too. Prescription pill. That last woman you heard talking and sounded just like a man was supposedly a stripper from the White family who's more manly than Bruce Jenner when he was Bruce Jenner. But it's a woman. And she actually brags that she's the best piece of ass in West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:15:19 You've got to see it to believe it. Now, Mike, if you started some with me, it would be I'd fight you. I'd fight you. If you started some shit. It was one hell of a night. I just went on a rampage pretty much. That's Brandon, who's doing 50 years in prison. He was going to trade a truck.
Starting point is 00:15:46 I can't remember what the... He was going to trade a gun for a truck, and the guy wasn't going to give him the truck. And then they got on the phone with each other, and the guy said, Yeah, why don't you come over here and fucking whatever? So Brandon gets his gun and goes over there and shoots a guy in the face,
Starting point is 00:16:01 blows his jaw off, shoots him in the neck and somewhere else. And the guy survives to tell about it. I think it's Billy. I said, Brandon, what are you going to do, shoot me? That was the guy he shot. He's still alive, by the way. It's just strange how everything had happened in our family.
Starting point is 00:16:24 That's Resco or Jesesco i can't remember like our lives has just been a party and we're just living this guy talking is world famous his dad or granddad i don't have the family tree straight with like this guy used to tap dance and then this guy carried on his legacy and I guess famous country singers now have actually referenced this guy. Is it Jesco? I think it's. Doesn't matter. But they reference him in their songs.
Starting point is 00:16:57 He's like, he's the most famous Appalachian. He's like the Elvis of the Appalachian, of the backward sticks. Like as a story. At your funeral, what do you want people to do? Rock and roll, baby. That's a woman, too, by the way. Anyways, you get the, I'm telling you, it's the Wow Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. Watch that one and tell me what you think.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Holy Christ, I couldn't take my eyes off the TV. Man, I thought I had seen white trash before, but holy smokes. Just unbelievable. And they're just violent and they're all on, they're snorting coke, and a lady has a baby, and they take it away right at the hospital. She comes to, and the baby already taken away
Starting point is 00:17:53 by Child Protective Services, and she's crying. Two minutes later, she's snorting a couple lines of coke off the top of a toilet in some shitty bar. Oh, you gotta feel for these people. Just exploited by, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:08 it's coal mining country and they refuse to be exploited by like big, you know, companies and shit. But I think you're better off dying in a coal mine than what they're going through. So they followed them
Starting point is 00:18:22 for like a year and a half and there was more tragedy and shit. You're going to be belly laughing though though i've never seen anything like it but uh yeah get a hold of that one and uh the seven five like i said like uh hopefully we're gonna have uh michael down here let me play that uh clip again the trailer for the 7-5 you guys didn't hear last week show. New York is in the grips of a crime wave. It's like the heyday of crack. It was violent, man.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Homicides, robberies, rapes. It was a war zone. East New York, Brooklyn, 7-5 precinct. Deadliest precinct in the country. Who did I burn to get put here? It would scare Clint Eastwood. When I first went to the precinct, I hear about this guy, Mike Dowd. I think he's just crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Michael Dowd was a crook who ended up wearing a cop's uniform. He was a criminal. Once in a generation, corrupt cop. I consider myself both a cop and a gangster. Forget about Beverly Hills and all that other stuff. The ghetto is one of the richest neighborhoods there is. Maybe there's some way we can make money from this. La Compania is a very serious Dominican gang.
Starting point is 00:19:40 $24,000 in our hands to talk. Mike was a brain. Is that no problem? In his business, if you mess up, you got killed. Three years Dominican gang. $24,000 in our hands to talk. Mike was a brain. Is that no problem? In his business, if you mess up, you got killed. I'm a New York City cop. I'm taking a risk of going to jail for a long period of time. And you're going to short me a dime?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Stay tuned. You should be on the Nick DiPaolo podcast soon. I'm going to check the silvoid drawer when he leaves, huh? No, unbelievably interesting. You got to check that out if you haven't seen it. Speaking of cops, we have the, what the university of cincinnati cop and that shooting god things are just it's like the 1960s in this country isn't it um he's been charged with murder and the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man and uh officer
Starting point is 00:20:38 ray tensing he had a body cam on him you guys have it. Anyways, I don't know what to say, man. I don't know what to say anymore. People try to, on one side, try to oversimplify it by going, you shouldn't get killed because you didn't have a front license plate. And that's oversimplifying the situation because the cops approaching the car doesn't know what's going on, right? You got the body. Ask the guy for his license. And, you know, like 15 different times.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I guess the guy's license has been suspended for life. That's what I read in the paper today. I don't know. But you don't want it to end in gunplay, obviously. But that's why you do what the cop says and not try to take off. And I'm not justifying what this cop did either. Let the facts play out, though, before we burn down the city or whatever. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:29 just, it's just, you know, this is what I say. I always hear black guys, my friends saying, you know, young black males are afraid of the cops. And you don't seem to act that way when you get pulled over. Just do what the fuck they say.
Starting point is 00:21:44 And again, not trying to justify what this cop did either, but I'm just saying, you can't argue that point. None of this stuff would happen. And then figure it out. If you're pulled over, you know, for no reason at all, there's courts for that. But don't try to take off because you don't know if the guy's trigger happy or not.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And the cop himself doesn't know what he's approaching because we had a cop in Memphis, and I'll talk about in a few minutes, who got murdered. Pulling over a guy, turns out it was a dope deal. Guy had a little bit of dope in his car. Ends up getting out of the car, two guys, and end up killing a cop who was like an Iraq veteran. And end up killing a cop who was like an Iraq veteran. So, you know, at the least, just do what the cop says at that point. But this shit will play out.
Starting point is 00:22:37 And if this cop in Cincinnati is, you know, and from looking at the footage, I don't see why there was, you know, why he shot. But unless you're there, right? So, unbelievable. But again, figures don't lie because, like I said, the cops have literally tens of millions of interactions a year that don't end up in gunplay. And more white guys were killed by cops by almost two to one well way more than two to one is actually 330 white guys last year as opposed to 130 something black guys so it's not an epidemic okay we've been through this before uh yeah the guy uh the officer in memphis uh sean bolton he saw an illegally parked car on a memphis
Starting point is 00:23:29 street pulls up in front of it shines his spotlight he goes to approach the vehicle he's confronted by a passenger struggle ensues and the cop shot multiple times the car drives off leaving him for dead apparently he had interrupted a drug transaction. They found a digital scale and a small baggie of marijuana located inside the vehicle. And the police identified Tremaine Wilborn, 29, as a suspect. He's on the run and he's armed and dangerous. So, less than two grams of marijuana. Okay? So so you probably i wonder what else he had on
Starting point is 00:24:08 his uh but for you people who could just reflexively bad mouth cops like ari shafir's uh fans who are fucking i'll get to that in a few minutes just clueless just reflexive political correctness talk about being ill-informed uh they're shitting all over me i got up this morning uh i did ari uh safir's a podcast this week and he just put it out like last night and they're calling me uninformed it's so funny these are these most of them i'm probably 20 years older than most of his fans and they just you know they get their fucking news from yahoo news and bloggers on the internet and have been mind fucked and don't even know it by the mainstream media their whole lives. Don't even realize how their values and beliefs have been shaped.
Starting point is 00:24:53 And they're going to tell me I'm uninformed. One guy in the tweet actually goes, Ari, why'd you have DePaulo on? He's so ignorant when it comes to politics. You can do better than that. So according to that logic, and it's so typical, they call themselves libertarians. i don't know what they are i i said i'm not a conservative i'm more libertarian they get a they get a kick out of that right and uh even though you know i'm pro gay marriage pro choice whatever they think i'm a conservative that's how fucking foolish they are but uh the guy goes why you know why would you have him on? You're better than that. And this is so typical of fucking people, lefties.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Ari Safir should only have on people that have the same political bent as him. Isn't that open-minded, huh? Fucking idiots. Idiots. Ari Safir likes me, and I like him. And, yeah, we probably are on different ends of the spectrum politically but we can still you know
Starting point is 00:25:48 we still like each other it's just so funny how the reflexive anger just for having me on it's fucking priceless they don't even know anything about me like I said go ahead keep getting your fucking news from you know or wherever the fuck
Starting point is 00:26:04 talk about clueless anyways and uh i had fun with ari actually he's in an apartment over there in elvabit city and i had i had a meeting uh in midtown okay uh which should be in a and if literally in a perfect world if there's no traffic it would be about a 15-minute car drive. It took me an hour and five minutes. That's how broken New York City is since Mayor Douchebag de Blasio took over. People are blocking the box, and it just doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Anyways, back to, so anyways, Bolton is, I digress, 33 years old. He's one of 19 officers killed nationwide this year by violent suspects. Yeah, he was a veteran too. You know, comes home to be murdered in this, what's turning into a third world shithole, this country. Third time a Memphis officer has been killed in the past four years the driver turned himself in ten thousand dollar reward for information leading to will born's arrest he is out on supervised release for a uh six year sentence no No, excuse me, 10-year, 121 months sentence for robbery.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And I guess that's because the laws are too stringent, right, stupids? Yeah, we're too conservative. Let's build less prisons. Let's get rid of that stop and frisk, too, here in New York City. That's working out good. 19 shootings in Brooklyn this weekend alone. How's that that working out for you guys you're wrong about everything that's the fucking truth of it anyways back to the mungin we'll ask michael down about that it'll be interesting his take on that so you got yeah
Starting point is 00:28:02 so you got the cincinnati Cincinnati cop who was charged with murder. We'll see how that plays out, hopefully peacefully. And you got a Memphis cop who's dead. And the beat goes on. I don't know, just whatever color you are,
Starting point is 00:28:20 whatever color you are, when the cops pull you over, just do what they say, okay? Just do what they say. Just try that for us, just once. Could you? What's the latest on? What an interesting, we got the debates coming up, I guess thursday on fox uh and it is kind of weird
Starting point is 00:28:47 how they're doing it you know they have like uh they're using national polls to decide because there's 17 people running on the republican side for president so they use the national polls and they took the 10 highest that polled the best they're going to be debating at prime time at like nine o'clock and the balance of them are going to be doing a different debate at five in the afternoon five or six or whatever oh my god but trump is just crushing everybody right now in in the polls and again i gave you my opinion on him uh i don't know how he's successful. He's a great businessman, but he doesn't come across as that bright. This is way before he even, you know, got into politics. I would always hear him on TV and say to my wife, how is this guy a billionaire?
Starting point is 00:29:35 He just doesn't sound that bright. But he has definitely touched a nerve. And people are just sick of the same horseshit. The same politicians and the fucking Hillary Clint sick of the same horseshit the same politicians and the fucking Hillary Clintons of the world that won't even she won't even answer a question about the Keystone pipeline I'll let the president answer can you imagine that
Starting point is 00:29:52 a lot of balls on her and yeah so there's going to be two debates and Trump is going to be the guy with the highest poll poll numbers gets center podium in the debate so he's going to be center stage this is going to set right it has to set ratings records it's gonna it has to
Starting point is 00:30:12 but he's going to be and you know and the prime time one obviously and uh ben carson the black neurosurgeon and Huckabee and Ted Cruz. And I don't know who else. It doesn't really matter because it's going to be the Trump show. And they're going to be in Jeb Bush, obviously, and Walker, Scott Walker. So, you know, I told you what John Kasich's guy said. They asked him what it's going to be like with, you know, doing a debate with Trump in it. And he said it's going to be like preparing mentally, a NASCAR guy preparing for the biggest race of his life, knowing one of the drivers out there was drunk, which I thought was hilarious. There's no way Kasich thought of
Starting point is 00:31:01 that himself. By the way, John Kasich, they have debates in Ohio, which is his home state. He's not even going to make the primetime one. I think he's going to be in the 5 or 6 o'clock one. His poll numbers are, you know. But he just jumped in a little while ago. And Bobby Jindal is struggling. I think he might get in to the main one. Rick Perry, they're all on the cusp.
Starting point is 00:31:23 But it's going gonna be a blast and i gotta tell you trump is making me uh just smile from ear to ear with his blunt i don't give a shit i don't think he's presidential well he could be president i'm just saying i don't i don't you know his unfavorables are very high so you know he's a rich white guy with a big mouth which goes against everything this country right now. You know, everybody, the mindset after six and a half years of Obama is he's the devil. A rich white guy in a suit, he must have cheated. That's white privilege, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:31:57 But they did a poll in New Mexico. And as far as Hispanic votes, Trump came in number one because he does employ thousands of hispanics and stuff and uh yeah he shouldn't have said that shit about mccain and he was very sloppy with his comments on mexico even though he was talking about legal immigrants in my opinion but uh he it it just really is a breath of fresh air and it's not a mystery and these idiots these these politic career politicians still don't get they're really like mumbling to themselves they can't believe they're getting beat by this guy that's because they've been so entrenched in washington for years and uh they have no idea how
Starting point is 00:32:37 tired we are you know the working class is tired of the when nothing gets done and they just political horseshit politically correct horseshit just spills out of their mouth day after day and nothing gets done and then this guy comes along so it's at least he's brought some life to it and uh i'm very curious to see how he's going to act around the debates and like i said i'd go at him with the real policy questions because he can't be big on details right now, you know. But it's not rocket science, you know. He can always come back with a retort. Well, okay, how much have you got done as far as the pipeline goes? What have you done for border security?
Starting point is 00:33:18 That's what he's going to say. He can say that to all these people that have been entrenched in Washington politics for years. Excuse me. Excuse me. Pardon me. And, yeah, I cannot wait for that fucker. I'll be working that night, but I'll record it. Come home and, you know, get my bowl of popcorn and my grape Kool-Aid with Absolute in it. And, boy, will I have a party.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Sure. So that's going to be a fucking blast, you got to admit. Don't you think, folks? It's like politics. I mean, it's like sports, I should say. That's why I follow politics. It's a blast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Oh, let me talk about. So, yeah, I didri safir's uh podcast and like i said all his uh idiot fans uh you know zinging me they're not all idiots by the way um i'm just saying but uh somehow he brought up we get on the gay subject and ari brings up uh matthew shepherd remember that the guy was tied against a fence post in Wyoming and beat to death and shit. And Ari brought that up. And I said, well, that wasn't the real story, it turns out. And, of course, you know, somebody tweeted me,
Starting point is 00:34:34 Nick DePaul doesn't know anything about the fucking. But it turns out Ari doesn't know anything. I know both sides of the story. And somebody, a gay guy, wrote a book about this. Okay. Stephen Jimenez, his name was. And he spent 13 years interviewing over 100 people that were connected to the case. And in his conclusion, the book's called The Book of Matt, Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew Shepard.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And, you know, the conclusion of the book is it wasn't a hate crime, but it was blamed on crystal meth, you know, a drug that was flooding that area. And he actually Matthew Shepard actually knew one of the guys that killed him. They had a sexual relationship. And, you know, it's it wasn't this just three rednecks going to a bar and pulling a gay guy out and beating. It's way more complicated. And Ari wasn't aware of any of this. So don't tell me I'm uninformed. You know, so he was addicted to meth and to heroin. And he was being pimped alongside Aaron McKinney.
Starting point is 00:35:43 That's one of the guys that killed him. They had occasional sexual encounters. And this has all been documented. So my point being is, you know, Ari Safare and his fans telling me that I'm uninformed. I know both sides of the story, at least. The journalist who wrote the book is gay. What's he got in it?
Starting point is 00:36:05 What's he going to get out of this? And, you know. And since then, John Stoltenberg, he's a gay rights activist who lived with feminist writer Andrea Dworkin until her death in 2005. He's a longtime supporter of the Laramie Project. That was a thing that came out of Matthew's death.
Starting point is 00:36:22 There was a play that was done, and nationally they went around to teach, you know, about what gay people do face, you know. But anyways, John Stoltenberg, he's a gay rights activist, and he said this about the book. Keeping Matthew as the poster boy of gay hate crime and ignoring the full tragedy of his story has been the agenda of many gay movement leaders.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Ignoring the tragedies of Matthew's life prior to his murder will do nothing to help other young men in our community who are sold for sex, ravaged by drugs, and generally exploited. They will remain invisible and lost. So he's backing up what this guy says in the book. Okay? Ted Henson is a former lover and long-term friend of matthews the pair originally met when matt was growing up in saudi arabia henson told me he believes that the book of matt
Starting point is 00:37:12 is nothing more than the truth a former lover okay of matthew shepherd said this and that he was never certain that the murder was an anti-gay hate crime. So I'm just saying, Ari Safia fans, don't tell me I'm fucking uninformed. You only know one side of the story, and I know both. None of us know what happened because we weren't there. But this has all been documented, okay, and by mostly gay people. The journalist is gay who wrote the book and interviews Matthew's ex-lover. you know ex-lover so anyways whatever i'm just saying don't tell me i'm the one who's informed i can't remember how we got on how he i know ari brought it up i forget what the context was what the hell else kids uh
Starting point is 00:38:00 oh god more hunting news out of Zimbabwe. Did we bring that up in the last one? I can't even remember if that had happened at that point with that stupid dentist from Minnesota. I think I had brought it up. But there has since been another American accused. Zimbabwe suspended the hunting of all its wildlife on Sunday as authorities revealed that they had a second wealthy American in the crosshairs for illegally killing a lion. Dr. Jan Kazmierski of Pennsylvania is accused of traveling to the African nation in April to hunt big cats in an area of Hawaii National Park where the predators are protected.
Starting point is 00:38:47 national park where the predators are protected with the new allegations the 68 year old gynecology oncologist that's a a vagina doctor uh and cancer doctor for those of you who are retarded joins despised dentist walter james palmer and the hunter hall of fame hey yeah you all know about the dentist and he's still hiding out this dope i i'll never understand how you could shoot something like that again i'm not against hunting and shit i understand that it's necessary like killing deer and stuff and to call the herd even lions some experts have said there wouldn't be any lines left if they didn't call call the herd but you don't shoot one that's on a uh you know that's on basically on a farm and you this dr palm lord it out by putting a dead animal carcass on the you know the hood of a truck that's how they lord out cecil the lion and uh yeah so this this is another american authorities claim
Starting point is 00:39:50 sesky this is the second guy an avid big game hunter with a medical practice in pittsburgh paid local guide headman uh simbanda an undisclosed amount to help him track and kill the lion with a bow uh bow and arrow in April. Officials announced Sunday that Simbanda, that's a local guy, had been arrested and charged in connection with Sesky's hunt. He's currently assisting police with their investigation. So, yeah, it's the second guy. That guy can't be a dentist anymore. You know, he's going to be like like uh yeah are you still flossing and his patient's like are you still fucking shooting uh animals that are 13 years
Starting point is 00:40:32 old just minding their own business you jack off and again legitimate hunting is legitimate hunting but this is horseshit thing has a collar on it, for Christ's sake. So, yeah, so there's a second American wanted in. Zimbabwe has suspended the hunting of all wildlife for right now. And if that wasn't enough, and again, I used to, as a kid, I had a pellet gun. I used to shoot pheasants. I used to hunt pheasants. We had a field behind our house. I told you the story on one podcast. I woke up, a pheasant was making all kinds of racket they were building a
Starting point is 00:41:09 house next to our house and there was a pheasant walking along the foundation and you know making a making a racket they make some type of pheasant noise i open up my window i had a i had a daisy uh pellet slash b gun, air rifle. I open the window. I'm in my frigging underwear. It was a cold morning. He's walking along the foundation, you know, doing that thing with his neck. And I'm like, I'll take a shot.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I mean, it was, you know, the next lot over. It was pretty far away. Wouldn't you know, I hit the son of a bitch. I had to throw on a robe and go out there. I told you you my grandmother ended up cooking it real fucking hillbillies i'm like the uh i'm worse than the whites of west virginia but uh and my uncle bob is an avid hunter you know and i gotta my cousin eric goes hunting he goes he every year he takes a trip to idaho he's in the woods for a couple weeks and uh but again
Starting point is 00:42:02 he uses strictly bow and arrow and and it's harder than you think to get a deer or whatever but uh this shit this this big gang shit just seems too easy doesn't it i don't know and it's fucking evil i could never see that lion and go yeah i want to kill it again i understand hunters i'm not saying you're totally wrong, but in this case, so there's another story today about this woman. The headlines was on a website. American huntress sparks fury by posting selfie with dead giraffe in South Africa. An American huntress has sparked fury. She puts a picture of herself with a corpse of a giraffe,
Starting point is 00:42:43 also a warthog, kudu, and an impala during a trip to South Africa. She puts up on her Facebook page or something, she posts a meme of Leonardo DiCaprio on her wall, accompanied by the message, To all the haters, stay tuned. You're going to have so much to be pissed off about. Her first showed her crouching over the prone form of a massive kudu, a kind of African antelope. The broad's kind of cute, huh? I'd like to shoot her.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I'd like to shoot her with a uh a dart that has a roofie tip then drag her into the dance hall what later the same day she posted several pictures of her with the corpse of an amazing uh old giraffe what she shot an old giraffe how the fuck is that hunting same thing with people who hunt, you know, moose. That's the other one that cracked me. People hunting moose. I don't know. You could walk up to a moose and sucker punch it, couldn't you?
Starting point is 00:43:56 I know they're kind of dangerous, but how the fuck can you miss aiming at a moose with a rifle, a scope on it, or even a bow and arrow? It would be like trying to hit Hillary Clinton in the ass with a rifle, a scope on it or even a bow and arrow. It would be like trying to hit Hillary Clinton in the ass with a fucking lemon. Yeah, it's a picture of her. It says
Starting point is 00:44:14 next to a corpse in quotes an amazing old giraffe she wrote. Such an amazing animal! Exclamation point. I couldn't be any happier. My emotions after getting him was a feeling I will never forget.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I did. Those two things don't go together, amigo. Look at that breathtaking animal. I want to kill it. You have something to chat about on Thanksgiving. What do you do with a giraffe? I mean, I understand you put a deer head above your fireplace. What the fuck are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:44:49 Where do you put a giraffe's neck? It runs, what, through the kitchen into the living room? It's kind of sexy, women hunting. I kind of find that sexy, but not big game shit like this. Who couldn't fucking hit something like this? Am I missing the fucking... They hunt elephants too? You know?
Starting point is 00:45:12 How is that fucking hunting? It's like hitting a fat kid with a snowball. It's really easy to do. There's another picture of her with a warthog. That was a fraternity brother. His girlfriend's nickname was warthog i'm not kidding you when i was up at yuma not shitting you not a pretty chick her name is miss uh cogatelli a university accountant who also runs a clothing company called racks and ridges yeah i got a feeling somebody might be boycotting that this week.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And then she put a picture of her boyfriend. His name is Aaron with a body of a 13-foot crocodile. You know, it's funny. I find as I get older, you know, like I said, as a kid, I shot a couple of pheasants or whatever, and it was fun being out there like on a cold day in the field or whatever. But as I get older even now like uh i don't know even now if there's like a like a moth depends the mood i'm in sometimes
Starting point is 00:46:16 i'll catch in my hand and let it outside as you get older and get closer realize your own mortality you're not so quick to kill shit then Then again, if I'm in a bad mood and a moth lands next to me, I'll fucking put a cigarette out on his face. Depends on the motor man. But, uh... I don't know what my point is here, but I couldn't kill something like that.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Not at this stage of life. You know? I know a few people I could put a fucking poison dart in their ass before i could do a woodhog i'm sure you feel the same way but uh so they come out and they post all this shit right after all this you know controversy going on and by the by by the way somebody made a good point and it is valid we can't you know people are so outraged about cecil the lion and i understand that it fucking outraged me too but it really it really is funny how outrageous to come up with stuff like that
Starting point is 00:47:09 and they don't say you know boo about planned parenthood and um and mugabe the guy who fucking tortures and kills people in zimbabwe nobody no cry over that for the last, I don't know how many years he's been doing that. But they go fucking hog wild. Hey, so I don't know what that Minnesota, this is the dentist. He's got to come out of hiding sometime. Really? We don't know where he is. They want to extradite him back to Zimbabwe, you know, which he's smart to hide out here. Obviously, you don't want to go back to one of those.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Imagine one of those prisons. Mama mia. So, yeah, this chick is catching all kinds of heat. I kind of give her some, at least for balls, for believing in what she. But it's funny. People want to be famous. You know, she posts all that shit after all this went on. But Cecil, you know, the lion had a GPS collar on,
Starting point is 00:48:08 for Christ's sake. It was being studied. That's the lion I'm talking about, the first one the dentist killed. It was being studied by Oxford University. Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. A bunch of hunters, you know gave her a thumbs up on the pictures and uh like i said crazy ass huh
Starting point is 00:48:36 what the hell else kids um quencho maron's podcast that was fun he was in a hotel uh i went out you know to la a couple weeks ago and just missed mark and we go back to boston and that's what we talked about there's no politics involved he probably figured and i figured uh what's to gain from that and um as we sit on opposite ends of the spectrum. But, you know, it was great. We hadn't seen each other in a while. And we went over, you know, he was in Boston when I first started as a comic. I think he had just moved there, too.
Starting point is 00:49:23 And, you know, we started rehashing stories and and we started talking about a lot of the clubs we did and what really pissed me on not pissed me off but i was surprised at how sharp his memory was suppose he had drug and alcohol problems marin and but he's a totally different person there's a whole different energy about him than when i knew him even when i knew him at the the comedy cellar and uh we started talking about the when we started out in boston and all the one-nighters and this guy could remember like at least five one-nighters he could remember the names of the places and where they were and uh it would just surprise the hell out of me and uh yeah we did a lot of we we just talked
Starting point is 00:50:02 about comedy and we talked about how you know, I started off as one type of comic. Then I got a little bit political. I'm never really, but again, in this business, if your politics are a little to the right, you know, it kicks up quite a bunch of dust. Like you're really controversial. But we talked about that and how I got more opinionated or whatever. And we talked about meltdowns that I'd have on stage, stuff that you guys have heard before. But I told them a lot of it was alcohol-fueled.
Starting point is 00:50:37 The many nights I had meltdowns at the Comedy Cellar, I look back on them, and it always involved me drinking beforehand. And not a lot but uh you know you do this after you do this for so long you get kind of bored you know and uh the bar is right there and it changes some people not everybody but it changes your personality so there were nights when i you know on not some of my better nights, when I got into it with the audience or whatever, and that happened many times at the Comedy Cell.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I've been playing there forever, and I look back on most of those, 95% of those nights, I, you know, I had a few in me before I went on for whatever reason, you know, and we talked about all that, before I went on for whatever reason, you know. And we talked about all that, and we talked about Barry Katz, my first manager.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I don't know if Mark worked with him or not, but he, you know, he booked all the clubs, all the restaurants and pubs that were doing comedy in New England in the late 80s. And we talked about him and my relationship with Barry and how I met him and how I got pissed at Dana Gould one night before I knew Dana, who was one of my favorite comics, believe it or not. But we told some great stories. And a lot of the stories in the clubs that we talked about were, you can see in that documentary, which I've mentioned before on this podcast, when Stand Up Stood Out, done by a comedian named Fran Salamita.
Starting point is 00:52:17 It's about the Boston comedy scene from like 1978 to the mid-80s. And it covers a lot of the clubs. The very first club I told my first joke at, Stitches, and Marin knows all these places because we played them together, and we talked about me and him going up to Maine to Captain Nick's and a gunk wit, and, you know, it was all rehashing of great comedy stories, and it went by really fast. And like I said, it seems to suit him mark his uh success he's he's like i said years ago we both had this blank cloud
Starting point is 00:52:55 if me and him came into the comedy cellar and sat at the table it would start raining inside i swear to god people would just leave the table there was so much negativity but you don't again i mean uh you got to get a little little love back from the industry i guess before you know you gotta it's like an abused child nobody gives you any love back you're just gonna stand that whatever but uh so yeah so i did his and ari's and uh i don't know when mark's gonna release that one he uh we don't know that yet, but he said he's going to let me know very shortly. And it was great.
Starting point is 00:53:29 It was 90 minutes, I think, and it went by, like I said, like nothing. So, yeah, look for that. I'll let you know when that comes out. And like I said, hopefully, I'll get Michael Dowden here, who is the centerpiece of the documentary, The 7-5, about two dirty cops in the 75th Precinct in East New York, back in the late 70s, 80s, when it was the most violent, literally the most violent precinct in the country because of crack, cocaine, all of it. And he was right in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And that documentary is fascinating. So we're going to get him in here. And Planned Parenthood, they've released more of those things, whatever. It's just, that's ghoulish too. And again, I'm not, I'm no pro-lifer because when I was younger, like I said, I was happy there were Planned Parenthoods around.
Starting point is 00:54:28 So, but what's going on there with those videos and, you know, harvesting organs from whether it's a fetus or a baby, whatever you decide. But I'm just saying it's pretty gruesome and that's going to be hard to defend. And why should tax uh taxpayers be funding that horse shit uh that's about it i'll let you know about the tick bite that fucker if i wake up tomorrow and it's like a it'll be the size of a frisbee maybe nothing though i don't know it's not clear yet it's so funny when i told carl and quinn i was moving up here years ago i used to go you're gonna come up right he goes fuck that i don't want to tick on my bowls with that brooklyn accent and that actually happens to some people but uh
Starting point is 00:55:18 yeah i have to i have to i get naked before i get in the shower. I climb up on the sink. Check myself out in the mirror. So, anyways, what the hell else? Sports real quick. Tiger Woods shit the bed again in a golf tournament. He's finished. Even though he's finished and ranked 246 in the world, they still keep covering him. I mean, he was better this weekend than he has been in a year. He finished in the top 20 in some stupid tournament.
Starting point is 00:55:42 He was better this weekend than he has been in a year. He finished in the top 20 in some stupid tournament. Anyways, my Red Sox did nothing over the trade deadline. I thought they were going to, you know, make a bunch of moves, but they're just going to let these young kids play out. They do have a core for a good team, just not this year. But that Xander Bogarts at shortstop. He's hitting.320. He's a great shortstop. He looks unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:56:09 He's grown so much in a year, offensively and defensively. Really, really impressive. And they got some good guys. Mookie Betts, these young guys. I don't know what they're going to do with my boy Napoli. And I love Mike Napoli, but he's been horrendous this year. And I guess he could still get traded. I don't understand how it works.
Starting point is 00:56:30 You know, I thought the trade deadline was like July 31st, but then you read in the paper they, you know. I don't get into that shit. I mean, you're going to be a lawyer to follow sports now. It really bugs me. And the president, Larry Lucchino, stepped down. He was there since 2000 or 2001. In 14 years, he brought us three championships.
Starting point is 00:56:49 He's stepping down, and I guess he's playing this for a long time. A guy named Sam Kennedy, a young guy, has taken over in his place, and then you get the Yankees. I saw them at the beginning of this year. I'm like, boy, they're going to suck. Nobody knew. The whole American League East was up for grabs. And the Sox won their, like, first four series.
Starting point is 00:57:08 And the Yankees looked dog shit. And I go, this is going to be fun. And it turns out the frigging Yanks are kind of running away with a goddamn thing. Toronto Blue Jays made some big moves. They look like they're dead serious about, you know. They look like they're dead serious about, you know. And I can't remember who they got, what the moves were.
Starting point is 00:57:33 But they got a scary offense. And, oh, Troy Tulewitzki, did they get him? Was that Toronto? I can't remember. I think it was. I think he had like a couple. He's already had three homers in four games. And the Mets got cesspitous. The Sox had him last year.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And the goddamn Mets swept the Nats. I'm kind of a closet Mets fan. I mentioned that. I hated them more than anybody, obviously, because I'm a Red Sox fan. And what happened in 86. But then I i moved to queens i told you the whole story kind of when piazza was there and i was only a couple train stops up the street i used to go to the shea stadium and kind of a closet mets and i like terry collins i think he's a good manager um and uh yeah they got janice cesspedes, and they got a pitching staff.
Starting point is 00:58:25 That Syndergaard throws smoke. Anyways, the Nats came to town. They were three games ahead of the Mets. Mets were in second. The Mets swept them. Frigging Lucas Duda. Is that his first name? This guy has, like, nine home runs in his last ten games
Starting point is 00:58:40 or nine home runs in his last eight games. Something crazy. At one point, his last 8 hits were home runs. And then the other night, I put it on. The Mets are down 2-0. He hits a home and makes it 2-1. Comes up later in the game. Hits another bomb. Ties it up.
Starting point is 00:58:56 And then later in the game, hits the game-winning RBI. Hits a double. Drives in the game-winning run. This guy is fucking frightening when he's hot. You know? So they swept the gnats they tied for first you mets fans you have to be excited they have been snake bitten i think it's karma man after you know buck another ball going through his legs and all that shit they would just the gods were like uh fuck them they They got lucky there. We're going to torture them for the next 20 years or so. So who knows?
Starting point is 00:59:29 Subway series? Probably not, but you don't know. Anything can happen in the playoffs. But I'm dying to see what the Sox are going to do. I was like all excited about the trade deadline.
Starting point is 00:59:40 That's always fun to see. And they didn't even do anything there. They got no pitching. Joe Kelly has been in the minors for the last few months. They bring him up. He gets smacked around the other night. He still won. Thanks to what's the kid's name? They brought up Travis Shaw, I think. This
Starting point is 00:59:58 kid, third baseman. Had a couple homers. A single and a double. Four for four for the Sox. He scored five runs, drove in four. He's a lefty. He's got a beautiful swing. So, like I said, they got a bunch of young guys,
Starting point is 01:00:13 but they got to get some pitching. Anyways, that's about it, kids. That's all I got. Yeah, I'm around in the city all week i guess working on uh you know working on this hour trying to get it together um and anthony comia is moving his podcast from his house into the city starting tomorrow he's in his new studio i will be visiting that So you might want to check that out. That'll be live. That's all I get to report. I guess.
Starting point is 01:00:52 You guys got anything? I think that's it. I can't think of anything else. Uncle Junior? Nah. Anyways, I will talk to you next week. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Comedy's the best.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Go see Quinn's play. Go see me on the 21st of this month at the Music Fest in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It's going to be a humdinger. I won't take all that they hand me down And make out I smile though I wear a frown And I'm not gonna take it all lying down Cause once I get started, I go to town Cause I'm not like everybody else No, no
Starting point is 01:01:55 I'm not like everybody else I'm not like everybody else I'm not like everybody else. I'm not like everybody else. And I don't want to live... Good day, everybody. guitar solo I'm out. Bye.

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