The Nick DiPaolo Show - 140 - Brexit Yay! Rapper Shot

Episode Date: June 28, 2016

Brexit Yay! Rapper Shot...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, hey hey it's monday you know what that is kids nick depala podcast the free episode on itunes if you enjoy it if you're a newcomer to the show and you want more shows two to three more a week go to slash nick slash nick yeah and you'll get two to three more shows a week for a 3.99 a month that's like i said not even a buck a week so uh what the hell it's a good deal another great deal i'll tell you it's a great deal this episode of the nick topala podcast is brought to you by blue apron blue apron knows that when you cook with incredible ingredients you make incredible meals so they set the highest quality standards for the community of artisanal suppliers family-run farms fisheries and ranchers whether it's japanese ramen noodles wild caught alaskan salmon or heirloom
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Starting point is 00:02:21 of a kimchi fried rice the rice is is like, it's like really, it's nice and spicy, but not too spicy. It has this ingredients, which is red chili paste. It's called gochujang, if I'm saying that right. And also red chili flakes, gochugaru. That's in the marinade for the kimchi. And it just flavors everything. This brings the eggs alive the uh the steak
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Starting point is 00:03:43 That's slash nickd. Blue Apron, a better way to cook. How are you, folks? World's coming apart at the seams since we last talked, right? Not really. Depends how you look at it. By the way, and get all the business out of the way, Jonathan Keller, thank you so much for another more than generous contribution.
Starting point is 00:04:03 The guy comes up big every month for the show, my boy Jonathan Keller, who came to the show when I was in Minneapolis with his wife. So thank you, sir, once again. What went on since I was at the Stress Factory in New Brunswick, New Jersey this weekend, this past weekend? It was great.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Vinnie Brandt, I got to be fair now because I remember I trashed him the last time I worked there because the shows were like three hours long. Vinnie Brandt is a great guy who owns the Stress Factory, okay? And he does comedy. He's a funny guy. And he hosts the show. And like most of us comics, he needs attention. But it's his joint, so he can go as long as he wants
Starting point is 00:04:45 and i had a big beef with him last time i worked there because it was like we were raising money for fucking cancer matter of fact i think he was actually raising seriously he was doing he was raffling shit off in between acts and but anyways i made my uh complaints known on this show and i remember him saying hey do i get to rebut or whatever and uh it's funny because i pulled into his parking lot uh at the stress factory in new brunswick and uh i pull in and he's all i put down he sticks his face in my window goes why do you hate me and i go i don't hate you at all which i don't this guy's like a hard-working guy he's got like six kids politically he's just like me uh and i said i don't hate y'all i hate the way you run the club and and why so we haven't
Starting point is 00:05:30 we start having this discussion in the park uh good natured but anyways the point being is uh you know he he took notes of what i said last time and And he opened like with a quick five or ten this time and then brought up the very Kendrick, funny Kendrick Cunningham. And and then, you know, made a couple announcements and brought me right up. And it's such a different club. The audiences are still fresh. See, I have a theory about stand up. A lot of comics do. an audience only has so many laughs in them okay you don't want more than an hour 25 hour and a half you really don't especially with today with social media youtube people have no attention spans after watching one minute clips all day and uh and he then he still runs these stupid videos before the show up on these screens you know of babies spitting up and
Starting point is 00:06:24 people falling off treadmills. And I still fucking hate that. That is so like, I don't know. But again, it's his club. And he's been doing it for 20, he's been there 26 years. So something, he's doing something right. But I just, I'm like, you're sucking laughs out of the audience. By having them have to, having to concentrate on, even on stupid videos.
Starting point is 00:06:50 But I don't think that's ever going to change but the point is he kept it tight and the shows went by really fast it was a painless weekend a couple of decent sized crowds look it was the most beautiful weekend of the year i can't compete with you know million dollar jersey shore homes i said that when i went on stage i said i coming down the turnpike people are passing me with kayaks on their car, giving me the finger like they knew I was heading to the stress factory. But a couple of the shows were surprisingly full. Not full, but excuse me, for this time of the year, I think Vinnie was pleasantly surprised. And crowds are always great there. Always great for me. And the last time I was there, and Kendrick Cunningham was with me, it was in the winter of 2014.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It was standing room only. There was people standing in the back last time I was there. So Vinny wants to have me back like in six months, and we're going to groom the Apollo fans to come out, which isn't that hard to do. Like I said, it depends what time of year at the Stress Factory. Bottom line is if you live in the area, support Vinny's Club because it's been there a while, and it's a fun place to work when he doesn't open with 145 minutes.
Starting point is 00:07:56 What are you doing? Excuse me. Excuse me. Mom! Take it easy. Lower it. I'm not going to lower it. I have to do this now. I don't mind you playing it, but lower it. I have to do it now.
Starting point is 00:08:16 That's Rupert Pumpkin. That was my old opening, remember? But I got to do this now. I got to do the show. What am I forgetting? I got other contributions. I mentioned slash Nick. La, la, la. La, la, la.
Starting point is 00:08:29 What's going on in the world of... And again, folks, I don't mean for this to be like a political podcast, but you got to admit we live in interesting times. And if I didn't acknowledge a lot of this shit, which I'm going to right up until the biggest election in the history of this country, in my opinion, you know. But we work in pop culture and other shit but uh speaking of all that uh holy christ huh about the uh brexit i don't think i've talked to you since the the results were final
Starting point is 00:08:59 they have uh officially well depends who you believe, exited the European Union. Save our gracious queen. And all the elites are in a fucking uproar. All the liberal jerk-offs and the pundits on TV are shitting their little pants. Oh, it's just hilarious, the narrative from the elites, whether it's in the media or whatever. They can't believe it because all the polls before the vote said that it looks like they were going to remain in the European Union. Every poll almost said that.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So it looked like a done deal. And holy shit, were they shocked when they woke up on whatever morning it was but uh yeah and uh like i said the libs i'll get to van jones you know the black dude he's on meet the press a lot well-spoken guy you know but he's one of those black fellas he hates whitey to to the core. He's like from Oakland. He wears a nice suit. But you can tell he just hates white people. And he's a smart guy. He's a smart guy. But he's on CNN now, I think.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And he had his take on it, which was so predictable. I'll get to that in a goddamn second. But, you know, everybody's saying, oh, it's about race and blah, blah, blah. Making, you know, making anybody who voted to exit this, you know, everybody's saying, oh, it's about race and blah, blah, blah. Making, you know, making anybody who voted to exit this, you know. Oh, it's all about those crazy white. Yeah, these guys. It's about crazy white, racist UK people, old white people who don't want change. But no, it isn't.
Starting point is 00:10:40 It's about fucking sovereignty. That's what it's about. We are all at fault now. We are all to blame. We's what it's about. Yeah. See, they don't want people. They don't want to be told how to live by people they didn't even vote for. Fucking faceless bureaucrats in Brussels
Starting point is 00:11:03 and all these elitist jerk-offs. They've had enough. Sound familiar? Anyways, that's who did have you believe. That's what it's all about, according to Van Jones and a lot of the liberal jerk-offs who just, oh, it's all about white racism and blah, blah, blah. No, it isn't.
Starting point is 00:11:30 They don't want to be told how to live their lives. People in Brussels, you know, that run the EU telling some guy who owns like a funk in, you know, you know, fix his shoes for a living in Manchester. You know, you're going to tell him. I mean, micromanaging. The curvature of a banana, they wanted to regulate that. How much, you know, how much polyester can be in your pillow? You know, how much soda you can drink? Like, you know, sound familiar?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Okay, they've had enough, not to mention borderless people, migrants pouring in and just completely changing the face of their country. And God forbid, God forbid you had a touch of nationalism that make you a fucking Nazi and blah, blah, blah. It's I love it. It's so refreshing what went on. And and I'm watching all the Sunday takes, all the shows on it.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And, you know, their take was on it? A lot of these people, because all the polls said that they were going to lose, the people who wanted to exit, so they just went out as a protest vote and voted. And that's how they won. But they really didn't mean it. They kept bringing up on these Sunday morning shows, you know what the second most Googled question was over the weekend? What is the european union and they were assuming that it was the people it was the people who voted to for
Starting point is 00:12:49 brexit they didn't even know what the european union would that was the narrative and that this was they really just did it as a protest vote because they thought they were going to lose anyways and look what happened now they've thrown the world into chaos that was the take on it i love how the fucking left can read into people's minds and hearts and you're a bigot and you're a racist just it's priceless their fucking arrogance is just priceless well you know what you fucked up you blew it you blew it yeah you fucked up there ain't no turning back oh, 3 million people signed the petition over the weekend because they want to have another referendum on this.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Tough shit. Is that how it works? Is that how it works? You vote and the outcome is not what you want, so we're going to do it again like double jeopardy? No, fuck that. And you blew it. You blew it.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, oh, we would never. That's the ladies. we would never that's the the the latest we would they would never never they would never leave the european union that's just stupid oh yeah and you know what a lot of the other countries are lining up in the union spain's already uh saying hey we we might want out and scotland who was forced staying they were fucking staying and they were like overwhelmingly for staying in it uh they're shitting their pants you know they're part of the uk scotland so now they want a divorce from the uk so they can fucking oh it's it's it's beautiful but this whole narrative of uh you know oh they didn't know what they were voting for and uh it's just what it's a it's just a rejection of globalism folks
Starting point is 00:14:36 okay and i love this because i can't who i can't remember who was arguing with another comedian going oh you're you know you know i said yeah i'm a republican oh your party is you're fucking voting for a lifestyle that's going away it's fucking you're a dinosaur oh really i guess not there's still a little life left in people who believe in borders and shit that's what this is about believing in your way of life your culture and again it might and and it is mirroring what's going on in our country trump was uh god bless him he was in scotland coincidentally enough uh you know at his club his uh golf club turnberry and he gave a speech he gave a uh reaction when when the vote came down and said yeah he, people have had enough of being ruled and blah, blah, blah. And and then they talked about, you know, the financial the pound is in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And he goes, well, frankly, that means more people will be coming to Turnberry. But that wasn't his only statement. And of course, Hillary's people made a commercial out of that already saying Donald Trump, just a selfish cocksucker. I'm paraphrasing because she wouldn't know nothing about sucking cock, big shrub eater. And and that's all they took from his statement is like one minute statement. Him saying, yeah, the pound's down. So people, frankly, be coming to my golf club. That's all he's about. Me, me, me.
Starting point is 00:16:00 What absolute horseshit. He stated that people have had enough and they want their they want their country back. They want, you know, they, me. What absolute horseshit. He stated that people have had enough and they want their country back. They want, you know, they want borders. They want to feel safe when they go to bed at night. But now let's focus on that. Hillary and Obama and the elitist jerk-offs, they're all on the wrong side of history right now. We shall see, because it's going to get messy. That's the other thing. People will shit in their pants. All the, you know, Branson, you know, the guy that owns Virgin Airlines, a multi-trillionaire,
Starting point is 00:16:29 and they're all shitting their pants because it threw the stock markets into chaos. And yeah, I felt like going, yeah, I wish somebody on the right would say, yeah, that's what change looks like. Real change. Sound familiar, don't it? That's what change looks like.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah, it's going to get ugly. And depending on who you believe, there's other politicians saying there's no way even after this vote there's no way they're gonna leave because uh it takes a couple years to extradite and blah blah blah everybody's gonna make a you know they it's so hilarious though reading into people's hearts oh they didn't know what they were voting for you fucking elitist jerk-offs. Do you ever, do you ever give it a rest? You know? And they're calling Trump the chaos candidate, and this vote over in England is going to throw the whole global economy into chaos.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Good, good. Let's mix it up. All we've been doing is whining. That's how much we hate politicians. Nothing gets done well this is what you got to do you got to shake the trees but i don't care how you twist it okay i don't care how you twist it bad news for hillary bad fucking news regardless of the abc poll that has her up like like 11 over trump but the rest of them have him within the margin of error or a couple points behind when you think about it that's great news for trump because he had the worst like fucking last couple weeks last month with the mexican judge slurs and
Starting point is 00:17:58 all that horse shit he just had a horrible couple months and supposedly money problems, and he got fired as campaign manager, and he's only still a cunt here behind thick-ankled dog face, which is bad news. And it's bad news for you if you don't make that deal. That's from The Godfather, folks. You remember that? Come on. But just beautiful.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Just it made my day to hear this, that the globalists, the the status took it right in the keister right and the dirty asses let's listen to one of the elitists uh van jones uh one of the brother who he was uh involved in radical oakland fucking street marching back in the day and uh he cleans up nice you know puts on a nice suit and like i said intelligent guy i actually want to like the guy i i see him on Bill Maher and shit, but I can see right through him. He's like Eric Dyson, you know, that other hateful whitey hater, that professor. You know, he's got that Isaiah Thomas smile.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I used to always hate Isaiah Thomas because I'd go, he fucking hates white people. I can see right through. And sure enough, remember, he shit all over Larry Bird. Instead of Larry Bird was just a black player, he'd be just another player you could just but they have the big smile they put on the suit they play whitey's game and you can see through them as dennis miller said like a bottle of uh used neutrogena but to his van jones um this was from his like youtube channel or whatever he's talking to a camera at home But he said all this shit on CNN, too. Here's his take.
Starting point is 00:19:27 He can't fathom that somebody, you know, another ethnic group might still have pride and want what they want. But here's his take on Brexit. Van, kick it, my brother. I know you don't want to hear this. you don't want to hear this but tonight while we're all just netflixing and chilling out not paying attention to anything yeah says who the uk just voted yep to leave the european union so-called brexit britain exit brexit you haven't cared about it nobody cares about it it's just summertime summertime. We're all happy. Says who?
Starting point is 00:20:06 This is the end of the world. As we know it. I love it. He's shitting his fucking big liberal panties. It's the end of the world. You heard him say it. I'm serious. You remember? I know what you did. Okay. Please take this seriously? What happened was you have this complete right wing, crazy, racist, xenophobic horror show that breaks out in the UK. They don't want no immigrants.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Does that sound familiar? They don't want. No, they don't want no illegal immigrants. They want their culture back. Sort of like you. Culturalism. Does that sound familiar? They don't want to have nothing to do with nobody, period, except for people who look just like them, basically white folks in Britain.
Starting point is 00:21:12 They say they can't even deal with white folks in Europe. They just want to be on their own. So everybody goes, no way. Who cares? These people are crazy. No, they don't. You vote for Brexit. If you vote to leave the European Union, you're going to destroy the economy.
Starting point is 00:21:32 You're going to be doing crazy stuff. You're going to crash your stock market. Does any of this sound familiar? Yeah. You have a movement of crazy people that are going for power, making lunatic arguments, and then you have good, thoughtful, liberal people saying, oh, that wouldn't be prudent. That wouldn't work out. And you blow it. The policies seem irrational. And then all the polls come out. And the polls say, hey, this thing is going to lose. There's no way that people would do something as stupid as voting for Brexit.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Nobody would do this. And the polls are so reassuring. Nobody? And all the liberal people and the smart people come on the air. And all these foolish people. Liberal smart people. They think that they would vote. This will never happen. Ah, liberal smart people. So what are you worried about?
Starting point is 00:22:43 Abyssed for the T at the end. And soon to be economic chaos. A best. Enough of your horse shit. See that? See the mentality? You see them in 17 million people voted for this, but it's because they were clueless and weren't paying attention. They're just fucking xenophobes.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Blah, blah, blah. It's all about white racism, not wanting to deal with other people that look like that. You see the mentality? And don't think that's just Van Jones. That's fucking Obama. That's thick-ankled dog face. That's fucking Biden, Harry Reid, name all the fucking douchebags. But according to Van Jones, it's, you know, that's what it's about.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You lost and you lost big stupid you don't have your finger on the pulse of this country or the fucking uk i like that song um but do you hear how he lives in an echo chamber that uh can you just tell he's never surrounded himself anybody that thinks differently all the smart people all the liberals are thinking they would never vote for something so stupid yeah how to have your finger on the pulse of what's happening in the world does it sound familiar yeah it does it's how donald trump vanquished 17 idiot republicans and how he's going to crush the thick ankle leathery nippled dog face come november and you're going to be even
Starting point is 00:24:11 15 times more shocked and uh because you don't know what's going on you surround yourself with people like fucking you know nbc and and and chuck todd and george George Stephanopoulos at ABC. I watch those morning shows and I fucking, I get up and there's like a bloodstain in my recliner. I'm just fucking gritting my teeth and screaming at the television. Just fucking dumb. Well, you lost. But again, like I said, who you believe. There's headlines today, bitter losers from all parties gang up to plot to stop Britain's exit from the European Union.
Starting point is 00:24:53 It was only voted on by 17 million people, but people, the heavy hitters, the big politicians are going to try to stop it anyways. Yeah, British and European politicians are applauding to block the uk's exit tony blair nicola sturgeon she's the first minister of scotland some pro remain mps members of parliament that would be and senior german officials said they have to rethink rethink is what we need to do now and the consequences of quitting the Brussels Club. No, I think the people have spoken. You see how quick they are just to fucking dismiss the people and what they want?
Starting point is 00:25:32 They want to run the world, these fucking tyrannical twats. All of them. Fucking disgusting. Desgraciado. The plotters hope a general election can be held later this year before the start of the formal process of quitting. Last Thursday's referendum could then be reversed. That's not what Cameron said, who stepped down.
Starting point is 00:25:56 David Cameron is the one who came up with this referendum, thinking it would solidify the UK and the European Union. And it blew up in his face, so he's, you know, he's stepping down officially like in October. But isn't that ironic, huh? He thought it was a done deal, and God forbid, the working class stiffs of the world. Yeah, those fucking crazy white racists in Britain spoke up. Meanwhile, top figures in Brussels have questioned
Starting point is 00:26:24 whether Britain will ever quit the union with a senior diplomat saying the divorce process will probably probably be delayed and then ditched really no kidding then you'll really have a fucking riot on your hands maybe that's the whole plan europe will be in a fucking uproar uh there'll be brawls and fucking riots over here during the republican convention the whole world will be and then uh uproar uh there'll be brawls and fucking riots over here during the republican convention the whole world will be and then uh that's what the paranoid people say and then you know what there'll be martial law right before the election and obama won't be able to leave office this is what i'm reading in some of but let's not get ahead of ourselves but some of it sense sometimes it's kind of creepy um yeah so they are uh yeah they were in a fucking upper over
Starting point is 00:27:11 there we shall see we shall see but cameron said no it's irrevocable. So I don't know who you want to believe. And then you had the Scottish leader, Nicola Sturgeon, or Nicola, however you want to pronounce it. She delivered the most explicit threat, saying Scottish members of parliament have to give their legislative consent, and she would advise them to veto it. White power to death. Northern Ireland wants to split. It's beautiful. A lot of the countries are going to be lining up now.
Starting point is 00:27:53 You think it's just Britain? Good luck trying to stop that fucking domino effect. Tony Blair also said a second referendum on the UK's membership should not be ruled out. Oh, did you? And why is he relevant anymore? Dink. Friend of Bill Clinton's. tony blair also said a second referendum on the uk's membership should not be ruled out oh did you and why why is he relevant anymore dink friend of bill clinton's ass licker i just love it don't you love it may you're living interesting times oh we are my but branson all the billionaires all
Starting point is 00:28:21 the fucking people with all the juice can can't believe that the little people have spoken and said, we don't want to fucking, we don't want you to micromanage our lives. We want our borders back. And Trump couldn't be in a better position right now. Like I said, he's fucked up in the last couple weeks so much, and he's still. That ABC poll, who took that, Step Monopolis? so much and he's still that abc poll who took that steph monopolist excuse me excuse me excuse me i uh i'm just fucking loving it though three million people i guess signed the petition over the weekend saying that we gotta rethink this we can't fucking do this i guess you know
Starting point is 00:29:03 they have to have a they have to talk about it in parliament when you get that many signatures. Keep talking. Keep fucking talking. They're gone. They're gone. He's gone. What?
Starting point is 00:29:14 He's gone. There's nothing we can do about it. He's gone. Remember Jimmy Conway? I should have pulled that clip. That would have been funny. Instead of me doing a dog shit imitation. It's a dangerous situation.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I watched the Sopranos last night. After I watched my shitty Red Sox get smoked again by the Texas Rams. Let me tell you about my Red Sox. And you know, I'm a fair guy. I was blowing their horn a couple weeks ago. They looked fucking dog shit the last two, three weeks. Now they're playing some serious teams like the Texas Rangers with the best record in the American League. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:29:46 Our pitching sucks a bag of Chinese douche fucking whatever. Just horrendous. David Price gave up. This is the guy we're paying 142 mil or whatever, 20-something mil a year, a big acquisition. Gave up 12 hits in two innings. Got slapped around like a fucking Mexican wife. What?
Starting point is 00:30:08 Okay, Italian. Okay, Polish. anything that doesn't offend you fuck what am i saying um yeah they stink so i actually shut him off and put on an old episode of sopranos and i watched janice shoot richie april right in the chest after she punched him after he punched her in the face and he goes shut your mouth to make my dinner and he sits down with his grease ball fucking shirt on and she comes around the corner with like a nine millimeter anyways uh that's what makes me sleep i watch i watch italian violence and then i go better go right to bed um so yeah i would say all in all the whole brexit thing uh hillary must be shitting her bloomers and uh the whole you know world coming together and one global economy holding hands and singing kumbaya that just took a kick right
Starting point is 00:30:58 in the balls or in hillary's case her big giant fucking Wilson A-2000 muff. And what's funny about it, Obama's 2012 campaign manager, his name slips me. It wasn't Axelrod. He was the first guy, right? I forget who it was. But he was a big part of helping, you know, helping the UK stay in the European Union. He went over there to do that, and nice job. Another fucking efficient person from the Obama team.
Starting point is 00:31:35 But Italy, now Italy wants a referendum, and it's fucking great. Then you got Boris Johnson. He's the guy who kind of started the whole Brexit movement. By the way, he was born on the Upper East Side, Manhattan, and he strangely looks like Trump's younger brother. He's got a shitty mop of yellow hair, just like Trump. It kind of looks like him in the face. He might be the next guy to, you know, take over after Cameron steps down. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I guess he was the mayor of London for a time. But it was like he was one of the guys that founded this movement. So it's hilarious. We'll have two blonde-mopped, blonde-haired, blue-eyed white guys running, you know, some of the biggest economies. Oh, my God. Van Jones can't take it. But the left will get violent and do something. They'll burn down the world before they let it happen.
Starting point is 00:32:26 So my right, sure. Oh, sure. What's next on the agenda? Speaking of violence, let's keep it up. There's more street violence in Baltimore. Rising rapper, Los Cuda, gunned down in northeast Baltimore, yo. 23-year-old, real name's names Tyrese Watson known as Tyrese lost scooter Watson was a targeted killing the cops say and you're saying
Starting point is 00:33:13 why is this relevant Nick gun control I don't hear anybody whining I don't hear a peep I don't hear a peep from all the people that was shit in their pants after Orlando they don't give a fuck they don't give a peep from all the people that were shitting their pants after Orlando. They don't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck when it's young black guys. Listen to these lyrics. It reminds me of Sinatra songs. Yeah, right in the middle of the street in Baltimore at an intersection. His car rolled into a liquor store right after all the shots went down.
Starting point is 00:33:55 7 p.m. Saturday night. The unknown suspect stepped into the street, opened fire on the victim. That's from the Baltimore Police Department. The suspect may be unknown, but the murder victim's well-known. Tyrese Watson. Guy was on the fucking move. The murder sparked a brief demonstration Sunday evening to end the violence. Again, this wasn't a gun control crowd. This was ending the violence.
Starting point is 00:34:27 But you don't want to look at the root causes of the violence, which is the dissolution of the black family. Anybody who brings that up is a racist. So we're never going to get the end of it. Why don't you just let the righties handle it? Just seriously, give it a shot. Replace the government check with something else, huh? Give it a shot Replace the government check With something else Huh?
Starting point is 00:34:46 But he was apparently A good dude He did a lot of community stuff Huh I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I don't know. He said the N-word a lot in that song, and it's just, I don't know. It makes me uncomfortable. But he did a lot of community meetings asking for calm, and it appears he was doing some things to change his life and use those experiences to help empower other young people. How? By writing songs like that? How? Nick, you're saying that the songs are causing the fucking...
Starting point is 00:35:34 Well, it ain't helping. You're glamorizing that lifestyle. I'm just saying, yo. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Just before he got murdered, he was at the Touch the People Pray for Peace in the Streets charity basketball game at Morgan State University. The eerie irony
Starting point is 00:35:54 that should just absolutely tick all of us collectively, this is a quote, is that he was leaving a peace rally. Ah, my left ear just went dead. I have tinnitus. One of my ears just went dead. It's like a loud... I'm going to drop dead doing a podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:13 He had just left a peace rally that was held at the local university. This is from the cop. Several shots were fired into the rap artist's car. He died at the hospital. Unbelievable. You know, The Game, right?
Starting point is 00:36:28 He's a famous rapper. He said he was in mourning. He took to Instagram saying another young one murdered just last year. The little homie was over my left shoulder and the huddle working.
Starting point is 00:36:43 The documentary documentary two every day in los angeles but the cops are saying it's a targeted hit they don't know why the suspect remains unknown and at large also police say there's a video surveillance footage but what that video shows is not being released at this time. Anyways, anyone with any information be an urge to call detectives at 410-396-2100
Starting point is 00:37:15 or call Crime Stoppers, which is 1-866-7-LOCKUP. Again, it really is senseless. But it goes on every weekend in Chicago. It's worse. Chicago, some neighborhoods, it's worse than the Middle East. That's no exaggeration. And where's all the people calling for gun control?
Starting point is 00:37:36 They don't. They wait until a bunch of gay people are slaughtered, and they can make political hay from it. And just, you know, they want us to believe that if they fucking outlawed this shit, these guys, the guy that killed this rapper, is not going to get his hands on a gun
Starting point is 00:37:54 because they follow the rules, right? It's the silliest goddamn logic I have ever heard. But anyways, I had never heard of the guy. But then again, I'm a 54-year-old white guy. It's not like you come to the Apollo podcast for your hip-hop news. But this made national news because the guy was up and on the rise. But let's not pretend to be surprised about this shit, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:22 As sad as it is. be surprised about this shit, okay? As sad as it is. Who else is in the news, ladies and gentlemen? What else, since I talked to you last? Oh. Headlines in the paper
Starting point is 00:38:41 Sunday. Jacko. Abused to own own nephew's police sources say. I don't know what to believe, but it looks like the evidence is overwhelming. Investigators were convinced Michael Jackson preyed on his own nephews. Several sources involved in the criminal probe. I actually love this song, but now I can't listen to it. Does that happen to you?
Starting point is 00:39:29 You have an artist, like when I was a kid, I loved Elton John, then it comes out of his game. It didn't change anything, but the songs, you're like, was he thinking about a guy when he wrote this? No. You know? It changes the whole. I don't know where to go. That's why no one got to know.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I'm starting with a bitch in the mirror I'm taking off the kid's pants I'm not gonna ban any quitter If I'm gonna spank a Cub Scout Take a look at my... Santa Barbara County detectives interviewed two of Jackson's nephews and another family member while investigating the king of pop for child molestation back in 2004-2005. This is just coming out now. But they believe Jacko silenced his families with gifts and threats.
Starting point is 00:40:21 We received a credible tip about the nephews. And as with many things that happened during the investigation jackson's people got wind of it and jackson spirited the one boy off to an island uh when that boy returned jackson also uh purchased him a brand new car i think this was the kid with the cancer right which we understood along with the trip was to shut oh it was a nephew his nephew to shut his nephew up but then the 18 year old nephew still hinted that something was amiss he was home alone and invited two detectives in offered refreshments and he also offered that he would be unwilling to talk about talk bad about his uncle that's what a prosecution
Starting point is 00:41:03 source said it was odd that he wasn't upset with a visit. He wasn't upset the detectives told him what they had suspected happened between he and Michael, and he never gave a real denial. Another nephew denied being assaulted by the dangerous singer. Dangerous is a song, in quotes. One family member said he feared there were several nephews who had already been victimized.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Okay, this is from a family member. And that he also feared that Jackson's own son, Blanket, was being groomed by Jackson for unsavory behavior. Again, last week we talked about this. They found, like, kiddie porn and torture videos and shit. So, I mean, come on. Can we connect the dots here without being fucking called racist, even though he's whiter than my sister's tits in the winter?
Starting point is 00:41:51 Well, how would you know that? I don't know. Somebody told me back in high school. Your cousin's tits. That was a bad one. What he told us was eye-opening. He told us that Jackson had for years tried to hide his predilection
Starting point is 00:42:02 for prepubescent boys. And that family matriarch, Catherine Jackson, knew about her son's activities with the boys, but was too embarrassed to do anything about it. He told us that Catherine implied that Hollywood turned Jackson gay. That's why I got out of there. I told you. I spent four and a half years there.
Starting point is 00:42:22 When I left, I had a nice summer skirt on and a big pink hat. Fucking lose my mind. Hollywood will do that to you, I'm telling you. She thinks Hollywood turned her son gay. That was the mother. But the family member said Michael Jackson was so screwed up on drugs. He was so screwed, he didn't realize that others were witnessing him touching little boys. He was never charged because the relatives wouldn't cooperate.
Starting point is 00:42:51 The family member told detectives that he had been ostracized from the family or even killed if he testified. The police interviews took place before Jackal's molestation trial began. Jackson was accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old cancer patient, but was acquitted. Four years later, the singer suffered a fatal overdose. We know all that. Anyways. I told you about last week, all the pictures they found. Of course, but
Starting point is 00:43:17 Jackson attorney Brian Oxman said the radar report mischaracterized art as porn. It's a picture, I guess. He used his, like, nephews in sexy photos. Used his own nephews in their underwear to excite young boys. But his attorney said that Radar mischaracterized art as porn.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Terrell, that was his nephew, is standing naked with a shirt in front of him. It is reminiscent of Kim Kardashian on the cover of GQ magazine. He had the photo done for an album cover. There were 50 people there at the photo shoot. So the attorney's saying it's bullshit. Jacko recorded and produced music with his nephews and, as revealed in a family member's tweet last year, eerily wrote a letter to the boy's late mother,
Starting point is 00:44:12 his sister-in-law, warning her to please read this article about child molestation and please read it to Taj. It brings out how even your own relatives can be molesters of children, even uncles or aunts, molesting nephews
Starting point is 00:44:25 and nieces please read love mj that is kind of creepy of course his other lawyer his estate lawyer howard weitzman said to the paper never michael jackson never molested anyone and whoever would say that he would harm his own children is ridiculous. He had 23 nieces and nephews, by the way. So believe what you want to believe. But when you find fucking videos,
Starting point is 00:44:55 kiddie porn and shit, and they said he had a doll of a Charminade Ramsey with a rope around its neck. I guess that's common, huh? Yeah, I think a lot of people have those, don't they? Sure they do. Creepy shit.
Starting point is 00:45:16 So, believe what you want to believe. I tend to, I was trying to defend the guy, but... No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. He said from the dead. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant.
Starting point is 00:45:32 It sure is to have a picture with your nephew naked, holding a shirt in front of him. For the love of fucking God, help us. Imagine how many people had to turn the other cheek that were close to him i mean come on they said he was so fucked up on drugs he didn't even know people watching him pull this shit off why would they say why would somebody make that up i don't know let's get to some more left-wing fascism shall we uh this comes under the heading of the new campus speech cops. On campuses across America, are we still calling it America? Even with the leftist fucks?
Starting point is 00:46:13 The thought police have a new tool. Listen to this. It's called the Bias Response Teams. Administrators who crack down on classroom insensitivity. Listen to this. I can't make this shit up. More than 100 U.S. colleges have set up BRTs. That's bias response teams.
Starting point is 00:46:35 The newshounds at Heat Street last week dug up a taste of how it works. A professor at the University of Northern Colorado got visited by the school's bias response team for imploring his students to think about opposing viewpoints. That's all he said to him. Heat Street's Freedom of Information Act request revealed that the professor had, number one, students read an Atlantic article about rising sensitivity of college students. And two, asked them to consider un-PC views on topics like global warming and transgender issues. That's all he did. That's all he asked his students to do.
Starting point is 00:47:12 A trans student thinked to the BRT, you know, you transgender people, you really aren't helping your own cause. A trans student thinked to the BRT that the professor mentioned the idea that transgender is not a real thing
Starting point is 00:47:29 and no one can truly feel like they are born in the wrong body. She wrote she was very offended and hurt by this. She ratted out the teacher. The BRT told the professor
Starting point is 00:47:41 to never talk about transgender issues again or even mention un-PC opinions on the topic, whether his or someone else's. Are you fucking hearing this, folks? Are you fucking? So why doesn't somebody get out of that college wherever this friggin happened? Northern Colorado, I guess. Why don't you get out there and find if you get kids going, if you give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I guess why don't you get on there and find if you get kids going there if you give a fuck and ask to speak to these people
Starting point is 00:48:07 that make up this uh bias response team talk to the administrators at the school and just fucking threaten their lives with violence
Starting point is 00:48:15 how about that how about that do you believe this this is like fucking Russia political asylums uh gulags for uh political rehabilitation that's that's what this is like can you imagine the brt told a professor never talk about transgender issues again or even
Starting point is 00:48:40 mention and why and the professor why don't you say go fuck yourself something called the first amendment oh because you get fired okay so you want to stay there and and and continue this type of horseshit and actually encourage it can you imagine and this is on a college campus where you're supposed to you know encourage debate other people's points of views and shit. That's what college is about. But not according to the leftist suckers of Satan's pee-pee. Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh. If, I mean, if I was that professor and they visited me,
Starting point is 00:49:20 I would be just like, You need to shut the fuck up! Exactly, right in front of your class. And then say that to the fucking transgender kid that ratted you out, he or she, and kick it in the balls or give it a tit twist or a poke its eyes up. But then you're finished. I mean, I mean, they're going to arrest you for your words. Nevermind. But, uh, of course I kid, but that's fucking ridiculous. Of course I kid, but that's fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Just when you think it couldn't get any worse. Am I right? You are correct, sir. We cut to Michael Jackson's bedroom, where he has a few of his nephews over. They even grossed me out. Boy, I'll tell you, huh? Between Michael Jackson and Bill Cosby, uh boy i'll tell you huh between michael jackson bill cosby there's a couple of icons uh that really really uh taking it right in the poop chute hey uh do you know that men work longer hours than uh women do do you believe i can't believe that that even put this out i can't
Starting point is 00:50:40 believe this headline uh actually uh made it to the fucking... Do you believe it? Employed men work an average of 42 minutes per day more than their female counterparts. Yeah, but how about the transgender ones? The ones that are both. How do you figure that into it? Pucks up all our statistics. Yeah. This is according to the study done by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Labor, that's kind of a sexist word. It implies... And while that's partially due to more women working part-time jobs and men even among full-time employees men worked 8.2 hours per day compared to women's 7.8 oh boy 0.4 difference thank you for bringing this to our attention this ought to change the fucking world thick-ankled dog face what do you got to say additionally 50 of women said they did some housework such as cleaning or laundry every day while only 22 of men said the same and uh 70 of women said they prepped or cleaned up food in average in average day
Starting point is 00:52:05 while 43% of men said they did the same thing. Why am I reading this to you? Well, but it's sort of going against everything you see on TV and every movie made for the last 30 fucking years
Starting point is 00:52:14 and every commercial and every doesn't it? Yeah, it does. Yeah. Watch the movie The Intern. You can see a guy,
Starting point is 00:52:24 you know, the thing with his baby, you know, the pouch. They carry the kid on your chest while the wife goes off to work. And I'm not saying that doesn't happen. I'm just saying these numbers sort of put it more into perspective, don't it? Men were slightly more likely than women to participate in yard work, 12% to 8%. Even in this article article i think the gist of it is just letting you know that see there's uh there's not much difference in us i do the cooking by the way in my house i fucking love to cook i cook like a dirty bitch yeah i do when i'm when i'm not using
Starting point is 00:53:00 blue apron i do my own uh. Yeah. I'm Italian and French and English. English, that doesn't help my cooking skills, but French and Italian. What else is, as far as,
Starting point is 00:53:13 women with children under six years old spend about an hour a day providing physical care to children, such as bathing, feeding, or bringing them
Starting point is 00:53:21 to Michael Jackson's what? Kill a guy? Dope! Men in the same category spend 25 minutes per day on physical care. Again, if you watch Hollywood TV or films, you'd think it was the other way around. That a woman spent 11 seconds and men spent two and a half hours a day pottering some kid's ass.
Starting point is 00:53:40 That's how it looks. But again, the point of the article, the gap between genders is narrowing. Men who prep food every day has increased from 35% to 43%. You can thank the Food Network for that since 2003. Over the same period, women who do housework every day has decreased from 54% to 50%. Oh, my God. The study interviewed about 10 900 people by telephone and uh that's just terrific so what
Starting point is 00:54:12 i'm saying is uh maybe that's why guys get paid two cents more than you girls i know you're all in a fucking uproar over that keep bringing up that fake statistic get ready to hear that one if the thick-ankled dog face gets elected she's bringing it up fucking every two seconds even now she makes me crazy this stupid fucking blabbermouth cut but when you figure in like experience and education and the type of job uh i think women actually make a penny or two more, but you're not going to hear that anywhere on TV because of the elitist leftist jerk-offs who run the world. Why, why, why?
Starting point is 00:54:52 Anyways, did I mention my Red Sox suck right now and I'm fucking furious with them? It's almost enough for me to watch soccer. You know I'm kidding about that, right? You're kidding. This was in the headlines. UN military vehicles seen
Starting point is 00:55:18 rolling down Virginia interstate this past weekend. People all in a panic and shit. That would kind of freak me out. What were United Nations vehicles doing in Virginia on Friday? That's what motorists were left to wonder when they saw UN tactical vehicles with bulletproof glass on flatbed trucks and rolling down interstate. 81.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Even I, folks, and I hate the UN and the whole global fucking thing, and like I said, there's eight people in a room that control the whole world. I've finally come to that conclusion after seeing thick-ankled dog face still out on the trail and not in jail. That, you know, even I was like, well, maybe they were bringing them somewhere to be shipped overseas. They're made in Pennsylvania, a lot of the equipment and shit. But then there's another part of me going, you know, there might be some heavy shit coming down. It doesn't make you feel, you see the local cops, right? Remember during the marathon bombing, 2013, you see the equipment they had? It's kind of creepy, all black trucks with no markings on them. So I do believe a lot
Starting point is 00:56:17 of that, but I don't think they're going to be this fucking overt about it. Just, you know, bringing trucks down on flatbed trucks and shit. You know, I don't think there were people in them. Could be wrong. Jeff Stern posted several photos on a Facebook, the description. Can't begin to tell you
Starting point is 00:56:35 how many of these I passed today on Route 81 near Lexington, Virginia. Interesting times ahead. So some people think some shit's going to go down. Other people, you know, I read the comment section too. Other like no you fucking idiots they make them in pennsylvania they gotta ship them up but uh there's this whole theory that something heavy is gonna go down
Starting point is 00:56:56 before now in november right this is the theory with a lot of people who uh you know people call them paranoid but uh after seeing what's going on in the world, I listen to everything and give it a little bit of thought that something's going to go down big. I don't know what. And Obama's going to have to enforce martial law and I guess under the Constitution or whatever, he won't be able to leave office.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Try pulling that one off. But I do get nervous when I see local law enforcement with this equipment that they could use in a fucking war. Like I said, the marathon bombing, it's kind of frigging creepy, man. Don't ever. And why would you just dismiss that? You've got to give it a little bit of thought.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Don't jump to the conclusion that we're fucked but don't rule it out either i don't blame people for thinking that it's a creepy world we're living in creepy times right now and uh to back that up that little bit of paranoia back in october 2015 the obama administration and the un announced global police force to fight extremism in the united states do you remember that loretta lynch sitting next to biden with a dumb look on his face yeah this was back in october 2015 loretta lynch announced the united nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network, SCN,
Starting point is 00:58:30 a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe. This amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws. This is some guys' take on up to and including the United States Constitution in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself without any consultation of Congress at all.
Starting point is 00:58:49 And I think that could happen here. That's what's creeping me the fuck out. That's why we have to get this blonde, mop-headed Mr. Trump in office and find out. We've got to get him in office quick before all this shit goes down. The United Nations is a, this is from a while ago, by the way, is a Sharia-compliant world body, and Obama, speaking there just days ago, insisted that violent extremism is not exclusive to Islam. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Obama is redefining Jihad terror to include everyone but the Jihadists. This guy says, this is from, I don't even write down the article where I got it. So will the UN, driven largely by the Sharia Enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation. That's the OIC. And the pro-Islamic post-American President Obama used a global police force to crush counter-jihad forces. Well, folks, this was written in October 2015. So a lot of shit has gone down that almost backs this up, doesn't it? So I can see why people get a little
Starting point is 00:59:47 nervous when they see trucks like this. Anyhow, I'll let you decide. I don't know what to believe anymore. But I know my radar is up. But I say yay for England. Yes, I do. I say yay for the Brits.
Starting point is 01:00:09 They had their own little tea party over there, is what they'd done. And Van Jones. Very touchy today, the iPad. That is it for today, folks. Oh, she's pissed. She can't believe. She's like, what the fuck? Probably yelling at people.
Starting point is 01:00:39 How did this happen? Do you realize we're on the wrong side of history? I'm telling you. Quinn, Colin Quinn told me that Hillary was going to be president like three years ago. Whenever this started two years ago. I still say no. But, god damn it, if she ain't still in the race. Anyhow, anywho, anything left, folks?
Starting point is 01:01:02 That is it. Again, go to slash Nick. slash Nick. Subscribe to the podcast. Get two to three more shows a week at $3.99 a month. And it's going great guns. Set a record this month for contributions, as far as numbers of contributions.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Like Bernie Sanders. You know? Haven't heard from him in a while either. I guess he endorsed Hillary or he's going to vote for her. But he didn't do it. With a smile on his face. All right. Go to for my dates, my tour dates.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I'm going to be at the brokerage of Baltimore Long Island on the 7th of July alrighty I think I got it all I'll talk to you guys you premium members I will talk to you tomorrow alright kids I saved the world today And everybody's happy now The bad things gone away
Starting point is 01:02:11 And everybody's happy now The good things here to stay The good things here to stay Hey, hey Have a good day, ladies and gentlemen. We'll see you next time. guitar solo I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm

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