The Nick DiPaolo Show - 143 - A World on Fire

Episode Date: July 18, 2016

A World on Fire...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, I'll be out in the city at the Bequick on Airline Highway, across the Amarillo Mall. Supposedly a lady came up and said there was a city walking with a coat and a assault rifle out here behind the store. Yeah, I was just sitting in this, behind the hair salon, just right next door to the Bequette. Fire hose. It was a shot fire, officer down, shot fire, officer down. Got a city officer down, shot fire.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Shot fire on the airline. I know, I know where the ground. Got a city officer down. Shot fired. Shot fired on the airline. I'm off the ground. I'm on with a second shooting bomb. One round. One round. Four, three, four. Four, three, four. Four, three, four. Ten three, you're traffic.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Ten three, you're traffic. Shot fired. Officer down. behind the building. And hit it round. Unknown where the judge is shooting from. So much resistance from behind. If I'm with stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down.
Starting point is 00:01:39 What's up, folks? Nick DiPaola podcast Monday. Can the world calm down for five minutes so we can do a lighthearted show on a Monday? Hasn't happened in a month. What the fuck? The world is on fire. Is it 2016?
Starting point is 00:02:03 1968? I can't tell. Can you? I mean, what in Christ is going on? Since I've talked to you last. Terror attack in Nice, France. Murder of three more cops in Baton Rouge. A coup in Turkey.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Holy shit. The turbulent 2016s. 2000s, I should say. Anyways, how you doing, folks? I'm not going to be a thousand laughs in this show, sorry. Which is good. Sometimes, but Monday, it's been a pattern, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Anyways, how are you? Nick DiPaola Podcast. This is the iTunes show. If you like it and you want to get more, go to slash Nick. slash Nick. You get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month.
Starting point is 00:03:20 You can also contribute to the show if you subscribe it. I want to thank my contributors like I always do at the top of the show. Robert Darrow, regular contributor. So is Jonathan Farino. Thank you so much, guys. Joshua Wiener, or Wiener.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Excuse me if I'm getting that wrong. And Valerie Burton. Not Valerie Burton, Ellie. Valerie Burton. Always contributing. Thank you guys so much. The lifeblood of the show. And tomorrow, for premium members uh and let's hope this happens because uh i talked to him uh this weekend and we were going to do it
Starting point is 00:03:54 sunday but arty lang that's right my old uh radio talk show comrade from nick and arty arty lang will be my guest tomorrow. Let's, you know, let's hold our breath. He's a little bit unpredictable, Artie, but, you know. So, yeah, he'll be on tomorrow for the premium members. And if you want to hear that, you go to slash Nick, like I said, sign up. He's always hilarious. And people know still speculating about what happened
Starting point is 00:04:27 but but but we don't we can't get into that because of uh you know stuff we signed the day we uh signed with direct tv so but uh you know we always have a ton to talk about we haven't seen each other in a while so it'll be uh fucking hilarious you know that much he's uh he's doing something with hbo and judd apatow i actually read for it uh it's a pete holmes is the star of the show i don't even know if it has a working title yet but we'll get into that and uh yeah it'll be a lot of fun because you know in contrast to what's going on in this fucking world my god what in christ creation uh where do i start i don't know baton rouge just boy and i'll tell you and i hate to keep harping on this but but until he gets out
Starting point is 00:05:22 until obama is out of office this race shit and and how you know this guy he was a biracial he could have been the guy to try to bring this country together racially and he's done just the opposite you know he came out after this baton rouge thing this weekend with three cops were gunned down by a psychopath. I'll get to the audio clips of the psychopath himself. But again, so this time he defended the cops without bringing up guns or whatever, because he has to. But he didn't even defend him.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It's not a full-throated defense. It's not in his blood. He doesn't, you know, instead of just coming out and going, you know. And if I hear one more time, I watch TV and I have to shut it off. I didn't even watch the morning shows on Sunday because I knew it would just be just be fucking. I don't know. I flipped on this week with George Stephanopoulos. You know, I had recorded it and I was fast forwarding and I I just happened to stop on Martha Raddatz doing some remote. I didn't even watch it.
Starting point is 00:06:30 She's walking down some tree-lined suburb street with a white, looked like a white suburban housewife, and I just clicked play for a second. I hear the white housewife going, I wouldn't know what it's like to have fear of the cops. Yeah, that's, I didn't listen anymore i didn't want to know who she was because yeah white suburban soccer mom that's the point of view we need um just ridiculous i i it's just exasperating you know if i hear one more time well the cops and obama had said this the previous after previous tragedy
Starting point is 00:07:05 cops have to you know rethink their policies and he keeps equivocating and you have to take into account black lives matter is legitimate but just really they have to take into account their policies do you understand how much cops have changed their policing and they have all these i mean if a cop looks at somebody wrong they have to take sensitivity training and blah, blah, blah. And I get buddies who are cops. I got a buddy who just retired. He's a cop for 30 years in Miami. I got another couple buddies in Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I got a friend who actually got shot on the job. And, you know, to hear that, oh, they have to rethink. Do you understand how much police stations have changed, police departments across the nation over the last 30 years or so with all the programs and the training? And the biggest change is minorities filling roles in the upper brass of police departments all over the country. So they have changed. They're the ones who are changing. In this fight, in this, you know, between Black Lives Matter and cops, there's one side that hasn't changed in England since the 60s.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And who, you know, you have to bring in the subject of the dissolution of the black family. And that hasn't changed since the 60s was it daniel patrick moynihan was that the guy that did a whole study in the 60s about this very problem about illegitimacy and and and and how it's just going to get worse and worse and it has he was right on the money he rolled this like in the 60s i think think. And so, you know, one side hasn't changed an inkling. And because of, you can blame it or whatever, but it's not the Republicans
Starting point is 00:08:50 who rely on the welfare state to get votes and whatnot. So one side has changed and made efforts to change. And you're not going to convince me and anybody with a half a mind that even in the Baton, even in the Louisiana shooting of the cop, mean of uh alton sterling the guy in the parking
Starting point is 00:09:10 lot and the minnesota k you're not going to believe me either of those all those cops woke up that morning say i'm going to kill a black guy because that's what your narrative is on the left that they're just racist and and it's it's suchhit. And I have a ton of statistics from a retired cop that my cop friend in Minnesota sent me about this retired cop from Illinois who wrote a whole article. And, you know, at some point you can't just voice your opinion. You have to look at data and numbers and statistics. And it just doesn't prove it out.
Starting point is 00:09:44 It's that there's an epidemic of cops hunting you know unarmed black and and sharpton gets involved again and and it's just it's fucking outrageous it's outrageous and and and you know uh there's a guy a cop he's the head of cleveland police association president steve loomis uh who came out but let's get get to the particulars of the killings in Baton Rouge of the three cops. We know all about that killer. Gavin Long, his name is. He was actually in the military. Did a year in Iraq in 2008.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Got to the rank of sergeant. He had a one-year deployment. He just, he started, he just, he, you know, sort of cased his gas station where the cops go and stuff. And he was wearing body armor. He knew, he was stalking the, like, you know, he cased the joint
Starting point is 00:10:47 where the cops went to get gas and stuff for like six days. There's a car wash there, I guess. And one of the cops that was shot was vacuuming his car
Starting point is 00:10:56 at the time. A lot of balls, huh? On this piece of garbage, this fucking subhuman piece of garbage. And that's what he is. He was associated with the nation of islam and uh i got some youtube audio of him he used to put up stuff on videos on youtube always calling for violence against white america and revenge for the death of Alton Sterling.
Starting point is 00:11:26 That's the guy that was killed by the cops. And again, you got to let the shit play out before you go crazy. But this guy seems like he was crazy. But I'm not going to let him off the hook that easy that he was just mentally ill
Starting point is 00:11:36 because it's a little more than that. Let's see. The cops, the three cops, let's mention their names. Montrell Jackson, who was a black cop by the way and um matthew gerald i think he was on for less than a year and brad garofola and there's another cop in critical condition and two suffered non-life-threatening injuries so um just the fucking act of a coward this kid by, by the way, went to University of Alabama for a semester.
Starting point is 00:12:09 He was in his military records. It says law enforcement sources say that the newspaper, The Advocate, that longs military record matches that of a so-called spiritual advisor, life coach, and author who went by the name Cosmo Setapenra. Setapenra. The paper reported long posted videos on YouTube, a series of them called Convos with Cosmos, titled Protesting, Oppression, and How to Deal with Bullies. But the cops, fuck him him let's talk about the cops
Starting point is 00:12:45 the guy gerald was 41 years old was on the force for less than a year carafola had was with the sheriff's office for 24 years casey raybourne hicks uh hicks also identified oh he was the uh reporter identified the injured sheriff's deputy as 41 year old uh nicholas tell year an 18 year veteran and 51 year old bruce simmons a 23 year veteran tellier is in critical condition simmons has a non life-threatening injuries but this kid was just a complete just a fucking just a ball of hate and just you listen to his shit on YouTube and you can just. You can just see that he's just a product of the fucking media feeding his head with fucking horse shit.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Just that victim mentality from day one. Here's here's a clip of him spewing his shit online. But, you know, his life matters. You know, what did I say in my last episode you know your rights but then you got to stand on your rights it's two parts to freedom knowing your rights doesn't mean nothing especially in this world ran by Devils ran by Devils that's ran by Devils get this little tip few people if you're following somebody like this, if he can't conjugate a verb, probably the rest of what he's saying is probably horse shit because he's so fucking ignorant that he can't even conjugate a verb.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Ran by devils, meaning white people, obviously. Through your head right now. Devils run this. Devils. They don't understand your words. Worse. It doesn't click in in there it doesn't get through to them blood revenue that's the only thing that gets to and they say this is a history 100 i'm almost at a loss of words because i hope you're getting what i'm trying to say to you
Starting point is 00:14:41 but by the way this could be a lecture at fucking Brown University, Yale, fucking, well, pick any school, Boston University, University of Vermont. This would be a guest speaker at pretty much any college. I heard knowing the rights is not going to stop anything.
Starting point is 00:14:56 You got to stand on your rights. You see, that's what separates me from the seven billion. And that's why I'm so powerful because I stand on my rights. And if you go back to my episode, I give you an so powerful because i stand on my rights and if you go back to my episode i'll give you an example of when i stood on my rights if i'm peaceful protesting and they come up that's why i don't go to protest because i know i speak well i'm articulate i can motivate i can inspire he speak well they ran by devils he speak well he articulate yeah and those are the ones they arrest
Starting point is 00:15:28 so i know they would try to arrest me and i know i would die right there because you're not going to kidnap me i i know my rights but i stand on my right go cool for coco puffs that's what separates me that's why they're so afraid of me. They're like, no, because that's the key. If what I got in me, the courage, the tenacity, the bravery, if that spreads, then it's all over. Because that's what the revolution is. Once it gets to the point where people stand on their rights. It's not knowing your rights.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Knowing your rights is nothing to a bully. It's nothing to a demon. It's not knowing your rights. Knowing your rights is nothing to a bully. It's nothing to a demon. It's nothing to a devil. You gotta stand on your rights. Just like George Washington did. Just like all the other white rebels that they say. You know what I mean? And we celebrate and salute.
Starting point is 00:16:21 How confused. That's what Nat Turner did. You confused Nat Turner with. You can be Nat Turner. You can be Malcolm with George Washington. Confused young fellow. And men, this is all for you. I don't even want to see women at rallies and all that. I feel embarrassed by seeing that.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Let me tell you what the, and I want to leave because I don't want to make this video. You hear what he said? He's embarrassed when he sees women protesting. Because that's protesting for women, by the way way he says that in another video but let me tell you our mindset in africa one of the elders was telling me our mindset before the europeans even arrived it's got a summer home in africa apparently they was you know still in the mountains and stuff our mindset was this when we would um battle with, you know, entities that would come in, say the Asians or whatever, Middle Easterners would come in,
Starting point is 00:17:08 this was the mindset. When the men would go out to fight the enemy, you wouldn't come. The woman would tell her man, you don't, if you come back here, defeated, I'm killing you. Wow. If we could spread that type of philosophy in the hood.
Starting point is 00:17:31 The man knew he couldn't go home. Either he killed his enemy or he died. That's it. Sort of like a Saturday night in Detroit. You see that? If the kid sees that shit, well, damn, my daddy came home and he got his ass whooped.
Starting point is 00:17:49 He's just a bitch. What you think the kid gonna grow up? I'd rather have this motherfucker die. At least now the kid knows to stand for something. Here's some parenting tips for you. Folks. So this is a mental disease. This is what I'm Stand for something. You see... Here's some parenting tips for you, folks.
Starting point is 00:18:07 So this is a mental disease. This is what I'm talking about, the holistic aspect of the shit. Y'all taking on mental diseases. This shit is deeper than you can even imagine. Some shit that you didn't see, so you take it. This ain't much... And if you listen, this ain't much different than what Sharpton spews
Starting point is 00:18:21 and Malcolm X did and shit. And it really hasn't changed over the years. Take it on. So you think it's wrong when you fight back, but you celebrate it when somebody else fights back. But Hey, salute to the rebels, man.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I'm out here. I'm in these streets. You look up, you get up and don't ever give up. I like how he turns into, it sounds like a workout, but also he turns into the black Tony Horton. Don't ever give up.
Starting point is 00:18:48 If you got to do one more push-up, do two more. That's five-minute insanity right there with fuck-face. Oh, my God. What the fuck? You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White, onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time yeah so and i'm sure somebody somewhere is white lips probably you know deep down in their hearts probably think he's a martyr and a hero they'd never say that uh
Starting point is 00:19:19 you know how about that miss uh was it miss she was voted miss alabama or whatever that black girl she put herself on facebook in the car whatever saying right after the dallas shoot and she didn't want to admit it but she looked at the guy that shot the five cops in dallas as a martyr yeah who's the problem it's the cops yeah yeah that's what's happened you know as far as this goes you know they've been perpetuating this myth for 50 years. Keep saying a lie enough and it becomes the truth. And it has when it comes to this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah. But, yeah, he was a Marine. Get discharged in 2010. He had a rifle. He's wearing all black attire and uh you know then he went around trying to he was he wrote a book he was going like door-to-door preaching and uh there's a clip of him i'm gonna play now he's preaching and he has like a young black guy get in the car with him and he's preaching to this kid but it's a book he wrote and um this is more of the fucking genius we know
Starting point is 00:20:26 is uh gavin eugene long i'm out like i said i'm promoting my book let me give you my book also bro elevating our people you know educating our people ain't nobody gonna give us the knowledge that we need ain't nobody is a good author for you that's what i'm out here doing about the author yeah i wrote it man that's me when i was i wonder if there's a picture of him in the back, you know, on the cover, on the back. How about the author? Him choking like a little white kid or something. Just a ball of fucking hate. Never hear black people being called bigots or racist, though, do you, in the media? No. And it's the media. The media is even more evil than this kid, in my opinion. They've been flaming this shit for fucking like i said for the last at least 30 years 40 years flaming it especially today's media
Starting point is 00:21:11 just fucking outrageous africa yeah bro yeah bro yep yeah bro that shit gonna get you right i'm telling you man what's he talking about a book or weed yeah man everybody love that shit gonna get you right, I'm telling you, man. What's he talking about, a book or weed? Yeah, man, everybody love that shit. I'm telling you, man. I wrote it for my dark-skinned brothers, too, nigga. You gonna hop in? Yeah, bro. A lot of good authors refer to the, you know, people that they're trying to sell the books to as nigga, and... Right. Colin Powell, did he do that at Barnes & Noble when he was pushing his book?
Starting point is 00:21:44 Maybe Richard Pryor. I'm telling you, man, we know, us light-skinned niggas know how hard y'all got it. Watch out for that CD. Hold on a little. Yeah. We know because if you look at all the records. That shows what a psycho is. The guy's getting into the car and he's saying, we're defending you light-skinned, you know, brothers.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And he goes, watch out, don't sit on the CD. He had a fucking C, you know, NWA probably he goes, watch out, don't sit on the CD. He had a fucking C, you know, NWA probably on his fucking passenger seat while he's preaching his hate. He goes, don't step on that CD.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It was like, you know, Black Panther, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X and shit, Elijah Muhammad, they was light skin. But we know how hard y'all got it.
Starting point is 00:22:20 You get what I'm saying? Because y'all the ones that really got the power. Y'all the roots. Do you hear the obsession and skin color and dark versus light skin? Just fucking consumed with it. Just a firecracker waiting to go off.
Starting point is 00:22:38 You see what I'm saying? So we got to be out here for y'all. Yeah. Glad you got my back there. He said he talks about the alton sterling shooting that was a louisiana guy that the cops killed in the parking lot uh you know had the gun on him and waving the cds and he said if i would have been there with alton clap that's you know slang for bang shoot kill but um just a crazy motherfucker but not not like crazy like oh lock him up like crazy like uh you know filled with hate crazy so uh yeah that's the but uh just so tired i can't
Starting point is 00:23:23 even watch it i i don't even i i i literally, this weekend, every time I put on a show, a new show, and they started to get into this dialogue and shit, I had to, like, pause it and go outside and cut the grass and then come back and ingest a little bit at a time. But, you know, instead of Obama just being a leader and coming out, and like I said said this time was the closest he came to defending the cops but because he had to not because he wanted to after so many incidents under his watch what a disaster what a fucking disaster as a president unbelievable
Starting point is 00:24:00 it's, you know, community organizing. That's what's ironic about it. That's who we elected. Country's never been more disorganized ever. But there's a guy a cop uh he's a president of the cleveland police association named steve loomis um and there's a website uh mediate reports that uh says steve thinks the president is partly to blame for the actions of the perpetrators who executed the three Baton Rouge police officers by pushing what he calls a false narrative surrounding the death of Alton Sterling.
Starting point is 00:24:55 And we have Loomis on here, a clip of him. And it was such a breath of fresh air because I think he hit the nail right on the head and said what needs to be said. And I've been waiting to hear it forever but this is uh Steve Alomas Cleveland Police Association a president the president of the United States validated the false narrative and the nonsense that Black Lives Matter and the media are pressing out there to the public, validated it with his very divisive statements, and now we see an escalation. This has got to end. We need some leadership in this country to step up and put an end to this, because it's the false narrative and very influential people that are politicizing the false narrative. Absolutely insane that we have a president of the United States and a governor of Minnesota making a statement that they made less than one day after those police-involved shootings. And those police-involved shootings, make no mistake, are what absolutely has triggered this rash of senseless murders
Starting point is 00:26:12 of law enforcement officers across this country. It is reprehensible. And the President of the United States has blood on his hands, and it will not be able to come washed off. Yeah. Amen. Unbelievable. It's true though. After the Minnesota shooting, remember the
Starting point is 00:26:33 governor comes out with his name Dayton and goes, well, if I say if they were white-haired, I don't think it would have happened. Before the facts were even in on both cases and then the president jumped in i mean that is like fucking politics 101 not to do that i'm fucking believable just stoking the flames because deep down it's what he wants he's a
Starting point is 00:27:01 fucking radical i don't care if you disagree with me or not it's embarrassing that we voted in this guy that we knew nothing about we did actually some of us did but it was time for the first african-american president and uh you know but but i'm sure it's time for the first woman president and because that's the way we do things now fucking disaster disaster. So since then, though, since the shooting and the five cops killed in Dallas and now this yesterday, between the two attacks, law enforcement
Starting point is 00:27:36 officers from Georgia to Michigan have been shot in incidents that have drawn not much attention with the Dallas shootings 31 law enforcement officer died in the line of duty so far compared with 18 who had died at this point in 2015 and those back then weren't all targeted that's what makes this fucking creepy but since then you know between these two shootings
Starting point is 00:28:07 a black army veteran Lakeem Keon Scott targeted police in a shooting on July 7th along a highway in Bristol Tennessee one woman was killed three other people were injured including one officer who was white in St. Louis suburb of Baldwin Missouri One woman was killed. Three other people were injured, including one officer who was white.
Starting point is 00:28:37 In St. Louis, a suburb of Baldwin, Missouri, an officer was shot from behind and critically injured during a traffic stop while he was walking back to his patrol car on July 8th, the day after the Dallas shooting. That same day in Valdosta, Georgia, a shooter lured an officer to his house with a 9-11 call and then opened fire on him. That guy was a recovering drug addict, allegedly, and wanted to, you know, die by suicide by cop. Also on July 8th in Georgia, another officer on patrol became a target when a motorist pulled up and fired at him in Roswell, which is north of Atlanta. And then we had the, you know, we had the two bailiffs,
Starting point is 00:29:06 both former policemen that were shot and killed by an inmate. Oh, that guy was white in Berrien County Courthouse in Michigan. The point being, it's open season on cops
Starting point is 00:29:15 and the media is fanning the flames by even giving any credence to Black Lives Matter. And again, that was fucking founded on a myth michael brown ferguson missouri hands up we all found out that was a myth even eric holder with his agenda couldn't fucking pull that one off
Starting point is 00:29:34 but uh yeah so i have a i have a cop friend in minnesota and um he sent me a couple articles that were by a guy named Jim Glennon. And you're going, well, who is Jim Glennon? He is retired, the owner and lead instructor for Calibre Press,
Starting point is 00:30:00 retired from the Lombard Illinois Police Department after 29 years of service, rising to the rank of lieutenant. He commanded both patrol and the investigations unit. In 1998, he was selected as the first commander of investigations from the newly formed DuPage County Major Crimes Homicide Task Force.
Starting point is 00:30:18 He has a BA in psychology, a master's in law enforcement, justice administration. He's the author of the book Arresting Communication, Essential Interaction Skills for Law Enforcement. Sort of knows what he's talking about. I think he might have a little more insight than Obama or Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, who compared cops to the Klan this weekend. You know, it's a con game.
Starting point is 00:30:44 But let me, I'm going to read you. I'm going to read directly from this Jim Glennon. He says, I've been studying stats for quite a while. No database is perfect. Even raw data can reflect bias in the way it was collected. So I try to diversify my sources. There's the FBI, the Bureau of Justice of Statistics, the CDC, Senate for Disease Control. Among popular media, there are stats to be found, too, from the Huffington Post to the Washington Post and The Guardian.
Starting point is 00:31:11 The media loves stats, especially when they comport to well-worn narratives. Pundits and politicians cite numbers out of thin air to bolster their arguments. People then repeat the nonsense like gospel. He says, we all have bias me too and i try to see past it if i can i do this by beginning with statistics that show police in the most negative light i take them as a premise and then see if there's validity among other data sets to form both an opinion and realistic picture of what's going on when it comes to police officers and using force yeah it's the
Starting point is 00:31:45 same temperament that's the same type of thought that you know sharpton uses and uh farrakhan today i'm dressing these stats addressing these stats as fairly as i can make them then he says a few rough numbers depending on who you read or listen to we have between 700,000 and 800,000 police officers working the streets of this country from around 18,000 different law enforcement agencies how many face-to-face verbally engaged contacts do these officers have with people every year the most I've ever seen was an FBI stat in 2012 that said we have approximately 40 million face-to-face contacts that's a lot unfortunately it's also very wrong here's why if you use a compromise average of 750 000 as the number of police officers in the country then 40 million means on average cops have contact with a grand total of
Starting point is 00:32:39 53.3 people every year figuring we work as an average of 225 eight hour shifts a year that would mean we would have contact with people about every four to five days or 0.237 people every day not even half a person contacted per day doesn't add up then he says this is just me estimating based on 30 years experience as a cop but i believe at the very minimum we have face-to-face verbal exchange interactions with at least 15 people a day and he said that's probably a low estimate so take that 15 multiply by 225 work days per year that equals 3,375 people per year multiply that by 750,000 officers, and that means the cops encounter face-to-face 2,531,250,000 people every year. That's impossible, right? I mean, we only have
Starting point is 00:33:35 320 million living in the U.S., so how can we encounter over 2.5 billion? Then he says, easy. We see the same people over and over and over again on average by the way we arrest over 30 000 human beings every single day that's over 10 million most granted of a small arrest such as traffic violations loitering petty theft and disturbances but it also includes arrests for violent crimes such as robbery rape aggravated assault and murder if you examine the stats of offices being feloniously killed you will find that most were not involved in the investigation of violent crimes but rather petty nonsensical calls from noise disturbances to checking on suspicious people but back to the stats and the epidemic of police violence in quotes that is being pushed shamelessly by political candidates, media, and activists.
Starting point is 00:34:27 He says that, here's where it gets good. If we do indeed have contact with people 2,531,250,000 times every year and we shoot on the outside, shoot, not kill, 3,000 000 of them that means we shoot people and this is the number 0.000011851 percent of the time we encounter the humans we supposedly epidemically abuse if you round that number down it didn didn't even happen. And remember, of those 3,000, the very vast majority of them did something feloniously or dangerous that forced the officer to shoot. Epidemic? No way. Do bad shoots happen? Of course they do. Incredibly rarely.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And they are addressed in court. See, but if you bring numbers like this up to Mark Lamont Hill, have you seen him? He used to be on Red Eye with me, this black guy. He's like, he had a PhD in, I don't know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:35:34 I'm not even sure, political science. Columbia guy. Not a dumb guy, but just a total, he was on this weekend, I guess, on CNN. I saw a clip of him online this morning this gets into a shouting match with a guy who's citing statistics
Starting point is 00:35:50 you know and uh just gets all emotional and and and the guy brought up fbi statistics he goes oh yeah i'm sure those are real you know so the fbi is making up numbers now i mean give me a fucking break one side doesn't want to admit it has a problem, okay? This narrative, seriously, this narrative that cops are going around and then you hear, you know, black people going, well, you don't know what it's like to be black and the, you know, the cops treat us differently. Well, yeah, probably based on their experiences.
Starting point is 00:36:28 But they're not fucking shooting you intentionally or hunting you down. But the White House wife on ABC, I wouldn't know because, you know, I don't know what it's like to feel threatened by police. Yeah, because you know why? Jails aren't filled with a lot of white suburban soccer moms. They sort of behave themselves. There's a correlation there. That's all I'm saying. But if you look at, seriously, statistics,
Starting point is 00:36:54 you can't argue with those friggin' numbers. And the guy's trying to be conservative in his analysis. Anyhow, yeah, so that's Lieutenant Jim Glennon. So, and author of the book, Arresting Communication, Essential Interaction Skills for Law Enforcement. So, they're hardly hunting people down. It's hardly an epidemic. But Obama keeps playing that up. And so does the fucking liberal jerk-offs in the media.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Because, I don't know, it sells. I guess it sells papers or advertising. You know, your ratings go up, right? If it bleeds, it leads. Isn't that the fucking... I think it's more insidious than that. It's just their fucking liberal retarded view of the fucking world. And, you know.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Anywho, enough of that shit. So that, again, what else was going on with the week? Oh, and then, you guys, the last time I talked to you, hours after I talked to you,
Starting point is 00:37:55 that horrible attack in Nice, I mean, these aren't like stories we can ignore. I'd love to come on, you know, fucking do some lighthearted shit. But the guy with the truck and fucking niece just, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:13 I guess he wasn't like technically, you know, but, you know, I was going to say an ISIS member, but, you know, but more shit's coming out that he was radicalized by their propaganda, which is, you know, the same thing, isn't it? Results in the same shit. But yeah, I couldn't believe what I was fucking watching on TV. But stuff's coming out about him. He had a lot of fucking problems. Bastille Bay terror killer Mohamed Lahouaj Boulal regularly used dating sites to pick up male and female lovers. To pick up male and female lovers.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Details of 31-year-old's personal life have emerged from his mobile phone, which is in the possession of police investigators. It reveals that despite claims that he had recently been radicalized into a strict Islamist, he was bisexual, drank alcohol, and smoked drugs. The phone was picked up by police officers after they shot him dead Thursday, and they're getting all kinds of info. The phone's providing the cops say more important to the investigation than the seven suspects currently in custody for links to the terrorists. They range from two Albanians suspected of supplying a pistol to Boulou
Starting point is 00:39:42 and others whose numbers appeared on the phone. But the device itself is full of messages, videos, photographs, including ones of men and women Bulel had recently slept with. That's a dangerous combination. Gay guy in the closet, then you layer on some Islam on top of that. That's a fucking perfect storm of shit waiting to happen, isn't it? Sure it is. Yeah, that's a fucking perfect storm of shit waiting to happen isn't it sure it is yeah that's fucking um what a gutless fucking i was gonna say cocksucker but i don't want to offend anybody uh bulel loves sending selfie photos to people and would record all of his relationships with other people however brief he visited gyms and salsa bars. Are we talking about a terrorist or Geraldo Rivera? What?
Starting point is 00:40:28 He visited gyms and salsa bars regularly and would also visit websites showing pictures of executions. Nice. Bulel also talked of his delight in obtaining a 7.65 pistol and his hope of getting other weapons. One text message read, bring more weapons. Bringing in five. An earlier text read, it's good. I have the equipment. You know, and Al-Qaeda, there's a book, their magazine Inspire, like fucking five years ago. There's an article right in the magazine Inspire saying to use a truck as a weapon and just to run over people and shoot at them. And this shit happens in Israel like every other day by crazy Palestinians. So one theory being looked at is Balul was intent on committing suicide. He had planned his own death in the style
Starting point is 00:41:16 of a terrorist attack. This theory was being supported by some of the information gleaned by those in custody. These included Razmi Arifa, a 22-year-old who is known to have spent time talking with Balul before the attack. I'm seeing shades of, you know, Omar Martin. Wasn't he a kind of a confused fella? I don't know what you want to believe. They said, you know, that he was seen in gay clubs
Starting point is 00:41:39 and he used to go to the club Pulse all the time. And some people are saying that wasn't true. Some people are. So wasn't true some people are so um you know that's a kind of fucking volatile combination but um this guy was a psychotic his father said he was on meds and shit and when he didn't when he didn't take his meds he would break up anything in front of him just physically like destroy it and shit um but again let's not pass it off as just mental illness it's funny how it you know the symptoms manifest themselves and signing up and doing shit like this but uh
Starting point is 00:42:14 yeah haunting text message found on phone of isis. 84 people. And that's going to go up, that number, by the way, because there's about 50 people fighting for their lives in hospitals. By the way, they found a cache of weapons, including guns and grenades, were found on the back of that truck that he mowed people over with. And it's weird because I thought I heard when I was watching the news that they said there were, I thought they said... At one point, I know they said. I didn't imagine that they were toy guns. I don't know if that's been debunked.
Starting point is 00:42:49 But there were grenades. He was shooting people out the fucking window as he's running them over. That's it. We have a lot of psychos in this country. But that one... That's fucking crazy. You know what bums me out? He's got the same physique as me.
Starting point is 00:43:06 He's got pictures of himself on a... A guy that looked like he used to be in shape. And yesterday, ISIS claimed responsibility and also released a video glorifying the slaughter of the innocent families in Nice. That's the thing, you know, just fucking... Families there with kids. 10 kids get killed and uh and this morning detectives swooped to arrest a man and a woman who remained in custody this was yesterday along with five other
Starting point is 00:43:35 suspects including his ex-wife before the attack balul made a chirpy phone call home before sending brother jabir a snap of himself posing with pals in the French resort at 4 p.m. At 10.30 p.m. the Tunisian who was on medication to control his rage they should have upped the dosage I'm guessing and said to suffer severe psychotic attacks
Starting point is 00:43:56 drove the 19 ton truck through the crowd that was there to watch fireworks. His brother said, his brother's 19 said he sent this selfie and told me he was happy and everything in life was normal of course he did those are the ones that snap quinn used to do a bit about how people snapping it was so good about a mailman remember mailman was shooting shooting up uh there was a string a few years there were mailmen were shooting up their workplace. Of course, terror chiefs posted a statement this morning
Starting point is 00:44:30 calling Belal a soldier of the Islamic State. The statement reads, Executor of the deadly operation in East France was a soldier of the Islamic State. So they're sort of taking credit after. Before that, he was known for, like, petty crimes and shit, you know? Really fucking gruesome.
Starting point is 00:44:53 ISIS terror chiefs leader urged supporters of the terror group to run over the filthy French two years before last night's devastating attacks in Nice. Un-fucking-believable.
Starting point is 00:45:09 All this since I talked to you guys last Wednesday. What the fuck? I haven't even got to the coup. I like to call it a coup. The coup in Turkey. The P is silent. What the fuck's it there for? Kenny Rogers needs to have a green pit on. What the fuck's it there for? Kenny Rogers needs to have a green pit on him.
Starting point is 00:45:28 What the fuck's his name? Yeah. Oh, by the way, breaking news this morning. Baltimore Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams has ruled that Lieutenant Bryant Rice, he's the highest ranking Baltimore city police officer that was facing charges in the Freddie Gray thing. He's not guilty of all the charges he faced, which was involuntary manslaughter, reckless endangerment, and misconduct in office. And you know who should be behind bars?
Starting point is 00:45:59 That little fucking Mosby, that little fucking angry black, was she the attorney general whatever she was uh that brought all the charges and the day after she brought them all watching tv every legal expert black and white across all races and genders going she's trying to over it was like literally a couple days after that she was overcharging these cops and almost to a man every legal expert's like a lot of this shit's not going to stick. She couldn't help her hate
Starting point is 00:46:31 of cops either. You know? The judge decided there was no proof of any of the charges yet again. He had the same reasoning in prior cases for involuntary mans saw they would have to prove this was grossly negligent contact you know uh conduct excuse me grossly and negligent
Starting point is 00:46:53 conduct you know like hillary only hillary didn't have any intent apparently he said that he thought the environment was tense out there and lieutenant rice made a judgment call that it was listen to this a judge actually using logic and reasoning uh that it was appropriate not to seat belt freddie gray in and that the new general order that mandates seat belts use had not reached lieutenant rice there was no proof presented that lieutenant rice had read that that general order he also said reckless endangerment failed as a matter of law. That because Lieutenant Rice did not drive the vehicle, simply putting him inside without seatbelting him was not reckless endangerment. In misconduct in office, he felt that the state did not prove their burden,
Starting point is 00:47:35 that Lieutenant Rice was corrupt in his duties and failed in his duties. So the state has significantly high burden of proof here. They failed on all counts yet again. So the state has significantly high burden of proof here. They failed on all counts yet again. Which now, you know, now we get that to worry about. By the way, I'm not even going to get to the Republican convention, which starts today. And apparently, you know, in Ohio or in Cleveland, you can carry which people are going to do, the protesters and shit.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Again, I had no idea. When I did the Brokerage Comedy Club last Thursday, this was before the Dallas police got shot. On stage, I said, we're in for a fucking, you know, 1960s-like violent. And I got home, and that started the, you know, I got home, I saw the Dallas thing. That's when the Dallas cops get shot. It's just, ever since then, it's been fucking crazy. Professor David Geros of the University of Baltimore Law School, he said, I think what you are seeing is the result of a rushed investigation. Are you listening, Obama?
Starting point is 00:48:41 Attorney Warren Brown says, if the state had done a thorough investigation in this case and made an intellectually honest decision, I think they would have concluded that we don't know what happened in the back of that van. Exactly. But they didn't. It's about getting cops. Get the fucking dirty cops.
Starting point is 00:49:01 So they interview one black resident of Baltimore, Perry Bailey Jr. What do you think his what do you think his opinion on this latest decision was he said i already knew he said all six offices that's in that's involved with the freddie gray trial all them will be found not guilty and the reason why is because the system's biased. And there you go. It's sort of the logic that Obama uses with his disparate impact. Where his henchmen go to like the Minneapolis high school and they look at how many black kids were suspended as opposed to white kids. And, you know, the overwhelming number of them were the black kids were being suspended.
Starting point is 00:49:47 So instead of looking at the reasons why they just go, then it must be racism. So now black kids are allowed to fucking actually, you know, punch and spit at the teacher and not get suspended. That's the mentality. It's the same thing here. Hey. Hey. Early on in Rice's trial, Judge Williams, Barry Williams, isn't that Greg fucking Brady?
Starting point is 00:50:11 Dropped two charges, an assault charge and one count of misconduct in office. The verdict may have hinged on a simple question. Should the officers have put a seatbelt on Freddie Gray? During closing arguments last week, Judge Williams asked prosecutors if they believed it was a crime not to put a seatbelt on Gray. He said, so failure to restrain equals criminal act, the judge asked. Exactly. Hey, that's my phone that I forgot to shut off. Hey, two other officers, Edward Nero and Cesar Goodson, were also fully acquitted by Judge Williams. The trial for Officer William Porter ended in a hung jury. These are all the Baltimore ones and was ruled a mistrial in December.
Starting point is 00:50:50 He's going to be retried later this year. If I'm like that cop who's going to be retried, I'm sitting there and I'm going, oh, God, I'm almost hoping somebody gets convicted because, again, appearances are everything. I'm almost hoping somebody gets convicted because, again, appearances are everything. And just to make it look like it's not, you know, because we know there's a certain segment of population. If they all get fucking acquitted, I'm just going to use that simple, you know, got to be fixed, got to be biased. So but if I'm that guy who's got to be retried, I'm sitting there going, they're going to make an example out of me just to balance this shit out. That's what I'd be worrying about. Hope he's got a fucking great lawyer. Enough of that shit, huh?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Let's get on to the fucking coup. Oh, the coup. Let's get on to the coup in Turkey. I keep my turkeys in a fucking coup, don't you? Sure you do. Poconos, that's the funniest part of the story. If you guys ain't paying attention, there was a coup, The military, Turkish military,
Starting point is 00:51:47 tried to overthrow the fucking President Erdogan, who was on vacation. I talked about that jerk off a couple shows ago, remember? There was some comic, I think, I forget where the comic was from, that, you know, made jokes about him, saying he was like a pedophile. Just jokes, by the way, in his act, and Erdogan's trying to sue him.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Because apparently he can do that over there. This guy's he's got thinner skin than trump for christ's sake uh but anyways uh yeah so while president of turkey was on vacation the military tried to pull up a coup but the funny part of the story is the turkish government is holding this muslim cleric who lives where and the fucking pokinos that he's the one behind the coup apparently him and edwan were uh allies at one point and they had a falling out the guy's name is fatula gulen a former ally termed bitter enemy of ofdogan, condemned the violent attempt to overthrow the government. I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:52:52 He's in the Poconos. Yeah, I think fucking Hitler had a place in the Catskills. And didn't Mussolini do a few minutes at the Concord Hotel one night? Yeah. But yeah, Gulen condemned the violent attempt to overthrow the government of his native country. He lives in Salisbury, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. It's the fucking Poconos. Oh, it's so fucking funny. He said, uh, in brief, I don't even know who my followers are, Gulen told the AP. You can think about many motivations of people who stage this coup. What made me laugh is, in the article, he's an old guy, and they have a doctor, you know, taking his, like, blood
Starting point is 00:53:31 pressure or whatever the fuck, and he's denying, you know, but you know, immediately, this is how my mind works. I see these visuals and I think of fucking, you know, Hyman Roth. I could only live to see it to be there with you. Huh? I think of fucking, you know, Hyman Roth. It's Gulen.
Starting point is 00:54:06 That's what it looked like. Gulen's denial came Saturday night as Erdogan called upon U.S. State Department to extradite the cleric, saying Turkey had never refused extradition requests for terrorists from the United States. Another official went further, directly blaming the U.S. for involvement in the united states another official went further directly blaming the u.s for involvement in the plot of course obama is backing edwin the president he says because he was freely you know elected democratically which is fucking total horseshit if you follow any of this stuff he like you know he purged anybody that was running against him and fucking it was a totally rigged you know a totally rigged thing he wasn't freely elected and and free uh you know he's just uh you know he's basically a fucking dictator but again now my knee-jerk reaction was okay once again we're backing the wrong guy but you know what happens you get rid of that guy thinking you're helping the people of turkey and uh then you don't
Starting point is 00:55:05 know who you're helping like the that you know the muslim brotherhood we thought they were good guys um but edwan's you know challenging ghouling to come back to his country he's like yeah fucking right if i only had 20 years, I'm a Turk living on the Poconos in the twilight of my life, living on a pension. Democratically elected.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Every way you see the word democratically, the word is democrat or in quote, democratically or in quotes. Gulen's movement is known as Hizmet. Turkish for service. What's he a prostitute? A pimp?
Starting point is 00:55:50 Teaches a philosophy based in Islamic mysticism mixed with advocacy for education and democracy. I don't even get what the fuck the mysticism is.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Its followers in Turkey run universities, hospitals, charities, large media empire. U.S. adherents led a loosely affiliated network of professional associations and charities, in addition to charter schools funded by millions of taxpayer dollars, including some in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He was quoted as saying, this is while the fucking coup, attempted coup was going on.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Government should be won through a process of free and fair elections, not force, he said in a statement. As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the past five decades, it is especially insulting to be accused of having any link to such an attempt.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Gulen arrived in the Pogonol sometime after leaving Turkey in 1999 when tapes were shown on television showing him urging followers to infiltrate government institutions. Since then, official U.S. officials have appeared to be in no rush to send him back. A year after Gulen left Turkey, authorities there charged him with leading an earlier plot to overthrow the regime. He was acquitted after a trial in absentia. Abstentia is in the pokest. No, that's a joke, folks.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Relax. Anyways. But he's frail, they say. He's in ill health and suffers from diabetes. He's been dying from the same diabetes for the last 20 years, as Michael Corleone said. How about this, though? He gained his green card in 2008 after convincing a federal judge in Philly
Starting point is 00:57:33 that he was an influential education figure in the United States. A claim further bolstered now that the school started by his U.S. followers numbered more than 150. He's got 150 schools in this country. So he is kind of legit. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Last year, a rival Islamic sect sued Gulen on Turkey's behalf in federal court in Scranton. This is fucking funny. Alleging he was inciting sympathetic followers in his native country to illegally arrest and detain those loyal to Edwan. A U.S. district judge threw out the case last month, describing it as improper use of the court. So I guess that was a bunch of cockapooey. Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, pom, pom, pom.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Anyways, all that went on. Again, folks, I can't help it. We do a lot of fucking, you know, the news is very heavy today. What do you want me to do? It's a dangerous situation. Nick DiPaolo podcast. Go to slash Nick. If you want to get two to three more shows a week, come see me at Caroline's this weekend, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, right in New York City.
Starting point is 00:58:52 What the hell else did I want to, I think I got it all. There's one more story about what people are doing when they go into Starbucks, but I might save that for tomorrow. Artie Lang should be on the show tomorrow night. I'm scheduled to have him here tomorrow. So, yeah. If you're a premium member, if you're not and you want to hear that, sign up for the show. What the hell else? That is it.
Starting point is 00:59:24 uh what the hell else that is it christ's sake i'm gonna watch judge judy just to see some light cases you know i like to put on judge judy watch a couple of minorities who broke up fight over verizon bill that type of shit you know i mean that's what we need don't we yeah it, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, as Donald Trump's VP. We all saw that coming. He's a very dry, conservative fella from Indiana. Is that right, Governor of Indiana? He was a talk show, radio talk show guy. Real conservative,
Starting point is 01:00:16 like a Tea Party type fella. And, you know, his kind of bland personality, I guess, will balance off Trump, who everybody thinks is a loose cannon, blah, blah, blah. That's the idea behind the pick.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Again, part of me is hoping some shit goes down at the convention. I don't mean violence outside. I mean inside. I hope that Never Trump group tries to pull some shit, don't you? I do. I kind of, deep down, I'd like to see what happens there. Even though 14 million people voted for Trump, and that, to me, should, you know, be enough for him to be the, uh, nominee. But, uh, I just want to see some shit. You know, you look over all of a sudden you hear
Starting point is 01:00:51 screaming and shit and you hear some banging and all of a sudden you look over and you see like a beer chested Mitt Romney with a fucking black eye and somebody's got him in a headlock and, uh, you know, that type of shit. Anywho, kids, that is it. I will talk to you tomorrow. Go to for any of your Nick DiPaolo needs. And I'll talk to you soon. It's really hot. My nuts are stuck to my legs and I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Bye-bye, everybody. Hey, hey, I saved the world today. And everybody's happy now the bad things gone away. Oh, in a few months. That would be me, the good thing that's here to stay. Oh, I will. Today guitar solo I'm out.

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