The Nick DiPaolo Show - 149 - State Sanctioned Racism at SUNY

Episode Date: August 30, 2016

State Sanctioned Racism at SUNY...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Let's get it on. Hey, kids, how are you? What is going on? This is the Monday show, I think. Not sure yet on iTunes for free because I'm doing it a couple days early because i got a lot of stuff to do next week so i don't know if i'm going to release this one on wednesday or on monday if it is monday which i think it's going to be uh and you like the show go to slash nick slash nick for two to three more shows a week at $3.99 a month. You'll be glad you did.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Fastest growing podcast in my neighborhood. I guarantee it. If not, and by the way, if it is the Monday show, tomorrow Anthony Cumia is my guest. And he was as funny as he always is. We just sat here and fucking cracked each other up. And the guy makes me laugh hard it's a great interview um if it's not and i release this on wednesday ignore everything i just said and i hope you enjoyed the anthony comia interview not sure again when i'm putting this one out but i
Starting point is 00:01:40 think monday because i got to go to chic next week. Getting there a couple days early, getting there Wednesday night to do morning radio with Man Cow on Thursday and Friday to promote my gig on Saturday night, September 3rd, Talia Hall. So please, please, motherfuckers, come on out. I know it's a Labor Day weekend thing. Of course, I didn't realize that until about, you know, four days ago. I never, I never, every time an agent brings me a date, I never just, it could be Christmas Eve and I wouldn't go, duh, Christmas is the next day. But anyhow, should be great. It's a nice old theater. A lot of good stuff goes down there.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And so come on out if you live in the area i mean what else you gotta do go to the south side and take a bullet in the ass i mean come on you got shit to do don't you anyhow anywho and a hand what is going on uh real quick watching a little uh little league world series and somebody explained to me why the the South Korean team, the average height is like 6'4". And they throw the ball the equivalent of 160 miles an hour. I always, again, this might be an Asian stereotype. South Korea, I always, you know, never thought of them as tall people. But that has been dispelled twice in the last couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I was watching that UFC fight the other night, and I think he was Korean, too. The guy was like 6'3". I'm used to the Jack Su model, you know, the Barney Miller, the Asian guy. But, yeah, these South Korean kids, they're all like five nine 160 pounds and did we vet these people as donald trump would say extreme vetting when it comes to the little league world series and same with panama another you know i think the kid their picture looked like he was 33 years old, early 40s maybe, throwing junk like you couldn't learn it in 12 years.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Very odd, I just find. But, you know, and the Americans, all those teams, the kids are 4'8", they weigh 11 grams, they come up to the plate and their favorite emoji. They put up their favorite emojis now. These, you know, usually ask the kids what their favorite movie is, their favorite actor. That's their favorite emoji they put up their favorite emojis now these you know usually ask the kids what their favorite movie is their favorite actor now it's their favorite emoji and um a lot of them had a gun no i'm just kidding but who cares what their favorite emojis how does that fucking help me i want to know how tall the parents were that gave birth to this kid who's 6'3", 276 on the mound,
Starting point is 00:04:25 thrown from 45 feet away. Anyhow, what is going on in the world? Well, you know, it's 2016. You're in America. So that means some type of anti-white shit is going on. You know, as long as dummies in office. Want an example of that? you want some evidence of that that's what i hear in my head when i wake up in the morning when i watch the news when i have lunch
Starting point is 00:04:56 when i lay down to sleep at night when i wake up again this is what you hear if you stay tuned into the news for the last 20 years. Yeah, State University now offers, in quotes, stop white people training. Okay, so that is, it's a State University of New York. We call that SUNY here in New York. S-U-N-Y.
Starting point is 00:05:20 At Binghamton. I actually did a show standing on a cafeteria table up there like 28 years ago when I first started comedy at like noontime. Somebody threw a banana over my left shoulder after my second joke, and I went, this isn't what I fucking signed up for, you motherless fucks. Picked up the check. It was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I needed it. I brought it home, and I think me and Louie blew half that money in Times Square, jerking off the girls behind Plexiglas. True story. Anyhow, yeah, at SUNY Binghamton, they, and I'll say it again, it's a state school. They have a course called Hashtag Stop White People K-16 as part of routine training for residential assistants. Those are known as ras it's the guy on your floor that uh he's supposed to help you out residential you know um it's usually a senior
Starting point is 00:06:13 and they get a break on tuition or whatever and they help you uh get acclimated unless you're whitey now you're on your own so um yeah the university's a residential assistant training schedule uh it's right on the roster. Hashtag Stop White People 2016. With a mission of giving RAs an overview of disabilities and higher education. I'm not even sure what the fuck that means. Are they saying, if you're white, you're disabled? It's considered a disability to the people?
Starting point is 00:06:43 I don't even know how to fucking the presenters of the course uh jaron slattery nicholas polakos and you renna last name n-w-o-g-w-u-g-w-u just got here probably eight minutes ago from fucking nigeria uh our there are our rays at the state funded college uh it's the highest ranking public college in new york state uh they state the purpose is to help others take the next step in understanding diversity privilege and is there another step to that you guys haven't fucking got that down yet uh yeah take the next step in understanding diversity privilege and the society we function within presumably the in quotes white society they plan to stop at the event so how do you like that folks huh let me just translate that for you what they mean by understanding diversity privilege and it means
Starting point is 00:07:39 why you're a second class citizen and whitey and why you should hate whitey because everything's been handed to him that's and uh the three ras claim they will give uh hashtag stop white people courses attendees the tools to respond to uneducated people that's in quotes with good arguments in other words white people who are are racist and don't don't get your fucking diversity and and don't uh agree with everything say, that makes them uneducated. You know, the people who preach, yeah, it says uneducated people in quotes with good arguments. And it says, you know, the people who preach mutual respect, equality under God and constitutional freedoms, those people. The guy writing this is being sarcastic. Actually defending Whitey there.
Starting point is 00:08:26 But can you imagine this? This is actually on a roster hanging up somewhere at a state university. They also state they will help other RAs at the state-funded college hopefully expand. I can't fucking take it. Expand upon what they may already know, that white people are cancer, of course. Expand upon what they may already know, that white people are cancer, of course. Unfuckable. At a public state funding university to potentially see racism endorsed as a frightening prospect for the future of higher education.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Wrote a fellow who gets it and can't believe, like me, that this is actually allowed. Wow. College IRAs hold an important role in college residential dormitory life serving as mentors counselors and peers to the student residents that they oversee these people should be sensitive to the issues of their residents and to be prejudiced against someone on the basis of his or her skin color would seem just like the hashtag itself, petty student Howard Hecht noted. Exactly, Howard. Howard gets it. Absolutely incredible. It's just state-sanctioned racism against white people.
Starting point is 00:09:34 That's all it is. Fucking believable. This whole notion that you have to get, they have indoctrination. You have to get there early. They have it for black students. Get there early and sometimes indoctrination. You have to get there early. They have it for black students. Get there early. Some type of indoctrination to prepare them to deal with a white society.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Where have you been since then? Have you not dealt with white people? Last time I checked, it was a predominantly white fucking country founded by white people. So don't be surprised when the dominant culture clashes with yours. But they act like, and they have orientation for white people at colleges, so they know how to handle. So when they get there, because it's so ignorant culturally, they know how to deal with diversity and people of color.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Like, you're going to get there, and like I said, there's going to be a black guy with no shirt on, you know, chasing a zebra through the student union, and you're not going to know how to react to that. It's like we're fucking complete aliens to each other now it's such absolute horseshit but but to have it have something called stop white people training and have it sanctioned by a state school this is fucking utter madness man utter fucking madness What is going on? When does it fucking end? Jesus Christ. So, yeah, send your kids off to Sony, Binghamton.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Imagine if I was fucking up there doing my set on that table with the material I do now. Oh, my goodness. I would have been let out in cuffs with fucking pudding and grilled cheese on my shirt. out in cuffs with fucking pudding and grilled cheese on my shirt. Giving, they're going to give students the tools to respond to uneducated people. Again, that's white people who have good arguments. Why you shouldn't, you know, I can't take it no more. I can't take it no more. I can't take it no more. Anyhow, let's change the subject, shall we? Nine people injured after Florida mall shooting scare. Boy, you think ISIS has us on edge, huh?
Starting point is 00:11:41 I'm on edge, man. I said it on stage a couple nights ago. I said, yeah, I'm at a mall now. Somebody drops a big gulp like 10 feet behind me. I fucking run for the nearest fire exit. You just don't know what's going on. But apparently I'm not the only one nervous about it. The nine Florida mall shoppers were injured in a frantic flee from the building.
Starting point is 00:12:00 An alarm and popping sounds caused panic at the fear of an active shooter this is on thursday at about 320 mall patrons began reporting on social media that alleged shooting had occurred in the food court and uh and after hearing sharp popping sounds and the fire alarm the unsettling sounds sent fearful patrons running. People get fucking injured. But listen to what it really was. Why are you playing that song? Because remember, was it a kid shot up a classroom and they asked?
Starting point is 00:12:41 I think it was a girl, wasn't it? And they asked her why she said she didn't like Mondays. Remember that years ago? That's what this song is based on why i'm playing it now i don't know just fucking i saw it and i listen i kind of like that song but listen listen to what caused the panic you think we're on edge a little bit the scare was caused by an industry standard test as part of the inspection for the grand opening of former can you make this up in sync singer joey fatone's new restaurant an announcement was made over the mall's public announcement system prior to the test preparing customers for the noise well did it ever dawn on you dumb fucks that maybe some people might not have heard the announcement maybe you know
Starting point is 00:13:19 you know they could have been in the fucking restrooms taking a dump or something or had headphones on where they were sitting next to one potato, too, and didn't. How can you imagine in this day and age thinking you're going to play this over a PA system? The test consisted of six large balloons popping consecutively. Good idea. That's a good idea, isn't it? To play that at a mall after the shit that's been going on. Fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:13:40 at a mall after the shit that's been going on. Fucking stupid. The test consisted of six large balloons popping consecutively followed by a fire alarm. This caused people
Starting point is 00:13:51 to go into panic mode and run. First responders treated at least ten patients at the mall with injuries from the frantic evacuation. Four of the patients
Starting point is 00:14:02 were taken by ambulance to area hospitals. And then they called Jacobiian Myers on their cell phones. No, you know, you know somebody's going to fucking, you know, there's always a few in there that went, oh, fuck, my back. I'm suing them all. But in this day and age, thinking that's a good idea, we're going to play balloon popping sounds over a PA system.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Actually, they made the announcement they were going to do it. And it still scared the shit out of people. What the fuck? Oh, my God. You think we're a little bit jumpy, folks? Holy Christ. This poor guy, they interviewed this kid, 21 years old, he ran out of them all.
Starting point is 00:14:48 He panicked. He goes, his first thought, it was a shooting. You know why? Because he, and I can see why he might be a little jumpy. He lost two friends at Pulse. Remember the gay club in Orlando that was shot up? So, of course, that was his first thought. Poor bastard.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Ay, ay yi. Another lady was a 20 year old girl shopping with her husband and her newborn. She's 14. No, she's 20 and she saw everyone start running. All I heard was the word gun and I knew I had to get out of there. My husband grabbed our baby out of the stroller.
Starting point is 00:15:22 We just ran. Fucking, you're going to tell me ISIS doesn't hear about this and read this and laugh their balls off? I mean, and that's my biggest, that's my prediction. It's the mall. You talk about a soft target. Who's going to come to your rescue? Paul fucking Blart? I mean, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Let's be honest here. I worry. I mean, you know what I mean? Let's be honest here. I worry. You know, what are you going to do? If I can run into a sharper image, run into Toys R Us and get a super soaker, fill it with bleach, you're fucked. I don't see too much security.
Starting point is 00:16:04 If you ever see the malls and shit in uh israel oh my god it's like every three feet there's somebody hiding somewhere with a gun they got it down over there but uh we we should take lessons from them they've been dealing with this shit forever but yeah so let's uh let's uh pop up balloons for about five minutes and followed by an alarm. See if I can... Oy! Oy! Oy, I say. What else is going on? More racial strife in the world. And another example of an ungrateful minority,
Starting point is 00:16:41 who I've been trying to defend for years as far as an athlete. Colin Kaepernick, the 49ers quarterback, willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States. Just another. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:03 He was a good, like a 4.0 student in high school. He's not a dummy. He's just, just another one who's been suckered into this false narrative by the fucking mainstream media for the last 40 years. And they just, they, they, they just not smart enough to think on their fucking own. And, uh, yeah, he did it a preseason game the other night for a loss to the Packers. Wouldn't have anything to do with you losing your job, would it, Colin? And being injured and just the guy was a superstar a couple years ago. Now he's a relegated backup.
Starting point is 00:17:39 That wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it? You don't like this song? Wouldn't have anything to do with it. Would it? Huh? You don't like this song? He says, I'm not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. Yeah, look at all those oppressed people of color on the field in the NFL.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Look at it. Let me tell you, in another country, you'd be a fucking janitor. So, you know, just count your blessings. Everybody's fucking Martin Luther King Jr. Kaepernick told the NFL media in an exclusive interview, to me, this is bigger than football. It would be selfish of my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street yeah uh dead cops because a certain segment of the population doesn't know how to behave why don't you read it on your tattoos on your neck of your and people
Starting point is 00:18:36 getting paid leave and getting away with murder again just totally full of fucking shit. You need to shut the fuck up. Unbelievable. Don't look at the statistics. Just watch CNN and soak it in. Become dumber. I'm not going to go over the statistics again, but it's like one in one trillion every time a cop uses his gun
Starting point is 00:18:59 and more white people are killed by cops than black. It's just... And fucking Michael Brown didn't have his hands up. BLM is based on a lie. We've been over this and over this again. But again, I think this is sour grapes. But of course the 49ers have to, you know, issue their statement, and the National Anthem is and always will be a special part of the pregame ceremony.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Well, thanks. It's an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. Yeah, why don't you put that in the playbook? Maybe Dummy will learn it. In respecting to such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose and participate or not in our celebration of the national anthem. When does it have a fucking end by taking a stamp of civil rights who wrote this whole
Starting point is 00:19:51 kaepernick joins other athletes like dummy duane wade oh by the way that's kind of ironic duane wade actually spoke at an anti-gun anti-violence thing in chicago like on the south side you know the worst part of chicago the other night the next day a female cousin of his was shot dead while pushing a baby in a stroller and it happened like not too far from where he was taking part in the anti-violence convention in chicago do you fucking believe it? It's that bad? Yeah. And I wonder who they called when that happened. Chris Paul has taken a stance before LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, several WNBA players using their platform and status. No, see, fucking do it on your own time to raise awareness to issues affecting minorities.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah. Remember, I think it was a WNBA team came out with Hands Up, Don't Shoot, something, T-shirts. Just, just, whatever. Come out with pro-cop shit on. But Kaepernick says, this is not something that I'm going to run by anybody.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I'm not looking for approval. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. Let me ask you a question, Colin, and everybody who says that. How do you see, what do you see as equality? Like, what, yes, there are inner city people,
Starting point is 00:21:20 they have shitty schools and stuff, but it's not, it's not, it's not a conspiracy against you. Do you understand? And if you don't like it, quit voting for people like Hillary Clinton and Obama. Try fucking, try Trump. Oh, wait a minute. He's a racist and a bigot. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:21:38 But whatever. Ew. I got to stand up for people that are oppressed said the multi-million dollar multi-millionaire who was born to a 19 year old single mom by the way yeah where else is that going to happen if they take football away my endorsements for me i know that i stood up for what's right no you didn't you're actually a little bit clueless no cops are killing black people and oppressing people intentionally.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Keep saying it. It's a narrative that you said for 50 years and it's turned into, you know, like they say, tell a lie enough and it turns into the truth and the libs have done that. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:22:18 He was raised by white parents, by the way. He was adopted by white parents. More evidence that this is just a racist fucking country, isn't it? Just more evidence that this is just a racist fucking country isn't it just more evidence excuse me and i want this guy to make it i love him as an athlete as a quarterback and uh but you know things aren't working out so hey blame the establishment blame everything else he lost his start and job last year after being one of the most promising players in the NFL. Over the past few months, his relationship with management has soured.
Starting point is 00:22:51 He requested a trade and never came. More racism! He also spent most of the season rehabilitating from an operation to his non-thrown shoulder, his hand, his knee. And, you know, he couldn't fully compete with Blaine Gabbert for months. And he's in a bind. It's a dangerous situation. Now he's lashing out. But how fucking dare you?
Starting point is 00:23:16 You're a multimillionaire. Like I said, if you were born the way you were born in another country, you're a fucking janitor. Most likely. Oh, dirty America. Let's stay on the race issue, shall we? Portland Public School rap music ban. They're banning rap music on buses. This is
Starting point is 00:23:45 Portland Public School officials are rethinking they're rethinking a district ban on rap music on buses after allegations of what? Racism. Of course. Of course, man. The district had banished
Starting point is 00:24:01 hip-hop from its buses, deeming the genre inappropriate. Terry Brady, senior director of transportation at Portland Public, who sent a directive to bus drivers in March, forbidding, and this is in quotes, religious rap music or talk show programs. What the hell's left?
Starting point is 00:24:21 The menu included a list of acceptable stations broken down into three genres, pop, country, and jazz. Oh, my God, how goddamn racist. Parent Colleen Ryan Onken obtained a copy, and it circulated in August among outraged parents, prompting the district to walk back the directives. Of course, she's white and, you know, a liberal. She's white. She said the memo kind of fell into my lap, you know a liberal uh she's white she said the memo kind of fell into my lap and when i read it i was livid we regret the way this was communicated
Starting point is 00:24:54 our intent is to limit student exposure to religious teachings of course profanity and violent layer i love how religious teachings is you know thrown in there now profanity and violent lyrics. I love how religious teachings is thrown in there now with profanity and violent lyrics. Said Portland public school spokesman, well, I know you get a church and state separation, but it doesn't seem to fucking stop SUNY. Said spokesman Courtney Wessling, she's speaking for the school, the transportation department
Starting point is 00:25:20 will be revising its guidance to bus drivers shortly to be more inclusive of different genres of music. I think it's overtly racist and leaves out two of our major communities and our music choices, said Ryan Unkin, the white liberal bitch who is really the problem. She has a senior in high school at Roosevelt. Ryan Unkin said not only is hip-hop music written off as inappropriate, but Latin music also isn't even addressed. Boy, I bet you the three Latinos are pissed at that. You know, it is Portland. It's the whitest city in the country,
Starting point is 00:25:51 by the way. And I know there's a little bit of diversity, but Jesus Christ. When you outlaw a kind of music, this is Ryan Unkin, the liberal broad speaking, that is very indicative of modern culture of one group of people. You're basically saying they're not welcome. Those of us in the district living in diverse communities in Portland understand the racial equity stuff going on is entirely for the cameras. There's no real meat behind it. Oh, my God. Why don't you find something to do?
Starting point is 00:26:19 Ryan Onken said the concern can't be swearing, as those words would be edited out on commercial radio. It's the fucking radio. That's what they're... The radio on the bus? And why couldn't you have a talk show on? Are kids even listening? How good is the radio?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Do they have fucking 40-inch woofers on the buses in Portland? Listen to what she says. This is where she goes off the tracks. Country music is offensive. It's about date rape, liquor and drugs. All kinds of things. Ryan Unkin said. It's just as offensive as rap music can be.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Oh, God. Banning hip-hop may not protect young ears from controversial content in 2012 foster the people pumped up kicks top charts that was a song a pop song called pumped up kicks but beneath the veneer of bubblegum pop are mistakenly dark lyrics about a school shooting the chorus says all the other kids with pumped up kicks you better run better run outrun my gun all the other kids with pumped up kicks you better run better run faster than my bullet yes i understand for that one pop song there's what 51 000 rap songs that uh are violent and you don't i did a little comparison myself let's compare some uh country music uh to some hip-hop
Starting point is 00:27:44 and see what you want your kid listening to on the bus. First one, one of my favorite, one of my favorite country and Western musicians of all time, Red Sovine. Let's listen to one of his top selling hits. It's the saddest song ever written. Listen, it's called Teddy Bear. I was on the outskirts of a little southern town trying to reach my destination before the sun went down. The old CB was blaring away on channel 19
Starting point is 00:28:20 when there came a little boy's voice on the radio line and he said breaker one nine is anyone there come on back truckers and talk to teddy bear i keyed the mic and i said you got it teddy bear and the little boy's voice came back on the air appreciate the break who we got on that end i told him my handle and then he began. Uh-oh, retard alert. Now, I'm not supposed to bother you fellas out there. Mom says you're busy and for me to stay off there. But you see, I get lonely and it helps to talk.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Because that's about all I can do. I'm crippled and I can't walk. I came back and told him to fire up that mic And I talked to him as long as he liked This was my dad's radio, the little boy said But I guess it's mine and mom's now Because my daddy's dead It's sadder Dad had a wreck about a month ago.
Starting point is 00:29:26 It's the saddest song ever. He was trying to get home in a blinding snow. Mom has to work now to make ends meet. And I'm not much help with my two crippled feet. She says not to worry that we'll make it all right. But I hear her crying sometimes late at night. You know, there's one thing I want more than anything else to see. Oh, I know you guys are too busy to bother with me.
Starting point is 00:29:56 You need to shut the fuck up. You see, my dad used to take me for a ride. Yeah, you really do. All right. Now, do you want your kids listening to that on the bus? Yeah, you really do. All right. Now, do you want your kids listening to that on the bus?
Starting point is 00:30:07 Or, as this woman says, you know, you want them listening to shit like this? I played this at the comedy cookout last year nobody even flinched I thought I was gonna get a bunch of laughs nobody even flinched this is what I want my kids listening to on the radio gonna get a bunch of laughs. Nobody even flinched. This is what I want my kids listening to on the radio.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Oh, fuck that. How about some... Let's play a real gangster, you know what I'm saying? This is what my kids Gonna listen to Heading to the George Washington Middle School Brick a day, that's a lot. Now this is something you can get down on the bus with.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Am I right? Change the station, Mr. Bus Driver. Put on something we can get into. How about a little Red Sovine? I was on the outskirts of a little southern town trying to reach my destination before the sun went down. Retard alert! The old CB was blaring away on Channel 1-9 when there came a little boy's voice on the radio line.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And he said, Breaker 1-9, is anyone there? Come on, bike truckers, and talk to Teddy Bear. Talk to Teddy Bear. I was like,
Starting point is 00:32:35 that was Sandusky's handle, wasn't it? When he had a CB in the 70s at Penn State. Appreciate the break. Who we got on that end? Ah, dirty little car truckucker named kevin
Starting point is 00:32:46 now i'm not supposed to bother you fellas out there oh shut it i'm glad you got two crippled feet anyhow first of all i don't understand how this is an issue at all um because you know portland's the most liberal fucking i won't even do comedy there uh it's like Portland's the most liberal fucking... I won't even do comedy there. It's literally the whitest major city. But it's had a prickly relationship with hip-hop. Let me put a little perspective on it. But aren't these kids, don't they have their headphones on anyways? Their own fucking, you know, Beats headphones? They're not listening to the radio on the bus.
Starting point is 00:33:20 They're listening to Rick Ross in their own headphones. Being corrupted, you know. In 2006, Portland police questioned if rap concerts were causing shootings according to the portland mercury in 2014 after police presence cut short of southeast portland rap show uh oh that's what they were asking but i can't even read today i took two melatonin last night and it's fucked me up let me read that again in 2006 port Portland police questioned if rap concerts were causing shootings, according to the Portland Mercury. In 2014, after police presence got shut, a Southeast Portland rap show. So, of course, they had to do, you know, examine the relationship between the police bureau and hip hop artists, of course.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Oh, my God. Yeah, because that's what a racist country would do right portland police weren't alone in this fear in 2006 the wall street journal reported rap concerts in las vegas casinos were being canceled last minute due to pressure from police and the state's gaming control board uh the then sheriff said he felt getting casinos to uh stop booking gangster rap acts was a legitimate crime prevention strategy yeah again and the lady this white liberal lady who's so fucked up in the head who says oh country music is just as you know dangerous and just as violent and shit uh yeah i
Starting point is 00:34:39 i don't know i i don't remember many uh shootings at a brook fucking I can't even name I hate country music myself but uh I don't know Blake Shelton pick one Willie Nelson Garth Brooks and not too many knifings and shootings in the bathroom in the parking lot and you know you did have uh Cooper what was his name riley cooper the eagles uh remember he dropped the n-bomb he was at a country in western wasn't that country wasn't uh but the point being why is it you know it's just that this it just kills me that a housewife here this white broad has that much time when she saw that it she it flew her into a rage let let black people get uh offended and for themselves and and and let them defend their you know could you could
Starting point is 00:35:30 you could you why don't you tend to your kid mind your business and by the way the acceptable stations on the radio on the bus were uh pop country and jazz. Last time I checked jazz, wasn't a, wasn't a bunch of white guys from fucking Salt Lake city. Hey, or pop as a matter of fact. So kiss my grits. There's a white phrase for you. Trucker one nine with my two crippled feet.
Starting point is 00:36:00 You can't handle the truth. You certainly can motherfuckers. Let's stay on the political correctness run amok in this country can we excuse me um the justice department's community relations service i love when you hear like just that just the title justice department which is on the Fed level, Community Relations. In other words, just in the title, you can see they're sticking their beak into places where they shouldn't, the federal government. But you guys have accepted it, and I guess you're fine with it. The Justice Department, Community Relations, has released a new video this week explaining to the law enforcement community another word we have to get rid of. We have six trillion communities, and we have nothing in common explaining to the law enforcement community that would be the cops the proper
Starting point is 00:36:49 way to handle encounters with transgender people because yeah i'm sure that's a problem that's just trending right now the amid an uptick okay amid an uptick those are the key words what does that mean boy thanks for being so specific amid an uptick those are the key words what does that mean boy thanks for being so specific amid an uptick in reports of discrimination by police toward the transgender community once again here's another victim group grabbing on to the coattails of the civil rights movement just like the feminists did using the same language and yes so that now we have cops not only beating up our not shooting on our black people but they're, you know, they're fucking treating transgender community terribly too,
Starting point is 00:37:28 I guess. I can't help it no more. The CRS, that's the Community Relations Service, released a 12-minute training video discouraging officers from stereotyping people and telling them
Starting point is 00:37:40 to keep the questions relevant to the situation at hand. Okay. It's a fag. them to keep their questions relevant to the situation at hand okay throughout the course of the video viewers see several stage scenarios including how an officer should address a transgender person during a routine traffic stop following an assault report and what they should do if they're called to a bathroom situation due to a transgender user. The minute I heard that, right, I go, oh, I can't wait to see this video. I can't wait to watch this video because there's two cops in the video. there's there's two cops in the video okay when a law enforcement official first encounters a transgender person and is unsure how to address the image of the individual offices are encouraged
Starting point is 00:38:33 to ask do you prefer if i call you ma'am or sir or confused in one of the scenarios a transgender woman calls the police to report an assault. Upon arriving, the two officers, a man and a woman, this is right when I said I cannot wait to see it because I know it's a white male cop and a black woman cop. I fucking know it. So I go to the video, and of course I'm not disappointed. I'll play that in a second. They begin asking the individual about the incident.
Starting point is 00:39:02 It's like a guy who identifies as a woman. When the male officer sees the person's driver's license, he refers to the person by the unpreferred pronoun. Oh, no! Poor person's life has to be ruined! Let's go to the audio of the... Again, this is the Department of Justice. Yeah. This a the department of justice yeah this is the community relations service a training video that's sent into cops to teach them how to handle transgender people
Starting point is 00:39:32 like again because it's like they're from another planet and and but i could not wait to get to the video to see the female black cop and the white cop and sure enough it's like watching a scene out of fucking king of queens the guy's just the big dope, and here we go. Again, it's a guy dressed like a woman sitting on the couch, and, you know, identifying as a woman, whatever. But it's the black woman cop asking the right questions. Officer Topp is living. asking the right questions. Seeing him till tomorrow. Okay, good. I'm going to have Officer Salvestrini take the report. Officer Salvestrini.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Do you have an ID or a driver's license? It just makes it a little easier. I do, I do. Now he hands the driver's license to the male white cop, and the male white cop's eyes pop out of his head. They actually zoom in on his eyes. There you are. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Do you hear the boing? Sir, what were you doing? Can you excuse us for a moment? Just step up here for a minute. Sal, what are you doing? Don't let the fact that she's transgender throw you off, okay? Show her the respect that she deserves. You're right.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I'm sorry. Okay, so let's show her that we're a professional agency,. We'll go back out there and we'll start from the beginning. Okay. All right, go ahead. Excuse me. Excuse me. I want to apologize about you. I was going to address you.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Sir or ma'am? Well, thank you for asking, and ma'am will be fine. Ma'am, great. Thanks. Can you tell me a little bit more about this person? One in four transgender individuals reports that they have been the victim of an assault, a hate crime, because of who they are. I accidentally just hit it. Please tell me
Starting point is 00:41:13 I didn't. I just actually hit a fucking... Anyhow, did you hear the black female cop dressing down? The white cop? Like he was a four-year-old boy who just spilled milk? And then he goes, sorry? Oh, my God. Even when they think they're trying to do good.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Oh, God. It's sickening. It is sickening. You're predictable. You're so stupid. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you hear her? What are you doing out there, Sal? And they say his last name. go i don't know why i i they're afraid if they like gave an italian last name i think she called
Starting point is 00:41:56 himself but anyways did you hear her dressing him down like a five-year-old boy you'll see that in every state farm commercial and every prud. I noticed the life insurance commercials are very, very politically correct and kind of almost anti-white, too. State Farm and Prudential. Anyhow, just priceless. Just predictable. I couldn't wait to get to the video, and it's everything I thought it would be and more. So, again, it's white cops that are a problem. They can't relate to young black men, to transgender.
Starting point is 00:42:31 They're just too dumb in this fast-changing world. That's really the fucking message. In one of the examples, the video demonstrates an officer laughing at a transgender individual who appears to be the victim of a crime. And the partner pulls him out and, you know, gives him a talking to. This illustration not only highlights how officers should act with members of the transgender community, but also addresses the need for officers to say something to their peers when they see problematic behavior. The video also gives intermittent lessons on the transgender community in proper terminology.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Terms like they explain what assigned sex means. That means the sex you were born with. Sexual orientation and gender identity. what assigned sex means. That means the sex you were born with. Sexual orientation and gender identity. And again, I told you, according to the New York State thing, as far as gender goes, there's 31 different flavors,
Starting point is 00:43:35 seriously, of genders. Binary, fucking, you know, Rocky Road, fucking mint chocolate chip with a slice of mustache. Just PC run amok to the fucking... Really? There's that many transgender people being abused? And here's another little secret for you folks. You can look up.
Starting point is 00:43:55 When there's usually a transgender person getting the shit kicked out of them, go online and see who's doing it. It ain't fucking whitey. Not most of the times it's not. I told him, my cop buddy, cop in Miami 33 years. He goes, you won't find more homophobic people than fucking like macho Latino guys. At least that's what he dealt with for 30 something years.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Every time there was a, you know. Just his opinion. Not saying it's fact. But I'm just saying. Kind of a macho culture. But I love it. Every scenario is the female black cop straightening out dumb white. For the love of Christ.
Starting point is 00:44:37 What else, kids? United States malls rule to require speed-limiting devices for trucks and buses. Once again, the government sticking their dirty beaks where they don't belong. Although, the 18-wheelers do drive like maniacs, huh? The U.S. Transportation Department on Friday issued a proposed rule that required, Jesus Christ, required trucks and buses to be equipped with devices that would limit their speed. That's a move that could save both lives and fuel. Shut the fuck up with your faggy excuses. Do you really think it's going to stop there?
Starting point is 00:45:18 I know you guys are probably going, well, what's the matter with that? And I even agree. I'm on the Jersey Turnpike. These 18 wheelers, these guys drive now like they're in mazdas you know i mean but but the point being is do you really think that the u.s the federal government's going to stop at trucks and buses because if it works and they save lives then it'll be suvs and then box trucks and eventually you, all cars will have this device put on it. Let me read the dog shit excuses the people who are proponent of big government. There are significant safety benefits to the proposed rulemaking. Anthony Fox said that.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Another brainwashed government employee. Transportation secretary. In addition to saving lives, people will get hand jobs. The projected fuel and emission savings. See, they have to throw that in there to saving lives people will get hand jobs uh the the projected fuel and emission savings see they have to throw that in there to cover their ass there has to be another reason otherwise people like me will make a stink and go it's none of your business there's already speed limits up there and shit we don't need any more fucking rules you should really enforce the uh the brothers that drive their nissans uh on the springbrook parkway and
Starting point is 00:46:28 pass me at 160 um but again they come up with these oh it'll you know save on fuel emission savings a win for safety energy conservation our, all that from... It doesn't mention that, you know, you get on a bus and you want to go 12 miles. It'll take you fucking a day and a half. You'll lose people to scurvy. Under the long delay proposal, all new U.S. trucks and buses weighing more than 26,000 pounds... I'm going to have to put one on Hillary. What?
Starting point is 00:47:03 ...would need to be equipped with a speed limiting device the department said the maximum allowable speed would be decided after the agency receives public input oh god more nanny state fucking bloomberg must be jerking off in his tub when he read this one publication of the proposal kicks off a 60-day uh comment period let me Let me jump in before the comment period and go, it's a stupid rule. We have enough government in our lives. Now they're in fucking Jersey. They're trying to pass a bill.
Starting point is 00:47:34 You can't be drinking coffee in your car. Fucking bull. It's called tyranny, folks. Wake the fuck up, okay? If you like it, fucking vote Obama, vote Hillary. Keep voting that shit. Country was founded on throwing off government. You fuckers can't get enough of it.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Every three feet, there's a sign on a highway. Buckle up. Stay alert. Don't text. Hey, you forgot one. Eat shit. It's like having my wife on the rag sitting next to me. Ah, slow down.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Ah, ah, ah. It said both vehicle manufacturers and the companies that purchase and operate the vehicles would be subject to the rule. Too many chicks in government. That's a problem. Boy, I'm offending everybody today, aren't I? Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Uh-oh. Retard alert. Retard alert. Hey, get this. A public university in Louisiana has a speech code that permits students to express their beliefs freely for two hours per week at three predetermined locations. Did you get that, folks? So they're going to tell you when you can speak, how long you can speak freely, and where. The Northwestern State University policy requires students to apply 24 to 48 hours in advance.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Of course, you're going to do that and they're going to scrutinize your application, especially if you're leaning right. And they're going to go, no, you're not going to. They'll find a reason not to let you fucking speak, period. So you've got to submit an application before holding a public demonstration or assembly. And it limits such activities to one two-hour time period every seven days commencing on Monday. They're literally telling you when you can speak your mind and where and for how long. I wonder if that has anything to do with Black Lives Matter. Public demonstrations are limited to three locations on campus.
Starting point is 00:49:40 The Student Union Plaza. Again, this is in Louisiana. Prather Coliseum Parking Lot. Oh, whatever. Green space between Kappa and Bernardo Hall. What the fuck? The Foundation for Individual Rights and Education, dubbed the Northwestern State Policy,
Starting point is 00:49:57 its speech code of the month. Each of these restrictions is problematic in its own right, but the cumulative effect of requiring prior notice and limiting protests to just two hours per week at just one of just three locations on campus is severely restrictive. No shit.
Starting point is 00:50:16 How about a hand for fires? Samantha Harris, she wrote that in a blog on Wednesday. Thank you. There's a few college students that still fucking have an ounce of brains. Thank you. There's a few college students that still fucking have an ounce of brains. They're telling you when and where and what the fuck.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Un-fucking-believable. I want to hear some more fucking, you know, free speech. I have a fantasy like that movie Robert De Niro and the Intern. I get a job at some corporation. I think it would be a great movie. And I've been out of it. You know, I'm in my 50s. Come back. Come in playing this shit. Grabbing a woman's ass while she's making coffees in my 50s. Come back. Come in playing this shit.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Grabbing a woman's ass while she's making coffees in front of me. Fucking quit. These lyrics remind me of Sinatra When he used to get there with Glenn Miller And they'd really lay it down, wouldn't they? Hell yeah Bitches ain't shit But hoes and tricks Wasn't that a breakfast cereal? Hoes and tricks Bitches ain't shit. But hoes and tricks.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Wasn't that a breakfast cereal? Hoes and tricks. Sure it were. Sure it were. Red so fine with my two crippled feet. Anyhow. Anyhow, anywho, anyhi. Tune in tomorrow for my great guest, Anthony Cumia.
Starting point is 00:52:11 And go to, like I said, slash nick. slash nick to subscribe to this podcast. Like many have. As it grows. Like a tumor on Hillary's tongue after years of bad bush. Did you know that binge-watching TV, according to this stupid article, can cause depression, disease, and a sexless life? I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I tried to finger-pop my wife during Breaking Bad once. What? No, I didn't. that's a lie i got a hand job though during mad men by a kid named kevin anyhow what yeah they say this study says that uh a lot of binge watching uh psychological research has uh it's not good for you like i just told you you. But some experts, like Dr. Pam Rutledge, she's a media psychologist. That's the problem right there.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Too many chicks with degrees from junior colleges in media psychology and child psychology and fucking parent psychology and cacapupu psychology. But she disagrees with this headline. She says
Starting point is 00:53:24 she sees some of the benefits in the hobby, and she takes issue with the term binge-watching. She's probably an alcoholic. No, but this article is accompanied by a cute girl, like, staring at a TV while she's sitting on her bed eating popcorn, so I might get off to that later. So maybe there is some harm in this. What I think is very interesting about the phenomenon, she says, is we call it binge watching, which is a social pejorative. That means negative, folks. It's a bad connotation. We don't say we're binge reading if we tuck ourselves away with a Dickens novel. Who the fuck does that?
Starting point is 00:54:01 Who the? But what the? Dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip. There are actually lots of positives in watching media. It allows you to experience emotions. It can be cathartic and allow you to see models of different sorts of behaviors. You mean like models... Like fucking... DiCaprio pork models?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Oh, models of different sorts of... Yeah. Yeah, that's what we get from tv that's what she her four years at that college and that's she's come up you can actually observe different behaviors of characters on tv thank you very much but the number of experts and studies arguing the opposite position is bigger as is often the case in the early days of the emerging trend. As far as binge-watching TV, they say it can cause depression. A 2015 University of Texas study noted that loneliness and depression were common factors in any sort of binge behavior.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yeah, but at least when you binge-watch, you don't wake up with a fucking chlamydia and a slice of pizza stuck to your neck and laying in your own shit. Or do you? Ultimately, researchers said the more lonely and depressed people are, the more likely they are to binge watch TV in hopes that doing so would help them avoid other negative feelings in and about their lives.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah, you either resort to binge watching or serial killing. Isn't that what lonely depressed people do? Track a fucking Cub Scout for three weeks and tie him to a radiator in your basement and feed him ho-hos. People just try to take the fun out of everything, don't they? They really do. It just makes me sick.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Really, it's binge-watching TV. It's going to cause depression. You're not meant for this fucking world anyways. Excuse me. I had two cigarettes this morning. What else? Suffering sex life. Binge-watching causes.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yeah, oh, but this came from a professor and a statistician at cambridge university that's in england a couple said sex about five times per month in the 90s today it's down to three three it makes christ people doing it three times a month married people god damn i am really behind the eight ball here i have the sex drive of fucking grandpa munster oh yes but they say yeah people's sex drive is down because binge watching a seeming combination of obsessive watching of shows and the ensuing lack of sleep results in a lowered libido well anything can fucking apnea causes you not to sleep and not to fuck. Puerto Rican family upstairs playing the music too loud.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Or an Italian family talking too loud. Don't want to offend anybody here. So that's silly. What this... Yeah, you don't fuck because you're too tired because you're binge watching. Again, it doesn't have to be... There's 19 things that keep you up, you're too tired because you're binge watching again it doesn't have to be that that can there's 19 things that keep you up make you too tired to fuck one is um your wife's ankles getting too thick what
Starting point is 00:57:13 also an increased risk of chronic disease yeah we know that sitting on the couch isn't bad loss of social capital if you listen to section, waiting for a series to finish the season before you start watching so that you can watch it marathon style, while you'll be able to avoid the agony of cliffhangers and in many cases avoid commercial breaks, you'll miss out on some of the social benefits of watching live.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Shows like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead, those are water cooler conversation pieces and they're all over social media. By not watching you're not able to take part in those conversations and you might be you know who knows you might be at desk doing work and being a productive productive citizen i'm fucking believable i can't watch anything in real time anymore do you how about you guys like sporting events i haven't watched a baseball game in real time and i don't know how many years
Starting point is 00:58:04 i mean how many a guy throws over the first base three times i'm fucking clicking over to porn ie and we all know the next one it leads to poor sleep because if you're watching you know whether you're looking at your phone or the computer screen cell phone all that shit increases electrical activity in your brain and could release a hormone that makes it harder to go to sleep the light from those screens has been shown to delay the release of melatonin and my jizz anyhow any who any so binge watching something that we all enjoy again let's take the fun out of that because that's what uh jerk offs do anyhow that is it folks go. Go to, like I said, if you enjoy the show, you can go to slash Nick. I've decided this will be
Starting point is 00:58:49 the Monday show. At the beginning of the show, I said I didn't know, but yes, it will be. slash Nick and subscribe for two to three more shows a week at $3.99 a month.
Starting point is 00:58:59 You'll be glad you did. I put three hours of prep into each of these shows, okay? Show me another show that does that other than Empire Um What else
Starting point is 00:59:09 My guest tomorrow the fucking hilarious Anthony Comia for you premium members You get to hear me and him Exchange lemon square recipes It's really fucking funny Go to Even on my website it can tell you how to sign up For the podcast too if you want to go that route. And you can, the t-shirts and hats have been ordered
Starting point is 00:59:30 so I can reward you premium members who send in huge donations. Okay. Those should be on the way within 10, 12 days, I was told. Come see me at Talia Hall in Chicago this coming weekend, Saturday night, September 3rd. And go to for the rest of my dates. And go to my bio. You can, you know, download a pic of me if you're crazy motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Anyhow, I will talk to you tomorrow. I smile though I wear brown And I'm not gonna take it all lying down Cause once I get started I go to town Cause I'm not like everybody else No, no I'm not like everybody else I'm not like everybody else Well I'm not like everybody else I'm not like everybody else
Starting point is 01:00:51 And I don't wanna live like this guitar solo guitar solo you

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