The Nick DiPaolo Show - 150 - I Don't Recall, Black Trump

Episode Date: September 5, 2016

I Don't Recall, Black Trump...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hey, hey, hey. Well, how you doing, folks? A happy Labor Day to you. What's going on? It's the Nick DiPaola Podcast Monday. What is it, September 5th, I think it is. Yeah, it is. And if you want to hear more of these shows, of course, Monday is the free one
Starting point is 00:00:54 on iTunes. But if you want to get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month, that's a buck a week, folks. Go to slash Nick. Connectpal.99 a month. That's a buck a week, folks. Go to slash nick. slash nick. And thanks to all you guys who have been raving about my appearance on Anthony Comia's show and his on mine.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And yes, I appreciate the fact you guys want us to do a show together. I think it will be a monster show. But it's going to work out economically for both of us. And that's, you know, we don't, like I said, somebody on Twitter, we don't just do this for fun, you know. So it has to make sense money-wise, you know. I got to act. I got to do radio. I got to do live club appearances to, you know, to cover my nut.
Starting point is 00:01:44 So, but yeah yeah me and anthony together i think would be a monster show and i'm not ruling it out i'm just saying uh if somebody comes along and uh makes an offer that works out for both of us or whatever and depending on how anthony feels he's got his own little empire going there we shall see but, if you like the Nick DiPaolo podcast on iTunes, go to slash Nick. And yeah, you'll get two to three more shows a week for just $3.99 a month. Contributions. And I'll tell you, we had our best month money-wise as far as contributions go. I can't thank you enough.
Starting point is 00:02:21 We're about 10 months into this as far as the subscription model goes and this was our best best month to date uh and last month as far as the number of contributions was our best best so uh the show is healthy and i don't think the election's hurting it if you know what i'm saying but thank you uh regulars. Darren J. Card every month. Robert Schlueter. Boy, Dennis Grabbag Bishop. Listen to all these over the weekend. Dave Harris, as usual. Thank you. Stephen Morrissey.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Thank you so much, Stephen. Valerie Burton, another regular contributor. Jennifer L. Gibbons. I think that's a new one. She started with a nice fat one. And can't thank you enough jennifer uh massimino dalia with a nice fat contribution thank you so much uh yeah that's very encouraging. Very encouraging. Went to Robert Kelly. Had his second sort of comedy cookout at his house yesterday. And kicking it with our old friends Keith Robinson, Marina Franklin, Joe List, Dan Soder, Lenny Marcus.
Starting point is 00:03:40 The whole crew was there. And Dante, Dante Nero, who I'll be doing his podcast soon. Got to line it up so when I'm in the city, I can do it. He cracks me up. He's a funny dude. A bunch of people. I don't know who I'm forgetting there. Ryan Hamilton, a whole bunch of funny.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Big Jay Oakerson, his girlfriend, Christine. And just busting balls. There's nothing funnier, man. And it made me miss, because, his girlfriend, Christine, and just busting balls. There's nothing funnier, man. And it made me miss, because, you know, obviously when Keith is there, we get into race and Dante, and it's just great. But it made me miss the late, great Patrice O'Neill. I've been jonesing for him since yesterday. So let's start out with a little Patrice, one of my favorite bits about him talking about black women. I mean, black women are amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I've played this before on the show. I'm going to tell you what, if you need to get money back or refund, you better get yourself a black bitch nigga because you should get a refund. That's misog let's talk this. I went in AT&T with a phone I dropped in the toilet. My bitch was back there. I'm like, hold on, let me talk to this guy. Hey, man, I dropped my phone in the toilet. I just want a replacement phone.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And he's like, well, I can't do it. I had to put a hood on her head, because she's back there like... I'm like, look, man, all I want... I'll take a refurbished... Sir, we cannot give you any phone. If you drop it in the toilet, we are not responsible. You got one more motherfucking chance, man.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Sir, I'm sorry. Okay. Okay, okay. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. This bitch come back with five phones and I don't have to pay the bill no more. This nigga is in the back, fetal up, crying. I told you, motherfucker, I wanted a refurbished replacement phone, asshole.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Oh, boy, do we miss that dude. One funny motherfucker. And his, I should a motherfucker and his i should say his girl and his girlfriend vaughn was there yesterday at the cookout as usual and her beautiful self so it was a good time bobby kelly puts on a nice spread as they say he gets these steak tips from uh somewhere in massachusetts i want to say everett. I might be wrong, but a place called Dom's. Jesus Christ, they're addicting. I will not shit till, let's say, late December. I got enough red meat in my colon. But, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So, yeah, that was a fun, fun thing. And real quickly, again, I like to throw in a little sport, especially this time of year. College football kicked off, and they were touting it as the best opening weekend for college football ever because of the matchups. And they were not exaggerated.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It did not disappoint. And I'll tell you, when you talk college football, you have to have this guy. The hyperbole is done. Now we can finally play the game. Look at that. Oh my goodness. One man.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Goodbye, Hello, Hospital. Intercepted by Teague. George Teague to the end zone. Left hand. We're going to play football. Yippee. Ball's up in the air. Caught.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Touchdown. Ball goes into the end zone, Oh, the phone, everybody. Just a penalty flag thrown, and I think it's against Miami. The royalty of college football is in assembly at the Rose Bowl 2006. He's got it. To the corner. He's got it. Vince Young scores. Texas has defeated Southern California. Oh, like a poet. The great Keith Jackson.
Starting point is 00:08:18 There's a fumble on the play. How do you sum up a rivalry between Michigan and Ohio State? Well, it's not lacking somebody here since about 1939. I think he still does a few West Coast games. I'm not sure. But that guy, he's got to be at least 80 years old now. I know he retired a few years ago. But real quickly, what a weekend.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Alabama did just what I thought to do to USC. Fucking 52-6. USC played with them for about 12 minutes and then alabama just uh too many athletes just scary and they're number one and they should be and nick and nick saban's complaining how they had a lot of shit they have to work on you gotta be kidding me number two clemson uh over auburn 1913 houston everybody's calling this a shocking upset, which it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Number 15, Houston, which is loaded with talent. They upset Oklahoma, number three, Oklahoma, 33-23. You got Florida State, Ole Miss tonight, which it's like fucking, it's like porn for me. I can't get enough college. It's hard for me to watch the NFL after I watched this shit all weekend. LSU was shocked by Wisconsin. LSU was number five in the nation, and they're always picked to be in the championship ball,
Starting point is 00:09:31 but they lost 16-14 to a good Wisconsin team. A lot of white fellas on Wisconsin. Not that that matters. I just thought I'd throw that in there in case you were getting bored with the scores. Ohio State beat a girls team, Bowling Green, 77-10. Hey, Ohio State, why don't you open with somebody that's in fucking you know your class just once same with michigan 63 to 3 number 7 michigan over hawaii playing the uh you know the school for the deaf and blind stanford 26 13 over
Starting point is 00:10:02 kansas state they have this running back, Christian McCaffrey, and he's going to win the Heisman. Probably should have won it last year. He's had 14, I guess now it's 15 straight games of over 100 yards rushing. And you're going, what's the big deal? He's a white kid with green eyes. He is as good as anybody I've ever seen. Returns, punts, punch kick he returned to punt he caught on his
Starting point is 00:10:27 own like two yard line and it came out of a pile went 98 yards or 95 yards that was called back but he still had over 100 160 yards total off he should win the heisman and he's a handsome son of a bitch i watch this shit and i get i get a lump in my throat. I want to be young again. I want to be able to fucking lift weights and fuck young cheerleaders. But I can't. I'm in my late 70s. Unbelievable. Tennessee had to go into overtime to beat a pesky Appalachian State 2013. Notre Dame.
Starting point is 00:11:03 How about this game? The game of the week last night, folks. Number 10, Notre Dame goes to Texas, who's unranked. But people saying Texas is going to be great this year. And how about a 57-50 final in overtime, Texas over Notre Dame? As good as game, you're not going to see one that good in the nfl for the rest of the year i'll tell you that much and between the between the broads and the audience and the cheerleaders and the points and the vicious hitting and the hundred thousand plus in attendance i don't know
Starting point is 00:11:35 what fucking more you want what do you want to watch the bills play the 49ers who gives a fucking rat's tit and the rest of the scores, TCU beat up on South Dakota State. Rutgers, who's trying to hang now in the Big Ten, is it? They get smoked by Washington, 48-13. Anyways, that's enough of that. I don't want to board you with the rest of them. But holy Christ, that game last night was as fucking fun to watch as anything I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:12:04 But enough about that. Let's stay with football because Lena Dunham had to apologize today. Will this fucking broad go away? Colin Quinn's a fan. He actually appears on the show on a regular basis, her show Girls. I guess it's well-written shit. You know, I can appreciate it, but it's that narcissistic, caught-in-your-own-head fucking stuff that I just can't get into. She just reeks of political correctness.
Starting point is 00:12:32 But what do we love on this show? We love when fucking libs eat libs, don't we? Sure we do. And that's what's happening. Apparently, she has apologized to Giants receiver Odell Beckham Jr. for making narcissistic assumptions about his motivations in an article published on her website. In a discussion with Amy Schumer about the most recent Met Gala, Dunham said she was seated near Beckham, who she claimed was
Starting point is 00:12:57 looking at a cell phone instead of her because he found her sexually unappealing. so what are you apologizing for what the fuck donna apologized uh saturday on her social media account saying she projected this is the type of shit i think i i throw this into white people's problems saying she projected her personal insecurities onto the football star and presented them as facts she said she and beckham had never met and after listening to a lot of valid criticism of course social media criticism she understands that it's wrong to ascribe misogynistic thoughts to a stranger do you hear the bullshit the level of cucka poopoo duty we are at in this country yeah he didn't fucking look at you and uh and and and as as i hear about beckham people question his sexuality although he's a tough he's a tough motherfucker that's the defensive back for the Panthers, Norman. Anyhow, can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Valid criticism about ascribing misogynistic thoughts to a stranger. Beckham has not acknowledged Dunham's original comments or apology on his social media accounts. You know why? He wouldn't even know what the fuck you're talking about. If you presented this to him and go, hey, that fat chick that looks like a guy that you weren't looking at. He's going to go, who the fuck you be talking about if you presented to this and we go hey that fat chick that looks like a guy that you weren't looking at he's gonna go who the fuck you be talking about i know you're talking about oh anyhow and she is scary unattractive i know i'm supposed to admire that she puts herself in a bikini and shit and doesn't care and you know her whole statement is i'm not going to try to fucking uh acquiesce to you men and your desires and whatever the fuck all that kind of new psycho
Starting point is 00:14:50 babble but anyhow she gets attacked on twitter and she just she's been in the she's been in the news the last couple weeks like four years ago five years ago she made she tweeted about um i didn't even pull the tweet up but it was something about she said oh uncool thought uh guy walking behind me thought it was a rapist but it was just an asian guy i'm just paraphrasing and uh you know she she she started the tweet by saying uncool thought and i don't know how this is re-bubbled or resurfaced on but she's getting attacked for that and i just laugh at some of the people on Twitter, these social justice warriors. Oh, that was racist and stupid, Lena.
Starting point is 00:15:32 You should delete your account. It's so embarrassing. These kids have bought into this fucking politically correct horseshit and thrown the First Amendment right out the window and replaced it with this hypersensitive pc fucking garbage oh nice comment laney you're racist and just all this fucking horseshit just attacking her but you know what i don't feel bad for her because she helped create this type of stifling environment i love when the libs get attacked by other libs and and their fans because they created it same with bill maher and and um when he's complaining about how uptight the liberals are in his audience and and uh you help create that over the years i don't feel bad they're
Starting point is 00:16:17 eating each other but that shows you how insane to the level of a guy just stupid but oh she made a little bit of a racist joke. And like I said, she prefaced it by going, uncool thought. She didn't even have the balls to just throw it out there. And they're attacking her on fucking trivia. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! So, Lena Dunham is being attacked.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Like I said, Quinn likes the show. He appears on it on a regular basis, and my wife likes it too. She goes, it's the show. He appears on it on a regular basis, and my wife likes it, too. She goes, it's great writing. Yes, yes. If you want to hear from a confused woman sexually who's inside her own head, narcissistic fucking horseshit. I got my own issues.
Starting point is 00:16:57 You think HBO would ever give me a show about jerking off eight times a day? But anyhow. What? I'm glad to see she's getting grief aren't you sure you is yes you is okay what else politically a lot went on since i talked to you last uh trump went to a black church fucking uh we got some transcripts from the questioning that hillary went on that uh with the fbi of course they didn't record it or whatever and uh but i'll get to that in a second
Starting point is 00:17:31 but before that what's all this talk of the department of homeland security which was uh created remember a couple years after 9-11 and uh well they now they're thinking about uh wanting to take over the elections because they believe the russians and i don't doubt this either putin's a sneaky kbg motherfucker they're meddling in our affairs over here and and trying to influence our elections of course there's no solid proof of that putin's like that's a bunch of baloney but i gotta believe it because they have a history of it and uh but the the according to Jay Johnson, the head of the DHS, is that they want to, you know, take over the elections. And if you know anything about our system, folks, and I'm not a constitutional expert, but there's something called the Tenth Amendment.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And that falls under the, you know, come elections. And that falls under the, you know, come elections, the elections, the presidential elections. That's up to the states and to the local local jurisdictions and how you handle that. And that's not that's not the federal government's job to fucking get involved in that shit. But Jay Johnson wants to consider, you know, our election system as a critical infrastructure due to potential cyber threats that way they can get involved once again the federal government wants to stick their beacon where it doesn't belong and consolidate more fucking power you know what i say we take our chances i mean i'm in more fear of our friggin federal government than i am of putin i'll be honest with you federal government that i am a putin i'll be honest with you but this guy haney this guy philip haney wrote a book uh it's called see see something say nothing a homeland security
Starting point is 00:19:11 officer exposes the government's submission to the jihad i guess he's a former uh homeland security officer maybe he still works here i don't know but uh the fair haney points out is that the dhs could overrule powers given to the local state governments to manage their own elections under article one section for the u.s constitution and uh you know i'm sure obama's like who gives a shit about that uh not to mention the powers afforded by which i just mentioned the 10th amendment they certainly don't have an exemplary record in safeguarding our borders haney told wn the world knows uh he noted that dhs didn't have the capability of preventing the background paperwork for our secret clearance from being hacked you know why because they were hacked remember they were hacked in 2015
Starting point is 00:20:05 the customs and border protections were informed in june 12 2015 uh about them being hacked and uh which included the theft of social security numbers remember this date of birth residenciescies, educational, employment histories, personal, foreign travel histories, immediate families, businesses, all this shit was exposed online. Personal acquaintances, all that stuff. So who's the DHS to say they can protect our election system when they can't protect themselves?, that's Laura Ingramram i believe pointed out that johnson's remarks came well before the fbi announced last week that hackers had attacked
Starting point is 00:20:49 two separate state election boards i guess illinois and um arizona got hacked but the point being is if there's going to be a change as far as the elections go, it should be Congress making it. Mr. Haney said not a unilateral decision by the DHS. So, yeah, you know what I mean? You're really going to, and you go, why are you so paranoid? Well, we already have a politicized, corrupt Department of Justice. First that was run by Eric Holder, now Loretta Lynch.
Starting point is 00:21:28 This whole administration is fucking corrupt. Yeah, let's turn more power over to the federal government. Give me a break. This is fucking Constitution 101 stuff. We don't want that, do we? No, no, we don't want that do we no no we don't uh yeah so um russia you know but you know putin's a sneaky motherfucker you know why he's playing chess while obama so-called genius is playing checkers again like i said he couldn't
Starting point is 00:21:58 even carry romney's book bag so-called genius obama constitutional law professor um but everything that's the answer to everything let's give the federal government more power but putin you know putin's sticking his beak in and and he's just fucking lying about it putin actually said you know what it's good that the information about you know the dnc got out to the public we had nothing to do with it but it's good. And we know. They know it's Russian hackers. Whether they are tied into Putin directly and the Russian government, they can't really prove yet. But U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are probing what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States
Starting point is 00:22:45 to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and U.S. political institutions, intelligence, and congressional officials all over. They're doing this to disrupt the spread of democracy is what they're trying to do. Them Russians are sneaky motherfuckers, I'll tell you. The official cautioned that the intelligence community is not saying that it has definitive proof of such tampering or any russian plans to do so putin says he doesn't know who's behind the hacking of the dnc committee but it's important the information had been made public rude writer said that i I agree, Mr. Putin. I don't know. It's a weird
Starting point is 00:23:28 thing. I don't think Putin would want I don't think he would want Trump as president. He'd rather Hillary, wouldn't you say? I don't know how you play this. But the Kremlin's intent may not be to sway the election in one direction or the other,
Starting point is 00:23:45 officials said, but to cause chaos and provide propaganda fodder to attack U.S. democracy-building policies around the world, particularly in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Makes sense. I don't put it past them. But since this government is so goddamn uh not transparent i'm glad somebody's exposing the horseshit aren't you sure and we'll get to hillary in a second she's got about as good a memory as a uh fullback who's played 17 years in the NFL and taken numerous headshots.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I think she got CTE when she fell and smacked her head on the sink while she was taking a big dump. Yeah, she hasn't been right since. After Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid ended a secure 30-minute phone briefing by a top intelligence official recently. He was deeply shaken. No, that's probably his nervous system going. He was deeply shaken, according to an aide who was with Reid when he left the secure room at the FBI's Las Vegas headquarters. It made Harry Reid get nervous, so it's got to be bad. in arbor so it's got to be bad but uh you got a senator republican senator ben sassy or sass i should say i call him sassy um in a statement urging president obama to publicly
Starting point is 00:25:15 name russia as responsible for the dnc hack and apparently meddling in electoral process obama doesn't have the fucking balls. Wasn't he at the G20 summit thing with Putin this week, wasn't he? I guess it was some cold. You could feel the tension between the two. Putin had that smirk on his face, like, look at this dummy
Starting point is 00:25:37 taking him to the cleaners. Arizona, Illinois, and both democratic and republican parties as well as the dnc have been the victims of either attempted or successful cyber attacks that the fbi agents with expertise in russian government hacking are investigating yeah baby so this is a what a fucking brave new world, huh? The DHS, the Department of Homeland Security, has offered local and state election officials help, I'm sure they have,
Starting point is 00:26:11 to prevent or deal with election day cyber disruptions, including vulnerability scans, regular actionable information and alerts, and access to other tools for improving the cybersecurity at the local level. I would not let them near these fucking elections in a million years. And you know what's going to happen, right? If Trump wins, the fucking, the left will go crazy going, he had that, he was in, you know, he had that Paul Manafort
Starting point is 00:26:35 who was in tight with the Russians and donated $12 million to their causes over there. They're going to do that thing. And this election was rigged. That's what I'd be doing. That's what they're going to do that thing and uh this election was rigged that's what i'd be doing that's what they're going to be crying out you watch the dhs also have a cyber team ready at the national cyber security and communications integration center to alert jurisdictions if it attacks i said thanks we'll take you the state should be going fuck you don't worry about it we'll handle it we have our own experts wouldn't trust the federal government but as far as you could throw putin
Starting point is 00:27:08 anyhow enough of that so i'm just saying that's a big no to that big no yeah let's that's what they do let's label it critical infrastructure you know it's like the power grid and shit and then that's their way around the Constitution. And next thing you know, Republicans don't win for another hundred years. Interesting, huh, folks? Yeah, sure it is. If you give two shats. Let's get on to a little, well, how dr drew you know he got he got his show canceled
Starting point is 00:27:49 right after he was talking about hillary on tv about her fucking health problems and how very concerned he was uh dr drew prinsky is afraid of hillary clinton and her supporters he won't blame them for the cancellation of his dog shit show on HLN. Of course, that's the sister channel of CNN, which is the most corrupt piece of shit network on television, is now, always has been. You know why that is? Because Bill Clinton and Ted Turner, who own CNN, I don't know if he still does but him and bill clinton were asshole buddies you know that don't you sure you do but uh dr drew pinsky's like afraid of him he says like the fucking clinton is like uh it's like the mopper he says no no i just want them to go away he told one friend dr drew
Starting point is 00:28:38 was canceled eight days after discussing hillary's health on a radio show saying he was gravely concerned not just about her health, but about her thick ankles and the amount of fluid building. No, gravely concerned not just about her health, but about her health care. CNN is so supportive
Starting point is 00:28:56 of Clinton network, honchos acted like the mafia when confronting Drew, a source told the person who wrote this article. First, they demanded he retract his comments but he wouldn't what followed was a series of nasty phone calls and emails it was
Starting point is 00:29:11 downright scary and creepy a source close to penske said we have uh actual audio i think of one of the conversations uh with hln and cnn Dr. Drew Pansky. Bargini's dead. So is Philip Tattaglia. Mo Green. Stracci. All these people lived in Westchester. Cuneo.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Today I settle all family business, so don't tell me you're innocent innocent I just said she doesn't look good she doesn't she might die soon what are you how fucking funny people are afraid of the Clintons I should think twice too like I said I'm about five miles from their house
Starting point is 00:29:59 I should go over there huh shouldn't I go over there with a Trump hat and a Trump t-shirt and a Trump sign and just stand across the street and see what happens to me? Unknown comedian found face down in his own pond. Woo, woo. But what was made public, of course, this came out friday right before the long weekend um i want to call them transcripts whatever about the uh fbi when they were questioning
Starting point is 00:30:35 the thick-ankled dog face and uh she answered over 40 questions with the phrase, I don't recall. This is when the FBI interviewed her on July 2nd. Of course, it wasn't under oath. I don't know if that's normal protocol. I don't know. She just, yeah, over 40 questions. She said, I don't recall, which is what your lawyer tells you to say
Starting point is 00:31:08 when you're lying through your fucking dirty teeth. They asked her, do you remember being trained on how to handle classified information? And she answered, what difference at this point does it make it is they asked her uh could you recall receiving any emails that you thought didn't belong on an unclassified system and she answered
Starting point is 00:31:40 uh that was two moves for now they said did Colin Powell ever tell you not to let your emails get into public records and she answered. Unbelievable. They asked her, did you know what the C meant? The letter C meant on a lot of the emails.
Starting point is 00:32:19 They asked her that. What difference at this point does it make? Exactly. I'm going to win the fucking presidency. It's a rig the fucking presidency it's a rigged game it's a rigged game you heard bernie send us i told you it was a rigged game i was gonna start a revolution i lost to hillary clinton and uh now i'm backing her which makes me a two-faced cocksucker but uh like a good socialist i went out and bought a six hundred thousand dollar house up in vermont i'm going to sit up in that house with my wife and tie-dye t-shirts and eat pot brownies
Starting point is 00:32:49 and watch Hillary win the rigged election. They asked her, did you use more than one or two devices that do all this shit? And she said, what difference at this point does it make? Oh, for Christ's sake, makes a lot. Apparently she used over 13 different devices. She had us believing she used like two, didn't she? She had five iPads going.
Starting point is 00:33:23 And they used to go to like the fucking 18th East or buy her phone. When she was done with it, some guy would smash it with a hammer, which even I was belly laughing at. Everybody knows you put Kingsford lighter on it and then you, no. What's funny about it is that shit,
Starting point is 00:33:39 that information that was on, it's probably backed up somewhere. It's not the physical device itself. Maybe not. They probably have protocol that, you know, but I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Just, could you, that's real high tech. Where's my hammer? We have to get rid of the... They're fucking busting cell phones
Starting point is 00:33:57 with hammers. She had 13 different devices. Fucking lying war. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. That was Bill
Starting point is 00:34:04 yelling at her after he read all this. Yeah, the agency recovered over 17,448 emails from her server and other sources. None of them
Starting point is 00:34:16 which had been turned over in the first place. Lying motherfucker. Do you believe that shit? Yeah, I turned everything over. We turned everything over. And you're still going to vote for this twice? Seriously, Yeah, I turned everything over. We turned everything over. And you're still going to vote for this Tawad?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Seriously, folks. I mean, seriously. Yeah, but Donald Trump, he said mean things about Mexican people, and I think he's kind of sexist, and who knows about his taxes. Oh, my God. You've got to be fucking kidding me. You've got to be kidding me, man. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And like I said, I didn't even vote for Trump in the primaries. I mean, you know, because I don't think he's a real conservative either. But like I said, he's right on the big issue. He's won me over with his giant balls. Good for him. And talk about energy. No wonder why he was calling Jeb Bush low. I see Trump on TV.
Starting point is 00:35:06 I'm laying on the couch. I think I watched 12 hours of college football on Saturday. And I'm flipping around, and this motherfucker was in like 11 different states in that time. I go, never mind his tax records. Check his fucking coat pockets for cocaine. This guy, he really does. For somebody who's 70, they talk about Bernie head energy.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Jesus Christ. They say Trump sleeps like four hours a night. Look at his hair. I'd say 11 to 12, but Jesus H. Christ. Just on effort alone, he should win this thing if this country had a fucking soul.
Starting point is 00:35:47 But it's a rigged game, like I said. I keep hearing about this pathway, and she has all the electoral votes, and it's going to be very difficult for Trump. Meanwhile, he's up in a couple polls, and in all the swing states, he's within the margin of error. So like I said, I predicted, what, a couple months ago, three months ago, that I'd say by October that Trump would be crushing her.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And that's not true, but it's heading that way. I just, the guy exhausts me, though. He fucking, the guy is everywhere. And you gotta be. What are we, 60 days out? I don't know. Let me ask the Russians.
Starting point is 00:36:24 They'll tell us what. If you want to find out the exact day we're voting. But she's just a liar. She is just a filthy, entitled liar. I mean, the most corrupt ever to run for this. It's hilarious. Isn't that funny? The first female president.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Let me ask you guys a question. Would you agree with me on this? If she was a guy, which she is kind of. I still say she has a set of digging balls. But if she was a guy, do you think she'd still be in the race or she would have had to have dropped out by now? Isn't this really about the first female president? And we're just going to do anything. Like I said, it's all about feminism political
Starting point is 00:37:05 correct the last 50 years is about the you know nothing about it's all about women gaining and this and that and they blew up past they blew us right past the civil rights movement and uh and it's all about her if she like i said if she was a guy, she would have already been replaced as a candidate. I really feel that. I could be wrong. But give me a fucking break. Have you ever seen him? Fucking Mitt Romney. Any of those guys.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Mitt. Especially Mitt. Mitt. I picture him every time I see Trump talk. Even Trump. I see Trump talking. Or Hillary. I just picture mint at
Starting point is 00:37:45 home with no shirt on you know that hair that's always perfectly coiffed i picture it all sticking up and shit everybody thinks he's such a straight laced guy he's got like a bottle of scotch and he's just fucking red faced and swearing at his wife and grandchildren to get out of the way of the fucking tv and he's just he can't believe believe. He can't believe that he's not the one. How did that happen? Oh, God. It's priceless, isn't it? Yeah, but Donald,
Starting point is 00:38:19 I was talking about Donald and his fucking energy. He went to Detroit over the weekend. And while Hillary was laying around eating bonbons and has an ice pack on her cock, Trump was at a church in Detroit, a black church. And, of course, you go online today and what do you see? 19 clips of him when they're playing music and all the black people are rhythmically clapping. Trump is just kind of swaying back and forth like a like a white guy who has a body cast on as the rhythm of a busted furnace. And but of course, you know, everybody making fun of him online and shit.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And because that's what's important, right? We want somebody who can cut a rug like Obama. That's what's important in your president. But it's so funny because it's just so awkward every time. Remember they did it with George Bush and Karl Rove dancing next to these young African dancers. Remember that thing went fucking viral and they love to do it. It's the same thing when in college and in sports, when a you know, when a team wins a championship in the NFL or college football, most of the times the coach is white and the the the middle, and we can see how he can't dance, and they fucking, they try to, Belichick tried to humiliate him. Wasn't that when he first took over? I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:39:53 But that's not fair. I mean, you know, that would be like Belichick handing a contract to one of the black plays and go, read that out loud. Read the first two pages of your contract, your extension. You know what I mean? And you humiliate the black guy. We don't do that, do we? No.
Starting point is 00:40:06 So quit making white guys dance, could you please? But, yeah. Trump went to the black church in, you know where? In Detroit. Detroit. And he's trying to dance to this. And it was just, it really is so funny how awkward it is
Starting point is 00:40:37 when a white guy is in a black shirt. It reminded me when I did comedy at the Apollo Theater. Remember that show? Evening at the Apollo? I actually did that. I don't know where that footage is, but I hope one of Hillary's people took a hammer to it. I died the death of a thousand cuts, and I was chased off the stage after 30 seconds by the Sandman.
Starting point is 00:41:03 So Trump, and he took his boy Ben... Excuse me. They always have the pregame cigarette. And I don't smoke a lot of books, don't get the wrong impression. Anyhow, things didn't go to well right at the beginning when Trump got in there. He hurt some guy. He's getting mad. Listen to him, Luis.
Starting point is 00:41:24 That's what happens when you mix black and white. Ten more seconds, he's going to call a nigga. See that? And everybody laughed in the church, and the tension was relieved. Listen to that. I ain't used that word in three years. I think that was Giuliani weighing in. Giuliani weighing in.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Now, let's, so Trump actually gave a little, let's listen to a little bit of the speech that he gave. He said he wrote this and even I almost fell off the couch going, no, you didn't. After hearing him read it, didn't sound anything like Trump. But let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Oh, he can't. He's a white billionaire. That means he's hated. Let's listen to his speech to the all-black church in Detroit. Donald J. Trump. Well, I just wrote this
Starting point is 00:42:16 the other day. No, you didn't. I'm glad to be here, and I mean it from the heart. He's got a heart, folks. You hear that, people of color? And I think you'll understand it maybe better than I do in certain ways. Because I didn't write it. The African-American church has been the conscience of our country. So true. It's from the pews and pulpits and Christian teachings of black churches all across this land that the civil rights movement lifted up its soul and lifted
Starting point is 00:42:47 up the soul of our nation. It's from these pews that our nation has been inspired toward a better moral character, a deeper concern for mankind, and spirit of charity and unity that binds us all together. Yes, I see that when i'm watching the ferguson and the baltimore riots the unity and uh binding us together we are bound together and i see that today this was this has been an amazing day for me the african-american faith community has been one of god's greatest gifts to America and to its people. The college football.
Starting point is 00:43:32 There is perhaps no action our leaders can take that would do more to heal our country and support our people than to provide a greater platform to the black churches and churchgoers. Hillary's pissed. You do right every day by your community and your family. Shut up. Let him speak, Hillary. You raise children in the light of God. I will always support your church. Always.
Starting point is 00:43:55 In the light of God? Or is that a spotlight from the cops? I'm not sure. Hey, what are you saying? You know. And defend your right to worship. So important. I am here today to listen to your message.
Starting point is 00:44:06 So important. And I hope my presence here will also help your voice to reach new audiences in our country and many of these audiences desperately need it. I mean, Black people are amazing. I can tell you that. What the hell are you talking about? Jesus. And, of course, he's getting guff, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:27 People are like, I don't believe a word he said. I wasn't even there. So if you don't go, you're a racist. If you do go, you're just there to get votes. You can't win if you're a white fellow running for president anymore. Here's what I don't understand, and I brought this up on the last show. Again, the black population makes up 12 of the country total and what percentage of that actually votes it's it's got to be microscopic no and i know you know it's a culture thing but i'm just saying numbers wise is it i don't get it i don't i'm missing something but it's you know it's such
Starting point is 00:45:06 a racist country that obama got voted in twice but trump made the effort and then like i said if you want to see him dancing online reminds me a buddy of mine that uh when i went to college up at man it's a fraternity this kid i'll call him david and uh we used to watch him he was like six three blonde and he'd be up he'd be on the dance floor would be in the corner you know turn the living room into a dance dance floor for our parties and would be in the corner drunk watching him trying to dance with a chick and we just it was so funny it looked like he had an iron rod that ran from his asshole to his forehead. He just, he would just... Anyhow. So, at least Trump's there making the effort, huh?
Starting point is 00:45:52 And I love the fact, he's the first guy, a Republican, I think politician, ever to just say to the black community, what do you get to lose? Look at your fucking, look what, under Democratic control. Look at the inner cities, all these major cities. Really, what do you have to lose?
Starting point is 00:46:08 And they were interviewing guys. I'm watching the news. They were at some black barbershop. And this guy goes, well, my family, my parents, their parents, they voted Democrat. And the guy goes, yeah, but are you happy with the outcome? He goes, no, but we're still going to vote Democrat because that's what we do. Oh, what the fuck? That's the definition of insanity, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:46:26 You keep doing something over and again, expecting a different result and not getting it, but you continue to do it. What the money? But, yeah, it was funny, though. I mean, it's a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, and he calls Ben Carson over. Look, here's my black friend.
Starting point is 00:46:47 But you have to do this shit, folks. You got to do it. You got to get those 11 people. No, Donald, you're not. Well, I am for the weekend. That's what he came into this song. I thought that was a little over the top. You know, people, I don't think they were buying that.
Starting point is 00:47:09 But this might have been my favorite story of the weekend. The Philippines president, Rodrigo Duterte barack obama a son of a whore on monday as he vowed not to be lectured by uh obama on human rights when they meet in laos the acid tongue dut duterte duterte we call him honey notalza. Bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the United States president over a war against drugs in the Philippines. I guess, you know how we always talk about a war on drugs in this country and nothing ever changed? You want a war on drugs? You want to see if someone actually committed to a war on drugs? This guy's killed over 2,400 people in the last two months.
Starting point is 00:48:05 That's a fucking war on drugs. This guy's killed over 2,400 people in the last two months. That's a fucking war on drugs. Just see some guy smoking a joint and fucking shoot him in the back. 2,400 lives in just over two months. And I sort of agree.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I wouldn't want to be lectured by a dickhead either. But, I mean, 2,400 people. Son of a whore! He called him a son of a whore. And he's done that to400 people. Son of a whore! He called him a son of a whore. And he's done that to other people. I guess he's a colorful character.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Oh, I'm dehydrated. I did the, ah, I got one of those cramps, you know, and your hamstring, hold on. Oh, mother! Ah! Ah, you're supposed to put your foot down on a cold floor, but I am. All right. It's going away. I'm dehydrated. It worked out like a mother yesterday.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Then I had alcohol in the sun at Bobby's house, and I don't think I've had an ounce of water since. That's healthy, huh? Excuse me. Anyhow, you must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. This is Duarte talking. Son of a whore! He says, son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum. Duterte told a news conference shortly before flying to Laos to attend a summit.
Starting point is 00:49:28 He said, we will be wallowing in the mud like pigs if you do that to me. He was supposed to hold a bilateral meeting with Obama on Tuesday afternoon on the sidelines of a gathering of global leaders hosted by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. But shortly after Duterte spoke, Obama appeared to cast doubt on whether such a meeting could take place. Calling Duterte a colorful guy, the U.S. president said, was asking his staff to find out whether a meeting would be useful. This guy's like off his fucking rocker.
Starting point is 00:49:59 He's 71 years old, this guy. He's a Filipino. He doesn't give a shit. He was elected in may after a promise to wage an unprecedented war on illegal drugs that would see tens of thousands of suspects killed no that was uh i'm sorry that's uh this is donald trump's promise to written no deter day he's killed 2400 people this crazy fuck official figures released sunday show that since he took office on June 30th, over 2,400 people have been killed in police anti-drug operations and by suspected vigilantes.
Starting point is 00:50:35 That's how you wage a war on drugs, folks. Huh? That seems a little more effective than just say no. What do you guys do to stop the drugs? We killed 2,400 people, about 600 a week. What do you guys do? We effective than just say no. What do you guys do to stop the drugs? We killed 2,400 people, about 600 a week. What do you guys do? We told them just say no. Just say no to that stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:52 It's going to fry your brain, and it's terrible shit. Oh, that dirty cocksucker. How about that, calling him a dirty whore? He also called the... He's rejected the Catholic Church, you know, because they've criticized him, human rights groups. I kind of like him.
Starting point is 00:51:11 He hates the fucking UN. I mean, I'm not for the killing of 2,400 people without a trial for us. But he vowed Monday the bloodbath will continue as he pursued his goal of eradicating illegal narcotics in the Philippines. Can we get him over here to work for our DEA? More people will be killed.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Plenty will be. This is him. Will be killed until that last pusher is out of the streets. Until that last drug manufacturer is killed. We will continue and I will continue. With the help of Donald Trump. No. He says he's not going to take orders from the United States.
Starting point is 00:51:44 A former colonial ruler of the philippines and did not care about how he was perceived apparently not he's he's got a quick he's earned a reputation for making offensive comments about his critics people he doesn't fucking like he also branded pope francis and the uS. ambassador to Manila. He branded them. Son of a whore! He called them sons of whores, too. Sons of whores. That's not nice.
Starting point is 00:52:16 I don't think Lena Dunham would like that type of talk. Finally, tonight. Again, go to slash Nick. If you to get uh two to three more of these shows a week for 3.99 a month slash nick and go to my website uh i think the we've ordered the uh hats and shirts and shit it's taken a long time and companies uh i don't know they're busy um and finally and boy's taken a long time. And companies, I don't know, they're busy. And finally, and boy, this is a big surprise.
Starting point is 00:52:49 President Obama defends Colin Kaepernick's national anthem protest. Of course he does. He hates the country more than Kaepernick does and the police and all that shit. And, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Obama and I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. I'm black, blacker than black. Obama defended San Francisco 49ers quarterback Kaepernick's decision not to stand. He's following his constitutional right to make a statement. We all know that, you silly bastard. We all understand that. Obama said it at a press conference. And we're following our constitutional right to say he's a dick and a fucking America hater, and he should go elsewhere and take his fucking 1960s stupid Afro with him.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Cheer, pet head. Too bad, too. I loved him in college. Guy had a great, great athlete. I think he could have won pro baseball, too. But, you know, his career's going in in the toilet so why not lash out against the white establishment and the powers that be anyhow obama uh you know when he was in china was responding to a question about the quarterback i think there's a long history of sports figures
Starting point is 00:53:56 are doing so and the president added i don't doubt his insincerity i i think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have to be talked about would that be the breakdown of the black family mr president no okay that has nothing to do with it okay and if nothing else he's generated I think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have to be talked about. Would that be the breakdown of the black family, Mr. President? No? Okay, that is not a do-do. Okay. And if nothing else, he's generated some conversation around some topics that need to be talked about, said President Obama. And then he was kicked in the balls by the president of China. And he was kicked in the balls by the president of China. On Monday's press conference, the president reiterated his call for active citizenry and praised the 28-year-old professional athlete for speaking out.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I'd rather have young people who are engaged in the argument and trying to think through how they can be part of our democratic process than people who are just sitting on the sidelines and not paying attention at all really i'd rather have him shut his mouth and think about how he makes millions and millions of dollars playing a kid's game in the greatest country that uh on the on the planet that's done more for him and his people and all other people that's what i'd rather have him and i'd like to have him do it while he's sitting on the sidelines, because apparently his skills have gone south. But anyhow,
Starting point is 00:55:12 he did, Obama didn't encourage standing for the playing of the national anthem, but signaled that others might not respect Kaepernick's move, because, you know, Obama's convinced we're a white, racist, colonialistic fucking whatever i'd say kaepernick likes this country and has more respect for the cops than obama does let's not bring up the fact either that the nfl wouldn't let the dallas cowboys pay tribute to those five cops that were killed in dallas but though we have to defend this jerk off you know right if i can sit there on a national anthem and whatever but but don't let the cowboys killed in Dallas. But we have to defend this jerk off, you know, right,
Starting point is 00:55:45 if I can sit there on a national anthem and whatever. But don't let the cowboys pay tribute to cops. What does that say about where we're at? Everything, you motherless, titless wonders. Are you with me? Yeah. Son of a whore! All right, kids, that is it.
Starting point is 00:56:02 That's Monday, iTunes, the Nick DiPaola podcast. Again, slash Nick. Check out me on Anthony Comey. I did it a few weeks ago, but they aired it online. Anthony Comey, the Anthony Comey podcast. And check him out on mine, which was last week, because it's a dangerous combination. All right? That is it from here
Starting point is 00:56:27 i'm supposed to go into the city today mr ck's having a little get together you know if i don't go i'll be hearing this woody allen was there and uh alan alda denaro popped in did a couple of shots and sally's brother said she'd give you a hand job you know that's what i'll hear, but I don't go. Anyhow, folks, that's it. Talk to you tomorrow, I guess. Happy now the bad things gone away Everybody's happy now The good things here stay Please let me stay Hey, hey, I saved the world today Everybody's happy now
Starting point is 00:57:30 The bad things gone away guitar solo guitar solo Thanks for watching!

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