The Nick DiPaolo Show - 159 - Confused Comey, Hillary's M-aid-Ev

Episode Date: November 8, 2016

Confused Comey, Hillary's M-aid-E...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hey, hey, folks, how are you? Welcome to the DiPaolo podcast, the free version on iTunes Monday and, Stitcher, etc., etc. How are you? Etc., etc. How are you? As usual, thanks to the contributors. As you know, you subscribe and you can contribute if you'd like to. As much as you want. Well, there's a limit.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I think it's like 250, but whatever. But thank you so much to Joel Ebert for a big fat one. Mark Penizza with a huge contribution. Who else we got? Patrick Wolfe has contributed. Michael Thompson, thank you so much. Jesus Genosa Jr., a regular contributor. My lady in Milwaukee, I'll just call her M.
Starting point is 00:01:20 She is the largest donor of everybody, and she contributes the same every month. Amazingly generous. Dennis Grabbag Bishop, he's a regular. So is Robert Shulita. Shulita, I can never say that one. Thank you again, Robert. And our buddy Darren J. Card always contributes every month. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I mean, look at all those. Okay, the show's strong. The state of the show is strong. The, uh, the, uh, the state of the show is strong. Why did that candidate have no idea? How are you folks? Uh, if you like the, uh, if you like this version of the DePaulo podcast, remember, uh, you can go to connect slash Nick connect slash Nick and subscribe to the show i'll do two to three more you'll get two to three more shows a week uh for 3.99 a month again that's a buck a week and um yeah it's uh it's it's a bargain i put a lot of effort into each show because i love doing this this is a blast especially
Starting point is 00:02:18 with this election going on and yeah we're heavy on the politics right now, but that's going to that'll change. Although, will it after depending on the election, which is tomorrow? Holy Christ, it could only get uglier. We don't know, but we have fun here. And matter of fact, let's let's start off a little light with one of my one of the funniest guys ever. The late great. And you're going to go, what the fuck is that? But we always play him on the show here. The funny the funniest fag in the universe, Mr. Paul Lynn. And I say that respectfully, by the way. OK, I don fuck is that? But we always play them on the show here. The funniest fag in the universe was to Paul Lynn. And I say that respectfully, by the way.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Okay, I don't mean that in a hateful way. You know that. Yes, Paul Lynn. Paul Lynn, yes. For $750, Paul, a friend of yours offers you to give, a friend of yours offers you to give you something called a French 75. What is that? A French 75.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Just a minute. That's 25 more than it was the last time. What is a French 75? It's a great drink. It's a drink. I disagree. It's a drink. Okay, back to Alan.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Paul, for $250. Why am I playing this? Paul, according to the great religious book, The Talmud... Because it's my joke. There are ten strong things. The Talmud. What does it say is the strongest thing of all? Brisket of beef jerky.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Why? I don't know. Brisket of beef jerky. Oh, I don't know brisket i'm a jerk oh i don't know anyhow kevin maney the only funnier well mario canton why am i listing my gay comedian friends but uh all brilliantly funny well i didn't know Paul Lynn personally but uh heard he was a mean drunk kind of like that about him too anyhow you know uh I don't know what you want to believe folks uh over the weekend I was up in uh where was I Saratoga Springs New York at the Comedy Works great room I'll tell my comedian buddies great room it's like 130 seats intimate ceiling, energy's right in your face. Killer Room. I suggest you do it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I know Jimmy Norton's going up there to prepare for his next special. Gary Gallman, I saw his name on the marquee next to mine. So he's getting good comics, and it's a great club. Had a great time up there. Second show Saturday night uh drunken table somebody's birthday party the broads get a little chatty but you know that's uh i i can i just say this don't don't go to a comedy club ladies if you if it's a bachelorette party when your friend is getting married or it's a birthday because you can't fucking have fun and talk to
Starting point is 00:05:02 each other even though you try to at a comedy club. And, you know, then it fucks up the show for everybody else. So I'm just telling you, like there's three chicks listening to the show, really. I mean women. Did I say chicks? Oh, for Christ's sake, Nick. Just don't go to a comedy club, will you? Go to fucking, you know, Chippendales and, like I said,
Starting point is 00:05:24 lick whipped cream out of a fella's ass crack and have a good time. But don't fucking go to a place where you can't talk out loud to each other. Your friend's getting married. You're not going to talk to this broad for the next 20 years, probably. You know what I'm saying? All right. Just a friendly reminder out there. Anyways, let's get right to it.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Headlines. Florida shock, it says. Trump outperforms Romney by 130 votes in early voting. Holy Jesus Christ. I don't know what you want to believe, folks. Again. Yeah. Data obtained by the Drudge Report shows presidential underdog Trump outperforming Republican 2012 election results in Florida. Romney went into Election Day down 161,000 in absentee ballots in early voting.
Starting point is 00:06:07 He ended up losing the state by 74,000. This time, in a dramatic surprise twist, Trump's only down 32,500. And you're like, oh, that doesn't sound that good. But see, Republicans almost always outvote Democrats on Election Day in Florida. At least that's been the recent history. And that's why the Republicans have a chub at this point. But who the fuck knows? Again, who knows? After all the shit's coming out? I mean, is it like I said, we know it's all fucking rigged? Or is it? I don't know. But for Christ's sake, got more stories on CNN and DNC working together. Fucking tonguing each other.
Starting point is 00:06:47 It's just, it is so fucking ridiculous. This, I don't care how ugly it got. Silly this campaign got. It revealed a lot about how rotten the political system is and the media and the cohorts that work together. It is filthy. Late polls show Trump nearing 50% in the Sunshine State. God, it's going to come down to Florida again. Holy fucking moly. But I'm telling you, there's a movement out there.
Starting point is 00:07:13 You can't tell me. He's got 20,000 people to rally, and there's people still trying to get in. So it's bigger than just him, I guess. Who the fuck knows? But you know all the shit that went down this weekend. Why do I have to curse so much? I don't know. Coffee, four or five cups mixed with the zoloft i'm getting very jittery um we'll get to the big stories obviously comey backpedaling again confused out of his fucking mind um but let's let's check the poll since it's the day before i'm done folks i'm debating
Starting point is 00:07:43 on whether to do another show tomorrow or not because I'm doing Anthony Comey's all day tomorrow. So, and what can you talk about, you know, during the day of the election? I'm not going to sit here going, oh, Wisconsin's, Trump's minus two in Wisconsin, but he's pulling ahead in the county up in Maine. I'm not going to do that play-by-play shit. We better to come back at you guys, I think, the day after the election
Starting point is 00:08:04 and go shithouse regardless of the results no and uh yeah watch my anthony coombs podcast he'll have cameras there and steven crowd his show is going to skype with him i haven't decided yet but like i said i don't really i'm going to vote tomorrow morning and then i have to head into the city and by the way that'll be fun because thick-ankled dog face is having a big party at the javits center which is probably three blocks away from where anthony's doing his podcast so i will be strip searched and asked they'll probably ask me for a stool sample on the corner 47th and 8th and i'll just point to one that's already there because you can find human shit anywhere in new york uh so that's going to be a fucking nightmare, getting down there. And Hillary's into it. And Trump's having a party or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:47 So in the city. So Jesus H. Christ, not to mention threats from ISIS. That's why I'm going to wear two leather jackets and my riding pants. I own a pony. What? Trump lead widens to two. This is the IBD, Investors Business Daily. He widens his leads to two, which is his biggest. But Rasmussen has Hillary plus two and the L.A.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Times has Trump plus five. So I don't know what you want to believe. But why is the IBD poll so important? Is it? Well, this this guy will explain to you why they're so important and why they have the best reputation as far as all polls out there right now. And here's the explanation for that. There's some cute broad-ass fellow from IBD. Why? The election is merely upon us, and there are a lot of polls out there. Yummy, yummy.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But the IBD tip poll is known as one of the most, if not the most, accurate among polls. Why is that? DAVID ROEDIGER- Well, in the last three election cycles, that's going back to 2004, we have had the best record of predicting the outcome based on the difference between our final prediction and the actual outcome on the difference between our final prediction and the actual outcome
Starting point is 00:10:06 of the election. So, you know, in 2008, for instance, President Obama. Speak a little slower, please. Beat his foe by 7.2 percentage points. 7.2. That's a lot. Very few people had that. We had it right on the button. Wow. In 2004.2. That's a lot. Very few people had that. We had it right on the button.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Wow. In 2004, President Bush was running against John Kerry. Horse face. And there, a lot of people thought Kerry was going to win. There were polls that had him up by as many as two points going into the final vote. Retarded people. We had him up. We many as two points going into the final vote. MALE SPEAKER 1 AND 2nd SPEAKER 1 RETARDED PEOPLE. RETARDED PEOPLE.
Starting point is 00:10:46 We had him up, we had Bush up slightly, 2.1%. And the final tally was 2.5 percentage points. So we were off by four-tenths of a percentage point. And then in 2012, we had another outcome. This one was everybody was all over the board. But finally, we were a little over two percentage points, I think, away from hitting it right on the nail. And when you average all of those together, we have been the most prolifically precise pollster out there. Jack!
Starting point is 00:11:28 Thank you. Thank you. I could have said that one-eighth of the time. But so, you know, depending on what you want to believe, and I believe all these polls are just used to manipulate us and keep us interested, and I don't know. I don't know what the fuck to believe anymore. After I see these WikiLeaks shit, I can't believe how cynical.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I can't believe anybody. I think the next election in, what is that, in 2020, three people are going to show up after what we've learned from how rotten the system is. I mean, holy moly. But Rasmussen is very, you know, they're very prominent and usually pretty accurate. So, believe what you believe. But I'll go with IBD since he just backed it up with some of that statistics. Yeah, Trump is leading her 43 to 41. Yeah, it's his largest so far during the 20 days of polling.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gets 6%. The fact that he's still getting 6% scares me about our country. And Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who gives a fuck. And a two-way matchup that excludes the two third party candidates over Clinton holds a 43 to 42 lead over Trump. With 9% of those responding saying they were unsure for whom they would vote. How the fuck can you be unsure at this point? What are you, a retarded? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:12:48 How the? What? Are you kidding? Anyhow, pretty interesting, huh? So we'll see how that poll, by the way, is 1,026 likely voters reflects a weighted response of 390 Democrats, a weighted response of 390 Democrats, 322 Republicans, 344 independent or other voters, and a margin of error plus or minus 3.1. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:13:19 So if you're a Trump fan, your nipples might want to get a little bit hard on that, but don't get too excited because there's a boatload of Cubans coming over as we speak. You'd think it'd be for the Republicans like they always are, but who knows? You don't know anymore. The Hispanics and, you know, Trump's remarks at the beginning kind of offended everybody with the Hispanic blood in them. I don't know. But what was the big news since i talked to you last uh you know what it was ladies and gentlemen uh it was uh james comey uh you know he just reopened the thing right last week and uh guess what he's changed his mind again clearing hillary Again, clearing Hillary Clinton again. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Yes. Oh, my God. I can't fucking. He's lost his goddamn mind. He's lost his mind. Comey informed key members of Congress in a letter that the determination he made in July that the former Secretary of State should not face criminal charges has not changed. He says, here is the letter, and I'll read from it. Since my letter reopening the case, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large
Starting point is 00:14:34 volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated investigation. That would be Anthony Weiner's laptop with jizz all over it and cheddar cheese. During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were two or four from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary of State Clinton. You fucking... You gotta be shitting me there, Jimmy. You fucking... Shut up! You gotta be shitting me there, Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:15:09 You gotta be shitting me. But it's very interesting, folks. It's very interesting, isn't it? You know. You know. They either have dirt on him or somebody from the higher up said listen dude you want to live motherfucker we know how the Clintons play they're filthy they're filthy the Gambinos have nothing on the Clintons so who knows but there's a very very interesting interesting theory out
Starting point is 00:15:42 there I don't know how much weight you want to put into it, but somebody's, I don't know who put it out, but it's on the internet, and it was getting a lot of play on the internet that Comey somehow knows that Trump's going to win. Now, I don't know how he'd know that. Maybe he has inside dope that we don't. Maybe it's all scripted, like I said.
Starting point is 00:16:03 But he knows that Trump is going to win this thing, right? So he didn't charge Hillary because he knew that Obama would pardon her. So he's going to let Trump fucking go after her. That's the theory out there. Is that far-fetched? I don't know. It's a goddamn good one, though, isn't it? Who am I? Fucking Walter Cronkite? Who am I, Tom Brokaw? Who am I, Ted Koppel? But that's interesting, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:16:33 But do you believe this shit? I almost fell off my toilet when I read that. It was yesterday in the afternoon. I was watching football. I checked the computer and it said, Comey lets Clinton. By the way, James Comey is the only guy ever to get Hillary Clinton off. Period.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That was a doozy. If that pisses you off... You can't handle the truth! That's exactly right. She doesn't like penises. We know that boy it's funny i'm even up in saratoga and i'm up there i just came out throwing haymakers at hillary and shit in just the first 10 minutes because i you know i shot that special i put that material away i don't know what i'm doing right now don't have any really written stuff so
Starting point is 00:17:19 just spilling from the gut a lot of vitriol and uh you can just see again most of the rooms with me but it's like three or four. And everybody else is fucking belly laughing. You can see them with their head tilted, looking through their glasses. And you can just see this disappointed look that somebody would dare fucking go against Hillary and her ilk.
Starting point is 00:17:41 It's so funny, especially the women. They get all... Giving me the finger and shit. They're drunk, but they can't handle the truth. But, yeah, so... This guy, Joe DeGeneva, a former U.S. attorney,
Starting point is 00:18:04 said his doubts... said he doubts the investigation will go anywhere. He says, I would assume that given the director's cowardice, he's not a fan of commies, and the feathering of his political mess, the Clinton Foundation probe is dead. See, because it's still, people are saying, well, the email thing might be dead, but they're going to go after the Clinton Foundation. But former attorney, U.S. attorney Joe DeGenova disagrees. He has absolutely no stomach for investigating Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, or the foundation. DeGenova ripped Comey for an incompetent investigation that has made the director a law enforcement laughingstock
Starting point is 00:18:42 and has caused regular people to think the probe is being run by Inspector Clouseau. Ooh, a good one. That's a dilly. He said Comey has stripped himself of credibility. Not if that theory has any weight to it. But I don't know what to fucking believe. I figured Comey,
Starting point is 00:19:02 because it was a revolt in the FBI. The rank and file, the guys under Comey, were going to fucking, they were going crazy. They couldn't believe that he didn't indict her the first time. So what's going to happen now that he's backpedaled the second time? It almost gives more credence to that dumb theory, doesn't it? That might not be so dumb. I don't know. The FBI at this point, under the stewardship of Jim Comey,
Starting point is 00:19:22 is now in shambles, he said. Of course, Clinton campaign spokesman, goo gobbler Brian Fallon praised the decision. So fucking silly. So, uh, unbelievable. Clinton has been dogged all campaign by her decision
Starting point is 00:19:42 to set up the private email server at her suburban house in New York, five miles from where I live. I should go over there. I think I could get... Maybe I'll land one of those helicopters like that guy did on the front lawn of the White House. Comey said in July, the agents found 110 classified emails containing emails that were classified at the time they were sent or received. That included eight marked top secret.
Starting point is 00:20:04 That's all you have to know about this, folks, okay? And that's why I have very hard time respecting anybody who's going to vote for the thick-ankled, leathery-nippled dog face, as Sheriff Clark calls her, Mrs. Bill Clinton, because we know that she mishandled classified information. We know that she destroyed 33,000 emails after getting subpoenaed. That's all illegal, right? Those are fel are felons those are felonies by the way
Starting point is 00:20:29 she should be if she had a dick should be in jail i really believe this is about feminism and we can't crush the dreams of a woman in the united states in 2016 no matter who it is your five-year-old daughter or hillary clinton it, we can't. We don't have the stomach for it. I hope I'm wrong and Trump surprised the shit out of all of us. But we can't crush her dreams, can we? But the fact is, whether he fucking, you know, cleared her again for a second time doesn't change the fact that we have, thanks to WikiLeaks and no thanks to the mainstream media,
Starting point is 00:21:03 that she broke the fucking law blatantly, and any of us would be in the slammer right now. How the fuck can you respect somebody like that? That doesn't change. We know that's fact, regardless of whether he clears her 100 times. That's the question. And if, you know, you're still going to vote for her, I really don't get it. I really don't.
Starting point is 00:21:23 So you're saying, you people, like my friends in show business, some of them, who cares? As long as we win, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. So apparently there's two sets of laws. And if, you know, I'm just saying, and maybe it's always been that way, but God, is she dog shit at lying. She's transparent by accident.
Starting point is 00:21:47 She's just a horrible liar. So I'm encouraging all you young kids out there to shoplift. Next time you want to bum rush a footlocker with 500 of your friends. I used to get mad at that. Now I understand because the laws are apparently for people like Hillary and people people at the top and obama so just just go crazy that's where we're headed anyways i'm gonna look like venezuela in a year if she wins um how freaking creepy hillary clinton so and then you just listen to like fucking, what's his name? Mook, Robbie Mook, the head of her campaign. Just, oh, we knew all along.
Starting point is 00:22:30 There was nothing in there. Just so fucking, makes me angry. I want to play this song for all the feminists out there who are pulling for Hillary because you both have shrub. It's about my vag. That's how I vote. Skin color vag. That's what we do on the Democrat side. We vote according to genitalia, skin color, you know, the important things.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Even though we say we want a colorblind society, it's exactly what we don't want. Hypocrite. I try to look away, but I can't resist. Every time I try to call it quits. Here comes some tits. That's a big ten for me. I'm Donald Trump, and I approve this message. I bet you do.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Speaking of Donald J. Trump, and boy, just his work ethic. You should be voting for him. He has shamed her. This guy has, this weekend alone, I've never seen anything like it. I couldn't even complain. It had an effect on me. I couldn't complain about going up to Saratoga and then driving to Boston this weekend
Starting point is 00:23:50 to do comics, come home at the TD Garden, which will be killer, and then having to get on a plane to Buffalo a few days later. I can't complain after watching this guy. Meanwhile, Hillary, you know, sticks her tit out the window once every six days, and somebody interviews, throws some softball questions that she already knows are coming, and then she goes back into hiding uh but fucking trump this guy must have been a
Starting point is 00:24:10 maniac when he was uh when he was a youngster i mean jesus talk about energy uh here's how trump uh responded after the news that uh comey backpedaled once again or whatever you want to believe. I don't know. Right now, she is being protected by a rigged system. It's a totally rigged system. I've been saying it for a long time. You can't review 650,000 new emails in eight days. You can't do it, folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty.
Starting point is 00:24:44 She knows it. The FBI knows it. The people know it. And now it's up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8th. Unbelievable. Yes, it is. Unbelievable what she gets away with. It is. It is. I don't care how you vote it is ladies and gentlemen but uh you gotta question him a little bit after doing some reading today
Starting point is 00:25:14 how you know everybody on his side is saying the fbi can't vet 650 000 emails in eight days and people uh computer geeks and nerds who know about this stuff and do it for a living says that's not true at all they can certainly i don't know i know they can look through 650 000 emails but vet is a different question but uh even uh general flynn did the math on twitter saying there's no way he broke it down into seconds, and there's no way you can read 650, but that's not what they're doing. You don't read them individually, although that would be the best way, wouldn't it? But this guy here, Jonathan Zizerski, a forensic expert who does this stuff,
Starting point is 00:26:04 a forensic expert who does this stuff. He says the FBI can review hundreds of thousands of emails in a week using automated search and filtering tools, rather than Flynn's absurd notion, call me reading the documents manually. This is not rocket science. Yeah, it is to most people, Dick Cheese. It most certainly is, says Jonathan Zersky, a forensic expert who consulted for law enforcement and worked as a systems administrator. Eight days is more than enough time to pull this off in a responsible way, he says.
Starting point is 00:26:35 So funny. I'm sitting here. It takes me an hour to get through three emails in my own inbox. One former FBI forensic expert even tells tells wired he's personally assessed far larger collections of data far faster you can triage a data set like this in a much shorter amount of time says the former agent who asked to remain anonymous to avoid any political backlash like all of us uh would routinely collect terabytes which which I even know is a terabyte is a little bigger than Hillary's ass.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Picture that plus two more inches on each side of data. I know what was important before I left the guy's house, he says. In this case in particular, forensic experts say investigators jobs might even be particularly easy because a new collection of emails under investigation were taken from the laptop of anthony weiner now after they pull after they used a squeezy to get the three inches of jizz off it uh only a portion of those emails would be messages sent to or from clinton or anyone else on the campaign rather than those sent to or from weiner's contacts so right away that eliminates, he says it could cut out hundreds of thousands of messages.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Simple filtering by to or from would do that. So he says, boy, maybe I'll have this guy run my website, huh? We can peddle some more t-shirts. Next, the guy says the agents could filter out duplicate emails from those they had already analyzed in their months-long investigation earlier this year those copies could be spotted by their message id points out zizartsky a unique alphanumeric identifier for each email my wife's probably get all this shit to see if i'm getting a hand job at the chuckle hut on the road or if any
Starting point is 00:28:23 duplicate messages somehow had different message IDs, say because they had been copied into replies or forwarded, the FBI agents could use a forensics tool like an NCASE or Access Data Forensics Toolkit, which I have, it's right under my desk, to make cryptographic hashes of full messages or chunks of them. That hashing process converts portions of text into shorter character strings that uniquely represent the text. Running a hash function on that same text will always produce the same short string of characters, but any tiny
Starting point is 00:28:56 change in the text produces a different hash string. Yeah, okay. Is that vetting? I guess. Sounds like there's a lot of room for error there. I don't, maybe not. And from there, the agents could also sort the emails by thread, allowing them to look at the messages in groups of replies and disregarding dozens of emails at a time if they weren't about topics of interest. I could look at it and say, this block of 100 messages is all about Podesta's pot roast recipe.
Starting point is 00:29:25 So we'll ignore all of those. That's an example. And the FBI could also search for keywords to prioritize reading any new messages about subjects they had already pursued in the previous investigation. I wonder what Podesta's pot roast recipe is. 10 carrots. what Podesta's pot roast recipe is. Ten carrots, we found those under Hillary's bed, and two pounds of red potatoes and a nice brisket. Send them up for four hours.
Starting point is 00:29:55 We'll find out on WikiLeaks if he does have a pot roast recipe. How fucking embarrassing for these people. I actually get red feet. No, I don't. But I actually feel embarrassed for them when they start reading this shit you know and that's what happened hillary clinton's at that age understand podesta and all that shit they they are bright bright people but the technology thing caught up to them do you understand as bright as they are they weren't tech sad because it's new to all of us except for the real geeks with the giant foreheads
Starting point is 00:30:24 um you know i mean they didn't know they were leaving a fucking trail of death Tech, sir, because it's new to all of us, except for the real geeks with the giant foreheads. You know what I mean? They didn't know they were leaving a fucking trail of death, but they sure do now. Am I correct? You are correct, sir. What else did we learn in the WikiLeaks dumps? All kinds of shit. Wait a minute. I want to get to the...
Starting point is 00:30:47 Oh, yeah. There's more WikiLeaks dump shit. The funniest thing was how Hillary was using her maid. She had her maid at her house in D.C. Actually printing shit out. Top secret stuff. Classified stuff. Do do you understand that's right there that's illegal do you understand folks so please spare me the bullshit about
Starting point is 00:31:16 richard nixon we'll never hear his name mentioned again after this gangster this original og out of chappaqua. We got Hillary. We have some audio of Hillary fighting with her maid, actually, don't we? It's a lady in my country. I was a school teacher. Yeah? Well, in this country, you wash my bras. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:39 That's bigoted. Oh, they don't like each other. That's right. They had a laugh track at the house in D.C. Secretary of State Clinton routinely asked her may to print out sensitive government emails and documents, including ones containing classified information. Okay, guilty. From her house in D.C.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Emails and FBI memos show this. That's how we know this. But of course, the, you know, of course, who would have guessed her maid didn't have Clarence, the housekeeper. Really? She didn't have Clarence to do this shit? In fact, her name is Marina Santos. She's Filipino, by the way.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Was called on so frequently. Why Filipino? Well, I pointed out in the clip, it sounded like she was Mexican. But yeah, Marina Santos was called on so frequently to receive emails that she may hold the secrets to email gate if only the FBI and Congress would subpoena her and the equipment she used. Yeah, but see, if Comey does that, he'll wake up and find his wife's head in his bed. Or kittens, or, you know. Clinton entrusted far more than the care of her D.C. residents, known as Whitehaven, to Santos. She expected the Filipino immigrant to handle state secrets.
Starting point is 00:32:59 You can't make this shit up. Yes, you can't make this shit up. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. If you fucking wrote a movie with these twists and turns. No, no, not this fucking time. No fucking way, no fucking way, no fucking way, no fucking way. No, it's all true. I cannot wait for this.
Starting point is 00:33:16 There's going to be a movie. I want to play the part of the maid. I think I look a little like her, actually. She looks like me about 10 years ago after I ate two quarts of uh uh kung pao chicken uh clinton would first receive highly sensitive emails from top aides at the state department then requested they in turn for the messages and any attached documents to santos the the mate to print out for her at home oh my goodness oh my among other things clinton requested that santos print out drafts of her speeches confidential memos and call sheets background information and
Starting point is 00:33:54 talking points prepared for the secretary of state in advance of a phone call with a foreign head of state oh at least she wasn't doing any important shit at least she wasn't having her print not anything relevant i say with my tongue so far stuck in my cheek it looks like i'm blowing an elephant uh please ask marina this is a a quote please ask marina to print for me in the morning clinton email top aide uma abedin regarding a redacted 2011 message marked sensitive but unclassified. How about this? Like I said, at least she wasn't doing anything important with her. Revisions to the Iran points was the subject line of a classified April 2012 email to Clinton from Hanley. That's another one.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Monica Hanley is one of her aides. And at the text read, Marina is trying to print for you. Can you find, and by the way, folks, you also know that the FBI is 99.9% sure of five foreign countries hacked her shitty little server.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Do you understand that? At any other election, that would disqualify her from even going to being a politician. But no, like I said, she's got a giant muff, and that's important in our country. Both classified emails were marked confidential, the tear below secret or top secret. Santos also had access to a highly secure room called an SSCIF. That stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility that diplomatic security agents set up at Whitehaven for Hillary at her house, according to FBI notes from an interview with Abedin.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Just how sensitive were the papers Santos presumably handled? The FBI noted Clinton periodically received the presidential daily brief. Are you fucking kidding me? Jack! Thank you. The presidential daily brief. You know what that is. Like, well, yeah, Al Qaeda is going to try to blow up a mall in Minnesota and, you know, shit like that. A top secret document prepared by the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies via the Shakur facts.
Starting point is 00:36:04 prepared by the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies via the Shakur fax. A 2012 sensitive but unclassified email from Hanley to Clinton refers to a fax the staff wanted Clinton to see before your Netanyahu meeting. Marina will grab for you. Jesus Christ. It appears Clinton was never asked by the FBI in its year-long investigation to turn over the iMac that Santos used to receive the emails or the printer she used to print out the documents or the printout themselves. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:36:36 So you can't tell me this isn't botched. And if it's not botched, it's deliberate. And it's disgusting. And you're going to vote this bitch in. I mean, this lady in. I mean, this woman. I mean, this he-she. I mean, this...
Starting point is 00:36:49 It also appears the FBI did not formally interview Santos as a key witness in its investigation. And that's why people are saying Comey's a laughingstock and blah, blah, blah. But you know, somebody put their foot on his throat and said, if you do that, you're a dead man or whatever. Again, my theory. This is a major oversight.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Santos may know the whereabouts of a missing Apple MacBook laptop and USB flash drive that contain all of Clinton's emails archived over her four years. You know, the ones, even the 33,000 she deleted are out there somewhere. They think this lady might even know where they are. Anyhow. But, you know, Monica Hanley says those devices were lost and the FBI says it does not have their items in its possession. Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. Ooh, oofa, oofa. Anyhow, what else happened since I talked to your kids last? How are you guys, by the way? Shouldn't be all about me and Hillary and Donald. So like I said, Trump, have you been watching this guy?
Starting point is 00:37:56 I don't know, he was three or four states yesterday, three the day before. I've never seen anything like it. I mean, I got to tell you, the work ethic. No wonder why he was calling jeb low energy and everybody else compared to this guy i don't see any signs of blow either i don't know you never know but uh yeah he had a little bit of run a scary situation in reno this week and i think i think you heard of it didn't you? Somebody yelled a gun or some shit. Yeah, somebody said, Gun!
Starting point is 00:38:26 There's a gun! Kill a gun! No! Trump was rushed off stage by Secret Service this weekend in Reno. Somebody yelled, Gun!
Starting point is 00:38:41 Immediately in front of the stage an unidentified individual shouted, Gun! Secret Service agents in Reno police officers immediately apprehended the motherfucker. I mean, the subject. Upon a thorough search of the subject and the surrounding area, no weapon was found, the statement said. Trump was removed from the stage mid-speech at around 9.05. The Republican nominee returned to the stage minutes later and was defiant, and that's why we love him.
Starting point is 00:39:05 He said, my hairdo is bulletproof. It should be obvious to you, motherfucker. No, nobody said it was going to be easy for us, he said, but we will never be stopped. He thanked the Secret Service and continued his speech. Now, you think Hillary would have done that? They would have had to take an hour break and wring out the fucking diarrhea from her giant pantsuit, hosed her down like an elephant. That's disrespectful. I know. Eat it up. Yum, yum. A man was removed who
Starting point is 00:39:32 appeared to be handcuffed. It's unclear who shouted gun, but the man who was detained and later released told reporters that he's a lifelong Republican and only tried to hold up a sign that said Republicans against Trump. We have audio of the actual incident, don't we? I think we do, somewhere right here. Oh, there's music involved. Oh, for Christ's sake, somebody put music. Gun!
Starting point is 00:39:58 Gun? Somebody just yelled gun. Of course, that was John Malkovich in the line of fire trying to kill the president with his plastic gun as Clint Eastwood dove in front of the bullet in one of the silliest slow-motion things you'll ever see. Not a bad movie, though. Malkovich was creepy as hell. Loved him in it. Why am I sweating like a fucking 800-pound sumo? God damn. Does Zoloft make you sweat, folks?
Starting point is 00:40:41 This thing you're not supposed to drink when you take that shit. I don't know. But, uh... this thing you're not supposed to drink when you take that shit i don't know but uh but uh yeah the guy said he was a republican fan and he tried to hold up republicans against trump that man identified himself as austin kreitz and he told an nbc affiliate in reno that when he pulled out the sign people began booing and tried to grab it all of a sudden because they couldn't grab the sign or whatever happened, bam, I get tackled by all these people, Kreitz said. I'm not buying any of it, by the way, and I'll tell you why. And somebody yells something about a gun, and so that's when things really get out of hand, he told the station. Kreitz added he was glad that law enforcement arrived swiftly because
Starting point is 00:41:18 he was being beaten up. Yeah, of course you were, by people that Soros sent there, in cahoots with you probably. I'm just guessing. And why am I saying all that? Because we have the James O'Keefe Veritas undercover films with Bob Creamer, who has since stepped down, admitted that he and the DNC and the Clinton administration were sending goons to bird dog Trump fans into violence. We know all that two people have stepped down since from the DNC and whatever. So take what this kid says with a grain of salt. Not saying he's lying. Just saying you could see why he would be skeptical, wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:41:56 Sure you would. Trump thanked law enforcement. He said later on, he said, I would like to thank U.S. Secret Service and the law enforcement resources in Reno and the state of Nevada, Nevada, for their fast and their professional response. Nothing will stop us. We will make America great again. While there were no weapons found, some of those in the crowd were told there was a man with a gun. Others said they someone saw a dark object. Well, that's really narrowing it down. Yeah, it was a loafer, but it wasn't a weapon.
Starting point is 00:42:28 But, you know, a British guy back in June tried to fucking kill Trump, remember? Michael Sanford, a 19-year-old kid. Remember he tried to grab a cop's gun? So that's what the left does. They're violent fucks. They don't get their way. And if Trump wins, like I said, you don't think Soros and all the douchebags are going to send his goons out black lives matter all the other anarchists and scumbags that they pay uh to wreak havoc
Starting point is 00:42:51 there was more shit done to gop headquarters somewhere this weekend they threw something through a window i can't remember what state it was um you know so's going to get ugly either way. But I think the wind and I'm making a, I don't know. I think the wind is it Trump's back right now. It just seems like he's got the mo, but every time you put on TV, they keep sticking into that narrative. Well, he's got a very, very, very skinny path as far as electoral votes. Like it's all like it's all in stone already, which it isn't. The only fucking poll that matters is November 8th, not to be too cliche, but it's all like it's all in stone already which it isn't the only fucking
Starting point is 00:43:25 poll that matters is november 8th not to be too cliche but it's true and i mean jesus christ you can't ignore these thousands and thousands of people coming out to see trump it's not like he's friggin springsteen you know i mean but they've had enough of the thick-ankled dog face and her husband to last us a lifetime. I don't know how you couldn't feel differently. Yeah, but Trump's unfit. I mean, he uses the word pussy and stuff like that. He's misogynist and just fucking crude.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Okay, but people are pouring over the border who want to cut our heads off. That doesn't matter. He called that girl fat. I don't want my kids seeing that. Eat shit. Eat it. No, you'd rather have your daughter looking up to fucking Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in any field ever. Good role model. Look at, look at Lisa. Look at Lisa. Look at her calves. She's like a Polish speed skater. If you do enough squats... And she lied to all the guys and outsmarted them. You gotta do what you gotta do if you have a vagina.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Because you're a victim. You were born a second-rate citizen in the United States. Oh, never mind those girls in the Middle East that have acid thrown in their face. You have it the toughest. Don't you? Sure you do. That's your hero. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Listen to her. She's just a bubbly person. That was her getting the news that comey had folded once again uh so i'd like to know i want to know more about the guy who you know had his never trump sign it's republican but he's a republican of course all the media got to him and because they love it when republicans going i'm a republican i've voted Republican my whole life, but I'm not going to vote for Donald Trump. I never. Boy, they covered that like crazy, didn't they?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Sure they did. But the most outrageous thing, I think, over the weekend, and I saw it on TV, was Gina Rodriguez of the YouTube channel Me Too, M-I-T-U. She's an actress, a hot Latina. I love Latina girls, by the way. I think they are stunningly delicious. Don't you, folks? Fellas?
Starting point is 00:45:58 Paul Lynn, are you with me? She interviewed President Barack Obama. um she interviewed president barack obama and uh during the interview a lot of people and i heard it the same way you have to watch in the clip it looks like obama was encouraging illegal aliens to vote in this upcoming freaking election. And let's play the clip. She's asking him about, you know, about illegals. And I don't know. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm hoping he heard her wrong.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I have to check the news today. Maybe he came out and said, look, he can't be that blatant. I know he hates his country, everything it stands for. And he really does. He just, you know, that's why, that's why he's fundamentally trying to change it. Right? You don't try to fundamentally change something that you like. Right? Look at what my wife did to me. I was a, anyways. But watch, listen, listen to her. She asked him about illegals voting and it's just fucking it really is kind of shocking i'm trying to put a give him the benefit of the doubt here but jesus of the millennials dreamers undocumented uh citizens and i call them citizens because they
Starting point is 00:47:19 contribute to this country oh is that right is that your definition of citizen well see unlike mexico we have a thing called law and order here. That doesn't make you a citizen because you contribute. You're silly. So some drunk driver, illegal. The guy that shot, what's her name? What was the girl's name in San Francisco? Steinle, Kate Steinle.
Starting point is 00:47:40 He contributed to mayhem. But that doesn't make you a citizen. Again, we have things called law and order. Gina Rodriguez, spoken like a typical actress, airhead. Are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my
Starting point is 00:47:58 family and deport us? Not true. And the reason is, first of all... The response right there should have been, well, first of all, response right there should have been well first of all you can't vote if you're illegal there was the fuck that would have been ding ding ding next question but he didn't say that did he this is fucking crazy man when you vote you are a citizen yourself and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.
Starting point is 00:48:33 What the fuck? What is he saying? What did he just say? Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you're a citizen yourself. Maybe right there, what he was saying is, if you're voting, you have to be a citizen to vote. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the motherfucking doubt. Yeah, motherfucker. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over.
Starting point is 00:49:01 What does that even fucking mean? And people start investigating. are transferred over. What does that even fucking mean? And people start investigating. And because we know that nobody's going to investigate, pour in, is what he's saying. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:15 The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential. So you can see why some people took this wrong. I saw Neil Cavuto on Fox. He's the one who's like freaking out. The president of the United States. This is Neil Cavuto. This is how he took it. Saying, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:49:34 No one will be spying on you, catching you. You're ignoring the fact that you are being questioned about illegal voting, which you can't do. He's talking to the president. Why? Because you're not a citizen of this country. That's what Neil Cavovuto was saying. Crazy, isn't it, though? The clip that aired on Fox, though, did not include Obama's follow-up remarks in which the president said, if you have a family member who maybe is undocumented,
Starting point is 00:49:57 then you have an even greater reason to vote. This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election rodriguez noted but then obama then added and the reason that fear is promoted because they don't want people voting what the fuck people are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for latino citizens is to make your voice heard because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No regard for the American vote of the citizen. Again, he's just, regardless of what he meant,
Starting point is 00:50:34 he's just in the wrong place. Yeah, they don't, when he says they don't want you to vote, meaning Republicans, yeah, we want you to show an ID because there's been no, I've already played a clip of Obama admitting this fraud. He said, I'm from Chicago. We know about, but showing an ID is somehow racist if you make a Latino or a black person show an ID. If you ever heard of such nonsense,
Starting point is 00:50:57 that really, I don't know how you fucking can look yourself in the mirror and defend that position. I mean, people vote 10, 10 15 times there's still millions of dead people on voting rolls but yeah no there's no fucking fraud are you kidding me and asking to show an id would be racist that is just the most asinine fucking that's even far-fetched for the left but what's interesting in this article is uh the most important part is uh art del cueto vice president of the union that represents border patrol agents told trump that agents have been advised listen to this folks you wonder why people hate this fucking president agents have been
Starting point is 00:51:40 advised not to deport illegal illegals with criminal records. The problem that we're seeing reflected through us as a voice is that some of these individuals that were apprehended with criminal records, they're not checking their records. They see that they have criminal records, but they're setting them aside because at this point they are saying immigration is so tied up with trying to get the people who are on the waiting list to hurry up and get them their immigration status corrected and then trump asked him well why is that and he says so they can go ahead and vote before the election that's what del cueto's responded to trump they're literally trying to do you see what's going on unbelievable and of course the media is not going to tell you that trump pointed that out they're letting people pour into the country so they can go and vote and you can't fucking deny that there's no way this is coming from a guy that worked for border patrol okay del cueto said the government wants to hurry up and fast track them so they can go ahead and vote
Starting point is 00:52:46 in the election can you fucking believe it folks can you believe it 2016 after eight years of obama but let's uh let's vote for four more years of the same no fucking way no fucking way no fucking way oh yeah oh It is. Can't handle the truth. I just hit my iPad with my elbow if you heard that. Anyhow. I'll save the story for tomorrow with the DNC. Again, if I do a show tomorrow. And don't get mad at me if I don't.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Like I said, because I'll be on Anthony Comey's podcast. And all the shit you're going to want to talk about is after the election, right? I'm not going to sit here with a map. Doesn't help you guys. Look it, in this county up in Maine, there's six people voting for Trump. But I got a story here how the DNC and CNN colluded
Starting point is 00:53:41 on questions and the debates for Trump and Cruz. Again, thanks to WikiLeaks, which I look at as doing the mainstream media's job. And we also have a story about a Trump staffer being assaulted by an angry black girl in a parking garage because he had a Make America Great Again hat on. So Ayesha went to town on him. And again, if the skin colors were reversed, I'm guessing the guy was white. Might be wrong. Either way, it would be a hate crime.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Not if the victim was black. Okay, whatever. It's just, but he wasn't. That is it, ladies and gentlemen. Again, Nick DiPaolo podcast. Did I cover everything? All the, I think I did. If you like the show and you want to get two to three more shows a week,
Starting point is 00:54:34 I treat it like a radio show. And like I said, it's heavy on politics right now, but it gets really fucking silly and fun. And we do have guests. And slash Nick And slash Nick. slash Nick. You can sign up for two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Or you can go to my website, Whatever's easier for you. And that is it. I had a great time. And where am I going to be? Anthony Comey is tomorrow. I'm doing Jay Oakerson's show, What the Fuck's Your Deal? I'm taping that Wednesday night.
Starting point is 00:55:12 This Saturday, the TD Garden, Comics Come Home. It's a great cause with Dennis Leary and a bunch of very funny Boston guys, Robert Kelly, Billy Burr, and more. Then Buffalo Helium, I think the week before Thanksgiving, or whenever, next Thursday through Saturday. I can't keep this shit straight. I'm working like James Brown up in this motherfucker. Anyhow, that is it.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I'll talk to you guys real soon, huh? Hey, hey, I saved the world today And everybody's happy now The bad things gone away And everybody's happy now The good things here stay Please let me stay I saved the world today. guitar solo I'm out. Bye.

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