The Nick DiPaolo Show - 163 - Tone Deaf Nancy

Episode Date: December 6, 2016

Tone Deaf Nancy...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hey, hey, kids. Welcome to the iTunes version, Nick DiPaola podcast, Monday morning, the version for free. And if you like the podcast, as always, go to slash Nick. Like the podcast. As always, go to slash Nick. slash Nick. And you can subscribe and get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. That's a buck a week.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And I treat it like a radio show. We do a lot of topical stuff here. So, you know, it's great to get two to three more shows a week to stay on top of things as we see it. And go to for all my tour dates. And if anybody's looking to advertise out there with the show, go to nick at Send me a note if you're interested and you have a business that might want to advertise on the show. We can do that, too. All righty. Real quickly, as usual, top of the show we can do that too all righty real quickly as usual top of the show thank you
Starting point is 00:01:26 as far as uh contributions go uh buddy robert schlueter again uh my boy dennis also gary anderson i think he might set the record as far as contributions uh in a in a one month period and i mean big contributions can't thank you enough, Gary. Who else we got here? My buddy Darren, also a regular contributor. Alexander Toledo. Thank you so much, Alexander. Gary Anderson again. I mean, I can't thank you guys enough, especially Mr. Anderson, for your generosity.
Starting point is 00:02:01 It will not go unnoticed. How are you, folks? Did you watch a stinky NFL this weekend? just to start off on a light note the push in the back league what up you wonder why their ratings are plummeting between uh the marxist uh kaepernick and uh just a fucking dog shit league with i must have counted i've flipped through the channels i have direct tv i can watch all the games i'm not shitting you i must have counted i've flipped through the channels i have direct tv i can watch all the games i'm not shitting you i must have counted seven pushes in the backs on punts and kickoff returns and there's where you start goodell if you're looking for ways to improve
Starting point is 00:02:34 your league you start there by changing that rule i've talked about it a million times on the show not to mention just sloppy people jumping off size and after watching college football it's hard to watch the nfl because there's a bunch of overpaid jerk-offs who really don't give a shit i mean they play hard some of them but otherwise it's just it's just sloppy and fucking i don't know pu 19 commercials do you guys watch it in real time i haven't watched a game in real time in years but i tried to this weekend and uh i don't know how you guys do it. I don't know how you can watch 11 minutes of commercials and then they kick off and then they go 11 minutes of commercials and come back.
Starting point is 00:03:13 You can't even get into the game. And I find I get as I get older, I have no attention span. I'm like a retarded gnat flipping around the channels. I end up watching like Tom Hanks and Castaway during the second half one of the game. Oh, boy. Anyhow, I'm just saying, Jesus, it's just a symptom of our society. Me and my buddy were talking about this. You know, a guy jumps off sides and the refs huddle up for five minutes, which is just a symptom of how our society works today.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Oh, nobody's going to take charge. You know, we got to talk about it. Make sure we get it right, even though to the detriment of the final product, which to me is just so typical of this country. Just, ooh, make sure you get it right. You're going to get it right, but you're over fucking, you're overthinking it. Too much process. Too much bureaucracy. Make the fucking call.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Let's get on with the game, you dinks. Huh? Okay. All righty then. Let's let's span the globe. How about in Italy? My boy Renzi. He was on 60 Minutes as Matteo Renzi. He was the president of Italy and he was trying. He's basically, you know, he was trying to defend globalism and he put it up for a referendum and he got fucking smacked across the face as populism is spreading the globe and fighting establishment politics and so he took it right in the nuts and he's gonna resign you're like oh who gives a shit well there's a little more to the story than that because there's an actress i think she's a porn actress obviously if she's just a mainstream actress, I want to see her movies.
Starting point is 00:04:46 But this Italian actress, it just says actress. It doesn't say porn actress. It just says Pala, Pala, like, you know, Pala, like the Pala. The Pala. This is Pala. Pala Solino, a 27 who lives and works in Los Angeles. She like a suck of the dick. She promised voters who rejected the change that Renzi was running on,
Starting point is 00:05:10 she promised the voters a present after the polls. And what that present, she's going to go on tour and apparently perform, you know, a sex act that she's very fond of on anybody who voted no on this thing. That's some of her work. Now she's posted dates for a tour of Italian cities throughout January. Told the fans, I am a woman of my word. She said, those who say no to the referendum will be waiting in delight
Starting point is 00:05:46 for my pompa tour. Pompa means pump in Italian. It's also a vulgar slang for, you know, a blowjob, I guess. A pompa. Wait a minute, I know a comedian named Gene Pompa. I got to give him a text today. But apparently she's doing what madonna said she's gonna blow anybody who voted her way you know uh and um of course madonna didn't follow through
Starting point is 00:06:11 because she's a liberal democrat they never do uh they're all fucking talk um madonna might have fallen through you know the detroit detroit pistons showed up what yeah you heard me Detroit Pistons showed up. What? You heard me. Anyways, she put it up on her Facebook page, Ms. Salino, and it's a picture of her sucking on a lollipop. You know, just a subtle hint of what she might do to reward these voters.
Starting point is 00:06:39 No voters will be sent a booking form, which must be completed and sent back to Ms. Salino. Imagine she's booking blowjobs. Yeah, I have a 430, Mr. DiPaolo's here to see you, and 11 of his friends. Most of the comments in the post were men expressing their support, asking why their city is not included in the tour. But many were Italians horrified at the stunt. Yeah, many.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And what was that gay fella's name? One wrote, you're just throwing mud on those who defend the Constitution. That is a serious thing. Not like you, hussy. Ooh, strong language from an angry Italian guy. Not like you, hussy. Paula. That's Paula, by the way, often posts nude pictures on social media and has declared that she's a big fan of a certain sex act. And I'll give you a hint.
Starting point is 00:07:39 It's not Lady Gaga. Her offer comes again, like I said, after Madonna promised to suck dicks and didn't follow through, which is unusual. But the European Union, on the bigger part of the story, suffered another blow after Italy's pro-European Union prime minister, that would be my boy, Matteo Renzi, he resigned following a heavy referendum defeat. Anti-establishment populist movements are gaining ground in Europe and throughout the world yeah no shit say hello to donald trump and the very future of brussels can now be at stake who gives a rat's ass the planet is in fucking the throes of upheaval you notice matt matteo renzi stood by his promise to resign after his attempt to change the constitution was overwhelming he was trying to change the Constitution in Italy. Was overwhelmingly rejected in Sunday's poll, leading to fears about the future of one of the Eurozone's biggest economies.
Starting point is 00:08:39 So it's another vote for us, kids, who don't want elitist assholes on a global level telling us how to live our lives. Italian voters overwhelmingly rejected the proposed reforms that the prime minister staked his political future on. Renzi's defeat and impending departure from the forefront of Italian politics is expected to plunge the nation into a new phase of political uncertainty and economic turmoil. I still find it surprising that they're one of the stronger economies in in europe it's based on what olive oil and cheese but uh speaking at a press conference following the no campaigns victory mateo said he takes full responsibility i shit on my pants i don't know what i do he said my experience of government finishes here, and everybody's applauding that line. Take it easy. See ya.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Wouldn't want to be a... He described the no campaign win as an extraordinary clear victory. Shortly after acknowledging his defeat runs, he tweeted thank you to everybody anyway. Now I'm going to go over and get me some mangi di bucchiacchia. You guys can google that. I'm doing a little
Starting point is 00:09:41 Spanglish, not Spanglish, but the Italian version of Spanglish. If you listen to my buddy George Lopez, he throws a lot doing Spanglish not Spanglish but the Italian version of Spanglish if you listen to my buddy George Lopez he throws a lot of Spanglish in his act so he's gonna he's gonna formally resign today
Starting point is 00:09:52 once again globalism statism being rejected on a fucking universal scale and I for one get a chubby about it and you guys in Italy
Starting point is 00:10:03 should be getting a chubby about it because Miss Selina's coming to a town near you no pun intended oh miss selena here she go imagine if our fucking uh female politicians did that can you imagine trying to think of a hot one uh on the right um who's the hot barbara bachman she's kind of old but uh who was the fucking i already forget her name from minnesota with the nice eyes who was a congressman a republican what the fuck is the name everybody called her loopy god damn it i don't know but you certainly wouldn't want if you were a democrat and some democrat uh some actress, you know, if you're a guy who voted Democrat and some actress said, you know, if you don't vote for Trump, I'll blow you.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You know, you'd be hoping it was somebody better than Madonna. You're going to be, you know, you're going to have STDs up the ass. I'm just saying. Really? Yeah. That's how I feel. But isn't that fucking funny? She's going to go on.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I'm going to suck your dick to her. Oh, that's different than the Kardashians is beyond me. But 2070s, of course she lives and works in LA. And like I said, the women there, it doesn't matter what their ethnic background is. You're not going to find the shallower women in LA, honest to God. Like I said, they should have no diving signs
Starting point is 00:11:23 around their necks. But look for Paolo Asselino coming to a town near you in Italy. Fellas, she said she's going to make good on her promise. I hope they put that on Facebook Live. Be better than watching the Giants and the Steelers. That fucking happy horse shit. Did I read right?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Colin Kapanak, he was sacked more times than he had passing yards. Oh, my aching stem. Oh, my God. Yeah, that's what I read. Pretty sure I read it right. Yeah. Excuse me. I'm not shitting you.
Starting point is 00:11:56 What else? Did you see the showdown between Kelly and Conway? You know, Trump's campaign leader, the blonde broad chick. I mean, woman. I mean, girl. I mean, gal. I mean, miss. I mean, miss.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Did you see her and Jennifer Palmieri? That was the communications director for Hillary's campaign, who obviously she should drop out of politics since all the fucking, all the Democrats like Pelosi and Obama are all saying the same thing. Well, we just didn't get the message out to our voter.
Starting point is 00:12:27 The message is right. We just didn't get it out to them, which would put that to me. That's blaming her. Jennifer Palmieri, right? Put it on her hairy, wide shoulders. But anyway, she got into they have a debate after elections. I guess it's a tradition at Harvard. They have the winning side and the losing side, the heads of each campaign.
Starting point is 00:12:44 They go at it. I guess it's been done for a few years. So Kellyanne Conway faced off against the douchebags, Robbie Moke, the big girl, and Jennifer Palmieri. And oh my fucking God, Kellyanne Conway gave these people a beat down. It was embarrassing. It was fucking embarrassing what a beat down she gave them. Let's listen to some of it. It was embarrassing. It was fucking embarrassing. What a beat down she gave him. Let's listen to some of it. My proudest moments of her is her standing up and saying with courage and clarity in Steve Bannon's own words and Donald Trump's own words, the platform that they gave to white supremacists, white nationalists. And it is a very, very important moment in our history as our country.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And I think as his presidency goes forward, I'm going to be very glad to have been part of the campaign that tried to... Hey, Jen, do you think I ran a campaign where white supremacists had a platform? Are you going to look me in the face and tell me that? It did. Kelly, it did. It did. And that's how you lost? It did.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Do you think you could have just had a decent message for the white working class voters who has nothing in common with anybody over 200 counties that President Obama won and Donald Trump just won that's the important point how do you explain that people that voted for Obama which means
Starting point is 00:14:00 they're not racist you couldn't have a big litmus test in voting for the African American president and then changing it to Trump. So that's all they have is the race card. They have learned fucking nothing and they're still using it. They're using it more now than ever. Keep hanging on to it, motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Keep digging that hole. I think that's because of what you just said. It's because people aren't voting for a women president. Really? It's Hillary Clinton. She doesn't connect with people people how about they have nothing in common with her it's gonna be a lot of fights just fucking murdering just murdering stop the fight stop it Down, down, stay down. That was Jennifer Palmieri, her agent, telling her to stay down. Keep playing that race card.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It's all, like I said, you don't, I can't blame him because for the last 30, 40 years it's worked. But see, it's like fucking yogurt. It's expired or whatever. And they don't seem to realize that. And I am having more fun watching their reaction to the Trump victory and what children they are. And just, just hilarious. I love it.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Kellyanne Conway goes, really? You think I ran? And that's the argument against it. Exactly. How come there were states where Obama won? The people that voted for Obama turned and voted for. And I'm not even going to bring up Jill Stein and her stupid shit today. Don't even have time for it. Won't even fucking. I'm going to do what the liberal media does. Just ignore. It's the silliest shit. Apparently she won by two votes now, Jill Stein herself, which means nothing. It's obviously a ploy to raise fucking money for herself and get her more publicity. Not going to change a goddamn thing. And just another way to delegitimize Trump as president. It's just unbelievable. All the shit, and I say this every show, but the last three shows, I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Unbelievable. All the shit. And I say this every show for the last three shows. I can't help it. All the shit they gave Trump during that debate when he said, no, I'll think about whether I accept the results of the election. And these motherfuckers are kicking and screaming. And Hillary doesn't have the balls to put her own name on the recount. She does it through Jill Stein. Now, the he she who's just making an asshole of herself. I'd say in the long run, this is damaging Jill Stein. If anybody thought about the Green Party. Just fucking, just silly nonsense. Just all three states that she's contesting,
Starting point is 00:16:37 he won by fucking Trump if you add them all up, like 100,000 votes. So it's just, it's sowing seeds. It's divisive. it's just it's sowing seeds it's divisive it's it's just horseshit you don't have the the uh you don't have the you know the greater good in mind when you're doing this and and contesting it and honest to god civil war is on the fucking horizon folks because of a certain party that just fucking they're so hard-headed and anyhow anywho i got my musket do you sure you do but it wasn't even close it's so funny i i'm
Starting point is 00:17:15 enjoying watching these people come on the sunday morning shows and even here's how you know things have changed the moderators are much more well more moderate on these sunday morning shows like face the nation and shit uh what's the guy's name dickerson i'll get to that pelosi was on there and uh and it's just fucking priceless just even even they like i said the people that host the show are actually finally asking reasonable questions and questioning the dems that's how you know that's how you know i fucked up okay okay so i fuck up i want my german rights just like jimmy cotter size you're going what are you talking about nick i'm doing the scar face there's no rhyme or reason to this show there's no segues before we get to more
Starting point is 00:18:03 politics i want to throw in uh well this is kind of political a geopolitical fucking thing but let's let's throw in a little story here before i get back to uh the democrats committing suicide with the leadership of uh big tits pelosi who is as crazy as a shithouse rat but uh before i do that let's cleanse the palate as they say let's cleanse the motherfucker um and you blew it they sure did they sure we'll get to that in a minute but um i sort of like this one this is from the mirror which is kind of like the new york post of england only even more tabloidish in my opinion that's french for opinion motherfuckers cocaine uh um winter olympics host nation south korea urged to outlaw the sickening cruel industry
Starting point is 00:18:56 uh as we look behind the scenes of the slaughter and they're talking about, obviously, dogs. In South Korea, eating dogs, as you know, is a big thing. They eat dogs like we eat cows. So I have a couple of takes on this. But seeing as they're going to host the Winter Olympics or whatever Olympics, I don't know, 2018, I think they're scheduled. Yeah, Winter Olympics in 2018. I think they're scheduled. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Winter Olympics in 2018. People are upset, especially in England, because they're big dog lovers like we are. And yeah, they're like, if you guys keep fucking putting chihuahuas on buns and great things in a hero role and Yorkshire Terriers, you know, as a taco filling, we're going to have to do something about your filthy, dirty country. And this is, I'll repeat, if you guys want big on geography, this is South Korea. This is the country that's, you know, the one we defended in the war. Not North Korea with a little crazy motherfucker. um anyhow yeah they uh it's just gross uh 2.5 million dogs across 17 000 farms are locked up in cages and shit in korea okay and uh you know the world's getting pissed about it, apparently. And they want to fucking, they want to have the Olympics in their shitty little country.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And, you know, but you can't be eating fucking dogs and letting the whole world know about it. Or can you? You know what I mean? South Korea is the only country in the world known to routinely and intensively farm dogs for human consumption. TV wildlife presenter Chris Peckman told us, this is a guy over in England, a lot can be made about the cultural difference here, but if we want to share this world, then we have to bring each other's behavior into light. First of all, I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Of course I'm for defending poor dogs being treated inhumanely. But don't throw in, if we want to share this world together, a lot of us don't, apparently. Apparently you haven't followed what went on here in the United States, and you forgot about Brexit in your own country,
Starting point is 00:21:22 and fucking what just happened in Italy. Apparently we want to share each other's, you know we can do trade and shit but uh you're not going to have one world culture you dink we're all humans it doesn't work that way um you see there's that elitist attitude popping up again, and what if, let's say, what if they, I don't know, what if Russia had a problem with us eating cows, and said, you're not gonna fucking do that, it'd be quite a problem there, wouldn't it, and again, you know, they eat dogs, we eat cows, yeah, but they're two different, get out of here, but you don't have to put them in cages and shit and and treat them inhumanely before you kill them and um maybe you want to look at abortions
Starting point is 00:22:13 before you go after the fucking get upset about the dogs a lot of fucking abortions going on all over the planet and i'm not joe pro-life trust me i've already made that clear many times but i'm just saying i think there's a pecking order on the earth. And I don't know, weirdly enough, I think humans come before animals. I know that's kind of crazy. I always think that when I see those fucking, what is it, Edie Brickell? What are those songs late at night? You're watching late night TV and a commercial comes on for the Humane Society.
Starting point is 00:22:42 And they show those dogs in their cages and Edie Bacrell or whoever's singing. I always confuse my fucking folk singers, because I hate them all, with those sad songs and those puppy dog eyes and shit. Yes, that makes me sad and shit, but my mind immediately goes to fucking, you know, fetuses being aborted at eight and a half months and shit. Not to laugh, but I'm just saying, motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah. The farmers primarily raise a type of large light-colored mixed breed called a jindos or a jindos j-i-n-d-o-s that's the yum yum dog of choice i guess in south korea but virtually every other breed can be exploited for meat. It's nice to know if the shit goes down in this country. Did somebody tell Venezuela about that? Last time I checked the A&P over there, the shelves were bare. Oh, not to make fun of the thing. But every other breed can be exploited for meat, it says, including Labradors, Beagles. Oh, have you ever had the Beagle with cream cheese?
Starting point is 00:23:42 Just delicious. Huskies and even chihuahuas. I like the chihuahuas. They have a nice, as you would think, spicy taste to them. And you pull pork and you put them in a, you treat it like, you braise them like pulled pork. And then you put it in a nice taco shell. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Dog food!
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'm sorry, dog food! Slap,! Slap! I'm just saying. I don't know. Oh, enough of that. Somebody get a jar of mayonnaise, please. A nice loaf of bread. But yeah, the cruelty, absolutely no need of it.
Starting point is 00:24:30 But again, like I said, in India, they're not happy about us eating cows, right? Do they try to stick their beacon and bust our balls about it? Not that I know of. But again, this is a guy over in England. England loves their dogs, just like we do. But yeah, I went on to read. and again, it really is, you know, most of the animals spend the day with their paws splayed as they try to walk on harsh wire floors.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Here's where it's all, you know, absolutely, I agree with these people a thousand. But some resorting, the dogs resorting to sleeping in their own food bowls as it's the only solid surface in their cage offering respite from the wire see that's where the cult is you're like really you you you couldn't fucking put a wooden floor in the cage or whatever no that way would have to clean it when they shit yeah so uh you see i'm on both sides of the fence here but i'm just just saying, I'm just saying other countries, you know, fucking should mind their own business as far as, you know, on a cultural level. But you could educate like the South Koreans and go, is there really any need to be that fucking cruel? We understand you like the taste of german shepherd nuts but do you
Starting point is 00:25:47 really have to fucking keep the dogs in pain for you but the lady went over there and looked at all the cages and some of these animal farms over there and and the puppies they injure their paws because they slip through the wire floors and they have pressure sores on their legs and the stench of feces and ammonia mixed with uh slop they are forced oh i'm sorry that's madonna's bedroom get the fuck out of here um so anyways i'm glad somebody's doing something about it i don't think you can stop them from eating dog if they have the taste for dog that's fucking you know but you can definitely go hey is there any and it's working because there's a younger generation of south koreans i guess back in the day when uh they tried to have the olympics uh back in 88 didn't they didn't seoul have the olympics back
Starting point is 00:26:40 in 88 um yeah yeah this is the first time the olympics have been held in south korea since uh 1988 back then dog meat sales were temporarily outlawed in seoul city that is the uh by the way if you want to if you guys want to you know protest the companies that do business over there that will be samsung lg k, and Hyundai. But I remember that. I remember we sent the guy over from the U.N. ambassador during the Olympics to give the head of South Korea some shit about the dog shit, and the meeting didn't go too well. I remember the, here it is.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Then let me look around so I can ease the U.N.'s collective mind. Ah, you're breaking my bars here, huh? You're breaking my bars. I'm sorry, but the UN must be firm with you. Let me see your whole palace or else. Or else what? Or else we will be very, very angry with you. And we will write you a letter telling you how angry we are.
Starting point is 00:27:44 That's what the US.S. does. Okay, I'll show you, Hans. You ready? Stand ready to your left. See you tomorrow. Yeah. There you go, Hans Briggs. How you like that, you fucking cocksucker?
Starting point is 00:28:08 You have any idea how fucking busy I am, HodgePrix? Well, fuck you! You want inspection? Well, inspect that, you butt-fucking piece of shit! Dogfood! I'm sorry, Dogfood! Excuse me. No, that's not a smoker's cough.
Starting point is 00:28:31 I even quit my one cigarette a day. That's how shitty I've been feeling. Oh, by the way, a little update. And thank you guys. The pouring, I really do appreciate the, you know. Hey, I'm in my mid-50s. By the way, and don't get mad at me, Bunny Galore, but I canceled my doctor's appointment because I thought I felt better last week.
Starting point is 00:28:49 But the day after I cancel it, I think I went to the bathroom about seven times. I might as well be in fucking South Korea chewing on a poodle's ass myself. So I rescheduled today. I'm leaving here in about an hour to find out what the fuck's wrong with me uh hans brick your boss on my balls you fucking butt fucker um these farms are yeah so talking about these dog farms over there in south korea some of the farms um they house more than a thousand dogs other fewer than Estimated 30 million dogs are killed for human consumption each year across Asia, including China, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia.
Starting point is 00:29:33 So think about the next time you're biting into a, you know, beef with broccoli. Might be a fucking schnauzer. I'm just saying. So I hope they make it more humane without starting a culture war. As part of a pioneering scheme to end the trade, the Humane Society is now offering incentives to farmers to give up their animals and
Starting point is 00:29:55 leave the industry behind. And some people in South Korea are taking them up on it. They teach agricultural skills. And some of these so-called dog farmers, and now they have farms with blueberry and chili farms, which is, we can use more of that. Matter of fact, I like chili and blueberry on my poodle.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Have you had that? Yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum. So in 1988, yeah, they shined an international eye because the Olympics were there on this dog-eating shit. And, of course, they hid the dogs, just like all cities do. Like when Russia has the Olympics, they hide all the homeless people. They build them a lean-to somewhere and shove all the homeless people.
Starting point is 00:30:38 And then, like, Brazil. And then when the Olympics are over, the place looks like the shithole that it was. But that's what they did back in 88. As soon as the Olympics left town in 88 in South Korea, you know, the dog farming industry just started up again. So I give a thumbs up to the thousand Bretonians who are trying to, you know, you know, take the cruelty out of it.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I don't know if you're ever going to stop it. But they, like I said, they love Chihuahua. Anyhow, who don't though, right? Who don't, yo? Who don't? Watch out because I'm... Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!
Starting point is 00:31:18 Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! Anytime you hear cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, you know who's about to, uh, we're about to talk about on the show, right? By the way, again, slash Nick. slash Nick. If you want to go to a, listen to a podcast that just kicks the shit out of political correctness and all the horseshit coming from the far left, which seems to be is becoming the whole left as far as I'm concerned. I'm really having doubts
Starting point is 00:31:47 about some of my friends, but not really because I don't think they talk to me anymore since Trumbull. But Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi, she was on Face the Nation
Starting point is 00:32:04 this Sunday. Just cuckoo Face the Nation this Sunday. Just cuckoo as the day is long, her fucking eyes. And again, I'd like to bang the shit out of her. Even at the age of, what is she? What is she, 79? No, she's not quite that old. I don't know what it is. But she was on Face the Nation and just showing what a really,
Starting point is 00:32:25 just a really dumb motherfucker she is. Yeah, she's still the House Minority Leader, and even though, you know, they've lost the House, Senate, almost two-thirds of state houses, they still have her leading. Well, it's either her or a fucking Farrakhan protege, Keith Ellison, that hateful prick from Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Here's the first exchange. The guy's name is Dickerson. That's host and face. And it's not Eric Dickerson. No, he's not the running back. But he's talking about what happened to the election to Nancy Pelosi. And I'll repeat again, she's still the House minority leader. I don't know how she beat that guy, Ryan, from Ohio.
Starting point is 00:33:10 But here she is showing that she's learned nothing. The Democratic Party is in a moment of questioning about its identity. You were reelected to lead the Democrats in the House. What do you tell Democrats who want a new direction? And then go to you, what are you going to do differently? Well, I don't think that people want a new direction. Our values. Oh, what? What?
Starting point is 00:33:41 And our values are about supporting America's working families. That is one that everyone is in agreement. She said they don't want to do it. Better connection of our message to two working families in our country. And that clearly in the in the election showed that that message wasn't coming through. See, once again, it was that the message they didn't get the message out. The message is right. This is what they're saying this still even though we're getting mazzar that's like murder in italian uh it's it's not the substance of the message it's it's the process we're not getting
Starting point is 00:34:17 it out to the people holy shit tone deaf as a fucking name an animal that's tone deaf. Quick, folks. Phone me at 1-800-TONE-DEAF. But that's what she just said. I don't think that people want to go in a new direction. Can you fucking imagine? That is the... I can't make this shit up. It's like arguing with one of my sisters when we were kids. That was very stubborn.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Although they said it was me. Maybe it was. But can you imagine? She goes, I don't think they want to go in a new direction. Excuse me, Nancy. Were you around on November 8th? Where were you? What were you doing?
Starting point is 00:34:53 Fucking in Napa Valley? Fucking laying in your grape fields? Hello? Were you cleaning up human shit on the sidewalk in San Francisco? When did you miss the fucking? So Mr. Dickinson further probes Mrs. Pelosi with the big fun bags and the pretty face. That's sexist.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Yeah, I know it is. Stop me. Here's my question, though. This is Dickinson asking her. Democrats since 2008. The numbers are ghastly for Democrats. Again, she's been leading them. Democrats are down 10 percent in the House, down 19.3 percent in governorships, 35 percent.
Starting point is 00:35:35 The Democrats are getting clobbered at every level over multiple elections. That seems like a real crisis for the party. And what did Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs respond? How did she respond to that? You know, we went up so high in 2006 and 2008. And let me just put that in perspective. When President Clinton was elected, the Republicans came in big in the next election. When President Bush was president, we came in big in the next election. When President Bush was president, we came in big in the
Starting point is 00:36:05 next and subsequent election. When President Obama became president, the Republicans came in big in the next election. I guess my question is the Republicans reacted to their losses with a big revolution and a change. They have a very new president at the top of their party now. You have somebody like Agricultural Secretary Tom Vilsack saying that the Democratic Party is like a tree that, quote, looks healthy on the outside, but is in the throes of a slow and long term demise. Well, I have enormous respect for the secretary, but I'm more optimistic about the strength of the Democratic Party. And what I would say, because you talked about these numbers of some reasons to be hopeful because it's necessary because this is about policy it's not about politics it's about politics what what what and you blew it you blew
Starting point is 00:36:55 it problem you're the fucking problem you fucking doctor why onking jam rag arkin spunk bubble i'm telling you h you keep looking at me i'm to put you in the fucking ground, I promise you. Not this time. It's not about politics, it's about, but it's about politics. What? She misspoke there, I'll be fair, but she obviously misspoke, but she's so, she's not even, that's another point, she's not even well-spoken, you know what I mean? At least Obama, when he's spewing his leftist Marxist horse shit, is eloquent about it.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And it can almost confuse somebody. Like, I don't know, an illegal immigrant or a 18-year-old freshman at Vassar. But this broad, just a stuttering fucking gob. And she's like, I don't think we want to change direction. The host is like, yeah, it's like uh the patriots playing jacksonville and it's 71 to nothing at halftime and you're the coach of jacksonville and you're like i still say we should run off tackle even though we have negative yards on the ground well that was a nice fucking kerklunk of a metaphor nick you, what do you want out of me? That's why I'm doing a podcast. Lick my balls.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh, my God. Is it not fun watching these people melt down and not admitting that they don't know what the fuck they're doing and they have no bench? You guys, do you understand?
Starting point is 00:38:19 You understand? Republicans have the House, the Senate, the presidency, governorships, all the municipal govern governments fucking all the legislators almost every state is republic do you understand why because they have doofuses like this and fucking doofuses like howard dean in the past and nance and fucking donna brazil just they're not even bright we call them elites and shit they're dumb they don't know the people
Starting point is 00:38:47 hey look not that i'm a political i'm just saying you gotta show a little humility i've yet to hear her say yes my asshole was stretched out after this election. And I am limping around. And I have done a horseshit job. And I should be spanked. And Nick DiPaolo is the fella to do it. You guys laughing that I'm fucking making sexual comments, positive ones, about a woman in her late hundreds? You should be. Not all the Democrats democrats like tim ryan they said tim if you could say anything to nancy pelosi this
Starting point is 00:39:29 is after he lost what what what will you tell her you stupid fucking blabbermouth cut and that was unnecessary i said tim you shouldn't talk like that leave that for me the host of the nick dupalo podcast by the way forty dollars you get you a Nick DiPaolo T-shirt if you contribute. $75 or more gets you a beautiful hat and T-shirt. When I say beautiful hat, it's a sombrero that says Nick DiPaolo. No, it's a beautiful cap, baseball cap type. It's quality shit, too. The T-shirt, I almost look like I still have a physique when I put it on
Starting point is 00:40:02 because it's that soft cotton as opposed to most T-shirt, I almost look like I still have a physique when I put it on. Because it's that soft cotton. As opposed to most T-shirts. When I do radio in the morning across the country for the last 27 years, they throw me a T-shirt, you know? Wacky J-105 in Nebraska. But I put it on and I have the fucking physique of Harry Reid. But these are nice. Nice soft cotton. You know what I'm saying, Theas?
Starting point is 00:40:28 Here's how I know I still have stomach problems. I was lifting weights yesterday and I drew a little bit of mud in my shorts. Anyways, back to the show. Why do you have to say that, Nick? Well, I'm just keeping you up to date. A lot of concern out there. I'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Jesus Christ. Cut to me pulling a Brian Piccolo. That's always in the back of my head. Are you guys like me? I just, I'm convinced that's how I'm gonna fucking go I don't know why that is but it's only the
Starting point is 00:40:55 incompetence of the Democrats it keeps me moving forward in my life I want to hear that again it's stuck in my life. I want to hear that again. It's stuck in my head. This is what I picture they're going to find Caitlyn Jenner fucking hanging by her own nylons in a red roof in Malibu with this song playing in the bathroom. Gold medal around her neck.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I hope not. Like I said, I'm just joking there. But I have a sick feeling about that too. Every time I see that guy in a commercial or whatever on TV for a second, I still see a great athlete dressed up like a woman. I just, you know. You know who I was in love with? And for you people who have just subscribed to the show,
Starting point is 00:42:01 you didn't hear the first couple of years, but I talked about this on a very early DePaulo podcast. I was so in love and still am with dorothy hamill isn't that cute isn't that cute 1976 i was 14 at that point i probably had only masturbated maybe three four times um a day and uh but i was so in love with dorothy fucking hamill i had all the she was on the tv guide sports Sports Illustrated. I saved them all under my bed. They're still stuck there. Now listen, folks. Um, but I was so in love with her and that Olympic song. Every time I hear that, I see her standing on the podium in a little pink tutu, whatever the fuck they wear. And, uh, boy, just, she made my, you know how horny you are when you're 14? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Oh, my God. I was like fucking Miley Cyrus on Ecstasy. And just, I remember actually, and this is true, skipping practice. I had baseball practice. And I faked an injury or I said I was sick of flu or some shit. Not like the real thing today as I talk to you and shit my pants and sweat. I was so in love with her. I stayed home because she was on the wide world of sports, skating. And boy, did I get a lot of use out of those TV guide mother. I should have had them waterproofed. But God damn, was I in love with her. I was going to get her
Starting point is 00:43:23 haircut. But my father said, what do you want, get the shit kicked out of you by me and your brother, you big fucking douche? No. But I did. I loved her. Oh, my God. Didn't she marry, like, fucking Dean Martin's kid who died in a plane crash, I believe?
Starting point is 00:43:40 But I still think she lives in Connecticut. I might go up there today and stalk her. Imagine she's washing dishes, looks out the window. I'm like Max Katie. I ring her doorbell. Found your dog's leash. Oh, thank you. Well, yeah, I bet you that dog was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I can picture it all fluffy, laying there at your feet late at night while you're trying to finish up them pesky sketches. You guys are, what are you talking about? That's from Cape Fear when De Niro played Max Cady. If you haven't seen that, you really, it's a must.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I put it right up there with the Harlem Globetrotters save Gilligan's Island. No, it was actually fucking De Niro playing a psycho. It's based on No, it was actually fucking De Niro playing a psycho. It's based on a, it's a remake of a movie. Back in the 50s. And yeah, you know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:44:33 If you're fans of mine, you probably know. Nick, you're digressing. Yeah, so what? I'm also digesting. slash Nick. slash Nick. Hey, and how about high fives and props to my buddy Robert Kelly, who now has a deal with FX and Dennis Larry's company.
Starting point is 00:44:53 That's his manager, Apostle Pictures. That's Dennis's company who manages Robert. But they're going to try to get a show going for Robert on FX. And you know what? I'm fucking happy for the guy. Works fucking hard. And I told you, I'm fucking happy for the guy. Works fucking hard. And I told you, the set he had at Comics Come Home.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Oh my God. Fucking the guy on his Zamboni was doing donuts. Back to the shitty politics. I'm almost done, folks. I cannot wait to get to the doctor and find out what kind of tapeworm is in my asshole.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Democrats have lost an entire generation of congressional leaders imagine jfk must be spinning in his whatever anyhow that's the headline from the washington post which makes the new york times look like fucking the national review um What do you mean by that? It's very, very, it's part of the mainstream media liberal lying fucks, the Washington Post, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:45:52 in my opinion. But just let me give you, after we talked about Nancy Pelosi and the devastation to her party and how she doesn't seem to get it, let's just talk a little more about that and see if she gets it. I hope she reads this article. It gets into detail how they've lost a whole generation of congressional
Starting point is 00:46:16 leaders. And the article starts with saying, you might have missed the news this past week that Rep. Javier Becerra will leave Congress to become California's Attorney General. Becerra wasn't the highest profile member of Congress, but his departure is a piece of a broader exodus of Democratic House members once regarded as the next leaders of the party in Washington. This is like the equivalent of the Yankees or the Red Sox partucket team just going, they have all this talent and they go decide to play fucking, I don't know, water polo. Nice analogy, shithead. Well, that's the best I could do. I'm working on the fly here. In other words, all these young guns are leaving Congress that are supposed to be Democrats,
Starting point is 00:47:00 who are supposed to be their future. But for the Democratic Party in Washington, Becerra's decision is part of a troubling trend, this fellow says. Young, ambitious lawmakers either falling by the wayside or giving up on the House entirely. That's good news for us. Consider the fates of the handful
Starting point is 00:47:16 of Democratic legislators seen as recently as a few years ago as the next generation of House speakers. You got Becerra, who's leaving to become the Attorney General. Chris Van Hollen, just a leftist douche. I've seen him on TV a lot. All due respect, Mr. Hollen, I just, I don't get you. He won an open Senate seat in last month's election.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Steve Israel of New York, he's retiring from the Congress this year. And then, of course, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, that piece of ass, she was removed as a dnc chairman we know that right there it's fucking unbelievable an entire generation of democratic leaders in washington uh has been washed away and the generation younger than van holland's and israel's of the countries looks too uh they look too young right now to step up and fill the leadership vacuum.
Starting point is 00:48:07 And I'm going to put the word leadership in quotes there. But there's a lot of reasons for this lost generation. But the common thread is that Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Steny Hoyer, he's of Maryland, and James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, he's an old black dude in his late hundreds, they've had a death grip on the party's top slots for a very long time. Pelosi was just reelected to her eighth term, folks. That's 16 years. It's a dangerous situation.
Starting point is 00:48:36 16 years for the cuckoo fuck. Ditto for Hoyer, who's been the second ranking democrat for just as long and cliburn has been the third ranking democrat in the house for a decade listen here are their ages respectively i'm talking about uh pelosi hoyer and cliburn 76 years old 77 and 76 can somebody uh do the math for me please on that what's that 290 fucking years isn't that unbelievable and like the guy says in the article that's good knows if you work for pelosi hoyer or clyburn but it's it's fucking up the dams big time more than a decade uh says your party leaders even Democrats lost one in every
Starting point is 00:49:26 five House seats they controlled at the start of 2009. Can you fucking imagine? They got no bench. They got no bench. They're like an NFL team who's starting running back and quarterback. I'm excluding the Patriots, of course, and tight end get hurt and they just the the backups played at devry university of fucking vermont and vassar college schools that don't have football programs it was the joke there let me point that out to you but it's impossible to miss the fact that the entire generation of potential house Democrat leaders has been lost over the past decade. And that much, much of that blame lands at the feet of Pelosi, Hoyer and Clyde Byrne. But like I said, that's not the big news.
Starting point is 00:50:17 It's how they're in denial. I'm getting a Roltony. I'm getting a Roltony just thinking about it. Aren't you? Sure you is. Sure you is. Sure you is. Yeah. Pelosi's like, no, we don't want to.
Starting point is 00:50:29 I don't think the country wants to go in a different direction. I mean, it's not like they just brought in an outsider who's a billionaire, who's brand new to politics. It's not like somebody like that got to. Oh, they did. They fucking did. Yeah, they did. You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Onking jam rag. onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. Not this time. My buddy's staying with me, a guy who's from my hometown. He was a cop in Miami for 30-something years. Now he's a lawyer. And he makes me look sunny with his outlook as far as this country and where the world's headed.
Starting point is 00:51:06 He just belly laughs while I'm watching the nose. He's like, you don't understand. It's fucking finished. It's fucking over. And I sort of understand what he's saying. But I'm like, so what? Let's enjoy Trump. Let's see what he can do.
Starting point is 00:51:22 You know, like hitting golf balls into a 200 mile an hour wind and blowing them back in your face so well let's give him a shot crazy motherfucker as long as we have people like pelosi like i said and and harry reed or well he's gone almost anyways hopefully he'll pass away in his sleep tonight and nobody will find them for like a year. And then when they do find them, there's 11 squirrels chewing on his face. Here's something from the L.A. Times. And the headline says, should California secede? How the state is politically out of step with the rest of the country. That's what this article is about.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Not since 2010 has California felt itself politically so out of step with the times. That year, the state resisted the nationwide wave of anti-incumbent, anti-regulation, anti-big government voting to elect Jerry Brown as governor. Ease the passage of big money state budgets and turn away a challenge to its pioneering greenhouse gas regulations. away a challenge to its pioneering greenhouse gas regulations this election day california voters tighten gun control listen to the dumb moves they're making out there yeah tighten gun control it's a good idea when your your state borders a fucking mexico well almost does. Yeah, this is what they voted for. Tightened gun control. Extended taxes on the rich.
Starting point is 00:52:53 They still believe it's the rich's fault. You know, the people who provide like 90% of the job in this country. Hiked cigarette taxes. This is legalized marijuana and boosted multilingual education. Okay, then just become your own country, please. Multilingual education. Okay, then, just become your own country. Please? And, of course, provided Hillary Clinton with all of her winning margin of 2 million popular votes.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And then some. In her losing campaign. That's the part. She lost California. Okay, but if you want to be your own country, which you already are, in my opinion. When I left L.A. in 99. country which you already are in my opinion when i left la in uh 99 didn't feel like i was leaving anything in the united states i'm like bye mexico and i always i told you political correctness and that type of ignorance is just festering in california i think it started out there that, back in the 50s and 60s,
Starting point is 00:53:46 that New Age psychology of giving everybody a trophy, and it really took hold on the West Coast. Too bad, because physically, it's a gorgeous state, like I said. San Diego, La Jolla, I would love to fucking live there. Even like I told you, I spent a whole summer, a month,
Starting point is 00:54:03 six weeks in San Francisco one summer. It's got the best weather. Best weather in the fucking world. And I just feel bad for the people out there. But, you know, California's the sixth largest economy in the fucking world. Of course, though, if you guys don't know who tom steyer is he's a fucking fucking radical left winger from way back in the day he's a billionaire by the way one of those guys who shits on capitalism yet benefits from it you know just a two-faced fuck uh it's impossible to look at the trump campaign says, and not see a direct threat to the civil liberties and dignity of California citizens.
Starting point is 00:54:48 See, just mired, just marinating in political correctness to the point where the guy can't even think straight. He helped organize some fucking, yes, California independence campaign heralded by Twitter. You've seen it. The hashtag, it's Cal Exit. campaign heralded by Twitter. You've seen it. The hashtag, it's CalExit. It's been helped by, you know, geniuses like Jerry Brown, the governor. Remember what he said? If Trump got elected, he says, well, building a wall around California will be necessary if Trump got elected to preserve its forward-looking policies against a reactionary federal regime. its forward-looking policies against a reactionary federal regime unbelievable isn't that stuff hasn't california been in the red for the last 20 like every other liberal city fucking been running a
Starting point is 00:55:32 deficit they just fucking this so i don't get it after all with the gross domestic they have a 2.5 trillion dollar gdp california does six biggest economy in the world right between britain and france and actually more socialists in either of those places uh joel d aberbach director of a center for american politics and public policy at ucla he says there isn't a procedure there isn't a procedure for seceding in the Constitution. The very notion of the U.S. as a divisible entity was settled by the Civil War. Yeah, but nobody says, who says you can't have another one, right, California? A constitutional amendment is the longest of long shots. It must be approved by a two-thirds
Starting point is 00:56:21 majority in each House of Congress. Yeah, good luck with that. Republicans control the House of Smellthouse. And ratified by three-fourths of the states. For you mentally challenged, that's 38 of the 50 states. But the conflicts between state and federal policy will be serious. And they go on to, I'm not going to bore you, but, you know, climate change. California's been among the national leaders in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and yet it lets people pour over the border and and gives illegals licenses so they can drive cars the very cars that are destroying the fucking uh planet according to them but you know just a little reason and a little logic going there and of course immigration trump uh campaign
Starting point is 00:57:03 to shut that off right but uh california's like fuck you sanctuary cities that's what we're all about again this is all shit that was rejected by trump winning but uh so maybe it's time i should have played bill hicks's bit uh arizona bay it's what it's called it's about california breaking off and falling into the fucking ocean. But, I mean, look at the sanctuary cities. L.A., San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland. An estimated 1 million of the nation's 11 million immigrants with legal status, many of whom Trump's threatened to deport,
Starting point is 00:57:37 live in L.A. County. So, you know. So what they're saying is there's really nothing in the Constitution where you can secede. But like I said, civil war is civil war. That's when you fucking turn your back on things like the Constitution and you do what you got to do. It's just a nightmare. Okay, all the entitlement programs.
Starting point is 00:58:01 You know, me fucking three million low-income residents on Medicaid out there. And it's just, of course, that's 100 100 paid by the federal government which means you and i so let them go it will be a burden off my taxes wouldn't it yes it would anyhow folks you guys have been terrific today i'm really uh california dreaming ladies and gentlemen all the fucking people are brown and the sky is gray from the fucking smog. And the sky is gray. And the sky is gray.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I got stabbed in the ass at the border by a guy who's gay. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Safe and warm in California You'll be safe and warm in a body bag If you guys don't get your shit together out there And by the way, I love my
Starting point is 00:58:51 I got friends out there I love Adam Carolla And Joey Rogan And people in show business, obviously So I gotta get out of here I gotta go to the doctors Have them pull a seven-inch snake out of my ass.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Anyways, kids. Enough of that. Thank you again. And again, go to slash Nick. slash Nick to sign up, subscribe to the podcast for $3.99 a month. Two to three more shows a week like this. Come see me this Thursday night. Newtown theater in
Starting point is 00:59:25 newtown pennsylvania 8 15 start for that show folks had some uh stuff to do in the city that's not gonna allow me to get out of there so we had to move the time i think it was seven originally to 8 15 please i hope that doesn't uh inconvenience you and uh and then i think uh i met Uncle Vinny's in Point Pleasant. I'm trying to do the date. I don't know, the 18th, I want to say, of December. It's a Saturday night, Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Uncle Vinny's. Again, all those dates are at
Starting point is 00:59:56 Thanks again for the unbelievable, especially to Mr. Anderson, all the contributions coming in. We set a record last month. Let's keep it up, and then I'll run for something. Run for the fucking hills. I set a record last month. Let's keep it up and then I'll run for something. Run for the fucking hills. I'm going off the grid. Have I touched on everything? I think I have, everybody.
Starting point is 01:00:14 I will talk to you tomorrow, you subscribers. Take care of yourselves. I saved the world today. And everybody's I saved the world today And everybody's happy now The bad things gone away And everybody's happy now The good things here stay
Starting point is 01:00:41 Please let it stay Good day, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo I'm out.

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