The Nick DiPaolo Show - 165 - Yay for the Electoral College

Episode Date: December 20, 2016

Yay for the Electoral College...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Today, it will become official. God bless the Electoral College and the thick-ankled dog face who will never see the white house thank christ how are you folks nick dipalo podcast uh monday the itunes version for free you get it for free and if you like the show folks which you're gonna i guarantee it sound like the guy from men's warehouse uh sign up at slash nick you can subscribe at slash nick you get two to three
Starting point is 00:01:16 more shows a week at 3.99 a month that's a buck a week and uh you'll be glad you did it. So do it, could you? Sure you can. Thank you to Trevor Chrisman, who has contributed to the show financially. And my buddy James Kevin Davis has also contributed, along with somebody called White Nick DiPaolo fan. Speaking of inflammatory, that is the name of my one-hour special that'll be coming out on CISO. I don't have a date yet, but I'm guessing sometime in February. That's what I was told is a possibility. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:52 But yeah, I'll touch on race a little bit and defend the white heterosexual male, which is not the thing you're supposed to do when you're in show business. And if you want to call playing two drunk people in comedy club show business uh go right ahead i don't but fuck it close enough yeah thank you again for the contributions to the show um what is going on i'll tell you what's going on donald j trump it's gonna become official we can finally say goodbye to fucking the whining bitches the john pedestas even hillary just fucking oh it's so ironic that question from chris wallace will you accept the results to trump and they should have been asking her the thick ankle dog face mustachio bitter bitter gay woman in my opinion but uh kiss my ass, all you people.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Martin Sheens of the world, Deborah Messings. Go back into your fucking folds. Nobody wants to hear from you. Just you're embarrassing yourselves. I don't know how you're going to show your face when this is all over. But take a fucking hike, could you please? Take a goddamn hike. The Electoral College, there's no way.
Starting point is 00:03:10 People have this wet dream on the left that the Republicans, there's like 37 of them, that might not break Trump's way or something or in question. They have a petition signed by like 5 million people about hoping these electors will go against Trump, which isn't even if they did. It doesn't fucking matter. Read your books, will you? That means it would go to the House, which is controlled by the Republicans, and they would fucking vote Trump in. So it's very weird, isn't it? This whole process. Did you guys know anything about this electoral process and how it worked before this election? I knew a little bit, but isn't it kind of weird we didn't hear this much?
Starting point is 00:03:51 In other words, when you go to vote on November 8th, you're really, you're voting so these 530-some-odd electors will, you know, translate your vote into an actual election of the person you voted for. It's in their hands. And they have something called faithless electors who might go against the grain and not do that. But it's never overturned a result as far as I know. Historically, electors only really defy the express wishes of the majority of voters in their district and never have the votes of these faithless electors change the outcome of a presidential elect. And they're not going to this time. So let it fucking go. You whiny bitches can't handle this. Let it go.
Starting point is 00:04:41 All this is bad, by the way. All this is just horrible for the you're really just saying, fuck, this is what the leftist jerk off the same fuck our system. That's proven to be the best system ever form of government. And you're saying we don't like it. You just anti American motherless fucks if you want to put it in plain English. And it's really sad to watch. And the longer the shit goes on, even after today um what they're doing they're uh excuse me their mission is successful because they're delegitimizing trump's presidency that's what this is all about whether it's podesta on meet the press whining or hillary she was out in public speaking somewhere and she said that the russians definitely you know is the reason i lost i'm paraphrasing but um and i say to that and anybody says that to you you say to them so you're for american citizens when they vote for the president not having all the information on either candidates because even if the russians were involved you know what they were doing and i said this on the last show they were doing the job of the media in this country okay what they did if we got all our information found out what a douchebag hillary was and what
Starting point is 00:05:50 a liar and how corrupt she was i don't care where we got it from putin's mother i don't give a shit neither should you yeah but they're but they're they're hacking in and they're they're our democratic it's already corrupted by the mainstream media in this country. It's already fucking ruined. Ay, ay, ay. I look at Putin as Walter Cronkite. He gave us all the information. Even if he's denying it, whoever did.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Whatever. All of a sudden, huh? That whole reset with Russia and all that shit now they're fucking it's it's and trump's a hypocrite too because in 2012 uh after obama got elected a second time he mentioned the electoral college being a a horrible thing and then now he's praising it so he's a you know he's a hypocrite too i'm just saying nobody brings up the fucking media we forget how horrible the media in this country treated trump and we have evidence that they tried to fucking you know corrupt this thing and uh and the reason people didn't vote for hillary she was a dog shit candidate okay the server in her basement okay putin didn't put that the other
Starting point is 00:07:04 russians didn't so don't forget about all that that's the reason she fucking lost that's the reason she sucked she had no message nobody could relate to her she's unlikable yeah but she got three million more votes in the in the popular vote okay and if the system worked that way trump would have spent a lot more time in places like California and other states. Do you understand? So quit your fucking whining. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:07:31 For the love of Christ. Anyhow, any he and a her. But these Democrats, they see Trump's presidency as a danger to American democracy. What fucking drama queens you are. And that's how I saw Obamas, and a lot of us did. A guy nobody had ever heard of. Ever. Came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Not out of nowhere. He announced his political career in, like I said, Bill Ayer's living room, who was a domestic terrorist, if you don't remember. But he was a community organizer, Obama, who was a domestic terrorist, if you don't remember. So, but he was a community organizer, Obama, and was a senator for almost two years. So, like, he was overqualified
Starting point is 00:08:11 for the office. Give me a fucking break, please. Please. But isn't it going to be fun to watch Martin Sheen and all the liberal jackoffs that I once wanted
Starting point is 00:08:21 to be in business with? And I think I've abandoned that dream ah god help us radio you better come a calling or i'll be shoveling snow for a living uh anyhow but uh this whole effort is about delegitimizing the the whole the whole uh process that's what it really is about. That's what the Dems are doing. And it's really fucking dangerous, folks.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Anyhow. The Congress will, in any case, announce the name of the official winner on January 6th. Boy, can we drag this shit out anymore? So what does today mean? I mean, for Christ's sake, pick a day. Let's go with it. It should be that night. You know what? It should be the night that you know what it should be the
Starting point is 00:09:05 night the person who loses the presidential election that phone call when they concede that should make it official that person shouldn't be heard from again that fucking night the person running again should be able to move in start moving his shit into the oval office why do you get a curse nick because it's a podcast your fuck faces cocaine uh still the outgoing president urges camp to draw needed lessons i'm talking about obama from their electoral failure and develop a strategy for the future rather than be moaning the 2016 loss or trying to overturn it he was on the he was on tv obama last week saying and they were asking him why didn't you come out you knew in october if the if the Russians were meddling.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And he said, because if I came out and said that, it would have been taken as a partisan thing and putting their thumb on the scale for Hillary, so to speak, which I think is actually legitimate. That's why he kept his yap shut. But, you know, he should come out and say it had nothing to do with Trump winning. But no, he's going to be buzzing around and we're going to have an investigation. Bring on fucking investigate it. I don't give a shit. We found out what we had to find out about Hillary. OK, and we made the right call.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And relax about Trump, will you please? I love this whole notion. He's going to be making all these decisions on his own. He's a businessman. He's a TV star. He knows nothing about running office. Yeah, but he surrounded himself with a bunch of people who do. Let's quit acting like the president is the only one that makes decisions, please. And you know what? He surrounded himself with adults, like generals, not like 18-year-old girls like Obama did who knew nothing. It's like an SNL sketch watching.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Anyhow. So that should become, well, kind of official today, I guess. When the electoral, unless there's a crazy, something crazy goes down. But whatever. Bring on your investigation. Do what you're gonna do they're already threatening to impeach trump if he doesn't divest from his business operations you know trump organization and whatnot it's gonna be horrible it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:11:16 civil war that's what the fucking left wants let's give it to them come on let's do it give it to them come on let's do it let's do it well i got the power i got the power okay thank you guys for coming out by the way uh saturday night uncle vinnie's in point pleasant new jersey nice turnout and uh a ruckus crowd and just uh not a ruckus crowd they actually behave beautifully what am i saying got a lot of new i'm working on new stuff already starting towards that new hour folks that's what we do as comics it's how we make our living that and selling weed to retarded kids it calms them what but this country's fuck we are finished man somebody has to somebody has to get on the college campuses and blow that system up and all the leftist twats that have infected it. They should be taken out and put into a furnace,
Starting point is 00:12:09 the professors and the douchebag students who go along with them. And what do you mean by that, Nick? Well, I'll tell you what I mean by that, goddammit. Remember, was it last month, the shooting at Ohio State University? Remember the fucking Somali scumbag? Kid who graduated cum laude and was going to school uh on the taxpayer's dime and remember he got in his car and tried to run people over and got out and started stabbing people i think he killed one person and uh he was shot dead by
Starting point is 00:12:36 god forbid a white cop god forbid well guess what guess what? Some of the students at Ohio State University, this was going on a week or two ago, they're in fucking mourning. For what? For the person, the people who got stabbed during the attack? No, for the douchebag who was doing the stabbing. They're seeing him as, because he was killed by a cop's bullet, a white cop's bullet. Yeah, they're throwing him into the category of sort of just another black or brown victim of a white cop's bullet. And do you believe it? They're mourning this piece of fucking turd shit. If you don't believe me, here's the story. Titless Wonders.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Activists at Ohio State University blasting the actions of a campus police officer who shot and killed a student before he could slaughter victims with a butcher knife. The terror attack happened last month. Eleven students were injured when Abdul Razak Ali Artan rammed his car into a crowd of people, then started stabbing them. The officer shot and killed the 18-year-old before he was able to do any more damage. But activists gathered on campus to protest the killing, adding Artan's name to a recent list of people of color who have been killed by police they noted that although they don't condone the incident they still have compassion for the attacker one student even gave a eulogy reading I can't make this up in part quote the protest against police
Starting point is 00:14:01 brutality extends to the innocent and the guilty alike because we know that no matter the crime, justice and due process don't come from a cop's bullet. Yeah, that's exactly where it comes from, actually. This isn't this. You can't even this doesn't go under that. You can't file this under the category of political correctness. This is fucking mental illness and black. And let's talk about black and brown hatred of white people, because that's all this is. And there's like four stories in this show today, all related on how white people are just evil.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It's unbelievable how that message has taken hold, especially on college campuses. You know what? The next time there's a fucking shooter or something, or somebody ramming somebody with their car and chasing people with a hatchet on campus if you're a cop especially a white one just stand down and let the fucking massacre take place because you're not appreciated especially if it's against brown or black people don't fight don't make a move because you're just a fucking part of the white racist establishment you're suppressing people even when you kill somebody trying to save lives holy shit this is like a mental illness it's a mental illness people who are defending this piece of garbage well it's just a few people no no it's not it's a fucking lot of people we are we have cancer of the fucking, we have bone cancer, bone marrow cancer. This country does if this country was constructed like a human being, skeleton. We are rotting from the inside out. That's not political correctness. That's fucking insanity.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Defending somebody who, stabbing somebody with a butcher knife after trying to run them over, defending that behavior in the name of I don't even know what. I don't even fucking get it. And you know damn well if the cop that shot that piece of shit, that piece of shit, I'll tell you, that guy was a piece of shit. No kids, I said. If that fucking cop was black or brown, there wouldn't be a peep. He'd be a hero, actually.
Starting point is 00:16:07 It's all about anti-white sentiment in this country. And boy, you can't find more of it than on a college campus. We are diseased when it comes to race. And you know why? Because the left has handled the issue of race largely for the last 50 years. And you have bastardized it to the point where we're literally, it's irrational, it to the point where. We're literally.
Starting point is 00:16:25 It's irrational. It makes no sense. I can't even. And yes. Not all black and brown people. I realize that. But enough of them do. Where I can talk about it.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And bring it up on stage. And get a round of applause. Because you've lost your fucking minds. On the collective left. Whether it's the fucking protest uh against trump becoming president or whether it's defending this terrorist piece of shit that was rightfully shot down you've lost your fucking minds it's a little fucking it bit embarrassing yes it is yeah white people the problem problem you're the fucking problem you fucking dr white onking jam ragarkin spunk bubble i'm
Starting point is 00:17:05 telling you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the fucking ground i promise you not this time not this time not this time can you imagine imagine students defending a fucking radicalized islamic terrorist and that's what he was piece of shit again enjoying the fruits of our country of free education and uh took him a couple months just to fucking snap so you can see this this whole notion just makes me laugh that this is a racist country it's a country that is built on literally inviting people from all over the world of every ethnicity, race, color, religion to live here. And you know what? It's not working.
Starting point is 00:17:54 It's failing. But the point is, the white fellows who came up with this system, again, yeah, they at least attempted it. Probably the least racist place on the planet you can make that argument oh god help us so you should feel bad for that terrorist i say that the cop who shot him should be getting hand jobs from every fucking girl on the osu campus and blowjobs. And from the LGBTQ community, too. Are you with me? Let's stay on the issue of race, shall we?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Well, it's, you know. White power, one, two, three, four! Hey, this is a catchy tone. Oh, boy, I love the bass line that runs through this song. It's really about the melody. We're not all to blame. It's one party to blame. A&E embeds with the Ku Klux Klan for a new documentary series.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Oh, here it comes. Trump's not even in the fucking Oval Office, and here it comes. Here it comes, folks. Oh, we're going to expose the KKK. That's horrible. Give me a white song I can enjoy, will you please? I mean, yeah. that's horrible give me a white song i can enjoy will you please i mean yeah a and e is pulling the hood back get it on several prominent members of the ku klux klan like they're even relevant or dangerous why don't you pull the fucking the jimmy hats back
Starting point is 00:19:39 on the black lives matter crew helped Karp get systematically murdered. This past summer. Why don't we pull the hood back on them? Or that little fucking French Revolutionary mask they wear. Those fucking... Jerkoff's. Now that's a nice white song you can enjoy, folks. It's a little more...
Starting point is 00:20:03 See the melody? A little better than this. Wait, no! One, two, three, four! Stop it! Anyhow, A&E. Ooh, you're fucking edgy, A&E. The KKK, I think there's like 11 members left. You saw they had some footage last month of that, was it Richard Spencer, the alt-right guy?
Starting point is 00:20:38 And some guys were giving the salute, the Nazi salute. Yeah, there was 50, get this, 50 reporters covering, I think it was like, what was it, 102, maybe 200 members? 50 reporters covering 200 members of the so-called alt-right fucking dangerous racist movement. But this comes from the Hollywood Reporter. And like I said, you should be looking into Black lives matter and all the other fucking anti-white groups but that would take balls on your part like in this article and again you know again it's hollywood reporter so just you know what you can expect from it but uh they bring up david duke former clan leader and perhaps one of the most outspoken racists in america really is he out really more outspoken than uh al sharpton or jesse jackson or even eric holder
Starting point is 00:21:32 for that matter um he was a vocal donald trump supporter david duke and uh called his presidential victory a win for his people yeah i noticed you didn't mention in the article that fucking Trump disavowed it numerous times. You didn't bring that up, did you, Hollywood reporter? God, you fucking, you can't even pretend to be objective. You're so fucking hung up on race. But I'll watch the show. It's just going to be in it. Oh, by the way, there's a guy that tried to get in touch with me.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I guess he wrote an article, then he put it in Rolling Stone, about how some comedians, stand-up comedians now are nervous in clubs now that Trump is the president. First of all, he hasn't even taken office yet. And that there's a different atmosphere in the club, and they're afraid to get shouted down by hecklers, like pro-Trump hecklers. I guess that was the gist of the story. I read it a few weeks ago, and I went one.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Anyhow, which is just fucking hilarious to me. Yes, now that Trump's going to be the president, you want me to believe that black comics, female comics, gay comics, they're going to get in trouble if they say the wrong things. Is that the gist of maybe i'm wrong about the article anyhow um they also mentioned in the article a and e which gained attention in recent years with duck dynasty you see what they do they're lumping in a show like duck dynasty about a family in louisiana whatever uh you know you've seen duck dynasty any a legitimate business family that's what that show is about you know, you've seen Duck Dynasty. A legitimate business family.
Starting point is 00:23:07 That's what that show is about. You know, rednecks down south who made zillions with their business. They're going to lump them in with a clan now. Why else would you bring it up in the fucking article? What's that got to do with it? Generation KKK is going to be the name of the show. Also comes at a time where reports of hate crimes in the United States. Here's the next big phony lie. Hate crimes in the United States are on the rise.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Another fucking myth, by the way, ladies and gentlemen. If they're on the rise, it's because we don't talk about when four or five young black people surround an old white man and beat the shit out of him. Talk about when four or five young black people surround an old white man and beat the shit out of him. Or white girls being assaulted by black guys on college campuses. We don't report that as hate crimes. That's just reparations. In an effort to shine a light on mounting racism in America, the series also includes... That's why A&E is doing it.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It's a hard-hitting documentary. They're doing it because of a, to shine the light on the mounting racism in America. Once again, the term racism in this context, it's just assumed that it's white racism. Even now, mounting racism, I just read you a story, and I'm going to do a couple more stories,
Starting point is 00:24:21 where black and brown people, not all of them obviously, but the students at Ohio State, think because a white cop shot a terrorist who has brown skin, that would be considered racist. So you can see how the numbers are kind of skewed, right? The series also includes members of One People's Project, an anti-hate activism group, oh here's the part of the show where they're going to fix the white racists, that uses reformed hate group members to speak with Klan family members about changing their ways. Why do you go into the black community and go to Black Lives Matter and talk about them hbo why don't you do that why don't you turn the cameras on uh inner city blacks and and see why they've been stuck in a cycle of poverty
Starting point is 00:25:09 for the last 60 fucking years and the illegitimacy rate is about 78 percent wouldn't that be uh more educational instead of what a bunch of fucking what 12 rednecks think the clan who aren't even relevant it's precious though ain't he it's precious so look for more look for a lot more of those shows um it really is just white racism is just out of control since Trump almost took office already. I mean, just the beatings. You see white people. You see those clips that go viral, right? White people dragging black people out of cars that voted for Hillary and just kicking the shit out of them ten on one. You see those, right? Don't you? Nick says, being fucking sarcastic. University, I'm on to the next story about race, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:26:17 University offers class on the problem of whiteness. That's a course you can take at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, another place that needs to be fucking deloused. A class to be taught next semester at the University of Wisconsin called The Problem of Whitenessims to understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy. Let me read that again. The Problem of Whiteness, that's the name it. Aims to, in quotes, understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:27:01 In other words, it's up to white people to dismantle the white system that is oppressing so many people. Lick my white balls. We've got to lighten up the show. Let's bring in my girlfriend. Santa, you know what I want for Christmas this year? What?
Starting point is 00:27:25 A big fat cock. Oh! in my girlfriend. Santa, you know what I want for Christmas this year? What? A big fat cock. Oh! In my ass. Okay, can't we all agree that's right? Black or white? Oh, God help us. The person who's doing this class, Assistant Professor Damon Sanjanani.
Starting point is 00:27:44 That's an Indian, isn't it why do you mind your business go fucking develop some software like the rest of you help the white people out uh he says whites really or never question what it is to be white no we're too busy working and paying taxes and supporting fucking other people who aren't uh that's what Professor Damon Sanjnani, who will teach the course, told the College Fix in a television interview last week. So you go through life taking it for granted without ever questioning or critically interrogating it.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Oh my God. Please help me get off this fucking planet tonight. For Sanjnani, one way to solve this is to offer the problem of whiteness, an analysis of what it means to be white, and how to deal with it as a problem. That's in quotes. First of all, you're not even white, fuckface. So why are you teaching white people what it means to be white? The idea of talking about the problem of whiteness is to turn the question back to where it belongs he said oh my god is anybody teaching calculus or biology or organic chemistry anymore
Starting point is 00:28:53 on these fucking campuses you wonder why we're getting beat by china and every other fucking industrialized nation uh the class will also theorize what white students can do with their whiteness and how to mobilize their identities as a mode for social justice as opposed to racial injustice, as he added. Hey, white kids, let me tip you off on college campus.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Why don't you just start fucking rioting? Seriously, where are the white guys on campus when a course like this comes up? Why don't you go to the class and disrupt it? And protest like the faggots on the left do. Hold hands, kick the fucking door in, get Mr. Sanjani in a fucking headlock.
Starting point is 00:29:41 When asked what he might say to those who oppose the course, Sanjani said they have no logical idea of what race actually is and how it is a political machine as well as a social construct. So that's right, white people. Your race, your very DNA is just a social construct. That's funny. Since white supremacy was created by white people is it not white folks who have the greatest responsibility to eradicate it
Starting point is 00:30:11 ah god fucking help us god help us yes we're gonna eradicate our own way of life wow please somebody beat this guy up please beat him with an inch of his fucking useless life just teasing don't do that oh god i i like to read on but it's it's making me my handshake sanjani told the fix the premise of the cause is to understand that race is neither biological nor cultural really tell that to black people that their race has nothing to do with biology by a biology or culture but rather a social and political construct he purports that blacks throughout their life constantly question what it is to be black. However, blacks did not invent racism or racial oppression. No, but they perfected it.
Starting point is 00:31:14 At least the racism part. They hate whitey more than whitey could ever hate them. Again, not all black people. Just 97.3%. Naming the problem of whiteness is a play on what used to be known as the negro problem in the 20th century he points out students will write two papers in the course the first will be a reflection of themselves in their racial identities and how that plays into their roles in modern society the second will be a critical engagement with required readings listen to what the required readings are w e bE.B. Du Bois, 1920, The Souls of White Folks in Dark Water.
Starting point is 00:31:50 George Yancey in 2010, Look, a White. Tim Wise, 2016, White Lives Matter, Race, Crime, and the Politics of Fear in America. Oh, he actually also, Damon Samjani, that's him, 2015, Rachel slash racial theory. Reverse passing in the curious case of Rachel Dolezal. Remember her? That was that white woman who pretended she was black and she was running the NAACP up in Seattle. Double ACP up in Seattle. I'd sign up for that course and just fucking show up every day and just, again, if you're white and you feel like I do, show up and just ruin the class.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Just disrupt it. Get arrested. Show some fight, will you? Jesus fucking Christ. So you white students, are you going to take it? Are you going to write papers about why you should be fucking put to death? How you're just oppressing everybody that doesn't look like you. You're naughty.
Starting point is 00:32:59 You're naughty people. Naughty. So his name, again, Professor Damon Asanjnani. You can act like a man! What's the matter with you? Exactly. Anyhow,
Starting point is 00:33:19 more race. More racial stories Norman Lear sitcoms on the family the Jeffersons being eyed by Sony for reboots oh god that would have been
Starting point is 00:33:39 good news a few years ago Sony Pictures Television is in very, very early stages of rebooting several classic sitcoms because we don't have people who are bright enough
Starting point is 00:33:53 to write original new stuff today. From TV legend Norman Lear as a miniseries, including All in the Family, Jefferson's Good Times. That's bad news, folks, because, you know, you'd think that would be great,
Starting point is 00:34:09 but the idea currently being discussed by Laird and Sony executives would be to have new actors recreate classic episodes of the shows working from the original scripts and package them as short six-episode anthologies. The script would be treated similar to plays being mounted in new productions.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Well, if they stick to the original script, that would be great. But, you know, that's not going to fucking... There was some talk about doing some of the original shows, redoing them with today's stars, Laird told Variety. There was a possibility that we'll do All in the Family Mod, The Jeffersons' Good Times. Discussions about remaking more of lair's catalog come as sony gears up for the premiere of the new one day at a time remember that show which reimagines lair's
Starting point is 00:34:54 80s sitcom about a single mother raising two children the new series which premieres on netflix focuses on a latino family with a female army veteran at its center. Okay, well, you didn't stick the original script with that show, so why are you going to... Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Sony's been in discussion with Lair about the miniseries reboot concept
Starting point is 00:35:21 since before development began on One Day at a Time. That series was developed specifically for Netflix and was never shopped to other buyers. No network or streaming service is yet attached to the miniseries projects. You know what they're going to do.
Starting point is 00:35:37 They're not going to stick to the original script and it's, they're just going to, and if it's not Norman Lear, somebody else will buy the rights to it and turn Archie Bunker into a modern-day fucking moron, more the version of the white fellas you see in commercials, the emasculated, ignorant husbands.
Starting point is 00:35:53 And that's what they'll do to it. And they'll bastardize it and ruin the greatest sitcom in the history of TV. You really think they're going to remake that and not try to shove their fucking politically correct agenda down your throats, folks? Sure he is. Norman Lear. Jesus Christ. Guy's
Starting point is 00:36:13 like 90-something. Still sharp as a tack. By the way, my apologies for killing Zsa Zsa Gabor. I brought her up on the last show, didn't I? Sure enough, me and my wife i was discussing i was discussing speaking old tv shows that should be rebooted green acres which is so hilariously bad it's good i guess um but we would me and my wife were talking about jaja gabore because
Starting point is 00:36:38 ava gabore's in green acres and and uh i said is jaja alive? My wife's like, yeah, she's still kicking, even after she was in a bad car accident, and so we were talking about her literally like last Thursday or Friday night, and sure enough, yesterday, she kicked the bucket. I told you how I killed Billy Mays, right, the OxyClean guy. Remember that guy? I was bad-mouthing him on stage one night
Starting point is 00:37:04 at a club in florida and the next morning i got a thousand emails saying you killed billy mays because he died ah and i did it to one other person i know i've been bad mouthing rosie o'donnell but she's healthy as a horse um so don't get excited about these reboots because hollywood are gonna they'll they'll just damage it i don't get excited about these reboots, because Hollywood are going to, they'll just damage it, I don't understand the article, because it says, we'll stick to the original script,
Starting point is 00:37:30 but with a one day at a time show, they didn't, they made it a Latino family, and blah, blah, blah, I figure by the time I'm 70, which is not far off, 20 years or so, or less,
Starting point is 00:37:42 I won't even, there won't be anything white white left joe list said that to me a couple months ago on the phone oh no in a text he goes don't worry there won't be any straight white men on tv within the next two years i don't think that's a great exaggeration i think that's about right that is about right. That is about right. Goodness gracious. You want to see a great story about race and ethnicity,
Starting point is 00:38:15 at least race and ethnicity, as it pertains to New York City? Colin Quinn's New York Story, which I think is on Netflix now. Watch that. Twitter's abuzz how good it is. Nobody's, he's got like a PhD in race and ethnicity because he grew up in Brooklyn, Quinny. Don't mean to be blowing them two shows in a row, but hey, talent is talent.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Let's get to some, let's get to some, well, you can sum up, it's just so funny. You watch the media and they're saying, well, since Trump won, already hate crimes are up and all this shit. And they're trying to, they're making up all this white racism where it doesn't even exist. And, but the truth of the matter is, is an anti-white male sentiment that's been growing for the last i don't know how many years in this country but they're trying to legislate the male behavior right out of us and you're like what are you talking about well princeton suspends uh its men's swim team over offensive materials i know this is going to sound familiar but but don't confuse it with Harvard or Columbia that it already happened at a month or two ago. But Princeton University,
Starting point is 00:39:36 and this bums me out because I bet on this team every week. I put three grand on their Princeton swim team. This suspended the rest of the men's swimming and diving team's season after school administrators discovered that members had posted vulgar and offensive material on the team's electronic mailing list. You mean email list? A statement released by Princeton on Thursday did not disclose specifics
Starting point is 00:40:00 but said the misogynistic and racist. So right away, when you hear misogynistic, you know, it's sexist statements. And when you hear racist, you got to assume it's whitey. So again, it's white male behavior that's being suspended left and right. Misogynistic and racist comments involving the women's swimming and diving team. You know what it was? It was white male athletes. And I don't even know if it was all white. There might be some people of color on the Princeton swim team, but I doubt it. I'm going to go out on a limb. But you know what it is? It was locker room talk, probably saying which ones they wanted to fuck, which ones had no tits, which ones did like to go down, which ones
Starting point is 00:40:40 you like to have do a cannonball on their face that type of talk it's what guys do and have been doing since we get out of the fucking caves and um and you know women do it too but ironically enough we haven't caught women on college campuses talking like this or people of color apparently they don't talk like this about white people just white males do and um yeah so they've suspended the swimming and diving team the suspensions come after an anonymous complaint alerted university officials to several materials, including the school-sponsored team mailing lists and other electronic... Oh, get to the fucking point. The suspension is the third for an Ivy League team.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Again, could you get whiter than an Ivy League? No. Could you get more male and white than an Ivy League sports team? Men's program? Of course not. It's the third of an Ivy League team since November. Harvard University suspended its men's soccer team, and some members of Columbia University's wrestling team
Starting point is 00:41:36 was suspended for similar behavior last month. Yet nowhere, all across this big wide world, all these college kids, nobody at Grambling has talked shit about whitey in email or talked badly about fucking women just really the pay listen the this is this uh from the school the behavior that we have learned about is simply unacceptable athletic director molly marcu saman said in a statement fuck you molly we make clear to all of our student athletes that they represent Princeton University at
Starting point is 00:42:08 all times, on and off the playing surface, and in and out of season. And we expect appropriate, respectful conduct from them at all times. The university will decide whether to cancel the season completely. In other words, quit acting like boys when you guys get together and you're alone with boys or men. Quit acting like boys when you guys get together and you're alone with boys or men quit acting like men we're gonna legislate the fucking male behavior right out of you until you all have fucking big meaty fucking camel toes yourselves when you put on your speedos to go swimming oh it's making me fucking angry just talking about this and this fucking... No, no, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Take the bag off. This is my imitation of every college campus. This is... You're raping me. This is rape. This is rape. This is rape. Relax your arms. Problem?
Starting point is 00:42:59 You're the fucking problem. You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, you h you keep looking at me i'm gonna put you in the fucking ground i promise you not this time have you looked into the behavior of uh athletes of color on college campuses huh it's unbelievable how they downplay that and uh not just on college camp even in the pro. I'll get to a story in a few minutes about this obvious feminist writer, Nina Mandel, who writes for USA Today, another corrupt left-wing piece of shit, liberal rag. And I'm going to read a story about that where she's actually poo-pooing on Tom Brady
Starting point is 00:43:41 because he didn't take the right stance a few months ago on a domestic violence thing in the NFL. But why don't you do some research into what goes on with black athletes? Not just black athletes, obviously. White ones, too. But I'm just saying, I'm only seeing stories about, like I said, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, and Columbia men. I want to hear about University of oklahoma university miami uh you know university alabama all the football power houses and clemson and florida state university there's been no misbehavior on those i know that i know they come across the screen on saturday at the bottom they'll say you know strong safety
Starting point is 00:44:23 suspended but but but you don't the mainstream media doesn't delve into that you know so uh i don't know how we're gonna live without the princeton swimming diving team or the harvard's men's soccer team uh how are we gonna live without these how are we gonna keep the ratings up on TV? It's guys acting like guys, and they're literally trying to make that fucking illegal. It's especially white fellas. Yeah, Harvard soccer team.
Starting point is 00:44:58 This season was canceled last month after a demeaning scouting report on the women's team was circulated. A 2012 document uncovered by the Harvard Criminal Student newspaper rated the attractiveness of recruits on the women's team and included lewd comments about them. Some members of the Columbia University's wrestling team were suspended for competing over apparent lewd
Starting point is 00:45:19 and racially insensitive text messages. Some messages disparaged female students, expressed hope that someone would be sexually assaulted at a campus event. We don't want that. Used anti-gay terms and slurred black people, including while discussing the deadly police shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson.
Starting point is 00:45:38 But again, we haven't uncovered any black fraternity emails or disparaging white folk or white girls. None of that. You're not delving into that. Rolling Stone magazine. You don't nothing there. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:45:57 All the major football programs not all but almost every one of them rife rife with fucking sexual assault charges and whatnot. I'm just saying a little fairness, huh? Media, just a little bit of fairness.
Starting point is 00:46:15 To stay on the subject that they're trying to literally legislate male behavior out of existence in our society. Here's a little headline for you from the aforementioned woman I mentioned, Nina Mandel, who writes for USA Today, too, I think. She writes for the win, you know? Her headline is, Why Major League Baseball's New Rules About Rookies Dressing Like Women the win you know uh her headline is why major league baseball's new rules about rookies dressing like women as part of hazing are good for everyone of course that's how she would
Starting point is 00:46:52 fucking see it naturally right oh god help us if you heard about mlb they just signed a new collective bargaining agreement you know with the union and one of the policies in the new bargaining agreement is that you can't haze rookies anymore you can't make them dress up like women and shit like it's been going on for years it's always been good clean fun but because we live in a society that's being hijacked by feminists and lawyers working in cahoots to take all the fun out of fucking life, this is no longer going to be allowed. Of course, Nina Mandel is all for that. I googled her and she looks like a female Howard Cosell when he was 21. Well, Nick, why do you have to get personal like that?
Starting point is 00:47:45 Because it all fits in. Most feminists are unattractive. That's why they became feminists. They have a hatred for men because they couldn't get laid. And they take that bitterness and turn it into a life pursuit. And I think that's what Nina Mandel does. She's happy that this new policy is in place.
Starting point is 00:48:21 MLB and the Players Association agreed on a new anti-hazing and bullying policy that outlawed requiring coercing or encouraging players to engage in activities that include dressing up as women or wearing costumes that may be offensive to individuals based on their race, sex, nationality, age, sexual orientation, gender, identify, or other characteristics. They want to say gender identity, but it says identity. There's like nine typos in this fucking article.
Starting point is 00:48:49 A symptom of a society that has no standards in itself. But did you hear the key thing there? It's not even about the plays being hazed or bullied. That's not why they came up with it. It's about the people, like when a guy dresses up like a girl, that could be offensive to a woman or a transgender person. It's not even about the athlete himself being bullied or fucking made to dress up like a woman.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Oh, my fucking word. It's just, it's just become a humorless world thanks to far left liberal douchebags. To be clear, the policy doesn't outlaw all hazing. Rookies can still wear other costumes. MLB Vice President Paul Mifsud told the AP that the policy was one that protected the players in the age of social media from doing something even more offensive,
Starting point is 00:49:42 like putting on blackface and saying it was just because it was a hazing joke for a day they even have to work that in the example he gives is like a player might put on blackface it's a bigger issue than that whether mlb recognizes it or not says nina mandel who probably hates men to her core. First, let's deal with the underlying issue. I'm reading from her dogshit article. It shouldn't in 2016 be considered demeaning for a man to dress in women's clothing. Exactly. So what's the problem?
Starting point is 00:50:20 Women may still unfairly get paid less, but they're equals in so many realms including masculine ones like elite units of the military uh that's false by the way women don't get paid less when you and i'll say it again and i'll keep saying it again uh what do you do your research you titless wonder when you factor in the number of years of experience worked a number of hours work when you factor everything in, including the resume experience in that industry, women make the same or even a few pennies more. But keep that myth alive too. And she says, and of course, this is offensive because there are transgender men and women
Starting point is 00:50:58 across the country who have struggled with their gender identity. They don't deserve to have cross-dressing held up as a joke meant to humble rookies. Has anybody complained about it before you did, Ms. Mandel? Really? How does a guy, how does Houston Street, a pitcher and the pros,
Starting point is 00:51:15 I just choose him because they have pictures of him dressed up like a woman. How does a baseball player being made to dress up because he's a rookie, how the fuck, how the fuck, how the fuck does that bother a transgender person how please explain to me fucking how how does me making a joke a black
Starting point is 00:51:34 joke on stage how does that actually translating into fucking hurting somebody it doesn't uh she says going beyond even this change to cut out hazing would do even more good so this isn't enough for her this humilish witch each year we're confronted with a story about a high school team or college frat notice she doesn't mention college uh whatever uh or college frat going far overboard into assault and abuse in the name of hazing and each year was shocked kids could do that and then we turn the other way and applaud our professionalities for doing it doing it what seems from the outside to be a humorous way she can't separate um and what she's talking about is sometimes there's been a couple of isolated cases and that's what they were
Starting point is 00:52:21 where like in high school some kid got sodomized or something. And she's equating that to guys dressing up for fun, making rookies dress up for fun. She's equating the two. Just fucking clueless. Anything that cuts back on hazing, even if it's a small step, should be a reminder that it isn't a tradition that has to continue for teammates to bond. Playing and practicing and talking to each other. You hear that, fellas? You hear that, fellas?
Starting point is 00:52:56 You linebackers and the NFL, you guys should just get together and have little chats and talk with each other instead of having fun and, you know. Playing and practicing and talking to each other should do the job to let players bond together. You don't have to have fun. She actually says, can we suggest pasta dinners? No, you can't. Yes, and we'll have women cook those dinners. Oh, she just fits. I just picked her out because she just fits the typical.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I can't even just. She says, will we continue to post photos of MLB rookies wearing superhero costumes or whatever they do in the name of being rookies next season? Probably, even if I have my reservations about it. But making it a little less offensive and taking away the potential to target specific groups is a very good step for the league and the union to take she's an unattractive woman who's probably unattractive as a kid maybe got made fun of in school like we all did but she never got over it and that's who's running the country right now who's running the world these fucking nerds
Starting point is 00:54:01 unattractive nerds who really didn't fit in and it's like fucking revenge of the nerds on a global basis at least in this country that's what it feels like she can't get past the little bit of torment she experienced as a kid again this is me speculating but i know i'm right on the fucking money oh my god just weak this is just weak somehow Major League Baseball plays bonding by having the rookies dress up like girls and shit is somehow gonna affect transgender people
Starting point is 00:54:36 and it just you can't make that leap you don't have the fucking evidence you really don't ugh so leap you don't have the fucking evidence you really don't oh so what have we learned today stop being male stop acting like a male regardless of your race and especially white males stop acting like white males when you get together with each other let nina mandel a liberal columnist fucking let her tell you how you should be acting.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Oh, help the fucking Lord. I'm gay. I'm really gay. I'm super duper gay. I'm gayer than a rainbow. I'm gayer than I'll say. Gay. I'm really gay. I'm say Gay, I'm really gay
Starting point is 00:55:25 I'm truly very gay You caught me, I'm a lesbian And I like it This goes out to Nina Mandel I love their hair This is what we do, Nina, when we get together Uh-huh I like Big Ted.
Starting point is 00:55:50 This is fucked. Left and right. I like Big Ted. That's right. I try to look away. But I can't resist. Every time I try to call it quits. Here comes some tits.
Starting point is 00:56:13 That's a big tent for big tits. What a deal. I love big tits. Oh, God. Help us. Fucking quiz! That was Paulie Walnut saying that on The Sopranos. They should take that out,
Starting point is 00:56:41 because when a character says something like that on TV, somewhere a gay person dies right on the spot. That's how the world works, don't you know? Does it sound like I'm defending the white heterosexual way of life? Yeah, I really am. Against an onslaught of horseshit. They can't get us out of here fast enough. Whether it's Obama sneaking in fucking 15,000 illegals from Central and Latin America every day at the border. It's fucking, it's priceless.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I wish I'd be, I just wish I'd live long enough to see the results of this fucking mess. But anyways, Nina Mandel, a few months ago, writing for The Win again, she had a problem with Tom Brady. Tom Brady whiffed when given the chance to make a strong statement about how the NFL handles domestic violence. And let me read from this and see how she makes her point and who she points to. When it comes to speaking out against domestic violence in the league, there's some players who won't blink. Excuse me. Take, for example, this is mrs mandel again take for example she says ravens receiver steve smith who sent a profanity lace tweet to josh brown after reports surfered that the giants kicker admitted to abusing his former wife then there was tory
Starting point is 00:58:00 smith a receiver on the 49ers who urged the the NFL to take the issue more seriously in a series of tweets. But then on Monday came the powerful figures in the league who could make a statement and instead chose to push the topic away. Tom Brady, notice how she qualified that as a, he's a powerful figure. That implies that Stephen Smith doesn't have any power, the receiver, who used to play for Carolina. Tom Brady told Boston, again, this is from October, I think.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Tom Brady told Boston radio station, WEEI, that while he thought domestic violence was a terrible, terrible thing, it's the league's responsibility to deal with Brown, the kickoff of the Giants. Tom Brady said, and I quote, I grew up with three sisters and I was very fortunate to learn from a loving father and a loving mother how to treat and respect women, Brady said.
Starting point is 00:58:57 I have a daughter of my own and domestic violence is a horrible issue. It's a tragedy when it happens. Any type of abuse or bullying of people who can't defend themselves or fight for themselves, I have no respect for that. That wasn't enough, though, for Miss Mandel. But when asked about the league suspensions, Brady said, I'm just going to stay in my own lane. Like I said, it's up to them to decide.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Whatever they want to do. I'm just going to try to stay out of any kind of my opinion. I certainly have opinions. I just don't really care to share them. So that wasn't enough for her. And she also goes after the Giants coach, Ben McAdoo, who said on Sunday that the Giants front office was handling the situation. Again, we're going to address all that when we get back, McAdoo told reporters.
Starting point is 00:59:42 The front office, they're handling everything right now. Ba, ba, ba, okay? So she points to Steve Smith, okay, and Tori Smith, two black dudes, and she points to Tom Brady, you know, and Ben McAdoo, also white, as not going far enough to speak out of domestic violence, which obviously from the quote from Tom Brady, he did more than enough. But why is it so funny that she pointed to guys like Stephen Smith?
Starting point is 01:00:13 I should say Steve Smith. When I say Stephen Smith, you're going to think of the ESPN guy. I'm talking about the wide receiver. If you guys follow NFL, you know who I'm talking about. Well, why is he not really a good guy to point to? Back in 2002, back in November of 2002, he was involved in an altercation
Starting point is 01:00:31 with his teammate, Anthony Bright, during a film room meeting. Smith was suspended after the incident, which left Bright with a fractured orbital lobe. Smith was arrested,
Starting point is 01:00:41 briefly jailed, on charges of misdemeanor assault, and the Panthers suspended him for one game in November. Wait, there's more of her hero. Steve Smith made headlines during 2008 training camp when he was involved in an altercation with teammate Kenny Lucas on August 1st. Smith broke Lucas' nose during the fight and was later sent home for the remainder of the day after reportedly apologizing. He was given a two-game suspension. See, Steve Smith attacked Josh Brown on Twitter when it came out about Josh Brown admitting to abusing his wife and Steve Brown after him saying, if you were blah, blah, blah. I'm just paraphrasing. If your wife was my daughter
Starting point is 01:01:23 or something, you'd be on injured reserve, blah, blah, blah. Anyways, that's who she looks up to. One of the most violent fucking, you could call. By the way, if I was starting a team, as far as receivers go, and I took away his, you know, past of attacking his teammates, he, guy's a hall of famer. Guy is a tough as nails i'm just saying for her to point to him and go he he did the right thing by you know aggressively going after josh brown on twitter what a fucking crock of shit doesn't mention his violent past i mean again am i imagining it she
Starting point is 01:02:00 points it to the whitest tom brady the white. You think that's an accident? She pointed to him saying he didn't go far enough in condemning domestic violence. She has an agenda like most fucking ugly feminists, an anti-white male one. That's enough. I'm giving myself a goddamn headache. Anyhow, I am. That is it. Folks, again, if you like the show, and if you don't, I don't give a shit. But if you do, if you do, go to slash Nick, slash Nick. Subscribe for $3.99 a month. Get two to three more shows a week. I treat it like a radio show.
Starting point is 01:02:45 I keep it topical. And we have a lot of fun on the goddamn show. And that's it for now. What else did I want to say? I feel like I'm forgetting something. Go to for dates. My tour dates. Nick, go to for dates, my tour dates.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I will see you guys next. Oh, Anthony Comia. I am going to be on Anthony Comia podcast this Thursday, December 22nd, with none other than the great Vince Curtola. And who's that? He played Johnny Sack of the Sopranos. So it's me, Comia, and Vince caratola is that greasy enough for you that show i mean uh love him love johnny sack what a character great guy and uh anthony we always have a blast so uh yeah check that out and uh i'll give you my dates real quick since my book
Starting point is 01:03:44 is handy right here. I'll be at the dentist tomorrow. No. Comedy Connection, Rhode Island, January 13 and 14. Bananas in Hasbrook Heights on January 20 and 21. Hot Comedy Club in Yonkers
Starting point is 01:03:56 on Saturday, February 4th. Write that down. It's brand new. Zany's in Chicago on February 9th. And then Zanies in Rosemont, Illinois on the 10th and 11th of February. Laugh Boston the 16th through the 18th. Magoobies in Timonium, Maryland. That's February 23, 24, 25.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Hot Comedy Club again in Yonkers on March 4th. Side Splitters in Tampa, March 9, 10, and 11. And again, go to slash Nick to subscribe to my podcast. I think I have covered it all. Have I not? I have. I will, goddammit, something, I just feel like I'm forgetting something. But I'll talk to you tomorrow, you subscribers.
Starting point is 01:06:49 All right, take care of yourselves I feel. The world today And everybody's happy guitar solo I'm out.

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