The Nick DiPaolo Show - 169 - Childish Dems Boycotting Trump

Episode Date: January 17, 2017

Childish Dems Boycotting Trump...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo podcast. How are you folks? Happy Martin Luther King Jr. birthday. Isn't it? Hope I got that right. Anyhow, excuse me. This is the Monday free version on iTunes and on and on Stitcher. Get two to three more shows a week for $3.99 a month. Go to slash Nick and do it. Everybody else is. Why aren't you?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Look at you sitting there not contributing. How are you, folks? How you with? This episode of the Nick DiPaolo podcast brought to you by backpacks for life serving our homeless veterans one backpack at a time after this is interesting after returning home from a seventh month tour in afghanistan with the united states marine corps sergeant brett de alessandro went through a difficult transition back to civilian life while fighting his own personal battles brett had a life-changing encounter with a Vietnam vet. The man was homeless, so Brett filled a backpack from his overseas tour
Starting point is 00:01:53 with toiletries, warming layers, socks, T-shirts. He went back to find the man and gave him the backpack. The next morning he saw the man, but this time with a small child, wearing the backpack proudly. He stopped to say hello and the veteran thanked him for providing the family with the items that they desperately needed. It was at this moment that led Bread to create the non-profit organization Backpacks for Life. Backpacks for Life builds backpacks for homeless veterans that are full of daily and long-term essentials. Each backpack contains critical items and tools
Starting point is 00:02:25 that will help homeless veterans regain control of their lives. Can you think of anything better? This is just tremendous. There are over 300,000 veterans that experience homelessness throughout a year and even more veterans at risk of becoming homeless. To date, Backpacks for Lives has handed out, listen to this, over 2,300 backpacks to veterans in need.
Starting point is 00:02:47 By traveling the New York, New Jersey tri-state area, Backpacks for Life is able to connect with veterans, hear their needs, and lead them on a path to a better life. This guy's just tremendous.
Starting point is 00:02:57 This is a great idea. Backpacks for Life encourages you to serve those who have served us. You can learn more about donation and packing drives and backpack distribution events on their Facebook page, Backpacks for Life, and on their website,
Starting point is 00:03:14 You can also donate at Let me repeat that. You can donate at slash give backpacks for life serving our homeless veterans one backpack at a time and uh this is one of our subscribers who uh is behind this and um so i can't think of a, it's just a great cause. So please donate, will you? A lot of veterans out there hurting, especially under Dopey of the last eight years. I guess I imagine that scandal too, the veteran administration scandal. That was because you heard he said he was scandal free.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So I guess I dreamed that whole one up. Didn't we? That was just a bad dream, I guess. Hey, guys, hit me up on Twitter, at Nick DiPaolo. And I'm on Instagram. I jumped on there a couple months ago. So I like to build that up, too. At Nick DiPaolo on Instagram, too.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And, you know, I'm on Facebook and all that. But hit me up on Twitter, too. I want to thank contributors. Aaron Calhoun has contributed. Kevin Ford. My buddy Thomas Comerford again. Mark Ferris-Tayar. And thank you guys so much for the contributions to the show.
Starting point is 00:04:34 A lot of business up front. Sorry, folks. Let's get right to it. A little levity to break the tension, huh? A guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says. Why, he asks. Don't you have a vase?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Oh, for the love of Pete. I hope he doesn't die soon. Dominic Cheney, he's getting up there. Anyhow, where was I this weekend? Rhode Island, the Comedy Connection. Thank you guys for coming out. Even with the Patriots playoff game, okay, we were almost sold out on Saturday night, the first show,
Starting point is 00:05:11 and totally packed out on Thursday night. But, yeah, the club was pleased as punch because we knew the Pats were up against the Pats. The goddamn stadium was in, you know, could hit it with a rock from the comedy club where the Pats play so thank you guys and uh late show Saturday uh alcohol got the best of a few of the chicks in there but I hope they made it home safe after fucking up my show and for the first time in 28 years I lost my voice on stage I had like a frog in my throat I couldn't clear it and the more I
Starting point is 00:05:43 tried to clear it my lungs were just like filling up with I don't know what and I was losing my voice it was very crazy you know I'm being badgered by three chicks to my left who have like 11 martinis I mean they're bitch slapping me they're yelling shit out I could hardly retort I'm like ah shut up shut your mouth you drunken whores it was almost it was kind of embarrassing but it's a great club I suggest you live in that Shut up. Shut your mouth, you drunken whores. It was kind of embarrassing. But this is a great club. I suggest you live in that area, Comedy Connection in East Providence.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Corey does a great job of that place. So anyhow, any he, yeah. Patriots, okay, they had a little rust on them, but relax. And what a weekend. I guess I'm starting with sports real quick. If you guys are listening for the first time i don't always do this but come on uh you know this isn't a show for people who vote for hillary it's this is uh or kids who play soccer and all that faggy horse shit this is an actual you know uh we like football still you You know, stuff that New Age soft fucking safe space parents, everything that they hate.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Anyhow, how about Green Bay, Dallas? What the hell's going on out here? What? That thing lived up to its hype, huh? How about those field goal kickers, man? Unbelievable. The Packers pull it off in an upset look out for you know who aaron rogers holy shit he's like the rifle man he looks like he did in his prime a couple years ago
Starting point is 00:07:12 he is uh throwing darts and their kicker has uh just plain ice in his veins and he proved it with This to send the Packers into the NFC Championship game. It is good. The Packers are moving on. Aaron Rodgers has done it again. And Mason Crosby, a hero for Green Bay. And the poor Cowboys fans. The poor Cowboys fans. The poor Cowboys fans, which their fans are all over the nation.
Starting point is 00:07:53 My boy Keith Robinson must be furious. That kick made it by a red CH. But how about that kick? And they try to freeze him out and he booms it through and he goes, yeah, I'll do it again, motherfuckers. Does it again. And what a game that was what a game holy christ almighty aaron rogers rolling out and making that that throw late in the game the guy kept his feet
Starting point is 00:08:17 in bounds jesus christ what a throw that was as good as anything i've ever seen just uh tremendous but uh i don't care who they are. We'll see them in the Super Bowl. What do you mean, will? My team, the Patriots. We got the Steelers coming up. Fuck them, too. They got by a mediocre Kansas City team. But you got to be nervous with Antonio Brown and Bell in the back,
Starting point is 00:08:41 failing Roethlisberg. That's all I got to say. And the Pats better pick up their game. I will be on vacation, hopefully be able to pick up that game. I'm going to have to climb up a banana tree and wrap my balls in tinfoil, but hopefully it'll happen. Anyhow, great. So, yeah, so you got on Sunday, you got the Falcons who bitch slapped the Seahawks. Did they not?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yes, they did. So you're going to have Green Bay at Atlanta and then the Steelers at New England. So big numbers, too, for that Cowboys game. Already they're saying ticket prices are going down for the Super Bowl tickets because Dallas lost. I don't know. Anyhow, so what else? I went up this weekend, kind of sad, bittersweet.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I had a gig up in rhode island and uh if you guys have been listening to this podcast for a long time i had a guy on the show he's one of my closest friends he's one of the reasons i became a stand-up comedian his name's greg zook he went to school with my sister my oldest sister he's four years older than me he was best friends with who now is my brother-in-law that's's how I met him. And he's like a family member to me. And he was so goddamn funny when I met him. I was a young kid. I just thought he's the funniest guy.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And he's the one who sort of, I mentioned him in the credits after one of my specials. He is now a retired cop. He's a cop in Miami for 30 years. And I had him on the show. I actually had him on the show as a guest, one of the earlier DePaulo podcasts. Anyways, he's from a family of cops. His dad was an unbelievable Massachusetts state cop. Scored the highest on the mental and physical exam at that point.
Starting point is 00:10:20 This was back in the 60s, I guess. Anyways, he had a brother norman who i knew and uh norman was also a state trooper for 30 i think 35 years and retired well he passed away this uh weekend on on friday he got a rare blood disease that attacked the immune system and had a whole transplant and he's been fighting it for you know quite a few months and um just uh you know just just you know just a great guy i mean just a great guy and then when i first started comedy him and greg would come to see me if i was out of local clubs and um i mean lieutenant in the in the massachusetts state police and just you know workaholic good family guy and he passed away on friday morning and uh that's why i went from
Starting point is 00:11:16 rhode island up to to mass to see my buddy greg who has been came home for the last year to sort of take care of Norman. So just say a prayer for Norman and the Zook family. I know all his brothers and his sister and Christ. They grew up about half a mile from where I did. But anyhow, he was quite a guy, man. Norman was just a humble guy. Unbelievable athlete in high school he's on the hall like the wall of fame at danvers high school like two different sports and just again just a humble almost a painfully shy guy for as much as i knew him and what's
Starting point is 00:12:01 amazing i met his his son and Andy this weekend for the second time. The first time I met Andy, he was literally in diapers in Norman's front yard. I remember he was screaming upset about that. He was in diapers. And then I met him in 2007 for the first time, or 10 years ago. And this is the second time I met him this weekend. And he looked so much like Norman and stuff. and this is the second time I met him this weekend and he looks so much like Norman and stuff
Starting point is 00:12:24 and I just love the Zook family because they're just like family to us. Greg and Peter and Norman and Marilyn. So just, hey, I love the cops, man. And you know what they've been going through. And then Norman was as good as any of them. So if you guys remember the story I talked about on the show, I don't know when this was, a couple years ago?
Starting point is 00:12:54 A little over a year ago. Danvers High Schools, weren't the high school? You guys met her. This made national news. It was on CNN and everything. Some 14-year-old student raped and murdered a teacher at Danvers High School, which sent, obviously, shockwaves through the community but Norman was the head detective on the case and he spent almost every day with that family of the victim and
Starting point is 00:13:17 so you know and I guess became very close to them. Her name was Colleen. I want to say Glitzer. I might have that wrong. But if you Google Danvers High School and Colleen, I want to say Glitzer was the last name of the teacher who was murdered. There's a foundation you can donate You can donate to a scholarship foundation. Whatever so.
Starting point is 00:13:46 But anyhow. Rest in peace Norm. And yeah. Good people. So what is going on. I mean it's Martin Luther King. Junior. Day and.
Starting point is 00:14:03 He was the last to me, real civil rights guy who, you know, believed in nonviolence. And, well, here's the speech, which to me ranks up as maybe the greatest speech ever. Freedom and justice, I have a dream. injustice. I have a dream that my four little children Alabama with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands
Starting point is 00:15:09 with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. You know, just to this day, probably the greatest speech ever. It was unbelievable how many people witnessed that live. But we go from that, again, nonviolence, and to, you know, this type of shit.
Starting point is 00:15:36 What do we want? Dead cops. Black Lives Matter. MLK be rolling around in his rig heard this shit yeah yeah why am I bringing all this well obviously mlk day but obviously um i found this uh it was great that uh it's it's relevant because of the civil rights issue and and john lewis who's a civil rights icon congressman now he's just a black bitter old man and um i'll get to that in
Starting point is 00:16:26 a second but martin luther king's niece voted for donald trump okay and um yeah mlk's niece elveda king she's a pro-lifer and she serves as director of civil rights for the unborn, the African-American outreach for priests for life and gospel of life ministries. And she's hoping Mr. Trump will be a pro-life president. She said this, I pray that all polar opposites learn to agape love, live and work together as brothers and sisters or perish as fools uh which would be the democratic party right now and how they're reacting to trump becoming
Starting point is 00:17:10 president uh while i and that includes mr lewis all due respect while i voted for mr trump my confidence remains in god for life liberty in the pursuit of happiness pray is for president-elect trump congressman lewis and everyone including leaders she said uh so obviously she believes trump's going to be a you know he's a legitimate president and uh it takes a lot of balls to be um you know to be black and and to break away from the party the party uh line because you you know you're an uncle tom and you're going to be tortured and verbally abused by the democratic party black and white people and they're going to you know you're an uncle tom and you're a fucking sellout and blah blah blah and it's the type of thinking and obama just exasperated all that in his eight years instead of bringing us together and the fact
Starting point is 00:18:00 that he hasn't stood up obama and just said you know to people who to democrats who are boycotting the inauguration on friday and and to people who say you know trump's not my he could stand up and say enough of this nonsense but uh-uh no he pays it a little lip service but dances off he keeps saying he trump is freely elected but he won't won't stand up and say this is horrible let's unite so the things aren't going to get better. They're just going to get worse. I'm not kidding. This is no exaggeration. I don't see how this doesn't end in a civil war.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I swear to Christ. And sooner than you think. I don't know when. I can't put a date on it. A week from Friday. I don't know. But as long as the left and the Democrat Party are looking at people like Ellison. Keith Ellis. Ellison. whatever his name is from Minneapolis.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And Nancy Pelosi is still in the picture shooting her big yap off. And we love Nancy Pelosi. We play this every time we mention Nancy Pelosi. She's a big feminist, you know. But as long as they're looking at people like that to lead the party, Republicans, you got nothing to worry about. You got nothing to fucking worry about. You're going to be in power for a long time. But, you know, it's going to end up in violence.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I can't believe what's going on. All these Dems boycotting. It's up to like 23 congressmen who are going to boycott Trump's inauguration. Can you fucking imagine? This is all orchestrated to delegitimize him. And the media is right in cahoots. They've lost their fucking minds minds now it's so transparent to everybody not everybody i should say everybody who thinks like me can see through it um just
Starting point is 00:19:51 horrible what they're doing to trump just yes the russians are hacked into the dnc and like i said uh they did the job that the media in this country wouldn't do exposing hillary for the horrible candidate and lying piece of garbage uh that she is and uh for you people who think oh he's illegit because uh the russians had a hand in it then you believe that again uh american citizens voting for president don't have the right to know everything about their candidate i don't care how we got the truth we got the truth and um you know and i'll say it again how did she win the popular. I don't care how we got the truth. We got the truth. And, you know, and I'll say it again. How did she win the popular vote? I don't hear the Dems talking about that, do you?
Starting point is 00:20:31 She won by 3 million votes. Wow. How the fuck did that happen? I guess Russia and Putin just focused on those swing states. Is that how it works? Come on. Oh, God, help us. Can you imagine, though, up to 23 congressmen not going to attend?
Starting point is 00:20:54 It's really fucking embarrassing. Here's John Lewis, again, civil rights icon, you know, which he is. No doubt about it. You can't take that away. He had his head split open in Selma crossing a bridge. But you know what? That doesn't mean he's not untouchable, and he can't be corrupted, you know, by his own party over the years and whatnot. And when he calls out saying trump is illegitimate uh trump doesn't have a right to tweet back at him and then the whole fucking media mainstream
Starting point is 00:21:34 media cnn all the jerk offs trump attacked an icon a civil rights i how dare he oh my god you guys are so transparent everybody Everybody. How dare he? He's supposed to just sit there and fucking let a sitting congressman shit on him because he marched in Selma back in the fucking 50s. I mean, are you shitting me? Are you shitting me? Good for Trump. Keep that Twitter alive. They don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:22:03 They are panicking. They keep asking. Is he going to keep tweeting every show I put on? Trump. Keep that Twitter alive. They don't know what to do. They are panicking. They can't, but they keep asking, is he going to keep tweeting every show I put on? Is he going to keep using his Twitter account as president? I mean, that's crazy. I love this because you progressives and Obama was for, he's supposed to be the change agent. This is what change looks like motherfuckers not going through the mainstream media and let, and let them twist your fucking message. Not going through the mainstream media and letting them twist your fucking message. The mainstream media has been so used to bullying Republicans for the last 40 years and them not even trying to hit back. Not one iota.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Trump's like, fuck that. There's a new sheriff in town. Keep tweeting. And I don't care if it's John Lewis or anybody else. Here's what John Lewis said on Meet the Press. And listen to Chuck Todd's tone. He talks to him in a nice hushed tone. And it's so funny compared to how when he's interviewing like, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:58 Rince Priebus or Sean Spicer, just the tone is so disrespectful. But listen to him here. He's just so. And listen to John Lewis. He's just so. And listen to John Lewis. Thank you. You have forged relationships with many presidents. Do you plan on trying to forge a relationship with Donald Trump? You know, I believe in forgiveness.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I believe in trying to work with people. It's going to be hard. It's going to be hard. It's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. You do not consider him a legitimate president? Why is that? Chuck came in his pants right there. I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah. Yeah, how so? so destroyed the Kennedy's see or Hillary Clinton I don't plan to attend inauguration it would be the first one that I miss since I've been in a Congress racist you cannot be racist with something that you feel that is wrong that's gonna send a that going to send a big message to a lot of people in this country that you don't believe he's a legitimate president. I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians and others. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:20 To help him get elected. Do you have that evidence? That's not fair how to follow up with some tough questions chuck todd like well we know uh there's evidence that they hacked into um but where's the evidence that that uh that's the reason hillary law do we have you know her no you don't ask that just to fucking nod your head and go well he wouldn't lie he's a civil rights icon and you know where's that where's the next question how did she win by three million votes then popular votes and don't you think the american voters have the right to know everything about their candidates and how about the fact that she had that server in her basement and
Starting point is 00:25:14 nothing no questions like that chuck no uh he's an old um he sure he sure is civil rights icon, but also, uh, now he's like an old black, uh, racist guy. Basically. Do you remember during the tea party thing about five, six years ago? I remember they did the March on the tea party.
Starting point is 00:25:35 He had a big, uh, gathering and, and John Lewis and a few other congressmen had to cut through. They were going back to the Capitol and they said, uh, they were spit on and call the N word yet. Nobody could produce audio of them being called the n-word somebody who was it i can't even remember said i'll you know i'll put up uh a half a million dollars of my own money or
Starting point is 00:25:55 something like that if you can provide me with the audio and and uh you know i mean old black guys uh and you can understand i understand him being not liking white people even though he's been hiding it um because what he went through he's in his 70s so he he does know what the face of racism looks like uh and stuff but uh as opposed to these, you know, BLM fucking jerk offs whose whole movement was started on a myth and chanting for dead cops. But that doesn't mean Trump can't respond. I mean, what the fuck is going on? And by the way, there's going to be over 100,000 bikers to form a wall to protect Trump over 100,000 bikers to form a wall to protect uh trump because the usual douchebags are planning their nonsense for the inauguration on friday and there's a hundred thousand uh bikers who said
Starting point is 00:26:53 they're going to protect the inauguration so good luck with that you snowflake millennial pussies when you come up against the hell's angels in the aftermath of Trump's shocking, this is what it says in the stories in Vanity Fair, shocking tweets about Georgia congressman and civil rights icon, John. Why is it shocking? He wrote and said, the president-elect has decided not to attend
Starting point is 00:27:19 the New Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Senior officials. I love it. I love this. But this is what Giuliani did when he when he took over New York as mayor. He wouldn't talk to Al Sharpton, who had turned the biggest race baiter in the history of the world, who turned New York into, you know, the most divided place as far as race. Giuliani was like, I'm not talking to him. All the previous mayors, of course, were blowing fucking jerk off Sharpton and Trump. And Giuliani didn't talk to him for his whole two terms, I don't think. Yeah. So he's not going to go to the Museum of African-American History and Culture. Senior officials cited scheduling issues. Of course, that's in quotes.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And ABC News reported that Trump plans to commemorate the holiday in some other fashion. But perhaps he or his transition team also recognize that the optics of a visit to a museum whose very existence owes in part to Lewis, to Lewis's work and support, would simply call more attention to the outburst. No? Or maybe he's just like, enough of this shit. How much more do we have to do in this country? Maybe he's just like enough of this shit. How much more do we have to do in this country? When will John Lewis and people like him acknowledge that Whitey has bent over backwards to try to make it work here?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Give me a fucking break. Oh, yeah. Yeah. God, I can't wait to read tonight. I can't wait to watch the news tonight. I mean, for him not to go to the Museum of African-American History and Culture, what are they going to say about Trump tonight on the news? Oh, my God. But, you know, Trump fired back at Lewis after he was on Meet the Press and said on Twitter, Congressman Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart, not to mention crime infested, rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk, no action or results. Sad. He altered his rhetoric a bit later that day, presumably after learning about the affluence of Lewis's district, but still doubled down nevertheless on the issue.
Starting point is 00:29:23 but still doubled down nevertheless on the issue. Just hilarious. Just hilarious. Still playing the race card, the Dems. That's all they got, and the media. Playing it, they've taken it up 10 notches since Trump got elected, even though that's what got him elected. It's fucking unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:29:51 What is the definition of insanity keep doing something expecting different results you're doing keep doing the same thing but and you know expecting a different result uh whatever what the fuck ever good for you Edward? Good for you, Donald. Good for you. Black guys, old black guys. And Chris Rock had a great bit about old black guys and how racist. I remember him. He used to say that when I was working at the Chris Rock show. But he had a bit on it, one of his specials. I got it here somewhere of him talking about old racist black guys.
Starting point is 00:30:22 It's really funny. And I think that's what john lewis has turned into again we'll cut him some slack because he got his head splitting open he's walked the walk and shit but that doesn't mean we can't criticize them people in the mainstream media god fucking damn it that's right man when it comes to racism you know who the most racist people are for real the real most racist people old black men you find real most racist people? Old black men. You find a brother over 60, I know some of you white people know an old black man. You go, oh, Willie at the
Starting point is 00:30:52 job, he's so nice. Willie hates your guts. I know that. Nothing more racist than an old black man. You know why? Because an old black man went through some real racism. He didn't go through that, I can't get a cab shit. He was the cab. White man just jump on his back, Main Street.
Starting point is 00:31:17 He's imitating a white guy, like, riding a horse, like he's on a black guy's back, doing a cab ride. Laugh, nigga! Laugh, nigga! Laugh, you fucking nigga! Oh, come on, Chris. What kind of language is that? But it's true. Even watching the NFL, like Sherm Edwards and these guys, these black guys that start to age they get like more fucking bitter and stuff but like I said you can understand it with maybe John
Starting point is 00:31:50 Lewis but but that doesn't mean I mean Trump's supposed to just stay quiet and let the guy shit all he's saying he's this guy's a sitting congressman saying yeah he's not legitimate not a legitimate president so there's like 20 it's up to 23 This guy is a sitting congressman saying he's not legitimate. Not a legitimate president.
Starting point is 00:32:15 So there's like 20, it's up to 23 Dems who are going to boycott Trump's inauguration. I got the name of like 16. We know Mr. Lewis ain't going to be there. Ted Lou, Mark Tucano, Jared Huffman, Barbara Lee, Luis Gutierrez, another phony Hispanic, always crying about comprehensive border and immigrant. He's just, of course, Missouri Rep William L lacy clay who's black uh john conyers another hateful one um massachusetts rep katherine clark uh yvette clark uh an idea of i don't even know half these people valesquez a lot of black and brown people boycotting trump who the real racist um arizona rep raul grahalva kurt schrader that's just a few really showing what fucking children they really are
Starting point is 00:33:21 children they really are. Do you know how corrosive this is to this country? Do you have any idea? Did I just say dear? I did. Here's my Boston showing. Idea. Do you have any idea how corrosive this is? Seriously though, can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:33:39 And you know what pisses me off? For eight years we had to treat Obama like he was Jesus Christ because he was the first african-american and he's as hateful as john lewis he obama was for him to not stand up right now and and just say enough of this nonsense he's loving this community organizer at heart failed presidency bitter that's my phone that i forgot to hide before the show. We'll let it ring. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It says the White House. Hello. Yeah, is Nick there? I'd like to talk. Now, I heard your bad mouth being in a podcast, and Donald Trump is not a legitimate president, and I'll pretend that he is. Any fuck and how. is not a legitimate president and i'm i'll pretend that he is any fucking how so yeah you guys are like children on the left and it's gonna come back to bite you in the balls it really is but we've been treating him with kid gloves the media's been sucking his dick for eight years and Trump's the evil one. Un-fucking-believable.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Unbelievable. Releasing this report and that dossier, all this shit. You think this is all coincidental, the timing? Five days or a week before he gets inaugurated? Are you fucking kidding me? You gotta be kidding me, man. How do you not see, how do we not see a civil war on the horizon
Starting point is 00:35:11 if the left keeps up this shit? Anyhow, this portion of the Apollo podcast brought to you by Mooring Consulting Group, a port in every storm. Mooring Consulting Group is a full-service live event production and operations management company specializing in logistics and operations consulting, production management, and technical direction. Mooring Consulting Group was created when its founder noticed a need in the event industry for honest, reliable, experienced companies who say what they do and do what they say.
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Starting point is 00:36:26 that's mooring consultant group makes a commitment to all its clients to always get the job done right every time no matter what they will always put the needs of the job and the client above all else for more information or to request a consultation or estimate please visit that's mention the nick topella podcast to receive special discounts and have 10 of all professional fees donated to Backpacks for Life, a nonprofit that helps homeless veterans. Mooring Consulting Group, a port in every storm. There you go. And thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Mention the advertising thing. If you want to advertise on the show, you go to contactnickdip at And be glad to help your business out so um yeah don't you agree with me that we're finished huh this country's never going to be the same i don't think i just don't see it they say well the center can't hold there is no more center the left wing has gone bat shit crazy. Fucking bat shit crazy. I guess they put out another video. Some celebrities.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I couldn't even read it. I said, I can't take anymore. Aren't you supposed to be up in Canada freezing your nuts off, your big girls? uh yeah and again i'm disgusted at obama for not stepping in and going hey this is crazy folks wait till he he can't wait i bet you he's got a heart on knowing he won't have the constraints of the white of the presidency now he's gonna going to be like a cancer cell, free radical, once he's out of the White House. He's going to live about a mile away.
Starting point is 00:38:31 He's going to be throwing shit at Trump as Trump's going to work and giving him the finger over the fence. I'm telling you. He's going to do more damage. I'm telling you. But you know what? Trump's not going to take it
Starting point is 00:38:42 or 100,000 bikers or any other tired, hardworking white folk who have been pissed on for the last eight years. But Mr. Obama, and God damn it, I can't help it. He did an interview with 60 Minutes, naturally, and how'd they get that in? That must have been a coup.
Starting point is 00:39:02 60 Minutes got him, huh? But during the interview, he actually had the nerve to say that he had a scandal-free administration. He actually believes that. He believes it. A scandal-free administration. If you don't believe me, here he is with some old wrinkled white fella. Was it Morley Sabre? I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:39:26 He's dead, right? Which one was it? One of the 60 Minutes guys in his late hundreds. Here's the interview. You didn't change Washington. You know, I changed those things that were in my direct control. I mean, look, I'm proud of the fact that with two weeks to go, we're probably the first administration in modern history that hasn't had a major scandal in the White House. In that sense, we'd like to have gotten that one last
Starting point is 00:39:52 Supreme Court justice in there. I'd like the Supreme Court to take a look. Couldn't even get a hearing. But we couldn't even get a hearing. Trying to get the other side of the aisle to work with us on issues, in some cases, that they professed originally an interest in, and saying to them, hold on a second, you guys used to think this was a good idea. Now, just because I'm supporting it, you can't change your mind, but they did. And what that did, I think, make me appreciate, I've said this before, but it's worth repeating, because this is on me. Part of the job description is also shaping public opinion. And we were very effective, and I was very effective,
Starting point is 00:40:33 in shaping public opinion around my campaigns. But there were big stretches while governing where even though we were doing the right thing, we weren't able to mobilize public opinion firmly enough behind us to weaken the resolve of the republicans to
Starting point is 00:40:53 uh... stop opposing us or to cooperate with us and there were times during my presidency where i lost the p r what he said? In other words, when he was campaigning, actually, when he was out there, when I was the one campaigning, everything worked fine. But when I left it up to Hillary and the
Starting point is 00:41:14 DNC, they shit their pants. And he keeps using that, you know, we didn't get our message out there. No, you got it out loud and fucking clear. And it was rejected, big time. I hate to mention this again. every time your policies were up for election they were repudiated unless you were actually the one out there espousing them and please will you stop saying this mainstream media leftist jerk offs well he's his approval ratings in the 50s as he's leaving and
Starting point is 00:41:46 so how do you figure because he was the first african-american president and when you poll people especially white people they're not gonna go no i think he stunk his job uh his approval i think he stunk as a president didn't like like him personally. That would make you a racist, so they're not going to say that. That's why he's got like a 56% approval rating. I don't understand why Obamacare's in the toilet. Nobody likes it. I mean, they love Obama. Yeah, two different things.
Starting point is 00:42:19 God fucking help us. Could you please? Scandal free. Well, here's a few scandals that we all remember. The great stimulus heist. Obama seems to think nobody remembers. And this is from Breitbart, just to be, you know, full disclosure. But he grabbed almost a trillion dollars from stimulus spending created virtually zero private sector jobs and then asked for like he needed hundreds of billions more to repair remember the shovel ready shit uh how about fast and furious the gun running operation in mexico that's another one that's not a scandal i mean are you fucking kidding me uh eric holder in
Starting point is 00:43:01 contempt of congress holder was the first sitting member of a president's cabinet in the history of the U.S. to be held in contempt of Congress. That was part of the Fast and Furious operation. Obamacare. Yeah, that wasn't a scandal. You fucking we had to pass it to find out what was in it. Fucking you can keep your doctor's biggest fucking travesty ever. That's not a scandal spying on journalists remember they were up uh rosen what was his name rosen from uh
Starting point is 00:43:33 from fox news they were uh right up his ass spying on him even uh holder admitted to that establishment media came uh came about as close to falling out of love with Barack Obama as ever when his administration was caught spying on journalists. James Rosen, the guy from Fox News, they were spying on. He was treated so badly that even Attorney General Eric Holder eventually admitted feeling a bit of remorse about it. Yeah, that's not a scandal. Spying on fucking journalists. What is this, Venezuela? The irs scandal how about that one that wasn't a scandal you had the irs
Starting point is 00:44:11 targeting conservative groups by politicized internal revenue service you remember that unbelievable remember the whole tax exempt thing and lois Lerner and all those other jerk offs. That was like, to me, that was the worst. Having the IRS. That, to me, was the... How about Benghazi? Huh? Yeah, nothing there.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Nothing there. Benghazi's been investigated extensively argued passionately since uh the night of september 11 2012 nothing can change the absolute fact that the obama administration's story for the first few weeks after the attack was false remember they blamed it on a video remember what difference does it matter now uh they knew it was false valerie jarrett and the other ferret face remember the the one on the Sunday morning shows and just lied about it. How about Hillary's secret server? I mean, she was Secretary of State, and they actually have Obama emailing, go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:45:23 They have emails with Obama. He denied he knew anything about the personal server. Yeah. Scandal free. Scandal fucking free. Are you dog styling me? NSA spying scandal. Remember that one?
Starting point is 00:45:41 Remember that? Edward Snowden's pilfering of sensitive national security agency data remember that bo bergdahl remember getting that jerk off back the deserter we did it in a trade we gave them uh two minor leaguers remember and a bunch of uh triple a no we gave them we freed up like uh some pretty sick taliban guys that we caught on the on the field and we got boberg all back you remember him the deserter soldiers actually died looking for him if there's any justice in the world the military courts will take care of him.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Iran nuclear deal and ransom payment. That's a recent one. Guess that doesn't come across as a scandal either. How about the Veterans Administration deathless scandal? Department of Veterans Affairs is long been troubled by the big scandals broken Obama's watch. Most infamously, the secret deathless veterans have put on while executives handed in phony status reports and signed themselves up for big bonuses. How about Solyndra?
Starting point is 00:46:53 How about the GSA scandal? Polluting the Colorado River. But we're fairly scandal free. Fucking guys are delusional. That's why there's going to be a civil war. It's fucking creepy. It's like we're on two different planets. But what they're really shitting their pants about, folks,
Starting point is 00:47:17 is that the media can't control Trump. They can't control him. Oh, we shouldn't be tweeting about Meryl Streep and shit. Whatever. Hopefully he'll be too busy for that, but I like that he strikes back. I don't give a shit. They can't believe it. They can't, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:40 He's not going to come to us first so we can twist his message? Put our spin on it? Oh, no. Anyhow. How do you sit there going? Pretty much scandal free. And the media just goes along and nods their head. What white cowardice.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Just un-fucking-believable. Unbelievable. anvil free and the media just goes along and nods their head what white cowardice just un-fucking-believable unbelievable i can't wait to hear the fallout tonight because trump's not going to go to the african-american museum on mlk day i mean holy shit that's proof you hate black people isn't it holy shit that's proof you hate black people isn't it Uncle Junior guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife
Starting point is 00:48:36 I guess I'll have to spread my legs now she says why he asks don't you have a vase that's sexist that's sexist Why, he asked. Don't you have a vase? That's sexist. That's sexist. Well, finally tonight. Monday's always the Monday show.
Starting point is 00:49:04 It's always got the heaviest fucking news because so much shit is happening we live in such volatile times three or four days of news cycles you know news goes by and it's just loaded with all kinds of fucking crap but do you think do you really think there were that every con republican congressman and senator was on board when fucking Barack got elected and shit, but at least they didn't cause a scene at the inauguration and shit. And you're going to go, well, he was, and if your argument is, well, he was legitimately elected. Uh, okay. That's missing the point. So is Trump. I'm just saying, it's all about team with the left. They stick together.
Starting point is 00:49:50 They follow that party line no matter what. Health of the country be damned. Anyhow, hey, here's a little bit of good news, kind of. Wife of Orlando nightclub killer arrested in the Bay Area. The wife of the man who killed 49 people in a terrorist attack in Orlando nightclub last time was arrested. In, uh, is it Rodeoo in connection with a mass shooting. Nora Salmon was taken into custody by the FBI agents at her home, according to multiple media reports.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Salmon will be charged with obstruction, according to the New York Times. New York Times. On June 11, 2016, a teen opened fired with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and handgun at a gay nightclub, leaving 49 people dead, 53 wounded. Jesus Christ, forgot how bad it was. Three-hour shooting rampage and hostage seized ended with the SWAT team killing him. During the attack at the Pulse Orlando nightclub, called uh 9-1-1 to profess allegiance to the islamic uh state salman 30 married matine 29 on september 29 2011 the couple had a three-year-old son according to marriage documents uh on file at the contra costa county recorder's office salman was born in the u.s while her parents birthplaces were listed as palestine that's all can you say extreme vetting uh last year authorities said they believed
Starting point is 00:51:33 matine's wife knew about the plot ahead of time but said investigators were reluctant to charge her only on the basis of possible advanced knowledge of her husband's plans that's called political correctness getting getting people killed. And that comes from the left. It doesn't come from the right. It comes from the left, by the way. The FBI became aware of Martine in 2013 and launched a 10-month preliminary investigation,
Starting point is 00:51:55 following him, reviewing his communications, and questioning him. The FBI... Martine was added to a terror watch list in 2013 when he was investigated, but was taken off the list soon after the matter was closed here in politically correct united states of america the so-called most racist nation on earth don't even have the balls to put somebody on a watch list because they're muslim or they're a person of color or whatever, and it gets people killed. People who are in that database are not automatically barred from buying guns,
Starting point is 00:52:31 and in any case, Mateen purchased his weapons in June, long after he was removed from the list. But the wife is a lion's sack of shit. And you remember what Trump said during the campaign? We're going to go after their families too and everybody was shitting blood.
Starting point is 00:52:51 He's right a lot of the time for a big dummy. You got to admit. Huh. I guess you don't. What a fucking show. Anyhow. Hey, any readers out there sick of the same old shit watch tv shows and see them get canceled after one season in debt buying books on amazon well how about trying something different people
Starting point is 00:53:18 and i know my listeners like non-politically correct stuff and everyday humor coming from a regular guy like myself. Well, here's the thing for you. It's called Mixed Bag, the series. It's a web-based written fiction series based on many true events. The story centers on a group of concession food service workers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and follows them in their lives at work and outside of work. Head to for some funny real life stories sports crime food service music italian mafia hot woman and stories at the workplace that anyone and everyone can relate to all of you have probably worked with some crazy ass people made some lifelong friends and dealt with total idiots as well maybe you even met your boyfriend girlfriend husband or wife at work or just plain
Starting point is 00:54:05 gotten into some shenanigans hey it fucking happens mixed bag the series has something for everyone the writers of this series tell it how it is or how it happened and make no apologies along the way check it out at mixed bag the i'll spell it out for you. M I X E D B A G T H E Read episodes, learn about the many characters, explore the location map and donate. The writers want to make this written series into something big, mixed bag, the Everybody. I started to read some of it. It's really fucking funny again it's a person a subscriber from the show and uh yeah she has the same sensibilities as me and my fans which is politically you know incorrect to say the fucking least i was trump before fucking trump i should
Starting point is 00:55:01 have ran i think I had a shot. Anyhow, that is it. If you like the show, folks, like I said, it's free on Mondays and the Nick DiPaolo podcast. But if you want to subscribe to it, two to three more shows a week, go to slash Nick. And if you want to advertise,
Starting point is 00:55:20 go to contactnickdip at And hit me up on Twitter at nick dipalo and on instagram at nick dipalo facebook i'm on all that shit but especially uh instagram and twitter because uh i actually pay attention to those facebook i get nervous i get on there and all of a sudden there's a picture of my mother had a baby shower, and then there's a picture of, you know, some guy that I've never met who said he met me in a men's room, and it's kind of creepy. Whatever. That is it.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Again, slash nick to subscribe. I will see you this weekend at Hasbrook Heights in New Jersey at Bananas, Friday and Saturday night, and then I go on a well-deserved vacation for a week, starting on Sunday, I do believe. All righty. That is it. I will talk to you soon. I think that's everything.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Take care of yourselves, will you? Hey, hey, I saved the world today And everybody's happy now The bad things gone away Everybody's happy now The good things here stay These days See you next time. The way guitar solo Bye.

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