The Nick DiPaolo Show - 177 - Illegal Project Dragnet

Episode Date: March 21, 2017

Illegal Project Dragnet...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo Podcast, Monday, the iTunes, version for free. If you like it, go to slash Nick. Get two to three more shows per week at $3.99 a month. That's right, folks, $3.99. It's a buck a week. You can do it. Can't you?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Sure you can. Even with all the budget cuts, I'm sure you can handle it, you big girls. How are you? First things first. As always, contributions to the show. Marcus Watling. Thank you so much, Marcus. And Curtis Bessina has also contributed financially to the show.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Appreciate it, fellas. And subscribers, real loyal. Tremendous. For you people who haven't subscribed yet, you can contribute on top of your subscription fee. And it's the lifeblood. It's what keeps the show on the air. So if you'd like to subscribe, keep that in mind. People donating all the time.
Starting point is 00:01:26 People like regular subscribers. My buddy Darren, who's a truck driver in Australia. And he says this show keeps him going as he drives throughout the night into the bush. That sounded kind of dirty. But this song goes out to my boy darren driving that truck in australia watch out for them serial killers the madman of um mangatiti there you go darren i was on the outskirts of a little southern town trying to reach my destination before the sun went down. The old CB was blaring away on channel one nine.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And Apollo was stinking up the air. A little boy's voice on the radio line. Boy sounded fine. And he said, Breaker one nine, is anyone there? Come on, bike truckers, and talk to Teddy Bear. This is fucking Red Sovine, by the way. I keyed the mic and I said, you got it, Teddy Bear. And the little boy's voice came back on the air. cripple kid appreciate the break who we got on that end i told him my handle and then he began and i met him in a men's i'm not supposed to bother you fellas out there excellent party rest up mom says you're busy and
Starting point is 00:02:40 for me to stay off there but you see see, I get lonely and it helps to talk. Because that's about all I can do. I'm crippled and I can't walk. I came back and told him to fire up that mic. How fucking cheesy. I talked to him as long as he liked.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Not that he's crippled. This was my dad's radio, the little boy said. But I guess it's mine and mom's now. Because my daddy's dead. Dad had a wreck about a month ago. Come on, Darren. Sit up straight. He was trying to get home in a blinding snow.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Mom has to work now to make ends meet. And I'm not much help with my two crippled feet. She says not to worry. We'll make it all right. But I hear her crying sometimes late at night. It's Darren's wife. You know, there's one thing
Starting point is 00:03:36 I want more than anything else to see. That's Nancy Pelosi's tits. I know you guys are too busy to bother with me. Rotting in the sea. But you see, my dad used to take me for rides when he was home. But I guess that's all over now since my daddy's gone. Not one breaker came on the old CB.
Starting point is 00:03:59 As that little cripple boy talked with me. I tried. Ah, shut it, Red. Oh, boy, with me. I tried. Ah, shut it, Red. Oh, boy, does that crack me up. Anyways, that goes out to Darren driving that truck throughout the night in Australia. Anyhow, what the hell else, folks? So anyways, I get the letter in my mailbox from a neighbor of mine. Again, I live up in the woods of northern westchester keep that in
Starting point is 00:04:25 mind and uh you know like on a private road in the middle of fucking nowhere to stumble on the show by accident is almost impossible anyhow long story short his car gets stolen out of his driveway and two other neighbors had their uh car broken into up here in the fucking woods. And that was like, I don't know, Wednesday or Thursday of last week. So Saturday morning, I did what good Americans do when something like it happens. I went down to my local gun dealer and bought a 12-gauge Remington. You're goddamn right I did and proud of it. Maybe I'll have Dana Lash show me how how to shoot it um yeah that was fucking great went down there and uh yeah went right to the uh they have a range at the store
Starting point is 00:05:13 so once you buy you can get a free lesson and uh yeah nice remington uh it's there's only been 10 million sold most popular home security gun and the the cops use them too, I guess. So, holy Christ. I brought the wife with me. So goddamn funny. The guy goes, follow me. So I'm following him. He's going to show me the guns.
Starting point is 00:05:34 And he goes through this little iron gate. And I could tell, you know, it's like, but he said, follow me. So I went through the gate on the employee side of the counter. And about five people went, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, you can't come back here like i was some type of psycho you said follow me you dope anyhow um yeah so made a nice purchase went to the uh went to the range right there connected to the uh store and uh holy christ the recoil on this i would want not want to get hit with anything coming out of this fucking man bird shot or a fucking slug whatever but uh nice pump action uh all black matted really scary looking and um yeah fucking i you know i've had reconstructive
Starting point is 00:06:28 uh surgery on both shoulders so uh when you hold this gun you have the butt tucked right into you would be my right shoulder because i'm a righty by the time i got home i had to take a couple of leave and i have a scar on my shoulder that i you know, if I just touch it with my finger hard enough, it'll make my eyes water. And this thing, this gun was kicking back after about, I don't know, eight rounds. I'm like, yeah, that's enough. I thought my shoulder was going to come out of the socket. Mother of Christ. I didn't expect that.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Then again, if you're using birdshot or something else, it's not going to be quite that much of a kickback. But hubba hubba so anyhow i'm just saying up in the woods i'm not even safe for christ's sake what is going on in this country for the love of pete um yeah fucking cars broken into and shit i don't know gotta be an inside job you couldn't find this road by accident but then again the scum come to the nice neighborhoods, don't they? But like I said, I'm tucked away in the woods, so I'm prepared. I'm going to make a few more purchases over the next six months, too.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I'm going to be in an arms race with Comia. No, that would be impossible. Anyhow, any he. Hey, catch me tomorrow before I forget. Anthony, call me a podcast in the afternoon, which he replays, you know, over and over again. But I'll be on tomorrow afternoon from like four to six. And Ron Bennington at two in the afternoon tomorrow. The Ron Bennington show with his lovely daughter, Gail.
Starting point is 00:08:00 That's always a great time. Always a great time. And this weekend, come see me. Hot Comedy Club, Friday night in Yonkers. And then the following night, Saturday night, co-host Music Hall, co-host New York. Upstate a ways. Couple hours from here. But come on out, folks.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Be both gigs. Be great. And got to be in the city tomorrow. I'm doing a, you kamar bell w kamar bell uh black comic he had a thing on a cnn the show and he's doing a documentary on chris rock and chris rock specifically bring the pain special so uh they're doing like a documentary and they they emailed me wanted to interview me so i'm going to go into the city before i do all that radio tomorrow and uh that's going to air an a and e sometime i don't know when specifically but uh they thought it'd be nice because i worked for chris i wrote
Starting point is 00:08:53 for him a couple years on his hbo show wrote for him on the oscars and um you know be it'd be interesting to have a guy with a uh reputation like mine oh he's kind of a racist uh what chris rock didn't think so anyhow i don't know when that's coming out i'll keep you abreast and uh things are coming together quickly as far as serious radio i don't want to go any further than that uh has that covered all the horseshit news anyhow uh we haven't we'll get to the big headlines in a second but um quickly if you're a college hoops fan which i am not until you know final 16 final eight i'll get involved like everybody else but i think it's uh hoops in general pro or college i've given my opinion on the show many times it's a flawed game i can't watch a sport where two teams trade
Starting point is 00:09:42 baskets for two hours before any of the baskets actually mean anything. I'm sorry. Yes, I appreciate their athleticism and all that other horseshit you want to throw at me. But the game is flawed, especially down at the end of the game when it should become exciting. And it turns into a whistle fucking timeout whistle fest. Timeout foul. Intentional foul. Timeout foul. Intention, foul, intentional foul, free throws.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Right down to the end, a close game where should it get very exciting, it gets very boring. And the last four minutes takes 25 minutes. And it's a legitimate beef that I've been saying for 20 years. And finally, even last year, they started to address it. How they're going to make it better. My favorite thing in the hopes, whether it's pro or college, I love when they pretend they're going to make you know make it better my favorite thing in their hopes whether it's pro or college i love when they uh like they pretend they're going to take the ball out and then they call timeout just to see how the other team aligned oh my god i i just don't find it and again basketball is a great game it's a blast to
Starting point is 00:10:38 play and the unbelievable athletes no doubt but spect, sorry. Can't hold a fucking candle to hockey. Some day you'll understand that. But people play and are attracted to sports that they played as kids, and basketball universally has a universal appeal because it didn't cost a lot as a kid to put on sneakers and grab a ball and go out to a court as opposed to hockey. You have to dress up like a fucking knight in shining armor. But anyways, second round scoreboard. Here's some of the biggest scores.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Acacia missed them. I don't know who wouldn't know these unless you, you know, fucking are a gay fellow on Broadway. Michigan. That was the big one, I think, over the weekend. Midwest regional. They ousted Louisville, 73-69. Kansas over Michigan State. Oregon snuck by number 11,
Starting point is 00:11:26 Rhode Island. Kentucky snuck by Wichita State. North Carolina held off Arkansas. That was in the South region. UCLA, I don't know what happened. I don't know. That was later. I don't give a fuck. Baylor over USC by four.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And South Carolina and Duke. South Carolina oust duke the perennial powerhouse they're both seven seeds i think but uh south carolina that was the other big one for you and real quickly i don't know why i'm doing sports up front you get a lot to get to get comey talking about wiretapping and all kinds of shit broke last night and this morning uh Golovkin GGG triple G fought a guy named Jacobs and uh Danny Jacobs I didn't uh I was too cheap to pay for it was like 65 bucks fuck that Jesus Christ although I did have a good month with you know what were the stocks going
Starting point is 00:12:25 through the roof and Trump? I think I made $11. Um, but it went the distance and nobody thought I would do that. And, uh, Golovkin won on a, I think it was a unanimous decision, but it went the distance. He knocked down Jacobs in the fourth round, but some people think Danny Jacobs won the fight. Him, of course, but a whole bunch of other people. So what a fight that Glovekins 37-0 with 33 knockouts. Fucking guys get lead hands. And Danny Jacobs 32-2 with 29 KOs. How about that? I think Glovekin for middleweight has the highest knockout percentage
Starting point is 00:13:02 in the history of boxing for middleweights, 91%. said jacobs is like 88 how crazy is that so i guess it was a really good fight and some people thought jacobs could have won uh anyhow i didn't pay for it i'll watch on hbo like a cheap fuck when they replay it uh anyhow real quickly google this was from Ah, anyhow. Real quickly, Google. This was from Friday. I didn't get to it last week. Google. Oh, yeah, Google. They're adding a tool to flag offensive research results.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And right away, your first question out there should be, well, who decides what's offensive? Google directing review teams to flag content that might come across as upsetting or offensive. I don't like fucking idea and if you do you're an idiot fuck you fuck you fuck you is that offensive not to anybody i know does this bother you folks this is what i'm talking about these giant high tech behemoth monopoly fucks controlling the language when you control the language you control everything offensive upsetting to who who makes that call listen listen i'm gonna read the article to you because it's it's a tell of how fucking it's another just trick by libs left-leaning fucking pc against uh free speech types with the change content with racial slurs gee who that could now get flagged under a new category called upsetting offensive that's in quotes so could content that promotes hate or violence against a specific group of people based on gender race or other criteria which is what
Starting point is 00:14:36 which is where they're talking about right-wingers really when's the last time somebody black or brown has been charged uh you know, using hate speech? Want to look up the statistics? So you can see where they're going with this right off the bat. While flagging something doesn't directly affect their search results themselves, it's used to tweak the company's software so that better content ranks higher. What a ruse. What a fucking ruse.
Starting point is 00:15:05 This approach might, for instance, push down content that is inaccurate or has other questionable attributes. We already know that Twitter fucking hates people with conservative lean, and so does Facebook. Remember Zuckerberg had a meeting with, so, yeah. I'm just saying this is Google we're talking about, but you know where they're going with this. So the review teams comprised of contractors known as quality raters already combed through websites and other content to flag questionable items such as pornography. Google added upsetting and offensive in its latest guidelines for quality raters. Google declined to comment on the changes which were uploaded in a blog the guidelines listen to they run 160 pages already you know when it's that many pages it shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:15:51 oh the fucking this is making me sick our interesting uh uh interesting look into how google ranks the quality of its search results for instance it gives examples of high quality pages such as the home page of a newspaper that has won seven Pulitzer Prize awards. That would probably be the New York Times, I'm guessing, or the Washington Post. And low-quality pages, such as an article that includes many grammar and punctuation errors. Yeah, I'm sure that's the only guidelines. The guidelines cite an example, listen to the examples they use, of Holocaust history as a search query. an example listen the examples they use of holocaust history as a search query a resulting website listing top 10 reasons why the holocaust didn't happen would get flagged
Starting point is 00:16:31 even in describing it you can see they're full of shit the new upsetting offensive flag instructs quality raters to flag to this is in quotes, flag to all web results that contain upsetting or offensive content from the perspective of users in your locale, even if the result satisfies the user's intent. And they give an example. So even if the results are what the person searched for, such as white supremacist websites, see the examples they use, they could still get flagged. But it doesn't mean the results won't show up at all when someone searches for them. Can you just see what this is, folks, as the fucking ruse it is? Because it's already been, the die has already been cast, what's considered upsetting and offensive as far as language.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And it's already been set and cast on college campuses in the media anything that fucking you know a so-called conservative you know it's just bullshit it's absolute bullshit it's just another example of the left trying to control the fucking language and when you control the language you control the laws and you control the laws, and you control the... Political correctness is just controlling people's behavior through language. And that's all this fucking is, okay? I guarantee you, once this goes into effect, you watch. Who fucking decides what's upsetting? What might be upsetting to you might not be upsetting to me.
Starting point is 00:18:01 You really think they're going to flag people saying cracker and fucking... Give me a break what fucking bullshit and like i said these web companies already have a history these behemoths of uh you know favoring the left when it comes to language whether it's twitter or facebook and and their stupid algorithms and uh they just can't be nobody should be trusted in a country that has the first amendment and what separates us from the rest of the world is the first amendment free speech
Starting point is 00:18:32 nobody should be able to decide well that's upsetting we'll decide how about that yeah but all the hate shit online bullshit I'm not going gonna have some company deciding this is such a fucking this made me nuts i couldn't get to it oh fucking give me a break
Starting point is 00:18:51 google fuck you fuck you take it easy see now that was not that's gonna be upsetting to some people uh but i love the examples they give you know white supremacist website and holocaust deniers you know they're tipping the hand right and explaining what they're gonna do don't fucking fall for it people say to me as a comedian well you ever go over that line you think some jokes are over the line what line are you talking about there is no fucking line you know why there's no line because uh the line that offends you might be six inches away from you something that offends me the line is a mile and a half away. Who?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Do you see what I'm saying? It's not all the same. Bill Hicks used to do a bit about that movie. What was it called? With Sharon Stone and she crosses her legs. Remember? It was one word. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:19:42 It shows her pussy. Remember? He does a whole bit about that and how they use test groups to decide what to leave in and what to leave out like we all are you know like we all have the same taste in movies and shit it was a great bit um and that's how i feel about this you're gonna let a handful of people at google who obviously fucking i guarantee a nine out of ten lean left and they're going to be upset at something that me and people who vote like me would not be in a million years and uh it's absolute horseshit anyhow just another example
Starting point is 00:20:17 of uh you know the fucking left control there are've lost this shit, haven't they? They are going fucking cuckoo. I'll get to this clip of Fareed Zakaria on CNN losing his fucking mind. But the left, they've fucking lost it, man. I'm going off the rails on a crazy train. I'm going off the rails on a crazy train. Fareed Zakaria he was a guest we'll get to that clip in a second
Starting point is 00:20:49 but even before that I gotta get to fucking the Sunday morning shows I'm watching it they have fucking lost their minds I'm gonna play the opening of ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Just listening to the opening.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I was watching it. Since Trump has been elected, each Sunday the opening gets more and more biased and more hyped and more anti-Trump. Just when I think they couldn't top themselves. Again, this is ABC This Week. It's on Sunday mornings, you know, opposite Meet the Press with George Stephanopoulos. Listen to the opening and tell me they would ever do anything close to this leaning one way or anti-presidential if Obama was still in the White. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Starting right now on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Wiretap covers a lot of different things. President Trump defiant. I think you're going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront. Refusing to apologize for his false claim, provoking conflict with America's closest ally. Oh, so it's a false claim. It's already been decided it's a false claim. It's already been decided it's a false claim.
Starting point is 00:22:09 At this point, we don't know because they're having the hearings right now. What is false about it, by the way, they're playing word game. It is false because he accused Obama of wiretapping. And we know Obama himself didn't do it but we know damn fucking well his minions deep in the bowels that still work there in the intelligence agencies you know damn well they had something to do with this but uh yeah they play the word game so he's defiant and hurting a relationship with our ally two insults in one sentence we haven't even started the show yet here's more of this and just 24 hours away from
Starting point is 00:22:50 a showdown with the fbi director the president's priorities stalling in congress the battle is just beginning this budget is really a slap in the face. Slap your face. Is Trump's agenda faltering? Fake news, folks. A lot of fake. What will be the cost of this self-inflicted blow to White House credibility? Top questions ahead for one of the president's close friends. Good trip. Architect to the health care plan. The plan. The GOP senator demanding changes to the bill.
Starting point is 00:23:22 To the bill. Key intelligence committee members investigating Russia. Russia. From ABC News, it's this week. Here now, Chief Anchor George. I was talking over there. Is his agenda failing? Do you hear?
Starting point is 00:23:36 Fucking four or five insults. Stuff that's totally speculative. But they're thrown out there like it's fact. In the opening of the show. Now here comes Stephanopoulos to pile on just for the first 10 seconds. Good morning. It has been 15 days since President Trump detonated that explosive charge with Saturday morning.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Listen to the language. That he was the victim of an illegal wiretap ordered by President Obama. 15 days later, we know two things. The president's charge is untrue and he knows it's not true. Oh, you already know that before the hearings are over? How do you know that? We know that fucking Flynn,
Starting point is 00:24:12 somebody who's listening in there. Right? So that's the question. We know it's not true. And again, George Stephanopoulos, another fucking lawyer, they're just playing legalese. Yeah, we know Obama wasn't in a basement in a jumpsuit fucking strapping some electronic device to the phone box in the White House basement.
Starting point is 00:24:33 We know that. But outside of that, there's a lot more, like Trump himself said, wiretapping, you know, in quotes. It's just fucking outrageous to me and uh plenty of people have already said in the italian that there is they don't have evidence which i believe of of of obama you know wiretap but again to me it's like legalese shit oh but did you hear the opening of that show can you imagine when obama was in fucking an office is the president using the irs to attack conservatives and citizens of the united states on how they vote benghazi did he lie about the video show me that fucking opening show me where they
Starting point is 00:25:20 question the president's integrity eight times in the opening of the fuck it's laughable they're losing their shit you're losing it you're fucking nuts who said that who the fuck said that who's the slimy little communist shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Stephanopoulos? So let's go to the... We get Comey. Comey's going head-to-head with Adam Schiff.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Oh, he's the new guy on the left whose face I want to fracture with a monkey wrench into a million pieces. He's got that fucking Charles Grodin. I was beat up as a child, little pussy fucking face and became a lawyer as an adult. And now he's out to take down the big fucking alpha males like Trump. You can just see this guy was stuffed in a locker 10 times i hate his face more than pelosi's and harry reid's put together he's got this little weasel of a fucking face that i would love to stomp on who's going off the fucking tracks nick me a little bit little bit you know i'm talking about but this is a fucking adam schiff california by the way questioning comey if there's evidence we already fucking know the answer, but it's not the full answer because I get more later on in the show that proves Trump might have a point. Director Comey, was the president's statement that Obama had his wires tapped in Trump Tower a true statement? With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets. And we have looked carefully inside the FBI. Sure you have.
Starting point is 00:27:12 The Department of Justice has asked me to share with you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice and all its components. The department has no information that supports. Yeah. Okay. That's fine. How about the matter of collusion with the russians so this is how about this how about we make a deal so we can move forward um even though i'm going to read you an article later on that trump was under surveillance by the cia not only during Obama, but the Bush years, and a few other people were too, as Snowden pointed out.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So technically, he's correct. No, fucking Obama didn't do it personally, but I still know he had knowledge of it. Shit like that doesn't happen. Like, you know, Flynn. And how about when Trump was on the phone with the president of Australia and Mexico? We know, though, we know in fact that somebody tapped those conversations because they were leaked to the to the press. So we OK, so if I can. Give me give us an answer there, could you please? Well, it's all supposed to come out, I guess, in the next few weeks with these hearings.
Starting point is 00:28:21 But these hearings and here's the other things making me nuts. They had they had some guy on that work for the CIA years ago on one of these hearings. But these hearings are... And here's the other thing that's making me nuts. They had some guy on that worked for the CIA years ago on one of these shows, and he's going, the people that work on these intelligence agencies, it doesn't matter if the president
Starting point is 00:28:35 is a Republican or a Democrat. They do their jobs. Oh, yeah, right. Right. They're not vulnerable to their own political leanings one way or the other. They're the they're
Starting point is 00:28:45 the 10 people 20 people in the country then everybody folks it's very hard to be objective i don't give a shit uh what your profession is yes in a perfect world they wouldn't have any leanings one way or the other but uh don't act like they're immune to that shit oh no they just put their suits on and go to work it doesn't matter if it's a republican or a democrat who's sitting in the oval office they just go about bullshit bullshit obama's got people minions that fucking worked under him still buried deep in there and i do believe that will we ever get to the truth who the fuck knows but um bunch of who we um it's just cracking me up though so um here we go so this came out i read it this morning or last night or whatever. InfoWars. You know, that's Alex Jones. But this is breaking news. NSA documents prove surveillance of Donald Trump and his family and Alex Jones, by the way, personally, which that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:30:04 That I can almost understand just because he's a controversial figure, not because he's doing anything wrong. I'm just saying. But it says And I know there's people out there going, oh, come on, he's a fucking conspiracy nut and all that. have obtained credible information from law enforcement sources regarding individual records of U.S. citizens under National Security Agency, that's NSA, electronic surveillance. I'll say that again. U.S. citizens under electronic surveillance in the years 2004 through 2010. A database that suggests both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under illegal, unauthorized government monitoring during those years. Michael Zulo, formerly the commander-in-chief investigator of the Cold Case Posse, CCP, isn't that Russian?
Starting point is 00:30:48 A special investigator group created in 2006 in the office of none other than Joseph M. Arpaio, formerly the sheriff of Maricopa County, an Arizona state-certified law enforcement agency headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, provided sections of the database to The electronic surveillance database provided to Zulu by a whistleblower in 2013 was apparently created by the NSA as part of the NSA's illegal and unconstitutional Project Dragnet electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens, first revealed by news reports published in 2005, as further documented by the revelations of whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013. Okay, getting interesting, isn't it? Zulu, sorry Zulu, hey don't get racist here, Zulu have identified dozens of entries at various addresses, including both Trump Tower in New York City, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, under which Trump was apparently under NSA electronic surveillance from 2004, which was George W. Bush's administration, right?
Starting point is 00:32:07 administration right through 2009 the first year obama's presidency and then it lists all of trump's addresses whether it's the international uh trump international and central park or the world uh trump world towers uh which is at united nations plaza mar-a-lago club his golf course up here near where i live like two minutes. It lists all kinds of, every one of his business addresses. Okay? While attempts have been, hold on a second, I want to make sure I didn't skip something.
Starting point is 00:32:36 While attempts have been made to deny such domestic surveillance, reports from the New York Times in 2014, that's the New York Times, folks, showed the CIA agency had done uh had done just that by spying on a senate panel investigating the agency's use of enhanced interrogation remember that the whole waterboarding thing in 2016 an article from the guardian that's a uk paper i believe entitled a constitutional crisis the cia turns on the senate that's a UK paper I believe, entitled A Constitutional Crisis, the CIA turns on the
Starting point is 00:33:06 Senate, that's the headlines. It is likewise noted just how drastic and widespread the CIA's surveillance operation was. As revealed from the Dragnet database, not only was Trump himself surveilled, listen to this, but so were numerous employees of his located at Trump Towers. employees of his located at Trump Towers. Former CIA officer Larry Johnson recently, I'm sure you can Google this and watch the interview, recently joined Alex Jones to discuss how intelligence sources have stated that such surveillance of Trump during the presidential election, in fact, took place. So George Stephanopoulos, fuck fuck yourself. Fuck you! Fuck you! Now, it wasn't
Starting point is 00:33:48 President Obama himself. We know that. But who the fuck was it? Okay? Somebody in the CIA and I'm guessing they were an Obama minion. Unless you're really that Pollyannish not to believe that. Give me a fucking break. But it lists
Starting point is 00:34:03 a bunch of employees that they listened in on that worked for Trump. It's un-fucking-believable. Now you're going to ask yourself, why? Why does it go all the way back to 2004, right? You're going to, you know, why were they doing it then? Did he have that much contact with heavy-hitting Russians
Starting point is 00:34:22 as far as his real estate plans and shit? Who knows? I don't know what the impetus for that would be under George W. The Project Dragnet database suggests Trump was under surveillance not only for phone conversations, but also for financial information. Well, I guess they already know about his taxes, including most likely bank account transactions, credit cards transactions, and tax filing. Folks, you understand how fucking wrong this is?
Starting point is 00:34:49 This is a U.S. government. He was just a citizen back then. But then again, huh? The people in the higher up of our governments are just... I told you, read the book, The Bilderberg Group, which Trump is not a member. I'm telling you you they're behind all kinds of shit like this also listed
Starting point is 00:35:11 as under NSA surveillance in the period 2004 to 2010 was Trump's former wife Ivanka Trump they were listening to her you fucking believe that? You listening? Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks. You got that? The project Dragnet database also indicates the
Starting point is 00:35:37 NSA was conducting electronic surveillance on an extensive list of Trump employees, 2004 to 2000, the only years for which Sheriff Appiah had data for. So it could have gone on past that. Alex Jones is listed as being under electronic surveillance for phone records as well as under surveillance for financial records in 2006. So I know, again,
Starting point is 00:36:00 I know guys like Snowden and Assange, I know they're revealing a bunch of shit on how we collect, how our intelligence agencies, you know, what processes they use. And it's dangerous because the terrorists will find out how, you know, in revealing all this.
Starting point is 00:36:16 But Jesus Christ, I don't like the fact that I can't pull my prick in front of my Samsung without somebody watching me. This is just fucking ridiculously wrong man sheriff arpaio and chief investigator zulo are prepared to share relevant information with appropriate federal law enforcement agencies including the fbi well let's get to it as well as department of justice
Starting point is 00:36:37 homeland security the white house members of congress project dragnet database in whole or in part as it pertains to nsa surveillance of Donald J. Trump and his very... It's just getting started, folks. It's just getting interested. Don't think this week is going to be the end of it. A whistleblower. This is... I usually don't read this much, but come on.
Starting point is 00:36:57 This is a lot to ingest. I can't fucking memorize. A whistleblower. I'm at the end of the article. By the name of Dennis Montgomery, brought forward information that Montgomery alleges was collected while he was employed as a subcontractor for the NSA working on various surveillance projects. Court documents do verify Montgomery was contracted by the NSA in part to develop computer breaching software
Starting point is 00:37:19 that has been utilized in government mass surveillance operations targeting American citizens without legal justification. While Montgomery's credibility has been called into question, by who, Clapper, Zulo maintains that the amount of information provided by Montgomery related to Operation Dragnet was extraordinary voluminous and that Montgomery had shared information with investigators in
Starting point is 00:37:47 2013 that is only now being revealed by media outlets. Okay? Since 2013. And you didn't hear anything about it. The media's in on it too. It's fucking gross. I need to take a shower and douche after I've read this article.
Starting point is 00:38:07 But interesting, huh? So I'll make note that this shit was going on until 2010. And don't tell me that Obama didn't know anything about it. His job didn't know everything. That's the other thing I'm laughing at. The left is going crazy because they keep pointing out, Trump gets his news from like watching television and shit. Obama said the same fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I'll pull a clip for you tomorrow. Him saying, I found out the same way you guys did. So they're going nuts. It's fucking priceless, man. Okay? But that is just so fucking creepy isn't it so um again in the uh respect you know out of respect but to get things moving again in this country how about we call it a wash there's absolutely no evidence adam schiff will keep digging until
Starting point is 00:39:03 he finds something. It's really creepy. What a witch hunt. It is just fucking disgusting to me how they treat Trump. But you guys said that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to win the election. Absolutely zero evidence of that. And you're saying there's zero evidence of Trump being tapped by Obama at Trump Towers. Okay, let's call it a wash and move on. Anybody?
Starting point is 00:39:28 Anybody with me? Who said that? Huh? I did. Who the fuck said that? I did. Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Me? So how about that, folks? Let's see if this gets any... And how come the media, this shit's been going on since 2013, it's been out there. I got a feeling people are going to start showing up dead, like Vince Foster and shit.
Starting point is 00:39:57 There's too many players here, and this shit's going to get exposed. And I'd be nervous, especially this guy Montgomery. Mamgomery mama mia the balls on him but uh it's all coming out isn't it but again when this all this shit comes out it endangers everybody so really not good really not fucking good but like i said if it all ended tomorrow and they're going to try to trump they're already talking about impeachment and trump if it all ended tomorrow he exposed these leftist cocksuckers
Starting point is 00:40:26 for what fascist motherfuckers they really are. People still getting beaten up for wearing Trump hats and shit. Campuses getting burned when a conservative tries to speak. So who are the fucking bad guys here? Who are the intolerant ones? You got liberals that are embarrassed by this shit now.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Not enough of them. That dumb cunt Nancy Pelosi, talking about the fucking new health care bill. And well, it's not bad unless you breathe clean air and you eat food and you go to the doctor. Just the most ignorant twat to ever, ever set foot in Washington, D.C. Love to know who she blew to get in there.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Probably little Dick Durbin, as they call him. Anyhow. So stay tuned with that, folks. I can't wait to see if that, if there's a media blackout on that story. What would we do without the internet, huh? Holy Christ. But in either, like I said, either way,
Starting point is 00:41:22 it's so fun that Trump has just sent these guys into a tizzy like we have never, ever, ever fucking seen. And more proof of that was our boy Fareed Zakaria. CNN, how do they still exist? And a few people are still watching that. You just, you have no moral compass. You're fucking morally, ethically bankrupt. See, Donna Brazile's trying to make a comeback
Starting point is 00:41:45 she's this weekend admitting that she's fucking lying on behalf of the dnc and everybody else unbelievable and she's a black woman we have to give her a second third fourth fifth chance in a perfect world should be you know her and debbie wasman schultz will get a fucking cabin in the mountains of west Virginia. Any he, any he, hoo-ha-hoo, eh. I'm going off the rails on a crazy train. Crazy train.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Fareed Zakaria goes on a profanity-laced Trump meltdown live on air. This fucking guy. Looks like an Indian me. Whatever he is. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:42:22 Don Lemon sitting there with his fucking emasculated self and i'm big fucking dope it's happened a couple days ago on cnn they are having a fucking year aren't they oh mama mia papa dear let's listen and let's listen to um farid he called uh president trump and again imagine him saying this about obama imagine anybody i'm hoping you know what i'm hoping uh after trump i i'm hoping another black guy gets elected that's what i'm hoping or a woman just so the right and people like me will go
Starting point is 00:42:57 oh they didn't really hold back when trump was in let's go fucking crazy, as the song says. But when I think how they were so, the people, the Republicans, were so like walking on eggshells the whole time that little dick was in office because he was the first African-American president. We weren't allowed to say anything. Meanwhile, they're just calling this guy a bull. Well, listen, listen to fucking Fareed Zakaria go fucking cuckoo on cnn network i think the president is somewhat indifferent to things that are true or false he has spent his whole life bullshitting he has succeeded by bullshitting he has gotten the presidency by
Starting point is 00:43:38 bullshitting it's very hard to tell somebody at that point that bullshit there was a pattern here and a term for a person who did this kind of thing a bullshit artist there's a term for this kind of thing this is the mode of a bullshit artist and the stench all the rules go out the window they get blind with their fucking hatred uh priceless but you know what part of that's true because i said it to my wife when i first started watching trump uh you know during campaign i go this guy i i had a boss named danny we'll call him when i got out of college i told you i was a steak and seafood i sold door-to-door i mean direct sales not the not the package thing where you sell the whole freezer plan I'm talking boxes of pork chops chicken cordon bleu
Starting point is 00:44:27 and knocking on doors going at the houses, offices, anywhere and standing in front of people and slinging it and my boss was the best talker I'd ever heard reminded me of you know who Alec Baldwin in
Starting point is 00:44:43 Gary Glenn Ross. Remember he came in and gave that lecture? One of the greatest scenes ever. If you haven't watched that movie, you probably swallowed jizz at an alarming rate. Check it out. Very fucking funny. But I remember saying to my wife,
Starting point is 00:44:56 watching Trump going, he's a fucking salesman. He's the heart of the deal. He's one of the greatest salesmen of all time. And salesmen have to be full of shit sometimes but you can get called on it once you're in politics obviously because uh every word that comes out of your mouth is recorded and stuff but i remember just just not so much what he was saying but his style his fast oh it's going to be beautiful. Believe me. Trust me. Your heads will... Reminded me selling chicken cordon bleu to a housewife.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Froze chicken cordon bleu. I go, what you want to do? I still remember the thing. It's a whole boneless breast of chicken stuffed with Canadian bacon and Swiss cheese. What you want to do is you can bake it at 350 for a half hour. Put it over a bed of rice with some butter, white wine. You light the candles. Your wife, your husband will think he died and went to heaven
Starting point is 00:45:46 oh man and then i would go should i pack it in the freezer or to you that was the big close uh but that's what he is trump's a salesman and a bull. So I don't totally disagree with fucking Fareed Greasy Zakaria. My only point being is really you can go on CNN and say that. Huh? What the fuck would you do if they ever said that about jerk off and cheap? That was in the office for eight hours. Who put us in this bind, by the way, where every country disrespects and hates us. Just just a dink.
Starting point is 00:46:25 I want to hear that again. Network. I think the president is somewhat indifferent to things that are true or false. He has spent his whole life bullshitting. You too, you fucking cocksucker. You're on CNN. He has gotten the presidency by bullshitting. You're on CNN, you liar.
Starting point is 00:46:40 At that point, the bullshit. Yeah, bullshit. You listening? you liar at that point the bullshit bullshit that's right indian elephants got that got that uh they're losing their shit they're losing their shit again thank you mr trump if it all ends tomorrow for exposing the fucking real fascists in our nation, whether it's college campuses or here. And, oh, they're using the apps. They have hundreds of protests lined up for the next, as far as the eye can see, for the next fucking year. Every time Trump makes a move. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:47:20 You fucking guys lost. Get over it. Quiet. Quiet like a bitch. I am. Now let's get to some really important news, because that was a bunch of caca, poopoo, caca. Let's get to the real thing. The important things that are going on in the world, like Tom Brady's shirt, his jersey, Super Bowl jersey,
Starting point is 00:47:41 that went missing after the Super Bowl. Well, they found it. They found it. Where else? Fucking Mexico. Where else? You know, Mexico, you're not helping the stereotypes of, you know, rapists and murderers coming over the border. This does not help your cause. Ay, ay, ay, ay. I am the Frito Bandito. I like Fritos corn chips.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I love them, I do. I want Fritos corn chips. I'll get them from you. Ay, ay, ay, ay. That's an actual commercial. I am the Frito Bandito. An actual commercial of a little Mexican gangster stealing your Fritos. That's when we could have fun with each other and point out our differences even if some of them are true or false but uh yeah
Starting point is 00:48:31 the jersey they found both his jersey he had two super bowl jerseys missing nfl confirms brady's jerseys have been recovered found with a credentialed member of the international media according to the nfl statement you see how they have to warm up before they actually give you the... Federal agents found not one, but a pair of Brady Super Bowl jerseys. The other jersey was on a fat guy named Frank from Caldwell, New Jersey. No. The other jersey was the one that Brady wore when the Pats beat the Seahawks in 2015. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:49:02 Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo tweeted about the recovery of the jersey, saying detectives traced it to Mexico with the help of the FBI and Mexican authorities. Nice going, Chief Acevedo. Hispanic, I'm guessing. Just to blow my theory out of the water. Acevedo would not expand on the person connected to the investigation.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Why not? If his name was like, if it was a fucking white guy, let's say, pick any reporter out there. I can't even think. Bob Ryan. His face would be all over the fucking, only saying that the guy is not from the Houston area. And he said to the, he's talking to the suspect, you came to the wrong state, Acevedo said. Brady couldn't find his jersey in the Patriots celebratory locker room
Starting point is 00:49:54 after the 34-28 overtime victory over the Falcons. And then they asked Brady once the shirt was found, they asked Brady how he felt about it, and this is what he said. Build that wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. Oh, Tommy. Come on, Tom. You don't believe that, do you? Good one, Tommy boy. Can you imagine? Now, let me ask you a question. The FBI is involved in the cops. Are you going to tell me there were no fucking cameras? Here's my, now here again my paranoia they probably knew months ago that it was a we don't even know again we don't know it's a mexican but it was found in mexico but you know international reporter or whatever so we don't
Starting point is 00:50:54 really know is but i'm just saying like i said if it was a fucking somebody that worked for you know whatever nbc white fella, you'd know. But I'm saying, you're going to tell me nobody, there's cameras in that locker room. There's no cameras in there? Do you know what I mean? How the fuck did it go this long? And you have to have a press pass around your neck, and there's got to be a list of who was in that locker room.
Starting point is 00:51:22 There's only so many people allowed in there after the game. And it was stolen. We know it was stolen in the locker room right out of his bag. That was established fucking two minutes into it. I'm just saying, folks. I'm feeling feverish right now. Anyways, Tommy got his shirt back. Tommy who?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Well, that greatest quarterback ever to fucking put on a pair of cleats. You know, led the fucking greatest dynasty in the NFL. Anyhow, any he, let's stay on, let's stay on Hispanic news tonight. I gotta hear that again. Ay, ay, ay, ay. I am the quinto pancino. I like quinto scorn, quinto love. that'll be stuck in your head for the next fucking three weeks you racist you deplorable baskets of cheese out there. Anyways, in more Hispanic news, tattoo removal business is booming as fears of deportation mount. And again, probably not just an East Bay tattoo removal clinic says they've treated a record number of clients since the election. Some in the Latino community worry ice agents will use their tattoos
Starting point is 00:52:48 as an excuse to stop them and check immigration status oh yeah the number of customers has doubled typically people go in to remove an ex lover's name and get rid of tattoos for job interviews but the fear of deportation is a new reason trump's already cleaning us even aesthetically let me repeat that a lot of people don't want to be a moving target or even seen as a target says norma ruiz of the san pablo economic development corporation and and for fear that they might be seen as a certain type of person or judged in any way people want to get their tattoos removed there's no evidence suggesting ice agents are targeting people based on tattoos but people with gang ties or criminal backgrounds are at risk yeah
Starting point is 00:53:30 they make it pretty easy you know when you fucking apply for it you get a picture of a uh you get a picture of a knife stuck on a gorilla's neck uh you know on your back or you get the uh you know ms-13 on your forehead or, you know, OCC, Ogden's craziest Chicanos. You know, you got that on your upper lip when you're filling out an application. It's going to tip them off. So I just find that fucking hilarious that, you know. But, you know. So people are, you know, deportations are down.
Starting point is 00:54:11 People aren't even trying to come in now. Trump's already had an effect. And people, you know, saying, oh, his agenda has it stalled, as the fucking opening said. Anyhow, finally tonight, ladies and gentlemen. And again, if you like the show and you want to subscribe go to slash nick slash nick to subscribe to the show tim allen says being a conservative in hollywood is like living in 1930s germany of course it is. How the fuck do you think? He was on a Jimmy Kimmel and it went like this.
Starting point is 00:54:54 You went to the presidential inauguration, right? I was invited by, we did a VIP thing for the vets. I went to the Veterans Ball. I went to go see the Democrats and Republicans. Yeah, I went to the inauguration. I'm not attacking you. You get this down here. I'm not attacking you. You get this down here. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:55:07 You've got to be real careful around here. You know, you get beat up. If you don't believe what everybody believes, this is like 30s Germany. I don't know what happened. And go to your own work, your own flesh, your own flesh. Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here
Starting point is 00:55:29 who just signed his own death warrant? Jimmy Kimmel. But it's true. Okay? But again, he's saying it after he has $100 million in the bank, and that's a conservative guess on my part. And like a lot of them, Tom Selleck, Bruce Willis, Arnold, they came out after they were zillionaires.
Starting point is 00:55:53 I came out and I was making $800 a week on Tough Crowd as a fucking right wing. I'm not saying that was through a monkey wrench. My talent had something to do with it, my attitude. But I'm just saying. And then there was a whole article, a new McCarthyism in Hollywood, okay? So I go to read this.
Starting point is 00:56:12 It's in the Hollywood Reporter, so consider the fucking source. But I'm thinking, oh, this article must be about like, because they mentioned Tim Allen, must be the new McCarthyism as if you're a fucking Trump or, you know, and it's not new, by the way. It's existed forever. As a matter of fact,
Starting point is 00:56:27 the backlash against conservatives and people who lean right in Hollywood is a sort of a, it's retaliatory for the McCarthy. You know, back in the day, Joseph McCarthy, they would look at the communists on every desk
Starting point is 00:56:44 and Hollywood writers, you know all the stories. A lot of them said that they belonged to the Communist Party and some of them didn't. And a lot of them got blackballed. Look it up if you don't know it. Anyhow, so I'm thinking that's what this guy's talking about in this article, you know. He starts it by saying, I'm not going to read the whole thing. It's been 70 years since President Truman ordered his loyalty test. Now Hollywood has a loyalty test of its own.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Anyhow, months after Truman's order, here's what the order said. Required that all federal civil service employees be screened for loyalty. guilty um it specified that one criterion would be a finding of a membership in affiliation with or sympathetic association with any organization determined by the attorney general to be totalitarian fascist communist or subversive or advocating or approving the forceful denial of constitutional rights to other persons which is what the left is guilty of in Hollywood right now as we speak, or seeking to alter the form of government of the United States by unconstitutional means. That was the loyalty test that Truman came up with. But months after Truman's order, several dozen members of the film industry
Starting point is 00:58:00 were summoned to appear as witnesses before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Nineteen of them, known as the Unfriendly Nineteen, a term coined by the red-baiting Hollywood reporter, were left-wingers hostile to the committee. By the end of the hearings, ten of the witnesses had been cited for contempt of court, and soon some of the top movie executives issued what became known as the Waldorf Statement, a two-page press release vowing that we will forthwith discharge or suspend without compensation in our employ, and we will not re-employ any of the 10 until such time as he is acquitted or has purged himself of contempt and declares under oath that he is not a communist. Boy, if they did that today, there'd be three people left in fucking hollywood what do you mean nick oh you know what i mean the hollywood 10 would serve time in prison and
Starting point is 00:58:53 emerge to find some but so anyways then the guy goes i often wonder whether mccarthyism could ever find a foothold in hollywood or America again. I didn't think so until now. So now I'm thinking, oh, here's the part where Tim Allen comes in in the article, and anybody who's conservative in Hollywood gets shut down and doesn't get work. But no, he goes into this stupid thing. By the way, he brings up Ailey Kazan, who ratted out some of his fellow Hollywood directors. Remember, he could fucking, you know, he ratted them out so he could continue to work.
Starting point is 00:59:27 There's movies about it. I can't think of them off the top of my head, but you know what I'm talking about, right? Sure you do. Listenin'? He was a rat. Your mother sucks
Starting point is 00:59:34 fuckin' big fuckin' elephant dicks. This is the call he was getting from all the other directors. So I think I'm, this is where the article's headed, right? He's gonna go into how conservatives have it tough in Hollywood. No. No. That's not where this guy goes this mama luke
Starting point is 00:59:49 because fear is the most contagious of diseases it spreads with a will of its own infecting innocent and guilty alike poisoning the oppressor as well as the oppress those who instill fear are often afraid and the more they inflict fear on others, the more likely they are to feel it themselves. I'm seeing a lot of fear right now, the guy says from the Hollywood Reporter. I don't mean among my Hollywood colleagues. Listen to this. But it's there among my Muslim friends,
Starting point is 01:00:16 one of whom was prescient enough to anglicize. I can't even fucking, I can't talk today. I'm all revved up. You know, he made his name sound white. Okay. His name
Starting point is 01:00:30 after 9-11 and it's even more present among some of the undocumented students in the Hollywood Reporters Mentorship Program. I can tell you, he says, from personal experience, there are a few things as wrenching as talking to a 19-year-old who's lived here most of her life and considers herself American to the core and who needs to discuss her options should DACA become eliminated.
Starting point is 01:00:52 In other words, that's the new McCarthyism. Trump is going to pluck out Muslims and people are... But at the very end, okay? But at the very end, okay, first of all, he goes on, persecuting Muslims and refusing to show compassion for immigrant children are not the same thing as blackballing people for their political beliefs. But they're rooted in the same cause, a distrust of the other, a desire to contain and even destroy the things one doesn't understand. Yeah, you don't understand, you dumb fuck.
Starting point is 01:01:23 It's a whole different time. Back during McCarthyism and all that horse shit, people weren't pouring in over the borders. Okay? Silly analogy, silly. You're the one who doesn't understand, obviously, a distrust of others. Gee, where do you get that?
Starting point is 01:01:42 Huh? When the prisons of 70% of them a filled with illegals oh my god they're fucking blind to the ideology and right at the end he throws in like the last and here's the surprising thing that fear isn't just felt by the usual groups liberals want to protect it's also felt by conservatives in an astonishing reversal of hollywood history just as liberals here once considered themselves an endangered species, so do conservatives today. This guy is just picking up on that fact now in 2017. Like it hasn't been like that since 1970.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Oh my God. They no longer, he's talking about free to talk in the open because they feel rightly we're no longer prepared to listen any more than they're prepared to listen to liberals. And there comes the equivocation. There's a deafness on both sides. Bullshit. Bullshit. Yeah, both sides are deaf in Hollywood. Conservatives don't listen to liberals.
Starting point is 01:02:40 What a crock of shit. When it comes to like, let's this fucking straight, because nobody will say, when it comes to pressing free speech, that's coming from the left, predominantly. I'm not saying it's not isolated cases, but look at college campuses. Look at the media. Look at people getting fired for saying things about black people or gays or whatever. Just look at it. Speech codes on college campuses, okay?
Starting point is 01:03:07 All that shit. Look what goes on at Berkeley when they try to bring a conservative to speak or any other college campus for that matter. So don't sit there and go, well, both sides are deaf to each other. You guys are guilty, just like the fucking idiot conservatives were
Starting point is 01:03:22 back in the day when they were on the wrong side of the civil rights issues so uh it's your turn to be the dummies and uh anybody are you are you listening to me are you listening i did who the fuck said that who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle toe cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant uh judd apatow oh oh anyhow folks that is it again go to slash nick to subscribe to the show slash nick uh come see me friday night yonkers hot comedy club saturday night co-host music hall with my friend uh laurie pomateri she'll be featuring um should be a great gig anytime you get out of comedy clubs you know what i'm saying to you
Starting point is 01:04:13 brady i'm glad you got your shirt back now if we can find eli manning's uh miniskirt what what kind of crack was that get the fuck anyhow what else that is it that's all i can think of watch me on comia tomorrow in the afternoon listen to me on ron bennington tomorrow the ron bennington show on uh the comedy channel whatever it is raw dog i don't know anyhow any he april 21st my album comes out that's the audio version of inflammatory which is the special when i was stand-up special that you can see on use the promo code dipalo d-i-p-a-o-l-o you get a free month of cso go watch it don't wait for the album to come out that's it folks that's a lot of the web addresses and shit i know i don't like the way it works either but what can
Starting point is 01:05:04 i do it's the world we live in. And stay tuned to the hearings. Should be getting very interesting, don't you think so? Talk to your kids real soon. Hey, hey, I saved the world today. And everybody's happy now the bad things gone away And everybody's happy now the good things here stay Please let it stay
Starting point is 01:05:42 Good day, everybody. guitar solo I'm out.

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