The Nick DiPaolo Show - 179 - Susan Rice Unmasked

Episode Date: April 4, 2017

Susan Rice Unmasked...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo podcast on iTunes for free and also, Stitcher, etc., etc. If you like the show, folks, you can subscribe. You go to slash nick for $3.99 a month. You get two to three more shows a week, and that is crucial. slash nick. All right. How are you, folks?
Starting point is 00:00:56 How you doing? All right. Good to be back. Where was I this weekend? Oh, I was in Minneapolis, my favorite comedy club, Acme Comedy Club in Minneapolis. Five shows, three of them sold out. Thank you for coming out. The city's always great to me.
Starting point is 00:01:13 It really is. Some drunken assholes ruined a couple of the shows and don't know how to behave. People show up, and they're young adults. They're not kids, but they showed up fucked up like they're at their senior prom in high school. And they yell shit out then you tell them to not yell shit out and somehow you're the dick it's the world we fucking live in and the reason that uh i want to do something else for a living i mean i love the time on stage but again and uh when a comic tells you to take your foot off the stage the response isn't to put your other foot on the stage. And that's a response 10 out of 10 times.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Make it 11 out of 10 times out of the generation jerk-off who think they own everything in public spaces, their private space. And they were raised horribly. Other than that, I had a great fucking show. Five shows, I should say. Acme, Killer Club. Thank you, Louis Lee. everybody that came out tom bernard the radio guy and uh yeah i had to drive into uh la guardia and park and it's it's like driving to ground zero two days after this construction trucks it's just a get this folks you people don't live in new york city I parked for three days at LaGuardia Airport. And how much do you think that costs?
Starting point is 00:02:32 50? 80? 100? 140? 160? Call now. How about $187 for three nights? So LaGuardia, you can eat my ass and, you know, I know what you're doing. Obviously, you got to pay for that construction somehow. uh you you know i know what you're doing obviously you're gonna pay for that construction somehow but why why you know why rate me anally uh for people driving in why punish us uh oh you could park at another lot they said but you have to take a shuttle that's what i want to do after driving a fucking hour into the city to get to the airport i want to get out of my car and and take a shuttle to the fucking terminal all rightyy. Bitching and moaning, you're goddamn right. But Killer Show's got a lot of new shit out.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Mike Lester, very funny kid that was a feature act. I'm telling you, he's going to be famous. I call him the baby face killer. He's funny as hell. He looks very fucking nerdy, but he's very like cocky on stage. It's really an irresistible combination and uh keep an eye out for him because he i said you should be in la dude i go they will eat you
Starting point is 00:03:31 up you know we are living in the time of big bang theory and you are like an evil version of that so and he goes i'm already living out there and he's already going out on auditions i'm making a prediction mike lester keep your eye on him funny as hell too i i work on him a few months ago and uh probably last year minneapolis and i said i want him next time i come back and i don't think i'll say that again because he made it way too hard to follow uh he was fucking killer contributions thank you so much keith romano for a really fat one. Thank you so much. And we, Andrew Queller, or Keeler, I'm not sure how he pronounces it. He sent a small one
Starting point is 00:04:10 and then the biggest contribution, tied for the biggest contribution on top of that that I've ever got. Andrew, I can't thank you enough. That was scary generous, brother. And Keith and everybody else who contributes to the show. It's a dangerous situation.
Starting point is 00:04:28 What in Christ is going on Monday, April, what is it, 3rd? I'll tell you what's going on. You got Gonzaga versus North Carolina, 9-20 Eastern Standard Time tonight out in Arizona somewhere, playing for the National College Championship. I personally don't give a fuck about college hoops. But I will even watch that one. So, oh yeah. Gonzaga 37-1 versus North Carolina 32-7
Starting point is 00:05:05 Glendale, Arizona be there, be queer a couple of the North Carolina, they have this big ass Kennedy Meeks he's 6'10", 260 and then you got Gonzaga's big man
Starting point is 00:05:21 Prezemnik Karnowski he's 7'1", 300 pounds. So that'll be the big matchup, and that ought to be a killer game. I don't know much about college hoops other than if you put the game on with two minutes left, you'll see the whole game. That goes for any basketball game. You know how much I have a problem with it. But I would have to go with North Carolina in this situation.
Starting point is 00:05:45 What do I know? Like I said, that program is scary. So I'm pulling for Gonzaga, obviously. But that should be fun. I'll put it on in the second half. I'll watch porn up to that point and then put that on. You know what I'm saying? Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Also, what happened this week, and finally, folks, baseball. Yes. What was beautiful is the Yankees lost their opening game to Tampa Bay. That gave me a nice jump. I keep an eye on the Yankees more than I do my Red Sox because, like they said, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. So my Red Sox go against the Pirates right now as we speak. Opening pitch for the Sox against the Pirates.
Starting point is 00:06:41 You've got to love it. When baseball comes back, everything's right with the world. Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Yes. Take that fat girl to ball game. Buy her six ice creams. She's got ankles like Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And a big fat mustache. Enough of that. I miss the old organs. Anyway. Hey, this part, this episode of the DePaulo podcast brought to you by This is one of our subscribers who started Are you as aggravated as I am by the never-ending
Starting point is 00:07:24 nonsensical logic free demands from the left are you totally sick of the world uh of the word policing and shutting down all opinions and ideas that don't align with the liberal agenda apparently intolerance is the new tolerant if you're not totally put off by the sanctimonious asshole liberals let me remind you why you should be here's a couple of quotes from famous liberals that i'm not going to give the name out because we don't want to give them any more press than they want. But this is one of them. There's more than a racial problem with Trump voters. There's a psychological problem, too.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Trump understood that and manipulated the lesser educated men in this country to vote for him. And that's from a contributor who has an online publication that's very popular, a liberal jerk-off. So this is why was created. It's a website and online store where you can purchase unique bumper stickers designed to proudly demonstrate your patriotism and support for the president. Secondly, and perhaps most important, you'll really piss off a liberal. And perhaps most important, you'll really piss off a liberal. You know their skin's going to crawl. And they'll be shouting out their car every time they see one of these bumper stickers on your vehicle. And that's why I like conceal and carry.
Starting point is 00:08:33 So please visit the site, That's Trumpalikins, L-I-C-A-N-S dot biz. And make a purchase. For the cost of a beer, you can drive liberals totally crazy, support the president, and support a purchase for the cost of a beer you can drive liberals totally crazy support the president and support a good cause because 20 of the uh proceeds go to charities supporting veterans um one of those charities is a we soldier on dot org w e soldier on dot org and it helps out And it helps out homeless vets and whatnot. And also, 20% goes to
Starting point is 00:09:13 That's So go, again, go to And we appreciate the sponsorship for this episode. Thank you so much. Anyhow, what is going on today? It's another Monday, which means another what? Terrorist attack. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Comrade, here is something that might be of interest to you. A transcript of the conversation between the helicopter pilot and his commander. We intercepted That's right. A bomb blast in
Starting point is 00:09:59 St. Petersburg, Russia this morning. Killed at least 10 people. Wounded as many as 50 more. And ISIS is celebrating. We don't know officially if it's ISIS, but who the fuck else? Oh, I'm going with, I don't know, some anti-abortion people. Yeah, right. One of the blasts came from a device that appeared to be filled with shrapnel, Sky News reported.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Putin said investigators were looking into all possible causes. And when Putin says that, you know he's serious. Russia's Fontanka newspaper reported that an unexploded device turned up at a different subway station as crews worked to deactivate it. And I've said this on the show before. And I won't even take a subway in New York City, even when I'm in the city now. I'll grab a cab for fucking 28 for a minute ride um and same with all the other public transportation because again uh if you get on the subway new york or you take a train into the city there's book bags laying everywhere there's nobody checking in i mean once in a while they do a
Starting point is 00:10:59 random check but uh you know if i'm a terrorist i would think that would be a nice uh you know tempting target and uh so this is you know this has happened in saint petersburg russia it blew up around 220 uh in the afternoon the train was leaving technology institute station and headed to uh saniya square station uh so you can go online and look at the horrible carnage that really is fucking disturbing and just so gutless and uh it really is we are living in fucking again it's already world war three i don't know how you look at it that's i do but um this isn't the first time a high--speed Moscow to St. Petersburg train was bombed on November 27, 2009, that left 26 people dead and 100 injured.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And so, you know, Russia's been fighting these terrorists longer than we have, a lot longer. But, you know, it's just, what can you do? You know, authorities have to be right 100% of the time. These fuckers have years and years to plan this shit and it really is
Starting point is 00:12:09 unpreventable. I mean, you can prevent it here and there, but it's, it's very disturbing and like Russia's not in the news enough,
Starting point is 00:12:18 right? Oh man, it sure is if you're following the news over here. Yeah. Well, the headlines are, I guess we know, again, depending on what news,
Starting point is 00:12:36 according to Fox News Channel, sources say they know who unmasked Trump associates very high up. Republican presidential candidate Trump and associates close to Trump were surveilled and their names were unmasked at the behest of those in the Obama administration. This is an opinion. Apparently, it's fucking fact now. apparently it's fucking fact now it was done at the direction of those very high up and was done so for a significant amount of time which uh this is a fox news contributor adam housley has laid out which described as unprecedented and blockbuster so this is supposedly blockbuster but i heard that i've heard blockbuster mentioned with these headlines a couple weeks ago. So, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:27 This is the story from Housley, Adam Housley. And he says, we don't know who spoke to Devin Nunez. We know it's not someone at the White House. We don't know who spoke to the White House about this other than what Nunez has said in front of press conferences. The sources we are talking to are separate from both of these entities. There was surveillance, supposedly, and they have proof of this, of Trump and people close to Trump,
Starting point is 00:13:55 including some supporters, for up to a year before the inauguration. That information was disseminated, we're told, through NSA channels. It's unprecedented, the way this was done. The mention of U.S. citizens is supposed to be masked. You know that when you get caught up in surveillance. If you're not part of the story,
Starting point is 00:14:15 your name is supposed to be blocked out. And if you're a civilian and taken out of the report. But we know that didn't happen. Names of Americans who had done nothing wrong was disseminated to all of the National Security Council and some of the Department of Defense. You know, Clapper, Brennan. And you know whose name popped up? And they think, gosh, who's behind it? How about Susan Brown Rice?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah. They also say, I'm told, rice knew about this possibly as well. Possibly is a key word there. Now, I know there are some reports,
Starting point is 00:14:52 he says out there, that she was the one who ordered this. We do not know who reported this because we have not spoken to Devin Nunes about it. There are also
Starting point is 00:15:02 additional unmasking as well. And again, as far as we can tell none of this had anything to do with national security so this is fucking huge folks if it's true and you know according to this report it is uh this is bigger than fucking watergate times a thousand this bitch and obama and everybody else if it's true should be thrown in the slammer in a perfect world but we know that's not how it works, right? A Lois Lerner would be doing hard time right now.
Starting point is 00:15:29 So but that's a fucking huge headline. And again, take it for what it is. It was on Breitbart. And but you can't just put shit like that out there if it's false, because then there's legal ramifications. I'm guessing. But does that surprise you at all? Susan fucking Rice used to do all the dirty work for Obama. She's as cold a fish as you'll ever see.
Starting point is 00:15:54 She used to go on those morning Sunday shows. She used to make me just sick to my stomach just looking to the camera full of shit. Was she the one out there lying about Benghazi? I always confuse her with Valerie Jarrett, two of the coldest bitches you'll ever meet all due respect all due respect um but that could be fucking huge folks so Trump really wasn't that far off and again I watched Chuck Todd and the other schmo on Sunday and they're still sticking to this line. Oh, what's her name? My favorite. Mothafucking dried up radish. She's like, but what the? Again, there's no proof.
Starting point is 00:16:30 There's no proof, Donald. The president said about being wiretapped by Obama. They're still playing that line. So is Chuck. We know that there wasn't literally wiretapping going on by Obama himself. But they're still sticking to that line. They're playing legal leagueys, you know? Technically, yeah, no, he didn't do that, but more and more evidence is pouring out.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And Adam Schiff, that fucking punchable face, that little geek, he's on there saying the same thing, that, well, you know, there's much more evidence to come out about Trump colluding. Where is it? You've been talking about it for months. There's only been one law broken, that's these people that are these american civilians who are unmasked and leaked uh stories leaked to uh the press excuse me by people in obama's intelligence agency that's a felony by the way so we you know that's the only evidence of any crime so far but come on mr schiff you you produce your horse shit and i'm not saying they don't have stuff on trump who knows we don't know they have
Starting point is 00:17:30 a couple of hookers peeing on them i don't know i don't know why the left would hold that against them you know they're all for that shit they had no problem with bill clinton being accused of rape it's like the fucking white bill cosby for christ's sake nobody was whining back then so this is interesting if this doesn't develop into something i quit we're gonna just do dick jokes here and on my radio show because uh this world is fucking creepy is it not i'm a fucking you got you know devices in your house listening to you and stuff i have to fucking whack off in the shower now it's really getting horrible have to fucking whack off in the shower now it's really getting horrible even then you even know about the shower head who made that
Starting point is 00:18:09 is that a samsung shower head or a caller i don't know that's right so keep an eye let's see if they press susan rice let's see if she comes on any shows and tries to defend herself. And let's see if fucking slanty-eyed Chuck Todd and mother, mother reddits, please retire, you fucking journalistic hack. You're hard to look at. You make me want to fuck Greta Van Susteren. That's how fucking ugly you are. That's saying something. All right, let's not go too far, Nick. Okay, I won't. I won't. But I'm just watching the Sunday shows,
Starting point is 00:18:48 laughing my ass off. This is supposed to be fucking unbiased. Oh my God, Chuck Todd didn't, I think Trump called him a name in some tweet too. So Todd's really turning it up. It's fucking hilarious, isn't it? But the condescension and the arrogance from the left is just beyond the fucking pale they have lost their shit and uh i'm so tired and who you talking about oh everybody not just the politicians that go on tv hollywood well who do you mean like
Starting point is 00:19:19 in hollywood well like uh my old friend tina fey who I met once or twice because I used to go up to the SNL offices with Colin Quinn. And Miss Tina Fey called out college educated white female Donald Trump voters during a Friday night fundraiser for the American Civil Liberties Union, suggesting that those women who voted for Trump during November's election might want to, in quotes, forget about the outcome and resume watching cable television. She said in the most condescending, you know, fucking nasty voice that you can. Yes, she urged white women not to look away during the Trump's presidency. She says because it doesn't affect you this minute, but it's going to affect you eventually. What do you mean by that, Tina? What does that fucking mean?
Starting point is 00:20:10 According to post-election statistics compiled by the New York Times, 53% of white female voters voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton. An additional 44% of college-educated white females voted for Trump. And she says, you're just all dumb bitches. I'm paraphrasing. She says, Tina Fey says, I'd like to give her another scar on the other side of her face. I'm kidding. She's actually, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Somebody said to me, she's not as conservative as you, she's not as liberal as you think. You have to see an ounce to refute that since that person told me that two years ago. I personally personally she says will make my own pledge as a college educated white woman to not look away to not pretend that the things that are happening now won't eventually affect me if we don't put a stop to it what specifically is she talking about things that are happening now like what what? I know refugees pouring into the country is down by like 40 percent since last month.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I know more businesses have been brought back to the United States. What is she talking about exactly? Pussy grabbing? Don't worry, you're safe there. During the event, Tina Fey said that Trump's pronouncement of April as a national sexual assault Awareness and Prevention Month must have been an April Fool's Day joke. So now we know what he gave up for Lent, she joked. Not a bad one. I'll give her a little zinger on that one. He gave up grabbing pussy. Is that what he's... Let me ask a question, Miss Tina Fey. Were you out there? And maybe you were. Maybe I just missed it. Were you taking Billinton to task back when he was in office and all these girls are coming out of the woodwalks with fucking welts on their
Starting point is 00:21:50 necks and teeth marks in their tits i don't remember you out there screaming maybe you were she probably was i might have missed it not sure not sure but i'm just saying if that's what your joke is um mr william jefferson clinton no president had a worse reputation for treating women like shit and uh i just don't remember the people on the left being up in arms about that it's just fucking uh all the uh all the uh the the left leaning women, the man hating machines and especially the chunky fat ones, the ugly ones who have dedicated their lives again because men didn't want anything to do with them when they were young. They dedicated their lives to hating men for the rest of the second half of their lives. Who are you talking about, Nick? Well, you know, there was an essay published three days after Trump defeated Clinton by Lena Dunham. She said she found it painful that white women had been unable to see past their violent privilege.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Violent privilege to vote for the Democratic candidate. Violent privilege. Where do they come up with this shit? Violent privilege. Where do they come up with this shit? She says, it's painful to know that white women so unable to see the unity of female identity. There's your first mistake, chubby Lena Dunham. Women can never unify because you hate each other.
Starting point is 00:23:17 You're catty by nature and it's fun to watch. Nothing makes me harder than a cat fight. Ever go online and see two chicks beating the shit out of each other over a fucking sweater at macy's oh my god makes my dick harder than a whale's tooth um but she says it's painful to know that white women well why just white women you know some a lot of black and brown women voted for trump too you dumb snatch uh so unable to see the unity of female identity so unable to look past their violent privilege and so inoculated with hate for themselves. Who's more hateful towards themselves than you?
Starting point is 00:23:49 You overeating, over emotional fucking train wreck. Also, Chelsea Handler, who we know has a real penchant for black cock. That's how she slept away to the top. That's just my opinion, folks. She criticized female Trump voters in an essay published in December. black cock that's how she slept away to the top that's just my opinion folks uh she criticized female trump voters in an essay published in december she said and i quote of the goo gobbler one of the saddest things about november 8th were the women of america who somehow managed to vote for donald trump specifically the 53 percent of all white female voters who chose trump handler
Starting point is 00:24:21 wrote and then she headed to the detroit pistons locker room to get on her knees and whatever. Anyhow, talk about abroad. If she was a guy, if she had a dick, nobody would know who she was. Apparently, I was told from many sources, she slept away to the top, blowing a lot of fellas that run networks. Again, that's just opinion.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I don't know if it's true. I'm not saying it is true, but after watching her and her so-called talent, I tend to believe it, but we don't know that. Huh? But there they are, though.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Just, once again, bad-mouthing other people because these women, these white women, didn't vote the way they did. So, you know. You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt! Hey, watch it. No need to talk like that.
Starting point is 00:25:11 These people have a right. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, boys and fucking girls, boys and fucking girls. College student dies after choking at a pancake eating contest please tell me this isn't true a 20 year old student at a connecticut university died after choking during a pancake eating contest police say sacred heart student caitlin i won't mention the last time died at new york city hospital three days after the contest during a fraternities and sororities event at the
Starting point is 00:25:46 Catholic School in Fairfield, Connecticut, Fairfield Police say nursing students and first responders performed life-saving measures on Nelson. She was taken to an area hospital where she initially was in critical but stable condition. But how do you die after that? That's what I don't understand. If she was taken to the hospital and at one point she's in critical condition from choking, that means you probably stopped the choking. Again, maybe not. I don't. Again, great reporting.
Starting point is 00:26:17 They include a picture of pancakes with butter and syrup on it to clarify any confusion what a pancake is. But here's it. You want to hear a fucking even sad a twist of the story her father james was a port authority police officer who also died in the september 11th attack jesus christ you talk about a jinxed family i'm telling you man i'm telling you do you just see how weird life is that i reported there were people at least 10 people killed in a terrorist attack in saint petersburg russia a girl dies choking on a pancake and everything in between life is just don't take it that seriously folks you never know the way i fucking ate and drank and act me. I'll be surprised if I don't fucking die
Starting point is 00:27:07 on the crapper today. Um, anyhow, anyways, uh, again, if you like the show, I like to plug this three times. Um, if you listen to this on or on iTunes or Stitcher, go to slash Nick and subscribe for $3.99 a month. Get two to three more shows. And, yeah. What else is going on? Rand Paul played some golf this weekend with who? The big orange fella.
Starting point is 00:27:45 The president and Rand Paul got together to play golf and obviously chat about health care. I think we have actually, we have some audio of them in the clubhouse before they went out. I guess they had dinner. Hey, doll, can you scrab another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low-grade dog food, all right? That's President Trump.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Now, here, take this for yourself, okay? Gee, I had better food at the ballgame, you know. I'll tell you, this steak still has marks where the jockey was hitting it. Well, anyway, today I just stick to real estate, you know. With the market these days, if you want anything but land, you want a popcorn farm. Oh, come on, President. Somebody step on a duck. That's unpresidential.
Starting point is 00:28:29 A deal on the Republican health care plan is getting nearer to completion. Who said that? Well, Senator Rand Paul tweeted on Sunday after playing golf with President Trump
Starting point is 00:28:38 to discuss the controversial legislation. Paul later emphasized his upbeat mood on the subject, telling reporters that we had a great mood on the subject, telling reporters that we had a great day with the president, played some golf, and we talked a little bit about health care. Just a little bit, but you think it's going to come back? He says, I continue to
Starting point is 00:28:54 be very optimistic that we are getting closer and closer to an agreement on repealing Obamacare. White House Budget Chief Mick Mulvaney was also in the golf outing to discuss the issue. So that's interesting. You know that Rand Paul, he's been a critic of the GOP plan, slamming the proposal as Obamacare lite. So he thinks it's a good thing that it know it went in the toilet uh so we shall see he makes it sound like the they got to come up with another plan like in a few weeks which i doubt do you know how much light just i mean to uproot obamacare do you know how many lawyers are involved in there's so many tricks and it's such a mess and uh so but uh president trump on sunday also tweeted about
Starting point is 00:29:49 his efforts on the health care deal and he emphasized not to trust the mainstream media uh once again every time he says something like i think every time they question trump's intelligence and whether he's suited to be president, I always hear this in my head. I'm smart! Not like everybody says! Like, don't! I'm smart! And I want respect!
Starting point is 00:30:19 So we shall see. You know? In the meantime, I tell you folks, if you don't have insurance like i said you just go to the emergency room they gotta treat you and then go look i'll pay you i'll put you i'll send you a fucking 28 cents every month for the next 78 years and that might cover you know one x-ray so we shall see we shall see but again I am floored by I am floored by every headline. Just watch the new and I flip through. I go to MSNBC. I go to CNN and just the gap between, you know, Fox, CNN.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And it really is two different universes we're living in. It is fucking unbelievable. But you can't refute that they have evidence of American civilians and Trump being surveilled fucking a year before the inauguration. That's real. And I'm going, OK, where's the collusion? On the other side, that's the other big argument, that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election, which is absolutely zero proof of. And the same dopes are out there spewing that shit and again i'm not trying to take sides here but i flip around i flip around i'm just saying um so we shall see we shall see
Starting point is 00:31:36 but uh ran paul the other thing is is that is real uh real hair my my wife says no it's a fucking wig and i go why would you choose a wig that looks like estelle getty's bush on your head i don't uh i don't think so and um he's a really smart guy and a libertarian i think but he you know he's like his old man i think when it comes to foreign policy he's like a isolationist or whatever so that's where he loses a lot of people but the guy's a doctor you know he's like an eye doctor an eye surgeon so he really does have a uh you know an insider's perspective when it comes to health care and knows more about the uh inner workings than your average uh shithead senator and congressman wouldn't you say i think so very bright guy and i actually
Starting point is 00:32:26 sent him money i don't send politicians money too much but i saw him a couple years ago and i go hey this guy knows what he's doing honey can you write a check for eleven dollars and six cents to the rand paul uh situation let's talk about race shall we folks let's talk about diversity we always do hey where are the white women at? I don't know where the white women at. I'm going to check. Hey, where are the white women at? How about this?
Starting point is 00:32:53 You know, Marvel Comics. I was never into comics as a kid. I was a weird little boy. I liked girls and sports and shit. I never cared for men in tights and shit. Even as a 10 year old I was like that's fucking nerdy faggy stuff that
Starting point is 00:33:07 I just ooh Superman I liked because it was on TV I got into that and Batman and Robin that was it though after that you fucking lost me anyways you know Marvel Comics
Starting point is 00:33:17 a Marvel executive says emphasis on diversity may have alienated readers oh gee you think so I fucking love this hey where are the white women at? Listen to this. Marvel's vice president of sales
Starting point is 00:33:28 has blamed declining comic book sales on the studio's efforts to increase diversity in female characters. They're going through the same shit Disney is over at ESPN. They're just fucking people are sick of their liberal dog shit.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Saying that readers, and this is in quotes, were turning their noses up at diversity and didn't want female characters out there. Of course, you read that and what they're sort of coaching, or you read this article, it's like, oh, that means, so they're anti-woman and anti-minority. So they're bigots.
Starting point is 00:34:06 That's how it reads, the first. But over recent years, Marvel has made efforts to include more diverse and more female characters. First of all, I didn't even know black and brown people were into comics. I thought that was really white people nerdy shit. I never met a black dude that was into fucking. Again, I know that I'm generalizing and I'm painting with a broad brush that I stole from a Mexican who was doing my fence. What? What kind of talk is that? Yeah. So so Marvel's made an effort again to be more diverse, more female characters, introducing new iterations of fan favorites, including a female Thor.
Starting point is 00:34:42 including a female Thor, Rary Williams, a black teenager who took over the Iron Man storyline as Iron Heart, Miles Morales, a biracial Spider-Man, and Kamala Khan, a Muslim teenage girl who is the current Ms. Marvel. Ugh, just reading that makes me sick to my dirty stomach. Oh, for Christ's sake. Making comic book heroes more diverse.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And yeah, people got sick of it. People, like I said, I think originally most of this shit was geared toward white nerdy boys. Originally, most of this shit was geared toward white nerdy boys. And he added, the guy says, I don't know that it's really true, but that's what we saw in sales. Listen, they can't even admit it when the numbers, there's an old saying, fucking liars don't, figures don't lie and liars don't figure. And these are business people and they still can't admit it. I don't know if that's really true but it's what we saw in sales any character that was diverse any character that was new our female
Starting point is 00:35:51 characters anything that was not a core marvel character people were turning their nose up at gabriel later issued a clarifying statement saying that some retailers felt that some core marvel heroes were being abandoned but that that their readership for characters like Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales, who are excited about these new heroes, he added, and let me be clear, our new heroes are not going anywhere, even though our business is going on the toilet. We are proud and excited to keep introducing
Starting point is 00:36:19 unique characters that reflect new voices and new experiences into the Marvel Universe and pair them with our iconic heroes. Even though, you know, sales are going in the toilet. We're not racist. Chicken shits. Good. I hope your business falls like a fucking cheap lawn chair.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Jesus Christ. The NBA should come out with a line of uh you know action figures just all white fucking white guys just to you know to be more diverse and see how the sales go with those uh he also said we we have also been hearing from stores that that welcome and champion our new characters and titles and want more so we're getting both sides of the story. And the only upcoming change we're making is to ensure we don't lose focus on our core heroes. Well, good. Again, keep letting sales slide and you being chicken shit to say, hey, it's hurting our business.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Maybe we'll cut back on a few of the new female slash minority comics. But see, you can't do that. And then somebody will be boycotting you. But that shouldn't matter because your core audience, once again, is a bunch of fucking white nerds. Then people online were scorning Mr. Gabriel for his remarks, pointing to Marvel's tendency over the last few years to focus on restarting and rebooting storylines, creating a complicated web of interwoven universes, as well as an overwhelming output that fans have struggled to keep up with. Yeah, that's what it is. The stories are too complicated now. See, they just can't admit it, that it's a turnoff to their core audience, that you have all these fucking, you know, politically correct characters now.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You know? It's just priceless to me. Then there was a couple people online saying, this guy Anthony, an idiotic conclusion at Marvel. I stopped buying your books because of the high price and event fatigue, not diversity. Again, Anthony would be afraid to, you know he's i i put people
Starting point is 00:38:29 in two categories you know they say when when a guy looks at a girl they automatically throw that girl into one of two categories you know i'd either fuck her or i wouldn't i only have one category by the way fuck them all what no um i'm just saying but uh and then this guy says on twitter marvel thinks diversity is ruining their sales uh i don't know maybe turning captain america a worldwide symbol into a nazi has something to do with it there you go there's a guy who's being honest so captain marvel i guess and again i don't follow this shit but i guess you know they they turned him into what this guy says a nazi so he's probably a sexist racist bigoted just like any white guy you've seen a movie or on tv
Starting point is 00:39:15 and a commercial or a husband so uh but i love it i fucking love it somebody said marvel's tendency is to introduce the new iterations of fan favorites by killing off or humiliating the original character and the guy says who wants a legacy if the legacy is shitty exactly listen to this a huge reason ms marvel has struck the chord it has is because it deals with the role of traditionalist faith so they've taken a shot at christians uh in the context of social justice and there was this isn't comics again it's funny keeping the word comic and there was apparently an untapped audience of people from a wide variety of faith backgrounds who were eager for a story like this, she wrote. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:40:11 Is that why your fucking sales don't show that? Nobody could have predicted or planned for that. One retailer told ICV2 that increased diversity had brought a new clientele to his store. One thing about the new books that go through my store they don't sell the numbers that i would like he said they do bring in a different demographic and i'm happy to see that money in my store in other words i'll be out of business in a few months but good to see the minorities coming in and buying shit unfucking believable oh my aching stem
Starting point is 00:40:48 god help us fucking bitch i know that's how i feel so where are the white women even when businesses are clearly suffering from political correctness the fucking idiots who run those businesses would rather go out of business than be labeled a bigot. It's just precious how deep this shit runs. I'm looking at a picture of the black superhero. Is that Ms. Marble? What a cute girl.
Starting point is 00:41:19 She got the big fro, big earrings. Sexy. But what are you going to do? How about a biracial spider-man what is it a black slash white widow get the fuck out of here oh i didn't get to this story last week, and I was about to right before I had to take a powder. And, yeah, I pulled this last week. And then I think I saw Tucker Carlson actually had the student on last week.
Starting point is 00:42:02 But this female student at the University of Northern Arizona, she got docked by her teacher a point for using the word mankind in an English paper. And I went to Google the professor and her name was like Dr. Ann Scott. And of course I pull up fucking 32
Starting point is 00:42:20 Ann Scotts and half of them, I'm like, I'll look for the one that looks kind of like a man because I'm guessing, you know, college professor, lesbian. Nick, how can you make fucking broad, excuse me, how can you generalize like that? Oh, very easy. Of course, I pull up, you know, and it's like 32-inch scots, and 11 of them look like the starting nine for the Minnesota Twins. Very manly.
Starting point is 00:42:46 And, yeah, she lost credit, this girl, on an English paper for using the word mankind instead of a gender-neutral alternative. Oh, God help me. Fucking bitch. Can you imagine being in college with these fucking leftist jerk-off professors? Kaylin Jeffers. That's the student's name. Yeah, she was on with Tucker.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Cute. Not that that has anything to do with it. She's an English major, NAU. She told Campus Reform she received an email from one of her professors, Dr. Ann Scott, informing her that she had been docked one point out of a possible 50 on a recent paper for, in quotes,
Starting point is 00:43:24 problems with addiction. Related to her use of the word mankind as a synonym for humanity. Which it is. It's exactly what that is. But this titless wonder of a professor, again, who probably hates men to the fucking core. Of course she does. Just the word mankind. It has the word man in it.
Starting point is 00:43:46 So her, you know, she dries up the minute she hears it and and uh oh it's making me sick to my stomach i'm glad i don't have kids in college i'll be on the campus threatening bomb scares every day she says ann scott says the words we use matter very much or else teachers would not be making an issue of this at all. Yeah, but how about the rest of the world that's not making issue of it? Dr. Ann Scott and the MLA, that's some language association, would not be making recommendations for gender neutral language at the national level. Yeah, they would, because you guys think your point of view and the way you see the world should be imposed on everybody else she then offered to let jeffers that's the girl the student revise the paper to earn additional points in five categories including diction but noted that she is under no obligation to do so she said the teacher said i'll respect your choice to leave your diction choices as is
Starting point is 00:44:42 and to make whatever political and linguistic statement you want to make by doing so that's what the professor wrote before she headed off to write a mechanical bull by the same token i will still need to subtract a point because your choice will not be made in the letter or spirit of this particular class see that's where you're wrong there should be no spirit particular spirit you're not there to fucking impose your spirit on the students you dumb bitch this is why i can't have a show on tv i talk like this the particular spirit of the class your choice will not be made in a letter or the spirit of this particular which is all
Starting point is 00:45:25 about having you and other students looking beneath your assumptions and understanding that mankind does not mean all people to all people it positively does not i would argue back that it does mean it to more people than your fucking people say it doesn't. How about that? Oh my god. Oh my god. I'd just like to put her against a wall at the gym and just go I'm doing that in the spirit of my class. It positively does not, she says.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You see how pompous and fucking arrogant. The student, Jeffers, decided to test the policy on her next paper by including two instances of the word mankind when the paper came back. Okay, this is out of order, the article. When the paper came back with the requisite points taken off, she requested a meeting with Scott. And the student said, Caitlin said, I stated that I agree with everything she said about my paper, except my use of mankind. She proceeded to tell me that the NAU English Department, as well as Modern Language Association, that's MLA, are pushing for gender neutral language. And all students must abide by this.
Starting point is 00:46:39 No, they don't have to abide by that. No, they don't. Where are the fucking lawyers? by that. No, they don't. Where are the fucking lawyers? I hope this girl has a lawyer to defend this from this fucking wretched book. God. Using a term, as she said, is sexist mankind. And that she said, you should make an effort to look beyond your presuppositions and ideologies.
Starting point is 00:47:09 You ought to. You ought to look beyond your ideologies. You're blinded. You useful idiot, you. Following the meeting, Scott, that's the teacher, sent an email to the entire class recounting an important discussion
Starting point is 00:47:23 that I have with one of our class members today today about gender neutral language using the incident as an opportunity to explain why she imposes the requirement oh my god and she said this not to beat a dead horse in a class such as this wherein the course goals discussions readings and assignments are all focused on what makes us human in quotes and the assumptions we make about such a concept it is crucial that we also understand what our raw choices mean a great deal and have consequences in terms of what we reveal about our assumptions about ourselves and others and the world generally. Did you hear that? The assumptions we make about such a concept, it's crucial that we also understand what our word choices mean.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Consequences in terms of what we reveal about our assumptions about ourselves. Yeah. But why is your, again, I'll say, your point of view right and hers wrong they're so they are so hung up the left and the far left on people making assumptions and i say it again it goes back to the civil rights and the racial problems we had in this country when people used to assume things about black people and and whatever and uh prejudices and now that that goes out to
Starting point is 00:48:46 every facet of life to make assumptions or to generalize you know uh if you're walking down the street at one in the morning you see like five or six black kids and you cross the street um they're saying you're assuming that uh they were going to do you harm and that's racist and bigoted i say i'm using my survival uh instincts and i'm basing it on uh statistics and history and uh that's the way i look at life and just because you don't see it that way but you're a college professor you can't impose that on me uh i'm fucking believable uh, un-fucking-believable. And there's no legal recourse for this girl? Seriously. Let's cut to me and my wife fighting yesterday.
Starting point is 00:49:37 About the thousand other fucking pigs you had your dick in over the years. The strippers, the cocktail waitresses. Were you best friends with all of them too? You fucking hypocrite. Fucking bitch. That's not fair. We don't have fights based on that shit.
Starting point is 00:50:03 It's just funny. I'm basing that on many relationships i had before i was married uh but anyways uh yeah so fuck your professor and if they pull this shit on you and if you're not gonna there's no legal recourse or whatever and she's allowed to do that impose her will on you i say key your car cut the tires nick that's immature no it's not it's the world we're living in take matters into your own hands i say that's what i say but between tina fey and hillary clinton calling us deplorable and arid do you see the pompous and the arrogance and the fucking the fascist and the screaming down of Charles Murray at Middlebury College and any other. Again, he went to another college, more shit this weekend. Was it Villanova? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I'm just saying, do you see the fascist fucks at work? How can't you agree with me that the fucking left is wrong? And I know they're wrong because even Bill Maher's getting fed up with it and people like that. You fascist fucks and it's time for a civil war, I say. And we start by hanging all the professors, not all of them, just 98% of them, that spew this type of venom and use their class as an indoctrination. So, are you with me, kids?
Starting point is 00:51:18 Are you with me? I said, are you with me? Yes, you are. finally tonight on the nick topalo podcast hey yahoo news can you stop is there any ways i have an iphone anyways the app comes with the iphone yahoo news again indoctrination tools because they keep fucking sending me headlines and they're always anti-trump headlines and just it's so obvious the agenda and and how do i get that off my phone can anybody help me i wish this was my radio show right now and it was a calling number because it's so obvious yahoo news has this left-wing slant and of course every fucking mobile phone
Starting point is 00:52:03 gets their news almost in the world that's how they disseminate their horseshit point of view and uh i'm just so sick of getting these anti-trump fucking headlines and shit can we stop that anyways this story is um was from yahoo news um killing of three teens during burglary may test oklahoma stania ground law three teen burglary suspects were shot and killed this was last week by a homeowner's son armed with an assault rifle which it wasn't an assault rifle it was an ar-15 and as i understand it that's like semi-automatic okay another jeff to pull the trigger and continue to pull the trigger not like an auto a totally automatic rifle as you hold the trigger down and it sprays the bullets and continues to and an ar-15 doesn't work that way i guess you can make changes to it so it
Starting point is 00:52:54 does work that way but the point being three guys broke three kids broke into this kid's house i think his dad was sleeping and he fucking shot him all dead. And of course, the headline is, it's going to test the Oklahoma stand your ground law. And it really is not gonna you have every right to do what this kid did. But that's the headline on Yahoo News. I mean, what do you think we were retarded here? I'm smart. I'm like everybody says. Like, don't. I'm smart and I want the sticks Oklahoma law presumes homeowners have a fear
Starting point is 00:53:31 that justifies use of defensive force just by virtue of someone breaking into just by virtue of someone breaking into a home a decision on charges
Starting point is 00:53:42 for the shooter as well as formal charges for the alleged getaway driver will be determined in the coming days. And at the time, this is what the prosecutors say, and at the time there'll be a final decision. I know there's questions that have been posed regarding Stania Granlar as well as the application of the felony murder rule,
Starting point is 00:54:01 whatever the fuck that is, said First Assistant District Attorney Jack Thorpe. We hope to be able to answer those questions with our formal filing decision when we reach out to but the point is the headline on yahoo news is it's going to test uh oklahoma standing right and there's no there's nothing in the story that says that that's uh going to be a problem they were in the fucking house one of them had brass knuckles the other one had a fucking knife on him and uh he did the right thing he actually the kid actually called 911 told the dispatch of people entered his home and that he discharged his weapon and the cops said they when they arrived they found three
Starting point is 00:54:39 deceased male teenagers and they busted the girl driving the getaway car. Two people were in the kitchen area of the house. One appeared to have run from the home after being shot, but died in the driveway. And it's obvious what their intent was. They had weapons on them. How about this? The males were dressed in black, wearing masks and gloves,
Starting point is 00:55:01 forced their way into a glass back door. And that's where the kid encountered them with a rifle. Fucking believe me. Yeah. Unbelievable. Police with a Wagner County Sheriff's Office said today they arrested an alleged getaway driver who they identified. Again, this was last week. Elizabeth Marie Rodriguez.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Mahoney said that Rodriguez, 21-year-old girl, had turned herself into authorities after the shooting, allegedly saying that she had information about the incident. She was arrested on three counts of felony first-degree murder,
Starting point is 00:55:40 one count of first-degree burglary, even though those are her friends that got shot, first-degree burglary, and one count of second- degree burglary even though those are her friends that got shot first degree burglary and one count of second degree burglary police said the last count was because the four had allegedly gone to the same home earlier in the day and then returned gee that's not that can't that's not evidence huh they were there to fucking do her she has yet to be formally charged but again i don't see where to stand your ground how that's going to be tested and i read all the comments after the article too you know with a
Starting point is 00:56:13 bunch of people who know their guns uh and know their laws and that's the headline on yahoo news though and that's what they do to you so keep keep your eye open for that. Anyhow, that's enough for today, folks. Again, if you like the show, go to slash Nick. And subscribe, $3.99 a month. Let me say that again, $3.99 a month, two to three more shows a week. And thank you again for the huge contributions. And we had a great month, and we're starting off of the rip-roaring month in april uh where am i going what am i doing i don't even know go to to check out my tour dates
Starting point is 00:56:53 and uh the radio show on sirius again the paperwork is uh in the pipeline as we speak so i'll keep you up to date on that. Anything fucking else? Watch Gonzaga tonight. Again, I'm not a huge college hoop fans, but anytime there's a championship game, Gonzaga, North Carolina, that's a delicious one. And check out your favorite baseball teams. They're not all opening today.
Starting point is 00:57:19 I don't know why they're staggering all the fucking opening day. Just a few years ago, there'll be one game on Sunday night, right? That'll be the opening, official opening of the MLB. Now there was a three yesterday. Again, TV gets involved. Money gets involved.
Starting point is 00:57:33 They make everything fucking complicated. And again, go to Trumplicans,, and you can buy, you know, stuff, bumper stickers and all kinds of stuff. And 20% of that goes to, like I said, a good cause. that helps us, helps out vets. And also Emancipet, E-M-A-N-C-I-P-E-T dot org. All right, kids? I think that is about it.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I feel like, as always, I'm forgetting something, but I don't know what the fuck it is. Bye-bye. Hey, hey, I saved the world today And everybody's happy now The bad things gone away Have a good one, kids. guitar solo guitar solo I'm I'm I'm

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