The Nick DiPaolo Show - 195 - The Mooch is Gone

Episode Date: August 1, 2017

The Mooch is Gone...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Hello everybody, it's that time again. The Nick DiPaolo Show. How are you folks? I'm your host. White, straight, male, I'm proud of it. How about yourselves? Monday. Jesus Christ I don't like this feeling Every time Monday Comes around
Starting point is 00:00:49 Since the show started I went Oh that's why I did stand up For a living For fucking 51 years I could get up At noontime
Starting point is 00:00:56 On a Monday I still can But let's be honest There's preparation To be done There's papers To be read There's websites to jerk,
Starting point is 00:01:06 I mean, to read about. Am I right? Before I go any further, thank you to my friend Heather Graves, who has contributed to my podcast, the Nick DiPaola podcast. If you'd like to subscribe to that, you've got to slash Nick,
Starting point is 00:01:21 slash Nick, and you get a free show on Monday it's on iTunes and Riotcast and all the other places and then you get four more shows for $3.99 a month four more shows a week and again based on this show Boiled Down
Starting point is 00:01:37 and Stipes does a nice job we have him here till like 3 in the morning and we have him chained to a loom and he's in a pair of diapers and he's working his ass off but um and you can contribute on top of the 399 a month which uh heather graves did and quite genuously i might say thank you so much heather again slash nick come see me uh tomorrow night with andy fore. Andy Flowers, the one and only. My producer is sitting right next to me here.
Starting point is 00:02:07 We'll be at the Fat Black Pussycat. Go to for tickets. Listen to this show overnight at 2 a.m. in the East, 11 p.m. in the West, or on demand at any time. Go to my website, Check out my dates and follow the show live at DePauloShowSXM. And obviously, oh boy, enough plugs. I'm fucking, hit me up at Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, at Nick DePaulo. Enough already.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Will we ever get rid of that shit? Just go to Twitter and fucking find my name. At Mama Luke slash my name. At Mama Luke slash Mama Luke. At Gizzardich. Andy, you have a gizzard. I have a gizzard. What do we have? A gizzardich.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Three Italian people laughing and some beach. What's the beach in San Francisco? I forget. North Beach. Well, look at this. Trump removes Anthony Scaramucci from some beach. What's the beach in San Francisco? I forget. North Beach. Hmm. Well, look at this. Trump removes Anthony Scaramucci from communications. I walked by.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I was like Michael Corleone when he's with Kate walking down the sidewalk and walks by a newsstand and I see this headline. I grabbed the paper because I didn't know about this. I was, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:23 and I'm like, I don't say whether he's dead or alive. And then I threw the paper on the street. Scaramucci, who we were all loving because, you know, he's shooting off his mouth and talking like a, the minute you show an ounce of testosterone
Starting point is 00:03:37 in this cheeseball-driven world, you are gonzo. And Scaramucci out after 10 days we have trump and him got into it here's some audio you know i fucking hate the way you make me fucking ride you now get the fuck out of here apparently they're at a dance club bye-bye dickhead scaramucci he's doing the bandando oh my god you know who fucking said you're out of here uh i think john kelly the new white house
Starting point is 00:04:16 chief of staff who took prabis's place prabis and scaramouche hated each. It's really, as the world turns, and so it says here, it says that Mr. Scaramucci felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean, well, that's not really your call, is it, at that point? A clean slate and the ability to build his own team. Let me tell you something. John Kelly's like a four-star general, old-school discipline. Probably didn't like the filthy talk. Although, I mean, come on. You talk pretty filthy in the military. If there aren't chicks around, there could be a lawsuit or transgender or fill in the whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:55 But, um, so military guy Kelly gets in there and he's like, get this greasy, loud-mouthed Italian the fuck off my... I was hoping Scaramucciche was gonna be around i mean how long before he dropped the c-bomb on uh you know ivanka or somebody i mean there was gonna be his wife fucking left him for christ's sake last week this guy can you imagine his wife leaves him now he's jobless of course he's selling a company for 180 million and like or he already did or he's about to so not exactly laying on the sidewalk in his own poo with a coffee can never tear up one of those signs homeless guys written out a thing never you never pulled the american psycho and just went hey you smell like shit and just stabbed the guy
Starting point is 00:05:42 hey why don't you get a job? That's my favorite scene in the whole movie. Hey, Al, you smell like shit. And that's the way they should be treated. I don't like when he kills the dog, though. No, the dog bothered me. I don't like the homeless guy. I didn't even blink at that.
Starting point is 00:05:58 But killing the dog, there was no need to kill the dog. Dog did nothing to you. People said, well, the homeless guy didn't either. Well, you had to step over him that's a pain in the ass every morning anyhow well mr kelly's objection was the decisive factor in mr scaramochi's departure people close to the decision like leo darosha and joe tory what said that mr trump had quickly soured on the walk and so i'm gonna get one of our callers last week maybe even a couple said that i know one of quickly soured on the Y. And so I'm going to, one of our callers last week,
Starting point is 00:06:25 maybe even a couple said that. I know one of them, at least one of them said, hey, Trump's not going to like this guy sucking up his oxygen. And I thought they were closer than maybe they really were. But Trump had soured on the Y.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And you can guarantee that's why. Trump's like, hey man, don't be taking my spotlight. So, interesting, huh? And like I said, the wife left them. But it must be nice, huh? Must be nice. All that can happen to you and you're still worth about a couple hundred mil here and there.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I mean, my wife throws me out of my ass fucking tomorrow. What do I got? That's right. I got a 68 Volkswagen Beetle, a pellet gun. What? And he is worth a beef jerky. So John Kelly is the new White House Chief of Staff. And I wouldn't, like I said, he's a four-star general.
Starting point is 00:07:22 So don't fuck with this guy, okay? 866-969-1969 if you'd like to weigh in because we were singing the we were singing the praises of scatter mooch for the entertainment value but uh i sort of like guys like that but uh what are you gonna do trump uh boy this uh this this kelly's gonna have a hell of a job. Andy, what'd you do over the weekend? First of all, your thoughts on Scaramucci. I miss him already. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:55 We were just getting started in the fun. You really, and people are getting all nervous. Oh, because there's so many changes and we're in flux. Like, it really matters. The system is in place, folks. Don't you understand that? It's bigger than this. Read that Bilderberg group book,
Starting point is 00:08:13 The Truth About the Bilderberg. Please read that. Then it's hard to get excited about anything else. Yet I pretend to. I got to make a paycheck. Oh, I'm kidding. You know me. I get very excitable very easy.
Starting point is 00:08:22 But Scaramucci, I thought, yeah, he's like Trump. Trump's a Queens guy, kind of rough around the edges. And this is going to be a nice fit. Peanut butter and chocolate. Mm-hmm. And I'm almost having a hard time believing that's why Trump. I don't know. I know he's a bit of an egotistical.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I don't know. I think there might be something else there. I think it was more Kelly coming in and going, hey, I'm a military guy. I don't like this greasy northerner. This greasy northerner. 866-969-1969. I'd like to hear from you people how you feel about this.
Starting point is 00:08:59 If you don't care about it, I won't either. But you got to admit, the last uh what 10 12 days 14 days he revolving door i don't know maybe we should give hillary another look she seemed like she was ready to go the fact that she hasn't the fact they haven't found her hanging from a, you know, with a bed sheet tying her neck up in Chappaqua. The fact that that hasn't happened shows she has no feelings. Anybody that blows a game that big, if they had any integrity whatsoever, would put a Harry Carey. Fuck, Bill would do it for her. Open her up like a five-day-old mackerel.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Then he'd be out finger popping hoot his girls all over the east coast Nick you're selling them short 866-969-1960 everybody on vacation
Starting point is 00:09:57 pick up the phone will ya we're raising money for sick kids can't get away from that either once again watching ball games this weekend let's march out anybody who's got uh more than 11 white cells jesus christ can i watch a game without getting all teary-eyed it's bandana night oh you mean you're giving away uh like a red
Starting point is 00:10:17 sock bandana it's not anybody who's got the losing the hair because of cancer again not to make light but can you fucking let me enjoy my release from cancer and from from scaramochi and from politics and from whores please let me enjoy the ball game without mentioning chemotherapy once please i beg of you here's a couple stories that we're going to touch on tonight are you sure this thing's even hicked really i'm the paranoid shock are you sure the phone thing's working it's usually lit up by now uh here you go i wanted to touch on these later roseanne they have a new you know revival of roseanne bar show but it's going to feature get this folks gender creative nine-year-old son gender creative
Starting point is 00:11:10 there you go huh keep that indoctrination keep that hollywood horse shit coming because they make up almost one one hundredth of the population we should have a major character on a sitcom and pretend it's uh you know everyday shit and it's not so fuck off uh jamelle hill hateful little black broad from espn she's just a hate she hates whitey she always has um you know she says that the police are like slave patrol whatever that means just picture a white fella saying generalizing about you know hip-hop community whatever you think it's deliver but now she's still out there peddling that horse shit it's fun to watch espn watch those people try to pretend they don't hate white people it's it's it's
Starting point is 00:11:56 it's it's hilarious and then in minneapolis we have a mayoral candidate listen to this andy his last name's den d D-E-H-N. He believes police officers should be disarmed of sidearms, but is not opposed to allowing them to keep guns in the cars in the event that they have to retreat the weapons under duress. Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Can you fucking believe it? Can you believe it? No. Why are more people interrog stupid? Can you fucking believe it? Can you believe it?
Starting point is 00:12:25 No. Why are more people interrogating? Like me. He's a mayoral candidate. I don't know if he's getting any traction, but in Minneapolis, fuck, Al Franken did. And again, not to, uh, I like Minneapolis. It's my favorite club, the Acme. Jersey, a nice combination.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Nice combination of liberal, and we have my final story that we won't get to any of these because the phones are lighting up already but uh there's a nightclub in san francisco the owners are claiming what andy what would the owners be claiming racial bias due to live music after midnight being banned oh i'm sure the cops are doing that out of the blue i'm sure there were no incidents and no... Come on now. Come on. Come on now. So... I am disappointed about Scaramooch, though.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I thought that would be a... I thought that would be some entertainment. Him and... I look forward to him and even Trump banging heads you know and i thought that exchange and would catch him on an open mic calling each other motherless fucks and and but still being friends and stuff and and people going there's never been a relationship like this ever well bill and hillary used to verbally abuse each other but um yeah so i want to know though i i guess i guess it could be a legitimate reason
Starting point is 00:13:49 that trump was like this guy's sucking on my oxygen but i don't know i don't know but on the other hand jeff sessions is hanging on by a thread and i'm hoping he sort of drops even though i like him because giuliani's waiting in the wings. Goddamn right. Remember he was up for it initially? I'd like to know what happened. The problem with Giuliani is he might have a lot of skeletons in his club. One of them being a picture with me at Gracie Mansion on St. Patrick's Day about 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Colin brought me up there. I got a picture with my favorite politician of all time. And I never got to see it because somebody probably looked at it from his, you know, his administration. Who is this guy? We don't know. He could be selling. This guy could be a drug dealer. Never saw the picture. Very disappointed. And I saw him last year at LaGuardia Airport walking by himself with like a bodyguard, you know, five feet behind him. And I didn't have the balls to go up and just shake his hand. And I'm like, I don't want to bother him. As soon as I peeled off, eight people went up and started to take, you know, he was more
Starting point is 00:14:55 than happy to do it. And I was in the corner crying like a bitch. I am. Let's go to Blake in Arkansas. He has an interesting fact about the press secretary. Blake, your thoughts. Hey, what's up, Nick? I'm not sure how great my phone is right now.
Starting point is 00:15:12 But, hey, actually, this guy, Scaramucci, he's the shortest amount of time anybody's ever served as communications director, 10 days. He barely beat out uh the other guy 11 days back in reagan area it was jack kohler uh he was communications director for 11 days until they figured out that he had once been a part of the nazi youth program they kicked him out oh i remember that i remember and i was very disappointed that i let him go. He seemed like he had his feet grounded in. No. What was his name, Kohler? I'm Blake. No, no. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Jack Kohler. I'm sorry. Jack Kohler. I bought a, you know what, I bought a compressor from Jack Kohler. Well, you know, it wasn't, from what I understand, It was more the chief of staff that wanted this goofball out. Yeah, Mr. Kelly. Yeah, I don't know if Trump really had... He may not even have an opinion.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I honestly don't know. I know. They put it in the paper that it said that Trump soured on him quickly. And I'm like, well, do we know that for a fact? Or is that somebody injecting their horse shit left wing fucking... Yeah, yeah. that for a factor is that somebody injecting the horse shit left-wing fucking you know yeah yeah well another thing that's that I noticed today it Trump is on track as far as the king cases director goes he's on track for the highest turnover at that position it could just be because he's a
Starting point is 00:16:39 controversial character and people are having a hard time dealing with all the stuff that comes with that but I think Spicer got like 85 days. The guy behind him got 40-something, and then Spicer came on for like another 50-something until they got this Moochie guy who's been in there for 10 days. I don't know who they'll hire next, but it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of people
Starting point is 00:17:03 that really want to try to sell. I don't know if that's the right word to use. But you know what I mean. You've got a guy that's a little bit eccentric, and whichever side of the fence you're going to fall on, you can't. I mean, we have to agree that Trump's a little bit eccentric. Well, yeah. Yeah, I mean, he's different. And that's what's—thanks for the call, by the way, Blake.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Appreciate it. With all the statistics and shit. I could have looked that up, but this isn't a real show. What am I doing? I mean, if I'm Hannity and I'm fucking making, I don't know, 300 million a year. Yeah. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll look that shit up, but I'm bumped down eight o'clock. What the fuck am I going to look up that shit?
Starting point is 00:17:43 Is that public by the way? Thank you. Because somebody called on Friday and mentioned fuck? I'm not going to look up that shit. Is that public, by the way? Thank you. Because somebody called in on Friday and mentioned it. I didn't even brought it up. But, yeah, well, Trump is not a conventional president by any means. And he's eccentric on top of it. The mainstream media is, you know, they try to cover him like the first 44 presidents. They refuse to give in that this guy's just a fucking you know
Starting point is 00:18:05 just the captain of industry type you know and they try to cover him like he went to Harvard and Yale. He's not doing everything by the book and he really should because DC's been working so good the last 40 years. You know what I mean? Mix it up.
Starting point is 00:18:23 But let's go to Will in Kansas Line 1. Will, welcome to the show. Your thoughts on Scaramooch Vandando doing the Vandando. Yeah, man. Nick, love the show, man. Thank you, Will.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I just kind of wanted to share a funny story about the Scaramooch. Okay. The wife. What? I was reading those transcripts. Yeah, no, no. I was reading the transcripts and my wife was sitting there
Starting point is 00:18:51 just like in shock, dude. It was fucking hilarious. Why, because of his... The transcripts I'm talking about? You mean, yeah, yeah. When he was talking filthy, you mean. Yeah, she's like, can you believe
Starting point is 00:19:04 that we would have somebody in the White House that would talk like that? I was like, yeah. All right, you gotta go, Will. Your phone is breaking up. You might as well be on a goddamn hang glider on a fucking walkie-talkie. Yes, your wife was shocked
Starting point is 00:19:20 that a guy was talking like a guy. And I find it refreshing. You don't think Michelle Obama was like, you motherfucker, as soon as the cameras went off and they were home in the White House. You fucking half-white little bitch motherfucker. Of course she was.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Nothing wrong with it. Let it fly. They're just people. Scaramucci, though, most people wait till they get in there and they get their toes wet. This guy came in throwing haymakers. 866-969-1916. Now, I personally, in this day and age of political correctness, and again, anything that has a whiff of testosterone is shit on. whiff of testosterone is uh shit on we report it every day as far as masculinity uh all these stories on college campuses and how they're trying to tone it down and um i find it personally
Starting point is 00:20:12 refreshing but uh you know what are you gonna do uh ray in south carolina welcome to the show ray hey how are you pretty good how you doing i'm all right but i'm just trying to figure out why anybody in their right mind yeah who has a a billion monocle brains would want to actually go in there sorry thank you um would actually go ahead go into the government the president makes makes $400,000. These guys are walking in making $400 million. We can't find anybody anymore. So if you want to do something with our government,
Starting point is 00:20:56 you might as well try to put some sort of incentive involved and get these folks in there. Otherwise, a whole bunch of people are shitty. But doesn't it say, like a Scaramamucci or a trump that they don't need the money at least the president and he's 70 years old doesn't say that he's in there for the right reasons oh there's no way that trump's in there for the right reasons oh well why now why is he doing it for the money the 400k no no he's already actually given up that money yeah what's he so what's he in what do you what do you think he's in there for? Why did he want to be the president?
Starting point is 00:21:28 Because his ego is so large, and he's always tried to be something more than he was. And he actually, you know what, I voted for him. I thought he'd be great. But him firing all these people that aren't living up to his expectations, I would expect. I mean, that's what he's done. But at the end of the day, I think we're all going to find out that, really, government goes on. It just trudges on. People get paid $70,000, $80,000 a year, $140,000 a year for a senator in Congress.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah. And nobody gives a shit about what the president says. They're only doing this stuff for their local communities so they can actually get reelected. Well, and all the perks. All the perks. Like you said, the salary's nothing to brag about when you go into government. It's all the perks. Yeah, it's health care and pension.
Starting point is 00:22:21 You're right. You're right. care and pension. Yes. You're right. I mean, you know, for Trump,
Starting point is 00:22:25 it's, I just think his whole entire, you know, his whole entire life has been firing people and that's what he's doing now.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah. But, you know, he might have, he might have, a lot of those firings are probably, I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:43 he was a very successful business guy, so I'm just saying, I mean, you can a very successful business guy, so I'm just saying. I mean, you can't... The general's next. The general is going to be next. All right. There's no fucking way that this guy's going to let...
Starting point is 00:22:53 That's going to let the general, you know, order him on anything that's going out there with all of his people. So, thanks, man. All right, all right, all right. Take it easy. I don't think so. The general's... I... The one... The only people I think Trump respects is military guys.
Starting point is 00:23:10 You know? He went to military school himself, and he attributes a lot of that military training to his success. You know? The military people, most of them, are the only disciplined people left in our society, as far as I can see. Them and the Hasidic Jews, they believe in something. I told you that. I had them as neighbors in Beverly Hills. I mean that.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I used to be, I just admire, oh, they actually believe in something. They get up every day. And whereas I believe in nothing. Red Sox bullpen. I believe in nothing. Red Sox bullpen. I believe in that. Goddamn Yankees. We ought to talk about that too. Yankees are up by half.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Brett Gardner. He's got that face. I just want to... Boy, he's one of those guys, if you're not on his team, you're like the... I don't know. What's Trump doing?
Starting point is 00:24:04 He's up on TV now and he's making jokes. Look what he's doing. He's voguing like Madonna with his... What's he doing? We're going to take a break, but there's a lot of people on the line that want to comment on Scattermooch. Will you do the Vandando of Thunderbolt and Lightning? You know, I fucking hate the way you make me fucking ride you.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Now get the fuck out of here. So we'll take a break. 866-969-1969. And we'll get you a cause right after this. You're listening to The Nick DiPaolo Show on SiriusXM, Faction Talk 103. Apollo Show on Sirius XM. Faction Talk 103. You!
Starting point is 00:25:10 Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. How are you? 866-969-1969 is the phone number. Trump was talking to a bunch of cops, and he made a joke, and I didn't hear it, but I see what the, I can put it together, because I have a fucking brain. He was joking about, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:24 when you put a car, a suspect, you push in the car, you know, they always protect protect the push the head down so they don't bang he's just saying don't worry about it you know and we used to be able to laugh at something like that in this country cnn's running it look trump joking and call for police to rough off suspect oh my goodness that trumps the collusion thing, I guess. Now, the Russia collusion thing, Trump joking about roughing up. There was a time both sides would laugh at that. Even Tip O'Neill would laugh at it, but not anymore. Look at Aaron Burnett. Oh, goodness.
Starting point is 00:25:54 They have a cop on. And what the fuck happened to this country? You should bang the suspect's head off it because he's going to get let off anyways. Accidentally, you know. Watch your head and then push him upwards under the chin. Dry gulch him. That goes for all suspects.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Look at this. Not surprisingly, Trump's comments have been completely taken out of... Okay, somebody's defending him. Detective Stephanie Loomis, president of the clavin police patrolmen's association okay she's gotta she has to defend trump making a joke like that 866-969-1969 that always bugged me but caught somebody you know raping a 12 year old girl and they're putting in the cop car watch your head head. Watch it. Watch it explode. When I dry gulch it.
Starting point is 00:26:49 CNN, you are an embarrassment. Always have been. Unbelievable. Trump joking in call for police to rough up suspects. Rough and quote. You know who gets roughed up? The people that ask to get roughed up I have cop buddies
Starting point is 00:27:08 You know who gets picked on and who they rough up punks? People For the most part Which dovetails perfectly Into this story I was going to talk about About the cops in Minneapolis yeah there's a mayoral mayoral candidate in Minneapolis
Starting point is 00:27:32 he wants to disarm the cops that's a fucking good idea huh I can see why you'd want to do that unbelievable can you imagine this is a grown adult what you gonna do Unbelievable. Can you imagine? This is a grown adult. What you gonna do when you, your mother. Guy's last name is Den. D-E-H-N. Should be Duh.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Listen to this jack off. Believes officers should be disarmed of sidearms, but is not opposed to allowing them to keep guns in their cars in the event that they have to retreat to the weapons under duress. Yeah, that's helpful when you're in a dark stairwell of a project's. Oh, wait, I heard a gunshot. Let me go get my gun. He said, and this is him, and I quote, I'm not saying they don't have access to that. Just like they have access to more lethal weapons in their cars,
Starting point is 00:28:31 I would believe they would still have access to their guns in their cars. Is that what you believe, Dinkweed? Den is big on officers using other means of self-defense, like a nightstick. What was the show? I don't know if you'll remember this probably too young william what shat in his first name william tj hooker thank you very much brendan how do you know that big shatner guy what wasn't brendan uh tj i think it was tj hooker i thought there was another one he was called the blue knight assigned the opening of the show there's a suspect running down the side and he throws his nightstick and it trips him up he like gets him in the shit was that tj
Starting point is 00:29:15 hooker yeah it was wasn't it yeah i think so that's this is that's how this den guy wants cops to handle suspects. Yeah, he's big on officers using other means of self-defense like a nightstick or pepper spray. Yeah, that's going to help you. Right? Suspect pulls out a gun or a knife and you get pepper spray. Oh, it's Tabasco. Let me put away my rifle.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Here we go. Is this the opening? Look at him. He's 30. I think this is the show. Baseball field team. Yeah. That's what our democrats are shooting
Starting point is 00:30:06 our republic Adrian Zamed Adrian Zamed what the that was sexist right there the way he was looking at her at the... Okay, where's the...
Starting point is 00:30:28 You can't watch a 10-minute open. Hey, he's from Seinfeld. Dick Heard. Well, maybe it was season two. Oh, for the love of Christ. All that for nothing? Oh, come on. That was great.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Yeah, that was terrific radio somebody call and let me know what show that was i might have it maybe wasn't shat in there but there was a cop show the cop literally he's chasing a suspect and he throws his nightstick and it trips him up you're right it might be season two or something um but back to the mayoral candidate of minneapolis and i wouldn't be nervous about this, but it is Minneapolis, and Al Franken is a senator, so you have to... You really have to think twice. He says, I think as we look at how to change policing and how we get officers to not react to use their guns in situations, but learning skills around de-escalation. De-escalation.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Training. Training, I think, are important. But I liked how the police union leader, this guy Bob Kroll, he rejected Dan's proposal. He said, I don't think the people of Minneapolis are logically ready for anything like this. Who would ever do the job of policing again? It's absolutely an absurd thought and he's fucking right everyone's so fucking i don't know man why aren't more people interrogating like me how about in england the bobbies do they still carry nightsticks
Starting point is 00:31:59 even after all these uh isis massac? Have they picked up a firearm yet? But somebody running as mayor in an American city suggesting that. How do you not? You still looking for that? I'm on season three. Yeah, just Google nightstick trip. I don't know. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Chuck in Massachusetts might have the answer for us. Chuck, you know the scene I'm talking about, the opening? Yes, it is T.J. Hooker. Okay. And it is in the opening credits. Yeah. I can't read, but it is after season, it's like the middle of season one or the beginning of season two. Ah, young Heather Locklear. A more prominent character in the show.
Starting point is 00:32:46 There it is. Yes. You're right. She is. Yes. He's talking, dude. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:56 She threw the nightstick. It wasn't even Shatner. Yeah. And this is how this guy. I loved that show when I was a kid. I watched all those shows when I was a kid. Well, Heather Lockley was on it. TJ Hooker, Chips, fucking Emergency, Adam 12.
Starting point is 00:33:14 How about SWAT? SWAT team. Oh, yeah, SWAT. Oh, dude. I was still in grammar school. I had the fucking action figures, the fucking SWAT truck, everything. Hey, Chuck, how about Spencer for hire? Robert Urich.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I wasn't into Spencer for hire. Oh, yeah. I didn't get into that one. It was set in Boston, Chuck. He was a Boston detective. Oh, I know. Private eye. I know, but my mother was a Boston detective. Oh, I know. A private eye. I know, but my mother was a Tom Selleck fan.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah. So it was Magnum P.I. Okay. All right. And 95 right now, 195 just north of Boston. And traffic ain't too bad today. All right, Chuckie. Take it easy. Thank you. All right, Chucky. Take it easy.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Thank you. All right, man. Thank you for the help. Gary in Minneapolis wants to talk about the police chief. Gary. Hey, Nick. Enjoy the show. Kind of a newer listener to following it.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I think it's a funny-ass take on politics. Thank you. Put a conservative comedian in charge. So, yeah, you know, I grew up in Minneapolis. Spent a lot of my life up here. Used to be, you know, a good, reasonably blended city between left and right. In the last couple of years, it's just gotten so liberal, it's just disgusting. Nothing like watching something you love just kind of go to shit.
Starting point is 00:34:44 liberal it's just disgusting nothing like watching something you love just kind of go to shit you said the uh it says that up on the call screen you said the police chief is a fucking joke why who's well no the the mayor that wants it yeah the mayoral candidate that wants to uh you know disarm cops well no our police chief just got replaced because there was that Muslim cop that shot the lady and the police chief spoke out against the action and now Betsy Hodges, the mayor, decided that
Starting point is 00:35:16 that's not allowed. Can't speak out against the cops or when something like that happens wrong and it's disgusting. Don't want to offend the Muslim population at all or when something like that happens wrong. And, you know, it's disgusting, you know. Don't want to offend the Muslim population at all when this guy was obviously in Iran. Sorry, Gary, did they ever get to what...
Starting point is 00:35:34 I know they heard a loud bang. They heard a loud noise, and that's why the cop said his gun went off. He shoots a... Yeah, they said that somebody hit the trunk of the car. Somebody walking by slapped the trunk of the car, and that was, you know, a reason to react like that. Even though this guy's got two prior offenses in the last two years. I mean, it's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Yeah. No, it really is. And can you imagine running for mayor of the city and even having the audacity to suggest that? And this day and age is just... I don't know where we're headed, man. I would like to look at this guy's education. Thanks for the call, Gary.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I wonder what his resume is. I have a friend in Minneapolis who was a cop, who's a hero, by the way. I don't think I should, I'm not going to mention his name, but he got ambushed a couple years ago, him and his partner. Yeah. He got shot up pretty bad his partner killed the suspect and this guy's had about 20 operations on his arm and um he was a big fan of mine we still stay in touch he actually came down to my another census killing tape and and help with the uh artwork and the yeah and um just a stand-up dude, but
Starting point is 00:36:45 can you imagine in this day and age suggesting, honest to God, what, and normally you know, you hear something like that and go, that'll never catch on, but today somebody will keep this ball in the air long enough and it'll start to get traction, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:01 It's just, how do you patrol on foot dangerous neighborhoods without a gun a sidearm this guy up i want to see how he does when the mayoral when the race actually uh happens hey don't forget tomorrow night to come see me and andy fiori at the uh fat black pussy cat here in new york city go for tickets. And check out the show, this show, on demand at any time. And you can listen in the open nights, 2 a.m. in the east and 11 p.m. in the west. Let's go to Dave in Kansas City.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Dave, what's up? Hey, I'm talking to the Artie Bucco of radio here. What up, Dave? Good one. No, they say that to be a modern liberal is to believe that all cops are evil racists, but they're the only ones that should be allowed to have guns. Yeah. How do you figure?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Well, because, I mean, in the in the media right every cop is a racist and then when when something happens like uh like that thing that happened in florida oh people shouldn't have guns people shouldn't have guns only cops should have guns and then i know breath but they're racist and they're out to kill they're out to kill uh minorities and oh yeah and it seems like they only it feels like they only want to kill minorities when people in in the in the daylight when people are watching like mike brown that guy that uh that i don't even know if he's even on the surface of the earth anymore but if he was so racist and wanted to kill black people why didn't why wouldn't he have done it like in an alley in the middle of the earth anymore, but if he was so racist and wanted to kill black people,
Starting point is 00:38:45 why wouldn't he have done it, like, in an alley in the middle of the night somewhere and not in the middle of the day when everybody's watching? Yeah, no, no, they're all wet as far as that goes. And those same liberals, especially like in Hollywood, the big ones that are real anti-gun, you know, who do you think they call when mansions get broken into? And who do you think protects them? mansions get broken into? And who
Starting point is 00:39:06 do you think protects them? Oh, look at Clooney. Look at George Clooney. He's mad that the paparazzi scaled his fence, but yet he doesn't want Trump to build a fence. He doesn't want borders at all. Yeah, no, I know. It really is classic. But I just, it's one thing for
Starting point is 00:39:22 a Clooney to say it, or some Hollywood type, but for a politician that's running for mayor of an actual major city to even suggest that, I just couldn't let that go. I had to look into it. Thanks for the call, Dave. Appreciate it. One last thing, Nick. One last thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:36 How about my Royals? Your Royals are on fire. They came in and made the Sox look bad. And yes, I would keep an eye on the Kansas City Royals. That Moustakis, why the Sox didn't grab him, is beyond me. All right, Nick, thanks. Take care. That's probably the reason he called.
Starting point is 00:39:56 It had nothing to do with the gun thing. Yeah, watch out for the Royals. Sox got no offense, man. I knew we were going gonna miss Big Papi But holy moly You know Yeah I mean Mookie Betts
Starting point is 00:40:11 Was carrying him For the first half You can't expect him To do that all year And then you got guys Like Jackie Bradley Jr. They're very streaky And uh
Starting point is 00:40:19 Maybe if we arm them With guns Mama Yeah Steve says I'm a neo A neo-Nazi Steve Maybe if we arm them with guns. Mama. Yeah, Steve says I'm a neo-Nazi. Steve, welcome to the show. How are you? What's up?
Starting point is 00:40:33 Good. I called you last week. Okay. Welcome back. I'm always going to tell you. I'm always going to start. Your top four last 20 years. Funny, funny.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Thank you. I got to find out. Funny, funny. Thank you. I got to find out. Seriously, I want to know why you're a neo-Nazi. Why you're supporting the right. I don't understand. I don't understand why you... Thank you. You're so funny. I know.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Well, that should tell you something. That maybe you might be in the wrong on this one. Because you're not funny and you pull them to the left. No, I hang to the right actually but i know people that you know that steve that call uh that generated a lot of uh you know people are like uh friends of mine have the the next day we were talking about the show and they were like who is that that guy couldn't understand why you lean right in your politic everybody was talking about the show and they were like, who is that? That guy couldn't understand why you lean right in your politic. Everybody was talking about that one. I can't.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I'm picturing you as like a six year old in a three piece suit with a folding a little bit with some aqua velvet. You know, you're carrying your bubble gum in a briefcase. Yes. Dane Cook said that. Dane Cook made a fun of me at one of the rows
Starting point is 00:41:44 said I slept in a racing car Like little kids do or something Yeah Some type of shit like that He said a lot of bad stuff Meh Yeah well You know
Starting point is 00:41:53 You deserve it Yeah I do deserve it actually I'm gonna keep calling you Until you declare yourself At least an independent Okay Well I really I can't let you hang with these people
Starting point is 00:42:01 Alright Fair enough I am an independent tonight Alright Thanks Stevie Good Take care You got it Bye bye I can't let you hang with these people. All right. Fair enough. I am an independent tonight. All right. Thanks, Stevie. Good. Take care.
Starting point is 00:42:07 You got it. Bye-bye. Anyways, I love Rush Limbaugh. I love him. Steve's going crazy right now. I am an independent. Darren in Pennsylvania, your thoughts on this mayoral candidate in Minneapolis, this guy Den, who says cops should not carry a sidearm.
Starting point is 00:42:26 They can leave the guns in the cars and it'll be just fine. I mean, that's absolutely ridiculous. I mean, I've learned in my concealed carry classes that, you know, if you're ever in a position where you can't run, you know, you are absolutely cornered. You just unload that thing until that fucking gun's light. And I consider myself, you know, I refer to myself as a, as a gun tone liberal. Yeah. And, you know, I mean, I'm, I'm all for, you know, you know, safety and sensibility, you know, it's, it's all, it's all about being safe. You know, it seems,
Starting point is 00:43:02 it seems to me some of these younger guys, you know, there might be a little jumpy, but you know, you it seems to me some of these younger guys you know they're might be a little jumpy but you know you only you only hear you only hear about the the the you know the worst the worst possible scenario right you know all the time you don't hear about i mean my my uncle he's the chief of police in a in a neighboring town and in columb, where I grew up. And, you know, I have the utmost respect for, you know, the police. But you should watch this video of the police officer in London that went after those three guys with the knives, and they all just, like, they just cut him to ribbons.
Starting point is 00:43:42 He survived, but, you know, it took a while for the armed police officers to get there and save him he i mean he was almost a goner yeah and that'll just show you like what kind of position you could be in if you're not i mean i i give that that that uh london policeman all the credit in the world because he went after all three of those guys with a freaking stick right and you know i my you know, my dick would shrink and crawl inside me before I, you know, even decided to run towards something like that. So, I mean, I give the guy like that, you know, all the credit in the world. But, you know, it's all about safety and it's all about, you know, training, you know, especially as a concealed carry, you know, concealed carrier, I went through all the right training, and I took it very seriously.
Starting point is 00:44:31 And I think it's very important to know what kind of responsibility you have when you're carrying a weapon around with you. I mean, you can feel it, the weight of it on your belt. It's not like you forget that it's there. You walk around all day thinking, like, shit, i have this power but i better respect it right i mean i also i also gotta i also gotta say uh you know i i gotta apologize to you i think it was in 2010 i was at uh just for laughs in chicago and i fucking heckled you and it's been eating me alive ever since i i got you know i was drunk i felt like a piece of shit afterwards hey these things happen darren yeah you're lucky i wasn't uh
Starting point is 00:45:11 carrying i'm not as uh i'm not as i would have been my discretion now with a few in me on stages earlier but uh i'm glad you came out to see me thanks darren and thanks for the call yeah absolutely thank you bye i took a lorazepam last i have for lorazepam with my traz and it's worked nice it knocked me out and shit but i just had i want i had a joke for him uh when we're talking about the guns thing i don't know if it was a joke i had an important point to make and i let him then he went on about the london thing i got distracted and if it was a joke i had an important point to make and i let him then he went on about the london thing i got distracted and that tras lorazepam combination just knocked the i'm at this point i when i get a thought or a funny thing i have to say that that second i'm not going to remember two minutes what i'm going to tie a string around my left nut to remember a punchline. What in Christ's creation?
Starting point is 00:46:08 Oh, my goodness. Robin Long Island has an incident involving the cops. Nick, this is a perfect example of why it's not a good idea to have cops unarmed. You have to look this one up, but I know about 10, 15 years ago, two young auxiliary cops tried to intervene in an armed robbery, and they cornered, they confronted the robber on the street, and they actually had to retreat and hide behind a car, and the guy just slowly, the thug just slowly, ploddingly stalked them around the car and just shot them both in the head.
Starting point is 00:46:46 That sounds faintly familiar, vaguely familiar. How long ago was that, Rob? I believe, I know it was about 10 years ago because it was a top story. Yeah. I think it might have been in the Bronx. I'm on the phone, so I can't, you know, I'm not Googling it right now, but I know it definitely happened, and I know they were two young cops, so they might want to rethink that. Goodness.
Starting point is 00:47:10 The voters might want to rethink that Minnesota plan. Can you imagine, I mean, the guy's a candidate for mayor, but can you imagine in 2017 bringing that up and thinking you're going to get some, even in Minneapolis, as liberal as some parts of the city can be? I mean, that is the most... I thought it was a fake headline. There's your example, why not a good idea. It's cut and blue, cut and dry right there. Yeah, cut and dry, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Thanks for the call, Rob. And I'm sure there's a lot more examples like that. I thought I was like... I thought it was like a frigging onion headline or something, you know what I mean? And I'm not a gun nut, but I should have my buddy A.W.R. Hawkins. He's the one who wrote this. I've actually talked to him.
Starting point is 00:47:52 He writes for Breitbart. I think when I was on Dennis. I can't remember where I interviewed him. Anyways. That's it, kids, pretty much for this evening. A Monday. Went by pretty quick for a Monday. And, you know you're
Starting point is 00:48:05 gonna get that one out of the way come see me and andy fiori tomorrow night the fat black pussycat go to for tickets and uh again catch this show anytime on demand or 2 a.m in the middle of the night on the east or 11 p.m in the west and uh hit me up on uh twitter instagram and facebook at nick de pal. Please do that. And tomorrow night, we'll talk more about guns. ESPN's Jameel Hill. She doesn't like the police, and I'll tell you why. That ought to be a beauty.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Talk to you guys tomorrow evening. Take care of yourselves. Hey, I saved the world today. And everybody's happy now. The bad things gone away. And everybody's happy now. The good things here stay.

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