The Nick DiPaolo Show - 215 - FBI Lost Texts

Episode Date: January 23, 2018

FBI Lost Texts...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Nick DiPaolo on the Riotcast Network, Oh, yeah. It's Monday again. Every goddamn day is Monday. Once you hit the age of 30. Before 30, every day is Saturday night. Even during the day. You know what I'm saying? I get pulled over for drinking, driving on a Tuesday morning.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Now that was living. Now I don't leave my house on the weekends. We did that show Friday night for my house. Went up the stairs. I laid on the couch. My wife woke me up this morning and said, you gotta go to work tonight. It's a very comfortable couch. Very fucking angry wife killer god how you
Starting point is 00:01:09 doing folks all right i'll tell you that shutdown that government shutdown i lost two relatives uh a pet i guess a couple filipinos died what a nightmare that fucking government shutdown i'll tell you it affected everybody's lives what a crock of poopoo huh chuck schumer gave in because he's a fucking mama luke let's put illegal aliens ahead of fucking tax paying real citizens good idea chuck nice going you taking lessons from leather nipples pelosi are you you bigink. What happened to my screen? Don't fuck with that. Alright? Enough of the distractions. 866-969-1969 Just walked by
Starting point is 00:01:50 a friend's studio. Dean Abdallah. It's close enough. Again, he's a Palestinian slash Sicilian far left radio show host who I like. He thinks he's a comedian. But this is how i know we're winning
Starting point is 00:02:05 i walked by and i banged on the window and he looked at me and gave me the finger usually he points at me and laughs and shit but he knows he's the left is getting their ass handed to him he just gave me the bird he knew all the shit that came out this weekend can we get that article i'd really like to leave with his plumber onumbo on it? Yeah. About the text messages and on Strzok's phone. Remember he was having an affair with that Lisa Page broad and they were bad mouthing Trump. Well, there's some texts where she actually says, they're talking about Loretta Lynch and meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac. And she actually, he says bad timing. She's like awful time, especially since she knows that um clinton's not going to be
Starting point is 00:02:45 charged i'm paraphrasing because i don't have the article in front can you imagine but listen to this then the fbi or the department of justice says uh we don't have a bunch of messages from december of 2016 to may of 2017 for for whatever they changed their program just they gave these shit excuses that they lost thousand five months worth of emails right up to may 17th and you guys asked me what may 17th was the day mueller took over the fucking investigation yes really so it's hilarious that's why dean abudella gave me the finger i'm sure again i meant to bring the article and i read it this morning after five cups of coffee. I think Palumbo.
Starting point is 00:03:26 We have Palumbo back in the house, too. 866-969-1969. 866-969-1969. Thank you, Joe Lulik, for contributing to the Nick DiPaolo podcast. If you want to subscribe to the podcast, go to slash Nick. slash Nick. $3.99 a month.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Five shows a week. Free one on Monday. It's on iTunes,, Stitcher, all that stuff. If you don't have Sirius Radio. People still signing up and they contribute financially
Starting point is 00:04:01 on top of it. And if people have a problem with that out there, you can kiss my grits. I don't have any money. I've been doing stand-up my whole life. Although Monique, apparently. I'll get to her in a few minutes. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Imagine her whining, half million. And I like her. I met her at Caroline's. I walked into Caroline's like 13 years ago one night. I didn't even know who she was. I'm watching her, and I'm belly laughing. Go, this broad's fine. Hey, you know what? And she knew who I was, and she... But that doesn't
Starting point is 00:04:29 change her stupid argument. So I'll tear her a new one in a few minutes. Uh, yeah, so thank you, Joel Lulik, for the contribution to the podcast. Nice. The podcast is based on this show, folks. We boil down two hours into an hour. Sort of like a nice, you know, you get the best. Thank you, Palumbo.
Starting point is 00:04:48 That's Christina Palumbo. She's from the Bensonhurst area. Just found out she was divorced. I heard it on Twitter. By the way, I get suspended. My temporary suspension, you know, you sign right back up. when I tweeted out Barbra Streisand die
Starting point is 00:05:08 Can you sleep you liberal twat apparently you can't say stuff like that, but I'm sure if I said die and you sleep Barbara Bachman fucking conservative senator from whatever ex-senator I'm sure I would have get kicked off to right. Do you want me to believe that you left this fucking goo gobbler fucking cum stains fucking twitter eat my ass hope you're listening somebody send this to them you fuck stains i used to get 100 and something followers you know a week without even trying i wouldn't even tweet anything no activity now i could be on there you know tweeting 11 hours a day which i don't but I'm just saying it takes me a month to get fucking 50 followers at Nick DiPaolo by the way
Starting point is 00:05:51 D-I-P-A-O-L-O but what a fucking that is so much bullshit they're so biased and the people who run that shit you got a problem with that really telling barbara stice in a diner slate meanwhile i can go on there and get a recipe how to make a pipe bomb in six minutes and how to fuck kids at the same time well that's facebook i'm sorry they're all the same high-tech leftist goo gobblers think they run the world get off of facebook and that goes for my mother, my sisters, and everybody. Shut that fucker down.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Whole study about kids being depressed on it and shit. People get, this is how people with such children, people get envious of their friends when they see pictures of them. There's a study, a whole thing, I did a bit about it. They get depressed and shit after looking at their friends' feet, you know, their pictures and they literally get depressed. So I told them, go to my thing. Look at the pictures of me on vacation. Want to get happy? Me and the wife sitting back to back on a cloudy day. It's raining on the beach. She's crying.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Another picture of me giving her a finger as she's buying an $11 candle and a souvenir shop. You can laugh into the mic. It helps the fucking show, Andy. Jesus Christ. Are you new to fucking radio? Palumbo? What? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:19 You fucking kill me. The phone's on. I feel like work tonight. Tell those pricks to call in. 866-969-1969. This just handed to me. Jeff Zucker's CNN accused of worst female representation when it comes to on-air hosts. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Maybe he has good taste. Is it possible that men might be better at that network than women hosting show i see brooke baldwin brought up she's the one that didn't know how senators and and congressman term limits she didn't know that they had to run again do you remember that i'm just saying far be it for me to defend zucker fucking big lib um he wants the espn job yeah that'll help espn it's not liberal enough jesus h christ erin burnett they mentioned but you know what i normally i would try to defend zucker but they might have a point because look who the male guys are we got the go gobbler with the nice white hair.
Starting point is 00:08:25 What's his name? Anderson Cooper. Is that his first name? He's got two last names. I can never get it straight. Cooper Anderson, I call him. And then you got, you know who, Don Lemon, another gobbler of goo, who's just fucking lost his mind. Just calling the president all kinds of names, and yet he stays on the air.
Starting point is 00:08:45 lost his mind just calling the president all kinds of names and yet he stays on the air so um the fact that cnn has the world's female representation the worst female representation is especially condemning considering the profound mediocrity they are willing to accept from male contributors teen vogue see now this woman for vogue says that but she's she's bad mouthing don lemon then for a different reason than I am. Bull Don, Baldwin and Burnett. Why don't you try hiring some broads that don't bring in with a letter B? That might help you out. The only three women with regular shows on
Starting point is 00:09:18 CNN between 4 a.m. and midnight east and time. Once again, the big libs fucking do as I say say not as I do Screaming about Fucking equality gender equality And Find more broads in the Celtics fucking locker room
Starting point is 00:09:34 After the game Why the Celtics I don't know what I'm doing I don't know how to make a radio show I watched that again by the way It's been about four years, five years. What? That long?
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yes, because I was old enough when it came out in the theaters. I've seen it a hundred times more than you, Fiore. Let me ask you a
Starting point is 00:09:54 question. Did you ever notice this? I never noticed this. By the way, 866-969-1969. If you want to call in and get me on
Starting point is 00:10:01 track, I'm fucking like a drunk driver out here, swerving from lane to lane. Did you ever notice there's a scene, I don't know, it's at the beginning, they show them and they're eating sausages, and in the background they're opening a box and taking sweaters out of it. I bet you didn't notice this either.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Why it jumped out at me the other night is beyond me. They were opening a sweater. Yellow sweaters? Yes. Yeah. Never noticed it. It's part of his uh yeah i think they give them one don't they no they don't but here's what they do you see him in the background opening the sweaters and then they're all and then they cut to somebody going outside and as
Starting point is 00:10:35 they're walking down the side there's three guys sitting there yeah i never ever picked up on that i don't know how i pride myself for not missing shit like that. The yellow sweater thing. Anybody go to the Women's March? I know a lot of guys that go there, but you know,
Starting point is 00:10:54 oh, you can meet girls, but there's nobody above a six at a Women's March. They're all, they're titless wonders. They all have five o'clock shadows.
Starting point is 00:11:00 They never get laid in their fucking lives. Just miserable, ugly bitches. That's why they're at the march. Hoping to meet other lesbians. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:11:11 Who's with me? We hate Donald Trump! I'm going to knit myself a pussy hat and go to one of those things undercover. Wearing pussy hats. That's why we don't take you seriously. You have a snatch on your head. I want to get the snatch hats.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I'm going to make a new version. It's a big, it's like an Afro, but you can see the snatch a little bit through the, don't just put a pink hat. Anybody with me out there? The radio's on. Hello, everybody. California, how are you? Have you left the union yet?
Starting point is 00:11:49 So, Jeff Sucker, sexist. Anyway, about Twitter. Suspending my account. Anybody else out there lean right in your tweets and feeling the pressure? From the Jaguars? Yeah, I used to add 100 followers without even blinking. You know, just existing.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Now it's, uh... And I told you, I text... I did a, you know, a direct message to Milo a year and a half ago. Saying, are they fucking with me? Of course he... Not prominent enough a voice to be fucked with you know i mean so anyways i'll get to the uh i'll get to the second coming of
Starting point is 00:12:37 jesus that would be tom brady by the way for you patriot haters out there oh it's a big conspiracy another thing this just breaking palumbo Oh, it's a big conspiracy. Another thing. This just breaking. Palumbo comes in. Just breaking from Italy. FBI failed to preserve five months of text messages between anti-Trump FBI agents. I know. This is the story.
Starting point is 00:13:00 She already gave it to me. We have it. Okay, which one is from the Post? you guys aren't helping me here neither one is he says the new york post that's all right more evidence that the democrats are the ones colluding and full of shit and the fbi's crooked text messages from december of 2016 to May Of 2017 Missing Missing In May 70th the day
Starting point is 00:13:29 Mueller took off That doesn't Smell like a dirty box does it? Raise your hook hand if you're with me What a fucking bad job I'll read this article Doesn't matter I read it in the post this morning. I do most of my reading and thinking on the toilet. I like how they put the Federal Bureau of Investigation. You mean the FBI? Can you put that in the fucking article? You have to type
Starting point is 00:13:59 it out, you fucking cum stain. Why do you have to use that language nick because it's satellite radio you don't like it take a hard left into a ditch and go through your own windshield um the federal bureau of investigation has lost about five months worth of text messages between two staffers on probes into former secretary thick-ankled dog face hillary clinton's emails impossible collusion between russia and and Donald Trump's 2016 campaign election, according to Republican lawmakers. Wisconsin Senator Ronnie Johnson revealed in a January 20 letter
Starting point is 00:14:36 the FBI's technical system failed to preserve texts that were exchanged between Lisa Page, she's the one that Strzok was having an affair with, a lawyer, and Peter Strzok, an agent between mid-December 2016 through May 2017. They lost those five months worth of debt. Huh? Anybody with me? A sp- Where was I? A spokesman for the FBI and a spokeswoman for the Justice Department
Starting point is 00:15:08 declined to comment. Oh, why is that? Congressional Republicans have been focusing on Strzok and Page in recent weeks after learning the two had exchanged anti-Trump messages on their work-issued cell phones. But I want to find the damning thing that she said about Loretta Lynch. Of course, it's not going to be this article, and I'm going to fucking explode right now.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Is this an old? I don't know what you guys handed me. This is not the fucking one I was looking for. Anyway, she says to Strzok about Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton meeting. Bad timing. She goes,
Starting point is 00:15:51 especially since she knows that Hillary wasn't going to be charged. I don't know what she handed me. That is not the New York Post article. Maybe this one is. But seriously, people who vote Democrat,
Starting point is 00:16:09 how much more fucking evidence do you need to know? You're full of shit. These are old. Palumbo, come on now. Are you pulling a lib thing on me? No, I'm not pulling a lib thing on you. Come on! For some reason, we're looking for this exact article online.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It was in a fucking post. And it's not popping up, and I'm doing everything I can to find it, and so is Brenda. We have two people on this, and it's not popping up. It makes me worry. I know. Tell me about it. You and me both. We're working on it, though.
Starting point is 00:16:41 No, it's probably here. I just haven't read all the way through. I want the exact quote again these are old quotes f trump and all that shit that's not what i'm talking about they're talking about loretta lynch meeting with bill clinton on the tarmac and he says awful timing she's like i, I know, especially since she knows that Hillary's going to be cleared or whatever. I'm paraphrasing. It was in the goddamn
Starting point is 00:17:08 New York Post today, fellas, folks. What do they do, burn that? What do they bleach bit it when they're done? Uh. Let me see if I can fire this song for the women marches. I know they have something on here. That they would find smashing.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Say something, will you, Fiore, while I'm looking for this? Okay. I can produce it. I'm trying to find it myself. What happened to my song? Oh, here it is. One of my favorites. Hope it's not too loud.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Goes out to Jane Fonda. And the five guys that went out to the march to try to meet these skanks. What were they protesting? Palumbo, do you know? Oh, I cut myself off. I'm going to yell at you for that. What were they protesting? You know, same old stuff. No, it was about Trump being in for years.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I guess so. Is that what it was? I was in Mexico for a week, if I'm being honest. Were you really? Yeah. They were protesting down there. All the women down there were protesting.
Starting point is 00:18:30 They're all in black eyes. I turned off all my electronics for a week, so I'm really not up to speed on what the women were marching about this time. But as a woman. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Go ahead, girls. Yeah, go ahead, girls. What do you want, girls? A couple of them were blaming Trump for their yeast infections. I saw those signs, but that's... Well, you know, go ahead, girls. What do you want, girls? A couple of them were blaming Trump for their yeast infections. I saw those signs, but that's... Well, you know, those are a bitch. Yeah, especially if you go to the beach, as Bobby Slayton said.
Starting point is 00:18:52 My wife's pussy turned into a donut shop. He might be the greatest troll ever. Beautiful weather all over our great country. A perfect day for all women to march. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 lowest female
Starting point is 00:19:10 employment in 18 that's not trolling that's fact well that is tro but it's fact he is the he's my favorite he's my favorite do you understand i'll say it right here he is my favorite who's on Mount Rushmore? Can somebody tell me? I'm pulling one of them down and putting him up there. Get Roosevelt off there. Yeah. Which one?
Starting point is 00:19:33 Teddy? Yeah. I like Teddy. Teddy was a fucking man's man. He hunted and shit. Jefferson, Lincoln, and Washington. I can't touch Jefferson. On board Georgie.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Yeah, George. He was number one. He was number one. And Jefferson, nobody was more at liberty more touch Jefferson. On board Georgie. Yeah, George. He was number one. He was number one. And Jefferson, nobody was liberty more than Jefferson. Lincoln, I don't know. He made some, well, I don't have to agree with everything he did. Maybe you do. What do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:19:55 Ah, fucking figure it out. No, I'm kidding. He was probably the best. And they said he's gay. That's another thing. I heard it on the Food Network. Have you watched the food network You can't watch it and not turn gay
Starting point is 00:20:07 I'm writing a whole bit on it It's why I haven't written a bit in months that's it Wait till this chunk comes out if this doesn't Get me kicked out of the goddamn business What talk Why would you hold that in You have the fucking right to talk, man. You had a fucking audition for the Food Network.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Now, how long did you have to blow the guy? That, huh? I've never seen an over-representation of gay people like the Food Network. I've never in my life. And I'll prove it with a sketch pad and paper. 866-969-1969 let's go to the goddamn phones uh dan and arizona get banned on twitter facebook story why dan why'd they kick you off twitter well how you doing nick pretty good how are you oh not Nick? Pretty good. How are you? Not too bad. Well, I actually got banned during the explosion of the Me Too movement.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I posted a picture of a little girl, probably two or three years old, maybe four, and dressed up in Arab dress, holding the Quran, says hashtag me too. Okay. Not sure I get the message, but I've had 10 gin and tonics. How did that, what was, what am I missing there? Because going back, the prophet Muhammad. Oh, yes! He married like a six-year-old, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:21:50 It was said to be nine. I don't want to split pubic hairs, but yeah, okay. Yeah, I mean, I was in the U.S. Army, and they make you kind of learn some of this stuff, but you try to, you know, cultural appropriations and everything. So that got you booted? 30 days. 30 days.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I got like 10 minutes. I had to fill out some sheets or whatever and get back on. Although maybe I was off it forever. I didn't check it for like a week, so who knows. But, yeah, that's a good one. Good good one danny let him have it with both barrels yeah you know i tried uh this uh pc world is uh is killing us yes meanwhile somebody you know how much hate can you find about trump online whether it's Twitter, Facebook, I mean, just outright, literally, hey, and we'll let that fly.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Think about it. A liberal can sit there and call him orange and fat, but you fat-shame Amy Schumer, and you're a bigot and a sexist and a racist and every other pissed under the sun. Why? Who's been called that
Starting point is 00:23:05 for making fun of Amy Schumer? I don't know. I'm just saying. Somebody, you know... I think you can get away with that. I don't think they'd boot you for saying that about Amy. Well, no, but I mean...
Starting point is 00:23:16 I know what you mean. It's a double standard. Absolutely. Yeah, the double standard is definitely out there. Yes. She was at the first thing that popped up to mind just because I don't like her Uncle Chuck. I know.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Today in the paper it said Cousin Chuck, so I don't understand. It can't be a cousin. There's too much of an age difference there, right? But I want Amy on here. I know Amy. Fiora, you know her. She's actually, you'd like her. She can come here.
Starting point is 00:23:42 We don't have to talk politics. We'll just wrestle. She's actually, you'd like her. She can come in. We don't have to talk politics. We'll just wrestle. And another thing that's happened in the state of Arizona is they denied my license plate. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Now, what did that say? What did the plate say? It broke down to hate ISIS. H, the number, or excuse me, yeah. The letter H. The number H, ISIS. Yeah, and they wouldn't let you have that. They said it was demeaning a class of person. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:24:15 People will lock people's heads off and fuck kids? They're people. Yeah, apparently. So they got an appeal coming, and apparently I've got to go sit in front of the director. I love it. So you get kicked off a few social medias. They want to have you play. I love it.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Dan, keep calling the show. We need more people like you in Congress. You know what? If I didn't hate politicians, I'd probably be one myself. But knowing me, I'd probably just show up in my civilian gear. I wouldn't wear a suit and tie. I wouldn't shave. I would love to see that.
Starting point is 00:24:52 You on the Senate floor on a tank top, fucking flip-flops. I totally would. Just messy hair. What branch of the military were you in, Dan? I was United States Army infantry. All right, buddy. Well, thank you for your service, and I'm glad you're giving them hell still. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:11 You know, I will not stand back and let somebody's feelings run this country. Thank you. I think you're too late, though. No, no, never too late. Never too late is right, Danny. All right, thanks for the call, buddy. Great show, man. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Thank you. Real quick, Bob in Maryland. Bobby boy. Bob? Hey, yeah, I'm here. How you doing, Bob? What's it like in Maryland? It's very blue.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah, it's nice. Not where I live, but there's people with Trump signs and stuff like that. Oh, you live on that street, huh? Yeah. Well, actually, we had neighbors over for the first time yesterday, and they said they stopped watching the NFL because of kneeling. And a big hush fell over. Glad to get quiet quiet we did not engage
Starting point is 00:26:07 on that topic oh I see went on to the next topic okay you have a question? I used to listen to Jay Thomas' show and I'm a big fan
Starting point is 00:26:17 of Christina's how long has she been working there? on and on we had her for a few months and then they moved her to another show and she's back now because she's very valuable and they want We had her for a few months, and then they moved her to another show, and she's back now, because she's very valuable, and they want to give her hours. I know what you're going to say, she's liberal and I'm not, and how do we get along? Smashingly.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yep. Yep. We get along fine, because she's mature enough, and I'm mature enough to put politics aside, and that, and I threatened her after the show on that. I said, any more of that shit leaks on the air, I'll get you in a chokehold. Hashtag me too. Sounds good. Hey, did you ever think about if you're looking for an article to look for it before the show? Instead of yell at your staff for not finding it on the spot? Yeah, I've actually thought of that and then decided against it. Because it's more entertaining when I don't know what I'm doing, Bob.
Starting point is 00:27:02 All right. There you go. Okay, now go get somebody else advice. Go! Fuck. You should know. Smug. That's Maryland for you.
Starting point is 00:27:19 One call from Maryland. Fucking smug. Glib. Don't get it, do you? I'm not doing the fucking Hannity show here, dummy. Or the fucking evening news. It's a comic with a radio. Do whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Come in unprepared. Come in prepared. Still be more entertaining than the other fucking shows. Get it? Live it. Breathe it. Eat it. 866-969-1969. Now, when I come going to talk about tom brady and the patriots breaking your hearts once again jim nance you're listening to the nick dipalo show
Starting point is 00:27:57 on faction talk sirius xm 103 M103 Turned on some music to start my day. And I lost myself in a familiar song. I closed my eyes and I slipped away. The Nick DiPaolo Show returns now. Final segment on a Monday. We've got to get the Monday out of the way. Before you get to the real painful one, Tuesday. Tuesday's just nowhere, man. At least Monday's the beginning.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Well, short week. Huh? Short this. You can look at it as a short week or a long week, because come Friday, I gotta do comedy on Saturday. So my real day off is Sunday. Looks like a long week to me. You'll have fun. Comedy's fun, yeah. Comedy's fun.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Oh, yeah. Fucking hanging out in a hotel in fucking Saratoga Springs. Doing a gig that's going to fucking dissipate into the night air and nobody remembers it four seconds after. Go the track. Track this. I'm going to go to the Shrine of I'm gonna go to the Shrine of Sin And steal a bunch of blankets I want a fez
Starting point is 00:29:52 Give me a fez I know That's right The shrine is Where are those fezes Stick to that Look I know
Starting point is 00:29:59 I think football helmets Should be shaped like that Cut down on concussions. Don't lead with the fez. Yeah, no, exactly. Helmet to helmet contact. I don't mind that when it happens in the shower after the game. Am I right, fellas?
Starting point is 00:30:16 Brendan just goes like this. For the love of Pete. So the FBI says they lost five months of text messages between that Peter Strzok guy and his mistress, Lisa Page. Imagine, they have five months worth
Starting point is 00:30:32 and right up to May 17th, that's when they started to find them again. And that's when Bob Mueller, am I wrong? I don't know. I mean, and meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:30:43 we look at the Adams Apple on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow. She's literally saying a member of the president's family was being targeted by a Chinese influence operator. That's what she's talking about tonight.
Starting point is 00:30:53 How irrelevant, how silly, miss, I went to Oxford. Again, I'm jealous of her. She has my exact hair from about 25 years ago.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I told you, the lesbians like the hair that I had back in the day. Brenton's freaking out. For the love of Pete. Let's go to Mark. He has a few things to say, and he's got them all lined up beautifully. Hi, Mark. Mark.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yes, hello? Yes, you're on, sir. Yes, I'm Heineken. Oh! Mark from OVN, the Polish guy. Yes, sir. Well, you know, I'm a hockey fan, and I already watch football when I'm Polish,
Starting point is 00:31:37 so it was an awesome game. I really saw what you're saying about Brady, and this guy can already play the freaking great game. Plus, what he did, those passes and these Jaguars, he forced them into automatic interceptions. I mean, nobody can see it, but I'm even Polish, I can see those things. I'm not as smart as two on the shelf, you know? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And they played him like a professional, being the little boys that's pretty much all i can put it but and uh second thing about schumer and the government shutdown i mean now we can really tell like you said that democrats choose the illegals and anything but americans and even and and especially the military you know military guys now they're serving overseas right for the projects right but you But don't forget those immigrants. The future voters for the freaking Democrats. And now the true colors came out just perfectly.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Because I went to work this morning and all those guys, like most of my colleagues are, you know, it's New York State, you know, they are like you know, the communist kind of Democrat piece of shit. But they're good people. And they were like, what are they going to do?
Starting point is 00:32:48 How are they going to pay those soldiers? Oh, my God. Trump shut down everything. That's not the Trump. It's the freaking Senate. Right. And the Democrats pulled this out. And your favorite guy, Mr. Schumer.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And that's pretty much it. I mean, it's time to really... People, like you said, people opening their eyes. Everybody's seeing what's pretty much it. I mean, it's time to really, people, you know, like you said, people opening their eyes, everybody's seeing what's really going on. I hope so. I hope so. Well, no, people are really,
Starting point is 00:33:16 you know what, I'm seeing the sun, you know, I've seen the sun change like the morning, you can see the sun coming out. That's what it is. Well, you know what, you have a better perspective than we do because you came from communist poland and you probably do have a better feel for what the average american out there is feeling i physically emotionally i
Starting point is 00:33:34 experience all this socialism nonsense right straight to explain to people and they start they start to understand you know today is today but tomorrow imagine i always think that people I always tell the people, look at your kids, look at the future, your grandchildren, what they're going to live in. It's going to be a shithole. And if we as the people right now, as the adults, as we are, if we're not going to secure the future for our children and grandchildren, then who will? Nobody. We're going to be a failure. grandchildren then who will nobody well so it's up to us to really make this country good and keep it going because it's the only place on earth which really is worth living to be honest yeah well those kids those kids mothers were out marching on sunday because
Starting point is 00:34:18 that's just the sight of those ugly fucking lonely cunts which nobody wants to fuck. Plus the carpet munchers, most of them. I've seen them in Albany. I was driving by in Albany. There was a protest over there. There was the most bunch of ugly fucking women anybody can combine in one. I was thinking maybe just nuke the fucking thing or drop a bomb and eliminate them once. I mean, it's of
Starting point is 00:34:45 course as a figure of speech, as a joke. Yes. But, you know, I mean, they're all whining about nothing.
Starting point is 00:34:53 It's America. If you're competitive, if you're smart enough, you can succeed, you can have a great life. If you're a loser,
Starting point is 00:34:59 you're going to whine and cry like Democrats. You're always going to get bread. It really is. It's that black and white to me.
Starting point is 00:35:04 It really is. Hey, thanks for the call, Mark, and I'll see you this weekend. Thank you, Nick. Great show. I'll see you on Friday. I'll see you this weekend. Thank you. You got it. Got him. We corrupted his mind. Turned him into a...
Starting point is 00:35:24 Excuse me. I'm a big fan of doxycycline. That's a good antibiotic. I think I need it. Peori's got it. Got some back up in the nostrils, into the ears. My chest. But, yeah, I didn't even know what those... I to this day i don't know what that women's march
Starting point is 00:35:48 was about exactly specifically they pissed because trump's been in office a year was that the gist of it and and i saw something about uh a lot of it said a lot of white women get shouted down at the mark how fucking retarded those would be pro-life women, I'm guessing. But, you know. Let's go to Joey, North Jersey. Joey, what's up? What's up, Nick?
Starting point is 00:36:14 What's happening? Nothing, bud. Listen, you know, you kind of sound like you kind of sound like the Red Sox fans when they complain about the Yankees when you're defending the Patriots. How do I sound like...
Starting point is 00:36:29 I'm not getting that analogy. How does a... I sound like a Red Sox... Because the Red Sox fans are always complaining about the Yankee dynasty. I'm not complaining about... So what dynasty am I complaining about? I'm defending the... No, you're doing exactly what the Yankee fans say.
Starting point is 00:36:45 You're saying about the Patriots. Yeah, the truth is the fucking truth. Like, you guys, everybody likes to say the Yankees buy those teams, but they have to fucking play the games and win to be champions. No, I... Okay, but your analogy makes no sense. I'm defending the Patriots dynasty. You're acting like a Yankee fan. No, but you say... But you initially said're acting like a Yankees fan.
Starting point is 00:37:05 No, but you initially said I sound like a Red Sox fan who's whining about the Yankees. No, no, no. I'm just saying that as a Red Sox fan, I might have misspoke a little bit. But you're the same guy probably complaining about the Yankees dynasty. No, but you guys do buy a lot of your fucking flags. That's what he wanted. Here's the difference, Joe. But in the NFL, seriously, in today's free agency where players change,
Starting point is 00:37:35 nobody else is doing what the Pats are doing. You know what I mean? The Yankees dynasty, all those guys were far away. You bought your buttons. Come on. You guys had the highest payroll bought your buttons. Come on. Please. Come on. You guys had the highest payroll for 100 years.
Starting point is 00:37:49 After 2003. 100 years. After they won four. Won four? Yeah. Time out. Why do you get all cunty when I talk sports with you? Because we're rivals. You got how many flags?
Starting point is 00:37:59 28? You won most of them before free agency, you dumb fuck. That's what I'm saying. I don't think so. It's about even. There's what I'm saying. I don't think so. Whatever. There's the hater coming out. That's all you wanted.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Yeah, whatever. What the fucking Patriots have done is more impressive. Anyways. Get the fuck out of here. Oh, you got to go back to 1911 to fucking justify your flags. We've been doing this shit the last 20 years. You want to talk ancient history, Joe? Come on. We've won a quarter
Starting point is 00:38:27 of the World Series. Oh, come on, Joe. What are you talking about? Come on, dog. A dog? He's got a point there, they wonder. Let me tell you,
Starting point is 00:38:36 Lou Gehrig's disease, that's all I got to say. Have a great night, buddy. All right, Joey. See ya. I fucking, let me tell you something. Nobody enjoys the Yankee socks more.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I was in the bleachers when Reggie Jackson got called in by Billy Martin. I was sitting in the, I saw it. I saw the fight. I go to my buddy, look in there. I saw him. I was in the bleachers in right field. I watched Reggie jog in, and I saw that shit start. I watched him jog all the way in, And I watched Billy Martin go after him.
Starting point is 00:39:06 And I was there one night in the bleachers again when all hell broke loose. A guy stole a Goulden's mustard. Those big jugs of mustard. Running with no shirt on. Cops are chasing him. And about ten minutes after the fight broke out, like ten Yankees fans. Like, everybody threw beers at this one. There was ten Yankees.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I think the Yanks were killing the Sox that night. And, like, there was ten Yankees fans, like everybody threw beers at this one. There's 10 Yankees, I think the Yanks were killing the Sox that night. And like there's 10 Yankees fans and they had their shirts off and all of a sudden everybody decided to
Starting point is 00:39:30 throw beers at them and fucking next thing you know, hey makers of beer. I, and then I, I was watching the game when Fisk and
Starting point is 00:39:37 Munson, when Fisk and you know who crashed and Mickey Rivers was running around sucker punching people in the back of their head and nettles and
Starting point is 00:39:43 and Billy gets his arm torn out of the socket. Nobody. I literally get sexually aroused when it's a... Even now. And I hope the Yankees keep buying their flags. I mean, getting all this talent. Look how he gets all serious. What?
Starting point is 00:40:00 He's like Joe List. They get more serious about comedy than actually I mean about sports and anything else They're homegrown again bro Who's homegrown again? The Yanks are homegrown again Okay this year It's gotta start over
Starting point is 00:40:14 The core four Yeah I know They developed these kids for years Now they're finally big league ready Where do you think we got our fucking guys? Yeah well You got fucking swept by Houston No we didn't We won one game This year I think we got our fucking guys. Yeah, well, you got fucking swept by Houston.
Starting point is 00:40:26 No, we didn't. We won one game this year. We won one game. Do you want to talk about, oh, we're going to talk about this year? Oh, that fucking, you guys have had the highest payroll forever than the Dodgers. Oh, you're right with us, please. Well, the last couple of years we had to catch up, yeah. Please.
Starting point is 00:40:48 P.U. Anyways, I don't want to talk sports in the show no more. Fucking anybody can do this. Let's go to Ted. He wants to talk about the Yankees. Diane is a male? I'm not believing that, Diane. You're on delay.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I can't hear you, Diane. Hello? Yeah, go ahead, Diane. Yes, I just want to tell you, Mr. Paul, to stay out of our rooms. I'm a lesbian. I am deeply offended. Not for real. You fucking rule, man. Keep up what you're doing. I love the show. I am deeply offended. Not for real. You fucking rule, man.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Keep up what you're doing. I love the show. Have a good night. All right. Take it easy, Diane. Really? Some nights. It's fucking work.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Don't you liberal faggots have anything to say to me About Chuck Schumer Sucking his own balls Huh Nobody calling in Want to debate Your horseshit politics Defending illegals State of California
Starting point is 00:41:57 FBI lying about Tax about collusion You're filthy Rotten I'm getting to the point Where I'm not going to hang out with people who vote Democrat. It's getting to be that black and white.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I used to never put politics, but it's now more than just politics. It's about your values and your fucking twisted... I smoked four cigarettes before noontime. And I went nine days After New Year's
Starting point is 00:42:27 Nine days without one And had two On vacation What are you going back for? I don't know It feels good You get nine days You might as well just continue
Starting point is 00:42:36 Oh yeah Why do you have another slice of pizza Why don't you just walk by Out of trouble pizza If my wife didn't buy them And bring them into the fucking house, I wouldn't be smoking. Yeah. I've never bought a pack in my life. How about that?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Really? A leech. Escatel. I used to fucking bum them off. 866-969-1969. If you're still dumb enough to vote Democrat, give me a call. Let's go to Brian in California. Brian.
Starting point is 00:43:09 What up, Brian? Hey, what's up, man? Oh, you know, just kicking it old school, yo. What's that? What's that? When you ask somebody how they're doing, let them answer before you start talking. Go ahead, Brian. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Doing well. I have a question for you start talking. Go ahead, Bri. Sorry. Doing well. A question for you. Yes. Skip Thomas, George Atkinson, Jack Tatum, what about him? Best
Starting point is 00:43:40 backfield of all time. I absolutely loved all of them. You know, I forgot to bring this point up the other night, and my brother texted me right after on Friday night, I think at home, when somebody called up and was complaining about the tuck rule.
Starting point is 00:43:55 It was the Raiders fan, and I don't think it was you, but you know, it was me. When you brought that up, and I don't know how I forgot this, how old are you, Bri? 40. Actually, I'll be 48 next month. All right, so you're old enough.
Starting point is 00:44:12 I don't know. I think you're old enough to remember. And I don't know how I forgot this. Do you remember this Sugar Bear Hamilton roughing the pass a call in the AFC Championship 1975-76 that cost the Patriots a trip? I do. Do you remember that? It was the most horrendous. I swear on my life, Nick.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I do. That broke my heart. And that's when I started to like the Raiders. I go, oh, the people who cheat and play dirty win. And then you paralyzed our receiver the next year. Yeah. That's what we talked about on Friday. It's like, Stingley, you started laughing.
Starting point is 00:44:48 You said, well, talk to his parents about what George did. Yeah, Jack. Well, he's got a point. Yeah, Jack Tatum never. That was part of the game. Yeah. But George Atkinson, in the AFC Championship game, it was like the first or second play of the game yeah but George Atkinson in the AFC championship game it was like the first or second play of the game
Starting point is 00:45:09 George Atkinson this is in the 70s runs up and he punches Russ Francis and breaks his nose right through his face mask with a punch and Russ it was like the first play of the game he went up and punched him in the face
Starting point is 00:45:23 you have George Atkinson It was like the first play of the game. He went up and punched him in the face. George Atkinson is, I have his jersey. So I went up to him. He does the Raiders games, right? So I went up and said, hey, George, you remember me? And he goes, yeah, I remember you. Hey, what's up, Brian? You remember my name?
Starting point is 00:45:40 Wait a minute, Brian. What do you mean you have an Atkinson jersey? An actual game jersey? No. No, I don't. No, no, no, what do you mean you have an Atkinson jersey? An actual game jersey? No. No, I don't. No, no, no, no. Oh, okay. But, I mean, it's the NFL, you know, the stuff you basically buy on fucking line. Well, you know what I want?
Starting point is 00:45:58 I want that jersey. I want Atkinson to sign it. I'll give you mucho dollars for that. Well, offline, I'll give you mucho dollars for that well i'll give offline i'll give you uh i'll give you my number okay so that's the first thing all right the second thing and i have tatum's too but tatum was always my favorite but my uh my buddy his girlfriend uh bought tatum's jersey and had him sign it but tatum was always my favorite and i was pissed off about that but i got i got a second question uh uh for you yeah about politics yep i hate to do this to you because it's
Starting point is 00:46:34 so much fun but california came out was it this weekend saying that they're going to take away the tax breaks from these companies or whatever. They want the companies to take half of those earnings, you know, from the corporate, the rate cut. They want whatever they, you know, earn from the cut. They want half of it to go to the state. They want to, like, try to make that mandatory. half of it to go to the state. They want to, like, try to make that mandatory.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Like, they want to tell... You know why? They literally want to tell private sector what to do with their fucking tax savings. Can I tell you why? Can I just tell you, like... I know why,
Starting point is 00:47:15 because you have 60 million illegals in your state and it's a third-world shit hole, but go ahead. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And where I live in Northern California, we have so many fucking dams. And all of a sudden, now our gas goes up, our prices go up because they did not take care of the dams. And now we get flooding every year through Northern California, which the water goes to Southern California. Well, where was that flooding during the fire season well the fire season i could use the flooding though i used to go out as a kid as a kid nick i'm not kidding you is 14 years old my dad was a logger i would go out and cut down trees to put down uh brakes and uh it was always because all these conservationists about the the the owl and all this right right right but everything's fucking burned up anyway look i like i'm i'm still uh you know i'm i'm pouring my heart out to you, but I love your show, and thank you for giving a voice to me.
Starting point is 00:48:31 You got it. No, you give a voice to people in California that really don't fucking believe in this bullshit that's going on, And it means a lot. All right. You got it, Brian. No problem. All right, brother. I'll talk to you soon. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Bye. He's got an Atkinson jersey. That's nice. I wore, my freshman year in high school, I wore 43 because I like George. The dirtiest player in the league. Just a fucking... He kind of roughed the hell out of them.
Starting point is 00:49:08 He didn't rough the hell out of them. And today's this show and that clip. He got his hand up a little. Okay, under today's stand. Back then, you could choke a guy out. They wouldn't call it. Seriously, he grazed his face mask. And they called it.
Starting point is 00:49:20 And the Raiders got another play. And they went to the Super Bowl. Can you imagine? And I couldn't. I always bring that up. My brother texted me after. I don't know. I forgot that. All right, one more call, right?
Starting point is 00:49:30 Do we have time for one more? Yeah, yeah, we're going to. We're tight on time because the end of the show is approaching. Andrew, no, what happened? Where did he go? No, Jeff in Indiana. Says he's not a faggot, but he is a liberal. But did the same thing, right, Jeff?
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yeah. What's up, Nick? Hey, big fan. You know, not all of us liberals are that crazy. I might not be your typical. I agree with a lot of the points you're making. I'm myself a veteran. Unfortunately, I live in Indiana, surrounded by some maniacal religious nuts.
Starting point is 00:50:04 That's my biggest problem. My issues are the pro-choice and the legalization of the Greens and so forth. Sure, sure. Pro-abortion, stuff like that. But as far as the DACA, I can't really care less about that. I'm not going to call in to defend Chuck Schumer because I didn't vote for him. Good for you. You know, I think a lot of the problems, and I'm sure you, call in to defend Chuck Schumer because I didn't vote for him. Good for you. You know, I think a lot of the problems, and I'm sure you, and I did mention I'm a big fan of your comedy,
Starting point is 00:50:31 and I listen to a lot of right-wing radio because I don't want to listen to the choir just preaching the same old shit. But I think everybody, all your listeners and yourself would agree that, you know, a lot of these, when people say media, a lot of these, when people say media, a lot of times they forget they leave out Fox News, which is also media, you know, and they try to make these extremities the norms, and it's just not the case, you know, there's got to be middle ground in this. There's no compromise anywhere. But are you comparing Fox, I only have a minute, so Jeff, I'm going to hang up because I only
Starting point is 00:51:02 get a minute at the end of the show, but you for the call I'll answer that you can't you can't you can't compare Fox News to MSNBC or to CNN it's just it's not the same thing there's people who hate Trump on Fox News yeah the problem with Fox News they have opinion shows and they have hard news shows and people can conflate like Sean Hannity with Brett Baier's show. It really is, to me, down the middle
Starting point is 00:51:28 as you can get. And after being surrounded with nothing but liberal news our whole lifetime, it looks like it's really right wing, in my opinion. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:51:37 that's it for tonight, folks. Good talking to you. We'll talk to you tomorrow night at the same time. I hope the government, I'm glad it's open. We can all sleep well tonight. Take care of yourselves talk to you tomorrow night at the same time. I hope the government, I'm glad it's open. We can all sleep well tonight.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Take care of yourselves. See you tomorrow night.

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