The Nick DiPaolo Show - AJ Rice | Nick Di Paolo Show #1311

Episode Date: November 23, 2022

Nick interviews "The Woking Dead" author, AJ Rice....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh, yeah, man. Wednesday. The filthy Wednesday, day before Thanksgiving. Remember, folks, when cooking that turkey, you want the center of the bird to be about, let's say about 62 degrees Fahrenheit. And if you have liberals coming over, people that you fight with every Thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:00:58 that don't agree with you politically because you think like I do, what you want to do is you save a little bag of that raw turkey juice, then say, who wants dessert at about 5 o'clock, and you dip those lady fingers in that. And then watch them call you the next day from the toilet. What the fuck happened there? And again, if you don't know how to stuff a turkey, you can...
Starting point is 00:01:24 I couldn't find a video on how to stuff a turkey, so I went on, you know, I went on YouPorn, and I went to fisting. I've used those two jokes for about five Thanksgivings. I used to tweet them out. Great show we got. Today's a different little take on the show. We have a guest, and a good one. He's an author.
Starting point is 00:01:46 His name's A.J. Rice, Publius PR firm. He runs in Washington, D.C., and he's been a promoter. Well, I'm giving you the intro in about two seconds, but it's a great interview because he's funny and way more animated than I thought, and God, I actually, he made Nick DePaul nervous with stuff. And he's great. He's just a great, he's got a great book called The Woking Dead. So enjoy. My guest today is the CEO of Publius PR, hope I'm saying that right, a premier communications firm in Washington, D.C. He's a brand manager, star whisperer, and auteur media influencer who has produced or promoted people like Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Donald Trump Jr., Mark Meadows, Dan Bongino, Charles Krodem, Steve Kalis,
Starting point is 00:02:39 and many, many more. Kind of an old friend of mine, but I don't think we've ever met. We've been in touch for a long time. And he helped me get Donald Jr. on this show, folks. So show this guy the respect he deserves. You hear what I'm saying? Please welcome A.J. Rice. He's got a great book out called The Woking Dead right now.
Starting point is 00:03:01 About a third of the way through it. And man, you're nailing it, man. You're right on top welcome to the show aj how are you have we ever nick my brother we have met at the arlington cinema and draft house oh yes oh yeah tearing it up brother tearing it up that's right the draft house he has an alcohol problem like myself i. I get in one of those office chairs. I start racing people down through Arlington, down Columbia Pike. What he's talking about is that club had chairs like they ripped them out of an old Lincoln.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Exactly. Like an abandoned office match. Yes. And they would recline. It's the first time people heckled me as they were reclining. Yeah. I will say, I will say to their credit, they got people back in there during COVID pretty quickly.
Starting point is 00:03:48 They didn't play a lot of games at the door or masks or whatever. D.C. was still shuttered. And Arlington was, at least that club, they were letting people back in there. So I've got to give them a little shout out.
Starting point is 00:04:03 You should. And only 14 people died, I heard, after that opening show. Yeah, exactly. You know, the Baker's dozen of dead people. I'm sure they're still sitting in those recliners. I want to be buried in one of those. Yeah, that is a great club, man. You're right about that. And anybody that has me and doesn't mind what I say, um, it has me back even after getting,
Starting point is 00:04:26 you know, let his hair in there is, uh, I agree. I agree. Well, they've had, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:30 they've, they got a pretty good reputation. They didn't let some left wing kooks in there, but I, I, I was in there. I talked to love. It's in there.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I talked to you in there, Jimmy, you know, they've all been through there. So yeah, they, they bring a lot of comedy central trash in there, but they let you guys in there to tear shit up. So like it wait a minute when you said jimmy jimmy
Starting point is 00:04:50 norton yeah norton was thank you and and i think maybe florentine might have been in there you know but love it's man love it's dropped some bombs in there i mean i he was in there just trashing his friend that he used to golf with, Caitlyn Jenner. And I mean, he was praising Trump. And I mean, it was crazy. Wasn't that a shock to you? John Levitz, to me, that one surprised the hell out of me. Maybe I'm just, you know, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Absolutely. I mean, look, I think Dennis Miller did a number on a lot of those guys from that era. Right. did a number on a lot of those guys from that era right you know that kind of is the last era you know with with schneider and norm and miller and colin you know quinn and that whole gang they seem to be the last ones that could sort of make fun of everyone that's a great these generations that have come after they're all just in their diapers they're in their millennial gen z crybaby snowflake diapers that's Which is a shame because as you know It's lazy comedy where they just
Starting point is 00:05:47 They take old Palin jokes and they turn them into Trump jokes Yeah But you know I don't know I guess they got a new cast On SNL we'll see what happens Oh yeah it'll change Yeah right We got that Trans kid who's already upset that Dave
Starting point is 00:06:04 Chappelle I mean these guys are the antithesis we got that trans kid who's already upset that Dave Chappelle. Oh, I mean, these guys are the antithesis of what the DNA of a comedian supposed to be. You're supposed to have zero sensitivity in my opinion. Okay. And,
Starting point is 00:06:17 uh, that's a great point. You made, I never really thought of that about, about Colin and Schneider. And, uh, that's really the last group. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Phil Hartman. Even David Spade. Dana Carvey. For some reason, Kimmel led him host, and all of a sudden he starts trashing Biden. I haven't seen him since. I don't know what happened there. That's right.
Starting point is 00:06:40 When was that, AJ? It was about a month before the election, the midterm. Crazy, right? Kimmel's another one to surprise me because I knew Jimmy. Look, and it's hard for me to badmouth these guys because I've done their show. They've been nothing but nice to me when I lived in L.A. I've done all their shows. But they've just turned into advocates for the Dem Party.
Starting point is 00:07:03 They're not tv show hosts and seth sure i mean you know carola and jimmy kimmel are still buddies and i've asked him over the years like how they how they work that out yeah you know it's like uh sandler and affleck you know they used to be in the bathtub together and now there would be you'd think they'd be butting heads right um but but apparently they try to keep it at the door. He sort of writes it. I think he still does some writing for him maybe. So I don't know. I mean, they seem to be able to work it out. I got another theory that Kimmel doesn't believe anything he's saying for ABC and he's just going with it. I love when he recently said that. He recently said that.
Starting point is 00:07:40 He said Disney brought me in and said you know he said i'm gonna quit if you make me stop if you tell me to stop making fun of trump or trump's voters so that just tells me though that this is not even really about money it's it's it's pure ideology um across the board which is a shame i mean all these guys are all Gen X, monochromatic white guys that DiPaolo probably used to throw dodgeballs at. But, you know, they're all kind of the same other than the guy at
Starting point is 00:08:13 The Daily Show who's leaving, Trevor Noah. But they're all sort of cut from the same cloth. They all kind of look the same. And there's a section of the book on that, too. I mean, you know, they are monochromatic. It's a shame. You would think, I mean, I want everyone to get blasted.
Starting point is 00:08:30 That's right. And then let the audience be the jury. That's how it works. When everybody, who did I say this to recently? I can't even remember. My wife and my girlfriend. Anyways, it was, no, I was sitting next to somebody, and we were talking about, I said, you have to, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:50 somebody's saying, I love when you and Patrice would attack each other. I go, that's how you, it's, comedy is a valve that lets the pressure out. The more you suppress that, it's like a ticking time bomb, and that's why we're at each other's throats. But, I mean, this male bonding thing is really, to me, press that it's like a ticking time bomb and that's why we're at each other's throats but i mean right this male bonding thing is really uh to me the solution to all this when guys get together and repeat i could say anything racially to patrice and he would me too and somehow colin quinn was genius to get that on tv but through either even music but more so comedy because
Starting point is 00:09:22 monic comedy some reason they take us very seriously, ironically, when comics say something. Well, look, I mean, many libertarians have said that once the comedians are afraid, you know that true fascism has arrived. So, I mean, you've got a guy jump on stage and try to stab Dave Chappelle.
Starting point is 00:09:41 That's cancel culture. It's no different than somebody trying to stab Salman Rushdie, or somebody trying to stab Lee Zeldin or somebody giving out Brett Kavanaugh's home address. If they can't de-platform you or demonetize you or shadow ban you digitally, they may show up and try to attack you physically because, I mean, they count on the digital brown shirts to help them. But when they can't, some of these people, they go over the line. I mean, Rand Paul's neighbor broke his ribs. Steve Scalise had a softball game shot up by a Bernie Sanders lunatic. You know, I mean, look, the Republicans are going to take back the House. And I've been telling people, get ready. The minority, the Democrat Party is going to be smaller, more radical, more vocal.
Starting point is 00:10:25 You know, they may start acting like these lunatic global warming people that are damaging artwork and gluing themselves to the wall. You may turn on C-SPAN someday and AOC's got herself Elmer glued to the wall just screaming. Because, you know, in the old days, like the Bush days, when I met you, it was just really the stinky anti-war protesters. Right. It was just, you know, it was Code Pink and Medea Benjamin, you know, not taking showers, sleeping in the halls of Congress, you know, and then they would scream during, you know, Alito's confirmation. That's right.
Starting point is 00:10:58 They would be taken out slowly. But now all bets are off. These people are unhinged. I'm so tired of it. There's no room for talk anymore. I mean, I can't believe I'm this close to living. It's fascinating to watch. I'm sexy.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I might see an actual. I don't want to. I don't think this hyperbole is civil war or some type of. There's no more room for words. It's almost go time. I don't want to. You know, anyways, I'm talking. Go ahead. Just to just to touch on your world yeah so i i did a piece it's not in the book um but i got a
Starting point is 00:11:31 lot of play after will smith smacked chris rock yeah that and and they kind of just sort of get a game a little little slap on the wrist yes that kind of and remember that was a month before chappelle almost got stabbed right that was kind of a wink and a nod. Like, I wrote a piece called The Front Row is Over. Meaning, so now we got free speech. The pinnacle of free speech in this country is not these stupid newspaper reporters. It's you guys. So you guys get up there.
Starting point is 00:12:00 I don't care whether it's DePaulo or Carlin or Joan or Lenny Bruce, whoever it was at the time, your job is to be the truth tellers and to rip all of us. And now, because Will Smith got his wife off the leash, he's slapping Chris Rock across the face and sitting down. Chris Rock handled it great, by the way. Absolutely, man. I mean, I'm sure you know some comics. That wouldn't have went down the same way. Absolutely. I mean, you know, I mean, I, you know, I'm sure you know, some comics that wouldn't have went down the same way, but you know,
Starting point is 00:12:28 try slapping dice or like Kinnison or you, I mean, it's just not happening. Right. It's not happening. That was to me a form of censorship. Oh, that's what I saw it as.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Even Jim Carrey, Mr. Left wing Canadian. Even he, remember he called it out. Sure. He goes, now we're the uncool kids or whatever. Not that they were ever fucking cool, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:12:56 But even he said, you know, this is ridiculous that he wasn't asked to leave. Oh, you're just noticing the double standard when it comes to race now, Jim? Seriously. And I'm happy. Everybody's singing the praises of Bill Maher for finally coming around. But I hold those people accountable. We're at this point. Bill Maher's a huge voice for the left. That show's been a huge hit for years on HBO.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And now people are like, whoa, he finally gets it. Yeah, but he helped create this mess. I'm not letting anybody off the hook. No fucking apologies. I'm not getting apologized for COVID. Nobody's apologizing. Yeah, you should. So I'm talking, by the way, to A.J. Rice.
Starting point is 00:13:25 He's got a great new book out called The Woking Dead. He's the CEO of, did I say that? Publa? It's a hard U sound, Publius. It is Publius, like pubic. There you go. I knew it was some type of Latin in there. Publius.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Anyways, yeah, the book is great. I'm tapping into it right now. Let me just hit you with a few questions. Who should the Dems fear more, A.J.? DeSantis or Trump? Wow. That's a tough one to know, right? I think they're more afraid of DeSantis, and they're willing to let Trump blow him up for them.
Starting point is 00:14:10 We are going to see a King Kong versus Godzilla situation. You heard it here first. DeSantis, I've had a lot of consultants say to me that DeSantis is, at least for a little while, going to let Trump just kind of keep leaving voicemails like a girlfriend, right? It's a great analogy. And just to see how far he'll take it and see maybe if he'll bury himself. Now, people have tried to count Trump out forever. He has an uncanny ability to resurrect and redevelop. He's just like a caterpillar into a butterfly every couple of years. Quite frankly, Trump is at his best when he's counted out.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Trump is at his best when you think that the knockout punch is coming. That's when he unloads some craziness on you. Some of it some of it's brilliant you know like when the the uh access hollywood tape comes out and billy bush is like thrown in gitmo and all of a sudden trump thanks to bannon is holding a a press conference with all the clinton accusers so well it's gonna be a little hard it's gonna be a little harder to do that to ron yeah um than he did to say jeb bush or what say, Jeb Bush or what he did to Obama or what he did to Hillary. Right. But it's definitely going to be great entertainment. So, you know, Trump the underdog is always the best.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Oh, my God. Because he'll never look at himself as an underdog. That's why you got to love him. Yeah. So I don't know. That's why you got to love him. Yeah, so I don't know. With DeSantis, do you think people are going to go, well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:15:49 He's as effective as Trump. He obviously doesn't have all that baggage. I mean, and those are the idiots. So Trump was mean with his tweet. Who gives a shit? He got results. I can't believe people think like 12-year-old girls in this country when it comes to voting.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Exactly. Well, that's you and me. I mean, look, I grew up in philly you know you're boston guys i grew up listening to you with with opie and anthony and our everyone over the year don and mike matt you know i grew up listening to you guys and louis and you know leary and kyle and the whole gang right so for me i i mean i i grew up on trump you know he was the playboy of the western world right he was in new jersey he's flying howard from his helicopter you know back and forth um you know and wasn't really friends with limbaugh until the last decade um because of palm beach and stuff
Starting point is 00:16:38 even before he ran right so for me um Trump was always this character. Now, he was new. He was fresh in 15 and 16. And the people he pissed off are the people that, you know, they got their underwear twisted up. I call them Nick. I call them the pumpkin spice mafia. These are the women in suburbia with freaking humanities degrees in there driving around in their Audis. Yeah. OK. Yeah. Drinking the pumpkin spice lattes in their driving around in their audis yeah okay yeah drinking the pumpkin spice lattes in their peloton they've got their virtue signaling black lives matter flag hanging on the front of their million dollar house please don't rob me don't rob me and the whole time they're like fainting on victorian couches because trump said that carly fiorina's face looked like a
Starting point is 00:17:22 frying pan okay i mean it might look like one, right? A fucking Victorian couch. Do you hear that? Right? Come on. I mean, but that's the people we're worried about, right? We're going to be held hostage by the people that wear fleece vests. Folks, did you just hear that run on sentence and the references on that?
Starting point is 00:17:44 If that's not enough for you to go out and buy this book, because he can write his ass off, obviously. I like how, AJ, you called Joe Biden our first Chinese president, and the Republicans are already getting all excited. They have a slim margin. We're going to have hearings and hold these people accountable. I'm so jaded. I almost called you. I almost texted you before this and said, I'm so cynical, AJ,
Starting point is 00:18:06 I can't even talk about politics anymore because I really believe there's 12 guys in a room who have decided the fate of this country and other countries. That's where I'm at, but I pretend to think otherwise. But no, I believe what I say. But I'm just saying, I'm so cynical right now. Do you think as far as the Republicans holding, you know, they're going to hold Joe Biden, Hunter's feet to the fire. Anybody going to go to jail? That would be the question of guys like me. Even if they do all that, is it going to make a goddamn difference?
Starting point is 00:18:34 One bit of difference. Well, I'm talking to you now from Swamp Central. So I'm down here. That's right. And Nick, you know, I've been down here since, you know, the first, you know, Bush. He's talking about his second term. He's talking about Mexico. A lot of what goes on down here since, you know, the first, you know, Bush, he's talking to you second term. He's talking about a lot of what goes on down here is like pro freaking wrestling. Okay. It's pro wrestling. You know,
Starting point is 00:18:52 everything's happening between the 40 yard lines back and forth. Right. However, however, because they're going to take control of these committees and the house is always a little more amped up in the senate right yeah and if you're going to have your faith in anyone have it in jim jordan because he is going to get to the bottom of this and mccarthy cut a lot of deals with marjorie taylor green with jim jordan scalise is going to be the majority leader that's a good thing he came from the freedom caucus um you know the cheneys and the crying adam kinzinger's, they're going to be gone.
Starting point is 00:19:28 They're claiming that they're going to punish Schiff and Omar and all these other. I don't believe it. We'll see. I don't believe he can pull that off. But I will say, yeah, they can't do much because they don't control. I mean, look, it's Republicans have a problem of virtue signaling, too. I mean, how many freaking times did we repeal Obamacare, send it up to Obama's desk, and he used it as toilet paper? I mean, it's like 200 times between Boehner and Paul Ryan.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Right. So you're right. As far as legislation goes, you're right. But as far as, like, Jim Jordan going dumpster diving on Hunter Biden, that's really going to happen. I believe it's going to happen. I think so. Now, but my recommendation to the Justice Department, yeah, and Merrick Garland, who, who, who moonlights as, you know, Harry Connick, Jr, I guess, or some shit. Merrick Garland is going to just basically take it and put it in the
Starting point is 00:20:27 paper shred. You know how many times we tried to hold Lois Lerner and Eric Holder in contempt of Congress? They're arresting Bannon over that. They're arresting Navarro over that. That's what they've been
Starting point is 00:20:44 using. It's never been enforced until now. And you all right. You're going to get a pro wrestling treatment from the justice department. Right. Forget it. As far as you touch on this also in your book about about COVID, how it gave the American people a real taste of I think you said authoritarianism or totalitarian authoritarianism yeah authoritarian look it was it was an authoritarian dress rehearsal it was really one of these things where we got put into this tunnel of woke tyranny and it even predates
Starting point is 00:21:17 covid because you had the me too movement comes along right madonna's outside the white house threatening to blow it up right okay as far as i know she wasn't a j6 protester okay waving an american flag around exactly um she's threatening to blow it up now there were some scalps taken uh there were scalps taken that shouldn't have been but a lot of the people that were the worst offenders the weinsteins the epsteins the laurs they've been protected by the left for 30 years. But you have the youth of America, they're all told, we're all told, men need to take it down a notch, there's toxic masculinity, you need to get in line, Ashley Judd needs to get paid the same amount as Tom Cruise,
Starting point is 00:21:57 these crazy things that freaking happen, right? And basically, they were all rapists. You can't ask Sally to the dance. Well, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Whatever the hell it is. That was the first part of this. Right? That's before COVID.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Yeah. Then COVID comes, and all these kids are sent home. They already were born with a smartphone in their hand. They already can't freaking talk to each other. Right. You know? They have no interpersonal communication skills and and then george floyd the patron saint of fentanyl dies so now we're all racist so now we're sexist we're all isolated uh you know we're a lot we're cooped up now we're all racists and while all this shit's happening the left comes out and says now we're gonna let
Starting point is 00:22:46 bill pitch in girls softball we're gonna let gary and tim into the women's locker room and you know i've joked with ingram all the time and monica crowley who you know about how we used to joke about the book tommy has two mommies well now, now, forget that. Tommy's not even Tommy anymore. Tommy's got two mommies, two daddies. Tommy became Sally. And it's crazy town. So if you want to know why Gen Z is all effed up, it's this shit.
Starting point is 00:23:15 It's like a kaleidoscope of woke craziness. When Harry met her, they're making a movie, When Harry Met Herself. That's the fucking sequel. When Harry Became Sally. It's fucking insane. What else did I want to hit on here? Talking about oh, you used the
Starting point is 00:23:34 term stealth conservative. I'm talking to A.J. Rice. He's got a great book out, by the way, called The Woking Dead. You talk about, I think you said Mark Wahlberg. Define stealth conservative to my fans at home. It's so funny, AJ, because people come up to me,
Starting point is 00:23:54 even now, and I love my fans, but they'll go like, why don't, I've been hearing this for 20 years. So has Colin Quinn. They're like, why don't you have a show like Jimmy Kimmel? It's like, have you been listening to my comedy or heard me on ONA or how it's... I even try to explain to my friends, I go, you don't know the politics.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Even shows know. I try to watch The King of Tulsa because it's got the Sopranos guys who are involved with the Sopranos. But the first thing they do is create a relationship between stallone an ex-mafia guy and a young black kid and he beats up some guy that was mean to the young black and i'm i just i'm like you can't even be that's called prop when the message is more important
Starting point is 00:24:36 than the quality entertainment that's called propaganda to me am i right absolutely nate and this no you're right what's the stuff unless you're gigantic um like you know i mean look even i mean chapelle is getting crap right um i mean guys like you and colin and you guys have been out there well the funny thing was none of you ever led with i'm a conservative i'm a right winger. What happened was, it's kind of like what happened with Naomi Wolf, who's this famous radical feminist leftist. Camille Polly is another one. The line moved. They moved the goalpost over you guys. And it's just like, it wasn't ever supposed to be like that. So I mean, mean it's it's not really that so if you're starting out tomorrow and you're trying to get a gig in the club then you you probably are going to play to whatever the left wing you know fat of the moment right right um of course comedy was never
Starting point is 00:25:37 supposed to be this way and i could sit here and talk about all the greats and near greats right um and they used to i mean go back and watch some of those roasts of like sinatra and you know joan and rickles and d martin or whatever yeah i mean there's crazy stuff going on there i mean all the sammy davis jr black jokes i mean they were flying you don't even have to go back that far go back to the pam anderson roast no i think was larry the cab guy, what I said to Warren Sapp. Warren, defensive tackle, Hall of Famer, who could crush me with one hand. And I said, my joke to him was I heard Warren's agent in the green room before the show talking about his contract for the roast. And he said, no, I said 40 acres and two mules.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Right. And Warren was laughing. Sure, he punched me. right i mean warren was laughing sure what's what's great about some technology is that you i mean obviously you guys i mean there's a lot of comedians with podcasts you guys are able to flourish monetize hopefully without totally being shut down a little bit um you know kumia you know i mean all you guys so that's a great thing. You guys have all sort of stayed true to, you know, where you were pointing from the beginning. You know, you're telling, you know, you're telling you're trying to tell truth. It's trying to be edgy. It must be sad for all of you to watch Howard twist himself up. I mean, I mean, I haven't I'm'm stunned he was he was trump's best friend i mean
Starting point is 00:27:06 he turned on him yeah i haven't it's yeah i haven't it's crazy he showed us true colors he's left like he i would say it's money but jesus we all know he has enough money so i don't know what the fuck sure i haven't watched listened to how it's the last time i was on his show that's helpful but um but yeah i don't i i i'm i'm lucky aj my career has sort of lucky and unlucky i i was out there on the front line saying the shit on tough crowd and now i'm watching and i get and i like adam carolla but i always have to bring him up i feel like it's stolen valor when when fucking tucker has him on as that as that right-wing comic who's pushing back against the grain when he's not even a comic.
Starting point is 00:27:45 He's a podcaster, and he was a radio personality who ended up doing comedy. Again, this is probably neither here nor there, and I'm glad he's out there because he's a testosterone-given guy, blah, blah, blah. But I was saying this shit on national TV
Starting point is 00:27:56 before I had any money in the bank, and it sort of helped me. I never became like a commercial hit, but they're going after bigger fish and I'm sort of like, I'm not, I'm not completely under the radar. I can draw people out to come see me live. And this show I've been saying pretty much everything I want for a few years. Well, right. I mean, look, I mean, the audience, I'll tell the audience. So, so I was the executive producer of the Laura Ingram show, the Monica Crowley show,
Starting point is 00:28:24 the Andrea Tantaro show. I had a news show that I did for John Solomon. That's right. And, you know, I'm like 24, but I grew up on ONA and Donna, Mike and Howard and that whole deal, you know, Comedy Central stuff. So tough crowd. So I knew who you were from that. And I mean, I was trying to get you on in that way you know I mean Monica you know certain right-wingers allowed it I mean I've seen you all with
Starting point is 00:28:51 Gutfeld you know and Fox is you know that's like a steel trap over there you know you gotta you gotta walk you gotta walk the line over there I mean even even I have to walk the line as a publicist right for their people can you imagine i'm helping gutfeld by the way uh um i get paid to punch up his monologue so it's been working out beautifully i said good every morning i send him stuff to put i mean i'm glad he look i'm glad he's out there i'm glad he's doing you know he's doing his thing yeah i like him he's a he's a quirky funny you know he's a good he's a good dude um and he's more of a comic than some people who call themselves and again and I don't want to
Starting point is 00:29:28 you know because I do like I like that idea of stolen valor comedy stolen valor I mean I have to think about that I have to write about it I mean look and you know I'm shocked that Dane Cook did it go on with Louis
Starting point is 00:29:44 on that episode but i mean louis kind of let you say quite a bit on you know i mean some of those jokes in season one that you're telling well you're just arguing with each other about obama so that that shit will live in infamy he wrote that stuff that's not me but me oh okay a lot you know a lot of people, it's funny. Everybody asks because a lot of those episodes I was on was a lot of ad-libbing, but not that one. He wrote that. Well, I think it's another way, and Louis knows me so good. We were roommates.
Starting point is 00:30:15 We've known each other forever. So he knows me. I know him. But when it comes to politics, I think he was going to control that episode. He wasn't going to let me fill in the dialogue. Get a check from Joe for each one. Real, before I forget, AJ, please tell Laura Ingram, you know, I was so, you got me to fill in for her on radio once. And to this day, I'm regretting, because I hadn't done radio at that point in a couple of years. I almost said no, because like,
Starting point is 00:30:38 it's, it's like sitting in somebody else's car. You don't know where the, I hadn't, I hadn't done radio in two years. And I, and I, I was pissed because i love laura ingram i still watch her and uh she's more conservative than me but i but i always thought you know uh she had a nice she's got a good edge to her i don't know what i just felt like i didn't get the job done that day i felt fucking horrible well i mean look laura's a tough cookie you know i mean i know for five years um but she's fun you know i know i mean look she's catholic she's a catholic convert i always i always bust her stones about that because i'm like you know she's trying to tell me what catholicism is i say you just got here you're not telling me about catholicism she's like oh you cradle
Starting point is 00:31:19 catholics you guys take it all for granted but look look, she's a breast cancer survivor. I know. She scares liberals. She scares cancer. Yeah. She'll scalp you. She's a lot of fun. Monica Crowley, also a lot of fun. She's a good... Yeah, I love Monica. They're down-to-earth people, but they're both smart. Fire and ice. Please tell them both,
Starting point is 00:31:41 especially Laura, that to this day, I'm grateful that she let me sit in, and thank you for that. Of course. Because I think she's sharp as a tack. But look, one of the themes of the book, I want to get your take on this, just to sort of come full circle. There's a section in the back, the whole back section's on comedy. And one of the sections is, I call it the Nuremberg Trials of Comedy, because I wrote some of that section during this time period where Ricky Gervais is battling and Seinfeld saying, I'm not going to hear. And Me Too movement was trying to take down people.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Black Lives Matter trying to take Kevin Hart's apologizing for crap 20 years ago. So, I mean, I truly believe more than journalists that what you guys do is actually more important than any of these people, these self-important people. Oh, well, our occupation was enumerated in the Declaration and the Constitution. Well, look, I wonder all the time, if I could load up a 747 filled with Pryor and Joan and Lenny and Carlin and Dangerfield. And if I could just remember when we invade a country, we drop leaflets.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Right. Just drop all of you guys. I'll have you and Colin, your backpacks on. Just drop you guys across the freaking universities of America and just have you sort of secure each one like Saddam's palace, I think we would be in better shape than we are today, brother. Dallas, I mean, AJ, my producer Dallas is laughing because he did two or three tours in Afghanistan jumping out of planes. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:33:21 There you go. There you go, Dallas. God bless you, sir. At service. I think he's laughing. At service. I think he's laughing because the thought of me jumping out of a plane, he's like, this guy would never fucking do it. He's a big fag.
Starting point is 00:33:31 But let me ask you this. Here's an easy question to answer that won't put you on the spot. Was the last 2020 election rigged, yes or no? It wasn't a sense of, you know, them running up the score with early voting and stuff, ballots and bundling ballots and hiding information. Part of the freaking problem with the Republican party is they all wait till election day to vote. Now I love that. Right. They go before work, they go after work. Democrats aren't at work. So you, you can,
Starting point is 00:34:01 you can go to California and these other places. That's right. You can load up a freaking FUBU backpack and go into the ghetto or go to some tenement or go to some trailer park with a stack of things. Now, these people, they sleep till noon. Okay? What do you mean? They're eating their Froot Loops at 2 o'clock. They're never going to show up on election day. Okay?
Starting point is 00:34:24 So you walk up to the door. This is what these left-wing activists do. And they get an entire building to vote Democrat. Maybe they even have them filled out for them, like some Scantron. And then they just stick them in the Zuckerberg boxes and they're able to freaking run the score up. Well, Republicans, you know, we're like a freaking horse and buggy chasing a Ferrari. We need to run the score up. Well, Republicans, you know, we're like a freaking horse and buggy chasing a Ferrari. We need to run the score up. I mean, think about this. Think about all the dummies that voted early
Starting point is 00:34:53 on election day before John Fetterman, who's like Carl from Sling Blade, debated Dr. Oz, okay? None of them got to see him. None of them got to see him. None of them got to see him. The ballots were already cast. It's like a basement strategy. That nitwit that ran
Starting point is 00:35:11 in Arizona, won the governor's race, she never debated. She never left her basement, kind of like Biden. It's working. They're going to keep doing it unless we disrupt them. That's what I'm saying. I'm not going to end doing it unless we disrupt them. That's what I'm saying. Why is it?
Starting point is 00:35:29 And I'm not going to end with this question because it would take two hours to answer. But I'm just going to give me a quick one because I got to wrap it up here because I have Flip Wilson's corpse in the waiting room. How does that even mean? I have no idea. What was my fucking question going to be? I hope that's true. What was going to be my final question was how, oh, here it is. And again, you can't answer this in under a week, but can I, can you, nobody's been able to answer me this. Even the guy at Family Med is a research, what do you call it?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Research media. What's his name? Brent. Family Research Council. Yeah. Okay. Can I get real quick, AJ? How, why, and how did the libs get control of the media in this country and not the conservative?
Starting point is 00:36:10 When did that happen? Is there a specific incident? I've heard all kinds of theories. Yes. From the anti-Semitic side. I'm going to give you a Cliff Notes version, and I talk about this in the book. All right. So the Woking Dead are like Baskin and Robbins.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Tons of flavors. And we've always had political correctness. We've always had the nanny state. But to know where they came from, you've got to go back before World War I. When they got here, when the Marxists started showing up here, they knew they weren't going to get a plumber revolution. They weren't going to get a pipe fitter revolution. They needed to infest, like cockroaches, the institutions. So they took over Broadway and the silent picture industry, the newspaper business, early radio, academia, and the teachers unions.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So if you fast forward 100 years to today, these are the same freaking villains we're fighting now. The only difference is big tech acts as a force field protecting them. That's how they got it. Because Republicans were too busy working on wall street or being farmers i know it over they took over the humanities freaking department i know what it was and now now we're fighting them i know the nail i know it was the polish i know it yeah it was that made it was it was all those wizniewski's that showed up aj man it's been a pleasure.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And the book is really good, man. I'm not just saying that. You could hear from him. He covers everything from A to Z on why we're living in such a mess. And it's been great. Finally, again, we met a while ago in Alexandria. But good to see you again. Good luck with the book.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And congratulations. And, yeah, please say hi to Laura and Monica because they were both very friendly to me. I get into a few riffs in the Fox building when I went in with a few of the big personalities. No, they're definitely fans. I think Janine is too. So we'll be doing Janine's next book.
Starting point is 00:38:01 We'll try to get her on here. Oh, judge. I would tell her I would leave my wife for her tomorrow. We would kill each other. We're so much alike. It's true. I mean, she's a pistol. But look, I've been surrounded by strong women.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I was raised by one. I'm married to one. I got a couple of girlfriends that are tough. You know, they wear the leather. But look, I just want the audience to know, Nick is a patriot. Keep watching this show. He's a fighter. He's never going to censor himself or anybody. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So go out and get his book again, folks. Say it again, The Woking Dead? The Woking Dead. The Woking Dead. It's a great read. I want to have you back sometime because you're a great interviewer. I don't have to say anything. Brother, I'll hit you up. I'll definitely be in touch.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Thank you, man. Thank you. Go Trump. Go DeSantis. That is it for today, folks. Again, thanks for tuning in. You guys think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:39:03 We'll see you back here on Monday. Okay? Take care. Hi. Good night, everybody. guitar solo Outro Music

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