The Nick DiPaolo Show - Alan Dershowitz | Nick Di Paolo Show #533

Episode Date: April 29, 2021

Legendary law professor Alan Dershowitz joins the show. Biden's DoJ raids Giuliani's home. Adam Schiff sticks his pencil neck into the fray....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you so much for supporting this show. Free speech will always reign here, and it's only possible because of you guys. After all the problems with YouTube and the social media shadow banning and shit, not only are we still here, we are expanding. By the end of May, and this is for certain, we will have this show finally on Roku, We will have this show finally on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Android TV, and even an app for your iPhone or Android mobile device. That's right. Finally.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah, fuck you, big tech. Who needs you? It's not going to stop us. And again, I'd like to ask you guys to continue to keep those contributions coming. You're the reason for all this great stuff because it costs money to contribute. Just look for the contribute box on the comics,,
Starting point is 00:00:51 or you can go to Nick and click on the contact page again. Thank you guys so much. ¡Suscríbete al canal! Yeah, welcome to the big show, you know me Hello, I'm Mr. Red A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and no one can talk to a horse, of course, that is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed. Oh, God, I wish that was my nickname when I was in the shower in high school, but no! No, no, no, no, no. Mr. DePaulo, no one can be as nasty as you pretend to be unless they really wanted to be disliked. Well, you got that right.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Hey, folks, our guest today, I am really excited. Harvard Law Professor Emeritus. That's a big word for me, okay, the brilliant Alan Dershowitz, who, in my opinion, is the Michael Jordan of the legal profession. Sorry, professor, I was trying to come up with a Jewish power forward that's in the NBA Hall of Fame. No such luck. But anyways, this guy, he's the author of over 30 books, both fiction and nonfiction.
Starting point is 00:02:47 His latest is The Case Against the New Censorship, Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives and Universities. By the way, they're all in the same bed. I think of it as kind of a high tech porn. It's a threesome. And and this book lays lays it out beautifully welcome to the show professor thanks for doing this well first of all you couldn't come up with a jewish power forward what's wrong with sandy koufax uh what's the problem why do you have to stick to basketball i'm happy how about dolph shayne's dolph shayne's not bad so uh uh i i put i like your analogy i like your analogy jordan is just you, above the red. Koufax absolutely is a pitcher, but I don't know why I went basketball.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I don't even like it. But yeah. So before we get to your book, I would like to have you weigh in on a couple. I know we have limited time, but weigh in on a couple of things in the news right now that are very interesting, I think. First, we got this is sort of off topic, but but the raid, the feds raiding Giuliani's apartment yesterday. Can you it's not off topic at all, because my major topic is that today we are simply eliminating the Bill of Rights. First Amendment is under attack. The Fourth Amendment is under attack. And the Rudy Giuliani case, a perfect example of that, denial of due process. Here's
Starting point is 00:04:12 a lawyer. When you want to get a lawyer's telephone, you subpoena. You send the subpoena to his lawyer. His lawyer then responds and says, no, I can't send you that because it has lawyer client privilege. The judge then decides, you know, search warrants are for the mafia. Search warrants are for drug dealers. Search warrants are for people who cannot be expected to comply with subpoenas. But under our Constitution, the first resort is always going to be subpoena. No judge should issue a search warrant unless he is convinced that a subpoena wouldn't work, that the lawyer would tear up his papers or hide his cell phone. I just think as a civil libertarian, it's an outrage what they did to Rudy Giuliani.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And I would say the same thing if it were done to a Democrat. For me, it's not partisan as a civil libertarian. I don't like search warrants, and I wish we would use them less frequently. Well, that was my next point. It always seems to be done to a Republican, unless I'm forgetting something. But the left seems hell bent on that. They have very heavy handed. They went after Roger Stone like this. And there are other examples where it went the other way. I don't remember Trump doing it. George W. Bush. I could be wrong. I don't. Well, the one guy who did do it a little bit when he was the U.S. attorney was Rudy Giuliani.
Starting point is 00:05:34 He was a very, very tough U.S. attorney and he would do the perp walks. And he would you know, when he was the U.S. attorney, I was very critical of that. I invited him to come to my class at Harvard on legal ethics and he invited me to come and talk to his U.S. attorneys. And we fought like children. Not only was he a Yankee fan from Brooklyn, which is inexcusable, and he, you know, was a was a very, very tough prosecutor. I still don't think he should have been subject to a search warrant. I agree. I mean, the guy anyways, I'll move on because we have limited time. And the other the other there's a couple here. The Floyd Chauvin case, I put on the TV yesterday. They're speaking to a black, young black juror. First thing out of his mouth is,
Starting point is 00:06:12 it was very hard to watch a black man die every day because they kept showing the film. And I'm like, doesn't this prove there was bias? What do you think? Well, there's always going to be bias in the jury. This was much worse. These were jurors who were terrified that if they came to a verdict other than guilt on murder their own homes would be burned down their businesses would be attacked there were threats the judge understood
Starting point is 00:06:35 that that's why he made an anonymous jury the president understood that that's why he said he was praying for the right verdict every big city mayor every big city police chief was praying for the right verdict. Every big city mayor, every big city police chief was ready for violence in the event there was an acquittal. That's not a trial by jury. That's a trial by the mob. Not to mention Maxine Waters out there stirring up stuff. I mean, do you believe there's a chance of this being overturned? It should be overturned.
Starting point is 00:07:00 The judge should have had the courage to grant a mistrial, but he didn't, because if he had granted a mistrial, there would have been violence that night. He'd be blamed for the violence, and he'd have to move out of Minneapolis. He'd never, ever be a judge again. And so you can't have justice with the threat of violence hanging over the heads of the people. I'm going to just read you a quote, and you tell me when it came from. Here's the quote. I very seriously doubt if the petitioner had due process of law because of the trial taking place in the presence of hostile demonstration and seeming dangerous crowd thought by the presiding judge to be ready for violence unless
Starting point is 00:07:39 a verdict of guilty was rendered. This was not somebody commenting on the Chauvin case. This was Oliver Wendell Holmes talking about the trial of Leo Frank in 1913, the only Jew ever lynched in America. But what Holmes said in 1913 was as true of the jury in the Chauvin case. And there definitely should be a new trial at which the jury is sequestered and the case should be tried outside of Minneapolis. How long would that take if that's going to happen? Well, it won't happen in Minnesota because the courts in Minnesota won't have the courage to do it. So it'll probably be required to be taken up to the United States Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court only takes a very small number of cases. But I hope they would take this one
Starting point is 00:08:19 and set out a new rule that whenever there's racial tension and threats, there has to be a sequestered jury. Well, isn't this going to be the new normal from here on in if things don't change in this country? Because it seems like mob rule, it's sort of cast, the die has been cast and every jury from here on in involved in anything racial or cop related. From here on in, they're going to be intimidated before they even get in there. I agree with that. And we're seeing it already in the Kim Potter case in Brooklyn Center, where she accidentally used a gun instead of a taser. And the head of the town council said she ought to get due crosses and he got fired. I know we're seeing it in the Columbus, Ohio case. We're seeing it in all these cases. And it has to do with free speech as well, because people on the hard left say we don't need free speech or dissent.
Starting point is 00:09:10 We know the truth. We know every police officer who shoots a black person is guilty. We know every man who's accused of having sex with a woman improperly is guilty. We know the election was completely unfair or fair, whichever side you want to take. We don't need dissent. I think dissent is today being attacked. And the worst part of it, and the thesis of my new book, is that the censorship isn't coming from the government. We can beat the government. I had 25 First Amendment cases in the first 50 years of my practice, and I won practically all of them. You know, the Pentagon Papers case, the WikiLeaks case,
Starting point is 00:09:50 all these cases. You can beat the government. Yes. But you can't beat private parties. The problem is the censorship today is coming from big corporations and they themselves have First Amendment rights, which is why I wrote my book about the new sense. I'm going to get to that. I've been a victim of that. I'll get to it in a second. The third and final case leads into your book. It's actually more appropriate. Is that cheerleader case, this young cheerleader who didn't make the cheerleading squad? I'm just summing it up here. She was she made a video with one of her friends like on a Saturday, giving the finger to the you know, whoever was in charge of making her a cheerleader. of making her a cheerleader. And now the question is, can the school, the school came after her and said
Starting point is 00:10:28 she can't be a cheerleader for a year based on something she did off campus. So now the question is, can the school control your speech off campus? I know it's not that clear cut because somebody gave an example. Let's say she was in a park on a Saturday. She made that, she sent it and it's read in the cafeteria at school.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So now it's really not off campus. I guess that's where the waters get muddied. How do you feel about it? It looks like from what I read, they're going to actually maybe rule in the girl's favor. I hope they do. I think that I'd like to see us get back to the golden age of free speech
Starting point is 00:11:03 where free speech cases win. This is a public school, and I don't think it's really their business what goes on off a campus. But it is a close case because she was commenting about a school activity. Right. But I would rather see the court err on the side of free speech than against free speech. And this case sort of leads into your book because social media is involved in big tech. And which is the real problem. You list three reasons you say why it's more dangerous now what's going on as far as censorship, as opposed to the McCarthy era, which sort of came and went. Can you tell us that the first one? First of all, it's coming from the left.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I'm a stand up comic. I started in the late 80s i'd lean right in my politics even back then i was being called a bigot and a racist i was way ahead of the curve uh yeah and uh you you couldn't today appear at a major university you'd be thrown out of the university probably i would too i've been thrown out of universities or protested because i support israel and that's a sin today on many college campuses. But, you know, universities today don't have a sense of humor. I remember about 30 years ago, I made a joke in my class. We were talking about affirmative action. And in Canada, you get affirmative action only if you're a visible minority.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And a student raised her hand and said, are Jews a visible minority? And I said, no, we're an audible minority. And a bunch of students complained that I was stereotyping about Jews. Well, you know, we say what we want. I'm proud of that. But today you couldn't say that. Today you can't make a joke in class or in school or even outside of school, people get suspended and get punished in other ways. And, you know, we've just lost our love of freedom and particularly freedom of speech. And it's because of these radicals on the left who think they have the truth. They know the truth of the capital. And if you know the truth, why do you need the set?
Starting point is 00:13:00 Give me an example. So Bobby Kennedy, the son of the former attorney general, who was an environmental lawyer, but also critical of vaccines, challenged me to debate him because I'm in favor of vaccines. I generally favor the science. We had a great debate. Thousands of people watched it. Many people changed their mind. People heard two points of view. YouTube took it down. down. They said, we don't want people to hear Kennedy's side of the debate because he's an anti-vaxxer. First, he's not an anti-vaxxer. He's critical, skeptical of vaccinations, but he's not an anti-vaxxer. But I didn't want to win the debate by a technical knockout. I wanted to win the debate by people agreeing with my point of view, or if he won the debate, if people agreed with his point of view, that would be fine too. But I don't want to see that censored fortunately there
Starting point is 00:13:45 are alternatives now to youtube rumble you can watch the debate on rumble and uh i hope we'll see more uh competitors to youtube facebook and twitter absolutely i i get by the way i got they booed me off stage at clark university in 1990. I did an abortion joke or something. Literally, 1990. And it wasn't even that early. You were early there. Look, they probably would have booed Sigmund Freud, who went to Clark College and gave his lectures there. Oh, my God. Sigmund Freud wouldn't be allowed at major universities. Oh, yeah. So I've got in trouble. Look, I'm on social media. I've been a comic for 30 years and I just took myself off Twitter because, you know, it was such a cesspool. And when I saw they, you know, banned the president of the United States, I said, I'll be a hypocrite if I'm staying on Twitter as far as my free speech views.
Starting point is 00:14:38 So I just got off there. Then we have what was the other case I wanted to talk to the cheerleader? Then we have, what was the other case I wanted to talk about? The cheerleader. It's coming from the left. The censorship. My friends used to say back in the 80s, oh, that's the religious right. Back in the 80s, I would say, what are you talking about? up who are coming off college campuses a couple generations now have their brains filled with this socialist mush and so this is a threat to you're saying the future because i do because the college students who are going to be future leaders are being taught that free speech is not particularly important look when i was growing up there was mccarthyism and in those days it was the liberals who were being suppressed so they favored free, it was the liberals who were being suppressed. So they favored free speech. Today is the conservatives who are being repressed and they favor free speech. I don't believe you can have free speech for me, but not for the I don't think free speech is partisan. I think if you're going to belong to the First Amendment club, you have to be a Jew who defends the rights of Nazis to march through
Starting point is 00:15:41 Skokie. You have to be a feminist who defends the right of pornographers to put their filth on television you have to be a black person who is prepared to accept hate speech against blacks you have to be willing to accept the kind of speech that really really offends you to the core of your being you have to accept voltaire's statement i disagree with what you're saying but i will defend to the death your right to say it there are very few left to take that position. That was my quote under my yearbook picture in high school. And I'm kidding. I was something about the Red Sox. Also, what's dangerous, you say the new progressive censors have their censorship on policies, you know, the anti-freach.
Starting point is 00:16:22 The censorship policies are supported by many Americans. Support these policies now. I think that's right. And, you know, it's very hard to fight against these young kids because they're such good kids. They believe in equality. They have good values. It was Pogo who said, we have seen the enemy and he is us. We have seen the enemy of free speech and they are our children. And it's much harder to fight against our children than it was to fight against Joe McCarthy. And so I think the combination of the fact that it's private, the fact that there are good people make it much harder to fight the new censorship than it was to fight the old censorship. That's why I wrote my book, because the new censorship is more dangerous than the old censorship. We're talking to the
Starting point is 00:17:04 great Alan Dershowitz. And I've noticed this. Like I said, I've been doing stand-up for something 30 years. And in the last few years, it will be people in the audience writing emails to the clubs. And the comedy club owners and managers were mostly my age when I started. And they would ignore those, saying, you have a right to say anything you want on stage.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Now these clubs are being run by millennials who believe in this crap and and some i know some comics who got sent home in the middle of a weekend so that's what you're talking about when you were in boston did you ever appear in the cambridge uh uh you know places catch a rising star but i was very young i didn't have any political leadings i i was, you know, pretty much what they call an open mic or my first three years. But yes, I would go to some of those places. I love stand up comedy. And, you know, if I hadn't been a law professor, that probably my second career choice would be probably wouldn't have been that good at it. No, I thought that,
Starting point is 00:17:59 you know, I went I went to see Woody Allen when he was a stand up comedian. That's how far back I go loving stand up comedy and Larry David and people like that. Well, you know, I went I went to see Woody Allen when he was a stand up comedian. That's how far back I go. Loving stand up comedy and Larry David and people like that. Well, you know, it's surprising. I work for Chris Rock. Chris Rock hired me and he knew by then I was about seven years into the business. He knew I was kind of a right winger. And this is when Giuliani was the mayor and he hated Giuliani and the cops. But he was smart enough to know he had to have somebody in the writing room that sort of agreed with Giuliani and he put me on you know on the staff that's when people were open-minded like you said that would never happen today um let me give it I want to ask you about I've been dying to ask you about this uh as far as when it when a corporation's uh own policies run head-on into the constitution is there like a caveat is there a uh
Starting point is 00:18:46 a carve-out for for corporations you know they always say well it's a private company twitter they can have their own policies do it when when does the when does the constitution the first amendment trump uh the policies of a a private business or. That's part of the problem. It doesn't. Private businesses generally have the right to discriminate. Look at what's going on in Georgia today. Georgia passes a law. I don't agree with the law, but I don't think it's the basis for the kinds of things that are going on, moving the All-Star Game, etc. So Delta and Coke support the boycott of Georgia. But Home Depot remains silent. They don't say anything.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Now they want to, the radicals want to boycott Home Depot, forcing them to say things. And they're saying, look, we just want to talk to our customers. We would just want to sell a better product. Don't make us get involved in politics. We're not a political company. And I think they're right. And I think it's wrong for people to try to pressure corporations to take political stands, because today they may take a political stand that favors you. Tomorrow, they'll take a political stand that doesn't favor you. Well, that's like a bad sign when big business is in bed with the government. That's the sign
Starting point is 00:20:03 that socialism, communism, whatever past regimes. regimes fascism fascism was the combination of the government and big business so you know look the millennials don't realize that what they're doing take is taken straight out of the playbook of castro mao uh stalin you don't think they realize that uh you know you don't need dissent if you have the truth on your side castro knew the truth stalin knew the truth mao knew the truth the little red book has the truth you don't have any right of dissent you don't need due process every white cop who kills a black person is guilty every man who attacked who was accused by a woman is guilty every election is either fair or unfair which side of the issue you're on but we don't need dissent and that's what worries make this the thing we need most in this country today is dissent diversity of points of view it's what
Starting point is 00:20:53 separates us from the rest of the as trump would say shithole countries you can say well i don't believe in that because my family came from probably one of the most uh of those countries uh poland and look how many wonderful people were produced from poland from ireland from italy from came from probably one of the most of those countries. So did mine. And look how many wonderful people were produced from Poland, from Ireland, from Italy, from Africa, from Asia. So I don't agree with Trump at all on that. I don't think some of our best people came from some of the worst countries. I don't think he was talking about Poland. But anyways, I don't see any Polish coming over in San Diego. I think that's what he was hitting on.
Starting point is 00:21:23 But here's my final. We're going to wrap it up. I know you're a busy man. I've experienced some of this. I mentioned I work for Sirius Radio. I had a radio show. And right after Barbara Bush died, some Latina professor at like San Jose State put a tweet up saying, glad she's dead. She was a racist.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Her she raised racist kids. She was a scumbag. Ba ba ba. Now, I she's dead. She was a racist. She raised racist kids. She was a scumbag, blah, blah, blah. Now, I tweeted something out. And again, I know it's in bad taste, but I'm a stand-up comic. If it came from a civilian or a teacher, I understand. But I tweeted back. And again, I know you're a professor, so don't hold it against me. I said, dear future school shooters, confine your work to the faculty rooms at berkeley san jose state i mentioned a bunch of now i understand i was gonna get a little blowback but let me tell you this professor twitter didn't even take it down i took it down myself after i
Starting point is 00:22:18 don't know a day twitter didn't even take it down and serious ostensibly fired me for that tweet i don't think that's why i got fired my show was right wing and it had already leapfrogged two shows i was only there three months and serious kind of like rest of show business leans left so i think that's why i was fired my contract was coming up uh but uh what are you doing a situation like that how do i how do you fight back i couldn't call you i can't afford you you can't fight back against a private company unless they violate their contract but uh you fight back by creating a better show competing with sirius and showing them that you have the listeners and the viewers that's the american way and as long as you have an opportunity i think the great thing is we now
Starting point is 00:23:01 have podcasts i have a podcast called the dirt show We now have a lot of talk radio, talk television, so we can compete, maybe not very, very aggressively, but we can compete with the social media. We have to keep doing that in order to keep the First Amendment alive. Everything I put up on Facebook now, they put a warning on misinformation. I got kicked off YouTube for a couple of months because I said the mask thing. I wasn't talking about COVID in general, the mask, the way that I said it was a bit of a hoax. And they literally said it was misinformation coming from a standup comic. But anyways, the book is The Case Against the New Censorship, Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives and Universities. And seriously, it was an honor and a pleasure to talk to you, Professor.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I've watched you on TV. It was also fun talking to you, a guy from Boston and Brooklyn. What could be worse? What could be better? Exactly. So hopefully we'll talk again and good luck with the book.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Thank you. Hey, guys, I'm excited to add some new tour dates that are coming up very quick. As you know, I'll be in Florida this weekend, Friday, April 30th. I'll be at the Town Hall Event Center in Port St. Lucie and Saturday, May 1st at the Boca Black Box in Boca Raton, a nickname for my girlfriend in high school. Then we just added a second show in Cleveland on May 13th at Hilarities.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Do you hear that? They added a second show. That means this show is working. Make sure you get those tickets now. Today, we are announcing that the next night on Friday, May 14th, I'll be in Baltimore at the FPX Theater, which is a really cool-looking new venue. Those tickets are on sale today. And on Saturday, May 15th, I'll be in southeastern Pennsylvania at Soul Joel's in Royersford, and the second show is on sale there now, too. Then in June, I'll be back down south on June 4th and 5th at the Comedy Cabana in Myrtle Beach in Dallas, Texas at the Sons of Herman Hall on June 18th and 19th. You can get tickets to all my shows at and then click on tour. That's and click on the tour button.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I look forward to seeing you guys out there. Maybe have a pop or two after the show. Maybe you guys can pick up a heavyset girl in the coat room. Anyways, I don't know. Let's get right to it, huh? Let's get right goddamn to it. My first headline is Biden's payback on Giuliani. I personally think this is politically motivated.
Starting point is 00:25:38 As you know, the feds, the Department of Justice, The Department of Justice raided Giuliani's apartment in New York City and a female lawyer's apartment. This is just more heavy handed tactics by jerk off Joe Biden and the left. They can't hide their fucking Marxist ways. It's already like they're dictators. This guy, by the way, Giuliani, I don't care what you think of him. He took on the mob in New York and won. OK, he is he was America's mayor after 9-11. He's everything you want in a leader. Smart as hell. And because, in my opinion, he snooped around in Ukraine because we know what went on there with fucking our president and his son. I think this is payback. They did it to fucking Roger Stone. It's very heavy handed. I just, you heard Dershowitz, even he doesn't agree with it. I don't even why I say even,
Starting point is 00:26:41 I mean, he's as fair as anybody. He says, this is dog shit. I agree with him. Let's take a look at Andrew. If you guys, when I was living in New York, Andrew, when I first moved to New York, was a little kid. Giuliani literally giving speeches and he was running around. They would show it on the nightly news going, look at this little tyrant and put on the TV today. And here he is. Mind you, I'm speaking as a son and a concerned American. Anybody, any American, whether you're red or blue, should be extremely disturbed by what happened here today, by the continued politicization of the Justice Department. This is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:27:20 This is absolutely absurd, and it's the continued politicization of the Justice Department that we have seen. And it has to stop. If this can happen to the former president's lawyer, this can happen to any American. Enough is enough. The only piece of evidence that they did not take up there today was the only piece of incriminating evidence that is in there and it does not belong to my father it belongs to the current president's son
Starting point is 00:27:49 that's all i have to say any questions you can refer to his lawyer all i will say is this to all americans out there our justice department should be independent of politics enough is enough ladies and. We cannot stand for this anymore. You are correct, sir. Enough of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane. He's absolutely right. I mean, Giuliani is a true patriot, okay? Federal investigators executed a search warrant Wednesday
Starting point is 00:28:29 on his New York apartment and his office. They seized electronic devices as part of their look into Giuliani's work lobbying for Ukraine, these dirty, filthy- Son of a whore! I'm telling you, I just wanna. Agents also raided Washington area home of Victoria Tenzing, a lawyer who worked on Trump's fraud claims. Yeah, this isn't
Starting point is 00:28:52 political. Giuliani's lawyer, Robert Costello, called the raid legal thuggery and Trump derangement syndrome. Andrew Giuliani accused Biden's Justice Department of playing politics and ignoring Hunter's hard drives. They left that. Could they be any more obvious? The probe into Giuliani was paused during election, but has been heating up under Biden's Department of Justice investigation of Giuliani. It grew out of his probe of his associates over the Ukraine, Lev Aarnas and Igor Fruman, kind of a couple unsavory characters, according to the left. The pair worked on gathering information about the Bidens during election. Giuliani's lawyer, Robert Costello, blamed the investigation on, again, Trump derangement syndrome and also accused agents of ignoring Hunter's hard drives
Starting point is 00:29:42 during the search. Joe, you are a real motherless fuck, I'll tell you. Let's play a song for Joe as he puts his mask on to keep his... Hey, Joe Where you going, man? Running your hair Hey, Joe. Where you going with that gun in your hand? Hey, Joe. I said, where you going with that gun in your hand? You piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Giuliani's team went on the defensive after the raids on Wednesday morning and assigned that they are stepping up their investigation of his dealings in the Ukraine in a major escalation of the case. Keep in mind that the agents could not read the physical hard drives without plugging them in. But they took Mr. Giuliani's word that the hard drives were copies of Hunter Biden's hard drives and did not contain anything pertaining to Mr. Giuliani. hard drives and did not contain anything pertaining to Mr. Giuliani, Costello said in a statement. Excuse me. Their alliance on Mr. Giuliani's credibility tells you everything you need to know about this case, he added, and it sure in hell does. Both Giuliani's lawyer and his son accused Biden's Justice Department of politicization, a charge made that often against the department in President Donald Trump's administration when Trump would publicly pressure his attorneys general to follow his wishes on legal matters. But he never sent anybody to knock anybody's door down at six in the morning, did he?
Starting point is 00:31:15 You fucks names. Top DOJ officials would have to had to have approved of the raid. So that's just that's. They're trying to say Trump did the same thing, which he, which he didn't. So kiss my grits. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul. It's outrageous that the Trump derangement syndrome has gone so far that that hatred has driven this unjustified and unethical attack on the United States attorney and mayor who did more to reduce crime than virtually any other in American history, Costello said. What what does it tell you when they do shit like this? The left and Biden and all of them, Eric Holder.
Starting point is 00:32:06 What does it tell you? It tells you the flag fell down. That's how powerful they are. What does it tell you? They just, not only do they hate this country, they look up to Stalin and people like that. Look who climbed out from under a rock after being wrong about everything for the last five years. Adam shit face.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Still hallucinating, apparently. Representative Adam Schiff, Democrat, shithole, California, said Wednesday on MSNBC's deadline that we could not ignore the so-called predominant domestic threat was the white national threat. And some of the folks are, and in quotes, part of the Trump base. That's what this bug-eyed shithead said. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. Let's play a clip of him.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And again, you might want to take some Pepto. He just, I get irrationally angry when I see him. I picture him getting the shit kicked out of him in fifth grade on the playground. And and God, I pray somebody's got that footage. I'll that the predominant terrorism threat facing the country right now is a domestic threat. And the predominant part of that domestic threat is the white nationalist threat. Pause. Can you imagine saying this as the fucking country burned with a ton of black faces looting and rioting and still continue to say that Trump supporters are the problem? He also said this. Please give me a call. Go ahead. And that white nationalist threat also has international, transnational links as well.
Starting point is 00:33:54 And we can't ignore that because of a political sensitivity that some of these folks are part of the Trump base. What base are you part of? There you go. You fucking slimy. You pompous, stuck up, snot nose, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fuck face, dickhead, asshole. Take it easy, Mr. Trump. Go easy. easy, Mr. Trump. Go easy. I think all of the domestic agencies with a portfolio with domestic terrorism have to prioritize it like FBI and the DHS. We have the, they're telling, he's telling
Starting point is 00:34:33 you that's their top priority. Meanwhile, China is about to take over the world. That's their top priority. Making sure somebody like me or a fucking, I don't see you looking into that white woman that was shot. You fucking, I can't help myself. He says we have the responsibility of overseeing the intelligence component of that. We were already doing an investigation last year into the politicization of intelligence at DHS, where one whistleblower, one, huh, was alleging that instructions were being given essentially to downplay the seriousness of the domestic terror committed by white nationalists and hype, and they were told to hype the threat of Antifa. Well, it turns out they were right to downplay, right? Where are all these boogeymen? Where are all these white supremacists? Where the
Starting point is 00:35:25 fuck are they, Adam? You jerk off just like Trump was the Russian agent. How fucking, how does he still have a job? Oh, that's right. It's the state of California. You wonder why you look like a third world shithole. Man, I hope he fucking dies in his sleep tonight. I really do. I hope this, He's going to sleep tonight. I really do. I hope there's a fucking grease fire in the kitchen. He's in his flammable pajamas and teddy bear. Scum bucket.
Starting point is 00:35:56 He continued the fucking loudmouthed Jew fuck. We saw that from Bill Maher and others and the leadership of the last administration. We just had a hearing on this subject. Bill Maher? Did I? It said Maher, didn't it? Okay. Leave that in. That's actually funny.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Bill Maher, Bill Barr. Who calls him Bill Barr? There he is, William Barr. He says, I can tell you of the ongoing challenges is a lot of the Republican members didn't think our committee or the intelligence agencies, even those like the FBI, DHS with responsibility here, should be looking at this.
Starting point is 00:36:31 That's quite remarkable, you know. If we were looking at the threat of Islamic terror, listen to this guy, the threat from within, there will be no reservation about that among my GOP colleagues. Can I play a song for him? You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I get that speaking cunt. Said Andrew Bernice, I'll be your motherfucking cunt. He just put white Trump voters ahead of Al Qaeda and ISIS, by the way,
Starting point is 00:36:59 as far as a danger to this country. Let that sink in to your left-wing jerk-off American-hating brains. But they were very uncomfortable, clearly, with the FBI and DHS looking at the problem of white nationalism and domestic terror. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Who gives a fuck what you think? This is for you, Adam. White power, one, two, three, four! That's not how much my country All right. to sleep tonight and his wife's a fucking hag all right in our libs eating libs segment tonight california voters to newsome don't let the door hit you in the snatch on the way out there he is the shapeshifter i call him that's right he's the governor of the shittiest state in the union Look at him biting his lip. That's right. The voters are voting you out.
Starting point is 00:38:30 California voters. California's secretary of state has rejected nearly 20% of all the signatures gathered thus far to force a recall election of Governor Gavin Newsom. According to figures released on Monday, in a statement, Secretary of State Director Shirley Ann Weber, got a poster of her in my bedroom. I mean him. Holy, looks like a Bill Cosby character. Looks like a Bill Cosby character. That's Bill Cosby. I thought it looked like one of his characters, but that's close enough. There she is, mustache and all. That's close enough.
Starting point is 00:39:04 There she is, mustache and all. Shirley Ann Webber's office announced that the threshold of verified signatures reported by counties has been met for the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom. Even with the invalid ones, the valid signatures in the 10th report, listen to this, are 1,626,042, which exceeds the total of 1,495,709 signatures required, even with the ones they counted invalid, continues still, counties still have until April 29th to verify the validity of any remaining signatures. So, Gavin. Bye-bye, dickhead. In an up-and-coming table,
Starting point is 00:39:45 excuse me, in an up-and-coming, it says accompanying. How did I come up with up-and-coming? It says accompanying table. The Secretary of State, I am so tired, reported that in addition to the 1,626,042 valid signatures, listen to this. This will show you how backwards California,
Starting point is 00:40:04 the state had rejected 400,575 signatures to date out of a total number of 2,026,617 signatures gathered. Now listen to this. That means California officials have rejected 19.8% of the total number of signatures as they have reviewed the recall petitions. Signatures can be disqualified if signatories are found not to be registered voters in California, for example, or if they sign more than once. Now get this. In the 2020 election, according to, the rejection rate for absentee ballots in California was just 0.6%.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Oh, my God. The same as the national average as determined from 27 states plus the District of Dogshit Columbia. The rejection rates had reportedly been as high as 6% in previous elections. So we really see who is the fucking problem. You're the fucking problem, you fucking Dr. White onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground, I promise you.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Not this time. The low rejection rate for absentee ballots in 2020 defied predictions as late as August 2020 that nearly a quarter of absentee ballots might be rejected based on the experience of mail-in voting during primary elections. Many states lowered their standards for absentee ballots as a result of lawsuits by Democrat-aligned groups, decisions of state election officials, and the unprecedented volumes of votes submitted by mail during the coronavirus pandemic. Democrats have attacked Republicans who want to tighten rules regarding absentee ballots,
Starting point is 00:41:54 accusing the GOP of racism and imposing new Jim Crow in the words of President Jerkoff Joe Biden. He says that's like a new Jim Crow. of President Jerkoff Joe Biden. He says that's like a new Jim Crow. Look, he sees Jim Crow out there sitting in a tree. That's a crow named Jim. Faggot. Did you watch his fucking speech last night?
Starting point is 00:42:20 Oh my God. First of all, because of COVID, they have to keep doing theater. So you know how the chambers are usually full during a speech they had like one person congressperson sitting every 10 seats so it looked like it was it looked empty it looked like one of his rallies they all had masks on and shit and he if you guys don't have uh sleeping pills or whatever just watch six minutes of this guy you know that he's got the energy of a baby with cancer he's or whatever. Just watch six minutes of this guy. He's got the energy of a baby with cancer.
Starting point is 00:42:51 We can come back better and bigger and he's trying to take credit for the fucking vaccines. He's like that pitcher that comes in the last inning of a no-hitter. Gets the last guy and he fucking tries to take credit for it. Just a goo gobbler. Notice since he's getting off as the race tension has gone up, what, 16-fold?
Starting point is 00:43:12 I didn't think it was possible anymore. Speaking of race, what's this headline? Drunk chimp kills cop intentionally. Ooh, I didn't write that. Don't blame me. An NYPD officer killed by an alleged drunk driver tried to run for his life before he was hit so hard that he was thrown out of his uniform boots and his body was completely shattered. Look at this. Officer Anastasios Tzatzakos, 43, and other officers were directing traffic away from a fatal crash on the LIE in Queens in the early hours of Tuesday morning when they saw the maroon Volkswagen driven by Jessica Bovis, seen here, hurtling towards them at a high speed. Law enforcement, you know, they tried to get out of the way. The officers ran for their lives, but Tzatzakos was struck by the car. The force, again, impact through his body nearly 200 feet onto a grassy median, and he was blown right out of his knee-high police boots.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Think about that. The 14-year veteran suffered massive head injuries as he hit the grass median and later died at New York Presbyterian Hospital in Queens. Dezaco's body was completely shattered. His body shattered Bovis's windshield, yet she kept driving and passed multiple exits. Can you just let that sink in for a minute? It's all fucking intentional. Responding officers finally caught up
Starting point is 00:44:53 to the 32-year-old Long Island mother. Oh, she's a mother, of course, who told police she knew she hit something but wasn't unsure of what it was. Yeah, no, it was a moth, according to court documents. She should be taken out and shot today. This is her quote.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I don't know why they stopped me speeding, I guess. I did hear a thump, so I knew I hit something, but I didn't see what it was, Beauvais said, according to the documents. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it. On an officer's body cam footage, Beauvais can be heard asking an officer, what did I do? Another lie. Her blood alcohol content was nearly double the legal limit two hours after the incident. Not during, two hours after. Before the fatal crash, Beauvais posted a
Starting point is 00:45:42 one hour and 51 minute live stream on her Facebook page where she was seen downing tequila shots and drinking wine while the NWA song, Fuck the Police, played in the background. So I'm sure she's innocent. She's a malignant cunt. Got that right, Frank. Let's take a look at Stupid Rolling. Two photo chairs down here, baby.
Starting point is 00:46:03 And you sit down here for me. Yeah, so for mommy? Yeah. stupid role. I will see you guys next Monday. I don't think so. At six. Yeah. If I visit Rikers PM back here on face Reality Radio, on the Instagram and on the Facebook. And until then, kill the police. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You meant kill the police, didn't you? Let's say you say that the next 20 years. She'll probably get off, you know. This week, we are going to talk about the ignorance that was the Derek Chauvin trial. This is her on the show, her show, or the ignorance of that is essentially just is this fucking justice system. She writes well, too. Police say and this is her quoting. Police say an oath and that oath, they take an oath. In that oath, they say an oath that they are not, can you mention oath one more time, Taniqua? An
Starting point is 00:47:13 oath that they are not supposed to be afraid of that position. And that is literally in the rules. In other words, danger comes with the job. Boves reads out part of an oath taken by members of law enforcement that they will enforce the law courteously, appropriately, without fair malice or ill will. You know, the way George Floyd and the rest of them act around cops. And questions how this had led to officers shooting and killing people on the streets. Well, because they weren't acting courteous and showing respect. You ignorant. The 32-year-old then went on to say that police officers are signing up for potential death
Starting point is 00:47:50 like in the army and that is part of the job and that people might try to fucking kill you, the genius said. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. So fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yet her shit on Facebook is still up there, isn't it? Or was when she was making the show. Isn't that funny? I get kicked off for... Excuse me. Boves also claimed that if she ever had a fatal encounter with police, she would make sure she wasn't the only victim. She told listeners,
Starting point is 00:48:21 like hip-hop group niggas with attitude say about the police, if you're going to kill me, at least I get to take someone with me. I'm one of those people. If I'm going to go, someone is coming. Yeah, in your ass, in your jail cell. Boves says she is terrified for her 13-year-old son. Don't fucking play with me. I bet you he's a, Terrified for her 13-year-old son. Don't fucking play with me. I bet you he's a, huh? He's got to be an A student with that mom.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Boves goes on to say she doesn't believe in prisons, but believes in capital punishment saying, hang that bitch. I don't even believe in prison. I literally believe in an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. If you guilty, blow his head off, she says. She's got a show on CNN coming up Sunday night, night i'm sure uh fuck is you this is what this is she's doing dialogue now in other words a person that's in prison for like fuck is you here for
Starting point is 00:49:12 why i gotta feed you for what y'all killing us for less on the streets and in jail blow his head off you got certain states that want to hang people hang Hang that bitch. Oh, this is from Pelosi's speech, wasn't it? Speaking of her love of physical fighting, Boves continues like a good mom. What happened to fighting? I grew up on fighting. I like to fight my hands and my feet and my teeth. What folks says about this family, I does. I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady, but the way that she eat in front of folks like a bird. And I ain't aiming for you to go to Mr. John Wilkinson's and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog. And then she left. It does something for me.
Starting point is 00:49:52 She's talking about fighting. What does it do for you? Fucking people up never stopped being a thing. Yeah, would you? Black people are just alike. Shooting people is still whack. It means you can't fight. It means you're a cop.
Starting point is 00:50:03 She signs off the footage saying, fuck the police, fuck them. Tezacos, a married father of two young children, was redirecting traffic on the Long Island Expressway following a separate fatal car. What a horrible night. Boves faces 13 charges, including manslaughter in the second degree and
Starting point is 00:50:19 vehicular manslaughter. Ugh. You fat, nasty, black bitch. Adios, honey. Enjoy your three squares and getting up at 4 a.m. Maybe you can, you know, such a good fighter, you can join a boxing team at Rikers or whatever. I don't know why I'm saying that.
Starting point is 00:50:40 She'll probably do a month and a half because she killed a white cop. Well, we haven't talked about jason we haven't talked in a while about the first six months of the show seemed like it was nothing but uh transgender and lgbt stories and stuff but and then joe became president and we veered off on that to race but back to this headline fag flag uh video footage from Richfield High School in Millville, Utah, shows a student cutting down a left-wing intersectional LGBT flag from a banister where it covered the Cuban flag. Can you make this shit up? Only in America. It covered a Cuban flag, drawing raucous cheers from the student body.
Starting point is 00:51:21 The action has drawn outrage. Oh, my God. They took down the gay intersectional flag from school officials and LGBT activists. In the footage you're about to see, a male student can be seen cutting down the LGBT flag in front of a crowd of cheering onlookers, revealing the Cuban national flag
Starting point is 00:51:40 that had been covered by the intersectional pro-transgender banner. Let's take a look at this politically correct train wreck. Turn this back on. Not even a good cheer. They're like, oh, no, it's a Cuban flag. Oh, my God. You guys.
Starting point is 00:52:15 You got to grow up. You're not a kid anymore. The gay community is upset about this. Their feelings are hurt they said oh boy you anyways once that flag came down with some people were heard saying hey everybody we're all gonna get laid anyways the cuban flag had been covered by the lgbt flag as part of Diversity Week that featured. This is the type of chaos that Diversity Week and Black Week and Women's Gay Week, it stirs it up all the time,
Starting point is 00:52:53 and yet they continue to do it. Honestly, people on the left are so fucking retarded, obsessed with race and gender and sex. It's just precious. So anyways, that was part of diversity week that featured gay straight alliance clubs. Predictably, the incident drew outrage on social media. School officials were quick to express performative outrage with a Cachet County school district spokesperson, Timmy Smith, stating that neither the school nor the school
Starting point is 00:53:21 district condones the insensitive and disrespectful. How much fucking power do these fags have? Removal of the flag, which was done without permission, like the school was going to go, yes, take down that fag flag. We're big Cuban fans here. It's just fucking quiz. fucking quiz. This type of incident reminds us, this is him still speaking,
Starting point is 00:53:46 of the importance of continually educating students not just during a diversity week, on the, like it's not diversity every week
Starting point is 00:53:53 on a fucking high school or college campus, on the importance of respecting one another and the right to attend school, participate in events, and learn in a safe and respectful school
Starting point is 00:54:02 environment, half a fag added. Oh, I can't take it no more. I'm glad this week's almost over. I hope I have something left for you guys in Florida. I am tapped. According to Smith, the decision to cover up the Cuban national flag with intersectional flag was not intentional.
Starting point is 00:54:17 And he stressed the importance of making the school an environment where LGBT activists, you guys don't get tired of this shit. Feel safe saying we've been talking to those students this morning to make sure they feel okay. This is all about a flag. A couple of them said, no, I think I have cancer from the incident. And like it's a good environment for them to return to. Students have complained of feeling unsafe. This is why you call fags. You feel unsafe in a perfectly safe environment. No offense. I got plenty of gay friends, but you guys, you activists, we're tired of you. I have compassion fatigue.
Starting point is 00:55:00 They complain of feeling unsafe, you know, like me, at a Chris Rock show, because the flag was removed, though the little explanation has been provided as to why. Oh, no, we've got to get to the bottom of this, don't we? This is outrageous. Where's the baby cry button? Tighten that up. That was one activist. Finally
Starting point is 00:55:31 tonight, because I'm tired, and finally for the week, students it's a new story, forced to hear anti-white and oh God, graphically sexual poem. The parents of a 7th grade student at Issaquah Middle School in Washington State were shocked after learning the reason behind why their child failed to complete a language arts assignment and posted about the volatile incident to a Facebook group. The parents did on Tuesday. According to the student's parents, their child was given the assignment to read and analyze a poem from the seventh grade language arts teacher,
Starting point is 00:56:05 Mrs. Johnson. Let's take a look at this crumbum. Mrs. Johnson. You're a loser. You'll always be a loser. Mrs. Johnson is younger than fucking students. After asking why their child failed to complete the assignment, the child informed the parents that the assignment left them uncomfortable and was too embarrassed to complete it. The poem the class was asked to analyze is entitled, get this, White Hollywood by Joe Lehmer. Here's Joe Lehmer. Here comes the poem. And I don't even know what to say anymore. Go ahead. Save you for creating films like The Last Samurai and The wall see you take advantage of he's a biracial chipmunk put him back up there i didn't say take it down look at this now we have angry biracial black and asian
Starting point is 00:56:59 gay whatever the fuck now they're shitting on america uh play this and somebody get me a condom i don't want you safely go ahead memory by letting Gay whatever the fuck now they're shitting on America Play this and somebody get me a condom. I don't watch it safely. Go ahead memory by letting Tom Cruise and Matt Damon Based on a true story directors cut version spliced our colors On TV because the Asian couldn't be heroic. I mean, how insecure are you, white Hollywood, when diversity means placing Asian males in asexual supporting roles? Never getting the girl. I mean, I get it.
Starting point is 00:57:31 You don't need Viagra. You can suck your own dick because you get a colonized erection every single time. Pause. He's angry because he's biracial. He's got a black nose. He's got some white in him. He's got some Asian in him. See, he's a victim.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Three times over. You know? Ugh. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Go ahead. Asian women as love interests. In society, white person saves me
Starting point is 00:58:01 by pushing me out of harm's way. It's funny how pushing me out of harm's way it's funny how pushing me out of harm's way feels like putting me in my place feels like beating the heathen out of me so your place is in the kitchen making me number two way fuck stain nick that's an old stereotype i don't give a fuck i'm bringing uh old sexy racism back go ahead let the fucking dink finish i can be obedient feels like insecurity hidden in manifest destiny, and I've been calling you out on your thievery only to let it fall on deaf ears.
Starting point is 00:58:28 White Hollywood, how invisible do you want to make us? You can't see. I can't. God, what's an Asian disease that could kill him? I don't like your jerk-off name. I don't like your jerk-off face. I don't like your jerk-off behavior, and I don't like you, jerk-off.
Starting point is 00:58:46 So now everybody's got a beef. This kid's what, fucking 19? He's already angry than somebody whose parents were slaves. I mean, ugh. See, this is an idea, America, and guess what? It's not working. It worked for a while, and then this came along. Upon analyzing the assignment, the student's
Starting point is 00:59:07 parents were left infuriated, posted about the incident to a group on Facebook. Here's what they posted. Here goes, I'm shaking. I just sent an email to my seventh grader's principal. What would your next step be? You know, this was in the Facebook post. Warning, this is graphic. The parent wrote in a Facebook. And so everybody, all the parents got to see this. A group of parents in the school have contacted the principal and are formulating action items. I hope that means loading guns and shit. The post-millennial has contacted the school and teach of a comment.
Starting point is 00:59:41 But guess what? Guess what they heard back? They have not received a response and they won't because I'm sure the school is on this little angry pussy side. I have had enough of America. If I was rich, I would build my own country. That is it, ladies and gentlemen, for the week. Again, thank you so much for supporting the show. Don't forget Don't forget If you want me to roast one of your friends or relatives, I'll make a video on my phone and send it to them. Don't forget Click the tour dates to see where I'm going to be, maybe in your neck of the woods doing stand-up, hopefully. That is it. Again, another great week in the books.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Again, thank you to Alan Dershowitz, the great Alan Dershowitz, one of the few people who actually is objective about things like this. You guys, thank you, and I'll say you're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend. guitar solo I'm out.

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