The Nick DiPaolo Show - Americans Stiffed by Stimulus | Nick Di Paolo Show #465

Episode Date: December 22, 2020

Stimulus bill rife with foreign interest. Trump lawyer urges against insurrection act. Politicians prep for the vaccine....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah Welcome to the show folks, how are ya? Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah Kwanzaa i celebrate kwanzaa every year just out of respect for the uh well the nfl and the defensive backs uh how are you folks but it doesn't feel like Christmas. Christmas, maybe it's because I haven't fucking ordered a thing or bought a thing yet. You know. Fuck, I still got, what, 48 hours?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Run by an antique store and find some fucking 75-year-old roller skates, throw them in a box. There you go, honey. You don't like that? Some chewing tobacco over there, too. So relax. What's the matter with you? See, my wife, I bring her all the dough. She handles it.
Starting point is 00:01:28 But then she buys me shit. It's my own. I'm giving myself a gift. And I turn it to fucking De Niro and Goodfellas when I open it. What did I tell you? Not to get anything too big, too expensive. Get it out of here. Yeah, but it's on your credit.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I don't give a fuck. You being a smart mouth with me? Get it out of here. I don's on your credit i don't give a fuck get you being a smart mouth to me get it out of here i don't care you got to take it back where the fuck you oh i have a bunch of holiday jokes that i do uh how about advertising a little earlier for christmas we started in late what august this year for christ's sake so commercialized i i was watching a movie the other day. Show five guys nailing Chrysler to cross. Turned it out. It was an ad for Stanley Tools. Anybody got a level?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yes. What else? About the time, and this is true, about 10 years ago, my cousin Eric got me a fake lottery ticket. I opened it and I, you know, I rubbed the fucking thing and it said I won like, I don't know, it was like $8,500. So I'm jumping around the whole party. Turns out it was a
Starting point is 00:02:36 fake fucking thing and hoo-hoo, isn't that funny? Everybody was in on it. The whole family's fucking, let me jump around like an asshole for a couple hours. I got him back though the following christmas i stabbed my grandmother to death in the driveway on christmas eve so well the winning numbers again bitch you know did i tell you the time this is when i realized it wasn't a great husband and this is a true story too it's kind of embarrassing but i don't know how
Starting point is 00:03:02 to wrap a gift properly like most guys so i went went on the internet on YouTube and I found a woman doing a video how to wrap. She was a fucking 12 on a scale of 10. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, huge tits, face like an angel. Long story short, I ended up jerking off to the video. So that's not a good thing. I handed my wife the gift. She goes, there's no tape on this. How are you keeping the paper? It's magic. Anyways, thought I'd get you in the spirit. This is a real Christmassy show. Anyway, it's actually a really heavy show.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I got a couple things I want to show you. Let's start off with the next girlfriend that I dated in Revere sitting on Santa's lap. Santa, you know what I want for Christmas this year? What? A big fat cock. Oh! In my ass.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I know what you did. You're a damn pervert. All right, just get the hell out of here. I love Santa's fucking... I love the way he reacts. Whoa! Santa, you know what I want for Christmas this year? What?
Starting point is 00:04:08 A big fat cock! Oh! In my ass! Look at Santa. Stroke of my, lick of my, suck of my lick of my suck of my cock
Starting point is 00:04:27 it's the first time for you so here's what you do unsip me and strip me and show me you care
Starting point is 00:04:35 don't go ripping out my pubic hair reach for my grab for my pull of my cock you can do it
Starting point is 00:04:44 with ease just get on your knees Start licking and slurping, my dick will be firm Soon you'll be tasting sperm Do it right now and don't buy now Drag your tongue across my meat If you give me head, there's no need to spread by now you should know blowjob can't be beat faster now deeper now into your throat the secret is not to choke take my shaft by its face stuff the whole thing in your face. That's how you suck on my cock.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Bing Crosby did that with David Bowie in 72. It was a beautiful, beautiful thing, man. So, anyways. Real quickly, before I get to the heavy news. This is heavy, too. I don't know if you guys most of you guys are like me football fans one of my favorite players in the history of the nfl was a guy named kevin green last night i put on my monday night football and i see uh they come
Starting point is 00:05:58 back from a commercial i have the sound down because i'm doing something and i see kevin green's face and then i see the date and I go you I didn't even know I had no idea guy was my age fucking passes away and once again what have I been telling you they never tell us how people die anymore never of course so I I don't know I I don't know this guy um one of the most terrorizing pass rushes of all time. He died Monday. The pro football. He walked on at Auburn.
Starting point is 00:06:30 He was a walk-on. Okay. Ends up in the Hall of Fame. He's third on the list of sacks. And he's white. Why are you going to point that out? Because it's unbelievable. His best years, well, he said his best years with his steal
Starting point is 00:06:47 is the last few years he played. But he was just a killer linebacker slash defensive end, and it shocked the shit out of him. It actually made me well up a little bit because he was like the, he had this upbeat fucking, he actually went into pro wrestling for a little while. He was just bigger than life. Pittsburgh fell in love with him. He's gone gone and we couldn't do nothing about it of course the
Starting point is 00:07:10 cause of death was not immediately disclosed because i guess we can't handle bad news anymore the entire pro football hall of fame family mourns the passing of kevin green hall of fame president ceo david baker said in statement, I regarded him as a personal friend and a true Hall of Famer in every sense. He possessed the most incredible can-do attitude of anyone I've ever met. There was a clip of him, like, I think, I don't know if it was right before he went into college football when he was real young and how fired up he was lifting weights in a gym.
Starting point is 00:07:43 And even then you could see this. He had this, somebody documented it. He had this just tunnel vision to be, he wanted to be a pro football player. Didn't have the size, didn't have the speed, and just worked like a fucking madman. And everybody, you know, everybody loved him. Fucking, he was, he was a fucking terror.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Before, it says, before he had the NFL quarterbacks and tallied 150, 160 career sacks, third highest total in history, he walked on at Auburn. Do you understand how good you have to be to walk on at Auburn? Take a look. Here's just a short few clips of his work.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Mostly, this is when he was with the LA Rams, who drafted him, I guess. He could run like a deer. Strong as a goddamn ox. Look at this. Athletic? I think so. He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it. You're gonna eat lightning
Starting point is 00:09:18 and you're gonna drop thunder. I think I brought you fucking meth. Rest in peace, Kev. Fucking bad man. Bad man. Fucking love that guy. That really bummed me out. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I buried my dog. I didn't shed a goddamn tear. I didn't know this guy. I knew the dog pretty well. He's from Schenectady, New York. Also, he was known for, he had long blonde locks hanging out like, you know. Drafted in the fifth round in 85 by the Rams.
Starting point is 00:09:54 So he spent more than half his career there. He says, but the time of my life and for my family was three years in Pittsburgh. Green said in 2016, before being inducted into the Hall of Fame, signed as a free agent with the Steelers in 93, following eight years with the Rams. He was a two-time Pro Bowl in three seasons with the Steelers and led the league with 14 sacks in 1994.
Starting point is 00:10:22 After the Steelers lost in the Super Bowl following the 1995 season, Green signed with the Carolina Panthers. Guess what? Where he would lead the league again in sacks with 14 and a half in 96. Five-time Pro Bowler, also spent one season in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Survived by his wife, Tara, and children, Gavin and Gabrielle. So fucking that bummed me out, man. I don't know why. I want to know what happened. Could be steroid use. I don't know. I don't think it was CTE, but he played like that. You know what I mean? Anyways, let's get to the fucking scary times we're living in and boy i'm telling you uh you see they pass that giant stimulus bill people finally finally gonna get that they should be ashamed they've been talking about this since march or whatever and you people are finally gonna get
Starting point is 00:11:17 your money us billions though we're getting 600 most people are getting like $600. Billions going to foreign aid in spending bill. Gender programs in Pakistan. I'm not making it up. Sri Lankan ship refurbishments. What the fuck? What? No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant.
Starting point is 00:11:39 American taxpayers still railing from coronavirus lockdowns will be shelling out billions to foreign countries if congress passes a 2.3 trillion dollar spending bill unveiled on monday which they suppose listen to this it's 5,593 page budget that it'll bust the fucking budget wide open posted online monday afternoon course, only hours before Speaker Pelosi said a vote would be held. So they, you know, they, it's what they do. They spring it on us. For some countries, Christmas came early. Let me read a few of the goodies that, keep in mind now, most Americans are going to get like including $19 million to remediate dioxins? Is that what that says? What the hell does that?
Starting point is 00:12:33 To Vietnam? Well, baby, me so horny. Me so horny. You keep lying. Me love you. Unspecified funds to continue. Hey, Jace, it's a little loud. Me love you. Unspecified funds to continue. Hey, Jace, it's a little loud. The sound drops.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Can you, can I test one again? Hold on. All right. Did you turn it down a little? Because had to uh turn mine down then i couldn't hear me so anyways all right unspecified funds to continue support for not-for-profit institutions of higher education in kabul afghanistan that are accessible to both women and men co-educational environment. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Allah is more! Allah is more! Allah is more! $198,323,000 to Bangladesh, including $23.5 million to support Burmese refugees and $23.3 mil for democracy programs. What the fuck? But you don't have opening? Oh, we do. But why not? 130,265,000 to Nepal for development and democracy programs.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Pakistan, 15 million for democracy programs and 10 million for gender programs. Throwing your son looks like a fag to me. $15 million for democracy programs and $10 million for gender programs. You know, your son looks like a fag to me. In Pakistan? Yeah, good luck being transgender over there. Cut your schlong slash clit off. Sri Lanka up to $15 million for the refurbishing of a high-endurance cutter, which is a type of patrol boat. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:14:22 I'm going to find out what the hell happens here. $505,925,000 to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama, you know, so they can keep producing drugs to address key factors that contribute to the migration of unaccompanied, undocumented. Yeah, we're still studying that? Undocumented
Starting point is 00:14:49 minors to the United States. Oh God. 461 million, 375 thousand to Colombia for programs related to counter-narcotics. Yeah, how's that working out narcotics. Yeah. How's that working out in human rights? How's that working out?
Starting point is 00:15:08 74.8 million to the Caribbean, uh, basin security initiative. Oh, thank God. 33 mil for democracy programs for Venezuela. You're fucking talk about throwing fucking money, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:21 down a rabbit's hole. I think your brain is going. So I do too. Unspecified amount to Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, uh, Caracay and Trinidad, Tobago for assistance for communities in countries supporting
Starting point is 00:15:35 or otherwise impacted by refugees from Venezuela. Why is that on us, the American taxpayer, to protect those countries from being invaded by Venezuelans? $132,025,000 for assistance for Georgia, and that's not the state of Georgia. $453 million for assistance for Ukraine. I wonder how much went to Biden.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Andy Biggs slammed the bill before the details even emerged. He says, just another bill we have to pass before the American people discover all the goodies that special interests jammed into over the past week. You are correct, sir. So how does that make you feel, folks? They are pissing on us, this douchebag and that douchebag to her left. Huh? Don't give a fuck about the taxpayer. And they're sending most people a measly $600. After what? Is that going to put a dent in anything? Oh, my God. Anyways, it's getting scary where we're going. I can't wait to show. I'm going to read an article to you in a few minutes about us not doing anything as people on the right laying down and not doing anything about all this because they're taking over.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And I'm going to play a clip from a guy from Serbia who's going to fucking make you feel guilty about your inaction. Me too. He's got a very heavy accent, but I'm wanting to play a clip from a guy from Serbia who's going to fucking make you feel guilty about your inaction. Me too. He's got a very heavy accent, but I'm wanting you. Anyway, before that, Jenna Ellis, that's one of Trump's lawyers, advises against the Insurrection Act. Why is that? Team Trump attorney Jenna Ellis is advising the president against use of the Insurrection Act as he continues to contest the results of the November election. The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a federal law that gives the president the authority
Starting point is 00:17:35 under very specific circumstances to deploy the U.S. armed forces to quell civil disorder, rebellion, or insurrection, which I would say stealing an election comes under insurrection. As explained by Ellis in this case, it would involve the president taking the military and going to seize assets in state sovereignties, for example, the Dominion voting system machines. And I guess that optically that would look bad.
Starting point is 00:18:08 You know what I mean? But you know what? It doesn't look any worse than stealing the fucking election. And that's our problem, you know? Ooh, it might not look good. People might not like. Okay, keep taking to the ass. Jesus H. The Antichrist. You got keep taking to the ass. Jesus H.
Starting point is 00:18:26 The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. Certainly, I would not advise that the American people want that. This is Jen Ellis saying because of the precedent that it would set. Yeah, and what's that? So we should just sit by
Starting point is 00:18:39 and let them steal the election? Or there are other ways of doing it? Oh, I guess she has an option. We have constitutional process for a reason. Yes, and the Democrats didn't follow it. And we have the judicial branch that really does need to step in. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:18:56 They're not so far. Anyways, Supreme Court absolutely let the American people down by refusing to take up the Texas case, she says. Despite her disappointment in the judicial branch and the behavior of some state lawmakers, Ellis emphasized that the use of the Insurrection Act is not how the founders envisioned the law being applied. The framers put it in place as guardrails that come before use of the military option, she said. as guardrails that come before use of the military option, she said. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:30 The state legislatures, they can look at all of this corruption. They can look at how their laws and their states were totally ignored, and they can take back their delegates at any time, which is true. But they're such cowards, and they can refuse to go along with the certifications that are absolutely false and fraudulent. So that's the constitutional solution. So once again, the Republicans, people on the right, have to play by the Constitution. And the other jerk offs don't. You understand? I'll use the analogy again.
Starting point is 00:20:00 It's like a sporting event, a football game. One team can do anything they want. They can run out of bounds. They can clip. They can pass interference. And they don't get called for it. The other team has to play by the rules. Who do you think is going to win? That's right. It's not the Jets. What? We have to still make sure that even though we see that our country has been undermined by corruption, our solution can't be to undermine the Constitution ourselves. I don't think it is. We have to go through the process. We have to hold our leaders accountable. She's still calling them leaders. They're not cute.
Starting point is 00:20:47 And at the end of the day, if we don't get a correction in the case, we have to fight to make sure that this never happens again. Fuck the future. It's not going to ever. She don't get it either. You understand? If the Democrats pull it off and we turn into a socialist shithole like they're promising and they pack the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Again, if we lose Georgia, but you get there will be no going back. Do you understand that? And I'm going to play a clip in a few minutes of this Serbian guy telling you that because the same thing happened over there in 2000. Milosevic stole the election and it's going to send chills up your spine. It really is. Here's an article by Carol Brown that I'm going to read to you. It's all in there, Jace?
Starting point is 00:21:34 I'm going to read this to you, okay? It's kind of long, but listen to it. She's questioning, and it's funny because Comey has said this. I did his show yesterday. He thinks it's over because none of us were too lazy to get off our ass or whatever the fuck um it made me feel good that i'm least trying for the podcast but um it was by carol brown what was the publication the federalist or something like that i think it was something called the american thinker yeah american thinker uh anyways listen to this she says and i love I love this, this whole thing. She says,
Starting point is 00:22:05 we've been passive all year talking about us, people who think like us, with exceptions. We've absorbed one shock after another with little pushback. We've watched the rise of totalitarianism and disbelief as it has taken hold in the form of lockdowns, riots, censorship, and election fraud. We have, for the most part, been obedient as a handful of experts told us what we can and cannot do after the coronavirus swept in. We've tolerated demands to close our businesses, schools, and churches, not leave our houses or have contact with aging loved ones, among other demonic edicts, excuse me, withstood silently by, as a reimagined police force issued citations, forcibly removed people from public spaces,
Starting point is 00:22:55 padlocked doors, made arrests because someone dared to live as a free American. We even have been physically attacked while expressing support for the police as the police stood by and did nothing. On the heels of coronavirus lockdowns came riots across the country as law enforcement were told to stand down and they obeyed. Then the left pulled a poison arrow from its quiver and stole the election in its final coup attempt to deny a duly elected president his second term. You know this is, and nary a soul went to jail for any of it. Who did? Nobody, except for people on the right.
Starting point is 00:23:34 We're living in a world gone mad. Lawlessness and criminal behavior have become a norm, and no one does a thing to stop it. Meanwhile, as Trump supporters, we've tolerated mockery, scorn, threats, marginalization, and attacks as our voices are silenced and our reputations and livelihoods are stripped away. We've had every possible insult hurled at us. We've been painted as non-human, making it easier for those intent on inflicting harm to do so. The list of insults and threats made against President Trump and all of us is insanely long, often gruesome, and growing by the day. It seems everyone wants to get on the act, including the Speaker of the House, who alluded to fumigating Trump out of the
Starting point is 00:24:19 White House while the presidential wannabe posted a video of his dogs ripping apart a toy that was the likeness of Donald Trump. It takes a toll to have this much evil bombard our lives, and there's much more in store. The left wants to silence us permanently and completely, never to rise to power again, and it's on the threshold of pulling it off. No one should underestimate what leftists intend to do if they gain more power, nor think America is immune to the kind of horrors that occur elsewhere in the world. Everything is on the table, including arrest and execution. That's not hyperbole, folks. Okay. And yet throughout this endless nightmare, we often speak with bravado about how we're not going to take it much longer,
Starting point is 00:25:07 as if all of what's unfolded is somehow not quite enough to break our passivity. But with each passing day, we do take it, expressing rage, panic, desperation, shock, fear and confusion as we go. We're told to stand strong, hold the line, and fight for Trump, and we want to desperately, but what does that mean actually in actuality? Many of us don't know what to do. This isn't about pre-election day rallies or volunteering for the Trump campaign. We're in dark and dangerous waters barreling towards an illegitimate presidency littered with Marxists. barreling towards an illegitimate presidency littered with Marxists? Where are our leaders and organizers
Starting point is 00:25:48 to help us stand strong, hold the line, and fight for Trump? And how does this information get shared so we can organize this climate of censored conservative speech? Where are our leaders and organizers to help us stand strong, hold the line, and fight for Trump?
Starting point is 00:26:04 And how does that information get shared so we can organize in this climate of, did you put that in there twice, Jay? I think I just read the same thing twice. Meanwhile, you got to edit that, don't forget. Meanwhile, the ticking clock is banging in our head. We're in the 59th minute of an 11th hour. We look around for someone to save us, but there's no one. Republican leadership is made up of the usual cowardly, complicit, corrupt, and or clueless suspects. Even those one would expect to be standing strong have not delivered. We are on our own.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Who is willing to put it all on the line to save this nation? Who among us is willing to go to jail? Who is willing to be injured or killed should we attend a protest or engage in civil disobedience and find ourselves attacked without police protection? Who is willing to travel to D.C. on January 6th to attend what could be a historic protest scheduled for the same day the joint session of Congress meets to make the Electoral College votes official. Who's going to go? The Million Mag of March is at the organizational forefront here and there, and the president is calling on all of us to be there. Who hopes someone else will do the heavy lifting because we think others can do it easier than we can or because we still don't grasp that every single one of us must do his part,
Starting point is 00:27:32 whatever that part may be? How many of us plan to do nothing because we're cynical, hopeless, and tired? And who thinks at the last minute Trump will save the day so we can sit back and wait for a miracle. For those who fall into these latter categories, I urge you, watch this extraordinary, tentative video of a young Serbian man who has never been to America, but who loves this country, our values, and our freedom, probably the more than many of us do. He knows what it's like to have elections stolen. He understands firsthand how socialism never lets go once it takes hold. He speaks with extraordinary power that skitters along the edge of seething emotion that, for the most part, he keeps in check as he pleads with us to act now before all is lost. So let's go to Washington on January 6th.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Let's pour into the streets with voices that cannot be silenced. And if you can't go, help cover the cost of someone who can but needs financial assistance to do so. President Trump is counting on us here. In closing, let me leave you with this quote from the young Serbian man. They are never going to be as weak as now, meaning the left,
Starting point is 00:28:49 and you are never going to be as strong as now, meaning we're right before the fall. Let's marshal our strength and be a force to be reckoned with. Now, I'm going to play this tape of this Serbian kid, and he's got a real heavy serbian accent and i hope the audio is good um it's it's about i don't know eight ten minutes um but listen carefully because he's he experienced what we're experiencing right now and he wants to wake us the fuck up and he gets emotional he loves this country like i said as much as anybody who was born here but um i want
Starting point is 00:29:26 you to listen to this and this this one kind of made my hair stand up a serbian man describes what happened after their elections were stolen in 2000 and wants americans to wake the fuck up check it out hello americans i guess that you have forgot something and maybe a Serbian guy should tell you what to do. Strange, huh? I never put my foot on American soil, I never touched America, but somehow I love America. I love your values, I love what you represent, I love freedom. And now I see something that I have seen 20 years ago when I was a high school kid. It was October of 2000 and my country was in its most important day in recent history.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Our dictator Milosevic stole the elections. He used all the tactics that you see now. Everything that you have seen in Project Veritas. Project Veritas. Everything. Same tactics. You knew what happened. You knew. You know what happened. Now it's the question of what are you going to do? In October of 2000, my country did something extraordinary. After being obedient for 10 years, after sitting in tanks to pointlessly die, after many reasons and hopeless future somehow decided that it was time to do something to fight for freedom Milošević told the elections and people took the streets started with strikes, civil disobedience and then all the Serbian came to Belgrade. More than million people in a country that total population was maybe 8 millions. So basically everyone who could walk went to
Starting point is 00:31:37 Belgrade to protest. Milošević had very serious people on his side, at least on paper. Those were warriors for 10 years. That's what they were doing. And somehow, when they have seen that sea of people, they decided to back off. They have seen that they would fight the lost cause. Pause. The government saw millions of people and backed off
Starting point is 00:32:14 they could see it was a lost cause um go ahead his general said no his police chief said no people just over a violent human there was even a guy who took who took a bulldozer and he used that bulldozer to destroy state television. You think that you're the only one who have fake news? Kids, kids, you know nothing. You don't know what fake is. You don't know what fake news is, he said. Now the question is, do you have guts? Do you have guts to take the streets and reclaim what is yours? You know that they stole the elections. You know it's obvious to everyone with two brain cells.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And up to this moment you were smart. They wanted to incite racial war, but you were smart. Thanks God you were smart. You didn't took the bite. Black Americans decided to be Americans and white Americans realized that black Americans are guess what? Also Americans. I'm proud of you, but now you have one more battle.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Because this will not be a war, this will be a battle. They are never going to be as weak as now. They are never going to be as weak as now. And you are never going to be as strong as now. If you lose now, it will be game over. Once installed, socialism will never leave. Once installed, socialism will never leave. Not a single country in eastern europe was able to get rid of it name some not even after decades not even after generations world that you know will
Starting point is 00:33:55 start to exist you will never going to reclaim it again never russians couldn't, Ukrainians couldn't, Baltic guys couldn't, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, all Yugoslavia, Bulgarians, Romanians, Albanians, not a single one was able to overthrow them in real sense of matter. All of us kept living mediocre lives, working for $500 per month. That was it. All because God knows when we lost. And we were not the only ones who fought. Romanians were even crazier. They overthrown Ceausescu by rushing towards Kalashnikovs barehanded. He sent tanks on them. They didn't care. They had nothing to lose.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Their Olympic champions risked their lives to get out of there. Hungarians fought too, but Russian tanks were decisive. Hungarijan je i zbog njihove zvukove, ali Rusko je, hvala za odličanje. Ima i danas možete vidjeti kružnje u fasadima Budapesta. Nije imaš nekako da ih određuješ, samo da se spominješ. Ček je zbog njihova zvuka, Pol je zbog njihova zvuka. Sve od njih. Sada je tvoja vrsta. Ako ne htiješ svobodu, ne htiješ to. To je to. Nikomu nećeš pomoći. Nikomu. them now it's your turn if you don't like freedom you don't like it that's it nobody is going to help you no one we could hope that america will liberate us again save us again after
Starting point is 00:35:34 saving us three times i guess in 20th century but hey save us again you cannot save people from themselves. Can you save yourself from yourselves? If you don't believe in God, it's okay. Br. Z. Kulag Archipelago, first 20 pages. There is one beautiful sentence. Not a single honest man will left
Starting point is 00:36:08 you will not be able to live honest life it will not be about meritocracy it will not be about skills it will not be about knowledge it will not be about any good quality of a human being that's where we're headed it will be just collection of some points That's where we're headed. It will be just a collection of some points. Are you Serb enough? Are you Croat enough? Are you black enough? Are you-
Starting point is 00:36:29 See, are you Serb enough? Are you Croat? Are you black? That's what they're doing on the left. Everything we talked about yesterday, doling out medicine, right? Everything's done by skin color and color. And right now the whites are the disfavored race and that's what he's talking about. Are you black enough to get this?
Starting point is 00:36:43 These benefits have... Go ahead. favorite race and and that's what he's talking about are you black enough to get this these benefits up go ahead white enough multiplied by gender multiplied by god knows what have you been loyal to the party have you not be loyal to party and there will be no two parties anymore we don't have two parties in europe. We have one party with ten names. We have one policy. We have one everything one. We don't vote anymore. It's pointless. One state solution.
Starting point is 00:37:14 We have no leaders anymore. It's pointless. There is no reason anymore. Look what they have done during the lockouts. They had no authorities over you and you just obeyed. They destroy your businesses, you obeyed. They took your streets and looted everything, you obeyed.
Starting point is 00:37:35 They come to your neighborhoods, you've done nothing. They come to your house, you have done nothing. What the hell is wrong with you? You have done nothing, What the hell is wrong with you? You have done nothing, you idiots. Right? And what are you going to do now? Are you going to take that goddamn bulldozer
Starting point is 00:37:54 and bulldoze everything? Or you will just stay obedient sheep until you got slaughtered? My people were slaughtered in Nazi Croatia. They were walking towards the pit holes and they were thrown alive. Together with their women and children. That's what Marxism is doing, you sheep.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Learn from history, what the hell. You have three or four more days to decide your life, you idiots. After that it will game over. Join the police. Join the party. Do this now. Go, join them. Spit on your flag.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Spit on everything. Spit on cross. Spit on everything that you... That was your value. Enjoy the enemy. Go ahead, survive. Survive like a maggot. If you believe in God, well, read three passages, it's not a lot. Matthew 10 something Mark 13 something And Luke 12 something Choose your side
Starting point is 00:39:34 You want to be in permanent lockdown Go ahead, choose your side Do you want to be undervalued Just because of the color of your skin Or god knows what's in choose your side do you want to be undervalued just because of the color of your skin or god knows what's in choose your side what are you waiting for aliens to save you katulu sasquatch you don't believe in christ you don't believe in reason you don't believe in logic you don't believe in history what is your belief in what do you believe spirits now i got emotional but you haven't so why do they care it's your life it's your liberty it's your pursuit of happiness so pursue. If you don't believe me, ask
Starting point is 00:40:25 a billion people from Kamchatka to Cuba. Ask them. What do I know? I'm a stupid guy. Billion people have experienced this. And now you want to just surrender. Go. Surrender.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Go to hell. Okay. I don't think you'll see that on CNN or MSNBC or ABC or Fox or... Did that send chills up your ass? Because he just explained what they went through
Starting point is 00:41:00 in 2000 in Serbia. And you can check off what's going on right now, right after Milosevic stole the election. One party, what do you think the Dems are going to do? They're going to stack the Supreme Court. That's what they're going for. And everything will be done by, ooh, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:20 blacks were treated this way for so long, put them to the front of the line, blah, blah, blah. It's all fucking happening. Not an exaggeration. And people still going, oh, baseless allegations about the election. My fucking word. Again, that's the left or the party going, shut up. You didn't see anything. Let's go. Let's get Biden in there.
Starting point is 00:41:43 That guy gives a shit more than most of us because he lived it. I wonder why he's not over here. Anyhow, I thought that was a guy made Greta Thunberg look like Carrot Top. But God bless him, man. All that was true. So and it's coming up. Hey, guys, it's your last chance to get Nick DiPalo show merch before Christmas. Go to
Starting point is 00:42:16 Pick up our show logo gear and our brand new Nica gear now available in both white and gray. Check it out. This guy's always producing stuff and the quality is good of the t-shirts remember you can uh get your own at that's thanks everyone who has already uh bought gear you guys are really the best and uh as we make this transition we need this to keep the show going. And again, spread the word about We eventually will be there solely. So thank you very much. I want to thank one-time contributions since yesterday. Eric Aldred at Canada, Israel the Beiner Lopez,
Starting point is 00:43:02 California, Michael Lee, Arizona. Victor Nehring, California. Doyle Allen, South Carolina. Franz Grissom, Oklahoma. James Aaron, Kentucky. Brendan Byrne, Australia. That's a great Australian name. And we have a couple new monthly subscribers at Patreon.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Ali M. and J. Scott Moore, Kansas. I want to thank all you guys for supporting the show. It's important this time of year. And now you get your stimulus checks. Finally, tonight on Meet the Press. You know, folks, and again, you know how I feel about this whole COVID pandemic. I really think it's part of the plan to make you obedient. And they have to keep this going for a while, right?
Starting point is 00:43:57 So this doesn't surprise me, this headline. New COVID mutation may already be in the United States. I can't believe we're still listening to Dr. Anthony Fauci. When the fuck's the last time he was right? Dr. Anthony Fauci said the new mutation of COVID-19 that has spread across the UK is likely already in the United States. And again, we have to keep that, keep the play going. And may even have originated here. It did right under your nose, according to a top virologist,
Starting point is 00:44:26 but does not appear to affect the protective nature of the vaccines being used right now, he said. Why are we still listening to this guy? Shut up! Shut, shut, shut, shut, shut up! When you see something that is pretty prevalent in a place like the UK, there are also mutations that we're seeing in South Africa. And given the travel throughout the world, I would not be surprised, Fauci says, if it's already here. Of course, he told that to Judy Woodruff, PBS NewsHour.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Certainly, it is not yet the prevalent one. The way it seems to have assumed that prevalent nature in the UK he says and by the way he's the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease and Getting Things Wrong dot org meanwhile Jeremy Lubin my favorite virologist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School joined a number of other infectious disease experts. See, experts, experts, experts who say you can't be an expert at something that's unprecedented. Let's make a fucking new rule. Who said the variant may not have even originated in the UK in the first place? You're right. It started in my toaster oven. 1988. It may very well be here.
Starting point is 00:45:45 He says it may have even started here. The sequencing in the United States is so sporadic, Lubin said, according to the Washington Post. Angela Rasmussen, my second favorite biologist at Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security said it makes sense that it was detected first in the UK because they have probably the world's best surveillance program. It would not shock me at all to find out that it also is circulating in the United States.
Starting point is 00:46:17 So I say to her, shut up, mind your fucking business and shut up. The experts suggested that the new strain was identified in the UK first because the country has a strong monitoring system that has studies. They've already studied tens of thousands of genomic sequences of viral samples. Fauci said that since the bug that causes COVID-19 is an RNA virus, it tends to mutate a lot. Most of the mutations have no functional relevance. It's like Van Halen. This one has suggestion that it might allow the virus to spread more
Starting point is 00:46:54 readily. He says we know that much. I'm smart. I'm like everybody says. Like, don't. I'm smart and I want the sticks okay take it easy pouch it doesn't seem at all to have any impact on the virulence or what we call the deadliness of the virus it doesn't make people sicker and it doesn't seem to have any impact on the protective nature of the vaccine that we're currently using the top doctor also said that he thinks a UK travel ban might be premature. Why are we fucking listening to you? You would have said that about China too. Remember eventually he came around and said that Trump was right. I don't think that that kind of draconian approach is necessary. I think we should seriously consider. It sounds like he wants this shit to continue.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I'm sorry if I'm parroting. I think we should seriously consider the possibility of requiring testing of people before they come from the UK here. Do you? Okay. Still this guy's, huh? Of course, there's a new strain. Do you understand? Now, this one's more contagious.
Starting point is 00:48:05 It's, you know, the virus will work on it, but they have to keep it going. It's all part of the stealing of the fucking election, of making you obey. And like the guy said yesterday, putting on a mask, that's just making you submit to something. Did you hear the guy from Serbia?
Starting point is 00:48:20 Fuck the mask, have your parties, invite your grandmothers and grandfathers over. If they die, they die. Fuck. We lost two grandparents because of my mother's gravy. It was a nice mix of giblets and Moderna grease. Ilhan Omar is back in the news. This yeast infection from the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You should be put down like a rabid dog that she is. Progressive rep Ilhan Omar, you know who she is. Here she is seen still wearing a bandage after somebody removed her brain 10 years ago. Omar on Sunday called it shameful that young, healthy lawmakers such as fellow squad member Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are receiving the coronavirus vaccine before American seniors and frontline workers. You know what? As much as I hate AOC, I hate you even more and I'm going to go with her, not even because she's right. I just fucking hate you. You don't belong in this country. You came over here. just fucking hate you. You don't belong in this country.
Starting point is 00:49:25 You came over here. You fucking hate it. You admittedly said you want to tear it down. Okay. I don't have a problem with the people who help run this country getting a shot. Not AOC. I'm hoping she has an allergic reaction and it makes her tongue fall out. But anyways,
Starting point is 00:49:44 the Minnesota Congresswoman has joined a growing number of lawmakers who have vowed not to take the miracle pfizer drug out of concerns they are jumping the line i understand the optics are bad right but some of the guys have to take it the important politicians who's that nick well you know get me like Tom Cotton or Matt Gaetz out of fucking Florida or Jim Jordan, people who are trying to stop the election fraud. That's who.
Starting point is 00:50:11 It's now clear that we don't have enough vaccine, she says, for everyone and there's a shortage of supply. I didn't read that anywhere. We have to prioritize
Starting point is 00:50:18 those who need it most, Omar wrote on Sunday. She's always virtue signaling. That's why it's disturbing to see members be first to get the vaccine while most frontline workers, elderly and infirm in our districts wait. How about the people of color? They're getting it first. Did I make you happy? The Congresswoman's father died due to a complication, so there is some good news
Starting point is 00:50:42 from COVID-19 in June. Oh, Nick, that's a horrible. The message appears to be clear. A clear shot at lawmakers like her fellow progressive AOC who recorded herself receiving the vaccine on live Instagram on Friday and encouraged her millions of followers
Starting point is 00:51:04 to ask questions. In a follow-up tweet, Omar said it was shameful that lawmakers were receiving the vaccine, not because of their age, but their importance. So she's giving her friends a hard time. You know, I fucking hate the way you make me fucking ride you. Get the fuck out of here. It would make sense if it was age she said but unfortunately it's of importance and it's shameful she wrote why don't you think that way the rest of the year about all the other shit you do where you put yourself first or when you cheated when you paid people is she get voted in again remember paying? Paying people to harvest ballots. Project Veritas filmed her people doing it.
Starting point is 00:51:48 So shut the fuck up. That's why I'm telling you to shut up. There's a ton of dirt on you. How about marrying your brother fakely and then fucking having an affair and taking the money from your campaign and giving it to your future husband's business? So shut your fucking Middle Eastern yeast hole. We are not more important than frontline workers, teachers, et cetera, who are making sacrifices. You got that right. Every day, which is why I won't take it. Give her a bad,
Starting point is 00:52:15 give her a hot dose like Sharon Stone in Casino. People who need it most should get it. Full stop, she says. I like to stop your heartful. On Monday morning, former Democrat presidential candidate Representative Tulsi Gabbard also blasted lawmakers for taking the corona vaccine before American seniors
Starting point is 00:52:36 and declared she wouldn't receive the vaccine until the elderly receive their shot first. I love you for helping me to construct. Jason, you got to get a better picture. You know how I feel about this woman. But it's. She says, I plan to take the vaccine, but will now stand in solidarity with our seniors by not doing so until they can.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I urge my colleagues in Congress who are under the age of 65 and healthy to join me. At least she qualified it a little bit. The Food and Drug Administration on Saturday approved Moderna's COVID-19 shot, boistering the nation's immunization effort. But there are fears that Americans who need the drug the most are missing out. Presidential elect Joe Biden, 78, received his, that could have been like an assassination attempt, his first shot with wife Jill Biden on Monday. She was holding his hand.
Starting point is 00:53:40 We actually have a clip of Joe Biden getting his shot. Hey. Okay, one, two, boop. I know it's gonna hurt. Anyways, that is it, ladies and gentlemen. I want you all... That was like a good show and a heavy show and informative.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I hope you can understand that serbian guy take out of the whole show take his words seriously eat those words how do we get to washington um it's i'm telling you it's no joke so uh this is me doing my part but if you're 25 and healthy get an axe handle put it under your coat you can get on amtrak open somebody's skull on the wrong side uh anything else i want to wish you a merry christmas uh a happy hanukkah and Jason enjoy your Kwanzaa. Don't forget People are ordering a lot.
Starting point is 00:54:50 They're the great Christmas gifts. If you want me to roast 20 of your friends, I'll make a video on my cell phone and roast them. I will, or say happy birthday to somebody. I can be nice. Can be me. Go to Click on my profile.
Starting point is 00:55:04 We will be back on. i think jason said monday the 28th of december got some shopping to do you know i'm saying man i hope my wife likes porn and deltos all right baby uh that is it you guys think and i will say it you're very welcome we'll see you back here on monday again have a great christmas bye guitar solo I'm out.

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