The Nick DiPaolo Show - Anthony Cumia Part 1 | Nick Di Paolo Show #1224

Episode Date: June 15, 2022

Inflation at all time high. Minorities want Trump back. Lib media ignoring Kavanaugh threat.  Anthony Cumia Part 1....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching and contributing to the show. Every day I read something about a comedian or a comedy producer that supports censorship. Fuck these people. Patton Oswalt. Comedy is meant to be uncensored. Nothing is off limits and if the truth hurts your feelings, then too bad. Change the station. Don't tell anyone else what they can or can't say.
Starting point is 00:00:26 That's why I created this show, a place to find unfiltered and brutally honest comedy. And since the media, the media running libs, would never put this show out there, we did it ourselves, me and my team, along with your support and contributions. To that end, please consider contributing to the show to keep us going. You can either click the link below, below this video, or on my website on the top at
Starting point is 00:00:55 You fuel the show, and I appreciate all your generosity. We can't do it without you. Oh yeah, how are you folks? Welcome to the show on a dirty Wednesday. Good to be with you. What is going on? We're recording these ahead of time, by the way. The great Anthony Cumia will be joining me later on. One of the most underrated, funny people, funny as any comic I've met. And you know, when him and I get together, people get nervous. Nobody of any importance, but
Starting point is 00:02:24 people get nervous. And then there importance, but people get nervous. And then there's a lot of comments. Hey, look at these old grumpy guinea. You know what I'm talking about? But a great interview. We're going to break it into two pieces. We'll have the second part tomorrow. Let's get right to it. Joe Biden, and I'll tell you, I said this to Anthony in the interview, if I wanted to destroy the United States or be a president that hated his job a weekend and said, you know what can I do to not have a second term? I would do everything this motherfucker's doing. this motherfucker's doing.
Starting point is 00:03:08 He had a summit of the Americas. Nobody showed up. The Mexicans, 52% of the people in Mexico like him, but the leaders didn't even show up. Nobody respects a guy because they know the truth. Number one, he didn't win. Number two, they compare him to the last president. This guy is a ball-less professional politician for 50 years, and he's senile.
Starting point is 00:03:32 What the fuck can he do for us? Maybe we should take advantage of him. That's what I'd be doing. Anyways, you guys are feeling it in the wallet. Hey, every pump I go to, there's a picture, a little sticker somebody puts up. It's Biden saying, I did this, and his fingers pointing at the numbers. Of course, people in his staff are going around Putin pictures and putting them over there. It's one thing to be lied to, but it's insulting what they do.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Like the whole show trial thing these past few days, it's just insulting on its face. But inflation is what everybody, I don't care who the president is, how they, when grocery prices are through the roof and gas, you're fucked. I don't care what you do. Prices faced by U.S. consumers rose 8.6% in May, defying expectations that inflation had peaked in March. Who said that? Janet Yellen. And indicating that the Federal Reserve's task of bringing it back under control will be more challenging than the officials anticipated. What the hell's going on out here? I'll tell you what happened.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You stole that election. You handed it to this guy who you thought was a moderate. Well, you told us he was. Anyways, compared with April, prices rose 1%. Inflation hit, get this, a four-decade high. That would be 40 years, folks. A decade is 10 times four. You see how I did that? Of 8.557 percent, oh my God, in March, and moved down, get this, to 8.3 percent in April. And economists expect inflation to tick down to 8.2 percent in May. My, were they wrong.
Starting point is 00:05:27 8.2% in May. My, were they wrong. This is the 12th straight month, I'll repeat that, one year solid, of inflation above 5%. This is Joe's blood pressure, and it peaks right around 1970. Excluding food and energy, prices were up 6%. Excluding food and energy, prices were up 6%. Excluding food and energy. Prices were up 6% compared with a year ago. More than 5.9% anticipated. On the month, prices rose 0.6%, matching last month's gain in beating the expectation for a slowdown to 0.5%. in beating the expectation for a slowdown to 0.5%. Hey, I just have a wife. I don't have kids, a mortgage. I can't imagine going to the pumps, making an average salary somewhere,
Starting point is 00:06:15 especially in the Northeast. Just got to be a bitch. American fans, when I notice it, and like I said, it's just me and my wife, I looked at a package of pork chops at 20 minutes yesterday. Not because the price was so high. I thought I saw snot on one of them. It's a true story, folks.
Starting point is 00:06:34 American families get whacked by much higher prices at the grocery store in March, and they are getting fucking P.O.ed. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! The Consumer Price Index for food... Why don't we start shoplifting like all the black people do in the inner cities? And nobody does anything. And not just black people.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I saw a few whites sprinkled in. I don't mean to be racist. Or they were Mexicans. Or maybe, I don't know. The Consumer Price Index for food purchased for consumption at home rose 1.4%. When I say shoplift, nobody stops anybody. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Compared with the prior month. Compared with a year ago, folks, grocery store prices up just a little, 11.9%. The fastest pace of inflation since when? 1979. Why is that? I was 17. I'm 71. You do the math.
Starting point is 00:07:27 1979, junior in high school. Prices of cereals in bakery products jumped 11.6%. But how much do you want to make a bet we're still getting fat? Prices of meats, poultry, fish, and eggs were up 14.6%. You know, they say inflation, I mean, it can really damage the hard drive of the economy. I don't say that. Really smart economists say that. Dairy product prices were up 11.8%.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Fruits and vegetables were up 8.6%. Jesus Christ. How you going, Joe? What are we doing? What's going on right now? That's what everybody's asking, you motherless dinkweed. And you know what's beautiful? His people come out and go, yesterday, I don't know who it was.
Starting point is 00:08:13 As far as inflation goes, yeah, it's not going away. They can't even lie about it. They're like, no, it's not going to go away. And as far as gas goes, they love that. They want all of us off gas. You know that. Just like they did with cigarette taxes in New York. They made it $20-something a pack.
Starting point is 00:08:29 People went to heroin. Much cheaper to smoke heroin. But that's what that's about. He doesn't know what he's doing. The Democrats, as you know, they're not business people. They're not even politicians. They're revolutionaries, at least the group that's in there now. In a related story, you know who wants Trump back?
Starting point is 00:08:49 A lot of black people. A lot of minorities. Why? Well, because unemployment was at record lows for blacks, Hispanics, women, Asian, you name it, when he was there. How funny is it that Trump was never a politician before? Biden's been in there for 50-something years and Trump just smoked him.
Starting point is 00:09:09 What's it prove? Proves that we need Trump back. Here's some video. I think this one's the first one's of a... Is this in Detroit? Or am I being racist? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But listen, if I was Trump, I'd put this guy on the ticket or, I don't know, I'd have him traveling with Herschel Walk. This is a guy who's feeling the pitch. Let him lay it out for you. And remember, this is so beautiful. This is what makes Democrats shit when they see a guy like this, a black dude begging to get Trump back. Hit it. a black dude begging to get Trump back. Hit it. And now we ain't got no gas. Really? I need Trump back. Anybody else out there need motherfucking Trump back?
Starting point is 00:09:55 Anybody else want their fucking Trump back? Yes. Yes, sir. When was America ever great? We had gas. We had electricity. We had jobs. We had we had jobs we had food now we're sitting at home with no gas some people no electricity no jobs waiting for a stimulus check waiting on the goddamn extra food stamps what's going on yes sir we wasn't going through this shit for the last four years we were winning winning winning winning and now y'all sitting home being quiet and shit now. Somebody say something. Tell me why the fuck you support Joe Biden right now.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Tell me why you support Joe Biden right now. Everybody wants to get rid of fucking President Trump. What's up? Look at this goofy ass shit. People ain't got shit to say no more. Just sitting around like sheep, goofy ass sheep. All they can do is wait. All they can do is wait.
Starting point is 00:10:44 All they can do is fucking wait. All they can do is wait. All they can do is wait. All they can do is fucking wait. All they can do is wait. The Democrats thought they got a green new deal for 2030. Green new deal. You ain't got no fucking plans for everything to run off electricity in 10 years. You do got a plan to fuck up everything within the next 10 years, but you damn sure ain't got no plan for shit to run off electricity in the next 10 years. next 10 years but you damn sure ain't got no plan for shit to run off electricity in the next 10 years you got a plan to fuck up everything within the next 10 years i want my goddamn trump back this shit is stupid everybody had a lot to say when trump was in the was in the white house anybody got shit to say with this fucking old ass bum in there preach brother fucking country, preach! Fuckin' up our fuckin' country, fuckin' up the economy. God bless you. These motherfuckers projected that we was gonna have a million new jobs, 200,000 new jobs. And where the fuck are they at? Probably 200,000 illegal immigrants that you motherfuckers climbed up at the border got new jobs, but we don't.
Starting point is 00:11:37 We hurtin' and a murk. I hire this guy tomorrow. He ain't makin' it up. Everybody quiet as shit. Where the fuck are the joe biden supporters i love it he's doing this right in the gas i can tell y'all why i support trump tell me why y'all support this motherfucker i love him shit but fucking this up every day fucking us up all right that's good. You are correct, sir. Oh, my God. Everything he said, first you're like, oh, he's just listening.
Starting point is 00:12:12 But then he's hitting on, you know, everything he said is true. People waiting on stimulus checks. That's all fucking true. Isn't it great when you don't have a filter, a lib filter, between people who are suffering and then somebody
Starting point is 00:12:29 putting a spin on it at CNN? They're telling you, Biden was out yesterday telling people the economy's good and his people. Said it on Kimmel
Starting point is 00:12:38 the other night. It's just the inflation. Oh, my God. Here's some more people who agree with the last dude. Go ahead. Roll them. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:12:49 The Biden administration has been telling us that America is in one of the best spots that it's been financially and economically. Since it took office, families are carrying less debt. A recent survey from the Federal Reserve found that more Americans feel financially comfortable than any time since the survey began in 2013. POSITIVELY. He just, did you hear what he just said? He didn't say that months and months ago. He just said that. Family said they're more comfortable. I get chills because like that show trial last night, I watched the opening statement. I got chills.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Like, they're living on a different planet or it's such a blatant, you know, lie to the people. My hair, I got, like, goosebumps. I couldn't watch it. It kind of, like, it made me, I don't know, it was creepy. I felt like I was watching the destruction of this country, whatever. We're so far from the truth, it is creepy. But go ahead I was watching the destruction of this car, whatever. We're so far from the truth. It is creepy. But go ahead. Let's sugar talk. Look at those gas prices. They ain't comfortable to me. Hell no. Joe Biden says that we're in a strong economy, that we're doing great.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Do you believe that? No. We're not financially stable, comfortable, or nothing like that. But when Trump was in office, I was feeling really good. Really? Yes. Trump. Trump. So, Joe Biden's too much, you'd rather have Trump back? I want Trump back. I do not, I'm not for Biden. I'm not for him. Ain't no comfortability around nowhere. Comfortability.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It really hurts America with the gas prices because the one we have to get to work and if we can't get to work and we got to spend all our money on gas that we going to work on that mean you can't pay your bills. So it's an endless circle of endless debt. Everybody going to go in debt, you know, sooner or later because like what's happening now is everybody is feeling the heat from you know every angle of the society So yeah, that's not right like no, it's not true It's bullshit Completely because look at his hair like Rent prices is crazy
Starting point is 00:14:56 We we paying I don't know how much percent more but I would say these three three or four hundred more than we spend two Years ago like that's ridiculous. You know what I'm saying? Salaries aren't going up, so how are you supposed to make a difference in income and rent? It doesn't make sense. So when the Biden administration comes forward and says that economically and financially our country is doing really well, do you think that's a lie? Yeah, I think they're blowing smoke up our behinds. I think it's Biden's fault.
Starting point is 00:15:22 more smoke up our behinds. I think it's Biden's fault. I noticed Nike does well in the black market. I mean, not black market. I mean African-American. I saw everyone... Anyways, those are
Starting point is 00:15:38 working class people. By the way, those are guys, some of them, I mean, that are going to have to be fighting with these people pouring over the border for a job or whatever. And they know. They know what's up. Because when it hits home like this, anyhow. But remember, Biden, let me just remind you people this, and this is what they tell us.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Biden got more votes. Did you know that? Biden got more votes than Obama did. Ten million more votes than Obama did. Our first African-American president. And we're supposed to believe Biden got ten more more votes. Did you know that? Biden got more votes than Obama did. Ten million more votes than Obama did. Our first African-American president. And we're supposed to believe Biden got ten more million votes than Obama did. I want you to look. And your homework.
Starting point is 00:16:14 I watched the show, the movie last week, 2,000 Mules, Dinesh D'Souza's documentary on the last presidential election. You'll watch it and go, how in God's name? They're lucky the Capitol is still standing, is what I'd say. Let's move on. Triple standard from Lib Media. Here is a prediction that can be made with 100% certainty. If a Democrat-appointed Supreme Court justice had just had their life threatened,
Starting point is 00:16:41 this nation's politics and media would be in an uproar. Were a man to have just been found outside the home of a Democrat-appointed judge seeking to kill them, it would be wall-to-wall goddamn coverage. This is the idiot that tried to go after Kavanaugh. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. No, Will Robinson. Danger.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Boy, he looks normal. But it was outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh that a man was arrested in the early hours Wednesday morning. The 26-year-old had traveled from California. You guys know about this already, but we'll get an update. Has admitted that he hoped to kill Kavanaugh. Among other things, the man told officers that he was upset about the leaked draft of the Supreme Court judgment on Roe v. Wade. 25-year-old guy. What do you give a fuck?
Starting point is 00:17:28 Oh, boy, you. Yeah, let's kill somebody over it. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. This news hardly made the front page. This news didn't even make the front page of the New York Times. A tiny news and brief line was all it got. There was no wall-to-wall coverage on the networks. So far, the nation's late-night comics, you really think you're going to touch this, have got the story between their teeth. Fucking Kimmel had Biden on last week. Nobody's talking about the rise of fascism
Starting point is 00:17:58 in America. Nobody even seems particularly interested in looking at the would-be assassins' interested in looking in the at the would-be assassins motives that is we're taking this for granted now they're threatening to kill judges this kid was and 90 of the media doesn't touch it because they believe in the in cahoots the fucking perhaps it's because the democrat media and politicians are feeling just a tiny sense of guilt. After all, was it the Senate? Maybe it was Chuck Schumer. Remember he said a couple years back, what did he say at an abortion rally? I'll refresh your memory.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you. He incited. Nobody's talking about thatited nobody's talking about that nobody's talking about but when trump you know all they're talking about is trump inciting the
Starting point is 00:19:12 the insurrection where nobody had weapons by the way and he also said march peaceful it's all fucking what why isn't he being investigated why isn't he fucking in trouble uh well freedom of speech well okay let's have it both ways that's all i'm saying uh well it isn't he being investigated? Why isn't he fucking in trouble? Well, freedom of speech. Well, okay, let's have it both ways. That's all I'm saying. Well, it isn't worth asking what exactly Schumer meant by his remarks. Kavanaugh is a Supreme Court justice. He's not a prize fighter or even a politician.
Starting point is 00:19:36 So when someone says that Kavanaugh will be made to pay the price, what do they mean exactly? That people should make more mean speeches about him? When Schumer says that a Supreme Court justice won't know what hit him, what could have he meant by that? What pressure did Schumer imagine could be leveled against a justice of the Supreme Court? You know what he's talking about. That's called, they call that dog whistle when Trump would, you know, Schumer isn't the only one. I don't remember Trump ever saying anything that fucking provocative ever or inflammatory. Remember Elizabeth Warren's shaking, trembling performance in Washington a month ago?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Senator Warren seemed almost thrilled at the opportunity to fire off such righteous anger. Yes, I'm angry, said the titless wonder. She kept spitting to, you know,itting out there yeah i'm remembering it's after the abortion thing that that's what the republicans have been working on for 10 years after the leak of the draft of the judgment she claimed republicans had cultivated these terrible justices in subsequent rage through the opinion piece she said she was angry at the republicans in congress who stole two Supreme Court seats to get us to this. Okay, all that is heard by this ding-a-ling and a bunch of other
Starting point is 00:20:51 ones. Stole? That's a strong word, but being Elizabeth Warren, she went on and on. She attacked a group of unelected ideologues on the Supreme Court and even dismissed what she called this extremist Supreme Court. What are you meant to do if you listen to this? What are you meant to do if you believe the country is being stolen by unelected Supreme Court justices? You do what that shithead kid did that went to Kavanaugh's house. As though there was a democratically elected kind, what are you to do if you're told that the branch of government has been taken over by extremists? But just imagine how the tables would have been turned if this was the other way around. Imagine
Starting point is 00:21:30 the outrage if a Republican politician had talked about the Supreme Court being stolen from the people. Imagine if a Republican dismissed the court as extremists or said that the justices of the court would pay the price and not know what hit them. You are correct, sir. This is Douglas Murray, by the way. By this stage, several wannabe papers of record would be saying America had slipped into fascism. They'd be making comparisons with authoritarian regimes of the past and present. They would be warning us that the democracy was dying.
Starting point is 00:22:03 All the shit they're saying now. president they would be warning us that the democracy was dying all the shit they're saying now uh that uh that this was its twilight that the great monsters were back that's all the shit that they say about when trump was in a fucking hypocrite oh mama mia papa dia joining me today ladies and gentlemen you know him you love him haven't talked to him in a while. Haven't seen him in a while. One of the funniest fucks on the internet, on radio. He gets it. Let's put it that way. It's the charming and lovely Anthony Cumia. Oh, Nick.
Starting point is 00:22:37 There he is. There's Nick DiPaolo. How you doing, my friend? Oh, my God. You're clean shaven and shit. What happened? I don't know what happened. Yeah, yeah. I just got out of the shower. This is early for me. my friend oh my god you clean shave it and shit what happened i don't know what happened yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:22:45 i just got out of the shower so you know this is early for me so yeah me too actually uh so this is um that's your apartment in minneola you said yeah yeah i'm buying a house down there in south carolina it's being built i've been been here on that forever. When are you getting down here? Oh, God. ASAP. Really. I can't take it anymore. But I have to sign another lease in this shithole because
Starting point is 00:23:15 of Putin's material problems. I can't get a fucking interior doors or a refrigerator at my new place because of Vladimir Putin. You sure it's not Biden? Oh, no, it can't be. I'm being told every day it's not. So, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:23:33 So, obviously, the other house is gone. The McMansion. Oh, yeah, yeah. That went about a year ago. Yeah, I sold that a year ago. I've been here in the lovely town of Mineola. The train station's right out the window. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:48 It's fantastic. Isn't it great where radio took you? It's so fucked up. Yeah, last year I was swimming in my nice big pool. Now I'm stuck in a fucking apartment in Mineola. So can we mention a town? South Carolina? People know, right? Oh yeah, Greenville.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Oh, you did? Greenville. There used to be a comedy club in Greenville. That's the first time I ever played South Carolina about 30 years ago. That's excellent. So you can't be that far from me, right not at all it's a hour two hours pretty uh pretty close and it's just so much nicer i want to get out of here so bad they're just they're holding me here i i you know i decide okay i'll have a house uh built down
Starting point is 00:24:42 there so they're building it and again the materials and uh it just takes forever to get shit done these days under under the great joe biden i can't fucking imagine trying to build a house because we just we redid our kitchen and redoing our bathroom and the pace is glacial um i don't know how my wife wheeled and dealed. She fucking, but she did, but she sped it up. I have no idea. Maybe a handjob here and there. I have no idea. I can't imagine
Starting point is 00:25:14 putting a... I mean, what's the scheduled date? That's going to take a while, no? Well, it's already... It's been being built for a while now, so most of it's been being built for a while now. So, you know, most of it's in. I just got a text, the floors are going in and all that, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I get updates and whatnot. But it's not fast enough, man. This New York, Nick, New York is just a goddamn disaster. And the city itself is even worse than the rest of the state. So the whole state's a disaster and the city is the asshole of the state. I can't fucking believe what I read. I used to report, you know, when somebody get pushed in front of a subway, I'd report it on this show. Because it's still, we shouldn't be that desensitized.
Starting point is 00:26:00 But Christ's sake, now I yawn when I read it. Yeah, they always. The lady lost an arm. Big fucking deal. She was Chinese. She was 80. Who gives a fuck? But now, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:10 It is that place. I have to go there maybe for this premiere. I did a movie with Louie last fall in upstate New York, actually Lake George, the only nice place in the state. And they're doing a premiere at the beginning of July sometime and one in Boston, one in New York. I don't even want to, like I'm actually nervous about walking around New York. Yeah, that's what you do. You walk around, you're constantly, you know, your head's on a swivel. There's drug dealing going on, blatantly open air drug dealing all over the city.
Starting point is 00:26:43 We got this new mayor that's hilarious. He just loves going to the Met Gala, and he has big things in Gracie Mansion here in New York City. And the guy has done nothing to try to thwart the crime, the rampant crime that's going
Starting point is 00:27:00 on in New York. And that's what he ran on. He was the fucking police commissioner, head of the cops, whatever, commissioner, law and order guy. Then he's got a fucking coat on at the gavel. Looks like Liberace met the fucking Bloods. Stupid ass.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Why the fuck? I can't even... The minute I saw his face and heard him speak for the first time, I go, they just got another... Not at the Blasio. I won't go that time i go they just got another not at the blasio i won't go that far but they just got another soft how after i asked colin quinn this yesterday how after you experience what giuliani did for you i guess all those people are dead now uh but you found it found a mayor like that that turned that city around how do you ever go back to this what does it it's a marxist it's a communist
Starting point is 00:27:46 center new york it's fucking it it's so fucked up that we had it like we had but that's the whole country you know we we finally did it we were like oh look the economy's great crime is down this whatever that we had it and and they just gotta fuck it up and boy have they ever the city you know on a state city level state level and a federal national level uh they've just taken uh what was working it was what was good and and just trashed it tell my tell my listeners down here down here, I'm on the internet, I act like I'm on a local news station in Savannah. Here's Peeny with the weather. No, tell my listeners what, just give them an idea for people who never lived in New
Starting point is 00:28:37 York, what your property taxes were when you were living in your other house. $60,000 a year. I didn't even know that 60 yeah between the uh the property tax and the school tax every year uh i would have to pay sixty thousand dollars to the the state and uh uh to to have the the pleasure of living on my own property. Yeah, look, I own my own land. Oh, $60,000, please. It's the mafia. And how many kids did you have in those school systems? None.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Zero. Yeah. You're paying to educate the kids who are going to mug you in 10 years on a fucking platform. Yeah. And now, you know, down there, my taxes are going to be maybe $3,000, $4,000 a year. That's right. I went from $26,000 a year in Westchester to $3,500, Donnie. I figured out with cost of living, like cigarettes, gas, when I moved down here three years ago,
Starting point is 00:29:43 I was up $70,000 by getting out of Westchester County, New York. I was up. I made $70,000 by leaving. Just by leaving. Yeah. I mean, everything. And that doesn't even include the other things. The price of gas is insane now.
Starting point is 00:30:00 It's reached such a bad level that they have to actually dredge up hearings on something that happened a year and a half ago to try to, you know, on network television primetime. They've got to get up there and celebrities have got to come out and do promos for this. You're going to watch it. You're going to. They need you to watch this propaganda. This this fucking weeks long campaign is pretty much what it is because they got nothing but disaster. They've left in their wake for hasn't even been two years yet. If I wanted to destroy the United States or never get reelected and just run as a joke and see how I could fuck it up, how bad. I couldn't have done as well as they have done. I've never seen anything.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I don't think they're capable, not just of being good politicians, of being adults in an adult world, the left. They're living in some fucking wet dream. It's insane. I just, I sit there with fucking and and nobody mentions nobody mentions like kavanaugh you know fucking a guy shows up with a gun and trying to kill nobody they don't even bring it up but it's not you know again there's the the whole thing with the uh the insurrection and trump was instigating the whole thing. There's literally quotes of him saying stuff like, now we're all going to go down to the Capitol and peacefully voice our opinions.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Never once saying, get in there, do damage, hurt anybody. And then you got Chuck Schumer talking about Kavanaugh. You've released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. And then some guy grabs a gun and duct tape and zip ties and screwdrivers to kill this guy. And no one says like, maybe he said some shit that incited some guy. Not a peep out of these motherfuckers. Not a fucking peep. You talk about inciting. And that's all some guy. Not a peep out of these motherfuckers. Not a fucking peep. You talk about inciting, and that's all they do.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Can you imagine if that was a Sotomayor and some guy with a Trump hat showed up? I'm so sick of pointing out these double standards where I'm almost at a point where I go, you know what? I wish somebody would show up in Sotomayor's house with a Trump hat. Can we push back even a little? mean me and me and carla were arguing yesterday about the insurrection
Starting point is 00:32:30 first of all it wasn't an insurrection there was no guns there other than the cop that shot the white lady trump's quarter unarmed that was the only gun there so it wasn't a fucking insurrection you got this guy ray epps that fucking guy ray Ray Epps. Nobody knows where he is. He's standing there with a Trump hat going, we got to go in now. We got to, even right there, the Trump supporters are calling him out going, no. Yeah, fed. Nobody can find him. People were indicted on all kinds of, you know, co-conspirators, indicted on the same charges, but only half of them got arrested. There's so many red flags saying this was...
Starting point is 00:33:09 I even, Anthony, people think I'm crazy. I look at the footage. It doesn't even look like a real riot. Not even a small one. Have you ever seen violence? We've seen violence in the street. It moves fast. People throw punches, bottles.
Starting point is 00:33:25 I see this. Whoa, get back. A couple of smoke bombs. It looks so staged to me. It does. Am I correct? Not only does it look staged in that way, you're absolutely right. There's this almost Hollywood look to it where it's just a lot of jumbled moving.
Starting point is 00:33:46 No one seems to have been able to record it from a relatively close distance. Close angle. And they're not directly in the fray. Like, it's all just moving around. That's what I'm talking. So it isn't me. I've watched some of it today. Like, an elbow hits the camera.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And nobody, like you said, could be, like be maybe in a tree 20 feet away getting it all. It's either this up close or they're in a drone looking down. You could almost hear Spielberg going, and action. The speed of it, even when they were breaking the windows and pushing in. There's some footage of the cop, one of the Capitol cops on the steps. Remember the people are coming up and he just sort of, get back. No, I don't see real violence going on. Real violence moves at 100 miles an hour and people are getting, it just.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And the audio from the police radios sounds like you're watching Forensic Files, a recreation. They just took the train and got some guy. Yeah, he's like, we're here. They are breaking through the barricades. They are breaking through the barricades. It doesn't sound like any of the actual, again, I've heard actual police recordings of them on a scene of a violent crime or what have you. It sounds like bad actors acting badly. Yes. Yeah, no, recreations.
Starting point is 00:35:16 That's perfect. I watch those shows all the time. I'm obsessed with them. My mother's on the floor. She's dying. Yeah. obsessed with oh my mother's on the floor she's dying uh yeah they i i don't see that energy that pharaonic energy that you see when there's real violence it just all looks i like i kept my mouth shut because everybody's like you know and and me and colin are arguing uh colin's always good you
Starting point is 00:35:38 know he's the level-headed guy and he's like first of all it was a setup. You deserve it. It's so stupid. They set it up. And Trump's people took the bait. And I'm like, OK, well, if it was a setup, that makes the government evil, as I thought. And if it wasn't, I go, let's say it wasn't. They were really there. Because have you seen 2,000 mules yet? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I don't know. About an hour and a half of footage proving this was the biggest. Fuck, this last election was the biggest fucking heist in the history of this country politically. So you might want to look at that. But I'm like, okay, so we're Americans. There's nothing more Americans in charge in the Capitol. This is how shit happens. nothing more of americans in charge in the capital this is how shit happens how do you if if if everybody thought you know uh you're gonna cool the heads don't take the bait we'd still be on the british rule at some point you gotta go fuck i have no problem with what happened i gotta be
Starting point is 00:36:36 honest i know people are going well politically it's stupid well when when when we threw the british off our back and we're throwing teeth, we didn't know that was going to be political, you know, we... You know what I'm saying? Politically expedient. You got to do... If you really thought that the fucking election was stolen,
Starting point is 00:36:53 which is a ton of evidence, and I'm like, did you see this? I got my tooth knocked out at a rally. Oh, God. Look at this. Look. I lost that making...
Starting point is 00:37:03 Oh, Jesus. Now, I lost that making a movie with Louis, the one I was just telling you about. And I got it fixed last fall. I'm eating a peach the other night. All of a sudden, I go, I feel the tooth go down my throat. Oh, shit. Yeah, oh, shit is a perfect line because I go online and everybody goes, oh, you just have to find it in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And I go, what? And these are doctors online going, yeah, I've got a panhandle from a fucking through porn and fucking. Anyways, what I'm saying is that was a false flag or something. I really do. I don't. Nobody had guns and you're calling it an insurrection. How embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:37:39 No one has guns. The only person that was killed at that thing was that woman uh uh by uh you know yeah a black capital police officer nothing i mean they don't even look into here's the here's the thing you bring up a great point with the the fact that uh uh no one looks at these things we have 2 000 mules we have all this evidence of something wrong now you would, imagine years ago a young journalist actually going like, wow, I'm going to jump on this story and see if there's something to it. They don't even look. They don't even want to look because the powers that be will destroy their careers. And they're a bunch of liberal douchebags anyway.'re they're agenda driven they're protecting the
Starting point is 00:38:25 power base these are stories hunter's laptop all these things are stories that any real journalist would go holy shit this is going to make my career and nothing they don't even want oh it's been debunked by who who the fuck debunked the election by the the way? Screwing with the election. I've yet to see why. Because you said it's debunked, it's debunked. Yeah. Well, when you have the blowhorn and you outnumber all the other blowhorns, you can lie and people will grab onto it. We're talking to the great Anthony Comia, by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And Gutfellow is watching. He made a great point the other night. These reporters don't touch the shit later on. watching he made a great point the other day these reporters don't touch the shit later on like once once it become it became verified that it wasn't hunter's laptop you know the new york times comes out but they don't touch it before then because they helped in the covering up they can't they can't re-report on shit that they had something to do with you know the russian collusion thing the trump russia collusion thing is one of the biggest lies and and people won pulitzer prizes for their journalistic fucking excellence on a story that is absolutely proven to be bullshit and they won't even they'll
Starting point is 00:39:38 they'll kind of mention it right but they won't do an in-depth story on it and talk about how they were bamboozled by the Clinton campaign. They just go, oh, yeah, by the way, remember that shit that we were saying every day of the week for months and months and months and years? It was all bullshit. Back to your regularly scheduled program. Yeah, yeah. Where's the, again, I guess because the libs out number but boy can you imagine if the republicans put on they wouldn't be show trials they actually trials for the people that cut you know started
Starting point is 00:40:11 the whole russia collusion adam schiff should be fucking hanging in a cell right now that fucking guy that dirty dirty jay adam schiff uh eric swwell. The fact that I read his social media posts, and I'm like, this guy fucked a Chinese spy. How is he not in hiding somewhere?
Starting point is 00:40:38 How did he not go to China and beg them for some type of political fucking freedom? The guy should be in in one of those stocks in in a town until they build the guillotine for him this son of a and he's he's out there preaching about what a piece of you know trump is and this one and and it's it of shit you know trump is and this one and and it's it no one has any sense of decorum or pride or they just go out and lie right to your fucking face they they because they can and they and let me and that brings up the next question where were the republicans and all this i'm done i i hate him
Starting point is 00:41:21 as much as the fucking dems at least the death i you know there should be somebody on tv still screaming about the russian collusion every day or whatever where are the you know i see the jim jordans and these guys that make great speeches at these hearings and then they just disappear i swear to god anthony i'm so cynical it's just a it's a giant script everybody has a part in it even trump was you know i i swear to god there's 10 10 guys that run the uh run the planet probably seven jewish and uh just kidding folks relax everybody says that i thought i'd throw that in uh but i swear to god there's 10 guys that run the planet six of them are trans i'm guessing uh and and and there's a script because Rockefeller, David Rockefeller
Starting point is 00:42:07 his family is in the middle of this shit there's a website, my late great buddy the cop Zook who passed away he used to go to it every day, it's Rockefeller something you could check off they planned 25 years ahead of time how to foment a revolution and you could check
Starting point is 00:42:23 off the shit being done today. Like, literally, just check. So it's all been done and tried before. So excuse me if I'm being a little cynical, but this shit has been done before. And the Chinese are playing the long game. We can't see past next Thursday. They're sitting back, reaping the rewards, while all these things, like you just said,
Starting point is 00:42:51 the cynicism, how are you not cynical? How do you go into the elections this November, the midterms, and think that it's going to be okay, and your vote matters, and everything's going to be okay and your vote matters and everything's going to be on the up and up. No one should be able to walk into a voting booth and think that their vote's going to be counted and the true winner's going to come out. That shit's gone. That shit's done.
Starting point is 00:43:19 We're done thinking the system works and it's the greatest system in the world. Tomorrow we'll have the second part of that interview with Anthony who's always engaged and politically right on the money and funny as hell.
Starting point is 00:43:35 That is it for Wednesday. Don't forget to sign up at and if you want me to roast a friend or relative, go to
Starting point is 00:43:52 click on it, it'll tell you how to do it and I'll make a little recording, we'll send it to them. You guys think and I'll say it, you're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Have a good day, everybody.サブタイトル キミノミヤ guitar solo Thanks for watching!

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