The Nick DiPaolo Show - ANTIFA, BLM the True Domestic Terrorists | Nick Di Paolo Show #477

Episode Date: January 21, 2021

Leftist violence erupts in Portland. Biden's first speech is rife with hypocrisy. Bernie's winter wear goes viral....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah How are you folks? Welcome to the show, final day of the week, Thursday. Don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, before I forget, I'll be in Tampa this weekend at Sidesplitters Comedy Club, one of my favorite haunts in the world. Looking forward to seeing you guys all there. Get tickets at Two shows Friday, two Saturday. I'll be on Mike Coulter's radio show tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It's back to what I was doing. Fucking COVID. Back to getting up and plugging. God doesn't want me to be happy. Hello! Hello! Hey, I'm watching FAUDA. F-A-U-D-A.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Okay? It's about, you know, like undercover secret service. Whatever you call it. The guy who wrote it and stars in it was actually in the Israeli, you know, version of like the Green Beret. They don't get any better than that. He's actually the star of the show. And it is killer. I've never seen hate like that in my life it almost tops the yankees red socks anyways in our libs eating libs segment uh tonight uh writing in portland and seattle last night hey was it republicans was it trump supporters was it alt-right was it the proud boys was it the
Starting point is 00:02:15 boogaloo boys uh no no it was antifa antifa the strong arm of the Democrat Party, burning shit and doing their usual graffiti horse shit in Portland and Seattle last night. Funny, Mr. President Biden didn't mention this. He mentioned that us, us Trump supporters, he didn't say us by name. We know who the fuck he's talking about. Fuck a white supremacist. When's the last time a white supremacist did anything really bad? Was it Tim McVeigh? And I don't even think he was a white supremacist. Just a fucking nutbag. Why do you people out there wake the fuck up and go,
Starting point is 00:02:55 what's he talking about? All the violence is coming from the left like it did this summer. They will never be satisfied. And that's a quote from Antifa. We're not governable. So you look like a real ass on day one, Mr. President. Ooh, all right. We had 25,000 National Guard there because we know these white supremacists, Trump supporters who have been radicalized, suck a dick and die. You're fucking people, Antifa, who aren't even your people. They fucking hate you too, but you use them to your political gain. I'm not going to play the clips again of Kamala Harris going, and this is, she was on a Colbert way before the election, after George Floyd and all this. She's going, the uprisings, it's not going to stop. This isn't going to stop before the
Starting point is 00:03:41 election, after the election, and it shouldn't. Fucking twat. Meanwhile, we're getting blamed for it. This country is so ass backwards, it's fucking frightening. God help us. Crowds of people across Portland turned violent last night, inauguration day night, smashing windows at the Democrat Party of Oregon and later targeting the Immigration Customs Enforcement Facility, that would be ICE, where federal officers declared an unlawful assembly. That's what they declared, huh? But where are the white supremacists, huh? I don't fucking know. It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. Anyways, let's take a look. And you can project it back on me oh take it easy charlie you're not even important anymore uh let's take a look at some of the a quick clip of the footage just to
Starting point is 00:04:35 yesterday saw a peaceful transition of power in washington dc but here in Portland, unrest and some violence marked Inauguration Day. You believe that shit? Anyways, a crowd of around 150 people gathered at Revolution Hall in southeast Portland around 2 p.m. Less than an hour later, a few officers on bicycles, there's the first sign you're not serious. Get them off the bikes, put them in tanks or horses. A few officers on big wheels rode into the parking lot and were quickly surrounded by dozens of people. The group took one officer's bicycle and then his lunch money. More officers arrived and they got the bicycle back, but then they called their mother and said, this isn't fair.
Starting point is 00:05:33 They got the bike back, but the crowd wouldn't let the officers leave. What are they, the worst police department in the country? Police said reinforcements came and they seized uh some long poles a large knife um from people in the crowd before setting off a smoke canister to escape and um boy huh isn't that terrific it's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. Yeah. The protesters then began marching down Southeast Stock Street. They eventually reached the Democratic Party of Oregon's headquarters on Northeast Ninth Avenue, where they smashed windows and left graffiti.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Some dragged dumpsters into the street and lit the contents on fire. They're very original with your writing. The group quickly dispersed, but officers pursued some people on their big wheels through neighborhoods. Booking photos. Here's some of the people. And once again, folks, let's take a look at him. Look at that thing on the left. He looks like part of the Arkansas three, whatever the fuck it was.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Remember they molested the kids, supposedly. You think he's angry with politics or he doesn't fit in anywhere. Sexually confused. Look at the jerk off next to him. And then the one on the top row to the third from the left, Blondie. Look at Andy Dick's cousin. Looks like the backup singer for Bananarama. And then you got one heterosexual
Starting point is 00:07:11 whose dad used to kick the shit out of him. There's a guy in the far left corner down there whose hair has started receding in fifth grade. He's been picked on. Then you get that thing that doesn't open to boy or a girl glasses on. And the one heterosexual there, it looks like he should be on the far right. And then you get that thing
Starting point is 00:07:31 with the fucking hairdo that says, I don't know if I like cock or clit. They're just angry people. They're angry at life and the losers find each other and they go, they get violent and they're, and you know find each other, and they go, they get violent, and they're, and you know what, the Democrats, talk about radicalizing, what do you go to, a rave in Baltimore, that would be all, anyways, those are the book and photos from yesterday, okay, let's name them for you, okay, Nicole Aria Rose, Austin N uh Nukraska Jean V Paris uh Kaev Duvia Daryl A. Kimberlin Davis Alan Beeman Alyssa Hartley Davis and Kyle Romstad that's from the sheriff's office and uh great future you got ahead of you. Well, the world needs ditch takers too.
Starting point is 00:08:30 They face charges ranging from bad hairdos and bad breath, from riot, criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, interfering with a peace officer, reckless burning, and possession of destructive devices. Look at all those white supremacists, Mr. Biden, you motherless fuck. Can you imagine? That's the message from,
Starting point is 00:08:53 we'll get to Biden's inauguration. That was the message. That it's, we are the problem, not those people. Anyways, Jerkoff took the oath that he stole yesterday that Trump should have been taken. Let's just show a couple seconds to prove. Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., do solemnly swear.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., do solemnly swear. That I will faithfully execute. That I will faithfully execute. The office of president of the United States office of president of the United States and will to the best of my ability will to the best of my ability preserve protect and defend all right fuck off wow look at all the assassination attempts assassination attempt. So anyways, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace had some high praise for Joe Biden's inaugural address on Wednesday. I'm sort of doing this a little out of order. We'll show a couple
Starting point is 00:09:56 clips from the speech, but this is what, this is why Fox News is getting stomped in the ratings because of goo gobblers like this. Listen to what? Listen to. I should have taken the clips from CNN. They're like, look at them all with all the candles. It's like Joe Biden's arms reaching out to hug the world. I'm not shitting you. They are fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Listen to fucking Wallace. He's the new president. We have to get used to saying that. President Joe Biden, as he and his wife, Jill Biden, turn to leave the Capitol, the front of the Capitol building here. Your thoughts on the speech, on what we heard today and what he's carved out for himself. We must end this uncivil war, and the way we can do it is if we show each other a little tolerance and humility. Martha, I thought it was a great speech. I've been listening to these inaugural addresses since 1961. John F. Kennedy asked not.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I thought this was the best inaugural address I ever heard. I know what you did. You're a damn... Chris Wallace. Shut your fucking mouth! I thought this was the best inaugural address I ever heard. Chris Wallace. Shut your fucking mouth. Shut the fuck up, you cunt. Wallace described Biden's speech as a combined sermon and pep talk. It was a call to our better angels. It was a call saying, look, we've got tremendous challenges.
Starting point is 00:11:30 COVID, the economy, racial injustice, climate change. But there's nothing. They're so gloomy and depressing already. But there's nothing we can't do if we come together, he said. But before we come together and I want to unite the country, we got to impeach a guy that was there before me. I could let it slide. That would help us unify. But no, I'm sticking with that. Anyways, what a dick. During his inaugural address, Biden repeatedly called for unity across the country and reiterated his promise to be a president for all Americans, those who voted for him and those who did not. And this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus
Starting point is 00:12:17 Ireland, rural versus Ireland. We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. I'm going to kill you, you lying cocksucker. Really? We can come together and unite and our souls and shit. Really? The stimulus you just sent out
Starting point is 00:12:50 to hardworking people, remember what you said? We're going to focus on the minority-owned businesses and women-owned businesses. But we're going to unite. First, we're going to impeach the guy before me. And we don't want to hear anything out of you Trump supporters. And that's what he's saying. In other words, if we don't bow and do what they think like they do, that's considered being a disruptor.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I had to hold my breakfast. Biden White House Twitter account. This is hilarious. I just had to throw this in because I saw. Oh, do we have another clip? I'm sorry. We got another clip of Biden. And here we stand.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Just days after a riotous mob thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people. Pause. Silence the will of the people. You did that when you stole the fucking election never have more americans voices been silenced than this last election when 80 million people that's the real number 79 million voted for trump and 68 million for you and there's plenty of evidence it's gonna come out like i said's going to come out. And how dare you silence the voice of the people? Go ahead, you liar. Did not happen. It will never happen.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. Not ever. To all those who did not support us, let me say this. Hear me out as we move forward. Take a measure of me and my heart. If you still disagree, so be it. That's democracy. That's America. Pause.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Oh, yeah? Is that your America? When you disagree with us, you shut us down on Twitter. That's your America. You kick us off YouTube. You shut down the president's Twitter account. That's America. Do you see how everything that comes out of his mouth
Starting point is 00:14:50 is just a peanut-filled turd? Fucking liar. I've never been so fucking furious in my life. I got to do comedy this weekend. I can't even put this into joke form. So if you come out and see me, I'm just going to fucking rant. They're going to go. He wasn't as he's out of his mind.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I'm fucking real. Let's move on. Here's more proof that Biden smoked Donald Trump in the last election. Biden's White House Twitter account, right? Like the one the president had, suffers embarrassing loss. The Trump White House Twitter page had 26 million fans,
Starting point is 00:15:32 and the Biden White House page only has what? What's that? Is it 23? No, it's 2.3 million. Ha ha ha ha ha! 2.3 million. You got that more evidence that he got smoke they pulled off the biggest fraud time for them to go by
Starting point is 00:15:57 fake followers from China somebody said on Twitter. And I agree. More evidence that this motherfucker got smoked. Anyways, let's welcome back one of our favorite sponsors, ExpressVPN. Okay, so we all know how a VPN protects your privacy and security online, right? But I didn't know this until recently, and it's taken my TV watching game to the next level. You can use a VPN to unlock movies and shows that are only available, get this, in other countries, which is tremendous. Over the weekend, I used ExpressVPN to watch Doctor Who in the UK, actually, on Netflix. It was so simple. I just fired up the ExpressVPN app. I changed my location to UK, refreshed Netflix, bang, and there it is. You know how much more TV you get to watch? Anything from all over the world. ExpressVPN,
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Starting point is 00:18:38 I'm going to have to isolate myself for the next couple of years. Seriously. I can't be around showbiz friends, although a few of them think like me, and they're starting to come around. I'm praying. Not that I was a people person to begin with, but anyways. Apparently, some of us Trump supporters aren't the only ones that felt slighted by what went on yesterday. Remember Biden and his administration? What was the first thing they did? They brought 25,000, 30,000 National Guardsmen in, and what did they do? They treated them like, excuse me, like a foreign entity. They vetted
Starting point is 00:19:10 each one of them to make sure they weren't going to assassinate them. Because you know, most of the military is made up of white, crazy rednecks. What a fucking insult. Did I not say that? National Guard, now people are, there's footage online and people are debating this national guard turns their backs and rightfully so i say on uh jack off joe biden somebody at uh jewish deplorable at the trump jew tweeted the installation of joe biden now we're going to show you a clip and yes some of the soldiers have their backs turned. Right. But some people are online saying I was in the military and and. That's what you do. You can't have everybody looking in the same direct, which sort of makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:19:58 But somebody else pointed out who was in the military saying these guys were at ease. They weren't even. You know, I mean, he goes, they were more casual were at ease. They weren't even, you know what I mean? He goes, they were more casual than at ease. They just did it on their own. So you guys can fight back and forth. I'm hoping that they were slighted. You know where they get the idea. NYPD did it to Blasio.
Starting point is 00:20:19 But take a look at this. They're facing the right way. And then Bill Murray's group from meatballs. And some of them aren't even seeing. They're in attention. But some of them here look like they're just hanging out in the back there. So believe what you want. See the guy talking over there they're not even
Starting point is 00:20:46 at attention so you guys can you can fight over that you think biden would know they could have pulled down their pants and shined a thousand moons at him as he was going by he wouldn't have where what are we doing what's going on so um you obviously you want the troops to get along with the commander in chief. But you know what? A lot of them know that they stole the election. And there's not a lot of lefties and liberals in the military. Although, it's getting that way.
Starting point is 00:21:19 We're changing names of army bases out of political correctness. It's creeping in. It's kind of scary. For you guys, can somebody interview one of these guys and ask what their motive was? Or were they told to do that? Anyways, I don't care. I was
Starting point is 00:21:35 happy to see it. Remember, he's not your president. He's not mine. Let's treat him worse than they treated Trump, if that's even possible. Oh, Nick, that's so petty. Hey, lick my chin. So in Biden's speech yesterday, you know, he referred again to white supremacists and, you know, he made a reference to charging the Capitol. In other words, that's the only thing you have to wear with domestic terror. Biden to focus on domestic terrorism, possibly targeting Trump supporters, which is exactly what he's doing. Joe Biden's national security team will reportedly take actions against domestic extremism, unless it's Black Lives Matter or Antifa, in the wake of the Capitol Hill demonstrations, as well as ongoing threats to Washington, D.C. and state capitol buildings.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Really, good time for ISIS and everybody else to reassemble while you're focusing on a few people in Alabama and Texas who are actually patriots. According to reports this week, Biden's transition officials and his incoming national security team are seeking to shift government resources for counterterrorism that would be overseas to fight us here, domestic terrorists. I'll ask you again, when was the last really, what, the thing in Nashville where the guy announces a bomb and get away? Huh? Where was it? Timothy McVeigh? What was that was that how long ago not even a white supremacist i
Starting point is 00:23:09 heard just a fucking nutcase huh but he's gonna focus on us when you hear domestic terrorism they're really talking about trump supporters you heard people on tv saying we got to deprogram them they're itching to fucking start something. You want to go to war? Come on. Do you want to go to war? We'll take you to war, okay? Pony, coño. During Senate confirmation hearings Tuesday, Biden's nominee for director of national intelligence,
Starting point is 00:23:36 Avril Haines, that's a chick, said she would draft a public report of conspiracy theory, QAnon, which has been labeled by the mainstream media as a cult and part of the fuel that led to the January 6th violence. Is that what you're going to be doing? And meanwhile, what? Al Qaeda is going to get the band back together and everybody else, every other shit bag in a third world Middle Eastern country. If she's confirmed as the nation's top intelligence chief, and she will because she has a vagina haynes promises to work with federal law enforcement agencies conducting these political probes i'd like to conduct a probe on you with a flagpole
Starting point is 00:24:16 from behind nick you can't say what you fucking whore that's right yeah that's it go home get my dinner ready the new biden terror agenda is being slammed by conservatives who fear this is an effort to target the Trump bit. Of course it is. It's so transparent. We need deprogramming because we believe in the constitutional of this country. We are fucking way behind the times. The mainstream media has already amplified this narrative
Starting point is 00:24:45 as a former deputy FBI director. You remember this, Jack Goff, who should be in jail? Andrew McCabe claimed on CNN that pro-Trump supporters have been radicalized by President Trump. He went as far as comparing us to ISIS militants. Aloha, Akbar! Aloha, Akbar! Aloha, Akbar! militants sounds like the soundtrack to Fauda that means chaos or riot in Arabic oh it's so good
Starting point is 00:25:16 it's so good they've clearly been radicalized this is McCabe and it explodes in an orgy of violence and mayhem. This is what he said. In just insanity. It has all the hallmarks of a riot of extremists. Meanwhile, cut to last night. Did you see all those Trump supporters burning, trying to put graffiti on the ice building in Portland and throwing shit at cops? McCabe? Is anybody paying attention? Fucking shithead.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Mama. See, I got so hot, the air conditioner just kicked on. I think the highlight of the inauguration yesterday was Bernie's... I find it hard to hate... Of course, I hate his politics.
Starting point is 00:26:05 He's a fucking socialist slash communist. But I still get a kick out of a Jew from Brooklyn living in Vermont. He's a real New Englander. He looks just like one of those Muppets that sits in a balcony. And look at him. Anyways, Senator Bernie Sanders was a big hit on Twitter yesterday for wearing a parka and hand-knitted mittens to Wednesday's inauguration. Look at Bernie. Get this through your head, you Jew motherfucker, you.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It's cold. Can you blame him? I mean, he's in the high risk area for COVID, but I love the way he's sitting. Jesus Christ. He couldn't be more emasculated with that pose. The Vermont socialist eschewed a formal overcoat and dress gloves in favor of a warmer wear, more suitable for winters than his native Green Mountain state. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I think we have a video of him too, don't we? Senator Bernie Sanders. Probably folks recognize Bernie Sanders. Senator from Vermont. Well-dressed for potential bad weather. My balls! He could be in a short-sleeved shirt. I'm freezing!
Starting point is 00:27:29 Hey, what are you? I have no idea what that was. I see other people with the coats on. What are they making fun of him for? Guy's in his late hundreds. Anybody sneezes near him, he's good as dead. But the hands, the wrist bending is cracking me up. Sanders was also mocked for carrying a large manila envelope with a mailing label tucked under his arm as he headed for his seat. Then people
Starting point is 00:27:58 started cracking online. Bernie dressed to stand online at the post office. Somebody tweeted, oh, that was Claire Malone. She's very funny. Others focused on line at the post office. Somebody tweeted. Oh, that was Claire Malone. She's very funny. Others focused on how Sanders observed social distancing guidelines outside the U.S. Capitol by sitting alone. Those are all his friends. Everybody hates this guy. On a folding chair with his arms and legs crossed like a big girl. And a seeming scowl hidden behind his crooked blue surgical face mask.
Starting point is 00:28:23 He was pissed. My vagina's angry. It is. It's pissed off. Somebody else tweeted, I am once again asking that you not talk to me at parties. Obed Manuel said. Hispanic Muslim.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Obed Manuel said Hispanic Muslim. BuzzFeed reporter Ruby Cramer noted that Sanders wore the same mittens on the campaign trail during his failed presidential bid. He's steaming behind that mask. You know, he's like he you know, he's sitting there going. I can't believe this fucking idiot. Biden is being sworn in, not me, after all I did for the Democrat Party. Oh my God. He's got to be fuming. Got to be fuming. Anyway, hey, we got a new sponsor today, folks. I want to introduce you to a new sponsor, And I really think you should check them out.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I've been on this site every night this week. Every time I'm online trying to buy something, I see that promo code box at the checkout, and it just taunts me because I'm thinking everybody else is getting a great deal and I'm paying full price. And I really feel that way. I'm not too good. You know, checking out takes me 40 minutes. But I'll be damned if I'm going to go search for a promo code, which I don't. I'm very lazy and I do pay full price.
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Starting point is 00:31:20 and go, this guy needs help. Probably paid full price for that jacket, that sweatsuit. And I really do. I get all confused with the promo codes and stuff. I'm a salesman's wet dream. I'm the type of guy, and this is true, and I'm not rich, folks, by any stretch of the imagination. But even when I was younger younger if i went to a store right and uh i saw something i liked um but i didn't buy it and then say i went down there i'm in the mall and i go to a different place i see the same pair of jeans or whatever but they're like 25 30 dollars more or 20 whatever i won't go back to the store i want to get the fuck out of the mall. I'll pay the extra. I'm a real ass. Donald Trump pardoned a lot of people, as you know, but one of them did not get pardoned,
Starting point is 00:32:15 and he is furious. He's one of my heroes. He's a true American hero. Who am I talking about? Of course, Tiger King. The Tiger King. Look at that tiger. Would you ever get near something like that? That's a death wish, isn't it? Anyways, he didn't get pardoned by Trump. Tiger King, Joe Exotic, lashed out at former President Donald Trump after being passed over for a pardon on Wednesday, claiming he was denied for being, get this everybody, too gay for the president. This guy's fucking crazy. I'm gay, I'm really gay, I'm super duper gay. I'm gayer than a rainbow, I'm gayer than I'll say.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Gay. Rawr. Exotic real name, Joseph Allen Maldonado Passage released the statement on his Twitter account Wednesday afternoon, seething at Trump for refusing to commute a sentence and a murder for high applaud against his arch rival, Carol Baskin, who definitely, in my opinion, had her husband whacked. Did you guys watch it? It was one of the most entertaining things I've ever seen on TV because these aren't made-up characters.
Starting point is 00:33:28 These are real people. She's as crazy as a shithouse rat. And anyway, so he thought he was going to get off. Boy, we were all stupid to believe that he actually stood for equal justice. His corrupt friends all come first. It continues. Joe, don't be bitter, man. But you gotta admit, you are a little gay.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. That might have done it. Exotic has served a year. Oh my God, only a year was more than 20 years sentence for attempting to hire a hitman to fucking whack Baskin.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Look at her. In her head, it's 1966 and she's in Haight-Ashbury. His supporters were so confident that he'd be included in Trump's list of pardons and commutations that they rented a limousine to pick him up from prison on Wednesday. We're confident enough we already have a limousine parked about half a mile from the prison. We are really in action mode right now, Exotic supporter Eric Love told Metro.UK. They also pre-recorded a thank you video to send to Trump if Exotic was pardoned. They said, we have it queued up and ready to go. As soon as we get the word, we're going to execute that video to the White House and thank to go. As soon as we get the word, we're going to execute that video
Starting point is 00:34:46 to the White House and thank Donald Trump. I think it would be a better country if Joe Exotic, he's just a red-blooded, crazy American who likes boys, but he loves his guns and shit.
Starting point is 00:35:08 What are you doing? Now you're rapping? Chase? Chase is scratching. You didn't hear that either? No. Yeah, I'm sure you did. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Anyway. Oh, sorry. That's what that was. In our Are You Dog Styling Me segment tonight, NBA, listen to this, to use security to enforce COVID rules. Are you kidding me? Not that I care. I hate the NBA.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I hope everybody involved with it gets COVID. Not to die, but just to cancel the league. Yeah, see that? That could kill somebody. Two brothers high-fiving. After witnessing some opposing players disregarding new league rules against unnecessary contact on game nights, the NBA is moving team security into the mid-court area
Starting point is 00:36:03 to dissuade violations that include hugging, handshakes, blowjobs, and taint licking, according to a league memo obtained by ESPN on Wednesday. Is this the most retarded thing? Why is everyone so fucking stupid? Why aren't more people interrogating like me? As coronavirus infection increased amid a darkening pandemic, hey, that's racist, the NBA recently tightened regulations on players and staffs, including several meant to lessen the possibility of on-court transmission. They're acting like they're making out with each other.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Can you imagine? Do you remember when Isaiah Thomas kissed Magic Johnson on the cheek right before tap off, tip off? Remember that during the playoffs? Oh my God, he'd be hung today. Despite those changes, there were still instances of traditional player contact and post-game scenarios, which led the NBA to issue a memo Wednesday reaffirming the rules that require teams to remain on their half of the court in pregame and halftime warmups. You know how stupid this is?
Starting point is 00:37:08 Right after the game, they're all going to head to the gold club, a titty bar together. This is so asinine. Again, it's part of the propaganda, folks. Anyways, I want to limit the touching before the game. Physical contact to include. They can only, listen to this, bump elbows or fists, high fives, anyways, they want to limit the, uh, the touching before the game, uh, physical contact to include. They can only listen to this bump elbows or fists, high fives, hugs, and handshakes aren't
Starting point is 00:37:31 allowed. Nor our extended post game conversations. What the fuck world are we living in? That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name, that's strictly for fags. It's all part of the... Folks, you know why? They know millions of people watch the NBA.
Starting point is 00:37:55 They're just conditioning you to follow what they say. Shut your mouth and obey us. That's all this is. It's like a dress rehearsal for something worse. The NBA, for the week of January 13th through 19th, they had 11 new positive cases of COVID out of 502 players. Oh, my God, it's a pandemic.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And the league on Wednesday postponed its 16th regular season game. The Memphis Grizzlies at the Portland Trailblazers due to ongoing contact tracing within the Grizzlies. So, once again, huh? China? Well, NBA's in bed with China. Now, how do you feel about China, NBA players, huh? I kill you. I kill you right now.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Kill me. I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Like I said right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Like a Zamboni. This is some of the silliest poopoo I've ever heard. Hey, I want to thank people who contribute financially to the show. It's the way we stay afloat. I want to thank, since yesterday or last night, David Perrin, Washington. Brian Bonham, Utah, Jim Nashwinter, Georgia, James Aaron, Kentucky, Stephen Brown, Wisconsin,
Starting point is 00:39:19 France Grissom, Oklahoma, Peter M. Kalnin, Massachusetts, Derek Van Meter, New York, Bobby Taylor, Canada, Randolph A. Sutton, Hawaii. Brenda Byrne, Australia. We're all over the place, folks. We're international. And here's some new monthly supporters that signed up at Patreon or Roberta Taylor, Canada. Colton, Kenneth Kuchnicki, Michigan,
Starting point is 00:39:47 Brian Russell, Minnesota. They all signed up as monthly supporters. Thank you so much for that. You're the lifeblood of the show. We have a Patreon question. Say it loud and not like a bitch. Talk. We have a Patreon question. There you go, honey.
Starting point is 00:39:59 What the fuck? Leave that in there. Me yelling at you was funny. We have a Patreon question michael jackson hey nick do you expect that you'll have to extend your libs eating lip segment considering the left's common enemy is officially out of office for example they jumped um from praising zuckerberg to blaming zuckerberg in a matter of days go figure figure. Daniel Fellow, a baton roof, Louisiana? Shouldn't that be rouge? Oh, my God, Jason.
Starting point is 00:40:29 This is a guy who can write like a bastard. Baton rouge, Louisiana is what he meant. He's got baton rough, unless it's an extension. I don't know about that. That's actually a great question, and we already showed an example of that today. Daniel, you're right on top of it, right? We already have the left.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Well, you know, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, they're Marxist groups. But don't think that Joe Biden and, you know, the AOCs of the world, the Democrats, are that far from what they want. So, yeah, they're already turning, you know, they're already turning on Biden. They don't want to be governed. But, yes, you're going to see a lot of lib on libs because Trump is gone, but they're going to pursue him too. Don't worry. But yes, in the meantime, yes, they'll be eating each other.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Hopefully to a smoking play girl. I mean, play girl, play boy, center for plague. Oh my God. I turned into the tiger King for a minute there. But yes, I would say that's true. But there's still plenty of meat on the bone for them to go after us on the right. But, yeah, they're not going to be, they're going to argue they're not far enough left. This is too moderate.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I mean, poor Biden doesn't even know. It's so evil what they did to him. You know, they saw a vessel, an empty vessel, and boy, they executed perfectly. Let's get off the politics. And not that this is a funny story, but ever see those? They put out a list. What is it? Every year of the Darwin Awards, which is like how the silliest way people die. I remember one of them a few years
Starting point is 00:42:06 ago. It was a guy reaching into a soda machine. He was trying to get the can out. It didn't come down, and he pulled it over on himself at some hotel, and it killed him. And I'm not making fun of this woman, but I'm like, this is why I have trouble believing in God or there is a God. Why would this happen? Ohio State student killed in freak accident. An Ohio graduate student was killed in a freak accident when her head got crushed between her car door and a toll booth in a parking garage. Oh, God. oh god oh oh oh oh oh
Starting point is 00:42:45 Victoria Strauss a 23 year old studying social work which means she's a good person right trying to help out look at she's stunning if it was a fat pig would I be doing this story I don't know Ohio State was leaving the garage
Starting point is 00:43:02 in downtown Columbus on Monday at 11.m. when tragedy struck. This is just Strauss dropped her credit card while trying to pay for parking via a machine, which I hate. Sometimes the machines never work. There's people behind you. Then listen to this. Accidentally stepped on the gas while leaning outside of the car to get it, the credit card, according to video footage cited by the can you imagine watching that the car lurched forward causing her to become wedged between the vehicle and the toll booth that is some evil that's what i believe there's a devil I blame it on Biden.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I bet she's probably a, well, she's a social worker. I don't know. Look at this stunning lady, though. Huh? Nick, if it was a fact, you wouldn't even do it. Well, yeah, you got me there. But I'm just saying. She's on a dance team.
Starting point is 00:44:08 People came in the next morning and looked at, they found her unresponsive at 5.40 a.m. Tuesday and called police. She was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics. She attempted to retrieve her card by opening her door and leaning out to pick it up, but police said in a statement, she inadvertently accelerated and collided with a parking kiosk.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Strauss, a Florida native got her undergraduate degree from Florida Atlantic University, where she was on the, uh, the dance team. And what a fucking horrible story. I love you for helping me to construct my life, not a tavern.
Starting point is 00:44:46 All right. I didn't even know her. But, uh... They don't say who survived by it, but I can't believe we found out how somebody died. It's breaking the trend. Made me very sad. Updropped my shit out the window. Just to take off. Fuck it. I tell you the time I ordered um
Starting point is 00:45:09 it had something to do with the airlines was it tickets I don't know I ordered something well for the like this is like one of the first times I try to buy something online next day I get a thing from uh amex a call and this was the lady asked me did you buy 5500 worth of shrimp yesterday i'm not shitting you i go what yeah i'm bubba from forest gump and yeah they traced it to some rural road and And I remember, I'm not trying to be racist here. The kid was definitely black that took my order. What the fuck was I ordering? I'm not saying, folks, I'm not saying it was him.
Starting point is 00:45:56 But who else had the number? Anyways, $5,500 worth of shrimp. And they traced it some rural road, like Route 9, like a dirt road in Louisiana. $5,500 worth of shrimp. I would have called the guy and said, look, I love shrimp. I'm not going to arrest you, but invite me to the party. Anyways, I digress. Final story of the week. Anyways, I digress. Final story of the week. University, we know what goes on in academia as far as PC horseshit and gender and race.
Starting point is 00:46:34 This is taking it to another level. We've reported on stuff like this. A University of Wisconsin River Falls webpage tells students that asking someone their pronouns is like asking someone for their name. Further stating that failing to refer to someone by their correct pronoun is not only disrespectful and hurtful, but also guess what it is, folks? It's oppressive. You need to shut the fuck up let me say let me save you guys a bunch of time you lefty fucking trans whatever gay lgbt lb uh what let me try just say anything straight people do is oppressive okay just put that statement out there and start picking at it a little at a time. You know, back in the day, the so-called bigots and the homophobes, they said, if you keep saying yes to all the shit, it's a slippery slope. And we're here. We don't even know what to call.
Starting point is 00:47:37 You know, the information comes from. Listen to this. Listen to the name of this department at the school. this. Listen to the name of this department at the school. The information comes from a diversity, inclusion, and belonging webpage titled Gender Pronouns and shows a pronoun how-to guide, which lists E slash A, I, per, C, say, they, Z as valid pronouns that are used. Let me tell you fucking confused people something. Nobody's going to pick. These words have been out there for a while. It's not going to catch on. Okay?
Starting point is 00:48:13 I'm going to call you he or she. And if I can't decide which one I'm going to call you it. And if you're a fat fuck, I'll call you they. Make a deal? They are blocking the fucking aisle. I can't get by. Who? That girl.
Starting point is 00:48:29 The frequently asked question portion of the webpage states that it's a privilege to be cisgender. Do you see how they see the world? As just perpetual victims? Because you were born and not confused about your sexuality or whatever. It's a privilege to be cisgender and not have to worry about which pronouns someone is going to use for you based on how they perceive your gender. No, that's not a privilege. It's an abomination what you're trying to do
Starting point is 00:49:07 to make it an issue. I can't take it no more. Oh, boy, you. How about if I call you fuck face like I do everybody else I don't know? If you have this privilege yet fail to respect someone else's gender identity, it is not only disrespectful and hurt, but also oppressive, the webpage states.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Further down, the university encourages grammar rules to be broken for the sake of feelings. Are they not attacking the very fabric and essence of what made civilization great? They're tearing it down. In response to but they as a singular pronoun is grammatically incorrect, the university states that people's feelings and identities will always matter more than grammar rules. No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Oh, my God. Help my aching stem. A spokesperson for the University of Wisconsin-River Falls told Campus Reform that the usage of gender pronouns is a sign of respect of individual differences. Really? Throwing your son looks like a fag to me. Oh, God. I think we have a picture of a few of these people.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I don't know what the fucking... Here you go. Remix. Next. Oh, there you go. Oh, there you go. Remix. Mm-hmm. Oh! There you go.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Isn't it the best pro now? Isn't that so? Seriously, not trying to be disrespectful, oppressive. I'm just saying it was in line in front of me yesterday. What is an oppressive folks, huh? See, they don't fit into the mainstream of our society. That makes you wrong. Immutable characteristics.
Starting point is 00:51:24 You had no control of being white, being male. You're a dick. It's 2021. Okay, bring it on, chooch. That's it for the week, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you guys so much. Don't forget, if you're in the Tampa area, tomorrow night and Saturday night,
Starting point is 00:51:40 they have two shows each night at Sidesplitters in Tampa. We're already almost sold out, I was told. And get this, they don't have limits on it because it's Florida. It's not run by some emasculated faggot. Anyways, don't forget If you want me to make a personal video message, roasting one of your friends or relatives on my phone, you go to, click on my profile, tell me about the person a little bit. I'll give them a real zing zangler. That is it. Great week. And again, we thank you for your support.
Starting point is 00:52:11 You think it, I'll say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you either in Tampa or back here on Monday. Have a great weekend. guitar solo guitar solo I'm I'm

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