The Nick DiPaolo Show - Arbery No Angel | Nick DiPaolo Show #350

Episode Date: May 20, 2020

NO face-masks allowed at Kentucky gas station. Career criminal out on bond stabs 80 year old woman. New tech will allow you to sneeze into your phone and be tested for coronavirus. Thank you Kyle P. f...rom Baker, Texas (?) for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. Have you had enough of the bullshit? And by bullshit, I mean Nancy Pelosi's of the world, or the Governor Whitmer's, or the Adam Schiff's, or the Hillary fucking Clinton's. Have you had enough? Yeah, most people have. I think we're learning that through the coronavirus,
Starting point is 00:00:17 who the real power hungry people are, who are trying to shut down people like me and our voices. Me, Steven Crowder, whoever, Michelle Malkin. Well, guess what? We're still up and running. So please contribute to the show. Go to to make a daily contribution. You can sign up at and you become a monthly supporter.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And if you do that, you get an extra story a day. Nobody gets. You get to ask me a question. You have access to all previous shows. We can't do this without you. This is a funny show. And it's growing leaps and bounds because of you guys. So we don't have stand-up comedy anymore.
Starting point is 00:00:55 So come here for your laughs. And we can't thank you enough for your support. Now, don't forget to click that button on YouTube to subscribe to the show. Now, what I want you to do is enjoy the show. So, enjoy. Enjoy. guitar solo Yeah, oh yeah The sweet sounds of Richie Castellano
Starting point is 00:01:57 Tickling the 16th fret, Blue Oyster Cult fame How are you folks? Great to be with you I gotta take that stupid sticker down. Was that an asshole move? Was I bored that day? I couldn't work for Flip This House. I know nothing about decorating.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Any straight guys doing that, by the way? Any straight guys? Every commercial I have, it's two guys now. Kind of swishy. We're selling socks. That's all I'm saying. Mike Lindell, if I see him pushing that pillow one more time, I'm going to suffocate his kids with it.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Fucking crackhead invents the greatest pillow ever. What are the odds? He should have showed himself when he strung out on crack, falling asleep on the pillow. That would have been the best advertisement ever. Guy's been up for 11 weeks straight, touches the... How are you folks? Good to be with you on a Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I might be heading for Root Canal. How about that? That's when you know you're getting old. I heard all that shit. Pauly Walnut said it actually, talking about getting old with Tony and the Soprano. First it's your fucking knees, then your hips, then
Starting point is 00:03:09 your fucking teeth. You don't think it's going to happen to you, T. But it does. Real quick, a note from my wife who's a fucking tech-savvy genius. She makes Julian Assange look like a fucking Luddite.
Starting point is 00:03:27 You people, I got you hooked on Gamora, which is one of the best series I have ever seen. The thing is, Harvey Weinstein produced it, so Netflix yanked it after a couple seasons or whatever the fuck. And without letting anybody know about it, so I turn people on to it. They're on season two and all of a sudden it's gone or whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So if you want to watch seasons three and four, which I already have, thanks to the wife, all four seasons of Gamora, and please watch it. It is razz. I'm not going to work with you anymore if you don't fucking watch this. Raz, I'm not going to work with you anymore if you don't fucking watch this. The Italians make black people look like law-abiding citizens. If you're fucking, you know, the criminal ones. But all four seasons of Gamora,
Starting point is 00:04:16 you can get it at W-L-E-X-T dot I-S. W-L-E-X-T dot I-S. dot is w l e x t dot is use oma o m m a or kajita top c a j i t a top server use one of those two that's we again that's w l e x t dot is use o m m a or kajita Top, C-A-J-I-T-A-T-O-P server, and you can watch seasons three and four, too. I'm telling you, I don't get excited about TV since the Sopranos, but this is so fucking, so violent and delicious and greasy. Makes me proud to be only 49% Italian, not the 50 I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Speaking of liars and fucking criminals, let's get to Joe Biden real quick off the top. Well, before we do that, I need a little fucking, oh, let's bring in some gangster mafioso for a little laugh. Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says. Why, he asks.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Don't you have a vase? That'll be funny till I'm 100. Anyways, as you know, Trump has been using the term Obamagate a lot because the John Durham, the federal attorney from North Carolina who Barr gave the job of digging down to this whole deep state Pfizer fucking Russia hoax is getting to the nougat of it. And we're finding out some people might be going to jail. Of course, not Obama or Biden. You know, Obama was the I said this two years ago. Obama could stab a baby on TV in the Oval Office. He wouldn't go to jail. He's the first African-American president. This country wouldn't never have the stomach to prosecute, even though I believe he denied. But anyway, so Trump's been using the term Obamagate because it really is the biggest political scandal in history. You can make that argument that a sitting president weaponized the justice system against a guy who was running for president,
Starting point is 00:06:36 sending law enforcement against his own political opponents. That shit goes on in third world countries. Marxist fuckstain. Anyways, so Trump's been using Obamagate and biden came out of his rat hole and said this is his pattern diversion diversion diversion diversion diversion don't speak to whatever the issues before us are my god what a funny Obamagate. And he also, by the way, just said, I read that he is not going to allow President Obama's picture to be hung in the White House.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Oh, no! As long as he's president. Fuck! That's another inducement for him to make sure he's not president beyond January 20th. Come on. This is so venal, so petty. The greatest crime?
Starting point is 00:07:23 I mean, my Lord. this is what are we doing? What's going on right now? I mean, can't even look into the case. He just fell asleep at the end of that. He's fucking exhausted from that. Twelve seconds not hanging. Oh, why would you hang a picture of the president? Fucking tried to undermine you. I don't care if it's fact or not, which it is. There's enough evidence. Why would he?
Starting point is 00:07:52 Oh my God, not hanging a picture of Obama. Holy shit. But in good news, he's going to hang a picture of John Amos, the guy that played the father in Good Times. That'll make everybody happy. That dude I would have voted. I said this in one of my specials.
Starting point is 00:08:11 John Amos is one of my favorite guys ever on TV. First of all, he played for the Steelers or the Raiders. Steelers, I think. He looks like a badass. And if he ran for president, I would have voted for him. That's a real black dude. Kind of conservative, slap his kids around you know like my like my dad real fucking prick anyways so that's biden pretending he's outraged he can't
Starting point is 00:08:33 even do that well did his heart look in there oh my god uh just uh and there's plenty of evidence obama was in on this friggin thing there's plenty of it and then in on this frigging thing. There's plenty of it. And then you put on CNN, MSNBC, and it's just gross. They project. They turn it around. How is that a diversion? Oh, that's a diversion, Joe? When you might be in trouble now? That's a diversion or a legitimate story about spying on a guy who tried to become president.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Kiss my grits. Sorry for this strong language. Anyways, where the fuck are we? I wanted to get that off my tits. Here you go, Raz. A leaked Pentagon memo warns of real possibility of COVID-19 resurgence. Vaccine not coming until summer of 2021. Son of a whore!
Starting point is 00:09:25 Some people think we're going to be in quarantine or locked down until they come up with a vaccine, which just isn't true. We got black people footage of them partying, 300 of them, like on a Friday night, like it was fucking healthy day. And white people in Michigan showing up at the Capitol with guns.
Starting point is 00:09:42 We're not going to stay home. Anyways, but this is a memo. The Defense Department should prepare, it says, to operate in a globally persistent coronavirus environment without an effective vaccine until at least the summer of 2021, according to a draft Pentagon memo obtained by Task and Purpose, whoever the fuck they are. We have a long path ahead with real possibility of resurgence of COVID-19, reads the memo. Offered for Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, seen here. A real piece of ass. Come on, Rad, you found the picture. Come on, producers, stay with me.
Starting point is 00:10:22 That's him? Here's a boring white fella. A Pentagon spokesman said the document was outdated but declined to provide more specifics. The memo was prepared by Kenneth Rapuano, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security, and is intended to update previous guidance issued by ESPR on April 1st of this year. It's unclear if ESPR has seen the memo.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I know a thing or two about a thing or two. All indications suggest we will be operating in a globally persistent COVID-19 environment in the months ahead, the memo reads. This will likely continue until there is wide scale immunity through immunization and some immunity post recovery from the virus. The Pentagon framework for operations in a persistent COVID-19 environment relies on a number of assumptions, including the chance of successive waves of the infection, which some people are predicting, continue shortages of PPE equipment, and lack of viable treatment or vaccine for COVID-19 until at least next summer.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I think they're dreaming. COVID-19 until at least next summer. I think they're dreaming. More waves of infection will occur in clusters that will coincide with the seasonal flu season, the memo suggests, while testing will not provide 100% assurance of the absence of the virus. Just the facts, man. The planning framework detailed in the draft memo also calls for an increase in testing and surveillance. This must have been written a while ago.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I think that Bob was right. Expanded contract tracing capabilities and the use of a registry to track closely, monitor outcomes of those affected. Oh, yes, a registry. So your name's going to be, they're going to track you. Just forget about it. Privacy's been over for a while, but now they're really getting. You're going to go into the bathroom to take a dump and this guy guy's gonna be looking through your window from the fbi go what's your temperature mind your business fuck stain uh the memo stands
Starting point is 00:12:15 in contrast to more optimistic assessments given by the trump administration officials including us but who said friday the pentagon would deliver by the end of the year this year, a vaccine at a scale to treat the American people and our partners abroad. Fuck our partners abroad. Going to give it to China. Make sure they're all right. I think he's talking about now. The top Pentagon spokesman later clarified the end of your timeline was merely a goal. Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who everybody treated like Jesus
Starting point is 00:12:45 H. Christ, the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, recently stated that it's doable, that's in quotes, to have a vaccine ready in January if things fall in the right place. Dr. Amesh Adhijan. That's my primary care physician. He sticks his middle finger up my ass with a little curry on it every two years. Nick, is there any need for that? I like Indian people. You know how I go to Indian doctors all the time. Dr. Amesh Adeljah, a senior scholar and infectious disease physician at John Hopkins,
Starting point is 00:13:32 recently told the New York Times that everything would have to go perfectly in order to have a vaccine by january 2021 holy shit but but you don't have opening no but why not that's him when i was bending over for the prosthetic you don't have opening no i sewed it up this this show is really trashy right now isn't it god damn it i'm running out of fucking heroin for the prosthetic. You don't have opening? No, I sewed it up. This show is really trashy right now, isn't it? God damn it, I'm running out of fucking heroin. I'm going to break a blood vessel in my brain trying to get this going. Look, the red light
Starting point is 00:13:56 tells you to stop. Da-da-da-da-da! I'm loving it. Sip a copy. People have had it with the whole being locked down. Everybody. That's a kind of a good thing about this.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Republicans, I don't care how you vote. Even people in blue states are like, fuck you, we're going to the beach. How about de Blasio won't let the beaches open in New York on Memorial Day? So the whole city is going to be heading to Long Island. Beach is open in New York on Memorial Day. So the whole city is going to be heading to Long Island. You talk about a place, if you believe in, you know, social distancing, there's going to be 10,000 people on one beach.
Starting point is 00:14:34 You're going to be having sex by accident. You trip over a sandcastle and your balls land in somebody's mouth. Depending on what beach that is, that could be a good thing. The Blas will be sitting home crying, watching the news. Motherfuckers! I like Southern people. That's why I moved to Georgia. They have the American spirit there.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Same with Texas. They don't fucking listen to the government. Here's a guy I'm really loving. Kentucky convenience store owner posts no face mask allowed sign. I'm doing a lot of dancing, incorporating some moves. I had to read this twice. When I first read it, you know, it's a sign I thought it said you had to have face mask. That's how fucking no face mask allowed. This guy's giving a big finger to the governor down there conduct a kentucky convenience store told uh customers to take off their face mask or go somewhere else but later
Starting point is 00:15:36 did an about face when called out for the controversial man there's the man now this is what cracked me up and why i love the self and And this is how I am, too, when I print. Look at big letters at the beginning. No face mask. He gets about a third of the way down and he goes, oh, fuck. I better make these letters smaller. Allow him to store. Look, he's running out.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Lower your mask or go somewhere else. Stop listening to Bashir. I guess he's the governor or whatever, whoever. He's a dumbass. Look, he runs out of room. How ironic is that? He's calling the guy a dumbass. He doesn't even know how to start on the left margin.
Starting point is 00:16:15 It reminds me of King of Queens, which I'm sorry, but I'm fucking. Kevin James is so brilliant on that. He was a substitute teacher, and he walks in all cocky. He goes to the blackboard. He goes, I am. He starts to write Mr. Heffernan. He gets to the F. He was a substitute teacher and he walks in all cocky. He goes to the blackboard. He goes, I am. He starts to write Mr. Heffernan. He gets to like the F. He runs out of space. Silly shit, but tickled my
Starting point is 00:16:30 funny bone after a bowl of hash. Oh, I fucking, I can feel the pinch in the waist. Two in the morning. Remember that giant thing I tore up with that peanut butter ice cream cup thing I made? It's still haunting me in my freezer. Oh, two in the morning, I cut off about a six-inch wedge. Dude.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Mother of God. Anyways, what else did this guy say? A photo, which we just showed you outside Alvin's in Manchester was shared Monday on Facebook by a man. Now, here's a snitch for you. A guy put it on Facebook. He wanted to spread the shame of the owner of the store by publicizing the business. Called to flout Governor Andy Beshear's mask guidance
Starting point is 00:17:14 intended to curb the spread of the corona. What a fucking snitch. I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. That'll be funny again until I'm fucking 200. This guy's snitching on the store owner. Can you just think about
Starting point is 00:17:31 where we've come as a country? This country was founded on throwing big government off our backs, if you know your history. And now we actually snitch for the government on each other.
Starting point is 00:17:43 When I say we, left-wing pussies. Jerkoffs who need the government, who believe in it because they can't handle their own lives. What a rat bastard. No face masks allowed in store, the pink side, red, blah, blah, blah. Instead, the sharpest, the guy that put up the post, excuse me, which was shared more than 3,800 times, prompted some Facebook users to call him a snitch.
Starting point is 00:18:06 And others said they saw the sign as a patriotic statement. One guy says, if I didn't live so far away, I would do all my shopping here. I love it. Another man wrote, finally, somebody with some dang common sense. Excuse me. God damn it. I guess you're not supposed to smoke cigarettes and babe i have the lungs of fucking jerry stiller right now bye bye another guy says uh what the store however later changed the message saying it would not turn away customers who are wearing face coverings we're not telling you not to wear a mask, Alvins wrote on Facebook. What we are saying is it's your choice to wear one or not. Not our government's choice for us. Amen. While some got the meaning behind it, a lot did not. The sign was not intended to offend.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Who cares if it did? Mr. Owner of the store, don't fucking lose your balls. Who gives a, people actually born in this country think they have the right not to be offended. Those are called libs and left wingers and Democrats and feminists and fucking civil rights groups. Sorry. Oh, good. Oh, good. But but the owner says, but we will not apologize for our beliefs and our freedom to make our own decisions that our government wants to make for us. Alvin's statement continues. We strive to keep our customers safe and our employees. That's what he said. I am your voice. Good guy. You are correct, sir. Bashir in late April announced his plan to start reopening businesses in Kentucky beginning on May 11th.
Starting point is 00:19:48 The Democrat also announced that state residents should start wearing masks in public starting on that date, but said people would not be arrested or cited for not wearing one. Oh, thanks. Good to be in America again, huh, Beshear? The sign, meanwhile, has led some to consider making a 60-minute drive just to pick up lunch there. One guy supporting him said, do not apologize for anything. We are planning a road trip just to eat at your place. Yeah, I'm bringing my fat wife down there.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Who the fuck drives an hour to eat at a convenience store although down here in the south they're convenience stores they take this fried chicken that looks fucking delicious here still haven't tried it there's always a line at parker's you know but you can get good food at convenience stores it's very funny you fill up and you get heart disease and you pull away more corona news. How about this, Raz? Jesus, I must have smoked a lot yesterday. I got fucking lung custard blocking both my a-order and my sphincter COVID-19 could soon be detected by sneezing or coughing onto a smartphone
Starting point is 00:21:12 what hello hello that's why I never borrowed anybody's phones for Christ's sake it's right here yeah let me borrow your phone I remember borrowing Patrice's phone and he just happened to be looking through him and Norton and other degenerates went down to Brazil for a week or whatever the fuck he hands me his phone
Starting point is 00:21:37 it's a picture of some black chick no actually where did I say they went Brazil Brazilian chicks fucking fat ass spread naked. Nasty. I go, I don't want to fuck an STD because I'm saying hi to my mother. Oh, so gross. A U.S. based research team are developing a sensor that attaches to a phone and can tell a user if they are infected within 60 seconds. When's that going to be ready? May of 2029.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It is hoped the relatively cheap sensor, costing around 45 euro, will be available within three months. Project leader, Professor Masoud Tabib Azhar, when he's not beheading Jews, he's making phones with... Masoud Tabib Azhar. Was he not one of the 11 hijackers?
Starting point is 00:22:27 I'm just kidding. Look at him, he's whiter than I am. That guy, that's his name? Should be Bill Johnson. An engineer at the University of Utah in the U.S. believes it'll play a big role in tracking the pandemic. The gadget was originally developed to combat the mosquito-borne Zika virus that triggered a global health emergency in 2016 after being linked to severe birth defects. Professor Tabiba Zair said, we started this
Starting point is 00:22:54 project about 12 months ago. The main idea was to enable people to have their own personal sensor to detect Zika, excuse me, in places that they travel. I was going to say, because, I mean, the place where Zika originated, they don't have cell phones there. They're still beating each other with fucking banana leaves and shit. The plan is to program, Jesus, fuck! The plan is to program it to identify COVID-19 instead
Starting point is 00:23:27 an inch wide prototype about the size of a 10 pence piece do you mean a fucking dime this is an English paper they still call it a pence piece in England I say that I need a 10 pence piece a 10 pence piece
Starting point is 00:23:43 communicates with a smartphone via wireless technology, Bluetooth. Professor Tabib Azar said if someone breathes, coughs, sneezes, or blows on the sensor, it will be able to tell if they had COVID-19. And they found a clip of a guy who they think has COVID-19. Sneeze him on his phone. Oh, oh. Oh. COVID-19. Sneeze him in his phone. Delicious. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:24:16 What's this guy? Stew a fucking Dan and yogurt in his sinus? Jeez. Let's take another look at that super slow motion rise. Let's take another look at that in super slow motion, Raz. So my... Oh, come on. Oh. Doesn't even try to wipe it.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Oh, what was that, silly string? Users need only plug the sensor into their phone's charging port and launch the companion app before placing a microscopic particle of saliva on it sounds like too much work already just look at the guy's nose i think he's guilty good i think he has it i wouldn't know how to do shit i know nothing about that in the next minute the results will be displayed on a cell phone if the virus is present dna strands in the sensor listen to this it's amazing bind to its proteins. This triggers electrical resistance, signaling a positive result. It also works on surfaces by using a swab and placing it onto
Starting point is 00:25:11 the sensor. Now, this sounds like something you could pump out in a few months. Why do we have to wait so long? Jesus. The sensor would change color, like when you take a pregnancy test, or visually indicate the presence of covid 19 and a picture will come up of a chinese guy shitting into a bucket and you know you got it so it can be viewed with the naked eye it is also reusable because it can destroy a previous sample with small electrical current imagine being this. It fucking takes me 10 minutes to change a light bulb. This guy's creating a sensor. He also wants
Starting point is 00:25:50 to make it possible to send the results to health agencies, which would provide an accurate indication of hot spots. Professor Tabib Azhar said you would push the button and you can send it to a central location. Centers for Disease Control or any other authority.
Starting point is 00:26:07 That's actually Indian. That you would select in your options, and then in real time, you can update. This is crazy. Update the map. The app is expected to be ready for a four-week clinical trial in July when nobody will give a fuck. I added.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Something we can use by August, maybe. Professor Tabib, as I said, this way you can test yourself every half day or whenever you want and have some peace of mind that you and your environment are healthy. I sleep like a baby at night. I could have a Chinese lady throwing up in my living room.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I'd still sleep like a baby. It's not going to get me. Okay? I took in enough cheese. I made eggplant palm, too. Enough cheese to kill three people. Then my dessert was two cigarettes. Leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Professor Tabib is there at it. It can be made to be a stand-alone device, but it can also be connected to a cell phone. That guy is fucking smart. I'll tell you that much. All righty then. Finally, a terrorist doingy then. Finally, a terrorist doing some good.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Oh, Nick, stop with the characterizations. It's a dangerous situation. Gamora, folks, watch it. I go from Gamora, which is Italian crime families murdering each other, right to Three Companies episodes at 1 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:27:28 What a transition. Got a question, Raz? I do have a question. All right, my brother men. Kyle P. What's Barker? That's where he put it. I think in Texas.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Why? A lot of ugly women there? Barker? Actually, a lot of hot women are there. Did you hear Don Jr. say November 4th, the virus will no longer be a story? What do you think? I think I just said something like that today, didn't I? Earlier in the show? I think he's right.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I think he's goddamn right. If we handle it right now, take out all people 65 and older, right, in the whole country, if they have a temperature above 100, we put a bullet in their head and we all go to the beach.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I didn't hear him say that. Speaking of Don Jr., Kyle, I'm glad you wrote that. Guess who's going to be on the, are we playing it tomorrow, Rez? It's going to be part of the show. Donald Trump Jr., That's right. The president's son coming back for a second time to the Nick DiPaolo podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:30 He liked it so much. And he's stirring up some shit. It's why I like Donald Jr. He's in a feud with Howard Stern, who's a fucking politically correct pussy now. He's turned into Hillary, which breaks my heart because I like Howard. He was good to me, and he was one of the funniest motherfuckers. But then he got a life coach and a therapist and now he's a big girl politically. He's called all Trump supporters.
Starting point is 00:28:52 We should drink Clorox and we're evil and, you know, that type of fucking, what do you expect from New York lib? But you know what? He made his fame, not all his fans, a lot of them blue collar guys like Artie Lange. Why do you think Artie Lange is so popular? He appealed to that audience. And Howard had a lot of white collar fans. The point is Donald Trump Jr. is right about him. And he's also Donald Trump Jr. is in a feud with Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:29:18 He put up a meme, a joke meme, which I didn't find particularly funny. But my wife thought it was hilarious. It's a crocodile. I couldn't. My producer should have pulled it up. But he's too busy taking his kid to karate or some shit. I don't. But it implied that in a funny way, it was a croc.
Starting point is 00:29:40 See you later, crocodile or whatever. It said it was a crocodile saying see you later, pedophile. I'm paraphrasing. But my point is it was harmless. People found it funny, except for Joe Biden. So I like Donald Jr. because he's stirring shit up. And he might be right about the virus in November. So that's tomorrow, Donald Trump Jr.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Ladies and gentlemen, with Memorial Day upon us, when's that? This weekend? The 3rd of 29th Huh? Next weekend, not this With Memorial Day upon us It means that you're going to be Headed to the beach or the pool
Starting point is 00:30:19 And you're going to need some great towels Not to worry, Who, as you know, our major sponsor of this show, has a ton of great towels on their website right now. Check these out. Hey, Tommy writes a pretty good copy. This guy can do anything. I'd like to check the girl out behind the towel
Starting point is 00:30:36 and then use that towel to wipe my chest when I'm done. But next, there's me making my first communion. I was blonde. Oh, I didn't see this one. Wait a minute. Why is the cheeseburger blue? Is he eating the Democrats?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Oh, there's a girl behind that, too. I voted for Trump. Very nice. Very nice. These are new. And I love global warming. Wash your filthy ass. Hey, if you guys go to the beach with these, take pictures. All right. I want some proof, preferably women. I don't want a 400 pound guy laying on Trump's face and I can't see the towel.
Starting point is 00:31:20 But if you're on the 260, send pictures of you guys at the beach with the towels. but if you're on the 260 send pictures of you guys at the beach with the towels um anyways they put out great stuff not only are these towels great and a short bet to drive the lips around you crazy you can get 10 off all of them by using the promo code nick so again go to the and use the promo code nick and we thank them for sponsoring the Nick DiPaolo podcast. Tremendous. Memorial Day is Monday the 25th. Oh shit. This coming Monday. Really?
Starting point is 00:31:55 So are we off? Yeah. We're not working Monday. If that's Memorial Day. Raz is looking at me. That's Rich Woody bought a truck truck did you hear that in the background it's moving to fucking pennsylvania let's get into uh let's get into some heavier stories uh real quickly here race is always uh race has been nothing shows mainstream media's cowardice more than the issue of race and how they've been covering it for 35 years now if you watch mainstream media for the last 35 years only
Starting point is 00:32:33 white people are racist only white people commit racist they cherry pick the stories and it really has added to the tension between the races. That's what the libs do. They run the media. They want us at each other's throats. Identity politics. You know the thing. The double standard. The stories that don't get covered.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Well, here's a good example. You've been following the story of Maude Arbery, the black kid who was chased down by these two guys in right here and uh what town was it like before brunswick georgia and they ended up getting shot okay they've been talking about it non-stop around the clock for the last couple weeks and um which we'll get to him in a second obviously that was a was a tragedy. But it's funny. You've been hearing about that forever, don't you? Whether it's social media, we're nonstop. But you didn't hear about this.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Bond waved for suspect days before killing an 80-year-old white woman at a Houston Walgreens. The man accused of stabbing an 80-year-old white woman to death on Saturday was out on bond at the time of the murder. Put the picture up. He's a nice guy, you can tell. Bond for Randy Lewis, 38, was waived back on April 30th for a charge of assaulting a public servant from two years ago. A charging document stated he hit someone who was transferring him to the county jail. Lewis is accused of killing Rosalie Cook right there. Police said she was stabbed in the chest outside of her car after shopping inside the Walgreens near the corner of Gessner and Bray's Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Did you hear about this or is this the first time you hear it? There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with the black man's mind there's something wrong with his mind what makes me angry is the suspect stabbed an 80 year old woman said houston police chief art acevedo at a briefing from the scene he then goes down and starts rifling through her stuff and then tries to steal her car a police officer arrived a short time later, found Lewis inside Cook's car trying to start it. When Lewis refused commands and lunged at the officer, another example of a black guy being so scared of the cops, with a knife believed to be six inches long, two shots were fired. Lewis died at the scene. Well, he was going to fry or go to prison for life. Court records indicate Lewis was
Starting point is 00:35:08 found temporarily incompetent after a mental exam in October 2019 and was committed to a mental facility. So why was this guy even out? Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. In March, his stay was extended by a judge for 60 days after a request from the head of the facility. He was subsequently released to Royal Personal Care Home May 1st. Lewis was released to a man listed in court documents
Starting point is 00:35:36 as the person who was ordered to take him to a group home. They contacted that guy, but he didn't want to comment. I wonder why. According to Houston Police Union President Joe Gamaldi, Lewis has been arrested, get this, 67 times. Not 57, not 47, not 37, not 27, not 17, not 17. 67 times.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And I want to keep hearing how unfair the justice system is to black guys. 67 times. How about after they have the three strikes. I'll even give you five strikes and you're out. How about after you fifth the rest, you do, you know, at least five years. Is that fair? They wave his bond.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Now this innocent old lady, just shopping, somebody's grandmother. Huh? But did you hear about this story at all? No, somebody's grandmother. Huh? But did you hear about this story at all? No, you didn't. Now reverse the races. That's a white guy stabbing an 80-year-old black woman. You think you would have heard about it?
Starting point is 00:36:35 Non-stop. Lewis was charged several times with assault, theft, trespassing, possession of marijuana, plus burglary of vehicle. Meanwhile, Cook's family feels the city of Houston let her down and her son hopes for a swift. Yeah, I think so. Right now, the son says we'll celebrate mom's life, but then it's certainly my intention to become an active, become active in victims rights. I'm not sure what shape that'll take, but I'll certainly apply my energy, my voice, and my resources to right this wrong. My point being, you didn't hear about that, did you?
Starting point is 00:37:12 Happened a while ago. But you heard about this. And again, I'm Ahmaud Arbery. Don't want to see anybody that young dead. I don't care what this situation is. Um, but been following the story now for a couple of weeks and he's been portrayed as nothing but, you know, an unarmed black guy, you know, just as day off at work. But footage keeps emerging the last couple of days. A video released Monday shows police. And again, I'm not saying the guy
Starting point is 00:37:44 deserves to be dead but those those guys are going to jail if you know georgia law i was talking to my buddy who's a cop as far as self-defense laws he says they're fucking they're done which i don't have a problem with either uh a video released monday shows police in georgia attempting to search ahmad arbery's parked car in 2017 and when he refuses to let them and begins to walk back to the vehicle, an officer tried to tase him. Here's the video. ID on your man.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Body cam footage from 2017, first obtained by The Guardian, shows a Glynn County police officer approach Ahmaud Arbery in a Brunswick, Georgia park. Grab it with you, okay? As the officer returns from... Nice day to have a winter coat on. It's Georgia. It's probably 90 there. He's wearing the prison style, you know, underwear and, you know, just hanging out in a place where drug activity goes on.
Starting point is 00:38:34 But that's not how they report it. But go ahead. Running Arbery's license, Ahmad appears to be upset. I ain't got shit on me. What the fuck are we for? I'll tell you why I'm here, man. I'll tell you why I'm here. Because this area is known for drug activity. You got a reason to touch me, bro. I'm not searching you. I'm checking you for weapons. All right, man. Less than two minutes later, another officer appears and Arbery refuses to let them search his car. Does he look afraid of the cops? You don't want me to search your car? I'm not asking you. Just don't reach the car, man.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Pause. Let me explain to the car, man. Pause. Let me explain to the idiots who might not understand why he can't go back. Because he might have a weapon and they might have a weapon on. This is what the cops deal with. But if you've been following the news, you'd think this kid worked an 80-hour work week and graduated from Yale and was just minding his business. And again, not justified to kill the kid, but I'm just saying you've been hearing about this for a couple of weeks now. Every day in the news. White old lady gets stabbed in the chest, which is which is more tragic. It's a tie. Go ahead. The second officer then orders Arbery to the ground after he fires his taser, but it malfunctions and doesn't shock Arbery.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Made in China. I got one day off a week. One day. One day off a week. I'm trying to chill on my day off, bro. Eventually, they let Arbery go. Mm-hmm. By the way, his license was suspended, but they let him go anyways. Huh? More evidence. Perez, if that was you and your license was suspended, would they let you go?
Starting point is 00:40:08 Huh? What am I asking you, you're black. They would have probably tased you. They wouldn't let me go. I got my license taken away for speeding when I first got it. I had three tickets within like seven months. And again, not trying to say
Starting point is 00:40:24 this kid should be dead or anything, but a little context when the mainstream media does racial stories would help. You know, you should be covering that white woman. She was important too. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Harvey was questioned by the cops. C cops are bothering him and he is told that the area is known for drugs which we uh figured that out how about that taser failing that could have cost the guys probably made in china anyways you all saw him he had a gun newly released ahmaud arbery video another one shows 2017 shoplifting arrest a newly released police body cam shows georgia slave victim ahmaud arbery being handcuffed and arrested for shoplifting in 2017. The video dated December 1, 2017 shows Arbery and three teenagers being confronted by police in a parking lot of a Walmart shopping center.
Starting point is 00:41:35 And here's the video of that. He's 20. Hey, guys. Hold on. He's 20. And like Graz pointed out, he's hanging out with 15-year-old kids. 20 years old. And these cops are going to accuse them of stealing a flat screen.
Starting point is 00:41:51 All four of you, tell me about the TV. TV? Mm-hmm. What? We don't have any TV. Well, what about the 65-inch TV? 65-inch TV. Do me a favor, and don't make this hard on yourself. All of you take a seat.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Take a seat. Take a seat. I don't know nothing about TV. Take a of you take a seat. Take a seat. Take a seat. Take a seat now. So, it's that one right there with the first guy. It's the guy that works at the store. Okay, he's older now. He's 20.
Starting point is 00:42:14 The other, he's 17. These two are 15. They were inside the store though? Yeah. Okay. We went inside, well. And on the patio, riding bikes. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Okay. So, those three trespassed. Riding bikes in the patio. riding bikes. So those three trespassed. Riding bikes in the patio. Shouldn't be there. What are we doing? Lewis is right looking at the bike. You can't roll the TV out. No, it wouldn't be in the phone.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, no, that don't work. I have my thing, bro. I have my thing, bro. I have my whole machine. Where's that? It's on the ground. Yeah, where's the TV? TV?
Starting point is 00:42:46 I ain't stealing the TV. TV is where you're hiding. Good night. Your TV is in there. Shit. I had a receipt, bro. Where's the receipt at? Hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Stay seated. You know what? You know what? I'm not a bro. I'm not a bro. Pause. I'm not a bro. Yeah, you are. I'm not a bro. I want you to understand. I'm not a bro. I understand. Pause. I'm not a bro. Yeah, you are.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I'm not a bro. They just, and do they look scared of the cops? Starts to get up. I'm just saying. You wonder why. And they just, every, the way they show this, the mainstream media portrays it as just, and again, don't want the kid dead, but obviously heading for a life of crime
Starting point is 00:43:27 and probably going to end up in jail. Lay on your stomach. That's where he's headed. Lay on your stomach. You're under arrest. You're under arrest for shoplifting. Yeah, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, Cam,
Starting point is 00:43:43 we'll be against you in a court law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have an attorney present during any question. Yeah, call 301. If at any time you can't afford an attorney, it won't be provided for your government expense. What are you trying to do? Just call Chop with them when they try to wheel that TV out. Huh? You trying to wheel the TV out?
Starting point is 00:43:58 Yeah. All right. Just lying. Riding their bikes on the patio at Walmart. You know, that's trespassing. You know. I'm just trying to put some perspective on it. Doesn't mean he should have been killed by those other guys, but I'm just saying. This is about the media.
Starting point is 00:44:21 We're going to come up with a new segment, Double Standard with Cheese. I don't know what we'll call it. Something like that. But I'm just saying, put a little, this is why we're at each other's throats. And his attorney's out there. This is what they do. They hassle black guys and blah, blah, blah. With no context.
Starting point is 00:44:40 It's what cops go through. Now, I just found one of my favorite cops. This next video. Bad lieutenant, I call him, state trooper trying to do his job. He was tracking an 18-wheel truck, whatever, for some violation. And some punk white kid goes by him, flips him off, I guess. The cop pulls him over, and the kid's like, why were you tailing that truck?
Starting point is 00:45:05 You know, just an anti-cop, thanks to the de Blasios and the Obamas of the world, the Eric Holders, just, you know, hates cops for no reason. But this white cop wasn't having any of it. Matter of fact, he's had enough. This is how it should all be handled.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I don't care who. When I get pulled over, do you know what I do? And I get pulled over a lot because I used to do a lot of rogue gigs. A year ago, a year and a half ago, Andy Fiore, we're upstate New York, you put your hands,
Starting point is 00:45:30 here's what you do, you turn your light on if it's night, your overhead light, put your hands on the wheel until he walks up. They appreciate that a thousand, but my cop buddy told me that. That takes a lot of tension right out of it. And then remember when I first moved down here, I had my handgun.
Starting point is 00:45:45 First time I took it out of my house, it's on the driver's side. I was coming back from Jacksonville. I get pulled over for speed. First time I life car, because you have any weapons on? I go, yeah, I got a loaded gun. He goes, all right. He goes, shut up. Step out of the car.
Starting point is 00:46:01 And he had to unload my gun. But that's what you do. If you don't, you know what I mean? Put your hands on the fucking anyways, this kid's a, this kid mouthed off to the cop and this cop was not having any of it. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I can watch this one all day. It's like Bobby Knight when he was young. Can I just ask you why you're riding their butt like that? Pause. That's how the kid starts with the, with a couple of them. Can I ask you why you're riding their butt like that and speeding, man? Pause. That's how the kid starts with a cop on. Can I ask you why you were riding the,
Starting point is 00:46:29 you know, the bumper of that truck? Can you fucking imagine the gall? Now watch this. Boy, did he pick the wrong cop. Watch this. I'm running his license plate because everybody else is speeding.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Why are you speeding? I was only going 60. Speed limit's 40. 50. 50. Okay. Bye-bye Give me the weed to know I have a car all right. All right
Starting point is 00:47:02 Fucking run your mouth. No problem. You came to the right guy. All right. All right, stop. Oh, all right. Stop not so tough now It's just getting better, folks. Hands, please. One sec. Is that any sharp? No, sir. Where's the marijuana? I have it in my car, but I have a weed card.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I have a weed card. Two feet apart. He's got a weed card. We're not just being detained. You're not under arrest. All right. So let's see if I have a very hostile attitude. No, I really don't.
Starting point is 00:47:29 See, the blue car was tailing me. Yeah. while I was pacing a tractor trailer looking for a motor vehicle violation because the governor's office has gotten multiple complaints on traffic stops. I know. Okay? I know that. So we're out doing our thing. Okay. He decides to pass me and flip me off! All right, Skeeter, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:40 All right? Yeah, I'm sorry. Who the fuck do you think you are, worried about what I'm doing? Okay. You're right. I know I'm right, All right? Yeah, I'm sorry. So the fuck do you think you are worrying about what I'm doing? Okay. You're right. I know I'm right, goddammit! Get the fuck down! Sounds like my father.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Everyone's got something to fucking say! Mind your own goddamn business! Fucking love it. You're fucking speeding! How would I start with that? You're right. Listen, I'm sorry. No shit! I was following that kid for a wasting my time. Listen, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:05 No shit! I was following that kid for a reason. And if you hadn't done that fucking stupid stunt, I'd be with him right now. But no! You just couldn't leave it alone, could you? You had to be a fucking American. Had to be an American. God help you if there's anything illegal in this car. Is it in the original dispensary container?
Starting point is 00:48:26 It's what? It's gross. Is it in the original dispensary container? Is what? Is it in the original dispensary container? Then you're fucked. How's that sound? No shit. Mind your own fucking business next time. Yeah, it's called shut the fuck up. I was driving along. I was going to head with a simple citation that i keep but no you gotta just couldn't shut your mouth where are you going anyway where do you work it's like me with a heckler where it's called the american what's that paper yeah you know like the liquor bottles and stuff that the comes in like the trains The shit comes in like a tree Shit is banned heard what a heatseeker is a heatseeker something that draws attention to itself heat seeking missiles
Starting point is 00:49:20 They go for the heat Did I tell you to move? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Could I be happier? Yeah. Yeah. Who couldn't? Why am I speeding? I'm doing my fucking job! Connecticut General Statute 14-298 allows law enforcement officers to disregard the traffic laws in the performance of their duties. How the fuck am I gonna catch a speeder if I'm not speeding? You like your job at NASA with physics? I want this guy to write for me. Where do you want this to get trashed? I can tell. I don't want to get ruined.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Un-fucking-believable. It just never fucking ends in this fucking job. I got 14 months. I can't fucking wait to be done. This is going to tell you why our department is having 1,300 as 850 right now. There's a fucking clue to the public. What a bunch of assholes you are. Pause. I'm sorry. I'm with him a thousand percent.
Starting point is 00:50:26 This whole fucking authority, anti-authority cops are all bad. You know how much crap they put up with? Fuck, go ahead. Jesus Christ, how much is in that bag? What the fuck, are you a magician? A couple of dubs fly out of it. Watch this, watch this. Right there.
Starting point is 00:50:55 You want it on paper or not? Is it in the original dispensary container? No shit. Turn around. All right, that's good. Can I be happier? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Who couldn't? Love it. I'm sure the people are, that's a corpse or assholes. Fucking every time you walk up to a car like that, especially at night, you might get shot. Dealing with somebody flipping you off when you're trying to do your job.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Good for you. You know, I like the cops anyways. One time contributors. Again, folks, the show is only exists because you guys contribute financially at you can do it that way or you can go to sign up at and become a monthly subscriber where you get an
Starting point is 00:51:52 extra story a day you can ask me a question access to the all the old shows uh but i want to thank people who contributed since yesterday one time one-time contributions tim Timothy Trent, Arizona, Marvin Ellis, North Carolina, Marla Ranz, Washington, D.C., Nolan George, Texas, Tim Hershied, we see that name a lot, Ohio, Brett Stadler, Virginia, Roger Nichols, Virginia, Charles Selberg, Florida, Ralph LickmyGermanHelmetLedger, Florida, Florida. John Corey, New York. Randy Parks, Washington. George Clark, New York. Sam Pionti, Michigan. Daniel Meadows, Texas. Steven Rissler, Pennsylvania. Those are our daily contributions. Now for people who signed up at Ryan Eastley, T. Smith, Michael J. Owensby, Tony Miller, Alex A., and Dan. Thank all of you so
Starting point is 00:52:56 much. Again, since we went free, you guys have been nothing but great. And we can't do this without you. And the show's needed in these politically correct times. I guess we'll stop there, Raz. I just want to mention real quick, Joe Rogan, friend of mine, love Joe, a little more liberal than, you know, but he's been out in Hollywood for a long time
Starting point is 00:53:18 and he's got a ton of sponsors and whatever. And he hasn't talked to me that much since my special came out. So I don't know if I met him. According to him, maybe I went too far. Or maybe he's protecting is that you know anyways love rogue and i love ufc and all that shit he's been a friend for a while uh he's his podcast is a new home at spotify uh listen to this uh the digital Music Service announced Tuesday that it signed the podcast for a multi-year exclusive licensing deal. According to some people that are close to him, it's, listen to this, worth about 100 mil or more. The series has been the most searched for podcast on Spotify.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Up to now, Rogan's show has never been available on Spotify. But starting September 1, the podcast will be be available on spotify as well as all other platforms rogan tweeted at the end of the year it will move exclusively to spotify both full audio and video will be available through spotify listeners won't have to pay to access the episodes but we'll have to pay spotify users um rogan will still have full creative control over the show do we have a clip of him what's he can tell you go ahead hello everybody i have an announcement the podcast is moving to spotify i signed a multi-year licensing agreement with spotify that will start on september 1st starting on September 1st, the entire JRE library will be available on Spotify as well
Starting point is 00:54:48 as all the other platforms. Then somewhere around the end of the year, it will become exclusive to Spotify, including the video version of the podcast. It will be the exact same show. I am not going to be an employee of Spotify. We're going to be working with the same crew doing the exact same show. I'm not going to be an employee of Spotify. We're going to be working with the same crew doing the exact same show. The only difference will be it will now be available on the largest audio
Starting point is 00:55:09 platform in the world. Nothing else will change. It will be free. It will be free to you. You just have to go to Spotify to get it. We're very excited to begin this new chapter of the JRE and I hope you're there when we cross over. Thanks. Turn it to
Starting point is 00:55:26 Peter Brady with the thing. Listen to this. You wonder why he's making that kind of money? His show reached about 190 million downloads per month. Per month. That makes it more powerful than all the radio shows, the fucking TV
Starting point is 00:55:42 shows combined. It was a perfect story store i love him because he's a testosterone driven guy and uh i'm just happy for him he are i told you the first time i did his podcast see you know i walk in the places the size two acres his studio there's enough gym equipment in there to put you know la fitness out.A. fitness out of business. He's got a Porsche parked next to his gym. I go, dude, he goes, fair factor money, dude. He didn't even look up. So he was already rich.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Now he's, I love it. The Boston boy. Also, I looked up, you know, because the UFC guy and he had told me his credentials, why he was involved. But I forgot years ago. Look it up. He was a state champion in Taekwondo in Massachusetts two years in a row, and then like a national champion at age of 19. Black belt in jujitsu and... Don't fuck with him. You heckle him, he's going to come out. Anyways, I couldn't be happier. Rogan's YouTube channel, listen to this, gets
Starting point is 00:56:43 8.41 million subscribers. Folks, I'm chasing him. Let's up the game. Jesus Christ, I'm 58. Let's kick it up a notch. 8.4 million. What do I got? 117,000. But I'm being
Starting point is 00:57:00 fucking shadow banned. Anyways, congratulations, Joe. Love him onfc i learned so much listening to this guy uh that is it ladies and gentlemen for today do i get everything don't forget donald trump jr tomorrow coming back to the show can't wait to talk to him i love how he's out there busting chops uh you guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Have a good day. guitar solo I'm out.

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