The Nick DiPaolo Show - Attorney Kimberly Gardner Complete Moron | Nick DiPaolo Show #373

Episode Date: July 1, 2020

Biden blunders again. Netflix to give $100 Million to Black-owned banks. Bikers vs BLM. Thank you Michelle B. from Redding, CA for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support on Patreon! ...FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, Nick DiPaolo here. As you know, my show exists because of viewer support. We need your support. And Patreon is a great way to support this show. If you become a Patreon member, you're a monthly subscriber, you will get an encore presentation story that nobody else gets. You will get to ask me a question during the show. You will have access to all the previous shows. a question during the show, you will have access to all the previous shows. You also could get a Nick DiPaolo mug or a signed CD, depending on what level you sign up at. Your support is really necessary. So subscribe today so you can hear your name mentioned on the show tomorrow when I read out people who have made donations.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It's more important now than ever. And I thank you for your time. And we'll see you down the road. guitar solo All righty. Yeah. Excuse me. How are you, folks? Welcome to the show. A lot of shit on my mind. Didn't sleep good last night. Fucking everything up. Right before the show started, I'm wearing the same shirt that I had on yesterday. So I had to go change. Put this on in tribute to my dad. Kind of a Jimmy Conway, Tommy DeSimone look. My father was the straightest Italian there ever was.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And he fucking, a little disappointed that we weren't more crooked. Fit the stereotype. He stole a lot of shit from work, but you know, come on. Cans of soda and cases of soda, actually. And, you know. But it was his brother-in-law's business.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Who gives a fuck? Working on the eulogy worked on it for like three hours two days right after yeah whenever I found out and I fucking worked on it for like three hours and I read it the next morning I tore it up writing is rewriting people say rewriting is writing
Starting point is 00:02:39 one or the other I don't know so welcome to the show glad you're aboard. I want all of you to enjoy your cake. So, enjoy. I have Nick the pig as a friend. You can't handle the truth. Seems like nobody can handle the truth.
Starting point is 00:02:58 What time do we start, Rez? 1.14? Yes. All right. Let's get right to it. I can't take this country anymore. Are there any fucking, let me ask you a question. Are there any more white male police commissioners or judges or, you know, the white supremacist back in the 80s, my buddy used to go undercover, predicted all this.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Predicted all this. He blamed it on a certain group of people because, you know, they're hateful fucks. But every prosecutor, every attorney general, holy moly. Why, Nick, you got a problem? Yeah, I do. Yeah, they can't be objective. I've been saying it forever. See OJ case. Anyways, before I get in trouble, let's get right to it.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I don't want YouTube to fucking on their radar. Isn't it great? The better I do, the more I get punished, huh? Nice world we're living in. Fucking Indians and Asians running Yoo-Hoo. By the way, I like India. I've said it on the show many times. They're going to save this country, but not those ones.
Starting point is 00:04:03 They're ruining it. I'm talking about the ones that run bodegas, and they're peeling fucking apples at three in the morning sitting on a crate you know the kid you see studying on the subway at 2 a.m where you're throwing up vodka they will save the country the ones that shoot people that try to rob them in their bodegas. They will save the country. What do we have here? We always like to open with Joe Biden because he pops his head out of the fucking mouse hole, you know, once a month or maybe. And this COVID thing's been a blessing because, you know, he's had a mask over his mouth. But he's such a fucking dope so he came out uh the other the other day had a
Starting point is 00:04:47 press conference and some guy asked him about his mental state and uh he's such a thin-skinned bitch and he even so after he chastised the guy a little bit calls him a dog face and then he does a big fake smile then whatever he says he even fucks that up. Listen. Real quick, some have speculated that you are subject to some degree of cognitive decline. I'm 65. I don't have word recollection that I used to have. I forget my train of thought from time to time. You got 12 years on me, sir. Have you been tested for some degree of cognitive decline? sir are have you been tested for some degree of cognitive decline I've been testing and I'm constantly testing look all you all I gotta do is watch me and I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I'm running against thank you so much all I gotta do is watch me he said not all you gotta do is watch me all I gotta do is watch me, he said. Not all you got to do is watch me.
Starting point is 00:05:45 All I got to do is watch me. He had to say one sentence and he couldn't get it right. He's a fucking idiot. He was when he had all his marbles. He plagiarized. He fucking, he's corrupt. Anybody that's been in fucking D.C. that long is corrupt. All the problems we suffer today
Starting point is 00:06:05 because people like him, career politicians who haven't fixed anything in 30 years. They're just lining their pockets. He's a schmuck. And I still say he's going to have to come out
Starting point is 00:06:16 of his mouse hole eventually. And we're going to see just how fucking senile he really is. You know? I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. He'll make a great president.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You think I'm smart? I'm like everybody says. Like, don't. I'm smart, and I want the sticks. What are we doing? What's going on right now? Oh, fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Joe Blow. Trump's been a little quiet quiet too, hasn't he? I mean, I'm sure he's still railing on Twitter and shit, but I don't know, folks. I really don't know. Can't wait to see who picks. Remember he said he was going to pick a black female for vice president on his ticket? Black female. A woman of color.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Like RuPaul. Trying to think of another one. There's a few of them. Wendy Williams. You can't tell me she wasn't a linebacker in the early 80s for somebody. See, I don't even I'm honestly I'm not being funny. I can't tell what they are. Big fucking women.
Starting point is 00:07:31 can't tell what they are big fucking women anyways speaking of uh half black uh half he she me she fucking the leading st louis city prosecutor she looks like a black gay woman who definitely hates whitey is considering pressing charges against who? Against a Missouri lawyer couple after they were seen brandishing guns, I can tell whoever wrote this, you had Daily Mail, at protesters outside their $1.15 million mansion. Can't you just tell by the first sentence it's a far left paper?
Starting point is 00:07:58 They were seen brandishing guns. It should say they were seen defending their home with guns. And who cares how much their house costs you see do you see you gotta know how to read this shit so right from fucking get go i know it's slanted but what is it you know you know who they're talking about we're talking about the couple that we showed uh mark mccloskey and his wife patricia remember let's take a wife Patricia. Remember? Let's take a...
Starting point is 00:08:45 You get it. He was on Tucker Carlson last night. The guy's a lawyer who helps down and out people, both black and white, who are poor. I mean, there were actually four black lives matter. I wonder if they still are. Wake up. Smell the fucking coffee. And they still saying this was a peaceful protest. They broke an iron gate to get in that said private property and now they're getting railed on social media for defending their property they're the bad people the people they were saying they were going to kill him and his wife and his dog
Starting point is 00:09:17 but they're the ones you can't tell me this world isn't fucking upside down right now. Yeah, so this attorney general, whatever she is, prosecuted from St. Louis. The couple claimed they feared for our lives after the protesters broke down the gate. Yeah, the pair were the only ones to lodge an official police report about the confrontation. So that means they were wrong. Nobody else was bothered by it. That house was 67 feet from the gate report about the confrontation. So that means they were wrong. Nobody else was bothered by it.
Starting point is 00:09:46 That house was 67 feet from the gate, by the way. That's what they say. That's what they mean when they say they're the only ones who lodged a complaint about confrontation, citing threats of harm. Yet St. Louis Circuit Attorney, here she is, Kimberly Gardner, announced Monday that she was working with the police and prosecutors to investigate the lawyers for possible threats against the crowd.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I'll repeat that. Threats against the crowd. Now it's a crowd. It's not even peaceful protests. It's potential rioters. She doesn't even know the constitution or she does and she's being willfully ignorant it's the basic right of every
Starting point is 00:10:31 American of every color to defend your shit look at her she's a malignant cunt oh you don't have to say that you don't know it she could be a nice gal fucking hate her just by looking at her nick that's not fair uh anyways yeah kimberly gardner announced monday she's working with the police and prosecutors to investigate the lawyers she says i am alarmed at the events that occurred
Starting point is 00:11:00 over the weekend where peaceful protest is wrong fucking wrong they broke down an iron gate and were on private property nothing peaceful about that you dumb bitch and you know it they were met by guns and a violent assault she said what did anybody see anybody get assaulted by these two white people in their khakis? What are you talking about, you lying whore? Fucking, do words mean anything? We must protect the right to peacefully protest. Yeah, everybody's for peaceful protest.
Starting point is 00:11:39 That's not what this was. When you threaten to murder people and kill their dog and break an iron gate down what do you have different values than white people in any attempt chill uh to chill the protest through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated she insisted this is what she's worried about i'm fucking believable since learning of these events over the weekend i've worked with the public and the police to investigate these tragic events she's ignorant she's using words that don't even belong tragic did anybody get hurt tragic it was a triumph it was a fucking victory against the mob that you so love so much. You're a prosecutor? Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:12:31 Make no mistake, the circuit attorney's office will not tolerate the use of force against those exercising their First Amendment rights. How about the Second Amendment, stupid? They don't have a right to break somebody's gate down or be on private property another thing that communists and socialists fucking hate the whole concept and and we'll use the full power of missouri law to hold people accountable really what are you gonna do we're watching you we're gonna follow up on this christ almighty does she even know what the
Starting point is 00:13:07 fucking bill of rights is or the constitution she says their actions were born solely out of fear and apprehension she said yeah that's what they were born out of the genesis of which was not race related in fact the agitators responsible for the trepidation were white watkins said the peaceful protesters were not the subject of scorn or disdain by the mccloskeys which is what they said but can you fucking imagine she's going to investigate these people because of the tragedy you stupid fucking mouth Oh, that one set me off last night. Mother of Christ, did that make me mad. Just ignoring, ignoring the fucking Constitution.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Not even bringing up the Second Amendment. They probably don't even know what it is. But it was a white couple, you see. It was a white couple defending their nice house that they had worked for for over 30 years. They renovated it. Nobody wanted it. It was a white couple defending their nice house that they had worked for for over 30 years. They renovated it. Nobody wanted it. It was a shithole like 30 years ago.
Starting point is 00:14:10 He put his life's work into it. And him and his wife helped poor people down on their luck, black and white. So far from racist. But once again, the racist cudgel. Speaking of the racist cudgel and playing the race card, finally, what did we say about Walmart and their t-shirts? Remember we said they'll give in eventually,
Starting point is 00:14:32 like all these corporate, you fucking, they're just being blackmailed by the mob. These corporate fucking, you know, because if they, if they poo poo and say, no,
Starting point is 00:14:42 we're going to stand steadfast, then there'll be a whole boycott situation. Right. Online, on social media. And so Walmart to stop selling all lives matter T-shirts. Walmart is scrubbing its website of third party merchandise with a slogan widely seen as diminishing the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality and racism. This is another one that just to me sums up everything that's going on. All lives matter is somehow shitting on the phrase Black Lives Matter. And people have bought into that. Well, let's follow that logic.
Starting point is 00:15:26 You know what black lives matter is offensive to me because it's saying that black lives matter and nobody else's lives matter i can play that game too but of course nobody's going to go along with it when somebody says all life it's making it's making a mockery of black lives matter think about that for a second. They're telling you what you're thinking when you say it now. Mission accomplished. The nation's largest retailer said it's indefinitely halting sales of items declaring all lives matter after hearing from some workers and customers who questioned the intent behind the phrase.
Starting point is 00:16:03 What color were they, I wonder? We will continue, again, white liberals and black people. We will continue to sell other variations, including blue lives matter. You sure that could be offensive to criminals, especially black ones who get shot by the blue lives matter people. They think that's like a big victory. We got we're going to keep the blue lives. We fundamentally believe all lives do matter, and every individual deserves respect.
Starting point is 00:16:31 However, as we listened, we came to the understanding that some, but not all, people using the phrase all lives matter in the current environment intentionally minimize the focus on the painful reality of racial equality. You can act like a man. What's the matter with you? So you really don't believe in respect of everybody, especially your white customers. So you're full of shit. All lives matter means exactly what it says. All lives matter.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You can't tell people what their intent is when they say it. We've reached a new fucking low with this PC horseshit. Well, we believe in everybody's respect to say anything except this. It's the most innocuous sense. You would think, imagine we live in a world where we
Starting point is 00:17:20 all can't agree that the fucking phrase all lives matter is not biased in any way. All, the word is all. I'm starting not to believe it though. Starbucks earlier this month reversed a policy that had prohibited BLM attire with the coffee giant now encouraging workers to feel free to wear your BLM pin or t-shirt. Can we order cream in our coffee or is that racist? Do we all have to get black, large black coffees? You fucks. Taco Bell has also bowed to worker demands that the fast food chain allow them to wear Black Lives Matter masks. Oh my God god i can't no they're ignorant that's ignorant
Starting point is 00:18:07 why doesn't somebody step up uh what's a really white store old navy if they're still in business fucking the gap wear white power fucking t-shirts just see how it goes i mean if you want to be equal you guys guys are obsessed with equality. Six flags over Georgia. Six flags over Georgia. Five of them are Confederate. Apologize recently for an incident in which a security guard stopped a mother and her three children because they were wearing shirts with the slogans associated with Black Lives Matter movement. They had to apologize. Black Lives Matter, the group, is a domestic terrorist group, if you want to do your research. Therefore, the downfall of our society as we know it, they admit to being Marxist, so why should they be able to? That shirt's more offensive than any fucking shirt.
Starting point is 00:19:08 A 20 restaurant chain based in Baltimore also found itself apologizing after one of its eateries denied service to a black woman and her nine-year-old son due to his clothing. Much like that one by a white boy shown finishing his meal nearby. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Oh, boy, you. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's over. Call it a day. It's over, call it a day. How about I, everybody wears a go fuck your mother t-shirt. How would that sit?
Starting point is 00:19:55 Seriously, do we have freedom of speech? Go fuck your mother. That's what I'm going to wear if I go to Starbucks, which I never would. I'm not going to pay eight bucks for a cup of coffee served to me by some snooty, jerk-off, woke, dreadlocked, white-haired kid. Fucking faggot. Whoops. That might get me in trouble. That word is as bad as the N-word.
Starting point is 00:20:14 That and midget. Netflix is sucking some more black cock. Netflix is sucking some more black cock. Netflix moving 100 million of cash holdings to black-owned banks. It seems foolish to have all this money lying around. Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys can leer at it? Yeah! The money! The money!
Starting point is 00:20:51 The streaming video giant announced that it would shift 2% of its cash holdings to African-American owned. I didn't know blacks owned banks. Did you, Reza? Did you? Can you name one guy? Michael Jackson's fucking nephew or something? 2% of its cash holdings to African-American owned U.S. financial institutions in order to directly support, when they say black banks, I think they're talking about those check cash in places that you see with bulletproof glasses. Nick, that's horrible. It's a joke.
Starting point is 00:21:23 To directly support black communities in the United States. Just hand them the country. I'm fucking tired. In a blog post titled, Building Economic Opportunity for Black Communities, Netflix cited an FDIC stat that says, Black-owned or led banks represent a mere 1% of America's commercial bank assets.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And how about the other 99%? What group runs those banks? That's right, the Polish. Let me give you a hint. It seems foolish to have all this money lying around. Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys can leer at it? Oh, God. No wonder why I can't get a special on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:22:17 They give them fucking billions of dollars to black banks. You think they want to hear from a white comic in his late 50s? Disgusting. Disgraciati. Give me the money. Give me the fucking money. You hear me? to hear from a white comic in his late 50s? Disgusting. Disgraciati. Give me the money. Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me?
Starting point is 00:22:30 I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. The streaming giant also putting an extra 25 mil of its cash toward a fund called the Black Economic Development Initiative, which will invest the funds into black financial institutions serving low and moderate income communities. Those are the check cash in place. As well as a community development corporation. In addition, listen to this, an additional 10 million, good to see they're fucking down on their luck Netflix, huh? How much cash do these fuckers have? An additional 10 million will go to the hope credit union to fuel economic opportunity
Starting point is 00:23:06 in underserved communities across the deep south i still don't know what that means underserved i know what it means i'm in a restaurant and i order a meal and i get a piece of fish that's like two ounces that's fucking underserved who's with me what are you looking up razz black on banks netflix in 2019 yeah 258 billion did you say 258 billion with a b yeah that's what they made according to forbes uh it's value below 184 hold on let me get this right one not194 billion, that is how much Netflix is now worth. And that was in 2019. $194 billion. That's like 10 countries, third world companies.
Starting point is 00:23:54 More than that. A little powerful, isn't it? And again, what do they do? They show Hollywood propaganda. Left-wing liberal horseshit. That's how we've gotten so stupid can't get a fucking special on there unless I
Starting point is 00:24:11 you know suck cock and wear an Indian headdress and have three nipples oh my aching stem my aching stem, my aching stem tonight. My old buddy Rich Wood sent this in a clip. It was, this was refreshing. I've been waiting for these guys to show up. The bikers, who are very patriotic, by the way, and of all stripes, as far as race goes, it's not just white bikers anymore, like back in the 60s, like Peter Fonda. But they showed up and they confronted some BLM pussies.
Starting point is 00:24:54 And it reminded me, if you guys have seen the movie, A Bronx Tale. Remember the bikers pull up and they go into this bar not knowing. It's like a social club for Italian mobsters. And they start, you know, fucking throwing beer at the bartender and acting all rowdy. And Chaz Palminteri comes out. His name was Sonny. And he goes, listen, gentlemen, take it easy, but real nice to him. And they're like, OK, we'll behave. And soon as he steps out, they start spraying the bartender with beer and shit.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And then he comes back in, quietly walks over, locks the door and then he turns around and he goes, Nias can't leave. Nias can't leave. And then like six or seven Italian guys, about 400 pounds,
Starting point is 00:25:40 come charging in with baseball bats and beat the fuck out of these bikers. Only in this case, the bikers are the good guys in this story I'm about to do. But I love when Chaz Pomminger beats the shit of these guys half unconscious. He goes, look at me. I want you to look at me. I want you to remember my face. I want you to know who did this to you.
Starting point is 00:25:58 That made me hard, that line. I say that after sex when I was in college. I want you to remember who did this to you, meaning i blew a load in three seconds on a girl's fucking pants uh help me but here the the bikers are like i said a patriotic guy they they this is when i watch it like this it it's it's refreshing because it shows how pathetic blm because most of them are entitled rich white pussies but here's the bikers standing up to these fucking those are the bikers I don't even call you? Those are the bikers.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Look at it, girls! Girls trying to get involved. Fuck you! Leave her alone! Hey! Hey! Hey, bitch! Little bitch! Get the fuck outta here! Fucking little bitch! Keep filming! Keep fucking filming! Yeah, film all day!
Starting point is 00:27:20 Yeah! Go get a rest pit! Oh no, he's got a white supremacist t-shirt. You didn't see that? No, I didn't. Go on. You didn't see that? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:27:29 You can go. You didn't see that? Listen to this guy here. You didn't see that? Fucking like a bitch. You didn't see him push that girl? Since when do women think they can confront bikers? They're lucky they didn't get their teeth fucking knocked out.
Starting point is 00:27:45 I was a little disappointed, honestly. See how they melt when the pressure's on? Do you see how pathetic they are? And yeah, they can burn buildings and shit. That you should worry about or whatever. But when it comes down to it, whether it's
Starting point is 00:28:03 a white suburban couple with their guns or bikers, they melt under the heat. They're fucking pussies. All of them of all colors, especially the white liberal kids who, who again, they don't realize if the shit ever goes down, they're the first ones dead.
Starting point is 00:28:20 They really, I mean, black people in BLM even say that we don't want them hijacking our shit. Mind your business, whitey. Hey, I want to thank, uh, all you guys who, uh, chat live during the, we dropped the show at five o'clock. You're in the chat room. And we love that. We especially want to thank those of you who submit super chats like this one. This is from Mr. Cooper from yesterday's show. He says, Hey, Nick, my prayers are with you, brother. I'm a Marine, which my dad was. And I served in Iraq in 2005. Well, thank you, Mr. Cooper, for your service. You're a true
Starting point is 00:28:59 patriot. He said, I served in Iraq in 2005, where I lost my leg to an enemy grenade. Jesus. So as a devil dog, that's a Marine, I want to say I love your father as a brother and pray he rests in peace. Semper Fi. Thank you, Mr. Cooper. Once a Marine, always a Marine. Dad still has the tattoo. And I appreciate your thoughts on my dad my dad also a little more housekeeping here
Starting point is 00:29:28 some of my upcoming dates september 17th through 19th the plaza hotel and casino in las vegas october 2nd jonathan's in agunquit maine. October 10th, Stand Up Live, Huntsville, Alabama. October 11th, Zany's Comedy Club in Nashville, Tennessee. November 19th, The Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. So please come out and see. Again, this is pending since COVID's making this resurgence. I told Tommy when it first started, everything would be fine by October, which I thought I was right a couple of weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:30:07 but I don't know. But again, oh, so many states are breaking records, people being diagnosed. Yes, young people who it doesn't even affect. It's a flu. I'll say it again. It's a flu. And again, if you're under,
Starting point is 00:30:24 literally, if you're under 80 years old like 90 you have a fucking 0.01 chance of dying from it it's a flu but keep the myth up because we have you know they want trump out of there i want to thank contributors to the show as you know know,, you can contribute daily or you can sign up at, become a monthly member. And when you do that, there's some added value there, as they say in the marketing world. You get an extra story every day. You get to ask me a question and you have access to all the archive shows. I want to thank these people who contributed at since yesterday.
Starting point is 00:31:07 thank these people who contributed at since yesterday. Bradley Bandoni, Florida. Robert Curley, New York. Jeffrey Beck, Ohio. Mark Evans, Ohio. Amanda Schrader, Pennsylvania. I'm recognizing a lot of these names, you know. Sean Littlehale, Massachusetts. Omar Akinstem. I always fall for it. Omar Aikenstam. Is there a Mike Hunt here? Omar Aikenstam, Massachusetts. Rafael Kodalski, New Jersey. Matthew Tracy, Virginia. Kenneth Ferreri, Florida. Rest in peace, Mr. Nick DiPaolo, Sr., Texas. Thank you. Adam Bonas, Michigan. These are a lot of repeat people. Michael Benton, Iowa. Louie Arada, Canada. Michael Barron's, Illinois. Oh my God, there's more. Angela Bubniak, New York. Christopher Pitron, California. Timothy Packer, New Hampshire, Alex Scalzi, Australia, Janet Lindell, Texas, Camille Mosinski, Illinois, Maya Akenstem, New Jersey. Monthly supporters.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Listen to these people that are signing up at Patreon. You know, I'm just flattered and humbled. you're on uh we we you know i'm i'm just flattered and humbled uh michael fenlon dan kirchham john t sean richmond mike rio rio penis micro is am i missing the joke there micro penis micro penis oh jesus i am really off man uh luke, we have an apostle who loves the show. Tyler Van Natta, Rich Salvagni, and John Travers have all signed up as monthly supporters. Get your family. Folks, this show is needed more than ever with the shit that's going down. There's a reason it's growing like a wildfire.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I watch mainstream media and I go, Oh, I see. They can't get the truth anywhere. Yes, sir. Question. She also said a lot of nice things about the show,
Starting point is 00:33:17 but I cut that out. Oh, you cut that out. Thank you. Helps my self-esteem. Michelle B. Reading. Guess in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Dear Nick, what kind of independence Day are we about to celebrate considering how many of our freedoms are either in jeopardy or have already been taken? I feel like wearing black. Don't you dare wear black. You wear a nice white Nick DiPaolo tank top that says, wash your filthy ass. white Nick DiPaolo tank top that says wash your filthy ass? That's if you're under 120 pounds. All right. No, that's a sexist thing to say. Good question, Michelle. Obviously, you're talking about COVID and the other shit that's going on, right? So as far as I don't know, I'm guessing Reading, Pennsylvania, I'm not sure what state you're in. But yeah, it's going to be ridiculous. It's hard to do funnels, beer funnels through a mask.
Starting point is 00:34:14 But you know, when you're in your backyard, fuck them. Like after my dad's wake is Monday, funeral service Tuesday. And we're going to have a gathering after. I think we're going to do it at my sister's house under the grapevine that my father, like my brother said, that was his favorite spot on earth. We had this beautiful picnic table that him and my uncle built in the 70s that still exists under a grapevine that my grandfather brought over from Italy. So we're going to have, you know, a lot of people there. And if the cops show up, you're in deep shit. So we're going to have, you know, a lot of people there.
Starting point is 00:34:44 And if the cops show up, you're in deep shit. I like the cops. So, yeah, have a great Fourth of July. Drink your beer. Fucking since people in this country can burn and loot and riot and not get arrested, and they're doing all kinds of shit and not suffering any consequences, I suggest everybody get real drunk on the 4th of July and then drive anywhere you want as fast as you fucking can. And sharp-lipped.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Steal your fireworks this year. A lot of those fireworks are from China. I bet you it's COVID and the powder. Throw a cherry bomb. The smoke goes over to your grandmother. She's dead the next day. What kind of talk is that? Now you just can't leave.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Now you just can't leave. Here we go. We covered this story a month or two ago, a month ago. Remember the two Brooklyn lawyers, a black guy, and it looks like, I don't know what she is.
Starting point is 00:35:53 She looks like my sister Darlene, though, when she was younger, in the face. I mean the girl, not the fucking guy. Look at him, though. He looks like a lawyer, huh? Must be doing well for yourself going a good will
Starting point is 00:36:06 nice wife beater let's see some more nipple on the right you fucking dope and look at her with her the struggle continues regardless what does that mean with hygiene you smell uh yeah so two brooklyn lawyers charged with hurling a Molotov cocktail at a marked NYPD vehicle during the Floyd protests may go free on bail as the case moves forward. A federal appeals panel affirmed. Are there any federal appeals courts that aren't psycho left liberal fucking jerk offs? Unbelievable. So these people, you know, they're going to post bail or they already did. Counselor. Counselor. Colinford Mattis.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And I still don't know who is who. And Yerouge Rahman. I'm guessing that's the woman. Both came up with $250,000 bonds needed to secure their release early this month. Only for federal prosecutors to appeal their offer by bail. leaving the pair locked in a state of legal limbo in the metropolitan detention center as their arguments are weighed good there is no question that the evidence before the district court demonstrated that the crimes charged are serious and the defendant's conduct on the night of their arrest could well have resulted in significantly more harm than it did, wrote Judge Peter Hall in the majority decision.
Starting point is 00:37:28 By affirming the district court's order to release the defendants on the conditions imposed, we do not seek to minimize the severity of the offense, which is what you're doing by releasing them. By releasing them. That's exactly what you're doing. In my opinion. As protests rage across the city late May 29th into early May 30th, Rahman hurled a Molotov cocktail crafted out of a Bud Light bottle through the broken window of an NYPD vehicle near Fort Greene's precinct, 88th precinct, then hopped into a getaway car driven by Mattis. So they're good people these are lawyers
Starting point is 00:38:05 there's something wrong with the black man's mind there's something wrong with his mind the vehicle was empty at the time no cops were harmed as it went up in flames ramon 31 and mattis 32 were quickly arrested and charged and faced the possibility of life behind bars don't make me lap they have pleaded not guilty in making the initial arguments for their release on bail. Attorneys for the defendants who are themselves lawyers, the defendants are lawyers, noted that neither has a criminal history. You snotty little bastard. But federal prosecutors would argue in their appeal that due to the defendant's legal work they should have known better uh than most not to break the law
Starting point is 00:38:50 which is obviously true uh here's the important thing that this is this is what um the prosecutor the lawyers not the fucking two people being charged. The people on that side of the law said, if now a defendant's life history and characteristics can support detention on the one hand, and because that history demonstrates the defendant engaged in bad acts, and on the other hand, because the history is so spotless and impressive that the defendant should have known better, the inquiry into a defendant's background may well become meaningless. And what he means by that, he sums it up perfectly. He says, we decline to endorse such a heads-eye win, tails-you-lose, zero-sum analysis.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Perfect. You can't say, you know, if they're doing bad shit, it counts, Perfect. You can't say, you know, if they're doing bad shit, it counts. And then say, you know, the history is spotless. They should go. If that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? Hear ye, hear ye.
Starting point is 00:40:03 The court's in session. the court's in session now. Here come the judge, here come the judge. In the long dissenting opinion, Judge John Newman wrote that the alleged firebugs demonstrated a public danger not worth the risk of a repeat performance. In my view, he said it was unimaginable before the event that they would have acted as they did. But we now know that they were susceptible to being provoked to take seriously dangerous actions that night, and they remain a risk to being provoked again to take additional dangerous actions in the future. Bingo. Bing fucking go. Somebody has their head turned on straight. I do not contend that it is certain they will act dangerously if released.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I do not even say it is highly likely, continued Newman. I do say that the risk of their doing so is unacceptable, a risk no community should be asked to bear. That risk creates a danger to the community. Well said, Judge. Well said. Counselor? Yeah, Counselor? Are you there, Counselor? Yeah, counselor?
Starting point is 00:41:06 Are you there, counselor? Oh, fuck it. Oh, my aching stem. What do we got here? You know the Buffalo Police Department? Remember they became famous about a month ago? Remember when an old guy got in the way when the cops were coming down the street and one of the cops
Starting point is 00:41:25 pushed him? They didn't know he had, you know, plastic hips and plastic knees. He was about 118 years old. The cop barely touched him. The guy backpedaled
Starting point is 00:41:34 and fell and smacked his head. And I say, yay. Well, Buffalo cop is in trouble again. Good for Buffalo.
Starting point is 00:41:44 You know why? Because they're trying to fucking enact the law. Buffalo police have suspended a lieutenant, let's call him the bad lieutenant, without pay Monday night and launched an internal affairs investigation. Oh, my God. Into an incident. He must have killed somebody, right? Kill somebody that was arrested.
Starting point is 00:42:01 An incident captured on video Sunday in which he called the woman a vile name, which I use at comedy clubs every other night, when she questioned why 10 officers were called to deal with a man who appeared high on drugs. This is a new thing. Now, every time the cops show up, there's always some fucking little nitwit girl or guy, you know, filming the cops and throwing in their opinions on what the cops can do and can't do. When did that start? I'm missing the old days back in the 70s when most of the cops are Irish and you get a fucking club right off the head. Whether you were black, white, Chinese, whatever. Just mind your business. Let them do their job.
Starting point is 00:42:39 So watch this. This cop tries to keep his cool, but then he drops a word that you hear on this show quite a bit. That's not mine. Yeah. How are you? I'm good. He's got two crack pipes that just attacked his mother. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:43:00 It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. That's how ignorant a country we live in. It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. That's how ignorant a country we live in. It doesn't matter. Look at the cop trying to be nice. Go ahead. He doesn't.
Starting point is 00:43:21 There's no need for all these policemen to handle someone who's on drugs. There isn't. Okay. Do you think that you need 1, 2, 3, 4, need one two three four five six seven eight nine ten people to handle someone who's on drugs huh and violent there's ten people that need to wait in his hand he could have smacked you in the head i wasn't near him i wasn't gonna go near him she's missing out that's far away from him exactly you're a disrespectful little cunt that's who you are thank you you're gonna be viral you're gonna be viral i'm just telling him he doesn't have to say anything he's not in his right mind he doesn't he's not
Starting point is 00:43:56 in his right mind he doesn't tell you know you could get off the sidewalk though oh my god Oh my God. Policeman of the year. You're a disrespectful little cunt. Oh my God. It's like, to me, that's like listening to Beethoven. Fuck. Best word ever created. England's trying to ruin it by using it. Every other fucking word.
Starting point is 00:44:24 You're a disrespectful little C. How about her sitting there chatting and telling the cops how to... All she should have said was, Shut up. Mind your fucking business and shut up. She's a little whore and a little piece of trash. Shut up! She's a little whore and a piece of trash. You don't need 10 cops. The guy's high's high on drugs yeah he just attacked his mother he had a crack pipe on him she doesn't even that doesn't even register it doesn't matter to her
Starting point is 00:44:56 when did matter become matter? Fucking white girls doing it now. I saw a woman on the news, an anchor woman. She's in her 30s. She said, I forget what the word was, but Manhattan. That's what it was. Manhattan. What? You mean Manhattan? Manhattan. You fucking. Good for you, Officer DeLong. Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood responded by ordering an investigation, like he killed somebody, by the department's internal affairs unit. And they suspended DeLong. Can you fucking. Then she posts online the girl. name's salim why is it acceptable for them to uh degrade me i think the cop told you why right he's a little whore and a little piece of trash section 2.13 of the police department's rules and regulations states, employees shall perform their duties in an efficient, courteous, and orderly manner,
Starting point is 00:46:09 using patience and good judgment at all times. They shall be courteous and considerate to the public, to their superior officers, and to their fellow employees. They shall not use harsh, profane, or insolent language. These are people patrolling our streets and dealing with the worst in our society every night. But don't curse at them. Be courteous.
Starting point is 00:46:31 What a fucking joke. The guys aren't cracking. You know, another guy's on an angel dust coming at you, shooting a taser at you, but you be courteous. They shall be tactful in the performance of their duties and are expected to exercise the utmost patience and discretion, even under the most trying circumstances. Please shut up. DeLong did not attempt to hide his name tag or badge during his interaction with Saleem. I guess a bunch of cops did that. There was a protest going on near the mayor of Buffalo's house and all the cops that were there hid their tags
Starting point is 00:47:10 and their name tags and shit. I'm all for that too. Gonna play fucking dirty? You're gonna play dirty? You wanna go off? Okay, I'll show you. Fuck the fucking Diaz brothers. And fuck Casper Gomez.
Starting point is 00:47:26 What the fuck they ever do for us? I'll kill those cockroaches. Tony, I'm the boss. You're the boss. What do we got here? We got a black guy who almost gets it. He's a rapper. Lord what?
Starting point is 00:47:45 Lord White people? Lord Jamar. Lord Jamar. That's who I pray to, by the way. Lord Jamar. He's a rapper. Lord Jamar. But he almost makes sense here.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Somebody asked him if he supports Black Lives matter and him being a black rapper, he might surprise you. Go ahead. I'm not no black lives matter supporter. No, absolutely not. Because it's not our movement. Cause I got something in my eyes.
Starting point is 00:48:14 That was given to us by, you know, George Soros and his fucking boys. You are correct. Because they saw how things were going and they didn't want it to go back to the 60s to where we start having our own organic movements. That was a big fucking problem for them.
Starting point is 00:48:32 So let's give the people a movement that we can control. We'll provide them the leaders and all of this type of shit. Yeah, that's what Black Lives Matter is. Look at the leaders of Black Lives Matter. Are there leaders of Black Lives Matter? Who? Chance. These lesbian women who are trying to incorporate, you know.
Starting point is 00:48:54 He's right. LG, whatever the fuck the letters are. You are correct there. Incorporate those, their concerns into. LG, whatever the fuck. Black people's concerns. Go to the website. Look it up. He's almost right. He's right about Soros Black people's concerns. Go to the website. Look it up.
Starting point is 00:49:08 He's almost right. He's right about Soros. That's why it's all gonna... But he's mad because white people are ruining his party and black people's party. In the 60s, it was organic, you know. It started with the Black Panthers and shit. And shit went on on college campus. It was a black
Starting point is 00:49:24 movement. And he says that was a campus. It was a black movement. And he says that was a big problem for them. Yeah, for about five minutes. Then fucking Reagan came in, sent a bunch of cops to fucking USC. But yeah, so he's right about Soros, but he's angry. Because white people are helping. You think he wants fucking some little
Starting point is 00:49:45 white entitled fucking lib in his movement? He's like, if we're going to kill Whitey, we're going to do it the black way. Don't need no crackers up in here. Finally tonight I'll meet the press. It's a good story.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Major League Baseball is thinking of renaming its most prestigious award the Most Valuable Player Award because the name on the trophy is that of Archie Bunker. What? That killer guy! The name on the trophy is that of a racist who kept blacks out of baseball until after he died.
Starting point is 00:50:23 That name, Kennesaw Mountain Landis. First of all, does any... There he is. Holy shit. That's a... It's debatable whether he was racist or not, but that face says a lot. He looks like one of the founding fathers, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:50:41 That looks like a pouted wig. See the baseball he's about to throw? There's a black lady sitting in front of him. I'm going to fucking bean her right off the head. I want that coat. I had a coat like that fucking when I was in my 20s. Look at him. Anyways, there's debates. I'll read the article. The guy who wrote this is Rick Moran, by the way. And he sums it up beautifully in the end. I'm surprised because when I read sports articles, they're usually PC. But anyways, Kennesaw Mountain Landis, who was named after a Civil War battle,
Starting point is 00:51:17 is one of the most iconic in baseball history. So people are saying that he wouldn't let blacks into the league, you know. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. And if you don't agree, I'm going to hit you with a fucking hard slider. Kennesaw Mountain Landis was a professional baseball's very first commissioner
Starting point is 00:51:44 for nearly 25 years, from 1920 to to 1944 Landis oversaw the tremendous growth in the sport in the public mind he also rid the game of gamblers and chiselers who made every outcome suspect he expelled eight Chicago White Sox players for taking money from a gambler that was Shoeless Joe Jackson wasn't to deliberately lose the 1919 World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. While the evidence showed they took money and the grand jury statements by some players incriminated themselves, there was never any evidence that any of the players actively worked to lose the games. But Landis was a racist who kept blacks out of the game despite the obvious talent in the Negro Leagues leagues there was no formal rule that established a color
Starting point is 00:52:26 line but everyone owners players coaches silently ascended landis insisted until his death that blacks could play if owners would have signed them is what he's saying i don't know who the fuck there's no crying in baseball negroes are are not barred. This is Landis talking from organized baseball by the commissioner and never have been in 21 years. I have served, he said. There is no rule in organized baseball prohibiting their participation and never has been to my knowledge. If DeRocha, that would be Leo, or if any other manager or all of them want to sign one or 25 Negro players, it's all right with me. That is the business of the managers and the club owners. The business of the commissioner is to interpret the rules of baseball and to enforce them.
Starting point is 00:53:17 The owners feared a backlash from white fans and were scared of signing black people's, some players, excuse me me some players were quoted as saying they would never take the field or share a locker room with a black man but landis could have changed that he could have forced the issue and he didn't that's a black mark on his 25 year record but does he deserve to be demoted like this uh rick Moran's asking that question. Here's the paragraph. This is him signing it up. Signing it up. Jesus Christ. Summing it up. Too much coffee.
Starting point is 00:53:54 If racism... Rez, listen, this is for you. What are you doing? You're on your phone? All day, man. Huh? What? Yeah, you're looking something up. you're pricing fucking rims for your car he's got a honda combustible uh if racism he says if racism be the only thing upon which we judge a man's life there will be no statues no portraits no honors no mentions of anything about anybody
Starting point is 00:54:24 ever kennesaw mountain landis was a man of his time, that he should have known his thinking was morally wrong is a ludicrous argument born of prejudice and ignorance, which it is. And we've said this many times, you can't take today's standards in society and try to apply them back then. You know what I'm saying? I mean, like I said, bell bottoms in the 70s were popular. Try wearing them today. But I don't even know what the fuck makes sense.
Starting point is 00:54:51 It is simple hysteria and a need to destroy that's driving this movement. Tradition doesn't matter. The law doesn't matter. Common sense doesn't matter. Realism doesn't matter. It's mindless barbarism, most most of it and it's got to stop before a backlash comes that will make the previous couple of months look like a picnic in the park just the facts now and he he summed that up better than all the shows i just the facts now all the papers i read you can only push so far. And like he says, you know, eventually Whitey's going to start pushing back, and it ain't going to be pretty. Like he says, it's not going to fucking, it'll make what's going on in the last few months
Starting point is 00:55:37 pale in comparison. I can't believe a sports writer wrote that. But I thought he made a great point. You can't take today's standards, which liberals love to do, and apply it to another time, you know? Anyways, that is it, ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank a lot of you people, too, for a lot of my fans sent in condolences about my dad and stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:02 And it really humbles me that you guys do that. So I want to thank you for that. That's about it. As far as the schedule goes, I have to go. My dad's, like I said, my dad's awake is Monday the 6th and then Tuesday his funeral. And I can't get a flight back till Wednesday. So I think, Raz, maybe next week I probably won't be here Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Starting point is 00:56:30 we'll probably run a best of or something but we do Thursday and Friday show can you do that I'm asking him on camera we'll talk if we're here, it's Raz's fault. He's got kids and all kinds of shit like that. All right. Thank you, guys. Remember, you think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. I will see you back here tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Bye. guitar solo I'm out.

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