The Nick DiPaolo Show - Biden: Beginning of the End | Nick Di Paolo Show #476

Episode Date: January 20, 2021

Trump gives his final remarks. Biden begins dismantling the Trump era. Snoop praises Trump after presidential pardon....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Oh yeah How are you folks? Welcome to the big show on a Wednesday From the state of corrupt Georgia. Big day, big day in Washington. Big day. Apparently, I personally, I don't give a shit. You're entitled to shit. Hey, hey, hey, hey. That's Trump talking to Biden. You're entitled to shit.
Starting point is 00:01:02 That's how that transition should go. And I love that he's not there because he shouldn't be there. He should be fucking waiting at Biden's house. If he ever goes back there, Mr. Delaware. What a shit state. Aye, aye, aye. So the big inauguration's probably going on right now. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:22 He's not my president. Even if he had won it legitimately, I would say that. But he didn't even win it. It was stolen. And if you guys can't admit that, I know I'm preaching to the choir. I just wish one liberal jerk off was watching.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Because you live in a fucking lie anyways. And you were before Biden came along. That's what I'm saying. So Trump yesterday gave a farewell speech. Talked about the importance of free speech. Also, he believes the movement he started is just beginning, which I was glad to hear. You can't have be that popular as a president
Starting point is 00:02:06 and have 80 million people vote and the shit's just going to go away. Literally got more votes than any other president in American history, including Jerkoff, who's taking the oath today. I believe my pillow, Mike Glendale. I believe him. He must be doing something right
Starting point is 00:02:24 because Dominion sent him a cease and desist letter. Biden had 68 million, Trump had 79. Those are the true numbers. You don't believe it? Fuck off. Fuck off. Off fucker. Here's Trump, last few words yesterday.
Starting point is 00:02:44 The key to national greatness lies in sustaining and instilling our shared national identity. That means focusing on what we have in common, the heritage that we all share. At the center of this heritage is also a robust belief in free expression, free speech and open debate. in free expression, free speech, and open debate. Only if we forget who we are and how we got here could we ever allow political censorship and blacklisting to take place in America. You know who he's talking to? It's not even thinkable.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Shutting down free and open debate violates our core values and most enduring traditions. In America, we don't insist on absolute conformity violates our core values and most enduring traditions. Jack Dawson. In America, we don't insist on absolute conformity or enforce rigid orthodoxies. That's right. And punitive speech codes. We just don't do that.
Starting point is 00:03:35 America is not a timid nation of tame souls who need to be sheltered and protected from those with whom we disagree. That's fake stuff. That's not who we are it will never be who we are a fucking man i hope jack do it not that it matters big tech he's talking to you he's talking to fucking biden kamala harris probably the most pc person on the fucking planet with her hey i'm a strong black woman. Take your shit elsewhere. Fuck the fuck off.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And I'm telling my fans out there, I want you, any chance you get to talk to a Biden fan or a Democrat, if you have any friends like that, I want you to be as nasty to them as they were to fucking you. Anytime you get a chance to shit on Biden in public, do it. And I'm praying there's unrest across the country today. Praying!
Starting point is 00:04:27 It would just show that we still have a pulse on the right. Who's with me? Did we crack when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? No. Here's another remark. The past four years, I have worked to do just that. From a great hall of Muslim leaders in Riyadh
Starting point is 00:04:56 to a great square of Polish people in Warsaw. From the floor of the Korean Assembly to the podium at the United Nations General Assembly and from the forbidden city in Beijing to the shadow of Mount Rushmore. I fought for you. I fought for your family. I fought for our country. Above all, I fought for America and all it stands for, and that is safe, strong, proud, and free. Now, as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning. There's never been anything like it. The belief that a nation must serve its citizens will not dwindle,
Starting point is 00:05:46 but instead only grow stronger by the day. I am your voice. Really? It's going to grow stronger by the day under fuckface Biden, who's already got 17 executive orders he's going to do today to undo everything. We are in deep dog shit and he better start a patriot party. It's the only prayer we have left. My God. Undoing everything.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Shit in the middle. Biden's undoing stuff in the Middle East. Get us back in the Iranian deal. Hates Jews. Hates Jews. Ah, God, help us. Anyways, that was his farewell speech. This morning, Trump talked to the press.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Can you stay categorical? You are fake news. Sir. His fucking arch nemesis as he was leaving. I wouldn't have given him the time of day i would have come out pull my pants down my nice suit pants and dropped a nice fucking steaming pitbull like dump right on jim acosta's fucking plastic shoes sucker of satan's cock fuck you also this morning uh president trump um addressed a lot of his supporters before um he makes his
Starting point is 00:07:08 exit and here's a few clips from that we also got tax cuts the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country by far i hope they don't raise your taxes but if if they do, I told you so. I think it's a given. I mean, what with the Green New Deal, and we're going to have to refit every house and building in the United States. It literally would break us if they tried that,
Starting point is 00:07:40 which they're still talking about. Do you understand what you did, people? Not my fans, obviously. You jerk-offs handed the keys to the stupid third term of the obama administration all the people are from obama's ministry and even more fucking radical again he's just a puppet mr biden uh one final remark i think Thank you, Trump. Thank you, Trump. Thank you, Trump. Thank you, Trump. Thank you, Trump. I will always fight for you. I will be watching. I will be listening. And I will tell you that the future of this country has never been better. I wish the new administration great luck and great success. I think they'll have great success.
Starting point is 00:08:31 They have the foundation to do something really spectacular. And again, we put it in a position like it's never been before, despite the worst plague to hit since, I guess you'd say 1917, over 100 years ago. And despite that, despite that, the things that we've done have been just incredible. And I couldn't have done it without you. So just a goodbye. We love you. We will be back in some form. Network.
Starting point is 00:09:11 New party. And again, I want to just... Apprentice 2. I want to thank our Vice President, Mike Pence and Karen. I want to thank Congress because we really worked well with Congress, at least certain elements of Congress. But we really did. We've gotten so much done that nobody thought would be possible. But I do want to thank Congress. I don't want to thank all of the great people of Washington, D.C., all of the people. All right. All right. All right. Oh, that's the first time he was phony in his four years. The administration,
Starting point is 00:09:42 I'm sure they're going to do great. I wish them luck. I like them all. They really won outright, honestly. Suck a bag of cheese. He did throw in, they have a foundation. Biden's already tearing down that foundation today. Literally 17 executive orders. I'll get to that in a second or two. But do you believe this shit? Anyways, and then after making his final speech to his supporters, he does what everybody does. And every time I see a president getting on a helicopter to leave D.C.,
Starting point is 00:10:22 I'm old enough to remember Nixon going like this. Let me just say this. Let me just say this about that. America has to know if their president's a crook. Well, I'm no crook. I never did anything wrong, and I promise never to do it again. Jace, can you kill the air conditioning? I put it on.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Just put the whole thing on off. Thank you so much, fella. So anyways, here's the president exiting like most presidents. I thought he should leave in a sports car on a fucking Harley. You know what I mean? With a real Harley guy driving it and the fucking guy rides like a
Starting point is 00:11:03 wheelie down this fucking... Right out of the goddamn driveway. All right, here he is. Kind of a bummer. It really is. Let's hope they don't pull a Kobe. All of a sudden, it starts doing donuts. You see Trump fall out of the door.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I'm not going anywhere. I hurt my back. I knocked the wind out of myself. I'm fine. All right. Anyhow, any hee-haw. That's too bad. Bye-bye. He's gone. And we can do nothing about it.
Starting point is 00:11:56 We tried. Trump's talking about, I don't know, he was yesterday kicking around something called maybe the Trump's Patriot Party. Sign me up. Sign me up if Steve Bannon is his co-partner. Nobody will stop those two together. President Trump still has a strong base of support, but he's leaving office with a record low approval rate. I see him talking about this on TV yesterday. Juan Williams, you know. Yeah, but he has the lowest.
Starting point is 00:12:25 You dumb fuck. Polls don't, polls don't show you what's going on. It shapes what people say. It's not that it reflects their opinion. It shapes their opinion. Gee, he got nothing. He got the most negative press of any president in the history of this country for four years, shitting on him for four years.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Gee, and the idiots who watch TV and believe everything don't think he did a good job. Ah, low ratings. And with some top Republicans either privately grumbling about him or publicly saying the party should move on from him. All right, get up. Yeah. That was Mitch McConnell. Fucking two-face. He's the first one they should hang. You got no party. If you get away from him, what are you going to go to? You're already
Starting point is 00:13:16 sucking the Dems' dick in big tech. Are you fucking kidding me? People are leaving in droves, including me. I just put Republican years ago because I didn't know that much about politics. I'm fucking cleaning that up. I'm putting Patriot Party. I'm writing it in. That's not good. Looks like he's doing a high heel there. That's not a good...
Starting point is 00:13:38 Sprague sie deutschen Rausen! Anyways, and perhaps it's no surprise that per a Wall Street Journal report, the outgoing president is considering forming a new political party called the Patriot, the Patriot Party. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Come back here, Trump! Did I take out Twitter accounts? The Journal reports President Trump has talked in recent days with associates about forming a new political party, according to people familiar with the matter, in an effort to exert continued influence after he leaves the White House. He's got that kind of dough, unless they go after that too. Trump discussed the matter with several aides and other people close to him last week. The president said he would want to call the new party the Patriot Party.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Trump may still have political aspirations into the future. They are so afraid of him. Do you understand? Do you understand the Dems? They're still, you know, they're trying to, they're impeached him after he's president. They're digging into his personal life. They are horrified of this guy. That's why they stole the election. They said, we're not going to beat this fucking guy. We got to steal it. And they did using COVID as a pretext to get people to mail
Starting point is 00:15:09 in their ballot. It's so fucking, they are shitting their pants. I'm telling you, he's going to have just as much of an impact and maybe more because he won't have the,
Starting point is 00:15:19 you know, the ropes on him. When you're president, when you're outside the administration, you can do a lot of shit. It's unclear how serious Mr. Trump is about starting a new party, but he put on a Tom Brady shirt on the helicopter, which would require a significant investment of time and resources. Yeah, he doesn't have either one of those. The fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 00:15:43 So all he got is time and resources. What do you think? He's going gonna sit in the house with melania fucking watch mask dancer and of course there's the question of how much uh a trump branded third party would impact the current um republican party and i am your voice how much it would impact it it would obliterate it it would fucking obliterate it after this after how even pence people question pence's motives how everybody fall and let me straighten if there's any jerk offs out there who think biden won well all the court every time they brought it to court, they lost. They didn't lose.
Starting point is 00:16:26 They didn't even let it into court because all the judges are corrupt. Do you understand? It's bigger than the United States. There's 20 people sitting at a table or 10 people pulling strings. It's like Hick said, there's a guy in the middle controlling both puppets. It is. All the judges were in on it. It's fucking everything. They had a ton of evidence. Good luck trying to convince your friends who voted Democrat that. Cheese dicks. Anyways, Joey Biden, isn't it terrific? How can you even fucking sleep at night
Starting point is 00:17:03 knowing that you're in there fakely and falsely? Biden's first executive actions are to cut his wrist in a tub like Frankie Five Angels. Hey, Tom, they went home and they opened up their veins and laid in the bathtub. Don't worry, Frankie Five Angels. President-elect Joe Biden plans to take 17 executive actions during his first hours in office on Wednesday, moving faster and more aggressively to dismantle his predecessor's legacy than any other modern, which is good, folks. Why is that good? Because you know what that means?
Starting point is 00:17:39 They are going to go into this. They got to jump in the pool fucking headfirst at 100 miles an hour. And six months we're going to be going, what the fuck are they doing? They always overplay the hand. Anytime they get power, they end up driving the car into a ditch. But he's going to do 17 things today. He's going to undo that Trump did. Oh, retard alert.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Retard alert. Coronavirus. These are some, retard alert. Coronavirus. These are some of the things. Coronavirus, no launches, a hundred days masking challenge, asking Americans to wear masks for a hundred days requires mask and physical distancing in federal buildings on federal lands.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And how's that different? And by government contractors and urges state and local governments to do the same. Yeah, urge. Florida, where I'm going to Tampa this weekend, side split is Friday and Saturday. It's fucking wide open. Gonna have a lot of people there. Coronavirus, this is another thing.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Coronavirus, yes, it says. Stop the United States withdrawal from the world health organization. This is the list that knows the things he's not going to touch. The yes is the things he's going to change. Uh, withdrawals from the stop the withdrawal from the world health organization with Dr. Anthony Fauci becoming the head of the delegation, uh, to the world health organization. I can see why you pick him. Cause he's been so right about so many things. Problem? You're the fucking problem.
Starting point is 00:19:09 You fucking Dr. White onking jam rag, onking spunk bubble. I'm telling you, H, you keep looking at me, I'm going to put you in the fucking ground. I promise you. That's what we'll call Biden, a spunk bubble. The next thing, coronavirus no, creates the position of COVID-19 response coordinator reporting directly to the Biden managing efforts to produce and distribute
Starting point is 00:19:32 vaccines and medical equipment. Like he's going to be able to touch what Trump did with all Trump's business connections. Do you understand that warp speed thing? There'll never be another administration to do something on that scale that quickly. Never. But pick this feeble old fuck. Economy. Extend the existing nationwide moratorium on evictions and foreclosures
Starting point is 00:19:55 until at least March 31st. More stuff on the economy. It extends the existing pause on student loan payments and interest for Americans with federal student bans, I mean loans, until at least September 30th. And the environment, he's going to fuck with this. He's going to have us rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, a process that'll take 30 days.
Starting point is 00:20:19 It's good. We'll get to see, what's the little happy girl? Greta Thunberg? You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt. I think that's me, cunt. Environment also. He's going to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and direct agencies to review and reverse more than 100 Trump actions on the environment. You know, because it only made us energy independent. Top producers of energy on the planet. Let's turn that back. Does any of this make sense to you? You listening? Your mother sucks fucking big fucking elephant dicks.
Starting point is 00:21:02 This is as nice as I'm going to be to Biden, by the way. Keep that in mind. Equity, yes. Whatever that means. Rescinds the Trump administration's 1776 commission, directs agencies to review their actions to ensure racial equity, whatever that means. And I say segregation now. I don't either. Segregation tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:21:24 No, no segregation forever. No. The 1776 project, that was too. Remember when they were trying to put in this, what was it called? Racial, what was it called? The Project 1660? It was critical race theory. Critical race theory, which is basically not only schools, but federal jobs where, you know, you'd have to go to class to learn how evil you are if you're white.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Basically, I'm not and I'm not exaggerating. And it's going to teach kids that how evil and white and they're not going to teach about George Walk. That's what they were trying to implement. And Trump said, fuck that. And jerk off wants that. Jerk off. Spunk bubble. Equity, no.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Prevents workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Has that even happened in 100 years? Census, yes. Requires non-citizens to be included in the census. People who aren't even citizens included in the census. Do you see where they're going with this, folks? If you're going to include them in the census, it's not much of a leap to tear down that wall, right?
Starting point is 00:22:43 Let them pour in. An appointment of congressional representatives oh my god so you know this is what you're gonna hear every day your neighbor's house she leaned against a hot stove. Immigration, it says four to five, four to five's a dacker. Dacker? Four to five's dacker. That's hard for a guy from Boston.
Starting point is 00:23:21 After Trump's efforts to undo protections for undocumented people brought into the country as children. He's going to wave a wand. There's going to be 11 million more citizens, not to mention all the ones that are ready to pour in. Immigration reversed the Trump administration's restrictions on U.S. entry for passport holders from seven Muslim-majority countries, and don't think they're not watching TV and doing this. Allah is the greatest! Allah is the greatest! Allah is the greatest! Allah is the greatest! they're not watching tv and doing this oh nick i feel so bad for you you sound like one of those old white guys who's just scared of change well it's gonna change oh it will change all right you
Starting point is 00:23:57 won't recognize this country in 20 minutes no i'm not saying everybody from a Muslim country is a terrorist, but I'm saying every terrorist is from a Muslim country. Immigration undoes Trump's expansion of immigration enforcement within the United States. Immigration halts construction of the border wall by terminating the National Emergency Declaration used to fund it. Well, that's great. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some are good people.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Immigration extends the deferrals of deportation and work authorizations for librarians with a safe haven in the United States until June 3rd. As far as ethics goes, requires executive branch appointees to sign an ethics pledge, barring them from acting in personal interest and requiring them to uphold the independence of the Department of Justice. The independence of the Department of Justice. Yeah, they're so independent. They only helped fucking spy on Trump.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Oh, my God. You guys should be shitting your pantalones. Los pantalones. That's what Biden's doing today. This is going to be hilarious. I'm telling you, this place is going to be a shithole in 11 months and again i pray for some unrest today across the country the other thing trump did he started pardoning a lot of people right as all outgoing presidents do well this one kind of caught me uh
Starting point is 00:25:51 in our are you dog style on me segment tonight trump and snoop are together in the news together rapper snoop dog has a message for president trump and his aides because trump uh pardoned one of snoop's boys of course, this is what you have to do for Snoop, not to call you a racist white piece of shit. He says, I love what they did, he said, in granting clemency to Death Row Records co-founder Michael Harry O. Harris. Harris learned Tuesday, he's black Irish. Yeah, I can tell that he's innocent. One picture of him, he's got a fucking gun in his hand.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Harris learned Tuesday he'll be released early from prison on Trump's orders, though the White House has not yet publicly said so. That's a little late for that. He's already gone. The music and marijuana mogul was told of the decision Sunday and said he wanted to share a message with the outgoing president. Who are we talking about, Snoop? He said, Snoop says, that's great work for the president and his team on a way out, Snoop said.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Is that what he said? In remarks shared with the Post. And they said, well, what do you think of Trump? He said, my nigga, my nigga, my nigga, my said, I don't like that song. I don't approve of it, but it is a catchy tune. Snoop went on to say that he's going to be in Biden's cabinet, geopolitical strategist. No, he said they did some great work while they was in there and they did some great work on their way out. That's the most he could drum up.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Let them know that I love what they did. Not love them. He loved what they did. He also said, it's amazing what the work of God can actually bring to life to make people understand that there is a God. Apparently God's a big fan of hip hop and violence and fucking misogyny and the weed.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Snoop Dogg praised Trump on a Zoom call with reform advocates Alice Johnson. Remember her? Black woman who they gave a life sentence to or her first, she was smuggling drugs or whatever. She was a nice mom and Trump pardoned her.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Alice Johnson, Weldon Angelos, who shared the recording with his permission. It's nice mom and Trump pardoned her. Alice Johnson, Weldon Angelos, who shared the recording with his permission. It's another guy that Trump pardoned. The Zoom meeting was convened so that Johnson could break the news to Snoop that Harris, 59, will be getting clemency after
Starting point is 00:28:17 30 years in prison for attempted murder and cocaine trafficking. His release was slated for June of 2028. Happy Sunday, said Snoop before hearing the purpose for the Zoom call. Johnson, the first time drug offender, Trump freed from a life sentence following lobbying by Kim Kardashian and later pardoned and then shared the news. Harris received word he had been granted clemency at Lompoc Federal Correctional
Starting point is 00:28:47 Institution in California. He was doing a 30-year bit. This is his prom picture. In California, said Angelos, who received his own pardon from Trump in December. Angelos said Harris sent him
Starting point is 00:29:04 an email saying, thank God, God is great. They can't even from Trump in December. Angelo said Harris sent him an email saying, thank God, God is great. They can't even give Trump any credit. That means God is great. So we know he converted while he was in there. It feels like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. Snoop's efforts came, even though he's been an outspoken critic of Trump.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah, that's putting it lightly uh he even remember he made a video pretending to uh shoot trump who was uh who was dressed like a clown but now but now he's found a a new love for your fucking boss huh where's your fucking boss show the clip remember this show the clip remember this can you imagine can you imagine i can't i'm trying to think of a hip-hop but if that was obama and that was a guy dressed like the Klan, where's that video? Seriously, if this didn't get you put in jail, where's that video?
Starting point is 00:30:10 Honestly, let's think about what we're coming under, us conservatives, Trump supporters, how they're trying to really root us out and deprogram us, as they say. Just think about it. Imagine if a white rapper, Eminem, he wouldn't do it. He's on their side. Can you imagine a white rapper dressed likeem's he wouldn't do it he's on their side can you
Starting point is 00:30:25 imagine a white rapper dressed like a klansman and fucking and doing that to obama in a perfect country which this would have been that would be fine with me that's fine with me artistic expression but we have this faggy mentality well if you see that on TV, then somebody's going to do it. They're going to do it anyways. Angelos credited first daughter Ivanka Trump for Harris's impending release more than seven years before it was scheduled to take place on June 13th. The credit on this one goes to Ivanka Trump because Ivanka Trump was not going to take no for an answer, Angelos said. He said, Ivanka did this for Alice Johnson, and this is a huge win for hip hop it doesn't even bring up Trump who freed him how dare you
Starting point is 00:31:11 Ivanka what you doing girl I'd like to thank the contributors to this show as you know your contributions keep us on the air what would the crackdown and YouTube really throw in a monkey wrench into my fucking life? I want to thank people who contributed yesterday. Sheila King from Virginia, Todd Miller, Ohio, David Benarski, Pennsylvania, Michael Mazel, Illinois, Jay Smith, Oregon, Franz Grissom, a buddy from Oklahoma, Grant Fairhelly, Texas.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And then we had some new subscribers, monthly subscribers. Jacob Pratt from Vermont. A.J. Lagner, Delaware. Lagner, I should say. Stuart Murray, Illinois. Ryan Best from California. And Kelly Hubbard, all signed up
Starting point is 00:32:01 for the monthly subscription. Thank you guys so much. Again, you can do that still at Patreon. You have the same choices at, which we want to move you over there eventually. So if you're going to tell new people, tell them to go to the Comics Gym. There was more news yesterday
Starting point is 00:32:18 on evidence tampering of the election. Which one? The 2016? No, this one, where there was actual interference from outside that the dems don't even give a fuck about as we get closer to inauguration day experts continue to find more suspected evidence of foreign involvement in the 2020 election okay who the fuck are you are you writing a book who the fuck are you? Are you writing a book?
Starting point is 00:32:45 Who the fuck are you? I'm from Russia. I'm here to vote. What do you think? I'm here from Dominion. I want to check the machines. One America's, it's a good station by the way.
Starting point is 00:32:55 One America News, watch it. Christina Bob spoke with information warfare expert, Colonel Phil Waldron, to learn more about what the latest evidence of people outside of deference from other countries, you know who the fucking suspects are, to the election that just took place in this past November. Here's what he had to say. We looked at in Georgia to show that the anomalies and the same in Pennsylvania. He found a one in 18 vote shift or a five point five five five percent number that kept recurring in different precincts at different times throughout Georgia.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And it all began after the time of the counting stop. So after late. Yeah, what he said after the counting stopped, they found this similarity, you know, where Trump was getting like only 5.5% of the vote and Biden was getting the rest. After they stopped counting, that's not too fishy, right? This is all hardcore evidence being drowned out by the media. Go ahead ahead night on the night of the third all these numbers started showing up and a 5.555 percent vote for president trump versus you know the remainder of the votes going to uh former vice president biden we're matching it right now to the 179 million lines of code that came from foreign countries
Starting point is 00:34:28 to match up those individual lines of code down to the precinct level to show where those algorithms occurred. How does this clear algorithm that could have been interference in the election, how does that relate back to foreign interference? interference in the election how does that relate back to foreign interference what our information is is showing is that those packets of information were processed they were sent from the voting precincts to foreign countries to through pakistan to china the algorithm was applied to those packages and sent back down to as detailed as the precinct level. Because they were sent out to China and Pakistan and then returned all the way down to the precinct levels
Starting point is 00:35:10 where people voted, not just above that. Is that evidence? But these are baseless allegations. What? Go ahead. Is that it? Well, this is how I feel. I'm going to find out what the hell happened here what happened china interfered in the election we have that famous guy from china what was he a
Starting point is 00:35:35 professor remember the young guy we showed a couple months ago giving a speech and making fun saying we have somebody in dc now talking about joe biden and how much fucking evidence do you need what What are you going to catch him bringing broccoli and chicken to fucking Biden's house in Delaware? What's the matter with you people? What kind of people are these, Henry? Our father who art in heaven. Speaking of heaven, Candace Owens, a very, very conservative black woman. Very, very cute. Smart as a button.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Think she went to Dartmouth. What's so funny? The bird? What? Smart as a button. Smart as a button. Is that what I said? See this?
Starting point is 00:36:20 I've been sucking on this vape for like 24 hours and it starts to. That can't be good. It's all nicotine. Help me, God. Smart as a button. I used to do an Andy Rooney bit. Remember Andy Rooney's 60 Minutes? I hate buttons. They're on your clothes.
Starting point is 00:36:40 They're on your shirts. When they fall off, I like to put them in a drawer. Candace Owens, anyways, you know who she is. Smart as a button and cute as a button and smarter than a pillow. Candace Owens explains why big tech censors the right and why she is is suing uh this so-called fact checkers she at the beginning she explains how big tech is going after us they fucking freaked out when trump won right so they got together with the politicians in dc the left-wingers and said this hat we have to crush these people on social media and of course you know who Big Tech says, sure, we'll grease the wheels for you.
Starting point is 00:37:25 No doubt about it. They're all on the same page. And then Facebook created something called fact checkers. Just the arrogance of that, your radar should go up and go, why are they, oh, they've cornered the market on what's true and what's not true. Just to be that fucking arrogant
Starting point is 00:37:44 to come up with something like that thank god our girl here is on the uh i love you for helping me to consider uh let's listen to a little bit what uh what candace had to say this is why i am suing the facebook fact checkers i'm suing them on behalf of you, your favorite creators and news sites, on behalf of our freedom of speech and thought. So who are these fact checkers? Well, I'm suing a site called Lead Stories. Lead Stories is run by a former CNN employee of 26 years
Starting point is 00:38:23 who makes a living cannibalizing and slandering conservative content and creators. What's your workbook? His website has published disputed fake news stories, including one that went after my content personally. And so I'm going after him personally. Atta girl! Here's an important question. Who funds lead stories? By the jizz. question. Who funds Lead Stories? According to their own masthead, Lead Stories is funded by
Starting point is 00:38:47 Facebook and Google, along with ByteDance. And what is ByteDance? It's a Beijing-based company that owns the TikTok spyware app. Our own Justice Department says the company is a national security threat and compromised by the Communist Party of China. Facebook then is paying for fact checkers funded by an arm of the Communist Party of China to censor my content here in America. The Communist Party of China has more say over my content than the First Amendment. This is insanity. It's un-American. It's dangerous. And it needs to stop.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Oh, does it ever. Chattler. Chattler. And then they asked China about it and they weighed in. Biden. Hunter Biden. And then they laughed and laughed and laughed.
Starting point is 00:39:45 You believe that shit though? Huh? Do you see why? Folks, they want us to be globalists. You understand? But what's evil about that is it used to be utopian wet dream with all whole hands together and get along. But that's not what it is.
Starting point is 00:40:00 When you're siding with the Communist Party and doing business with them out in the fucking open now, you know, it's the same shit that this planet has faced over and over again. Tyranny versus fucking freedom. And there's only one thing that's been standing in the way of tyranny for the last 200 and some odd years, the United States of America. So we're at a tipping point. That's why I'm going to knit me a red, white, and blue pair of mittens. Huh? Anyways.
Starting point is 00:40:34 It is pretty creepy. Being censored by China. Zuckerberg, you motherless fuck. You created Facebook because you're a nerdy dude who couldn't get any pussy whatsoever. Look what it's turned into. Along with Jack Dorsey, who we have on tape secretly saying all kinds of, he's planning more censorship.
Starting point is 00:40:56 A man goes to a party, he loses his wallet at the party. Anyways, a little domestic news after that. Guess what? California? California, which people are saying that should be Biden's slogan, make America California again. Well, California is the biggest shithole. It's more proof.
Starting point is 00:41:22 It's more diverse in any state. Yeah, it's more broke, 19 different languages. It's more like 100 different languages. Nobody fucking gets along with anybody. It's just a dump. People are fleeing. Anyways, so this shouldn't surprise you. Unemployment fraud is going through the roof.
Starting point is 00:41:40 You know how we're trying to push out all this money to government because of COVID and whatnot? Well, people have been scamming the system for years. So now they have a huge erection when COVID hit and they're like, oh, more checks are going in the mail? While millions of Californians are battling each day to put food on the table amid the idle COVID-19 economy, payments from the state earmarked to help them have been ripped off to the tune get this nearly 10 billion with a b according to a security firm hired to investigate uh the fraud 10 billion 10 billion i'm gonna find out what the hell happens here uh blake hall founder and ceo of told the Los Angeles Times that California may have paid out nearly 10 billion in phony coronavirus unemployment claims, more than double the previous estimate.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Some of that money has gone to organized crime in Russia. What exactly leads you to believe the Soviets were involved? And of course, China. We said it on the 91st. In other countries, at least 10% of claims submitted to the State Employment Development Department, that's EDD. This is what happens when you,
Starting point is 00:42:58 you know, depend on bureaucracies, which people didn't have it. In this case, it wasn't the people's fault. Employment development department before controls were installed in October may have been fraudulent. The Times on Friday, LA Times said that would work out to 9.8 billion of the benefits paid from March through September. Just the facts, man. Holy moly. The state has acknowledged that the department was built out of hundreds of millions of dollars in COVID-19 unemployment funds that went to fraudsters,
Starting point is 00:43:35 including some in the name of United States Senator Dianne Feinstein. Others were sent to inmates in jails and prisons like scott peterson and others in california on death row oh my god you see what and there's supposed to be people watching for fraud right don't we pay people to watch for fraud 10 bill hall's company was hired by the employment development department and since october his firm has blocked nearly 400, this is since October, 470,000 phony claims since October. Typically 10% of unemployment claims nationwide are fraudulent, Holt told the Times. Much of the COVID-19 fraud in California
Starting point is 00:44:21 and other states was perpetrated by criminals in some 20 countries. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. Hall said criminal rings, this is how it works, submit claims using stolen identity information and then send money mules out to pick up debit cards issued by the Employment Development Department. Once again, your government at work. Often, that's our money, by the way, often to vacant houses. When the Russians and the Nigerians and the Chinese are the players on the playing field,
Starting point is 00:45:04 they are going to put up some points, Hall said. This is a very sophisticated cyber attack that's being run at scale. The U.S. Department of Labor's inspector general's office warned in November that as much as $36 billion of the $360 billion in federal COVID-19 support payments could be improper or fraudulent. Bye-bye. That money is history. Yay for computers, huh? Yay for big... Think about it.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I know it's done marvelous things for us, right? Computers and the internet and shit, but look what it... I gotta believe it's... marvelous things for us, right? Computers and the internet and shit. But look what it did. I got to believe it's, you know what I mean? There's a lot of fucking cyber warfare. They say every day we're attacked. We're talking hundreds of thousands attacked a day. They were interviewing some guy who works, you know, cyber security in D.C.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And he said that's what keeps him up at night, how many things they have to fight off. Pretty dangerous. And you don't have to be a genius to steal unemployment claims. Didn't we show a clip on this show probably six months ago? It was a young black kid. I saw it on TV. It was not a 60-minute show, but a show like that and he was explaining how he did it
Starting point is 00:46:26 and how he was making like millions just by going to the mailbox it was that easy so this should come as no surprise that is it for today folks I want to thank you guys again
Starting point is 00:46:40 for supporting us at don't forget And don't forget to come to see me at Sidesplitters this weekend. Two shows Friday and two Saturday night in Tampa. Look forward to seeing you after the show. It's always a great turnout.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And it's a state that, you know, it's not pulling this COVID horseshit. So don't forget If you want me to make a personal video on my phone roasting, one of your friends or relatives are saying happy birthday to somebody. What you do is go to,
Starting point is 00:47:13 click on my profile, tell me a little about the person. I'll make a video on my phone and send it to them on your behalf. That is it. You guys think that I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Have a good day. guitar solo I'm out.

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