The Nick DiPaolo Show - Biden: "Second Pandemic Coming" | Nick Di Paolo Show #1229

Episode Date: June 23, 2022

Biden in denial. Biden prepping for round two. Siragusa & Howard Stern. Black thug punches Navy vet. Some good in America. Grub Hub saves the day....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm a man Oh yeah, how you is? What it was? What it will be? Dallas was just showing me, He put up a thumbnail yesterday of a... What was the thumbnail? The gun on the flag? Yeah, red flag. Red flag gun. The gun even had a line going through it. The image had
Starting point is 00:00:58 a line going through the gun and Instagram blurred the thumbnail. So don't tell me it's out in the open. I don't know why we point it out anymore. I don't tell me it's out in the open. I don't know why we even point it out anymore. I don't know. What I'm disappointed in is you people that are way younger than me, you're supposed to be rebelling against this shit.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Instead, you're the future of this shit. Most of these agree with censorship. At least the polls say. So, again, probably a few angry white boys in Michigan that might, but we need more than that. Fuck them. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We're going right back to what we, this country was spawned from throwing tyranny off our backs, and now we're asking for it in the ass. I don't know what to say, folks, other than I can't wait for the NFL. I got nothing. I got to go to the doctor today right after this because, you know, a guy in his late 70s, Achilles tendon, started killing me. We're going on two months ago. This is how another failure in our government or how the medical system works now in this country. Things started, it has to be almost two months ago,
Starting point is 00:02:14 it started hurting me. I'm like you guys. I'm sure you don't run right away to the doctor. You're like, let me walk on this or whatever for a week or so to see if it's something I should have checked out. So I do that. I do about 10 days.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I actually try to exercise on it. And definitely I was limping. So, you know, then you call the doctor and they give you an appointment, which is not that week. It's like 10 days from then. Then you get to the doctor. And it's not just Georgia. I'm sure it's everywhere. Then I go to the doctors and they go, oh, you need an MRI.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And they don't go, we'll give it, you know, this Friday, come on. No, it's three weeks. So by the fucking time I get there today, fucking thing's half healed or whatever. She saw micro tears in my Achilles in the MRI, apparently. And if she looks at me and goes, here's some exercises, I'm going to fucking choke her Indian neck. Because I know all of them.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Okay? I was an athlete. I know every stretching, fucking, whatever. Jesus Christ. I've been jumping around on it lately. I mean, it still hurts a little. So I know there's something there. She said she saw calcium deposits, micro tears.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Well, just tell me over the phone. Oh, that's right. I got to go to your office so you can get paid again. The fuck was I thinking? Nice young Indian broad. I'm going to slap the red dart right off her head. Nick, why are you going to say stereotypical old shit like that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:36 It's kind of funny. It bothers people. It's true. It's true. Yeah, so I don't know. I'm going to give her that exact lecture. Not for nothing, Doc, and I know you don't run the system. Oh, first of all, the first appointment, they said they were going to get back to me the first time I visited her to tell me what to do on a Monday.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I waited until Friday. Literally, the secretary goes, oh, I just found your paperwork under a bunch of other paperwork on my desk. I'm so sorry. Real priority. Let me tell you something, you kale cutter. Anyways, I'll give you an update. It'd be funny if it was cancer and it spread to my ass box. What? What else? I guess that's it. Sox win again. Fucking Yankees apparently pulled off some miracle comeback.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I just saw the headline. I went, for the love of fucking God. But the Sox are like a game out of second now. They've had the best record for about a month in baseball, and they can't even gain a game out of second now they've had the best record for about a month in baseball and they can't even gain gain any they gain a game or two but holy shit these yankees it's like the 27 yeah they're due for a team like that though you know i mean with all the money they spend every year i'm just killing time because it's friday folks i i i don't give a fuck anymore
Starting point is 00:04:59 nobody cares all right let's get on with it. What's the first story today? More Biden bullface bullshit. Well, that could be any day of the week. His fraudulency, Joe Biden's watching his presidency implode and apparently assumed a good old fashioned freak out would change the narrative to something, well, something that only a senile old man can understand. I'm going to show a clip of him here making an ass of himself once again. I'll give you a trigger warning. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert.
Starting point is 00:05:32 He actually looks good there. Seriously, he actually looks healthy there and young. But then he opens his hole. Excuse me. I don't have a cough button. You people are offended. What the fuck do you want me to tell you? This isn't WBC radio.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Cumulative fucking. Cumulative? Cumulative. I'm all coked up. Anyways, I don't even remember what I was saying. Go ahead. So for all those Republicans in Congress criticizing me today for high gas prices in America. Are you now saying we were wrong to support Ukraine?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yes, sir. Are you saying we were wrong to stand up to Putin? Yes, sir. Are you saying that we would rather have lower gas prices in America and Putin's iron fist in Europe? Yes, sir. I don't believe that. Yes, sir. Fucking idiot. Not everybody was for going into Ukraine, by the way.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You know what I mean? Tucker Carlson and people who study this shit are like, what are we going to get from it? Meanwhile, for a million reasons, our border's wide open. We're letting half the world come in, number one. Why don't you take care of this country first? And he's, again, using this as an excuse for the gas price. Not even him. Whoever's handling him, the four radical leftists who are filling his head with this shit, just send them out there and let them. The answer is yes, yes, yes. What the fuck do we have to gain? If I was Russia, it sounds like, I don't know if you would believe the press, sounds like Putin's on his way out.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Everything I read, he's holding a table. He shit his pants at the G8 summit. But that's kind of scary. Last guy I want having a bunch of drugs in him, making him a little cuckoo. Goes in the bathroom, thinks he's in the bathroom. Thinks he's in a bathroom. He goes to turn on a light switch and he hits the wrong button
Starting point is 00:07:28 and we're all cheddar cheese. But Biden, shut your fucking hole. I just... This is some laughably feckless shit coming from Hunter's dad. Not to mention desperate.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Biden's job approval rating is sinking into the mid to low 30. I don't even know how it's in the 30s. Seriously. In an honest world, in the 30s, folks. You know Jimmy Carter's sitting home. By the way, I'll predict this is the year for Jimmy. He's just, remember he fucking had brain cancer a year ago. He's still hanging out. He's got to be going, I can't believe a state. I'm off the hook. It's not only Clinton. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:08:19 His disapproval ratings are hitting a record high, like the price of gasoline. And rather than do what needs to be done to fix the problems that would fix his high, like the price of gasoline, and rather than do what needs to be done to fix the problems that would fix his presidency, secure the border, open the Keystone pipeline, expand domestic oil and gas production, etc., he's yelling at the oil companies and trying to convince the American people that bad Vlad's invasion of Ukraine is what caused the spike in gas prices and grocery prices and nothing is Joe's fault. Nothing whatsoever. What are we doing? You don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:50 What's going on right now? You don't know. The American people, it's... He's been around. Here's why I know. We all know it's not him writing this shit. He's agreed to fucking deliver it, but he's been around. Here's why I know. I mean, we all know it's not him writing this shit. He's agreed to fucking deliver it, but he's been in D.C. for 50 years. Even as old and senile as he is, he knows American people aren't that fucking retarded. I really believe that. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:18 It's all about party and power. Well, blaming Vlad for gas prices or anything else is a total lie, a flat-out lie. Everyone knows it's a freaking lie. Look at those false teeth. How do they stay in there? The polls prove everyone knows it's a goddamn lie. But he still goes on repeating it because he's too senile to understand that this audaciously dumb and transparent lie is one more thing damaging his standing with the American people. You pompous, stock-up, snot-nosed, English pomp-up-a-tick-pow.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Is it a couple days ago because of Putin's price hike? hike oh they put a catchy phrase on it and i saw a clip yesterday i god damn it i should have pulled it of one of the uh democrats one of his economic advisors they it was a democrat it works from somebody asked him about the inflation uh and and saying uh did the war war ukraine war the inflation? This is a guy that works for me. He goes, oh, no, there was inflation way before the war. If I was really hungry and had the tie, I would have found that clip. Apparently nobody gives a shit. People, average retention time watching shows on the Internet, 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:43 You lucky I don't cut the show down to 11. Second pandemic is coming is the headline. They can't even, they don't even know how to lie and cheat good. Again, this is coming out of the old man. Second pandemic. There was never a first
Starting point is 00:11:02 pandemic, you mother. Let's say there was one, though. You really think people after we saw the results, all the studies are in on locking people down and how it destroyed lives and kids, mental. You really think we'd do that again? People go, you know what? I don't give a fuck if it kills people in three seconds. I'm going to the picnic today or to church. Just in time for the midterms.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I mean, I'm not even that politically sad. I follow it enough. But if you didn't even follow this shit, you go, you've got to be kidding. They think we're going to follow this again. Well, speaking about COVID-19 vaccines for children on Tuesday, first of all, why are they still doing that? If anything, we proved anything was children were the only ones who are almost resistant to this shit. That's been said a thousand times, not by me, by fucking virologists, world-renowned. But no, let's listen to Biden and his cronies. Joe Biden alarmed Twitter users when he said this without his pants on.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Squatting over an open melon. What? Through lease this year, we do need more money. We don't just need more money for vaccines for children eventually. We need more money to plan for the second pandemic. There's going to be another pandemic. Fucking bitch. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:12:29 There's going to be another pandemic. It doesn't matter. Like I said, you could tell us going outside and breathing three minutes is going to kill. Dude. By the way, he said it's coming. Well, the midterms are in November. Like I said, you don't have to be a political scientist to see where this is. You all do know, right, the last election, they kept people away by saying, you know, mail in your vote.
Starting point is 00:12:54 You do understand. And please, I'm going to implore you one more time. I'm going to call Gutbell or I want to talk to Tucker Carl and say, why aren't you guys talking guys talking about 2000 Mules, Dinesh D'Souza's movie, that is, shines a light on how much fraudulent shit went down. Can you imagine? Maybe One American News, I don't watch these, you know, maybe they're doing it. You can't tell me. We got to have him on our show again. There'll be 14 people going yeah he's right anyways
Starting point is 00:13:28 a reporter prompted Biden's head-turning remarks with a question on what spending uh the U.S. government is still prepared to do in order to manufacture and distribute more vaccines and maintain the infrastructure necessary to combat COVID-19 as it lingers throughout the country. That's a sick question. You're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm going to answer it. Right now. Do you hear what he said? That lingers throughout the country.
Starting point is 00:13:59 What have I been saying to you guys? Again, I'm watching hockey, NHL hockey, the finals, whatever the fuck. The guy in the penalty box, when a guy goes to the penalty box, a player, there's a guy sitting in there that works for the NHL. I don't know what his purpose is. He hands a guy Gatorade or whatever. But he has a mask on.
Starting point is 00:14:16 The woman who was interviewing the coaches and shit during the game has a mask on. The other 18,000 people in the building, not a mask. How does that? And don't tell me they have immune deficiency problems or whatever the fuck. What did I tell you?
Starting point is 00:14:33 NBA games, remember the first row of the assistant? Again, to keep it there in the background so they can say it never went away. It never went away. I'm telling you. If I'm wrong, you can come over here and tickle my perineum. Perfect timing. Here's Joe blowing smoke. Look at that. That's what it looks like. That's a thought bubble. There's nothing in it, as you see. Dumb prick face. Last week, the CDC, we're still listening to that?
Starting point is 00:15:25 And the FDA authorized emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine for kids as young as six months old. Can you imagine putting that in your six-month-old baby after... But there will be people in line waiting. Exactly. Exactly. Because there's a portion of this country and
Starting point is 00:15:42 this government has relied on it our whole existence. Well, you know, whatever TV started, there's always a percentage in this country, it's bigger than ever now, that if they hear it on TV, has to be true. That's all they know. And it's kind of creepy because the people who put shit on TV, Lib Media, haven't told you the truth in forever. For good measure, Biden slammed the Trump administration and propped up his own saying, and that's not something the last outfit did very well.
Starting point is 00:16:15 That's something we've been doing fairly well. The only thing the left gave Trump credit for, even the ones who hated him, said he got the vaccine out quick. You know? Whether people are getting sick or not, the whole world was clamoring for it. Right?
Starting point is 00:16:33 Whoop speed, remember? Now they love the vaccine, right? Everybody should get it, kids and shit, blah, blah, blah. Who do you think, who fucking, can you imagine if he was in charge when it hit? It still wouldn't be out yet
Starting point is 00:16:46 finally get vaccines on the shelf now there's no baby formula or tampon and god knows i like both of those that's why we need the money that's what fucking shithead says though twitter users were mystified and annoyed with biden's warnings of another pandemic right people had a few right in time for 2024, like I said, you could be a retard. New York Post writer Miranda Devine said, insinuating another pandemic may interfere with the upcoming election. Not interfere. It would have worked beautifully for them.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Sports podcaster Gary Sheffield Jr. Holy shit. Now, Gary Sheffield, the dad's no fucking rocket scientist, but his son pushed back on Biden's comments. I'm guessing it's his son, tweeting, let Nancy Pelosi pay for it using her investing portfolio.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Amen. We aren't giving you a dime and we're not going back inside. You are correct. I am a fan of Sheffield's kid. I think that's who it is, right? It doesn't seem like inside. You are correct. I am a fan of Sheffield's kid. I think that's who it is, right? That seems like it.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yeah. Makes sense. Good for you. Don't take shit off nobody, Spider. Anyways, how many times do you think you can get away with fucking big, bold lies? It really is amazing. What did I say to my wife about how it's even more hilarious? I don't know. It'll come to me. Anyways, some sad news, ladies and gentlemen. You younger, well, you younger guys, when I say young, everybody loves football, 10-year-olds. You probably don't remember Tony Saragusa,
Starting point is 00:18:23 I don't remember Tony Saragusa, but me and Dallas do. And Goosedown is the headline. It was really sad. He passed away yesterday. Tributes poured in Wednesday following the Tony Saragusa's death. An emotional interview from the Super Bowl champion resurfaced online, a thing that he did with uh with howard stern back in 2012 sarah goose reflected on his own mortality as he discussed his father's death from a heart attack sarah goose's dad passed away at the age of 48 uh in tony's arms when tony was like a young kid um before we show
Starting point is 00:19:01 you the clip i i get to hang out with this guy for a little bit because Artie Lang knew him pretty well, the Italian jerseys. They actually looked like they related when Artie was a little heavier. But I got to hang out with him for a couple weeks. When me and Artie had the show, you remember the Nick and Artie show on DirecTV, they built us a $3 or $4 million studio for the show. By the way, it's still being used by the NFL for pregame shows. I see it, I almost start crying. They're sitting in my seat. They had bunk, they had pull-out beds for us if we wanted to stay in the studio. It was crazy. It was fucking pool table. Just fucking phenomenal. I think Dan Patrick does
Starting point is 00:19:41 a show for me during football season. Anyways, do-it-yourself, the show came when they were building it, and we had to pretend, look at me, putting in the, and he was hanging out with us, and just a jersey of regular dude. You know what I mean? Who could snap your neck if he wanted to. I remember we were comparing calf muscles. I'm not fucking shitting you, Dallas. His calf, this is my waist. we're comparing calf muscles. I'm not fucking shitting you, Dallas.
Starting point is 00:20:05 His calf, this is my waist. I'd say his calf went to here. I'm not fucking shitting you. Then I go like this. He goes, what the fuck is that? I go, wait a minute. Some of the best black players have no calves,
Starting point is 00:20:20 if you look at them. He started laughing his balls off. He had fucking, they looked like canned hams. It was freakish. And the fucking arm. Just a nice guy, though, down to earth. He died Wednesday at the age of 55. The former player turned Fox NFL analyst,
Starting point is 00:20:37 passed away in his sleep per pro football network. Again, they don't tell you. You want the video? Yeah, one second. Sky around. Yeah. It just... Here's my
Starting point is 00:20:53 prediction. They don't say what... I'm going to say... Well, I guess if they say heart attack, even that, I'm going to say... I'm just guessing. But sleep apnea would be on my number one on the on the list of what maybe happened to him um especially guys like I don't know I've had a lot
Starting point is 00:21:13 of big friends who and a lot of them seems like all of them had sleep apnea Reggie White died that way right um so I'm I'm guessing because it stops your breathing then you have a heart attack or whatever but uh let's take a we'll take a look at a video that he did with Howard Stern in 2012. It's kind of prophetic. I was in college. How old was he when he died? 48. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:21:34 His dad. Heart attack? Yeah, heart attack. Massive heart attack. Do you worry about that? No. You don't? I was 21 when my dad passed away.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Every day since then, I'm just like, the best day ever, man. It doesn't really matter. If I die tomorrow, I told my wife, just I was 21 when my dad passed away, never ever, like, every day since then, I'm just like, you know, the best day ever, man. It doesn't really matter. If I die tomorrow, I told my wife, just put a smile on my face. Put a little Sinatra on. You know, let's go. Typical Italian from New Jersey. Put a little Sinatra on. And I believe it.
Starting point is 00:21:57 He didn't look like he worried. He got a lot thinner, too. When I met him, I'm like, holy shit. These guys, you see them in the NFL, and then you see them doing it in the broadcast booth. You're like, really? That's Moose Johnston, the fullback? He looks like a fucking dentist. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:22:14 If you were going to, if you were going to, that's what he was, I think, on the Sopranos. A leg breaker or something, real quick. He was a heavy for somebody, obviously. He wasn't a wet nurse. Excuse me. Very sad. He's gone, and we couldn't do nothing about it. A former defensive tackle, Sarah Guza, and he was. He blocked up the middle, and you got to love, what's his name, Lewis, Ray Lewis, and those linebackers. He freed up.
Starting point is 00:22:42 When you have great linebackers, it's the line that keeps people off the linebackers, he freed up. When you have great linebackers, it's the line that keeps people off the linebackers. And he used to clog up the middle with the best of them. Former defensive tackle who was nicknamed the Goose played for the Colts and the Ravens during a 12-year career. 12 years, not bad. Went in Super Bowl XXXV with the Baltimore Ravens in 2001. The interview clip included Sarah Goose discussing his time being bullied as a short fat kid. That's how tough the school was in New Jersey, bullying Tony Saragusa.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Colin Quinn had the best line. Look at Saragusa, okay? He said this 15 years ago, made me laugh so hard. We're talking about prostate exams. He goes, I had one today. Very painful. I think it was because my doctor had very thick fingers. You may have heard of this doctor. Dr. Anthony
Starting point is 00:23:33 Saragusa. Anyways, he said he used to get beat up. He was short and fat before he grew into his, you know, his frame. Kids would be picking on him going, hey. Yeah, they didn't do that after that. My father was cool. He up he was short and fat before he grew into his you know his frame kids would be picking on him going hey look at you yeah they didn't do that after that my father was cool he said he was the greatest dad ever saragusa told stern you would uh get a spanking respect was the biggest word ever in our house you walk in my house i don't care who you are my kids today will get up and look you in the eye and shake your hand. Which, that's an attempt, you know?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Apparently it didn't sink on me when my father tried to teach. He also recalled a story about the one time he told his father, no, no, no, no, no. And his father, it's not in the article, his father chased him up the stairs. He ran in his bedroom and locked the door. His father put his fists through the door, like in a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:24:27 And his father was another tough old gindeloon. He's reaching for the lock. Hit his mothers in the background. Pete, don't hit him! He amassed 564 tackles and 22 sacks in his career. His passing came hours after the Ravens announced
Starting point is 00:24:45 the death of a linebacker. This is hours after they announced a Jalen Ferguson who was 26 years old. What the hell's going on out here? That's the studio. That's the studio they were building for me and Artie. I remember that day we were throwing the football around.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Just a typical cool dude to hang out with. You know, you're like, I am not going to piss this guy off. Just, anyways, rest in peace, Tone. Way too early. Guys like him die early. And guys like this and the next story, they never fucking die when they should. Black Thug, Sucker Punch's Navy vet.
Starting point is 00:25:24 What other kind of a Navy vet who was waiting for a bus outside Chipotle in Koreatown was hit in the face in an apparent unprovoked attack by a stranger. And the incident was captured on video. Luckily, I'm going to read this article and had to be written by a woman or a gay guy. Because the way he was hit with an elbow in the face, they don't explain. The guy was a forearm shiver, is what they call it in the NFL. One of these, which you can even do more damage with. I think a fist would have opened his face up, but the elbow knocks you, you know, silly. The victim,
Starting point is 00:26:12 who wanted to be identified only as Leo, said he was looking at his phone at around 1.45 p.m. in the afternoon on a Tuesday, so he was asking for it, near the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard and Vermont Avenue, that's in L.A., when a man who had been seated on the bench near him got up and used his elbow to hit Leo in the face. Before the attack, Leo noticed that the man appeared to be anxious. Well, Leo, let me help you out, buddy. I know you're in the Navy and shit. He was still a young kid. You see a big black dude that seems anxious, you don't turn your back on him. I don't give a fuck if you're in the supermarket or a nail salon. Why would you be in a nail salon? I don't know. Get my toes done. I'm just saying. And now people are going, well, why? You're just a black anxious guy? Okay, any anxious, but yeah, more so a black anxious guy, because there's a good chance he just got
Starting point is 00:26:53 out of the pen. And there's a good chance he's a super predator, as Hillary even said once. And it's been proven, okay? Even though she caught a ton of shit from defending Hillary. So he says, I didn't think too much of it. There's where you got to. And before you know it, he says, I blacked out. No, you didn't black. You black out when you hold your breath too long or it's too hot. You're at a wedding. That's blacking out. The video shows a man taking a couple of steps towards Leo, then, again, elbowing him. Couldn't describe it worse.
Starting point is 00:27:30 How about a forearm shiver, what appears to be in an unappro... Appears. Thank you, Dad. Appears to be. Again, reverse the races. Will they say it appears to be? The headline would be, white nationalist sucker punches, you know, African American. Anyways, what's this fucking disgusting sucker elbow to the face?
Starting point is 00:27:55 It was a brutal attack that Leo only knows about because of this security video. The Navy veteran was waiting for a bus at Vermont and Wilshire yesterday afternoon when a man who had been sitting on a bench behind him came up and sucker punched him. I didn't think he would attack and he didn't give any warning because if he did I would either you know get to safety or retaliate but I had no chance of that. Leo was knocked to the ground and lost consciousness. Watch this guy come over with a hat. He has no memory of the good Samaritan who stepped in to confront the attacker and then made the suspect pick him off the ground. How did he do that?
Starting point is 00:28:29 I'm so grateful for all the people that witnessed the incident and helped me up and also called the paramedics and firefighter. There's something wrong with the black man's mind! There's something wrong with his mind! Well, you know, like I said, you stay out on the West Coast long enough, you'll stop believing all that PC shit. You're racist if you cross the street if you see a guy like that at midnight coming down your side. You'll be dead in three minutes if you listen to liberals, and that's all they fucking wanted, by the way. I would face that guy.
Starting point is 00:29:05 If I was getting on a bus and he was still sitting down, I'd be backing into the bus. Well, Nick, that's just being... That's living in fear and shit. Shut the fuck up. We've heard that a million times, too. Difference between being cautious and living in fear. Very different thing. There you go.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Leo said he didn't remember anything when he woke up on the ground and I don't know. He got his lights turned off. You know why? Because he's a good guy. Navy guy. Probably, you know, you know, he has probably a lot of black friends in the Navy and shit. Nick, what do you mean by that? I don't know. You fuckheads, figure it out. It was a very scary feeling not knowing what happened. He said Leo decided to go back and get the surveillance video
Starting point is 00:29:51 when he got out of the... Imagine? You don't even know? I sort of know. I didn't get knocked out, but when that broad hit me, I didn't... It fucking... It's scary. I'd rather get hit in a fight where you're facing a guy. When you get cracked... I was like in a fight where you're facing a guy when you get crazy I was like in a little shock. You know, I mean I was like what the fuck just happened
Starting point is 00:30:12 Thank God. It wasn't a six foot four torn on, you know 340 pound black a man seen in the video came to Leo's aid and a woman called 911 this moron number one Put more on number two on the phone Although Leo says he can't remember much of anything before the paramedics arrived. As for the attacker, once again, folks, and I'm going to say it again, when's the last time I did a story where the, whoever was
Starting point is 00:30:33 the suspect was apprehended? Do you notice that? And it doesn't matter anymore, because if he is apprehended, this is Los Angeles, and Gascon will have him, he didn't kill anybody, he'll have him back on the street tomorrow. They're still searching for him. Yeah, if only you had a good picture of him.
Starting point is 00:30:53 This is Christ. He is described by police as being a black man between 30 and 35 who is about 5'8 and weighs 250. That is fucking solid. We've got a gorilla for sale. McGill a gorilla for sale. That's racist. I don't approve of whatever producer put that in there.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I'm just going to make that clip. Let me show you this about that. I don't care about no McGilligar. Why did he do it? Does anybody want you to catch him? Why did you do that? It's very eerily similar to the Asian lady that got stumbled by the Black Deer. Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Why did you do it? I don't know. Again, pent up. I'd like to see his record if he has one. Because that's not an act of somebody who's never been arrested, in my opinion. Oh, Nick, you're prejudging. Shut your fucking filthy pie hole. Time to give a lighter story.
Starting point is 00:31:59 We need some good news. And this was really sweet. It made me feel good. You don't see much of this. That's because we don't report. This comedian back in Boston, when I first started, he was like a super sarcastic guy. He had an Irish laugh. I can't remember. But his mother would always go, why do they only report the bad news? Why don't they report some good news? He goes, Ma, what are they going to do? The guy's going to come on and go, why don't they only report the bad news? Why don't they only report some good news? He goes, Ma, what are they going to do? The guy's going to come on and go, another plane landed safely at LaGuardia today. Hope you're happy, Mrs. Johnson.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Anyways, this is cool. It happens in the bleachers at a pro baseball game. And baseball needs this kind of, you know what I mean? After everything becoming politicized and moving the All-Star game, people being pissed out. It's like a lucky break for them to show you. Look how, what a fun event. This fan caught a baseball and gave it to a kid in the bleachers.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Later in the game, the kid got another ball. Excuse me. So he returned, the kid returned the favor. He got another ball uh check this out this is i had to show this i thought this was tremendous let's check out the t-mobile coverage camp so this is why baseball is the greatest sport in the game melendez throws it to this fan so pumped but he's like you know what no i got to give the baseball to a kid but then later in the game gooby when walsh hits the home run the kid's dad's gonna
Starting point is 00:33:26 come up with the baseball he's like here you go now you got your ball back you got two he's like you know what no no this is incredible gives it back check out the girl put on the left look at that he's like no look at oh goodness she got the baby that is amazing look at that smile both of them even the, you notice the announcers looking at the girl. She's like, oh, that is so cute. That's not even talking about the, but I'll tell you why I liked that. You didn't see the father say, give it back. It looked like the kid thought of it on his own. Didn't he? He started to sit down, then he turned around and went, I guess. And it's funny. because I always, when I watch baseball games,
Starting point is 00:34:06 especially Red Sox games, there'll be a foul ball, a ball girl will pick it up, and they will hand it. You know, everything's screened in. Now they'll hand it to a little kid, and they never say thank you. They turn and bolt nine out of ten times. You don't ever, you know what I mean? The parents sitting there don't tell them to say thank you. I'm like, this is just so typical.
Starting point is 00:34:26 But that was very cool. Very, very cool. I'm sure it'll make the Ukraine clear up and inflation will go down. That's true Americana right there. That's, to me, and to people who vote like we do, that's sort of the spirit that we want to get back to. But the media and the dams have no idea. They have idea. They just hate it. They think you're an annoyance. You're a rube. Good things happen at the bleachers. Although I told you when I was
Starting point is 00:35:02 16, I went to Fenway to see the Yankees and Red Sox. Both these things happened in the same game. You'll remember this. You've probably seen this clip. You probably weren't even born yet, Dale. You ever see the clip when Reggie Jackson kind of loafs it, a fly ball, and he gets called in the middle of the game. Billy Martin tells him to come into the dugout. It wasn't in the middle of the game. Billy Martin tells him to come into the
Starting point is 00:35:25 dugout. It wasn't at the end of the inning. He waved them in because he thought Reggie wasn't hustling. And he gets in the dugout and they start going at it. Billy Martin was this wiry little Italian alcoholic, mean, great baseball guy who wanted a fistfight. Reggie Jackson was twice his size. I was in the bleachers. I could see it. It was a national game of the week. I could see in their dugout from the bleachers what was going on. I'm like, holy fucking, sure enough, we get home. And later in the game,
Starting point is 00:35:55 a guy with a Yankees hat, all of a sudden, in the bleachers, I look over. I think it was a Yankees fan. Had a big thing, a Golden's mustard, you know, the ones they. I look over. I think it was a Yankees fan. Had a big thing, the Golden's Mustard. You know the ones they have at the park? He's running, no shirt on.
Starting point is 00:36:11 He stole the Golden Mustard. And his cops chasing him. And his Boston fans throwing beers at him. All that. And I'm like, I'm never going to sit in good seats again. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Crazy. They just showed that a couple days ago.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Billy Martin going up to Reggie Jackson. He was a crazy motherfucker. And it looked like Reggie wanted no part of it. That's it, right? Oh, we got another one. God bless it. I'm not trying to shortchange you folks. Oh, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Grubhub to the rescue. This is fucking nuts. And this is the second time in like two weeks we've had a restaurant save somebody. Remember we did one last week. A woman held up saying, are you all right? And the kid said no. Remember? Ended up calling and they arrested the father for whatever the fuck. when last week a woman held up some saying are you all right and the kid said no whatever remember ended up calling and they arrested the father for whatever the fuck again americana people are
Starting point is 00:37:11 mostly good at you know heart a 24 year old woman used a grub hub to contact police while she was allegedly being held hostage where else in the bronx over the weekend, according to a criminal complaint, the unidentified woman who agreed to meet up with a man she had previously been chatting with on a dating app, I still can't believe girls do this, I know you meet the first date in a restaurant, there's a lot of, I don't give a shit. To me, it's like hitchhiking on the highway. You don't know what, whatever, I'm old-fashioned. I got my wife the fucking... the right way.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I stalked her for like three weeks and hit her with a paving stone. Chatting with a... on a dating app was allegedly assaulted and later raped by the man. The complaint says... Does anything good happen in the goddamn Bronx anymore? Sometimes. Yeah, the Yankees... This is rape! This is rape. Ah, quiet. Call luncheon. According to the complaint, the man took the woman's phone away,
Starting point is 00:38:11 but she said she was able to retrieve it when she asked the man if she could order food, which is brilliant on her part. A copy of the order placed via Grubhub, a food delivery service, shows she wrote in the comment section, please call the police. Please don't make it obvious. When the man opened the door expecting
Starting point is 00:38:31 the food delivery, he was met by officers from the NYPD, according to the complaint. Do you believe that shit? Don't you move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. Employees, and these guys should all get bonuses, and at the Chipper Truck Cafe in Yonkers, received the woman's Grubhub order and her plea for help around 5.20 in the morning. What the hell are you eating at 5.20 in the morning? Alice Bermejo.
Starting point is 00:39:06 God bless the immigrants. A little cutie. One of the restaurant's owners told CNN Wednesday that an employee who saw the note called her husband, who then advised them to call the police. Called her husband, who's also a boss, and told the employee to call the police. It was just a waiting game, she said, to see what happened.
Starting point is 00:39:26 We didn't know if it was real or fake, Brumejo said. NYPD officers responded to the address about an hour later. An hour later? Remind me now that she's a grub hub. And arrested 32-year-old Kemoy Royale, or Royal. Surprise, surprise. Good-looking guy, I'll give him that much. Handsome black dude, but again, folks, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:39:58 What are you doing? Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. Listen to that, and he's a real sweetheart. Royal is being charged with committing predatory sexual assault Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. Listen to that. And he's a real sweetheart. Royal is being charged with committing predatory sexual assault, rape, criminal sexual act, and sexual abuse, according to criminal complaint. That ain't good, fella.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Royal was arraigned on Sunday, and a judge set bail at $25,000 cash. He remains in custody, and is next scheduled to appear in court on Friday. Court records will show. And I'm sure Alvin Bragg will say, oh Christ, it was a little date mix up. And he'll be on the scene. I'm not exaggerating. Royal also faces separate charges of strangulation, committing sexual abuse, and attempted criminal sexual act, committing sexual abuse in attempted criminal sexual act, get this, for another alleged sexual assault
Starting point is 00:40:47 against a 26-year-old woman around four days earlier. Jesus Christ. Dead man walking. It is not immediately clear how police linked the two cases together. I don't know, I'm guessing they went on Tinder or fucking... Why don't know. I'm guessing they went on Tinder or fucking...
Starting point is 00:41:06 Why don't you leave a nice trail? How about a hand for Grubhub? Oh, whatever. That lady and her husband. Unreal. I don't know. Boy, if I had a daughter, again, she'd be 58 at this point. What do I give a fuck?
Starting point is 00:41:24 I'd be like, you're too old. Get off the goddamn app. Daddy, I'm getting skinny dick every day. All right, that is it, ladies and gentlemen, for the week. I thank you again. Don't forget, please, to sign up. And we are going to be making some changes. I don't know what it is, folks, to make this show grow.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I finally have marketing people's attention that know how to get shit done, as we say, because people love the product. They still do if you read all the... And before YouTube was giving me the... Putting the algorithms to me, do you remember how many people I was thanking a day? So we're confident we can get back to that. We just have to fucking focus. You get sloppy, whatever. But anyhow, again, we can't do it without you guys. Don't have to fucking focus. You get sloppy. Whatever. But anyhow, again, we can't do it without you guys. Don't forget to sign up at
Starting point is 00:42:12 or or go to You can get merchandise. Also If you'd like me to make a little recording roasting a friend or relative, go to That is it, you guys. Thank you. I'll say it. You're very welcome. Have a great weekend, and we'll see you here on Monday. Take care, kids. I'm out. guitar solo Outro Music

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