The Nick DiPaolo Show - Biden's Blacks Bolting | Nick Di Paolo Show #1216

Episode Date: June 1, 2022

Tainted liberal jury in Sussman case. Biden losing black staff. Black professor promoted also a racist. Rogan lauds FNC. Teachers tries indoctrinating pre-schoolers....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching and contributing to the show. Every day I read something about a comedian or a comedy producer that supports censorship. Fuck these people, Patton Oswalt. Comedy is meant to be uncensored. Nothing is off limits, and if the truth hurts your feelings, then too bad. Change the station. Don't tell anyone else what they can or can't say. That's why I created this show,
Starting point is 00:00:27 a place to find unfiltered and brutally honest comedy. And since the media, the media running libs, would never put this show out there, we did it ourselves, me and my team, along with your support and contributions. To that end, please consider contributing to the show to keep us going. You can either click the link below, below this video,
Starting point is 00:00:52 or on my website on the top at You fuel the show and I appreciate all your generosity. We can't do it without you. Oh yeah, you know what that sound means. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the show on a filthy Wednesday. State of Georgia. How was your Memorial Day weekend? I was, you know, drove out to Columbus, Ohio. Broke it up on the way out there because it's about an 11-hour drive and stayed at a Super 8. What are you going to do? I'll tell you why you don't do that.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Had a family next to us. Fucking six kids. Oldest one was probably two. I never heard any fucking screaming. The mother's going, shut the fuck up. We're going to get thrown the fuck out of here. Put that fucking down, Hattie.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I knew all the kids' names. Fucking Isaiah. Isaiah, get over here, you fuck. I mean, she said fuck more than I do in a one-hour set. And I'm going, what in God's name? And you know how when you're a cheap motel, you have that door that separates the two rows? They might as well have been sitting on my bed. row. You know, they might as well have been sitting on my bed. Fucking. Oh. So I smacked the fucking wall. And all of a sudden, it's like, they say, stay quiet. It's the weirdest fucking thing. I thought I broke my fucking hand. I did an open hand on this, on that wooden door. I'm like, so me and my wife expecting like a 500-pound woman with a tank top, you know, tattoos and shit. It was like a skinny blonde broad. Her husband was young.
Starting point is 00:03:14 He had a military haircut. He's all tattooed and shit, you know. But Jesus Christ, it's times like that. I'm like, whoo. Todd's the boy. Todd's the boy. Yeah, Todd's six of them. I never heard anything in the Ataka like this. I never heard people act like that in public. And I'm Italian. We're pretty fucking
Starting point is 00:03:35 loud at a restaurant. You know, if the breadsticks are good. It was fucking insane. Then my wife springs a surprise on me. Oh, I got tickets to Dolly Parton's. It's called Dolly Parton's Dinner Theater Stampede. Because we were staying in Pigeon Forge, you know, where she was born. And the whole town is dedicated to her. And I go, what? She's trying to do something nice. And I'm like, for fuck's sake and she's like no it's a you know it's like a horse show um and they feed you dinner and I'm thinking yeah delicious why don't we have a nice piece of chicken with black flies coming off of Palomino's ass landing on my coleslaw but anyways so we go it was right down the street gotta admit it was kind of fun and I get footage
Starting point is 00:04:23 but again because I've only been podcasting for 12 years, the footage is on my phone. My wife's talking of me being miserable. I'm like this. But you know what? It was pretty fucking amazing. There's like five or six chicks. One of them looked like she weighed about 98 pounds, riding, standing up on two horses,
Starting point is 00:04:41 one on each foot, going through a hoop of fire and shit like that. It was fucking insane. And there's a guy, MC with a sparkly jacket, now boys and girl. He had a script that was two hours long, and they break the crowd into the north and the south and shit. We were on the south side. Didn't bother me a bit.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Anyways, and then they have, you know, pig races. Real Tennessee shit. You know those monkeys they strap on pigs? Those little dummy monkeys? Dude, that made me laugh so hard seeing it in person. Anyhow, it was some wholesome fun for the whole family. And they do. They fucking put a plate in front.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Here, one comes by with a piece of chicken. Then another one comes by with corn. As you're watching, and it's just, and another one comes by with corn, and as you're watching, and it's just, I'm sitting there watching and going, oh my God, I can see why people go, Jesus, Nick's filthy. This is, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:35 all the jokes are like puns and shit, and the place is laughing, the most wholesome shit you've ever heard, and I'm going, ooh, ooh, I really put it out there, don't I? I didn't even know this shit existed. Anyhow, I thought Dolly might show her tits. That's why I went.
Starting point is 00:05:52 But, you know, it was just a fat guy named Skeeter. That was an actual guy, Skeeter, playing the part of the redneck. Loads of fun for the whole family, folks. And the wedding was great. Drove all the way home. Didn't fucking stop. Said, fuck this.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Ten, nine hours and 50 minutes. I don't know why. It was almost an hour and a half shorter. Other than I had both feet on the gas pedal. We didn't see any cops outside of Columbus. All the way. Once I got out of Ohio, went through Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina. Didn't see any cops.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Memorial Day. What the fuck? What? Anyhow. That's it. My brother's a man. I just kept thinking of my dad. Giving away his daughter, you know. And just
Starting point is 00:06:38 a fucking grown-up. Gets up there, gives a nice speech. You can tell he's a corporate guy. Beautiful speech. And he's a corporate guy. You know, beautiful speech. Just, he's a real fucking man. Unlike, that's right, Dick jokes at midnight. I got through 30-something years. He gave me a, by the way, he gave me a gift, I think, probably because my buddy died, I think,
Starting point is 00:07:06 was why my brother gave me a, by the way, he gave me a gift, I think, probably because my buddy died. I think it was why my brother gave me this. Red Sox, when they won in 2004. There's a picture of them jumping all over each other. It's signed by a bunch of the players. Authentic is a thing that comes with a fucking, I don't know who he knows or what. But beautiful. It's going in my office. I'm going to have to take down my Elton John album that he signed.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It's true. I got Elton John, Yellow Brick Road. When I did the Tonight Show, he signed the cover of it. So I'm going to have to put that, I don't know, in the garage, in the fucking baggage. No, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:07:41 All right, let's get on with the show, shall we? Enough of the bullshattin'. Red Sox went about five in a row before I go to irritate you with that. Then dropped the last two. Baltimore beat some 10-0 at Fenway. My sister's tits. Let's go. Tainted lip jury. Tainted lip. The jury on Tuesday found Michael Sussman not guilty of making a false statement. This is the most, the OJ case was more accurate, the outcome. Making a false statement to the FBI, the whole world knows he did. In September 2016, when he said he was not working on behalf of any client, when he brought information alleging a covert communications channel
Starting point is 00:08:23 between the Trump organization and Russia's Alpha Bank. And there's a bunch of libs. It was a Virginia jury. They were out of order. The whole trial is out of order. They're out of order. That was Donald busting in halfway through the... I think we got some footage of the trial, and you can actually see the jury. Go ahead. Look at them, all white.
Starting point is 00:09:02 All white libs. After a two-week trial and more than a day of deliberations, the jury found that special counsel John Durham's team had not proven beyond a reasonable, yeah, my sister's ass, reasonable doubt that the Sussman statement was a lie and that he was in fact working on behalf of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and technology executive Rodney Joffe when he brought two thumb drives and a white paper
Starting point is 00:09:29 alleging a Trump-Russia connection. Fuck you and fuck you! Who's next? Of course he was. He admitted it. It's a text. I shouldn't say admit it. It's in a text. But see, there's no more,
Starting point is 00:09:47 and you guys already know this, there's no more equal justice under the law unless you're a fucking Democrat. You walk away scot-free, especially a high-profile one. Sussman was charged with one count of making a false statement to the FBI during his meeting with then-FBI General Counsel
Starting point is 00:10:03 James Baker on September 19, 2016. I wonder how he votes. Look at that pencil neck. In remarks following the verdict, Sussman said that he had been falsely accused. You're a lying, motherless fuckstain. This is the best part. He gets to come out and, you know. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Let the dink talk. Good afternoon. I have a few thoughts to share now that the trial has ended. First, I told the truth to the FBI, and the jury clearly recognized that with their unanimous verdict today. Shut up. I'm grateful to the members of the jury for their careful and thoughtful service. I bet you are. Your kid goes to school with one of the kids guy on the jury.
Starting point is 00:10:49 How's that fucking? Two of the, anyways, the jury included one federal government employee, okay, listen to this, who told the judge they donated to Democrats in 2016, and another government employee told the judge they strongly dislike former President Trump.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So wouldn't that, aren't you supposed to rule them out? Yeah. Isn't that why you take that pre-test, see? That's not how it works. Republicans wake up, do you understand?
Starting point is 00:11:18 These fuckers are playing with no rules and you guys are still trying to play, that's why you're getting steamrolled. If you're not even part of it, I don't even know anymore. Both of those jurors told the judge they could be impartial throughout the trial. What do you think the judge was?
Starting point is 00:11:39 A fucking right winger? The jury also included a teacher, an illustrator, a mechanic, and more. One juror had a child who was on the same high school sports team as Sussman's kid. Kid probably ate over their house, for Christ's sake. Oh, Republicans, you better start cheating and cheating fast. The overwhelming majority of jurors selected told Cooper that they had not heard of the case prior to jury. Yeah, living in a fucking vacuum.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Durham's team presented billing records dated beginning on July 29, 2016, and through October of 2016, revealing Sussman repeatedly billed the Clinton campaign for the work on the Alpha Bank opposition research against Trump. But that's, that's like when they say on the election, you know, oh, that's, those are unsubstantiated claims. It's only in writing. Fucking judge ought to be fucking, you know what, that's right. The government, during closing arguments, reminded jurors that, hey, we run the show,
Starting point is 00:12:57 you motherless fucks, you do what we say. Reminded jurors of a key text message Sussman sent to Baker on the night before his FBI meeting on September 19, 2016. Durham's team alleged Sussman put his lie in writing in September.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Alleged? It's either in writing or it's not. September 18, 2016 to Baker. Durham issued a terse statement expressing his office's disappointment. He came out and said this. Sounded black. While we are disappointed
Starting point is 00:13:32 How does he say this? He's been working on it for how many years? While we are disappointed in the outcome, we respect the jury's decision. You have to be nice, I guess, because you'll never get more work. We respect the jury's decision. Do you really? So they were right? And thanked them for their services, Durham said. Then he took a big watery dump and kicked it into the...
Starting point is 00:13:52 I also want to recognize and thank the investigators. Oh, Jesus. The prosecution team for their dedicated efforts in seeking the truth and justice in this case. And the... whatever, fucking Coors Light truck. Folks, it's actually like Monday for me. I got no idea what I'm talking about. So that's all you got to know about that, okay? Bunch of lib people on the jury.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Remember Virginia used to be red? I think it was Virginia where they got them. Didn't it say that? You know, what are the odds any judge today leans right in his politics? I mean, you got to go to Yale or fucking Harvard to begin with. Not too many judges from DeVry.
Starting point is 00:14:47 He's an HVAC guy. So, yeah. You believe that shit? It's just so ridiculous. I agree. All right. Let's move on from that tainted case to Biden's blacks are bolting or bouncing,
Starting point is 00:15:08 which is the term John Gotti used to use. Hey, say I'm going to go bouncing tonight. More than 20 black White House aides, you hear that? More than 20, 20 black White House aides have departed the Biden administration since last year. An exodus some have dubbed Blacksit. I don't know who came up. Blacksit. I think Candace Owen took credit for that one.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I think that's what they said. According to a new report. So, yeah, all crying racism. Now you're finding out the truth, aren't you, black people? And Mr. Joe Rogan, who I love, by the way, I'm just saying. Everybody's waking up to Bill Maher's of the world.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Making fun of us all this time. See you, Joe Biden. We're going elsewhere. Maybe to the Republican side Biden. We're going elsewhere. Maybe to the Republican side now. We're here and we're doing a lot of work. This is one of the black people that left.
Starting point is 00:16:12 But we're not decision makers. And there's no real path towards becoming decision makers. Once current staffers, one current staffer told the outlet, there's no real feedback and there's no clear path to any kind of um promotions oh for you so you so what you're saying is a black person that they hired you and a bunch of black people as staff so it looked great but they really didn't have any plans for you other than go look look how many black people on the they used you. Uncle Dirty Joe from the Democrat original slave party, Jim Crow party, used you. And they have been for about, I don't know, a couple hundred years. A couple hundred years, the college had been used by the Joe Bidens. They brought in a ton of black people generally to start without ever establishing an infrastructure to retain them or help them be successful.
Starting point is 00:17:11 In all fairness, I don't think that's Joe's job to make you successful. You know what I'm saying? None of the staffers positions in any administration are ever meant to move on beyond that point anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Technically, yeah. on beyond that point anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Technically, yeah. What happens is if you're a spokesman or whatever, if you get on TV enough, eventually maybe Fox News makes a bid or in this case MSNBC, CBS or whatever. But yeah, what do you think? You're moving up at Arby's? I don't fucking...
Starting point is 00:17:39 Another current official said, if there's no clear infrastructure of how to be successful, you become just as invisible in this space than you would be if you were not at it. Some people have not had the best experiences, and a lot of that has to do with the death of black leadership, a former official agreed.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Isn't the vice president black? No. No, she isn't, actually. She's a fucking phony. Jamaican and fucking Indian is what she is. I'm trying to think of a great black... Gene Upshaw used to play for the Raiders and he ran the NFL Union.
Starting point is 00:18:18 That was leadership. Dusty Baker. Anyways. Think about any workplace, this guy Baker. Uh, anyways. Think about any workplace, this guy says. Black folks need some person to go to to strategize and be a mentor. No, you don't. See, that's...
Starting point is 00:18:35 No, you don't. What are you... Don't talk about yourself like you're from another planet. See, we gotta get over this shit. So you can't work anywhere where there's not another black person working there. I hate to break it to you, but you're 13% of the population. We just don't have as many folks who can be mentors to us. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:19:10 When I was selling meat, I didn't have a mentor, door to door. When I was a barback, I didn't have a mentor. I learned on the job. Yeah, but you was white. It's knocking on doors. I used to say to the house lights, you want to see my meat? Then go get out of here. slice. You want to see my meat? Then go get out of here. We had this sales guy, John Hickey. He'd been doing it for like 25 years. Ex-Vietnam, you know, Vietnam vet. Pink face,
Starting point is 00:19:35 drinks 24 hours a day. Almost looked like Bonnie Rubble. This would be his opening line when he knocked on a door. Somebody comes to the door, he goes, do you like a good steak? Before they can even answer, he's walking back to the truck. He trained me one week. I was belly laughing. Do you like a good steak? I'll be right back. The fucking lady's like, aye, aye.
Starting point is 00:19:54 He gets in the door. The first departure of a top black official from the administration came in December when VP Kamala Harris's senior advisor and chief spokesperson, Simone Sanders, otherwise known as a young Reggie White, left to take a hosting gig with MSNBC. Harris, chief of staff, Tina Flournoy, communications director, Ashley Entien,
Starting point is 00:20:21 public engagement. These are all people that left, haven't seen a straight woman yet. Engagement chief Vincent Evans, as well as House of Public Engagement head Cedric Richmond, or Cedric, have since joined the rush for the exit. Other Black White House staffers to depart include a public engagement aide, Carissa Smith, gender policy aide, Kalisha DeSauce's figures, Carissa Smith, gender policy aid, Kalisha DeSauce's figures, National Security Council Senior Director Linda Edom, Digital Engagement Director Cameron Trimble, Associate Council Fumi Olorupi Ngamunga Badejo, Advisor to the Chief of Staff Elizabeth Wilkins, Nayet Mulegeta, you can't have a name like that work the way. Natalie Austin. National Economic Council aides,
Starting point is 00:21:08 Joelle Gamble and Connor Maxwell. And presidential personnel aides, Danielle Okai, Reggie Greer, and Ray Sean Dyson. All those people said, Joe, you know what? Bye-bye. Let's, we actually have,
Starting point is 00:21:24 they all quit at once. Watch this. They're coming out of fucking Joe's office, what? Bye-bye. Let's, we actually have, they all quit at once. Watch this. They're coming out of fucking Joe's office, breaking the whole place down. Black Friday. They're getting away from Joe. Look at, what's Jay Leno doing in the middle? Did you see Leno? Slow it down, fellas. There we go. Look at, what's Jay Leno doing in the middle? Did you see Leno? Slow it down, fellas.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Look at Jay. Hey, what are you doing? I'll show you my cars. Jay, I love you. You know that, by the way. I always make fun of you. I ate a whole jar of Kalmata olives last night.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Dude. Huh? You love them, don't you? Enough salt in those? So I do that. I ate healthy at dinner, honestly. Just ate a little bit. And what happens?
Starting point is 00:22:16 Nick loses his mind after 10 o'clock. I turn into a fucking Wolverine. 10 o'clock. This was around midnight. Watching the fucking Rangers game I recorded. I have four Pop-Tarts with peanut butter on the side that doesn't have icing.
Starting point is 00:22:34 What is that? That shit you see on my 10-pound life. Are you pregnant? Yes. I had a jar of pickles right after the Pop-Tarts. I don't know, but you know what? I'm very nauseous. By the way, me and the wife have long COVID. There's no getting around it. Did I talk about the blood blister? I did, right? On my tongue and shit. That's still, the dentist got nervous
Starting point is 00:22:56 about it because my sister had tongue cancer. But there's something called COVID tongue. Google it. My wife's got all these bumps on her tongue. I sweat through the sheets still, and I'm exhausted. I haven't worked out in my little gym right here in, what, 10, 12 days. I am bone-weary after I do this. You should have seen us at the wedding. Everybody else was dancing. We were sitting there.
Starting point is 00:23:22 But what made me... There are white niggers. I haven't seen a lot of white niggers in my time. In our RTR segment, Reverse the Races, tonight, Emerson College has a tradition of warmly welcoming racially divisive administrators. Why don't you say black racially divisive? Because if you just say racially divisive, everybody will assume.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Only a few months after promoting a professor who said blacks and whites can't be friends and divorced her husband because of his race. I just want you to think of a white person saying that. Because they used to say it.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And they were called ignorant and shit. So black people, you can admit, either you're as ignorant, not all black people, and shit. So black people, you're going to admit, either you're as ignorant, not all black people, these black people at this college, you're going to admit you're as ignorant as George Wallace, or you're going to admit he was right. So she left her husband because he was white. Emerson College is now nominated.
Starting point is 00:24:20 That wasn't enough. Shia Gregory Poku, another outside linebacker from Texas State, as the school's new vice president for equity. I just love the irony of the title for equity and social justice. She couldn't be more of a anti-white racist. She's a malignant cunt. All right. You don't have to go for that fuck. Even though Poku received an award named after MLK Jr., her ideology opposes everything
Starting point is 00:24:49 King stood for. Poku's manual, get this, says parents should instruct their children to acknowledge and celebrate differences in appearance and to describe people referring to their racial backgrounds. So we've gone from they've been been preaching to us, white liberals, blacks,
Starting point is 00:25:09 to be colorblind, a colorblind society. That was the goal. As you know, Martin Luther King, content your character. Nothing to do with how you were born. We were finally getting to that. And along comes ignorant people like this. In Emerson College, ignorant white liberals hiring people like this because they can't get to sleep at night with a white liberal.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Why anybody would send your kid to any college? The manual also tells parents, listen to this, they should prevent their kids from socializing with other children who are being raised to have and perpetuate false and decrepit ideas. Meaning white kids. I don't know. It seems white kids are as fucked up as they are still doing better than young black kids. You know why?
Starting point is 00:25:54 Because not all of them. A lot of illegitimate white, but not 78%. So you're just a racist. You hate white people. Just come out and say it. Air it out. You guys love the truth. Who are you guys?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Who are you talking about? You guys. You know God damn right. Poku says there should be educational interventions against those children. Can you imagine this ignorant? Who gives a fuck what you think? I want to hear from you. The only time I want to hear from you is when we put in the dime package.
Starting point is 00:26:27 On a third and large. You got to work on that swim move, bitch. According to Poku's manual, race should play a factor. Listen to this. Not only in the people you surround yourself with, could you be any more racist, but also in the businesses you support. What she's saying is, and she thinks she's full of people, black people, I hang around
Starting point is 00:26:49 white people, and only go to black-owned businesses. That'll give you two stores to choose from. To escape the white bubble, people shall patronize businesses owned by people of color. By the way, fucking white is a color. I'm actually kind of brownish myself. Where should I shop? Where I always do, the dollar store, Mother's Day. Hey, have
Starting point is 00:27:15 a whistle. And buy less, listen, and buy less at white-owned businesses, the manual says. Just picture a white woman saying, don't hang out with black people, and don't shop at their stores. They're full of decrepit ideas. Their kids are drug addicts. You see, they murder each other. They fill prisons. They're not good people. Just picture that. It's basically what she's saying. In the manual, Poku also claims kids should learn about racial hierarchy. In other words, teach them that they don't have a chance. Let that hate build. Racial hierarchy. And instructs parents to tell their children at a very young age that the world is unfair.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Meritocracy is a myth. Well, by you getting hired here, it sure fucking proves it is. Meritocracy is a myth and that their efforts might not be rewarded. That's what she's saying to teach the kids. And you wonder why they grow up angry and fucking look at white people. I fucking black babies in strollers look at me like I'm an asshole.
Starting point is 00:28:17 You're an ignorant fat fucking nasty pig. Similar to the new vice president for equity and social justice and and that's her title but emerson president william gilligan let me guess there he goes there you go bill gilligan filled with white fucking guilt recently nominated racial divisive professor Kim McLaren to be the college's dean of graduate
Starting point is 00:28:51 and professional studies. Here she is seen in her I hate whitey shirt with the African colors. That is an ugly shirt. McLaren who is known for her racially divisive rhetoric. Imagine this white guy. I'd like to sit down with Bill Gilligan. I go, what the fuck happened to you that you're such a fuck and you carry all this guilt? It was his education. That's how far back it goes.
Starting point is 00:29:14 McLaren, who's known for her racially divisive rhetoric and very loud shirts, wrote an article for the Washington Post entitled, Can Black Women and White Women Be True Friends? Again, even if a white woman put that title out there, it should be shunned by every publisher. She claims that black women and white women will never be able to have true friendships.
Starting point is 00:29:37 No, they're ignorant. That's ignorant. Generally speaking, it's not that I dislike white women. Oh, terrific. Generally speaking, it's that I do not trust them you can say that who knows where they're going to take the wrong way
Starting point is 00:29:55 yeah they don't trust white women McLaren wrote without any you know backlash in 2006 McLaren divorced her husband who's white without any, you know, backlash. In 2006, McLaren divorced her husband, who's white. Probably because he gave her that shirt for her birthday. In a New York Times piece she authored, McLaren admits that her ex-husband's race
Starting point is 00:30:21 played a significant role in her decision to end the relationship. He just had a white dick. I couldn't stand it. I like big, thick, black cock. In a piece published a few weeks before her nomination, McLaren fantasized about massacring crowds of white people. This is in writing in a publication, and they hire this twat, publication, and they hire this twat, this racist cunt. If a civil war breaks out, I say, if violent white mobs begin roaming the country as they have done in the past, I remember all those violent white mobs during the fucking, after, you know, the Floyd, all those riots. Remember all the white people, these threatening people in suburbs, breaking into stores and burning down buildings. Remember those mobs, all those white people? You're a fucking ignorant. Have done in the past. She goes, I will not worry about precision
Starting point is 00:31:18 shooting. I intend to sit on my porch with my legally acquired handgun and as much ammunition as I have and perhaps a bottle of scotch. Good hire, by the way, by the college. Good hire. She has said this shit in public, yet you still hired her. You should hang him, the fucking dean, first. And then take them as they come, meaning white people. I don't know what you're smiling at, watermelon. Exactly. Hey, what? Come on now. Bill Gilligan and Emerson College did not reply to requests for comment. Oh, they didn't? Really? They chickened out?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Bill, you're sad. You're sad. And there's millions just like him. Just PC. All for censorship of the right. Which brings me to my next story. Joe Rogan, LOD's, excuse me, I was going to say the NFC. Let's see what my mind is. LOD's FNC, Fox News Channel.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Joe Rogan said Fox News Channel and other conservative personalities in media outlets offered him support when he was coming under attack from the far left for interviewing vaccine skeptics on a Spotify podcast. So good for him. You're going to eat lightning and you're going to drop thunder. During an interview with fellow comedian Fahim Anwar, Rogan recalled the recent incident in which a Los Angeles man rushed to the stage and attacked Chappelle while he was performing at the Hollywood Bowl earlier this month. The alleged assailant, Isaiah Lee, said he was triggered by Chappelle's jokes about transgender and homeless people. Please give me a call.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Reagan, uh, Reagan. Reagan on Tuesday. Will, I like UFC fighting and will. Rogan on Tuesday lamented the fact that it was once liberals who approved free speech. When was that? I mean, it was true, but what are you going to go back, four decades? Where have they fucking been? And open to other people's ideas.
Starting point is 00:33:19 He said that in years past, it was the right that was acting like a suppressive nanny state, condemning certain behaviors. That's not the case. Again, in the 50s, when the Christian right had some juice. Today, the left has gone so far left, so radical, that the right of the one celebrating comedians, celebrating Chappelle Rogan, said, yeah. Yes, sir. The podcaster said it was ironic that he was being backed by the right, considering that he holds liberal views.
Starting point is 00:33:48 No, it's not, Joe. Because, see, that's where the right differs from the left. Because, and I guess at one point, you're right, liberals did have an open mind. But it's been a long time that the right has been, for the last, I don't know how many years, has been open to guys like you. You know what I mean? You won the culture wars. The Libs won the culture wars. You know?
Starting point is 00:34:13 He says, I'm so, he goes, I'm so liberal, I talk about it all the time, Rogan said. And he is. I remember him telling me, I think his parents are kind of hippie-ish. I think he told me that. And Newton is a very liberal Boston place. I am not a conservative. Either am I, by the way. You know, Colin Quinn gets called it. I get called it. And eventually you just give up. You don't have to explain it again and again. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:39 Joe says, I am not a conservative, but I am pro-Second Amendment, and I am a hunter, and I am cage-fighting commentator. I drink and I smoke cigars, and I like to bow hunt. I hate to break it to you, Joe, but you sound like a Republican. No, I know what he means. Smokes cigars, bow hunter. I know he loves his red meat. I know what he means. But, you know, as far as pot smoking and shit,
Starting point is 00:35:16 and, you know, real conservatives, shit the, you know, get nervous about legalizing pot. You know what I mean? I'm sure he's not like a pro lifer so um but i hate to joe you you gotta admit it you're coming towards the light you can't handle the truth rogan said the pandemic opened my eyes to human nature especially after people who receive stimulus checks and unemployment insurance from the government were reluctant to find work once the lockdowns were lifted well that's been going on
Starting point is 00:35:52 since we invented welfare so again but he's been a very successful guy and and he admits like i admit you're not experts at every uhet. But so Joe's for free. My only question to Joe, and he's never going to hear this. I don't know what happened where my special came out. I think I've talked about this before. Breath of Fresh Air a few years ago. And I told you on the cover, I accidentally, I picked a black stock picture, it said, and put a black guy in the, you know, it's a black
Starting point is 00:36:25 Indian, whatever, feminist yelling at me on whatever. And the black person happened to be one of the BLM founders or whatever. And it was a big controversy. And it wasn't done intentionally. That's why I took it off and replaced it with a, you know what I mean? Because that wasn't my intention. If it was and they said, you've got to change that, I'd go, fuck you. But it wasn't my intention.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And Joe weighed in. He texted me. He said, dude, yeah, take that. And then my special came out. That was before the special came out. And I haven't talked to Joe for a while. You know? Look. He's in a stratosphere of money and Spotify,
Starting point is 00:37:09 so maybe I'm a danger, you know? He's afraid I'm that whatever. But he's out there saying, you know, you should be able to say anything you want. I could be all wrong about this. Maybe I'll get his number tomorrow. I don't know. But I'm just surprised because I've been on there three or four times,
Starting point is 00:37:28 and he said, I'll open this place any time you come out here. So I don't know. Maybe he's just playing it safe like Billy Bird did. Tells me he's going to put me on his podcast twice while I'm out there. Last second, cancels me twice. Anyways, let's get back to it. Here's something that I know Joe Rogan would love. Quarterback blunt celebration.
Starting point is 00:37:51 This one made me laugh, man. Fan-controlled football What is fan-controlled football? Fan-controlled football quarterback Jason Stewart has been cut by the Zappers. No, not the Zappers.
Starting point is 00:38:07 For smoking a joint during, get this, folks, not on the bench, during a touchdown celebration. This is one of my favorite stories ever. Last week, Stewart lit up what appeared to be a joint on the field and yelled, blaze up, my friends, blaze up. Although the FCF does not test for marijuana and fully supports players' responsible use of cannabis, the league said in a statement, Stewart's smoky celebration occurred in Georgia where marijuana is a no-no still. So first of all, he throws a nice ball. Check this out. First of all, he throws a nice ball.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Check this out. That's a dart. Smoke in that glacier pack. You are a legend. That's that glacier pack. Stay Stay up, my friends. Stay up. Hey, everybody. We're all going to get laid.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I'm not crazy. I just don't give a fuck. What? I don't know how to feel about that. But can I just make a prediction? You don't think that's going to happen this year in the NFL? Are you shitting me? How about he had weed in his little pouch out on the field?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Oh, that's priceless. That is. I don't care if it's a fucking league that nobody knows about. I don't care. He's still playing football with pads on and representing a team. Crazy, man. In a separate video on Twitter, Stewart said,
Starting point is 00:39:50 plants over pills. That's the new catchy phrase. Explaining, I did it for a reason. If an athlete scores and goes to drink a beer, it's okay. Well, who's done that? Not on the field, son. But heaven forbid we hit the gas.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I like that. Hit the gas. Come on, let's think about it, he said. And what are the odds it was a white quarterback? And now you're going to say, well, there's more white quarterback. So your argument's moot, Nick. No, I'm just saying. I would expect that a brother.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Stewart appeared. No, Nick, that's racist. No, it's not. The brothers love their weed, and they're not shy I would expect that a brother. Stewart appeared. Oh, Nick, that's racist. No, it's not. The brothers love their weed, and they're not shy about it. Shouldn't be. Stewart appeared to hand the joint to form a kicker. Since when do you have a black kicker? What kind of league is this?
Starting point is 00:40:35 Donald Adela Hay, who said, that's crazy shit. It's the craziest shit I've ever seen. I'm really amazed how many supporters. This is with him, the quarterback on Twitter. I'm really amazed how many supporters, this is with him, the quarterback on Twitter, I'm amazed by how many supporters there have been throughout this process, wrote Stewart, who played college football at Memphis.
Starting point is 00:40:54 The love has been incredible. Don't feel bad about me getting cut. I'm doing just fine in life off the field, which made me like him. I hadn't played in six years. Started four games, was the MVP of three. Was a blessing to play games. Was the MVP of three. Was a blessing to play again. Now light up, bitches.
Starting point is 00:41:10 What's the world coming to? So fan-controlled football is an indoor league controlled by fans. They essentially vote on the play in real time that gets selected. Now it makes sense. Oh my God. Oh Jesus. That's interesting. I didn't know that existed, did you? You know what we should do?
Starting point is 00:41:36 Eventually. You put them on little electric platforms and they vibrate them. But real players. Remember that? Do you remember that? I can't tell you how many times my guy running back would go through the line, break away.
Starting point is 00:41:55 He's going for a 90-yard run. He gets down to the five and makes a hard right out of bounds. Fucking final story tonight. In Doctrine Nation, a Wake County teacher has resigned amid the controversy over the use of LGBTQ-themed flashcards in her preschool classroom. That's when you gotta get them,
Starting point is 00:42:16 when they're young. It's almost like subliminal messages. What's two times three? Suck a dick. Can you imagine that? Rainbow-colored with a pregnant guy painted on the fucking... That's right. See ya. The preschool teacher, who was not immediately identified, why not,
Starting point is 00:42:35 by the Wake County school system, resigned from Ballantyne Elementary School in Fuquay, Verena on Friday. I don't even recognize my... Is this my country? I know. Huh? Are they talking about U.S.? What the fuck is that? Fuquay Verena.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Have you had the Fuquay Verena? Oh, goodness. On Friday, according to Lisa Luton... Oh, God. Lisa's Luton. A district spokeswoman. Some critics on social media had demanded that the teacher be fired,
Starting point is 00:43:05 but a parent in that special needs preschool class praised the teacher as being a caring educator. You're probably fucking sleeping with her, chowing on her. Look at this flash card. There you go. She is an amazing teacher who has worked tirelessly in an unpredictable school year to provide a safe, loving, and inclusive indoctrination room. I mean, classroom for our children to grow. Jackie, I'm a stupid bitch Malazzo, whose child is in preschool class, said in an interview.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Good parent. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. Guarantees a liberal is a day long. The issue came to light on Friday when North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore issued a press release saying Rep. Aaron Paré was contacted by a constituent
Starting point is 00:43:59 that flashcards were being used to teach colors to children in preschool class of Ballantine. What a time. Both Republican lawmakers focused on one flashcard, saying it showed a pregnant man. The flashcard shows a drawing of a pregnant person with short hair. A lot of loving families come in all different shapes and sizes, and thank goodness for that, Paré said in an interview Tuesday on Fox News. That's faggot stuff. You want to call it by its name, that's strictly for fags. Kids need loving families right now more than anything else. But I think when you're looking at a card, this is Mrs. Paré saying it,
Starting point is 00:44:36 in front of a preschooler that has a mummy hugging a daddy with a baby in his belly, that's just not age-appropriate material to be shown preschoolers, and I'm glad that this principal and the district acted immediately. Paray contacted the principal who had the flashcards removed. In a statement Friday, the district said the principal did not know the cards were being used. Wake, which is North Carolina's largest school district, also said the flashcards were not part of an approved pre-kindergarten curriculum and called them inappropriate instructional resource found in a preschool classroom. So that teacher B, bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Bye-bye, dickhead. Oh, that reminded me. We lost the great fucking Ray Liotta while we were gone, right? No, I have it in the middle of the show. You addressed him. Dallas was almost sheepish about that. No, stupid. He's like, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:37 No, that was about a month ago. I thought I saw him. Sorry, I forgot that. But every time I hear that now, do you understand? That's what the cop said to him when they were fucking arresting him. That's what God said when he took him in his sleep. Guy was an orphan, you know. He was adopted.
Starting point is 00:46:02 All right, Ray. Rest in peace, buddy. You did some nice work down here. Say hi to Gandolfini for me. And Frank Vinson. Who else? That is it for today, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Right here. My tongue still hurts. COVID tongue. Gonna go home. As you know, I'm not a big napper I wasn't I laid down at like 4 o'clock my wife's shaking me at 7 and then I sleep I stay up till again I record you know
Starting point is 00:46:37 nine hockey games and I watch vaginal exams on YouTube in between what a night bag of Cheetos. That's it. Don't forget to sign up monthly at Nick, excuse me, at,,
Starting point is 00:46:55 and go to, and check out my tour dates or whatever. Purchase, hit the merchandise button. also. if you'd like me to roast a friend or whatever. Purchase. Hit the merchandise button. also. If you'd like me to roast a friend or relative, go to Click on my profile.
Starting point is 00:47:12 They'll explain how it's done. That's it. You guys think it? I'll say it. You're very welcome. See you back here tomorrow at the same time. Have a good day. guitar solo guitar solo Thanks for watching!

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