The Nick DiPaolo Show - Big Tech Bails out Biden | Nick Di Paolo Show #428

Episode Date: October 15, 2020

Twitter and Facebook slow the spread of damning NY Post story. Biden denies it all. Russia hoax develops, implicating McCabe....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Shop with Rakuten and you'll get it. What's it? It's the best deal, the highest cash back, the most savings on your shopping. So join Rakuten and start getting cash back at Sephora, Old Navy, Expedia, and other stores you love. You can even stack sales on top of cash back. Just start your shopping with Rakuten to save money at over 750 stores. Join for free at or get the Rakuten app. That's R-A-K-U-T-E-N. Oh, yeah. How you doing, folks? Thursday, last day of the week for us. How y'all doing?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Right here, a great friend of mine. He's been selling out theaters all over the world. Right now we have him on a video coming live from Japan. Please welcome this half-a-fag, Wayne Newton. Though April showers may come your way My hair says I am gay So if you're looking to lick a ball bag Because it isn't raining, rain, you know
Starting point is 00:02:01 It's raining by a less. So if you see clouds above the hills, you soon will see clouds of motherfucking daffodils. So keep
Starting point is 00:02:20 on looking for that ball bag in the sauna room. Everybody swallows gobbledygook. Hey! April showers may come your way. It doesn't mean you're a fag today So if it's raining
Starting point is 00:02:51 I have no regrets Because it isn't raining Jizz, you know It's raining COVID droplets. Hey. Howdy. Up above the hills. Two of the crowds.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Up to the fucking hills. Looking for that fruitcake. Who's wearing some dress? Ever. Go shower. Come along. Hit it, you fucking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Zing, zang, zang. Whenever she clouds. All the hell. It's so when she cries. I like a pickle, especially dill. People looking for a new bar. Alice in Wonderland. Whenever people shower.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Come along. Whenever people shower. April showers come along. And have a April showers time. Come along. Right there, Wayne Newton, fresh from Tokyo. That's right, he zoomed into the show. Nobody knows, guy or girl, doesn't matter. He'll really sing that tune. How you doing, folks?
Starting point is 00:04:35 Hadn't played that in a while, and since we're on Patreon, we're allowed to, we won't get flagged, I guess. I don't know how it works. These people are censoring everybody. I mean everybody. I mean everybody. I mean everybody Though a profile That's a good song
Starting point is 00:05:00 No, what is it that's Vegas music I don't want to hear another goddamn thing about it fuckface Mr. DePaulo no one could be as nasty as as as you pretend to be unless they really wanted to be disliked. That's your opinion, Bob. How are you, folks? Good to be with you. Hey, guys. I want to thank all of you on Patreon who have continued to support me and the show. I mean, you know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:05:20 They're busting balls here. Big tech. I love all my fans, but you guys really are the best, the most loyal. You're the glue that has kept this thing going. And I promise you, right here and now, I'm going to keep going. What else am I going to do? Become a dentist? Huh? Fucking golf?
Starting point is 00:05:38 I have no other skills. Let's be honest. Last week, I talked to you about how COVID is being used for political purposes. And we all know it is. But, you know, I said it. us last week i talked to you about how covid is uh being used for political purposes and uh we all know it is but i you know i said it so did a doctor's an epidemiologist and uh wouldn't you know youtube decided that protecting the world health organization was more important than protecting the truth and protecting the first amendment and they shut my channel down for a week. It's like a timeout.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I'm in the corner crying. They're everything that's fucking wrong with this country. What do you mean, Nick? Well, fucking anybody who votes left. Can I make it any clearer? A vote for the fucking Biden and Harris ticket is a vote for fucking censorship, communism we're going to talk about on the show. It's really getting fucking kind of creepy.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You know what, though? I'm not going to get angry. I'm just going to fucking punch the first kid I see in a stroller at the mall today. I'm not going to play victim like a bunch of bitches. Oh, Louis showed his dick to me. Now I'm traumatized. I'm going to keep going and keep growing, as they say in the Viagra business. We will do the show right here
Starting point is 00:06:47 on Patreon only this week. The next week, okay, next week I'm going to announce my own platform. Okay? I'll be like Ross Perot. You're people. It'll be 100% free
Starting point is 00:07:00 to the people, completely uncensored, and it will be home for comedians who have the balls to tell the truth and viewers who want to hear and see it. Stay tuned for that next week, will you? That's a big goddamn deal. In the meantime, though, again, thank you so much for supporting the show
Starting point is 00:07:20 through Patreon and other means. You really are the ones who make all this happen. on the show through Patreon and other means. You really are the ones who make all this happen. Though April's shot, that's going to be stuck in my dirty, filthy head for the next goddamn year and a half now. Why did I do that? Why? Why did I do that?
Starting point is 00:07:38 Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for the sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Chief. Mayor. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get right to it. Here's the guy that supposedly is winning in the polls to become the president of the United States, to be the most powerful man on the planet. And if this clip, I guess this happened a a couple i don't know how we missed this we love to open with biden just being biden but this was like a guy imitating an old guy being distracted by something it's like a three-year-old who sees something shiny
Starting point is 00:08:37 but this could be anybody's grandfather or uncle just this. And here comes the train that he tried to make sure didn't continue to run. What? That's the commuter. All right. No. That's what. But, folks, look. I think your brain is going south.
Starting point is 00:09:01 You know you're a fucking mumbling, stuttering little fuck. You know that? I'm still not sure he's not acting. Oh, there goes the train. The thing they try to keep in. Well, there, you know. Oh, look at it.
Starting point is 00:09:15 There's a canoe and a couple of... Oh, there's an Indian. Oh, my God. I love vanilla ice cream. What? Shoes? Huh? Think about it.
Starting point is 00:09:24 This fucking guy's going to have his finger on the button, and I'm not talking about his fucking medical alert bracelet. How in Christ's creation, it's almost the most cynical thing ever in political history that they
Starting point is 00:09:39 put him up to be the, it's a big fuck you to the people. Going, we know he's not capable. You know he's not capable. But everybody else is too far left. So we're going to put him out there, and you're going to vote for him. Because we have the mainstream media on our side. We have big tech on our side.
Starting point is 00:09:59 We have Hollywood on our side. Oh my, huh? What's that? Ha! Talk about it. What? Hollywood on our side? Oh my, huh? What's that? Ha! Talk both. You gotta be shitting your pants, folks, a little bit. Just a little bit, aren't ya?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Anyways, why is he relevant? Well, as I told you yesterday, they uncovered a bunch of shat, right? Big story about Hunter's computer and all these e-mails, you know, referring to his dad as my guide going over to Hunter, introduced him to some big shots at Burisma and the Ukraine, you know, the whole thing, right? And we talked about it.
Starting point is 00:10:41 But, you know, New York Post broke the story, and both Twitter and Facebook took extraordinary censorship measures against the New York Post on Wednesday over its expose about Hunter Biden's emails and leveled baseless accusations that the reports used hacked. They said hacked material. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, they did. No, no, no, no, no, no. They certainly did. It wasn't hacked. The computer was left at a store, and nobody went to pick it up.
Starting point is 00:11:11 So I guess it becomes possession of the guy who owns the store, and he went through the e-mails and shit. Nobody hacked anything. So that's lie number one. The Post's primary Twitter accounts were locked as of 2.20 yesterday because its articles about the messages obtained from Biden's laptop broke the social network's rules against distribution of hacked material. They sent an email, Twitter did, to the Post. Absolute horseshit. Twitter also blocked users from sharing the link to the Post article,
Starting point is 00:11:49 indicating that Hunter Biden introduced Biden, Joe, to the Ukrainian businessman, calling the link, listen to this, potentially harmful. How so? What? Literally saying that, hey, the truth is harmful. Do you know the impact of this, guys?
Starting point is 00:12:09 New York Post is like a major paper, and big tech is shutting it down because they don't like what they're posting about the guy they want to win. That goes on in Russia, China. You know, I was thinking about Putin, how he poisons journalists who hate him, and I said, that's such an evil thing. I was like, wait a minute, wouldn't you like to see Don Lemon? Somebody slip some fucking cyanide into his AIDS cocktail that he takes in the morning. Though April flowers.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Here's what Twitter had to say. In line with our hacked materials policy, as well as our approach to blocking URLs, we are taking action to block any links to or images of the material in question on Twitter. Twitter spokesman told The Post. Do you fucking believe this? They're evil. Your mother sucks cocks in hell. Not only do your mother, but Jack sucks cock, too.
Starting point is 00:13:04 The company said it took the step because of the lack of authoritative reporting. In other words, where it originated from, on where the materials came from. Really? Does anybody in their right mind believe that? The extraordinary move came after Facebook said it would limit the spread of the Post story on its own platform. The social network added that the story would be eligible for review by
Starting point is 00:13:32 independent fact-checkers. Talk to your mother! Independent fact-checkers. Oh yeah, what are you, flying it out to a Pricewaterhouse? Is that a declaring house? Or whatever it's called. Independent fact-checkers.
Starting point is 00:13:50 These fuckers wouldn't know independent if it bit them in the tits. Do you understand that? They are so ensconced in their little liberal bubble world, and they fucking hate you and me so goddamn much, and I gotta believe, don't you gotta believe there's a fucking, you know what, a lawsuit coming by the Post? And it'll go to the Supreme Court? And there's no way the Post would lose that?
Starting point is 00:14:14 There's just no goddamn way. Unless we're really, the cancer runs deeper than I thought. U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, he's a Republican from Missouri. I like this guy. He's on Fox a lot. Big chomper teeth. There he is. Look at young kid.
Starting point is 00:14:30 He fucking, I like, you know, I like Missouri, Kansas, those guys. He fired off letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday demanding answers about why the platform censored the New York Post reporting. So there's a senator at least pushing back a little bit. I can't wait to hear what the answer, you're going to get the same answer that we got, right? Look at the jerk off of his mask in the background. Holly's trying to hide him, he's so embarrassed. There's two guys with masks. We're going to look back on this, folks.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You know, in a few years when you watch like nfl highlights you're gonna be going what what the fuck the referee has a mask on the coach what went on and the answer is china china did you guys read my tweet i said uh the covid is the only thing that was made in China that didn't break in a week. Hannity couldn't have thought of that in a thousand years or anybody else. I don't even know how it did on Twitter because my manager won't let me on Twitter because I spent the last, about a year ago, I was saying Jack Dorsey about nine. I got a hand and I'm still on there. I call them a goo gobbler, a fucking anything you, you know, anyways, like a little child.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Get a few drinks of me. Jack Dorsey, speaking of the devil, responded to the Twitter censoring. There he is with his goo gobbler beard catcher. Catches all the jizz and bop. Twitter CEO Jack. I suck cock and I love it. Dorsey. Says we want to provide much needed clarity around the actions we've taken with respect to the New York Post articles that were first tweeted this morning.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Our communication around our actions on the New York Post article was not great. You see what he's saying? He's not apologizing for what they did. He's apologizing that we didn't make it clear why we did it. So that's not really an apology in my humble opinion. He says it was not great, admitted Dorsey, and blocking URL sharing by a tweet or DM with zero context as to why we're blocking it is unacceptable, he said. You are correct, sir. It's possible that Twitter's purge of the New York Post story, which exceeded even Facebook censorship, that's hard to do.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Facebook just reduced the distribution, as they say, of the post story instead of locking accounts and banning links. And Twitter says this was not driven by Jack Dorsey himself. Well, of course not. It was driven by people who work for him. We have a picture of his company going to work. Not a picture, a clip, actually. There they go. Fucking high-stepping it.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Sources at Twitter have suggested, you'll have to edit that, by the way. Sources at Twitter have suggested individuals directly below the CEO, you know, right below Dorsey, you know what I'm saying? What, under his desk? Licking the CEO. You know, right below Dorsey. You know what I'm saying? What, under his desk? Licking the bag.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Directly below him. In particular, Trust and Safety Vice President Del Harvey and Vijaya Gad. That's an Indian broad. They're the ones who did this. You can't handle the truth! You can't handle the truth. Also, a member of the trust and safety team as the main agitators for pushing draconian censorship at the Silicon Valley giant.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Ooh, good writing there. Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-duh. This is serious, folks. Do you fucking believe? It's one thing to censor me, but a major publication like a paper? That's very Chinese of them. And which makes sense because these
Starting point is 00:18:29 big tech people, right? Google works with China to censor Chinese people. How the fuck can't you vote for Trump at this point? Or are you for that? that. In a series of tweets, at Twitter, safety attempted to explain the company's behavior. We want to provide much needed clarity after we were scolded by our Hitler buff around the actions we're taking with respect to two New York Post articles that were first tweeted this morning. The images contained
Starting point is 00:19:12 in the articles included personal and private information like email addresses and phone numbers, which violate our rules. I've had enough. Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. Yeah, but it wasn't hacked. So your rules go out the window, okay? As noted this morning, we also currently view materials included in the article as violation of our hacked materials, Paul.
Starting point is 00:19:36 They weren't hacked, okay, cheese dick? You think you know the difference between hacking and not after Russiagate? Hacking is what the fucking somebody did to the DNC server. This guy left a computer at a shop. Nobody picked it up. Possession's nine-tenths of the law, motherfucker. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:19:59 I don't know. I went to law school and I quit. Commentary on or discussion about hacked materials such as articles that cover them but do not include a link to the materials themselves aren't a violation of this policy. Our policy only covers links to or images of hacked material themselves. Dorsey finally issued a public comment on his platform decision to censor what is arguably the two stories that came out of the paper today.
Starting point is 00:20:30 And we can't take any more of this shit. Will you shut up? Will you? Will you please shut up? Will you shut up? Shut up? Shut up? Look, Jack, you run a crooked company, Jack. I sound like Midnight Run when De Niro played Jack. You got the duke, Jack? you run a crooked company, Jack. I sound like Midnight Run when De Niro played, Jack.
Starting point is 00:20:47 You got that duke, Jack? You got him? Yeah, I got him. And now I'm going to fucking let him go. You put Marvin on this, you motherfucker. But Jack Dorsey, let me talk to you from an interesting dude. He sleeps in a hyperbolic chamber and he takes ice baths and he doesn't eat over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:21:06 He just has water and shit. Interesting dude. But also, typical, this is going to be horrible. Here's why gay politicians bother me. They can't keep their left-wing shit. You know what I mean? Talk about bias. You really think
Starting point is 00:21:25 an openly gay dude who owns a giant corporate is going to vote Republican ever? I mean, I know there are some, but with his power, he's got the power.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I mean, Twitter, think about it. Didn't it start off with these exchange funny memes and jokes and shit? Now you got people
Starting point is 00:21:42 in the Middle East fucking aligning armies and certain people bum-rushing footlocker stores. It's really become a mess. And the only thing that can fix it, folks, is what? April showers, they come your way.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Jack fucking Dorsey is so fucking gay. I don't care about his sexuality, but I don't like his, I don't like this fucking, oh, we messed up. I want you to reverse it. Put the put the pumps on
Starting point is 00:22:17 the other foot. Can you imagine for a second, they found shit out about Trump. For a second, you think they'd go, no, his email address is in there. His personal information, we can't put that. Do you really think that? Gobble, gobble, goo.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And speaking of Biden in relation to this story, of course, Biden's campaign, the people that handle him, he was asleep by noon yesterday, they said. He literally called. He went and hid when this shit broke. He called it a day at fucking noontime. He's obviously trying to run out the clock. He's like Princeton back in the fucking 90s when they were in the March Madness tournament. Remember, they just pass the ball around in a square for two hours and run out the clock. And the final score is 11-6.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Anyways, that's what Biden's doing. But anyways, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's campaign said Wednesday in a carefully worded statement, there were no meetings on his official schedule in 2015 with the Burisma board advisor, Vatima Porsarsky. Okay? We actually have audio of him meeting with him. Comrade, here is something that might be of interest to you. A transcript of the conversation between your helicopter pilot and his commander. What a great show this is.
Starting point is 00:23:48 The April showers. Pull my finger. Come on, Diane, pull it. So that was their answer, folks. It wasn't on his official schedule. Okay. So what does that mean? That means he didn't go over there?
Starting point is 00:24:06 What the fuck is going on? Is it the Logan Act? What's the act when a politician makes moves on his own in the name of, like, foreign policy? I don't know if it's the Logan Act or the fucking Flava Flav Act, something like that. But anyways, the response to the Post-Expo Wednesday about a meeting described in the alleged email on his son Hunter's laptop does not mention personal calendars or dispute. They're not disputing that the get-together actually happened,
Starting point is 00:24:38 but I guess it's because it didn't happen on official. When are you off the clock when you're the vice president? Here's a good question. Nick, you should be a lawyer. No, I can't. Biden has not directly responded to the reporting. He's hiding, they say, under a waterbed in Delaware, which appears to – Biden hadn't directly responded to the reporting, which appears to debunk his prior claim that he had never spoken with his son about his overseas business dealing.
Starting point is 00:25:10 What a prick. I'm going to tell you, you lying cocksucker! Remember he said that? He's been asked numerous times in the last year. Did you discuss this stuff with your son Hunter? Remember? They took Air Force One. They took a military plane over there. That's a long stuff with your son Hunter? Remember? They took Air Force One. They took a military plane
Starting point is 00:25:26 over there. That's a long flight, isn't it? China? It's not like going from Buffalo to New York City. I'm pretty sure they had shit to discuss. Do you see how they insult our intelligence, folks?
Starting point is 00:25:41 These elitist fuck-ups. My goodness. That's him getting a blowjob. That's as happy as he gets. Hey, folks, we got some new merchandise. It's great stuff. I want to announce it here on the show.
Starting point is 00:26:01 We decided to roll it out today because, well, the last couple days, it really came about as something my hardcore fans created. These were designed exclusively by for the Nick DiPaolo show. I feel flattered. You got Nicka. These are my fans. Very creative. You know, I was called, and this is true.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I did this on Tough Crowd. It was one of my bits. You know how many times I was called the N-word when I was a kid growing up in the Boston area by those little fucking Irish kids with their blonde eyelashes and freckles? Because I used to get dark. I mean really dark. I'm half a greaseball. You know that.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And they would call me Nick the, Nick the nigger, they'd call me. Now, it didn't help my mother sent me to school in a purple fur coat and a Malcolm X lunchbox with Ripple in it, but I did. I get called that a lot. What else we got? We got for the people, for the more affluent people who follow me, and that's the beauty of the show. We get poor. We get black. We get white.
Starting point is 00:27:07 We get rich. We get house knicker. What are you doing? Slow down. I'm still on knicker rich. Are you paying attention at all? I'm just kidding. Then we got the next one.
Starting point is 00:27:25 House knicker. I don't know what that means. Somebody told me it has something to do with slavery or something. I'm not sure. That's not how we mean it. These are for people that stay at home and love the show. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:27:42 They're knickers. That's hard to say. Isn't it, Jace, without fucking being arrested? What else we got, Jace? What up, knicker? That was popular when What's Happening was on. Those are nice t-shirts, though. Like the quality, you can't find, I buy these t-shirts, or anybody gives me a T-shirt from a club, you wash them twice, and it's like, I feel like the Tin Man. They're rough, and that's a nice quality. Anyways, these shirts came about because you fans have adopted
Starting point is 00:28:19 and anointed yourselves as Nickers and couldn't be happier to have you as my fans. You got some big balls. So you can buy these now through my website, And we have a link to Merch Park who designed the T-shirts. Or check Jesus, Tommy. What are we doing, a two-hour fucking infomercial? Check this out if you're a patron.
Starting point is 00:28:42 This is important. You increase your support level. We'll send you a T-shirt for free like that and a Nick DiPaolo Show mug for free as a thank you. This is just for this week, though. Again, just for this week. Don't bum rush my house. If you go from the Sonny level to the Michael level or from the Michael to the Vito, you get your choice of shirt and a mug. Right?
Starting point is 00:29:07 It's the same for both. You really have to put it in there twice. Anyway. And of course, if you just want the shirt, again, these are now at my website, Who's the Jew that wrote this copy? My goodness. I can't wait to see you guys
Starting point is 00:29:26 in these shirts being chased by a gang of fucking BLM fans. But seriously, take pictures and send them. You guys asked for them, so here you go. Please enjoy them.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Speaking of running and hiding, remember McCabe? Jerk off McCabe. There he is. Look at him, huh? He looks like a barrel of laughs at a party. I haven't taken a good dump in a good year. Where's my whore, Lisa Page?
Starting point is 00:29:57 I'll have her fish it out with a cocktail spoon. Is that her name, Lisa Page? Anyways, he's in deep doo-doo now. And I want you guys as fans to keep watching this story to see if anybody goes to motherfucking jail. The then-deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe texted several times during the 2016 election about anti-Trump stories in the news media, according to new messages released by Senate investigators that show the Bureau brass was on a first-name basis with reporters. Okay? Driving the now-discredited Russia collusion narrative.
Starting point is 00:30:40 You friggin' believe? They have them on speed dial. Politicians have the they have them on speed dial politicians have left-wing papers on you're a creep get away from me senate homeland security and government affairs committee chairman ron johnson republican wisconsin and senate finance committee chairman chuck grassley 200 years old iowa said in a new letter to FBI Director Chris Wray, they just got the text messages from a subpoena, get this, that they sent two months ago, accusing the Bureau of withholding far more information about the 2016 election just three weeks before what?
Starting point is 00:31:17 This election. You think that's an accident? They're taking their time getting this shit back to them? Huh? What did I say for the last six months? Remember a year ago, I said I want them to have an October surprise. It has to be all this shit back to them? Huh? What did I say for the last six months? Remember? A year ago I said I want them to have an October surprise. It has to be all this shit. But of course the people they rely
Starting point is 00:31:32 on to get it are taking their time. So don't tell me how clean the FBI is and how great they are. That place needs a good douching. Does it not? Yes, it does. You fucking people. You have no idea how to defend a nation.
Starting point is 00:31:52 The letter reveals some of the first text messages that were exchanged during the Russia probe between McCabe and his dirty whore, Lisa. That's not nice. Okay. Lisa. Please give me a call page an ex-fbi counsel who was assigned to the deputy director the text disclosed in the letter shows several conversations about leaked stories unfavorable to trump on the now discredited russia collusion probe okay for instance page alerted McCabe, we already
Starting point is 00:32:26 knew they were bad-mouthing Trump, right? We had those from a long time ago, but we didn't know, you know what I mean, they're on a first-name basis and leaking the shit. This is a smoking gun, folks. Page alerted McCabe on October 31st, Halloween 2016, story in Slate
Starting point is 00:32:42 Magazine, suggesting, there was a story in Slate Magazine, suggesting there was a story in Slate magazine suggesting there was a communication channel between Trump and Vladimir Putin at the Alpha Bank. That's one they were trying to. But it's all lies. The FBI special counsel, Robert Mueller, and a British court have all dismissed that allegation as an unproven conspiracy theory. Yet they still were bringing it up. Here's the exchange.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Lisa Page. Christ. Hey, that's not, you're going to lose some Christian fans. Christ, a lot of articles tonight. MJ published lots about MIE, whatever that is, and an allegation about PI, that's private investigation, on Manafort. McCabe, MJ, Kelly file was really rough on me. That's when Megyn Kelly apparently had him on the show.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Then Page says, Mother Jones, which is a far left, far, far left publication regarding Western Intel source reporting on Trump. I didn't watch. It's the first time you've really come up since last Sunday. That meaning she's saying to him the first time his name came up in the press. Thought Devlin's piece was pretty benign, she said. And then Page said, and the the press. Thought Devlin's piece was pretty benign, she said. And then Page said, and the Alpha, what is it, the Alpha Bank story is in slate. McCabe replies, awesome. The fact that McCabe appeared to be applauding a now disproven anti-Trump story a week before Election Day 2016 has caught Senate investigators' attention.
Starting point is 00:34:27 It always catches their attention. What are they going to do about it? Again, this is all horseshit if you don't arrest somebody. Well, what did they do illegally? You know exactly what they did. For fuck's sake. They're leaking to the press.
Starting point is 00:34:42 That's illegal. So, too, did an early exchange between Page and McKay back in July of 2016, just a few days before the FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane probe targeting the Trump campaign. In that exchange, they discussed a Lawfare blog article suggesting Trump was an agent of Russia and an allegation eventually ruled out by Mueller's probe. Page actually included a link to the story. Here's that exchange. Hate to get in the weeds, but this is all.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Page says, she's the broad. You should read this. You should read this. D surely has by now. I don't know who D is. Some of the internal links are well worth your time as well. D surely has by now. I don't know who D is. Some of the internal links are well worth your time as well. Trump is a Russian agent.
Starting point is 00:35:34 A legal analysis on the blog Lawfare. McCabe responds, let me take the prick out of my ass. Thanks much. Though McCabe's boss fired director James Comey, often insisted his FBI didn't leak, the text messages show some reporters have McCabe's cell phone number. Again, he works for the FBI. And texted him on a first-name basis. You believe this shit?
Starting point is 00:36:01 The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. Okay, you can't do that. And Comey lied. They're all filthy, rotten cops. Not all, not the whole FBI, but I'm just saying the ones involved in this. And how does that happen? All the sturdy.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Isn't there an internal affairs at the FBI? Isn't there somebody watching the cops? Isn't there a affairs at the FBI? Isn't there somebody watching the cops? Isn't there a version of that? All this shit going on under somebody's nose. He's on a first-name basis with people at the New York Times, Mother Jones, whatever. But no. No leakage. Whatever else Senate investigation turns up, the latest text messages show the
Starting point is 00:36:45 highest levels of the FBI were trading in anti-Trump stories and in contact with liberal news organizations, driving a narrative at the same time the bureau was pursuing the Russia collusion investigation that has since been discredited. The anti-Christ, you got me in a vendetta kind of mood. You really do, man. Can you imagine? They're just trying to sweep this under the rug. Nothing to see here. Please disperse.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Nothing to see here. Please. And on and on it goes. They really are. As they were pretending to find a link setting up Trump like a Russian agent, they're talking to the fucking reporters, and the reporters know. They should be taken out and shot.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Not with real, no, it's Patreon, with real guns. I forgot, I thought it was on YouTube. This shit's all going to come back to haunt me when I run for governor of Georgia. I say segregation now and segregation for you'd be safe saying that now because like I said
Starting point is 00:38:02 that's what minorities want actually. You know who Senator John Kennedy is? And I'm not talking about the Kennedy from Boston whose head was blown off. Anyways, oh, by the way, if you want to see, I've told you about one of my fans, Otto and George, the dirty ventriloquist kid. He does a thing about the Kennedy assassination with his puppet that'll make you laugh so hard you'll cry. The fucking top of the puppet's head comes up. And there's a brain exposed.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And it always gets like this quiet fucking response, like, ooh. And you know what he says while the brain's exposed? Is this joke too cerebral for you? Oh, God help us. So do you know who Senator John Kennedy is? He's this old Louisiana gentleman who really, he talks like this. I'm going to get him down. But he really, he has all these sayings, you know, like southern people do.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Well, Hillary's as nervous as a porcupine in a balloon factory right now. I'd say that Adam Schiff's about as sharp as a bowling ball. This is how he talks. Anyways, he was at the Coney Barrett hearings yesterday, and, you know, he knows it's a whole farce, the questions they're asking him. Are you a white supremacist? Have you ever sexually assaulted somebody? So he sort of, in a mocking way, asked his super tough questions. I love this guy. They always interview him. He's probably the greatest quote in Washington.
Starting point is 00:39:35 He's just got that Southern charm and that old, you know, that logic and reasoning, that white man linear thinking that is so unpopular today. But here's him at the Coney Bar him at the Amy Coney Barrett hearing. Do you support children and prosperity? Prosperity. I support children, seven of my own, and then support others. You know, obviously I think children are our future. I support children, and yes, I support prosperity.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Do you hate little warm puppies? I do not hate little warm puppies. I just want to get all that clear. Not just puppies. Do you hate warm puppies? Now, she should have had a sense of humor and said, I hate warm puppies. I bought my kids a couple puppies. I put them in the freezer for like a week.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Do you hate warm puppies? Do you believe in prosperity? That's John Kennedy, Senator. Look at him. Don't you see him fly fishing or something, sitting on a porch in a big white plantation with a sweet tea. I love this country. Anyways, you know who one of my celebrity I dislike?
Starting point is 00:40:56 I'm not a big hip-hop fan, but I do have a few favorites. But fucking Ice Cube, who can't act to save his fucking life. That's him, again, getting a handjob, very happy. Just a tough guy, whatever. Another L.A. West Coast thug who's never stopped screaming racism, yet he's been handed a career. And I'll say it again, if he was born in another country, he'd be sweeping the back alleys of some fucking business.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Anyways, Ice Cube, get this, because he says how much he hates Trump, worked with Trump administration on platinum plan. No, that's not the new credit card from Amex. A platinum plan. It's a great name, though, for black America, which is, you know, I got to believe his fans were really shocked when they heard that. Oh, that dirty cogsucker. He's working with a blonde hair, blue eyed devil. Mr. Cube, 51, seemed to try to get out in front of the news earlier in the week, posting a confession-style video to Twitter Sunday. It was titled, Don't Kill the Messenger. In it, downcast-looking Cube explains that he has met with both Democrats
Starting point is 00:42:14 and Republican leaders, saying, who knows what's really going to happen, you know? Joe Biden, the Democrats, he says, I believe they owe us. They fucking owe you? What do they owe you? Huh? Owe us? You're entitled to shit. That was Joe's answer. Will they do right by us at the end of the day?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Who knows, he says. So he met with both. And he said that the Republicans, why is that not in there? Oh, here we go. Cube does mention $500 billion as a sum earmarked by Republicans. And indeed, the Platinum Plan quotes President Trump's promise to black America over four years as an increased access to capital in black communities by almost 500 billion dollars. What a racist he is. Give me the fucking money.
Starting point is 00:43:12 You hear me? You hear me? I said come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. And they got back to him right away, apparently. So go with the Republicans. But the people on Twitter, that left-wing sewer, when they're not lying to you and censoring major papers and attacking you with their pitchforks, those jackoffs, Twitter is apparently not having the news about him working with a Trump administration. a tweet from Cube in August 2016 that reads, I will never endorse a motherfucker
Starting point is 00:43:47 like Donald Trump. Ever, is what he said. You fucking hypocrite. Ever. Say what again? I fucking dare you. Say what again motherfucker? What? How good was that kid in that scene, too? Anyway, Cube,
Starting point is 00:44:12 but Cube's turn comes after a summer that saw him using his Twitter to share materials that range from fringe conspiracy theories to anti-semitic cartoons from, in one case, a widely debunked Russian-run propaganda site. Remember, we reported on this. He was saying all kinds of shit about the Jews. Big Farrakhan fan. You know, he had a multi-millionaire. It seems foolish to have all this money lying around.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Oh, you'd rather have it down at the bank where the Jewish guys can leer at it? Yeah! Yeah! Money! Reach for comment by page six. Ice Cube's team referred us back to this tweet in which the rapper claims that Democrats... Did you say you had a clip? No, Jace, I'm sorry. You got a clip?
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah, I have a clip. This is essentially what he said earlier. What he said? Okay. What did he say earlier? Okay. What did he say earlier? The motherfucker part? Democrats out of us. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:11 In which the rapper claims that Democrats promised to address Cube's contract with Black America published in July after the election. That's what the Democrats said. While the Republicans made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us. So what he's saying is Republicans, you know, they walk the walk. Joe Biden and his people are stroking us like they have been for the last thousand years. Let's get off the fucking plantation. As Trump said, what do we have to lose?
Starting point is 00:45:42 Who's with me? Nobody? No, no, no, no! In our FLA segment tonight. Well done. Restaurant owner assaults customer over Yelp review. I love, I love Floyd for this. Wait till you see this restaurant owner.
Starting point is 00:46:04 He should be, it looks like he owns see this restaurant owner. He should be fucked. It looks like he owns a whorehouse. He's probably done 20 years in prison. But this guy's a man of action. And sensed over a pair of scathing reviews on Yelp, the owner of a Florida barbecue joint last night allegedly physically attacked his suspected online critic. physically attacked his suspected online critic.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I think we have a, the critic on Yelp called his stuff, his barbecue dog food, and we have his reaction when he read it. Dog food! I'll show you dog food! Dog food! According to an arrest affidavit, the confrontation Tuesday evening began when the victim, whose name has been redacted by police, what the fuck is this, top secret, arrived at the Largo home. The victim is apparently the son of this chef. His last name's Arend's girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:47:07 There he is. Give him a show on the Food Network. How fucking great would that be? And then have a segment where he cooks and people email in
Starting point is 00:47:18 during the show saying how he stinks and his food sucks and then, I don't know, have him beat up a fucking few people from cake wars that faggy show you can't find a straight guy on the food network by the way i don't know
Starting point is 00:47:31 what happened over there jesus christ after watching an hour of chopped i'm thinking about getting transition fucking surgery the victim uh cops reported sought to speak with his mother about threatening communication sent to him by her boyfriend, Ahrens. In addition to text, Ahrens allegedly called the man several times in regards to wanting to beat his ass about restaurant review. Only in Florida. Now you will learn about loss. It's Max Hady. Loss of freedom. Loss of appetizers.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Loss of entrees. Now you and I will truly be the same, Chancellor. It's just cracking me up. That looks like he should be going to death row, not a chef. Cook his own last meal, I guess. How about barbecue? As long as it isn't mine. The arrest affidavit does not indicate whether Ahrens thought the victim authored both Yelp reviews
Starting point is 00:48:36 or was somehow involved in their posting. I'm guessing it is. Call me a detective. Police charged that when the victim's mother opened her door, Ahrens shoved his way past and started to chase the victim around in the road. Eventually, after the victim tripped and fell to the ground, what's this, a fucking B-horror movie? Fell to the ground, Ahrens, cops allege, jumped on top of him and struck him several times with a victim covering his face with only his arms.
Starting point is 00:49:05 He's beating the fuck out of... Cheech and Chong, if you're wondering. Ahrens was arrested in July. This is on something else. On multiple felony counts after allegedly punching his girlfriend in the face. What, did she spit out his potato salad? What the fuck? Punched his girlfriend in the face and placing a pillow over her face for two minutes.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Well, every guy's done that when fucking a fat chick. Why is it? Who's with me? He was also accused of threatening the woman with a wooden board that he used to strike her with. What a chef. In a plea deal, Aaron's copped last month the criminal mischief, a misdemeanor, and was fined $575. Oh, that'll teach him. And credited for the 11 days he spent in the county jail before bonding up.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I love Florida. That's why we dedicate a segment to you. Here's a clip that just pissed the shit out of me. Speaking of bullies, did you see this? This has been around a couple days. We're just getting to a MAGA boy bullied by sluts. Oh, I wrote that. But this kid's, I guess it was high school.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Where was it? Colorado, I think. I want to say Colorado. But just check out the hatefulness on these young girls. They're like sophomores in high school, maybe. This is what the Democrats raise for kids. I guarantee she doesn't know who her fucking father is, and just bullying this, oh boy, this shit makes my nipples want to fall off in shame. Check out this clip. Look how fucking stupid you look. You fucking look like a clown.
Starting point is 00:51:06 He's spitting in her face. You got a fucking hat! You fucking fucking hat! A 15 year old Utah high school student spit on and assaulted by liberal bullies for wearing Trump hat. Two students being charged. No, it's my hat! It's my hat!
Starting point is 00:51:24 I can't get that hat to be my girl's! Mom, don't fucking touch me bro! No, it's my hat. It's my hat. Why are you getting in that house with my girls? Mom, don't fucking touch me, bro. Don't touch me. I ain't touching you. I ain't touching you. You're my fucking hat. So this young boy was wearing a Make America Great Again hat, and these girls ended up deciding to take it from him, assault him, and spit it on his face.
Starting point is 00:51:39 This is totally disgraceful and uncalled for. Yeah? Give me my hat. I don't want nothing in your fucking mouth. Let go of this fucking mouth right fucking now. Listen to her. I'm going to knock you in your fucking teeth. Pause.
Starting point is 00:51:50 You want to see what's up? I'm knocking you to sound like any other group that she might be emulating. This generation doesn't even know who the fuck they are. They have no identity. They aspire to be the lower class for the first time in the history of this country can you imagine being filled with that much hate you know why she's probably sexually confused
Starting point is 00:52:12 she's getting mixed messages from the internet then you got her friend here with her blue and pink hair which means her parents have paid no attention to fucking her picking on this poor fucking redneck I'll knock your teeth on your throat boy congratulations feminists this is what you're turning out now Picking on this poor fucking redneck. I'll knock your teeth on your throat? Boy, congratulations, feminists. This is what you're turning out now.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Nice going. Nice fucking going. You snotty little bastard. Go ahead. Your fucking teeth. All because he's wearing a hat. So much for his freedoms. My little bitch, huh?
Starting point is 00:52:45 Yeah? Because it looks like you're my switch on your bitch, huh? Yeah? Because it looks like you have my spits on your face. Oh, you're crying. Guess what? Just hit me. Unbelievable. Unreal. You stupid fucking
Starting point is 00:52:55 blabbermouth cunt. May those girls get very sick with some type of I don't know, hillbilly disease. Rickets. No, how about leukemia? That'll be good. I'd say a lump on their tits, but they don't have any.
Starting point is 00:53:16 And that's why they're angry. Nick, that's horrible. I know. It's my show. Fuck you. Can you imagine putting up with that? My ache and ass. I guess all rules are, when I was raised, you don't hit girls. I mean, you just don't.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Those, sorry, those rules are off now. Okay? Since every superhero movie is a woman, every TV show has a woman beating up four guys, and in real life, women are emulating that shit. I see wives fucking, you know, talking down their husbands in stores, just like a sitcom. I see it everywhere.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Yeah, so those rules are off, you know. They can take care of themselves, blah, blah, blah. We can do anything men can do. So, kid, if you ever have a chance again, cracker one. I speak from experience. Remember I had that little crazy bitch suck a bunch of beer? Still up here. I'm going to tell you something.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I'm going to visit her real soon. I'm in a dangerous situation. Here's another young fellow of that age who got COVID. But Barron Trump. I guess Melania admitted that Barron Trump, look at this kid. Wasn't he the little one, like, four years ago when he got elected? He's taller than his old man. Even with the roof, the fucking, the sunroof, whatever he's got.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Look at him. Anyways, First Lady Melania Trump revealed Wednesday that her 14-year-old son, he's 14? Good height. Barron contracted coronavirus, but has since tested negative. You know, it's very hard, supposedly,
Starting point is 00:55:06 for kids to get this shit, right? That's what... I told you, no fucking kids! He's not listening. No, but you wouldn't listen. Why, you stupid fuck! Oh, come on. It's a fucking virus.
Starting point is 00:55:17 You can't talk to it like that. Barron remained asymptomatic throughout the course of the positive diagnosis. You know what that means? He had nothing. I don't even believe in the fucking diagnosis. But anyways, he had no symptoms. It's got to be the only pandemic where you have no.
Starting point is 00:55:32 I got to believe the Spanish flu. You turned yellow and shit blood and your eyes fell out, right? Something. Trump said she first thought of Barron upon learning that her and her husband had COVID, you know, and then she said, I wonder if Hope Hicks blew my son. No, that's something I fantasized. What is wrong with me? In one way, I was glad the three of us went through this at the same time, Alania said, so we could take care of one another and spend time together. I'm sure Trump spent time.
Starting point is 00:56:09 He has since tested negative, Melania continued. President Trump and the first lady announced they tested positive for coronavirus on October 2nd. The results came after close aid. Hope Hicks, yummy, yummy. She tested positive. Hope Hicks. Yummy, yummy. She tested positive. Hope Hicks. I love you for helping me to construct my life. Not a tavern, but a temple. I love you for giving me the pandemic COVID-19. I love you. I have a sore throat and a headache.
Starting point is 00:56:46 While Melania and apparently Barron quarantined at the White House, Trump's like, I'm fucking out of here. He spent three nights at the Waldorf with two hookers. One of them did pee-pee. No, Trump spent three nights at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center out of an abundance of caution. And after him being there for three days, they said, All right, get up! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:57:09 That kid, is that a side effect? Is that a symptom? You grow a fucking foot and a half in three minutes? I've never seen anything like it. Do you like, do you hate
Starting point is 00:57:22 warm puppies? We got a Patreon question. Oh, all right. Let's have it. Joe J., Seymour, Connecticut. Hey, Nick, do you think President Trump should refuse to step down if the voting continues to be sketchy and the results are drawn out? Love the show. I've seen you live seven times.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Always a blast. Thank you, Joe, for coming out, first of all. Joey J., do you think the president should refuse to step down if the voting continues to be sketchy? I'm not sure what he means by that? If it's being drawn out, if it's going to be drawn out, it means he won, I think. No. There has to be, and again, I mean, there's such dirty pool. Do you know how many people have already voted? What did I read, 10 million have already voted? And don't read the Drudge Report anymore. Somebody has to explain to me what happened, how that went from
Starting point is 00:58:27 a conservative website and banged the fucking U-turn and makes and I'll look like the New York Post. But no, if it's drawn out, but there's all kinds of, we're not going to know, Joe, for a long time, but no.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Matter of fact, with Biden, you know what, you know, Trump should do, he shouldn't give it up, because Biden will probably die within the next year. Just hang on to the, no, then you get Kamala, but no, my answer is no. I'm not stepping down. I am your voice, but thanks for the question. Another good fan. Let me, speaking of fans, I got to thank you guys again. I'll read these off the paper because the teleprompter is kind of small. I want to get your names as close as I can.
Starting point is 00:59:15 These are one-time contributors first to, keeping the show alive. Anthony Story, Australia. I don't need this with a 19 font. Christopher McKean, Pennsylvania. Peter Morrow, Maryland. Patricia For Story, Australia. I don't need this with a 19 font. Christopher McKean, Pennsylvania. Peter Morrow, Maryland. Patricia Forster, Oregon. Jeffrey Fulgione, Massachusetts. The Ghost of Frank Rizzo, Pennsylvania. Jay Gilbert, California. Ted Darden III, Kentucky. Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Linda Kirkpatrick, Oregon. Okay. Now here are the new monthly Patreon members.
Starting point is 00:59:46 This makes my pee-pee very hard. Charles Kaufman, James Jenkins, Jerry the Kick, Matt Scalfani, Andrew
Starting point is 01:00:01 Denig, Anthony Anderson, Anthony Bott, Anthony McNally, Bill Huffman, Blue Lou, Bob Kummer, Brad Zeglin, Chris Freeman, Cody Blakely, David Major or Magger, Donna Robertson, Edward J. Sullivan Jr., Eddie Sullivan Jr., thank you so much, Edward J. Sullivan Jr. Eddie Sullivan Jr. Thank you so much. Gary Sherrill. Jeff Reeder. George the self-hating Jews Soros. Jack Worley. James Trappist. Jesse Armstrong. Jim. Jordan. Jordan Kaiser. Joseph W. Weinstein. All right. Got some Jews up in that mother. Jay Vassar. Casey Armstrong. Kyle. Larray Long.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Larry Davis. Lawrence. Chicho. Mark. Road. Matt. Matt. Amidon.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Michael Finn. Mick Davey. Mikey. Mikey's Six, Paul Bernard, Robert Metaturko, Russell Walker, Sarah, Stephen Krasner, TBigs14, The Black Phillip Show, Thomas Burke, Thomas Cosgrove, Tom Wilmot, Vincent Landry, Wayne Smith, Will West. Thank you all, both one-time contributors and people who signed up at Patreon. And remember, when you're a Patreon member, you get an extra story a day, you get to ask me a question if you want, and you get access to all the old shows. I can't thank you guys enough. You're coming through since YouTube gave me this time out. I can't thank you enough.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Let's end it with a light one, shall we? I don't even know if it's the... Nice light story. Wolf Dog. Wolf Dog tears a two-year-old's arm off. story. A wolf dog wolf dog tears a two-year-old's arm off. What in God's name, this planet, a
Starting point is 01:02:14 two-year-old Michigan girl's arm was torn off when she reached inside the cage of a wolf dog at her Grammy's sanctuary and tried to grab it by its collar. And the wolf dog said, Delicious.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. They said she tried to grab its collar. The grandmother actually did some work here, like detective work. It makes sense. Brenda Pearson, who founded the Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary in Muskegon, described the horrifying July incident involving Sophia Scraver in a lengthy post on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:02:55 She wrote that she believes her granddaughter was interested in the shiny collar being worn by one of the wolf dogs. A wolf dog that was friendly, loved to be groomed, and preferred human attention over treats. Well, apparently not. What did she have, fucking kibbles and bits on her elbow? Pearson continued,
Starting point is 01:03:14 we believe she grabbed his collar and pulled to get away. She then got her arm stuck in the fence at the elbow and lost her arms. And she had some other conspiracy theories. What exactly leads you to believe the Soviets were involved? After she was rushed to the hospital, I went back to the pen and picked up her little arm. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Oh, my God. I can still see it today. Her little hand was still closed as if she was jerking off Grampy. What? No. As if she was still grasping the collar. Oh, God. Let me ask you a question, Grammy.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Why weren't you watching her? Every time a kid gets, and this is my theory, every time a kid gets abducted or drowns in a pool, it's the parent's fault. I don't care. You took your eye off me for a second? You can't do that today. Although she first reported to authorities that the animal bit Sophia, Pearson said that the more I thought about it, it didn't make sense. Like, now she's Quincy.
Starting point is 01:04:20 If the animal bit an arm that was inside the pen, there would have been bite wounds on the hand and lower part of the arm, she wrote, adding that the girl had no bite wounds on her arm. She had one tiny cut on her wrist, is what she said. Who the fuck are you? Are you writing a book? Who the fuck are you? Pearson said she was investigated by Child Protective Services, as she should,
Starting point is 01:04:44 who found no wrongdoing, only, how about keeping wolf dogs in your house? No wrongdoing. Son of a whore! On Friday, authorities disagreed, I think. They found 47 illegal wolf dogs at the facility, in addition to six red foxes. Wow. He died years ago. to six red foxes.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Wow. He died years ago. Three coyotes, four eastern box turtles, and two fawns, and a partridge with rabies, according to the Mirror. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources said the sanctuary is believed
Starting point is 01:05:18 to have been illegally breeding animals, according to the news outlet. breeding animals according to the news outlet. That's it, I guess, huh? I think we're out of stories. Got to dig up a bonus story for you people. I want to thank you again. What a great week we had here.
Starting point is 01:05:43 And I want to thank the people that came out to Huntsville, Alabama, and Nashville, Tennessee last weekend. I am so goddamn excited about what's happening with people signing up at Patreon and overall contributions because we need it more than ever. You saw what the New York Post had to go through and what big tech is up to. So we need shows like this. So thank you guys again so much. Don't forget You want me to make a personal video message roasting one of your friends or relatives or whatever. Glad to do it.
Starting point is 01:06:08 That is it. You guys think and I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo guitar solo you

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