The Nick DiPaolo Show - Black Brawl at Chuck D. Cheese | Nick Di Paolo Show #532

Episode Date: April 28, 2021

Trump touts Arizona recount. Biden blowing it on big stage. Louisville cops resign in large numbers....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching the show and I want to encourage you to keep contributing to keep this show and free speech free for everyone, whether they want to hear it or not. Click on this video or the link on the screen to make a contribution of any amount. I'll read your name on the show, but more importantly, you'll truly be supporting a great cause without Big Brother taking their cut or limiting the message. Thank you guys so much. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. How are you you folks?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Good evening everybody! Great to be with you, Wednesday already. Great state of Georgia. Once we get the rhinos out of here and all the other lion pricks. Let's get right to it, okay? Because I already did an hour of radio today and I didn't get into show business to work. Nobody does. That's a quote by Chris Rock.
Starting point is 00:01:28 He said, nobody get into comedy to work. Love it. Love it. President Trump, remember him? The greatest president ever, released a new statement on Tuesday. Good, because you haven't heard from him. On the ongoing Arizona forensic audit
Starting point is 00:01:46 of the 2020 Maricopa County election. This is very, very exciting. They have Quincy, Jack Klugman, going in there. He's a forensic guy. And anyways, so yes, I showed you last week the picture of the big arena.
Starting point is 00:02:06 They get all the 2 million ballots in there. They got to go open forensically. And it's very exciting. President Trump slammed Democrats over the continued efforts to shut down the forensic audit. He said of the Democrats. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're bringing crime.
Starting point is 00:02:27 They're rapists. And some. And some. And some are Nancy Pelosi. Trump says Democrats know what the result of the audit will be, which explains why they're soiling their dirty britches. Of course, I put that in there for emphasis. But he says that's why they're making an effort to stop it.
Starting point is 00:02:47 They know what they're going to find. He says the radical left Democrat Party has gone absolutely insane. Watch out because I'm... In fighting the forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election. He calls it a scam. Right now taking place in the great state of election. He calls it a scam. Right now taking place in the great state of Arizona. He's always campaigning. The great state of Arizona.
Starting point is 00:03:10 It's a beautiful state. A lot of cactus. I'm a big fan of cactus. I have that with my McDonald's. They sent a team over. Listen to this. The left have sent a team of over 100 lawyers. 100 lawyers. 100 lawyers.
Starting point is 00:03:25 They're not scared. They're not scared. We've said this a hundred times. If they didn't have anything to hide, they'd be like, come on in. Look around. That's how the world works, really. So there's a hundred lawyers to try to stop this audit because they know, Trump says, what the result of the Arizona state-sponsored audit will be.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And it won't be good for the Dems. The audit is independently run with no advantage to either side. But the Democrats don't want to hear anything about it because they know that they lost Arizona and other scam election states. Scam states. And he says not only did they lose, they lost in a landslide. You fucking people. That's Trump.
Starting point is 00:04:12 You have no idea how to defend a nation. They also know that the Arizona State Legislature approved virtually none of their many election requests, meaning the people, which is totally unconstitutional, he said. The people of Arizona are very, very, very angry. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore. As are the people of our country. If we can't have free and fair elections, we don't have a country. The audit must continue. America deserves the truth and then trump said come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they'll never take our freedom sorry i agree with every word of it.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I know that's typical on this show, but how can you look at fucking video footage of people at five in the morning bringing in suitcases into the polling places where the windows are blocked by cardboard? Where GOP people who were supposed to watch the election, you know, the poll watchers, were made to stand about a football feel-away. How do you, no, no, these are all baseless claims. I know you're going to get sick of hearing it, but like I'm on Hannity, I drive home the important part. A hundred, over a hundred people signed affidavits under threat of perjury, that they were given instructions to cheat, basically.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Those are all baseless claims, according to the mainstream media. But I was just talking to Anthony Comey. I sort of feel the same way. Aren't these judges, these jerk-offs who refused to look at any of Sidney Powell's work and Giuliani, remember? Because when you talk to a lib, they go, you know, like Biden didn't win. They lost all their things in court. No, they didn't. They didn't even look at him. I don't know why a judge would let this go on. Although they they did. Dems try to put a gag order on this audit. And the judge said no. So that's one judge.
Starting point is 00:06:19 But we just found out the judge who's going to make the final decision worked for Hillary Clinton and couldn't be more left wing. So I don't I don't fucking know. No, he worked at. Yeah, it's a big it ends with Coy, the firm. It's the biggest. So all the big names in D.C. use it. Let's call it Juju and Coy. Sounds like a movie with a monkey. Juju and Coy. sounds like a movie with a monkey uh juju and koi anyway so i i i'm keeping my fingers crossed but don't hold your breath man these judges are as left as uh you know they didn't they didn't go to devry let's put it that way university of new
Starting point is 00:06:57 hampshire they you know um so keep your fingers crossed it would be good if he was recalled mr biden because he's fucking up all over the place not just on the airplane steps but uh he's fucking up big on the world stage starting with who iran remember how trump cleaned up obama's mess with iran obama sent 150 million on a literally a bag of cash on like a wooden plank in the middle of the night to Iran. You know, the biggest state sponsor of terror on the planet. That's all you need to know about the story. I don't care about the details. That's all you need to know. And Trump's first thing was to clean that and get us out of that nuclear deal. But shithead comes in with his marching orders from whoever and um now he you know he
Starting point is 00:07:47 wants to get us back into wars because there's money in it anyways warships belonging to the united states navy and u.s coast guard fired warning shots at iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps or corpse as obama used to say, Corps Navy vessel in international waters during a heated close encounter on Monday, the U.S. Navy revealed this week. Is that the Iranians' boats? Those are fucking Boston whalers with the two guys with AR-15s on the front. That's what we're, that's what, so they're buzzing our ships. that's what we're that's what so they're buzzing our ships you just picture i just picture like a big uh i don't ever see a horse and his flies all over him now that's not a good example because
Starting point is 00:08:33 a horse can't smack a fly anyways you know i'm talking about you're at a cookout and the fucking mosquitoes uh look at these little third worlders these middle eastern i have shit in my closet that could take those boats out. Of course, we have to play games with them like they're a threat. Anyways, a statement released by the United States Navy stated, the IRGCN armed speedboats rapidly approach United States Navy patrol coastal ship USS Firebolt. It's a PC.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Boy, that name does not fit that piece of shit. Holy Christ. So that's not Iran's Navy. That looks like they bought it at a used ship dealership. They use that in the original McHale's Navy pilot. Binghamton. That's so that's the Firebolt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And my name and my my my dick is the monster anyways uh and the united states coast guard patrol boat uh uscgc baranoff that would be a wpb 1318 to an unnecessarily close range so they were buzzing our ships with unknown intent, including the closest point of approach of 68 yards. That's a pass from Brady to Evans. They came within 68 yards of the firebolt in their Boston Whalers. But again, you don't know what they're up to. We make fun of it, but remember about 15, 20 20 years ago they rammed one of our uh ships that was parked the uss whatever blew a hole in it lost 17 sailors um the united states crews issued multiple warnings via bridge to bridge radio in loud hailer devices and they said something like
Starting point is 00:10:19 this don't you move you motherfucker i'll blow your brains out. But the IRGNC didn't have a translator with them, so they kept... Vessels continue their close range maneuvers. The statement continued. The crew of the Firebolt then fired... Firebolt? Wasn't that Rudolph's best friend? The crew of the Firebolt then fired warning shots, and the IRGCN vessels moved away to a safe distance, like back to fucking Iran, you third worlders, to a safe distance from the United States vessels.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So they they shot a lot of balls under heat, didn't they? The relationship between the United States and Iran, while rocky to begin with, has rapidly deteriorated like anything else Biden has touched and Kamala Harris. Other foreign policy blunders have also occurred in Europe. We're back in Syria. I don't even know why. And I'm an expert on the Middle East. I had a duplex in Tehran for a couple of years that was blown to shreds. Anyways, but he's fucked up in Europe, Syria, and China
Starting point is 00:11:26 under the Biden regime. So we're already a joke on the world. All that respect that we earned back after Obama lost it all under Trump is being pissed down the toilet once again by this guy looking out the window. You know what he's doing right there, don't you? Staring at like a 22-year-old girl girl he had to go out mail a letter and uh about a
Starting point is 00:11:50 minute after that he's gonna break a telescope out what are we doing what's going on right now uh you're fucking up on the world stage that's what you're doing even europe hates us now all the shit all the shit that they blame Remember, our allies don't like us anymore. All those fucking lies are true of Biden. Trump's not fit to be president mentally or physically. All the shit literally they said about Trump. You could apply to Biden only this time. It is true.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I think they call it projection. Something like my shrinks it. This time it is true. I think they call it projection. Something like my shrinks it. Since Joe Biden assumed the office of president of the United States, China has grown increasingly yellow. What?
Starting point is 00:12:35 Who is Biden? Got his mouth ready for a Cub Scouts dick. The president of the United States, China has grown increasingly hostile against Taiwan and India. You don't want to piss off the Asians. I kill you. I kill you right now. Kill me.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I'm right here. Kill me. Okay, I come with two chopsticks. I shove up your ass. Two chopsticks? Come over here. Talk to me in the face. Like a Zambudi.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I like the way the guy in that clip goes, Oh, chopsticks? Like you have not a bad idea. Europe has snubbed the United States repeatedly, and the United States is once again invading Syria. This has led the Supreme Leader of Iran, one of the United States' top geopolitical adversaries, to declare that the post-US era has started. When did it, post, when were we ever friends? Did I miss that?
Starting point is 00:13:29 The post, what? It's the same. What am I, 59? It's the same. The fucking Democrats Carter was in made a mess. Reagan comes in, cleans it up.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Fucking, then we have Bush who keeps Reagan's things in place. Then Dickhead Clinton comes in comes in cleans it up fucking then we have bush who who keeps reagan's things in place then dickhead clinton comes in fucks it up it's the democrats the children they come in with their fucking idealistic we're all gonna hold hands and sing kumbaya make a mess and then the republicans come in and clean it up can we stop this pick one by one i mean you know who so iran says yeah the post uUS, whatever the thing is over. I don't remember us ever giving a shit.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Only one day into Biden's administration, the US launched a fresh invasion into Syria with 40 trucks, F-41 F-50s that Hunter got, and armored vehicles. Also, only one day after Syria expressed hope that Biden regime would continue President Donald Trump's foreign policy that saw somewhat of a withdrawal from a costly nation building. That's another promise he kept. Remember, he says no more, no more wars.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Let's get the fuck out of here. Biden doesn't know what he is. Far left radical, but he's pro-war he's a mess at nearly the same time China announced a new tofu burger that is knocking no announced uh it now has the ability to manipulate the planet's weather over geographic region the size of India which happens to be their nearest unfriendly neighbor oh my my God. They can manipulate the weather. Oh my God. Please make it rain over the Mets games for the next two weeks.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Days later, China flew fighters into Taiwan's airspace in an extremely hostile move. The Biden administration did nothing. That's not true. They called and said, congratulations. You did a nice job there, flying it to Taiwan. We don't give a fuck about the Taiwanese. They're all about liberty and, you know, I'm with you. Communism from here on in Xi Jinping Tao. Wow. Anyways, the Biden administration did nothing. With the media largely reporting uh that noted crack addict hunter biden urged his dad
Starting point is 00:15:46 seen here urged his dad to act with caution you heard that right the president of the united states is taking geopolitical advice from his crackhead son who was thrown out of the military, who likes to go on snapshot and jerk off the 15 year olds, just like a chip off the old block. He's taking advice. Imagine Hunter Biden telling you to cool it. It's like getting kicked out of Guns and Roses in their heyday for being a drug addict. That is some fucking funny stuff. There he is. Somebody's taking his temperature with a crack pipe. Before his inauguration, Biden was snubbed by nearly the whole of Europe, provoking even the pro-Democrat publication Politico to declare that Europe gives Biden the one-finger salute.
Starting point is 00:16:38 In return, he snubbed Brussels, the seat of power for the European Union. snubbed Brussels, the seat of power for the European Union. Whatever you think of the European Union, they were still kind of our allies. I think they should go back to being individual countries and have their own sovereignty. Well, why do you believe that, Nick? I don't know. Just work better that way. They're not happy, the people that live there. I sort of take what they say is true and not the shitty politicians
Starting point is 00:17:05 who ruin the world, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to show you something now, a clip. It's hard to get excited or angry anymore at political correctness and how crazy it's gotten and shit and how the left sees the world through a different lens where left is right, up is down, The left sees the world through a different lens where, you know, left is right, up is down, literally. But even in that atmosphere, that environment, this one sent me vibrating across like a Wile E. Coyote with a stick of dynamite up his neck. Rich Wood sent me this, and it almost ruined my fucking morning all night. I can't even remember. I blacked out.
Starting point is 00:17:43 It was like a childhood rape. I'm trying to block it out. Oh, night. I can't even remember. I blacked out. It was like a childhood rape. I'm trying to block it out. This is the most PC thing. Just when you think that the left can't get any more untruthful as far as what's going on in our country, as far as race and shit. Now, I've been pointing out forever.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I mean, since the 80s, how every bad guy think a diehard and shit. It's always a white european with an accent now they're the bad guys or every every uh every bully at a high school a movie that's set in high school is a white kid with a leather jacket the jock i can go on and on and on and on and on um but this is so opposite of how it really is in the world. Maybe you people like in the Midwest don't know it because you didn't like, well, you do. I mean, we have diversity everywhere,
Starting point is 00:18:30 but if you lived in New York and you saw what went on in the streets and you go home and watch these commercials and shows where they do the reverse as far as race goes and how they behave. This one even shocked me. Now a headline, Karen fat shames woman instantly regrets it. It's a video just to teach people not to fat shame and stuff. You guys, you are going to just just look at who's doing the bullying and who's defending the poor victim of the bullying. Who's defending the poor victim of the bullying? I'm going to say it right now.
Starting point is 00:19:08 It's never happened in the history of the fucking world. Never. And no Karen that works at a Starbucks or a coffee shop ever did this to a fat chick. I'm going out. Send me tape. Prove me fucking wrong. Watch how white people are betrayed in this. Black people and chicks with huge fucking wrong. Watch how white people are betrayed in this. Black people and chicks with huge fucking ankles.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Here you go. Thank you. Green tea for Princey. Thank you. Have a good one. Pause. Hey, no shirt, no service, bitch. bitch typical black guy wearing a fucking tank top into a restaurant or coffee shop yeah come right off the court smelling like fucking swiss cheese getting in line in front of me nick white people do it too yeah well i lived in new york if every
Starting point is 00:19:59 white person that did it was 400 black guys look at at this woman. Look at evil already. Go ahead. How can I help you? Hello. I hope you're having a great day. Can I have a kale salad? Look how sweet the fat girl. Are we having a great day?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Most fat broads I meet are miserable, and they should be. Stay in your house and be ashamed of your hips. Naturally, I kid. I like the plump ones they put out in bed. You know that. I know that. But holy shit, this creature.
Starting point is 00:20:34 What are you doing in a coffee shop at all? Better pray you get cancer, not going to be pounds off. Go ahead. And a small chai tea latte, please. And no regular milk, just almond milk and no whipped cream sorry for the long order did you say you wanted a small yep just a small thank you so much are you sure you want a small and no whipped cream she's ugly yeah I'd fuck the fat girl first.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Okay, name? Um, Patty. One small chai tea latte for Fatty. Sorry, Patty. Make sure you use almond milk instead of regular milk. That was a good one. And did you want peanuts with that? That's an elephant.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Oh, black guy notices. Because they're so aware when people are treating people. Look at this dyke. That'll be $7.42. Here you go. That's so wrong. $7.42. This is what I sound.
Starting point is 00:21:49 This is what goes through my head when I go to McDonald's and say it's $11 for a Big Mac. Are you there? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. How dare you? Are you serious? Shut up. Who's the manager at his store you know what never mind you're so worried about what goes into her mouth that you can't see the crap that's coming out of yours pause this has never happened a black guy with that physique has never said this to anybody not his kids his wife that's right i'm going out on a limb and saying it you fucking buy and the
Starting point is 00:22:25 millennials watch this and really they soak it in and believe it and let's say it did happen once for every do you know who the biggest bully is bullies are ask the gay people black and brown people are the biggest fucking homophobes they're bullies i'm talking cities they're bullies i'm talking cities um i don't give a fuck see how the people react on bitch shoot you're so stupid if you believe any of this and they do they soak it up because these people are such good actors okay let oj simpson of the future lecture the white woman listen i don't care if you're fit or you do keto you asked her for peanuts like she's an elephant but the real elephant in this room yeah is your tail a bitch have you ever gotten bullied do you know what that feels like pause the implication is uh white people have never
Starting point is 00:23:16 gotten bullied ever meanwhile black people love to bully white people. I watched my wife get pushed off the sidewalk a couple times in L.A. Thought I was going to have to wrestle two black girls, about 170 each. Go ahead. This ain't high school anymore, Karen. This is real life. Karen, pause. It should be Taniqua, and she should be spitting in a white cop's coffee. Remember those stories?
Starting point is 00:23:44 Anybody remember those? Spitting in a coffee. What else? They put something in a cop's pancake, some piece of metal. Yeah, but roll it. And people like you live life like a seesaw. In order for you to feel high,
Starting point is 00:23:59 meaning white, you have to put others down. But I'm going to give you a life lesson now. Oh, look at that thing eventually you'll be the one falling to the ground where is this coffee shop i've never seen more fucking losers in my life jesus like a fucking greyhound bus look at being lectured by this fucking oh my god go ahead seriously you're just pro-fat acceptance.
Starting point is 00:24:26 No, fat acceptance is accepting that you're going to an early grave and there's nothing you can do to be saved. Couldn't you see she's working to change? Try talking without your hands. I mean, her food selection was obvious proof. Or do you shame sick people in hospitals too? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Do you stab white people, mother... That is called propaganda. If you stab white people but that is called propaganda if you can't look at that and go what's the motive here what's the intent to making this oh to hate white people like i said it's not only so the political correctness in general but how it's just the opposite of what goes on in real fucking life. Again, not all black people, not all white people. But again, if you can point one out, a scenario like that, that's true. Just look at the things that go viral every day.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I mean, how many videos have we seen of Karen's, 11 Karens beating up a retarded girl in a wheelchair? I mean, it's the fucking biggest lie ever. This type of propaganda and this kids, they'll show that to kids in fourth grade and go, soak that in. You should be ashamed. You're that color. Do you people that made this shit? You're lying.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And you're a piece of shit. I despise it with every fiber of my being. Why did you do that, Karen? Why did you make her fat jokes, Karen? She was fat. She was going to eat the salad. No, she wasn't.
Starting point is 00:25:49 It's the only lettuce we had. She was going to find it. No, she wasn't. Oh, my God. I mean, like I said, even in today's brainwashed society, that stuck out. Oh, God help us. Where am I? Black guy in a tank top lecturing white people how to behave and not to bully.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Are you fucking dog? That should have been a, are you dog style? Let me see. Now, this is a related story okay let's see how who do they use that type of propaganda on and once they use it what do these kids look like well here you go this is woke libs minnesota locals give wildly different answer on riots this organization sent the person out uh to like minneapolis to get the the locals uh you know their view on rioting and looting and stuff so they asked some of the locals that by that i mean black people that live in the area and then they uh asked the same question of a bunch of karens like college-age white girls
Starting point is 00:27:03 so the shit i just showed you that propaganda here's what it looks like once it's ingested. It's just tremendous. Roll tapes, please. What do you think about rioting? A lot of the looting that happened in Ferguson, just like here, is only caused by opportunists. Like change needs to be made, and if it's not getting done in the traditional avenues, then rioting is a good option. I guarantee you nine times out of ten, the people that were looting are not from this area. That's a little bit of a lie. He went too far there.
Starting point is 00:27:31 So 90 percent of looters from out of the area. Yeah, I'm sure they travel 40 miles to a dollar store. So but he's right. There's a lot of agitators who come in from the outside. But let's not get carried away with it. Now, what does Karen with a nice red hair have to say? Rioting is what gets people's attention. Then I think that's necessary. When something like this goes on, the opportunistic people come out and they try to dehumanize this.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I mean, I think all violence is bad violence. But in the case when systems aren't responding to any other forms of change, I can understand people getting frustrated. Uh-oh, retard alert. Retard alert. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. Listen how she talks like she's a fifth grade girl from the valley.
Starting point is 00:28:22 When black and brown people are being systematically hunted down, I think writing's perfectly, my voice is fried. I have nice tits. Oh, you hear how she's talking? She's a grown woman. But I would like her panties across my face like that mask. Okay, roll it. The point that they need to take other avenues.
Starting point is 00:28:43 We ain't got to be out here doing the dumb shit. The one that is doing the dumb shit is the one that's taking this shit to a different toll. I think that there's a lot of systematic oppression within the United States and that looting and rioting is very small in comparison to that. Buzz. You got a generation of retards out there. You got them in fifth grade when they were impressionable.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Look at them. Look what they've turned out. I get the creeps. They're not even like, it's creepy. Their minds have been poisoned to this shit. The systemic racism, and it's just so bad that, you know, killing people and burning shit down, that's justified. How about if they come to your neighborhood, bitch? Oh my God, I feel bad for these girls. Yeah, I'd still like to snuggle them. Go ahead. Anything else?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Is that it? Two different separate. We have protesters and then we have rioters. We're human and we want to be treated with respect. So we got to come out here and show we are human. Pause. I'm not sure who he's talking about. Treated with respect by who? The other looters? I'm not sure who he's talking about. Treated with respect by who?
Starting point is 00:29:46 The other looters? I'm not sure of that. The outsiders? You are human and you are treated with respect. Boy, I think the cops could have made the same statement, right? And they would have been more right. Sorry, sir. You're a veteran and I understand.
Starting point is 00:30:02 But you hear the girls? That's fresh off a college campus. That's what you're dealing with. If I had kids and my daughter came home at Thanksgiving like that, I'd go over to her with a gravy piping hot and go, oops, I spilt it right in your face. I'm kidding. I'd never make gravy.
Starting point is 00:30:22 There was a picture of a little left winger with their tiny little shoulders and a rainbow flags. I'd say it's not just, again, it's not just college educated people and who put this propaganda together. ESPN is a perfect example. I call it the BET network. Cause that's what it is. Let's not kid ourselves. You know who Max Kellerman is? He knows his boxing,
Starting point is 00:30:55 I think and stuff, right? Not a dumb guy until he says shit like, we're going to show you about to show you. And then you have to go, you can only come to the conclusion that, Oh, you only hang around people. I think he's a New Yorker. What do New Yorkers do?
Starting point is 00:31:13 Only talk, you know, hang around the liberals. Max Kellerman, he usually makes sense here and there, but he's sort of that woke guy at ESPN. He plays that role. Maybe it's just for the money. Like Stephen A. Smith's big mouth isn't enough. Max Kellerman, another ESPN, a wokester, Big mouth isn't enough. Max Kellerman, another ESPN wokester, dopester, I call him. He's going to give us his take on the NFL draft. And what's the guy's name in Ohio State? Givens? I keep getting it right. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:31:37 His take on it is black quarterbacks have artificial barriers that they have to get past. The NFL is racist. And let's take a listen to more propaganda that people will eat up. But I've noticed in recent years, after decades of artificial barriers being put in place for black quarterbacks, that vis-a-vis white quarterbacks, black quarterbacks in the draft tend to fall pre-draft. They're evaluated. Why are you yelling? And sometimes it's right. Like, Daniel Jones looks like he's going to be better than Dwayne Haskins.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And sometimes it's wrong. Like, Mitch Trubisky is not as good as Deshaun Watson or certainly not Patrick Mahomes, right? Pause. No. And you're talking in hindsight. We found out. Those guys weren't as good as uh he also wasn't a rapist like deshaun watson who's got 25 girls literally suing him not for rape but for sexual you know
Starting point is 00:32:31 whatever um you bring that up no you didn't okay i'd rather take a white guy who can't run and scramble has a weaker arm than a black quarterback who's going to uh sexually assault his fucking allegedly maids uh or whoever he comes in contact but let's skip that for a second see uh mr kellerman they have a uh they have a a formula they go by you go to the combines and shit right they have they judge them on they give a mental test they ask them psychological questions see they do that and then they come out with a number and they judge you by that okay and sometimes it's right. Sometimes it's wrong, like you said.
Starting point is 00:33:07 So why drag race into it and say it's because of racism? You're doing pretty well. He's almost backpedaling with every statement he makes about how racist it is. He backed, well, you know, they're right sometimes. You know, don't be mealy-mouthed about it. Just say it. You think it's racist. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:33:23 But I say Watson because he seemed to be the guy falling and Trubisky the guy rising, and Mahomes maybe didn't do either. Yeah, so they were wrong about that one. But the point is the correlation that can be made is that your status falls vis-a-vis white quarterbacks. Pause. Your status falls vis-a-vis white quarterback. I'll tell you there should be only one standard.
Starting point is 00:33:44 It should be Tom Brady that he should show a tape of him before practice, after, with his family and go, can you do this? Nick, you're saying black quarterback? No, I don't. What's his name? Cam Newton, who I was never a big
Starting point is 00:34:00 fan of. I was so impressed by the way he behaved with the Patriots because he came into a shitty situation, right? Still positive about it. A little bit of a diva maybe on the field, but you know what? And so they're saying this, right? They're saying this. Max Kellerman's implying that it's, you know, racism. There's only one problem with Kellerman's take. It's simply not true. None of the ESPN talents are willing to explain why Jameis Winston, a guy, by the way, who was caught shoplifting crab legs and done other shit. Oh, sexual. Somebody charged him with rape. Jamarcus Russell, Cam Newton, Kyla Murray,
Starting point is 00:34:37 and Michael Vick, all black. They all went in the first overall in the draft. First overall in the draft. So overall in the draft. So when are you going to be happy, guys like Max Kellerman, when it's all black quarterbacks? They couldn't be more fair. Lamar Jackson, I would take him tomorrow. And I'm a racist. Somebody will take that and run with it if I ever get famous. But it's just more nonsense,
Starting point is 00:35:10 more fucking nonsense. Yeah, the NFL has done nothing for black people. Do you know there's millions of people not watching it because they're so pro BLM? Wake up. Speaking of black folks, this was my favorite story of the day, ladies and gentlemen. A brawl broke out. Now you're going, oh, it must be an airport or it must be a nightclub or it must be a titty bar or it must be a Chuck E. Cheese. Well, you're right. You said the last one.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Look, can't you tell it's a dangerous place? Look at Minnie Mouse making it rain up in that motherfucker. That's Chuck E. Cheese? I wouldn't go in there. Look, they have rats and eagles. What are those? Retarded mascots? A brawl broke out.
Starting point is 00:35:57 I'll say it again. A brawl broke out at Chuck E. Cheese in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. I got to call my brother. Ask if he lives anywhere near that. Burn the Heights, Ohio. I got to call my brother, ask him if he lives anywhere near that. Burn the cheese, please. Yes, a brawl broke out at Chuck E. Cheese during a kid's birthday party. And again, right away, me being racist, I said, I go, it has to be the fucking Polish. They're always mixing it up.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Go ahead. When officers arrive at the restaurant, there is chaos. They encounter a woman who is threatening other customers. Ignoring repeated efforts by one of the officers to get her to calm down. They eventually get her to sit down, but it does not last. The woman gets up and starts to run toward another customer, but police are eventually able to stop her. Witnesses say the large white star. She saw a white woman with a bigger slice than hers.
Starting point is 00:36:50 That's what she said. Now go ahead. After two small children got into an altercation and their mothers confronted each other and one of them spit in the other's face. Pause. There you go. There you go. Whether it's the brawl at the airports,
Starting point is 00:37:04 we've shown 10 of them. No, no conflict resolution skills whatsoever. They solve shit, things that should not, goes right to violence. So quit telling me we're all the same. Let it roll. And then it happened again, right in front of the police. Oh my God. We need more cars in here every time the situation is starting to calm down angry words are exchanged and the customers try
Starting point is 00:37:31 to get at each other again in full view of all of the children still in the restaurant imagine officers from four surrounding communities are summoned to chucky cheese and eventually order is restored at one point they asked the little kid he was about to blow out the candles what his wish was and he says to get out of this motherfucker live what do you want i want a kevlar vest for my seventh birthday motherfucker mama shut up um can you imagine it's imagine you're at a birth your fifth birthday party and the candles are blown out by the uh wind from the barrel of a fucking glock 21 uh oh my god this is a chucky cheese is there more
Starting point is 00:38:21 yeah well maybe you shouldn't start a fight. I didn't start a fight. I paid $1,000 to be quiet and just have a party. Pause. She paid $1,000 to have a party for her kid. Things ain't that bad for black folk. Go ahead. Because they said a kid hit another kid.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Rather than being an adult, they're talking about it. She didn't want to come over here and fight about it. Is this your purse? That's the perpetrator. Is this out seven-year-old shakira blair garfield heights is charged with carrying a weapon into a prohibited place she'll just give a ccw charge four other women are charged with disorderly conduct police say one of the women discharged pepper spray inside Chuck E. Cheese. Pause. Yeah, but to be honest, you could use a little pepper spray at Chuck E. Cheese. Have you had that? Pepperoni? Bland as my mother's ass.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Go ahead. Small child was hit by the blast and had to be treated by paramedics. These kids don't have a goddamn chance. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. No, no, no, George. No, we don't. She said it. Harvard says it.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Hey, by the way, Alan Dershowitz. Are we showing it tomorrow? We don't know that. We don't know. Sorry. Hey, by the way, Alan Dershowitz. Are we showing it tomorrow? We don't know that. We don't know. Sorry. Anyways, I'm having an interview with Alan Dershowitz. That's right, on the Nick DiPaolo Show.
Starting point is 00:39:52 That's right. Harvard Law Professor, I can't say it, Emeritus. Emeritus. How do you say it? Emeritus. Emeritus. Why do I keep putting the X on the wrong syllable? Emeritus.
Starting point is 00:40:06 That's right. Harvard Law professor. Me, University of Maine graduate, 2.4 in business. It should be a good one. I actually have some great questions for him that you guys will agree with. Hey, I want to thank the people that contribute to the show by watching and contributing. It sounds like a PBS. Look at you sitting there, you selfish cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:40:30 You one-way motherless fuck. Not contributing. For a $50 donation, we'll give you this Julia Child tote bag spatula. I want to thank people that contribute at or or for the monthly people. Lee Vigent. Oh, I want to thank Lee. He sent me a picture. Damn it, I didn't bring it.
Starting point is 00:40:54 A picture of me at the peak of my football career at the University of Maine against UMass in front of 10,000 people, double reverse, 65 yards. He's got a picture of me getting the ball in the reverse. Paul Phelan is in. Remember Gerard Phelan? He's the one who caught Doug Flutie's Hail Mary pass against Miami. His brother Paul was the other running back with me. Anyways, he got a picture of it that I used to have. He sent me the same one.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I don't know how he got it. But thank you so much, Lee. I appreciate that. Nancy Big Tits Pelosi apparently donated from Indiana. Robbie Fulcher, New York. Paul Sagnella, a buddy in Connecticut. Scott Brown, Maryland. Kit Fortney, Michigan.
Starting point is 00:41:30 David Clark, Canada. Eric Schaubel, Rhode Island. Jay Gilbert, California. Larry Ramey, Ohio. Dennis Trefetti, Nevada. Me, ignorant. Me, ignorant cunt, it says. Mel, Mel, ignorant cunt to me. Washington. Richard Reddick,
Starting point is 00:41:49 California. Paul Murphy from Massachusetts. Thank you guys very much for contributing to the show. As you know, it's the lifeblood of the show. As you know, there's been a war on cops forever. It's really culminating now. It's really with Biden winning and Black Lives Matter and the shootings every day, it seems. It's never been harder to be a cop in any major city. Louisville is no exception. They need cops right now. Nearly 190 cops left the Louisville Metro Police Department.
Starting point is 00:42:24 That's the LMPD in 2020. And 43 have stepped away from the Kentucky City's agency so far in 2021, either choosing to retire or resign altogether as law enforcement officials struggle to recruit new members to make up for a deficit in manpower. Why would you sign up? But what do they get? 50, 60 grand to wrist your neck to be spit on,
Starting point is 00:42:47 to be hated by everybody now, betrayed in a bad light no matter what you do? You want to sign up for that job? If you want that, you might as well become a comic. But it's true. So they have a deficit of manpower authorities uh and a union spokesman told fox news yeah they're hurting for they need help ladies and gentlemen they need help
Starting point is 00:43:11 i would say that we're in dire straits said river city fraternal order of police uh press secretary dave muchler muchler speaking to the current condition of Louisville Police Department staffing. Mutchler also serves as spokesman for the Louisville Metro Officer Union. Statistics provided by LMPD on Tuesday show the department has hired 26 new members so far this year, while 43 have left. The 1,069-person department falls 255 people short. That's dangerous. Of its authorized strength of 1,324, the number of personnel it is authorized to employ. That's what the statistics show. So that's putting people in harm's way, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:44:04 That was the Chuck E. Cheese in Louisville. Anyways. Meanwhile, the Louisville Police Department hired 104 new members in 2020, but lost 188 to retirement or resignations, according to data. By the end of last year, LMPD employed 1,163 police personnel instead of its
Starting point is 00:44:27 1,324-person authorized strength. Was that in there twice? No. From 2013 to 2019, the difference in actual employment numbers in authorized strength has ranged from 45 to 101. That means shortage. In 2020, it climbed to 161 before reaching 255 year to date in 21 statistics. Our manpower is critically low, Muckchula told Fox News. One thing we have to consider when we're talking about recruiting is that in the climate that we currently find ourselves in, the pool of people wanting to become officers is shrinking every day. And you know that's true. You cursed rat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! I don't know why I thought I was shrinking, shrinking. That's why I played that.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I'm doing a story about the Louisville cops and we have a clip from the Wizard of Oz of a witch melting. What are you doing, Nick? I got no idea up in this motherfucker. Mutchler noted that LMPD's most recent recruitment class, which graduated on Friday, consisted of 15 new hires as opposed to the 48 person capability the department has. 15 new hires as opposed to the 48% capability the department has. He said approximately 70 of the 180 people who left the police department last year retired, while the rest chose to get the fuck out before they got shot. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Can you blame him whatsoever? We can't emphasize enough how critically and dangerously low our manpower is. And interestingly enough, those who would break the law are paying attention to that. Muckler continued. Our homicide rates and our violent crime rates are through the roof. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all, and I'm blacker than black, and I'm black, y'all. As of Sunday, there had been more than 84% more non-fatal shootings so far this year, with 201 compared to just 109 instances reported during the same time last year. There were 56 murders reported as of Sunday, a 75% increase from the 32 reported April 5th of 2021. It sounds like a very dangerous fucking place to live.
Starting point is 00:46:51 You're raping me. This is rape. The mask games continue. What do I mean by that? People who have been fully vaccinated against the virus that causes COVID are no longer being advised to wear masks outdoors, kind of. People who have gotten two Moderna or Pfizer shots or three Jägermeister bombs or a single shot of Johnson and tequila, Johnson vaccine, can conduct a range of activities outside without wearing a mask bra or panties ladies
Starting point is 00:47:26 the centers for the centers for sexual diseases the centers for disease control and prevention cdc cunty dick cunty said on tuesday that uh yeah you don't really have to wear a mask but why would you listen to anything they say who Who gives a fuck what you think? That's how I feel. Those include dining at outdoor restaurants with friends and attending an outdoor gathering with a mix of vaccinated, unvaccinated, Eskimos and black people.
Starting point is 00:47:57 People who are not vaccinated against the CCP. This must be a right-wing article. It says Chinese Communist Party virus, are being told to continue wearing masks in those situations. Stop! Thank you. Why would you continue? It's either safe or it isn't.
Starting point is 00:48:18 That girl can do what she wants, by the way. But even people who have not gotten a shot can walk, run, or bike outdoors and attend small outdoor gatherings without the mask, according to the CDC. Both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans should keep wearing masks.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I'm not getting a shot then. I'm not getting it. Why would I do that? I guess they want you to wear it after you get vaccinated in case you break out with pimples and shit as side effects. My testicles are shrunk to nothing. Did I talk about this today? This testosterone, I had them boosted up a little. I'm like, what could happen? And then I read the side effects and my nuts, I'm not imagining it. I had nice balls, not much of a dick, but I had a
Starting point is 00:49:05 nice set of balls. They're very soft. Girls used to comment, they hang down nice. Not quite a great Dane balls, but seriously, a nice... People have complimented me on my balls. That's sad when your dick's right in front of it, but they are almost gone. I'm not kidding you. It's like a little leathery pouch down there. I'm very nervous. Americans should keep wearing masks while attending crowded outdoor events like the Pauly Shore movie marathon. A live performance parade of sports games and shit like that. Really? Even though we had 44,000 at the Texas Rangers opening.
Starting point is 00:49:43 They're telling you to wear a mask after you're vaccinated. That's faggot stuff. I agree. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags. You want to call it by its name. A CDC cannot provide the specific risk level for every activity in every community.
Starting point is 00:49:59 So it's important to consider your own personal situation. Do you realize these people, these are federal guidelines. They're not laws. You don't have to do any of this shit. It's important to consider your own personal situation. Do you realize these people, these are federal guidelines. They're not laws. You don't have to do any of this shit. It's important to consider. It's the first thing I'm asking Dershowitz tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Where does constitutional rights, First Amendment rights for people begin or end as opposed to the corporations? I can't wait to ask him that, and then I'm just going to say goodbye. It's important to consider your own personal situation, the risk to you, your family and your community before venturing out with a mask. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the agency's head, told a virtual briefing. Previous guidance from the health agency recommended people wear masks if they were within six feet, which is a total fucking crock of other outside, regardless of the vaccination status. Six feet. Do you understand that was invented a couple hundred years ago? They came up with that like during the plague.
Starting point is 00:50:48 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I agree. The United States started administering COVID-19 shots in December of 2020. The change in guidance comes more than a year after widespread adoption of masks and after pressure from a range of doctors and other health experts kept revising their recommendations. You know why? Because it's all bullshit. The delay in changing recommendations prompted fresh criticism from the agency. Outdoor safety has zero to do with back status, whoever wrote this. Known since March 2020, CDC guidance is stupid and the principal effect will be
Starting point is 00:51:25 to harm children. They're making babies wear masks. They present zero risk outdoor transmission. That's a fact, okay? But Whitmer gets wet when she gets to boss people around. But now become the focal point
Starting point is 00:51:43 of mask shaming and enforcement and liberal land. Phil Kirpin, the president of the committee to unleash prosperity, who was attacked various COVID-19 metrics during the pandemic wrote all that. And look at him. I wouldn't trust him with my kids.

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