The Nick DiPaolo Show - BLM, Domestic Terror Group Plain and Simple | Nick DiPaolo Show #376

Episode Date: July 14, 2020

Biden quoting Mao. BLM, happy mother was killed for saying All Lives Matter. Newsome tightening restrictions. Thank you Eddie B. from NYC for your "Ask Nick!" question and for your continued support o...n Patreon! FREE! MONDAY - THURSDAY 5PM EST #Trump #MAGA #ABreathOfFreshAir

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hello, everybody. Good afternoon, America. Good evening. Good morning. How yous all doing? How you like me now? And I'll tell you another thing. Frankly, you're beginning to smell. Fuck you. How fucking dare you? Forget it. Scram. Get out of here. That's faggot stuff. You want to call by its name, that's strictly for fags.
Starting point is 00:01:07 That'll get me banned. That's hate speech. Suck a dick and die. Anyways, good to be with you. Folks, I am excited. I go to bed with half a heart on it. I'm 58. Fucking numbers are going through the roof here.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I used to take a week and a half to get 50,000 views on a clip. I wake up the next morning, we're at 50-something. All last week's were at 100,000. You know why? The show is needed. And you guys are looking for a place. Because there's nowhere else to talk the truth, in my opinion. There's only one truth.
Starting point is 00:01:43 And it's very simple, this election coming up, very simple. Choose, fuck socialism. You're going to choose Marxism or you're going to choose capitalism. It's that easy, that easy. And I know Trump's numbers aren't that good right now, but long way to go before November 3rd. And he's actually doing well in the swing states. Trust me, you can't kill this guy. He's not done yet. I got to believe there's enough people left to fucking make the right choice. Although, what is going on is just, oh, there's a couple of stories that disgust me today.
Starting point is 00:02:21 We always like to open with the Democratic nominee who I still don't think. I still don't think it's going to be this guy. He has to come out and talk for more than two minutes and that'll finish him. Because he can't put two sentences together. He was retarded when
Starting point is 00:02:39 he was young. Now lay a nice fucking layer of Alzheimer's on there. I know the fucking, I know the, you know what, symptoms. I'd say he's got another month before he's trying to change the channel on his TV with one of his shoes. Know what I'm saying? Joe Biden quotes Mao Zedong. Remember him? Chinese leader? Look at him.
Starting point is 00:03:11 There he is. They're waving to each other. No. Look at him. Mao Zedong used to dress like Hillary. Oh, shit. That guy is a mass murderer okay uh but uh fucking joe biden actually quoted him i guess yesterday what are we doing what's going on right now uh vp biden used a quote made famous by the
Starting point is 00:03:36 late chinese communist leader mao zedong in an online fundraiser with valerie jarrett another whore former president barack Barack Obama's chief White House advisor. She loved Mao Zedong. That's the type of people Obama surrounded himself with. He started this country down the slippery slope. Don't let anybody tell you different. This is Biden talking. He says, we've got to get real economic relief into women's hands now, Biden said on Monday, to 14 wealthy donors who attended the digital fundraising session. It's only 14 people. Again, a digital session, I understand.
Starting point is 00:04:20 But you know how much money they must be worth if it's only 14? According to the poll reporter who watched the event, Biden then cited the Chinese proverb, women hold up half the sky. Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Mao Zedong and Joe Biden. Who's the slimy little commoner shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here
Starting point is 00:04:41 who just signed his own death warrant? Women hold up half the sky. I hope he's talking about vodka. Here's to you, bitches. The phrase comes from a proclamation by Mao in the mid-20th century that helped grant certain rights to women in China. It helped. And the next regime did what?
Starting point is 00:05:11 They killed all the female babies. They only want male babies. Remember that? The phrase became commonplace in China at the time, often appearing on pieces of propaganda in factories or other industrial areas. And Biden's quoting them. This is why the left wants him to be the nominee. He'll say anything. They probably lied to him. He probably said, whose quote is this? And they went, Obama said it. Remember when you were working? Okay. As long as he said it, he's clean and articulate. The quote may be no accident. Anita Dunn, I'm sorry, she's the one who loved Mao Zedong. A senior advisor to the Biden campaign, infamously praised Mao in 2009 when she was Obama's White House communications director, calling him one of her two favorite political philosophers.
Starting point is 00:05:56 You stupid fucking blabbermouth cunt. Okay, what more do you need to know? And guess what? What more do you need to know? And guess what? You had Obama people quoting Mao Zedong, yet Obama's too conservative for the people who are in the Democrat Party today. He couldn't even win. So put that in your pipe and think about it. Mao would later go on to become one of the biggest mass murderers in human history. Oh, my goodness. Dunn left the White House a short time later, but Mao did not. Obama's first White House Christmas tree featured an ornament of Mao. Think about that. Marxist fuckstain. He hid it, though. He put it on the trees. You know, only other communists could see it, probably recognize it.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Fucking dirty, dirty, filthy president. No, no, no, no! Oh, in our FLA segment tonight, homeowner shoots, kills armed intruders. Surviving suspect faces murder charges. I love it. Good for you. Don't take no shit off nobody. Authority said a Florida homeowner shot three men, killing two of them after they broke into his home friday the victim in this case was exercising his second amendment right to protect himself in his home why do you who said that pasco county sheriff chris knuckle hey mr knuckle why don't you give uh kim gardner a call in st louis and explain what the second amendment is this guy's a fucking hero they ought to make a statue of this guy.
Starting point is 00:07:48 The homeowner told deputies he was playing video games when he heard a glass shatter towards the back of the house. He then grabbed a 9mm handgun, walked down a narrow hallway where he saw the armed intruders. Narcos said the homeowner open fired, killing Luis Casado. Are there any Spanish people and black people not committing crimes under fucking 30? And Kyle Dunham, I could have sworn that was a white name.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Yeah, the guy on the left look happy, doesn't he? Happy to be alive. Look at that face. Don't judge a book by its cover. Fuck you. Two thugs. Here's why these guys are so stupid. They knew this guy. This guy put his gun uh collection
Starting point is 00:08:27 he's a gun fanatic online they saw it and thought they'd rob him what's next a dunkin donuts with 11 cops in it that's an old one folks but it fits the situation fucking uh narco said the homeowner opened fire killing luis casado kyle dunham both 21 years old the homeowner's gun jammed after he shot a third suspect suspect identified as 19 year old jeremiah trammell trammell ran out of the house when the homeowner went to grab another gun narco said but he didn't get far an armed neighbor i want to live in this neighborhood. Apparently it's not a gun free zone. An armed neighbor stopped Trammell and detained him until deputies arrived. Trammell was taken to a Tampa hospital for treatment, later charged with armed home invasion and get this, second degree murder. See, because in Florida, when you're with somebody who commits murder,
Starting point is 00:09:21 New York too, I think. Yeah. You're guilty. The AP reports that a person can be charged with murder under Florida law when someone dies while the person is committing a felony, even if the victim was an accomplice. Well, see you later, fellas. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, Mr. Trammell.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Fucking thug. Good riddance. I wonder if white people were taunting these black kids' families because, you know, they were thugs and shit. Sort of like what black people do in this story I'll get to in a few minutes. Young black mom killed by black lives members. A white mom, excuse me. How dare I fuck that up.
Starting point is 00:10:02 White mom killed by black lives members. And they were taunting her family. It is a sick world, man. Narco said the suspects appeared to know the homeowner. The sheriff said the homeowner believes he may have been targeted because of his gun collection, which is posted on social media. I don't even know what color the guy is. Do they mention his name?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Nick, why is that important? What are you fucking kidding me? I'll say it one more time. Anytime there's a conflict between a black person and a white person, it's about race, period. I don't know. Did it mention the guy who did the shooting? They call him the rifleman, Chuck Connors.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I was reading about Chuck Connors. You know how when you're online and you see that clickbait shit, and they're like, you won't believe what happened to Chuck Connors. I always fall for it. It's an hour later. I'm fucking actually watching a porn of Chuck Connors fucking some guy, supposedly. I'm sure you've all seen it. There's actual black and white grainy footage.
Starting point is 00:11:03 A guy looks just like Chuck Connors. I don't know if it is or not. Fucking a guy from behind on top. Unbelievable. I was there for like two hours. This is the rifleman. He's my hero as a kid. All my heroes turned out to be, you know, Bruce Jenner.
Starting point is 00:11:20 He's got tits now and a vagina. Chuck Connors fucks guys. Elton John. All his songs, the words make no sense to me now. I always thought he was singing to women. Daniel's traveling tonight on a plane. I thought it was a fucking guy. Probably Danielle.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Nick, why are they? Well, it changes the song to me. Still love him, though. Do you know Elton John bumped me on my first Tonight Show? Bumped me. Signed an album for me. Didn't even get to meet him. He's upstairs with a thousand people surrounding him. But I'll get him someday. I'll show up at a concert, pinch
Starting point is 00:11:52 his ass on the way to the stage. Remember me? You bumped me, motherfucker! I couldn't have been prouder, actually. Fucking love that guy. But, yeah, I mean, it's so dark right now in this country. The news and I'm trying to find some funny shit.
Starting point is 00:12:12 If you've noticed since the Civil War broke out, there's not much funny. Here's the one that gets my blood a crackling. McAllen, Texas. 16-year-old daughter of a slain McAllen police officer, Ismael Chavez, was attacked on social media. Why was she attacked? Well, she was attacked by anti-police critics for posting a heartfelt tribute to her murdered father. This is what you're dealing with with Black Lives Matter. And they're a Marxist organization, by the way. It doesn't even say them here, but who do you think anti-police people are?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Officer Chavez, 39, and Officer Eldemiro Garza, 45, were murdered in the line of duty in an ambush attack on the afternoon of July 11th. They were dispatched to a South McAllen home after a neighbor called police to report that 23-year-old Auden Audie Ignacio Camarillo, once again, but it's white people who are the problem. But it's white people who are the problem. Ignacio Camarillo was arguing with his mother and her boyfriend. That's what Camarillo's relatives said. How'd you like to bang on that door?
Starting point is 00:13:40 According to Chief Rodriguez, Camarillo opened fire on the officers as they approached the front door of the residence at approximately 3.30 in the afternoon. Officers never had a chance to suspect a deadly assault on them, much less death at that moment in time, the chief told reporters. Our officers did not even draw their weapons, did not fire, never stood a chance. Officer Garza and Officer Chavez were rushed to a local hospital where they both pronounced dead. But we don't need cops, right? Defund the cops right defund the cops defund the police look what's going on in fucking new york city over the weekend how many people were shot in new york in chicago once again 60 do you understand this doesn't go on in afghanistan
Starting point is 00:14:19 and lebanon war-torn syria do you understand that right now? And people want to defund the police. Just think about that. And you're going to pull the lever for a Democrat. Words cannot describe the pain I'm in, but I'm glad my dad is at peace, Officer Chavez's daughter, Savannah, wrote in a social media post. You're an amazing man. And anyone who ever came across you knew that. I'm going to miss you so much. You died doing what you loved most. You died a hero. I love you, Daddy.
Starting point is 00:14:49 See you soon. Hashtag Blue Lives Matter. Although the teen received many messages of support and condolence, she also received hundreds of vile, hateful comments. Twitter. You know, Twitter really did do something. It just exposed the underbelly of how sick people are. If it, you know, did anything. This is what some people wrote after she put that tribute to her dad.
Starting point is 00:15:15 One cop down, many more to go, one Twitter user wrote. Fuck your mother! Aw, boo hoo, cry about it anyways, ACAB guys, which means all cops are bastards. Several people told the teen that her father's now a good cop because he's dead. Can you make this shit up, folks? Well, at least your pop is a good cop now, six feet in the dirt where he can't hurt anybody. Can you fucking imagine? Wake up, white white people think about that
Starting point is 00:15:48 multiple users described the blue lives uh that blue lives don't exist while others posted laughing emojis and messages as fuck you and your dead daddy. How do you describe what's going on in this country? Seems like what they used to call a slow motion riot is now a slow motion civil war. Some critics blasted Savannah for posting about her murdered father at a time like this. ACAB. This was not the right time to post this, one person tweeted. Can you friggin' imagine?
Starting point is 00:16:37 I suck cock and I love it. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. Girl, you couldn't have mourned your dad in peace without having to use that racist ass hashtag? Oh my God. I'm black y'all and I'm black y'all and I'm blacker than black and I'm black. Look what the media has
Starting point is 00:16:54 done. You have to ask yourself every time we do stories like this, how did these kids get to that point? Huh? They weren't born this way. They drank every ounce of Kool-Aid that the mainstream media has been dumping down their throat on TV. Their parents, their parents suck, but it's another thing we've learned. Their parents fucking suck.
Starting point is 00:17:22 There's no such thing as Blue Lives, another quip.ip it's a uniform you weren't born with it next time educate yourself savannah ultimately deleted the tribute post as the grotesque vile messages continued to pour in yeah we fuck on your dad's grave one person granddaddy it says sexually explicit, all over the rotten pig corpse. It was hilarious. The same user referred to Savannah's dad as worm food. How did they vote? Just ask yourself that.
Starting point is 00:17:54 You think they vote Republican? Nick, that's not the whole deal. Yeah, it is. That's how far left they've gone. And they get Biden the puppet who will say anything. President Joe Gimaldi blasted those responsible for the online attacks. He said, to make matters worse, one of the office's daughter put a touching tribute on Twitter to her father.
Starting point is 00:18:15 You had all of these keyboard warrior losers who live in their mom's basement completely trolled her and said some of the most vile things imaginable to her. That's where we are in 2020. This guy knows exactly what time it is. The constant drumbeat from some politicians, a.k.a. de Blasio, Kim Gartner,
Starting point is 00:18:37 and some in the media of the anti-police rhetoric and the false narratives have just caused all of these attacks on law enforcement. But don't take my word for it. Just look at the numbers. We've had over 159 police officers shot in this country this year, which is actually an increase over last year's historic numbers. Okay? Think about that. And he says, 54 officers have been shot since the May 25th in custody death of George Floyd. It is showing no signs of slowing down. It has nothing to do with George Floyd.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Mmm. Some more. Very depressing. some more uh very depressing we really bill hicks once said about our human beings we're a virus with shoes that's an insult to viruses i'd say again he wasn't around for covid by the way i saw bill hicks one of my favorite comics ever i'm flipping through youtube the other night because i took a two-hour power nap at like six o'clock, so I was up till four watching YouTube clips. Everything from fucking Ted Nugent to Donny and Marie to murder suspects to unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And I found Bill Hicks three months after he graduated high school. If you guys are Hicks fans, doing stand-up at a club in Houston. Three months after. He's like 19 years old. Imagine didn't realize he'd be dead in 13 years or whatever. Anyways, here's some more of this vile shit from the left. BLM supporters celebrate after mob murders white mother, then taunt her family on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Fucking kidding me. Wake up, white people. After unidentified members of a Black Lives Matter mob murdered a 24-year-old white woman in Indianapolis, Indiana, in Indianapolis. We know it's in fucking Indiana, you fucks. Indianapolis, We know it's in fucking Indiana. You fucks. Indianapolis fucking Pennsylvania. For allegedly saying all lives matter,
Starting point is 00:20:50 supporters swarmed the young mother's Facebook page to celebrate her murder and taunted her loved ones. I'm black, y'all, and I'm black, y'all. Not just black, by the way. White kids, too, I'm sure. According to Jose Ramirez, the fiance of murder victim Jessica Doty Whitaker, while the two hung out, I got a small. They chicken shit one-on-one. A member of Whitaker's group, though, Ramirez tells Fox,
Starting point is 00:21:28 a member of Whitaker's group, through Ramirez, tells Fox 59, it's not clear who replied with the All Lives Matter. What does that matter who said it? Think about that. These jerk-offs actually kill somebody because they said All Lives Matter. Let that sink in.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Civil War time. We're not agreeing on, we're two different planets right now. The two sides separated, but on their way out of the area, Whitaker and Ramirez were ambushed, naturally, by fucking cowards. It was squashed, and then they went up the hill, and this is the fiance talking and left. We thought they had left, but they were sitting on St. Claire waiting for us to come under the bridge.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And that's when she got shot. Jose admits he returned fire, but didn't hit anyone. Following reports of Whitaker's murder, Black Lives Matter supporters took to her Facebook page to celebrate and to taunt her grieving friends and family members. Are we not living in the sewer? It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. Do we have the tweets, Raz? No. If you can, whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:43 They printed out real small here, but it's just more vile shit. You know? She had the nerve, if it was even her or her fiance, to say all lives matter. Now she did. And again, make a choice in November. Because I'll guarantee you,
Starting point is 00:23:04 when people like fucking AOC reads that and de Blasio, they quietly have an orgasm. They really do. Because they know the revolution is in motion. It's that simple. Don't go anywhere without a fucking gun. I don't care what your state says. Put one in your pants, whatever. Time for a commercial.
Starting point is 00:23:38 As you know, our sponsor,, these guys pump fucking stuff out every week, man. What do they get, like 400 Asian girls tied to a loom in the basement? Defund police. I don't think I have. As you know,
Starting point is 00:23:54 our sponsor,, has some great shirts that allow you to show and say exactly what you are feeling. Shirts like this. Defund the police. Fund the police. That's a tank top. I'd like to see Raz in that. Little side tit at a barbecue. You know what I'm saying? Built Trump tough. I like that one. The orange one. Blue Lives Matter. Again, wear these
Starting point is 00:24:22 at your own risk since we live in a Marxist state. When you visit, make sure to use the promo code Nick, and you'll get 10% off not just these shirts but everything on the website. Anyway, lots of great stuff on Go there, check out all the gear, and we thank them for sponsoring the show. Those guys churn the stuff out. Virgin Mary. Oh my god. Is this not the most depressing?
Starting point is 00:24:52 I'm not, look, I'm not overly religious. I'm really agnostic, I guess. But I respect other people who are religious. You know what I'm saying? Takes a lot of balls to burn a Mother Mary statue. Go burn a fucking Allah. Draw a picture of balls to burn a Mother Mary statue. Go burn a fucking Allah.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Draw a picture of Allah. A fucking... Is it Allah? No, who's the one you can't draw? Muhammad. I confused the two. They had his sitcom in the 70s, Muhammad and Allah. Allah.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Allah was asked to leave his apartment by his 12 year old daughter I mean wife can two prophets live together in one apartment the police department the Boston police and fire departments are investigating an arson at a Boston church after a Virgin Mary statue was set on fire on Saturday night. You believe this shit? Police responded at 10 p.m. to a report of a fire near St. Peter Parish in the city's Dorchester neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Upon arrival, officers saw that a statue of the blessed virgin may have been set on fire we have a little video of the news report father john curran came to see for himself the damage done to the statue of the blessed mother boston police tell us someone called in just after nine o'clock saturday night to report plastic flowers held in the statue were set on fire creating black soot that burned the statue that's i you know that's kind of ironic now she's black yet she's still white you know i mean it's kind of somebody figured out there's a metaphor on this somewhere but you know i mean she's dressed in white but her face is sort of what's causing this type of shit good observation on my part nobody gives a fuck go
Starting point is 00:26:40 ahead at you that was placed there just after World War II, welcoming back soldiers from the war. That's Mother Toniqua. What up? Burning the statues. Oh, I was shocked. There's disappointment and sadness, said Father John Curran, the pastor. Really? Is that all the emotion you can well up? You were disappointed? You don't want to rip somebody's head off? Just say it, Father. I like to rip the dicks off these motherless fucks. Just say it. It'll feel so good. The image of Our Lady is so important for us and our faith.
Starting point is 00:27:21 It's such a contradiction to her love. Mary would never desecrate anyone, never hurt anyone, only offer them peace and love of Jesus. I think that's where it really hits us in our hearts. A Boston firefighter who said he was among those who responded to the fire shared a photo of the burned statue. The Blessed Virgin Mary statue was placed outside of St. Peter Parish just after the end of World War II
Starting point is 00:27:47 to welcome back soldiers who were returning to Dorchester. You know the soldiers that saved the world from tyranny and Marxism and communism? You know that generation? Sort of what we're fighting right now in this country? On Sunday, neighbors replaced the flowers at the statue that were burned in the fire. Curran, that's the father, hopes whoever started the fire will come forward
Starting point is 00:28:09 and said that the church would be there for them if they were looking for help. Oh, yeah, I'm sure they'll be giving you a call soon, father. How the fuck can he believe that? Do you really believe that, father? God, God bless you. Yeah, I'm sure they'll be knocking on your door. Hi, we did it. Boston Police Department is investigating the arson.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Anyone with information is strongly urged to contact detectives at 617-343-4335. Those who wish to provide an anonymous tip can do so by calling the Crime Stoppers tip line 1-800-494-TIPS. Or by texting the word TIP to CRIME, which is 27463. Burning the statue. Guys, I hope you're awake. You're watching. This shit happened. This is how revolutions happen.
Starting point is 00:29:06 If you know your history. And it's so funny. These far left radicals are using the tactics that Nazi Germany used. That ISIS does. Tearing down statues. Trying to make the history of who they're conquering disappear like it never happened. You know, like taking the Redskins logo off the helmet. Pretend the Indians were never here.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Isn't that fucking weird, though, is evil? If you know your history, you're watching it being played out. I can understand why, because Marxism, Social, McCormick, whatever you want to call it, it's all worked so well all over the world. It's enough to make you cry, isn't it? I'll tell you. Speaking of crying, crazy Karen. I don't like what we're calling all white girls Karen now, okay?
Starting point is 00:29:52 Fucking Taniquas, every time I see a black broad. Hey, Aisha, shut your fucking hole. Painting all white girls as Karens. How dare you? And they're always cute, the ones that are crying and shit. I know I'm in my late 70s, but I'm just saying. Raz and me would go, hmm, she's very upset. Sometimes she'd get over there and console her.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Here's a video. Crazy, it says Crazy Karen. Goes on a rant. Again, it's all right to stereotype white women, apparently. Goes on a rant about having to wear a rant. Again, it's it's all right to stereotype white women, apparently goes on a rant about having to wear a mask. And again, this is another example to me of poor parenting. Talk about sheltered and shit. But but listen to how else. When I first saw a few minutes, I'm like, did I read this right? Was she sexually assaulted?
Starting point is 00:30:41 No, it's about wearing a mask. Roll the tape. sexually assaulted? No, it's about wearing a mask. Roll the tape. I just want to say that I had to do something as a citizen yesterday. It wasn't something that I wanted to do out of pleasure. It wasn't something I wanted to do because I had to.
Starting point is 00:31:03 It wasn't like I was going to a restaurant or forced into doing something. What did you do? Have to blow the football team? What you so upset about? I was forced to wear a mask yesterday. Oh, Jesus. It was my choice to wear a mask yesterday.
Starting point is 00:31:18 And I felt my human rights being robbed. I don't agree with forcing people to do anything in this life that they don't feel like they have to do. Pause. Oh, really? Come on. A lot of people don't want to bathe and shit. I agree with her about the mask. It should be.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Look, it all depends on who you believe. All right. There's doctors out there saying the masks don't do anything. Look, it all depends on who you believe. All right. There's doctors out there saying the masks don't do anything. And there's other ones who refute that. I know the numbers are going up in states and there's a new surge and stuff. But according to a lot of people who are a lot smarter than me, masks aren't going to do anything. And I was saying to Raz when I had to go home to Boston last week, they keep the middle seat open. When I had to go home to Boston last week, they keep the middle seat open.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Now, if this is really that deadly of virus or disease, really six feet? Wouldn't it be 106 feet if it was that? And you could take your mask off to eat and drink. Okay, so is it either fucking a killer virus or not? I risked it. I wanted those peanuts bad. And that diet slice. Go ahead, let Karen cry. You know, I'm a registered nurse and I was forced to wear
Starting point is 00:32:30 a mask yesterday and I was not sick. Somebody put that in there. How dare you? That's racist. Oh, poor you. Why did you do that, Terry? Why did you do that, Terry? Oh, poor you It's gonna be alright, honey This is gonna be a lot worse shit Than somebody trying to make you wear a mask
Starting point is 00:33:00 You ever been in bed with a guy who's drunk? It's gonna to get ugly. Ask Rez. California, the dumbest state in the union, always has been. I don't care how beautiful it is. I don't care if there's surfing out there, sunshine. It's always been a retarded state. It's always been a liberal state. I blame them on the cancer the left far left radical cancer that's destroying this country it all started out there in the 50s when they embraced a uh new uh new wave psychology they called it you know hate ashbury and all the hippies and manson and shit they always lead in that shit and uh it's dumbest state in the fucking union as bill hicksicks said, and I was hoping he'd be right, it would break off like the turd that it is and float into the fucking ocean and somebody could flush it.
Starting point is 00:33:50 But it's still out there. And they were bankrupt way before COVID came around. to call him Hitler, ordered all bars and all dine-in restaurants, movie theaters, museums, and other indoor businesses across the state to close Monday as the COVID cases continue to climb. You smoke cocksucker. Fuck you. I understand that a little bit, but these people are trying to make a living in shit. You know, let them serve outside
Starting point is 00:34:29 of something. They already, I swear to God, and I'm still saying they want to keep the economy fucked up until the election. And what better place,
Starting point is 00:34:39 California's the biggest state. It's like, what is it? It's the sixth biggest economy in the world. Let's keep this state fucked up. Again, maybe it's like what is it like it's the sixth biggest economy in the world let's keep this state fucked up again maybe it's just me being paranoid and whatnot but here is uh mr newsome who loves his power absolutely loves his power here he is uh announcing this yesterday we are now effectively uh rather effective today requiring all counties to close their indoor activities.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Why is John Madden doing sign language up in the corner in a dress? Look at that. She's doing the blowjob thing right there. Making fun of him. What is with this? I don't even listen to the person speaking. I get focused on the sign language fucking people going. Look at that pig. It's David Lee Roth.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Go ahead. Operations in the following sectors. Restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, movie theaters, family entertainment centers, zoos and museums, card rooms, and the shuttering of all bars. This is in every county in the state of California. Ah, good luck, California. The data suggests not everyone is acting with common sense, Newsom said. And the people said to him, why don't you kiss my dirty grits? California hospitals also reported an increase in the number of corona patients,
Starting point is 00:36:11 growing 28% over a two-week period. There were 6,485 people hospitalized with COVID as of Sunday. Here's an unbelievable statistic. My buddy, the cop, he was at my house, you know, a couple weeks ago, and he's looking at Google and shit. How many hospital beds are in the United States?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Raz, how many you think, total, hospital beds? 500,000. Fuck, I can't remember the number now. Fuck. Yeah, Google that. Why would I bring that up?
Starting point is 00:36:52 I don't even have the number. It's unbelievably low. It's under a million beds. 973,000. Does that sound right? Yeah? Yep, 924,000. 924,000 beds in a country of 330 million people.
Starting point is 00:37:17 You wonder why there's a problem with the hospitals getting clogged up? Does that sound? I guessed 30 million. I'm like 10% of about, you know, 300 million people, 303. Not even a million. Jesus H. The Golden State government has ordered Monday marks one of the largest rollbacks any state has issued since reopening their economies. Newsom remind the residents to limit their interactions with people outside their households and encourage them to meet outside if they do meet.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Early on Monday, two of California's largest school districts, Los Angeles Unified and San Diego Unified, issued a joint statement announcing they will begin the fall school year online. Oh, my God. What the hell's going on out here? Yeah, kids learn real well online. One minute they're looking at an algebra problem, then they cut over to your fucking
Starting point is 00:38:17 blowing each other. Everybody's getting an A in biology now. In the statement, the school district said much of the research surrounding the coronavirus and children is still unknown. That's total bullshit. I saw two doctors on TV yesterday
Starting point is 00:38:32 saying the one thing we do know is it doesn't affect children. It doesn't affect children. 0.00001, it's fucking, it's almost null and void. So they should be going back to school. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:52 Newsom gets a hard-on making these rules. Oh, and then college football. Guys, you understand I love college football. It's my... Raz, your ride is here. College football is my... Raz, your ride is here. College football is my heaven.
Starting point is 00:39:09 You know what I mean? I get so excited come fall time. There's nothing I like more in the world. Well, the Ivy League is shutting down, which, you know, shitty football anyways. But the Patriot Conference, that's like Lafayette and a whole bunch of other,
Starting point is 00:39:26 they're not doing football. You know, of course, Big Ten and all the schools where they bring in trillions of dollars to football games. But how are you going to do that? Is Ohio State going to have 105,000 people at their game? I don't know. But please, please don't cancel college football. I'm already watching, like, you know, women's golf to satisfy my sports nut.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Some of them broads got some big racks on them, I'll tell you. Those are the heterosexual ones. A little house cleaning here. Thanks to those of you who chat live during the show premiere at 5 o'clock. Yesterday, get this, folks. This is what excites me. We had nearly 5,000 people chat live during the show premiere at 5 o'clock. Yesterday, get this, folks. This is what excites me. We had nearly 5,000 people when we dropped the show
Starting point is 00:40:09 at 5 o'clock. Do you understand what that means? If I was on the road right now, I'd probably be doing some serious numbers. But no! Some chink, I mean Chinese person, fucking slanty-eyed cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Had to let the germ out of the lab and fuck up my career. I especially want to thank those who submit super chats like this one. This is from Alt Rock Lover from the last show. When they call us white supremacists, he asked me, is it an accusation or an observation just wondering love you buddy that's a good fucking line wish I thought of it
Starting point is 00:40:50 but if I said that I'd be drilled out of the business not that I'm in a business I had three lines on fucking suddenly Susan 20 years ago that show business that's a funny line is it an accusation suddenly Susan 20 years ago. That show business, right? That's a funny line.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Is it an accusation or observation? That's some racist shit, whoever thought of that. Please make sure to follow me on Parler, P-A-R-L-E-R. My handle is at NickDepaloShow. Here are some of my upcoming dates that my manager makes me read every day. I don't fucking understand why. I can just say go to They're all on the fucking website.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Tom. September 17th through 19th, the Plaza Hotel and Casino. Yeah, just like it was yesterday when I read it. It hasn't changed. October 2nd, Jonathan's in Agunquit, Maine. The 10th of October stand up live Huntsville, Alabama
Starting point is 00:41:46 October 11th Zany's Comedy Club what the fuck you got me in Alabama one night and the next I'm in Nashville gonna come home with Ricketts that's a lot of southern
Starting point is 00:41:55 November 19th the improv Raleigh, North Carolina guys working me like a goddamn slave here they better be full capacity I'm not going out there China guys working me like a goddamn slave here. They better be full capacity. I'm not going out there for half the fucking money.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I'm sorry. Stay home and do balloon animals on fucking line. I have a patron question. Raz has a patron question. It's from Eddie B, New York city. Nick ever think of writing a book, narrating it to a, uh, narrating it to a, narrating it to a co-author?
Starting point is 00:42:28 What the fuck does that mean? Instead of writing it, speaking it. I understand speaking it, but what do you mean co-author? Who's the co-author? Eddie B., I don't know what you're, could be Eddie Brill, my buddy.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I have thought of writing a book. I have been thinking about it for 20 years. I've never done it. I think about it every day. And I don't think I'm famous enough yet. That's what I always tell my managers that have been asking me forever. Not famous enough yet.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I know a few comics who have fucking written books. They sold 11 in four years. And if you know anything about writing, it's the hardest thing to do. I'd rather take a fucking carrot peeler to the tip of my cock and squeeze lemon juice on it. It's fucking brutal. Colin Quinn trying to talk me into it.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I'm telling you, you'll get into it. It's like working on a car. I go, I don't know how to do that either. Maybe I'll write a book about working on a car. It'll be one page. But yes, I don't know how to do that either. Maybe I'll write a book about working on a car. It'll be one page. But yes, I have a lot to say, Eddie, and many people have asked me that. So maybe you can be the co-author. And I will narrate it because I have that voice. Ha, ha, ha. It'll be chapter one. Fuck these motherless cum stains. these motherless cum stains. See me trying to promote that on Fox News.
Starting point is 00:43:49 What's this chapter here? Goo goblers all die. I don't know, Sean. Some more California news from the dumbest state in the union. You don't believe me? California will release 8,000 prisoners in an effort to stem the spread of COVID. Yeah, God forbid somebody in there for rape got a fucking disease, huh? They're going to release 8,000 prisoners in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19 inside state lockups.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Who gives a fucking rat's ass? 8,000 people, Raz. What do you think of that? Yeah, fuck the people out there, you know? Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. These actions are taken to provide for the health and safety of the incarcerated population. How about the people outside who go to work for a living
Starting point is 00:44:44 and pay their taxes? You fucking shitheads. And they're saying, oh, we're just going to release the nonviolent ones. Yeah, we heard that in New York City. We heard that in New York City. A couple of them were fucking, one was a child molester, and another one was like a rapist who already reoffended. So you lib cum stains.
Starting point is 00:45:03 We're not buying it. Release them into the pop. Don't worry about it. Tough shit. That's how I look at it. You're in jail, not for being a nice person. God forbid you got a fucking,
Starting point is 00:45:15 got COVID. You wouldn't be able to work out in the yard. These actions are taken to provide for the health and safety of the incarcerated and the staff, said Rehabilitation Secretary Ralph Diaz. Ralph, you're a real mama look. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Oh, fuck it. Only prisoners with less than a year remaining on their sentences will be eligible for release. Those with violent rap sheets or convictions for sex crimes will be excluded from the program. No, they won't. No, they won't. Some liberal judge like Amy Berman Jackson, some fucking jerk off like that, will say, no, that's unconstitutional. As the United States continues to face tens of thousands of new cases daily, prisons have been particularly hard hit. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:46:07 In California, I think that would be a positive to have COVID in prison. You're in the shower, three guys try to rape you. Like, I'm fucking COVID-19 positive, dude. And the guy fucking is like, well, I've had AIDS. I don't care. And I'm doing life.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I'm going to open your ass like a ripe honeydew. Release them into the population. Some more COVID stories. How about this poor bastard? San Antonio, Texas. A patient in their 30s died from the coronavirus, get this, after attending what's being called the COVID party, according to San Antonio health official.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Chief medical officer of Methodist Healthcare, Dr. Jane Appleby, have you had her fucking Caesar salad in the fry? Said the idea of these parties is to see if the virus is real. This is a party held by somebody diagnosed with COVID. Here is Dr. Appleby. I heard a heartbreaking story this week. We cared for a 30-year-old patient at Methodist Hospital who told their nurse that they had attended a COVID party. This is a party held by somebody diagnosed with the COVID virus. Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. People get together to see if the virus is real and if anyone gets infected.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and they said, I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it's not. And you blew it! You blew it! Did you just make that story up, doctor?
Starting point is 00:47:43 I don't trust anybody anymore. I really don't. Do you have a camera in the room? I want to see the person that said that. If that was me, I wouldn't be going. I think I made a mistake. I'd be like, those fucking Chinese. After all the money I've spent at those buffets, how dare they?
Starting point is 00:48:02 Thought it was a hoax. You poor bastard, you. And you blew it you blew it covid parties that shows you though like with aids and other things like that people weren't having sars parties right or aids parties well maybe they were if you go to studio 54 in the 80s aids was full-blown you couldn't get in there people were banging in the fucking coat room and all kinds of shit that I missed out on
Starting point is 00:48:29 never put a condom on in the 80s well AIDS doesn't discriminate yeah it does I see a lot of healthy construction workers but a lot of sickly male figure skaters don't tell me doctor just before the pay yeah we already said that the doctor said it doesn't discriminate and none of us are invincible.
Starting point is 00:48:47 They said that about AIDS again. I don't want to be an alarmist and we're just trying to share some real world examples to help our community realize that this virus is very serious and can spread easily. In fact, she said the positivity rate has jumped to 22%. This is a concerning increase from a positive. I want to know the death rate. That's all I care about. Why?
Starting point is 00:49:06 Because I'm not 78 with, you know, some type of sugar disease. I was trying to say diabetes. My mind's racing right now. Sugar disease. You live in the South too, huh? Yes. Tracy Morgan calls diabetes sugarfoot. Yeah, my uncle goes sugarfoot.
Starting point is 00:49:30 He makes me laugh, man. I think he's crazy and crazy like a fox. He knows exactly what he's doing. He acts stupid, but he's... I don't know, he's funny as a motherfucker. Thursday night, the city was reporting nearly 18,000 cases with more than 1,200 patients in the hospital system. And again, Raz, 924,000 beds total.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Under a million beds in a country this big? For the love of Christ, our fraternity house had 240,000 beds. All of them filthy. One-time contributions. I got to thank you people. You are making this show possible. You can contribute at or you can become a monthly subscriber at
Starting point is 00:50:16 And when you do that, you get an extra story. You get to ask me a question. You get access to all the archive shows. Here are the one-time contributions since yesterday. Adam Scott. Adam Scott. Adam. Jesus Christ, Nick.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Put on your gun. Adam Holcutt. How did I get Scott out of that? Alabama. William Seema, Wisconsin. Eugene Pushkash. Am I missing that one? Is there a gas joke or something? No Eugene Pushkash. Am I missing that one? Is there a gas joke or something?
Starting point is 00:50:47 No. Pushkash, Pennsylvania. Ray Blackwood, California. Chris Cantos, Pennsylvania. Sean Littlehill. He's always in there. Massachusetts. Carla Clark.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Boy, she's from Virginia. You're lucky you're not from Boston. Carla Clark. Lori Moore, Nevada. Chad Landry, Pennsylvania. Paul Sagnella. Again, these are a lot of repeat names. Connecticut. Ryan Lubrecki, Pennsylvania. Dave Robbins,
Starting point is 00:51:13 Connecticut. Dave Rasco, Texas. Michael Smith, Florida. Michael Barber, Indiana. Hugh G. Rection. Hugh G. Rection. Washington. Alex Dixon, my Washington. Alex Dixon, my butt. Alex Dixon, my booty. Dixon, my buddy.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Illinois. Dane Howard, UK. That would be England, people. Matthew Ronsley, New Zealand. Joel Flanagan, Australia. Scott O'Shea, Illinois. Got a lot of Illinois in there. I'm liking that.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Here's that sandwich, Nick. Tennessee. I don't know what that means. Anything? Oh, make me a sandwich. Wow, Nick, you're really sharp today. What does that mean, Rads? I never, I'm but a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Here's our Patreon members since yesterday. These are people that signed up monthly. Jackboy Robbins. Eric Winwood, Thomas Monaghan, Matt Happip, John Staparo. Thank you guys so much. The monthly thing's climbing. The numbers are climbing. I'm telling you, Fox Nation, here I come.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Fox Nation. Nick Nation. We talked about giving our fans nicknames and shit, you know. And we had discussed this a year ago.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Calling them the Nickers. Still might do it. discussed this year ago, calling them the knickers. Still might do it. And we could have great t-shirts like, you crazy, knicker. What do you think? Raz? I wonder what people out there would think.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Like, what ideas they have. This might have come from them people out there. But yeah, if you guys have any idea... But how are you going to beat that one? Me and Tommy are on a plane going back and forth texting each other. You know, knickers. Knicker, please. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:19 That type of shit. It would make the people really nervous at the Huffington Post, you know. Finally tonight on Meet the Depressed, as Mark Levin would say, a little lighthearted story. Let's get away from it. This one made me hungry. Baker uses woman's urine from public toilets to make bread. The science behind it, it's mind-boggling.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Piss bread, I love it. Bon appetit. Don't we call that sourdough? science behind it. It's mind-boggling. It says, piss bread. I love it. Don't we call that sour dope? Honey, get another lope in there. I understand the... You guys are going to go, you're sick. I understand the piss part, but it's coming from public toilets. Here's where you lose me.
Starting point is 00:54:14 If you said, look, this is Megan Fox's urine, I'd eat the baguette. But it's coming from a porta potty with some dyke on a construction site at three Miller Lights. Urine is great fertilizer, she says. This is the female doctor in France, adding that her aim is to break taboos over excrement. You pig. Her process of baking is not very complicated. She first collects urine from female restrooms.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Why? I don't want to get chlamydia from my bagel. And then sprays them on wheat. So she sprays the pee-pee on the wheat. Delicious. Thank you. Look, pee-pee only. That lady looks like she's taking a dump.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Now, see the girl in the blue shorts? I'd eat three loaves of her pee bread. Am I being weird? Look at all those girls lined up. Somebody's trying to put on her makeup on the shitter. Listen to what she says. This broad is crazy. It's a neglected liquid.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Tell the German porn stars that usually dismissed as waste should be treated like a goldmine. She says, no pun intended. Ragay was quoted by the New York post. She added that urine has nitrogen, excuse me, potassium and many other nutrients. Yeah. So does a V8. I'm not going to scoop some blood out of the toilet. Get out of my room, you sick cunt. It has nitrogen, potassium, many other nutrients that plants extract from the soil. But don't start thinking the woman is absolutely crazy and should be booked for risking public health. There is some actual science behind the work. I wonder who wrote this. Some broad, I'm guessing. A study published by the French Urban Planning Agency suggested that nearly 29 million loaves of urine
Starting point is 00:56:11 utilizing bread could be baked each day, resulting in the saving of 703 tons of nitrogen found in artificial fertilizers every day. And what are you going to have with it? A nice shit brownie? Huh? How long before she's in the men's room with a scooper? Or a public park picking up German shepherd shit.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Making beautiful crullers. When you pee in the water, she says, treatment plants remove the nutrients. They do not return to the earth. The system is not circular. It's ideal to replace chemical fertilizers and avoid the pollution they cause. Oh, shut your fucking furry unshaved beaver, French woman. Ragay said she dilutes the urine at least 20 times before using it in her bread. How about 220,000 times, you pig face? As for the decision for only using female urine now here comes the catch ragay said it comes from her eco-feminism craziest bitches on the planet beliefs in her interest in creating a female
Starting point is 00:57:14 urinal called marcel or marseille which is aimed at making it easier for a woman to urinate in public places so she's a crazy feminist. Don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head. We don't care if girls piss in public. Fucking we're asking for it half the time. This whole website's on girls pissing in public. I heard that.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I don't know. Raz told me that he was on one called PP Polly. And, uh, but anyways, all right, we he was on one called PP Poly. But anyways. All right. We'll end on the piss bread note, I guess. But it makes sense. Women piss yeast, yeast infection bread. It all ties together when you think of it.
Starting point is 00:57:55 That is it, folks. Remember, you guys, Got a couple more waiting for me today. I'll send a video message. Roasting one of your friends. Whatever you want me to say. You tell me a little bit about them. And don't try to be funny when you're trying to do.
Starting point is 00:58:10 I'll do the fucking jokes. Just tell me their height, weight, and what kind of tits they have. You guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here tomorrow at the same time. Take care, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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