The Nick DiPaolo Show - China 'Biden' Time | Nick Di Paolo Show #457

Episode Date: December 8, 2020

Chinese professor describes insider ties to political elites. Powell's Kraken drowns in Georgia federal court. Pennsylvania principal pushed out for overt conservative views....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up nigga? You wanna talk some shit? Call me, start some shit bitch Sup fool, you gonna talk shit about me homie? Where you from? Hundreds of niggas is waiting for your motherfucking call and they all talking shit about you right now. You wanna sell that shit? Call these motherfuckers ASAP. Yeah I said some shit. What? Man fuck you and your bone spurs. The hardest niggas is standing by ready to pick up that phone.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Buff niggas. Dark niggas. Asian niggas. Dark niggas. Asian niggas. White niggas. Suck my dick, bitch. Fuck you. 1-213-373-4253. Just dial, nigga. I'll fuck you up.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Deaf niggas. Classic niggas. Racist niggas. Mystery niggas Classic niggas Racist niggas Mystery niggas Psycho niggas Dog niggas Jewish niggas You got some motherfucking nerds calling me out Shabbat On some little bullshit ass nigga
Starting point is 00:01:20 Better calm that shit down and come around here and show me some fucking respect Before me and my Jewish niggas come up here and beat your ass nigga. Off top. Niggas is talking shit. Call now. $4.99 per minute. Oh, yeah baby How you is? Call now, motherfucker
Starting point is 00:02:16 Welcome to the show on a dirty Tuesday from Georgia The political controversial state Excuse me from Georgia, the political controversial state. Excuse me. I moved down here because I thought it was redder than, you know, Conan O'Brien's pubes. But no, we're right in the middle of a bunch of shit. And I'm so tired of it, I can't watch another commercial with fucking Purdue or Warnoff or fucking Kelly Loeffler or Osnoff or whatever his name is at Liberal Jerk.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Oh, my God. Every other. You can't get away from it. And listen to this. Two days ago. Well, actually, yesterday. No, Friday. uh, well, actually yesterday, no, Friday, we get three mail-in ballots mailed to us,
Starting point is 00:03:20 to my house that we didn't ask for. Ah, what fraud? Silly goose. Anyhow, uh, let's get right to it. Fuck it, Chase. Nothing else to do up here. There's a little funny thing. I think Ivanka Trump put it up, I think, of her dad. Trump doing his thing on his visit to Rushmore on July 3rd. Look how proud he looks. Put it right. And let me tell you something. That's not that silly anymore to me.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And a lot of people, about 74 to 80 million people i would say if you can give um obama a nobel prize while he had us in a couple of wars you can certainly give trump rushmore why because he's doing us all a favor even you jerk offs on the left that don't know it unless you're welcoming uh socialism and and Marxism with open arms. He's the last stand as far as this country going full global. And I'd put him up there. I'd put him right on top of Washington's head. Just start building up like that. Then I'd put, you know, Sidney Powell on top of whoever's head that is.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I think the one in the middle, that's got to be Teddy, isn't it? Is that Teddy Roosevelt? He seemed like a good guy, huh? Just fucking, just a man hunting, killing shit, and just a rugged outdoorsman, a real American, as is Trump, an unapologetic capitalist and businessman who's exposing these left-wing bucks for all they are worth. This is it, man. Georgia, a lot's riding on this.
Starting point is 00:04:56 A lot's riding. I want to vote, but, you know, I voted in the presidential election. I don't know if it counted. Can you imagine? At least when I voted in New York, I knew what happened on my vote. They flushed it down the piece of dew. It meant nothing. That never even dawned on me. That's how stupid I am. That, you know, New Yorkers blew within this shirt and my vote meant nothing. But you have to do it anyways. Why? Because I went there to see if there was any shenanigans going around.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And I didn't see anything. Bunch of old people. I voted in Queens once when I was living in Astoria, Queens. I'm not shitting you. I think it was G.W. Bush. There was a fucking guy eating a meatball sub that was working there. And there was sauce like all over some of his paper. I'm not fucking shitting you.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Only in Queens. But don't Trump look good up there? Come on. I am your voice. They should make him orange. Start doing color will make him stick out beautifully. Anyways, get a good look at those guys because I'm sure they'll be trying to chisel them down. That'll be fun to chisel them down that'll be fun huh see him try to do that get shot right off the mountain anyways um president-elect joe biden um he's a real dink and we know he has china connections that's all been proven and shit you wouldn't know it because the media squashed that story, if you remember correctly. They just stepped up. I never even
Starting point is 00:06:26 played Project Veritas, James O'Keefe tapping into the morning calls at CNN, where Zucker is actually saying to his people, we have to stay away from that one, the Hunter Biden shit. Can you fucking imagine? I can name 50 people off the top of my head that should go to jail for being treasonous dinks. But anyways, we know Joe Biden's a big friend of China. Remember that clip? He goes, come on, they're our competitors. China's going to eat our lunch. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:06:59 They're good folk. Anytime he says, come on, man. God, he sounds like a hack, which he is. Anyways, why am I bringing this up? There was a Chinese professor over in Beijing. He spilled the beans on how China has higher up connections in D.C. who are happy that Joe Biden's in office because of his Wall Street connections. And he knows he will play ball with them as opposed
Starting point is 00:07:26 to Trump, who said, fuck you. You've been raping us for years. I can't believe the average American, average retired American people who vote left can watch that and be fine with it. I don't know how you think globalism is going to benefit you. You know, China wants to eat everybody's lunch. They want world domination. You do know that, don't you? Ratcliffe's got a good book out, John Ratcliffe, that I'm actually going to get on audio explaining the whole China. He was way ahead of this as opposed to Dinkweed Obama. But anyway, I saw this clip. It was actually on Tucker, but I guess Trump saw it. I said to my wife while I was watching, I go, you know Trump's watching this right now.
Starting point is 00:08:05 We're going to see, sure enough, Trump tweets a video of Chinese professor claiming that Beijing can swing U.S. policy because it has people at the top of America's core inner circle of power. And the clip that has been deleted from social media in China, I wonder if this guy's still alive.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Chinese professor Di Dongsheng, that's a great name, by the way, Di Dongsheng, outlines how he believes China has for decades influenced U.S. policy, we call it anal rape, from the top echelons of power. He's speaking,
Starting point is 00:08:45 I can't believe he's saying this shit knowing somebody's filming it and in public. I mean, because I don't think the will be very happy. Here he is. He's an economics professor. Here he is. I will read the subtitles because he's speaking in Chinese and some of you people might just be listening and not watching this and can't see the subtitles. That's what type of guy I'm not. But anyways, roll this, Chinaman. Okay, pause, pause, pause. Turn it way down, just so it's faint.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Turn it way down, just so it's faint. Better? Should we try? Go ahead. Okay, for the past 30 or 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States. As I said before, since the 1970s, Wall Street had a very strong influence on the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States.
Starting point is 00:09:44 So we had a channel to rely on, meaning Wall Street. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined. And more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can't fix Trump. Why? It's very awkward. Trump had a previous soft default issue with Wall Street. So there was a conflict between them. But I want, I can't go into details. I might not have enough time. So during the U.S.-China trade war, Wall Street tried to help.
Starting point is 00:10:12 And I know that. My friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn't do much. But now we're seeing Biden was elected. That gets a laugh. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, meaning Biden, they're very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him, Biden's son, build that foundation? Got it? That gets a laugh. Then, so at such a time, we use an appropriate way to express some goodwill. They're conniving.
Starting point is 00:10:51 This is my personal understanding based on my limited professional background. Jesus Christ, could you get more evidence? Huh? They have a hard-on, a little Chinese hard-on, that they're in bed with fucking they're happy about biden what does that tell you he's almost admitted about about hunter and we know they've been using biden's name right and making millions but you guys didn't give a shit or maybe you maybe you did i keep forgetting trump was robbed in this election. So, yeah, take the mask off, you hoodlum.
Starting point is 00:11:28 So they're very happy that Joe Biden... I wonder if this poor professor is still... Isn't that kind of dangerous? He's sort of talking out of school. You don't do that with a communist chinese i don't think ever tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again that guy
Starting point is 00:11:52 sounded like an italian dog unless he's that confident that it'll be wiped away by the government um no i mean even if they what do you mean wiped away because they deleted it yeah that they'll scrub it yeah but he said it in public it's on the internet jason he's dead the whole world heard it um you heard the guy he said this and that translates into um um forget about maury well welcome to marnie that guy i don't know ding chong cheng he's got big balls and uh you hear how excited, and what's his name? Trump should play that over and over again. I think Trump, again, like I said, if he doesn't get elected for another four years,
Starting point is 00:12:52 he's going to have a ball. You think he's going to go home and golf? Are you fucking shitting me? You think he was tweeting a lot as president? Oh, my God. God help us. Anyways, yeah, Ding Chong Cheng and the Biden's family, friends in China. Here's a clip of Biden's Chinese friends, the communist government and the big tech's friends.
Starting point is 00:13:16 You know what? Fucking Facebook. We help China censor their own people. Big tech. Do you understand Google? Do you understand? censor their own people. Big tech.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Do you understand Google? Do you understand? I think, like I said, the reset button's already been pushed to turn us into a globalized piece of shit. Anyways, it's creepy. As you know, China has a big riff with Hong Kong, which I've done comedy in Hong Kong. I have to mention that.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Can you imagine that? I did comedy in Hong Kong, and I wasn't doing too good at the beginning. And John Bush, the other comedian, I was going through a little rough spot. He comes up to the side of the stage, hands me a note, and says, let's do the whole fucking village, Sarge.
Starting point is 00:13:59 That made me laugh so goddamn hard. But I ended up killing. There's a lot of expatriates in the audience. Anyways, this guy put a tweet out. I forget who it was. He said, we said we'd never let this happen again. Hong Kong friends and family watching their loved ones being bused out by China. Send them to what?
Starting point is 00:14:23 Re-education camp. And don't think that couldn't happen here in a few years. Every time you say something sexist at work or racist, and you know how they send you to sensitivity training or whatever? Same fucking horseshit, only this is a little more evil. But you let this keep building, and don't say I'm exaggerating because we never thought we'd see the day
Starting point is 00:14:47 when they'd be censoring our own president here. But this is frigging a clip of people being loaded onto a bus heading to re-education camp. Check this out. out. At first, I thought it was, you know what? I thought it was cheap trick had pulled in to, but that was the Japanese that loved him so much. Look at this. They're lovers, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:27 And they still got their phones out, which is built by their enemy, the Chinese. But this is horrible. Go ahead. Are you shit made in 2020? Hey, Joe Biden. They're your friends. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:16:10 not this fucking time. No fucking way, no fucking way, no fucking way, no fucking way, mate. Do you fucking believe that? Reeducation camp. It looked very familiar, didn't it it if you know your history and of course i'm talking to my fans because the other jerkoffs don't know their history or they ignore it um but it looked very similar to what went on in the intellectuals that they found inconvenient and the railways were central to the operation of the Holocaust. The trains to the camps were given the lowest priority.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And average journey time was four days. Yeah, there you go. Nice. Good to know that the NBA sucks China's dick. Our government, big tech is sucking China's dick. And does it look like they want to be friends with anybody, huh?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Instead of having Schindler's List in a few years, you're going to have Xin Tang Jiang's List. Hopefully, somebody will step up and save some people from Hong Kong. Un-fucking-believable. Communists.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Communist China. And people on the left are going, Russia! That's our enemy. Russia. You know, Russia's economy is fucking the size of Texas's. The only thing that keeps Russia a player
Starting point is 00:17:41 is the fucking nukes. China, however, have a million people in the military. A mill, a two million. Excuse me, two million. It said in the website, two million. So I say let anybody sign up, gay people, women, for the military.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Are you with me? gay people, women, for the military. Are you with me? Anyways, let's get back to the election fraud that's going on. Girl Sidney Powell, let me tell you something. If she pulls this, even if she doesn't, I have such admiration for this. Look, she's already dressing like a general.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Rausen sie's Rausraten. Let me tell you, can you imagine if she pulls this off though she should be the president trump should throw her on the ticket at least i've i have such admiration she got fucking balls of steel or ovaries of plastic i don't know what you want to say but powell talks about being uh shot down yesterday in a Georgia federal court. Here's that clip. Tell us about what happened. Yes, we were there for a hearing on motions to dismiss filed by every organization that you can imagine, even as interveners where they had no place to be in our case. But the DNC and Perkins Coie law firm and everyone aligned on the left decided to file briefs in our case and the court let them do that and they argued against our complaint that alleges all the election fraud and
Starting point is 00:19:15 multiple federal constitutional claims that arise from that that invalidated the votes of hundreds of thousands of Georgians who voted for President Trump. Some didn't have their votes counted. Some had their votes eradicated effectively by fraudulent ballots. The court wouldn't pay any attention to any of it. It was obvious the judge had made up his mind before he hit the bench. And he read from prepared notes when he granted the motion to dismiss. So we had oral argument, but I would say it was essentially meaningless,
Starting point is 00:19:48 except to the extent the public got to hear another federal judicial proceeding that didn't turn out the way it should have. Yeah, because again, once again, up against liberal fucking judges. You're out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. You're out of order. The whole trial is out of order. They're out of order. CeeLo and Barnes was there. Jacoby and Myers. Morgan and Morgan.
Starting point is 00:20:12 They intervened. Had nothing to do with it. Imagine he read from a prepared statement that he probably wrote two weeks ago, the judge. Herein lies the problem. The cancer in this country is the Ivy League schools that pump out these. I don't even know if he went to an Ivy. I don't give a fuck. Every time he goes up, it's a lib judge. What's the whole world then on it? Really? Are we the only ones left that believe in this place for the love of God?
Starting point is 00:20:44 Are we the only ones left that believe in this place, for the love of God? Excuse me. Sidney discusses after that the next steps after a judge dismissed the Kraken case earlier today and what she's going to do from there. I'm sorry I missed that. Will you be in the Supreme Court tomorrow? You said emergency relief. Does that entail you going there? How's that going to actually work?
Starting point is 00:21:15 That's going to work as fast as we can humanly make it work. It may not be tomorrow, but we also have a case out of Michigan that needs to go. A case out of Arizona that may very well wind up there. There should be at least three states before the Supreme Court with enough electoral votes to change the outcome before the end of the week thank you that was some soundtrack from the wizard of oz as the witch pulled up on her bike what the so she said she's hoping to be in front of three cases in front of the supreme court by the end of the week here ye ye! The coat's in session. The coat's in session. Now here comes the lip. Here comes the lip.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Ted Cruz already said about one of these cases, if it goes before the Supreme Court, he will argue the case. And let me tell you, I think he's gone up 11 or 12 times in front of the Supreme Court not lost yet or lost one. All I know is he's the smartest guy on the right by a country mile. And even Alan Dershowitz said he was his best student in the 30-something years he taught at Harvard Law. So that's interesting. But I just, I don't know. Even though that we have more people on the Supreme Court at the federal level, meaning righties, you can't trust fucking Robertson.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I don't know. I feel like they're all in on it, don't you? I don't know. Again, I'd go to Judge Judy or Joe Brown or one of those whores. Let them figure it out. to Judge Judy or Joe Brown or one of those whores. Let them figure it out. Anyways, you watched the games last night, folks?
Starting point is 00:22:51 I'm in that little pool. Let me just tell you real quickly. I won the whole thing last year, and I'm in 94th place out of 110 people. I'm going from first to worst, but I had both those games last night. Anyways, winning season is both those games last night. Anyways, winning season is back at my bookie. The best action in the business.
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Starting point is 00:24:46 I got a buddy. You know, my buddy, my cop buddy, he's in the pool, right? Listen to this. You know how he picks this year? How he decided? He flips a coin for each game. If it's heads,
Starting point is 00:24:59 he takes the team on the left side. If it's tails, he picks a team on the right. How's that working out for him? He's in first place out of 100 and something people. So I tried his method two weeks ago. I got a two. I kept flipping. It kept landing on heads.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Half my thing was teams down the fucking left side. No underdogs. God damn it. It's an unfair world. Speaking of unfair, do you hear about this Pennsylvania teacher? Fired for overt conservatism. An elementary school principal in Pennsylvania claims she was fired over a series of conservative Facebook posts. Her own personal Facebook. Amy Sachs was removed in July from her position as principal of Evergreen
Starting point is 00:25:47 Elementary School in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. What is up with Pennsylvania? According to her lawyer, like millions of Americans over the last year, Amy posted political memes opposing Joe Biden and other Democrats while supporting the police and Republican candidates on her private Facebook account. I'll say that again, on her private Facebook account. According to a report by the College Fix, former Evergreen Elementary School principal Amy Sachs was terminated from her position after one of her Facebook posts, listen to this, was criticized by a member of the community. What community is that the the
Starting point is 00:26:27 marxist communist community i'm so sick of hearing the word fucking community by the intolerant cocksucker community just say it now sax is suing her former employer alleging a violation of her first amendment rights for it's about time somebody stood up you go get amy's a good principal too how do i know well i took a few classes no her in in her county she's like second whatever she's like uh she's been there for seven years. Due to COVID, here's some of the memes she put up. Due to COVID, we're going to need people to riot from home and destroy your own shit. I like this girl already. One of Sacks' posts read, another meme posted by Sacks suggested that congressional leaders like Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican Kentucky, and Chuck Schumer, New York, are
Starting point is 00:27:25 professional looters. What bothers me about this one, look at the looters at the top. She found the only picture where all the looters are white. I mean, she was even PC about that, and it got her booted. I don't see a person of color breaking into that bite come on I'm happy she got busted no but uh this is what this is what they're gonna fire her for you fucking believe this shit I don't believe it you can't handle it I most certainly can um
Starting point is 00:28:01 um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um um
Starting point is 00:28:11 um um um um um um um um
Starting point is 00:28:11 um um um um um um um um
Starting point is 00:28:11 um um um um um um um um
Starting point is 00:28:12 um um um um um um um um
Starting point is 00:28:13 um um um um um um um um
Starting point is 00:28:13 um um um um um um um um um The truth. The superintendent said that she had been made aware of Sacks' Facebook post after being notified by an angry parent.
Starting point is 00:28:30 An angry parent. So it takes one parent angry to somebody to lose their job? It's time to start shooting people. With water guns. Filled with fucking acid. What is going on? And why can't we turn it around? Can I ask you that question?
Starting point is 00:28:53 They've been fucking with the language for years, right? Deciding what's acceptable. Why don't we turn it on them? Anytime they show a hint of being leftist or Marxist, point it out. I'll tell you why that doesn't work. We don't have control of the mainstream media or social media. But I believe the only way to defeat political correctness is what? By being politically incorrect, so to speak.
Starting point is 00:29:17 It's the only way to defeat it. But when we point it out, nobody hears about it. Right? Well, Fox News, they consider that right. You mentioned race on Fox News. They run for fucking. Amy, keep it up. An angry parent.
Starting point is 00:29:35 You got a parent angry. You better get fired. In a statement, Sacks attorney, Frances Mullify, argued that Sacks was unlawfully terminated from her position over her conservative views. Malafai claims that the district decision to fire Sachs, and anybody knows this, you don't have to be a lawyer, was a violation of the First Amendment. Who the fuck doesn't know that? You are correct, sir.
Starting point is 00:29:58 As a public employee, Dr. Sachs, this is the lawyer talking on private expression, is protected by something called the First Amendment and also by board policies 320 and 321. I thought it was 340, 341. I was totally confused. Which encourages employees to privately participate. It encourages them to privately participate in politics and civics. So why should she be in any trouble whatsoever? Just the facts, man.
Starting point is 00:30:30 This is where we're at. She's not a teacher's aide. She's a goddamn principal. And one angry parent on Facebook, her own personal Facebook page. Now, I say we trace the IP address or whatever the fuck. Find that one parent. See if they have a pet. Let's say it's a little dog.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Put a nice pound of hamburger out there with broken glass in it. Jason almost started crying. You grind up light bulbs. You put it in there. When that dog poops, oh, boy. No more problems. Then you let them know oh jason what is happening in the world ow this got pinched should start shaving
Starting point is 00:31:16 i mean i'm in this thing now this is how i know i think i suffer from depression. I go four days without showering now. It's pretty gross, isn't it? It's either depression or marriage. They usually come hand in hand. Nice. Oh, honey, you know I love you. Yes. I want cucumber flavored, and I want fucking mint flavored. And I know they still exist because I bought some here in Savannah from another store a couple months ago.
Starting point is 00:31:51 But now they're like, that's a flavor. Really? Kids like cucumber. It's not an adult flavor. Do you know black people aren't sure they want to get vaccinated? And you're not going to believe why. Of course, I read the headline and put it all together in my head in two seconds flat because that's what I do. Anchor Wolf Blitzer, otherwise known as,
Starting point is 00:32:16 who is Hitler's propaganda guy? Yeah, Goebbels. That's very good. Mr. Birkelbach got the answer right. Wolf Blitzer said, talking to the Atlanta mayor, stupid broad, we're getting closer and closer to an approved vaccine, but a new Pew Research poll shows only 42% of African-Americans say,
Starting point is 00:32:42 they're still using the term African-Americans on CNN, blacks, blacks, blacks, blacks, blacks. percent of African-Americans say they're still using the term African-Americans on CNN. Blacks, blacks, blacks, blacks, blacks. Colored, colored, colored, colored. African-Americans say they would definitely or probably get the vaccine if it comes in lemon lime or grape flavor. Now, wait a minute. in lemon lime or grape flavor. Now, wait a minute. How problematic could that lack of confidence be? Wolf Blitzer teed up a softball answer.
Starting point is 00:33:14 He is such a dick. You're a real crumbum. Oh, I hate the guy. Here's what Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. I had something Lance off my bottom once. Keisha Lance Bottoms said Monday on CNN's The Situation Room.
Starting point is 00:33:33 It's still on the air. I can't wait till Trump's gone. It's going to fold like a fucking listen to what the mayor says and right away, even before I saw the clip, I go now, why wouldn't they? Oh, that's right. We used to test, use them as guinea pigs in the middle. And I put it all together. And sure enough, here comes, listen to this mayor. You tell me the left isn't, they aren't stuck in 1940 and
Starting point is 00:33:57 50. Go ahead. And the African-Americans being intentionally injected with a disease. So there is a history there. This is going to take a lot of education. It is going to take creating. She's talking about Tuskegee Airmen. They were doing gonorrhea tests and they gave them placebos. Some of them placebos to see, you know, let it let the disease come to its full to see what happens. And I understand fucking horrible thing to do okay but this is 2020 ma'am
Starting point is 00:34:31 another case of them acknowledging any any progress we've made between the races really you really think the U.S. government is going to do that to black? If they wanted to fucking commit genocide, they'd poison the fucking Colonel's secret recipe. We all, what? You can't say shit like that. Let the dumb whore talk.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Trust with a community of people. I do believe once there is a transition of power, there will be more trust in the Biden-Harris administration. There it goes. It's all political. There'll be more trust under Joe Biden, who Trump did better than with blacks in most areas. He underperformed with black people. He did worse than Obama and Hillary Clinton with blacks. And we all know Trump set a record for getting, as a Republican president, for getting black votes.
Starting point is 00:35:37 But they'll be more comfortable under a guy who looked into the camera and said, man, if you don't vote for me, you're not black. A white guy, 78 years old, said that they'll be more comfortable with him. I don't believe it. You smelly lady. You you need to shut the fuck up. Oh, me. Akisha Bottoms.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Let her talk some more. I think that will go a long way. I will give people confidence that this vaccine will be safe. I suspect you're right. Oh, do you suspect you're right? Fucking who cares? This guy looked like that when he was 11. Has he ever changed, Blitzer? He is the fucking devil. What are we doing? What's going on right now? You're going to give people the vaccine. Black people trust you, Joe. I don't believe that the majority of black people in this country, I really don't, even the ones that hate Whitey, really believe that.
Starting point is 00:36:32 They might, but it's a sad statement if they do. We've come such a long way. You see all the black judges on TV and in a commercial. We'll take the medicine under Biden. I mean, am I wrong? Don't you remember fucking, they're like, this guy's a racist. Charminate, what was his name?
Starting point is 00:37:04 Charminate, the black radio guy. Charminate, Charminate. Yeah, fucking.? Charmer. The black radio guy. Charminade. Charminate. Ah, fucking. I believe it's Charlemagne the God. Thank you, my brother man. Jason, come up with that. Hey, I want to thank one-time contributors to the show since yesterday. Catherine Gullison, North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Trevor Lane, Colorado. Buddy Paul, Sagnella, Connecticut. Ryan Filthy Ass Foster, Oregon. Omar Fernandez, DeFerrandez Brothers, France Grissom, Oklahoma City, and a couple people signed up at Patreon,
Starting point is 00:37:35 Anthony Gonzalez, and Blake Bomer from Ohio. Thank you guys so much. Keep it up. You're keeping us on the air. You know that, don't you? We have a Patreon question. We got a Patreon question, folks.
Starting point is 00:37:51 How about it? Nick, why haven't any of these activists, celebrities, protested on behalf of all the small businesses that have been forced closed in Los Angeles? These phonies don't even care about the businesses in their hometown. Alex Smith, quarterback for the Washington, no, Charleston West Virginia. Thank you. Good question, Alec.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Why? Because they don't show up at the mom and pop shots, the celebrities. Don't you watch TV? They're always heading into Gucci and coming out with a 58, you know. And I'm talking also rappers, Paris Hilton, the Kardashians. They don't give a fuck about the little person. They don't. And that's why they don't defend them.
Starting point is 00:38:32 They're not of us, Alec. And you know what else about them? You know why they're all libs and shit? And they'll donate to, you know, they feel guilty. They feel guilty that they make zillions of dollars reading somebody else's words off a script. It really is. If you ever saw how easy it is to do a sitcom, fucking Charlie Sheen used to show up fucked up with his eyes closed
Starting point is 00:39:00 and get through it and make, you know, 200 grand an episode or whatever. They don't give a shit. Not all of them. I'm sure there's some of them. I can't think of one right now. But they'll only come out and defend, you know, you know, the people who burned down those businesses and shit like, and they'll defend the politicians who want those businesses shut.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Why liberalism? Rush Limbaugh said it 30 years ago. It has to be eradicated. Boy, was he ahead of the curve. Anyways, thank you so much, Alec, for participating in the chat, okay? Here's an interesting story. I have mixed feelings about this.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I don't like the way it was handled. It reminded me of the Roger Stone incident. Did COVID data whistleblower hack Florida's emergency alert system? That's what the police say. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Monday raided the home of a former Department of Health data analyst who has been running an alternative website to the state's COVID dashboard, been running an alternative website to the state's COVID dashboard, alleging that she may have broken into a state email system and sent an unauthorized message to employees. That's what the law enforcement people are saying. But Rebecca Jones, who was fired from her job in May as the geographic information system manager of DOH's Division of Disease Control and Health Protection,
Starting point is 00:40:27 and who has since filed a whistleblower complaint against the state, denied having any role in the alleged intrusion into the state website, and instead said she believes Monday's action was intended to silence her. Jones said state police came into her house at 8.30 a.m. That's later than they did Roger Stone's, at gunpoint and over the course of three hours swept her house. Did you offer them coffee like Karen did?
Starting point is 00:40:54 And took her cell phone and several laptops that contained COVID-19. Why did you do that, Karen? They were gonna find the emails. They would not. They contain COVID-19 data that she has accumulated over several months. I don't like the idea of law enforcement, unless they get the word the person's armed in danger, kicking in a civilian's door with guns drawn, you know, because she might have
Starting point is 00:41:23 hacked into. I don't like that approach and i don't agree with this broad i think she's a liar this is a picture of her when she was younger she got arrested for stalking a boyfriend so she's not quite all there and she said when they kicked the doors and the cops pointed guns at the children here's a video showing otherwise but i i don't like the approach, but go ahead. Come outside. Outside. Who else is in the house, ma'am?
Starting point is 00:41:48 My two children. Joe Pesci and Kevin McCarty. Call them down. Call them down. You want the children down? Call them all down. Mr. Jones, come down the stairs. Now!
Starting point is 00:41:57 Now! Police! Come down now! Stop! Do not bring them down! Come down the stairs! My she just he just pointed a gun at my children no he didn't no he did not don't you move you motherfucker blow your brains out i don't like move, you motherfucker. I'll blow your brains out. I don't like the, you know what I mean? That's a show of state force. I like DeSantis.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I like his approach to COVID. I think that's a little over the goddamn top, personally. Jones, that's Rebecca Jones, told CNN, oh, that must be, that she hadn't had, she hadn't improperly accessed any state messaging system and that she lost access to her government computer accounts after she was removed from her position, which is doggy style. The, uh, do you believe her? I don't. Liar, liar, whore, liar, whore, you know it.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Gretel Plessinger, a spokesperson for the law enforcement department, said that agents knocked on Joan's door and called her in an attempt to minimize disruption to the family. And I don't know if that's true or not. Joan refused to come out to the door for 20 minutes and hung up the phone on, uh, on the agents. Hello, hello, hello.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Uh, and Joan's family was upstairs when agents did enter the house. Plessinger said she didn't respond to questions about why the officers drew their guns. Uh, at no time were weapons pointed at anyone in the home. And I agree with what we saw there. Rick Swearingen, the department's commissioner, added in another statement. authorized individual illegally accessed a state government emergency management system to send a group text to message to government officials last month, urging them to speak out about the coronavirus crisis. She says that they were playing down the numbers and it was way more dangerous than they were
Starting point is 00:44:20 saying. OK, she said, Rebecca Jones, I quote, it's time to speak up before another 17 000 people are dead the message said according to the after david you know this is wrong you don't have to be part of this be a hero speak out before it's too late officials traced the message which was sent uh on the afternoon of novemberth to about 1,750 recipients to an IP address connected to what? To Jones' house. The investigator wrote that in the affidavit.
Starting point is 00:44:52 So I still think she's a lying mother. It's all stupid. It's all stupid. It's all stupid. Don't we have a clip of her? She's on with Chris Cuomo. Here she is. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:45:08 No. I haven't had access to any systems at DOH for over six months. I'm not happy. As the governor pointed out many months ago, I'm not that tech savvy and have no interest in reaching out to DOH. I've been publicly telling people to come forward for months. That is the way that you do it. And I, better than anybody, know that people at DOH aren't going to.
Starting point is 00:45:31 If they didn't come out before, when I warned everybody that DeSantis would, and eventually he did get people killed, they're not going to come out now. What do you make if they're saying that they have the IP address and that it's yours? Yeah, bitch! Well, that IP address was apparently provided by the Department of Health, you make if they're saying that they have the ip address and that is yours yeah bitch well that ip address was apparently provided by the department of health ig office expect inspector general and didn't actually come from an investigation says who i don't fucking buy it liar liar whore liar whore you know it came from the ip address to your house how what do you mean the department
Starting point is 00:46:02 of health provided it i don't even understand that. Jason explained it, but... Yeah, I... Anyways, that picture we put up earlier of her, she was stalking an old boyfriend and shit, she got arrested. Innocent little gal.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Make me a sandwich! make me a fucking sandwich in our make me a sandwich segment tonight oregon teacher uh was triggered in her car she suffered an epic meltdown in the street um what happened was she ran into one of those anti-lockdown rallies, you know, people like us who know it's a hoax. And I want you to keep in mind, this is a woman who teaches children. This, to me, she just typifies the left. Shrill. You only get this angry when you know you're wrong. I really believe that. When you know you're fucking full of shit.
Starting point is 00:47:03 She's psychotic. I've seen myself flip out in traffic, but this broad, she got a devil up her ass. So, again, she approaches. She's going through an anti-lockdown rally. And watch her reaction. This is a teacher from Oregon. What? Bitch, kill yourself.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Kill yourself. kill yourself Fuck you! I am a teacher! I teach students! I'm going to kill you for dying! I am going to kill you for dying! I am going to kill you for dying! USA! USA! USA! USA! You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt A hip hop speaking cunt, cunt Said and true but I need to tell you you're a motherfucking cunt You are a cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt A motherfucking cunt, cunt, cunt That is somebody who teaches children. Again, the great Bill Hicks, the late great Bill Hicks said,
Starting point is 00:48:44 the average American is at about an eighth grade emotional level. And I think he was being way too generous with that. Have you ever seen somebody on the right flip out like that? Seriously, in all this acrimony for the last four years with Trump and all, have you ever seen somebody on the right? Remember when he got elected and they were literally on their knees crying and they are mentally ill. They are so convinced they're right. Let me tell you. Let me just say this to people who like her, to the parents.
Starting point is 00:49:09 You did a horrible, horrible job of raising kids. You shouldn't have had kids. They're spoiled, vile. You raised them with that new age psychology. You never smacked them across the face or punched them in the throat or burned him with cigarettes what's the matter with you people what's the matter with you people what's the matter with you people anyways what a whore hope you die get a big lump on your neck finally tonight uh a staten island bar we had this uh we played this clip a few days ago remember they tried to shut it down we had all those people rallying in staten island in front A Staten Island bar, we played this clip a few days ago, remember?
Starting point is 00:49:46 They tried to shut it down. We had all those people rallying in Staten Island in front of this bar. The co-owner of a Staten Island bar that has kept serving customers in violation of COVID-19 restrictions was arrested again late Saturday. This time for allegedly ramming his car into a sheriff's deputy, according to law enforcement. Oh, my God. I'm not laughing at the cops. ramming his car into a sheriff's deputy according to law enforcement oh my god i'm not laughing at the cops i'm laughing at that uh i'm laughing you know why i'm laughing he was on tv last night again so he's all right he's out of the fucking out of the slammer already or whatever the cop fucked up his ankle went to hospital hospital. So I don't know. Danny Presti, seen here with the blackest beard of all beards.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Is that even real? Co-owner of, that beard belongs on like fucking, you know, Rick Ross. Danny Presti, co-owner of Max Public House in Grant City, was being held early Sunday at the Borough's 122nd Precinct, police said. A sheriff's deputy who Presi allegedly drove into remained at Staten Island University Hospital for injuries sustained when he was thrown onto the hood of the bar owner's car.
Starting point is 00:50:56 A law enforcement said, alleged that. I mean, how the fuck was he on TV? And this guy had to go to the hospital, the cop. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. The incident happened shortly after Mac's closed for the night at 10 p.m. on Saturday. The bar has continued, God bless him, to serve customers food and drink indoors. You know how they did it throughout the week, despite the COVID restrictions, limiting them to takeout only. And on Saturday night, patrons were being let inside through an adjacent address. Good for them. Good for them. Raise hell. Fuck the
Starting point is 00:51:37 government. Stand up for yourselves. A sheriff's deputy, and we don't want a sheriff's deputy to get run over. Let me clarify that. A sheriff's deputy who poses a customer was able to get inside and establish that alcohol was being sold in violation of strict state orange zone. He violated the orange zone restrictions. And despite a max liquor license having been revoked, they were still serving. When the bar closed at 10 p.m., surveilling sheriff's deputies waited until the crowd of customers dispersed, then moved to issue Presti another summons some distance from the bar. And obviously he didn't want those cops.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I don't want to talk to you. Get away from me. And then he grabbed his keys like a good American. Presti jumped into his car and drove into one of the deputies, sending the officer flying on the hood. An assault that has been captured on video. I couldn't find it. Charges against Presti were still pending early Sunday. His attorney could not immediately be reached.
Starting point is 00:52:32 His attorney is a big guy, Italian guy named Lou. They were both on. Presti and his partner were on, I think, with Tucker. And Lou, this big Italian, typical Staten Island. There's a commercial on satellite radio. If you guys listen to the comedy channel, there's always a, I think it's an insurance guy. They go, call Big Lou now. And that's all I could think of.
Starting point is 00:52:59 But this guy was a stereotypical Italian. You could tell he was smart, but had that that fucking brooklyn or staten island accent and uh he said we'll take care of this no problem anyways i saw him on tv last night so i gotta follow up i'm curious maybe he knows somebody on the inside huh that is it ladies and gentlemen for today I want to thank you guys once again for contributing at and Don't forget That's going to be our new home
Starting point is 00:53:35 where we can cut loose. And there'll be other comics on there also. It's a great site that Tommy, Nicky, my manager, set up. And we'll be able to not worry about big tech, hopefully. Who knows? That is it. Don't forget if you want me to make a personal video on my phone, roasting one of your relatives or friends.
Starting point is 00:53:59 I'll be glad to do it. Remember, you guys think it, I will say it. You're very welcome. We'll see you back here the same time tomorrow. Have a good day, everybody. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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