The Nick DiPaolo Show - China-loving LeBron Racist, too | Nick Di Paolo Show #529

Episode Date: April 22, 2021

LeBron tries to incite anti-police violence. Instagram adds a 'hate speech' filter. Leftists step up indoctrination in Philly schools....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I want to thank you for watching the show and I want to encourage you to keep contributing to keep this show and free speech free for everyone, whether they want to hear it or not. Click on this video or the link on the screen to make a contribution of any amount. I'll read your name on the show, but more importantly, you'll truly be supporting a great cause without Big Brother taking their cut or limiting the message. Thank you guys so much. Hello. Hello, I'm Mr. Red. Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. I guess I'll have to spread my legs now, she says.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Why, he asks. Don't you have a vase? Welcome to the show. It's Casual Thursday. Good to be with you again, huh? Boy, the news coming fast and furious, huh? Good to be with you again, huh? Boy, the news coming fast and furious, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Boy, this whole socialism slash Marxist communism plan is really coming at us, isn't it? Everything I read offends my sensibilities because it goes against everything I was taught. And it's just fucking sickening. And there's no way we're not going to have a civil war or a race war. And if you're watching the news and reading the papers and you disagree with that, you're just wishful thinking. Well, we'll get them in the midterms. Oh, yeah, let's use those same computers and shit.
Starting point is 00:02:16 They are trying to, the race thing, I just don't believe this. I don't want to believe that this shit goes on every day. i don't think it does but anytime they get a whiff of a cop doing something huh you're gonna see it it's un-fucking-real speaking of that get to the cop the shooting in ohio where that guy that cop in my opinion is a hero period he actually saved two black girls the chick was chasing two of them
Starting point is 00:02:47 with a knife actually okay so let me get this straight white cop saves two black lives i thought black lives mattered he should be being the black community should be holding them up and saying thank you but they're not neither is aoc and the fucking idiots that lead the black community going uh talking about the chauvin thing and this is just the beginning the justice system i don't want to say did you hear her i didn't even pull the quote it was so fucking but anyways not now they're calling him a racist they're ready to fucking riot in columbus it so there's no dealing with them rationally on the race issue. They just, whoever wants us to have a race war
Starting point is 00:03:31 is in control. It's so frigging obvious. That guy is a goddamn hero. Of course you don't want to see a 16-year-old girl shot unless she has a knife and is about to kill somebody else i don't know what else to uh to say it's just fucking so aggravating let's take a look uh at the i think this is their mom being interviewed and you'll see why uh again you gotta feel a
Starting point is 00:04:00 little for her but go ahead this never should have happened she's a loving girl as the world heard the verdict in the Derek Chauvin case Paula Bryant's 16 year old daughter Micaiah was fatally shot by a Columbus police officer on the city's southeast side I'm very upset I'm hurt I want answers Columbus police were called to Legion Lane on reports of his stabbing. A Columbus police officer fired his gun, shooting and killing the teen. My daughter dispatched the Columbus police. You hear how she just said that? The cop fired the gun, killing the teen.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Instead of finishing the context. While the teen was about to stab two people. Ugh. Go ahead. while the team was about to uh stab two people ugh go ahead for protection not to be a homicide today makaya was staying at a foster home but paula tells me that you last saw each other ask her about that we hugged each other she said mommy i'm a honor roll and she said, I'm looking forward to coming home. That homecoming won't happen. But Paula explains how she wants her daughter. I love how they find the picture when she smiled once in her life. Makaya had a motherly nature about her.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Motherly nature. She promoted peace. Pause. She promoted peace. Yeah, we see that from the clips. Fucking, do words mean anything? That's a sociopath. Sorry, even though you just lost your daughter why is she in a foster home if you're so close and she's loving and blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:05:32 why don't you thank the fucking uh all the neighbors and i'm guessing it's a black neighborhood maybe because i saw a lot of black people standing around yelling at the cop maybe i'm wrong but most of the people that lived in a neighborhood that witnessed it said the cop did the right thing. Have you heard that anywhere? Did they interview him on CNN or Good Morning America? I doubt it. I could be wrong, but I fucking doubt it. But she, you know, she was a child of peace and whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:01 What the fuck are you talking about? You're fucking crazy. Oh, my god. That guy should be celebrated as a hero, that cop. I think. He did his job.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Columbus Police said they would release additional body cam video on Wednesday. I don't know what else to see there. We thought it was important to share with the community to be transparent about this incident, to let them have some answers that we can provide tonight, police chief Michael Wood said on Tuesday. In other words, we're going to put it in context. What you showed us pretty much explains it all.
Starting point is 00:06:41 You know, what else do you got? Aye, aye, aye. That was no little knife either. If that penetrated, that was going to do business. You think we'll ever get to the background of how she grew up and she had a dad or anything? Let's not touch that because that's only the solution to the problem to figure that part out. We are fucking fucked for the long term, ladies and gentlemen. Jerk off LeBron James, who I used to defend. I'm so embarrassed when I don't really follow basketball when he made that switch from Miami to whatever. Because I never got that vibe from him.
Starting point is 00:07:20 But now, last couple of years, he's everything that's wrong with spoiled pro athletes. Guy's a zillionaire only because of the United States of America. And he shits on it. He defends China because, you know, the sneaker deals and the NBA. And like an asshole. This is even ridiculous for him. LeBron James tweeted a photo of a police officer who was present when Makia Bryant was shot on Makia with the caption, you're next. Isn't that smart? Oh, God help.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Nice going, LeBron. Everybody came after him on Twitter, even though it got 40,000 likes, by the way, to give you an idea what kind of world we're living in. Hey, where are the white women at? The officer has been identified as Officer Nicholas Reardon. Let's get that out there. Maybe put out his address, too. Outrage to the basketball star's tweet was swift. LeBron James is one of the more outspoken NBA players on social justice
Starting point is 00:08:26 issues. The NBA has not said whether James will be disciplined for the tweet. Let that sink in. Just let that sink in for a second. Let that sink in. If a white NBA player said something positive about the January 6th Capitol riot, they would be fucking booted. No questions fucking asked or suspended at least. You think they're really going to come down on LeBron James? No, because they're all in bed together. Those are the elites.
Starting point is 00:08:55 The media, him, the owner. They're all the same people, the billionaire class. They can say whatever they fucking want. Who knows? Maybe he was suspended and I don't know about it. You have to be sh fucking want. Who knows? Maybe he was suspended and I don't know about it. You have to be shitting me. Just think about it. Who got in trouble this year? There was a former basketball player. I think he's a coach or a scout now
Starting point is 00:09:16 who said something during the election about Trump or whatever the fuck. No, he defended, he defended Hong Kong and the riots, remember? And he got in all kinds of fucking trouble because he was on the side of freedom and shit. And this nitwit wasn't. James has since deleted the tweet
Starting point is 00:09:35 with a picture of the officer because he's ballless. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Dykstra, Lenny Dykstra and others respond to LeBron James' ignorance. Lenny Dykstra tweeted on behalf of pro athletes, current and former, I apologize for how hashtag LeBron James just showed his inner Maxine Waters and how to go nails and made a very real ongoing
Starting point is 00:09:59 threat to the life of the officer who quickly acted to prevent a knife attack from becoming worse. Many of us appreciate what law enforcement officers do, said Lenny, who spent some time in jail for stock scams and all kinds of shit. Jason Whitlock, here's a guy who shut off by, I think Twitter shut him out. Conservative, really smart dude, great sports writer. I mean, just really, I don't want to say eloquent, but he's just really, and they booted him a couple of weeks ago. I can't even remember. It doesn't matter what for. He tweeted, LeBron James, like other elites, is using racial division as a distraction. By the way, Jason Whitlock is black as a distraction as elites reshape America to be more like communist China. Elites prefer communism. Millionaire elites are protected by communism. They're the talent 10th W.E.B. Du Bois promoted.
Starting point is 00:11:01 You're being played, he's telling LeBron and the rest of these nitwits. Wait till this shit hits the fan and this country just falls apart because everybody will get touched by it and they still probably won't admit they were wrong. I'm a little encouraged because I see guys like Whitlock and the Hodge twins and Candace Owens and Thomas Sowell, all these really, really smart people of color saying how fucked up the Democrats are. Tom Cotton, of course, the senator with the longest neck in the history of the United States Senate. He said LeBron James is inciting violence against an Ohio police officer. This is disgraceful and dangerous.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Is the NBA okay with this? Is Twitter? Question mark. Liz Wheeler, if you're shocked LeBron James has zero regard for the life of a police officer who shot a perp attacking a girl with a knife, you haven't been paying attention. Exactly. She's an anchor woman at one of those One American News or whatever. LeBron also refuses to condemn China for actual genocide against the Uyghurs people. That was from Mike Cernovich. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Remember when LeBron James' gate was vandalized, he said, with the N-word, and he had no security footage of the incident and painted it over before the police arrived? I don't even remember that. Oh, my God. He's upped his game by threatening the life of a police officer. Yuck. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Let's see if the NBA does anything. They'll give him a fine. They'll give him a fine of $10,000, which literally to him would be like $1.50. Nick, did he say literally? Yes, I was using like the Kardashians do. Actually, I broke down the math and I'm right on the money. Lord help us in this time of need.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Let's go, Red Sox. They're going to be in the playoffs this year. I can just tell. A bunch of scrappy motherfuckers. Jason, how are the Mets doing? I know DeGom is looking uh great starting pitching is spectacular lowest era in the league we can't hit for shit though it's it's hard to get it all together it really is at once socks are getting decent pitching why
Starting point is 00:13:36 am i talking about that oh i don't know let's go back to black on black crime something that's never reported um black lives matter yeah tell that to Planned Parenthood. Chilling video. Did you guys see this? I had to show this. Creepy, creepy, chilling video. This is New York City, by the way, in Brooklyn, I think. Every time I talk to Colin Quinn, he knows the street. He knows the sidewalk. Chilling video shows the moment a woman was fatally shot in the head in broad daylight Wednesday on a Brooklyn street. And this is two gay people, two gay women, and one of them broke up. First of all, when I watch it, I go, this guy's an asshole. Just by watching the guy run up, I thought it was a guy.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Excuse me, miss. I didn't mean to. You being a murderer, a Ms. Murders murderer uh z whatever you want to be called but check out this is this is in broad daylight an execution in new york go ahead do you fucking believe that bang that poor woman. No idea. How can you have that little disregard? Honestly.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Un-fucking-believable. My vagina's angry. It is. It's pissed off. No need to do that, asshole. You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that? Surveillance footage obtained by the Post captured Nichelle Thomas, 52, walking on 4th Avenue in Park Slope at around 1
Starting point is 00:15:13 p.m., apparently heading to a store on the corner of St. Mark's Place. She's about to open the door when a woman sprints up behind her and pulls out a gun hey yeah yeah yeah bye bye she was rushed to new york presbyterian brooklyn methodist hospital where she died police said a suspect turned in herself into cops at 78th precinct with her lawyer later wednesday according to uh police so she walked in with the lawyer and said i'm i'm i'm guilty so and her family said about the uh killer he was the best guy around what the fuck somebody saw that right i mean it's a brooklyn street in the middle of the day can you imagine witnessing that god what in god's name is going on? That's black on black, though. Not important. Black
Starting point is 00:16:10 gay gay. Black black. Not important. Sharpton, hello. Where are you? Ben Crump. Just name. Who's the new BLM.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Sure, they'll be there because all black lives matter. Can you imagine they, literally people are getting in trouble for saying all lives matter? Can you fucking, that's to me, that is the litmus test right there of how we lost our mind. That is the best example. All lives matter to me, except my gerbil. I didn't feed him for two weeks.
Starting point is 00:16:51 See you later, Kevin. That's a joke, everybody. I would never do that. As you guys know, we have a new sponsor today. As you know, I'm in Georgia now, but I spent years in New York as a homeowner. And while there are a lot of differences, one thing is the same is every year at this time, my lawn sucks. There's brown spots and bare patches and stuff. It's just not my strong suit. So this year I got turned on to Sunday.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And I've been really impressed. No more standing at the store looking at stacks of seeds and chemicals and not knowing which one I need to buy for my lawn. This is really, really a great idea. It's so unique what they do. I went online. I put my address in, and they did a free lawn analysis. I saw a picture of my lawn from above. Still don't know how they did that.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And let them know about the weeds in my backyard from above. Still don't know how they did that. And let them know about the weeds in my backyard too. They use, listen to this, they use soil and climate data based on my neighborhood to create a tailored plan so I'd get all the stuff that my lawn needs and keeps me on the couch watching TV, which I love. What a great idea to do analysis first. watching TV, which I love. What a great idea to do analysis first. Then a box showed up in the mail with a pouch that I attached to my garden hose. It's that easy, and I sprayed it.
Starting point is 00:18:11 That's it. That's all you have to do. I think this is a game changer for guys like us. You should check them out. Let Sunday take the guesswork out of growing a greener and more beautiful lawn this spring. Visit slash nick dip and get $20 off your custom lawn plan at checkout. That's $20 off your custom plan. Get slash nick dip. Go to slash Nick dip. I already see a difference because I am not an outdoorsy guy. This is, if you like me, I think that's such a great idea. Hey, let's analyze what's
Starting point is 00:18:54 wrong with the lawn first. So we thank them for sponsoring the show today. I knew they were going to be liberal. I knew they were going to open the borders and all that stuff. But I didn't, I had no idea that they were going to go after like the very fabric, the PC shit. Did you really think you could get to this level? I say the left needs to be destroyed either violently or non-violently. That's the only choices. I don't know how you do it non-violently. They are mopping the floor with us. Listen to what they're doing in Philadelphia at schools.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Four-year-olds warned their lack of awareness of privilege, that means four-year-old white kids, will lead to genocide. I'll give you a minute to throw water on your face, come back to. They're teaching four-year-olds about genocide. Talk about indoctrination. This would make fucking Joseph Stalin blush. Leaked documents from the Philadelphia public school system shows Philadelphia's Office of School Climate and Culture.
Starting point is 00:20:04 When's the last time you saw school climate in the same? Has introduced that teaches that they've introduced a curriculum that teaches children from kindergarten through second grade about George Floyd and Black Lives Matter and warns about pyramid of hate that starts with racial stereotyping and jokes and ends in genocide. Now we get right to the right to the heart of the problem. It's not going to be long before you all kill yourselves because you're all crazy. God, let's hope so. Can you imagine? They say it starts with jokes and you're going to you wonder why comedy sucks today and comedian suck and and late night TV. So that is the liberal mindset, literally humor. They're against it. Here's the kindergarten through second grade. This is what the teachers are instructed to teach the kids.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Ask students if what they know about George Floyd, if what they know about the news regarding Derek Chauvin's trial, four years old, how they are feeling and if they have anything they want to share about their feelings. Yeah, they probably have a poop in their pants. They'd like to be changed. Show students this slide deck that it says social story for George Floyd. Number three, allow students several minutes to process the information and draw a picture. Can you do that? Because they'd have to draw a gun. Are you going to throw them out of school?
Starting point is 00:21:30 Or record themselves talking about their feelings. This is like a parody. Remember, students do not owe us any explanation for their trauma. Allow them to process the information you just shared in a way that is healthy for them. Are we talking about 23-year-olds or fucking four-year-olds? You people are sick fucks. Put it back up, son. Number four, if you'd like to prompt students to take action,
Starting point is 00:21:57 read this post before you decide on a project or purpose. Here are some actions you may suggest. Talk with others about what happened to George Floyd and the goal of Black Lives Matter movement by sharing information on social media, having individual conversations, or organizing an educational event in the school or community. Yeah, let's hang a white kid. Here's a nice event you can have. Learn about bias and talk together about how our biases may show up,
Starting point is 00:22:24 especially on the lower levels of the pyramid of hate, i.e. bias attitudes, acts of bias. Write a letter to your school or community newspaper about your thoughts and feelings about George Floyd and the racial disparities in the criminal justice system. In the letter, explain what you think should be done about it. Get involved in local activism on these or other issues of injustice that are important to you. Wow, it's all right out there, isn't it, folks? Huh? Don't teach them about how the United States, don't teach them how we were the first people to abolish slavery, which was a worldwide thing.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Don't teach them that black people sold other people in slavery. Don't teach them that George Floyd was in and out of jail like eight times, did black porn and was on drugs. Don't teach them the truth. Keep lying to them. Keep fucking them dumb and stupid like their older brothers and sisters are now. Congratulations, Lev. Don't tell them anything truthful, that blacks and whites really do get together in real life and actually get along. But the media run by people who think like your teachers and principals don't want that. Let's let's do this is what white teachers should be doing or whatever. White or black conservative teachers. Let's do that.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Let's you know, anybody fighting back? Get your kids out of school now. After you read that, you get a kid that goes into school, and if you don't take them out, that's fucking child abuse in my opinion. Homeschool them. Unfrigging real. We're talking about kindergarten age? Documents obtained by reporter Christopher Ruffo show that teachers are encouraged to ask the four-year-old children if they have heard of Derek Chauvin and George Floyd.
Starting point is 00:24:11 It's all about feelings, you know, just share your feelings. Hey, can you imagine asking a four-year-old? Yeah. Yeah. What's a four-year-old going to go? Yeah. What are you shitting me? I'm tuned in to meet the press every Sunday. Why would you ask a kid that little that question it's a sick question you're a sick fuck and i'm not that sick that i'm gonna answer it that would be the right answer by a four-year-old kid in philly students have then shown a slideshow i think i already told you all this that reveals a social story blah blah blah anyways kindergarten okay kindergarten if that's not indoctrination Anyways, kindergarten, okay? Kindergarten. If that's not indoctrination, my God.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Don't let the kids enjoy their lives and be children. What do they do for recess? What do you do? Simulate the George Floyd shooting? Fill a super soaker filled with cat piss? shooting. Fill a super soaker filled with cat piss. How about teaching them about the white cop that just saved two black lives, if black lives are so important. The pyramid of hate. How about that? Claims that lack of awareness is privilege. Imagine saying that to a four-year-old. You could tell him that for a thousand years he wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Imagine saying that to a four-year-old. You could tell him that for a thousand years he wouldn't know. But I see them cracking down on one race specifically. Let me remind you, while we're all distracted by these shootings and shit, that there are actual white people who are Trump supporters still in jail in D.C. for being there on January 6th, literally trespassing they were charged with. Who's watching out for them? Huh? This shit's coming so fast and furious, you don't even, you know. Anyways, there's no more free speech, especially for white people. Here's one, a white professor, a white lecturer at a college in upstate New York is under
Starting point is 00:26:05 probe by the school. Guess this. This is outrageous. She should be under probe. I can't believe what she did. She told students she was sick of talking about Black Lives Matter movement. Oh, my God. Huh?
Starting point is 00:26:18 What's the world coming to? So they're investigating her. Is this not Russia? Circa 1930? A video posted to Instagram on Monday was recorded in the fall during a video conference call for a writing course at SUNY Buffalo State College. You remember them? They beat Miami in the Orange Bowl last year. Yeah, so this happened at Buffalo State College. You remember them? They beat Miami in the Orange Bowl last year.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yeah, so this happened at Buffalo State College. Here is the teacher making this egregious mistake that could lead to death in the black and brown community. Go ahead. I am sick of talking about Black Lives Matter. All right? I said it. I'm sick of talking about Black Lives Matter. Investigate my twat town. This is me, but speaking honestly, and you guys, this is her talking to her students on, you know, Zoom, have to respond honestly with what you think, with what you feel about this, said the part time lecturer identified by a student as Erica Cope. So I am sick about talking about Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:27:34 All right. I said it. Student Janae Moorhead didn't even have to look up the race. I'm just going with the name. Well, you might be wrong. No, I'm not. Janae Moorhead told the newspaper she recorded Cobes, you fucking little rat twat, during a writing course in the fourth week of the fall semester. She said she contacted the college's
Starting point is 00:27:54 diversity committee weeks later. You're a rat. That's not fair. She ratted out her teacher because the teacher's white and blonde. She'd be black, I'm guessing. So she contacted the diversity committee weeks later. Didn't take part in a subsequent Zoom call to address the matter, according to the report. Of course not. The remark to a class of predominantly black students was insensitive and came as an example of an opinion that would lead cope to get canceled more headset so you went on and ratted her out anyways huh but listen to this listen to the context of the story in which she said black life it was an exercise she said something intentionally provocative she asked us this is the black girl who ratted her out
Starting point is 00:28:42 explains what she was doing she asked us to share an opinion that might be considered controversial and i guess that was her example moorhead told wgrz after she said that she was kind of trying to change the topic very swiftly a lot of students was like again somebody who can't conjugate a verb. Good going, Sunni. A lot of students was like, why? Why you do feel that way? And she be saying, and she really didn't want to go into it, she said. Thank you. So it was an exercise in saying something provocative, and she wanted their thoughts on it. Cope, who's listed as a lecturer on the college website, referred a Post reporter's inquiry on Wednesday to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Education, also known as FIRE, a nonprofit group that focuses on free speech rights on college campuses. Well, you've been asleep at the switch, FIRE.
Starting point is 00:29:45 You want me to believe that that organization's going to come to the rescue too? Who runs this shit? So she wasn't even, she was doing an exercise. Say something provocative and get your feelings from it. And this Janiya, Janae, rats are out. Bitches get stitches, bitches. Well, here's another sick bastard.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Governor ignoring the will of his constituency. Who would that be? A bill to protect girls' rights to fair and equal sports from boys who insist they are female has been vetoed. Let me say that again. The bill was defending girls from participating against guys who say they're girls, right? And the governor of North Dakota, which the last time I checked, that's not a blue state. Doug Burgum, his name is. Changing it to Doug Jerkoff.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Look, it's like De Niro doing a character. He vetoed it. Doug Burgum. Write it down. a character. He vetoed it. Doug Berg. Write it down. Burgum. He vetoed it. What do you hate? Women?
Starting point is 00:30:51 That is not fair. You're a real crumbum. The bill had passed the House 69-25 and the Senate 27-20 after conference committee amendments, according to an April 21st report in the Bismarck Tribune. The report continued, House Bill 1298 brought by Rep. Ben Koppelman, Republican, West Fargo, sought to prohibit public elementary and secondary schools from knowingly, in quotes, allowing a student to participate on a school-sponsored athletic team exclusively for their opposite sex. Burgum's veto follows a similar veto by South Dakota's GOP governor, Christy Noem.
Starting point is 00:31:33 You know the hot one with the blue eyes and shit? Who always made sense to me, probably because she was hot. She actually did what this guy did. What's up in the Dakotas? What am I missing? She was on Tucker, and she's been on Tucker a thousand times. She did what this guy did. What's up in the Dakotas? What am I missing? She was on Tucker, and she's been on Tucker a thousand times. They always got along, and they get into like a heated beef over it. She caved to pressure from like Nike and everybody else, and she came up with some bullshit.
Starting point is 00:31:57 No, I'm going around it this way. There'll be less lawsuits. It was some shit that you could smell a fucking mile away. It's so weird, though. Those are two really right-leaning states. Activist groups of mainstream parents, feminists, and sports activists have won similar battles in Arkansas and Mississippi. The issue is being fought in many additional states this year, and often amid threats by woke sports executives to punish voter states for protecting their children from the health-endangering transgender ideology. So this guy and Noem totally ignoring what the voters in these two states want. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck
Starting point is 00:32:43 you! Said the people of North and South Dakota. Imagine you had Fuck you! Fuck you! Said the people of North and South Dakota. Imagine you had a daughter, though. You know, she's great and feel hot. What, you thinking she might get a scholarship or whatever the fuck? And then some girl named Jennifer shows up, 6'3", 260,
Starting point is 00:32:59 fucking neck like Lou Ferrigno, 28-inch pipes, runs a 4-5-40. Meanwhile, your kid's working at the Orange Julius that they closed in 1982. Why would I say that? a neck like Lou Ferrigno, 28-inch pipes, runs a 4-5-40. Meanwhile, your kid's working at the Orange Julius that they closed in 1982. Why would I say that? I don't know. I'm old. Most polls show that voters strongly support protections.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Wait till the first, girl. Wait till, I hope there's a football league somewhere, or even field, whatever. What do you call this? Lacrosse. What do you call this? That's me loosening my shoulder in the morning. Fishing. Yeah, what do you call this lacrosse what do you call this that's me loosening my shoulder in the morning um fishing yeah what do you call this fly uh wait till the first girl like in lacrosse theme an actual female biologically born a female tries to you know body check or gets run over by a girl who's again six three two i'm almost
Starting point is 00:33:43 i gotta be honest with you i'm kind of excited to see it. Because it's going to just open the eyes to these people that believe in this shit. And they should be sued when the girl's paralyzed. But aren't you, like, I hate feminists. I've hated them my whole fucking life. It's so come full circle that they're going to, they're proving themselves wrong with this shit. You'll see. It's going to make for some great highlights on SportsCenter.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Most polls show, again, voters strongly support protections for athletes and children. In general, Demo rats are touting the ideology which promises to liberate people from the biology of their own bodies. You know when that's supposed to happen? When you die and your soul takes off. We could do that for you now, Dems, if you'd like.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Tell me where the softball field is. Yeah, so you can liberate yourself from their own bodies, usually with the help of risky drugs. Less than 1% of people claim to want to change their sex. And we talk about them like the 96% of the population, just 1% a transgender. Throwing your son looks like a fag to me. Most GOP legislators favor protections for athletes and for children.
Starting point is 00:34:59 But an influential minority of GOP legislators line up with the business groups. It's not just Democrats. I apologize. GOP legislators, because they're, once again, it's all they know, line up with business groups that want to go along with the Democrats' support for the diversity-boosting ideology. It's all about the follow-up money. Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money. You hear me? You hear me? I got to come here and bust my body. Give me the fucking money.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Burgum's veto was applauded by the ACLU. That's how you know it's a piece of shit. ACLU, they originally, when they came about, really defended people's civil rights. Now they're so fucking, if they're applauding it, you know it's a piece of shit. And somebody's rights are being violated. So they applaud it. That's like saying, you know, Hitler, if he was alive, he would have loved this. ACLU of North Dakota campaigns director Libby Skarin.
Starting point is 00:35:57 There you go. You're scaring me. Take those glasses off and show us your tits, you pig. Can you imagine you meet her, she looks nice looks nice and then you hear opens her mouth about politics on your first date i'd push her out of the car on the highway libby skarin in a statement said uh she was thrilled with the veto everything about her says i'm offended her haircut her glasses those blowjob lips. Burgum did not tout his veto message on his website or his Twitter account. So he was so proud of vetoing that bill, he doesn't have the balls to put it on his website, you fucking...
Starting point is 00:36:36 I just pulled something. Burgum's veto message dodged the issue of protecting the fairness of girls sports from males who insist they are women. I can't wait for this to happen. I want to see a guy that looks like Earl Campbell in his prime show up and go, I'm Tanisha, motherfucker. Give me the ball. And deceive. It's going to be fun. Anyways, they're not going to protect him from men who insist they're women because they have a female gender identity.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I never wake up feeling like a bitch. Depending on what my wife did to me in the bedroom the night before. You know what I'm saying? It's like, why? depending on my wife did to me in the bedroom the night before hey folks you know who else is uh bringing you this show express vpn one of our sponsors regular sponsors so have you ever uh have you ever browsed incognito mode it's probably not as incognito as what you think and why would it be incognito mode like the's probably not as incognito as what you think. And why would it be? Incognito mode, like the Chrome browser itself, is a Google product. And Google has made its fortune by tracking your movements online. There's even a $5 billion class action lawsuit against the company in California where it's accused of secretly collecting user data. Google's defense, you know what they said?
Starting point is 00:38:05 Incognito does not mean invisible. Wow. So how do you actually make yourself invisible? As possible, online ExpressVPN. Turns out that even incognito mode, your online activity still gets tracked and data brokers still get to buy and sell your data. One of these data points is your IP address.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Data harvesters use your IP to uniquely identify you and your location. But with ExpressVPN, your connection gets rerouted through an encrypted server and your IP address is masked. Every time you connect to ExpressVPN, you get a random IP address shared by many other express vpn customers that makes it harder for third parties to identify you or harvest your data best of all express vpn is super easy to use no matter what device you're on phone laptop or even smart tv all you have to do is tap one button for instant
Starting point is 00:39:06 protection. That's my type of product. So if you really want to go incognito and protect your privacy, secure yourself with the number one rated slash Nick Dip. slash Nick Dip. And that is a great product considering the world we live in and how they track your every movement. As you know, coming up next weekend, I haven't been on stage in a long time. So it's going to be either fun or a real train wreck, which is even funnier. That's the beauty of what I do. So I am back on the road. I'll be in Florida next week on Friday, April 30th.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I'll be at the Town Hall Event Center in Port St. Lucie. And then Saturday, the next night, May 1st, at the Boca Black Box in Boca Raton. I've been there before. It's a great venue. Thursday, May 13th, I'll be at Hilarities in Cleveland. And Saturday, May 15th, I'll be in Southeastern Pennsylvania at Soul Joel's in Royersford. And I think we're lining up for an appearance on Gutfeld's show that week, possibly. June 4th and 5th, I'll be at the Comedy Cabana in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Can't wait because I've never been there. And I'll be in Dallas, Texas at the Sons of Herman Hall, June 18th and 19th. You can get tickets to all my shows at
Starting point is 00:40:41 and then click on the tour button. That's Click on the tour button and I hope to see you guys at the show looking forward to cutting loose like i have no opinions what's going on in this country you know i'm saying it's hard to watch tv by thursday folks i'm telling you i've had enough of this shit i got my poor my friends send me stuff and that's after i do this all day go home prepare for tomorrow and then it's like midnight i'm just trying to watch tv and shit and i'm getting texts from every time every time there's an outrageous headline which i which i appreciate even the fans send good stuff instagram is the same as Facebook, right? It's Zuckerberg, right?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Instagram, afraid of words that could hurt your leftist, cunty, faggy feelings, I wrote, is the headline. Instagram has debuted new hate speech filters. Again, no such thing as hate speech. That the Facebook-owned social media platform claims will protect their users from words and thoughts that they may find offensive, you know. What's the matter, Jimmy? Well, I just saw the word to Indian.
Starting point is 00:42:04 We understand, this is Instagram talking, the impact that abusive content, who decides what that is, you jerk-offs, whether it's racist, sexist, homophobic, right from the description. When they say racist, you know they're not talking about black and brown people, right? Or Indians, they're talking about white. When they say sexist, who are they talking about? Menophobic even homophobic you know that crosses all lines matter of fact black and brown people hate gays more than anybody another ugly secret you'll never hear anywhere else uh or any other kind of abuse can have on people nobody should have to experience that on instagram yeah like if somebody called me a greasy
Starting point is 00:42:40 wop you'd kick them off the it's i actually like it. We welcome that type of talk. Instagram wrote in a blog all that, saying, you know, sexist, racist, you know, stuff you might hear from a Republican. Oh, boy, you. What pussies. We know there's still more we can do. Really? What are you going to put us in jail, you chooch?
Starting point is 00:43:04 And we're committed to continuing our fight against bullying. Here it is. We're getting right to the crux. These Zuckerbergs of the world, the jerk off who runs school. They were all bullied as kids. Now they're running the fucking world. And they look at me and go, that's it, that guinea fuck. Seriously, all these nerd computer fucks who were playing Dungeons and Dragons
Starting point is 00:43:24 when I was trying to get a blowjob behind the tractor in my grandfather's garage. What? Where the fuck did you grow up? Oklahoma? I got the people out of here, Henry. Continuing our fight against bullying. We're talking about adults here mostly. In online abuse, the platform added,
Starting point is 00:43:43 they are rolling out measures that can be used to restrict content. At first, these measures will be voluntary and controlled by the user, as they always are. As time progresses, they will likely be used across the platform to block content permanently, as Big Brother encroaches further to restrict the freedom of speech and expression. Oh, my God. That's your world. I just live in it. Feels that way big league politics has reported on instagram censorship measures in the past such as when
Starting point is 00:44:10 they ban the posting of truthful and accurate crime statistics in order to help perpetuate the anti-white blood libel fueling black lives matter this is it this is the propaganda this is the shit that they feed to the idiots. And nobody's more dumb than far left people. And they eat it up and they want to keep this race thing alive. Instagram is banning federal crime statistics, which drive a stake through the heart of Black Lives Matter's narrative regarding supposed racial disparities from being shared on their platform. You know why? You can't handle the truth. Exactly right.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Because we all know who commits most of the crime in this country. In a survey conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, they found that there were, listen to this, folks. You're going to love these numbers. There were a stunning 593,598 instances of documented interracial violence incidents last year. Okay, so over a half million, counting black on white instances as well as white on black instances. The findings are absolutely stunning if you've had your head in the sand. blacks commit committed an incredible 537 204 instances of interracial violence attacks against white people accounting for get this 90 of the interracial violence try finding that on instagram
Starting point is 00:45:40 facebook twitter they are allergic to the fucking truth. There's something wrong with the black man's mind. There's something wrong with his mind. I got to find a white man's mind too, because the whites are leading the dummies. When I say dummies, uneducated, all colors is what I mean. Don't take me wrong. White people only committed 56,394 attacks against black people.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And that was probably on, that's probably three days at a fucking Dunkin' Donuts in Detroit. Black people over the same time period. Considering how many more white people there are in the country than blacks, these numbers are fucking staggering. In addition, data from the Justice Department recorded from 2017 indicates that black people are overrepresented when it comes to hate crimes. That means they commit way more hate crimes as white people are underrepresented by 24%. We make up almost 68% of the population. We only make up 24% of hate crimes. Those aren't right-wing statistics. You can go to the FBI or whatever the fuck, Okay? So you see who the problem is. There's also been a rash of incidents which elderly individuals
Starting point is 00:46:50 confined to nursing homes we showed a clip a few, about six months ago, have been targeted. In other words, old white people nursing homes have been targeted or victimized by black predators. Remember we showed that kid punching that old white guy in the face?
Starting point is 00:47:05 Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape. That's Joe Biden at the hospital. The tech giants are continuing down the road to full Orwellian suppression of speech or on all Monopoly social media platforms. So again, that's why we need you guys to donate and hate speech.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I mean, they haven't already outlawed everything. I mean, they ban everybody who talks like me and they're adding more to it. What do you... Piece of shit PC app out of Fagsville, USA. Let me translate that for you. There's a new app that's very politically correct that senses people out of San Francisco. Neighborhood social media app Nextdoor has recently announced a new anti-racist notification that warns users to reconsider sending messages with phrases,
Starting point is 00:48:03 all lives matter and blue lives matter. I'll repeat that. If you type in all lives matter or blue lives matter, you're going to get the designed app to basically, you tell me they're not trying to control your mind to fucking stop you right there. Shut up, mind your fucking business and shut up. Hey, take it easy. A video posted on the Nextdoor YouTube channel on Sunday
Starting point is 00:48:27 depicts the notification feature in action. Someone responds to a message supporting Black Lives Matter by saying, why just Black Lives? I believe all lives matter. This is the, I'm going to show you in a second. The full screen anti-racist notification then pops up and says, hold on. The phrase all lives matter can be hurtful to people of color.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Oh my God. Shut your fucking mouth. Shut the fuck up, you cunt. Considering editing before you publish, that's what they tell you. Below is a bright colored button that prompts the user to edit reply, though the app does give users the option to hit publish as well. Well, hey, thanks. This is how it works. Somebody puts in something about Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Why just Black Lives Matter? I believe all lives matter. And before you send it, this is what pops up. Hold on. And then you can edit. Oh, this is getting frightening wouldn't you edit if i was on that thing and it said hold on and you can refix your sentence i put something more heinous in there and then they go hold on again and hold it until you throw your phone in the ocean. The video viewed nearly 4,000 times as of Wednesday afternoon
Starting point is 00:49:47 was ratioed with dislikes. Only 14 users liked the video, Pelosi and all her family, compared to 262 who fucking hated it with a passion. That doesn't sound like a big hit next door is based in san francisco oh no kidding these people from shithole countries come here the shitholes shithole shithole up is down black is white and you probably come from a shithole. The president referred to countries like Haiti and countries in Africa as a shithole. Oh, he's talking about San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:50:30 They describe themselves, the app, where communities come together to greet newcomers, exchange recommendations, and read the latest local news. They're against a nuclear family, but if you're getting together to plot the death of us. Where neighbors support local businesses, what businesses in San Francisco, and get updates from public agencies, where neighbors borrow tools and stab white people with them. No, where neighbors borrow tools and sell couches.
Starting point is 00:51:00 It's how to get the most out of everything nearby. That's how they promote this. Posts on Nextdoor are only viewable to others, users living in the neighborhood, and users must submit their real names and addresses to write posts and message others. We are so finished. We are so finished. Want to see an inside look at the venue where the Maricopa ballot recount will happen? Nick, we didn't know they were recounting ballots in Arizona and Maricopa County. I know you didn't because we being inundated with shootings and bad white people.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Look over here. Well, guess what? They're recounting the shit. And let me tell you something i've been saying it forever right what did i say after the election it's going to drip out i said that when what's her name of release the kraken sydney powell remember i said it's going to drip out because the people who believe this like michael and dell hate to fucking use his name but um they haven't stopped proving that what a sham this last election was.
Starting point is 00:52:05 The ballot hand recount in Arizona, they're going to count by hand, is about to begin. Steve Bannon's War Room podcast got an exclusive inside look at the massive Senate that will house the audit of 2.1 million ballots. It's clear by the look of this incredible operation why dominion and democrats are working overtime to stop the audit there can only be one reason why they wouldn't want a thorough recount which is true why wouldn't they go we don't care they're obviously hiding something they obviously are shitting their pants right now once uh one contested state falls they all fall this is the biggest victory for donald trump and his voters since november 3rd 2020 uh now i'm going to show you a clip of uh it's an impressive
Starting point is 00:52:53 operation this guy's in charge of it take a look people understand we have both uniformed and plainclothes security throughout the building mark they're on the perimeter of the fence line we've got rings of security. So what I'm going to do is walk you through where we're at right now. This is the area where we will see ballots brought into. A cage system, all of the access up in the bleachers, that's all been cut off. And this is where the ballots will be brought to from Maricopa County by the truckload. And, I mean, we're talking about an ice hockey arena that's almost the entire length This is where the ballots will be brought to from Maricopa County by the truckload.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And, I mean, we're talking about an ice hockey arena that's almost the entire length of the arena. Then we've got the stations that people are going to be at. Pause. As you can see. Let me ask you a question. I guess these ballots have been locked up. Boy, if anybody wanted to fuck when they had a lot of time to, that's what worries me. But they wouldn't be doing this, spending this kind of dough if they didn't know i could be wrong but uh they have cameras everywhere as opposed to the way it should have been when you cash your boat go ahead you got yellow green blue
Starting point is 00:53:55 pink uh these are all very purposely set out and what i want to do is show you the level of security that they are going to have on this. Not only is there a camera that is going to be looking down upon every ballot that is looked at, okay, you are also going to have an overhead camera that is going to watch this entire thing is going to be recorded. So if anybody has a beef with the way it's done, you want to talk about transparency? This is exactly what transparency looks like. That's the way it should have looked when anytime you vote, especially a presidential election. And like he says, if one state falls like Arizona, he says all the other ones that are being challenged will fall.
Starting point is 00:54:46 We shall see. You can't. Apparently, the left, you know, they're beating the shit out of us. So I won't hold my breath on this either. But it will be amazing. We know. We know the truth. We know Trump on that fucker.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I am your voice. One time contributions. I want to thank. One-time contributions. I want to thank, we're so busy, you know. It's been amazing as far as news this week. It's coming fast and furious. I didn't have time to mention these each day, but I want to make sure I get them all in before the weekend. Thank you guys so much to all of these people that have donated,
Starting point is 00:55:24 the ones that keep the show going. We have Jack Melton, Italy. Jeffrey Richards, Virginia. Brady Carroll, Missouri. Mort Adele. Get it? Mort Adele. That's a meat eat.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Missouri. Joshua Gansel, Montana. George Davis, California. Matthew Tracy, Virginia. Ryan Wilson, Arizona. Kevin Ayling, Maine. Eric Pickett, Utah. Michael Jagger, Pennsylvania. Greg Perutka, Arizona. Patricia Foster, Oregon. Scott Doerr, Illinois. Kevin Maldonado, Oregon. Paul Sagnella, Connecticut. Kelly Dickerman, Massachusetts. Franz Grissom, Oklahoma. Shannon Gardner, Canada. Kit Fortney, Michigan. Sal Vachavats, Florida.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Ron Raymond, New Jersey. Danny Green, Utah. Come on, man. Kentucky. Edward Redding, Pennsylvania. Edward Redding, Pennsylvania. Ann Butzer, Minneapolis. Kevin, excuse me kevin toy new york kyle bitner virginia don couch georgia mark rush indiana and new monthly supporters uh austin zolo james tompkins of new york brian gall is that what it says or Or Gail? Gall. Brian Gall of New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Thank all of you guys for making this show possible, whether you're a monthly or you donate daily. You do that at or And we thank you because, boy, you see what's happening to college professors. I mean, they blocked the goddamn president of the United States off Twitter and whatever. So you, it's unbelievable. And all we hear is about the senators going on the right, go, we're going to take down big tech.
Starting point is 00:57:14 And meanwhile, there's a bunch of GOPers who don't want to do that because they're getting their pockets lined, just like everybody else. It's a big stink hole. Anyways, that is it for the week, ladies and gentlemen. Again, go to and buy tickets. You'll see me next weekend in, what did I say, Port St. Lucie in Boca Raton, Florida.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Love to see you out there. Don't forget That'll be the permanent home of the show. It is now. Move all your stuff over there. Trying to build That'll be the permanent home of the show. It is now. Move all your stuff over there. Trying to build it up. If you would like me to roast, verbally tear apart one of your relatives, friend, you know, in good fun, or
Starting point is 00:57:56 say happy birthday to your alcoholic sister, Diane, I will do that too. Can be nice, can be ang. The roasts are funny. Everybody asks for the roasts. Again, that's Click on that on my profile. Tell me about the person.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I'll make a video on my phone and send it right to them saying, you sent it because you had a beef with this woman or guy. That is it. That is it for the week. I can't believe it's Thursday. I'm going to die soon. I'm going to go. I feel like Biden.
Starting point is 00:58:29 You guys think it. I will say it. You're very welcome. We will see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, everybody. And I mean it. guitar solo I don't know.

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