The Nick DiPaolo Show - Counties Still Counting | Nick Di Paolo Show #468

Episode Date: January 6, 2021

Warnock wins while second race hits a standstill. Malfunctions delay the count in Chatham county. Trump supporters storm D.C....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Atta baby, Jason. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the big show on a Wednesday. That's right, a Wednesday. Hello. I'm Mr. Ed. That's my girlfriend's, uh, when I was single. That was my nickname, Mr. Ed. Not because of my dick, because I used to shit anyway.
Starting point is 00:01:02 All right, let's get going with the motherfucker. Come on, Jason, put it up. It says Pelosi video. What the fuck? I would like them bigger, but they are... She'd like them bigger. I didn't know that was coming. There she is,
Starting point is 00:01:24 Pelosi, actually demonstrating with her tits the Republicans' approval rating right now after last night. And, yeah, I don't need to hear anymore. That's all I wanted to see. Those look very fucking real, though. That would be about right. I'm judging. All right, get that slut off the screen, that fucking, she's still
Starting point is 00:01:45 in charge, folks. And I noticed a few of you, I'll address this right at the top, but she's a little bit upset because I didn't vote in this thing. Well, I got to be honest, I feel vindicated, justified in my decision, because I don't know what you were reading, but I said yesterday, in the day before the fix was in, they were still pulling the same horse shit. That's why I didn't vote. As they say, fool me once, shame on you. And as George W. Bush said, fool, you can't get fooled again. I was not going to get fucked twice by these liars. The other proof is that everybody's in on
Starting point is 00:02:26 that. You know, there's a ton of rhinos that are in on this. So fuck that. Well, Nick, if you voted, it was so close. Maybe. Yeah, I would have made a difference. You understand right here in Chatham County, right here in Chatham County in Georgia, they stopped counting again last night and came back this morning. Sound familiar, anybody? I only get fooled once by people. I give you one chance, then fuck you. Anyhow, that's how I feel vindicated. But I understand your concern.
Starting point is 00:03:03 It crossed my mind, but I said it anyways. Because that's what a comic does with somebody who's honest to the gut. You say shit that might even be unpopular with your fans, but if it's how you feel. Again, it was only a couple. I'm making a big deal of nothing. Just a few people said, no, you're going to get out there. You know, and I'm like, hey, give me a fuck. I'm watching Subur. It's more important.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I'm like, hey, give me a fuck. I'm watching Saburra. It's more important to me. Ah, I'm pissed off. The Antichrist. You got me in a vendetta kind of mood. Vendetta kind of mood. A vendetta kind of mood. Let's start with some, um, anyways, right now, supposedly, uh, you know who's in. The black guy, Warnock, the guy whose wife was on camera crying down here because he ran over her foot with a car. They have an argument. The guy, okay, hates fucking whitey. That's been proven on tape. So do you really believe, are there really that many white people that are that self-hating that put them in there? Or do you believe it's a fix? And there's a, again, I don't know who the 10 people are that run the world. They want America to try socialism. That's how I fucking feel. I don't know those 10 people. I'm looking up their names. I went on Truthfinder. I went on nothing there.
Starting point is 00:04:30 But fucking Warnock, are you kidding me? And then the other mama Luke, Ossoff. I was watching Tucker last night. Do you know Ossoff's job in D.C. is one level higher than an intern? He's an empty, he's done nothing. A product of this such thing as white privilege, he's it. Empty suit to the fucking core. So I just don't believe it. And I don't believe, and you guys can't believe either,
Starting point is 00:05:02 that Trump can hold a goddamn rally. Excuse me. With 35,000 people, 20,000, whatever the fuck, and Trump and Biden was speaking in front of 500 cars, I think they said. But we're not supposed to draw a conclusion. Nothing to do but pick up a musket. Let's start with CNN. Anyways, Trump tweeted, they just happened to, this was a few hours ago, to find 50,000 ballots late last night. The USA is embarrassed by fools. Our election process is worse than that of third world countries,
Starting point is 00:05:47 he says. And how can you argue with that? You are correct, sir. Disgusting. He says in another tweet, these scoundrels are only toying with Senator David Perdue, a great guy. He says in another tweet, these scoundrels are only toying with Senator David Perdue, a great guy. He says, just didn't want to announce it quite yet.
Starting point is 00:06:12 They've got as many ballots as are necessary. Rigged election, he says. Come on, God damn it. Let's go, let's go, let's go. And a third tweet by our president. States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud. Plus, corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the states and we win.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Do it, Mike. This is a time for extreme courage, he says. You're going to eat lightning and you're going to crap thunder. Poor Pence. Pence, Trump's putting it on Pence. Now, I don't know if what Trump just tweeted is true or not. Mike Pence last night before I went to bed had tweeted something or I read an article. He says, I don't think I have that power. Now, what's your opinion? If he doesn't
Starting point is 00:07:12 do whatever, I want to hear from Dershowitz or whoever, Turley, those constitutional, Ollivine even, if that's the case. But I was watching TV yesterday and it seems that this question's been going on forever since the 1860s if if the vice president has that kind of juice it's never really been resolved so uh i doubt it will be now since the fix is in but i i was a little shocked when i saw that trump fucking putting pence's balls in a vice. Jesus Christ. What if he says I can't do that? You better have some security in your driveway tonight, Mr. Pence. And it won't be Antifa fucking knocking on your door. By the way, DC inundated with Trump supporters. They started last night coming in. And I guess it's a stop the steal rally.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I don't know. There's supposed to be millions of people there. And I better see some heads rolling. This fucking cord gets caught on my fucking armrest. One more time. I'm quitting the show. You'll never find me again. Fucking A.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Jesus H. Fucking Christ. Now calm down. I can't. I'm not in a good mood. The cheaters won. I suggest we start cheating. Stop by blowing CNN the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Burn down MSNBC. Fucking get Don Lemon while he's sucking somebody's cock, put one on the back of his fucking cum guzzling head, is that too much, can I get in trouble, I don't know, supposedly on my own platform, Tom, you don't use those clips for YouTube, when they let me back on, what am I, a fucking rebel now? What a sad country. I knew that was true when I did a club up in Niagara Falls on the Canada side.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And the guy, young kid running the club, goes to me after my shows. He goes, you're 58 years old. Well, I was 57 at the time. You're the most dangerous comic in the country. I goes, what does that tell you? I said, you mean my country, right? Not Canada.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I'm obviously dangerous in Canada. I mean, who does that tell you? I said, you mean my country, right? Not Canada. Like, I'm obviously dangerous in Canada. I mean, who the fuck isn't? Anyways, Warnock, that's the colored guy. Oh, my God. Let's find a picture of Keith Robinson. Oh, my. I got to text Keith. This could be Keith's fucking headshot at the comedy cellar.
Starting point is 00:09:42 That is a picture of Keith Robinson. Oh, it is? Okay, put up Warner. That's Keith Robinson. Look at Warner. That's him in a few years. Okay, this guy's going to Bill Cosby knows. It wasn't the first week.
Starting point is 00:09:57 She didn't put in pop. Jesus, I turned into Popeye somehow. Boy, I'm stinking up the studio today. I don't give a fucking rat's ass. Democrats moved a step closer, taking control of the Senate on Wednesday after winning one of two critical runoff elections in Georgia with a reverend. Anytime you see reverend in front of a guy and he's involved in politics, isn't that a conflict of fucking interest? Raphael Warnock whitey hater domestic abuser projected to defeat incumbent GOP senator Kelly Loeffler while the second contest remains neck and fucking
Starting point is 00:10:35 neck they say uh Warnock uh said Georgia I am honored by the faith that you have shown in me, and I promise you this tonight, I'm going to the Senate to work for all of Georgia, no matter who you cast your vote for in this election. You're lying. And you're a piece of shit. Except white people. Why not cool become the first black senator from
Starting point is 00:11:06 georgia said in brief remarks delivered virtually democrats need to win both races in order to flip the senate the other contest between david perdue the republican whose senate term ended on sunday and his democratic challenger john ossoff is still too close to call as of this morning with tens of thousands of votes needing to be counted. Isn't that fucking weird? DeKalb County, a Democratic stronghold in suburban Atlanta, began, guess what folks, experiencing technical issues early Wednesday morning. And as a result, an election official said the 19,000 remaining ballots will be manually scanned. Wow, that doesn't sound too fishy. In order to be tabulated and added to the total vote count, potentially delaying the results.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I'm going to find out what the hell happens here. Unreal. Same horseshit, folks. Same horseshit. The outstanding vote is squarely in parts of the state where John's performance has been dominant, Ossoff's line campaign manager, Ellen Foster, in a statement said today. Yeah, full of fucking horses. Perdue's campaign also issued a statement shortly after 2 a.m. saying the race is exceptionally
Starting point is 00:12:19 close, but predicting victory. If Ossoff defeats Perdue, Democrats would secure a 50-50 split in the upper chamber with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris then casting the tie-breaking votes. But if Perdue wins and the GOP retains a majority, Republicans will be able to block Biden's cabinet appointments, legislative agenda, and judicial nominees, and have the power to chart the course, not just for four years, but for the next generation. The incoming president told supporters during a drive-in rally on Monday. That was what Perdue said.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Georgia's rules on recounts allow a losing candidate to request one recount if the race is within a half percentage point as of 7 a.m today Warnock had 50.6 of the boat and Ossoff had 50.2 so in other words it's a little just a conter over for him to ask for it right with 98 percent of the results reported according to uh Fox projections, and they can suck my ass too. Did you see what's going on? Do you see? They learned from the general election, the cheating Democrats, that we have to make this look close. We're going to make this, we'll make it look close and go,
Starting point is 00:13:46 oh, we found some more. But you know what I mean? They had to make it look close. They really, like Trump said in his tweet, they probably have a ton. So once again, once again, Scamola. Anyway, Chatham County,
Starting point is 00:14:02 that's where I'm sitting right now. This is so, don't you find it ironic? I moved from liberal Westchester, New York to get away from that shit? I come to a state that was always red. I land here, now it's the center of the political universe. Not only the state I'm in, the goddamn county I'm in. They might as well point it to my house. in. They might as well point it to my house. They're the ones having technical
Starting point is 00:14:28 problems when counting the votes. Following early reports of technical problems, Georgia's Chatham County announced that they are done counting votes for the night, this is from last night, in the Hutley contested Senate runoff race. That will determine control of the Senate. At the time of
Starting point is 00:14:43 print, it was too close to call either of the Georgia races. That was, you know, when this shit came out. I don't know nothing about that. Well, you've got to find out. According to local journalist Stephen Moody of ABC affiliates at WJCL News, the Board of Elections annex building was empty. Workers say, this was yesterday, last night, said to be back at 8 a.m. today. Still thousands of votes to be counted.
Starting point is 00:15:10 This just doesn't, does this smell right to anybody? I'll tell you another thing. Frankly, you're beginning to smell. According to Gabriel Sterling, voting system implementation manager for Georgia. Look at him, Gene Siskit, fucking Roger Ebert, who other faggots. Manager of Georgia Chatham County. Didn't just stop. They completed the content of everything they have in.
Starting point is 00:15:35 That includes Election Day, advanced and all of the absentee they had in. The last left will be the absentee by mail that came in today. Oh, so once again, mail-in ballots. Once again, mail-in ballots have a central role in the Democrats winning. You guys, I'm so glad I fucking sat on the toilet last night. Earlier in the day, Georgia Superior Court Judge James Bass of Chatham County, oh, a black guy with a bow tie.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Who would have guessed he ordered the extension of voting hours at two Chatham County polling locations? You have to be kidding. You smug cocksucker. Fuck you. Me or the judge? After the Chatham County Board of Elections and Democratic Party of Georgia made the request, citing technical issues, the details of which still not clear.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Oh, my God. They're not even good at cheating. And you guys are putting them in power for the, you know, to run the world, basically. It's time to start drinking. I really think so. Nick, you're taking it too serious i can't help but i don't want to live in a social shithole uh yesterday and last night trump supporters were inundating dc flying on train uh dc being inundated with trump supporters for the big rally stop singing and start burning shit. That's my quote. Here's the video of them.
Starting point is 00:17:14 That'll help. Oh, great. through the night that our flag was still there Hosanna as stars Yeah, great. So what did you do? Oh, you took over the lobby at the Hilton? Was that your big rebel fucking move?
Starting point is 00:17:42 You gotta do this. And more of this. And more of this. Come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they can't take our gin and tonics.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Oh, freedom! Freedom! but they can't take our gin and tonics. Oh, freedom! Oh, the good Lord! How to make a stand where you have a goddamn fucking Cosmo in your hand and a fucking three-olive martini.
Starting point is 00:18:18 How to get rowdy. Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi. I'm waiting with anticipation for some shit to go down from our side that'll put the fear of death in people so anyways they were making their way last night they started a day ago to come to this thing that's happening right now as I speak to you Trump's supposed to speak at it whatever the Terrence Williams he's a brother who's kind of a conservative dude, right? Does a lot of good work on our behalf. He was on a flight and he put up a tweet. It said, Trump supporter just got kicked off my flight to DC. Hashtag stop the steal. This woman made a joke about wearing a mask to another woman sitting next to her and that woman rang her bell and called the black
Starting point is 00:19:05 flight attendant down and they wanted to kick her off the fucking plane check this out only in america in 2021 what's the problem lady i was making a joke with you it's not funny lady i was making a joke with you and the liberal pc virtue signaling cunt goes, it's not funny. That's all you have to know about lefties today. Humorless. They are literally sucking the fun out of the world, whether shutting down bars and restaurants, arresting people on beaches, not wanting you to visit your family on Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Literally, they are literally sucking any joy we have. Humorless. When you see a person wearing a mask, they are that fucking sanctimonious when you don't have one on. I showed you that clip yesterday. Thank God, people in California, remember they fucking charged a store with no mask on.
Starting point is 00:19:59 But can you imagine? It wasn't funny, she said. And she calls in the, go ahead. Oh, a joke? A joke? imagine it wasn't funny she said and she calls in the go ahead exactly let's just leave her alone and let's go okay captain let's take off let's forget about it we're recording this let's forget about it let's forget about it this is America this is America American Airlines United States of America What did you say to her? You can do what we want to do! What was it that you said to her? I'll get in touch with you. I'll send you to Andrews. Don't leave!
Starting point is 00:20:50 Don't leave! You fool! Alright, get off! Don't leave. Why would she leave? I mean, she made a joke. Alright, get off! What kind of a joke? She made a joke about wearing a mask. Made a joke about wearing a fucking mask.
Starting point is 00:21:06 That's what you want? That's nothing. It is a joke. You're exactly right. Sir, I... I can't make a joke on you. What's going on with you? Well, it could be...
Starting point is 00:21:22 Paul hired Frank. No threats. No violence. No violence. No violence. What's going on? Look at this bird in the eye. Stop getting cucked. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:33 She hasn't done any violence or anything. She's got a mask on. This is not right. But why? No mask on. No mask on. Come on. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:21:44 The plane's defending the lady. Uh-oh, snorkel jacket. Get up! What else am I going to do? Don't move! I might not see you there. All right, all right, all right. We get the point.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Un-fucking-believable. Unbelievable. American Airlines boycott. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. So fucking stupid. Made a silly little joke about a mask. Has to get off the plane.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Am I living in a fucking nightmare? And by the way, get used to this. If by, you know, if the Democrats take the Senate and all, get used to it. Because that PC cancer culture shit is, you think it's bad now? to this if by you know if they democrats take the senate i'll get used to it because that pc cancer culture shit is you think it's bad now you wait to see what they have in store for you i'll be let out of my house in handcuffs i'm convinced not after i throw some hot chicken grease on those bastards people on the plane beg the flight attendant to leave the broad alone uh so anyways that was
Starting point is 00:22:45 american air flight 2198 unbelievable and uh he said hashtag boycott american airlines and uh god damn it was he right do you fucking believe it get i'm saying i'm telling you folks get used to it you got you got biden with his wants to make it, you know how he said the first hundred days we have to have a mandate to wear masks in public and shit? Now they're talking about maybe jailing people? I'm pinching myself. Congratulations, my friends who vote Democrat. I hope you're the first ones that get caught at a CBS without your mask on. Do eight years in a Turkish prison getting boned in the ass. Speaking of political correctness and virtue signaling, you know, COVID was a perfect vehicle for this.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And here's more evidence at my hometown of Massachusetts, which is politically I've disowned it. I still love, you know, the city of Boston and it's a beautiful state. But the politics just proving that they are outlifting San Francisco on the East Coast. You know, Boston University basketball team. Guess what? They're wearing masks during a game. BU basketball team has a new addition to its uniforms this season. The Terriers are wearing masks while on the floor playing. Don't believe me? Look,
Starting point is 00:24:09 BU players. Oh my God. Do you understand how silly this is? BU players were masked up when they took the court for their season opener at Holy Cross on Monday, a policy the school put in place amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Does anybody? That's faggot stuff. Oh, yeah. You want to call it by its name? That's strictly for fags.
Starting point is 00:24:32 It didn't seem to bother BU players as the Terriers won the game 83-76. Oh, God. Holy Cross players were not wearing masks during Monday's game, but they will be on Tuesday when the two play again in Boston. BU has mandated that the opponents wear masks when playing on campus. You have to be dog-styling me. We should have used the old, I forgot about our Segway things.
Starting point is 00:24:57 That is the gayest thing I've ever heard. Please give me a call. I can't. You have a mask on. It is believed that Tuesday's game will be the first where both teams wear masks while on the floor. Congratulations, Boston University. Congratulations, Massachusetts. It's complete. You've been castrated. It's complete. Both teams playing the Patriot League, now called the Pussy League, one of the first NCAA conferences, surprise, surprise, to eliminate non-conference play this season.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And it's called the Patriot League. How ironic, huh? Oh, my God. I can't wait for the NHL to start up again in January when I see a goalie have a mask over his mask. You have to be over his mask. You have to be kicking my bag. Oh, I need to cut
Starting point is 00:25:52 loose. That's why I'm going back in the comedy clubs again. It's terrific, I'll tell you. Get back out there making money, the same money I was making 15 years ago when I was just taking off about a year ago. Fucking chinks. As you guys know, I'm back on the road and just over two weeks, I'll be back at one of my favorite comedy clubs and one of my
Starting point is 00:26:10 favorite owners is, what's his name? I don't know, Bobby Jewel. I don't even know if he still owns it. But anyways, I'll be at Sidesplitters in Tampa on January 22nd and 23rd. Please come out. When I do this club, I have a ton of people from the Northeast that show up with their shirts on because they moved to Florida. Then on March 25th, 26th, and 27th, I'll be back in the Northeast at Comics at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. That's the casino. Last time I was there, I tried mushrooms for the first time to give you an idea how bored
Starting point is 00:26:44 I was. Last time I was there, I tried mushrooms for the first time to give you an idea how bored I was. And April 8th, I'm going to do my rescheduled date at the Improv in Raleigh, North Carolina. So come out and check me out. I'll be cutting loose. I don't even have material. At this point, I don't need it. I can run on pure emotion and I'll scare the shit out of the place.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Is that the idea? I don't know. I'm so confused right now. Get'll scare the shit out of the place. Is that the idea? I don't know. I'm so confused right now. Get tickets to all these shows through my website at and click on the touring button. One-time donations. I want to thank Ken Kamurek, Arizona. Spencer Paulette, Alabama. Christopher Dennison, Iowa. Robert Curley, New York.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Thank you, guys. So you notice there's not that many donations. That's because we're making the transition from YouTube, right? Tomorrow we get the results of my third appeal. I should say I have two strikes, okay? And I have a third one being appealed. They're going to tell us tomorrow, even though they know they have my future sealed.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Hopefully that goes my way. And if it does, what we'll do, hopefully, is we'll still be able to take clips from the show and advertise where the show sits. But we'll use YouTube because, you know, I had 162,000 subscribers on YouTube before they put the gabbosh on me. You see what I've been going through, folks? I got to 105,000, what, Twitter followers about five years ago and they froze me there. Do you see what I'm going through?
Starting point is 00:28:25 You have to support the show. You really do. We did get some stuff sent in from fans. We did get stuff. Check out some of this shit. Buddy, this is called the Italian Deadpool. This guy has a million pictures of him in this suit. Is that Spider-Man or no? With the sunburn?
Starting point is 00:28:48 What is that? I think it was a spin off of Spider-Man, but it's from the same It's the Italian version. But a shout out to Nick DePaul. Thank you so much. Go to his Instagram. It's called Italian Deadpool. It's him in that suit everywhere.
Starting point is 00:29:04 It's some of the funny, he's sitting by the pool like with his legs crossed. It's the funniest fucking shit. Thank you, Belle. And then this guy says wear a mask. So you'll see him at the local CVS pharmacy picking up his Oxycontin. I like the middle finger.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Actually, that's a good looking mask, actually. Looks like Biden. And there we have a young Kris Kringle with his what up, nigga? See the Christmas tree in the back there? That's beautiful. What else? There's our boy from Australia, right?
Starting point is 00:29:41 What's his name? Lee? Lee Priest. Lee Priest. Lee Priest. World-renowned bodybuilder. Look at the pipes on this guy. Jesus. I don't even think he's active right now.
Starting point is 00:29:53 We got a clip of him shouting out the show, too. Oh, yes. Let's see that. He's a good guy, this guy. Speak proper British English. There's nothing wrong with that. Hey, look at this. Mr. Parlow, he actually put me on his show twice,
Starting point is 00:30:05 mentioning my arms and that and talking about being security for him. He's got these great shirts out. I'll show you. If you're a Knicker fan, that's what you're called. You're a Knicker fan if you're a Knicker fan. I said Knicker, N-I-C-K-K-A, okay? Sorry. Maybe Tyler can pull up the Nick DiPaolo show.
Starting point is 00:30:23 This is his shirt. Ah, what up, Nick? I like it. I'm surprised you haven't housed Nick. Look at the tattoos on this guy's. I love Aussies. He's monetized, exactly. I have a couple of ask Lee questions.
Starting point is 00:30:42 You didn't say the bad word. This guy had pipes, pipes too in his day. You got to love Aussies. Colin used to describe every time you see him, they're in like cutoff shorts and work boots and they have like a case of beer by a barbecue. Hey Lee, buddy. Thanks brother.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I'm actually getting inspired, man. I'm starting to go back to the free weights and the fucking rubber bands because you know i had reconstructive surgery 30 something years ago shoulders are being held together by two band-aids uh this thing sent me off the roof this guy put up a uh a video he's on a breath what do you call it an inter aator. He was supposedly one of these guys that didn't believe. I know that all of a sudden they're cherry picking all the people that didn't believe in COVID
Starting point is 00:31:31 and now they have it. How about the ones who didn't believe in it don't have it? How about me who flew on eight planes in the middle of it when it kicked off last winter? Eight different planes in two weekends and I caught it and got rid of it in fucking two days. And here I am.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Sick as a dog. Now, why don't they start showing those stories, though? Anyways, now you guys are going to go, Nick, you're a conspiracy. I don't believe this video for one second. And if he does have it and he's really sick, right? Somebody gave him this script from the Democrat Party or whatever the fuck, Fauci, because he hits all the talking points. I didn't believe in it. It's very dangerous.
Starting point is 00:32:15 And then he mentions, you know how I always do, Democrats, they always in their commercials, ad campaigns, throw in the children. They always touch that, you know, the children. What about the children. They always touch that to, you know, the children. What about the children? That's the kicker that I said. Somebody wrote this script. I'm not saying he doesn't have it, but somebody wrote that he hits every point. It was making me angry. An auntie, a masker who believed COVID crisis was just a political stunt, issued an emotional plea to skeptics from his hospital bed after becoming seriously ill with the virus in a facebook video shared by a pal on monday chuck stacy gasped for breath as he admits he was wrong about the pandemic that killed 1.8 million globally it really smells of propaganda here it is
Starting point is 00:33:07 is breathe heavy is a director more more heavy sad voice i should have i didn't i shoulda i didn't i believe this was just a flu I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't think a mask would help. Like my paramedic said. A paramedic said. If they don't help, the wider frontline workers that wear them, the hospital people that wear them,
Starting point is 00:34:08 get it at a such lower rate than the rest of society pause is that right so why are we using all the vaccines on first line as first if the mask works oh well let me ask you another question this shit started about a year ago right and it's worse than ever according to media right new strains thousands of people dying every day. We've been wearing masks for the last fucking year. So I guess they don't work. Go ahead. You don't want to end up like me? What, a bad actor? I did.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Watch my grace on the fire. I'm having trouble breathing. I may have to be intubated if I get any worse. Oh, boy, you. I will get intubated if I get any worse. It's so hard to breathe. It affects every person different but if it affects you the way it's affecting me you don't want it
Starting point is 00:35:16 all right I can't take it I kill you I kill you right now kill me I'm right here. Kill me. Okay. It's so hard to breathe. Then suddenly. That was from, you know, Christina Aguilera's beautiful. Every day is so wonderful. It's hard to breathe but i am beautiful oh god i i guy i hope and again dude i you know i you i don't you you probably have it but i i i can't help it i i see three cameras in there with a guy behind it from the fucking CDC. And they have like I don't know, fucking
Starting point is 00:36:07 Brian De Palma. Is he still alive? Pick a fucking director. I just, I'm so cynical now. The voice, it seemed a little over the top. All they were missing was that faggy Why didn't you get the kids from, you know what, from fucking Jude's,
Starting point is 00:36:24 St. Jude's. Get the little kid with the Jay Leno face. We'll send you this adorable ventilator. I know I seem cold hearted, but I'm just pointing out, folks, that was the best propaganda I've ever, at least the text was. Don't you feel that way? Anyways, in May, his last name, Stacey blasted employees at his, see, they have to fill you in with what an asshole he was, at his local donut hole for wearing face masks. A quote is, he said, I have to say I've had it with a mask that the employees are being forced to wear, he wrote on Facebook. It's just
Starting point is 00:37:03 another example of the continued overreaction to this situation. Please stop so when we come in to eat, we can enjoy our meal without feeling sorry for the employees. Nothing is 100% on this virus. And he says, and even if I would have wore a mask, I could have still gotten it. It's the only thing that's true. But the fact of the matter is, we have to do everything that we can to protect ourselves and to protect the people that are really at risk. Yeah, those would be old people. Fucking make them wear masks and keep them in the closet. Don't quarantine us. I just thank God that I haven't given this to someone and taken a life. I would not be able to handle that, he says.
Starting point is 00:37:41 someone and taken a life. I would not be able to handle that, he says. You fucking hypocrite. I'm sorry, dude. But, uh, somebody gave you a nice script. And this is the level they work at, folks.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Wait till these deep fake videos start. Boy, they must be licking their chops. They'll have Trump doing that speech uh in an update monday stacy suggest jesus it goes on he suggested um he's been fielding death threats for going public about his covet 19 battle so he's gonna die anyways oh my god there's more i was wrong i couldn't be more wrong. But to wish me death, to say I don't deserve to be treated? What's wrong with you people? We're supposed to love.
Starting point is 00:38:31 This is all, this is scripted horseshit. This is scripted horseshit. This could have came out of the mouth of Don Lemon. We're supposed to love one another. Pray for one another. I pray for all y'all. Oh, they threw in the Southern thing to make sure. I pray you don't get it. So now you know it's a GOP guy. I see through all this. Nick, those are crazy things. Bullshit.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I was being called crazy when I first started reading Rush Limbaugh books and shit and making jokes about how the commercials are so one sided. Everybody, you know, you're not appreciated till you're dead. I don't know what that means. But COVID is wreaking havoc. No more place that's New York City is just this is a bad sign, New York City. As you know, Cuomo with his heavy hand is shutting restaurants and they see you eating a sandwich on the sidewalk to slap out of your hand and just over the top. One thing New York City is known for all over the world, they have the best food on the planet because it is so diverse. You can find
Starting point is 00:39:45 anything. And back in the good old days when I lived there, you could get it at three in the morning if you wanted Indian food, if you wanted, I mean, in real authentic. But you know what they've been reduced to? New York restaurants start selling frozen dinners. Now, when I heard that, I thought they meant like Hungry Man. I really did. I thought they were doing like hungry man. Fuck. Can you imagine? Like, you know, some French bistro that got four stars is selling you a hungry man fucking Salisbury steaks and shit.
Starting point is 00:40:14 The pandemic has changed the way New York City restaurants operate. That includes changing from serving hot meals to frozen dinners. Oh, my God. The ruinous is complete. Bon appetit. New York, if there's one thing that New York City restaurants learned how to do during the pandemic, it's to pivot.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Now many are not only offering hot meals, but also frozen dinners. Isn't that what it is though? When you go to a restaurant, right? And they make you sit outside in January to eat your meal, isn't it a frozen dinner by the time you get through the appetizer? Chef Marco Canora is the founder of Broto Broth Company. Look at this big gooba-ga-ga. He says 2021 is going to be the year for frozen. Canora says. Broto Broth Company in the West Village. That's where all the fags hang out and where the comedy seller is and shit.
Starting point is 00:41:07 It's actually a great part of the city. Anyways, Broto Broth Company in the West Village section of Manhattan describes itself as a coffee shop with savory broths, including grass-fed beef, grass-fed beef, vegan seaweed mushroom broth. And a chicken broth with garlic and chili. Yeah, let me guzzle down a quart of that and try to kiss somebody. In addition to six packs of their single serves for $35, the soup counter is offering kits and bundles.
Starting point is 00:41:41 single serves for $35. The soup counter is offering kits and bundles. A growing list of city eateries offers convenient options to stash away in the freezer. Among them, Katz's Deli, which is great. It costs you like $21 to get a sandwich at Katz, but I'm not shitting you. We should have showed a picture. I'm not exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:42:00 When you get a corned beef sandwich, it's like this. So you can buy their food that these restaurants are known for and put it in your freezer cat's deli uh juliana's and uh what's that colonia verde that's a green colony one of the things i love about frozen we make a big batch just like my grandma used to do. And then you can freeze it for a year or two, said Kenora. Delicious.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Thank you. Delicious, Grammy. When did you put this away? 1968? There are four Broto Broth shops across New York City, and they're going to be offering individual Frozen dinner options. Good for them. This is what they have to do. Thanks to the government up your ass. Nice going, Jace.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I wasn't exaggerating, was I? Try eating that on a first date and getting a second date. Looks like somebody dropped a pancreas between two pieces of rye bread. Cats is delicious, though. The Jews know how to do the deli shit. Nick, why are you going to say that? I don't know. Restaurants boast,
Starting point is 00:43:10 let's stay in the restaurant field, all right? Listen to this, guys. And if you don't boycott this shithole, headlines, there's a restaurant boasting about employing fewer white people. Kava, a restaurant boasting about employing fewer white people. Cava, a restaurant chain based in the D.C. suburb of Rockville, Maryland, is so committed to diversity that they've openly boasted about this significant reduction of white employees from 2019. I know that they have a jingle.
Starting point is 00:43:41 You see it on TV. Kill the white people. They're bragging about hiring less white people. You think it's complete, folks? What a racist country. Oh, that's not racism. It's white people that are. The company put out this statement.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Your continued support has helped us make strides to better our organization. So less white people equal better organization and the communities we serve. There's that word community. In such a challenging year, we couldn't have achieved any of this reverse racism without you. We look forward to continuing this work and welcoming you to our table in 2021. If you're not a white fuck the chain tweeted along with listen to this four infographics detailing their efforts to feed the poor open new locations and spread the false gospel of social justice one of the infographics uh put up the graphic here's here's one of them Hispanics, they didn't budge on. White people, 21% down as far as hiring. 14% up.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Up from 4%. Wow, 10%. Nine other. Those are aliens. And 8%, thank God they got some native Hawaiian. Thank God, because I just won't go in unless I'm being served by a guy with a fucking lay on. Can I have some poi, please? Three percent Asian.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Look, they have a graph. Look at the white reduction. It says diversity matters in the workforce and beyond. We've made strides to make Kava a diverse. Anytime you hear... I'm going to teach you again. Every time you hear diverse, it means what? Less white people.
Starting point is 00:45:30 We've made CAVA a diverse, inclusive workplace and remain committed to expanding the following. The graph that shows what they're doing. 45% of all their team members in 2020 were Hispanic, but there was no change. So they're a little pissed. 14% were black, up from 4%
Starting point is 00:45:58 in 29. Yeah, they're not spitting in your fucking armlet. 8% Pacific Islanders, up from 2%. Thank God for that. I feel relieved. 3% were Asians, up from two thank god for that i feel relieved three percent were asians up from uh one percent so that's good those are the daily specials 21 white down from 37 they are so excited about that. That represents a 43% reduction in the number of white employees in just one calendar year. Meanwhile, Asian team members tripled, black team members more than tripled, and Pacific Islander teams quadrupled.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Another graphic reads, we stand for social justice, by the way, which is a false religion, and remain committed to action. They're bragging about being inclusive when they're excluding people. Think about how retarded these people are. They say there's still much more to be done. What are you going to have us do? Oh my God, there's still more to do.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Who said that? The Carver fags. Who the fuck said that? Those Carver fags. Who's the slimy little communist shit-twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Carver then. Who's the slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Carver then donated $50,000 to Thurgood Marshall College Fund,
Starting point is 00:47:11 another $50,000 large to the Equal Justice Initiative. I love when you intermingle food with social justice. It makes it taste that much better, the black-eyed gravy and the white-eyed fucking racist grits. Excuse me. Became a founding member of the Initiative for Black and Blue Partnership. That's for what? People who beat their wives?
Starting point is 00:47:35 And entered a recruiting partnership with Howard University, a historically black university founded in 1867. And a little side note on Harvard University, I had 100 yards against them in a scrimmage up in Maine. True story. That's right. All black folks. I was running around. They sucked.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Wikipedia describes CAVA as a fast, casual chain serving customizable Mediterranean bowls of doo-doo, poo-poo, and caca. Bowls of salad and Peters. If you're a white individual looking for employment, don't try your luck with them. They're not looking to hire people of your kind. In fact, they're looking to get rid of more of them. I love it. Racism, discrimination, it's alive and well coming from the left.
Starting point is 00:48:23 When you see the word diversity, the guy even puts in this, what I said, I know that it means few white people. It always does. If you don't know that by now, you shouldn't be watching this show. You should be a Mama Luca, Mama Laka. Is this the final story? We'll save that for our people at Patreon. You guys, I can't thank you enough for contributing this show.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Bear with us. Again, me getting booted off YouTube for a couple of weeks has really fucked up the flow. People don't know where to find me. I still don't know how that is. We're still on Facebook. We put it up on Instagram, Parler, I don't know what else to tell you. But we're making that transition. Like I said, hopefully we can still use once we get this appeal answered. What the fuck? I can't believe the world I'm living in. Oh my God. But again, where you can pay or watch it free. Okay. And spread the word. We'll get back on our feet already. We already have sponsors lining up.
Starting point is 00:49:27 But, you know, they kick me in the balls with that move. So that is it. Don't forget If you want me to make a personal video on my phone, sending it to one of your friends to roast your friend or to say happy birthday to your uncle or to tell your neighbor to get your dog shit off your lawn, whatever, I would love it. I can roast them.
Starting point is 00:49:45 I do it on my phone. You guys go to, click on my profile, fill it out a little bit about the person. And I love doing it. I usually bang out. I'll wait until they build up to like five or six. Then I'll sit in my underwear on my bed and bang them all out. That is it.
Starting point is 00:50:00 You guys think it. I will say you're very welcome. We'll see you back here for the final day of the week already tomorrow. Keep your chin up and stay tuned to what's going on in D.C. Did I say everything? That is it. We'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye. guitar solo We'll see you next time.

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